#getting lost at sea together LMFAO
sunbratz · 1 year
dude tj being back around the club is so dangerous bc i love him SO MUCH but i always forget just how much i love him until hes around 😭 and now hes around All The Time and its making me Crazy
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
shanks being your doting boyfriend
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(slightly himbo) shanks x male reader
NOT PROOFREAD mb. small, slight manga spoilers??? sorry guys + LMFAO i hadto ctrl + f every single time i used "arms" and switch it to "arm" also im so soorrryyyy its kinda rlly short.....forgive me also idc???? if this seems ooc to me shanks is just a silly lil guy.
— oh god. the power you hold. you actually singlehandedly could change the course of the entire one piece universe if you wanted to. why??? because one of the four emperors of the sea follows everrything you say like a lost puppy. he hangs off of every word that leaves your lips with a dumb, lovesick grin on his face. his head is empty, just thoughts of you. good thing you use this power of yours for good and keep this man HUMBLE.
"[name], can you please tell your idiot boyfriend to just do the dishes, i can't-"
"beckkkkkk, why are you bothering me and my boyfriend's personal time together?" shanks whined, little spooning his way into your side. his stubble was scratching your skin, making you itchy around your neck and shoulder, especially with the way he was so aggressively nuzzling his head. "we haven't even woken up yet,"
"yeah, and you were supposed to be on cleaning duty last night and you instead chose to spend that time coddling [name], so look where we are now,"
"i'm the captain, goddammit! why do i have to do something like cleaning duty?"
"ask [name], he made that rule,"
shanks' aggressive demeanor turned into putty as he pouted at you. it was not a fitting expression for someone that had a reputation like his and also his age (too old to be acting like a kid).
"babbbbyyy, why are you making us spend less time together? is it because you hate me?"
"shanks, just go fucking do some cleaning in the kitchen. it's a shit show and it's pissing me and the chefs off. get a grip, babe," you scolded, pushing his pouting face away from your own.
with a look of hesitation, shanks finally backed off and got out of bed. as he was putting on a proper pair of trousers on, he was muttering about his own boyfriend was bullying him. his comments went ignored by both you and beck — who was watching with a look of disbelief on his face.
to see his best friend, captain, and one of the four emperors of the sea so easily swayed into doing chores was something he doesn't think he'd ever get used to. no matter how long you and shanks have been together, seeing the red head so obediently follow orders was infathomable.
— shanks -> really intimidating status as captain of the red hair pirates -> turns into complete mush when you walk into the room. without fail, he physically deflates into whatever seat he's sitting in and holds his arm out to you invitingly, waiting for you to sit on his lap.
shanks was supposed to be in serious mode. he was sitting in front of some pretty high ranked marine officials, who were after his crews' heads. he wasn't the type to hold hostages, just to let them go back running to their navy base, but considering the crew was on a vacation of sorts, he needed to know how they were able to track them down.
it lingered in his mind that there was a chance there was a mole in their ranks, but he didn't want to accept that as it would be a painful reality.
"so, how did you know we'd be at this island to recover?" shanks questioned, eyes glaring holes into the marines' faces. they were shaking where they sat, except for one who tried holding a tough demeanor. "i'm not going to do anything to you if you just answer my question,"
just as the marine was about to spill all their information out, the door of the room they were in was slammed open. shanks' haki faltered slightly as he was able to recognize that it was you, and with that imbalance, it sent the marine officers over the edge and made them pass out instead.
you took in the scene, bleakly apologizing for interuppting. shanks didn't have the heart to scold you, so instead he just took you into his arm with a wide grin and said, "no, no, it's alright. i was beginning to miss you anyway, doll. was wondering why you weren't with me," he pouted into your skin, making you laugh.
"turns out one of the lackeys you let on board recently was the reason why these guys showed up out of nowhere," you informed your lover, who hummed in interest, "took a while, but was able to get him to crack under pressure."
shanks sighed in content, hugging you even tighter, "i love you so much, you're so sexy when you take control,"
another laugh escaped your lips as you heard your boyfriend almost drunkenly sing you praises, "it was nothing, the guy had zero resolve anyway,"
"you're so amazing, baby," he continued complimenting into your skin, acting as if there weren't three passed out marine officers in front of you two.
a couple of the lackeys of the crew came bounding into the room and almost froze when they saw their intimidating captain cuddling into your side like an eager puppy.
"u-uhm, captain?" shanks only hummed in acknowledgement as he held you tight to his side. "what do you want us to do with these guys and that bastard traitor?"
"oh, just keep them tied up and then leave them on the shore when we depart — they probably won't survive with all the wildlife around here," shanks hummed, waving his hand dismissively. you were standing in between his legs and he was relishing in the skinship you were allowing him.
"should we tell the rest that we will be setting sail soon then?"
this time you interjected, "yeah, i'll come with you, boys. i'll make moving the bodies easier."
the crew's face lightened up at your familiar kind behavior, but then stiffened when they heard a groan coming from shanks.
"but [name]!! these guys got it, just stay with me longer, please,"
"oh, shut up, idiot. just go back to the main event and lift up the spirits of our crew, they probably wanna hear words from their captain after such a traitorous bastard infiltrated us,"
shanks sighed at your mini lecture, but dragged himself to follow your footsteps. he was holding onto your hand and his feet were practically stomping into the wood.
"who even made me captain, i never asked for this," he sighed, making the crew weakly laugh to fill the awkward silence while you just tried apologizing for your boyfriend, and captain's, idiotic behavior.
— shanks really cherishes the alone time he can spend with you. living your lives as highly wanted pirates makes your daily life hectic. and, thankfully, the foundations of your relationship only led to you two being able to keep that strong trust, respect, and love for each other so alive.
it was nighttime and the ship was rocking ever so slightly with the waves. for once, you switched cuddling positions and had your head resting on shanks' chest. your fingers were drawing mindless shapes on the exposed skin while shanks' arm was squeezing your plushy flesh every now and then.
"you know, i love you so much, right?" he confessed into the night air, the genuineness of his emotions being made obvious with how softly he spoke.
"i love you too," you easily said back, not thinking twice.
"but, do you know i love you?" shanks repeated, sitting up and holding onto your waist to make sure all your attention was directed on him, "i know our lives don't make our lifestyle easier and i know i get really busy when times get rough, but i needed to tell you again that i love you so much [name]."
you grinned at his sincerity, leaning forward and pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his chapped lips. he reciprocated in a second's notice, but you pulled away before he could deepen it (as he usually did whenever you two kissed).
"i know you love me shanks, you are the sweetest lover i can think of. your kindness and humanity remind me everyday that this life is worth living if it's with you," shanks smiled at your words, nudging his forehead against yours to entice you to pull in closer to him.
your lips locked once more in a passionate filled kiss. your bare chests were now skin to skin with one another and it took a couple minutes of desperate kissing for shanks to be satisfied.
and when you finally pulled away and settled back onto his chest, he squeezed you once more and asked, "you've had other lovers besides me?" in reference to what you said earlier.
cue an eyeroll and pinch to his sides to make him shut his pretty mouth for some needed peace and quiet.
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amateurasterism · 1 year
Hey do you still take requests? Because i was reading your work and god you are mind-blowing!So I've been thinking about this so long and i couldn't find much on this topic so i thought that maybe Junhui/Jeonghan as dad??!! No cuz seriously that will be soo damn cute! And again your work is amazing!
omg tysm you’re so sweet!! i lovee this request. sorry for the delay ap exams are a pain lmfao
dad headcanons —y.jh + w.jh
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yoon jeonghan.
— not a single doubt this man is a girl dad. have you seen him
— his daughter is a carbon copy of him too. together they’re…a nightmare, to say the least
— you are foolish to think you’re safe from yoon jeonghan’s infamous shenanigans after giving birth to his child. in fact, you start to think they’ve escalated now that jeonghan has acquired his best partner in crime
— this tiktok absolutely happened
“oh no.”
after being married to him, you already know it’s bad when jeonghan opens the door with that certain cheeky smile. he’s wearing it now as he greets you home from work, so you ignore his words and brace yourself as you scan the house of which room happened to be the victim this time.
you realize upon seeing your daughter drenched in flour that it was the poor kitchen. the counters and cabinets now a white snowy wonderland, freckled with the all-too familiar shape of your husband and daughter’s hands.
you can’t find anything to say, watching deadpanned as your husband smiles and picks up your daughter, who is smiling at you with the same smile as her dad. she waves her flour-covered hands to try to get you closer.
“yoon jeonghan.”
“our daughter is so clumsy, i wonder what happened,” he jokes, walking towards you to fulfill your daughter’s wishes of smothering you in a hug.
you try to back off before the flour can reach you, but suddenly jeonghan’s hand is twining around your waist and pulling you to his side. in the same moment, your daughter traps you and jeonghan in a hug, drenching you all in flour.
you open your mouth to scold them both, but the words melt and reform as hearty laughter. how could you not, when jeonghan kisses the flour off the tip of your nose and your daughter is bubbling with giggles?
