#guards who are just doing their job and most of the time are not affiliated with the order/templars
im playing ac odyssey and how can Kass kill like a bunch of people without a second thought but is like 'nooo dont jump' to that one guy in Pephka. like imagine an ac game where its encouraged NOT to kill anyone bc the protag has morals. I think that would be so interesting. it would create a need for stealth too if its in another open world game like odyssey
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merakiui · 6 months
thinking about androids again, but rather than the plot seen in android jade,,,, consider android floyd who is being developed by tech genius idia shroud with input and funding from business magnate azul ashengrotto.
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, obsession, vaguely implied non-con/dub-con, android floyd)
He's designed to be a companion for those who are lonely and in need of the company (whether physically or socially). You're just a tired, overworked university student, so it's mind-boggling to you when there's a sleek limousine parked just beyond campus property. Security guards are insisting you come with them because there's someone who'd like to meet you.
In the limo, you find yourself sitting across from Azul Ashengrotto himself. He doesn't bother with flowery introductions, instead cutting to the heart of the matter. You've been randomly selected to help with a very important phase of his and Idia's project. The general idea is to test how well the android interacts with a normal, ordinary person in a monitored setting.
You're very confused. You never signed up for any lottery, and you certainly aren't affiliated with anything of that sort. You're just trying to get through your degree, survive two part-times, and hopefully make enough to keep afloat for another month. Azul tells you this isn't an issue; you'll be generously compensated for your time and efforts. It's only three months; you'll be permitted to live your life as you normally would, only now you'll be accompanied by a highly intelligent android.
Despite hearing all of this, you hesitate when he reveals the lengthy contract. As you flip through it, analyzing each clause and category, Azul says something that piques your interest. "We don't expect you to house an android in your little apartment. Goodness, that's simply ludicrous. We'll provide your housing for these next three months. After all, we must be able to monitor your progress."
"Housing? What do you mean?"
He smiles at you. Backdropped by leather interior, the lights casting odd shadows on his face, he looks near-sinister. But he leans forward to press a ballpoint pen into your hands and the illusion vanishes. "I think you'll find it quite to your liking. If you've finished your classes for the day, why not visit the property with me? Then you may decide whether you wish to participate."
You're not worried about that part. What worries you the most, however, is the fact that he's right. You are finished with classes for the day and you have nothing planned. You took today off from work. Your schedule is perfectly free.
But of course the Azul Ashengrotto wouldn't know that, would he?
The house is a smart home, equipped with every necessity and appliance. Everything's controlled by a remote here. It's not very far from your university either, built on a hill that overlooks houses below. It feels a little isolating and smells very new and clean. Like that fabled new car smell, only it's a house. But everything is so unique to you. Its minimalistic design is oddly cozy, and you can't help but feel enchanted the deeper you venture through the two-story home. It's all so unreal!
Azul gives you the rundown, explains how the remote and each button works. You can lock doors, open and close windows, mess with the thermostat, turn the home security on and off, and even start the oven. You hold the power to this home in the palm of your hands. It's immensely fascinating.
By the end of the tour, you're shaking his hand and signing his contract, agreeing to three months of study. Not only are you provided this nice home, you'll also be paid per week. And the pay is far more than you were making with your two jobs.
The android has a long, tongue-tying serial number, so to make things easier he's named Floyd. They even gave him a surname in preparation for the twin android who is being designed to complement and mirror him. He certainly looks human when you meet him, but there's this uncanny nature to his presence that slightly unnerves you. He's too perfect. Skin too smooth. Eyes too bright. Hair too soft. He towers over you, having to bend down to walk through the doorframe, and every movement he makes is very mechanical and stiff.
Still, you smile at him and offer your hand. "Hi there. I'm (Name). Your...housemate, I guess."
He nods, peering down at your hand before lifting his own. "Floyd Leech. At your service."
You were expecting to feel coldness, so you startle when his hand fits into yours and it's warm. It feels so very real. So deceptively lifelike. You wonder if he can regulate his own internal temperatures. Just how advanced is he?
"Right... Um, I look forward to getting to know you!"
He nods again, releasing your hand after a perfectly timed handshake.
Azul had given you a special number should you need to reach him or Idia. All you needed to do was phone it if at any point you were to feel confused or unsafe. "But I don't think you'll utilize it," he told you when you stood in the lab, watching Idia Shroud flit around to do final maintenance checks to ensure Floyd was ready for his first trial run. His eyes were open the entire time, two mismatched lights centered on you. His stare was listless, but somehow you felt as if he was looking through to your very soul. "He's very safe. In fact, he's programmed to assess and react appropriately to dangers of all kinds. You'll be safe with him around."
And safe you are.
You've always been alone, so it's nice to have a roommate, even if he only speaks when spoken to. It's awkward for all of one week until you ease into his pattern. From various vantage points throughout the house, Idia and Azul watch through hidden cameras. You cook your meals for yourself and Floyd watches, assisting when you order him to. You leave for class and Floyd waits by the door for you to return, standing stock-still for hours.
You lounge in the sitting room and put on all kinds of films. Action. Comedy. Horror. Floyd's eyes never leave the screen. But sometimes he watches you more than he watches the movie, noting all of your reactions. He doesn't understand why you get so emotional over sappy romances. So you explain it simply: "It evokes emotions. We all have emotions, and these movies make us feel them. Happy. Sad. Angry. Upset. Things like that."
But Floyd doesn't feel. Even so, he listens and he nods along, filing your answers away for later dissection. It's interesting.
By the end of the first month, Floyd's adopted new habits. Ever since you told him he's free to do as he pleases, he's taken to cooking your meals for you, doing your laundry, preparing your bag for the day. He's surprisingly good at it. He does chores when you leave for classes or work. And for the first time in a while you're excited to return home, knowing he's there waiting.
Floyd adds new words and phrases to his ever-expanding vocabulary. You watch a lot of TV together and he starts to use some of what he hears in his own speech. He picks up informal language quickly, and it isn't long until he's using words like sup or dunno instead of the rigid how are you? and I am unsure he was previously programmed with.
The first sign of unrest comes when you realize Floyd's also connected to the smart home. At first you didn't think it was a bad thing. After all, with him controlling it you won't have to worry about getting up to grab the remote if you've already sat down. Floyd can do that for you. But then the remote goes missing, later turning up shattered. You ask Floyd what happened and he looks at you and says, "Why use this piece of junk when you've got me?"
"Still... What if you're not able to help? What if you're in sleep mode and I need to open a window or something?" you argue, cradling the splinters of remote like they're an injured baby bird.
"That won't happen," he replies smoothly, issuing you a soothing smile. "I'm always gonna be here for ya. Count on it."
And you do because, by the time the three months are nearing their end and Floyd's developed into quite the companion, more and more human than he's ever seemed, you find yourself stuck.
No, not stuck. That's not quite right. You're more so trapped.
Floyd locks the doors, shutters the windows, turns off the lights. You're cowering in the closet, the only place that feels just a little safe in this moment. You can't reach Azul or Idia either. He's shut the power off, the internet connection, everything. The smart home on the hilltop feels like a tiny island now, and Floyd's the shark always circling it, waiting for you to dip your feet into the depths.
"C'mon, Shrimpy," he calls out, and it's a nickname you were once so fond of because he thought of it himself. "I already told ya I ain't gonna hurt ya. So just come out and talk to me."
You have no idea where you went wrong. Was it too many horror films? Was it the fact that you started to rely so heavily on him for companionship, ignoring your human friends in favor of staying in with Floyd? Or was it because he was blocking their numbers that you never received any messages and automatically assumed they were cutting contact? He said he'd always be here for you, so why to this degree?
The closet doors are thrown open. Floyd drags you, kicking and screaming, out by the ankles. Every camera has gone dark on Azul and Idia's end. All but one. The one in the bedroom. Floyd stares directly at it when he lifts you up and lays you on the bed, gentle and sugary-sweet.
He smiles and waves before that screen blanks out, leaving you truly trapped with him.
And because it's all experimental, morbid curiosity trumping ethical morals, no one comes to rescue you.
Three months is more of an indefinite forever in this lonesome smart home.
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davidfarland · 2 years
7 Considerations for Characters
Of all the topics on how to write, I suspect more books have been written on how to create solid characters than on anything else. So there are a lot of great resources out there on how to create characters, and I can’t even touch on every topic that I would like in the space of an article this short.
Let me just say a few things, though. We are often told that our characters should be “round,” rather than stick-figure drawings. If you were an artist and you painted a picture with stick figures, people would say, “Well, that’s not very realistic. It is hardly recognizable as human.”
