#guy who wants to go on a date adopting a cat
mudstoneabyss · 1 year
the way Charles is written in the voicemails <333
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writingouthere · 4 months
friendswithbenefits!Sukuna x reader. Your friend Yuuji sets you up on a date with his co-worker to help you get over your recent slump, not knowing that his dear older brother had ended it months ago.
cw: none really, some possessive behavior
"He's really great though, I swear!"
"What does 'really great' entail, exactly?"
"Well he's nice! Like, super nice."
You waited to see if there was any more information and when there didn't appear to be any forthcoming, pushed your friend. "Yuuji, I'm going to need a little bit more than that."
Yuuji seemed to think about this for a second and as he did you snuck some dumplings off his plate. He'd taken more than his fair share of the take out anyway.
You loved Yuuji, he was one of the most genuinely kind people you'd ever met. He just happened to have terrible taste in men, aside from his own boyfriend.
"Well, when I got lost the other day, he gave me directions and they were super helpful!"
"Wait, did you find this guy on the street? Are you setting me up with a stranger?" It wouldn't surprise you, Yuuji tended to adopt human beings the way a normal person might adopt stray cats. You couldn't complain too much since it's how the two of you had ended up being friends, but it didn't necessarily mean that whoever he'd picked up off the side of the road this time was your one true love.
"No, no, he works in the school too. He teaches like history or something. He just teaches in the upperclassmen building, so I don't see him that much."
"So he gave you directions after you got lost in your own place of work?"
Yuuji either doesn't hear your tone or he chooses to ignore it. "Yeah, really nice dude. He's also good friends with Maki, so you know he must respect women."
That was actually pretty persuasive. Maki would never put up with any man who was a piece of shit, maybe there was something here.
"Is he cute?"
Yuuji scratched his head and tried to take some dumplings off your plate while you blocked him with your chopsticks.
"I mean I guess, he always looks kind of sad but you're into that right?" You blocked his attempts at stealing your dumplings with a little more aggression than necessary at that.
"I am not!"
Yuuji hummed unimpressed, chewing on the dumpling he'd managed to snatch away while you argued. Thief.
"He's like a little taller than me, pretty eyes and he's stronger than he looks. He actually beat me in some sparring matches last year when the teachers competed." You listened even as you scowled at the way Yuuji said all this with his mouth still full of stolen food. He swallowed and gave you a mischievous smirk. "He has really nice hands too."
"They're big and his fingers are long but not too skinny, they kind of remind me of Megumi's-"
"Who the fuck are you talking about?"
You stiffened as Yuuji's older brother walked in, scratching his bare midriff since he seemed to have once again forgot that wearing shirts was an expected human behavior. Even though he was only a few years older than you and Yuuji, he always seemed larger than life. Maybe because you had known him for so long.
"Yuuta, this guy I work with," Yuuji said, pouting when his brother stole some of the food off his plate. Served him right. "Hey! I asked you if you wanted anything before I ordered it."
"And I told you, I don't want any of this garbage. I'm just sampling," Sukuna said as he popped another piece of chicken in his mouth.
"Go eat your stupid healthy food then and leave our garbage alone," Yuuji protested pushing the plate out of Sukuna's reach. Naturally, this led to Sukuna shoving Yuuji's head into the table as he reached over and stole more food off the tray in the middle.
"So why are you talking about Yuuta's hands anyway. You and Fushiguro finally call it quits?" Sukuna's tone was casual but you had once seen him knock out a guy for groping Megumi in a club. If the day came where Yuuji and Megumi actually broke up, you think he might take turns knocking sense into both of them.
"Mnat mor me."
"Huh," Sukuna said even as he kept Yuuji's face pressed to the table. You rolled your eyes.
"He's saying that he's not the one interested, he's trying to set me up with him." You tried to push down the guilt you felt as you spoke after all you had nothing to be guilty about.
There was a flash of something in Sukuna's eyes but it was gone before you could identify it and with one last shove that had Yuuji groaning, he let him up.
"That hurt, you bastard!"
"Not an insult, I'm literally a bastard," Sukuna said and Yuuji rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, anyway, back to helping you get laid-"
"-I'll let Yuuta know you'll meet him at six?"
"Can you make it eight, only old people eat at six." Yuuji nods and goes to type something in his phone. There's an awkward silence that he doesn't seem to notice and you can't help but look at Sukuna who hasn't taken his eyes off you.
