#go watch exu calamity if you haven't!!
definitelynotrhi · 2 years
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you put your finest suit on
i paint my fingernails
oh, we're going out in style, babe 💜💛
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madememoria · 2 years
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rogue one + exandria unlimited: calamity
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
so im getting to the end of my finally watching exu calamity
for the most part i haven't really made posts on my reactions here bc most of what i'd have to say has already been said, i've been seeing those meta posts around since calamity came out
but god the one unexpected thing about loquatius and laerryn i can't get over is just all of aabria's little reactions to quay's choices here
like. i know laerryn loves him as much as he loves her, but she's not good at showing it. she's deeply pragmatic, which means while loquatius is having huge moment after huge moment illustrating just how much he's willing to sacrifice for her, she's making sure she can do her job. because she has to. even if that means leaving him to die in the calix chamber, because she couldn't have saved him, and if she died trying then the whole world would be lost
but at the same time, she did all of this for him. it was so important to her to finish the leywright that solstice, because she has a longer lifespan than quay, and he wouldn't be with her to see the next one. she was distraught when she felt him slip away from her over the telepathic bond, even though she'd chosen to let it happen
part of the reason their marriage failed the first time is they just don't talk. there's so little communication between the two, not just on laerryn's side. quay has the big moments, yes, but how many of those does laerryn even know happened? she doesn't know that he fired elena to protect her from being blamed for evandrin. she doesn't know he prerecorded a broadcast to be played in the event of his death, that would tell the city not about laerryn's mistakes, but that it was loquatius himself who failed them, and laerryn tried everything she could to save the city. she doesn't know that he turned down a call from his queen and his family to come home and be protected from the apocalypse, bc he'd rather die trying to save laerryn, avalir, and his new family, than live without them
but aabria does.
and that gives way to the tiniest most hard hitting fourth wall breaks
like when quay turns his back on the seelie queen's offer - aabria immediately gives a small "no, no, you have to go"
laerryn needs him here. the story needs him here. there is no benefit to quay leaving, except that quay would be alive, and that's what laerryn desparantly wants, so it comes out in aabria
when we get to the climax, too, the big fight where all they're trying to do is keep laerryn alive long enough to activate the leywright, and it gets to quay's last turn? the first thing aabria says is "run. run."
laerryn is pragmatic. aabria knows this is a tragedy, and has been so far the most gung ho about playing into the tragedy. from a pragmatic perspective, loquatius should stay with laerryn, it gives the world a better chance of survival. narratively, loquatius should stay with laerryn bc that's how this story is supposed to go. and personally, loquatius should stay with laerryn because he can't bear to do anything else
but twice, she tells him to leave. because in this story where every single character is forced to reckon with which they love more, their city or their family - laerryn chose the city once. more than once. here at the end of all things, she won't do it again
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utilitycaster · 1 year
A lot of people who try to analyze religion in Exandria need to watch the Adventuring Academy episode where Brennan and Matt talked about worldbuilding, specifically when Matt said “In a game like dungeons and dragons, or a lot of role playing games where ultimately part of the game is to overcome villains and rise up and become a hero, there has to be some level of universal antagonism… there is a pure and defined entity or force that is evil, it may not be realistic to some stories out there, but that’s [how it works in DND].”
This is true, and it's really interesting to watch this happen because Matt will make a huge, unambiguous evil like Lucien or the Vanguard, or Brennan will do so with Asmodeus and people will do everything they can to try to come up with reasons to woobify them or argue why they're justified...but I haven't seen this happen in most of the D20 seasons, and I think it's because the villains in most D20 seasons have been things that reinforce people's beliefs, namely, capitalism and abuse of religious power. And to be clear, capitalism and abuse of religious power fucking suck, but it's telling that people assume the villain is capitalism in places where that doesn't apply on a wide scale, or in some cases, exist (EXU Calamity, Neverafter); or that the Ruby Vanguard or Tomb Takers, both of which have pretty much every single hallmark of a cult but just aren't affiliated with the main pantheon, are actually the good guys.
