#good god these people are so fucking stupid its unreal
mx-paint · 11 months
#some of the anti atla and atla critical people *really* need to check themselves#going on racist and anti buddhist rants bc the native girl got with a monk and not the moody awkward teen is WILD#the anti azula pro zuko and anti zuko pro azula kids are also the same people in different fonts#you can tell how theyd treat victims irl too just by how they talk about them#and the guise of hating the mlm fans and ships (and the wlw ones too for that matter) bc yours isnt canon either is a weird thing to do#also the treatment of saying that a canonical characteristic is fanon bc you want a kid to be a hot moody boy and not autistic is WEIRD#get a fucking grip#also saying that a full nation deserved to outright DIE is weird af#calling buddhist cultist bc you couldnt understand the context and outright quotes from the show saying otherwise is weird af#good god these people are so fucking stupid its unreal#and other people that act the same are the zu/tara and zu/kka kids#the new 'shipping war' literally started bc more people were shipping two boys instaed of a girl and boy (NEITHER WHICH ARR CANON#and they get mad and quote the same shit verbatim#and then make zuko someone completely fucking different but in different ways#same with katara if shes not bitchy then shes a victim who needs help (but not by aang or sokka or toph or suki or-) and cant do anything :#this aint even a claim that atla doesnt have faults yall just worry about the wrong things that dont matter#also the fact yall dont know what orientalism is nor when or how to talk about it#coming back bc of the tyzula fic that was heavy anti zuko by claiming that the comic that had the most inaccuracies of them all#was 'heavuly implied' to include him TRYING TO RAPE AND MURDER HIS SISTER BY MAKING HER MUTE#yeah. yeah.#how many people that were calling it canon was concerning but since this seems like a untagged ooc and reverse role fic (w azula joining)#im just going to ignore it#babes. youre writing a fic.#just SAY this is canon divergence and role reversal#no need to lie and say its canon when it isnt 🙄#coming back AGAIN to say that calling one issue of comic trash bc it checks the character you like#but saying the other one (read: the previous tags about the tyzula fic) canonical bc it demonizes the one you dont#(and has the most inaccuracies of all of the comics to boot)#youre making it VERY CLEAR its not about 'keeping it canon' or consistent but instead keeping what YOU want as your only fact#once again youre focusing on the wrong things
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
its time for scp required reading... TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please for the love of god heed the fucking warnings im so serious . like as much as i want to keep the tone of this post jokey and funny you NEED to heed the warnings on these
ok with that out of the way. read about my blorbos boy
''incident 239-b clef-kondraki'' (general warning for violence and blood/gore) - this one fucks. thats all i have to say about it
''technical issues'' - this one's funny + im biased because i fucking love pat the tech guy
''routine psychological evaluations by doctor glass'' - again i have personal bias about this (<- simon glass enjoyer + host is a glass introj) + this ones funny + if you're more into the fanon versions of the foundation staff this is right up your alley
''tradition'' - halloween party fun :-)
''dr cimmerian hits reply all'' - this is exactly what it sounds like i don't now what to tell you
''stupid cupid / stupid cupid: stop picking on me!'' - my house my rules read about cimmerian and his boytoy
''hawaiian shirts'' - clef fucking Breaks. thats all i can say about this without exploding into viscera
''help me my (love for) my daughter was born too still'' (general warning for mentions of child death) - i have personal bias about this (<- #1 agatha rights enjoyer) but this tale is So Good in general and a super interesting look at how agatha perceives herself and her work/life balance
''so leave yourself alone.'' (warning for graphic depictions of vomit and attempted suicide) - REALLY really really good look at clef kind of dropping his cruel persona and iris' mental health struggles regarding the foundation
''yesterday'' (warning for violence and implied/reference suicide. kind of.) - :-( <- this is the only way i can express my emotions about this tale. anyway it's really good and an interesting way of showing clefs relationships with people
''an apple a day...'' - REALLY good look at how dr glass is as a person and how he acts with people + this entire tale fucks SEVERELY
''personal log of dr gears / personal log of █████ 'iceberg' ████'' - good example of how gears and iceberg both format their documents / how they speak + its vaguely gearsberg + this gives a look at how gears and iceberg met. read the gearsberg tale boy
''portraits of your father'' (warning for graphic alcoholism, suicide, survivors guilt, and blood/gore) - super good look at draven and his relationship with his father, and kondraki's alcoholism, and also talloran is there. also three cheers for dravoran
''life's cold'' - most normal day iceberg has at this fuckass foundation + this is a good look at how iceberg acts and thinks
''fond memories'' (warning for death and body horror) - draven proposes! Draven proposes.
''scp-3999'' (warning for bugs, paranoia, death, body horror, sexual assault/rape, unreality, self harm, and depictions of bodily mutilation) - unironically this one fucks me up so bad its so fucking good dude. go read about james talloran RIGHT NOW
''i stared into the face of everything and nothing and made it back alive'' - this one also fucks me up so bad like i dont even have anything to say. read about talloran and draven RIGHT NOW
''you are at the center of everything that happens to you'' - james talloran talks to himself. kind of.
''a suicide note'' (warning for mentions of rape, child murder, survivors guilt, and suicide) - interesting look at clefs thoughts on him and his work
''date night'' - objectum win! dr alto clef is objectoromantic AND objectosexual! <- that should tell you all you need to know about this one
''scp-4231 / montauk house'' (warnings for graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, child abuse/neglect, murder, domestic violence, verbal/physical abuse and survivor's guilt) - absolutely gut-wrenching look at alto clef/francis wojciechoski and why he's so fucked up. uh genuinely do read the warnings on this one because when i say graphic i am not exaggerating. all of these things are explored in detail and are genuinely triggering so.
''okay, that's enough, let's get you home'' (warnings for some dubious make-out sessions, (mentioned) suicide, implications of rape/sexual assault, and vomit) - shameless moldhouse plug sorry not sorry. HIGHLY recommend reading this and it's other parts in their entirety because it genuinely drives me up the fucking wall it is So good. i will sing moldhouses praises until my throat goes out. read moldhouse Now
''duke 'till dawn'' - bpd king!!!!! anyway i dont have a lot of thoughts on this its just really good. also i didnt know dracula was an actual scp until i read this which is kind of funny to me
''rights' birthday party'' - my house my rules you're going to read about agatha rights whether you like it or not
''sex at a frigid temperature'' - again, my house my rules. read the depressing gearsberg tale, boy.
''7 things that new level 3 researchers should know'' - i dont have any thoughts on this i just think this one has really cool formatting
''home is where i want to be'' - no greater thoughts this is just really neat i think. also kiryu labs is in it and im biased as fuck
''gentle wings flutter quietly in the dark'' - read about zyn kiryu NOW
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trixstriforce · 2 years
hello :) i saw your posts about lu and idk if you were gauging interest in people hearing your opinions. personally i would be super interested in reading what specifically about every lu character is ooc! i am similarly frustrated with the current dominance of lu characterizations in fandom as a ww fan. ive been following for a while i just logged into this side account because i am scared to ask on main :( i hope you do not mind the somewhat bare blog. thank you!
oh my god oh my god oh my god someone wants my opinion??? do u wanna make out???? u do not understand the power u r giving me rn u do not understand how annoying and nitpicky and very passionate i can get specifically about lu bc i care so much about link its unreal and also bc i just like things like linkedmaze, dimensional links, and minaslinkverse better characterization wise bc to me they have shown the "found family links meeting up" thing a lotttt better than lu when i still read it
but to be fair i STOPPED reading around the part where four split due to the way the lu community reacting to the person with DID, a very stigmatized disorder who genuinely just wanted Jojo to acknowledge they messed up in the past and present and didnt like the vauge ass apology she gave making me actually disgusted. ppl talk about accountability then rallied against 1 tumblr user who was uncomfortable bc ppl liked Jojo's comic so she doesnt have to explain that now she respects nonbinary ppl and understands how past things were wrong for her to say we just infer this bc lu good :/ like hey maybe Jojo owned up to it afterwards or something bc she made 2 apologies that would make a YouTuber blush so i was done w/ the community and it was only rlly after that and after i played a few of the actual games + read some mangas i realized wow actually i do not like lu as much as i thoguht i did they butchered my boy, also i feel i should say it literally wouldnt matter to me do what u want in ur au but lu is now a fandom of its own and its influenced a lot of other aus and interpretations of link so i do take issue w/ how ooc these guys end up being
for one i dont know for me having link as a secret hoarder who would rather DIE than use the full scope of his abilities around OTHER HEROS is just no bc thats fucking stupid levels of wanting to appear normal around OTHER HEROS possiblly the ONLY other ppl to ever understand what u r going through
for me having every single link act like a frat boy/standard teenage white boy who is emotionally constipated is a no??? have u SEEN link he is so sociable and kind and understanding to other ppl WHY r the links like this, so many fics just...make them stew in their issues for angst and not trust the others and be incredibly insecure about the other heros(which is lu canon for at least hyrule and wind i think?) and like ok that is definitely fine for 1 link but why r they all like this in the games link is clearly not like that he wouldn't be this closed off and wouldn't hesitate so much like my dude he just inserts himself into other ppl's lives to make them better than leaves he wouldn't pussyfoot around other heros like what
also another major issue is the mergings just lead to certain characterizations or important backstory for certain links(FOUR. LEGEND.) being completely erased and the nuance of their journeys lost like when u merge links who r canonically 100s of years apart not just in the timeline but in the GAMES? yeah u lose things that make that link special
also bc u mentioned wind waker i found it kinda fucked up that wind waker link was delegated to The Kid TM even tho his entire journey was about moving on from the past to a brighter future and he took on the mantle left behind by the hero of time on his own volition and did what Time COULDN'T do which is kill Ganon but he is constantly underestimated and made into the Kid Who Wants Approval trope specifically around Time which sucks ass ngl he deserves to be an equal him still being a kid while the others got to grow up, including Four who's first journey arguably would have been a better fit for this archtype of wide eyed kid, is just side lining one of the most interesting links especially considering most of the other links were YOUNGER than him when they started
this is all general stuff plus 1 of my issues w/ Wind bc ur a Wind Waker fan bc as a Spirit Track fan i feel a kinship, im gonna make another post for specifically each link breaking down my issues w/ how they r portrayed later bc rn it is 8am and i ment to just say haha ty for the permission but then my inner ranter came out i am INCAPABLE of being normal about lu especially after i actually experienced zelda games bc lu was my FIRST introduction to zelda outside of smash bros lol
toast if u r reading this say rip to ur dms bc i am once more gonna talk to u about a comic for a videogame franchise u only know about due to my rambles and forcing u at gunpoint to learn about link...godspeed comrade
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shepardsherd · 10 months
The Next Part of Heaven's Fallen!
Joseph is pissed and Sephania has fucked up.
ROBERT AND ARCHIE are looking at a map; bleary eyed and there are cups of coffee in the middle of the room on a table. JOSEPH walks into the room and its clear he hasn’t slept much either.
There is a sense of tension in the air – they know something is wrong. They can feel something is wrong.
JOSEPH steps forward and his knee gives way, collapsing to the floor. Its clear they’re all in bad shape, they’re tired and they’re working too hard. But they have cases to do and people to protect.
JOSEPH picks himself off the floor and brushes himself off, asking ROBERT and ARCHIE what they’re looking at.
ROBERT watches JOSEPH carefully.
Something is coming, Joseph. You can feel it in the air. You can see it in the streets. People know something. Its like… something is out there, waiting.
JOSEPH is given the map – and its the one where TIANA has circled LIVERPOOL, LINCOLNSHIRE and MANCHESTER.
Whoever is coming for us, for Tiana, will not have chosen Nottingham because that would be an easy cop-out. They’re already in Liverpool so unless they’ve found her already, they won’t need to search for Sephania. But I think we need to start looking at the cases in these locations, that way we can do our jobs and still help keep an eye out for Sephania. I’ve told you what she looks like.
Tiana sounds just like you and you sound like Tiana sometimes. Its unreal
[looking at his phone]
So where would we start, what case? We haven’t heard back from Tiana and the others yet.
Its literally just turned morning, they’re probably only just waking up. Give them time. Lets look for cases in these locations, then – we’ll leave out Liverpool, so we should focus on Manchester or Lincolnshire.
JOSEPH walks over to a computer, tapping and entering a password and being let in to the computer. He opens up the cases and we see him scroll through a list they have.
We’ve got a lot of reports. Which one of you wants to load the car? I’ll pick a case and we’ll head out.
Are you really up for this?
Don’t worry about me, let’s worry about Tiana and the others.
You’re not a soldier anymore, Joseph…
JOSEPH ignores ARCHIE, picking a case about a Fae/Fairy near Lincolnshire apparently trying to kidnap children and pronts out the details, handing them to ROBERT.
JOSEPH is the first to step outside the room.
SEPHANIA, looking like absolute shit, is standing in the car park and shivering, nervously twitching like she’s on edge, waiting for something to strike her.
JOSEPH looks like he’s seen a ghost, squinting at her. He’s trying to make sure she’s real or not. He tries approaching SEPHANIA and find she’s a literal ghost – a hologram of sorts, a apparition.
SEPHANIA looks somewhat semi-relieved to see him.
Good. You have this place warded so Raqael and the others won’t be able to get in. I’m using the last of my energy to project my image to you.
What’s going on?
SEPHANIA has tears in her eyes now, you’ve never seen a GOD so scared. SEPHANIA’s heart is heavy; she knows she’s about to deliver some devastating news.
JOSEPH reaches out to her, even knowing its stupid because she’s not real and he watches his hand go through the image of her.
JOSEPH withdraws his hand, sadly.
[voice breaking]
Raqael and Halcyon have your wife
[calming Joseph with a hand gesture to let her continue speaking]
Tiana already knows, plans are already in place. But I’m done. I can’t hold onto this power much longer, they’re going to find and kill me – Raqael, Halcyon and the others if Tiana doesn’t get to her first.
You need to -
Where’s my wife?
You’ll die if you go after her.
I have died a thousand times over in the past 35 years, watching my daughter grow up to be exactly like her mother. Knowing that I was helpless, I couldn’t do anything to help her. I need to make it up to my wife.
SEPHANIA looks JOSEPH up and down.
Somewhere in Manchester. I’m in Lincolnshire, hiding. I need to train you guys to fight before we attack. Otherwise we’re all doomed.
You’re a GOD for Heaven’s sake! We need to strike now. I’m going after my wife
I’m weak.
You’re not doing enough. You’ve only just made yourself known, what kind of powerful entity are you?
SEPHANIA can see its clear that JOSEPH is hell-bent on getting revenge, getting his wife back and saving his family. It is very apparent SEPHANIA is losing control of the whole situation.
Her image flickers.
JOSEPH pulls away as ARCHIE and ROBERT come outside.
You better keep my daughter safe, Sephania.
You don’t need to die, Joseph!
At least I’ll have done something better than you have. I have so many questions for you, answers I know I’ll never get. So forget it, I’m taking control now – I’m saving my wife, with or without your help.