"Didn't realize you were so desperate," Sukuna says and Yuuji doesn't look up from his phone before throwing a punch at him. Sukuna dodges, his eyes still on you.
"There's nothing wrong with going on a date," you say and you wonder who you're convincing. "It has been a while since a nice guy took me out."
"Ah right, I forgot you liked nice guys." His tone is too knowing and you feel yourself flush.
"Stop picking on her, Sukuna. Don't you need to be going to the gym, anyway?" Yuuji asks, finally putting down his phone. He seems to attribute the current tension for you and Sukuna's usual animosity. You wonder if that's all there is to it. Sukuna scoffs and walks back to his room. You still weren't sure why he'd even come out in the first place.
"Whatever, you two have fun planning the wedding," he says, his tone making your hackles rise.
"Say hi to Uraume for me," Yuuji calls back, oblivious. "Tell them I still want a rematch after last week."
Sukuna waves a hand before shutting the door to his room. Yuuji turns back to you and the two of you talk about other topics while your mind wanders.
You weren't doing anything wrong. Were you?
You and Yuuji decide to meet up with Megumi and Nobara for a movie before you need to get ready for your date. While Yuuji goes to his room to change, you head to the kitchen to clean up the remains of lunch.
You're putting some glasses in the sink when you feel a warm presence at your back. You can't hold back your sigh as a familiar pair of thick arms comes to wrap around your waist and a pair of lips presses gently against your neck.
"I haven't seen you in forever," Sukuna murmurs, the movement of his lips against your neck sending a familiar pulse of want to your core. You tell yourself not to let the soft gesture get to you. He never did shit like this without a purpose and his usual purpose isn't going to be fulfilled with Yuuji in the next room.
"You saw me last week, Sukuna," you remind him before leaning away from him to close the dishwasher. His hands slip down to your hips and you just know he's staring at your ass. You roll your eyes even as he pulls you back to him once you're standing. His hands pressing into the curve of your hips, putting pressure on them in that way that makes you melt.
"That's too long, princess. I was getting lonely," he teases and you feel him smirk against your cheek. "You must be lonely too."
"Actually I'm just fine," you tell him but you tilt your head so he can kiss the skin of your face, your neck, the parts of your shoulders revealed by the stretched collar of your old t-shirt. You let him lull you into a false sense of security before he reminds you why that's a bad idea.
"Really? I just assumed you felt lonely and that's why you were agreeing to go on dates with losers you've never even met."
There it was. This was why you couldn't let Sukuna get soft with you. He never did it without returning your vulnerability with malice.
"Sukuna," you say and you go to pull his arms off you but he pushes you into the counter, you wince as the cold stone presses against your body. "Let go of me." Your tone is calm even as emotions band their way across your throat.
"I would, but you seem to get lost when I let you out of my sights. I mean you're going to go on a date with some high school teacher?"
"Your brother literally has the same job?"
"Well, are you going to fuck my brother too?"
"For fuck's sake, Sukuna, get off me!"
Sukuna does let you go but only so he can turn you to face him.
Sukuna doesn't get mad the way normal people do. Usually he's just amused, maybe even mildly annoyed, but blatant rage isn't his thing. After your years of-acquaintanceship? light antagonism?-friendship, you recognized this as the stage where he was about to make his insults increasingly personal until you needed to go cry in the bathroom later.
"We are not dating," you tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"Therefore, I can go on dates with other people."
"I don't give a fuck if you go on dates with other people."
"Great, because I'm going to go on this date tonight."
"Good for you."
"Yes, yes it is good for me!"
"You seem really happy with your choices," Sukuna goads in that tone of his. You hate that tone.
"I am. I don't plan on just accepting whatever scraps some loser will throw me when there are actually decent guys who want a real relationship."
Sukuna narrows his eyes at you. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I wasn't being subtle," you tell him before leaning back against the counter. Going for casual, knowing you're not quite hitting it. "Don't worry, I don't hold it against you. You can't give what you don't have, you know?"
"No, I don't know," Sukuna bites out and if he was anyone else, you would think you'd hurt his feelings but this wasn't anyone else and there was no way something you said bother him.
"You're just not a relationship person and that's-that's fine, I knew that before we started this thing. It's just, sometimes I want more." You soften your tone from earlier but it doesn't do anything to relieve the tension between the two of you.