Incidentally: this is like, quite literally how people get sucked into cults. One of the leading cult researchers in the world, Janja Lalich, is a survivor of a now dissolved explicitly leftist/anti-capitalist cult. Abuses of power, which is, ultimately, what both Brennan and Matt lean on as their Universal Antagonist traits, rely on confirming people's existing biases and exploiting them - even if those biases are broadly good! This is in fact why I can get so fucking adamant about what is mostly silly fandom shit, because I do, on some level, look at some takes that completely lack critical thinking and am like oh you'd 100% buy into all kinds of dangerous patterns of thought if someone packaged it nicely; even something as stupid as the Caleb Werewolf Theory relied on circumstantial evidence and false information that you could easily verify was false. And it's annoying but mostly harmless in the context of fandom, but it always makes me wonder - does this person do this with political posts on social media?
Anyway getting back to the main point, I think watching/listening to Brennan commentary on Adventuring Academy is generally a really good idea because he is a very smart guy with a philosophy degree and has a strong grasp of the genres in which he works as well as TTRPGs as a storytelling medium, and talks to other people who also have a good understanding of the morality of fantasy stories. And if you listen to this, you will in fact get that the basis of evil in these stories is not something as specific as "capitalism" or "religion"; it's quite literally as basic as "exploiting other people simply because that is an option available to you and you don't care about them." And obviously that's the whole basis of capitalism, and it's a serious problem that exists within organized religion, but like...not to repeat myself from this weekend but I keep thinking about the "Suvi without the imperialism" and it's like...she is a 20 year old woman whose parents died for a cause and we have had ONE episode with her as an adult. We know nothing about the Empire except that it's an empire and it is at war. Like, can you look at imperialism and understand why it's bad? Can you separate the concept of imperalism - which, to be clear, is based on power structures - from say, your 21st century understanding of empires in the real world? Or do you see the word Empire and go "Bad Thing" without any capacity to analyze because that's how you end up looking at two flawed things in a story (well, if we're lucky; see the middle paragraph) and deciding one is perfect and correct for no reason other than because it opposes the thing you think is worse. And Brennan is REALLY good at skewering that, and Matt is REALLY good at portraying multiple complicated and flawed perspectives, but you do have to like, use your brain slightly.
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burr-ell · 11 months
while I've been a cr fan for a while now, i've only recently started to interact more with the fanbase after completing campaign 2 and starting to go through campaign 3(i will hopefully catch up before it concludes but who knows lol) and man is the fandom strange. never have i seen a fandom have both a toxic positivity problem as well as a toxic criticism problem at the same time. people both viciously defend the show and attack it depending on the time of day it feels like lol. that being said I do want to know about what you enjoy about the show? I feel like most of the posts i've seen of yours are meta/takes about the fandom, which i do enjoy don't get me wrong, but i'd love to see things you like, especially if they're niche things! sorry if its a question you've been asked before! much love from another, what i would say, sane critical role fan ahhah
ah you want to see me be annoying. bless you anon <3
-mr lord percival de rolo and ms lady vex'ahlia de rolo and their sister/in-law ms lady cassandra de rolo and their bear son trinket de rolo and their baby quarter elf de rolos and their bear grandson charles de rolo and
-listen, i don't know what made me such a lunatic about perc'ahlia and their family but i am, that will never change, they've both suffered so much loss and they could have gone dark so many times but they didn't! they both chose the light and each other and chose the light because of each other and they have a FAMILY, whitestone is a city of rebirth and i want to gnaw on something every time i think about it
-i also just! love vox machina as a whole! it's classic, archetypal fantasy adventure stuff and that's why i love it. i love the chroma conclave arc especially, i really enjoy the stakes and the traveling across the world and the absolutely ridiculous moments that grew out of it. vox machina is, in the metanarrative, the living legend—the group that started it all and began breathing life into the world of exandria, and i've always enjoyed those kinds of stories.