You’re angry, I get that -
The image flickers away, leaving JOSEPH in the car park, with ARCHIE and ROBERT rushing over, concerned
New plan, boys. We’re headed to Manchester. I’ll explain on the way what’s happening.
Should we be worried?
JOSEPH laughs like Batman’s rival Joker and shakes his head. JOSEPH walks back towards a car which is his, he uses the car fob to get inside and get into the driver’s seat.
ARCHIE and ROBERT look at each other, concerned. But they know not to question things with how fragile the situation they’re all in, is.
I don’t think he’s okay.
I think something bad is happening and we’re gonna walk into it. Do you still want to do this? You can back out, you know.
ARCHIE shakes his head, a worried smile on his lips,
If we don’t look after him, who will?
ROBERT agrees, albeit nervously and ROBERT and ARCHIE hurry across the car park, climbing into the car.
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jadeofblades · 2 years
saigokumota for the character bingo :3
Sorryyy this took a while, but anyways prepare for Brain Rot
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First things first, Shuichi. Oh my God this man,, he is my everything. I want him and I want to be him at the same time. It gets lowkey so annoying when ppl (mainly ppl who hate him) reduce him to just this emo waawaa boy who should've went instead of Kaede. Sure its sad to not have gotten a female protag but I think to throw away his growth (that wasn't Just from that) because of it,, sucks.
I put a /j for the ship thing because I think most shuichi ships are quite good.... minus Saiouma. God. Sorry to my followers/moots that like them but to put lightly I cannot stand that pairing it makes my ass itch.
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Ignore my ugly stars </3 anyways, Kaito!! He is such a bright guy oh my goshhh, and you know me when I see a character with a color palette thats made up of my fave colors (in this case, purple) I go go nuts. He's a goofy funky man and the autism rays are Beaming from him, its unreal.
I need. People. To stop. Calling him dumb!!! I'm sick of it!! He may be loud, he may be impulsive, and he may not think things through a lot. But that does NOT make one stupid. He's still an astronaut (a damn good one at that, even if at times it doesn't always shine through when it should) and he is not a completely oblivious dude, sheesh. Also like,,,, could we stop with the whole homophobic comment thing? Yes we shouldn't just gloss over it but idk, to immediately jump to a character being So Horrible due to saying one thing like that is kinda shit.
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Last, but certainly not least, GONTAAA. Fuck man he is so wonderful and nice and gorgeous looking I want to cry and die for him. It sucks so so bad he didn't get more moments to shine because I truly think he could've grown so well if he got to live even just a lil longer. Also like his story is so?? Tragic?? He may not show much sadness for being shunned by his rich family due to being raised and cared for by his forest family but Boy,
...... Sighhhhhh, can we stop babying this man so much, fandom? Gonta is a grown ass man who studies living creatures as his talent. HE KNOWS WHAT SEX IS!!! HE KNOWS HOW TO READ, AND WRITE, AND DRAW GOOD ASS DIAGRAMS OF BUGS!!! I am so tired of the fact that just because he talks a certain way or thinks a certain way (and is quite ND coded, cough) Gonta gets put down like he's a child when he Isn't. Biting and killing!
So yeah, it's funny how these three are kinda similar with how my opinions are laid out, but it's kinda cool how different they are despite so if that makes sense.
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wishful-soda · 2 years
overall an absolutely INCREDIBLE chapter. I cannot even believe you would claim it’s going downhill their soft friendship/not rly platonic vibes are EVERYTHING and their fight, despite the pain, was believable and defnecessary for the plot so i’m OK W THE SUFFERING!!! Incredible i’m on the edge of the seat for the next chapter and for the MAKE UP SEX 😭
- OBSESSED with picking up where we left off i NEEDED to know more so it’s PERFECT
- the way she called a date “gross”…. sure queen we all see through you
- HE MAKES HIS VACATION PLANS AROUND WHERE SHE WILL BE? so much for enemies that idea is REALLY dead and gone now…
- HE MAKES HER FEEL SAFE OH MY GODDDDKEKKESKJSKEJEK. she didn’t even say just that night she said HE CONSISTENTLY DOES IT?!?! i nearly jumped out of my bed when i read this
- Can’t stop thinking charles must be ROLLING HIS EYES in the background from their final conversation before she closes the door like? they’re so obvious about how they feel it’s???? ridic?????
- i just know they were also smiling like idiots that whole convo and it WARMED MY HEART
- she wanted to HUG HIM after not seeing him for just a few days… these people are INSANELY STUPID and i LOVE TO READ IT
- they’re so risky kissing around the corner at max’s place…… i wonder when they’ll be caught….. 👀
- Daniel is SO happy he can officially say they’re friends like he has wanted it deep down way longer than her i just know it 🥹
- he picks up the phone with how’re ya going… the fact he remembers every thing she has ever said to him i’m weak
- the way i almost fainted at “i want to fuck you in my clothes” 1) reader living the actual dream 2) SO HOT
- “makes you look like mine” i don’t think he can even be denying this to himSELF anymore the boy is in SO deep
- daniel wants to cuddle so badly i wish she didn’t have to get in her own head 🥹 and also ofc what comes after hurts so badly
- I know it’s painful but the image of daniel trying to get dressed to chase after her was SO FUNNY
- he loathed himself 😭😭😭😭😭 i cry!!! Sad ending but totally worth it for all the dynamics at play here and i cannot WAIT FOR MORE OMGGG
Hi my love!! It’s always so good to hear from you!! I read the first chapter of SotD and for some reason I felt like the quality of that chapter compared to the one I just posted was just like unreal. Maybe that’s just me being nostalgic? LMAO. Either way, I appreciate your words, it makes me feel a little better to hear that I’m the only one feeling like I’m on a steady downward trend 😅
Okay it’s rare for me to start a chapter where we left off the last one right? I don’t know why but I suck at that but this time it felt necessary so ta-daaa! 
She’s over the top with her ‘gross’ comments and we’re all starting to see that aren’t we…😏
I’d like to think that he wanted to go to LA for his break but he couldn’t stand the idea of being that far away from her for that long…of course he’d never admit that tho
I LOVE THAT YOU CAUGHT THAT!!! That she didn’t say he ‘made’ her feel safe that night, that he ‘makes’ her feel safe consistently because that was a very conscious choice I made when writing it so I love that you picked up on that!!! 
Charles is like so unimpressed with them. He’s like going along with the ruse because he promised that he would and hes trying to help his friend, but he lowkey is so over their bullshit, like JUST TELL EACH OTHER YOU LOVE EACH OTHER ALREADY SO WE CAN ALL MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES.
Did you catch how she wanted to hug him and then he called her out for ‘not really being a hugger’....Sigh, oh Daniel…
They will continue to be risky because they’re idiots, you’re spot on.
Okay the ‘“I’m acquired taste” I felt like that was SO Daniel. Like I could hear him saying it. 
You’re so right!! Daniel has just wanted to be her friend for so long, like probably from day 1. 
HE IS USING EVERY WEAPON HE HAS OK. Pretty soon he’s just going to consist of backwards hats & ‘how’re ya goin’
Listen. I am so glad that you said something because I was writing him chasing after her and was legit GIGGLING at the thought of him trying to hurrying to get dressed and apologize for being such a fucking moron so THANK YOU FOR LAUGHING WITH ME. 
You are SO RIGHT. HE HAS HAD A GLOW UP. He’s thinking about the fact that he made her feel shitty and not about himself!! OUR BOY!! 
We’re slowly building to them actually addressing the beginning of their relationship and I’m trying to decide how the fact that he never actually wanted to be her enemy at all is going to come out. I’ve actually thought about having Max point it out to her, be like uh do you not realize the dude has been in love with you for two years or…?
I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED IT and I always always look forward to hearing your thoughts so thank you for always reading and always sending me multiple pages on what you thought because it makes all of the frustrating moments of writing 100000% worth it so thank you so much bby. Seriously. ILYSM. 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
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wolfiery · 1 year
#13 for the siken asks!!
#13: i said kiss me here and here and here and you did. em, a special treat for you!!! (also on ao3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44068785
steddie, hurt and fluff, canon au (2.9k)
   There’s a heat wave in Hawkins, a vicious temperature spike in the air that’s made its way into Steve’s hair, now falling flatter than usual since not even Farah Fawcett hairspray could withstand the agony of a hundred degrees. Women in the supermarkets have flocked to the freezer section for relief, the gas station attendant spent more time yelling at any customer parked at the pumps too long (he normally never cared about people lingering, but the hot air must have gotten to him).
And Steve…Steve’s spent the majority of his summer in the Munson trailer.
And fuck, isn’t that an experience he never thought he’d have. Like hand-on-his-heart never.
Because Dustin was weeping on the radio to his girlfriend next to him at Eddie’s funeral in March.
And at the time, he stood with a hand on the kid’s shoulder — even if he thinks it didn’t do fuck-all for anything. Steve felt wildly unsettled with his blubbering tears in a way he couldn’t explain, too numbed to take them in. Didn’t know what to say... Wasn’t sure anything he said would have actually helped.
But Dustin's ugly crying and Wayne’s bowed head, Robin’s hard stare at the cemetery grass made it so fucking real that it didn’t feel like it.
It seemed like something out of a fever dream — there wasn’t a body, not even much of an attendance that seemed rather un-fucking-deserving considering Eddie died too young, too good to save a town that hated him and still considered him to blame for Chrissy’s murder. But his name’s been cleared already and Hopper’s handled Jason and the rest of those assholes in his no-nonsense way that was usually effective. Steve hoped it was enough, but nothing felt like enough then, he felt empty and hollow.
He hadn’t know Eddie for long, but he saw a spark about him, a courage that the Hellfire Club master never seemed to see in himself. So it didn’t matter how long he’d known Eddie because they’d gone through all of that together, and god dammit, Steve just wanted the chance.
And then the radio crackled in Dustin’s hands and Susie’s singing of a lullaby broke away, splitting the moment of guilty silence in half and startling all of them.
And by some fucking shred of luck, some absurd sign from the universe — Eddie’s voice came over the speaker like a gun against his ribcage, an offbeat, strained ‘Hello?’ but still so clearly Eddie.
Dustin had gotten so excited, calling back for a response that Steve held his hand up then, protesting, “Now wait, we don’t know anything —”
“Shut up, Steve,” Dustin said furiously, and even Wayne had rushed over to his side to listen to his walkie-talkie for the chance to hear his nephew-like-a-son’s voice, but nothing came.
The only one on his side was Robin, because she’s fucking awesome and wiser than a room of three boys of different generations. She leaned forward, gently told Dustin that they were gonna do everything they could to figure out if Eddie was alive but that they first needed to consider if it was also a trap. Susie had gotten back on the radio by then, calmed him down with a few sickeningly sweet words.
So she said it better than Steve could, so what? At least someone had the ability to speak at all, because Steve’s heart was pounding in his ears trying to listen to his own stupid advice, trying not to get his hopes up and failing. Because all he heard was Eddie and Eddie is alive.
After what seemed like a blur, like dream after dream in succession — and Steve had already been to the Upside Down, derailing from what happened, so he wasn’t sure what it said about his perception of reality then — they’d confirmed Eddie was alive through Eleven, pulled him out (where he was suspended in the unreality phantom concept of time or whatever Dustin had said) and rushed him to the ER, still bleeding from the bat bites.
And maybe it’s still a little bizarre to his own ears, because it’s the end of August and the absurdity of it never disappears. Steve’s spent his summer in Eddie’s trailer — used to hanging out, getting high, used to Eddie screaming a song until he and Robin were curled on the floor laughing, or wading through a haze of smoke during sunset.
One time, the kids had knocked on Eddie’s trailer while the three of them were smoking a joint and they’d all panicked, rushed to put it out. Eddie ran to the bathroom and grabbed some god-awful cologne and started spraying it everywhere they’d breathed. Then, he opened the door with an announcing drama that Steve shouldn’t have found so damn charming, but he was too stoned to do anything but grin innocently at the teens — and then Robin started gagging beside him from onslaught of scent, covering her face.
Dustin’s face was not amused, instead scrunched into a look of exasperation, throwing his hands up, “Is every adult I know a pothead now?”
“That cologne is sickening,” Eleven said blankly, her face pulled in sympathy to Robin’s plight.
“Honestly, Eddie, wearing that could be considered nostril assault,” Max winced, her wheelchair creaking against the gravel of the trailer park. She was still on her road to recovery and had only gotten out a month ago then, still needing time and physical therapy to get her there.
But Steve grinned at the offended and emphasized glare of Eddie, watched his curls swing over his shoulder the same time he swung his head. “It’s Wayne’s, asshat.”
“Is no one going to focus on the fact that all of our responsible friends have succumbed to a life of fiendry?”
“I don’t think that’s a word — is that a word?” Robin asked doubtfully, meeting his eyes. Steve shrugged, raised his eyebrows to convey, Do I look like the one you should ask?
“Well, it should be!” Dustin says furiously, face getting red.
“If it’s made up,” Eddie twirled his fingers while talking and Steve stared at the rings adorning them. “doesn’t that mean it can mean whatever a word wants to? So can it really bad to live a life of ‘fiendry’?”
He waggles his eyebrows at all of them after his question, thrilled to propose any thoughts that could instill chaos and perplexed faces.
“But fiend is still connotatively bad…” Dustin begins rattling off, moving Eddie’s arm as they all start spilling into the trailer.
Steve looks at Lucas and the girls with a slight smirk, cause it’s obvious now that Dustin’s already entirely forgotten about catching them. He and Lucas boost Max up until she brushes them off with an ‘I got it from here’ and rolls herself the rest of the way into Eddie’s cramped living room.
So Steve’s had a summer of friends and memories that don’t really feel possible, but feel good, and he wonders if he’ll ever actually wake up.
But it’s a little agonizing now, not so much a fairytale but a delirium. The fan’s on full blast but only seems to be blowing the warm air back at him. He’s given up on modesty a while ago, shirtless and unpleasantly sticky. Even Max willingly wanted to go to the hospital today for her check up because of the good air-conditioning.
“This is fucking brutal,” Eddie groans from the wooden chair; it creaks when he leans forward, rests his elbows on his thighs before jumping back. “Fuck! Even my elbows are sweating, Harrington. This is fucking ridiculous, elbows aren’t supposed to sweat.”
“Don’t ask me,” Steve whines, closing his eyes in the muggy air, “Too hot to think.” He cards his fingers through his hair, it flattens even more, totally ruined and leaves a residue of hairspray and sweat on his fingers.
“Pretty sure I didn’t,” Eddie grumbles and Steve can’t even remember now how he got here, laying back on the couch. He just knows it feels like a given that he would be here these days.
Steve squints with one eye open towards the weight of Eddie’s pensive stare that’s increasing with intensity. It’s freaky enough that Steve sits up suddenly, unreasonably self-conscious and alarmed. In the back of his head he tries to remember if Wayne’s at the start or the end of his shift and then wonders why that even matters right now.