— the type of dad to make tell you not to be worried when your daughter goes to school for the first time but you see damn well how he’s holding in tears as he sits on the couch, eyes focused on the painfully lonely toys on the living room rug and the irking silence of the house. all he can think about is how incomplete he feels without his daughter, his ray of light, beside him
— never outwardly mentions it but he has every trait your daughter inherited from you memorized
“babe, i can’t find our daughter. there are so many kids!”
your husband spares you a quick glance in which you catch that all-knowing smirk plastered on his lips. “she’s right there.” he waves to a girl in the sea of children, and sure enough your daughter comes running into his arms.
“how did you see her so easily?”
“easy. she has the same mole on her temple and tilts her head when she’s lost, like you.”
— sometimes too lazy to get up from bed so on weekends you’ll find him and your baby still passed out in bed in the middle of the day. jeonghan’s limbs are scrambled in the sheets in outrageous angles, your daughter is sprawled similarly over his stomach, pacifier abandoned and allowing drool to touch jeonghan’s shirt. the window allows their bodies to bask in pure sunlight, matching the innocent smiles on their slumbering faces, their identical snores synced and echoing through the house.
— the moment your daughter made her first sound, jeonghan was all over her spamming the word “daddy.” made it a competition between you and him on if she would say “mommy” or “daddy” first and betted on the loser having to pay for a fancy dinner date even though he ended up paying regardless of the winner because he’s a simp duh. he was so determined to win to the point you were wishing she would say “daddy” already before you would go insane you swear the word was even echoing in your sleep
“da-ddy. da-ddy.” jeonghan repeats to your daughter, only to be met with her clueless stare, not a single thought behind those widened eyes.
“like me. da-ddy.”
“da…” your daughter trails off, more focused on her toys than her father’s antics.
“yes! da-ddy.”
“love, please shut up,” you mutter from the couch irritatedly. at first it was cute, but you’re starting to go crazy after hearing it for an hour straight.
“i’m about to make her say daddy!”
you roll your eyes in annoyance, though your lips betray you with the way they turn upwards in a smile at the sight of your husband sat cross-legged beside your toddler, staring at her with the most loving look as they play.
“daddy!” your daughter exclaims suddenly.
jeonghan cheers and tosses her in his arms, holding her high up and peppering kisses on her face. “yes!” he turns to your smiling face, “i win!”
but with the look on jeonghan’s face, you can’t find yourself to be mad about the bet at all.
“say it again!”
— feeds her a bit of junk food when you can’t see
— secretly overprotective. on the outside, he’s a pretty laid back dad but the moment he senses something off with his daughter, it’s over
— the type of dad to say “no boyfriends until you’re 20” HAHAH but doesn’t really mean it
— overall such a playful, laid back, caring dad who causes more mischief with his child than you signed up for. but really, you couldn’t ask for anything more
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wen junhui.
— boy dad. case closed
— no bc he’d be such a sweet dad are you kidding
— i feel like he’d try making homemade baby-food when he doesn’t have any thing else to do
what is that smell? is the first thing you think when opening the door of your house after work.
your nose leads you straight to the kitchen, and low and behold is jun, surrounded by various chopped vegetables and stirring a small boiling pot.
“what’s this new recipe?” you ask, sliding your arms through his and leaning your head into the crook of his neck.
“oh! hi, love! you scared me,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head and pausing his stirring for a moment to rub your arms. “it’s homemade baby food. i thought i’d try it for fun.”
you smile into his skin and press a few chaste kisses there. “i remember you cooking a meal for me the first time i came over. it was one you made yourself and you were really proud of it so i never told you i thought it was too spicy.”
jun’s ears flush red. “stop trying to make me feel bad by reminding me!”
you laugh tenderly and kiss his lips. “would never. you know i love your cooking, and i’m sure our son will too.”
— really good at keeping a happy expression on for your son but inside is a whole other story. inside, he’s flooding with tears because his son is already walking through the gates of preschool when he swears just the other day he was glued to you and your son on the living room couch mere days after coming home from the hospital
— he’s always gotten you “just because” flowers so now what you have a son, he’ll come home from father-son days with a bouquet they both picked out
— always up to do whatever his son wants to do no matter what. finger painting? the paint is ready to go
— lovesss playing/teaching his son old games from his childhood. sometimes you’ll come home to see them in the backyard, running back and forth in a game of red light green light, jun’s favorite
“i’m home!” you shout upon opening the front door, expecting you son to come running into your arms with jun wrapping you all in a family hug as usual, but no response.
you presumed they were playing a hide-and-seek game with you, yet even after searching the whole house, they’re still missing. odd.
the one last place you haven’t checked if the backyard. sure enough, there is your husband, eyes shut and faded away from your son who is currently frozen in mid-run.
“red light!” jun turns around, expecting to catch his son moving, but instead is met by your face inches from his. “welcome home, love—”
interrupting, you kiss his lips which are parted from surprise. when you pull away, jun finds himself a bit carried away from the game, only remembering when your son pulls his attention back from the taste of your mixed berry chapstick.
“ewwww!! mommy and daddy are kissing!” the child yells in disgust, running away and forgetting his role of staying still in the game.
jun presses another slow kiss to your lips before chasing his son into a tackle on the living room carpet. “hey! come back! you moved while i turned around, you lost!”
— there’s a painting of the first park you went to as a family in the living room that jun painted with the help of your son (meaning it has a couple smears from his tiny fingers trying to help his dad out)
— often you’ll wake up in the morning without jun’s body beside yours, only to find him knocked out, cuddled beside your son in his bed with an abandoned book he’d been reading to him last night
— you know those random games toddlers have downloaded on their ipads? yeah, jun is addicted to those
“dinner’s ready!”
“we’ll be there!” jun replies from the living room, followed by the sounds of frantic tapping on a screen.
“daddy, you suck at this game!” his son laughs heartily, watching him struggle to beat the current level of this game.
jun ignores the rude comment and watches as his character falls again. his son grabs the ipad and finishes it with ease only to look back up at his gaping dad.
“how did you do that so easily?! you’re only four!” jun teases, attacking his son in tickles. just before he can reach his most ticklish spot, your voice is heard from the kitchen.
“i said dinner was ready five minutes ago! the food is cold!”
— tries to help your son with homework but is struggling just as bad. you’ve scolded them multiple times for finding disregarded math papers on the dining table and them watching tv on the couch
— he is constantly carrying her. everywhere. especially piggy-back rides, those are their favorite
— overall the sweetest dad ever, does everything he can to be the best dad and the work shows. junhui best man ever
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loveyazy · 2 months
Hi! So I haven't read acotar (well a little bit but it didn't hook me) but I've been reading your posts about the upcoming book and I'm so curious, I don't know these characters but the second hand gossip is fun and I'm rooting for them lol when does the book come out? when will it be announced who the protagonists are?
JSHDKAKJSD I had written so much on my phone but then I closed all the apps and I lost it so hopefully I can remember most of it still.
The thing is it's OBVIOUS it's going to be Elain. She has even said in this interview x at 25:00. I don't know why people genuinely think GWYN is going to be the next book 🫠. Her purpose was to help Nesta. Outside of that, there is not much left to tell of her story. It's done. TBH, I completely forgot she even existed after I finished reading ACOSF. Like I kept seeing posts about her on my insta discover, and I was like who tf is Gwyn? 💀
Also just... ELAIN IS THE THIRD ARCHERON SISTER. How can it NOT be about her when Feyre had the first three and then Nesta had the fourth? Like it's so painfully obvious. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just delusional.
Even if it's not Elain and it happens to be Mor, it's NOT going to be Gwyn before Elain LMFAO.
But this is why I think it's going to be Elriel and not Elucien.
Firstly, Koschei the Deathless. The story follows Ivan marries his THREE SISTERS to THREE WIZARDS.
Ivan saw his three sisters wed to the first suitors who came across them—wizards in the form of birds.
Eventually Ivan goes on to defeat Koschei with the help of his sisters and their husbands.
And then we have another Koschei retelling. The FOX and the FIREBIRD. Listen Sarah was not subtle with the names. Vasalisa >> Vassa. Lucien had a fox mask in ACOTAR, making him the obvious fox. You can read more on it here but I'm going to do a quick summary.
A king has a garden that produces one gold apple a day, but it was stolen every night. He promised half his kingdom to whichever son could catch the thief. He has three sons, and they all tried to catch it. The third son saw the firebird and shot at it, and hit the bird in the wing, but it escaped and left behind a golden feather. The king wants the fire bird and promises whoever brings the fire bird alive would get half the kingdom and be the heir. So they all go out to find the Fire Bird, and they all encounter a Red Fox.