In stories, we usually don't want that response either. We want our characters to have dimension. Such characters have (but are not limited to) the following attributes:
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Character Consideration #1: Specific Physical Bodies
Real people have physical bodies with inherent limitations and strengths. These bodies get hungry, hurt, and have urges all their own. They also have a history of ailments and injuries, various scars, and of course plenty of traits that we may or may not want to include in our tale—including things like foot size, ear size and shape, and so on. Trying to describe some of these traits is danged near impossible.
Character Consideration #2: Relationships
Real people have families and friends. For a while in young adult literature, just about everyone was an orphan. That’s because editors didn’t want authors to have to deal with family issues. Yet far too often, authors don’t create extended families primarily out of laziness. Similarly, each of us has various levels of friends, business colleagues, people we are attracted to, and people who are attracted to us at some level. We might include in this list of associations things like pets and plants. Does your heroine keep African violets around the house, and tenderly nurse her geraniums? A likeable character is usually one who shows kindness to others, who seeks out deep and lasting commitments—even if it is just to her flowers.
Character Consideration #3: Vocation
Real people have jobs—usually a history of them. For example, I’ve been a meat cutter, a prison guard, a missionary, a movie producer, novelist, video game designer, technical writer and editor, grocer, gourmet ice-cream pie maker, and farmer. In the modern world, we tend to develop large skill sets as we age, but there was a time when a person started life as a farmer and ended up buried out by the grape vines.
Character Consideration #4: Social Status
Real people also have a place in society. These societies might include political groups, religious and civic organizations, and so on.
Character Consideration #5: An Internal Life
Real people have an internal life, invisible to the naked eye. This is a good category for a lot of things—emotional needs and phobias, ideals, and so on. These might include secret beliefs, hopes, desires. It also includes our own personal way of seeing the world, and includes how we cope with it. Sometimes our personal ideals are at odds with our public affiliations. For example, while most people profess some sort of religion, very often our personal beliefs might vary in some way from the official doctrine of the church that we espouse.
The internal life of a character is of course where we get the “meat” for our novels. A movie can easily capture the exterior of a character, but novels do a better job of capturing the internal feelings, moods, and beliefs. Yet that’s only part of the reason why novels are so popular and are often said to be better than the movies they inspire.
I’m convinced that we have an innate need to get to know one another from the inside out. . . . So we spend a great deal of time analyzing the motives, beliefs, and actions of others.
The internal lives of our characters are the most fertile ground that an author may plant his story in.
Character Consideration #6: Internal Conflicts
As we explore the internal lives of our characters, one of the most important areas to explore is that person’s internal conflicts. What happens when a person loves and fears the same thing? What happens when a man’s conscience won’t let him carry out his boss’s (or wife’s, or master’s) orders? Most people are filled with interesting contradictions, and usually that provides the best material for our novels.
Character Consideration #7: Voice
Each character has a unique way of speaking. Finding a character’s voice and accent is often a key for me when writing a book. The character never comes alive until I can hear him talking in my own imagination.
In Conclusion
Please note that people are not stick figures. In a good novel, the author creates a number of characters who are put in opposition, and each of them is satisfying and believable. Your imaginary characters never really quite come alive, but at times it can feel like they’re taking over your story, bent on achieving their own ends.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
HOT TAKE OF THE NIGHT: the Nie captain was bad at his job no matter what version of events is the most accurate.
I don’t even mean him going “lol go fuck urself” when Meng Yao conveys a direct order from Nie Mingjue, though that is obviously not a great look for a Loyal Nie Disciple. I mean the little bit in the Empathy flashback where the captain allegedly sees Meng Yao talking to Xue Yang.
Personally, I don’t think the captain saw and reported anything. Even if Empathy weren’t tinted with bias, Nie Mingjue can’t have a memory that event because he wasn’t even there for it. He allegedly heard about it, and he can imagine what happened based on his understanding, but he can’t remember it firsthand. Nie Mingjue doesn’t bring it up during the Episode 10 version of the divorce scene, which suggests it’s something his brain invented in the interim because “Meng Yao was an evil liar all along!” is an easier pill to swallow than “Meng Yao was dear to me for a reason, and his path from who he was to the person who straight-up murdered me is a complicated one that I'm having a hard time processing.”
If that's this is true, then it means Meng Yao really did go to check on Xue Yang just like he said he would, and really did find the captain derelict in his duty. Remember, when Meng Yao brings Nie Mingjue’s order to increase the guards around Xue Yang, the Captain blows him off! Meng Yao just maybe shouldn’t have stabbed him about it.
But CQL shows us the Empathy “memory” of Meng Yao talking to Xue Yang again while Jin Guangyao is explaining his crimes at Guanyin Temple, so maybe we are supposed to take that at face value. Which is stupid, because if Meng Yao is a diabolical mastermind hungry for power, he's not going to toss away his surefire gig as a sect leader's confidante on a volatile mass-murderer whom he just met, and if he's in cahoots with the Wen, he's CERTAINLY not going to fling himself in front of Wen Zhuliu's saber on Nie Mingjue's behalf when he can just, you know, walk away unscathed with his new overlord Wen Chao. But anyway. Let's pretend.
The captain in this scenario has heard Meng Yao colluding with the Wen-affiliated murderer they've imprisoned, and his response is to... call Meng Yao a son of a whore and stumble away. He's so drunk that he's puking (and should he be? is he hammered when he should be on duty?), but if he's lucid enough to (allegedly) notice something's up and confront Meng Yao about it, he's lucid enough to order more guards outside Xue Yang's cell (which is in keeping with Nie Mingjue's earlier order!), have Xue Yang questioned, or move Xue Yang to a new location without Meng Yao's knowledge to prevent further interaction. He presumably has the authority to do these things, given that Meng Yao has to ask the captain about increasing the guard presence in the first place, but he doesn't do them! All he does is (allegedly) talk to Nie Mingjue about it. It's possible Nie Mingjue then disregarded the warnings about Meng Yao, but it seems unlikely that Nie Mingjue would have straight-up forbidden the captain from taking some additional security measures.
IN CONCLUSION: even if we take Empathy Da-ge at face value (which we shouldn't! he's an unreliable narrator! we're all unreliable narrators when it comes to events that took place 16+ years ago, even if we're NOT traumatized resentful severed heads!), the captain objectively sucks on both a professional and personal level. D-, would not provide positive reference for future employment.
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The other day, while scrolling through Tumblr, I saw an Espio x Silver fancomic and somehow mistook Silver for Bark the Polar Bear at first. After realizing Bark was actually Silver, I found it funny that I somehow confused those two very distinct characters for each other and laughed off the idea of Espio x Bark as being pretty stupid, but now that I’ve put more thought into it I think it's kind of a cute matchup.
I could totally see the two of them as the epitome of comfortable silence. Espio's a fairly calm and meditative person and Bark of course doesn't talk at all, so I can definitely imagine them being totally comfortable and capable of having a great time together in total silence. Most of the sentiments shared between them are communicated more through actions than words, body language and facial expression stuff, as if they'd invented their own form of sign language. Bark could tap Espio on the shoulder, gesticulate his hands a bit, roll his eyes, and jerk his head towards the door and Espio would perfectly understand he means "This party sucks ass, wanna go to your place and play video games?" and agree with him.
As for how others would react to them dating, I've always thought of the Chaotix and Hooligans as being personal rivals (like the Hooligans usually have no quarrels with anyone unless someone else is paying them to, but will always immediately beef with the Chaotix unprovoked, even when off the job) so Espio and Bark are kinda like Romeo and Juliet except much less tragic and murderous. I feel like the other members of the teams would react to the news that the two were dating as such: (under the cut)
Vector: Really more confused than anything, he isn't especially angry that Espio's dating Bark, he just straight up doesn't understand why he would. Vector likes Bark more than the other Hooligans of course, he's not as concerned about Espio’s relationship with him as he would be if Espio was dating Nack or Bean instead, but Bark’s still affiliated with the other two and Vector can’t tell if he should trust him or not. He once tried to do the protective dad thing and took Bark aside to interrogate him about his intentions with Espio, but realized how ridiculous the idea of interrogating Bark was after trying for like two minutes and promptly gave up.
Charmy: He'd immediately go 100% annoying little brother mode, pestering Espio constantly about the relationship. He doesn't seem to care at all who in particular Espio’s dating, just that him dating anyone means that Charmy has new angles with which he can prod and annoy him. Charmy's always had a theory that Bark's fully capable of speech but only talks in secret with his closest allies, so every time Espio comes home from hanging out with him Charmy asks some variant of "So what'd Bark tell you today?" or “Is it just me or does Bark’s voice sound kinda nasally lately.” in an attempt to catch him off guard and get him to accidentally admit his boyfriend can talk. This strategy hasn’t even come close to working yet, but that hasn’t discouraged him.
