#girl dinner? nuh uh. girl breakfast is crazy
bluebellhairpin · 11 months
Girl dinner this, girl dinner that. What about girl breakfast. Huh. Most important girl meal of the day. It's why it's skipped so often.
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soniaxdixon · 3 years
My Girl
Word count: 1847
Set end of season 3 start of season 4ish
Summary: You and Daryl have an unspoken relationship and when a new girl comes to the prison, you let her know very clearly who Daryl is with.
Warnings: Swearing, TWD gore, reader is a bit hot headed.
Rick bringing the people of Woodbury to the prison was definitely a surprise to you all but in this day and age, strength came in numbers so you were lucky to have this many people now. The governor was still at large and no one had any idea where he could have possibly gone which meant that you all needed to be prepared. Most of the people from Woodbury where either older or didn’t know how to fight which was an issue. You were one of the best fighters among your group along with Daryl, Maggie, Glenn and of course Rick but Rick had other commitments which left the four of you to run lessons. Maggie and Glenn taught the newcomers how to use guns and knives while you and Daryl taught hand to hand classes. Most of your classes involved sparring and it always helped when there were even numbers of people but today Rick had brought in a new person who he had found on the road a few days ago. She was quite small and didn’t know how to fight at all, you wondered how she had survived this far.
Rick brought her over to you and Daryl once she had rested for a few days, she was now ready to learn to defend herself.
“You’re not gonna find better teachers than these two.” Rick led the girl over to you and Daryl, gesturing towards you as he spoke. You both walked up to meet the two of them in the middle of the field. “Mia, this is y/n and Daryl.” Her eyes flicked between the two of you, looking Daryl up and down far too many times for your liking.
You and Daryl had been in love with each other since the day you met, you shared a cell and everything but you still hadn’t technically made things ‘official.’ Your group liked to make jokes about how obvious your feelings were except you seemed to be oblivious to each other for so long.
You noticed Daryl’s breath hitch as her eyes slowly roamed his body, your stomach twisting in knots as you watched her practically undress him with her stare. You broke the silence, drawing her eyes back to you.
“How long you been out there”
“It’s been a while, since I lost my boyfriend I’ve been all alone.”
Her eyes flicked back to Daryl earning an eye roll from you. “Shame.”
Daryl cleared his throat, “Right, we better get started with the rest of em over there. Come on.”
You followed Daryl back over to the group, Mia standing close behind him like a lost puppy.
“Right, today we are working on getting out of someone’s grip. There may be times where someone grabs you, pins you, whatever, you need to be able to get out of it. Watch Daryl and I first, then buddy up and start practicing.”
You walked over to Daryl turning to face the group as he stood behind you, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame, trapping your arms.
“This is where you would kick their shins or slam your head into their face. The shock should be enough to throw them off their game to which you should be able to rip your way out of their hold then turn and kick them until they’re down and keep them down. Your turn, find a partner and get started.”
Everyone had a partner except for Mia, she was walking over towards Daryl before you stepped in.
“Excuse me” She looked passed you her sites still set on Daryl.
“Just practice with me, let’s see what you got.”
“Don’t you think it would be better if I had someone bigger holding me to see if I can really get out of this situation?” She batted her eyelashes towards Daryl as she spoke. Was this girl for real? Couldn’t she take a hint?
“You know what, you’re so right.” Sarcasm dripped from your words.
Her smile grew as she started walking towards Daryl again.
“Hey Tyrese, can you give me a hand here for a second?” Your words stopped her in her tracks, anger taking over her face.
You stood back with Daryl and watched as everyone practiced what you had taught them, all except Mia who just wasn’t getting out of Tyrese’s grip.
Then sun began to set as you wrapped up the classes. “We’ll see you all tomorrow, same time, same place as always.”
You and Daryl began to walk back to the prison as your stomach’s growled.
“Any idea what we’re havin’ for dinner?” Daryl asked you but your mind remained focused on the girl staring at him.
“Hm? Oh um, I think Carol made a stew.”
You ate with the rest of your family before making your way over to the showers, Daryl heading up towards your shared cell. While you were in the shower, Mia took the opportunity to head over to your cell and chat with Daryl.
“Hey Daryl.”
“Hey, Mia right?”
“Yeah, I was wondering if you run one on one classes? I feel like I’ve missed a lot of training here and I thought it might be good to catch up.”
“We usually just run the group classes.”
“Oh. Would you be willing to maybe just help me out a bit then, I promise I’m a fast learner and I’ll do anything you tell me.” She had a devilish look to her when she spoke. Daryl chewed his thumb as he thought about her question. She seemed like she really just wanted to learn and it wouldn’t hurt to have her learn a few extra things.
“M’kay, meet me where we had class today, after breakfast.”
“Thank you!” She squealed as she made her way to her cell.
You got out of the shower, drying off and dressing into your pyjamas before you climbed the stairs up to your cell. By the time you got in there Daryl had changed and climbed under the covers, his arm covering his eyes. You couldn’t help but let your eyes roam over his toned arms.
“I know ya starin’ at me.” You giggled at his comment before climbing over him onto the other side of the bed, rolling over and facing the wall. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his arm around your waist pulling your body flush against his. You traced circles around his arm that was draped over you.
“What do you think about that new girl, Mia?” You asked him, your eyes remaining focused on the wall in front of you.
“She seems harmless.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Goodnight Daryl.”
“Mhm, night.”
You squeezed his arm before letting your arm slide back down onto the pillow under you, drifting to sleep with your archer behind you.
You woke up before Daryl, his arm was still wrapped around you, loose enough that you could slide out of his grip and shuffle off the bed. He stirred slightly as you climbed off the bunk.
“Where ya goin’?”
“I have fence duty, go back to sleep. I’ll see you for lunch.” You bent down and kissed him on the forehead before exiting your cell and making your way down to the fences.
After about an hour of stabbing walkers through the fence you saw Daryl walk out of the prison, you waved at him and he sent a smile your way. You turned back around and continued to take care of the walker issue.
“Hey y/n” The southern drawl you knew so well caught your attention.
“Hey Ricky.” You smiled cheekily, he hated when you called him that but part of him loved it, it showed how close the two of you were.
“How’d that new girl, Mia go at classes yesterday?”
“Not great, she needs a lot of work. Plus, I think she has a thing for Daryl and that’s not on.”
“Well you’re not gonna like this.” Your stomach dropped at his words.
“What?” He gestured over towards the middle of the field where Daryl and Mia were sparring. One on One.
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.” You glared at the two of them, your stomach twisting repeatedly when you could hear her giggles whenever Daryl would go to grab her.
“Go handle it, I got you covered for a bit.”
You stabbed one more walker through the head violently yanking your knife back out sending blood everywhere as you shook it and shoved it back in its sheath. You could feel your anger rise every time Daryl put his hands on her, you could see her leaning into his touch.
“Alright let’s try again.” Mia said, looking at Daryl with a spark in her eyes.
“M’kay one more time.” Daryl went to wrap his arms around her from behind but at the last second she turned and was facing him, her hands pressed up against his chest which caught him off guard as he stepped back.  “What the hell?”
“Come on Daryl, we should have a bit of fun while we’re here.” She started leaning up towards him before he took another step back. “Don’t tell me you’re not attracted to me, I know you want me and I’ll give you everything and more. More than y/n can give you.”
“You’re fucking crazy, ya know that?”
She took a step towards him, placing her hands on his shoulder before his eyes met yours, you were now almost standing directly behind Mia and she was oblivious.
“My girl ain’t gonna like this.”
“She doesn’t have to know, I don’t see her anywhere.”
With that, you grabbed her hair and yanked her so hard she hit the floor. “Now you do.”
“y-y/n I-” She struggled to find words before you stood next to Daryl, looking down at her.
“You ever try anything again, you even think about trying anything again, I will personally tie you to a tree and let the walkers finish you off. Do you understand me?”
She gulped, “Yes”
“Good, now go and find someone else to teach you how to fight. I’m sick of seeing your face.”
She pushed herself off the floor and scurried towards the prison building.
Daryl went to grab your hand but you pulled away.
“Nuh uh. Not letting you off that easy asshole. What the hell were you thinking?”
“She asked for a one on one session to help her improve, I thought she was bein’ serious but obviously not.”
“Mhm.” You started to walk away from him before turning back “My girl, huh?” Daryl rubbed the back of his neck. “I like it.” You started to walk back down towards the fence to return to Rick as Daryl’s eyes focused on the swing in your hips.
He smiled sheepishly at the ground before following you like a lovesick teen. He was completely under your spell and would never have done anything with Mia. You knew that but you needed Mia to know who he was with and that he was not fair game. 
She understood that now.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Do you know any images that has plus size characters and Erik in them that I can read? I’m kind of new to the whole fan fics!
I sure do! 