The fox approaches each prince, and asks for something to eat, but the first two shoot at it. The third prince shares his food. So the Red Fox takes him to the palace where the fire bird is and tells him how to grab the fire bird by putting it in the wooden cage, not the golden. Well, the prince says how can a lovely bird be in a wooden cage and proceeds to put it back in the golden, but then basically sounds an alarm and he gets arrested. The King tells him to bring him back a golden man.
The fox says he'll help the prince, but of course the prince is a dumbass and goes I'm gonna choose the pretty one instead of the one the fox told me to choose and he gets arrested and this king says bring back Princess Goldilocks from the Golden Palace in the Black Sea.
Anyways it goes on and the third brother is betrayed by his other two, and the fox brings him back to life. In the end he gets the kingdom, the firebird, Goldilocks, etc. The fox is very instrumental in this story.
We have hints that Lucien and Vassa are very close. They talk to each other. Plus they live together along with Jurian.
Plus if it was going to be Elucien there would be hints that Elain even had romantic feelings for him. Even a little attraction. She doesn't. She literally stares at a boiling tea kettle until he leaves because she doesn't want to spend any time with him.
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She wants nothing to do with him. And yes sure she says she doesn't want a male, but remember that she is still dealing with the traumatic events of being forced into the cauldron and being changed.
This though, happens a year later with Azriel...
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Imagine seeing this in the most recent book, and thinking they're like siblings. Sounds like the antis have some sort of incesty weird freaky ass sibling relationships. 😬
This also happens in the book, which I believe is during the same time? But Az's was a bonus chapter and this was available to everyone.
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Elain is not herself around Lucien. I don't understand how anyone can see their relationship and think that's going to be endgame. This was the most recent book.
Even before ACOSF, Nesta and Cassian had this in the previous book that alluded to their romance.
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But there is absolutely nothing to allude to any sort of Elucien romance. Elain wants NOTHING to do with Lucien. And honestly, I don't blame her. Who would? He was a part of the most traumatic thing that ever happened to her.
I'll never understand Elucien shippers. If you like Lucien, why would you ship him with someone who wants nothing to do with him? If you like Elain why would you ship her with someone she wants nothing to do with?
I'm 10000000% convinced the Elucien shippers are just Gwynriels who ship them so they can have their ship justified, but most of their evidence is just their headcanons, and them not being able to read between the lines and interpreting things very wrong.
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finalgirlmoment · 5 months
PJOTV Ep 4 + 5 (spoilers)
My brain is, and has been, rotted entirely! I feel like the TV show is such a treat because the new content adds layers to the story SO MUCH like the plot and character dynamics it makes me want to scream. Yes the differences are absolutely notable but the bottom line is that our main trio would find each other in any universe or storyline and would choose each other every time
-The opening scene of episode 4 broke me a bit: the lore that Percy actually did not take naturally to being in the water, he was actually afraid to be swimming! I feel like before we definitely characterized him as someone who felt at home in the water since he came out the womb but damn look how far he comes. How jarring it must be to later find out you're actually the son of the sea god :o
-Percy continually being angry about the system of the gods (not) interacting with their children, being so shocked that a parent wouldn't help or talk to their child. He's so sweet and I feel like his rage grows the more he gets to know Annabeth because he sees how amazing and loyal and cunning she is and wonders how her mother could ever ignore or abandon her
-Annabeth just in general, her badassery is so fucking perfect for this character, the way she draws her knife, her being so fucking in tune with Percy already....the way she knows exactly what Percy is going to do before he does it ((and the way he listens to her unconditionally i.e. cutting off Medusa's invisible head in episode 3 but I digress)), knowing he was alive and waiting for them somewhere at the beginning of episode 5. she is a LEGEND and she is LOCKED TF IN
-the hug <3 i won't make it weird if you won't <3 <3 we're like friends now <3<3<3 do u understand how i hurt
-trio walking down the side of the road like bums -_- i died lmfao. also them hiding when approached by some dude and just being like <3 we good ty tho!!
-Percy, again still acclimating to this fucking weird ass world where gods are real and can kill u easily, is shook when ares threatens to kill them. luckily, as a change of pace, grover is cool as a dang cucumber and saves the day af. this is what i mean like absolutely the characters are so different like yes grover has been nervous a lot but he also can turn it tf on and smooth talk when he needs to
-Annabeth has never seen a movie. Percy immediately insists that they watch one together. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that's not a date? Hello?
-The entirety of the tunnel scene/chair scene. Percy being the one to figure out the story illustrated Hephaestus' life. Percy ALREADY working to save Annabeth first and foremost! Percy continually sacrificing himself for her! Believing deep down she is capable of great, impossible things and being willing to set aside his life for her without question. Telling her she is better. "You just are. And you know it." Giving her Riptide, no second thoughts, no backing down.
-On that note, the ending. Percy is like a loose cannon full of a deep rage and a lot (A LOT) of unrealized power; his problem is that he is not locked TF in like Annabeth (as of right now) and the ending really made me excited because it feels like he is finally catching on to what a big deal he actually is. All this anger he has inside him, all this rage at what he has lost and the suffering he has seen, .... i'm honestly beside myself at what is to come because this is already SO JUICY and I feel like we've barely started!
-side notes: the score is so amazing, I'm really enjoying it and I understand all the videos of the actors promoting the soundtrack!!! also my sister has never read the books but she loves the movies and we watch it together; she is very very excited for the casino scene so there is definitely hope for her in the near future. ((my nico loving ass will also be holding binoculars and twitching))
so yes a lot was changed but i am really liking the new content a lot because it just feels like added lore and, again, these guys can best the odds in any universe and help each other in every timeline. the most important plot points are there and i feel like they have already set up a lot of info for later on down the line. I do wish there was a bit more banter/conversation (because Percy is actually so quirky and I feel like this could be explored more) but the time we do have is amazing and feels super fresh! even when i've read the books to pieces! and again the convos they're having right now are setting shit up for later and maybe then they can play and have fun wit it. as always, i will be loyally sat, lurking, reblogging. kiss
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kaopiak · 1 year
Luco Notes
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He/They - 30s - Semi-Aquatic alien that has similarities to earth fauna
Their name is based on the scientific name of the Sea Krait, an anagram of the first half Colubrina > Luco.
i stared at that for so long trying to figure out a name for this guy LMFAO AGHH
His home is on the land area of his planet, but spends most hours of the day in the ocean if he’s not doing a job.
Luco collects their poison in many vials; not needing a lot to paralyze or kill a person. Sea Krait venom is one of the most potent of venoms. His bite is usually painless . Prefers injecting targets with the vials by needle or putting it in their food or drink.
I wanted to base his personality somewhat on how sea kraits act in nature; they are actually docile and non-aggressive animals that only attack in self defense or if they’re searching for prey. Luco is easy-going and actually friendly but he uses his personality to ease into people’s walls and strike when they’re most comfortable and when they let their guard down. Their method of betrayal varies, they’re usually loyal to the person who pays the most and pays upfront with consistency.
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As for the ‘executioner’ outfit they have; it’s often used and originally made for underwater hunts. Often times it’s used in a method where the target is lured or ‘lost’ in a secluded area and Luco comes from below or along a hidden area in the colorful corals and strikes. The wetsuit is also space-travel safe so he takes care of it very well. Not everyone knows of his special suit because the services rendered in it are more high stakes and also uses a lot of time and planning in order to get it just right.
They don’t seem to be romantically involved with anyone currently and tries not to hang around too long with a person because they fear they may get too attached. Many one-night stands but they DO have their favorites despite trying not to stay in one place. They can be sweet and love to leave little gifts; they give everyone they meet their own special and unique color item. He is especially interested in those who reciprocate. It takes two to tango, baby! Luco also does enjoy teasing and slithering his way into someone’s heart also. His love is a poison that can linger.
Character Relations
Lone Starr knows them from various body guarding jobs, along with seeing Luco on his free time since they seem to get along. They drink whiskey together and have spent the night in a bed with each other before but nothing came of it. Is aware of his actual ‘job’ but turns his cheek to it.
Shuuti has hired Luco as a body guard before, she loves when they give her bouquets of peach-colored carnations. She appreciates his work as a guard but has shown Luco not to mess with her. She is aware of his true character.
Neo has not encountered Luco personally but may have seen them swimming on random planets.
Solare has had Luco reserve a room for themselves at his Inn but does not know much about them.
Luco is sort of unaware that the star siblings are siblings, they do think it’s odd that they have similar colors but are so different from each other. Luco likes to spend long hours watching people here and there at bars, spending time tasting whiskey from planet to planet.. He doesn’t seem to be in a rush to go anywhere and lives modestly.
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welllllllllllllllllll · 7 months
can you do jude x any of his teammates from real? 🙏🙏
A/N: yess sweetheart i def can , i been waiting for this one
Note: In this universe , Fede never met mina so they never got together or anything
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Title: Summer Love
Madrid was far from Germany but they say home is where the heart is , and Jude’s home has been nestled in the chestnut haired boy , with kind eyes and a soft smile since the moment they first met each other at a youth camp . It was a camp for 23 year olds and under , naturally Jude was the youngest there .
