#got7 mark scenarios
haechanhues · 2 years
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H O U S E  O F  C A R D S
summary : you want more and to certify that for yourself - you learn to play the game and collect your cards.  
chapter ten : mark tuan 
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be4utifulveins · 22 days
Hi, I’m drinking right now and I miss got7.🥺
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eviebyme · 1 year
*****i forgot to ask what for the GOT7 one. lol
If you can please do the same for GOT7?
Hi! Yes, I can certainly do that 😉. Thanks for requesting!❤️
Got7 Kinks
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He’s probably the most vanilla tbh
Being with a partner he finds sexy is usually enough for him
He prefers to stick with missionary or doggy
His kink would most probably be penetration, just the act of sex is enough and he doesn’t really like to step out of his comfort zone
He will silently judge you if you suggest anything too crazy by his standards
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I can see him having specific sensitive spots that will drive him crazy when they’re touched
Like he’s big into having his nipples played with or being pinched on his thighs or waist or something
To that point he probably has a specific body fetish. Foot fetish, breast, belly button. I can see him being hyperfixated (and turned on) by certain body parts
Likes having sex in public, but with no one around lol - like in a field or in a car. He finds it exciting but anything more and his anxiety takes over
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Ok guys, he’s a lowkey freak
Takes consent very VERY seriously because he knows he’ll mess you up lol
Hard dom- likes giving orders, inflicting pain, and teasing
Like leather and bondage
ALWAYS has a safe word, even if your intention is just making out
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Soft dom - he likes to give orders but is a huge softy and feels bad when he gets carried away
LOVES roleplaying - he’s always the dominant though. Like he really gets into it. He’s usually pretty reserved but once he’s into a role he completely changes into that character
Likes to blindfold and tie up his partner - but he only reaches this stage after being with someone for a while
Seems vanilla the first few times, but he is freaky trust me
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Edging and being teased
Probably a switch or exclusively submissive
I can see him being turned on by certain articles of clothing - like knee high socks and a short skirt or lingerie. That will drive him wild. Even certain textures like silk or lace are incredibly sexy
Also, I can see getting turned on by cosplay of anime or video game characters - omg and maids!
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Soft dom #2
More of a Daddy/baby girl kind of dom
Loves to take care of you and loves to put you in your place
Giving massages (erotic massages ofc)
Probably the second most vanilla after Mark. He likes good old fashioned sex and literally just loves to be touched.
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Rough sex
Role play that results in rough sex (punishing, humiliating, etc)
I’m reluctant to say hard dom because he can come out of this role quickly - and he is not really a soft dom.
He will be very clear about consent and safe words too. His partner is always a priority, but sex is a way to release anger, so he usually wants to be totally clear
Loves anal but will never suggest it to his partner
Requests Open!
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markie-baby · 5 months
If You Love Me | pt.1
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🌹AngstFluff/Smut (18+ MA) Part II 🌹Black Female Reader x Mark Tuan 🌹shower sex 🌹Your boyfriend Mark has been away on his first solo tour for his album, The Other Side. You haven't seen him in months and something is...off. Now that he's back home, there are a few things you need to get off your chest. 🌹20 notes, and I'll release pt. 2 ~
You stared intently at the last text messages your boyfriend sent you.
(7:00 pm) Markie-moo💜: I just landed😁
(7:05 pm) YAYYYY💕 can't wait to see youuuuuuu
(7:05 pm) you sure you don't need me to pick you up?
Read 7:09 pm.
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I'm sure😊 I need to go by the studio real quick, then I'll be omw
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I can't wait to see you, beautiful🖤 I've missed you so much
(7:15 pm) Okay💕 Let me know when you're otw home... I've missed you more!
Read 8:30 pm.
You glanced up at the time on your screen...It's 11pm.
"Your father is very late." You sighed at Milo, who could only look up at you and tilt his head as if he understood the severity of you using the word 'Father' and not 'Daddy'.
The television screen shined through the tall bottle of red wine that sat on your living room table, which casted a shadow on an open bag of gummy bears. You already started snacking on them an hour into waiting for Mark to get to your apartment, and only just realized that you obliterated half the box already. You spent the past three days gearing up for Mark's arrival from his first album tour; aimlessly cleaning your place, cooking all of Mark's favorite foods, buying wine, and meticulously sprinkling rose petals all over the bedroom. You even got dressed up and wore that perfume he liked on you... only to find yourself feeling silly, scratching the belly of his furry baby, as your bones grew stiff waiting for him.
Regrettably, you couldn't deny that you weren't surprised he was a little late. The strongest part of your relationship with Mark was first and foremost, honesty. Mark hated lies and had never told you one himself. Which is why it was so obvious that he has been lying for the past few months. Badly. I was stuck at the studio and I lost track of time, being the most frequently used of the bunch. You'd find him speaking in a low tone for phone calls, rarely letting you use his phone or laptop, and getting absorbed into his phone screen. He started becoming distant... becoming someone completely different from the man you met. You started suspecting he was cheating.
You moved to LA six years ago to pursue owning a business and had no intentions of having a long-term relationship. Mark was a little timid towards you when you first met him through a mutual friend. He never said much outside of the realm of "Hi", "How are you", and "How are you doing?" But as you stuck around more and more, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. You felt connected talking to him about your aspirations, hopes, and fears, knowing that he was always there to listen and share some of those same feelings. It also helped that Mark was (and still is) the most beautiful man you've ever met in your life. Every time you met up with him, you found yourself drinking up all his features; from his pink, heart-shaped lips that opened to a breath-taking smile, to his deep, dark, entrancing eyes. The last time you got lost in Mark's eyes as his best friend, was when your business hit an all-time low.
"I just don't know, Mark..." you sobbed through clogged sinuses. "I don't think I can't still support myself if my business can't make more sales."
Mark was only inches away from you on your couch as you cried into your fetal position.
"Hey, hey..." Mark gently placed his warm hands on your shoulders. "Don't think like that. You've done amazing so far... There has to be something else you can do to get your sales up."
"Well..." You poked your head out briefly. "I could do more marketing... but I already spent so much money on marketing and-"
The tears started reforming in your sore eyes as you hid your head back into your knees. Silence hung in the air like a bad joke as the idea of complete failure circled in your head... You would have to leave the life you worked so hard to build in LA, only to return home to square one, with your tail between your legs. You weren't ready to leave your hard work, your home, your friends, or Mark...
"Y/N..." You felt Mark leaning closer to you with a rasp in his voice. "Look at me."
You reluctantly looked into the eyes of your friend, and suddenly, all the anxiety and fear that you felt only seconds ago, felt like forgotten emotions. His eyes seem to pull you into their calming, deep brown pools.
"Ever since I met you, I have seen you fight and work hard for this. I've admired your passion, and how dedicated you are to your dreams... It's one of my favorite things about you. You can't give up on this now. Not after you worked this hard. Not after you've built this life for yourself all on your own... Not to mention how hard it would be to say goodbye to you if you leave."
"Mark..." You felt your heartbeat in your throat.
"I care about you... and I hate seeing you struggling like this. If you need help, why didn't you ask me?"
"I just didn't want to inconvenience you... I know you've been busy in the studio and doing photoshoots I-... just figured that could do this on my own. Like I've always done everything on my own."
Mark's eyes trailed yours, slowly inching to your nose then your lips...
"You don't have to do this alone." You felt Mark snake his long fingers in between yours. "I'll be there for you... like always."
The bubble developing in your throat was an indication that the waterworks were rising again. Up to this point, Mark has been the most supportive, honest, sweetest, considerate, and the most chill person in your life. He's always been there to listen to whatever you had to tell him; what you see each other doing in the next few years, or a late-night drunken rant about pineapples on pizza. And whenever Mark called, you would drop everything just to hear how his day was. Whenever you hung out with him, you could be alone or in a group of other people, it was like it was just you two. Your soul mate...
You looked into Mark's eyes again, feeling your heart start to race... in your trance, your eyes wandered across his face, admiring how the low glow of the Livingroom television showed his soft textured skin. How his hair was poofy since he raced over to you from his nap. Sometimes you felt like you didn't deserve someone this amazing and supportive to be in your court. But Mark was just your cute little blessing on top of all the other ones. Overcome with emotion, you crash into Mark's arms and held him tight.
"Thank you so much, Mark. For everything." Your stress left your body in a big sigh. "I love you..."
You felt Mark's arms around your waist slowly pull you closer to his body and his face buried into the crook of your neck.
"I love you more..."
You replayed his response in your head as you held on to him.
"I love you more" Thump.
"I love you more" Thump-Thump.
"I love you more" Thump. Thump-Thump-Thump. Thump.
Your heart started to race. Goosebumps raised when Mark's breath lightly brushed your neck, and you felt his strong heartbeat thump against your chest. What was this feeling? You were scared to pull away, frightened of getting lost in his gaze again.
"Um, right s-so..." You cleared your throat. "Thanks again, Markie."
You tried pulling away... but found that Mark's grip was still tight around you.
"Wait..." He spoke in a low tone that made your spine shiver.
Your heart felt like it was going to climb out of your mouth. Of course, you've been this close to Mark plenty of times before, you guys have practically held hands before. But there has never been this type of tension hanging in the air. It was almost suffocating. You looked into Mark's eyes for some sort of sign... but damn, he was looking so gorgeous. Your eyes traced his whole face; every curve of his pink lips, every line in his jaw & every eyelash sitting upon his beautiful eyes. Oh, his eyes... they seemed to sparkle... and they were intently fixed on your mouth. Instinctively, your hands made their way up to his jawline, which produced a small sigh from Mark's parted lips.
He was slowly closing the space between your faces. The heat started to rise in between your ears, as you battled with the thought of kissing your best friend. If you did, you could be either making the best decision of your life... or ruining a friendship with a man you cared for deeply. But you couldn't deny... you wanted him. With every heavy breath that Mark breathed, with every second his hands tightened around your thighs, with every inch that his lips drew closer to yours... your desire for him grew. The realization that you loved him grew.
With the most genuine softness, Mark closed the painful gap between both pairs of lips. Both of your bodies were lost in each other... neither of you realized just how steamy your little make-out session got. You became a couple shortly after, with this year being your third year together.
With each passing day, you felt more frustrated in your conflicted feelings. On one side, you were upset at him... but more at yourself for letting the situation grow. On the other hand, you felt the yearning for him grow hot and restless in your core, and eventually, you couldn't help but touch yourself out of the thought of him. The way his dark, loose curls flop over his forehead, the sparkle in his eyes, the sincerity of his smile, the sweetest of his cologne, the slight curve of his lips, the softness of his skin, the heat of his breath-
You snap out of your trance when you hear the jingle of keys at the door. You tap your screen back to life. It's 11:55 pm.
"I'm home!" Mark poked his head through the door at beamed at you on the couch.
"Mark..." You couldn't help but sigh.
"Babe!" Mark cheesed the brightest smile you've ever seen as his chest collided with yours.
His arms tightly squeezed around your waist as you heard him drink in your scent. Finally, your boyfriend was home, with a bouquet as bright as his smile. Almost instinctively, your nerves weakened in his warm embrace, and you melted around him. You forgot about everything you were ever upset about. With every bone in your aching body, you wanted to hold him... feel his skin gently graze yours, caress his adorable face, and shower him in kisses... but he still broke his promise. The one person in your life who was always truthful, real, and loyal... wasn't anymore.
"I missed you so, so much..." Mark whispered into your ear.
"Mark..." You pulled away from him. "What took you so long..."
"I'm sorry," He sighed. "I got tied up again-"
"Mark I..." You paused. "I've spent all of the past 3 days preparing all this stuff for you. And I have been... trying so hard to be so excited for you to come home. For you be in my arms again, to kiss you, to make absolute love to you..."
"What?" Mark's eyes widened.
"We need to talk about something."
Mark's smile slowly started to fade and the bouquet slowly lowered from his grasp.
"You've broken the one promise that we've had in this relationship... you lied to me, Mark. And you've been doing it over and over... And I'd hope that our bond was strong enough for you to realize that I would notice that."
Mark gently placed the bouquet on the kitchen counter and held both of your hands in his.
"Do you truly think I'm cheating on you?"
You looked longingly into his eyes, only to be handed a cold, serious gaze in return.
"No," You bit your lip in hesitation. "You wouldn't do something like that. But I don't know what to think, Mark."
Mark sighed deeply...
"I leave for months and come back to a fight..." He scratched the back of his head in frustration. "You said that the one promise we made in this relationship was honesty, but you broke another one too. You don't trust me to be loyal to you?"
"I do trust you! But what am I supposed to make of this, Mark?" Your eyes stung.