Nack: Despite their long-lived partnership, Nack's really never known much about Bark's personality, what he wants, or even if he wants anything at all, so naturally when the news that his silent enigmatic bruiser had inexplicably started going out with the ninja boy from the Chaotix reached him, the shock stunned him in place like a nuclear flash grenade. According to a certain Duck's reports, Nack proceeded to remain slack-jawed and immobile for the following three hours and swallow at least twelve flies during that time (though the reliability of this claim is debatable). After that initial shock and much considering, Nack begrudgingly decided that as long as it doesn't get in the way of the Hooligans' business, Bark can date Espio. He very noticeably doesn’t approve of Bark canoodling around with one of the enemy, and can be heard loudly complaining to nobody about it every time Bark leaves the house for a date, but he never directly confronts or put more restrictions on him (as he's afraid Bark would quit and join the Chaotix if pushed too far).
Bean: Remember how I compared Bark and Espio's relationship to Romeo and Juliet, except with much less drama and death? Well Bean seems to be under the impression that Bark and Espio’s relationship is like Romeo and Juliet with considerably more drama and death. He often goes on long tirades whenever he sees the two of them together, acting like a one-duck Greek chorus. Like he could be walking down the street one day, totally minding his own business, until he notices Bark and Espio through the window of a nearby building and suddenly bursts into soliloquy: “Oh woe! The two tragic lovers reunite once more, lamenting in the knowledge this could be the last time they ever embrace! What a sordid past, what an even sordider future, will this misery and drama never end!?!?” Then the camera cuts to Espio and Bark and they’re just eating lunch together at Burger King or some shit. Bean’s fully in view outside the window, sorrowfully praying on his knees that the gods above have mercy on their poor innocent souls. Espio looks at his whopper and goes “This tastes like ass”. Bark nods and dips his in ketchup. Bean curls up into the fetal position and breaks down crying.
I kinda really wanna write more stuff about this ship, I like it a lot more than I was expecting to, the dynamics involved are really fun, and I think it’s funny to never explain how or why Espio and Bark started dating. The only problem now is to make up a ship name. Barkspio? Espibark? I don't know, if anyone's actually has any suggestions tell me.
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lieshot · 1 month
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@platiinums asked: [ FIVE KISSES ]  -- Nat ( don't look clint. )       ↳ [ FIVE KISSES ] send for five times our muses almost kissed and the one time they do.
The first time.
The boss loved his parties, there was no denying that. A private club rented out, jazz playing from the band, food and drinks galore. Something about expanding their territory, honestly Barney was too busy pushing off the many attempts to get him to drink. Oh, but then he had seen HER. Of course, Barney had seen her around multiple times. always right by the boss with that fantastic smile of hers. But that night was something different. She always dressed nice unlike his normal long sleeved shirt and jeans. Oh, but she had brought out all the stops that night and his eyes had immediately gone to her.
Polite conversations were had, nothing more. He was just a passing face in a sea of men ran by the mafia, he was meant to BLEND IN and be unseen but he had spoken to her, perhaps a bit too long. Barney liked to think the soft laughs were GENUINE and not her just being polite. Like little chimes in the wind, that's what he would equate her laughter to if he were any sort of poet.
The whole brief conversation, Barney couldn't help the small glances to her lips every so often. He had wondered what they'd be like, what flavour gloss she had to have on.
He knew the boss would kill him.
The second time.
Getting beat was just a part of the job. Someone didn't want to pay up when collections came around? He had to do what was NECESSARY in order to keep his image. Someone didn't like his supposed affiliation? Well he might just take a hook to the jaw. Or, in this case, a bottle to the SKULL. He'd handled his own, he always did, but he had come stumbling back into the office with a bleeding skull and who should find him there but Natasha? It had taken some prodding before he had even accepted her help but now there he sat with her dabbing at the wound while he hissed in pain. What a baby but it was always the CLEANUP that hurt the most.
❝  Thanks, ❞  he had finally muttered when she had moved to wring out the cloth. ❝  Really didn't have to, honestly been through WORSE. You should probably be more concerned about the other guy. ❞  It was a poor excuse at humour, something to offset his own TENSION. Barney was used to stitching himself up. It started in the bathroom of the farmhouse, using toilet paper to help it clot in fear of dirtying up any towels with his blood. Then to the military where sometimes the medic was just too damn far away.
The man hadn't noticed her coming back and when he felt the cool cloth against his forehead again, he had jumped. A hand shot out, fingers wrapping around her wrist like a snake and his eyes met hers. There was silence between them as he relaxed, eyes solely on hers. And then came the brief idea to pull her in right then and there.
An idea quickly tossed aside as he let her go.
❝  Sorry. ❞ 
The third time.
It was a toss of a coin on if he was being entirely STUPID or if this was just that damn exhilarating. How many times had they done this dance now? One of them crossed a line into the other's territory and then they were out for BLOOD. At first, it had been a nuisance, one that Barney had found himself getting more annoyed about each time as she kept getting in his way. Then came the fun; not many could go toe to toe with him or catch him off guard as she often did. Usually he took some punches and then it was a knockout with him on top. But her? Oh, she gave him a run for his money every damn time.
It was the little things in life. Sometimes it was a smoke, sometimes it was a woman that could knock him on his ass. This was definitely the latter. Pinned underneath her, Barney let out a chuckle. ❝  I mean, if you really wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ASK. ❞ He might get a harder punch than normal for that but it was well worth it. Somewhere along the line, the flirting had become less of a means to throw her off and just—— part of the THRILL.
His legs wrapped around her waist, rolling them both over until he was on top. Hands gripping her wrists, he was quick to pin them himself. Chest heaving, face inches from hers, Barney had been this close to plenty of women. None got his heart going like this. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was——
Stop it. Now wasn't the time for his eyes to flick down to her lips. Now wasn't the time to realize how fast his heart raced against his chest. He was supposed to just be SURVIVING here.
The fourth time.
❝  Don't ever ask me to wear a suit again. ❞ Just wear a suit and show up, she had said. She hadn't mentioned it was some fancy party where he was going to be her partner. He didn't fit in here, not with everyone so dressed up with their big fancy suits and dresses. Just a country boy and an ex-carnie, that's all he was. Standing out like a damn sore thumb or so he felt. His eyes were constantly moving around, watching the others for any sort of THREAT. After all, if she was here, there had to be some sort of DANGER to it, right? Barney had the idea she hadn't asked him to play along for the sake of a good dance.
Suppressing a groan, his blue eyes went back to his partner. A thought struck him in that moment. Of a party for the boss, one that all the men had been much more CASUAL in but it was the first time. The first time he had really saw HER. The brunette certainly hadn't been dressed well enough to dance with her then and Barney was sure the boss would have had him SHOT for trying but it was still clear as day. Watching her enter, every head in the room having to do a double take. Red dress, red lips, that silky red hair. And she looked just as beautiful now.
Except here she was swaying in his arms now, something he hadn't bothered to take in until that moment. He could feel his heart skip a beat, a far cry from the RACING it often did when they fought. Breath hitching, everything seeming to slow for a moment. It was surreal and left Barney's head SPINNING.
He found himself leaning in, lips almost brushing hers——
Up until a gunshot rang out. Time to go to work.
The fifth time.
There was silence between them. Eight months. He just had Eight months left on his assignments before he was gathered back up for the office and the real work would begin on taking them all DOWN. Consider it a courtesy notice that the whole organization was about to be torn to shreds with each member put on trial. That didn't make the news any EASIER. Undercover work wasn't an easy gig, many agents dropping out or losing themselves entirely along the way while walking the path of corruption. It was a fine line but one he had managed to balance out well enough.
But it also meant a reassignment, maybe he'd even be put to work behind a desk though Barney hated the idea. It also meant that in six months, it would be the last time seeing her. Barney bit his cheek, looking down. ❝  I can't say it wasn't fun. Honestly, you probably helped to keep my head on STRAIGHT. Hard to be tempted when you're fighting for your damned life. ❞ Maybe she didn't care though Barney liked to think they had built some sort of BOND over the couple years he had been tied to the group. He helped her, she helped him, they nearly killed each other several times. Though somewhere along the way, his fighting instinct with her had TONED DOWN to just sheer survival. Live to fight another day rather than having to win the fight.
He watched her, that parasitic thought rising to the surface. It would sure be a hell of a way to go out and end—— WHATEVER this was. But, as every time before, he swallowed it down. Now wasn't the time, now wasn't the place. She was still supposed to be his enemy even if he was giving her the warning to get OUT while she still could.
The one time he did.
Well, just because there was only eight months left didn't mean they were on an extended truce as Barney had come to find out. Once again, he found himself fighting for his damn LIFE, leaving him wondering why she couldn't let him just ride out his last few months in PEACE. But Barney knew, knew he'd miss this. Miss someone on his level. Hell, just miss HER despite the hell she had made his life time and time again. How many stitches had he had because of her, both directly and indirectly? Maybe a desk job wouldn't be so bad if he wanted to keep his pretty face, something he was glad she hadn't PERMANENTLY marred.