"And this, Yuka is going to give you that?" He sounds bitter and he's not touching you. You'd been the one to tell him to back off but you couldn't remember the last time he hadn't had his hands on you in some way when it was just the two of you.
"I think his name was Yuuta," you correct before his expression tells you this is the wrong step.
"Right, okay. You know what, you go on your date and have the best time with Yuuta. I got places to be."
He brushes past you and goes back to his room just as Yuuji opens the door to his.
"Geez, what's his problem?" He asks as he makes his way over to you. You shrug your shoulders and he takes your lack of response as just your normal discontent with his brother and wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Don't let him get to you, he's just a dick."
"I know," you tell him and you do. You know Sukuna's true nature better than most.
You two make your way out of the apartment so you can make your movie and you try to ignore the guilt you feel as Yuuji talks to you.
"You know, he's actually been in a better mood the past few months. I think he might actually be seeing someone. Can you imagine who would be crazy enough to actually date that asshole?"
new series? wrote this to get the rust off so we'll see.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Not A Verstappen: Sibling Rivalry {2}
Pairing: F1 drivers (platonic) x fem!reader Summary: Alcohol leads to some bad decisions and a big fight threatens to tear the family apart. Warnings: 18+ only, lots of bad language, protective big brother, alcohol, daddy issues, angst WC: 2.9k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three
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Round Twelve - Belgium 2022 A sponged microphone was shoved in your face and you barely stopped yourself from smacking it away out of reflex, but you did startle back a bit before recovering.
“You look a little wound up, Spitfire,” Lando commented with a laugh. “Ready to call a truce.”
“You wish, Norris. You may have won the battle but I’m going to win the war.”
The microphone picked up the exchange and the reporter cast a glance between the two of you. “Is this battling on the track?”
“With his tractor? No way,” you laughed, nudging Lando with your elbow and a smile to ease the blow. “Someone thought it would be funny to wake me up with a fire extinguisher, which I am totally blaming on Charles because I know you couldn’t come up with that on your own.”
“Hey!” Lando whined with a pout. “I…can’t come up with a lie right now.”
“That’s what I thought. Charles, watch your back and you both better sleep with one eye open.” You turned your attention back to the reporter and signalled with your hand for them to do their thing while you dutifully did yours for yet another Media Day.
“We know you and Max have a, some would say, unhealthy amount of competitiveness on the track but outside of that you are very protective of each other…so, how has he reacted to finding out you’re on the dating app Raya?”
You winced at the question and saw the guys get whiplash with how fast their heads turned your way. All along the line the question echoed. Lando, Pierre, Charles, Daniel and finally Max, ten beady eyes staring at you with a mixed array of emotions.
“What? You all get to date, why can’t I?” you asked defensively as you crossed your arms. “Gotta find something to do for summer break.”
“Hiking in the Alps,” Charles offered.
“Or sunbathing in the Maldives,” Pierre suggested.
“Please never refer to dating someone as ‘something to do’,” Max huffed. “Or better yet, never mention dating at all. Adopt some cats.”
You looked at Lando and quirked an eyebrow. “Do you have anything to add? Since everyone else seems to think they actually have a say in what I do.”
His eyes darted around the guys who were expecting him to pitch in but all he had was a squeaky and unsure, “No?” 
“And that’s why you’re my favourite.”
“Why do you want to date anyway?” Daniel asked, and you swore there was more than just curiosity in his tone.
“You guys have girlfriends, and I want one too.”
“A girlfriend?” he asked with far too much enthusiasm.
“Maybe,” you replied with a wink. “I’m not ruling out 50% of the dating pool.”
“So how have you been finding the app,” the reporter asked, “any connections made?”
You huffed and shook your head, a few sighs of relief sounding down the line but you didn’t see who they came from. One was definitely Max.
“I’m an athlete. I train and I sweat so the last thing I want to do when I get home is do the laundry or cook a healthy meal. But my experience so far is that men think it’s the woman’s job to do that, so I need a guy that’s up for sharing responsibility. Is that too much to ask?”
“I’d cook for you!” A man called from the crowd and you sat up straighter trying to see where it came from. 
“What about laundry?” you fired back.
“Security,” Max called with a finger pointed to the good looking man who put his thumbs up in the air. 
“Ignore him. What’s your name?” you asked as you pulled out your phone. It only took ten seconds to find Martin’s social media accounts and you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “This is why I have trust issues. I hope your girlfriend sees this and dumps you.”