Mark's cold gaze softened. "I have never had the thought of ever cheating on you and would never. I'm sorry that I was distant and made you feel that I wasn't being truthful."
"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it until now..."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I've been waiting for forever just to get back home to you." You felt his warm hands caress your waist. "Can I please kiss my beautiful girlfriend now?"
"Yes." You breathed.
Mark snaked his hands further around your waist, and with a passionate firmness, pursed his lips between yours. You felt your body tingle with warmth and your heart beating heavily against your boyfriend's chest. A groan left Mark's lips as he left yours.
"Hey..." Mark's voice turned raspy as he eyed your body. "You deserve my honesty; The real reason I have been distant is because I was putting a lot of energy into planning something really important."
"Planning something...?" Your head cocked to one side. "For your album?"
"No, for you."
"For me..?"
Mark's lips cut your question short and derailed your train of thought.
"It's a surprise for later." You could feel a smirk developing on your boyfriend's soft lips. "Let me enjoy the surprise you have for me first."
Mark gazed over at the romantic display you made in the living room.
"Do you like it? I hope I didn't go overboard..."
"It's perfect." Mark looked into your eyes with the utmost sincerity. "And you even got me my favorite gummy bears? It's everything I could have wanted. And you being here with me makes it all better."
Mark infused passion into every aspect of his life, and his way with words was no exception. Surprisingly, conveying his feelings verbally wasn't always his forte in our relationship. However, he consciously broke free from the habit of murmuring, trailing off, and avoiding eye contact. Despite not being the most talkative when we initially met, the incomprehensible extent to which Mark went out of his way to express how much I meant to him was truly remarkable.
"I'm so glad you're home." You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend's torso and pulled him close.
"Me too." You felt a light peck on your forehead. "Why don't we get this night started?"
It was 2:45 am when the credits started to roll on the third horror movie that Mark insisted that you both watch. Unfortunately, he had been too invested to realize that you had fallen asleep since movie number two. You found the most heavenly spot on his chest to rest your head, and with his right arm snuggled gently around your torso and his left hand resting on your thigh, it was a guaranteed recipe for a great night's rest.
"The gore in that was something else-" Mark cut himself off when his eyes came to gaze on your sleeping figure.
Your face was adorably smushed up to Mark's chest, letting out soft breaths as you rested. All four of your limbs found themselves wrapped around his slim body, trapping him in your sloth-like embrace. Mark's eyes traveled and the bottom hem of your dress found itself dangerously hiked up to expose your smooth thighs.
Mark rubbed his hand against your thigh. "Wake up, babe."
You blinked your eyes awake and gazed upon the tired eyes of your boyfriend. "Oh shit, did I fall asleep?"
"Definitely. And I think you were snoring a bit, too." He joked.
"Oh stop." You rubbed your eyes to get a better view of the clock. "Oh shit, it's late..."
Mark's voice became hushed. "Maybe we should...continue this celebration upstairs?"
"You're ready for bed?"
"I am. But not necessarily sleep."
You smirked, picking up on his hint. "Oh, I see..."
Without saying another word, you took Mark's hand and guided him up the stairs, where you were greeted by the romantic glow of the moon.
"You like it, right? I got rose petals, the candles are all lit..." You gestured towards the bathroom.
Mark pulled your hand back towards his body and planted a firm, hungry kiss on your lips.
"You are so sweet. This is amazing..." His warm hands caressed your cheeks. "How do I deserve someone as perfect as you?"
You could feel the heat of his breath on your lips. He was close, too close. The temptation to press your mouth to his was too much to handle. You could almost taste the mint of his toothpaste.
"I know I've been a little distant for these past few months." Mark started. "It's just... I've had a lot on my mind. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, but I didn't want to rush things."
"But now, I can't hold back." He cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb against it. You felt his gaze bore into yours, and he seemed to study every inch of your face.
"What is it, baby?" You pressed.
"I'm so in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts. I love how passionate you are, I love how you make me feel when we're together, and I love that you've been patient with me during this whole process. You're my rock. You make me want to be a better person. I want to be worthy of you."
"Mark, you already are." You gently held the sides of his face. "Don't say that. You are good enough, Mark. You have such a kind heart and a big soul. You're the most loving and caring person I know. Just don't get too caught up in your music, and start overworking yourself. You're not gonna find me there."
Mark let out a soft chuckle in response.
"You always know what to say," Mark breathed. "I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"I know that I was gone for a while, and I want to make it up to you. So, how would you feel about me taking you on a trip?"
"A trip?" You shot him a confused look. "Where would we go?"
"Oh, don't worry about that." Mark kissed the tip of your nose. "I'll take care of everything. Just be ready to leave for this weekend."
"Three days??" You giggled. "You really just planned a whole trip, huh?"
"Anything for you."
As Mark leaned in to kiss you again, you couldn't help but notice his scent. He smelled like the airport and the plane and everything else that was not his normal aroma.
"Speaking of jet setting, you smell weird," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" he laughed back.
"I'm not sure, but you just smell different."
"Well, I should take a shower then," he suggested. "And maybe you can join me."
"Okay, but don't try any funny business." You smirked.
"What?" He feigned innocence.
"You heard me," you replied, wagging your finger at him.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," he said, pulling you close.
"Wait and see, huh?" you repeated.
"Yeah, just wait and see."
You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him, making your way toward the bathroom. As you walked into the bathroom, you could hear Mark following closely behind. You pulled him toward the bathroom and turned on the shower, the sound of the water filling the small room. The sound of unzipping made your head turn to Mark, who was already undressing. You watched on in perverted wonderment at how his abdominal muscles flexed under his perfect skin as he moved to remove his underwear. He glanced over his broad, muscular shoulders, smirking while keeping eye contact as he bent down. You admired how his hair grew poofy from the steam beginning to form around him.
"Enjoying the view?" Mark's husky voice startled you, causing your eyes to snap to his face.
"Shut up," you said as you joined him, sliding the flimsy slip of material you wore onto the floor.
Mark's eyes burned with need as his gaze traveled up your legs, slowly drinking in the image before him.
"Damn..." he breathed as he raked his teeth across his bottom lip, his dark eyes meeting yours.
You smiled coyly at him as you stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind you. Mark's eyes never left yours as he joined you in the warm spray of the water.
"Mmm," he hummed as he cupped your cheek and brought his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but quickly turned passionate and needy. You ran your fingers through his damp curls as he pressed his hips into yours, his hardening length brushing against your stomach. His hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of your bare flesh as the water cascaded around you. You moaned softly as his lips found your pulse point, sucking the sensitive skin into his mouth.
"I love the sounds you make," he growled as he gently nipped the delicate skin.
"Hey, don't forget that you have to take a shower, stinky." You chuckled.
Mark grinned and rolled his eyes, grabbing the bottle of shampoo that rested next to the tap.
"Okay, okay."
You watched in anticipation as he squirted some of the soap into his hand, before applying it to his hair. His eyes stayed fixated on yours, which flickered down briefly to take in his naked, glistening body. You couldn't help but admire his perfection, even when doing the most mundane task. How his pectorals flexed with every movement, as he brushed and lathered the soapy bubbles throughout his coils of dark brown hair. How his veins tightened from his arms to his hands, and how each drop of water seemingly dripped at a pace slow enough for you to memorize. Your gaze traced down from his chest to his abs, and even further down past the borderline of pubic hair where-
"Sorry, what?" Your eyes shifted back to his face.
"Were you paying attention?" Mark smugly raised an eyebrow.
"I was definitely paying attention..." You trailed off.
"So what was I saying?"
"You were saying, that I was being the best girlfriend ever!"
"By making us dinner tonight."
"And how your favorite gummy bears are an ample reward for me having to put up with you-"
"Alright," Mark chuckled as he laid his index finger on the seam of your lips. "Point made. You got me."
"Duh." You nipped at his knuckle. "You're so easy. What did you say, anyway?"
"Something..." Mark teased as he dunked his head back under the water, washing the remaining shampoo down his torso. "About how much I really, really, missed touching you. All of you."
You snorted. "You mean our little quickie at LAX before you left didn't cut it?"
"Is that what you call what happened at LAX?" He asked, pulling you close and pressing his arousal against you.
"Yes," you giggled. "Because that is exactly what we did. You were the one trying to miss your flight."
"I couldn't help it." He groaned. "It was just so hot."
"Oh shut up." You laughed.
You grabbed the bottle of body wash, poured some on your towel, and rubbed the soap into the cloth.
"Are you gonna help me or what?" You asked playfully.
"What do you think?" He replied, grabbing the other end of the towel and helping you rub the wet cloth along your body.
Your breath hitched as his hand moved from your ribs down to your hips and your mouth dropped open when you felt his fingertips graze your behind. You groaned loudly as Mark continued to caress your ass, his other hand sliding around your waist and pulling you into his embrace. You shuddered as he pressed his lips against your neck, murmuring words of love and encouragement in between every kiss.
"Why didn't you come with me on tour, again?" Mark asked as he continued massaging your skin.
"We talked about this, Mark," you replied, lightly rolling your eyes. "I wanted to be here and continue working. And I don't think I'm cut out for road life."
"But I wanted you there..." he pouted, making your heart stop. "I missed you like crazy."
"I missed you, too..." You turned to face him, seeing him still with an upset frown. You reached for his hands and gently ran your thumb over his knuckles.
"But I don't think I can spend another tour without my Markie-Poo," you admitted with a soft smile.
You looked up to see your boyfriend with the brightest grin you've seen him with in a long while. Mark immediately took the back of your head and pulled your face towards his in a loving embrace, getting soap all over his arms and torso...
"So you're telling me that the next tour I have, you're coming with me?"
" I promise."
"I could get used to having you near me every day," Mark whispered into your ear, his low voice sending shivers down your spine.
"I'd hope so," You replied. "It would be pretty confusing to accommodate another presence in our bed, otherwise."
You could see a pout starting to form on your boyfriend's lips. You loved how Mark could make a face of indifference switch from a stone-cold wall into a begging, adorable, child. The pout quickly melted away, however, and you were only able to appreciate its short existence for a split second. His eyes shifted from your own to your neck, his pale and slender fingertips gliding gently against your exposed collarbone.
"Hey..." You whispered into his ear. "What are you thinking about?"
Mark didn't speak. Only paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he wanted to say, but only getting lost in your beauty. Your breath hitched. His eyes were focused on yours as he inched closer to you. He never broke your stare until his hand suddenly reached up and he placed it ever so carefully against your cheek, causing you to inhale deeply. His eyes flickered over your face, resting for a brief moment at your lips, then back up to meet yours once again. His hand traveled from your cheek and made its way down to your chin, tilting your head up slightly. His lips met yours, softly and gently. He didn't push or rush. He seemed to savor the moment, pulling away just enough to let out a small whimper.
"Did you just moan?" He asked.
"Mmmm, maybe," you replied teasingly.
"If we weren't in the shower right now..." he started.
"Then what would we be doing, Mark?" You asked, grinning at him.
"Then," he said, his low voice rumbling as his hand wrapped around your waist, gently moving his face close to yours. "I would be taking you against the glass."
Mark kissed your forehead tenderly and continued his gentle ministrations against your skin.
"We would start slow," he began. "My hands would travel all over you, starting at your hips. I'd go over them over and over until I could feel you shake."
You bit your lip as Mark's movements matched his words. You could feel your cheeks warm from the way he talked. He had never talked to you this way. Never with the confidence and sultry tone of voice. Mark was normally a gentle, passionate, yet quiet lover.
But this was different. It was sexy. You loved it.
A moan escaped from your lips, unable to suppress the shiver that ran throughout your entire body. The mere thought of having him inside you caused your muscles to twitch and spasm. Mark chuckled lightly as he leaned into you, his hands still exploring your curves. You loved it when he held you. His touch felt so warm and comforting. It made you feel safe and protected, but at the same time, you loved how strong his arms felt against your frame. He felt so large compared to your small size and it gave you the most pleasant butterflies.
"After that I would pick you up, your legs around my waist," he said softly, pulling back a bit to stare into your eyes. "And then, I'd drive you insane..."
He emphasized each word as if he were whispering them into your ear, and his words left you breathless and speechless. Mark's voice had a way of making you feel things you've never felt before.
"Sounds like you really want to have shower sex," you said with a slight giggle.
He kissed you passionately as his hands glided back to your ass once again, gripping you firmly as he slowly lifted you in the air. You wrapped your arms around his slender neck, and your legs around his waist. As your curves pressed against him, you could feel his excitement, causing your eyes to widen slightly. You hadn't even touched him yet, and he was extremely excited for you.
Mark placed one hand against the shower wall for support and you looked into his beautiful brown orbs once more.