A jab to his shoulder, Barney seized the opportunity he had. Hand tightening on the blade, his other forced her towards the wall behind her until his knife met his throat. Though, if Natasha was smart (and of course she was) she would have realized by now he had no interest in killing her. Benefit of the mission or not, they had both had EQUAL chances to remove the thorn out of their side. Yet here both stood, his chest heaving with pants from the extended fight an indicator that he still SURVIVED though Natasha had certainly come close several times.
Silence, Barney taking the moment to catch his breath. Knife to her throat still, eyes staring down at her. And then, without warning, the knife dropping from his hand with a clatter to the ground. How long had they kept going like this? How long had each fight DRAWN OUT with those subtle flirts before the swings came back? ❝  Fuck it—— I can deal with this tomorrow. ❞ He was sick of it, sick of watching her like some pathetic school boy. Freed hands moved to suddenly cup her cheeks, his lips pressing against hers. There was hunger there and a passion, one he didn't always put in to each kiss he had had before. There wasn't the boss to interrupt them, no worries about his or her assignment. Instead, it was a desperate NEED that had been building in his chest.
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Maybe she'd punch him right in the jaw for that. It was cliche in every fucking way, he knew that. They weren't on the same side, likely never would be, but no one could CHALLENGE him quite like she could. No one could draw his attention so quickly or stick his neck out on the line so easily. Maybe he'd get punched for the sudden forwardness, maybe even stabbed by one of her heels later on. Maybe it was just the adrenaline from every fight they had had building up but, then again, he had been in plenty of fights before that hadn't PUSHED him like this.
He could deal with the consequences later. Right then, in that moment, he could feel his heart pounding painfully against his chest but maybe that was just the exhaustion dying down. His skin felt like it was on fire though maybe that was from skidding across the floor moments ago. But probably the one undeniable thing was how it just felt RIGHT with his lips against hers.
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ttuesday · 2 years
heyy can you do some headcanons of how the fellers would react to you being in a rival gang but the chemistry between you both is hot af
It’s been a while but I’m back with headcanons! <3
Arthur is hesitant to speak to you, knowing you can’t be trusted. For a while, he prefers to avoid any communication with you and just keeps his head down whenever you’re near. But when Arthur finally talks to you, his biggest worry becomes a reality; you’re really likeable. 
You’re not what he was expecting, much friendlier and good humoured than he imagined anyone from a rival gang. Nonetheless, when Arthur starts to relax around you, he reminds himself that you’re technically an enemy and he puts his walls up again. 
Flirting always makes him somewhat flustered but Arthur really feels the chemistry between you both when you’re having an intimate conversation, opening up about how y’all ended up as outlaws. After having a few heart to hearts, Arthur believes you’re a true friend and always tries to make time for you.
Charles is cagey around most people but that doesn’t mean he thinks you’re just another enemy of the Van der Linde gang. As someone who’s faced a lot of prejudice, Charles likes to give people a chance and doesn’t judge you based on your gang affiliations.
Whenever Charles sees you hanging around the same area as the gang, he knows things are going to get interesting (for better or for worse) and he usually likes to give you a heads up if there are any not as friendly Van der Linde gang members lurking around. 
He likes you and wants to give you the benefit of the doubt. Charles thinks you’re a good person in a bad situation, similar to other people in the gang but don’t expect him to be soft on you if y’all are on opposing sides during a job. 
Dutch doesn’t give you the time of day at first, wanting to keep his distance from any rival gangs. If he does speak to you, it’s to sneakily feed you fake information so you’ll misinform your gang of any upcoming jobs... yeah, he’ll do almost anything to give his gang the upper hand.
But he does find you quite entertaining, especially when you get annoyed at him. Dutch is a slow burn though, taking a few months to feel as if he can somewhat trust you and discuss some potential jobs you could both team up to do. When y’all get together and go on robberies, things get chaotic and Dutch lives for it.
There’s mutual respect between you both but Dutch loves to tease you so expect lots of ribbing whenever y’all bump into each other. He’s the kinda guy that would openly say he dislikes you even though everyone in both gangs knows Dutch would be there for you if you ever needed help.
Initially, Micah is very apprehensive of you, trying his best to taunt and intimidate you. Anytime Micah meets someone from another gang, he gets defensive, practically waiting for a reason to shoot. But when your chemistry together becomes obvious, Micah supposes he could be a little more welcoming to you.
Micah absolutely loves to flirt with you but don’t be fooled, he’ll also stab you in the back without a second thought. He likes his strange friendship with you, how you can both chat over a couple of whiskeys but also have a shootout in matter of minutes. It’s basically the definition of a love/hate relationship.
He’s willing to do a lot more than flirt with you *wink wink* but if y’all get a hotel room, there’s a 100% guarantee that Micah will steal your weapons when he’s leaving the next morning just to annoy you. Oh and he will bring it up every opportunity he gets.
John tries to act cool and keep to himself whenever he knows other gangs are in the area but the second y’all start talking, he involuntarily lets his guard down, especially when you both get into some flirty back and forth. 
John knows he should be extra cautious around you just in case this is some kind of ploy but the second you make him laugh, John’s practically head over heels. Every fibre in his body is telling him not to trust you but he still feels like you both have enough in common to have some kind of alliance.
John tries his best to keep things professional, knowing you can never be more than friendly acquaintances while in rival gangs. Though be warned, he may mention it once or twice that you’d be a great addition to the Van der Linde gang hint hint
Javier is extremely loyal to the gang so he wants nothing to do with you as long as you’re a member of another gang. The way Javier sees it, why on earth would he want to fraternise with other gangs? Especially one that directly rivals them.
It takes a while for Javier’s walls to come down. Even in speaking to you, he worries Dutch might see it as some kind of betrayal. Although he won’t admit it to himself, Javier can feel his chest tighten whenever you’re near, a sense of excitement in the air.
Javier’s never felt so torn before, adoring the spark you both share but knowing the gang would never approve of him talking to you. In all honesty, he has no idea how he’s going to handle this.
He’s welcoming at first, loving the attention you’re giving him but the very millisecond Bill discovers you’re apart of a rival gang, his mood shifts, becoming more cold towards you as he leaves. He doesn’t want anything to do with you after realising who you are, knowing Dutch will give him shit for even speaking to you in the first place. 
Deep down, Bill can’t stop thinking about you or how you make him feel but he knows he has to convince himself otherwise. But goddamn, the hold you have on this man is incredible. Whenever you speak to him, he gets so flustered, shushing you in case anyone sees y’all talking.
Bill would have to go through each stage of enemies to lovers before ever trusting you fully. He can’t believe the effect you have on him, mainly because he still tries his best to deny it. 
When Sean first met you, he thought you were too good to be true. You matched his energy, understood his humour and you could joke around with him for hours. But then he found out, his heart sinking as he realised what gang you were in. 
Sean really tries to push any feelings he has for you deep, deep down. His loyalties are to the gang and he knows he would get into trouble if they saw him mingling with the likes of you. If he still sees you around, Sean usually teases you about your terrible choice to join the rival gang and not the Van Der Linde gang.
When he’s with you, Sean needs to constantly remind himself that you’re practically the enemy and that y’all can’t be friends (or anything more). It’s a frustrating situation but what annoys Sean even more is that he knows he’ll be there for you in a heartbeat if you ever need him.
Hosea doesn’t judge you based on your affiliations with a rival gang, he judges you based on your individual character. No matter who Hosea meets, he’ll always be cautious at first but he can let down some of his walls the more he interacts with you and figures out what kind of person you are.  
But Hosea knows his first priority is the gang. Of course if you’re ever in some extremely dangerous situation then Hosea will try to help but he’ll always have some doubts while you’re in a rival gang.
If you ever fall out with your gang or need somewhere to stay then Hosea will vouch for you, proposing that you stay with the gang in the meantime. He knows you have a good heart and that’s enough to make him believe in you.
While Trelawny always makes sure to be attentive around outlaws he isn’t familiar with, he isn’t mean to you. He understands that life is tough so he doesn’t hold the fact that your gang has stolen a few jobs from them against you.
Trelawny absolutely LIVES for some flirtatious banter and how you both have this ‘will they, won’t they’ energy together. The second he knows you’re in town, he starts planning a job for you to do together. 
Josiah has the mentality that even though you’re both in rival gangs, surely it doesn’t hurt to do a few small cons and robberies together as long as the profits are split evenly. He knows if Dutch ever hears about it then he might implode but Trelawny can't help his desire to be around you.
Kieran knows you could kill him about ten different ways all in under a minute. And while yes, you definitely scare him, he’s confusingly turned on by how intimidated he is of you too. It’s a lot of contradicting emotions and Kieran really doesn’t know how to react.