Salt air, and the rust on your door ,
I never needed anything more
Everyone else might’ve been intimidating but Fede treated Jude as an equal , no envy only appreciation for the boy with lean arms and legs but heaps of potential and confidence.
 They were like 2 sides of a coin . Fede , already developing muscles ; fast , strong and relentless ,if a little lacking in belief and confidence.  Jude, the up and coming talent with a million eyes on him, yet , cool and collected . His scrawny back all but embroidered for that kind of attention , to carry the weight at ease , to bear it with pleasure. It was only natural in the sea of men , they found each other.
But I can see us lost in the memory,
August slipped away into a moment in time
They exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact .The first few weeks of conversation were a little stilted but then, it was like something clicked. They took to each other like ducks to water. Same sense of humor , same goals and the same work ethic. They grew very close. 
At some point , thoughts went from , “I can't wait to play with him” to “I can’t wait to visit him” to 
“i wonder what it feels like to hold his hand or to touch his fluffy hair ”
Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car"
And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?
Over the years, the boys had become exceedingly close. 
And then one day Jude’s fantasies actually manifested . Fede surprised Jude on his 19th birthday . Lost in the busy schedule , this was the first time they met in months. It had been coming for quite some time , both boys craving the others’ touch like they needed air to breathe. They roamed the roads of Germany , went to a carnival ( the ones Jude loved) and then finally stopped at a lake to enjoy a quiet moment . The stars were sparkling white in this part of town but in front of Jude , Fede wouldn't even look at the Kohinoor if it was placed in front of him. 
Jude gazed at the sky and Fede peered at Jude , they were much the same . Then , as the night sky bled from blue to black , they caught each other's' eye. Jude felt Fede's lips softly land on his , timid but so passionate . So full of love . Fede held the back of his head , afraid to break the moment , afraid that everything would change for the worse.
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets
August slipped away like a bottle of wine
They retreated home and ended the day by cuddling in bed . As home as Germany had started to feel in the last 3 years for Jude , his heart never felt as at peace as it did with Fede . When Fede was around , there was a haze around them , something sacred , something only they existed in . When the time came for Fede to leave , Jude kissed him goodbye . Unbeknownst to them , this would bring a pivotal change in their friendship and be the onset of their love. 
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i feel like i did too much lmfao , let me know what y'all think . This is Jude x Fede and its like an alt universe where they meet really young and go from there . I feel like young judey and fede would get along idk . Also omg a songfic
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neteyammeowmeow · 5 months
Ninjago OCs I'd just like to share right now because the urge to talk is uncontrollable right now (unfortunately I don't have any actual designs so they are only texts for now, art might come if someone's really THAT curious lmfao, but not guaranteed...) I've already writen about Zhìxìn, but there are a few others that are yet to be explained!
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1. Jinhai (Lloyd and Benthomaar fankid): At first he was the eldest of his siblings, but to adjust to Dragons Rising's timeline, he is now the youngest. They are a shapeshifting azure dragon.
His design is inspired by the appearance of the Wu Sheng of Peking Opera, it is a role that is based on warriors or soldiers. The correlation with his character, is because he is overall a strong type, not just physically, but also morally. He holds his beliefs highly, he has an immense sense to preserve the balance and justice of the world - due to being raised surrounded by two great leaders who maintain two different worlds under their rule, and that of course affected his ambition and perspective towards the world around him.
Though Jinhai is still young, and he can be easily shaken by how he percieves things. He may be strong at will, but he is also stubborn at that. Overall, he could be an unreliable narrator if he were to tell the story. But back at that, all of what he was introduced to, is what drove him to become a warrior for his nations.
Jinhai did not inherit Lloyd's elemental power, but at the same time he does. This is a more complex ability, it isn't something able to be wielded outright, but Jinhai has the power of empathy. Hopefully this is able to answer the reason on why his morals are strong but also unsteady in a way. Empathy, is similar to energy. While energy is outward, it is life, it is what goes around others, a cosmic and universal ability that blesses so many - empathy is an inward version, a cosmic and universal thing that connect so many together, plants, animals, humans, the sea, the land, the mountains, they all have feeling. Energy and empathy are tied together, thus is the cause of Jinhai's abilities.
More might be explored about this ability, but honestly in a separate post lol (again, if someone's really THAT curious about it)
2. Teyiko (Lloyd and Benthomaar's fankid): She is the middle child, and she is actually Benthomaar's adopted daughter, but only after the Merge reconciliation, she is also Lloyd's. She is a Merlopian based on a whale, once a humpback whale, but her type might change now.
I'm not sure how many have watched the Sea Beast, but it is what inspired her backstory. She intentionally parallels Arin but only vaguely and with certain elements. She is a Merlopian, who lost both of her parents before the Merge, and lived in an orphanage (unhappily) and after (canon divergent worldbuilding heree), she faced the underwater war between the nations, and she was hurt after being caught amidst the storm of a battle. It was then, that she was found by Benthomaar, who decided to take her in, and after discovering that she was an orphan, Benthomaar grew an attachment to her, as she reminded him of himself, and decided to take her in as his daughter.
Teyiko has the tendency to be rebellious, she prefers to do things her own way which causes her to be reckless. Due to her traits, it's easy for her to find herself in trouble, it only comes as a game if she is able to get out or get trapped with her consequences, but she takes that as a challenge instead of a fear. Unlike her brother, Jinhai, who is cautious and shy, she is the exact opposite, she always loves to explore her nation, meeting with her citizens and partaking with royal meetings whenever she is allowed the chance. Her curiosity brings her everywhere.
3. Lysianassa: (she's part of my canon divergent Merlopian worldbuilding!) She is one of Benthomaar's royal assistants, she is an Echenidaean (remora) Merlopian, and is based on the Nereids of greek mythology (her name also belongs to the Nereid of royal delivery). Her species are actually ocean nymphs that serve new Merlopia after the merge.
Lysianassa is an amusingly straightforward character at most times, but this trait easily causes her to be flustered, she's overall meant to be endearing and cute. Of course she isn't just an assistant to Benthomaar, but also one of his dear friends, she's also the one that pushed him to reconnect back with Lloyd because honestly, he seriously needed it. Despite how she can appear blunt, she often speaks very calmly and soothingly.
4/5/6. The Time Triad (but Neteyammeowmeow... What about the Time Twins...) I have NEVER ever, talked about this concept before but I have made these characters. They were once inspired by a really specific thought of mine once (I saw an edit of Dimitrescu's daughters from Resident Evil and it somehow spawned all this, lmfao, no joke).
The Time Triad's existence is caused due to the destruction of the time blades. The power of it combined with the time vortex's chaos, eventually materialized into vessels of the past (Hor), present (Mulo), and future (Igo). Their names combined is an anagram of the constellation: Horologium, the Timepiece. They're meant to be morally ambiguous characters, neither good or evil because time doesn't choose sides - it witnesses, records, and creates history no matter the morality. They're also sisters btw, they don't have a gender but they appear feminine.
Their purpose in world, honestly, I don't know yet, but I like them because they exist.
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solarisgod · 10 months
would you all care to share the ships that micah / the older starwakers have in their canon universe? 👀
Oh gosh, okay lmfao most certainly! There are several more ships that we thought of than the provided list, but it's to avoid ✨ spoilers ✨, so some of our characters can't be mentioned yet. Above read are the most prominent ships while under it are just ships that are not as developed / often explored or thought of:
Micah / Adoniram ( @fatefire ) : The most obvious ship of the ANHA universe while it is canon. They were childhood best friends when Micah was adopted into the Everlove family. Micah always had a crush on Adoniram, but because they would often came to think that the feelings isn't mutual ( which, to be honest, we can't blame them when Adoniram hasn't ever been the most expressive and opening individual ), Micah ended up getting into nine other relationships across high school years to early twenties ( most being abusive / toxic, unfortunately ) before Micah finally confessed their feelings to Adoniram who could share the same. He just never knew how to do what Micah could do so easily as he never thought he would be as lovable enough to gain any interest in having a relationship with. He is one of the reasons why Micah adores outer space so much. They worked as private detectives together, and Adoniram originally wanted to be an astronaut along with Micah. Adoniram also vanished to the fire a suspected Metaeidos was responsible of in April before he and Micah finally reunited in the near-mid of June. It's hard to describe their relationship, honestly. Adoniram is the darkness to Micah's light, the sea to their sky, to put it that way. They're the kind of couple where one will squint at them and go, " how are they even together? " A lot of mysteries exist with them as a pair.