"Have you been wanting me, like I have been needing you?" He asked in a low and husky voice that sent shivers through your body. You answered him by pressing your lips against his and kissing him passionately. After a few seconds, Mark moved his kisses across your neck and down to your collarbone. He sucked on it lightly, causing you to gasp as your nails dug into his shoulders. He let out a small groan, and you couldn't help but laugh slightly. The man was adorable.
For five agonizing minutes, he tortured you with his mouth, and slowly lifted you higher. Your heart started beating so fast, causing a mixture of nervousness and excitement that blended perfectly.
"Relax babe," Mark cooed.
You took a deep breath, the smile not leaving your face, and nodded at him.
Mark entered your slit slowly, his length engulfing your walls slowly. You sucked in a breath and shut your eyes tight, letting yourself enjoy this feeling of being filled so completely by your boyfriend. He went deep, his entire length inside you now. He let himself stay there for a second, giving you time to get used to this new feeling. Then he pulled out a few inches before sliding back into you. He continued this process, slowly getting a rhythm, his thrusts growing in power. You moaned each time his length penetrated you.
"Yes..." you breathed and heard Mark moan in response.
He increased his pace even more, driving his length into you and then withdrawing completely with each thrust. Soon, the sounds of water splashing off your wet skin filled the room. Mark became a mess of grunts and pants every time he penetrated you, audibly teasing you toward your climax.
"Babe, you feel so-" A deep moan escaped your boyfriend's parted lips.
His breath was hot on your neck as he worked you towards your release, and it felt like electricity every time his skin touched yours. You had forgotten where you were, who you were, and what was going on around you, it was only you and Mark.
"Mark..." you moaned.
You couldn't hold off your orgasm any longer as waves of pleasure washed over your body. He continued his ministrations as you rode your high, and you watched him as you came down. You looked in awe at this beautiful specimen of a man standing before you as he held you in his arms. He just smiled at you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Then he exhaled and put you down, slumping against the cold tile wall. His wet hair dangled over his blushed face. You smiled and placed a hand against his cheek, stroking it gently as you gave him another kiss, he kissed you in return, and the soft brush of his lips lingered as you pulled away.
"I love you," he said, his gaze fixed on yours.
"I love you, too."
You say "You took the energy out of me."
Mark smiled and leaned back against the wall. "I guess you could say that," he smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you think you'll be able to get to the bedroom? Or do you need me to carry you?"
You slowly stood up, ceasing the sound of running water with your index finger. "Carry me, please!" You pouted and raised your arms.
Mark chuckled as he opened the shower door to retrieve your towels.
"Alright, alright, my queen," Mark threw your wet towel on your head, muffling your laugh. "I'll carry you to the bed."
You pushed the towel off of your face as Mark slipped his arms underneath your wet body and scooped you up into his arms.
"Mmm, you smell much better," you murmured as you nuzzled against his neck. Mark snorted and kissed the top of your head.
You were smitten by his scent and the way he handled you with such ease. He gently laid you on your bed, sinking in on top of you, like you had been daydreaming of for months.
"I've missed this," he whispered, "missed touching you, missed watching you sleep..." He brushed a strand of hair away from your face and gazed down at you like you were the only person in the world.
"I missed waking up next to you, seeing your face in the mornings, and hearing your voice at night."
He brought his lips to yours, softly and sweetly like he was afraid you would break. His lips tasted like the memories of stolen kisses in dark corners and glances behind closed doors. The more you tasted his lips, the more you craved, and you pressed into him, desperate for more.
"Baby, I've missed you so much," he mumbled against your lips, "and you don't understand how crazy it's been."
"No kidding," you replied, returning his kiss with equal vigor.
"Everywhere I went, fans were throwing themselves at me. All I could think about was you. All I'm ever gonna want is you."
Your heart skipped a beat at the confession. You pulled away to smile at him, taking in his beautiful face. It wasn't just his looks that captivated you; it was his mind and his heart. He was pure goodness through and through, and you knew you were the luckiest person in the world.
"And all I ever want is you," you replied. Mark cupped your face and stared into your eyes, his deep brown eyes pooling with emotion. "You okay, babe?"
"It's nothing...I just- I love you," he said, his voice cracking slightly, "so much."
You kissed him fiercely, overcome with emotion. "I love you a shit ton too."
Mark laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkling. "Well, you better. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."
Mark smirked and moved his head down, trailing kisses across your stomach and past your navel.
"What are you doing down there? Aren't you tired?"
Mark looked up, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"It would be a waste not to take advantage of the candles and rose petals, don't you think?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
To Be Continued.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When The Boys Tease You After Overhearing You Both ~ Got7 Reaction
You looked in surprise as you noticed Jackson curled up fast asleep on the sofa of the studio as you entered just behind Mark after showing up late.
“He’s a bit tired,” Yugyeom explained to the two of you, “he said something about being disturbed quite a bit through the night.”
“How come?” Mark quizzed as he perched down on the arm of the sofa, “we weren’t disturbed by anything through the night.”
At Mark’s comment, Jackson began to stir, not quite as asleep as you thought he was. “That’s because you guys were the disturbance.”
Mark’s eyes widened as he looked to Jackson in disbelief, “I don’t quite know what disturbed you, but you can’t just blame us.”
“Who else would’ve been having sex last night?” Jackson openly asked, stunning the two of you and making you freeze as neither of you quite knew what to say in reply.
“Oh,” Mark mumbled as Jackson expectantly looked back at you both, folding his arms across his chest as he sat himself back up, letting go of a yawn as he did so too.
“I hope you’re happy,” he scolded, “I’m absolutely knackered.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
Jay B:
The smile on Jinyoung’s face was wide as you and Jaebeom finally walked downstairs, joining the boys in the living room of the house you were renting.
“Did you guys have a good night?” Jinyoung enquired, looking between the two of you. “Did you get up to anything fun last night?”
“We didn’t do too much,” Jaebeom replied as he sat down, “just watched a few things, had a nice relaxing evening for once in our lives.”
Jinyoung’s head nodded as he listened intently, “it sounds like you were very relaxed, although there’s one thing missing from that list.”
Both you and Jaebeom wore furrowed brows as Jinyoung hinted at the two of you. “What else did we do last night then?”
“You’re allowed to tell us you had sex,” Jinyoung assured the two of you, “I mean we all heard the two of you at it so it’s not exactly a secret between you and us anymore.”
“Y-you heard us?” You stuttered, looking between Jaebeom and Jinyoung. “You told me that there was no way that we would end up disturbing any of the boys last night.”
“He lied,” Jinyoung joked, “I bet secretly who knew exactly what he was doing.”
“I really had no idea.”
A groan came from Youngjae as you and Jackson finally appeared, intimidated by the stare that he looked at the two of you with, following you closely.
“Thanks for making me feel super single last night,” Youngjae told you both, “it’s been a while since I heard some of those noises from you.”
“What are you on about? Making you feel single?” Jackson enquired, his brows knitting together in confusion as to what was going on.
A snigger came from Youngjae as he studied Jackson’s expression, “do you have any idea how loud the two of you were last night?”
Jackson’s head shook innocently, but beside him, you stayed pretty still. “I think maybe we were a little bit louder than usual.”
“A little bit?” Youngjae gasped in surprise back across to you, “it almost felt as if the two of you were in the same room as me with how clear some of those noises I was hearing were.”
“That’s enough,” Jackson panicked, noticing how shy you were next to him. “We’re very sorry that we made you feel single, Youngjae, we promise that it won’t happen again.”
“Don’t mock me,” he laughed, “I’m being serious with you.”
“And we are with you.”
You looked to BamBam in confusion as he walked across to you and Jinyoung, handing you a receipt. As you looked through, you noticed what it was for.
“I need these now after last night,” BamBam told you as he brought the ear plugs that he had bought from his pocket to shoe the two of you.
“Why do we need the receipt to know that you’ve brought ear plugs?” Jinyoung quizzed in confusion, “it’s not exactly our problem, is it?”
BamBam’s head shook in reply to Jinyoung’s question, “that’s where you’re wrong. I need them so that I don’t have to listen to you two.
You and Jinyoung met one another with puzzled eyes, looking to BamBam for more explanation. “Why are you listening to us?”
“It was pretty hard not to last night,” he muttered, “you guys can buy me these so that I don’t have to listen to the two of you having sex ever again, I think I’m scarred for life.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Jinyoung dismissed, pushing against BamBam’s arm. “We weren’t that loud, you just want us to feel sorry for you or something, that’s all.”
“For once,” BamBam admitted, “I’m actually not being dramatic.”
“You’re always dramatic Bam.”
You wanted the ground to swallow you up as Yugyeom asked you about your evening, able to tell from the look in his eyes what he was hinting at.
“I mean Youngjae is loud at the best of times,” Yugyeom pointed out, still noticing how oblivious Youngjae was to what was going on around him.
“That’s mean,” Youngjae responded, slightly offended. “What would suddenly make you say something like that? What did I do to you?”
Yugyeom’s smile dropped as Youngjae asked the question, “what did you do to me? I spent my night listening to your audio of your nice time.”
Youngjae’s narrowed eyes looked at you as he still didn’t quite understand. “Sex,” you whispered across to him, “Yugyeom heard us.”
“I heard every single sound,” Yugyeom made sure to point out to the two of you. “I’ve heard some noises come out of you Jae, but even some of those were interesting ones.”
“Can we stop talking about this now?” You cried out, feeling your heart race in humiliation. “Maybe we can talk about what we’re going to order in for breakfast again.”
“Why so keen Y/N?” Yugyeom teased, “you weren’t shy last night.”
“Literally, shut up now.”
You rolled away from BamBam, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to catch your breath, feeling his hand interlock with yours with a tight grip on you.
“Finally!” You suddenly heard one of the boys yell from just outside your room, “it can’t be that good to need to make that much noise you know.”
“That’s Mark,” BamBam pointed out to you, biting down on his bottom lip. “You don’t think he actually heard us, do you?” He then asked.
Your head nodded immediately in reply to BamBam’s question, “maybe we were a little bit noisier than we usually are, do you think?”
A loud sigh came from BamBam as he looked up to the ceiling too, “I’m never going to hear the end of this if they really heard us.”
“You should’ve been quiet,” you teased, nudging against his side. “Look at it this way, at least the boys now know that you’re doing a good job in bed, that’s quite important.”
“That does actually make me feel better,” BamBam chuckled in surprise, “I’ve never heard any of the boys, so they can’t be anywhere near as good as me, that feels pretty good.”
“See,” you sniggered, “being noisy has its advantages sometimes.”
“This is definitely one of them.”
The sound of Jaebeom yawning made both you and Yugyeom look across to him in confusion, noticing how much more dramatic he was than usual.
“Don’t mind me,” he told the two of you as you sat down across the room from him. “I’ve just not had a very good night of sleep, that’s all.”
“Why?” Yugyeom innocently asked him, hearing several scoffs come from around the room. “Did something keep you awake or anything?”
Jaebeom’s eyebrows raised at Yugyeom’s question, “you could certainly say that someone, or two someones kept me awake last night.”
The look that Jaebeom gave you quickly meant the penny dropped for you. “Gyeom, I think he might’ve been kept up by us.”
“Us?” Yugyeom asked, flustered by what you had told him. He looked across to Jaebeom only to see him nodding his head, struggling to hold back his laughter at your panic.
“Well, this is embarrassing,” you grumbled as once again Jaebeom made sure to let go of a nice, loud noise to get both of your attention. “You can stop doing that as well, idiot.”
“I’m just making sure you know,” he smiled, “my tiredness is your fault.”
“Trust me, we already know.”
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yiensaintlaurent · 2 years
00 | the other side - mark tuan
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: angst, smut, idol! got7, idol! reader
warnings: cursing, explicit sex, takes place in present time with minor flashbacks
summary: mark knew it was game over the minute he saw you. despite being apart from each other for so long, no amount of practice in front of the mirror would've prepared him for the way his heart dropped the moment he saw you walk in. he'd forgotten about the hold you had on him, you; the love of his life, the one that got away.
character preface
mark tuan :
age: 29
birthday: september 4, 1993
currently living in arcadia, la county, california, u.s.a
age: 25
birthday: september 15, 1997
currently living in seoul, south korea
originally from new york city; part time in los angeles
all got7 member info is in present time.
let me know if i should post ch. 01 :)
slight or recurring mentions of other idols, groups, familiar names.
despite it taking place in present time, with real time events, this story the plot and scenarios are 100% made up
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wonuwrites · 28 days
got7 would be so cute if you called them pretty. i have a feeling bam would get cocky....
omg omg. So atm im only really writing for Seventeen but Got7 will always be my babies so I'm gonna write quick things for my babies. <3
(this just reminded me I need to update my masterlist thingy lol)
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You Calling Got7 Pretty~
ღ Mark:
Honestly, Marky would get red and start giggling once you called him pretty. At this point, he was used to getting called hot bc he is so him getting a more rare yet equally true compliment would just make him so giggly and happy.