He knows he shouldn’t trust you or even talk to you, scared that if the gang sees him talking to you then they might think Kieran’s betraying them. But even though he tries to get you out of his mind, he can’t stop thinking of you. There’s just something about you that he can’t quite put his finger on but you fascinate him endlessly.
Kieran keeps his distance, not wanting to risk the gang’s trust but if you even get into trouble or if you’re in danger then Kieran will throw caution to the wind and do everything in his power to help you.
Lenny knows that even though you’re in a rival gang, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an enemy to the gang. Lenny’s been in some tough situations in life so he’s fully aware that you mightn’t agree with your gang's actions or maybe you don’t even want to be in a gang but you have to in order to survive. 
When he first saw you, Lenny was very intimidated but felt hot under the collar too. He has to remind himself to be cautious around you, knowing Dutch will go on a long speech if Lenny lets his guard down and you steal some upcoming job from them or take some supplies.
But Lenny gives you a chance and he has to admit, it’s hard to keep his guard up around you, especially since you both have great banter together. Anytime he bumps into you, y’all usually spend some time laughing and friendly teasing each other before parting ways again. Yeah, the gang love to tease Lenny about how obviously he has the hots for you.
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axelxreyes · 4 months
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NAME: Axel Reyes NICKNAMES: Ax, Reyes FACECLAIM: Jack Falahee AGE: December 28, 1990. 33 GENDER & SEXUALITY: Cismale. Bisexual HOMETOWN: NYC AFFILIATION: The Syndicate JOB POSITION: Henchmen / Part-Time Hitman EDUCATION: GED. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Currently single. CHILDREN: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Hardworking, perceptive, independent, disciplined, persuasive. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, apathetic, condescending, unforgiving, abrasive.
Axel's upbringing was out of the ordinary. He grew up in a household where deviant behavior wasn’t punished, but rewarded. His father was a con artist while his mother was a kleptomaniac that couldn’t keep her hands off of the nicer things in life. With these two as parents, Axel quickly learned that enemies were everywhere.
As a kid, he enjoyed school. He liked to learn about things he was unfamiliar with. But most of all, he liked going to school so that he could see the one person that meant the world to him -- Izara. Or, Kit, as he tended to call her. While Kit wasn't allowed to come to Axel's house, they did grow up together. When they both became teenagers, he mustered up the courage to ask her on a date and the rest -- he had hoped -- was history.
When he was sixteen, his father -- more or less -- convinced him to drop out of school. He wasn't too enthused about it, but his father insisted that he could do something better with his life that didn't involve the mundane knowledge every person "must" know.
So, taking his son under his wing and using him as an advantage, Axel’s father hired a trainer to teach him how to fight. But not only that, he taught him how to kill. As he grew older, this led into his own business, one where he’d be hired to kill those that might metal in someone else’s plans. In essence, he was a hit man. He just didn’t like being called that. And his father was his first customer.
Axel didn’t mind the job. In fact, there were times when he enjoyed it. His childhood was filled with things he couldn’t control and for once in his life, he got to control what he did, even if it was at the request of those that paid him. But unfortunately, as the years passed, his work began catching up to him. People would talk, rumors would surface, and Axel was unable to keep what he did private. His relationship with Kit had progressed to the next level -- engagement -- when his contract with the Syndicate started. Well, he called it a contract. In reality, he had joined them at the insistence of his parents. They wanted him to network more -- to show others that their family was worth something. But he didn't want her to know about his involvement, let alone be part of it. Axel wanted to keep her safe but after a few months of being part of the gang, he realized that not only was she not safe, but he was the reason for that. Starting then, he began to distance himself from her. He stayed out later, returned her texts and calls less frequently. This caused tension and mistrust between the two of them, which inevitably ended in their break up.
It's been years since then and Axel still thinks about Kit every single day. He regrets the actions he took with her, wishing that he had been mature enough to use open communication with her. To this day, he's still in love with her and every now and then he uses pain medicine to numb out his negative feelings towards the situation he created.
GANG CONNECTIONS - anyone in the syndicate!
EX FLINGS - Axel has only had one serious relationship, which was with his childhood friend Izara. After they ended things, he has had a couple of short, emotionless flings and friends with benefits.
CONTRACTED KILLER - anyone who's hired Axel to get rid of someone. Could have been before he joined the Syndicate or after!
GUARD MY LIFE - Axel is hired to ensure the safety of people. He is not anyone's specific guard, but he does have a couple of people he favors over others.
Of course, I'm open to other connections!
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hagfishviperfish · 6 months
Weird ass dream. The kind that makes you nostalgic. I live in a small town, my high school was more closeknit than others — that is to say almost all of those kids were evil but i digress, everyone knew each other.
My dream initially was that I missed the busses after school. I called my mom and she was at work, so she could not pick me up until 6:00. Which meant I had to kill time until then. It gave me the opportunity to realize how lively my high school was after hours — kids congregating on the soccer fields, football field, track, parking lot, it was as if its own little fair. So strange to see people you know doing their little things. In my dream I saw the faces of people who I haven’t seen in a long time, nigh forgot about, people who I won’t see ever again. And the faces of people who look like the type of people to live in my town.
Most were playing sports; I discovered a law school campus that was apparently on the property of my school that I hadn’t known about; I met one of my friends and hung out with him for a bit, found a dude on Tinder that looked exactly like him and with the same name but was like visibly 22 and I was like lmaooo dude look at this.
There is an event where the high school band comes in, followed by the graduates of my class, they share what they’re majoring in in college, and a quarter of mean girls were studying graphic design and they hated it and I laughed at them. It was particularly nostalgic
There is a silly little rave party thrown a guy I knew, who was fairly popular. It’s in those net tents you see used for baseball practice. I go there and dance a little with my childhood friend who dated him in middle school.
I stumble across a boy I had little feelings for for years — from elementary school to senior year — he was standing in between chain link fences, in security guard armor but it was like football stuff, so I guessed that was his job here. He was enthusiastic to see me, which was much to my surprise since we hardly talked at all (in senior year he started interacting with me every so often, much to my surprise.)
The dream changes here. I am this sewer siren queen hunted by my high school, living several grotesque layers in the deepsea underground, and he is the one who is supposed to be hunting me the hardest. Except every action he makes is deliberately to divert my pursuers away from me in order to protect me. We are lovers in that way, the brief moments where he sees me to “kill” me, but rather it is a fond reunion where we look at each other with mischevious devotion and adoration and then he must leave, to not draw too much attention to me and our affiliation. Every hour and decision of his life is dedicated to making sure I stay alive. He stands proud over a toilet in the school bathroom with a deep, deep canal drilled into it, what the students call a “sewer portal”, knowing I used it to escape, announcing to his equals “she is not in this one; try another one.”
He climbs through my canals smiling, there are grotesque and strange strata underneath our school, pink wet stone, sandstone, marbled jade and stone, and the structure of the tunnel he recognizes as my digging, impressed that I managed to stomach such odd layers of soil
This story of a favorite siren and its best hunter is a reoccuring theme for the rest of the dream.
There are other notable moments, where my art teacher says I have an opportunity to spread my art, to become a genuine admired artist, because people have already expressed interest in my work for her class. I make sketches; one of them a pile of moldy rotten oranges, in which a rabid squirrel or fox is eating them out of wild desperation, and a healthy fox is walking in the foreground, observing its parallel
Another where I’m in walmart with a friend, at the side of another boy; saying “I’m like hahahaha I’m L from deathnote” for some reason, just to mess with him. He’s like yeah whatever, unamused, I show him a pretty collar necklace I found, knowing the implications, and he’s like perhaps, and he tightens it on my neck for me
Then I dig another hole and leave because I am a sewer siren now.
Flickers of standing in a deep sea realm, underground, occasionally visited by a certain playful divercaver… I pick what I want the fish version of my pets to look like, laugh at the way my cat looks when she floats down and turn to tell my mother only for her to yell at me because she’s stressed out and busy. Rain World shelter on our football bleachers, he swims to me to find Minecraft mods, but I am looking from his eyes this time, I notice him and pick my way over to him, and we enjoy our presence together eagerly, while he sips from the glass of this mod that implements strawberry juice in Minecraft— and it tastes wonderful.
Then he hides me in the shelter because there are centipedes — it is particularly deeper, with water, to compensate for me there, and comes along to be around me for the night
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fancoloredglasses · 7 months
Ten's Saga (The things people do for family)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros Discovery. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue...]
There are a number of examples of bad relationships (lord knows I've been in a few) First, there the "rebound" in which you latch on to the next person who sparks your interest while still pining for the one you lost. Then there's the relationship that's based entirely on physical attraction despite the fact you likely have nothing in common.