-EXU CALAMITY. if you haven't seen it you absolutely should, i highly recommend it. it's an amazing story, the characters and setting feel so realized and alive in the four episodes they were around, and the actual players are incredible. i love the lore it introduced, i love the specter of vespin chloras over the narrative, i love how much presence asmodeus has and how well brennan plays such a master manipulator. and the INTRO??? why isn't the intro released as a single it's so good
-i've only had fy'ra rai and morrighan for a day and a half. if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in the crown keepers
-i love the kinds of concepts and narratives that taliesin considers for his characters and how deeply he thinks through their presence in the world. he's thought so much about whitestone and both what it used to be like and how it's changed since C1, and while i've only watched the m9 twoshot, lucien/molly/kingsley is such an interesting idea (and i just really like kingsley). ashton is also an absolute joy to watch, and i'm so curious about their backstory and lore. taliesin has a knack for portraying characters who have very strong moral and personal beliefs but would rather coexist in a world with others' than enforce their own, which is probably why i like percy and ashton so much in particular. i also really enjoy his sense of humor; it's very dry and snarky with just the right amount of gothic whimsy.
-simply put. Travis Good. even back when he was playing grog, who is on paper a pretty simple character concept, he just couldn't help but give him a compelling and interesting backstory—and when he had to show off his acting chops, he DELIVERED. the depth that he gives his characters and the enthusiasm he has for the lore of the world are so burr-coded. cerrit in particular was an absolute tour de force and just watching travis go for whatever decisions he's going to make is incredible. he's also absolutely hilarious and his comedic timing is underrated. i mean, southerner to southerner, game recognize game.
-laura bailey!! i'm so fascinated by her consistent narratives about masks and coping mechanisms, and i love the fact that she's willing to make her PCs unlikable. she embraces their flaws and their virtues and just plays them so naturally. you have to read between the lines sometimes with her characters or you risk falling for the fronts they put up, and i love that kind of subtlety! she also doesn't feel the need to walk anyone through those choices, which i also appreciate; she simply plays them as they are, and however you react to that is up to you. i admit i'm interested in the alternate universe where laura played a character in calamity—marisha absolutely nailed it as patia, but i'm also interested in what laura would have done at that table.
-welcome to tal'dorei? oh my GODS that album is spectacular, especially the title track
-lastly, i genuinely enjoy the fandom experience! i've met some really cool people and made some really good friends here, and i love the creativity, especially of fanartists. i've learned so much about narrative and storytelling from reading different people's analyses, i've learned more about art from the fanart community, and overall i feel like the people i've met and the experiences i've had have helped me grow as a person.
anyway thank you for encouraging some positivity! i enjoy writing meta and critical analysis is really fun for me, but it's nice to take a step back and remember all the things i love. <3
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Hey I’ve been interested in watching exu calamity bc I love aabriya and brennan but I’ve never watched any critical role bc there’s just so much content it’s intimidating. Is there anything I’d need to know going into exu calamity from past seasons or am I good to just watch it
Hey! The only thing you really need to know is that the calamity is a big tragedy in the history of Exandria, but honestly anything else are just Easter egg references. Not a lot was known about calamity before this campaign anyway and it's so self-contained that you don't really need to know CR. I haven't watched full campaigns myself and just used the wiki a few times to clarify some minor details. But otherwise, you can full enjoy Calamity on its own!!!
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callioope · 1 year
Bard, goblin and sorcerer for CR asks? ☺️
Hello!! Ooh these are good.
Spoilers ahead for both TLOVM (and I guess technically campaign 1) and campaign 2, for anyone who's not caught up (and there are spoilers for what could happen eventually in TLOVM).
bard: what is your favorite “how do you want to do this?”
Ahh I know I sent you this one, too, but this is HARD for me! The first two that popped into my head were Vax's against Thordak and Jester's against Lucien/Cognouza, but after some thinking I also loved the HDYWTDT against Kevdak and Obann.