- how i feel, right now, animal, chains series, purple herbs & gardens, risks & new beginnings series, better with time, let’s play, without a doubt, sizzling pans & slow jams, misinterpretations, visions of gold, out business, come through and chill series, nights, slow burn, a siren’s allure, venom, the one, maybe they’re right, sore loser series, i’ll be alright, spooky cookies & vampire fangs, screams in the night series; knock, knock series; imagination, the cure series, poptart man series, this must be our song, conversation starter, heaven is a place on earth, twins?, say it, i’m there, his princess, his for the night, sugar baby series, authority series, baby shark, lemme try, take our time, say the word, sudden reunions series, memories of you, more ways than one, lemme try it again (that’s my face), not in budget, i would like to see it, pease mama bear, she likes me, guess what, times like these, tell me your secret series, he gets it from me, baby see baby do, see what had happened was, who me?, so relax, three kings of dreams, deck the b-…halls?, do it again, be quiet, you so crazy, how that sound?, you’re so handsome, sit still, leave me aloneee, don’t hide, or maybe, send it to mommy, but i’m sick.., you thought i wouldn’t find out, he’d make you his, ballet baba, ain’t that right?, he wasn’t having that, being honest, that’s all it took?, then stop ignoring me, since you can, but i thougth…, jealous, i won’t tell you again series, hit me, no reply, i’ve alway been, you sure?, no more tummy time, toss ‘em, you done now?, sing it baby, doped up, battle it out, for however long, bath time, bedtime stories, i’m sorry, was that so hard?, i owe you that, whatchu say?, hard headed, it should’ve been you, take our time series, baba’s day, whatever she wants, nope, can’t even look at you, not again, nose wide oen, just a bit longer, come on over to my place, fences & bullriders, right now, designated command strips,mr. telephone man series, autumn leaves & cookie thieves, one way or another, you ain’t hear that?, open up, better?, huh? nuh uh, cute enough to eat, she likes me- @supersizemeplz
- all erik fics and headcanons- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all erik fics and headcanons- @eye-raq
- teach me series, when you’re mad series, waffles series, slow ride series, movie night series, let’s talk about sex series, mines, thunderstorm, girl fuck you, eat your breakfast seres (with eat your dinner), secret admirer, amusement park fun, displays of affection, night at the movie theaters, silent hearbeats series, kissing strangers series, worship, loving the way you love it, day drunk, smile for me daddy series, just like you, we goin to hell, breeding time- @thehomierobbstark
- late again, halloween party, imprint, a man in love, v.i.p (includes m/baku), daddy’s home, y’all again?, okay? okay, prisoner of love, family cookout, kiss, what’s cooking good looking, expecting headcanons, food headcanons, crying headcanons, nsfw headcanons, foot fetish series, halloween headcanons, lingerie headcanons, jealous headcanons, kevin’s  heart series, untitled series- @madamslayyy
-carnal stimulation series, next lifetime series, hoe ass erik series, dirty little secrets series, hennything is possible, sunday dinner series (with payback), a.d.i.d.a.s., green goddess, suddenly stevens, beauty is her name, it’s complicated. i’m sorry, the great reveal, neighbors know my name series (part 2 to @hearteyes-for-killmonger‘s story of the same name), the devil speaks xosha, mile high, trap card, act up, let me smell it, up late, i’ll take your man, carry on, dreams & nightmares- @goddessofthundathighs
- headass youtube couple series, fix my crown series (with ‘the puppy’), all skate, cutting ties series, #tsrbaewatch- @apantherinmypastlife
- all erik fics-  @wawakanda-btch
- all fics- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- say my name series, beg for it, the coat room, charley horse, full court press, house party, boyfriend makeup challenge, gumby, the let out series, disorderly, token, all i wanted for christmas is you, hit the showers, neo, erica; veni, vidi, vici, i will be here, trick or treat, the wakandan boys when they’re sick (includes t’challa and m’baku- @sonofnjobu
- mine, unravel me series (includes belong to you), i missed you series (inlcudes you a’ight and if they ain’t looking), rated e, on braodway, no average bitch,  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for erik killmonger x reader and erik killmonger imagine)
- all tasting mellow fics- @tastingmellow
- laid up series- @pastelastronomy24
- come lay with me, house hunting series, stretch marks, the footbal jerseyy, you sure?- @marvelmaree
- the deal series, nuggest of truth, girlfriend, all i want is you, care for you- @wakandamama
- rated e for extra petty, elbow deep series- @puffmamaa
- she got game, where’s the smoke, s.d.m., from paris with love, where the hoes at? (with t’challa and m’baku), written all over your face, baby bump series (wit cuddle buddy,, and hc: chubby!erik trying old clothes), not in that way, here kitty kitty, computer blue series, chunk series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- all erik fics- @stripper-patrick
- he spills series (with t’chala and m’baku)- @captainsaveasmut
- i’m cleva series, do me baby (part 2 of @killmongersgurl‘s serieserik’s created a monste)-, @killmongerdispussy
- sorry he’s gone, mad issues series, curiosity happy weight- @curls-and-crosses
- nah baby i got you- @inxan-ity (scroll for erik killmonger)
- all fics- @writerbee-ffs
- paragone series- @dynastynoire
- all fics- @eriksjournal
- the sweetest taste series, late night drive- two of a kind series (includes ‘03 bonnie and clyde prequel), beyond the lights series, mad love series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- all erik fics and headcanons- @plussizeappreciationfics
-thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens and the udakus series (with valentine’s gumbo),  @mermaidchansons
- all erik fics- @muse-of-mbaku
- all fics- @eerythingisshaka
- all fics- @artisticestheticreads
- return the favor series,”you wake up to find your bed void of your sick boyfriend erik killmonger and you’re not very pleased- @taint3dvirgin
- a day at the beach with erik, prompt 19 “what’s cooking, good looking”, stay here tonight, greater purpose of chaos, sharing disney movies with erik, 90s disney movies with erik-  @hidden-treasures21
- new year’s surprise series- @thefantasyride
- for the love of money?, my first & his only, the big chop, braid my hair, short staffed, visiting hours- @bakarilennox
- insecure series, “erik x wakandan!reader where he says ‘you are your own perso. you are not mine. but i hope you will let me love you.”, sabotage, sweet like honey series- @erikslulbaby
- kissing strangers series- @halcyonscry
- baby bump series (with cuddle buddy, hc:chubby!erik trying on old clothes) (chubby!erik), chunk series, special delivery, here kitty kitty,  s.d.m., she got game, computer blue series, where’s the smoke, from paris with love, where the hoes at?, written all over your face, not in that way series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- not enough, a little insecure - @maybecoolwords
- french inhale series- @jewelofwakanda
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A Helping Hand- Chapter One
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◇ Jungkook x reader ◇ Neighbor AU ◇ 5K {1/?}
Summary: The minute the word ‘fuck’ slipped from your daughter’s lips Jungkook saw his life flash before his eyes. He’d been in love with you for a while and the last way he wanted you to find out was by your daughter telling you two to fuck. Seriously he was going to kill Jimin for ever telling her that.
Warnings: Fluff alert
“Ha-eun, I swear if you unlock that front door, I’ll put you straight in time out.” You warned upon hearing the familiar click of the deadbolt unlocking.
  A second later the sound of it relocking was heard followed by your daughter huffing impatiently. At six years-old Ha-eun already acted like a teenager stifled by their parents’ babying, and while she tested as smarter than those her age, Ha-eun would always remain your little girl. She was the light of your life. One of the few good things to ever happen to you, but that didn’t stop Ha-eun from driving you crazy sometimes.
   “Hurry up, we’re going to be late, mommy!” Ha-eun ordered with a stomp of her foot.
“You did not just stomp your foot at me, young lady.” You called out, putting the finishing touches of your makeup on. Taking one last glance at the mirror to make sure you look as professional as possible, you grabbed your purse and headed to the living room where your  daughter waited expectantly.
   Ha-eun glared at you arms folded over her chest. Her lips pursed together in away that would make the Karen’s of the world jealous. When she finally did grow up, Ha-eun undoubtedly would be a force to be reckoned with. For now though, you couldn’t take her seriously  with her sailor moon backpack and light up shoes. “You took forever getting ready.” Ha-eun bemoaned, “Now Kookie is going to think I’m the reason we’re late.”
  You rolled your eyes. “Well excuse me your majesty. I only woke up, cooked breakfast, cleaned, and  put your hair in bear buns before getting ready for work-which may I remind you pays so we can live here.”
     Ha-eun’s dark eyes narrowed. “I hate it when you use mom-scuses.”
      “So do I, but unfortunately I’m a mom and I kinda like my kid for some reason.”
An exasperated sigh escaped her along with an eye roll. Yup, she definitely was six going on sixteen. “Can we go now? I want to see Kookie.”
  “Wow, I see how loved I am.” You teased unlocking the door. You bit back whatever comment you had about her seeing the young man only yesterday. In all honesty, you couldn’t blame Ha-eun for liking him so much. The boy next door was wonderful in ways that drove you crazy. He personified prince charming, and the girl who won his heart would undoubtedly be the luckiest thing on the planet.
  The thought brought a bitter taste to your mouth, but you pushed it back. As handsome and amazing Jeon Jungkook was, he remained four years your junior. You highly doubted he saw you as anything more than the Noona next door. Moreover Jungkook had unlimited potential to go far in life. Something you gave up when you dropped out of college to raise Ha-eun. “Stop it. There’s no point in thinking about such things.” You murmured slapping your cheeks.
    Ha-eun gave you a curious look. “Thinking about what, mommy?”
You give her a cheesy grin. “Nothing baby, mommy’s being silly.”
“Oh, okay.” Ha-eun said, sounding not entirely convinced. Thankfully she turned her attention to the front door leading to your neighbor’s apartment. “Can I knock now?”
  “Of course, I’m surprised you haven’t yet.” That earned you another eye roll. You swore one day your daughter would get her eyes stuck from rolling them so hard.
  Standing as prim as possible Ha-eun knocked on the door. On the third knock the door swung open to reveal your neighbor dressed in a white shirt and torn jeans. His dark brown hair a messy mop that suggested he had yet to brush it. Your mouth dried at the sight as arousal pooled between your legs. Subsciously you closed them embarrassed by how easily turned on you were.        
    “Ha-eun! (Y/N)! Good to see you this morning.”” he cheered, eyes lighting up. His plush lips split into a wide bunny like smile. It only made your situation worse. Seriously it should be illegal to be this attractive so early in the morning.
   “Jungkook.” You nodded, swallowing back your desire. “Thanks again for helping watch Ha-eun on such short notice. I swear I’ll pay you when I pick her up tonight-”
   He raised a hand silencing you. “Nuh-uh, you know I don’t accept your money. I enjoy hanging out with Ha-eun, she’s the best teammate a guy could ask for.”
   “Yeah, Mom. I’m the best. Last time I helped used my blue shell in Mario Kart to help Kookie defeat Hobi-oppa.” Ha-eun smiled smugly.
    “That’s wonderful, Ha-eun.” You said, attention still focused on the boy. “Seriously though, let me pay you. I mean you are giving up your weekend to play with a six year-old. It can’t be how you wanted to spend your Saturday.”
  Jungkook shrugged, “I’m not really one for socializing. If it weren’t for my old fraternity brothers, work and home would be the only places I’d go to.”
  You smiled, trying to picture Jungkook as a hermit. As much as he claimed not to like people, he certainly had a lot of friends. Ha-eun always mentioned some new person she met while hanging out with her favorite babysitter. “Still...let me do something to repay you. You do so much for us, I feel like I am taking advantage of your kindness.”
   “You’re not, I promise.” He reassured. “But if you really want to repay me...a home-cooked meal would be nice.”
    Your smile widened. Jeon Jungkook really was a saint. “Deal. How does dinner with Ha-eun and I, Monday night sound?”
 “Sounds like my type of evening. I’ll bring dessert-”
You held up your hand, grinning as he blinked surprised. “Don’t you dare. I promised you dinner. Dinner includes desserts, drinks, and anything else edible you can think of.”
    “Alright. I got it. I’ll leave it to you.”  He chuckled, causing your heart to skip a beat. Yeah, you really needed to get laid. Too bad being a single mom puts a damper on that sort of thing.
  “You two are weird.” Ha-eun interrupted. “You should just fuck and get it over with.”
   Words can’t describe the embarrassment that washes over you, as well as the shock of hearing your six year-old say something so vulgar. Not only were you sure your face matched the lipstick you wore, but you no longer knew how to speak. Jungkook’s mouth hung open his tongue running across his bottom lip as if he wanted to say something. He didn’t appear embarrassed like you rather at a loss of what to do.
  ‘He probably doesn’t know how to respond without being rude.’ You lamented to yourself.
Sparing both of you even more embarrassment you turned to your troublemaking daughter. “Ha-eun (L/N), where did you learn such a thing?”
   She shrugged. “Jimin-oppa tells Kookie that all the time. By the way what does fuck mean?”
  “It means you’ll get a mouth full of soap if I ever hear you say that again.” You replied, not in the mood to explain the constructs of sex to your six year-old so soon. “Sorry about that Jungkook-”
    “No, I’m the one who should be apologizing! Jimin-hyung likes to joke around a lot, sometimes he says things without thinking.” Jungkook sputtered. “I promise I’ll have a word with him about it.”
  Ouch...well that hurt. “Please do. I mean I’m sure it’s all guy talk, and Ha-eun is probably supposed to be asleep when you guys talk, but please be more weary.” You lectured in your best mom voice.
    You weren’t too worried about it honestly. You met Jimin before, and knew he wasn’t a bad guy. Moreover you knew Jungkook wouldn’t expose Ha-eun to any bad influences, the young man acted rather protective of your daughter. Just one of the many things that attracted you to him.
     “Of course.” He promised.
“Thank you…” An awkward silence filled the air cueing you to leave. Bending down you kissed the crown of Ha-eun’s head. “I guess I should be off. As always behave. Don’t cause any trouble for Jungkook, you understand? And don’t ever say that word again.”
   Ha-eun gave her signature eye roll. “It would help if I knew what it meant.”
   “Ask me when your fifteen.” You deadpanned. Turning back to Jungkook you offered a small smile. “Thanks again. I really appreciate your help.”
  “Anytime.” He responded. “Like I said I enjoy Ha-eun’s company.”
With one last nod you left trying to ignore the painful pang in your heart. Funny how only a few simple words felt like a total rejection. It wasn’t like you seriously considered dating Jungkook in the first place. He was too young and you needed to focus on Ha-eun. So why did his dismissal hurt so much?
Jungkook wanted to die, but not before killing Jimin. He told the blonde time after to watch his mouth, especially when Ha-eun was over. The little girl hated bed-time, and would pop out of nowhere attempting to avoid it. So it came as no surprise she heard something not meant for little ears. It was Jungkook’s luck she heard his best friend advising him to fuck her mother. God...he wouldn’t blame you if you decided not to let him watch Ha-eun anymore.
  “Kookie, are you alright? You look sick.” Ha-eun asked, eyeing him suspiciously. “You’re not going to barf are you?”
