#goul talks
andalorii · 8 months
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Absolute best thing I've ever hatched <3 abyss and mint just so happens to be my top tier favourite combination of colours and although my dream g1 is XXY abyss/mint, I am Absolutely Not going to say no to an XYX oh my... he is perfect and I can't believe the luck!! https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/89751049
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campbluesky · 27 days
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I'm an optimistic old man with substance abuse problems and a younger person who I treat like a son in place of my real son who I abandoned
I'm a pessimistic old criminal who got convicted for postal fraud and got chosen to be the savior of the human race by pure chance and have many, many issues stemming from that
And together we are
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purple-sea-dragon · 2 years
finsuhed s1 of dndads, on ep 6 of season 2 now and the goofs are fucking FLYING
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the-faceless-bride · 23 days
No. Not again. Not you.
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Yandere Cooper Howard/The Ghoul × Vaultie!R
Summary: The Ghoul of the wasteland had exepted the man he once was is dead. He isn't caring. Isn't loving. Isn't feeling. Friendship, companionship, partnership... love? Wasn't for him. Not anymore. But all that comes crashing down when he meets you... you brought something back from the dead.. though it isn't as 'good' as it used to be...
Warnings: yandere content, Cooper being controlling, Canon violence, death (not reader or Cooper), violence towards reader (by both strangers and a litte Cooper), flashbacks, and forced kissing.
You stumble around behind Cooper talking about the town you were about to come up apon, you were happy to babble away to him, and though he wouldn't always answer, he would always listen.
You liked traveling around, especially with Cooper; you were in a vault all your life, not by choice. But to be out of it was an amazing feeling, even if in the start Cooper didn't take your optimistic outlooks to kindly.
You remember how dumb he thought you were...
You'd just escaped your vault. And you were so confused...
You remember 'yesterday' you were baking a pie waiting for your husband to come home, when you heard a big bang, your husband rushed in took you. And you just passed out... you had always told him you didn't trust vault-tech or the people who were a part of it. But he didn't care, he was desperate.
When you woke up, the Vault was empty... quiet... bloodied... you stumbled around, trying to find something, someone... anyone... when you heard a whistle,
"Pphheeeww- looks like I've got a live one," a voice called out; turning around meeting the face of the goul... it shocked you at first your face contorting, but it wasn't so much fear as it was confusion... who is that? Had the war started? How long has it been? "If I were you I'd hope my pretty ass back into that ice block and let the world rot away,"
God, you remember him putting you through hell and back; no water or food, hot unforgiving sun, the fighting, crying, begging, and eventual acceptance.
"You think the people here will be friendly?" You babble as you reach for the canteen on his side; he let's you take it, moving his coat to the side for an easier reach. "Friendly?-" he laughs like you've told him the funniest joke he'd ever heard, "when is anyone out here friendly? What did it teach you? You need a reminder?" He smirks, turning to look at you, "Oh no thanks!" You yipp as you take a swig of water.
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You and Cooper walk into the town, eyes all around you. Some curious, some cautious, other dangerous... most eyes not on you, but Cooper. The Ghoul. Most people would never know you were a Vault dweller, you'd exchanged the blue and yellow suit in for a teal top and brown loose pants and some boots, Cooper made sure to tell you that if you kept that look somebody would've tried to sell you. You got lucky to be with him.
You didn't want to run off, You'd learned your lesson before; but you were hungry, and you saw what looks to be a place for food and bar. But you didn't want to just run off, especially if it could be dangerous... you wouldn't want Cooper to get in a brawl again.
"What do you think Cooper?" You whisper to him, only for him to hear, you whisper his name.
You liked saying his name. You didn't say it often, but when you did, it always felt good; even if it was a little strange. You still remember the first time he'd told you his name.
You'd woken up to russeling sounds when you spotted the small group trying to steal your supplies. And you yelled "Ghoul!"
You yelled as loud as you could, and He woke up, the Group of four masked raiders all attacked. And you sat there like a complete idiot while he took on all four men while little to no effort.
And even if you hadn't actually fought, you'd felt like you were on the edge of a panic attack, what if something happens to him? You'd be alone. What would happen to you? Would you be killed? Sold? Forced to-
The last gunshot that rang out, the last body falling ti the floor before he walks over and kneels down to your stance where you sat on the ground. "I'm- I'm sorry Ghoul, I just- I saw them I panicked it was like I couldn't even move- I'm sorry Ghoul, I just-" -- "Cooper." -- "what?" -- "My name. It's Cooper."
"Cooper." You smiled.
He didn't smile back, but you could see his eyes change. He didn't look so angry when he looked at you.
He nodded his head and handing a handfull of caps to you, a silent 'okay' for you to break away from him. At least for a little while.