Three days later You had failed to finish the GP after an embarrassing pitstop left one of your wheels rolling down the lane. The replay footage kept popping up wherever you went, even at the restaurant before the afterparty, and Max had the audacity to laugh. “Nice trike, zusje.”
“Shut up and get me another drink,” you grumbled as you drowned your sorrows.
He soon returned with two gin and tonics and huffed as you took them both. “I’m not carrying you back to the hotel if you pass out,” he warned before going and getting another drink for himself.
“That’s fine, I can always call my new friend, Martin,” you said with a grimace as he took your phone off the table and shoved it in his pocket. “Bonnie Tyler was onto something. Where have all the good men gone?”
“They aren’t at the bottom of your glass,” Max said as you tipped the drink back. “So you can stop looking there.”
“You’re right. I’ll see you later, bro.” 
“Where are you going?” he asked as he watched you push your chair back and head for the door.
“Taking a page out of P’s favourite book,” you said over your shoulder.
Christian sat back in his chair as you left and asked Max, “What’s P’s favourite book?”
“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” Max sighed and rubbed his temples, making Christian laugh with a shake of his head. 
“Should I send someone to keep an eye on her?” 
“It’s fine, we have family share so I can see her location-fuck! I have her phone!” Max leapt from the table and rushed out of the restaurant. He looked up and down the busy street but he couldn’t see you anywhere and combed a hand through his hair, wondering what he should do.
He hardly used his social media accounts, leaving it to his PA to monitor that side of things, but this would be the exception. Opening twitter, he put out the message asking that if anyone spots you to send him the location. Almost immediately he got bombarded with replies of concern and his anxiety spiked when he realised he would waste his night with the time it would take to go through and find any messages that were actually helpful.
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A familiar face spotted you on the dancefloor of the club you found yourself in and you grinned when he made his way through the crowd to you. 
“Dance with me, Lando,” you shouted over the music.
“Your brother’s looking for you,” he replied, leaning closer so you could hear him. 
“Please don’t tell him where I am.” You could already feel your mood deflating and he bit his lip as he was torn between loyalties. 
“Okay, I won’t,” Lando promised, earning a bright smile that made him feel better. “But I’ll let him know you’re with me so he can stop freaking out.”
You didn’t bother to correct him, because Max would never stop worrying. He took his role as older brother too seriously, something you often found stifling since you had grown up without it and still struggled to accept it.
“I’m getting a drink, do you want one?” you asked as while he was busy on his phone, messaging Max.
“Uh, yeah, rum and coke, please.”
You slipped away to the bar, stumbling more than you would like to admit, and leaned against the bar top as you waited for some service. You hadn’t been there for more than a minute when an arm draped over your shoulders and you spotted the Forza Ferrari bracelet on the wrist.
“You have got twitter going crazy, chérie,” Charles said with a chuckle. “There’s quite a few people out hunting for you.”
“And I found her first,” Lando said as he brushed the arm off your shoulder and stood at your other side.
“Well,” you chuffed as you draped your arms over their shoulders and pulled them closer, “I’m on a hunt of my own and I could do with some help. A girl has needs and you two are going to be my wingmen.”
They both looked at each other and you could see the mental conversation they were having, each long passing second leading you to pull back. “No, don’t call Max. Lando, you promised.”
“We can’t just let you go off with some random,” Charles said as he caught your hand before you could escape the bar, “what if they are a serial killer?”
You tugged your hand back angrily and struggled to keep your balance when you were suddenly freed. “If I were a guy we wouldn’t be having this argument. Why can’t I have fun too?”
“We just want to keep you safe.”
“Safe?” you laughed bitterly and held your hand out. “Fine, give me a condom, I know you carry them around in your wallet.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Lando argued as he pushed your hand away. “You’re not sleeping with a stranger.”
“Is that you offering then?” You looked between Charles and Lando, watching their necks turn pink as you crossed your arms. “That's what I thought. I’m going to another bar, this one’s full of assholes. Hasta luego, pendejos.”
“Great, she’s been hanging out with Carlos,” Charles grumbled as you walked away.
“He’s better company than you two,” you shouted over your shoulder before you hit the exit. 
Cold air rushed into your lungs and you realised two things. One; you should have worn more clothes, and two; you were sobering up. There was only one way to solve both problems so you marched your way down the street to find another bar.