  “I’m perfectly fine, Ha-eun. No barfing here.” Jungkook reassured, running a hand through his hair. His fingers tangled in its knots only bringing more ire to him. Great not only did Jimin’s mouth get him in trouble, but he looked like a hobo in front of you. What a great way to start the day.
    “Good, because Bon-Hwa threw up last year at school and….” she trailed off, detailing how a classmate barfed everywhere. Normally Jungkook listened to Ha-eun finding her stories quite entertaining, but his current level of self-hatred distracted him. He made a fool of himself in front of the woman he loved. There was no coming back from this.
    “Are you even  listening Kookie?” Ha-eun demanded to know.
  Jungkook turned from his thoughts to see the young girl pouting at him. “Sorry kiddo, wasn’t trying to ignore you.”
     “Uh-huh…” Ha-eun squinted. “You’ve been acting weird since I told mommy to-”
“Why don’t we go to the park? Maybe grandma will be there with Sami today?” Jungkook suggested. On many levels Jungkook considered Ha-eun his own, but that did not mean he wanted to have THE talk with Ha-eun.
  Thankfully it did the trick for Ha-eun ran to get her shoes on, her face beaming with excitement. The white samoyed was the closest thing she had to dog. Often Jungkook and Ha-eun would visit him and his owner (an old neighborhood woman) at the park. There they’d play catch or tug-o-war with Sami, until either Granny or Jungkook decided it was time to go home.  “Do you think I can feed him meat skewers again?!”
   “Ha-eun, we aren’t supposed to feed Sami in the first place.” Jungkook sighed. For such a brilliant girl, Ha-eun didn’t always think things through. He wondered if that was just her age or something she inherited from you. You were kind of scattered brained at times.
   “But Sami was a good dog. Good dogs get treats.” Ha-eun stated.
Jungkook shook his head. “They do, but not with my money okay?”
   The (h/c) haired  girl shrugged, but said nothing more. She was definitely plotting something though. “Ready Kookie?”
    “Ready.” Jungkook smiled, taking her hand. It always amazed him how full of life Ha-eun was. You would think someone so small would tire easily, but Ha-eun had a thirst for life that neither naptime or bedtime could quench. She was truly something.
   "We need more bread! Kookie loves bread." Ha-eun ordered, dissatisfied with the small amount placed on the table. The small girl decided to take it upon herself to ensure that tonight's dinner was nothing less than spectacular. Granted Ha-eun didn't cook a damn thing, but she did boss you around every chance possible.
  Normally you wouldn't condone such behavior, but the nerves for tonight reframed you from parenting duties. Ever since Saturday things between Jungkook and you have been awkward. Neither of you could really look each other in the eyes, let alone speak. In fact you were sure dinner would've been cancelled if not for Ha-eun excitedly reminding Jungkook about it the other day. The young man was a sucker for Ha-eun, and refused to upset her
  The doorbell rang jolting you to attention. Ha-eun let out a gleeful cry, "He's here. He's here!"
 Like Saturday morning you heard the familiar jiggling of locks along with the scraping of a chair being moved. "Ha-eun (L/N), we've talked about this. " You called out.
    "But it's Kookie!" She wailed.
"I don't care if it's Santa Claus himself, you do not open the front door without me. " You replied, walking over to the door. Ha-eun pouted, but wisely chose to keep her mouth shut. "And stop standing on chairs. They're for sitting not standing."
  "Okay moooom, can I open the door now?" Ha-eun pleaded.
 Shaking your head, you waved her off the chair. You unlocked the deadbolt, allowing Ha-eun to do the rest. The girl practically slammed the door open, startling both you and a well-dressed Jungkook behind it.  "Kookie!" Ha-eun launched herself at him, ignoring the shocked expression on his face.
   "Ha-eun!" Jungkook smiled, catching her with ease. His eyes yet again alit at the sight of her. It was the type of look you used to imagined Ha-eun's father giving, before everything went to hell: a look of love and pure adoration. The type of fatherly expression Ha-eun deserved.
   “Jungkook, I’m glad you could make it.” You greeted, pushing back the bittersweet feeling rummaging around your heart. Jungkook was not Ha-eun’s father. He was a kind neighbor boy who you needed to stop pushing your creepy emotions onto.
   Jungkook’s smile lessened a little as he shifted Ha-eun in his arms. “Noona, it’s good to see you. I wouldn’t miss Ha-eun for the world or your food.”
    You forced a smile. “Well, come in. Dinner’s about ready, I hope you like curry-”
“You’ve brought me flowers, Kookie?!” Ha-eun squealed. She pointed at a colorful bouquet of flowers on the ground. Their petals tousled from their inevitable drop when Jungkook caught her.
  “Crap-I mean darn it. They’re not supposed to look like that.” Jungkook muttered to himself as you picked it up.
   A giggle escaped you. “’I’m sure they weren’t expecting to get dropped in exchange for an excited six year-old. Besides…” You smelled them. “They’re still lovely.”
   The corners of his eyes crinkled as he gave a toothy grin. “I’m glad you like them. You said not to bring anything edible so I thought these might do.”
  "They're perfect. " You grinned, clutching the bouquet. How long had it been since you got flowers?
    “Hey! What about me?” Ha-eun protested.
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow. “Who?"
   Ha-eun stomped her foot thoroughly annoyed. "Me. Ha-eun! Your favorite person."
   You snorted. Ha-eun certainly didn't like anyone taking her Kookie's attention, but her. Hopefully it didn't develop into a thing when she got older. Maybe you spoiled her too much.
   "Aish...I haven't forgotten about you, kiddo. " he chuckled, pulling out a packet of butterfly hair clips from his pocket. "These are actually from Jimin. He wanted to say sorry for his potty mouth."
  She glanced over the packet, brows furrowed as they always did when Ha-eun made decisions. Jungkook and you shared a look, both you trying not to laugh. After a minute of contemplation Ha-eun hugged the packet to her chest. "I forgive him, but next time tell him I take cash-"
   "Ha-eun!" You said as Jungkook howled with laughter. Your cheeks burned bright red. Really? Where did this girl come up with these things? "The correct response is apology accepted and thank you. "
   "I don't know, Noona. I think I like hers better. "
  "Don't encourage her. She needs to learn manners. "
  "I hate manners." Ha-eun chimed.
"Well, you need them soooo you're stuck." You said, rolling your eyes. You definitely needed to stop spoiling that girl - Jungkook too.  "Now why don't you two wash up, while I set the table?"
  "Okay, come on Kookie, race you to the bathroom!" Ha-eun challenged taking off.
  Jungkook ran after her. "Hey you cheated!"
Once again you smiled listening to the two argue as you set the table. In the very center of it sat the crumpled flowers looking prettier than any bouquet you've seen before.
    Thankfully the rest of the night went smoothly. Any and all awkwardness between you and Jungkook seemingly vanished. Ha-eun even managed to convince you two to watch a movie afterwards, despite her usual eight O' clock bedtime. Overall the night ended well with Jungkook carrying a sleepy Ha-eun to bed as you cleaned.
   “I swear if you don’t fuck him, I will.”  
A groan escaped you at your best friend’s declaration. Hyuna was definitely the female version of Jimin if the blonde hair, cat-like appearance and salacious appetites said anything about them. Though unlike Jimin, you knew  Hyuna meant every word said.  
  “What does that have to do with anything I said?” You questioned, eyebrow raised.
 Hyuna  gave you a look. It was the same look Ha-eun often did whenever she thought you were stupid. “The boy’s best friend suggest you two should fuck. What more is there, (Y/N)? I mean I know it’s been a while, but it’s not like you’re virgin naive to all things sex.”
     “He was joking. You know being stupid. Jungkook said-”
“Jungkook lied. Men lie. Especially when they don’t think they have a chance.” Hyuna said. “Besides he brought you flowers, (Y/N)! Flowers! No uninterested man brings a woman flowers. What more of a hint do you need?”
     “Right, because it’s not social etiquette to bring some to dinner.” You pointed out, steadying the tray of drinks in your hand. As giddy as the thought of Jungkook actually liking you was you couldn’t allow yourself such hope. After all it was only a matter of time before Jungkook met someone through work or friends and moved on with his life.
   Hyuna smacked your head nearly causing you to drop the tray. “What the fuck-”
     “That’s for being stupid. First about the flowers, then about whatever stupid shit is running through your brain right now.”  
  You shot her a glare, but said nothing. Sometimes it scared you how easily Hyuna could read your thoughts. Honestly you weren’t entirely sure she wasn’t a mind reader. “Look, I don’t want to discuss this anymore. Jungkook is young, he has a lot going on for himself. I don’t-”
    Hyuna raised her hand. “Keep talking shit about yourself, I dare you.”
 This time you smiled shaking your head. Hyuna was the best friend you could have ever asked for. "Fine. Have it your way but I'm telling you now Jungkook is merely a kind guy. "
   "And I'm a natural blonde. " Hyuna snorted, but left it be. "Anyway if not Jungkook, then what about Seokjin? He's hot, our age, and you are totally his favorite employee."
   "You did not just tell me to fuck our boss!"
   Hyuna giggled, walking off with her tray. "Come on (Y/N). You got to get it somewhere. Why not let the owner of Eat Jin eat you? "
  You stared at her, mouth slightly ajar. That's it. Hyuna wasn't the best friend ever, she was the worst. "I swear she's more concerned about my sex life than I am."
 Hours passed with the breakfast rush ending pretty well. Tips were slightly above average, the customers managed to be bearable, time seemed to go by fast and now you were folding silverware waiting for lunch to start. Overall, the day was going to be a good one.
 "(Y/N), you got a phone call. " your boss Seokjin said, holding the phone out. "It's your neighbor, Jungkook. Something about Ha-eun. "
   You brow furrowed as you grabbed the phone. It was a Thursday afternoon. Ha-eun was at school. So why would Jungkook call you about Ha-eun at work nonetheless?
    “(Y/N), thank god. I tried calling your cell phone, but you weren’t answering so I called your work-” Jungkook’s panicked voice came over the phone. “Listen, I need you not to panic, but Ha-eun had an accident at school. She hit her head falling off the jungle gym. The school said she was alright, but they took her to the hospital just in case.”
     “Wait what? No. No. Ha-eun can’t be in the hospital, I would know if she was. They would’ve called me-”
    “(Y/N), they tried reaching you on your cell phone, but couldn’t so they called me next. Look, I just left work I can pick you in fifteen minutes and take you to the hospital.”
   You barely heard his words, your mind racing with horrid images of Ha-eun hurt. How bad was it? Was she crying for you? Did she need stitches? Why weren’t you there right now?
    “No. I need you to go straight to the hospital.” You spoke without thinking. “It’ll take too long if you get me, and Ha-eun needs someone right now. Even if I leave right away, you’ll still be closer. Please Jungkook, you’re the only one I trust with Ha-eun.”
      “...I understand. I’ll go straight to Ha-eun.”
  You sighed, feeling a little of your panic dissipate. “Thank you. I’ll be right there. I’m going to catch a cab right now.”
   “Don’t. Ask Jin-Hyung for a ride instead. He’ll bring you here in one piece, if not I’ll kick his ass .” Jungkook said, growling the last bit. “And (Y/N), don’t worry I’ll take good care of our Ha-eun until you get here.”  
  He hung up leaving you with questions, thoughts, and more importantly ⁸a feeling of reassurance.
  Jungkook had forgotten he was on Ha-eun's emergency contact list. You had placed him on it last winter when Ha-eun gotten the flu. It was only supposed to be a temporary thing until you found a more suitable contact, and seeing how Jungkok never received a call he figured you eventually did find someone else ...never had he been more glad to be wrong in his life.
  “Ha-eun! I’m here for Ha-eun (L/N), her school called me.” Jungkook said as he burst through the emergency room. His heart raced against his chest as if he ran a marathon. He must’ve looked like a mad man, but Jungkook didn’t care, he needed to find Ha-eun.