But Eddie looks at Steve like he’s an enigma, like he’s keeping Eddie from something, a drink of water in a desert that he’s refusing to share or a way out of this heat. And it’s not any less insane, less feverish then that Eddie reads him like an open book, and bluntly asks the question Steve hoped he never would: “Why are you really here all the damn time?”
So this is reality. When it crashes down on you, when the fever sways from languid to sharp, and Steve is swallowing what feels like trailer park gravel mixed with broken bottles, distantly wondering how the fuck Eddie can survive in a black t-shirt even in a trailer that’s baking in the sun, and trying not to fall apart at a simple question. Easier said than done.
But it’s more than that. Eddie’s face softens, his eyes sympathizing with Steve’s incapability to speak, doesn’t rush him, like Steve’s weaknesses are just fucking human and not an imposing force that he hates about himself.
“Don’t ask why yet, please,” he begs him, but hopes that Eddie will get it, put the clues together with that brain of his.
Steve breathes in relief when Eddie does, looks at looks at him with a lightswitch in his eyes.
“What are you here for?” Eddie tilts his head inquiringly, curiously. He inches the wooden chair closer, it squeaks aggressively against the tile floor. It should feel harrowing, but it doesn’t. Keeps Steve focused, grounded, right here and now. Eddie’s lips are pursed and his brown eyes have that glint to them that drives him a little crazy. It’s pretty fucking cute.
He shakes his head in answer to Eddie’s question — it’s the wrong one, but he wants him to keep going. Bends his knees off the couch and sits up for real, hopes Eddie gets closer.
Steve never used to want to kiss a dude before, but a lot of things happen when someone learns about Hawkins’ secrets or makes the mistakes he’s made. Watching Eddie Munson laying in a hospital bed when Steve thought he was dead four days beforehand, when he thought he’d missed out on something he couldn’t really voice - well, it changed a few things.
And now…a whole fucking summer, in Eddie’s space, vicinity, whatever - it smelled like cigarettes and pot, yeah, but it also reminded him of pine trees whenever they shared a quick hug, whenever he scoped the bat tattoos on his forearms that Eddie now made a mockery of, whenever Eddie would team up with him and not fall to Dustin’s effective briberies, christ.
“Who are you here for?” Eddie’s trying not to sound pleased and it makes Steve’s breath a little shaky when he exhales.
“You,” he says with a bravado that doesn’t feel right but it’s something and apparently he’s left any of his smooth moves in the dirt with King Steve, because the goddamn heat wave’s left him loose-lipped and tongue-tied. “Definitely you.”
“Is that so?” Eddie’s holding back a smile, nodding his head, pressing his tongue in cheek like he’s supposed to be thinking but it just looks stupidly obscene, makes Steve think about other things entirely. Brain-addled heat. This is so stupid. A black t-shirt in a hundred degrees is also stupid. Eddie could die again.
“You should take your shirt off.” Steve states very matter-of-factly before he really realizes it, before he feels just a little hotter, a little more wracked and nervous. Eddie doesn’t stand up, he hops up, like he’s fucking thrilled that Steve asked.
“I gotta say, I didn’t think King Steve would be so forward — thought you would need a little more than hook, line, and sinker. A little more convincing than whatever eye sex just happened in the last two seconds.”
“What?” Steve says, trying to wrap his head around whatever the fuck Eddie was saying while faced with tattoos he hadn’t seen before, extending and wrapping all around the worst parts of his scarred torso. It was the opposite of the Upside Down.
It was Hawkins doused with finely drawn flowers, life springing from every corner, grass between the sidewalks. Whoever had done it had used the scars as an advantage, the trees looking ridged and real, even if Steve knew what was there before, had seen it in nightmares after pulling Eddie out with the rest of the gang.
“Oh, do you like it?” Eddie asks, twisting his neck to get a better look at his own tattoo. And the necklaces dangle on his chest, his black shorts hang low on his hip but Steve’s eyes are selfishly drawn to the trail of black hair, wondering if it would feel as soft as it looked.
“Yeah. And it’s Steve, just Steve,” he grunts, feels rather fucking useless at with his brain at the moment. He’s not sure if Eddie was only stringing him along or not, or if he’s been sucked into some dream experiment in the past day and a half. He should call Robin, just to check. She’d be the first to know if he’d really lost his mind. But he’s survived worse than blushing at Eddie’s flirting and Steve would be a fucking liar if he said he hasn’t been thinking about it.
“So you really like it then?” Eddie comes closer to the couch and Steve can’t really read him, or figure out what’s going on in his head. He’s only got that look like he’s trying to figure Steve out so maybe they’re in circles.
“Look, I —” Shit. Shit, what’s next? What does he say that doesn’t sound like bullshit? Steve doesn’t think he even wants to go down that road either. “I’d like it more if you just kissed me already.”
“Oh, I know you would,” Eddie grins then, and it’s unfair actually, when he leans closer, brackets Steve so he was forced to lean back against the couch. It’s not the best couch either, kind of digs against his shoulders, but Steve thinks he wouldn’t care if his shoulders were in the tile floor right now.
Eddie tilts his chin while Steve holds his breath, suddenly doesn’t know what to do with his clammy hands. He keeps looking over Steve’s face, eyes dragging over his lips that he tries not to bite from the sudden attention.
“Well?” Because screw patience, Eddie’s being an idiot the longer he tries to figure Steve out. “Kiss me.”
Eddie sighs but it sounds like a release and bends easily to press his mouth to Steve’s, tongue begging for entrance in a way that punches all the breath out of him. Steve sinks in the couch even when Eddie presses closer, even when he’s pretty sure oxygen is running low on the planet today, because he’s light-headed fast when Eddie breaks from the kiss, coaxes him lower against the couch. Steve goes willingly just to pull back and stare at the hard edges of his collar bones, his waist and the offending jeans.
“Kiss me again,” Steve demands, hand grabbing at Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie falls forward, knee knocking Steve’s leg half off the couch in the little space there was. “You’re sweaty…and warm,” Steve half-heartedly complains, but still a little thrilled to be touching Eddie, kissing him.
“You’re not exactly at your coolest either, Steve.”
Steve laughs at that, well aware of how stupid Eddie makes him, but the pun is too fucking awful to take seriously.
Still, Eddie does it then. Kisses him again. And he forgets to groan or make fun of anything, his neck now on the thinly cushioned armrest, Eddie’s chest clinging to his own almost uncomfortably but still somehow fucking fantastic, making Steve feel like he’s catching on fire in slow time.
And then Eddie leans back again, pushing himself up with a hand, but his curls fall in front of his face, flushed even though he’s trying to act casual with his heavy-breathing.
“Can I ask why yet?” His eyes stare down into Steve’s and there’s no shortage of answers, but Steve doesn’t know how to come up with one.
“I like you,” he finally says, shrugging a little bit, hoping that Eddie would just…go with it, let him be here, now, like this. They could figure out later, couldn’t they?
“Well...Shit, I wasn't really expecting that,” Eddie smiles nervously, but his eyes twinkle under the bangs that were sticking to his forehead. “Do you want me to kiss you again?” Eddie asks him, but it means a little more than that. Steve hopes it does.
“Yeah,” he nods, feeling the smile come over his face, his confidence growing like the sunflower in Eddie’s tattoo, teasing, “Anywhere, anytime.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up at the proposition, but he does.
He kisses Steve on the lips again with a hunger, making Steve whimper when he bites on his bottom lip, pressing at the sting with his tongue. He takes Steve apart with a tug of his hair, makes his limbs feel like jelly, makes it feel like he’s burning him up for anyone else and kissing his heart at the same time. Flicks at the metal button of his jeans. He keeps kissing Steve and Steve doesn't have to ask him again.
On the hottest night of the summer in Hawkins, Steve spends the night (and definitely fucking showers) in the Munson trailer.
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hellmouth-manor · 9 months
of Angels and Devils || Trial 2.2 || Hisashi || RE: Cedric || ATTN: Alou
"Sometimes I dream of the lines on your face."
While listening to Cedric, it would be easy to miss the way Hisashi's gaze has sharpened-- the smile across his face widened-- his tail thrashing faster back and forth behind him--
For once, there is a gleam in his eyes, wild and bright and hungry.
"Each gaunt stretch holds a sorrow I wish I could carry. I am sorry that I must be one of them, but I hope that I might be the line that kisses the corner of your eye, ready to catch the tears that will never fall."
Some may recognize the letter that Hisashi diligently quotes. Those who care more about the privacy of others may not. There is drama to his inflection, care put into each recited word that does not belong to him. Having a memory as good as his has always come in handy.
"Until the next time... ton Alouette fugace."
Hisashi leans forward on his podium, grip tight enough that his claws scratch and dig into its surface.
The character breaks, and he barks out a scratchy laugh.
"Aha! Alouette-- that's a lark. Brown and white, just like that feather. God, you're just so fucking obnoxious!"
He is, of course, staring directly at Alou.
"Cedric is right, of course-- and I think this part is important enough to bear repeating. You're the only person here that Poppy would listen to. It's as simple as that.
"So, which is it, Alou? Did your stupid dog get ahead of itself? Did Wakako catch you by surprise when she didn't just roll over and die for you like a good little girl?"
Hisashi releases his podium, grinning as he lifts his hands up at his sides in an open gesture.
"And honestly, I would have thought Poppy could cleave a head off in one blow! Was the knife dull, or did they just hold her still while you hacked away at her? Oh-- or maybe she brought it herself because she knew better than to trust you after all! Grandfather Death really was a good pick, I must admit."
He laughs again, full and clawing its way from his throat the same way it had done during his own trial. This time, however, there's something a bit more like genuine mirth to it.
"I mean, the symbolism of it all! The book, the hair, the collar-- what a pompous fucking prick! Ah-- but, hey! What else should I expect from the self-righteous, arrogant bastard that would call himself an angel? 
A reference that goes ununderstood by everyone else in the room.
The two stand face to face in an empty department store. Hisashi insists they are both as wrong as the other; Alou rejects the claim wholly, as demons and angels, while neither human, are not the same.
The demon between them now stands vindicated--
And it shows.
"Oh, it must have felt so good this whole time, watching all of your little birds flock to you for comfort every time they needed to cry, didn't it? God-- you're, like, actually so fucking annoying it's unreal, aha! And you know the worst part, Alou? Self-important assholes are a dime a dozen."
He lowers his hands, leaning forward on his podium again. The grin on his face has only gotten worse the more he's spoken.
What he doesn't say aloud is just how much of this is to poke and prod beneath the other's skin. He knows this game. He knows it well.
And he knows that people slip up the most when they're angry.
"Brings to mind a certain Doctor I've heard about with a name like yours. The ironic staging, the surgical precision... But I'm probably not the best suited to talk about that part."
Finally, Hisashi's gaze breaks away from Alou--
Just long enough to glance at Sapphire with a wink. Okay. Thanks. And then it's back to Alou, whom Hisashi regards with a light, cheeky shrug.
"I mean, unless you can think of someone else your darling Coquelicot would plan a murder with~?"
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finsterhund · 1 year
Past few days have been going in a haze and idk how to feel about it.
Sore, tired, stressed. Not as active online as I would like to be. Getting ready for a convention I don’t know if I even want to go to because I miss Cazza. Can I afford to spend money at the con? No. Do I even have the drive to get art at the con? Also no. Why am I even going then? well I put effort into a cosplay of Kevin from Skinamarink and there’s gonna be star wars cosplayers there I guess.
There was a massive heatwave. A horrible spike in temperature. It’s frying my brain. I hate the heat so much it’s unreal. Miserable. How much of that is why I’m not having a good time? Probably a lot.
I am very very sore. Needed to do laundry days ago already. They don't close the laundry room so I wanted to do it tonight but I'm so tired and weak. Accidentally “just laid down for a bit” and now it is 4AM. Probably gonna do laundry now anyways now that it’s cooler.
Money gets tighter and tighter. It’s honestly depressing. Should be used to it by now but I still hate it. Roommate seems convinced his car is going to die any minute now and is stressing out about trying to find another one and wants me to pitch in. As if I have the disposable income. Personally I think his car is gonna be fine for at least until winter. I’m used to things being run into the ground. He’s been stressed and has been making me stressed too.
Feeling defeated because it’s a struggle trying to repair music boxes when you don’t have the right replacement parts. I now have two broken music boxes. Very sad. The newest broken one is a relatively easy fix with the right part though. The ridge that holds the mainspring in position snapped off of winding key axle. I keep hoping to find broken movements I can cannibalize for parts but that just doesn’t keep happening. I’ve been trying to modify the drum of a particularly difficult movement and I also need to find a replacement mainspring for another. The issue being I don’t want to scavenge from working movements if I don’t have to. When I have some disposable income I should just bite the bullet and buy one of those job lots full of various states of disrepair vintage movements. But yeah. Spent all yesterday trying to modify the one note drum that has a way too fucking long specialized metal rod through its center that prevents it from being put into the base of compatible space movements. Scraped up my fingers about as bad as you can without making them bleed. I love working on mechanisms but not having a success is always very frustrating.
But in theory my music box problems can be solved.
Yet another bean has sprouted. Also my first bean plant is now climbing. Also got my first sunflower sprout. So even though I HATE this temperature my plants in the window fucking love it apparently.
Hoping to find good sunlight emulating LED bulbs for my room. I found cheap grow lights (the weird colored ones) but they're not ideal for anything other than plants. Just gotta make sure they’re not carcinogenic you know?
My neighbor found plant rooting hormone. Can’t wait to illegally download plants. I find it so funny people talking about propagating cuttings online have the nerve to be all “make sure you’re not doing it with a patented plant...uwu” bitch I literally do not care. I will steal every plant. They’re fucking plants. You can’t stop me. (nevermind the fact that I don’t even think I want to propagate the stupid weird patented plants anyways.)
My neighbor is being very nice to me so of course my stupid PTSD brain is telling me it’s a trap. God why can’t you just be fucking normal. Maybe just maybe somebody from an older generation is genuinely a nice person and wants to help you and wants to be your friend? Is that such a fucking alien concept to you? idiot? My brain keeps holdings its breath waiting for the ulterior motives to drop. What’s the catch? Why am I being treated nicely? Maybe there isn’t one. Maybe this is a genuinely nice person and they’re not going to take advantage of you being an idiot child? Maybe learn to trust fucking moron. All this time I’m talking about wishing I could make more friends in-person but I’m too scared of people to feel safe in doing so.
Did not sleep today. Probably not for 24 hours+ so I'm having a nap and rest now that I have some level of downtime. *edit* lol okay so unlike above apparently I did start write this intending to have some level of nap. lmaoooo
I think I’m forgetting to take some of my meds which honestly would explain some things. Roommate doesn’t want me to turn on our AC yet because “it’s expensive” but I am fucking dying dude. Please.
I am so glad Scott has Nexguard. This baby brat will manage to find and eat some random thing he found on the ground before I have a chance to stop him. Fortunately I did prevent him when he found half a dead bird in the yard. Gah.