ღ Jackson:
The milky way would be jealous of the stars in Jackson's eyes when he looked at you after you called him "pretty." He would ask you to say it again and would cuddle into you even more when you would repeat the compliment. It made him feel so good to get called "pretty" by his pretty partner.
ღ Jay B:
Just call Jaebum Twice's Sana because home boy would be shy shy shy. Like Jackson he would ask you to repeat yourself as if he didn't hear you say it before and once you did he would be putty in your hands. He would try to act all tough and say shit like "you're one to talk" but he'd just be so bashful asdfghjklk;
ღ Jinyoung:
Shy line part 2~ When you called Jinyoung pretty he would just give you a shy smile and hide his face. After awhile he'd point at you and just be like "hey, I'm supposed to say things like that?!?" I could see you both having a mini debate on who was prettier but he would be the more bashful one while you were the determined one haha.
ღ Youngjae:
This sunshine would be even more sunshine, Youngjae would be giggly and smile and just be so thankful and more snuggly to you. He would also call you pretty because well, you are. He just would feel so good because of the complement and would be beaming for like the next 8 business days.
ღ Bam Bam:
Oh anon you are so right because Bam Bam could go two ways. Like you said he could be so cocky and be like "hell yeah I'm pretty~" and would just flex and be a complete pretty dork. Or he would go into bashful Bam and just become putty in your hands. He'd just be like "we are the prettiest couple, I'm glad you think so." <3333333
ღ Yugyeom:
I can see Gyeomie just giving you a look before blushing. Especially if you do it in front of him Got7 or AOMG hyungs. He would just kiss your cheek and say thank you. If it was in public, I can see him being similar to Jinyoung and saying "wait no- I'm the one who is supposed to call you pretty."
hope this is what you wanted <33
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chicken-fifi · 4 months
Forgive and Forget | Mark Tuan (MafiaAU!) Imagine
Pairing: Mafia!Mark Tuan x Wife!Reader; Mafia Boss!Lim Jaebeom X Sister!Reader
Requested by anon: haii, i saw that your request is open!! i want a request with mafia!mark tuan x wife!reader. mark and your jayb are known have died being killed by the other group. unknownly you're having a child years later, and when the other group saw you both, they wanted to kill both of you. suprisingly, you were saving by got7. you were mad at them being shadows and hide themselves from you for years especially mark and your brother. so, (especially) mark and the others regaining your trust back and want to be a dad in your child live, you're slowly trust him and got7 again (maybe there's an incident or something that mark almost being killed cause he saved you and/or child(?)). thank you^^
Genre: angst
Word Count: 2,960 words
Warnings: violence, mafia, kidnapping, death threats, implied torture, blood, bruises, etc.
A/n: the urge to turn this into a miniseries was deep, but i couldn't do that given i'm already in the midst of attempting to plan one and putting the Ghost!YoungK on the backburner for a bit. hopefully you like this! for the record, yes, i got the child's name from pachinko by minjin lee. please go read that masterpiece.
Tunes: [Playlist] Life is a Book by ethereal
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“Isak!” you called out, setting down a plate on the dining table. “Dinner’s ready!”
Still in your work clothes, you sat down at the dining table, watching as your six year old son slid into his chair happily digging into his meal. His dark locks bounced as he danced as he ate. He looked identical to his father - a father he would only ever meet through the few photographs you had managed to keep from the early years of your relationship…before everything went to shit.
You felt an irrational amount of anger towards your brother as you recalled how he had been the one to offer the job to Mark under the promise that it would help him provide for the two of you. After all, “nothing bad will come out of it when it’s all of us together.”
God you wished you could puns your brother in the face for the boldfaced lie he’d told.
Not that it would make any difference. Both Jaebeom and Mark were dead. The consequence of their growing greed and name having put them on top of just about every other mob’s hitlist. Bring them down and they get the monopoly back. Simple as that. 
Even it meant the other mobs had an excessive number of lives on their hands. It wouldn’t be something new to them either way. Not even with the knowledge that they were taking away a brother and husband of a woman who was unknowingly pregnant with her and her husband’s first child. None of that would matter to any crime organization’s decision to make someone ‘disappear.’
“Mom?” you heard Isak call out, halting all of your thoughts.
“Yes Baby?”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?”
Your brows furrowed at his question - especially after he’d been so happy eating his meal.
( Not to mention that it was out of the ordinary for him to ask to sleep with you. He hadn’t asked to sleep with you in nearly three years. )
A soft smile made its way onto your face and you reached out rubbing his cheek gently. “Of course, Darling.”
He smiled at you and continued eating quietly, although no longer dancing. The two of you finished dinner not long after and cleared up. Isak lingered by your side the entire time you washed the dishes. You weren’t entirely sure what had transpired in his little mind during the short time from when he start eating to when he asked you the question, and you certainly weren’t aware of what was going on in his little head at the moment as he clung to your side as if you would leave him and never come back.
“Is something wrong Isak?” you asked, setting the final dish aside to dry. 
Isak looked up at you with his big, round eyes. You could tell there was something he wanted to say but didn’t actually  want to say for whatever reason.
“Do you not want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, looking down at the floor. Without saying a word, you took your hand and ruffled his hair lovingly, hoping it would provide some silent comfort. Clearly Isak didn’t want to talk about it and you didn’t want to force him to talk. So you’d wait it out for a bit.
“Whenever you’re ready you can tell me okay?”
You got a small nod before he hugged your waist as best as he could. Hugging him back, you crouched down and picked him up with a huff, holding him as tightly as you could for a few minutes before setting him back down. When did your little boy get so big?
“Why don’t we watch a movie before going to bed?”
You sat up in your bed with a start hearing rustling down the hall in the living room of your home. Isak was still sound asleep beside you, cuddled closely into your side. Moving as quiet as you could, you got out of bed, inching towards the bedroom door avoiding the creaky floorboards you could remember in your sleepy state. As you reached the door, you heard a floorboard creek on the other side of the door. Panic and fear filled you as you pressed your body forcefully against the door, just as whoever was on the other side attempted to open it.
“They’re in here!” a man’s voice yelled, waking Isak with a start who instantly looked in your direction eyes wide.
Hide. you mouthed, pushing all of your weight against the door, jolting as the men pushed against the door. HIDE!
Isak’s eyes filled with tears as he slid out of the bed and walked in your direction initially before you shooed him away motioning to the closet. You knew that he knew about the crawl space that was pretty hard to find if you didn’t know it was there - it was his favorite hiding space after all. He didn’t get a chance to get to the closet before the door burst open, your frame practically going flying from the force used to break it open.
Frozen in fear, his little eyes widened as he saw the four burly looking men enter the room. Two immediately went to grab you, covering your mouth preventing you from screaming. A third went to him, reaching to grab him a sickly sweet tone being used as he spoke. Running past the man, Isak made a break for the master bathroom, only to be grabbed by the fourth man, a scream echoing throughout the room as the man’s hands gripped him tightly. You pulled and flailed from the two men holding you, instinct telling you to get to your son - all to no avail.
“So our intel was right,” another voice spoke from behind you before another man entered the room crouching down in front of you. “The son of bitch does have a little sister.”
“And a nephew,” the fourth man added, covering Isak’s mouth before yelping as he bit the man’s fingers.
In his captor’s distraction, Isak ran to you not paying any mind to the two men holding you.
“And a nephew…” the fifth man repeated, eyes trained on the little boy. “This will certainly make things interesting.”
Mark lunged himself at the man tied in the chair before him, “You pathetic piece of shit! How could you?!”
Jaebeom pinched the bridge of his nose, “What exactly did you tell them?” he asked the man as calmly as he could, not paying Mark any mind.
The man gulped, looking at Mark before flicking his gaze to his boss, “They threatened me.”
“SO YOU DRAG INNOCENT PEOPLE INTO IT?!” Mark yelled, landing a punch on the man’s face, the force alone knocking the chair to the ground, the man along with it.
Yugyeom and Youngjae watched, unsure of whether or not to intervene. Jinyoung sat at a chair looking at the photographs they’d been mailed. The dirtied and bruised figures of your son and you making him sick. How had they let it go this far?
“Mark,” Jaebeom barked. “That’s enough.”
Mark turned, rage alight in his eyes, “Enough? I don’t think so. Your sister, my wife, and our child have been kidnapped and are about to be killed because of this…pathetic,” a kick to the man’s side, “piece,” another kick, “of shit.”
A door opened and in came Jackson and BamBam, their faces void of any emotion. Jaebeom looked away from Mark momentarily.
“Anyone else working with him?”
Jackson shook his head, “He went rogue on this one. Bold move if you ask me.”
“Any idea on where they could be being held?”
Bambam shook his head, “Not yet. My squad’s still looking.”
Jaebeom turned back to his brother-in-law, walking up to where the man was still kicking the mole. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he pulled him back, crouching down before the battered man.
“You have three tries to tell me where they are,” Jaebeom spoke, far too calm for someone who had just been betrayed by one of his men. “If you even think about lying to me, I’ll riddle your body with so many bullets that no one will recognize your body once it’s found - if it’s ever found.” Without even waiting for a response, Jaebeom grabbed his handgun, placing it on the man’s thigh and firing it, “Better start talking.”
Your hands held Isak close to your bruised and bloodied body. One thing you were thankful for was the lack of light in the room as it provided you a way to hide the many injuries that had been inflicted onto you from your son, even if the groans and radiating pain intensified whenever he cuddled you. Little whimpers fell from his lips as he cried into your dirtied shirt.
Your heart broke as you shushed him, rubbing your hands along his back and hair, attempting to comfort him as best as you could in your state. Tears filled your own eyes as you took in the reality of the situation you were in - along with all the information you’d found out during the many hours of ‘interrogations’ you were put through by whoever this group was.
Jaebeom, your brother -whom you swore you saw gunned down right before your eyes - was alive.
Mark was alive.
Those two lying sons of bitches were alive and had let you live the past six, seven years of your life believing they had been killed.
And here you were being questioned about their location.
How the fuck would you, of all people, know?
Isak’s soft cries turned into sniffles as he fell asleep, your own eyes growing tired, both from the torture you’d endured and the past few… How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks? No. Not weeks. You’d be dead if it had been weeks.
Letting your mind rest, you fell into a light sleep, unsure of what your and Isak’s futures held.
Much like the night of your abductions, you awoke with a start - so did Isak - as the sound of gunfire and shouts rang out throughout the building you were in. Isak clung to you whimpering as he hid his face in your shirt. You did your best to wrap your body around him - a weak attempt at shielding his small body, giving him even the tiniest sliver of a chance a t surviving whatever it was that was going on out there. You shook as you tried to get him to quiet as his whimpers grew louder as the gunfire drew nearer.
All too soon, the gunfire stopped just as footsteps were barely heard stopping in front of the door to the room you were in. Thuds followed which you could only assume was someone making an attempt at breaking down the door, something you weren’t really you wanted to happen. It could be the police finally having been notified of you and your son’s sudden disappearance - but no one in this world was stupid enough to leave traces of that - or it could be yet another mob wanting their final taste of revenge on GOT7.
Either way, you were scared shitless for you and your son.
Then you heard him. The sound of his voice calling your name over and over again from the other side of the door.
“Mark,” you whispered. “Mark!”
Isak stopped crying looking at you strangely, before calling out the name you had just said realizing that you were far too quiet to be heard - genuinely afraid that whoever was there would leave if either of you didn’t respond, clearly they were there to help you if they sounded worried, right?
“Mark!” he shouted, his tiny voice still rough from the tears he’d shed. “Mark!”
The thudding got more and more frantic and frequent before a few more names were said, presumably more help - and the thudding was stronger until the door finally caved and in rushed one man before anyone else falling beside you.
“My love,” he whispered, taking you into his arms, choking up at the sight of you. He turned his attention to the little boy who was clearly trying to decide whether or not this ‘Mark’ was actually safe. It didn’t take long as he soon recognized the man’s face from the many pictures you’d shown him.
Mark let out a breath between a laugh and sob, as he cradled your body reaching out to touch his son’s face.
“Yeah, I’m your Dad.”
As you sat on the bed in the infirmity you avoided all eye contact with Mark and Jaebeom. Having saved you or not, they were not in your graces.
“We know it wasn’t right, but we had no other choice but to disappear in order to-”
“You didn’t disappear,” you snapped. “You faked your deaths and left me with six, almost seven years of grief. Not to mention having to raise our child by myself thinking you were dead and he was never going to know who you were.”