  “Sir, can you please calm down. I’ll be more than happy to direct you." The woman at the front said.
  Jungkook clenched his fists. "Calm down? My kid is in the hospital. Don't tell me to calm down!"
 "I understand. There are a lot of people here with someone they love in the hospital. That doesn't mean you can freak out-”
    “I swear to god if you don’t tell me where Ha-eun (L/N) is…” Jungkook growled, not bothering to finish his sentence. Never before in his life did Jungkook think about threatening a woman, but in this moment all he was beyond tempted too.
   The receptionist glared at him. She looked ready to argue, when her co-worker intervened. “For God’s sake Haneul tell him where his daughter is.”
     Hanuel frowned her dark eyes boring holes into him. “Room 23. It’s down the hall on the right.”
   Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. He murmured a quick ‘thank you’ aimed at Hanuel’s co-worker who waved him off, then spun in the direction told. Thankfully it wasn't long before he saw Ha-eun's teacher Ms. Kim sitting outside a room.  "Mr. Jeon. I'm glad you're here!" she greeted. "Ha-eun's inside. Everything is alright for the most part-"
   Jungkook barely spared her a glance as he opened the door to Ha-eun's room. Instantly he was greeted by the sight of Ha-eun trembling on the hospital bed , her little hands gripping the blanket tightly as a doctor leaned over inspecting the nasty gash on her forehead. "Told you already Ms. Kim,  family only." the doctor paused staring at him. "You're not Ms. Kim. Who are you?"
   "I am-"
"Kookie!" Ha-eun cried, arms outstretched towards him.  "Kooookie!"
  Jungkook scooped her up in his arms, ignoring the doctor's protest. She buried her head  in his chest, tiny fingers tangled themselves in his shirt as she sobbed. "It's okay, Ha-eun. I'm here now. Your Kookie's here. "
  "Sir, if you don't tell me who you are I'll have to call security. " the doctor, a balding middle aged man, warned.
 Jungkook shot him a glare. Barely a minute had passed and already he can't stand this guy's guts.  What was with this hospital and its staff? "If you don't tell me what's wrong with my kid, you'll need to. "
  The doctor relaxed not even questioning Jungkook's words. "Your daughter fell off the playground and hit her head. She has a minor gash that'll need stitches and we have some tests to run for safety, but as of now there are no complications. "
  "Thank God. " Jungkook sighed, holding her closer. Never has he felt so scared or relieved as he did today. Even now it felt like Ha-eun could slip through his arms at any moment.
  "Thank God indeed. Now if you don't mind Mr.."
 "Jeon? Must be divorced. " the doctor muttered. Again Jungkook's dislike for the man grew.  "Anyway as I said previously Mr. Jeon, your daughter needs stitches. We'll numb the area around the wound to prevent any pain, but I'm sure Ha-eun would like her dad around when it happens. "
  "Of course. " The words slipped out of his mouth before Jungkook could stop himself. Deep down he knew he should probably insist on waiting until you came. You were Ha-eun's actual parent after all. He was simply the next door neighbor who occasionally watched Ha-eun.
  The thought didn't last long as the doctor approached with a syringe. Ha-eun let out a terrified sob turning into further into his chest shutting up any doubts he had.   "Noo...I don't want a shot. No shots please!" Ha-eun begged.
Gently Jungkook stroked her head, wary of the cut above her forehead. "Ha-eum. You need it to get better. "
  "But I don't want a shot, Kookie. Shots scare me. " Ha-eun cried, clinging tighter to him.
  Jungkook felt his heart squeeze from terror in her voice. It pained him so much to see Ha-eun like this.  He honestly didn't know how you could handle taking her to the doctor, especially to get a shot. If it were up to him, Ha-eun would never get one.
   "Ha-eun, sweetie, look at me." Jungkook said, guiding her gaze to him. "I know shots are scary, but I need you to be for me. I know you can do it, because you're my tough girl right?"
  "Uh huh. " Ha-eun nodded, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "You won't leave though Kookie? Promise you'll stay?"
     Jungkook smiled. "I'm not going anywhere. You can even squeeze my hand if it makes you feel better, okay?"
Ha-eun nodded placing her tiny hand into his larger one. "Kookie? Can we get ice cream after this? Mommy always takes me for icecream after shots."
    "Ha-eun, we'll go anywhere you want once the doctor is done. " Jungkook swore. She could ask to go to Disneyworld for all he cared. Whatever Ha-eun wanted she would get.
  The doctor loomed over her hand raised like the villain in some horror movie. "You'll feel a  little pinch but that's all."
    Ha-eun whimpered clutching onto Jungkook who gently rubbed her back. Thankfully the doctor was quick in his work only taking a few seconds to numb the cut. When he finished Jungkook let go a breathe he didn't know he was holding. The doctor smiled. "There. Not too bad, huh? Now onto the stitches!"
 Kim Seokjin knew Jungkook since the boy was ten years old. They grew up in the same neighborhood together and Jungkook often tagged along with Jin wherever he went. In college,  Jin acted as Jungkook's mentor/ big brother in their fraternity. Overall Jungkook was a little brother to Jin.
  Which was why he could not believe his eyes upon seeing Jungkook act so grown up around you and your daughter. Jin didn't mean to be nosy. It just kind of happened. After dropping you off at the front entrance,  Jin decided to make sure you and your daughter were alright. He expected to find Jungkook out in the waiting room not protectively hovering over Ha-eun and you. His arm wrapped around your waist in a half hug comforting you as the doctor performed stitches on Ha-eun.
  If possible Jin's heart exploded in pride. His little Jungkookie all grown up. "She's okay. No signs of concussion, but they need to do some tests. " Jungkook murmured.
   You shook a little but no tears or cries came out.  Undoubtedly if not for Ha-eun's sake. "Thank God. When you called I was so scared. I immediately thought the worst. "
    Jungkook rubbed your back soothingly. "I promise she's okay, (Y/N).  She might have a mean cut but our Ha-eun is strong, she'll bounce back quick."
    Our Ha-eun. Jin snorted at this. Out of everyone in their friend group Jungkook was one of the last they suspected to have kids. It wasn't that he didn't like them. More like there were other more kid oriented people like Taehyung or Jin himself. In fact they used to picture Jungkook as a permanent bachelor especially given his fear of women. However it appeared they guessed wrong. Ha-eun had Jungkook wrapped around her little finger.
   "Thank you, Jungkook, for everything. If you hadn't picked up when the school called or called my work I don't know what I'd do." You said looking down. "You even came here when you didn't have to. "
    "You thank me too much. I  did what anyone else would do. " Jungkook replied.
   You shook your head. "No you did not. I'm going to repay this time, Jeon Jungkook, I swear. "
   Unfortunately Jungkook's response got muddled under a sharp cry from Ha-eun. Both of your attention turned on the young girl conversation forgotten as you two comforted her. From the outside looking in, the three of you looked like a real family, but then again you weren't you?
     A few hours passed since the familial scene and Jin waited patiently for the doctor to release Ha-eun. He knew there was no real reason to wait. Neither you nor Jungkook knew about him waiting after all. If anything you probably thought he drove back to the restaurant already. Still Jin couldn't help but wait if only to talk to Jungkook for a little bit.
"I didn't know that the (Y/N) you always talked about was my (Y/N)." Jin hummed, leaning back against the plastic chair.    
   Ha-eun's scans thankfully showed no complications. She did have a slight concussion but after a couple hours of observation the doctor deemed it okay to go home. The only thing left now was some paperwork.
   "She's not your (Y/N), hyung." Jungkook grouched pushing his hair back.. "Besides I told you plenty of times you just forget because of your old age. "
   He was surprised by Jin's presence thinking he simply dropped (Y/N). However given his Hyung's kind nature it wasn't too shocking. Undoubtedly the older man worried about his best employee.
Jin sighed dramatically. "The disrespect I get after all those years of raising you on my back. How did you end up so poorly?"
   Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help your cause, hyungnim."
   "No, but maybe telling (Y/N) about the time you passed out naked will." Jin threatened silencing him.  
   Three years ago Jungkook passed out drunk at a fraternity party. When he woke up the next day Jungkook found himself tied to the house's flagpole naked. A lesson from his brothers for being so stupid.  It was the last time he ever got wasted. "You wouldn't dare." Jungkook growled.
  Jin grinned challenging the maknae to try him. "Would you rather I tell her about how you jumped out a window to avoid a love confession?"
  "You weren't even there, hyung! How can you tell her a second hand story." Jungkook frowned, nose wrinkling.
  Jin laughed. "Jimin recanted the story very well. I feel like I was there when it happened. Besides you were always so scared around girls, it's not hard picturing it."
  Jungkook rolled his eyes ignoring the embarrassment welling up in him. In general Jungkook fell shy around new people, hence his habit to hide behind his hyung as a teen. However women were the worst. "I've grown up hyung. I'm not the scared little kid I used to be. "
     "I know. " Jin replied staring fondly at the boy. "You've grown up so much Jungkookie. I see it in the way you care for (Y/N) and her daughter. You're an adult now which is why I think you should admit your feelings to (Y/N). You both deserve it."
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dancerlittle006 · 4 years
Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh My!
First things first, I don’t own anything related to Disney or Newsies. Second of all, this is a continuation of my “The Many Adventures of Sammi & Race” series. You may want to read the others in the series but it’s not necessary!
July 19, 1904
Race had just punched in for his morning shift. His eyes scanned the lobby; there were the usuals in their normal spots. Mr. Richards was sipping on a cup of coffee while reading The World. Mr and Mrs. Marcus were on their way to the restaurant to have their breakfast.  He smiled at the couple, saying “good morning” before returning to the stack of paperwork in front of him. 
Shuffling the paper into stacks, he was distracted by the loud disturbance near the front door. Jack was just walking through, catching himself in a yawn. 
“Race!” Grinning, Race loved the enthusiasm Jack always greeted him with. It had been a few days since Race had seen his brother. Jack came strolling through the lobby, stopping in front of him. “What brings you in here, Jackie?”
“I needs a favor.” He panted, as if he had run to the hotel. He leaned against the desk trying to catch his breath. 
Race nodded, almost willing to do anything to see the worried look disappear off Jack’s face. “Anything.”
“Can yous take Sam for us this afternoon?” Jack panted, 
Race grinned. “Absolutely. Sure Is can. What’s wrong?”
“Kat’s sick and Is having issues keeping up both with hers and Samantha. I needs a few hours to make sure Kat’s okays.” 
Race’s teeth dug into his lip, worried with concern for his older sister. “Kat okays? And ya, I can come pick up Sammi. We’ll have an uncle/Sammi outing.”
“She’s got a spring cold and is miserable. Thanks Race.  I knews I could count on you.” Jack held out his hand for Race to shake. “Whens you off work?”
Shaking his hand, Race grinned. “I’m off at 1. Where should Is pick up Sammi?”
“I’ll swing by the house at lunch and picks hers up. Come to The World and you can start your outing. Just have her home by dinner.” 
Which led the almost 2 and half year old and her favorite uncle on a wild goose chase throughout the city, leading them right to the New York Zoological Park. Sammi had been talking nonstop since Race had picked her up from The World’s offices. 
“Unka Ace . . . sees today?” 
Race grinned, watching her hold his hand and skip along side of him. “Animals, Sammi. Lots and lots of animals. Yous excited?”
“YES!” she screamed, causing others on the sidewalk to chuckle at her excitement. Race chuckled, picking her up as they neared the Zoological Society. “Come here you little monkey.” 
“Not monkey.” She grumbled, watching him pay the entry fee, before perking up at the animals that greeted them. 
“Down, pease!” She gave her uncle a look, feeling herself slip down until her shoes touched the ground. 
Laughing, Race grabbed her hand before they headed towards the buffalos. He watched her eyes widen at the size of the animals. “Theys big, Unka Ace.” 