I guess that is a negative to my grandparents farm. Summers get hot there too. But like, there’s also enough sun that I could make a solar farm and entirely cool the small house with that? Wind farms are viable there too.
Anyways I’m putting off my laundry obligations. :(
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sodrippy · 5 years
getting mad about this work discourse is dumb but its also just about the being perceived but misunderstood so i guess its valid
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sluttsumu · 3 years
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featuring: various characters
warning(s): 18+, f!reader, pet play, daddy/mommy kink, impact play, choking, praise, degradation, dumbification, dacryphilia, overstimulation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, weapon play (gunplay, knifeplay), cnc, public sex, bondage, watersports, humiliation, and breeding, holy shit that’s a lot.
a/n: these are about everything i can think of LOL, also do y’all want twitter links for each character? cause i’ll do that.
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# HINATA, kuroo, hoshiumi, kita, matsukawa, SUGAWARA, tendou
kitten, pup, fox, bunny whatever it is they fucking love it. pretty leashes, expensive collars, seeing you dressed up and obedient drives ‘em wild.
let me separate this for y’all
daddy: iwaizumi, bokuto, osamu, atsumu, suna, kita, aran, matsukawa, daichi, kuroo, yaku, ushijima, oikawa, hirugami
mommy: bokuto, ATSUMU, hanamaki, kageyama, kenma, tanaka, oikawa
god, call them daddy. call them daddy. makes them so hard, even outside of sex they love it. in a way it separates sex from reality, instead of asking “am i making you feel good” it’s so much more pleasing to hear “daddy’s making you feel good” it’s an honorific that can be taken by anyone, we love to see it.
MOMMY KINK TIME. the people who i put for this one are specifically switches, love when you ride them — typically how i see them using it. when you’re bouncing up n down on ‘em, and they’re so close to coming, just whining and whimpering the prettiest “mommy please” because they’re scared you’ll steal their orgasm away from them.
# KYOTANI, suna, iwaizumi, OSAMU, DAICHI, nishinoya tbh,
they just like to have their hands on you. grabbing, slapping, pulling, biting, spanking, all of it. love the way you wince, whimper, yelp, scream, etc when they hit you, it’s all about reactions for them.
# SAKUSA, terushima, atsumu, tsukishima, kyotani, OIKAWA
when I’M talking about choking i don’t mean i slight squeeze, no. i mean almost passed out, eyes rolling back, no breathing choking. not a lot of mfs have the heart for that, they do tho. they’d choke you till you almost pass out then take their hand off and say “not yet baby i still gotta cum” absolute heaven.
see a lot of people use praise, BUT THESE ARE THE KINGS OF PRAISE. you take it so well, and they won’t forget to remind you how pretty you look taking them as well. such a good girl.
oh they fuck their girls like, WHORES. specifically like this. they want you to know how slutty you are, how worthless you are to them only for the to use your body as they please.
# BOKUTO, suna, OIKAWA, terushima again bc he is a whore, TENDOU, daichi
oh my god, all they wanna see is you cock drunk, babbling, fucked DUMB. they fuck you so good you don’t even remember your name, if you don’t turn stupid by the time you cum, expect to go rounds.
# ATSUMU, OSAMU, kageyama, matsukawa, kyotani, USHIJIMA, tendou, sakusa
you just look so pretty when you cry. they wanna see nothing but tear soaked cheeks, and damp lashes as you cry on their cock <3
# OIKAWAAA, TENDOU, osamu, kita, HINATA, kuroo
as current, and former athletes they know what it’s like pushing their bodies to the limit. but as kinky fuckers they want to push your body to its limit. just how much can you take till they’re satisfied?
# atsumu, OIKAWA, HANAMAKI, tendou, sugawara
so pretty and on display for everyone to see and hear, the thrill that they get knowing someone is watching the two of you is unreal. bonus points if it’s someone they don’t like.
# SUNA, kita? IDK I THINK OF HIM AS YAKUZA, kyotani, hear me out SAKUSA, both twins
gun to their head while eating you out knowing you shaky hand could pull the trigger any time? yea. knife to your throat while you ride? absolutely. the danger, and risk makes the adrenaline all worth it. THE ONLY THING I COULD THINK OF IS “don’t pull that trigger baby, don’t want me dying now” SCREAMING.
# HEAR ME OUT AGAIN USHIJIMA?, kunimi tbh, SAKUSA he loves it, kenma, aone tbh
quiet, and heavy moans as they plow into you while you’re asleep trying not to wake you up, and even if you do all the better for them.
i did specific hcs about this already if you want to see them they’re here. but they just love fucking in public, the risk that anyone could catch you, or maybe they just couldn’t wait till the two of you got home.
they’re gonna make you feel humiliated and embarrassed for how bad you need them and how needy you are, they think it’s cute when you cover your face tryna hide the pretty faces you make for them.
handcuffs, rope, shibari, whatever will keep you restrained and restricted so they can ram you without having to pin your hands or keep your legs open.
# you can’t tell me osamu doesn’t do this shit, SUNA TOO ACTUALLY, don’t kill me but shirabu, and kenma
i— if you know you know, if you dont know here.
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sluttsumu 2021
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staarshiine · 3 years
words: 1,773 tw: s*icdial thoughts
Louie knew that he shouldn’t be feeling this way, that it was a dangerous and terrible thought to have, but he just couldn’t muster up the energy to care anymore.
He hadn’t cared about anything for a long time.
or, Louie can’t sleep. He ends up spiraling.
Louie didn’t know what it was that woke him up.
These nights even the slightest creek from the old house could startle him awake. It was embarrassing, really, to sometimes fall out of bed just because a poster fell off a wall, especially after he had a day of avoiding bears with chainsaws for arms. Maybe being such a light sleeper was the price he had to pay for a childhood of near death experiences. A shitty trade off, if you asked him.
In the end it didn’t really matter what woke him up, the result was the same.
Louie was left laying alone in the dark, tired out of his mind, but unable to sleep.
For some awful reason, his brain had decided to choose now to be uncomfortably aware of every inch of his body, almost as if sensing his desperate attempts to fall back asleep.
His gut was churning and twisting in a way he knew would evolve into a full blown stomachache the second he decided to get up, and there was a slight pang in the left side of his rib cage. His wrist and knuckles still hurt from when he had smacked the back of his hand against a stone wall while running away from the catastrophe of the day, and there was a similar stinging pain in his knee from when he scrapped it tripping and falling on the ground to narrowly avoid the swipe of an axe. His legs and the bottoms of his feet were aching from the cardio workout he got while running for his fucking life earlier that day.
He was just so tired.
The weariness went much further than just bone deep. It was as if exhaustion was laced into every breath, like someone had made thread out of lead and had sewn it into the very fabric of his soul.
He was tired of not being able to sleep through the night. He was tired of his body hurting all the time. He was tired of being forced to fight just to live every day.
He was tired of his life. He was tired of living.
The realization dawned upon him quietly but all at once, like the tide slowly inching in until he’s suddenly been submerged by the waves he didn't notice creeping in.
Louie knew that he shouldn’t be feeling this way, that it was a dangerous and terrible thought to have, but he just couldn’t muster up the energy to care anymore.
He hadn’t cared about anything for a long time.
When had the constant danger become normal? Why had he gotten used to being kidnapped on a daily basis, as if it wasn’t horrifying enough to get locked and tied up? How had having to run just for the chance to breath for another day become a regular occurrence?
Louie had been running on pure fear for so long, he wasn’t sure how to get through the day without adrenaline pulsing through his veins.
Maybe he was tired of fighting. He barely even knew what he was fighting for.
It wasn’t as if Uncle Scrooge allowed him to keep any of the treasures they found on adventures. The golden luster of a future life filled with riches had begun to lose its shine. Was some pretty coin worth all the trouble it was taking to get there?
He didn’t have many big dreams outside of just getting rich, it was almost sad. It was sad. But it wasn’t as if he was going to get far in life anyways. Louie was a greedy, lazy, selfish bastard and he knew that fact uncomfortably well. No matter what Louie did he could never seem to escape who he really was. Someone always ended up getting hurt.
Did he have anyone to be there for?
He didn’t have many friends, either. Not that he ever really tried to make any, not after the disaster that was Doofus Drake. Lena, Boyd, Violet, and Gosalyn were all nice, but they weren’t really his friends. They were all closer to his siblings. He wasn’t anyone’s first choice.
There was always his family.
His family who probably hated him.
Louie couldn’t even count the number of times he had put them into mortal danger for stupid reasons. No shiny ring or necklace was worth their lives, but he was always blinded by the shine and his own selfish greed, and risked it anyways. What reason had he given to deserve their love? He brought nothing good to the table. All he did was sit around all day and get in the way.
His family didn’t seem to have the same problems with the constant adventures that he did. Day after day they just popped back into action, bravely facing whatever life threw their way. Louie felt so ashamed in comparison. Was the problem just him? What was wrong with him?
Why couldn’t he do anything right?
Schemes were supposed to be his thing, the one skill he had that had the capacity to be helpful, to some degree. He fucked that up too.
He had blinked all of them out of existence because of his stupid fucking schemes, and his mom hated him for it. Of course she did. Who wouldn’t? He certainly did.
He just wanted to go back to bed.
Louie didn’t know how much time he had spent, falling deeper and deeper into his own head, but he felt worse than ever before.
His blanket had long stopped being comforting and instead became suffocating. He could barely muster the energy to rip it off, and the sudden cold made him feel sick to his stomach.
Living in a literal tower seemed cool, but the novelty wore off once they realized Scrooge was too cheap to pay for the heating in the room.
Still, the cold was better than the clammy constricting blanket. He curled up tight into a fetal position, and tried to bite back the tears burning in his eyes.
Louie knew he wasn’t in the right mind, that his brain was playing tricks on him and skewing his perception of reality, but god did it feel real.
In that moment he truly believed nobody cared for him. That he was totally and utterly alone.
Then Dewey let out a loud snore above him.
It was such a stupid and small thing, but he couldn’t help but let out a snort. Which then exploded into full blown laughter.
Louie just couldn’t stop. He knew he was definitely going to wake someone up, but he just couldn’t control himself. He doubled over wheezing and cackling till his stomach and cheeks hurt, and each gasping breath began to turn into sobs.
Between the sound of his own manic laughter he could hear the sheets above him shuffling, and the quiet thunks of Huey climbing down the ladder.
Knowing his brothers were awake to witness his hot mess of a breakdown just made the situation even more hilarious in the same way a depressed clown falling on his ass was. Louie’s face was bright red from how hard he was laughing, and hot tears were streaming down his cheeks. He could barely breathe. Nothing about the situation felt real.
Dewey’s sleepy voice cut through Louie’s gasping breaths, and startled him out of his crazed giggling. Somehow both his brothers had manifested at the edge of his bed without him noticing. Louie could barely make out his brothers’ concerned expressions through his watery eyes.
Huey’s eyebrows were furrowed so hard Louie was surprised he hadn’t gotten wrinkles yet, and Dewey was rubbing his eye and clutching a pillow to his chest. He looked almost scared. Louie had to look really insane for Dewey of all people to be scared, Dewey wasn’t scared of anything. It was honestly concerning sometimes how often he would throw himself head first into danger.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Huey fretted, and moved to sit near him on the bed.
Like he had to ask. Louie knew he looked like a garbage fire that was hit by a freight train then tossed into a blender and hurled into the fucking sea.
You tell me, do I look okay, Hubert?
He knew he was being a little mean, but it was enough to throw Louie back into hysterical laughter, which quickly dissolved into violent sobs. Huey let out a distraught noise and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. Louie just let himself be held and cry into his older brother’s sleep shirt. He felt like a baby, but he couldn’t be bothered to care anymore. The bed dipped and creaked slightly as Dewey sat down on the other side, and began to rub circles into his back. That just made Louie cry even harder.
They really did care about him.
The thought suddenly flooded him with pure relief.
Louie didn’t know how long he spent sitting there and sobbing his eyes out, but eventually he ran out of tears to spill. His heaving cries sputtered off into quiet gasps and eventually he was left quietly clutching to Huey’s side. The night still felt unreal, like the second Louie let go Huey and Dewey would vanish and he would be all alone again.
“...No,” Louie weakly whispered out, his voice scratchy and raw from the abuse Louie had just put his throat through. “I’m not okay. I… I think I haven't been for a really long time.”
No one said anything. Dewey just leaned into his other side and gave Louie’s hand a slight squeeze. Huey shifted slightly to reach up and gently wipe away Louie’s tears. He rested his palm against Louie’s cheek and guided his head to rest on Huey’s shoulder. They were such small acts of affection, but it was enough to warm Louie’s heart. It was right there, sitting sandwiched between both his brother’s, did Louie finally feel a sliver of hope.
He was loved.
It didn’t matter what he thought of himself, there would always be two people in his little corner of the world who cared about him.
Louie was still tired. He wasn’t sure anything could lift that heavy feeling out of his chest, but just sitting there and being held made it just the slightest bit lighter.
Maybe he could make it through another day.
Maybe tomorrow morning he could work up the courage to talk to his siblings and explain just exactly how he was feeling. But for now, all Louie was concerned about was letting his heavy eyelids slip shut.
And finally, he fell asleep.
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years
Can you lily for BatCat?!? PS you’re just so talented at writing!
This is a sequel of Time Unreal that @comicskbanime2 requested in march.
It falls after the 4x15 of Gotham,so Baby!Batcat what feels weird to say when this is smut lmao.
Lily - “Staying quiet was never your strong suit, wasn’t it?” “Well, you could do something about it.”
Growing up on the streets Selina learnt by pain and hurt that the only thing that really matters is power. And the main two things that could give you some was violence or money. She didn’t enjoy violence very much. She was no lily livered coward, but she did not take pleasure on inflicting physical pain to others. And the way she avoided to be on the receiving end was being small, fast and smart, but those three things could fail her, and had many times. Money, however, she liked very much, but she didn’t have any, that’s why she took it from people that had too much.
Dealing with Bruce was different, the rules did not apply at all. For once, despite still having nothing of the things that should give her power over him, there was no doubts of whom from the both of them had the reins of their particular dynamic. And it was not the boy billionaire.
But Selina miscalculated. She made a mistake she never really expected she could ever make. Because it was so unlike her, it never occurred to her that she needed to look out for that particular kind of danger. She got comfortable, domesticated. And, by doing so, Selina led herself to believe that the things between them would never change.
Back then, she, sometimes, when lying on his couch, watching through half-lidded eyes his never-ending reading, pretending to be asleep, she wondered why. Why he didn’t mind her presence? God, why he even seemed to enjoy it? Worse, why was he so despaired for her good opinion? Why he even cared about her at all? And how could have her let herself forget that those questions didn’t have an answer? And if she didn’t know why or how she managed it in the first time, how could she keep her power over him?