The last part was clearly directed at Mark, who winced at your words.
“I know it wasn’t right,” Jaebeom continued crouching down before you. “And I’m sorry that my decision brought so much pain and agony to you. But at the end of the day, I made the decision that would give me and my men the best chance at survival. The choice that would allow you to stay out of all of this mess. Clearly that wasn’t the case, but I don’t regret it.”
You looked away, tears welling in your eyes. You wanted to be selfish and hate both of them, hate your brother for everything, but you couldn’t. You knew he was capable of making the most gut wrenching decisions if it meant keeping the people he cared about safe and out of harm’s way, even if it brought pain in the process - at least they would be alive.
Jaebeom rose to his feet, “I think the two of you need to talk some more, I’ll go check on…Isak?”
He was clearly unsure of the way the name rolled off his tongue but smiled as he remembered the little mannerisms that the small boy had shown as he was treated by the mob’s doctors.
As soon as Jaebeom left the room, Mark took a step closer to the bed before sitting down after you didn’t move away.
“He looks a lot like me,” he commented, figuring you might be more willing to talk if it started off with your son.
“Acts like you sometimes too,” you add, cracking a tiny smile. “You have no idea how difficult it is to see him everyday. It’s like being haunted by your ghost.”
Mark nodded, in understanding. He couldn’t take away or undo anything that had happened. But he knew he could maybe change things for the better now…if you let him that is. Seven years was a long time.
“Listen,” he began, turning to face you. “I’m not going to ask you to forgive. What I did and went along with is not forgivable. I have hurt the two of you in ways I can’t even begin to imagine. But I need you to know that I’m extremely sorry for that. That, if given the chance, I would take it all back and rewind the clock.”
“Let me be in his life. I don’t care if you want a divorce after all of this. If you don’t want to ever see my face again. But please, please, let me in my - our - son’s life.”
You looked at him for a few minutes, not saying a single word. Despite not allowing them to fall, tears were welling on his eyes, threatening to spill over his waterline.
“I think he’d like that a lot,” you finally said, looking away. “Just, keep him out of all of this.”
“I promise!” he said without a single ounce of hesitation. “I swear I won’t allow anyone to rub a single hair on his head in the wrong direction.”
You smiled weakly, biting your lip, “As for me, just…just give me some time. It’s a lot.”
Mark cocked his head to the side. He couldn’t imagine what you were going through right now, all because of him. The very man who had vowed to never hurt you all those years ago.
“Of course.”
You went to say something when the sound of Isak’s voice filled your ears as he called for you rushing towards where you were on the bed, Jaebeom right behind him.
“Mommy, he said he’s your big brother!” he giggled, bouncing up and down his hands on your knees, as he pointed at Jaebeom. “He’s my uncle right?”
You smiled, running your hand over his reddened cheek - he must’ve been having fun with Jackson who had been tasked with distracting him while you were being examined - and nodded.
“Yeah. He’s your uncle. My big brother.”
Jaebeom smiled slightly at you as you finally looked him in the eye, “Do you want to go see your room?”
Your brows furrowed at his words before Isak pushed away from you and ran after Jaebeom who was already out the door.
“His room?” you asked, looking at Mark.
Mark scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah…Jaebeom and I think it’s best if you live here for a while. With him. Just until things settle down. I personally don’t want you going back to the house alone after what happened.”
You nodded, it would take some getting used to that’s for sure, but maybe you’d be able to move past it all quickly. Forgive and forget everything as best as you could. After all, you had them back. You finally had your family back.
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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spacequokka · 1 year
Prompt: “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
You were vaguely aware of a door shutting. Bright light flicked on, followed by a gasp. “_____?”
“Ugh?” You responded to the call of your name even though you were half-asleep.
Brief silence, and then, “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” That voice. Your eyes popped open, and you looked over your bare shoulder at Mark. Phone in one hand, backpack in the other. Eyes as wide as yours.
“Yugyeom said you wouldn’t be home until after lunch and that I could crash here.” A pulse of pain made you drop your head back onto the pillow. “Could you kill the light, please?”
The room went dark again, though sunlight lined the heavy curtain over the window. There was shuffling in the dark as Mark presumably made his way around.
“It is after lunch,” he sighed. “But you can stay as long as you’d like.”
Tension drained from your body as sleep settled over you. “Thank you,” you sighed.
The bed dipped beside you as the pillow next to yours shifted. “No problem. You good with me here? I’ll be good.”
“Of course.”
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90 notes · View notes
midnightstay-blog · 3 months
🪐Prompt List 🪐
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I don't write member x member or smut. You can request any combination of numbers. No more than three prompts per request.
When making a request please also include the genre/ theme and whom you would like for me to write about. You can also include pronouns if you want specific ones. Otherwise, I'm just gonna leave it gender-neutral.
For example: 17+8 fluff Nct Mark She/her
Request are open
Disclaimer: Most of these are from Pinterest.
" I can't believe you"
" You changed me"
" Can we start over"
"Every time I see you I feel more alone"
"I still need you"
" I genuinely don't know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I'm going a little crazy"
" I can't imagine my life with anyone but you"
" Can I love you?"
" I just don't like the way he/ she/they look at you, that's all"
" You're lucky I love you"
" Time feels like it's frozen when I'm with you"
"You're lucky you're cute otherwise you would be on your own"
" Do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?"
" Shut up and kiss me"
" You mean- you and me?"
" Oh... Wow"
" Oh ... Okay then"
" Forget I even asked"
" You make life a little more bearable"
" You own my heart"
" I love you" "You're drunk"
" I need my own space"
"Come dance with me "
" Do you think we'll be like this even when we're old? "
"You could've just say that you don't know instead of lying"
" Why do you feel like you need to push yourself so hard"
" Even * insert job here* needs a break every once in a while"
" Stay here"
" I'll keep you safe"
" Why wouldn't I save you"
" Even if we were lobsters I'd still choose you"
" I just thought you'd like some company"
" Can you look at me? Please?"
" Hey, just look at me. Breathe"
" Don't touch Me !"
" You're burning up babe"
" I'm not your princess"
"Stop moving you're making things worse for yourself"
" We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
" I think I'm in love with you and that scares the crap out of me"
" Bite me " " If you insist"
" I need some time"
" What are we?"
" You're joking right?"
" If you don't stop looking at me like that I'm gonna fall in love with you"
" You'll always be my favorite person"
" Why are you awake?"
" I'm glad you came"
" Please pull the trigger"
" I was only using you"
9 notes · View notes
Nothing More(M) - Five
Hello everyone!! Long time no see, indeed! I must say I hit writer's block these days but in no way did I abandon this story. Even more so now, when I am so eager to continue. This chapter will bring you spicy surprises and turning points ^^. Enjoy!
~6k words, angst, smut
I want to make you forget about that ex. In truth, I loved the idea of you overthinking all your texts. And I wanted all your neighbors to hear you yell when we have sex. I don’t want it to be a problem when we come together. And I don’t want us a secret.
Jackson plopped down on Mark’s couch, still carrying a serious look of disbelief on his face. “Look, I agree but Bambam literally said what we all thought. Collectively.”
Mark rolled his eyes at Jackson’s remark. He was searching for another song in his playlist to play on his vintage stereo system.
“I think we were more shocked to meet her like that,” Jinyoung continued, leaning against an empty small table in the living room. “Showing up at our studio.”
“And in that motorcycle jacket? Take my money. Did you know she had a bike?” Jackson put a hand dramatically over his chest.
Mark nodded. “Yeah, saw it first time I went to her house.”
“Living the dream. Hottest date, to ride the bikes together around town.”
“Could you stop fantasizing on my behalf?” Mark chuckled in Jackson’s direction and the latter laughed at the note. Mark then turned to Jinyoung, who was cocking an eyebrow. “I had no idea she would come to the studio, believe me. I wanted you to meet her under different circumstances.”
Jinyoung crossed his arms over his chest, a playful look in his eye. “You never told us why you came so early from your date.”
“Yeah, cause it wasn’t a date.” Mark commented and the other two men almost simultaneously turned to him. “Had the surprise to see her with another man.”
The playful look disappeared from Jinyoung’s expression. “You’d have to elaborate on that.”
“I can’t really elaborate, I didn’t stay around enough to see what happened next.” Mark shrugged his shoulders. “The guy had her backed against the lockers, a hand holding her cheek. It was not the first time he… they did that. It was the reason Sam came to the studio.”
“To explain.” Jinyoung completed, albeit not in agreement with the situation. “And what’s your take on that?”
Truth was, Mark did not have an exact answer to Jinyoung’s inquiry. Sure, the scenery of Samantha being present in the proximity of another man displeased and hurt Mark. He built some expectations for the two of them, carried away by their unquestionable synergy, and by the trust exuded by Samantha at every small dare or challenge presented by Mark. He believed in her words, and more than anything he believed in her. Mark believed in Samantha when she said she missed him, when she confided in him, when she said there would not be another guy. So, he put in the effort to carry himself in such a manner that would make Samantha desire him even more. At some point, Mark considered trying to have the talk with her, to play with his cards on the table, to build trust in them as more than just an arrangement.
At the very end, Samantha never promised anything, she never drew the line. Mark did not have it in him to throw the bouquet of the flowers he handpicked in the trash. But he was not indifferent to the image of her subjugated by the intimacy of another that was not him.
“I’ll hear her out.” Mark said lastly, seating himself by Jackson on the couch. A short quirk of the eyebrows as Jinyoung opted to simply nod his head.
“If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Jackson chuckled. “If you wanted us to actually believe you, you should have used your acting skills at least.”
“Why? Not that convincing?”
Mark agreed with Jackson. “We’ve known each other 12 years. It takes so much more than that.”
The three of them laughed. Truly, a bond that not many people get to have in a lifetime. And Mark knew Jinyoung, as much as everyone else, was looking out for him.
“If you have something to say, just say it.”
Jinyoung sighed and threw his hands in the air. “Look, I know, a good-looking, bike-riding, smart surgeon woman, who has a mysterious aura about herself. I’d be a hypocrite to say I wouldn’t get interested.”
“You know what he’s gonna say.” Jackson extended an arm over the backrest of the couch.
“All I’m saying is that, given the circumstances, I wouldn’t be happy at all. If a guy touched or held the girl I liked like that.”
All eyes were focused on Mark.
“But why don’t you talk to her and set the record straight? I’m all for explaining,” Jackson shifted his body to face Mark, “but if you told her, you liked her beyond just the sex, at least you’d know it’s either this or that.”
Jinyoung moved his hands in a gesture that indicated he agreed with Jackson. And Mark agreed with them, too. In any given situation, he would be the type of man to express his wishes and voice his wants and needs. Mark did not necessarily like the chasing. Within his chest, he knew why he was still playing the game and why he did not walk away the second he saw Samantha with the stranger man who was playing with his mind. Regardless, Mark let the little evil elves whispering in his ear take the reins of reasoning. The bell of the front door started ringing vigorously.
“It’s complicated.” Mark rose from the couch. “It’s also Samantha at the door,” said he, half-doubtful he spoke the words to convince himself it truly was her at the door. When he opened it, he actually made sure of it.
Samantha looked very different since the morning visit to the studio. The commanding behavior softened to a natural feminine aura, the sun-kissed freckles no longer hidden behind foundation accompanied by the mellow smile she had the day they met, everything stunned Mark.
Samantha felt very different.
“Hey, beautiful.” Mark welcomed Samantha with an observation he’d hoped was as visible to her as much as it was to him. Mark was distracted by the lively bark of Murphy, eagerly anticipating a welcome as warm as his mother’s. So, he obliged, the smile sketched on his face growing as he knelt to ruffle Murphy’s fur.
Samantha followed Mark’s carefree movements with warmth coloring her features. She didn’t know what to expect from him; all that she hoped was that Mark wouldn’t look at her with repulsion. Instead, Samantha was met by the same jovial Mark she’d met the very first time. And it scared Samantha that Mark felt very different since morning, all the same.
Did he care, still?
“Hey, yourself.” Samantha replied and watched as he straightened his body to meet her eyes. How much did she wish that that would’ve been their reunion, that he’d plant a kiss on her lips and circle his arms around her frame in a longing embrace. Suddenly, Mark felt so far apart.
“Come in.”
Mark pushed the door open and guided Samantha into the living room. She noticed two very familiar silhouettes, Jackson as he was putting his leather vest on, and Jinyoung as he was gathering his things. Murphy’s little woofs distracted the two men into looking at the source of sound, smiling at the little creature. Eyes speedily travelled to Samantha’s physique, and both greeted her with a smile. Perhaps Jackson’s more expressive. He was the first one to formally introduce himself. There was a lively song playing in the background.