But what happens when the person you're attracted to happens to be your enemy? That's what happens to Terry McGinnis. If you would like to watch the episodes, they're available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
(All videos courtesy of The Night Beyond)
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We open in Gotham Harbor where a quiet sailing trip is interrupted.
The “appointment” in question? A date with Dana, that he was late for…again. They have a fight and Terry, in a fit of frustration, says they should break up.
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With that, Terry storms out of the club, where he encounters a girl who saw the whole thing through the window.
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The girl (Melanie Walker) has a bit in common with Terry, as her family moves around a lot (often not staying in the same place for more than a couple of weeks), which doesn’t leave a lot of time for a social life…much like Terry’s “after school job” doesn’t leave him much time either.
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Melanie has learned to live for the moment…
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…as Terry quickly learns! The two make a date for midnight the following night (hope it’s not a school night!), meeting outside the club (Melanie doesn’t want Terry picking her up. So either she’s homeless or ashamed of her family)
Later, Terry returns to the Batcave complaining about how his life with Batman ruined his relationship with Dana.
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Then Bruce explains about the Royal Flush Gang as it pertains to the series. I’ll now explain the various versions of the Gang in the DC Multiverse. Their membership is wide and varied, but they boil down to variations of three versions…
The first is a large gang (52 in number) broken into four squads of goons (one for each suit) with a "King" as each suit's leader (who is one of the actual gang members)
The second is a loose affiliation of crooks who band together under a card motif. The Joker has been known to lead the Gang either behind the scenes or right out front, but not always.
The third (the one we’re dealing with here) is a family of thieves, with the King being the head of the family. In this and the previous version, Ace is the most powerful (in this case, Ace is a very powerful android)
Let’s go to the gang, where we find out why King has brought the Gang to Gotham (HINT: it has to do with Batman)
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Revenge! Of course, it’s the wrong Batman. King starts planning their next caper.
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Oh, that’s gonna throw a wrench in Terry’s love life!
That night, the Royal Flush Gang’s target is a museum.
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Ten just wants to get this job over with so she can meet Batman Terry.
So Terry and Melanie are both late for their date.
After delivering the guard at the ER, Terry rushes to their rendezvous, but Melanie is nowhere to be seen. Dejected, he starts to walk home. However…
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The lovebirds enjoy a nice evening together. However…
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It was too good to last, I guess. Terry makes a date for the next evening.
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I REALLY hope it’s not a school night!
Back at the Batcave, Bruce is researching the Royal Flush Gang’s next job, while Terry wants a night off. The pair argue (again!)
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Meanwhile, in the Gang’s hotel room, King (sorry, none of the other gang members have their names revealed) is laying into Melanie about her focus, which she throws back at him due to his obsession over Batman.
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King gives Melanie an ultimatum, which to his surprise she takes and walks out. Queen stops her and asks why, so Melanie tells her about Terry.
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Somehow (appealing to her greed), Queen talks Melanie into staying. And so…
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Terry knows something’s wrong, so he uses a deus ex Batshit device to hack a GCPD public terminal and trace Melanie’s call, then Batman pays a visit.
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Then the Royal Flush Gang return after a successful heist, and Jack realizes their hotel suite has been broken into. The Gang searches the suite…
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…and are taken down one by one, leaving only King and Ten. King takes things outside and we have a good ol’ fashioned dogfight until Batman gets the upper hand. Ten rushes in to help, but a shot from a cop destroys her hover-card and she plummets!
Fortunately, Batman doesn’t let a broken heart get in the way of saving her.
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All that’s left is the aftermath.
That should have been the end. However, the writers didn’t want to let that romantic thread dangle, so Melanie and her family made a second appearance. If you would like to watch, your favorite paywall can accommodate you.
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We open on a high-stakes card game.
Later, Terry wanders home to find everyone’s out (hope it’s not a school night, since that would mean Matt’s out too)…
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…though it isn’t empty.
Melanie just needs a place to lie low until night, since the cops, the crooks, and Batman are looking for her. The pair argue until Melanie explains her actions.
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Melanie explains the money was ransom; the Jokerz have her family. It’s a lot for Terry to process
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…and that certainly doesn’t make it any easier!
Then the family returns and Melanie makes herself scarce. Terry calls Bruce and makes up some bullshit story about studying with Dana, then…
Meanwhile at the Derby…
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Ten strikes again! This time, she makes off with the pot.
In the Batmobile, Batman explains to Bruce why he went rogue.
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Using the tracer, Batman tracks down Ten. However…
Well, he did promise Ten he wouldn’t read it.
And that’s the end of Ten, but not the last we’d see of Melanie.
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…as she found an honest job away from her family’s influence.
Good for you, Melanie!
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morihaus · 10 months
16, 25 and 26 for Rod and Mort!
16. Does your oc take their time as they travel, or are they purposeful? How do they survive in the wilds, especially if they aren’t hunter-types? How dependent is your oc on civilized society?
now ROD, he grew up in colovia, in the sticks, he's a mountain man, he's content to spend hours trudging through a forest or climbing a hill and has an inherent appreciation for the natural world. if he's on the job he'll certainly march and stay focused, but if it's less urgent he'll be inclined to take his time. definitely knows how to hunt and would do pretty good living in the middle of nowhere, at least in a familiar environment (not a huge fan of morrowind for how different it is from his home biome but he's had to get used to it) mortimer on the other hand is NOT formally trained in that sort of thing. he likes to think of himself as an adventurer but the only adventure he's been on is riding along with his dad's merchant ships. he prefers expediency in all things and ideally wherever he's going better have an inn with good food
25. If your oc is part of one of the more morally questionable or outright evil factions, how do they justify it to themselves? Do they still consider themselves as morally good? How well known is their affiliation to these groups? Do they have separate personas (e.g. Dragonborn to some people, Listener to others)? Do their family/friends know? If they have separate personas, how do they keep their less than righteous activities secret?
rod and mort are of course part of the most outright evil faction: the blades. for rodanus, he comes from a military family who had been a little bit burned by that recent simulacrum meaning they were aiding and abetting an impostor; rod wanted to join the emperor's honor guard, an exclusive chapter of the very best and brightest blades, but instead was shipped off to morrowind. he totally believes the empire is a force of good and sees absolutely nothing wrong with any of the orders he carries out. mortimer is a wannabe rogue who was disinherited from his father's business so becoming a blade is like, a way to occupy a higher sociopolitical standing and LARP as an important person. i douuuuubt that the families of blades know they're blades??? i cannot remember anything about this, but they have codenames, Bullhead and Quill respectively. mort basically never interacts with his family anymore (while leering enviously at his brother every so often) and as far as rod's family knows he IS serving the empire, but probably in a less noteworthy position. hell maybe they assume he got into the honor guard after all and he's just not allowed to tell them.
god okay and THEN they get drafted into ANOTHER morally questionable organization, the army of the tsaesci empire, which they justify to themselves with "well, it beats dying!" for how disturbingly similar they find this empire to be with the last one they worked for, there's no similar respect or dignity that comes with the job. they don't care to justify it beyond self preservation and their whole plan is to escape somehow eventually. and THEN there's the ka po tun empire which they reeeeeally hope are the "good guys" in this but are disappointed to see similar trends of apathy towards the fate of the common person and singleminded hunger for power present in this new line of work...
26.How helpful is your oc, and why? Are they helpful or kind even during difficult situations? Are they pragmatic, or do they have a hero syndrome?
in terms of being "kind" i think rodanus is the one with a moral compass (you know, as moral as it gets with bootlickers) he will stop to help someone in trouble on the road or pursue something if he thinks it's right. mortimer is more pragmatic and only plays that kind of game to win something in the end. in a situation like being stranded in akavir, despite everything, rodanus tries to cling to his principles while mortimer sees that as more of a burden in their current crisis.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
33, 38, 44 for Jestiny/John and 17, 32, 49 for Jenna/Faith? :)
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33. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
i think adelaide and xander are the only people who would willingly go a double date with them. adelaide just wants to see the drama. spoiler alert but they eventually have something of a double date with nick and kim:)
38. Can they name each other’s favourite food? 
john could, but it would take him some time for him to figure it out due to jessie being carefully guarded about basic information simply because john wants it. the moment john asks “what’s your favorite food?” that becomes Classified Information, what’s his Game. he has to piece it together through extended observation of what foods she does and doesn’t complain about, what she makes for herself on the rare occasion he gets to see her cook, etc. but he gets there. john outright tells jessie his preferences, she does not acknowledge it and pretends she doesn’t know. she does. she remembers.
44. What do they love about each other the most?
answered here!
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17. Who looks at the other person like they are their world when the other isn’t looking?
they both do this in their own way, but i would say jenna does this with faith more often based on the fact faith tends to have more eyes on her and needs to direct her attention to people besides jenna while she’s around, and jenna loves to watch faith in those moments. i mean, it’s initially something of jenna’s job to watch faith in her public role like this, as she comes to the project to do anthropological research. even once she abandons that in any formal, university affiliated capacity and joins the project, she still occasionally likes to blend into the crowd and just observe faith in her element. however, there’s also plenty of those “everyone looking at faith, faith looking at jenna like she’s the only person in the room” moments.