For Thordak, the drama and desperation of Vax flying after him, the natural 20, the fact that he was alone a;kdsjf;kasdfj (how many people killed dragons with no witnesses lol? is this the 'if i had two nickels' meme? anyways) Most importantly the vengeance this meant for the twins, for avenging their mother, the way Vex flies in after him and hugs him, I get teary-eyed just writing about it.
For Lucien/Cognouza, again, Jester was just tearing up my heart during that battle every time she appealed to Molly (how she blamed herself for his death because she wasn't there </3 ahhh). And so the fact that she got the last hit with that final appeal to Molly just felt so right.
Honorable mentions for Grog's HDYWTDT against Kevdak because of the epic way it happened (pokeball delivery from above yess) and recency bias since I recently watched that episode in TLOVM, SO GOOD. And Yasha's HDYWTDT against Obann.
Apparently I have a running theme with 3 out of 4 of these being very personal and appropriate for character backstories.
goblin: who is your favorite non-main campaign character?
Nydas!!! I just loved his arc throughout EXU: Calamity, his initial skepticism and creeping apprehension as he started to suspect what was happening, and just everything he did in part four. He had so many great speeches. And I loved his friendship with Zerxus, too. AHH NYDAS.
I mean everyone in Calamity was fantastic but Nydas popped into my head first so I'm going with my gut here.
I do also want to give an honorable mention Hazel Copperpot because I adore her and her gramophone and I do wish we could have seen more of her! Darrington Brigade Part 2 when? Considering it takes place in Wildemount, Mighty Nein tie in eh? eh? Deastok is not that far from Kamordah after all. I bet Taryon drinks Lionett wine.
sorcerer: what is your favorite sam commercial skit?
LOL OMG. I mean. The Nordverse is pretty enveloping (although I haven't watched the oneshot yet). I do love the D&D Beyond ad song and often get it stuck in my head when using D&D Beyond. "You click open the webpage yaheardaboutonCriticalRole..."
Critical Role Ask Game
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littlecajunlady · 2 years
After 5 years, I think my CR obsession is finally dwindling. For years I would never miss a live episode, now for the past four months I can't stay awake past the break. Last night I turned it off so I could focus on researching for a fic, and a few months ago I turned off an ep to read fic. I can't really get into all of the new content - I never finished part 2 of EXU, I watched most of Calamity but still haven't seen the end, or basically any of the other recent oneshots. I don't have the same level of excitement for c3 that I did for the other campaigns.
This isn't a complaint post btw, this feels very much like a ME thing. And if there's something that is bothering me about CR, then I don't know what it is yet in a way I can put into words, and this isn't meant to be some kind of rant anyway. I'm just . . . kinda sad about it I guess because it's been such a big part of my life. I've bought the comics and a puzzle and a shirt and socks and DICE even though I don't even play d&d . . . and now I just feel like I have stuff. I hate that feeling actually, when the love for something fades and then you just have these reminders of things that used to make you feel good.
I'm not giving up on c3 yet. This is just me sort of tentatively considering it at this point. But I think on Thursday nights, if there is something else I'd rather be doing, I'm going to let myself do that - even if I hate the idea of missing something big. Maybe this is just a funk I'm in right now. Maybe the storyline will pick up in a way that really interests me, idk. I love the characters, I still care about the cast, and I'm gonna watch every season of The Legend of Vox Machina they give us - but I don't know about the rest.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
finally had a goddamn spare minute today to sit down and watch something with an absolutely fried brain, so of COURSE i went and watched Aabria's takeover of CR insta for EXU Calamity.
...This is my recommendation to go do that if you haven't already. it includes, among many other things:
- excellent eye makeup 👌
- good pets
- character apparently carries a screwdriver (i approve)
- if other Calamity folks dont give us as many fun answers and stories as Aabria she loves us most and we all go live with her
- the crownkeepers in the Calamity would have sped it up and then died immediately, which sounds about right.
- .... genuinely a lot of wonderful and fascinating character tidbits and exu/gm-ing things, unfortunately the remaining half brain cell I've got is mostly just doing ✌️😌👌 and not being helpful beyond that.