Micah / Warlock ( @goreuroboros ) : The second most obvious ship and surprisingly, after everything they've gone through together, they're not dating. Warlock is an expelled Break Beyond Force Saint who was suspected of a massacre involving the twenty three Generation XI Saints ( but it was actually the Infernal Infinity who was responsible by making a deal with a Special Order Metaeidos ). Micah was handed a special case from the Break Beyond Force to investigate the murders that Warlock was responsible of, but they learnt that Warlock was killing anyone who would try to exorcise their manifested Metaeidos that was introjected after Warlock's best friend / almost lover as they were attempting to protect it. Even after Micah tried to have Warlock composed while assuring they won't exorcise their Metaeidos, Warlock was extremely harsh and brutal to Micah, but over time, they became a lot more closer and Warlock has been trying to be more gentle and considerate to Micah who have always been to them. Of course, Micah ended up developing a huge crush on them, but they're trying to convince themself that they can be only best friends out of fear Warlock would reject them. But they're extremely endearing together. Star and wolf motifs clashing together. Sunshine and grumpy cloud trope. Sun and moon coded. What's not to love about them together?
Micah / Grace / Pax ( @oncehaunted & @oncehunted ) : We sadly haven't got the energy to write and explore Micah's Hierokoinonia partners alone and with Micah as often as we wish, but we do think about them together a lot. While Micah is the Hunter of their Hierotrinity, Grace and Pax were partnered with them as the Hero and Healer, going by St. Sweet and St. Steel, respectively, when the Generation XII Saints were established. Grace and Pax are equally chaotic and Micah is often the one to try and hold them together, but Micah does love them both so much dearly. Grace is a phantom who have lost her humanity and Pax is an android who have gained his humanity. Micah is someone in between who doesn't truly know if they have ever been a human to begin with. Within their interactions altogether, there is a lot aspects involving self-identifying and self-discovery that are explored, along with them trying to understand each other despite their respective features that can make them challenging to interact with. It's beautiful though that in the end, they would accept one another as they encourage each other to grow and become better. Grace and Pax did end up dating together, which is very lovely. it's nice to get to explore the ideas of Micah being part of their relationship as well as ot3 ships are always fun and delightful! But regardless, Micah holds endless love and care for Grace and Pax who loves them just as much in their own special ways that Micah can cherish deeply.
Micah / Strange ( @detstrange ) : Strange doesn't do relationships in general because xe doesn't like the idea of being tied down to people with these ship labels and whatnot, but the chemistry that Strange and Micah shares is highly fun and interesting! Both of them love to solve mysteries, so they have great times bonding over them as being detectives. Micah and Strange are very silly together, and Micah adores Strange's eccentric chaos as Strange adores their endless love for everyone and everything and everywhere despite the never ending horrors in the universe.
Micah / Byte ( @mordcode ) : St. Byte is one of Micah's closest friends from the Break Beyond Force. Byte is a constant chaotic troublemaker who Micah can get along quite well as they always find delight in xyr boldness and mischief. Byte and Micah also love to bite each other as it's both of their secret love language in general and for each other. They have always been extremely supportive and encouraging to each other, and it's always endearing to know how much faith Micah has in Byte who gets underestimated and doubted on so easily. They just love each other so much.
Micah / Antiphisto ( @alldarkling ) : Micah is the loving light to Antiphisto's despising darkness. This pair is just so wonderful and fascinating as it explores a lot about what it means to love and be loved even when the world is forever cruel and unforgiving. Antiphisto's despair and lack of faith in humanity are terrifyingly powerful, but so are Micah's hope and full faith in humanity, so it's always very interesting to see how their attitudes and mindsets clash each other while creating a lot of deep exchanges to think over. Antiphisto would never admit this, but it can at least admire their bravery in loving endlessly and entirely despite it all.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
grecia reading The Trials of Apollo #1: the hidden oracle
first impression: the covers of this saga look actually dope
"My name is apollo. I used to be a god" hi sweetheart
"I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy." can u shut the fuck up
A four thousand year old god being afraid of a 12y.o girl? this is amazing
“I know someone who might help. He lives on the Upper East Side. Take me to him, and I shall reward you.” let it be who i'm thinking of please 😭😭😭
"Zeus did not answer. He was probably too busy recording my humiliation to share on Snapchat." Help me 💀💀
“Let’s find Percy Jackson.”' WAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭
"For children blessed with an immortal parent, they were strangely sensitive about their backgrounds." this bitch didnt just say blessed
"the young man swung open the apartment door and said, “Why?” As usual, I was struck by his resemblance to his father, Poseidon. He had the same sea-green eyes, the same dark tousled hair, the same handsome features that could shift from humor to anger so easily." PERCY MY BELOVED SON, MY FIRSTBORN HI BABY BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
"sacred sybil" ??? "Are u cursed?" what the actual fuck apollo 😭😭
“The war ended in August. It’s January.” percy is 17 im gonna fucking SOB 😭
sally finally got to write her book <333
"He smiled, and some of that old demigod mischief twinkled in his eyes." STOP 😭😭😭
“Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets.” *sobs in the lightning thief* 🤧
"I did not like the way she was grinning at Percy. I didn’t want the girl to develop a crush. We might never get out of here" LMFAO everyone falls in love with my boy i know he's so gorgeous he's stunning he's mesmerizing 😭
Because Poseidon 😭
“I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end.” “You haven’t killed me yet” “Don’t tempt me.” percy is so done w apollo's shit 💀
"The calmness of his eyes, the smile resting easily on his lips, the way his hair curled around his ears…" oh? look at that! im sobbing!
"crotchkicker mccaffrey" I CACKLED
significant annoyance
"they were so cute together it made me feel desolate" istg 😭😭
not paolo's arms JFJKFKS 💀💀💀
"She's a communist!" JFKFKDJF THIS CSNT BE REAL 💀
apollo sayin' gay relationships w gods can also have children might be the best thing i've read
paolo got his leg sewed for god's sake 💀
will being a doctor in charge and nico his little nurse this is good food
rachel elizabeth dare my redhead beloved so pleased to see u again !! <3
rachel jealous over apollo having more oracles bestie pls 😭
apollo using meg's rings as a necklace </3
apollo's thoughts about daphne in the woods oh the poetic tragedy of a lost love <\3
"rhea's laugh reminded me of a piglet with asthma" HELP ME??💀💀
who's the emperors??? nero??? caligula??? commodus?? TELL ME
apollo's melancholy singing for daphne & hyacinthus <\333
'“Sing. Sing like you did before" "I—I can’t. My voice is almost gone.” Besides, I thought, I don’t want to risk losing you again.' man dont do this to me 😭😭😭
"I love the Internet! It is impossible for me to fade completely now. I am immortal on Wikipedia!” i DID SEARCH THIS DUDE, sorry apollo 💀💀
"Artemis shot me in the groin because I was flirting with her Hunters." JDFKDFK GO BESTIE💀
"I stared at my beloved Dumpster waif. Yes, somehow over the past week she had become beloved to me." awe 🤧
The dryads & zephyros helping apollo in the woods <3
"Will, Kayla, Austin. Come with me" "And Nico. I have a doctor's note" boi ur doctor's note only consist on being by will's side 😭😭
"I wanted to flirt with Chiara and steal her away from Damien…or perhaps steal Damien away from Chiara, I wasn’t sure yet." this dude is so painfully bisexual it kills me 😭
percy & rachel together again it's been so long since i read them interact <3
they're beating the shit out of my boy leo 💀💀
"When they first saw each other, Percy and Calypso had hugged awkwardly. I hadn’t witnessed such a tense greeting since Patroclus met Achilles’s war prize, Briseis. (Long story. Juicy gossip. Ask me later.)" DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME
"piece of torta" help. also my water boi & fire boi giving each other a high five 😭
apollo, leo & calypso walking together to the amphitheater <3
more of my reviews & reactions of the rrverse books here: percy jackson & the olympians, the heroes of olympus, RRverse mini stories
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Beach Trip Headcanons: La Squadra
a/n: it's getting warmer where i live which is horrible and i hate it but it gave me some inspo here's some bullshit
Genre/Warnings: Crack, fluff, just some cute shit, polyamory (sorlato), a LOT of simping omfg
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~Risotto Nero~
-he already had his tits out on the regular so his bare chest isn't anything new but he lost that stupid hat so it wouldn't get wet and now you can stare at hat-less riz
-doesn't get in the water too often but he definitely goes underwater to grab your legs and scare you (he does it to ghiaccio and melone too; melone screams at the top of his lungs and ghiaccio fails around like he's drowning)
-spends most of his time under the parasols with illuso and prosciutto, just chatting and watching you mess around with your teammates (and maybe checking you out while he's at it)
-lowkey starts to get jealous if he thinks melone or formaggio are gettin' too friendly with you (god help any random person that flirts with you)
-Riz makes damn sure both you and him are very well saturated (?? does that sound weird) with sunscreen. there's no way in hell either of you will be suffering through that
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-you thought you were going to the beach with your boyfriend? lmfao nah you're at the beach with mom and your rowdy ass siblings now
-came in clutch with the sunscreen, aloe vera ointment, snacks, water and spending money. has a very nice set up under a parasol with illuso (and you, if you'd like to join him in his relaxation/parenting session)
-pros with his hair down, shirtless and wearing a pair of pineapple swim trunks to match with pesci? out in public? a lot more likely than you'd think
-formaggio would be a prick and dump water on his hair and now you get to see prosciutto with his hair wet fUCK (pros would be FUMING but he'd look so GOOD)
-would read to you but he doesn't want to risk getting any of his fav books wet so he'd just tell you wonderful stories of the team before you joined (most of them are embarrassing for everyone but him)
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-literally he's having the time of his LIFE right now. he's completely protected from the sun (thanks mamma pros), he's goin' fishing, he's got his s/o with him, what more could a boy ask for?