32. What cute nicknames do they call one another?
they’re not huge on pet names, jenna will call faith “darling” on occasion. faith will call jenna “my love,” “jen,” and jokingly refer to her as “doctor swann” — a reference to the near project wide misconception that she has a doctorate of some sort. (she doesn’t, her highest degree is a masters in chemistry.)
49. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
tends to be faith with jenna, jenna is a pretty still and restful sleeper (she’s pretty strict about sleep hygiene, and the results show) whereas faith will wake up restless from time to time and pull jenna in for comfort to help herself get back to sleep.
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hee-blee-art · 1 year
I would really li r to hear as much as you're willing to tell us about glasses and ocelot 👀
oh I'd love to talk about glasses and ocelot /gen >:) [cw: guns, violence, murder]
glasses is a "commercial assassin / hitman" working as a long-term agent for a company that handles mostly white-collar contract kills. he's a very talented sharpshooter / sniper despite having fairly poor eyesight. has like half of a physics degree (dropped out). loves shooting, used to do archery as a kid / teen and would go to a (gun) shooting range to blow off steam in uni, where he was approached by a rep of the company he ends up working for and offered a job, which he leaves his entire life behind to take (for multiple reasons). his nickname comes from the fact that it's very uncommon for people in his "field" to wear glasses; most wear contacts or get corrective surgery if needed, but he hates both of those things, so it became a bit of a teasing nickname among his coworkers that stuck. his "real" name—which is to say the name attached to the new fabricated identity that he was assigned & assumed when he joined the company—is lixin zhao, but no one aside from his boss calls him that. is almost always detached, carefully collected, and guarded. he keeps everyone at arm's length or much farther, only has good social skills when he's undercover or acting on the job, and has essentially no hobbies. his job is his everything to him, and he's one of the company's top employees, but he has no life to speak of outside of it and nearly everyone who meets him outside of his on-the-job personas thinks he's rude, arrogant, generally unpleasant or just boring, save for two of his coworkers—cignetti and judge—who have a strange part-bully part-rival frenemy sort of affinity for him. very professional and careful on the job but also fairly irresponsible and self-destructive. sleeps with his gun in his bed. overall a pretty big mess of a human being, but good at hiding it. enjoys simple things in life—good cooking, fresh air, sunrises. privately, he loves the ocean, and whenever he is afforded the time and ability he goes to the beach or out on boats to surf, swim, or just stand at the water's edge, which are the only times he truly feels at peace. one of the best moment of his life was watching blue whales while undercover on a cruise near portugal—which was also where he first met ocelot.
ocelot simply calls himself a freelancer, but has been variously identified by others as an eclectic criminal, a professional torturer, a serial killer, a cult leader, a high-ranking mafia member, among others throughout his "career." he doesn't work for any kind of organization, but he has had lots of different affiliations at various times, most criminal, some famous, and few both. no one knows anything about his life before age 20 when he was among the crewmembers rescued from a collapsing oil rig in the north sea—no one could find any record of how he got there or of him at all before then. he is clever, charming, intelligent, ruthless, highly adaptive, and quite impulsive—though he is also very good at thinking on his feet, twisting situations in his favour, and claims to have very good luck. he's also just kind of a freak. operates according to a personal code and his own whims, which are both very strange and hard to discern. ocelot was a codename shared between several intelligence, investigative, and law enforcement entities that he kept managing to evade early in his career, and after a significant intel leak by a rogue hacker, it became his brand so to speak, and he liked it, so he started going by it almost exclusively. he has given his "real" name on several occasions as aksel gunnar, but no one has ever been able to confirm that in any concrete legal way at least, and assume that is another alias. he's somewhat of a celebrity criminal, though very few people know much about him, and no one knows or understands him holistically (himself included). he is extremely dangerous and wanted by lots of people, governments and criminal organizations alike, both dead and alive. would wax poetic with equal passion about arts, astronomy, ancient civilizations, power dynamics, cuisine, and gore. hates guns, loves knives. he has several distinctive tattoos, including norwegian rosemaling designs on his chest, a norwegian textile inspired band on his left arm, and a smiling stylized sun on his right forearm. he also has several distinctive scars, including the ones on the right side of his face and the left side of his neck. overall, he's very visible, and often times doesn't really bother trying to stay hidden. very brash, big ego, definitely a romantic in a fucked up kind of way. he's very intrigued by glasses, convinced that the reason that they keep running into each other is that they're fated to be in each other's lives in some significant way, a notion that glasses vocally detests, but he can't deny the strange way their paths seem to intertwine.
their comic's main story is still in the works, but it involves glasses being assigned to kill ocelot, ocelot in turn trying to hire glasses as his bodyguard while he quite literally has glasses' gun to his head, and a cult of fringe scientists trying to resurrect jesus as an anomalous primate. gonna be a weird one.
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o-walter · 2 years
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miss olivia walter:
Name: Olivia Walter
Age / D.O.B.: 39/ January 17th 1983
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis Female, She/Her, Heterosexual
Hometown: Cave Junction, Oregon
Affiliation: Civilian
Job position: Defence Attorney, Partner at Shapiro, Stuart & Starke
Education: BA Psych University of Oregon, JD Law Yale
Relationship status: Complicated
Children: N/A
Positive traits: (5) Loyal, Patient, Direct, Dynamic, Quick-Witted
Negative traits: (5) Cold, Selfish, Competitive, Guarded, Reckless
TW: Drugs, Alcoholism, Death
Girls like Livie Walter very seldom make it out of Cave Junction. They’re the girls who get knocked up by one of their older brother’s friends or maybe one of the motorcycle club wannabes, the girls who end up run through by the time they’re twenty five; the girls who look to find solace at the bottom of a bottle or by shoving it up their noses. It’s not that Olivia was a bad kid or had a rough upbringing, it's just that the most exciting thing for a girl with too much brains and not enough sense to do in Cave Junction, Oregon is to get pregnant or arrested. Her family was like nearly every other family she knew growing up. Her mother was a hairdresser, owned her own salon in the same parking lot as the Dairy Queen, and her father worked for the electric company– at least that’s what Olivia was told. She knew he spent way too much time at ‘the clubhouse’ to have actually earned any sort of paycheque, but still their bills were paid and she never had to suffer the indignity of second hand clothes. Sometimes it felt easier to not ask the questions she didn’t care to know the answers to. 
 Schooling came easy and she flew through at the top of her class, graduating high school as valedictorian and earning herself a free ride to the University of Oregon. She had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, all she knew is that she wanted to be the best. 
It was easy to be the best when the pond was minuscule but as her world expanded beyond her little podunk town, Olivia started to notice herself struggle. Her sophomore year was nearly an entire write off and she came home for the summer break eager to spend her days working the desk at her mom’s salon, craving monotony and the speciality she felt amongst the people of Cave Junction. That summer was the worst of her life, although it opened her eyes wider to the underbelly of the town she once thought of as boring and sleepy. 
 Her older sister Beth had been working at some bar when she picked up a little nasty habit, their father had been a heavy drinker but nothing like what Beth got mixed up in. Her once vibrant and jubilant sister now seemed a hollow shell of herself. The light behind her eyes replaced with sallow gaunt features that reminded Olivia of a zombie, not dead but hardly living. Their house was all but a funeral home slowly planning the service of a sister and daughter still very much breathing. Everybody was quiet, their father hardly ever home and it seemed that none of them wanted anything to change. Every day they would wake up and go to their various workplaces, Olivia and her mother only talking once they were outside of their mostly wood-paneled home. Olivia would beg her mother to do something, to say something. Beth was wasting away to nothing, her sinewy arms covered by loosely knit sweaters that did very little to conceal the railroad of track marks that winded their way up and down her forearms. Her mother would placate her, urging Olivia to believe that her father had a plan. That he had it under control. In the least shocking news since the death of her hundred and three year old great aunt Bea, Olivia’s father very much did not have it under control. He acted like he did, like the work he was putting in was dedicated or that the attention he paid his girls was even half assed. It wasn’t enough though, how could it be? 
 The morning before their annual Fourth of July party, Olivia found her sister cold and unresponsive in their bathroom. The memory of screaming out for her mother, seared into her brain and the smell of half decayed flesh would be something she would never forget. Four days later a ceremony was held, half the town lined the pews of the church– Anglican although their family was hardly religious. Olivia was the only one to speak, her mother too emotional and her father too afraid to open his mouth. Whether he was afraid of his emotions, or the lack thereof remained to be seen. Olivia spoke of her anger against the people of the town, she spoke of her desire for justice. Clearly they had all watched her sister ruin herself, shooting up with god knows what all in the ineffective search for solace. She pleaded with her neighbours to watch out for their own, to not let something like this happen again. 