- cereal is a pudding?
anyway good stuff. very good.
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eclectic-cryptid · 2 years
ExU Calamity is out on VOD today, SPOILERS
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To start with, the fucking opening sequence was AMAZING
I still haven't processed that from when I watched it live! It was a goddamned roller-coaster of a story.
I love Brennan so much as a DM, and the cast is to die for.
Sam made a fucking Hunger Games Capital resident! You cannot convince me otherwise that Loquatius Seelie wouldn't live in the Capital.
And Oh, him being the ex of Laerryn. Knowing that they're all gonna die and not get a happy ending just hurts!
And the first 20 minutes of the episode made me want to fucking cry and then it ended with "and the ground comes rushing down at you, and you wake up! It's sunny outside!" Brennan you are a monster and I love you.
I have not at all processed this episode. I am definitely going to rewatch it and cry some more over the fact all of them will die and they will never get a happy ending and I hate it but I also love it.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love following all of your commentary, whether it be about d&d mechanics or ttrpg shows! I'm working through the Dimension 20 backlog. In one of the Adventuring Party episodes for Unsleeping City 2, the cast talked about their approach to inter-party romance, and that they avoid it for many reasons, but mainly because they are afraid of it pulling too much focus during play. This struck me as very different than CRs approach. (1/2)
Do you have any thoughts about the different approaches of these two shows to romances, and how that impacts how fans interact with the characters and ships? I don’t follow the tags for these shows usually, but it seems that CR has more fandom discussion and drama around ships, which may be more absent in D20 since romance between player characters isn’t usually an expectation. The hours of play also likely make an impact. CR has so many more episodes for relationships to develop. (2/2)
Thanks! Honestly your thought here kind of sums most of it up: a 400+ hour campaign simply offers opportunities for romances to develop that a 40-ish hour campaign does not. The only D20 campaign where I recall extensive shipping was A Court of Fey and Flowers, where that was kind of the point, and there were two clear frontrunner ships that were very heavily signaled and did not conflict with one another.
I don't follow the D20 tags or fandom in the same way I do Critical Role (also I am behind on Neverafter so no spoilers), so I can't speak much to shipping culture, but I do recall that the D20 cast has, as you've said, brought up romances. Some of it is again that it pulls time and focus they don't have. Critical Role can have a date between Beau and Yasha that lasts two hours of streaming time and it's a small amount of time in the scheme of things, whereas that would be an entire episode of an (at most) 20-something episode run in D20. Brennan however has also mentioned that he has a preference for PC/NPC romances simply because NPCs can leave in a way that PCs cannot. I suspect that just carried over to how the D20 Intrepid Heroes cast prefers to play. A lot of tables don't necessarily want romance between PCs! And when D20 has had it, it's either been an expectation the cast knew about going on for that specific series (ACOFAF), something agreed upon between the cast members prior to the show as an existing relationship (Mice & Murder; this is also true of EXU Calamity), or very much in the background/in the finale (Unsleeping City's fling between Pete and Rowan).
I suspect there might be a few other reasons:
Critical Role, quite early in the run of Campaign 1, had a character confess their love for another, so I think the expectation that romance is on the table has been set in this fandom from the start.