“They’s buffalos, Sammi and they can weigh up to 2,000 pounds.” Race explained.  
Sammi’s eyes widened at her uncle. “Reallys?” 
He nodded, taking her hand before they walked towards another pen. “What's that Sammi?”
“ROAR!” She yelled before dissolving into giggles. “‘Ions, Unka Ace! ROAR!” 
“How many lions are there, Sammi?” Race asked, knowing Jack and Kat were working on counting with the little girl. 
“Ones . . . twos . . . fives . . . threes . . . SIX!” She exclaimed, causing a laugh to escape his mouth, before he picked her up and tickled her sides. “Six whole lions? No way!”
“Des Unka Ace! Six whos lions.” Her eyes went wide as sweet laughter erupted from her open mouth as she wiggled trying to get away from his dancing fingers. 
Race gave her a look. “Is think we need to count them again, miss.” Picking her up, he pointed as he counted, “One, two, three, four!” 
“Unka Ace, deres one! Five!” One of the lions had been hiding in the shade. He followed his nieces finger and grinned. “Good eye, Sammi! Yous a regular lion spotter, justs likes your mudder!”
They continued through the zoo, pointing out animals along the way. Bears, giraffes, and tigers were all seen on their journey. Soon they came to Sammi’s favorite animal. Race looked at his niece, grinning at her initial reaction. Her eyes went wide, jaw dropped, and she bounced from foot to foot in excitement. 
“ELLIE!” Race picked her up and leaned against the fence, watching the elephants with Sammi. 
“Elephants are your favorite, huh Sammi?” She nodded her head, putting her finger in her mouth in wonder, watching the gentle giants move slowly within their enclosure. 
For the first time since he picked her up, Sammi was quiet. “How many elephants are there, Sammi?”
“One . . . two, unka Ace.” she whispered, not taking her eyes away from the animals in front of her. 
They stayed against the fence for over 20 minutes, too enamored to move from their space. People came and went around them but the two stayed and watched the majestic animals. “Yous ready to go, Sammi?”
Taking her finger from her mouth, she looked at Race with a slight nod. Laying her head on his shoulder, the two made their way out to the zoological park.  Before long, Sammi was sound asleep on her uncle’s shoulder. 
Easing open the door to the apartment, Race slowly closed the door behind him as he balanced Sammi in his arms. Peeking into the kitchen, he smiled at Spot, who had a tea towel thrown over his shoulder.  “Honey, I’m home.” 
“Hi love.” Spot came over. “Do you want me to take her?”
Race shifted her over to his boyfriend and flexed his arm that had since fallen asleep in the journey to the apartment. Watching Spot walk through the apartment to the couch, Race smiled at the tenderness he had with the little girl. Placing her down, Spot joined Race in the kitchen, pulling him into a kiss before hugging him. “Good day?”
“Jack cames to the hotel earlier this morning and practically begs me to take Sammi since Kat’s sick and he needed some sanity.” Race smiled. “I took her the zoo and she fells asleep on the way home.” 
Spot nodded. “Good Is glad you two had a good day. That little girl lookscha you like you hungs the moon.” 
“She lookscha the same way, Spot. Wes been around since she was born.” Race grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 
Spot smiled. “Yous the favorite uncle and none of us holds a candle to dat.” 
“Wes can have that debates forever.” Race gave him a look. “Wes both good uncles and fiercely love that little girl along with all her other uncles.” 
Spot rolled his eyes, squeezing Race’s hand. “Always da diplomat, huh?” 
“Yous wouldn’t have it any other way.” Race pulled Spot into kiss, just as Sammi started to stir on the couch. Looking over at the little girl, who when she lifted her head, her hair was crazy from her sleep. “Hi sleepy head.” 
She yawned, pushing her hair from her face. “Is tired, unka Ace.” 
“You justs got up sleepy. Hows you sleep?” Race smiled, watching her sitting up, walk over to him and crawl up in his lap, snuggling into his chest. “Goods . . . sees the animals, ellies, and bridge.” 
Race looked down at her. “Yous were asleep when we cross the bridge.” 
“Nuh huh! I was wake.” She lisped, lifting her head up at him. “Unka Pottie . . . wes saw ellies.” 
Spot’s eyes went wide. “Yous did? What elses didcha see?”
She crawled over to his lap and snuggled into his chest. “Ellies, bears, giraffes, ‘ions, tigres, and ‘uffalos.” 
Spot raised an eyebrow in Race’s way. “Translation, please?”
“Elephants, bears, giraffes, lions, tigers and buffalos.” Race smiled, running a hand through Sammi’s hair, trying to tame it. “We had a good day, huh Sammi?”
“Uh huh, unka Race.” She yawned again. 
Spot caught Race’s eye before running a hand on Sam’s back. “Shall wes start heading back over to Manhattan so we get her backs by dinner?”
“If wes must.” Race sighed, pushing himself up from the couch. 
Soon the toll was paid to cross the bridge, Sammi was in Race’s arms talking about the ellies, while Race and Spot held hands. They stopped in the middle of the bridge and just took in the sights of Manhattan. “Do yous miss it Race? Dos you miss the burb?” 
Shrugging, Race continued their walk. “Sometimes, I miss it. I think I miss the lodgin’ house mors than anything ‘cause of the boys. Wes had some roughs times in that house but a lots of goods times.”
“Sap.” Spot nudged Race, causing their hands to jerk in response. 
“Shuddup. Yous asked the question and Is answered.” Race smiled. “But mys life is pretty goods and I still sees the boys at least onces a month. And I’ve got a pretty special boy who Is can’t imagines my life without.” 
Spot looked at the ground as they got off the bridge and headed towards a familiar spot. “Sap; yous a sap, Racetrack Higgins. But yous my sap.” 
Shifting Sammi, Race pulled Spot into a kiss with a smile. “I love you Spottie.” 
“Loves you too.” Sammi grinned, looking between her two uncles. Race reached out and tickled her stomach, causing a string of giggles to escape her mouth. 
“Love you too Race.” He squeezed his hand. “Let’s go.” 
“Wheres we goin’?” Sammi looked around at the familiar neighborhood. “Mumma, daddy?”
Race shook his head. “Yous see them soon but I think Uncle Spottie’s gots a different idea.”
“Wheres to unka Pottie?” Spot chuckled at the pronunciation on his name but since she was adorable and little, he let it slide. 
He didn’t say a word but stopped outside of a familiar building. “Shall we goes inside? For olds times sake?” 
Race looked up and smiled. He hadn’t been in Jacobi’s since he had moved to Brooklyn with Spot. “Sures . . . Sammi, this places is real special.”
Walking in, they sat at a familiar table, sending Race back to the many meetings that were held in the small deli. It was amazing they were never thrown out due to the loudness those meetings would often result in. 
“Wells looks what the cats drug in!” 
Race’s face broke out in a grin. Sitting at a different table was Albert, Finch, and Elmer all grinning at Race and Spot. “Yous slummin’ in ‘hattan?”
“Funny, bringing Sammi back to Jack and Kat. Decided to goes down a little memor’ lane.” Race put Sammi on the chair beside him. “Sammi, remembers uncle Albert, Finch, and Elmer?” 
She shrinked into Race’s side, but waved at the boys. “Hi’s.” 
“Are you hanging out with Spot and Race, Sam?” Albert grinned at the little girl - he was the one she saw the most after Race and Spot, as he worked at the newspaper with Kat and Jack. 
“Wes saw animals.” Her eyes grew wide and a big smile crossed her mouth. “Unka Ace, down pease?” 
Holding her hand as she climbed down, she went over to Albert and crawled up in his lap and proceeded to tell him all about the animals they saw that afternoon.  Spot grinned at Race, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. “Yous good? Wants to sit with ‘em?”
“Just enjoyin’ the moment.” Race grinned. “We losts Sammi to them . . . might’well make sures theys behavin’.” 
Moving chairs, Race settled next to Albert and listened to Sammi’s stories while Elmer and Finch got Spot into a discussion on what’s been going on with them. “Yous bringing Sammi back?”
“Kat’s sick; I picked her up from The Worlds and wes went to the zoo.” Race shrugged. “Jack tolds me I needs to have her backs by dinner. This was justs a stop along the way.” 
They quickly ordered an apple and banana cream pie to share, continuing to let Sammi do all the talking.  Albert grinned at Race. “Yous look good with her. Hows everything else?”
“Thanks! Good. Works good . . . busy at the hotel but goods.” Race smiled. “Hows you and the girl?”
Albert had been dating a lovely girl name Marie, whom was a factory girl in their burb. Albert had been dating her for almost 2 years. “Shes good . . . thinkin’ of proposin’ to her.” 
Race’s eyes went wide as he clapped his friend on the back. “Al that’s fantastic. Thats goods to hear, congratulations.” 
“Donts go celebratin’ yet . . . she hasn’ts said yes yet.” Albert held up his hands with a grin. 
Race smiled at how far the group had come in the past 5 years since the Strike. “Yous okay?”
“Just reminiscin’ on the lasts five years; hard to believes the strike was 5 years agos.” Race whistled and shook his head. “And looks at us now.” 
Albert snorted. “Whos would’ve thoughts you’d be in a hotel and Is at The World, with Jackie of all people? It’s been a crazy five years.”
The pies arrived and Sammi’s eyes widened at the dessert.  “Want some Sammi?”
She grinned at her uncle before taking a big scoop and putting it in her mouth, some whip cream falling to her chin. “Yous can’t tell your father.” 
“Uh , Is thinks it's a little too late for that.” Albert said, looking over Race’s shoulder towards the door. 
“Racetrack Higgins, what are you feedin’ my daughter?” Jack stood in the doorway, looking at the back table with a grin. “Is shippin’ her to yours house if shes crazy tonight.” 
Sammi grinned, seeing her dad, merely scooped another heaping scoop of pie into her mouth. “Hi daddy.” 
“Hi Samantha. Did yous have a good time with Uncle Race and Uncle Spot?” He sat in the empty chair, running a hand over the messy hair of his daughter. 
“Uh huh. Sees ellies, bears, ‘ions, and tigers.” She grinned, whip cream around her mouth causing Jack to chuckle, picking up a napkin and clearing her up.  “How’s Kat? Feelin’ any better?”
Looking up, Jack took note of Race’s concern. “Fever’s broke; shes just tired. I cames here to get some soup for her. Just happened to be luck thats I runs into yous.” 
“She took a nap after the zoo - probably ‘bout as hour, half on mys shoulder and half on the couch.” Race looked at Jack, who was grinning at something Sammi had said. “She was an angel.” 
Jack shook his head. “Of course she is. You adore Uncle Race, huh Sam?” 
“Uh huh . . .” She grinned, her dimples on full display. “Shall wes go see mumma?”
She nodded. “Mumma sick. Go home?” 
“Yes, we can go home.” Jack wiped her hands and face. “How about yous go say goodbyes to your uncles and we’ll go home?”
She hopped down, giving hugs to Spot, Elmer, Finch, and Albert, before stopping in front of Race. “Tank yous unka Ace. Loves you.”
“Yous welcome, Sammi.” He gave her a big hug. “Loves you too. Sees you soon?”
She tightened her arms around him. “Tomorrows?”
“Not tomorrows but maybe this weekend.” He chuckled at her automatic answer of seeing him the next day. 
Jack put a hand on his shoulder. “I owe you one. Thanks.” 
Clasping hands with his brother, Race grinned. “Nos worries. Love spendin’ time with the pipsqueak. Besides, wes had fun, didn’t wes Sammi?”
“Uh huh. Wes roars with the ‘ions daddy!” She jumped in excitement, Jack picking her up with a grin. “Yous and Uncle Race always has the best adventures. Thanks again Race. Fellas, wes see you later.” 
Watching the two of them leave the restaurant, Race grinned, turning back to the crew at the table and immersing himself into the conversations going on. He sure did love that little girl and her parents awful lots.