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Your head was pounding and your stomach turned when you woke up to the first day of summer break. The hotel room was elegant and luxurious, but it wasn’t yours and you didn’t know how you had come to get here.
“Oh, thank fuck,” you sighed with relief as Lando walked into the bedroom with two cups in his hands. “Where’s my clothes? Did we have sex? Wait, no, you wouldn’t cheat and I’d definitely remember that.”
“They’re in the dryer, and no we didn’t have sex,” he said as he handed you one of the cups. “You were soaked when we found you.”
You frowned as you tried to remember what happened but came up blank. “We?”
“You went for a swim in the fountain of love in the city centre. It was a ‘part of your hunt’, apparently. Charles helped me get you back here before anyone called the police.”
“Oh, great,” you muttered as you pulled the sheets higher. “Hey, you’re doing my laundry. It’s a shame you’re not single. Then again, you can’t cook for shit.”
“Be glad you’re single. The grass isn’t always greener on this side of the fence,” he said with a sigh.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I’d rather not.” Lando suddenly looked guilty as he took the half drunk coffee back and placed it on the side table. “I should probably warn you, I called Max after you took off from us last night.”
“I was with you and Charles?” Your brows pinched together as you started to recall being angry at them before embarrassment followed. “Shit, I called you assholes.”
“It’s fine, but the only reason we found you again was because of some clips on Instagram.”
You could imagine another lashing from the Red Bull PR, it wasn’t the first time you were involved in drunk misadventures and it was caught on camera. Usually it was some dare or competition involving Max where neither of you wanted to admit defeat and things just got out of control. He’d probably enjoy hearing you get ripped a new one by Christian while he got a pat on the head for being the golden child.
“What did I do this time?” you asked, knowing it was easier to just rip the bandaid off.
“It isn’t what you did,” he said with a wince. “It’s what you said.”
“Well?” you prompted when he shifted awkwardly on his feet.
“You said Charles’ listens to Nickelback.”
Your head fell back with a laugh and the sheet fell down as you let go of the cotton to clutch your nauseous stomach. “Well at least I wasn’t spouting off a bunch of bullshit.”
“And that there were three drivers you would date if you got the chance.”
“Ah, well…” you cleared your throat and scrunched the bedding into your hands, ignoring the way his eyes trailed over your bra that was on display. “That is a lie. There’s only two. It’s just my luck they are both in relationships. Did I really use the word date?”
“You said fuck but the meaning was there.”
You pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on them with a heavy sigh. “I’m a mess. I’m surprised you didn’t try to prank me while you had the chance. Or is there a dick in permanent marker on my face?”
“You wouldn’t have been coherent enough to appreciate it,” Lando teased as he took a seat at the edge of the bed. “I told you this last night and I know you’re lonely, but you're looking for love in all the wrong places. You’re not going to find someone who will treat you right in a shitty nightclub when you’re too drunk to even give consent.”
Tears of embarrassment stung your eyes and you swallowed the lump in your throat before climbing off the bed and wrapping the sheet around you. “Thanks for the concern, but I’m not going to take dating advice from the guy who clearly isn’t happy in his own relationship.”
There would be no way to erase the image of how hurt he was by the words so you turned your back and left the room, grabbing your damp dress from the dryer and pulling it on. Thankfully your shoes were beside the door so you swiped them up as you left, the heels dangling from your fingers as you pushed through the sickening feeling and left the hotel to break into a run.
People stared in the street, some even pulled out their phones when they recognised you but there would be no autographs. You focused on your breathing, focused on the cold slap of your bare feet on the pavement, focused on anything but the look in Lando’s eyes.
“Where the fuck were you!” Max shouted as you reached your room and found him already there, rising from one of the armchairs like the godfather. “I have been worried sick.”
“Jesus, you sound like Jos when you shout. Relax before you have a heart attack and leave me with no competition.”
“You’re more likely to lose your seat the way you’re going, and leave me without any competition.”
“Dream on, I just had a moment.”
Max cocked an eyebrow up and crossed his arms. “Yeah, and what was last weekend and the one before that?”
You sucked your teeth at the reminder and dropped your shoes to the floor. “That wasn’t my fault, I didn’t start the prank war. And I really didn’t think the smoke bomb would set off all of the sprinklers, just the one in Charles’ room. Plus, I paid for the damages and repairs.”