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You'd sat in a stool up at the bar eating the first hot meal in God knows how long, and sipping on a sweet drink that was a bit too strong for you, "what's a cutie like you doing here alone?" You heard a man call to you. He wasn't much, scruffy, scrawny, but had very pretty eyes.
"I'm not alone,'you say confidently with a sweet smile, one you're sure he's never seen before.
He takes the stool next to you and tries to have a conversation with you. But quickly gets irritated when you don't play along. And that's when he became ugly...
Yelling, cursing, name calling, everything under the sun wa seeing tossed at you because you told this strange man, "No." You hadn't taken his as anything serious, all bark no bite. Throwing a hissy fit because you wouldn't let him fuck you for a few caps.
And it wasn't until you felt a sting on your left cheek and your head snapped to the side when you realized. He had struck you. Before he grabbed you, pulling you to him, kissing and grabbing at you. The other bar goers had found this... funny. At least until a loud bang was heard and the mans brains splattered all over your face and bar.
"Now who the hell do you think you are to mess with another man's woman?"
A rope found its way tosses around you as Cooper shoved you down and into a corner, "don't fucking move."
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You were on the road again, Cooper muttering curses under his breath. Still at the man who'd dared lay a hand on your sweet skin, damning him and all his friends who laughed.
No matter how hard you tried you haven't been able to get to him. He just mutters over and over. He could've lost you.
That man would've done much work that just kiss and grab you had he not been there.
Much worse. You would've been killed by the end of it.
"I won't lose you. I won't. Not again."
"Cooper." You tried to move around him to get infront of him, but a harsh grasp hand you in place. "Ouch! Cooper that hurt."
"Where do you think you're going?" -- "No where! I'm just worried about you!"
"I won't lose you. Not again."
You didn't have time to talk, Cooper kissed you.
"Humph!" Your shock is muffled. You try to pull away.
He doesn't let go...
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mxqdii · 4 months
hii! i was wondering if you goul do chris x autistic reader? if thats ok with you ofc!!
headcannons - c.s x autistic reader
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: headcannons
a/n: hii guys, so ive been getting a lottt of reqs for matt & chris x autistic reader, and ive obviously decided to do them, but please know that i am not autistic, so im very very sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i did do research prior but again everyone is different. it is not my intention to make anybody uncomfortable with these fics, only to answer reqs sent by my readers. my dms are open if anyone needs to talk!
warning(s): mental health mentions
not proofread
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it started with a joke, or what chris thought as a joke
you'd say something silly, joking about the matter, and at first chris would be confused, so he'd ask you about it
the whole time you guys would be having this talk his hand would be in yours, his thumb rubbing your hand as he listens intently
and as uncomfortable as it is, you have no choice but to be honest, praying he doesnt look at you differently
and guess what!! he doesnt (we love him fr)
Immediately researchs and asks you if theres anything he can do to help you in any way
and even though you were honest in that talk, theres only so much you can say
as time goes on, chris learns more and more. more about autism and what its like for you, not just in general
he picks up on your habits and helps however he can, whether thats getting you to stop picking at your nails or doing something a little too impulsive
if you have any unusal eating problems, whether its eating too much or too little, he's there every step of the way to help.
if he notices you eating less, hed take you out on a picnic or to dinner
sleep issues too! one time you mentioned you liked the smell of his colonge, so he started wearing it to sleep
whenever you cant sleep, he wraps you in his arms and plays with your hair.
that and his scent put you to sleep immediately
if it doesnt though, hes always happy to put on a movie or music, (or any other sounds like rain or waves!)
he notices your phases of specific intrests and eventually finds out about hyperfixating
while he does stuff like shop, cook, work, he likes to listen to you ramble on about your newest hyperfixation and even thinks whatever you're talking about is cool
if its a book, he would REFUSE to read it i swear, buuuut, he would definitely look up the whole plot so he atleast knew what you were talking about
if it was a show movie or music, he would watch or listen to it and honestly, he'd probably get into it (even if its something like greys anatomy, kid would be invested)
anyways, we love chris!!