-maybe he should've asked formaggio to not throw sand at him every 10 minutes because that is happening for sure, no matter how much prosciutto yells at him to stop pesci will not be left alone
-is in the water like, 70% of the time. he'll make bets with ghiaccio to see who can swim out the farthest and ghia is surprisingly not mad when he loses
-he'll walk off the beach with just you to get ice cream and it's honestly really fucking cute (he gets strawberry, btw)
-pesci really likes picking you up and tossing you into the water. he's secretly a little bastard and will laugh at you while helping you up
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-jesus the entire day with him is just 🙄. he's such a little bitch about EVERYTHING
-won't go in the water at all and carries a compact mirror with him so he has an escape plan in case formaggio decides to fuck with him. salt water damages your hair and there's no possible fucking way he's risking his scalp just for a little fun
-still insisted on wearing swim trunks and going shirtless though, mostly just to have your undivided attention (as if he didn't already force you to pay attention to him enough)
-sitting under parasols with prosciutto because he's pale and has sensitive skin but he still ends up getting sunburned and won't stop complaining
-you guys did have a cute little moment when the sun was starting to set and he dragged you away from everyone so he could look for sea glass with you (totally wasn't an excuse to hold your hand while he was dragging you around)
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-spends the entire day being a little rat bastard and making almost everyone wish he was dead (he respects risotto too much and sorbet and gelato scare him so he leaves them alone)
-throwing sand at pesci and melone, pouring water on prosciutto, stealing melone's goggles, chasing illuso into the mirror world, straight up throwing ghiaccio's car keys across the beach
-and of course he's gonna drag you into this. even if you just wanted to have a nice beach day with your asshole boyfriend, he's gonna hold you captive during his shenanigans
-can and will wipe his sweat on you. he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. please throw seaweed at him in retaliation, he thinks it's nasty as fuck
-leaves the beach early so he can treat you to dinner, both as a thank you for dealing with his bullshit all day and as an apology for wiping sweat on you every 30 minutes
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-the most unrecognizable when he's as the beach with everybody. his hair isn't styled, so his curls are a lot looser and not plastered to his head, he's not wearing his glasses so they don't get lost in the water, HIS FUCKING LEGS AND BARE CHEST ARE JUST OUT
-literally just,,,SURFER GHIACCIO??? come ON dude. he knows what he's doing and will wink at you every single time he catches you staring
-loves wading out far into the water with you on his surf board so he can be all soft and cute with you without anybody hearing or seeing him
-he'll also be pretty light-hearted when he's out there too. he and pesci will see who can swim out the farthest and he'll let pesci win (let's be honest, with his legs he could swim to a different continent if he wanted too)
-ghia might look hot as hell out there, but he'll also end up burnt as hell. literally he just didn't put sunscreen on and he was out in the sun for hours. hottie got sun poisoning, please take him home early he will die
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-he brought along goggles, a snorkel and flippers so he can do some shallow reef diving
-he'll pop up occasionally and yell for you to come over and show you a tiny little crab or a cool looking fish he found (it's honestly really, really cute)
-mel will take routine breaks to reapply sunscreen, drink water, check up on you, and get his goggles stolen (which he did not plan on). he'll also take this time to use shitty beach-related pick up lines to get you to laugh
-honestly as pervy as you'd think he would be. maybe it's because he's distracted by all the fun little creatures he keeps finding in tide pools and such
-has his own little set up a few feet away from prosciutto and illuso's. he'll be there while he's taking his breaks and yes he will try to cuddle with you even though it's pushing 90 degrees at noon
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~Sorbet and Gelato~
-not to get sad in what is supposed to be a fun headcanon set but neither of them will take their shirts off or get in the water. both of them have a lot of body image issues and they'd really appreciate it if you didn't try to convince them to be half naked in public
-with that being said, both Sorbet and Gelato get loads of enjoyment out of just watching you swim around and have fun before returning to them
-Sorbet will help apply sunscreen but he really just wants an excuse to grope you and Gelato in public
-Gelato will want to have a sandcastle building contest with you (Sorbet is the judge and both of you receive the grand prize of a kiss)
-long walks on the beach together at night after everyone's gone home? of fucking course it's gonna happen
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roseworth · 2 years
tell us about lady caine!!! please. what are your headcanons/thoughts/etc??
oh my god bestie you are going to regret asking me this i have so many thoughts
but before i start, as always quick disclaimer that very little of this is based on anything in canon it is all just the Vibes from my heart
now first and foremost. she is a lesbian and i will die on this hill. HOWEVER. while she was young and figuring out her sexuality she was had a comp het crush on eugene (i mean come on who didnt amiright gals 🥴) so they ended up going on like one date, then after that one date she was like "ope yeah im definitely a lesbian sorry rider" and he was like "lmfao its cool 🤝" mlm/wlw solidarity 😌
she and eugene pulled a few jobs together back in the day but they had very different reasons. she stole from the castle to be like "fuck the monarchy and fuck frederic" and eugene did it a) to pay back his debts to the baron and b) for fun. they recognized that they both had very different motives but they had the same goal so they still teamed up a lot. they were friends but they were never like. Close.
caine grew up in corona and never wanted to leave it because its her home! her dad loved corona and believed that it was a good place right up until he got thrown in jail for a minor crime. lady caine took that to heart because her dad believed in the kingdom and believed it could be better, and it COULD but she saw fred as the thing that was in the way of corona's improvement, and by association rapunzel. her mom was never rly in the picture, so once she lost her dad she pretty much had no one. but she cared about corona and thought that it could be as good as her dad said it was if it weren't for frederic, so she made plans to overthrow the king because she believed it would save corona
once rapunzel came home, everyone was celebrating and was like "wow the king and queen must be so happy!" and lady caine is PISSED because wtf???? fred gets to pull all this shit while rapunzels gone but now that shes back we're all just supposed to forget about it and be happy???? and shes angry because fred gets his daughter back after all these years but caine doesnt get her dad back even though rapunzel's kidnapping is the reason she lost her dad in the first place. so she is even angier at the king than she was before and she goes "fuck it! we're going to interrupt the coronation because everyones going to be watching and we need to remind the people of the fucked up shit frederic did and he shouldnt just get to look down on us like this!!"
also going back to her dad, she has NO idea what happened to him because she was never allowed to stay in contact with him after he got arrested. she has no way of knowing if he got executed or was still in jail or what happened. once she gets thrown in the dungeon after the coronation, she starts asking around to try to find out what happened, eventually she finds out that he died in jail and thats pretty much her breaking point. he was what she was holding onto to think about how good the kingdom could be, but he died and maybe theres no hope for it after all. which is why she tries to leave in that one horse episode (the one with axel. i forget the name all i remember is that i hate it).