Did she even had any, like, ever? Wasn’t their whole relationship just one of his experiments and when he tired of consorting with the poor, he’d forget her? But wasn’t exactly that what happened, wasn’t it? Granted, in the heat of her rage, when for the first time since they met, he rejected her, it hurt so much and so deeply that she told herself that’s what happened. That their whole relationship was a lie, that Bruce was just another selfish rich bastard who used her for amusement and now was done with her.
Of course, that was stupid and not true at all. Even if she couldn’t understand why Bruce liked her, she knew him well enough to know he was none of that. And that had been why, even after believing their story was over, her heart broke when she saw him playing that part, forcing himself to be something so far from his true self, something that he, himself, despised. And when he told her what was really going through his head the last time they fought at the hospital, the surprise, the relief, the need was so great that she couldn’t do it anymore. Selina realized that Bruce hadn’t been the only one pretending to be something he was not, and she kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him, and when they had their first time, in the wrong place, wrong time and even more wrong circumstances, finally, she felt something was right in the world.
He put away the jewellery, and she waited as he came back, feeling awkward. Such unfamiliar feeling. She, who had wore shamelessness on her head like a crown all her life, felt embarrassed by being under Bruce Wayne’s gaze now. He didn’t come back to the Sirens after their last encounter. Then the whole affair with Ivy happened and when she heard he was one of her former friend’s victims, the whole affair was done with, and he was okay. Good. Yet… Some part of hers, the one that was still insisting on making the same mistake that costed her so dearly before, expected him to make the next move. And when he didn’t, when not even the dirt bag Brucie that haunted her bar failed to show, she was disappointed. Of course, her pride would never let her admit that to him. But even her pride had its limits, and after how Ivy tricked her into participating in the murder of Roland Charles, Selina felt the need of a friend. Someone who understood. Someone to whom other people’s lives mattered. She needed him.
He looked surprised to see her still there in his messed up kitchen when he came back, but other than a small smile and a special glint in his gaze, he didn’t comment on her lingering presence.
“Are you still hungry?” he asked.
“You have no food,” she answered, trying to shake the weird shyness she was feeling off. She was sitting on the counter now, her legs swinging. His eyes darkened, maybe he was remembering the last time he held her against a bar counter, maybe it was a trick of the light.
“I could make some.”
“I could eat.”
He took the apron from the hook and tried to tie around his waist, but his hand – now puffy and purple – hurt and he winced in pain.
Selina jumped off the counter and took the apron from his hands, helping him to tie it on his back.
“Are you really alright?” she whispered, taking forever to make the knot, she wanted to lean her forehead against his back, when had it become so broad? He used to be such a frail thing.
“Yes…” he sighed, knowing she didn’t mean his hand. “As much as I can be.”
“I don’t understand it,” her hands fell limp around her body.
“What?” he turned to look at her, but Selina was facing down, biting her lip to stop it from trembling.
“Why don’t you just take off to your castle in Italy and never come back to this stupid city?”
“Chalet in Switzerland, Selina,” he said in a mock-annoyed tone. “I’ve told you a hundred and fifty-seven times already!”
That got her to raise her eyes to him.
“Knowing you, I might believe you counted for real.”
Bruce took his good hand to her face, Selina’s eyes fluttered closed; his thumb caressed her cheekbone lovingly.
“Still… You really can’t think about a reason?” his voice was barely a whisper.
“Hm?” she made, leaning into him, one hand on his hip, the other on his chest, she wished he would shup up and kiss her already, she didn’t want to hear it, because she might believe him.
“Can’t you?” he urged her again, but now his hand had slid into her hair, and his lips were against her ear.
Selina shivered, but pushed him away gently.
“Look, Bruce…”
“No, no,” he pleaded, his voice betraying his despair, “don’t do that,” he reached for her hand, “not now, please.”
“What do you even want from me?” she asked, frustrated. “I just don’t get you. You’d think that fucking you would give me some clue, but somehow I know even less of what goes on in that huge head of yours, and I’m tired of trying to figure it out. Thank you for the help with the jewellery, I’m… I’m taking off now.”
She tried to pull her hand from his grasp, but Bruce used the leverage he had to pull her awkwardly closer, making their bodies smash into each other.
“I’m sorry!” he said letting go of her hand, but doing nothing to create space between them. “But just-“ he sucked air in. “Stay, please. I don’t get me either, most of the time, but after Ivy did to me I think I might be getting somewhere… I feel like myself again. But one thing never changed. Not even when I was so completely lost… What I want from you… Oh Selina, how can you possibly not know?”
She just stood there, staring at him, and for the longest moment, it seemed that nothing else would happen. Because she couldn’t move, her thoughts were running so fast that if she did, something could break. And she was taken back to the last time he showed himself so vulnerable to her, and what the lack of reserves blew out the walls she had painstakingly built around herself. It was dangerous, Selina knew, and her brain was trying the impossible by pushing the acquired notion of Bruce growing out from his attachment to her to the reality of the young man standing there, who was so obviously in love with her.
“I want you,” he said finally.
Selina rose to the tip of her toes, crashing her face against his so hard her nose stung. Her hands went straight to his hair, her body arching to get more of his warmth, as he wrapped his arms around her and licked the seam of her lips. Selina gasped letting him in, she moaned when she felt his tongue slide to the roof of her mouth, remembering how it felt against her clit last time.
“Bruce…” she breathed when he started spreading kisses way from her lips. Selina pushed him away another time, but now her objective was to peel that stupid turtleneck off, she needed to feel him.
He grunted when, of course, the offending garment trapped his maimed hand as they hastily worked it off.
“Your hand!” she cried, alarmed.
“It’s fine,” he roared back, trying to catch her lips again, but Selina, ducked, taking the harmed hand delicately between hers, examining the damage.
“You should put ice on it.”
He used his free hand to pull her chin up.
“I have something better to do now.”
She snorted.
“You are so corny.”
She saw his smirk get closer and closer, until their lips were together again. He was being weirdly sweet as he kissed her, going slowly, kissing her skin as he peeled her jacket off, as if he was apologising.
It was too late for apologies, as Selina didn’t want any anymore.
She pushed him against the counter and unzipped her hoodie, discarding the shimmering fabric on the floor. He reached for her, but Selina stepped back, staring directly into his eyes, almost daringly, she pulled her undershirt off, revealing no bra. Bruce swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing, he licked his lips in anticipation, but instead of claiming his mouth again, Selina hooked her arms around his neck and bit his chin, licking downwards and sucking the sensible skin of his throat hard. She leaned back to admire her work, his skin was so fair, it was so easy to mark. She wished it was easy like that, to brand him as hers, to remind him so he wouldn’t stray again.
Wondering about his silence, she rose her gaze to his eyes, they were pitch black, her throat dried, Bruce’s mouth fell upon hers again, but didn’t last. He used her stunned oxygen deprived stage to rotate her body by her hips, pulling her thick hair aside and kissing down the nape of her neck, giving her one mark too, while his hands were free do grab her chest.
Selina moaned when he licked between her shoulder blades and pushed her hips towards his, desperate for more. By doing so, Selina felt against her backside how affected he was too, and reached behind to do something about it, but Bruce grabbed her still gloved wrist and pinned it on the counter.
“Not yet,” he told her, ignoring her annoyed huffs and continued from where he was interrupted. Selina looked over her shoulder to see him, kissing lower and lower down her back, he bit the curve of her hip kneeling on the floor, she involuntarily arched against him, and Bruce, finding that the fabric of her trousers were a problem reached for the front button. Selina helped by unhooking her whip from her belt as Bruce kissed the new revealed skin, but when he parted her soft mounds to lick her middle through her damp underwear she cried out in pleasure and shock.
She threw daggers through her eyes when she heard him chuckling.
“This morning you tried to grab my attention by making loud mess. But as Alfred is back, you’ll have to be quiet if you don’t want us to be interrupted.”
She turned around, facing him.
“I didn’t try to get your attention,” she said in arrogant tone, “I’ve got it”
He smiled again, but instead of amusement at her expense there was a mix of fondness and arousal in his eyes.
Bruce tried to stand up, but Selina hooked her leg across shoulder.
“Yes,” she leaned down, their faces inches from each other, “I still have you wrapped around my little finger, Bruce Wayne.”
Bruce’s smile disappeared and Selina’s core contracted in anticipation, he cupped under her knee, pushing her leg open and sucking her inner thigh. With each inch of skin he won, she bit her lip harder, trying so hard to not give him the satisfaction of having her loud and clear praise of his talents. Selina’s eyes rolled shut when Bruce pulled her underwear with his thumb and slid his impossibly hot tongue across her slit.
She was pretty sure she had broken her own skin, but all her efforts were nullified when he started sucking her clit and Selina cried out loud, one of her hands grabbing his hair with despair and the other reaching behind for support distrusting the capacity of the only leg she still had on the floor to keep her standing.
“Fuuuuuck,” she moaned when he started lapping, Bruce didn’t stop, his thumb let go of the fabric of her thong to penetrate her, and the combined stimulation made her fall apart, her leg giving in, pleasure mixed with horror as her fingers slipped from the hold she had on the counter. But before she had a very undignified fall, Bruce guided her body down, lying Selina on the kitchen floor.
She was still startled and still having orgasmic spasms when he started kissing up her navel.
“Staying quiet was never your strong suit, wasn’t it?” he teased.
“Well,” she breathed hard, “you could do something about it. Come here.”
He did, and she held his face as they kissed, enjoying the weight of his body over hers, the contrast of his feverish skin and the cool floor tiles. They took a break, Bruce’s forehead falling against Selina’s, his hands wandering down to her chest as she caressed his back.
“Your hand,” she remembered.
“What?” his mouth had joined his hand in the exploration of her breasts.
“When I fell and you held me-“
“It’s fine,” he mumbled.
She studied his face, trying to judge if he was being honest or just way too horny, deciding she believed him, or didn’t care enough to stop, she looked down.
“You still have your pants.”
That made him follow her gaze. And then when he sought for her face Selina smiled devilishly. She pushed him away, making Bruce fall on his back, then she rose to a kneeling position, undoing his fly. Selina used her teeth to pull her glove off before inserting her now bare hand inside the waistband. Bruce grunted when he felt her fingers close around him. He watched transfixed as she pumped a few times, and then pulled her hair behind her ear leaning in. When her lips closed around the tip, he held his breath, seeing stars.
“Hey,” she called wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Bruce remained with his eyes closed shut. “B to earth,” he heard her giggle and opened one eye, “do you have a condom? Last time we didn’t and… Better not risk it.”
He breathed in trying to remember how to process language and speech again.
“My wallet.”
“K,” she bended over him fumbling with his jeans’ pockets until she found his wallet. But when she opened it, she was surprised by a picture of herself. It was old, she should be around fourteen when it was taken, she didn’t know the picture existed and wasn’t looking at the camera. She turned the picture around trying to find more information of where it came from, but glued on the other side was a portrait of Bruce’s parents smiling to each other. Her hand shook, and she turned the picture over again, facing herself, and blinked trying to sway the tears wetting her eyes.
“Selina? Did you find it?”
She didn’t answer, not trusting her voice.
Bruce sat up, his hand caressing her back.
“Oh,” he made when he found out what was distracting her, “this…”
Selina sat of her heels, Bruce’s hand followed the change of her posture sliding up her back until he found the curve of her neck, massaging the bottom of her scalp.
“How did you get this?” She asked.
“I took it…” he said studying her expression. “Alfred found my mom’s vintage camera and I was playing with it.”
She turned her face to him.
“I don’t remember this.”
“You weren’t looking, I’m sorry,” he was now caressing her face tenderly, “are you upset I took it without telling you?”
“No, it’s just…” she closed her eyes shut. Why did he have to be so… “Where’s that damn condom?”
“Selina, I don’t un-“
She let go an exasperated sigh and pushed his wallet to his bare chest, climbing on his body.
“Find it, or I’ll fuck you without it.”
He found the object without difficulty and handed it to her.
Selina used her teeth do open the foil package.
“Do you know how to-“
“I was a virgin last time, not stupid.”
He chuckled.
“What?” she asked, rolling the condom down, Bruce hissed with the contact.
“Nothing,” he answered with a tight voice, his hands were now on her waist, wishing she was closer. “I just missed you.”
She pulled him for a kiss at the same time she guided his penis inside. Her mouth fell open breaking the kiss for a moment, before he urged her to continue, pulling her bottom lip with his teeth. Bruce’s hand, kneaded Selina’s buttocks as she swayed her hips back and forth.
As they got momentum, Bruce started thrusting his hips up to meet hers, by then Selina was being so loud, he had to cover her mouth with his hand. She came again, becoming limp in his arms, then he laid her down, without breaking their union, and proceeded to seek his own release until he collapsed over her.
They remained there, locked into each other, Selina’s hand playing with his hair, his head on her chest, Bruce felt so much at peace that he might have fallen asleep before being brought violently back to reality by a very loud British exclamation of horror.
When Bruce entered his bedchamber that night, there was someone already under the covers.
“So, what did you say to Jeeves?” she asked, as if having her on his bed as something normal and not the first time ever. Earlier, they dressed in haste and Bruce ran after Alfred to stop him from leaving again, when he went back to clean the mess in the kitchen, Selina was gone.
“A lot…” Bruce said pulling his turtleneck off and folding it. “He was worried I lied to him about fixing my life, but I convinced him.”
“I told him” and he made a pause looking straight into her eyes, “it was you.”
“Oh…” he didn’t hide his smile when he saw the redness on her cheeks, Selina rolled her eyes.
“Won’t Barbara and Tabitha worry about you?”
“Nah,” she shrugged, “they don’t care.”
“Hmm,” he made unsure, he didn’t understand or liked Selina’s association with the two criminals that filled the space he had left in Selina’s life, but that was something he would have to deal with. After finishing his preparations, he fell on the bed and pulled Selina against him, very aware of the pleased smiled on her face.
“So…” he said kissing down her neck, “are you my girlfriend now?”
I hope you liked this one too, and if you do, please reblog so more people can find it too <3 Have a nice week!
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islandofspice · 3 years
Tumblr media
In 1938 Frida Kahlo came to Paris. Here's how she talked about Breton and surrealists in a letter to her lover photographer Nikolas Murray:
′′ You have no idea what kind of bastards these people are. They make me want to throw up. I can't handle these cursed ′′ intellectuals ′′ from my two. This is really above my strength. I'd rather sit on the floor to sell tortillas at the Toluca market than have to partner with these fucking Parisian ′′ artists They spend hours warming up their precious butt at the ′′ coffee tables ", talk continuously about ′′ culture ", art ", revolution ", and so on, thinking of gods of the world, dreaming of things more absurd than each other and infecting the atmosphere with theories and still theories that never become reality.
“The next morning they have nothing to eat at home since not one of them works. They live like parasites, on the hooks of a bunch of full old skins admiring the “genius′′ of these ′′artists". Shit, nothing but shit is what they are. I've never seen you or Diego waste your time on stupid gossip and ′′ intellectual ′′ discussions; this is why you are men, real ones, not ′′ artists ′′ with nuts. Damn it! It was worth coming, just to see why Europe is rotting on its feet and why these people - these good-for-nothing are the cause of all the Hitler and Mussolini. I bet you I'll hate this place and its locals for the rest of my life. There's something so fake and unreal about them that it drives me crazy."