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @gottamakemyhatersmad @luvsturniolo
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begaycommittreason · 8 months
things that the batfamily have been banned from (by majority vote of the others)
bruce: the kitchen, stealing new children without prior notice, using “teen lingo”, shovel talks, kidnapping and psychologically altering his children’s brains (no i’m not bitter), bodily removing clark from gotham in front of cameras, reviving the fucking joker again
dick: designing new costumes unsupervised, using other people as springboards without warning, reality tv show offers, shovel talks (for a very different reason), wearing overly tight pants in public, making crowbar jokes (canon), giving other people fashion advice, trying (ie. forcing) his siblings to do acrobatic tricks they aren’t capable of with him
jason: paintball, more than 3 daily death jokes, speaking to the press, convincing sleep deprived siblings he’s a ghost, showing up to galas in increasingly bad disguises, laser tag, dressing normally on halloween and claiming his costume is a zombie (their main problem with it is just that it’s over done at this point)
tim: monopoly, clue, unrestricted access to barbara’s files, stalking, overexposure to the x-files, ra’s al goul, being awake for more than 3 days at a time, prolonged amicable exposure to villains (he has a worrying amount of potential), blackmailing his family members, overcaffination (to the point of paranoia, body spasms, openly admitting his inclination to commit war crimes)
dami: adopting any stray he sees (it’s genetic), publicly unacceptable displays of violence, threatening a fight to the death over minor inconveniences, referring to his siblings as bastard children in public, referring to his siblings in public at all (literally nothing good has ever come of it)
cass: hide and seek, painting unconscious family members nails before press conferences, jumpscaring the paparazzi, honestly it doesn’t really matter bruce lets her get away with everything
duke: using his powers to predict when one of his brothers is showering and flushing the toilet, blaming everything on his brothers “initiating” him, looking into cameras at big press events and describing bruce’s ‘brucie’ antics as ‘white people shit’, pretending he’s been kidnapped in public before ppl knew he was adopted
steph: explaining (lying about) pop culture things to bruce, glitter bombs, inciting prank wars on national television, standing behind bruce or tim during press conferences and mocking them
babs: toppling regimes while sleep deprived, hacking and altering nasa’s data for fun to see scientists have meltdowns, enabling tim’s blackmail hobby, passive aggressively running people over in her chair when she’s mad
selina: inviting the sirens to the manor without prior notice, trying to turn tim and dami into her apprentices, faking pregnancy scares to see bruce get gray hairs on the spot, needing to get bailed out of jail more than 4 times a month (they just expect her to not get caught)
alfred: not taking any vacation days, making waffles (canonically awful), using his shotgun on rats in the house, shaving g his mustache (the family had a collective meltdown)
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redskull199987 · 11 months
New Ache
Sodo x fem!reader Part III (new Ghoul/replacement for Aether)  Word Count:2k Warnings:backache?(the title is leading, i know), lots of teasing Summary:The Reader takes the place of Phantom in this, replacing Aether and playing the Rhythm Guitar. She was working at the ministry before and was always close to the Ghouls, especially Sodo. Now Papa decided that it was finally her time to shine…  tagged: @peachimano (you asked for a next part, so i thought i´d tag you, but tell me if you wanna be removed) Part I, Part II, Part III(You are here) Masterlist
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You watched in amusement how Sodo tried to ignore the fierce questions of his fellow Ghouls, while you waited for the bus to start. You would be making your way to Berlin tonight, in order to perform the first ritual of this tour in Germany.
“Come on, just admit it!”, you heard Rain giggling, as he nudged Sodo`s shoulder,”You love her.” Rain nodded his head into your direction, causing you to smile. Before Sodo could say anything in return, you got up from your place in front of him and sat down between the fire Goul and Rain. Both of them looked at you perplexed, as you laid an arm each around their shoulders, pulling them closer. “Be nice to each other, will you?”, You smiled politely, probably a bit too politely, making it obvious that their conversation about Sodo`s and your relationship ended here.
“Why are you guys still up?”, Cirrus mumbled, as she suddenly entered the common area at the end of the bus, where Rain, Sodo, Swiss and you were currently sitting. The others had already departed to their bunks a while ago, trying to catch a little bit of sleep, before the annoying rattling of the bus would keep them awake, while you were on the road.
“Just talking a bit”, Swiss snickered, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Cirrus only sighed at his answer.”You guys should get some sleep, we have a ritual tomorrow!” “She is not wrong.”, Sodo intervened. He slowly got up, grabbing your hand in the process,”Come on, let's go to sleep.”
You said goodnight to Rain and Swiss, as the two of them decided to stay up a bit more, before following Cirrus upstairs, to the bunks. Fortunately, Sodo`s and your bunk were at the end of the row, away from the few already snoring Ghouls and Ghoulettes. Cirrus mumbled a sleepy goodnight, as she got in her bunk across from Cumulus. You and Sodo quietly made your way to the last two beds that were across from each other.
“Careful”, you murmured, as Sodo almost tripped over his own feet, trying to get out of his T-Shirt. “I'm fine”, he mumbled reassuringly, as he had finally changed into his night attire that was lying under his pillow just a few minutes prior. You quickly tried to change as fast as him, but also tripped, as you tried to get out of your T-Shirt. Luckily, Sodo was there to catch you. His hands wrapped around your waist, as you stumbled into his chest, the narrow space of the bus, not making anything easier. “Got you.”, the fire ghoul whispered in your ear, making a shiver run down your spine. “Thanks”, you mumbled, trying to step out of his grasp, but you felt Sodo´s slender fingers tighten around your waist. Your breath hitched, as you felt his lips on neck, leaving gentle kisses behind. His hands slowly made their way upwards, as he pulled you closer to his bunk. “Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight?”, he breathed against your neck, making your hairs stand up straight. “It's way too narrow”, you whined, finally escaping his grasp and turning around to look at the Ghoul. “We'll make it fit.”, he grinned, grabbing your hands,”Come on, do it for me.”