“I’m Jackson, nice to meet you, finally.”
Samantha prevented her eyes from widening. Maybe Mark did speak about her. She took Jackson’s hand and shook it, enjoying his amiability.
“Likewise, Jackson. I truly hope you didn’t think I was a freak or anything.” Samantha offered a smile of her own eliciting a chuckle from the other. She caught Jinyoung in the corner of her eye as he examined her. Not blatantly, yet not covertly either. Samantha wondered what they both thought about her.
“Far from that,” Jinyoung chimed in, giving his own hand for a greeting, “but you definitely incited the collective curiosity.”
Samantha took the invitation, meeting Jinyoung halfway. Out of everyone, she figured he was the toughest to impress. And on good merit, nonetheless. “I wouldn’t say about myself that I’m an open book but please know I’m more than happy to clear the curiosities.”
The corner of Jinyoung’s lips lifted in a modest smirk. “Maybe I’ll heed the invitation.”
Jackson cleared his throat and Jinyoung pulled back. “Don’t worry about us, we were just leaving.”
“No bother at all. I wouldn’t want us to be so formal, it was very nice meeting you both.” Samantha extended her hands to offer the two men a warm wave and a small dip of her head. Jackson and Jinyoung both did the same, the last action they made prior to heading out the door. “Likewise, Samantha”.
Mark’s loud sigh doubled the echo of the closing door which caused Samantha to fiddle with her fingers. “I must have made a terrible impression, haven’t I? They definitely think I’m a freak.”
“Nope, no freak,” Mark turned around to walk toward Samantha’s direction. As he was approaching, he was unzipping his hoodie. “They just don’t know you. Actually, Jackson was quite smitten with you, I could swear he’d want to steal you for himself.”
It was the first time Mark had openly spoken about his members, even more so about anything that had to do with their opinion about her. Mark’s words were not reassuring enough for Samantha as eyes were still focused on her nervous fingers. She didn’t know what to make of the entire situation. “Jinyoung doesn’t like me.”
Mark grabbed at the hem of his T-shirt to throw it over his head. A bracelet at his wrist was tangling loosely when he guided Samantha’s chin to make her look at him. “Out of all of us, Jinyoung is the one who doesn’t play games when it comes to people. You have to make him trust you before he lets you in."
The initial nervousness Samantha felt while fidgeting with her fingers transformed into butterflies into her stomach. Although the main emotion she was feeling was uneasiness, at his words, and at his sudden naked torso. She had but a moment to watch the muscles of his abdomen contract and relax with the movement of the arm which was holding her frozen in place. Henry’s most similar gesture crossed her mind. “Do you play the game, Mark?”
Mark’s irises were fixated on hers. The tone of his voice softened and lowered with each spoken word, until it became little more than a whisper. A question for a question. “Are we playing the game, Sam?”
Samantha’s lips parted with a sigh, the knot in her stomach tightening. There was no hint to suggest that Mark was not serious with his inquiry. She knew the answer to his question, but the words were frozen like they weren’t hers to speak. While Mark was looking at her, with the stoicism of his body and the seriousness of his eyes, Samantha presented herself agonizingly transparent.
“Wasn’t this the way he was holding you?” taunted Mark, drawing closer to her in an even voice. His other hand found the clothed valley of her hips. “Did you want him to kiss you?”
“No.” Samantha stated, an ounce of desperation evading beyond her control. The infinitesimal distance Mark was keeping between them was slowly driving her crazy. And he knew he held all control. “At no point did I want him to kiss me.”
Silence followed. A harrowing silence growing heavier with each movement of Mark’s brown orbs drawing back and forth on her features. Samantha grabbed Mark by the chest. “Say something goddammit!” she urged.
Mark pulled Samantha into him and slammed his lips against hers. In the background, a sexual melody mix broke into the stereo system. Samantha wobbled on her feet, which caused Mark to tighten his grasp around her figure. The background music melted with the swift ringing in her ears and the tips of her fingers turned cold from the unanticipated contact. Mark’s kiss was raw and hurried, yet obscenely sensual. Samantha’s lungs were deflating quickly, and Mark did not seem too eager to let her breathe. It was the first time he initiated such a kiss. His lips had always worked against hers with tenderness, at times enticing, but never so ardently carnal.
It was a possessive kiss and Mark wanted Samantha to feel it.
Mark pushed their bodies into the couch, and he slid his knee in between her thighs. During the brief moment their lips were separated, Samantha gasped for air, which was rather a sharp moan with Mark settling above her, and his clothed knee tormenting her womanhood. “Mark, I can’t breathe.”
“I couldn’t breathe either when he was towering over you, Samantha.” His visage was wearing the same chilling expression, albeit a sliver of distress hiding behind it. “I imagined him doing all sorts of things to you, with you. Fuck.”
Mark tilted his head to the side, a canine digging into the plush of his lower lip. Samantha’s eyes were watching him intensely. She was devoid of any courage to speak a word. Never would she have imagined she would see Mark like that. Not for her.
“I missed you girl, I missed you. And I…” You’re all I fucking think about.
Samantha gulped. She was observing Mark’s every gesture, every little shift in his facial expression, every word he was speaking. All the feelings in her chest were strangers and Mark was tempting and enchanting. He was everything Samantha wanted him to be. Even when he suppressed his thoughts, Mark was everything Samantha wanted. And he was there, in her immediate grasp.
You’re all I ever thought about.
“Kiss me, Mark.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Mark lowered his body instantly to connect the kiss in a lustful motion. His tongue lost no time to part Samantha’s lips and find her own into a frenzied tango. As his hands slid down to play with the hem of her t-shirt, so did the ever-growing feelings for the woman he was holding. The blood in his veins was pulsating with apparent unrequited affection, and it set him ablaze.
Mark broke the kiss in a nimble motion to undress Samantha of her shirt, to reveal her braless breasts. The tantalizing sight aroused Mark like it did the first time. For him, sex with Samantha felt like it was the first time every time. There was always something new he’d discover in the voluptuousness of her body, in the way her body would curve differently with each heated touch of his hand. Mark licked his lips and undid her shorts.
“Mark…” Samantha mewled, the cold breeze circling her breasts provoked a shudder. She edged her breasts as her eyes darted back and forth between Mark’s hands and the growing bulge in his jeans. Samantha was struggling to form coherent thoughts when he was immorally commanding the pace. She didn’t fight the vulgar lust invading her core. It was easier giving in to the euphoria than acknowledging the truth.
Easier than voicing that Mark should be the one.
“Tell me, darling.” There was a wicked inflection in Mark’s tone, busy with undressing Samantha of her shorts and underwear all at once. “What do you want?”
If it was any other moment, Samantha would have said it was his love she wanted. Still, a hue of shyness colored her rosy cheeks. “I want you, Mark.”
Mark was happy to obey, even if he was convinced Samantha was not speaking seriously. She wanted his body, while he desired her soul. In the heat of the moment, for the short time they’d spend as one, Mark heard what he needed to. That she wanted him, and she’d choose him. He lowered his body to plant kisses through the valley between her breasts, the butterfly pecks eliciting sultry moans out of Samantha’s throat. When his lips passed her chest’s threshold, Mark continued the delicious trail to her abdomen, one hand encircling Samantha’s breast. The other was keeping her thigh from squirming.
Samantha closed her eyes and threw her head into the soft material of the couch to indulge in the intense eroticism Mark was injecting into her body. When his sinful mouth reached her womanhood, Mark chuckled. Then he continued to leave kisses on her inner thigh, deliberately ignoring the wetness of her cavern. Samantha was vexed by Mark’s actions, and she groaned in protest. The hand previously on her breast travelled to her hip to intertwine with her fingers. Mark acknowledged her objection by nibbling a violet spot into her thigh. He traced it with the free index, shifting his body to worship Samantha’s other thigh with blissful movements of the tongue. The little perverted sounds she was making were truly driving Mark to impatience.
The way Samantha’s body was submitting to his febrile touches indicated that she wasn’t that far away either.
Mark pulled away momentarily to unzip his jeans and dispose of them on the floor. The rupture of their connected hands forced Samantha to dig her fingers into the plush of the sofa. The heat in her genitals was much more intense than she anticipated it would be. The simple fact that Mark retreated from tending to her pelvis made her moan loudly, and her vagina clench. Samantha watched him as he undressed himself to reveal his throbbing shaft, and she bit her lip in anticipation. Mark smirked at her and climbed atop her to seat himself between her legs. As he was leaning down to reach her level, the tip of his cock rimmed against soaked clit.
Mark linked their foreheads together, supporting himself with one arm by the side of her head. His other hand rested at the cusp of her jaw. He angled himself at her saturated entrance and slid the tip of his penis inside her. A guttural moan echoed in the air.
“We never did it like this, so tell me if it hurts.” Spoke Mark in a gentle tone and opened his eyes to observe Samantha. She gently shook her head and her fingers stretched into Mark’s shoulder blades to guide his body in a slow thrust. He let out a groan from the depth of his throat, feeling the creamy walls of her vagina enclosing around his shaft. Mark gave her a moment to adapt to his size, gazing intently at her. Samantha was so beautiful, with flushed cheeks and her splendid naked body, all of her offered to him.
Mark felt his heart ache.
“How can you say I’m not making love to you when I’m touching you like this?”
Samantha’s eyelids closed and fluttered open with Mark’s affirmation. The coherent words she tried to form were dispelled instantly when he started moving inside her with controlled thrusts, each forward move taunting her sweet spot. Samantha opened her mouth only to allow the moans to flood the air. And Mark was watching every contraction of her body and indulging in each pulsation of her pussy.
He leaned down to nip at the lobe of her ear. “When you’re giving yourself to me like this?”
“Mark…” Samantha reached to his face to lead the hazel of his eyes to hers. In his eyes she found the same commanding yearning but propelled by a raw sincerity that Mark had not given to her. Everything he was doing gave her a sense of serenity, fueled by the abnormally erotic movements of his hips. In a matter of minutes, she surrendered to him and to the zealous whines her lungs were making.
“What is it, baby?” He picked up the speed of his thrusts, heeding the contractions in Samantha’s womanhood. “You’re close, I know. What I didn’t know is how wet you could get.”
Samantha intended to avert her bashful expression, but Mark’s touch kept her focused on him. “Don’t hide. Let me take care of you.”
Amidst the whorl of sentiments and thoughts racing through her mind, Samantha found an anchor in Mark. She registered all the words he’d spoken to her and all the shielded gestures, and bare confessions. Samantha was powerless to respond, instead. There never was a man in her life to bear his heart on his sleeve, even half of how Mark was bearing his. In her normality, he was an abnormality. And still, he made good of his words and actions and took care of her.
Samantha relaxed in his embrace and extended her body to plant a kiss on his lips. A mellow kiss which Mark reciprocated so naturally that life halted for a second.
Then Mark enveloped Samantha as her body abruptly contracted. She held on to him as she reached for nirvana, her vocal cords enchanting Mark with lascivious breaths repeatedly. Hearing Samantha succumb to ecstasy was the sweetest testament Mark could receive. The hot blood in his veins met the point of boiling as he was getting closer to climax. A couple more lustful thrusts accompanied by roaring groans, each growing faster than the other, brought Mark as close to the edge as he could get. He guided himself out of Samantha’s core to reach his orgasm and paint her abdomen with his white cream.
Samantha enjoyed that particular view of Mark, so much that it was his turn to show a timid smile. It took a little while for Samantha to follow what happened, and when she did, both of them chuckled at each other.
“I’ll get some paper towels.”
“You’ll find me here.”
Samantha’s ears followed the sound of Mark’s steps and the muffled grunt that followed soon after. He returned with a handful of paper towels, and Samantha couldn’t look away from his still hard penis.
Mark took one cloth to clean his canvas half-heartedly. “Round two?”
Samantha giggled. “I’ll have to refuse. Round one was unexpectedly intense.”
“You have no idea how sexy you are.”
Samantha felt her cheek darken once more. She was watching silently as Mark was wiping her abdomen. When he was done, he walked away to throw the used napkins.
“Are you okay? You’re unusually quiet.” Mark’s voice reverberated through the kitchen.
“I’m alright, just a bit tired.” She responded, and Mark immediately walked back to her. He knelt down with her back facing her, gesturing for her to hop on his back.
“Let’s get to bed.”
Samantha hummed and attached herself to Mark’s body. She had never noticed how broad his back was, under the hoodies and oversized shirts he was usually wearing. Mark effortlessly rose from the ground and carried her to the nearby bedroom. He carefully seated Samantha on the edge of his neat bed, and she smiled to herself at the considerable number of pillows residing there. In front of the bed there was a small dressing which Mark opened to retrieve one clean shirt and a pair of shorts for himself.