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mksc77 · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for Shandy, fluff, either 5 or 8? :D Thank you! 💜
Thanks so much for the ask, @allons-y--spaceman!
My Sharon is retired (by choice) and says “fuck” every now and then, sorry about it :).  She and Andy bought a house a couple of months after the event that didn’t happen.
The canon of Andy being an alcoholic is suspended for purposes of this chapter, and liberties have been taken with characterization, in general.
“Can we stay like this forever?”
After spending the morning cleaning, doing laundry, and starting a couple of large pots of soup, Sharon took a shower and settled on the couch with a mug of tea and her favorite blanket. CNN had been blaring all morning, but she'd heard enough about the administration's incompetence with handling the coronavirus threat to last her a lifetime. It was rainy and gray out, and the silence that fell over the room when she switched the input on the TV was a relief. After a few clicks, the opening credits of the newest version of Little Women were appearing on the screen. She'd seen it in theaters right after Christmas with a few friends, but she wanted to watch it again now that she could do so in sweatpants, wet hair, and no makeup.
Sharon startled when the doorbell rang, but she could tell by the way Poppy lost her shit that it was a delivery. She was generally a friendly dog, but for some reason, there was one FedEx delivery guy that made her go apeshit every time.
"Stop it, Poppy," Sharon sharply reprimanded as she pulled herself off of the couch. Poppy whimpered and gave Sharon the wounded “fine, get yourself killed” look of any loyal dog just trying to protect their human.  Sharon opened the front door and waved her thanks to the delivery man before kneeling and dousing the small box with Lysol. Raising two children had cured her of any germophobic tendencies she might’ve had at one time, but she wasn't taking any chances with this coronavirus mess. She saw Andy's car pull up and stop at the mailbox, so she put the box on the kitchen counter, washed her hands, and slipped into a pair of sandals before meeting him in the garage to help him bring in the groceries she'd asked him to stop for. He'd worked a half-day before Major Crimes shut down to work from home, unless they got a case, and Sharon had placed a grocery order that he could pick up without getting out of the car on his way home. Or so she thought. The first thing she saw through the back window was an ungodly amount of toilet paper. "Andy! What the hell?!"
"I know, but we could be stuck at home for a few weeks—"
"So you thought you'd buy a fuck ton of toilet paper?!"
Andy shrugged. "I saw people leaving the store with shopping carts full of it and thought I was missing something, so I went to get more."
Sharon rolled her eyes. "We just got a month's supply from Amazon yesterday, and we still had several packs left then. There will be people who really need it but won't be able to get it because everyone else is panic-buying."
"I didn't think of it like that..." Andy got out and started unloading groceries.  Defeated, Sharon joined him.
Once the car was unloaded, groceries were sanitized, and hands were properly washed, Andy got a spoon and went to the stove, practically salivating.  He'd picked up lunch for the two of them on the way home, but the aroma of the soup was too good to pass up.  Sharon shook her head and took his spoon from him.  "Nuh-uh.  I'm freezing that in case any of us get sick."
"But..." Andy looked longingly at the large pots on the stove.  "There's so much!"
"And we could end up with three sick people here, for all we know.  Or some of our neighbors might get sick and need some.”
“I guess,” Andy muttered, sounding much like Rusty had when Sharon had informed him that he wasn’t going anywhere unless it was necessary once he got home from work that afternoon.  UCLA was switching to remote lectures soon, and today was his last day going to the office of the law firm he was clerking for before working from home when he could.  “Did the kid finally come around on the self-imposed lockdown?” Andy asked, seeming to read her mind.
Sharon nodded.  “It took a minute for him to realize that just because he would most likely be okay even if he did get sick, that we might not be so lucky if he brought it home and passed it to us.”
Andy rolled his eyes.  “He didn’t understand that it’s not all about him?  You’re kidding.”
Once the groceries were put away and the overflow of toilet paper was stashed in the garage, Sharon opened the package that had arrived earlier.  It was the Chanel moisturizer she’d been expecting, and she twisted the cap off and sniffed the familiar scent she loved before putting it back on the counter.  She was surprised when Andy did the same.  She couldn’t quite identify the expression on his face, but she didn’t ask any questions and started unpacking their take-out.
Later that evening, Sharon and Andy were cooking dinner together when Rusty came home.  “Nuh-uh, wash your hands, put your clothes in the dry-cleaning hamper, and go take a shower,” Sharon instructed when he started to open the refrigerator.
“This is going to be a long ass few weeks,” Rusty muttered.
Sharon raised an eyebrow.  “Would you rather be safe or sorry?”
“I know, I know, you’ve already threatened me multiple times.”
On Sunday Morning, Sharon hummed and snuggled more closely to Andy when she woke up.  She hated what was going on, obviously, but she wasn’t complaining about the fact that he wouldn’t have to rush to get up and out of the house in the morning for at least a couple of weeks.  She slid one of her legs between his, taking in the lazy, early morning and the soothing sound of rain falling outside.  With half-opened eyes, Andy kissed her dead in the eye, probably aiming for her forehead.  Sharon put her hands on his cheeks and guided his mouth to hers.  
“Starting this quarantine off right, huh?” Andy murmured against her lips when it was evident that she had more than a good-morning kiss on her mind.
Sharon shrugged.  “What else is there to do?”  And someone’s going to have to convince Poppy to go out in the pouring rain to pee, and it’s not gonna be me.
Later that morning, Sharon and Andy cooked breakfast together.  Sharon made bacon and eggs for herself and Rusty, while Andy stuck to healthier things for himself.  Rusty stumbled to the coffee pot soon after 10:00 and made a face at the oatmeal Andy was doctoring up.  Sharon batted his hand away when he reached for a piece of bacon. “Just a second, everything’s almost ready.  Get some plates and glasses out of the cabinet.”  
“Fine…Oh, come on, you guys, can’t you keep your paws off of each other for half of a second?!” Rusty whined when Andy grabbed Sharon’s butt as he walked behind her.  “Social distancing, please.”
“Sorry, kid…Eh, no I’m not,” Andy replied, grinning at Sharon.
“Forget the coronavirus, I’m going to die from disgust before this is over,” Rusty muttered.
Poppy ambled into the kitchen and lay down at Sharon’s feet under the table while they were eating, having smelled bacon and knowing whom the pushover was.  As soon as Sharon felt the dog’s furry weight against her bare feet, she broke off half of a piece of bacon and slipped it under the table when Andy wasn’t looking.  He had been the one to find her and bring her home, and he couldn’t figure out how Sharon had managed to become the stray dog’s favorite human, and Sharon planned to keep it that way.
Emily facetimed while they were cleaning up, and Sharon quickly dropped the sponge in her hand and picked up her phone.  It had been less than a week since she’d last seen nineteen-month-old Marie, but she was already missing her like crazy.  
“Gammy!” Marie exclaimed, reaching her arms toward the phone.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Sharon crooned through the phone.  “Gammy misses you so much!”
Andy leaned over Sharon’s shoulder, absently brushing her hair back from her neck.  “Hey, wild girl!”
“Poppy!” Marie grinned.  Rusty leaned in long enough to say hello before going back to his own phone.  Sharon and Emily chatted for a few minutes with Marie piping in with random words here and there.
“You’re in a good mood, Mom,” Emily observed.  “You guys taking advantage of the quarantine already?”
A horrified look came over Rusty’s face as their better-than-usual moods and constant looks at each other that morning started to come together.  “Ew, Em, I have to live here!”
“Speaking of which, when are you going to tell us about your new boyfriend?” Emily barreled on.
“What?”  Sharon looked at Rusty, whose expression had turned to panic.  “What boyfriend?!”  Rusty was frozen, unable to speak.  Sharon looked back at Emily through her phone.  “How did you know?”
Emily rolled her eyes.  “Speaking of good moods, he’s actually had a few recently, and he’s suddenly been guarding his phone like Fort Knox.  My guess would be his ‘friend’ Logan that he used to talk about all the time, but hasn’t mentioned at all in a few weeks, probably to keep us from getting suspicious.  It’s not rocket science.”
Sharon looked at Rusty.  “Is this true?”
“Fine, but we are not playing twenty questions.  I’ll tell you what I want to when I want to.”  
“Of course we won’t—“ Sharon started.
“Hold on, Mom, I didn’t agree to this,” Emily interrupted.  “Now that the cat’s out of the bag—“
“I’m leaving now.”  Rusty went to the living room and started flipping through the channels on the TV.
“Poppy?” Marie asked, obviously wanting to see the dog, this time.  She had unintentionally named the dog with her toddler-tongue of “Papa” the day Andy found her and begged Sharon to keep her.  Sharon tilted her phone under the table to show the dog long enough for the toddler to be satisfied.
Sharon ended the call a few minutes later, and she and Andy finished cleaning the kitchen.  With a refilled coffee mug, Sharon curled up in the recliner and logged in to Emily’s facebook account on her computer.  St. Joseph’s was live-streaming mass for the time being, and she was enjoying being able to watch it in the comfort of her pajamas and not having to go out in the pouring rain.  The familiar scene of the sanctuary and the recorded piano music playing It Is Well With My Soul filled her with comfort.  
“You know, some people would take the break from mass obligation as an actual break,” Andy commented as he squeezed in the chair beside her.
“Oh, right, I should go ahead and tithe,” Sharon murmured in response to Father Stan’s reminder of remote methods of doing so, ignoring Andy.  She opened her bank app on her phone and transferred her monthly commitment.  When the service was over, she shut down her computer and rested on Andy’s shoulder.  Rusty had found How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, one of her favorites, on TV.
“Since when do you like chick flicks?” Andy whined in Rusty’s direction.
“I don’t, but Matthew McConaughey takes his shirt off a lot in this movie,” Rusty explained.
“Indeed, he does,” Sharon agreed dreamily.  “Ooh, Rusty, have you seen A Time to Kill? Mississippi summer, no air conditioning.  Talk about taking his shirt off.”
Rusty’s eyes widened. “No, but that’s next!”
“Oh good god,” Andy grumbled.
Sharon gave him an innocent look.  “What?  That’s not a chick flick.  Compromise.  Ashley Judd doesn’t look so bad in that movie, either.”
“Oh, yeah...I’m okay with that compromise.”
The first week or so of quarantine went by fairly smoothly, but after over two weeks of captivity, tensions were rising.  Andy was working from home, but even the paperwork had slowed down a bit, and having both him and Rusty underfoot all day was definitely taking some getting used to for Sharon.  Even though she was retired, she was usually gone a good bit during the week with volunteer commitments, doing things at church, and seeing friends and Emily’s family.  Being at home around the clock, especially with a needy, whiny husband and son, was a new experience that she didn’t care much for.  
“Andy, I closed the door for a reason,” Sharon said, exasperated, when Andy followed her into the bathroom one Wednesday afternoon.  Her annoyance rose when she spotted an empty toilet paper roll beside the toilet and a fresh roll on the back of it.  Was an inability to replace the damn toilet paper roll built into the DNA of men?  It drove her insane.  “But, while we’re in here, how about a teaching moment?  When you use the last of the toilet paper, the new roll goes here,” she explained.  “Not the back of the toilet.”
“I know, I know, you tell me all the time!”
“Well, it obviously bears repeating!”
A few minutes later, Sharon got her Yeti out of the cabinet and made a margarita.  One of her friends in the neighborhood had had the idea for them to take chairs to the ends of their driveways so they could see each other and talk without being exposed to one another, and seeing another human being in person who didn’t have a penis was long overdue.  
“What—oh, yeah, I forgot you guys were having a little hen party this afternoon,” Andy commented as Sharon sprinkled margarita salt over the top of her drink.  “And what is the purpose of this again?”
“Mo-om, I need to go to the store.  We’re out of potato chips,” Rusty complained from the pantry.  He’d been trying his hardest to find any excuse to leave the house for the last few days.