You were about to deny his request once more, as you felt the bus roaring alive and only a few seconds later, it slowly started driving.
You were once more thrown into the arms of your beloved, as he caught you from tripping over, as the Bus started. “I think that was a sign”, Sodo grinned looking down at you. His glowing eyes inspected your face carefully. You only groaned in annoyance, slightly hitting his chest:”Fine, but if you wake up with a backache, then don't complain, alright?” “I won´t.I promise”, he laughed, before ushering you to lay down. As you sprawled out on the bed, it quickly became clear that two people would never fit next to each other. So, Sodo did the only logical thing to him, before you could stop him. 
He slumped down on top of you.
You groaned slightly at his weight, but as he adjusted himself, slotting his legs between yours and resting his head in the crook of your neck, it quickly became more comfortable. 
“Dear satan, how does Mountain fit in these.”, you muttered under your breath, as you reached for the blanket, in order to cover the two of you. Sodo only chuckled at your comment.
“Good night, my love”, he finally mumbled into your skin, his breath tickling your neck. You snuggled closer to him, your arms wrapping around his torso:”Sleep well, my firefly.” You felt Sodo smile, as he heard the nickname that you used for him. And soon after, you felt his breath become steadier, his arms falling loosely around you. It didn't take you long to fall into a peaceful slumber too, as you were accompanied by the soft rhythm of Sodo´s heartbeat.
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Against all you exceptions, you were the one who had a backache send from hell on the following day. How good that you didn't have a long and exhausting day in front of you. Oh wait, that was exactly the case. So, not long before the ritual began, you were huddled up next to Sodo on a sofa in the backstage area, while everyone was preparing for the ritual. “Does it still hurt?”, you heard Sodo whispering into your ear, as he gently brushed your hair aside. “It's alright now.”, you hummed truthfully, looking up at the fire ghoul. He granted you a soft smile. Something that was reserved for you and only you. You smiled back at him with delight and leaned up to kiss his temple, before you were interrupted by one of your fellow Ghoul´s.
“Come on, Lovebirds. It's time to get ready”
You turned around, as you heard Mountain's deep voice behind you. Sodo only groaned and slowly got to his feet:”Don´t worry big guy, we got it covered.” The smaller Ghoul looked back down at you and held out his hand to you. You looked back and forth between Mountain and Sodo for a second, before finally grabbing Sodo´s hand. He pulled you up with ease.
“See you in a bit.”, you smiled at Mountain before heading towards your dressing rooms. 
It didn't take long before Sodo and you reunited in the hallway, both of you now in your full stage gear, your faces hidden and a human form taken. “Ready?”, you asked Sodo before you made your way to get your instruments and step out onto the stage. “Oh, I´m always ready, my love.”, he grinned, the motion barely visible under his balaclava. He quickly took your hand, before sprinting into the direction of the stage, with you in tow.
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It didn't take you long to get into the mood to tease around with Sodo again and before you knew it, the Ghoul was on his knees in front of you, strumming on his guitar with everything he had in him. You heard the yells and screams of the fans, but your eyes were fixed on Sodo´s face. You could make out that stupid grin he wore under his mask. It made you weak in the knees, so you did what came to your mind first. You joined Sodo on the floor.
Before the fire Ghoul knew what was happening, you were kneeling in front of him, your guitars almost touching. You grinned back at Sodo, before getting up again after a minute or so, as you felt your lower back starting to ache again. The next time Sodo asked, if you could sleep together in the bus, you really had to say no or you wouldn't survive this tour.
You only grinned, as you slowly walked to the other side of the stage. Sodo reached his hand out to you, but you only blew him a kiss. He jumped up a little, pretending to catch it. He looked at you satisfied, before turning back around, already on his way to annoy Rain. The poor water Ghoul didn't get a single break so far. 
As you crossed Swiss´ little podest, you quickly waved at the multi-Ghoul. He gave you a heartwarming grin and excitedly waved back at you. You couldn't help but laugh at his goofiness, before you turned back around, looking at the crowd. A few people right in front of you were waving right at you, as if they wanted to tell you something. You gave them a curious look and pointed a finger at your chest, as if to ask if they meant you. The fans nodded vigorously, so you stepped closer, careful not to fall over the edge. You leaned forward and finally saw what they were fiddling with. It was a pride flag. 