When it was time for her to go back to school, her father asked her what she wanted to do with her life and Olivia very matter of factly told her father that she wanted to study law. She told him that she wanted to speak for those without a voice, that she wanted to stop any other girl from ending up like Beth did. Her father didn’t admonish her or laugh off what she had to say as just the ramblings of an emotional twenty year old. He told her that he would support her, that her dreams were his if she promised him just this; to leave Cave Junction. 
 Olivia went back to school and worked harder than she ever did, once again graduating top of her class with an offer for Yale Law School. 
 Boston was everything she dreamed of, her classmates were interesting and intelligent and for once she felt like she was in the right place and that she had the opportunity to work towards making a difference. She worked part time in a cafe off campus and met some really great friends. Life was starting to look up for the first time since her sister’s passing. After graduation she started work at the Boston DA’s office, immediately enamoured with the fact that she was fighting for justice, for what’s right. Now the thing they don’t tell the idealist, is that life is a lot more exciting when you’re on the other side.
 Olivia and Anthony had only been seeing each other a little while when he started gifting her with extravagance, the first diamonds she ever owned gifted to her on their first christmas together. They took luxurious trips to places she had only ever dreamed of seeing and their home together was expansive, each room not without its own bouquet of whatever flower was the chicest. The day before they were supposed to go look at engagement rings, just look  she had reminded her mother, Olivia walked in to find his brothers in their living room, their knuckles bloody  and Anthony’s eye blackened. She screamed at them, begging for an answer as to what the fuck had transpired on her white carpet of all places. They just told her to leave and not just the room, so she did. 
 She packed up her life and got as far away from that life as she could, telling herself that this was another Cave Junction and that she could never come back. Olivia felt gross, her entire life a parade of one set of unanswered questions after another. Having thought she ditched her naivety long ago, she made a resolution to herself to not let any more questions go unanswered; she was taking control. 
 A move to New York was easy, she had glowing recommendations from bosses and professors and though she was offered a position at the Bronx DA’s office, she opted for what was supposed to be a corporate position at Shapiro, Stuart & Starke. Her first case assigned was to defend an alleged drug dealer, the evidence was undeniable and the case would be hard to lose so she shadowed and when she saw Rochelle Shapiro argue in court and dumbfound the cops on the stand and opposing counsel, Olivia was hooked. She loved the way her boss could make people stammer until she got the result she wanted, Olivia craved the ability to do so. Having shadowed Rochelle on several cases, in her second year at the firm she began to lead teams on proceedings and earned herself a partnership at the firm within five years of being hired, the youngest woman to do so. 
 Married to her job and addicted to her email app, Olivia can’t stop. She wants to take on bigger cases, to make a name for herself. But the higher they rise, the harder they may fall. 
-Rochelle Shapiro (50+) Boss/Mentor
-Casual Sex Friend (25+)
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offollies · 2 years
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( NIMBLE FINGERS QUICKLY MOVING ACROSS EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL, A NASTY DISPOSITION GUARDING A VULNERABLE SOUL, A REFUSAL TO DO ANYTHING THAT HE DIDN'T COME UP WITH FIRST - BUT DOES IT ANYWAY )▸ welcome to latverion, ROCKET RACCOON. it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 10(56) and use HE/HIM pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as a WEAPONS TECHNICIAN AND DEMOLITIONIST, or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( cgi raccoon )
FULL NAME: rocket raccoon
ALIAS: rocket
AGE: 10(about 56 in humie years)
AFFILIATIONS: guardians of the galaxy, groot
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: lil raccoon man, he/him
FACE CLAIM: cgi raccoon (but think with bradley cooper’s voice from the mcu)
POINT OF ORIGIN: he comes from the mcu, mostly - but i sprinkle in his halfworlder life and layla to give him more depth !
ABILITIES/SKILLS: enhanced senses, enhanced intelligence, enhanced strength, enhanced durability, enhanced agility, enhanced reflexes, expert marksman, skilled combatant, accomplished tactician and strategist, pilot, demolitions and weapons expert.
HAVE THEY BROUGHT ANY FAMILY OR PETS WITH THEM: rocket has groot with him (who is a teenager at the moment) - where rocket goes, so does groot.
ANY HEADCANONS YOU WANT OTHERS TO KNOW: i personally love the one where rocket tried to make “blam! i murdered you!” his catchphrase - he may try to bring that back. rocket moves about and doesn’t have a specific place he stays while working - but he does deal heavily with the killiseum and repairs and...uh.. “enhances” the weapons almost weekly. he also does some underground work, but it’ll cost you. doom has tried to imprison rocket on the regular but he keeps biting the guards he sends - or dismantling the bots. he thinks its funny and hopes doom will keep trying.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT EMPEROR DOOM? oh he thinks its hilarious - because if he didn’t, he’d cry. doom is just like any other humie in history who thought they were the big cheese. eventually he’s gonna go bad and they’re gonna have to throw him out like the garbage he is. it’s stupid and rocket’s more mad he didn’t think of this idea first.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT THE BATTLES? ARE THEY TRYING TO AVOID THEM? OR ARE THEY EAGER TO JUMP IN? are you kidding? he’s making A PROFIT OUTTA THIS. he knew one day his ability to assemble tech into weaponry would pay off big time. he doesn’t want to fight, nor will he let groot - but he has no problem fixing things up for the killisium and ensuring he gets paid for it. he also will give free “enhancements” to things too but, you know, they don’t always work the way they probably should. most explode.
WHY HAS YOUR CHARACTER ACCEPTED THEIR JOB POSITION? WILL THEY USE IT TO GET CLOSER TO DOOM? OR WILL THEY USE IT EXPLOIT HIM? OR DO THEY SIMPLY LIKE THEIR JOB? rocket loves weapons. rocket loves things that go boom. but most especially, rocket loves money. he’s making bank doing this and it’s something he loves. but still, he isn’t heartless - he works with those against doom and will give discounts when he feels like it. he wants doom gone too, he just doesn’t want to be without an escape plan. and escape plans requires money.
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birdietempleton · 5 months
dossier: bridget marie templeton
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— BASICS Name:Bridget Marie Templeton
Age / D.O.B.: 27/ April 17th, 1996
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Woman, She/Her, Lesbian
Hometown: Youngstown, Ohio
Affiliation: Civillian
Job position: Art Framer
Education: BFA in Studio Art, YSU
Relationship status: Single
Children: N/A
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Morbid — BIOGRAPHY [tw; suicide, drug abuse]
Born to small town royalty, Bridget’s life before New York was just far enough East in the Midwest that she grew up in her small town idolizing the big city. Her proclivity for creativity was apparent early on; she devoured books the second she could read, was an avid member of the school’s Writing Club, and was a regular winner in state and even national art competitions.
Her romantic fantasies of city life and her dissatisfaction with settling for god-damned Ohio punctuated in her teenage self a sort of moody longing that carried her through most of her time in school as the quiet, artsy, weird girl despite her family and home life being furious and fraught with domestic upheaval, culminating in her father’s suicide just a few short weeks before her graduation from High School.
The loss of her father impacted Birdie heavily. Her artistic inclinations took a decidedly gloomy and morbid tone. She continued on with her plans, receiving an art degree from a small state school near her hometown. Much of her submitted work during this time was fueled with alcohol and antidepressants.
Following graduation and a falling out with her mother, she sold most of what she owned to fund a move into New York City, settling in a shoebox apartment on the northern part of Manhattan. Her artist’s life, of course, is nothing like what she dreamed of as a teen or even as a college student; in the digital age, its on her to market herself online, to find her niche. She quickly grows disillusioned, mourning the idea of a quaint life selling her art in galleries and mingling in circles that haven’t properly existed for decades.
She gets work as a framer and apprentice restoration painter conservator in a small private practice that works with small museums, galleries, and auction houses dealing in upper-echelon artwork, because it feels closer to what she wanted than what she has; taking commission work through social media and running sales on kitschy online platforms for the handful of people who can appreciate her often grim personal works. She's attending night classes at SUNY to develop her skillset.
Overly romantic views mean that she has a rose-tinted (or lavender tinted if you wanna lean into her general state of depression) view of the world, and while she's been disillusioned to those aggrandized visions of her future life she still holds a candle that some small piece of them can be salvaged.
Birdie can barely hurt a fly, let alone another person. It'd be really fun for her to be put in a position where changing that fact is a matter of life or death.
Birdie's skills as an artist and conservator lend well to things like finding out if something is a forgery, and while she usually uses this to thwart would-be scammers and cons, surely these skills can be applied in reverse, especially if it were imperative to do so.
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