“Those aren’t a necessity, Rusty, and I’ll get some next time I have groceries delivered,” Sharon answered calmly.  She gave Andy a pointed look.  “What were you asking me, again?  Come on, Poppy, we girls have to stick together.”  Poppy looked lazily at her from where she was lying down near the window, soaking in the warm sunlight, but she scrambled to her feet when she saw her leash in Sharon’s hand.  Sharon hooked the leash to her collar.  “Want to go outside for a little bit?”  Poppy barked excitedly and wagged her tail.  Sharon kissed Andy on the lips and Rusty on the cheek.  “Love you guys.”
Sharon was a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time by the time she pulled a tailgate-style chair to the end of the driveway, but she was going to lose her mind if she stayed inside for another second.  Apparently, everyone else was in the same boat, as the other five had already started to gather.  Sharon situated the handle of Poppy’s leash under her chair and greeted everyone before sitting down.  She’d used the long leash so the dog could roam around the yard.  A couple of drinks and a long conversation full of laughs later, her mood had lifted considerably.  Which was a good thing, because as she approached the garage with Poppy, she saw that the dog had engaged in a toilet paper massacre at some point while they were outside.  Bits of plastic wrapping and toilet paper were everywhere. “Poppy!” Sharon chastised.  The dog looked up at her with the saddest of innocent puppy eyes.  “Oh, no you don’t, those puppy eyes are not going to work on me…Oh, god, who am I kidding?”  Sharon patted the top of her head and let her into the house.
Hearing the commotion, Andy came to the garage door.  “What—what the hell happened?  Were you not watching her?”
Sharon rolled her eyes.  “As long as she wasn’t near the road and I could hear her and had an idea of where she was, no, I didn’t keep my eyes glued to her every second.  This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t decided we needed to equip ourselves with toilet paper for the next twelve years.”
“Don’t try to pin this on me—never mind, it doesn’t matter.  Hey, kid!” Andy called into the house.  “You were just complaining about being bored, so we thought we’d help you out a bit.”  Andy got some trash bags from a shelf in the garage and separated a couple for him and Sharon.  
Rusty appeared in the doorway to the garage.  ‘Wha—okay, this is not what I had in mind.  Whose idea was it to get a dog again?”
After dinner a few days later, Sharon went out to the porch with her computer and a glass of wine.  She’d cooked dinner, so she’d left the responsibility of cleaning the kitchen to Andy and Rusty.  One of her nieces had gotten the idea to do a family video chat on Zoom after having to use it for work a couple of times, and while Sharon had been talking to other members of her family on the phone and FaceTiming a lot more than usual lately, she was excited to “see” everyone at once.  It took a few minutes to talk some of the technologically challenged ones through getting connected and switching to video, but before long, her siblings and their spouses and children were looking back at her.  Being in isolation was particularly problematic for such a loud bunch, and it took a few minutes of talking over one another just to get the greetings out of the way.
When Sharon saw Rusty join the chat, probably from his computer in his room, she knew Andy would be out soon. Sure enough, he appeared a couple of minutes later with a fresh glass of wine in his hand.  “Thought you might need a refill.”
“You read my mind.”  Sharon finished the last sip of her glass and placed it on the table in front of the swing before taking the other glass from Andy.  “This is why I married you.”
“I knew there had to be a reason.”  Andy kissed the side of her head.
“Whoa, now, we clearly should’ve set some ground rules,” Sharon’s niece spoke up.  “Rule number one, don’t be nauseating.”
“Good luck with that,” Rusty retorted.  “They’re either at each other’s throats or being gross.  There is no in-between.”
The next afternoon, Sharon and Andy took Poppy for a walk around the neighborhood.  As they approached their driveway on the way back, they heard the garage door from the house across the street open.  They didn’t think much of it until they heard hysterical laughter.  “What just happened?” Sharon called to their neighbors.
Becky held up a Corona beer can.  “Our daughter was telling us about some video she saw somewhere—the youtube, the twitter, I don’t know—but anyway, you put a Corona beer in the hooks inside of your garage door, then hit the switch to open the door.  As the door goes up and back along the ceiling, the beer will be upside down, so you follow it and chug it.  We joked about trying it, and our daughter laughed at us, so we had to it for real.”  Becky shrugged.  “We’re bored out of our minds, and that was actually pretty fun.”
Sharon shrieked with laughter, but Andy gave her a look.  “Don’t you get any ideas.”
“Too late.”  Sharon waved to their neighbors before they headed back to the house.  Andy didn’t drink that much, but, ironically, he would drink a Corona or two every now and then at the beach or a hot afternoon by the pool.  He drank just often enough for them to keep a stash in the garage refrigerator, a habit he was starting to rethink.  
Sharon pressed the button to close the garage door before getting two beer cans out of the refrigerator.  “Sharon, really—“
“Oh, come on, Andy, it’ll be fun!  You have to admit we’re running low on entertainment around here.”
“Oh, all right.”  
Once the beer cans were in position and popped open, Sharon pressed the button again to make the door rise and got in position.  She got a little on her face, but her beer-chugging skills from college came right back to her, like riding a bike.
Andy, on the other hand, didn’t fare so well. He coughed and sputtered as more got on his face than in his mouth, and he lost his footing and hit the ground as the last bit poured onto his face.  Sharon caught the last bit of hers in her mouth before looking down at Andy.  “Are you okay?” She managed to get out through choked-back laughs.  As soon as he nodded, she stopped trying to hold it back and started laughing hysterically.  
Andy glared at her as he stood up, rubbing his now-sore ass.  Her side of the “Corona Challenge” was mostly dry, as was her face.  “Wait, how did you do that?  You didn’t spill hardly any!”
Sharon shrugged.  “You didn’t know you were married to the kegstand queen of Theta?  You have to open your throat, did you never chug beer in college?”
Andy shook his head.  “Not much.  I tried a couple of times when everyone else was doing it, but I could never get it right…” He gave Sharon a leering look.  “I would love to see you do a kegstand.  Open your throat, huh?  That actually explains a lot.”
Sharon lightly jabbed him in the side.  “Andy!”
The next morning, Andy was still sleeping when Sharon slipped out of bed.  It was a little chilly out, but she needed some fresh air.  After changing into leggings and a sweatshirt, she brushed her teeth and looked at herself in the mirror.  She wasn’t as diligent about staying ahead of her roots since she’d retired, and last week’s canceled salon appointment had been disastrous for her hair.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d put on makeup, but she was still adhering to her morning and nightly skincare regimen.  As she applied moisturizer, she put more than usual on her chin, as her skin was irritated from Andy’s failure to shave every day.  With a mug of coffee, her book, and her favorite blanket in hand, she went to the back porch and settled in the swing with her favorite playlist playing from her phone. 
A little over an hour later, Andy came out to join her.  She smiled at him and marked her place in her book as he got comfortable in the swing beside her.  He’d been annoying the hell out of her for much of the last week or so, but she loved his disheveled and sleepy state when he had just woken up.  She extended the blanket to him and lay on his shoulder.  “Morning.”
“Morning.”  Andy lowered his forehead to hers and inhaled the scent of her moisturizer.  “I love the smell of that cream or whatever…Did I ever tell you about why I kept that stuff after…well, after all of the Stroh stuff?”  Even a couple of years later, he still couldn’t refer to her as being dead, even though it had been a ruse.  
Sharon shook her head.  “I do remember being surprised that my makeup and clothes and everything were still there.  I was dreading having to replace it all and getting a new phone and everything, but it was all still right there waiting for me.”
Andy nodded.  “Yeah…I couldn’t get rid of it.  Every night when I thought you were gone, I would smell that tube and call your phone to listen to your voicemail.  I couldn’t face life without you, and that was the closest I could get to you.  Same with your clothes.  Having enough closet space for once would’ve been unbearable, so I left everything where it was.  I would’ve done something about all of it eventually, but thank god I didn’t have to.”
“Andy…” Sharon cupped his cheek with her hand and kissed him.  “I’m sorry it had to be done that way, but if—“
“I know,” Andy assured her.  “We could’ve messed something up and tipped off Stroh if we’d known you weren’t really dead.  You were right, the fewer people involved, the better.”  They sat in silence for the next couple of minutes, listening to the music from Sharon’s phone.
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Andy kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer to him.  “Can we stay like this forever?”
“Hmm, fine with me.”  Sharon nuzzled into his shoulder.  “And if people don’t stop being dumbasses and going out when it’s not necessary, then we just might have to.”
This refers to a hastily-written “story” I wrote right after what didn’t happen—a lot of you probably missed it, but you just need to know that Sharon faked her death to keep Stroh from going after Emily or Ricky to distract her (we already know they thought he was after Rusty), and also so Stroh wouldn’t consider her when he was using his m.o. of spreading the LAPD too thin and she could be an extra body if backup were needed.
The part with It Is Well With My Soul came from M’s twitter, and the part about the roots didn’t--I was already planning to include that before I saw her video :)
Hope y’all liked it!
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cbseung · 5 years
cobblestones: modern prince hyunjin - pt 6
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4] [pt 5] [pt 6] [pt 7] [pt 8] [pt 9] [pt 10] [final]
you’ll be happy to know i decided a major plot point by asking google heads or tails
i hope you all are okay! if not that’s okay too. make sure you drink water and eat food! stray kids would want you to :)
pairings: hyunjin x reader
w/c: 1,655
warnings!: slight alcohol use :) nothing too bad only enough to make yourself dance on tables in barcelona [this statement makes sense don’t worry] (and not underaged because drinking age in barcelona is 18) [this still makes no sense hehe]
description: it’s ball prep time!!!! gotta sort out a dress, a date, AND YOUR feelings for a certain someone who must not be named! 
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your shopping day with hyunjin is finished!!
you walk back to buckingham with eight bubble teas
cause SOMEONE wanted to try all the flavors
that someone was you btw
“i can’t believe you made me buy you eight flavors of bubble tea”
“i can’t believe you actually did it!!!”
“you’re lucky you’re cute”
“nah i’m just lucky you’re stupid”
hyunjin rolls his eyes as he smiles and you walk in laughing when you’re stopped by felix and yeji
looking at you pretty strangely
“...hello you two...”
“HI” you and hyunjin simultaneously say
“do you want some bubble tea?? hyunjin bought them all for me!!”
“that’s a lie”
“no it’s not!”
“okay fine i did but i thought you would’ve been nice and shared them”
“me? nice? to you? have you forgotten the past weeks?”
hyunjin gasps
“are you saying you STILL hate me??” he says as he pouts, “after i bought all this bubble tea for you??”
“well i mean.. you’re up 5 points in my book”
“5 points??????? i should be more!! why are we keeping score in the first place!?”
you and hyunjin continue to tease each other as felix and yeji share that look
“you guys look pretty friendly”
“us? friendly? HAHAHAHAHA” you and hyunjin say
“uh huh.. y/n can i.. talk? to you?”
“course felix! what’s up my dude”
“hey so i was talking to yeji.. and she said i should take you as my date to the ball!”
your heart didn’t flip
you don’t feel like a middle school girl who got asked to the dance
in fact all you feel is excitement that you’re able to go to the ball with your best friend
you squeal in excitement
“yay!! you do know this means you’re gonna have to keep me company throughout the night”
“would not have it any other way”
you talk to felix about the dress that you’re gonna buy and how his tie HAS to match your dress and you HAVE to look like the best because there’s a LOT of people you need to impress
you force yeji and felix to go to the dress store with you because you’re indecisive
“aw really?”
“yeah y/n it’s gonna knock people’s socks off”
“EEEE THIS IS SO EXCITING! yeji!! now we have to find your dress!!”
so 100 dress try ons, 4 bananas milk teas, and 1000 complaints from you and felix later,,,
“god yeji you look good in everything just PIcK one”
“L I S T E N i NEED to DRESS to impress!!! and after that dress you bought we NEED to look like we’re unstoppable powerful women!