Josephine Baker must have been a wonderful breath of fresh air for Frida...
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jubilantwriter · 3 years
It All Began with a Big Crash
Summary:  It's the one year anniversary of Boyfriend and Girlfriend's growing relationship, and Boyfriend absolutely, totally, DID NOT forget that today is that special day. And yet, that one single DID NOT FORGETTing leads to a domino effect, resulting in quite possibly one of the best nights of their lives.
After all, what's the point of a performance if no one's having fun during it?
Word Count: 7154
(A/N:  Happy 1st Anniversary of Friday Night Funkin’!  I literally wrote and edited this all in one day.  Got home at midnight, started writing, and then I posted it at 10 am, took a nap, went to work, AND NOW I’M HERE ON TUMBLR :D  Anyway, FNF has been a big comfort for me these past months, so it’s only fitting that I put myself through hell to get this little bit out.  I hope you all enjoy!)
Now, Boyfriend isn't a forgetful man.  This thought crosses his mind as he stands up abruptly after paying for his lunch and racing for the door.
But sometimes things... slip from his mind, and while he's not one prone to panic, THIS is something worth panicking over.
"My dishes!"  A blonde server kneels on the ground, surrounded by the clumsy carnage created by Boyfriend inadvertently crashing into her on his rush out.  She glares accusingly at him as the boy jogs in place.  "Again, really?!"
"Sorry, sorry!"  He waves his hands in front of him before looking over his shoulder.  "I'll pay for the dishes and shit uh, later!"  He dashes out the door as she calls out behind him.
"That's what you said LAST time!"
Well, last time he was dirt poor, but now that he's pretty famous around town, he's actually got the moolah to pay for damages!  So yeah, next time!
...Is what he meant to tell her, but he's already busting into the conveniently placed flower shop, panting as he looks around wildly for help.  The florist in question glances at him completely unbothered by his entrance.  
"Forgot an important date again?" she quips, staring back down at her phone as she drapes herself over the counter.
"BAP!" he says defensively, because he DIDN'T forget!  It just... slipped his mind a little.  In his defense, he'd gotten so used to being with Girlfriend that it felt ... normal!  Like they've been together for YEARS and being with her just felt so right, and every day was the greatest day of his life because he had her by his side.  So yeah, maybe the days slipped past him in a blissful sort of way, like when he gets super focused on his music or some arbitrary task, and the hours slip by and suddenly it's the next morning!  It's kind of like that, but with a girl who makes him smile and laugh and forget that life is supposed to be difficult and hard, and not fun and invigorating.  And to think they've only been together for a year...
...A year.
He's doing it again!
He bustles over and slaps a fifty on the counter.  "Bop!" he announces in a rush, tapping his fingers impatiently as the florist holds it up to the light. 
With a low whistle, she puts it back on the table.  "Wow, you're really going all out this time, huh?"  Before Boyfriend can respond to her sarcasm, the florist calls out to her partner in the back.  "Flower!  Miku's lil bro is back at it again, dropping a fifty and hoping for the best."
"Again?"  A husky voice makes its way over as a familiar bush of thick hair pops out from beyond the doorway.  "Boyfriend, you should know by now that apology bouquets are at least a hundred."
"Ba- skida- AUGH!  It's not an apology bouquet!"  He stomps his foot, irritated to break out the English but knowing full well it’s a matter that needs clear communication.  So not really a waste of words, just a waste of energy on two ladies who will give him shit regardless of the noise he makes.
"Oh yeah?  What's the occasion?"  The taller florist - Lily, hilariously enough - leans forward with a smirk as Flower keeps her deadpan stare.  
"It's for my anniversary!"  He crosses his arms and harrumphs as Lily whistles again.
"Damn, and you didn't invite us to the wedding?  Harsh."
"No, not that-!  Ugh, you know what I mean."
"Do we?"  Lily and Flower exchange a look before Lily's smirk widens.  "I dunno, you don't give us the dirt anymore.  Remember when you'd come in here all the time, red in the face trying to get apology bouquets for that one boy?  What's his name-"
"Pico," he answers, a bit flustered as the memories rush through his mind before shaking his head, "and he liked them all, by the way!  But this isn't about him-"
"No, it's about your new girl, right?"  Flower cuts in, leaning against the doorway with a bored expression.  "What's her favorite color?  It's not green, is it?"
"It's red, and please can you make it quick?  I dunno when she wants us to meet up, so...!"  He flashes them two thumbs up and is about to bounce, but Lily grabs the collar of his shirt with a chuckle.
"Not so fast, dumbass."  She pulls him back to the counter as he whines pathetically.  "You really think a fifty is enough for an anniversary bouquet?"
Oh no.  He starts to sweat, feeling his wallet tremble in fear.  They're doing it again.  "What do you mean?"
"What do I mean, Flower?"  Lily turns back to the shorter florist as the other makes a thoughtful hum.
"One hundred, at least."
"Yeah, at least one hundo."  Lily holds her hand out.  "C'mon, cough it up, shorty."
This is beyond unreal, but at the same time, it is completely expected from people who teased him relentlessly since he was a kid.  "If it wasn't for Miku, you guys wouldn't even be here!"
"We're only here because of convenience, please."  Lily snorts as the boy continues to struggle.  "So you aiming for an apology bouquet or an anniversary bouquet?"
"Just cut me a deal, please?  For old time's sake?" He clasps his hands together and bats his eyelashes.  "I'm still that cute little kid who used to pretend to be like Miku!  Who could forget good ol' Mikuo?"
"One hundred."  Flower cuts off the potential reminiscing and steps up to the counter.  "Or it's an apology bouquet."
Grumbling miserably, Boyfriend digs around in his pocket and manages to snag something.  He pulls out his hand and counts out four quarters.  Quietly, he puts it on top of the fifty.
Flower and Lily both look at it silently.
"...Well," Flower begins, slowly taking the money, "I did say one hundred."
Roll with it roll with it roll with it-
"Yeah, and uh, four twenty-fives makes one hundred, right?"
"What, are we speaking French now?"  Lily asks with a sneer.
"No," Boyfriend begins, blinking slowly, "pretty sure we're speaking English." 
"Oh my god."  She slaps her hand over Flower's.  "We are not doing this."
"I gave you one hundred," he argues, sweating miserably as he turns up the confidence.  
"He did give us one hundred," Flower agrees.
"You are not giving this to him.  You know he didn't even plan this!  He's too stupid to pull a slick move like that!"
Boyfriend just smiles and gives them a double thumbs up.
"It's not like anyone else is gonna be coming in to give us another job."  Flower hums and stows the money in the register, much to Lily's chagrin.  "And besides, if I get bored making it, I'll just take a nap."
"Flower-!"  Before Lily can protest even more, Flower disappears into the backroom, no doubt to either work on the bouquet or take that nap.  Lily turns back to Boyfriend and glares, jabbing a finger against his chest.  "Be back here in a few hours.  You're taking whatever the hell she makes for you, stingy little bitch."
"That's all I have on my person!"
"We accept credit and debit."
"I have bills to pay."
"You're such a little-!"  Lily makes a strangling gesture with her hands before grabbing and shaking him.  "You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
"I'm trying!"  He backs up and shoots the tall florist finger guns before vacating the premises.  Okay, one thing down.  Next: chocolates.  Easy-peasy.  What place sells heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and other cutesy, anniversary items?
Boyfriend makes a beeline for the local grocery store and spends only a total of thirty minutes there, making the proud purchase of a box of chocolates, a little teddy bear holding a heart, and even a balloon that says, "I Love You".  Score!  Damn, he's doing great so far.  And it was such a quick purchase!  Maybe Miku's friends could learn a thing or two about making quick sales instead of harassing him over every little thing.
What's next, what's next...
A place for dinner, right!  Girlfriend loves the local bar.  Great food, a nice atmosphere, open mic nights, a server who's familiar with them...
A server that he crashed into and made her drop all those dishes to the floor... like that other time he did it to her and held up the service for a sizable amount of time...
He gulps.  Hm.  She's probably still mad at him too.  But uh, huh.  He's not sure what to do.  Maybe, maybe...
He takes out his phone and dials a familiar number.  It rings only twice before a gruff, annoyed voice answers on the other side.
"I'm busy, the fuck you want?"
Without missing a beat, he gets on his metaphorical hands and knees.  "Pico, can I ask a favor, please please pretty please?"
"Wow, English.  Must be desperate."   There's a loud crash on his end before Pico's voice yells at a pair of playful, young laughter.  "Hey- hey!  Watch it!"
"Pico, so uh, could you-?"
"Hey- give me that!"   More raucous laughter fills the line as Pico sighs.  "Sorry, Bee, don't think I can help ya today.  I was supposed to just watch these two kids 'til Lila came back, but then I got a call from a pal who needs help at her joint and- Skid, Jesus fucking Christ -"   There's some shuffling and a grunt as a playful squeal rings a little too close to the phone.  Pico continues as though nothing happened on his end.  "-and so basically I'm double booked for the night."
"Oh, okay."  He tries not to let the disappointment seep into his voice, but another sigh from Pico suggests that he heard it regardless.  
"Look, I'm real sorry, wish I could help, but a line's formin' and I can only do so much."   Pico grunts and a soft thump is heard.  Two voices chatter away distantly in the background, but Boyfriend focuses solely on Pico.  "Why?  What happened?"
"Well, today's me and Girlfriend's anniversary, and I wanted to take her out but-"
"Can't figure out a place to take her?  C'mon man, you- Jesus, you two, slow down, I'm comin'- you already know one."
"Yeah, the bar but-"
"What, ya worried about 'bout lines or somethin'?  I know it's busy and shit, but I'm sure Serv will get ya guys' a table easy.  It's just you two, you'll be fine."
"Okay, but-"
"Oh my GOD, what the HELL is THAT?!"  
A faint, childish voice answers Pico's horrified question as Boyfriend listens in.  "That's Moloch!"
A roar sounds from Pico's side of the phone call.  The voice - uh, Skid, was it? - laughs excitedly.  "Yeah!  He's our friend!"
"He lives in Skid's attic!"
A demonic voice nearly blows out Boyfriend's eardrums.  "GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
"...Does your MOM know about this?!"
"Sorta!  She thinks he's a rat."
"Hey hey HEY, back OFF-!  Sorry, Bee, I'll call ya later!"  
The last thing he hears is another roar before the line hangs up.  Pico will probably be fine - he's handled worse after all, and even Boyfriend's faced off a demon or two!  Maybe three, if that Lemon Man those two kids were friends with counted as well.  Man, demons are just everywhere, huh?
...Speaking of demons.  There’s one demon he really should be focusing on.  Like getting their dinner date set up at her favorite bar in town.  Even though he’s probably on that bar’s shitlist for knocking over their number one employee again .
But Girlfriend really does love going to that bar, and if it's for her...  Fuck it, he'll suck it up and take whatever Server-chan's got against him.  He'll just challenge her to a quick rap battle, win, and THEN they can have a nice dinner!  Yeah, that's what he'll do.  Lily's words replay in his mind as he walks off to his apartment to change into something nicer.
"You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
Fuck yeah he will.
"Damn, after all these years, you still can't tie a tie."  Lily frets over his outfit as she helps him tidy up a bit.  A colorful ribbon now decorates the box of chocolates, tying it together with the teddy bear with the balloon also tied around its wrist.  He grabs the tied together present after she rolls his sleeves up to his elbow.
"Bouquet?" he asks hopefully as Lily dusts off his shoulders for the hundredth time.  
She huffs and shakes her head, blowing a stray hair out of her face.  "You're lucky Flower didn't take a nap halfway through.  It's her best work so far!  All for the low, low cost of $51, tax not included."
"There's tax?!"  He almost falls over, but Lily grabs him by the collar of his dress shirt.
"Chill out, we'll charge it to Miku's account."
"Oh, thanks."  He swats away her hands when she tries to tuck in the other half of his shirt.  "Fuck off, it's part of my style!"
"What, being sloppy?"
"The ladies love it."
"Your lady deserves better."
"But I'm the best there is!"
"Oh, God," Lily groans as her expression falls into despair.  "Egotism really does run in the family."
"Enough about the family ego," Flower pipes up, her hands full with a large, beautiful bouquet.  "These flowers need to be appreciated."
"Holy shit."  Boyfriend takes the entire bouquet, admiring the reds, pinks, and whites.  There's a smattering of small, lavender flowers here and there, making the other colors pop.  "Roses!" he points out, the only flower he recognizes.
"Yup, and there's also lilies, alstroemeria, and-"
"Don't waste your breath," Lily cuts in, covering Flower's mouth before she can list them all out.  "He won't remember any of the names."
A disappointed sigh escapes Flower, so he gives her the biggest grin he can muster.  "Yo, I still think it's hella bomb to look at.  I really think she'll love it!"
Flower perks up a bit, a small smile forming on her usually stoic face.  "...Cool."
"Alright, get outta here."  Lily shoves him back to the door with a grin.  "You got a hot date, yeah?  Go give her the night of her life!"
"Yeah!"  He waves to the pair before leaving.  "Gonna have a great night at the bar!"
Lily's smile falters as Flower's smile immediately disappears.  "...The what?"
"See ya!"
"Wait, Boyfriend!  You're taking her out to the fucking BAR?!"  
He doesn't have the time to turn back and answer Lily, so he goes along his merry way, bouquet clutched tightly against his chest with the bear.  Hopefully the incident from earlier today has been swept away.  He really doesn't want to have a rap battle with Server-chan, but if he has to...
"Boyfriend!"  A sweet, melodic voice pulls him from his thoughts as he looks over to see his beautiful, wonderful Girlfriend.  Her iconic look now sports a sleek, black jacket reminiscent of her mother's own jacket.  It looks stunning on her, and a soft, longing "beep" escapes him as she giggles and kisses his cheek.  "Hey, hun.  Happy anniversary!"
"Happy anniversary!"  He holds out his gifts for her to take, and he delights in her unabashed joy as she takes them.
"Oh!  This teddy bear is so cute, and these flowers are lovely!"  Another giggle escapes her as she points at the bouquet.  "Roses!"
"That's what I said!"  They both share a laugh before her smile settles into something soft and relaxed.
"Now I wish I got you something too..."  Girlfriend pouts a bit, but he kisses it away with a grin.
"Hey, don't sweat it!  Lemme spoil you for the night instead."  He offers her his arm, and she happily loops hers with his.  They walk into the bar together and are met with a familiar face standing behind a podium.  Despite being the hostess, Cassette Girl keeps her iconic cap on as she notices them and greets them with a lazy smile.
"Wooow," she drawls out, giving Boyfriend a knowing grin.  "Back again so soon?  And after that huge fuss you made."
"Fuss?"  Girlfriend gives Boyfriend a curious look.  
"Uhh, beep bah."