You quickly pointed at the flag and then at yourself, asking if they wanted you to take it. A choir of “yes” flew back at you, so with a smile you leaned forward even more, trying to grab the flag, which you now saw was a trans-flag.
 If it wasn't for the security guard, who caught the flag, it would´ve fallen to the ground. But he quickly grabbed it and handed it to you. You thanked him with a small nod, before stepping back onto the stage again. 
Luckily, you still had a few more minutes before the next song would start, so as Papa was showing off his German skills on the other side of the stage, you proudly lifted up the flag with a huge grin forming under your mask. 
You heard the happy screams of the fans who handed it to you, as you waved at them. But unfortunately, you knew that you couldn't keep holding it up, for the rest of the ritual. You needed both your hands to play. 
After a few moments of considering, you realized that Papa had almost finished his little speech and was about to announce the next track. so, without further ado, you turned on your heel and walked over to Swiss. His head turned towards you, as he saw you approaching. He quickly realized what you wanted to do, so as you held the flag up to him in an asking manor, he nodded happily and immediately reached out for the flag. You stood on your toes, so that he could reach it and as he caught it, he lifted it into the air, just like you had done it only minutes prior. You laughed at the happy Ghoul and waved at him a last time before turning back around, as the next song started.
As you almost ran into cirrus, you knew it was time for mummy dust. The Ghoulette grabbed your shoulders gently to stop you from running into her. A grin laced her lips, as you could hear her mouth the word,”Careful!”, into your ear. You only nodded back at her before she made her way to the middle of the stage.
It didn't take long before you were joined by Rain and Sodo. The three of you were keeping a low profile while Cirrus performed on the keytar. Everytime you heard her play it, you were amazed by her. The Ghoulette was very talented and you hoped to be as experienced as her one day. 
As your gaze was longing on Cirrus, you felt someone bump your side. you quickly looked up and saw that it was Sodo who had nudged you. As soon as he caught your attention, he leaned closer to your ear. “You´re almost making me jealous, when you stare at her like that, my love”, he mumbled. You felt your cheeks redden, thankful for the mask that hid it. You didn't even have time to reply, as he was already waltzing off again. Your gaze was longing on the fire Ghoul and it stayed on him until the song ended. 
The teasing would never come to an end, you thought to yourself. But after all, you didn't even want that. That was the exact reason why you loved this band so much, and you hoped that it would stay like that for the rest of the tour.
Minus the backache maybe.
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cakeofthepan · 2 years
Absolutely baller DM move from Anthony here, with a little bonus teen talk at the end.
[Audio Transcript:
[Instrumental Mambo no 5 plays in the background]
Anthony: Abe G-o-u-l, Abe Goul. He is in band and he plays the trumpet.
Erica: Wait
Taylor: And your finger
Erica: What if it’s an anagram?
Scary: [Gasps]
Erica: What if it’s not really Abe Goul?
Scary: Let me log it.
Link: I mean, there's a student named Abe Goul.
Scary: Oh.
Anthony: Yeah, that's his name.
Link: No, Erica, I don't want to discount it. Maybe there's another kid is—
Scary: Abel Hugo!
Link: —that is an anagram of Able Goul tho—
Will: Able what?
Scary: Able Hugo!
Matt: Is there an Able Hugo at this school?
Anthony: No.
Anthony: And he goes—
Abe: [harsh breathing] One, two, [pause in rhythm] three, four, five. One, two, [pause], three, four, five.  
Anthony: And he points at the hair and he goes—
Abe: A little bit a Monica…
Will: [yelling, off mic] No!!
Anthony: And he points at the teeth.
Abe: A little bit of Erica…!
[group laughter]
Freddie: [yelling, off mic] Oh, no!!
Beth: No…!
Abe: A little bit of Rita was all I needed!
Will: No!
Abe: A little bit of Tina was all I seed!
Matt: Boo!
Will: Boo!
Abe: A little bit of Sandra in the sun, a little...
Freddie: [laughing] Boo…!
Anthony: And then your anagram device in your pocket goes—
Anagram Device: [mechanical] Alert. Alert. You misspelled Abe Goul. It didn't have an H in it. Reconfiguring,
[Music cuts out]
Anagram Device: ddt-ddt-ddt-ddt. Lou Bega!
[uproar and laughter and claps]
[Music returns]
Freddie: No…!
Anthony: And he goes—
Abe: A little bit of Jessica here I am—
Anthony: And then he points at you, Scary and he goes—
Abe: [to the rhythm of the lyrics in Mambo Number 5] A little bit of you makes me your man!
Beth: No!
Anthony: And he puts the trumpet to his mouth and he goes—
Abe: [shouting] The trumpet!
Will: No— [laughs]
Freddie: Oh, no!