“Throwing money around doesn’t mean you can act like a spoiled brat,” he said as he fell back into the armchair. 
“I am not a spoiled brat,” you growled. “I didn’t grow up with money like you and Vicky. I was the dirty little secret, just a bi-product of Jos' affair, that had to scrounge around for second hand parts just so I could have a working kart. So, fuck you, I’m allowed to enjoy the money I have earned.”
“And what about your mother? Do you think she doesn’t see those videos going viral of you drunk out of your mind, letting some klootzak take body shots off you? Does that make her proud?”
Fire burned deep in your gut as you felt attacked from all sides and the angry words spilled over before you could stop them, “I hate you.” Your feet stomped across the carpet to swipe your phone up from beside your stunned brother before you grabbed your backpack from the race which still had your passport and wallet inside. "I never needed a big brother, so you can stop fucking trying and just leave me alone."
“Where are you going?” he asked as he watched you head to the door. “The plane doesn’t leave until this afternoon.”
“Fuck you and fuck your plane. I’ll find my own way home.”
There was only one person you knew you could always count on, the first teammate you had when you made it into F1, and you were already dialling his number as you walked out of the hotel in tears.
“Pierre,” you sobbed as he answered. “I need you.”
Click here for part three.
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blushk1tten · 4 months
Ok, imagine you're a guest on Chuckle Sandwich, and the topic of Ted going to every MargaritaVille and the Rainforest Cafe comes up. Then, it turns to how you and Schlatt should go to every (whatever restaurant) in the country as a challenge. At first it was a joke, but then it slowly became something you and Schlatt started planning on. And during the trip, you guys starting getting closer and closer, knowing each other more and more. Where at the point you guys are flirting, touching, kissing, and even to the point you guys have sex.
I can even imagine that during one of the hotel rooms you guys were staying at, you accidentally see Schlatt full body naked. And seeing Schlatt absolutely embarrassed about it, you show Schlatt your naked body to make things even between you two.
i’m sorry this took so long but this prompt had me frothing at the mouth. i hope you enjoy <3
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"no, because i loved when you went to every margaritaville and rainforest cafe," you explained to ted as you sat sandwiched between him and schlatt on their podcast. "i've had a similar idea for a while. i want to go to at least one cat cafe in every continental state, and along the way promote some shelters for people to adopt at."
ted raised his eyebrows curiously. "really? that sounds pretty cool. maybe you should take schlatt with you, since he's a lonely cat man and all."
"ignoring the fact that having two cats does not make me a lonely cat man," schlatt shot back at ted. "that sounds like a cool idea. i know there's plenty of cats like jambo and the other guy who need adopted."
you couldn't help but laugh a bit. "maybe ted's right. you sound pretty passionate about it for a totally not lonely cat man. you could come with me, and not be so lonely."
with that final word from schlatt, you had accidentally and officially locked yourself into the trip with him. he began to help you research cat cafes and shelters in every state, and helped you to plan the road trip map as well. that was only the start of the two of you getting closer. on the trip, it was a whole different thing.
"let's play twenty-one questions!" you suggested after leaving the cat cafe in austin, heading for your hotel and the next one in louisiana. after all, you had a roughly eight hour drive ahead of you.
schlatt scoffed, looking over at you. "isn't that a game for teenagers tryin' t' date someone?"
"no," you protested back. "it's for people to get to know each other better! i'll go first if you're going to be a dick. what's your favorite animal other than cats?"
he paused for a minute, then admitted his answer in a gruff voice. "bearded dragons. i used t�� have one when i was younger. he was a chill dude."
"see, that's nice, and i learned something new about you," you gave him a small smile. "now you ask me a question."
"are you a virgin?"
"schlatt! i'm not answering that."
the game continued to go similarly, with you asking genuine questions to get to know schlatt, while he asked raunchier questions to poke fun at you and get under your skin. about halfway through your journey though, you gave in, and began to answer him.
"what's your biggest turn on?"
"any kind of intimate touch."
he raised his eyebrows, surprised that he finally got an answer. "intimate touch? what does that mean?"
you could feel your face grow hot as you tried to explain. "any touch from a partner of mine, even if it's casual."
"even if they, like, shake your hand?"
that eased the tension, and you burst out into laughter as you shook your head. "okay, maybe not any touch."
with each leg of the trip, the two of you learned more about each other and grew closer. about halfway through the trip though, was when things began to heat up between the two of you. it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to flirt or use pet names with the other.