“I don’t want you to get cold. Here, arms up.” Mark whispered, and Samantha complied with his actions. The dark shirt Mark had given her was large enough to reach her knees. He tossed the thin summery blanket away and helped Samantha up into the nook of his bed.
“Thank you, Mark. You’re so protective of me.” She smiled softly and happily accepted the invitation to encompass herself into Mark’s arms.
 He raised an eyebrow, even though she couldn’t see. “You don’t want me to be?”
“I do,” she answered quickly and laced their hands together. “I like this a lot.”
Mark tilted his head to follow the lazy sunset shimmer through the window. The loose hand he folded under his head served as a good excuse to avoid looking Samantha in the eye. As easy as it had been to drown in her orbs while laying together, just as hard it was to do so while returning to reality. Samantha noticed the atypical silence. With the aphrodisiac sensations fading away, all the words that Mark spoke to her started to click. Samantha was drawing absentmindedly on Mark’s forearm with the tip of her index, trying to reproduce the memory of each phrase. The subtle agony of I couldn’t breathe either when he was towering over you, Samantha, the slight panic in the I imagined him doing all sorts of things to you, with you.
The melancholy in the How can you say I’m not making love to you when I’m touching you like this? which made Samantha’s heart tremble was the seed of hope planted in her soul. If there was any source of truth to say that Mark truly harbored feeling for her, it was not tangible anymore.
Mark, once again, felt so different.
 “What are you thinking about, Mark?” Samantha looked up at him just in time to see how breathtaking the warm colors of the sunset appeared on his features.
He was silent for a while. “About you.”
Samantha furrowed her eyebrows. “What about me? I’m right here.”
A little sigh. “Nothing… it’s just I’m leaving tomorrow, and we won’t see each other a while again.”
“I know…” Samantha’s voice trailed off in sadness. “I don’t want you to go.”
Mark gave a little squeeze to her hand, eyes still watching the first moments of dusk adorning the sky. “That’s not under my control, unfortunately.”
 “I don’t want you to go out of my life, Mark.”
Samantha could swear the vein in Mark’s wrist strained at her words. Still, his expression remained impassable. After a couple moments spent in unmerciful silence, he continued. “Do you think about us? About what we could be?”
The palm of her hand was starting to sweat. Easy answer? Yes, I cannot devote myself to anything that’s not you. True answer? Do you want to take my broken heart? Samantha sensed that she was running out of time, and in hindsight, she should have known that earlier. A man like Mark who had the world at the tips of his fingers, who could have anyone he wished for, wouldn’t say the things he said to any woman that easily. All of it meant something, it should have meant something. It was everything Samantha clung to, for it to mean something. She had to make a decision.
“Forget I asked. You don’t need to say anything.”
“He hit me, Mark.”
The music formerly playing in the background silence of the living room stopped altogether. Mark’s phone must have died, and so did his concentration at Samantha’s sudden confession. His head jerked back to her direction in an impulse to check if she was hurt, even if there was no earthly possibility for her body to be in physical pain at that moment.
Samantha’s mouth was dry, and it shocked her to see Mark’s immediate reaction. She didn’t lose him, he was still there with her. “He hit me after he killed a mother and her unborn child in the operating room.”
“How are we doing there, mrs. Dalton? Can you say something for me?”
Henry’s deft motions of his nimble hands kept raising the standards for a second-year resident. The attendings in the observing room were watching the awake brain surgery with great interest, as was the then-director of the hospital.
“Oh, I can’t wait for this to be done,” the woman rubbed her hand lovingly on her pregnant belly. “Sandra should know the adventures mommy went through.”
“Status on the baby, Doctor Stoss?”
Up until the question was addressed to her, Samantha did not unpeel her eyes from the fetal monitor. “Like a Swiss watch.”
“Keep saying the good news, Doctor Stoss. I’m sure mama Dalton would love to hear that more often.”
“Oh Doctor Carter, I’m sure you were born such a charmer.”
Samantha’s vision was fixated on the handle of the dressing door. She was explaining her memories as if she was living them again. “This surgery had half the hospital watching. It was a procedure previously not done in that medical center, and Henry had had the privilege to participate in one once when we were interns in Toronto. He’s thinking of himself as the hotshot, as he should. His skill and knowledge are top-notch. But they failed him.”
“Doctor Stoss over there can attest to me being a charmer. Or not.” Henry chuckled under his surgical mask, and he quickly stole a glance at Samantha, before focusing on the region of the tumor which he had just reached. “We’re here, mama. Shouldn’t take too long to take it out.”
Mrs. Dalton’s vitals spiked up a level and Samantha observed the nerves on her face. She left her intern in charge of the fetal monitor and approached the woman to reassure her. “It’s going to be okay. We’re here for both you and your little girl.”
Just as Samantha was returning to her previous post, henry was actively preparing to remove the tumor located in a tricky area of mrs. Dalton’s brain. “I’m in.”
The collective audience in the gallery leaned forward to witness Henry’s work. At that point, the loud beeping of the machines pierced the operating room with alarming sounds.
“Doctor Carter, baby’s vitals are starting to drop.”
“What do you mean? What’s going on with my baby?”
“Please try to remain calm, Mrs. Dalton. These reactions happen naturally when a tumor body is being extracted. Once I take this out, everything will get back to normal—”
“Only it didn’t.” Samantha’s fingers curled unconsciously as if reaching out for a scalpel. “I was repeatedly telling him I needed to do a C-Section to save the girl and put her in NICU. At seven months old, she had all the odds of surviving. If only we moved fast enough…”
The distressing sounds of the monitors multiplied when the woman lost consciousness. Her vitals became hectic graphics on the monitors, and Henry visibly stiffened.
“Henry, we are losing this baby. I need to perform the emergency C-Section now.”
“No. I’ll save them both, wait.”
While Henry was applying the standard emergency measures, Samantha’s attention was distracted by the uneasiness of the spectator gallery. She briefly noticed Jonathan, with a looming look on his face that any surgeon regardless of their specialty would understand. The unborn baby was losing its vitals.
“Henry, I’ll move forward. Scalpel, please!”
“I told you to wait! Doctor Stoss, I need you to follow the protocol of my OR.”
“I guess indeed it was his surgery. But those were not his lives to take.”
Half-heartedly, Samantha hesitated to start the neonatal protocol. While Henry had authority, he did not have a positive chance to save both lives. When the fetal monitor fell flat, Samantha went against his instructions and cut into the mother’s belly.
“By the time we took out the little girl, her heart had already stopped beating. We did all the resuscitation maneuvers we knew and could…” Samantha let out a sigh, and Mark pulled her tighter into him. “All hell broke loose. I don’t know when Jonathan got to the OR, but he was there for all of it.”
“Time of death…” Samantha’s discouraged voice echoed throughout the macabre silence of the operating room. “Six thirty-one.” Two paces away, resuscitation maneuvers were still going for the woman on the table. When Henry realized there was no use for them anymore, he stepped away from the body, prompting everyone else to follow his example. “Time of death, six thirty-five.”
Nobody in the room dared move a finger. Two casualties in an operating room which, on paper, could have been avoided. It was a medical disaster. Samantha pulled down her surgical mask, to try and take hold of the situation. “We’ll need to go outside and inform the father—”
“You let her die.”
All eyes fell on Henry. Samantha couldn’t believe her ears. “Excuse me?”
“That baby could have been saved.”
Henry’s voice grew louder, more assertive. Samantha stood her ground, deliberately choosing to ignore Henry’s last comment. “I understand this must be a difficult situation for you, Doctor Carter, but in no way am I to blame.”
“That baby could have been saved!”
As his voice grew into a striking holler, Samantha no longer recognized the man in front of her. She was searching for the proficient doctor, for the partner that he was. And for the lover that he used to be.
“Henry,” Samantha kept calm even though her head was spinning in disbelief “you told me to follow your protocol in your OR—"
 At that point, Samantha could not register what had just happened. Henry raised his hand at her and slapped her on the cheek. There was a shared gasp among the people in the room who refused to understand Henry’s tameless reaction. By the time Samantha tilted her head back to look at Henry, Jonathan had stepped up to punch him in the face.
Mark raised an eyebrow. Although he got off to a rocky start with Jonathan, his respect for him grew substantially.
“A couple of guys had to restrain Jonathan because clearly that wouldn’t have been the last punch he would’ve thrown. After that, I went to inform the father of his… losses. Henry was not allowed to accompany me. The father sued the hospital for malpractice, and I have no idea how they settled. I only saw Henry once, after that. They summoned all the medical operating staff to testify. He never looked me in the eye, not once. I wanted to believe that he was sorry, something to make me believe our relationship was not a lie. I never got closure for that.”
Mark waited patiently for Samantha to continue. When she did not, he placed a chaste kiss on the crown of her head. “Did you need that? Closure?”
She sighed. “I guess I did. When you think you have something of that magnitude with someone, only for it to fall apart in the most gruesome way, I needed some sort of a life raft. Truth is, we started falling apart even before he hit me. Henry was starting to become distant and full of himself. But I never expected him to be violent.”
Mark noticed the flake of regret in her voice, to briefly wonder how things are settled in the vast Universe. Hadn’t Henry done that, Mark wouldn’t have gotten to fall in love with her. Life was funny, that way.
Samantha sighed, once again, yet more out of liberation. Albeit painful, she truly needed to convey the feelings out loud for them to become less repressive. Maybe to disappear.
“Can you understand now, Mark? Why he was able to hold me down at all? Why it is tough for me to trust someone again?”
Mark’s lungs filled with air. “Even me?”
Samantha closed her eyes. He did not need to spell it out loud for her to understand what he meant. “I just need a little more time, Mark.”
Indeed, he never expected to hear anything different, it still did not mean it hurt less. On the one hand, because Samantha still didn’t see him fit to be trustworthy, and on the other hand because he seemingly was giving more than she was ready to receive.
“Should I keep my distance then?” his voice was flat, too much so that he must have given away he was disappointed, because Samantha tightened their holding hands.
“No.” She answered timidly, looking up at him for the first time in a long while. Mark’s eyes were diverted to the emerging summer night. He was slipping away through her fingers, once more.
“I don’t know if I can give you both ways.” Not when I know I'll never treat you the way he did.
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nichoswag · 2 years
Hey there I have some got7 scenarios/reactions that I'd love to see you do... How would they approach someone they are interested in at a house party?
hey anon! i decided to use the term crush in place of 'someone they're interested in,' i hope that's okay. i actually like this scenario a lot but i wasn't completely sure what to write, so here's my attempt 👀 also sorry for the wait, i was stumped so it did take me a bit to be creative and complete the request :3 enjoy!
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how got7 would approach their crush at a party
warnings: cursing, fighting (in jayb's), flirting, terrible pickup lines (jackson 👀), not proofread bcs i'm tired af
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jaebeom probably wouldn't even approach you - he'd be subtly watching bcs he just adores you sm. subtle until he notices a guy getting too close and you seeming uncomfortable. he makes his way to you and pulls the whole "babe, is this guy bothering you?" and you play along until the guy grows frustrated and calls you names, which is when jb throws hands (fists). after he defends you and leaves the guy slumped on the ground, you're actually the one who asks for his number.
mark would probably be really straight forward. sumn like "hey, you're cute, could i get your number?" but in the least creepy way possible. you can't help but say yes - he's so fcking cute omg and he texts you as soon as he gets home from the party to make sure you get home safely
jackson would be so extra ong. he'd slide in with the horribly tacky pickup lines but it still gives you butterflies. something like "hey, what's your name?" "y/n, why?" "oh, i could've sworn it was mine." so cheesy but so fcking cute bcs its jackson anywhores y'all exchange numbers after flirting a bit and that's how it goes down :D
jinyoung would definitely be the most smooth - you couldn't even tell if he's nervous (he is). he approaches you with a slight smile to appear friendly (rbf fr) and sits next to you and your friend on the sofa. he attempts to make small talk and by the end of the night, you both share a few drinks and exchange numbers.
youngjae seems like a pretty shy person irl esp around people he doesn't really know so he'd have to be comfortable with you to approach you - and you have to be alone bcs he's afraid of messing up around you, much less your friends or other strangers 🥺 he'd probably ask for your number so you could plan a hangout at some point (not a date, he wouldn't be that straightforward)
i take back what i said about jinyoung - bam is def the most smooth with all that flirting he does, and that's definitely what he does with you. mans waltzes right up to you and starts flirting (so extra pls) he'd def ask for your number and plan out a date on the spot 😩
bb would prob try to act so confident but be vv nervous :3 mans does not have enough experience with dating despite his constant flirting smh... probably stutters a bit but ultimately plays it cool. you end up giving him your number bcs he's just so cute!!