Will: [off mic] Gah!!
Freddie: Goddammit!
Anthony: And he blows into the trumpet, and…
[Music fades]
[air horns and Skull Trumpet]
Anthony: …he disappears.
Freddie: And Elyse even called it, you say Abe Goul
Anthony: Yeah
Freddie: And she goes “what if it’s an anagram”
Will: Mmm Hmmm
Freddie: Anthony, what was going through your head in that moment?
End Transcript]
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Just saw a blog called asaconservative who just points out conservative hypocrisy by being like "as a conservative I want lower taxes and free speech which is why I'm into lowering the military budget and allowing kids to be trans" and it's like ... Babe, you're not doing anything with this. Conservative ideology is actually very consistent. It's in the name. It's about conserving the status quo of who's powerful and who's not.
Like idk what lib needs to hear this but you're not gonna get your political enemy with facts or logic or gotchas. They don't actually care about the deficit or taxes they just think being poor should be as hard as humanly possible and being rich should be rewarded because they're gouls who believe in prosperity gospel and the protestant work ethic. They talk about the deficit so they dont alienate the poor who thinks they'll be rich some day voter base. They don't actually like freedom of speech they just want to say slurs and hold fascist rallies and defend an original interpretation of the constitution because they want the 3/5ths clause to come back.
Every belief is like this. You can't say the n word anymore so you have to say forced bussing but you can't say that anymore either so you get even more abstract and you say tax cuts but in a way where black people get hurt worse than white people on average. They have admitted to that. But baby they're still saying the n word in their minds when they come up with policies.
You've gotta stop trying to debate them and start trying to defeat them.
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andalorii · 5 months
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When I initially hatched this dragon I observed the prim/sec combination without knowing the tert and thought to myself, "this is gonna have obsidian tertiary just to make it extra difficult for me" and then it had obsidian tertiary.
A double obsidian is a double obsidian but I'm not stoked at all about the secondary, I'm not a fan of crocodile so the question is, would anyone even wanna buy it or am I out of luck with this one... I've no idea what price to start with because this is the elusive double obsidian but also it's an XYX with crocodile so it's kinda like a low tier double obsidian...... well I'm sure I'll figure it out
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petsbup · 2 years
Hey! Hope your doing great :>
May I request a Viper fic where reader forces her to go to the protocols annual Halloween party?
I like this Idea! Thanks for the request! This is my first fic, so forgive me if it’s not the best! I played around with this where there are a few hints that Viper has a crush on reader. Hope that’s alright! 
Spooky Season! Viper x Gn! Reader!
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It was Halloween night, and the protocol were all attending the protocol’s annual Halloween party to take a break from work. Brimstone organized the event, complete with cupcakes, snacks, food, and various drinks, along with a giant cake with fake spiders and frosted webs. There was even a large dance floor, (That Killjoy definitely didn't have to help him set up after he got annoyed trying to figure out how to switch the colors.) and a bunch of decorations and lights. Sage, Jett, and Neon were all tearing up the dance floor, Cypher was dressed up as a mummy while chatting with Reyna who was dressed up as a goul, Fade a necromancer, and brimstone as a pirate, while the the others dressed up in scary or fun costumes. 
you frowned.
everyone was here, having a good time, except for one particular woman who toxin professional who was no where to be in site.
"Yo! Y/n? Who gonna hit the dance floor or what?" asked Phoenix who was dressed up as a skeleton.
"Yeah! I'm just gonna head out for a minute, I'll be back!"
"Alright! I'll be destroying Jett on the dance floor if you need me!" He said walking off onto dance floor.
You laughed, and exited the room and started walking to Viper’s lab.
You approached Sabine’s lab door and knocked. No answer. You knocked again, No answer.
You opened the door, despite knowing how much she hated it when someone went into her lab. Viper was sitting down in her chair at her desk, working with what you assumed were new toxins.
“What Y/n?” She asked annoyed, still working on her toxins.
While if anyone else came into her lab unannounced like this, it wouldn’t have ended well for them, while she would allow only you to come in without making you run for dear life. 
“Sabine, I know you’re working hard, but you need to take a break. you’ve been working all week. Why don’t you join us? We’re all throwing a Halloween party! Dressing up and dancing and stuff like that!”
“No.” She said coldly.
“Please? it’ll be fun.”
She sighed. Y/n, I have work to do. I don’t have time for pointless events.”
You frowned. You put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Work can wait. You need to let yourself have some fun. You deserve it.”
Sabine looked down. She couldn’t argue with your logic. She had been working nonstop the past week, not even realizing that the protocols annual party was around the corner, and she didn’t even see a point in going, but she was so tired and it was true that she had grown a soft spot for you, like letting you in her lab while the others were never allowed to. She had started to enjoy your presence and listening to you talk with her, and your laugh was something she adored every time she heard it. of course she had never told you any of this.   