"Didn't tell her about your mishap, huh?"  Cassette Girl raises an eyebrow and shakes her head.  "Well, if you wanted to know, Serv got it figured out.  Called in a favor last minute, and luckily he was nice enough to help out."  
"Sorry about that," he says sheepishly, and Cassette Girl merely shrugs.
"It's whatever.  Not the first time you messed her up real good.  And besides, you're not even the first person to make her crash and burn for a hot minute."  
"Is this still about the fuss you guys are talking about?"  Girlfriend looks between the two as Cassette Girl chuckles.
"Yeah, but don't worry about it.  Lemme take ya to your seats.  Bar or nah?"  
"Nah, it's our anniversary date today!"
"And you guys are spending it here?”  She pauses for a second in thought before shaking her head.  “Alright."  Cassette Girl takes it in stride and seats them near the miniature stage.
"Oh, is it open mic night tonight?"  Girlfriend sits down, already excited for the night as Cassette Girl chuckles and hands them the menus.
"Nah, originally we had a band booked tonight, but their back-up vocalist got injured, so they called it off last minute.  It's gonna be a quiet night instead."
"Aww."  The pout on Girlfriend's face lasts only a second before her smile returns.  "Oh well!  Sometimes quiet is nice too."
"Right you are.  Anyway, your waiter will be with you guys in just a sec, so take your time.  We're not too busy tonight, so feel free to cause more havoc."  She flashes a grin before walking back to her station.  
Girlfriend waves goodbye and turns back to Boyfriend with a smile.  "Cassey is so nice!  I wish we could talk to her more."  
"Maybe we'll catch her on the street one of these days."  He cracks open the menu, perusing the contents before deciding on getting his usual.
"Maybe!  Should I try something new tonight?"
"Wouldn't hurt."
"But I don't know what to get..."
"Maybe we can ask the waiter?"  He looks around for their supposed waiter, but all he sees is an unimpressed Pico standing at their table.  "Oh!  Pico!  You're dressed like a waiter!"
True to his observations, Pico is dressed similarly to Server-chan; a black long sleeved shirt replaces his usual green sweater, and a pair of black slacks replaces his usual beige cargo pants.  The only splash of color on his outfit is the bright orange apron that all servers seem to wear as per uniform, and it absolutely clashes with Pico's own bright, red hair.  
"That's because I am the waiter, dumbass."  The bite from his remark is lost from the tired slump of his shoulders, and the ginger begins to resemble Server-chan with each passing second.  "At least for tonight.  She called me in for a favor, and I agreed to help."
The conversation from earlier today pings in Boyfriend's memory.  "Is this what you meant when you said you were double booked?"
"Yeah.  Told me some blue-haired douchebag steamrolled her on his way out, and she ended up breaking a whole buncha dishes.  She went out to go replace the whole set, so I'm coverin' for the rest of her shift while she takes care of it.  Now that I think about it," Pico fixes him with a stern, knowing glare as Boyfriend shrinks under his sharp eyes, "I kinda already know about a certain blue-haired douchebag."
"I'll pay her back, I promise."  
"You fuckin' better."  Pico looks over to Girlfriend and offers her a tired grin when she waves cheerfully.  "Hey, Red, he treatin' ya well tonight?"
"Yup!  He got me chocolates, a bear, a balloon, AND a bouquet!"
"Really spoilin' ya there."
"Only the best for Gigi, right?"  He nudges Pico playfully, the earlier irritation already melting away from his expression as he rolls his eyes and ruffles Boyfriend's hair.
"Yeah yeah.  Ya guys ready to order?"
Pico takes their orders and departs quickly, the couple watching him disappear somewhere in the bar as their collective thoughts gather on one thing only.
"Mm, Pico should wear uniforms more often, huh?"
"It definitely looks flattering on him."  They both hum before taking sips from the water Pico had set down earlier while taking their orders.  With no ginger to distract them, Girlfriend's attention centers back on Boyfriend as she smiles.  "Thanks for taking me out here for dinner!  I know it's not easy for us to go out on dates since my parents still hover, so I'm really happy that we went out like you planned!"
"Oh yeah, totally."  His easy grin hides the absolute panic he had for the entire half of his day when he realized he had nothing planned.  "I wish I could treat you out for something better, but nothing else is really happening around this time of year-"
"Except for Spooky Month!"  Two voices pipe up out of nowhere as the costumed duo surprise the couple.  
"Oh, goodness, hello!"  She laughs as Skid and, uh, Pump?  Stand by their table looking curious.  "How have you two been?"
"Okay!  Mr. Pico has been babysitting us since Mom's been busy with her work stuff."  Skid bounces on his heels as Pump looks up more calmly.  "We wanted to introduce him to Moloch, but..."
"He didn't like him too much.  He said Moloch is more scary than spooky."  Pump sticks his tongue out and laughs.  "Silly Mr. Pico!  He does not understand that Moloch is our friend!"
"Moloch?"  Girlfriend hums as bobs her head in thought.  "That name sounds familiar.  There was a demon that went missing months ago by that name..."  
"Oh, weird!"
"Moloch came to us months ago too!  But now he stays in Skid's attic."
"It's like a sleepover every day!"
"That sounds like fun!"  She giggles as the kids bounce around her.
Boyfriend watches with a smile before remembering that “double booked” thing that Pico mentioned earlier.  Were these the kids he was watching when Boyfriend called…?  "So why are you guys here?  If Pico is supposed to be babysitting you guys, but is working here instead..."  Boyfriend wonders how Pico manages to balance so many jobs at once.  He himself can barely handle the one!  
"Mr. Pico said that he didn't trust Moloch and wanted us to stay somewhere safer."
"Which is weird, because Moloch is our friend!  But it made him happier, so we came here with him."
"It's boring here, so Pump and I have been teaching lots of people how to spooky dance!"
"Oh?"  Girlfriend indulges them and smiles as they crowd closer to her.  "Can you show me too?"
"You don't know the spooky dance?"
"We should show her!"
"It goes like this!"  The pair of children do a little dance for her, and a happy laugh escapes her as she watches.  Boyfriend leans back and enjoys her happiness as the kids continue to chat with her.
"That looks like fun!"
"You can do it too!"  Skid tugs on her hands, and it's enough to get her to stand up.  "Just hold out your hands like this-"
"-and then you move like this!"  The two of them demonstrate one more time before looking at Girlfriend expectantly.  It takes her a few times, but the kids are surprisingly patient and more than happy to show her as many times as she requests until she gets it right.  The sight of her having so much fun melts his heart, and he sighs as he watches her enjoy herself.  
"Damn, look at you, meltin' into the table."  
Boyfriend nearly slams his face against the table, making Pico guffaw as he puts their meals on the table.  "Dude!"
"What?  Just spittin' facts.  Hey!"  Pico's hands come to rest on his hips as he glares at the kids.  Both Girlfriend and Boyfriend exchange a look, hiding their amused grins behind their hands as Pico takes on his caretaking role.  "Skid, Pump, what did I say 'bout botherin' the customers?"
"Uhh..."  The two kids freeze in place, looking at each other before looking at Pico.  "Don't?"
"And what are you two doin'?"
"Bothering your friends!"  Pump grins as Skid nods in agreement.  "They are not customers, right?"
A puff of a laugh escapes Girlfriend as Boyfriend nudges Pico.  "Yeah dude, we're your friends, not customers.  We should get a de-"
A glare is enough to silence Boyfriend, but Girlfriend's composure quickly falls apart as a fit of giggles escapes her.  Pico ignores her as he focuses his attention on his two charges.  "They're still customers."
"But it's boring here!"
"Yeah, it's too quiet.  You said there'd be music!"
"But there's no music, except for the soft elevator music."
"But that's boring too."
Both boys pout as Pico sighs and massages his temples.  "Look, I didn't know the band would cancel today.  After I'm done here, we can do something fun , okay?"
"Like getting candy?"
"Yeah, like gettin' candy."  The two kids cheer and run off somewhere before Pico can stop them.  "Hey-!"
"Damn, Pico, I didn't think you'd be good with kids."  Boyfriend snickers as he eats a fry, watching as Pico sighs for the umpteenth time.
"You call that bein' good with kids?"
"It's better than I'd ever expect outta you."
"Rude little bitch."  Pico snatches a few fries and chomps on them, ignoring Boyfriend's protests.  
"When do you get off, Pico?"  Girlfriend spins her fork around in her pasta before feeding the first bite to Boyfriend, keeping her eyes on Pico as the ginger hums thoughtfully.
"Technically nine, but I gotta watch the kids 'til ten.  That's when Lila comes back from her shit."
"Do you wanna come over for movie night?"  She looks over to Boyfriend who nods in agreement.  Pico laughs and shakes his head.
"Ain't this supposed to be ya guys' anniversary date?  Why the hell am I bein' invited?"
"'Cause it's more fun when you join us!"  Boyfriend pipes up, making his eyes go wide with hope, knowing how much of a sucker Pico is for his puppy dog eyes.  Like he predicts, Pico grumbles and looks away, a slight blush to his cheeks as he tries to regain his composure.
"Touchin', but nah.  It's y'all's day.  It's not my place to interrupt."  
"You wouldn't be-!"  A ringtone goes off in the middle of her sentence.  Girlfriend pauses, taking her phone out as her smile vanishes.  "Oh, just a minute."  She leaves the table quickly as she answers her phone with a faint, "Hi, Daddy..."
"Hm."  They watch her go outside before Pico turns back to Boyfriend.  "I hope you have somethin' really good planned for tonight."
"Well, I don't have anything planned, per se-"
"Oh for fuck's sake-"
"But!  Movie night is gonna be a thing!  Or, was."  Boyfriend frowns, not liking how it was her dad who called her.  Knowing him, he could be asking her to come home earlier than planned, ruining their romantic movie night.  "I was gonna play it by ear, y'know, in case something like that happens."
"Fair."  Pico crosses his arms and fixes Boyfriend with a stare.  "So how are you gonna save this night then?"
"Dunno yet."  Boyfriend bites his lip and scratches at the table.  "Like I said, I don't have much planned, so like..."  His eyes wander over to the stage.  A keyboard is the only instrument present on the stage alongside the stereos.  He blinks slowly at the sight of it, a hum low in his throat.  
"What?  Ya suddenly got an idea?"  Pico follows his gaze and whistles low.  "Gonna sing a love song?"
"What?  No."  A pause.  "Maybe.  I dunno."
"You dunno?"
"I don't really have a song lined up."  But it would be perfect.  She loves it when he sings.  Or raps.  Or does anything really.  And she did seem a little disappointed when she found out that there wasn't going to be a show tonight...
"You're a rapper," Pico supplies easily.  "Just freestyle."
"But I don't have any beats."  Which is true, unless he gets some help.  His eyes wander up to meet Pico's gaze.  "...Can I ask a favor?"
"You still beatbox?"
And Pico smirks.  "Only if ya got a plan."  
Boyfriend looks around the bar, his eyes landing on the Spooky Boys and Cassette Girl.  Music flows behind his eyes as he maps out the beats and flows on the spot.  Fingers tap out the rhythm he wants to follow, and Pico taps his foot in tandem.  "I think," he says, watching as Girlfriend comes back into the bar with a gloomy look on her face, "I've got a plan."
Pico leans forward, and Boyfriend quickly whispers it to him before shooing the ginger away.  When Girlfriend takes her seat, Boyfriend takes it upon himself to buy some time for Pico as he keeps Girlfriend's attention on him.
"Something up?"
"Oh, it's just Daddy."  Her frown deepens, and Boyfriend can feel his heart drop from the sight.  She shouldn't be unhappy on their anniversary - of course her dad would ruin things for her.  "He wants me to come home early, says he doesn't want me to stay over too late since he doesn't trust you to keep your hands to yourself."
"Tch.  Your old man needs to lay off."  From the corner of his eye, he sees Cassette Girl wander to some backroom, only to reappear with a few more coworkers as one of them takes over her position by the podium.  Pico follows her next, helping her set up a couple of mics as she tests out the keyboard.  The noises catch the attention of the patrons, including Girlfriend as she turns in interest at the ruckus.
"What's going on?  Oh, is there a show happening after all?"  A small smile forms on her lips as she watches the prep.  "I wonder who they managed to get!"
"Yeah, I wonder."  Boyfriend lets her watch them for a second longer before taking her attention again.  "So how long can you stay out?"
"Mmm, at most, maybe an hour?  Daddy's imps will come and pick me up, regardless of where I am."  She puffs her cheeks out, which would normally be cute if she wasn't so distressed.  "Mommy was okay with me spending the night!  But Daddy won't even let me stay before midnight, so that ruins movie night..."
"Hey, don't worry about it.  We can always have movie night whenever."  He reaches over and takes her hand, giving it a firm, comforting squeeze.  
"But today was supposed to be our day."  She frowns again, holding onto his hand as she sighs softly.  "We were supposed to have a nice night doing whatever we wanted.  And now that's going to be ruined because my dad is being... himself again."
Random beats start playing.  It takes them both by surprise as they turn around to see Pico messing with... some kind of pad?  Is that a launchpad?  Cassette Girl shakes her head and points to some buttons before Pico nods and- ah.  So he didn't steal it from someone.  Clearly, it was Cassette Girl's own device.  
"What are they doing?"  Girlfriend watches with more interest as the two kids clamber onto the stage, Pico talking to them softly as they nod along to whatever he's saying excitedly.  He wags his finger like a metronome, and the boys both follow its movement before nodding furiously as he grins and pats the tops of their heads.  As Pico looks up from the boys, he meets Boyfriend's gaze and gives a small nod before standing up.
"They're getting a show ready for you."  Boyfriend grins when Girlfriend looks over to him bewildered.
"What do you mean, for me?"
"Heeeellloooo, everyone!"  Cassette Girl speaks into the microphone with her familiar drawl, getting the patrons to quiet down as they watch with rapt attention.  "Now, as you know, our booked gig for tonight ended up cancelling, but at the very last minute, we managed to snag another performer instead!  You may be familiar with his bright blue hair and obnoxious voice," a rumble of laughter rolls through the crowd, but he takes it all in stride as he waits for the intro to end, "but he's gotten pretty famous throughout these parts for his amazing freestyle rap!  Dedicated to his lovely Girlfriend of one year, we have Mr. Boyfriend, here to perform for one night only!"
"Boyfriend?!"  Girlfriend's eyes widen in excitement as he stands from his seat, grinning confidently as he winks to her.  It's not often he gets to perform for the sake of performing, so he wants to make this the best performance she's ever seen.
"You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
As if he wasn't.
He takes the offered microphone from Cassette Girl as she takes her place behind the keyboard.  
"Heya, folks!"  He waves out to the crowd as the people who recognize him from his many rap battles cheer him on.  Girlfriend cheers from the crowd, for once enjoying the show as just a normal person, instead of being in the thick of it.  "Like Cassey said, this show is dedicated to my Girlfriend.  I started this whole career for her, and if it weren't for her, I never would have found this flow in my life.  I love her more than any song can convey, so I hope a show's worth of songs can get the message along.  Now are you ready to get funkin' lit?!"  