“you know what? you’re right! i’ll buy this one”
you and felix share a “oh my god thank god this literally took 500 hours” look
“y/n, felix,, i think it’s gonna be a night to remember”
so like
the ball isn’t until a month away
there was a lot of planning that had to be done
and yeji and felix SO willingly helped because apparently they have an eye for these things
to your convenience (♯▼皿▼)
who are you gonna hang out with now?????? you think to yourself
“hello hello my pretty pretty pumpkin pie”
“hyunjin!!!! you’re hanging out with me today!!”
“yeah! why wouldn’t i?”
“no it’s just.. never mind that was easier than i thought”
“i like hanging out with you!”
“if it makes you feel better yeji and felix are too busy with ball stuff so they couldn’t hang out today”
“well, third choice is better than not being a choice at all! even though you were my first choice”
"ah stop it!! >:(”
“never! anyways what’s your plan”
“... we can go to all the coffee shops again”
“WHAT is your infatuation with me and coffee?”
“oooooH and we can go sightseeing!! i wanna see those cute houses i see online all the time!!”
“anything for you princess”
> < you stuck your tongue out at hyunjin
ah too bad though
you missed one of those genuine hyunjin smiles™
this ball planning stuff goes longer than you expected
you spend a lot of your days in hyunjin’s company
and you’re.. enjoying it?
uh oh no no
“why? you seem like you’re having a lot of fun with hyunjin” she says as she eyes you suspiciously
“I SWEAR!! IT’S NOT LIKE I THINK ABOUt his cute nicknames for me and how he laughs at me every time i drink coffee because i drink it too fast and end up burning my tongue and he laughs at how pouty my face looks and the super cute mole on the bottom of his eye BUT I SWEAR WE’RE JUST FRIENDS” you rant
“just. friends.”
“who’s just friends?” you hear hyunjin ask beside you
“bro oh my you just gave me a heart attack” you say
“oh? a heart attack because of my charming looks?”
“what do you want from me???”
“ah i don’t hear denial”
“okay! okay! pack your bags! we’re going to spain!”
“YEJI HELP” you exasperate as you turn to your best friend
yeji raises her eyebrows and says
 “spain? sounds fun! y/n you should go”
“you heard her!!! let’s go!” hyunjin says pulling your arm
how do you keep getting yourself in these situations?
so you and hyunjin jump on a train to barcelona
“i can’t believe we’re here”
“well you better believe it princess! now, first things first.. coffee on cobblestone streets?”
“ah look at that! you know me so well”
you and hyunjin spend your day in barcelona walking around and sightseeing
“ah hyunjin take a picture of me by that building!!”
“y/n, you made me take about a million pictures now”
“it’s not my fault you have a talent!”
hyunjin GASPS, “oh? a compliment? from great y/n?? i am not WORTHY”
“oh look! now WHO’S dramatic!” you say as you roll your eyes and smile
you and hyunjin stop at a small but lively restaurant for dinner and 15 tapas and 3 glasses of wine later and you’re dancing on the floor in the middle of the small barcelona restaurant
“come on hyunjin!! dance with me!!!!” you yell
“y/n you’re drunk!”
“i’m not! i swear! now come on!” you say as your drag hyunjin on the dance floor
“uGH fine!” he says smiling
what’s that hyunjin feels as he looks at you having the time of your life?
dancing like you don’t have a care in the world?
like you’re having genuine fun and experiencing genuine happiness?
“oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me” he thinks to himself
but how can he? when he just realized 
that his feelings for you might be something a little more than friends?
oh no 
oh god
“hey y/n? we should head home”
you pout
you were having so much fun!
“but hyyyuunnjiinnnniieeee” you say, still with your killer pout
“no buts!!! i can’t even take you on the train! i guess we gotta get a hotel for tonight”
“yaaaay!!!! sleepover!!!!” 
 through hyunjin’s many many princely connections, you guys have no problem getting a hotel
“weeeeee!! this bed is so comfy!”
oh! did i mention that the hotel you’re staying at only had one (1) bed?
your hotel only has one (1) bed so you know what that means
“nuh uh you’re taking the floor” hyunjin tells you
“no buts”
hyunjin was half joking
i swear
he just wanted to get a reaction out of you
you’re an emotional drunk
so naturally 
you just start crying
“but but”
“hey woah no i was kidding we can BOTH take the bed!! or if you want i’ll take the floor!!! just stop crying i’m sorry” hyunjin freaks
even drunk you were still aware of what’s going on and you weren’t about to let hyunjin sleep on the floor 
that’s crazy
“no it’s okay let’s share the bed!”
so you and hyunjin get in bed in to your respective sides 
“good night jinnie” you murmur
“...good night princess”
the following day..
you try to forget the fact that you got wine drunk 
and instead try to figure out why your pillow feels so hard?
like it doesn’t feel like a a pillow
why is your pillow moving up and down
why is your pillow breathing
is your pillow haunted????
(a haunted pillow? really?)
as you move your head up to see,,
you were greeted with a peaceful sleeping hyunjin
a pretty hyunjin
with his bedhead!
and your head on his chest
and your arm around his waist!
oh so that’s the thing you were hugging
naturally you jump up 
you were just sleeping on your enemy but not really anymore i guess ‘s CHEST
“OH HAHA H-HI U-UM SORRY G-GO BACK TO BED” you say, refusing to look at his face 
“did you turn up the air conditioner? why’d it get cold all of a sudden?”
“hey also did you feel something on your chest? like i felt like someone was laying on me”
now THIS makes you look up 
in confusion
and you’re met with a smirking hyunjin
“i-i’m gonna go order breakfast now!” you say as you walk out of the room
hyunjin flops back on the bed
“ahhh.. what am i gonna do with you?”
a/n: hehehehehehehheehehehe
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Preview JJK
----> A snippet of the current fic I am working on. I wanted it out before Sunday, but it looks like it’ll be a little longer.
Pairing:  Jungkook X Single Mom! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life
Summary: The minute the word ‘fuck’ slipped from your daughter’s lips Jungkook saw his life flash before his eyes. He’d been in love with you for a while and the last way he wanted you to find out was by your daughter telling you two to fuck. Seriously he was going to kill Jimin for ever telling her that.
“Ha-eun, I swear if you unlock the front door, I’ll put you straight in time out.” You warned upon hearing the familiar click of the deadbolt unlocking. 
   A second later the sound of it relocking was heard followed by your daughter huffing impatiently. At six years-old Ha-eun already acted like a teenager stifled by their parents’ babying, and while she was tested as smarter than those her age, Ha-eun would always remain your little girl. She was the light of your life. One of the few good things to ever happen to you, but that stop Ha-eun from driving you crazy sometimes.
    “Hurry up, we’re going to be late, mommy!” Ha-eun ordered with a stomp of her foot,
“You did not just stomp your foot at me, young lady.” You called out, putting the finishing touches of your makeup on. Taking one last glance at the mirror to make sure you look as professional as possible, you grabbed your purse and headed to the living room where your  daughter waited expectantly. 
    Ha-eun glared at you arms folded over her chest. Her lips pursed together in away that would make the Karen’s of the world jealous. When she finally did grow up, Ha-eun undoubtedly would be a force to be reckoned with. For now though, you couldn’t take her seriously  with her sailor moon backpack and light up shoes. “You took forever getting ready.” Ha-eun bemoaned, “Now Kookie is going to think I’m the reason we’re late.”
   You rolled your eyes. “Well excuse me your majesty. I only woke up, cooked breakfast, cleaned, and  put your hair in bear buns  before getting ready for work-which may I remind you pays so we can live her.”
      Ha-eun’s dark eyes narrowed. “I hate it when you use mom-scuses.”
       “So do I, but unfortunately I’m a mom and I kinda like my kid for some reason.” 
An exasperated sigh escaped her along with an eye roll. Yup, she definitely was six going on sixteen. “Can we go now? I want to see Kookie.”
   “Wow, I see how loved I am.” You teased unlocking the door. You bit back whatever comment you had about her just seeing the young man only yesterday. In all honesty, you couldn’t blame Ha-eun for liking him so much. The boy next door was wonderful in ways that drove you crazy. He was prince charming in the making, and the girl who won his heart would undoubtedly be the luckiest thing on the planet.
   The thought brought a bitter taste to your mouth, but you pushed it back. As handsome and amazing Jeon Jungkook was, he remained five years your junior. You highly doubted he saw you as anything more than the Noona next door. Moreover Jungkook had unlimited potential to go far in life. Something you gave up when you dropped out of college to raise Ha-eun. “Stop it. There’s no point in thinking about such things.” You murmured slapping your cheeks.
     Ha-eun gave you a curious look. “Thinking about what, mommy?”
You give her a cheesy grin. “Nothing baby, mommy’s just being silly.”
“Oh, okay.” Ha-eun said, sounding not entirely convinced. Thankfully she turned her attention to the front door leading to your neighbor’s apartment. “Can I knock now?”
   “Of course, I’m surprised you haven’t yet.” That earned you another eye roll. You swore one day your daughter get her eyes stuck from rolling them so hard.
   Standing as prim as possible Ha-eun knocked on the door. On the third knock the door swung up to reveal your neighbor dressed in a white shirt and torn jeans. His dark brown hair a messy mop that suggested he yet to brush it. Your mouth dried at the sight as arousal pooling between your legs. Subconsciously you closed them embarrassed by how easily turned on you were.        
     “Ha-eun! (Y/N)! Good to see you this morning.”” he cheered, eyes lighting up. His plush lips split into a wide bunny like smile. It only made your situation worse. Seriously it should be illegal to be this attractive so early in the morning.
    “Jungkook.” You nodded, swallowing back your desire. “Thanks again for helping watch Ha-eun on such short notice. I swear I’ll pay you when I pick her up tonight-”
    He raised a hand silencing you. “Nuh-uh, you know I don’t accept your money. I enjoy hanging out with Ha-eun, she’s the best teammate a guy could ask for.”
    “Yeah, Mom. I’m the best. Last time I helped used my blue shell in Mario Kart to help Kookie defeat Hobi-oppa.” Ha-eun smiled smugly. 
     “That’s wonderful, Ha-eun.” You mentioned, attention still focused on the boy. “Seriously though, let me pay you. I mean you are giving up your weekend to play with a six year-old. It can’t be how you wanted to spend your Saturday.”
   Jungkook shrugged, “I’m not really one for socializing. If it weren’t for my old fraternity brothers, work and home would be the only place I’d go to.”
   You smiled, trying to picture Jungkook as a hermit. As much as he claimed not to like people, he certainly had a lot of friends. Ha-eun was always mentioning some new person she met while hanging out with her favorite babysitter. “Still...let me do something to repay you. You do so much for us, I feel like I am taking advantage of your kindness.”
    “You’re not, I promise.” He reassured. “But if you really want to repay me...a home-cooked meal would be nice.”
     Your smile widened. Jeon Jungkook really was a saint. “Deal. How does dinner with Ha-eun and I, Monday night sound?”
  “Sounds like my type of evening. I’ll bring dessert-”
You held up your hand, grinning as he blinked surprised. “Don’t you dare. I promised you dinner. Dinner includes desserts, drinks, and anything else edible you can think of.” 
     “Alright. I got it. I’ll leave it to you.”  He chuckled, causing your heart to skip a beat. Yeah, you really needed to get laid. Too bad having being a single mom puts a damper on that sort of thing.
   “You two are weird.” Ha-eun interrupted. “You should just fuck and get it over with.”
    Words can’t describe the embarrassment that washes over you, as well as the shock of hearing your six year-old say something so vulgar. Not only were you sure your face matched the lipstick you wore, but you no longer knew how to speak. Jungkook’s mouth hung open his tongue running across his bottom lip as if he wanted to say something. He didn’t appear embarrassed like you rather at a loss what to do. 
   ‘He probably doesn’t know how to respond without being rude' .You lamented to yourself.
Sparing both of you even more embarrassment you turned to your troublemaking daughter. “Ha-eun (L/N), where did you learn such a thing?”
    She shrugged. “Jimin-oppa tells Kookie that all the time. By the way what does fuck mean?”
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