You grinned.
“Yay! C’mon, get a costume on and head to the party with me!”
She stood up and walked out of the lab, with you following close behind. She turned and closed the lab door and looked at you. 
“Go on, I’ll be there shortly.” 
You looked at her, excited.
“Sounds great! I’ll see you there!”
You were chatting with Skye who was dressed up as a nature person? you weren’t quite sure as It was rather heard to tell if she was mother nature or a tree. You were only half listening to what she was saying, as Viper had told you to head to the party and that she would be there shortly. 
So where was she?
it had been half an hour since you talked, and she still wasn’t here. You were starting to think that she had just decided to not go and just went back to work, or went somewhere else but then the doors opened, and there she was. 
You were awestruck. She was wearing a witch outfit, complete with green silk, a witch hat, and even a silver snake on top of her hat(Not alive of course. at least you hoped not.) she walked over towards you and stood. it took you a second before you could form words.
“Is it too much?” 
“You look amazing!!!” you said excitedly.
her facial expression didn’t change, but you thought you could see a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks under the colored lights.
“Well? Are you going to just stand there or are we going to dance?”
you smiled excitedly. She grabbed your hand and took you on the dance floor and started to dance with you, the spooky music playing, she held you as you both made movements on the dance floor. Just focused on each other.
“You were right Y/n, I needed this. Thank you.” She said. You continued to dance with her.
 “Of course Sabine.” 
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birdiegray01 · 9 months
He reloaded his computer once then twice and then one final time but no matter what it says the same. He can’t believe it. Talia lied to him, crushed his world, and then forced the lie upon him. She said she miscarried but the ten-year-old talking to Alfred in the med proves otherwise. Bruce had a son; he was a father, something so foreign to him. What even is a father Bruce wouldn’t know his father died when he was 8. Alfred is the closest he’ll ever get but neither man would be willing to admit that.
Bruce remembers meeting her for the first time. He was fourteen angry and in need of guidance and the League of Shadows gave him that. Talia was beautiful and elegant in a way Bruce had never seen before. Her tan skin was soft which contrasted with her rough calloused hands and her hair was long flowing down her back. Bruce was entranced the minute he saw her. Talia didn't make a move until he was seventeen though when he proved his strength and was finally going to leave the league. She came to him and ripped him up from the inside. He never came undone so thoroughly before his insides were mush and she was so sweetly cruel to him.
The two continued to mess around even with him gone until months later she told him of her pregnancy. She was a month along barely even a bump and Bruce was the happiest he had been since his parent's death. He was ready to give it all up his plans, his vengeance all for the bundle of joy Talia would bring. The miscarriage a month later broke him in ways he can’t explain. He never blamed her but a part of him felt it was the Lazarus pits fault that years of use festered and destroyed his child. Talia and he split almost immediately after he couldn’t bear being with knowing what they lost.
Now there’s a child of the right age that’s been dropped on Bruce's doorstep claiming to be his son. Bruce doesn’t know what hurts more the fact that it’s true and didn’t know about him until years later or that Talia lied and raised their son with league ideals without consulting him. Bruce wishes it was false and wishes that this child wasn’t his and just some league ploy to get under his skin but DNA doesn’t lie. Damian Al Goul is his son, his only son, and Talia made him a murderer.
“Master Bruce,” Alfred cuts through Bruce's internal monologue. Bruce looks away from the truth on the screen and to his butler. Alfred has his soulful eyes on with his arm lying in front of him. Alfred is going to try and give advice, but will Bruce listen, probably not. “Talk to him.”
Bruce's face pinches up ‘Talk to him’ Alfred says that like it’s easy. How is Bruce even meant to start that conversation oh hey ‘I’m your dad and Batman so stop killing!’ Yeah, that’d go well. Alfred raises one eyebrow his unsaid sass heard. Bruce sighs tiredly and moves to the med bay passing a pleased Alfred on his way.
He steps into the med bay. The bay has the newest medical equipment and two clean white beds. On the bed left of the entrance is where he sits. The boy looks up at Bruce once again taking his father in. They silently bask in each other’s presence unaware of how to approach the other. Bruce moves to the right bed sitting down in front of Damian.
“Son,” Bruce says almost as a need for confirmation. The acidic green eyes peer into Bruce’s icy blues. The two stare at each other waiting for one to back down. Neither do.
“Father.” Damian's voice is pitchy with a rich accent that makes its way into Bruce’s cementing his neglect. Damian should have a Middle Eastern, British, and polished New Jersey accent, not just the first. Bruce looks down ashamed, letting the ten-year-old win.
“You’ve killed?” Bruce asks, already knowing the answer but desperate for it to be different. Damian tilts his head and squints his eyes slightly pulling a sneer across his face.