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doyouknowbtsswag · 4 months
Surprise Sign |Jinyoung|
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I smiled looking at myself in the mirror at the concert venue. The stadium was already loud from the group of people fan girling about their biases or plans to do after the concert. I finally walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked to my seat. I'm supposed to be surprising my boyfriend of many years Park Jinyoung. We haven't seen each other in months because of his touring. He begged me to go with him but as much as I wanted to I couldn't. Here I was now standing in my seat close to the stage. Only Jackson knew I was coming to the concert to make sure I was able to get front-seat tickets. I smiled thinking of his reaction along with the rest of the group. I looked around and saw everyone go to their seats as the concert started. I proudly held up my sign that said 'I Don't Have To Go To Heaven To Find A Angel Park Jinyoung Is In Front Of Me' which people around me complimented my sign while laughing. I watched the lights go on and shine on the members as they went on stage. I watched in amazement at the boys' performance. Each step was calculated and they were all in sync with each other. Their voices were steady even though they were dancing. I lifted the sign up as Jackson looked over at me during lullaby winking which made the girls around me scream.
During the concert Jackson looked my way trying to get his fellow members to catch the memo eventually Jaebeom looked over and spotted me. I grinned waving the sign at him which made him smile holding back from laughing which confused Youngjae who looked at him confused as Jaebeom whispered in his ear. Youngjae looked at me laughing lightly which made Mark confused. Let's just say each member one by one noticed my presence and the sign I held up. It was Bambam who laughed the loudest after they finished singing Call My Name that caught Jinyoung's attention. He looked around confused until he finally ended up seeing me. He walked closer thinking he was hallucinating. He had been more nervous once he started the tour since you usually were there to hug him and give him little kisses before he had to leave for award shows. The girls around me started jumping around and screaming his name. But his eyes were trained on me he seemed like he wanted to cry but instead, he made a comment as if I was just a normal fan.
"Who here thinks I'm an angel?" He said through the mic as everyone screamed.
"Hey! He dressed up like a killer doll how is that angelic?!" Jackson said pointing his finger at Jinyoung to interact with the crowd. "I think I'm more of an angel"
"You dressed like the devil that one time" Jaebeom pointed out.
"The only person here would be me in my opinion," Yugyeom said. "If we're talking about Halloween costumes"
"You were an invisible cloak," Youngjae said. "I think I'm the winner don't you think" Yongjae said pointing his mic at the crowd who screamed yes.
"I feel offended," Jackson said dramatically.
I laughed at the whole thing and saw Jinyoung stealing some glances my way. After the concert was over I lingered around waiting for Jackson to come get me from the stands. Once the coast was clear Jackson ran out quickly and grabbed my hand as we ran backstage. The boys all gave me a hug and told me how shocked they were to see me since it was all the way across the world.
"He's here," Youngjae said as Jinyoung ran up to hug me. He wasn't that much of a PDA guy but he didn't care all he cared about was seeing you in the flesh.
"You're supposed to tell me this stuff, not Jackson," He said hiding his face in my neck which made me laugh a little.
"I couldn't tell you since it was a surprise" I smiled.
He pulled me closer and rocked back and forth. He nuzzled his face in my neck and ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled feeling him relax with every minute ticking by.
"You don't know how much I missed you" He mumbled giving a light kiss on my neck.
"I missed you too," I said his grip on me still tight.
"How did you manage to get here?" He asked pulling away from the hug.
"I'm on break so I decided to come see you perform"
"Are you staying around for long?" He asked.
"Hopefully I'll have enough money"
"I'll pay for it you can stay backstage and everything"
"I'd feel bad though" I sighed.
"Love, you and I both know I can afford you being here, hell it might be free if I ask the managers" At this point, Jinyoung was pleading with me to stay and it started working.
"I-" I sighed. "Are you sure?"
"Fine" I smiled and as soon as that word left my mouth I was picked up and spun in the air. "Jinyoung put me down" I laughed.
"Thank god your staying" He smiled. "I don't think I'd last another month"
"Well I'm here now"
"And your not leaving my side ever" He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and he placed his hand on my cheek with the other.
"Wouldn't dream of it" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I love you," He said gently kissing me on the lips. I smiled into the kiss returning the gesture.
"I love you too" I pulled away resting my head on his chest as gently rubbed my back.
There was a knock on the door and we both looked over. The door creaked open and Youngjae popped in.
"Hey love birds, sorry to interrupt but Jinyoung has to come with me" Jinyoung looked at him confused. "Team meaning"
"Alright, I'm coming" Jinyoung turned to me. "Don't leave okay?"
"Alright" I smiled and watched him leave he winked and closed the door behind him.
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markie-baby · 5 months
Not a request 💀 why do you only write for Mark Tuan 😭😭😭
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Linguist King
I'm just too whipped yall.
***also, I don't ONLY write for him, just haven't any requests to do anyone else! The h0es know where to go>>> Requestssss
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Accidentally Fall Asleep On Another Member ~ Got7 Reaction
“She looks so relaxed,” Mark smiled as he walked in to see you curled up into Jackson, resting on a cushion against his shoulder.
“She did try to wait for you to come back from shooting but there was no way that she’d stay up,” Jackson explained, “I hope you don’t mind.”
Mark’s head quickly shook in reply to him, “as long as Y/N’s comfy, there’s no way that I mind. Thank you for offering to help her get comfortable.”
“It’s alright,” Jackson smiled, “although I’ve got to admit my shoulder is starting to get a little numb being rested upon.”
A quiet chuckle came from Mark as he walked past you both, “do you want to swap?” Y/N’s probably too asleep to even realise what’s going on around her right now.”
“I don’t want to risk her stirring,” Jackson quickly assured Mark.
“But you’re going to get hurt Jackson.”
Jackson’s head shook, “I’ll be able to wake my shoulder up in no time at all, the pain in my shoulder is nowhere near as bad as how tired Y/N was when she came here.”
“She’s not slept well recently,” Mark informed him, “honestly, it’s just nice to see her asleep for a while.”
“I can stay here for as long as she needs me to.”
“Thank you, I really do appreciate it.”
Jay B:
“What are you doing?” Jaebum asked as soon as he looked to his left and saw that Jinyoung was sat on the sofa with you beside him.
“I’m just helping Y/N out,” Jinyoung quickly explained to him, picking up on how annoyed Jaebum was straight away by his voice.
His brows furrowed as he noticed how content you were. “Why did you let Y/N sleep on you? Why didn’t you offer her a cushion instead?”
“Can you see any cushions round here?” Youngjae laughed as he interjected, “Y/N would break her neck without Jinyoung.”
Jaebum’s eyes glanced back at you both, still not quite able to get used to what he was seeing. “She better not get used to sleeping on you, she should sleep on me.”
“If you were here then she would’ve slept on you,” Jinyoung told him.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me she was tired?”
A roll of the eyes followed from Jinyoung, “because it’s easier to let Y/N rest on us rather than get yelled at by you for interrupting you whilst you’re busy at work.”
“When have I ever yelled?” Jaebum grinned, “you guys know that I’m always nice whenever I’m at work.”
“Shall we go back to all the times at the dorm?”
“Alright, I guess you’ve made your point.”
“Why’s Y/N asleep on you?” Jackson immediately asked as he walked into the dressing room to see you looking rather comfortably against Youngjae.
A shy smile formed on Youngjae’s face, hearing the disapproving tones in Jackson’s voice. “She was leaning this way for a while, and then went.”
Jackson scratched over the top of his head, unable to get mad as he noticed how content you seemed. “She just fell onto your shoulder?”
“Not exactly,” Youngjae frowned, “she was hanging on the edge of my shoulder so I put her on properly otherwise she’d end up hurting her neck.”
Jackson hummed back at him, trying his best not to get too agitated by what he saw. “I guess I should say thank you for that.”
“I know it’s not exactly what you want to see,” Youngjae sympathised.
“You’re definitely not wrong with that.”
The faintiest of chuckles came from Youngjae, “I promise that I’m doing nothing other than helping Y/N sleep, you can’t hate me for doing that, can you?”
“No,” Jackson huffed, “I don’t think I’ve ever hated you, although this might be the closest that I’ve come to feeling that way.”
“It’s because I’m as adorable as Y/N is, right?”
“You wish you were as adorable as Y/N.”
“You look cosy,” Jinyoung slightly joked as he walked in to see you fast asleep on Mark, not quite knowing how he wanted to react.
“I couldn’t move her when she laid down on me,” Mark immediately began to explain to him, “she was yawning nonstop beside me.”
Jinyoung nodded in reply as he took a seat opposite the two of you. “To be honest, she’s not exactly been sleeping well these past few nights.”
“I can tell,” Mark weakly smiled back to him, “I’m honestly just giving her a shoulder to rest on, that’s all.”
Mark could tell that Jinyoung wasn’t a huge fan of what he saw, but he was at least glad to see you asleep. “Your shoulder is probably killing right now.”
“It’s not too bad, luckily Y/N’s light,” Mark quietly chuckled.
“You hardly know she’s there, right?”
Mark quickly nodded in agreement with Jinyoung, “I can see why you constantly say how easy it is whenever Y/N falls asleep on you on the road.”
“I wish she was asleep on me now; it feels seeing her asleep on someone else,” Jinyoung admitted in reply.
“She’ll wake up soon, she’ll be all yours then.”
“I can’t wait for her to sleep on me.”
“Is she alright?” Was the first question that Youngjae had for Jinyoung as soon as he saw that you’d decided to rest against him.
“I see, don’t ask how I am even though I’m being used as a pillow, just see how Y/N is straight away,” Jinyoung joked, shaking his head back at Youngjae.
A shrug came from Youngjae who fought back his laughter, “you’re not the one that I’m dating and therefore you’re not my priority right now.”
“Somehow I’ve ended up doing your job and let Y/N rest on me though,” Jinyoung pointed out to him.
A quiet snigger came from Youngjae in response, “Y/N will fall asleep on anyone, don’t think of yourself as special,” he smartly replied to him.
“What about if I just jolt her awake then?” Jinyoung offered.
“You can’t do that, Y/N’s resting.”
Jinyoung went to move but stopped himself at the last minute, “appreciate the fact that I’m doing your job for you, or I’ll wake Y/N up instead, your choice.”
“Alright,” Youngjae sighed, “you’re doing a great job of letting Y/N use you as a cushion for a little while.”
“You don’t sound too convincing there.”
“Jinyoung, I meant every word.”
“Well,” BamBam sighed as he walked into the dressing room to see you resting against Jaebum’s shoulder, your eyes tightly shut.
“Sorry,” Jaebum laughed back across at him, knowing exactly what it was that BamBam had noticed as soon as he walked into the room.
A shake of the head soon came from BamBam, “the only thing you should apologise for is looking too annoyingly cute with my girlfriend on you.”
“What?” Jaebum laughed, having to try hard to keep his voice quiet enough to make sure that he didn’t wake you up.
BamBam nodded at the puzzled look that was on Jaebum’s face. “She looks really peaceful, and your shoulders are so broad that they’re comfy to rest on too.”
“How do you know what my shoulders are like?” Jaebum asked.
“Look at you, it’s obvious they’re cosy.”
A snigger came from Jaebum as he realised that he was getting under BamBam’s skin. “I can always move if you want me to stop looking cuter with Y/N than you.”
“No one looks cuter with Y/N than me,” BamBam established, “all I said was that you two look pretty cute now.”
“You’re not doing a good job of playing this cool.”
“Really? I thought I was doing well.”
“What’s going on?” Yugyeom pouted as soon as he walked into the dressing room and saw you leant against BamBam’s shoulder.
“Y/N’s asleep, be quiet or you’ll wake her,” BamBam whispered, shushing Yugyeom as he awkwardly stood across the room and watched the two of you.
Yugyeom’s eyes narrowed in your direction, “why is she sleeping on you? Y/N shouldn’t be sleeping on you,” Yugyeom mumbled underneath his breath.
“She’s only resting on me,” BamBam tried to assure him, “there’s nothing bad going on, I’m just trying to be a good friend.”
Yugyeom’s head began to shake as he listened to BamBam, “you’re not being a good friend to me right now letting my girlfriend fall asleep on you and not wait for me.”
“Stop being so jealous and pull yourself together,” BamBam teased.
“Why are you being so mean to me now?”
A soft chuckle came from BamBam, “you’re pouting like a kid who got told they couldn’t get some sweets, all Y/N is doing is resting, do you really want to stop that?”
“I guess not,” Yugyeom murmured with a shrug, “but just so you know this is just a one-time thing for you.”
“I don’t plan on making a habit of it Gyeom.”
“I won’t let you make a habit of it either.”
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