The unedited nature of Critical Role has I think permitted people to read into OOC moments differently than in other, more edited shows, and obviously video gives you much more than simply audio to work with (though obviously this isn't a factor for D20 vs. CR)
I could be wrong because again, while I watch/listen to a bunch of actual play, I don't participate heavily in the fandoms of those other shows, but I think people have preferences for specific cast members or cast dynamics for Critical Role in a way I haven't seen for other shows and I think that colors a lot of shipping discussions. (As for why this is true, I think it's a combination of the earlier, simpler accessibility of the cast on social media early CR vs say, D20 and NADDPod - the internet climate changed drastically between 2015 and 2018 - and the larger cast size and again, longer lengths of time. For reference; when Neverafter is complete, the intrepid heroes cast will have played 117 episodes together, and with episodes mostly in the 2-ish hour range this puts them at roughly half the runtime of Campaign 1 of Critical Role)
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burr-ell · 2 years
heyy! hope it isn't weird or anything, but just wanted to say that i haven't been very active on tumblr these few days cause work and stuff and coming back now i'm just! really excited to see you posting about calamity? and that you also enjoyed it? i knew you had good taste cause of percahlia & cr1 but still :p And like, just in general, i'm really happy to see stuff about calamity on my dash again and from you specifically! :D honestly it has not really left my brain since it aired (nor did i stop writing unfinished wips for loquaerryn. oops) but it's not that prominent on my dash anymore so it's been really nice! and absolutely did not make me tear up [lying]. i'm just. it was so so good and poetic and doomed from the start but still hopeful in a way and just. so good. def takes second place for me as far as campaigns go [after cr1] so yeah sorry for the word vomit and the incoherency but i just. still think about calamity and laerryn/quay a lot and don't really have someone to talk to who watched it cause my friends didn't really go beyond ep1 yet if at all. so you watching it def got me excited. so. yeah. not sure where i'm going with this. i dunno. happy that you enjoyed it too i suppose? :D
ive been sitting on this bc im overwhelmed by how much ive missed u in my notes 😩😩😩
exu calamity is such a well-told tragedy, and i think part of what makes it really hit for me is that like any good tragedy, none of the characters involved are actually bad people. morally dubious, sure, but not evil. because when it's down to the wire and they have to choose between saving themselves and saving the world, they choose the world. like i love in particular the dynamic of laerryn catalyzing the doom of exandria...but also using the most reliable means at her disposal to save exandria. her work on the leywright was born out of hubris and yet its ultimate use was incredibly selfless and heroic.
and like, they all played a part in the flawed system of avalir! patia was a consummate ends-justify-the-means political-dynasty leader; nydas accrued wealth through unscrupulous means; loquatious used his position to cover up the truth; zerxus believed gods were comparable to mortals and that he could Fix Him™; laerryn put her work and achievements ahead of all else and let her own grief and anger consume her at the worst possible moment; and even cerrit, the least dubious of them all, never looked up at any of the things that mattered and nearly lost his family because of it.
they helped break the world, but their actions also helped fix it. and that's an absolutely brilliant dynamic and makes for such a fascinating, gripping story.
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I posted 3,305 times in 2022
That's 1,615 more posts than 2021!
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3,302 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,018 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#dimension 20 - 1,238 posts
#a starstruck odyssey - 755 posts
#a court of fey and flowers - 460 posts
#exu calamity - 291 posts
#fantasy high - 231 posts
#acofaf - 212 posts
#d20 - 210 posts
#critical role - 148 posts
#aso - 120 posts
#starstruck odyssey - 116 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#anyway all the lore and fanart poc in the acoc space did actually made me love and enjoy the world and characters more than in canon
My Top Posts in 2022:
Waiting for the day the Evandrin/Zerxus anon going around will notice me 🙏
4 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Hey I’ve been interested in watching exu calamity bc I love aabriya and brennan but I’ve never watched any critical role bc there’s just so much content it’s intimidating. Is there anything I’d need to know going into exu calamity from past seasons or am I good to just watch it
Hey! The only thing you really need to know is that the calamity is a big tragedy in the history of Exandria, but honestly anything else are just Easter egg references. Not a lot was known about calamity before this campaign anyway and it's so self-contained that you don't really need to know CR. I haven't watched full campaigns myself and just used the wiki a few times to clarify some minor details. But otherwise, you can full enjoy Calamity on its own!!!
15 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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My copy of the A Crown of Candy cookbook finally arrived yesterday and I'm so so excited! Thank you to everyone at @calorumcookbook for this fantastic zine. This fandom is so creative it's inspiring and I literally love being here and getting to support wonderful creators and causes. You bet I'm going to be making some of these masterpiece recipes so will definitely share hopefully not disastrous food pics. 🍬🥛🍒🥦🍞🥩
18 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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