“Tt, of course, do you believe me weak?” Damian snarls, his eyes glowing in anger at the perceived offense. Bruce puts his hands up in an attempt to show peace though the boy looks confused. Would Damian know peace probably not, how heartbreaking.
“No, it’s just I have a strict no-kill rule.” Bruce rushes to explain not wanting to further upset the volatile child assassin. The boy's face scrunches up with either confusion, judgment, or both. Damian scrutinizes him in silence, sizing Bruce up once more.
“How come, wouldn’t that make fighting… inconsequential?” Damian questioned accusingly like he expected Bruce to admit to lying.
“Some may think that but to me, killing would make me just as bad as the rogues,” Bruce explains knowing full well Damian will not see it that way.
“Idiotic.” Damian scoffs dramatically, rolling eyes.
“Maybe, maybe not.” Bruce tries to give a genuine smile but his face stains unused to the genuine movement. Damian's face scrunchs up in discomfort.
“Stop doing that.” Bruce laughs and Damian flames with anger. “Don’t laugh at me, you're the one looking like an imbecile!”
Bruce just laughs harder.
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the-faceless-bride · 23 days
Hello my ghosts, Goblins and Ghouls it is I your undead bride!!!!
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And I have been so empty of motivation, I went through my asks. All 233 of them. Answered some but not all, and those are now gone. I'm so sorry to anyone who was hoping for me to write for them, but I was feeling no inspiration to write for them what so ever and seeing them just sit I'm my inbox was very upsetting.
So I've decided to start anew, I will be opening my asks on certain time periods from now on.
I've updated my masterslist, and I will let you know know if you want fics. My current fixations are in pink, but FallOut Cooper Howard/The Goul and COD 141 asks will absolutely be done first.
If not just giving some ideas for blurbs or just talking to me is always welcome!
Goodbye for now, my darlings, till death do is part. 🩷💐
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This is from a PvE standpoint. Most players inflict the status from weapons, which makes sense. I'm actual fine with BLEED as a mechanic, but I don't like how FromSoft implemented it.
Blood loss, as an IRL ailment, happens when an injury is inflicted that causes large amounts of blood to be loss through a wound. It's not contagious, it can't be inflicted by proximity. It's purely physical.
So why is it that puddles of blood loss exist in elden ring, Fromsoft? Flames of blood loss? How does that even work? Is it hot or cold, pick one. I'm mainly talking about the Sanguine nobles shit ass blood puddle AOE that not only slows you down but builds bleed proc and Mogh's hellish blood flame piss that covers his arena everytime he swings his goddamn trident!
It doesn't make sense fromsoft! That not how blood loss works! I know they're blood themed but that shit sucks ass. I'm fine with their weapons inflicting heavy bleed status but I draw the line at arbitrary, shoehorned shit like CLOUDS of fucking blood loss. I didn't forget about those exploding blood goul bastards. It's just UNFUN to fucking deal with.
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zellie-x · 5 months
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Welcome to my Art Horde <3
Experiencing the Horrors (artblock) You can call me Zel or Zellie or any other name, I don’t really mind
My pronouns are They/Them
I mostly draw fanart for my current hyperfictions, but occasionally I’ll draw some OC stuff. And even stuff for school if it’s good enough
Expect long breaks and mediocre content
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Current Obsessions:
• Life Series (3rd Life, etc.)
• Hermitcraft
• Pikmin
• Splatoon
• Undertale
• Deltarune
• Cult of the Lamb
• Adventure Time
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Main Tags:
#Art <3 <- It’s exactly what it sounds like
#Sketch <- Artwork I haven’t fully finished (but still like)
#Fav <- Personal favorite pieces I’ve done
#Asks <3 <- Any ask related stuff
#Chatting <- Post I make where I just talk about random things
#Reblog <- All reblogs
#Not Mine <- Anything I reblog that is someone else’s post
Special Tags:
#Hermittober 2023 <- The Hermitcraft Art Challenge where I drew something every day of October
#Hermit Swap <- Using this post by ink-goul, I doodle a hermit with a random fanon trait. You can send request for this
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This is a nsfw free zone. Even if I drawing something shippy or romantic, please keep any sexual comments to yourself
Please don’t send art request unless I said that I wanted some
If you ever use my art, please credit me and never use my art to train an AI
When sending asks please be respectful to my boundaries
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My inbox is always open ;) so if you have any questions or just wanna say something, do it!!
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forestphantom05 · 2 years
You know what we need? Toy Story style dolls of Ryan and Shane where you pull a string and they talk.
There would be some popular lines in the mix but ultimately the following:
Ryan's doll would say: "I am not my fear"
While Shane's would say: "I believe that they believe"
And we would call them... Goul Boy Toys
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