The crowd erupts into cheers as Girlfriend stands and cheers the loudest, her smile wide and bright as she pumps her fist in the air.  They wait for the crowd to calm down before Pico starts his beatboxing.  The beat begins slow, the notes sounding familiar as recognition settles on Girlfriend's features.
"Yo," he begins, holding the microphone close to his lips as he gets into the beat, "it's the remix."   Pico's beatboxing continues before Cassette Girl joins in with her keyboard.  The beat plays from the launchpad as the beatboxing ends, and that's his cue to start rapping.
"Don't look complacent, wearin' those rags, you ain't adjacent.  Lookie, I'm fly, and you look basic.  Look in her eyes, and I feel like takin' it for the win."   He meets Girlfriend's gaze with a grin as he waves his hand back and forth, pumping the crowd up as he continues to rap.
"Her dad be evil, no twin.  Skin purp' like the Sprite, sippin'.  He open his yap and you wouldn't believe it's the sound of an angel when he spittin'."   At Pico's cue, Skid and Pump join in with a chant of, "Go man go!  Go man go!"   They keep it up as Boyfriend continues to rap, the energy high and exciting as he performs for fun.
"Even though he look like a demon, hold my blue nuts as I battle for the takin'.  Of this girl, I just wanna hold her hand.  Look in our DM's and it's like candy land."   Boyfriend kneels on the stage and gestures for Girlfriend to come closer.  Without missing a beat, Girlfriend makes her way over, her head bobbing in time to the rhythm as she smiles blissfully.
"Yo, I really can't bust when her evil ass dad tryna make my ass be grass.  So I got one shot, learned to spit real hot, and it might just go like this."   As he takes her hand, he pulls her onto the stage and the Spooky Boys go quiet for his next lines.
"I don't mean no disrespect, but there's something about her I can't let go.  Baby, you know that I love you, even though my balls are blue."   The joke gets a giggle from Girlfriend, and it takes all his willpower not to stop rapping just to kiss her right there.
"I want to spend my life with her, even if her dad is evil or some shit.  Now spit it like this: we gettin' freaky on a Friday night, chyeah!"  The crowd goes wild as he scoops Girlfriend up in one arm, cradling her against his body as he continues to rap.  Her arms wrap around his neck as she leans against him, warm and happy in his embrace.
As she should be.  
The Spooky Boys return with the chant, pumping the crowd up some more as they cheer loudly with the rap.
"I just want to hold her tight, chyeah!  Her hair, her eyes, her thighs, yeah.  If I die, it'll all be worth it.  Just to get a chance to show she's worth it!"  He sways with the beat, watching as the crowd gets into the performance.  Besides him, Cassette Girl is grinning, nodding her head to the beat as she plays the mellow tunes on her keyboard.  Pico meanwhile focuses his attention alternating between beatboxing and playing the right beats on the launchpad, all while paying attention to the song and directing when the boys start and end their chant.  Despite the amount of tasks on his shoulders, he holds himself high and proud, enjoying himself with a smile as he moves with the beat.  Even the kids are enjoying themselves, bouncing on the spot and watching Pico intently for his cues.  A part of Boyfriend wonders if they're even paying attention to the lyrics or if they're too engrossed in the beats and sounds coming from the keyboard and launchpad to even care.
Not that it matters.
All that matters is that they're all having fun .  He looks out into the crowd and sees smile upon smile as they're all enjoying themselves to the music.  This.  This is what performing is all about.  The energy, the enjoyment, everyone losing themselves to the music and forgetting their woes and worries for even just a minute-
That's what makes it all so worth it.
He raps the chorus one last time before letting the beat peter out, Pico ending the song with his beatboxing increasing in tempo before ending it abruptly.  The crowd continues their cheers as Boyfriend yells into his microphone.
"You guys ready for more?!"
There's no doubt in his mind that he will absolutely be banned from the bar after this show, just with how rowdy the crowd is getting.  But it's all worth it in the end as he nods to his friends to play whatever beat that comes to mind.  He'll come up with the lyrics on the fly, all of them dedicated to Girlfriend as he sets her down and holds her tight to his side as they sway together.
He doesn't know how long they go for.  All the hype and excitement pushes him to continue, and when he looks over to see if Pico or Cassette Girl or even the boys look just a little tired, he's surprised to see them too excited to even consider taking a break.  The night is filled with raps filled with jokes and love as the clock finally strikes ten.  
Time to end the show.
"Alriiiight, everyone!"  Cassette Girl takes the microphone back from Boyfriend, panting slightly as she gestures to the crowd that grew during the performance.  "Unfortunately, that's it for this show!  Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed your meals, and please, come back again when we host another gig or open mic!"  The crowd applauds as they all bow.  Cassette Girl pats his shoulder with a grin and turns back to help Pico clean up.  Girlfriend clings to his side, giggling and burying her face against his neck.
"Ohhh, that was so much fun!"  Her giddiness makes him laugh as he hugs her tight, covering her face in kisses as he breathes for the first time since the performance began.
"Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Are you kidding?!"  She laughs and picks him up, twirling them together in a circle before cuddling him midair.  "That was the most fun I've had in ages!"
"I'm glad," he admits, relief washing over him that their night was a success after all.  "Sucks we didn't finish our dinners though."
"I can get boxes for them."  Pico shows up next to them, both kids curled up in his arms as they cling to him.  "Or, uh, I can get Cass to get 'em for ya."
"Aww, are they tired?"  Girlfriend sets Boyfriend down to take a look at the kids.  "They did a really good job tonight!"  Skid lifts his head up, a tired but bright smile on his face as he giggles.
"That was fun!  I wanna do it again, Mr. Pico!"
"I'll think about it.  Remember what we promised before the show?"
"No repeating the bad words around mom," both boys respond, although Pump's words are muffled against Pico's shirt.  He chuckles and nods towards the couple.  
"I gotta get these kids home.  You guys get some rest too."
"We will."  Boyfriend stretches, feeling worn out from the show.  
"See ya."
"Bye, Pico!"  Girlfriend waves as Pico walks off, the two kids waving from Pico's arms.  "He really is good with kids, even if he won't admit it."
"He's always been protective of them."  They both hum, the thought sobering them a bit as they watch the ginger disappear in the crowd.  "We should visit him later and make sure he's okay too."
"Sounds like a plan."  Girlfriend smiles and takes his hand, swinging their arms between them.  A waitress comes by quickly, helping them pack their barely eaten dinners and shooing them out of the bar.  As they leave, Boyfriend passes by Server-chan, her expression still looking exhausted as their eyes meet.  But despite this, she smiles when she sees him, and he hopes she had fun too during his show.
He and Girlfriend walk for about five minutes before a limo pulls up beside them.  She sighs and turns to hug him tight, her face buried in his shoulder before she kisses him softly.
"Thanks for the lovely night," she whispers, soft and tender as the warmth from her cheek seeps through his shirt.  "It really was the best night of my life."
"I'm glad then," he whispers back, pressing a kiss to her temple.  "'Cause I'm gonna make sure I make every night the best night of your life from now on."
She giggles, pulling herself away reluctantly before climbing into the limo.  He watches as it drives away into the night, leaving him alone.
The night air is cold and brisk, but he finds himself warm regardless.  A smile wide and bright on his face as he stuffs his hands into his pockets, a tune coming out in the form of a whistle as he walks home.
What a night to remember.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Tremors
Let's get you out of the sun for a spell.
Please move your fat ass.
Well, when I'm your age I'll probably forget what I eat, too.
How many cows does it take to make a stampede? Is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?
You will have long blonde hair, big green eyes, nice full breasts that stand up and say hello, ass that won't quit. And legs, legs that go all the way up!
Yeah, well, I'm getting what I refer to scientifically as "weird vibes."
They're all the same; dead weight. Can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. Make my skin crawl!
Well, I'm a victim of circumstance.
Twenty years of looking for a woman exactly like Miss October 1968, and where'd it get me?
Down, honey, down.
The way you worry, you're gonna have a heart attack before you get to survive World War III.
Right. We plan ahead. That way we don't do anything right now.
The idea was; we were ripping you off.
Now, you know I'm good for it.
Are we too easy-going?
If we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that.
Stop it! Stop it, you horrid animal!
God almighty, my mama sure didn't raise me for this.
You're the one's gotta have a plan.
What keeps us doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet.
You gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think I'm the reason we're still here?
I'll call that little bluff.
Forget it, man. It's not worth it.
We did it! We faced temptation and we did not bend!
Last chance, asshole.
Jeez, look at that guy.
You're full of shit.
He must've really been drunk this time.
You damn fool, you owe me on this one
Well, whatever the hell happened it's just one more goddamn good reason to haul ass out of this place.
Hey, where the hell's that asshole dog?
We got a killer on the loose!
He's cutting people's heads off!
I'd high-tail for town if I was you!
The phone is out!
We've gotta get the police up here.
Well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now.
Is some higher force at work here?
Are we asking too much of life?
You on a booze break or what?!
Where are the bullets? Don't we have any goddamn bullets?
Hey, I don't want spend the night out here!
What the hell you doing back already?
Unreal! Where'd you get it?
It's disgusting.
So, it's some kind of snake?
It's dead all right. Tore the damn thing in half.
There's gotta be more out there, a lot more.
Slick as snot and I'm not lying.
Look, we organize, we arm ourselves.
We go out, we find those damn snake things, we make 'em extinct.
Might be aliens. Who knows?
Why go looking for trouble?
Phone's out. Road's out. We're on our own.
I'm dead. Let's finish in the morning.
Just keep looking at that beautiful sky.
Damn that thing!
Well, what's wrong with it?
You sure this is where it was?
God, what a stink!
Something's got me!
Oh, God! Get me Out!! GET ME OUT!!
Somebody stop it!
You want the rifle or the Smith?
You stupid punk!
One of these days, [NAME], somebody's gonna kick your ass.
Come back with the Sheriff.
Come back with the National Guard.
That means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark.
Oh, man, I hate this shit.
Ride like hell.
How could they bury an entire Plymouth station wagon?
They're under the goddamn ground!
There must be a million of them!
It's gaining on us!
We can do it, we can do it!
We killed the bastard!
Did you just notice something weird?
Think it smells like that 'cause it's dead?
I think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in.
Good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else.
I'm lucky it didn't find me.
This is like, well, let's say it, it's probably the biggest zoological discovery of the century.
Just look at what we caught here!
This is one big mother!
Come on, nobody's ever seen one of these!
There are five more of these things!
Five more?
If you compare the different readings, there have to be five.
There's nothing like them in the fossil record, I'm sure.
I'd vote for outer space. No way those are local boys.
The government built them, a big surprise in the next war.
How the hell's it even know we're still here?
It can sense the slightest seismic vibration, hear every move we make.
I always wanted to be stuck on a desert island. But somehow I always imagined, you know, water.
You know, I hate to be crude, but I'm gonna have to take care of some business here.
I'll tell you, if you ever wanted proof God is a man, this is it.
Running's not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails.
You're not even trying to come up with a plan!
Think it's still following us?
You go north, I'll go south.
Well, I'm scared, but I'm not sorry.
All right, I'm about as subtle as a donkey's ass.
You think we're not even safe here in town?
I think we should all get the hell out while the getting's good.
You should have a theory at least.
This valley's just one long smorgasbord and if we don't haul ass outta here we're the next course.
You little ass wipe!
You knock that off or you're gonna be shitting that basketball!
Where are we going to go that's safer than right here?
I'm gonna kick his ass!
Man, you got a gun?!
Big as a house!
Remember, no noise. No vibration.
Get off your pogo stick!
Go back, for chrissake!
Come on! Outta your pants!
Just run! Run like screaming fuck!
This oughta hurt like hell.
So, is that one of your usual jobs, saving peoples' lives?
How long till they go away?
Shut it up! Shut the little bastard up!
Quiet! Quiet you hateful thing!
Chuck him out the door!
Son of a bitchin' lowlife, putrid, scum.
I got enough food here to last us for weeks.
Jesus! Shut it off!
Can't you shout a little quieter?
How the hell long it take you to change a tire?
They're coming after you! They're coming right now!
Big monsters under the ground, [NAME]!
Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you BASTARD!
We killed that motherfucker!
Uh, be advised, however, there are four more, repeat, four more motherfuckers.
They got one! They killed one of the sons of bitches!
You're not getting any penetration, even with the elephant gun.
Never figured on having to shoot through dirt! Best goddamn bullet stop there is.
They can feel our vibrations, but they can't find us.
The bastards are up to something.
Oh, wow, man! No way! No fucking way, man!
They're gonna tear this whole town out from under us!
We'll come get everybody. Just hang on tight.
Since when the hell's every goddamn thing up to us?!
We don't have a hell of a lot of time here.
We need a helicopter is what we need, or a goddamn tank.
Jesus. It's slower than hell.
Couldn't we distract them somehow?
We need a decoy.
Hey, [NAME], you wanna make a buck?
We're gonna save our asses here!
Get real. I'm faster than you.
Damn. Guess I have to do it.
Watch your ass, shithead.
Don't worry about me, jerkoff.
You goddamn suicidal son of a bitch!
He'll never make it! They're gonna get him!
Goddamn good thinking!
Me next!
Get me off of here!
We got about three seconds!
God damn! Armored transport!
What do you think? Max firepower or...?
I'd go for penetration.
Give me a gun! I'll take one!
I wouldn't give you a gun if it was World War Three.
Underground goddamn monsters?!
Any sign of'em?
Maybe they're taking a dump.
What the hell are they doing? They're up to something.
I don't care what they're doing as long as they're doing it way over there.
They dug a trap! I can't believe this!
Hungry?! Eat this!!
Here they come! They're coming back!
They'll sure as hell get us if we stay here!
[NAME] do you have any more of those things?
Then, when the explosion happens, if it drives them away again, we all run like goddamn bastards!
What if it doesn't scare them? What if they don't run?
They're so sensitive to sound, they have to run! It hurts too much!
We're gonna run. Get ready.
They're too fast! You can't outrun them, no way!
It worked! There they go!
You asshole! There's no bullets in this gun!
Could we make it to the mountains?
What's the matter with you? What are you talking about?!
Those animals would have killed you!
You haven't seen what they can do.
They're not falling for it!
I'll make'em pay attention, goddamnit
We can't kill them all.
Use the fucking bomb!
This better be one great plan!
We could make some real money off this whole thing, get in People magazine.
Sell the movie rights.
You're really leaving, huh?
There's going to be major research up here.
And thanks for everything, you know, saving my life and stuff.
Civil? I'm civil.
You're not civil, you're glum.
We got the world by the tail with a downhill pull and all of a sudden you go glum on me.
Somebody paying you to do this?
She just practically asked you for a date.
God, my work is never done.
Fine, make the mistakes I did.
I think I'll just be playing this hand myself.
I'd goddamn worship her.
Can you fly, sucker?! CAN YOU FLY?!
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