THEN. she is in her moment in the boat episode (peril on the high seas i think??? you know the one). FIRST OF ALL she was the one to plan most of it. she was like "fuck it we're on a boat, we're getting the hell away from corona right now." she straight up murders the guards that were supposed to be on the boat. (side note but in that episode they make a comment at the beginning where eugene is like "??? if this is a prison barge where are the guards?" and its not brought up again. it is basically canon that the prisoners fucking killed the guards.) shes running the ship in this, and shes no explicitly in charge because no one on that boat would be very happy about it if she was straight up telling them what to do but like. shes the one handling things
also a little unpopular opinion but i dont think she really cares at all about eugene. she first hears about Flynn Rider™️ saving the lost princess and she goes "?? okay? idc good for him i guess" because she has bigger things to worry about than him. and its not like he abandoned his morals or anything because she knew that he wasnt in it for the same reasons as her so she was pretty much like "alrighty then rider's with the princess now, i do not care" but shes pretty pissed at him during the coronation and the boat because hes directly getting in her way, shes especially annoyed during the coronation because shes like "bitch you KNOW why im doing this wtf" but she still gets it and doesnt hold a grudge against him specifically any more than shes holding a grudge against all of them
anyways! eventually she breaks out of prison and kind of has no idea what shes doing now because shes spent so long trying to save corona and take down the monarchy but shes all but given up that hope so she just kinda wanders around for a while. lo and behold she runs into cass, who is also on a journey of self discovery, and they fight for a while but eventually they end up sort of teaming up? they just kind of go "alright we're both trying to figure out our place in the world, might as well do it together" and, you guessed it, they get together. casscaine nation rise 😌🙌 they have an awkward mutual pining thing for a while but eventually they start dating
cass is like "hey i know you hate corona but its my home too actually and its not as bad as you think it is" so caine ends up giving corona a second chance and sees that rapunzel is queen and shes actually Making A Difference so shes not as mad anymore. later on she and cass return to corona and she goes to rapunzel and basically gives her an itemized list of things that need to be changed to make corona a better place, and she ends up kind of working for rapunzel? no one is entirely sure how caine sort of became an unofficial royal advisor other than that she pretty much walked into the castle and wouldnt stop talking until they listened to her
back to casscaine <3 everyone in corona has a fucking heart attack when cass is like "meet my new gf 🥰" and its the person that has wanted to kill all of them multiple times. shes like "its okay im domesticated now" and i mean. theyre all reformed criminals. so theyre just like "okay cool! welcome to the club" but the captain is much less receptive. he tries to be calm and chill and normal about it because he wants to be supportive of his daughters relationship but he is nearly having a stroke because back in her Crime Prime she ranked on his list of "Top Ten Criminals That Give Me Gray Hairs" (eugene takes up 3 spots on that list). after a while he warms up to her, hes still a little wary but mostly hes like "🙂whatever makes my daughter happy🙂"
okay this is already way too long so thats all for now, stan lady caine or die 💕
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heavensickness · 2 years
MOAR hotgirl69 headcanons im gettin invested
Starting with lighter stuff. She has freckles on her nose and her shoulders but they are very faint. They only become visible during summer
Her favorite colors are gold and black
Has never seen the sea irl so if you take her to the beach she would cry tears of joy. She will sit and play in the sand, she doesn't give a shit that she's 27
Her go-to song at a karaoke night is Cherry Bomb by The Runaways. Grunge and classic rock kinda person. Also has the capability to discuss hyperspecific metal music genres with onionthief. you walk by them and say "who the FUCK are Vengeful Carnal Gorgons"
If she is picking the first date, she would pick you up with her car from your house/from the airport and take you to a slam poetry night, or to an obscure and old book cafe that has a unique vibe. Then she will take you to her secret comfort place where you can see the whole city from distance. You're in the car with a beautiful girl who won't tell you she loves you-
Not peppy as June but she can be your personal hypebot! spams the chat with encouraging texts whenever the students have an exam, when quest is taking the night shift or when anyone is just not having a good day
She is somehow capable of being besties with both nightowl and onionthief. She has the Range
If she is dating Quest, she would try to carry him bridal style & would fail miserably
If she's dating onion (LMFAO IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS) or xyx, she will tease and tease until they take a break from studying/working all frustrated, then will pretend she didn't do anything. what are you talking about? are you confessing that you find my existence soooooo distracting?
She would like to have a bird or a cat as a pet but she's afraid that the pet would get too lonely when she's at work. Her roommate at university had tarantulas though, so that's the only pet experience she's had
She didn't really have a parental figure while growing up, so tends to get lost in her own independence from time to time. There is always music playing in her apartment because the silence makes her depressed.
She has unhealthy and sometimes dangerous coping mechanisms that she wants to believe she got rid of, but they could come back again after a bad relapse. You gotta keep her in check. I think nightowl and xyx would understand her the most in this sense
I believe in server meetup au supremacy so if they all went out at night to a club etc. she would accompany toasty outside and find a place to sit together in silence; because places like that are too loud and overwhelming for toasty, and it brings out really embarrassing memories for her. onion would also be there with them but it would be because he doesn't agree with the music choice in the club. and together they form the "i fuckign hate nightclubs" squad
When she meets xyx she would post a long, heartwarming message about finally meeting the love of her life face to face, then would post a selfie with Cat. when the chat asks for a selfie with xyx instead, she replies "who is xyx"
In xyx's bad ending though, she would try to find him in vain, frantically looking up every law firm in Australia because her denial level is strong. Months after, she is just sitting in her car smoking while You Know You're Right by Nirvana plays in the background. Her tears have dried hours ago.
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Imagine if the suitors went to the beach for a whole day in the modern world...what crazy crap do you think will happen
Here are a handful of crazy and/or cute headcanons that came to mind! :D
-Mozart swatting away seagulls because HE IS TRYING TO EAT IN PEACE
-Jeanne watching him, MC offering him two water guns with a silent nod (sunglasses on, we’re going full meme)
-Jeanne then proceeds to shoot at them (no gulls were harmed in making of this promotional video) and his aim is impeccable it would be disturbing if the thwarted squawking wasn’t so funny
-Little kids start swarming around Jeanne asking how he’s so amazing and wanting to play team battles, inviting him to join
-Napoleon encourages him, and even Mozart joins in despite not liking getting wet very much (he wants Jeanne to have some positive fun times bc he BIIIIIIIG depressy)
-In the end they both admit to having fun, and one of the kids even teaches Jeanne a special ten step handshake (Jeanne has no idea what that was but the kiddo was smiling so he figured he’d go with it)
-Dazai, alternatively, gathers the fallen gull army and becomes their god with a singular cylinder of Pringles. No I will not elaborate--THE SEA GULLS GOT HER!!!!!!!!
-Spends most of the beach day wetting his feet in the tide pools and talking very earnestly to the gulls about this new thing he learned about called tax evasion while people pass by this fucker in full kimono at the beach and are convinced he’s lost it
-Dazai is very much not sane but we knew this already, offers sea shells to little kids that ask him what he’s doing and tells them to listen to the secrets bird friends can tell them
-If Dazai sounds like an Animal Crossing Villager, that was entirely by accident but remains no less true
-Surprising absolutely no one, Arthur suggests volley ball after watching people play and invites some pretty ladies to join him
-Arthur ends up needing two more people to play, so he invites Vincent and Theo (Vincent is so excited about trying something new that Theo can’t say no despite wanting to make a volleyball-shaped crater in Arthur’s face)
-The funniest part about the volleyball game is that not only is Arthur a shit player (CANON WEAK ARMS FOOL) Theo destroys with his spikes, and Vincent’s reach is insane--the two brothers end up becoming the talk of the beach
-I just laugh imagining Vincent sincerely complimenting people around him and the ladies swooning because he’s just so nice and pretty is he even real
-Men aren’t happy about that^TM but at the sight of Theo’s defensive glower they keep their malicious traps shut--which turn on whichever girls weren’t interested in Vincent jahkslgjh
-**Kaguyasama narrator voice** Today on Arthur Shenanigans: Arthur loses
-Poor Isaac is hiding under the umbrella clutching sunscreen bc HE IS A PASTY BOY HELP HIM
-MC brought a few of the newest Maths/Physics books in her time for him to read, and while he doesn’t enjoy the intensity of the sun--not like vamp weakness, it’s just the strain on his body (too many stimuli too many people too much noise) that makes him tired and ultimately thirsty bc aberrant. But the change of scenery's not so bad.......
-MC laughs when she gets out of the water and the salt dries visibly on her skin, Isaac’s eyes bug out and he asks if it hurts (startles when Leo flicks sea water at him and asks how on earth they got in the water when it’s so cold!!!)
-Leo chats with him and he likes being able to draw theorems and the like in the sand, it’s like one big chalkboard (until a kid tramples across them in the middle of writing, POPPYCOCK!). Isaac ultimately has fun but prefers to stay inside poor bub
-Leonardo, surprising no one, falls asleep in the sand the second he gets there HE IS HOME (Italian beaches, amirite)
-MC decides to, after a point, bury him fully in the sand for shits
-Comte notices and aids in her shenanigans from his beach chair, snickering the whole time
-When the two are satisfied they go for a swim together, trusting Leo to look after Isaac if need be (even if he’s a mummy rn)
-Comte is relieved to hear that she knows how to swim, but also watches carefully and doesn’t let her drift out too far by keeping closer to the shore himself (riptides!!!! can be!!!!!!! dangerous!!!!!!!!!!) if he had his way (he would never impose but he worries ;-;) she’d be wearing floaties SAFETY FIRST
-They splash at each other like maniacs and chat amiably until they start swimming away as fast as possible when Leo wakes up, laughing
-How do we know that Leo woke up?
-Because he sat up ramrod straight and a tower of sand fell. He then proceeded to jump up and sprint to the water despite Isaac’s startled cries about being careful, and swam after them like a shark to get his revenge (it was like something out of an anime s2g)
-Mostly just tugs on MC’s leg, picks her up in the water, and yeets her across in retaliation; really harmless, she’s cackling the whole time
-Dunks Comte’s head in the water while he’s being scolded, and MC has to de-escalate their increasingly dangerous shenanigans before the life guard comes after them LMFAO
-They concede only bc MC looks sad/worried abt being kicked out, and agree to keep things fun FIGHT TO THE DEATH LATER TONIGHT
-Napoleon goes for a nice long walk along the shoreline and climbs the rocks if he finds any til he gets to the top (he does not go to his happy place HE GOES TO HIS HIGH LONESOME PLACE) wishes that Jupiter could be here to enjoy the brine
-Our boy Napoleon is simply just vibin he loves the beach. A little further off the sound of people is p muted, it’s just the crashing waves and crisp smell of salt, the light breeze ruffling his hair 
-Sebas is absolutely watching through binoculars and writing down how majestic Napoleon is while making sure no one gets lost/wrecked as he takes notes
Bonus: since volleyball games can often happen back to back on a sizable beach, the boys^TM were playing and Arthur called out “Theo duck!!!!” and just as Theo was saying “Are you fucking kidding me did you really think I’d--T H W A C K” Theo gets nailed in the back of the head (Arthur later died after being put in a headlock)
Shakespeare didn’t feel like playing volley ball and didn’t have much else to do (can’t swim and has no interest), so he just sat back and tried to throw Theo off his game as much as possible 
Por ejemplo: Theo misses a serve and Shakespeare just “For never was there a story of more woe; O bard Alexa, verily, play us Despacito” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
Jeanne also gets hit by a stray volley ball, but when Vincent said “Oh no, Jeanne, duck!” he has one of either two reactions: 1. Boulevard of Broken Dreams plays obnoxiously loud as he dodges inhumanly fast 2. he quacks, gets nailed, and doesn’t react because he doesn’t have any brain cells to damage
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momo-de-avis · 3 years
For the music themed ask: 1, 2, 3, 21, 32, and 35?
hello friend!!
1. an album you can’t stop listening to lately
These past few days it's been a lot of mixes, but Threefifty's "Collapses" has been on loop for a while. When not, it's been Toundra's (III) (especially when in the shower, it pairs well with the sound of my blow-dryer lmfao)
2. an album you wish you could hear again for the first time
"Departure Songs" by We Lost the Sea. It's a concept album, which is something very hard to create when we're talking about instrumentals ONLY, but there's a story behind it. Essentially, the band had a lead singer (who did their earlier two albums with them and hence why they had a screamo vibe before) but he committed suicide. Instead of breaking up or finding a new lead singer, they decided to keep going as they were, and they came together to create an album that not only honoured their friend and former lead, but was in itself an homage to, according to the band, people who died in service of mankind. Hence, the title Departure Songs.
Each song in the album is about one event in history that resulted in someone's death, and usually something whose death helped mankind progress in one way or another (if you look at the song titles, some of those events will be very obvious). Each song tells a story of its own, and all without a single line of lyrics. If you buy the album, you get the stories right there, told in the album's leaflet or whatever, but if you are thinking of listening to the album, here is my advice: listen to it first, THEN go read the stories and who they are about. I say this because that was my experience. The first time I listened to Departure Songs it dead ass froze me, it was just so good. I did this for about a year, completely unaware of what they were about. When I finally read the stories each song was trying to tell, I was baffled at how... I got it without having to read. I don't mean I thought "oh, yeah, this is definitely about X" I mean that the sentiment the band tried to convey, the drama and that breath of hope they put at the end, is so poignant I was completely baffled at how I got that perfectly.
Ever since, every time I listen to it, it's almost an emotional experience. I really wish I could have that experience of just discovering this album again for the first time.
3. a song you really like by an artist you otherwise don’t listen to very much (whether that’s because you usually don’t like their music, or just because you haven’t listened to the rest yet)
Rhianna's Kiss it Better (I'm gonna link it because I'm doing it with everything else but yall know what this is lmao). I'm not a fan of Rhianna's style, it's just not my thing personally, but goddamn the vibe on that song lowers my heart rate immediately.
21. what is a song that you like, but that you don’t listen to very often?
Nantes by Beirut, it belongs to times long gone and though I fucking love it, it makes me nostalgic
32. what is a band/artist you really wanted to start listening to, but you just really couldn’t get into it?
Explosions in the Sky. Goddamn everyone tells me "oh you like post-rock, then you HAVE to listen to Explosions in the Sky" baby I can't. I tried, but I can't. They're not my jam. Every song sounds the same to me. Just not my type.
35. name two musicians who haven’t already collaborated on anything who you think would sound great together
Ehhh I don't know, I mean, within my very tiny sphere of niche music I enjoy, the bands I know and like have apparently all collaborated with everyone. I mean, Mogwai have done everything you can possibly imagine. I really don't know lmao
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
I am once more asking for crumbs of your ocs
Always dear anon!
Both -I actually have a reference sheet for both of their favours + the ones that belong to the family line in general. The Ambros Clan has 4 total favours. Sandrone has 3. And Ohm totals in with 8, including the strongest ever garnered. -Favours work by blessing the specific member. IE, Ohm's favour Solar Cold that he gained from Albedo, is the direct cause of his Constellation Ability; Glacial Dance(c5). While Sandrone's favour from Ohm, Brother's Book, is the direct cause of his Constellation Ability; Moon's Blessing(c3). Most of the favours are connected to extra abilities. -If you fit together Ohm and Sandrone’s constellations they form the scales of justice with a moon in one bowl and a sun in the other. -Growing up they were teased they got the wrong birthmark due to Sandrone's quiet nature and Ohm's taste for fighting. If only their parents saw them now, they'd be so disappointed. -Of course Sandrone is unaware, but Ohm is also unaware they have a surviving family member. Nanami is also unsure if her sister is still alive, let alone her nephews. -Sumiko never spoke of Nanami to the kids out of guilt for leaving her sister behind all alone. Nanami was resentful at being abandoned but it didn't last very long. Nowadays she's actually quite mournful to be alone. -Nanami actually works as a spy for the Resistance, she works within the Bakufu. She's probably one of my most badass NPCs<3 Nanami Rights. -Ohm gained his vision first, and Sandrone asked for the exact one his brother had two years afterwards. As a result, their visions are mirrored. Which is the reflection is up to the viewer.
Ohm -Its vaguely mentioned in voicelines, but Ohm's role as Medical Captain was a position specifically created for him, prior to his promotion there was no such position. -Ohm canonically doesn't get along with Seamus Pegg for reasons unknown to all except Grand Master Varka. As a result, the Medical Captain declined joining Varka for his expedition. -Varka is one of few within the ranks of the Knights of Favonius that knows the true location of Ohm's ahem "Medical Expeditions". Kaeya is the only other. -When Ohm received his vision he changed physiologically as a result. His heart physically froze over and he lost the ability to discern between temperatures, as such he's never cold but he can become incredibly ill if he gets too warm, which is a problem because he also doesn't feel the heat. -I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I need to mention it again, Ohm cannot swim. If he were real in game, they'd have to program him immediately drowning lmfao. He's actually petrified of water. -Speaking of fears, Ohm is deathly afraid of snowstorms. This was caused because he heard the rumours that he was the one that caused the devastating snowstorm(he did) all those years ago. It fucked him up emotionally. -As a result of believing in the concept of a second death, Ohm often muses that he wishes to be forgotten. Though its often rare for the captain to be so self deprecating, it's probably the most honest he can be given the things he hides. -The flower in his animation, the black and blue one, is not only the same one the Traveler can investigate in his quest. It was also given to him by Dainsleif a long time ago. It, too, suffers from immortality.
Sandrone -I'm gonna start with a sweet one, Sandrone's favourite book is 'The Fox in the Dandelion Sea' (he doesn't know why, but I do because I wrote him, Ohm used to read this to him when they were children.) -For some reason he can't eat during the day without getting sick. Given that he often sleeps during the day anyways this usually works out. However, when he's undercover, this can sometimes prove an issue. -Out of the two brothers, I've written more xreader content for Sandrone. Weird fun fact, but I did the math earlier. Its cause he's hot and evil(not really). -Sandrone is a natural empath but has trained himself to ignore other peoples' feelings. However, this makes him almost too good at manipulating a person's emotions for his own gain. All for the sake of the job, even if it does wear him down occasionally.. -Despite wearing a neutral expression in the face of pretty much anything that may affect a normal person, Sandrone is terrified of lightning/thunderstorms and while he doesn't often show it, if one was observant enough, they'd be able to see the minute flinch every time there's a streak of lightning or a crack of thunder. -Sandrone's voiceline When It Snows, Forests, is a reference to the day he and his brother tried to escape. The familiarity is because they attempted(and somewhat succeeded) to go through the forest. -Despite saying that Scaramouche is the cruelest harbinger, that's not what Sandrone actually believes, and is a misdirecting lie. This is because it was one of his fellow harbingers that tortured him, he believes they're the worst but refuses to admit it. -In Sandrone's story it mentions; "Others say he keeps his identity hidden because he’s a captain from Mondstadt," this is a reference to his older brother. And probably one of my favourite references. -His favourite flowers are calla lilies, a fact he and Kaeya bonded over when they were much younger. They're still his favourite, but beyond the pressed calla in his alchemy book, he hasn't seen one in over a decade.
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