“hey, toots,” he called to you, keeping his voice quiet so he didn’t startle the cats. “look at this one. i think it likes me.”
you couldn’t but giggle from your spot on the floor, where a gaggle of cats and kittens had been swarming you for affection. throughout your trip, you had come to find that most of the cats preferred you to schlatt. some found his large stature imposing, while others just didn’t like men, so it was a special moment whenever any cats would come up to him. this time, it was an old, graying tabby, purring loudly from its spot on schlatt’s lap.
“the first time you’ve ever gotten pussy in your life, big guy?” you teased, standing up and moving to sit beside him.
“oh, fuck you,” he scoffed softly, though he looked at you with a smile. “he just knows i’m the better person out of us. look, he’s not interested in you at all.”
it was true. the cat was completely content with schlatt and paying no attention to you. meanwhile, you couldn’t help but pay attention to schlatt. with a soft smile on his face as he scratched the cat’s chin and back, he looked endearing. dare you say it, he looked handsome. you couldn’t help it when you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
schlatt stopped petting the cat instantly, looking at you with surprise in his brown eyes. then, after a moment, he spoke up. “you missed.”
this time, you could feel the surprise on your face as he leaned in again and kissed you on your lips, soft and tender. it wasn’t until the cat on schlatt’s lap meowed in displeasure at the lack of pets that you broke apart.
“i’ll— i’ll edit that out.” you stammered, glancing at the various cameras you had set up while schlatt resumed petting the cat.
“yeah,” he nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. “that sounds good.”
from that point on, flirting and pet names came with the addition of kisses. sometimes they happened on camera in the cat cafes, while other times one of you would invite the other over to their hotel room for a heated makeout session. soon enough though, the trip was coming to an end. you only had a few more cat cafes left before the road trip was over. that would mean an end to the flirting, the pet names, and the kisses that managed to steal your breath each time.
you were thinking about it forlornly as you headed to schlatt’s hotel room, hoping for a nice makeout session to cheer you up. he had actually given you the extra key, so you didn’t think twice as you swiped the card and opened his door. however, you didn’t even make it a step in before you noticed schlatt, completely nude with his bath towel in hand.
“oh my god!” you exclaimed, catching his attention as well.
the last thing you saw before turning on your heel and slamming the door was a glimpse of something massive between his thighs, heat filling your face as you ran back to your own room. you had no idea how you would address that incident, nor did you know if you wanted to. the flirting, pet names, and kissing was one thing, but seeing him naked and anything beyond that was something else.
eventually, you heard the buzz of a keycard opening up your room, though you kept your gaze firmly on the floor as you sat at the end of your bed.
“doll,” schlatt spoke up after a moment. “i’m not mad at you or anything. i gave you a keycard t’ my room so you could come whenever you wanted. i should’ve changed in the bathroom or said somethin’ when i heard the door.”
you shook your head, hoping that any embarrassment on your face was gone as you looked up. “no, jay, it’s my fault. i should’ve knocked before coming in.”
he sat down next to you on the bed. “we both could’ve done stuff differently, but hey, shit happens.”
you nodded, the wheels in your brain turning. you wanted to make it up to him somehow. then, it hit you. the best— or possibly the worst— idea that you had ever had. “i could get naked and let you see to make up for it.”
schlatt went silent for a moment, staring at you as if you had just spoken another language. “what?”
“i’m serious,” you told him. “i got to see you, so you should get to see me. then, we’ll be even.”
his throat bobbed as he swallowed. then, he nodded. “well, toots, better get to it.”
with that, you stood up and began to strip, first pulling off your top, then tugging your shorts down. the whole time, you could feel your heart pounding. you’d gotten naked in the past for others, but something about doing it for schlatt, the same schlatt you’d been growing feelings for, felt different. still, you continued, taking off your bra and underwear as well until you were finally naked in front of him. schlatt’s first words were the same as yours.
“oh my god, doll,” he took a sharp breath as he looked you over, his eyes beginning to smolder with lust. “you look perfect. like everything i’ve imagined and more.”
you couldn’t help but blush, though you were a bit surprised as well. “what do you mean everything you’ve imagined?”
schlatt blinked, his lust fading in confusion. “doll, you have t’ know how much i want ya by now, i just— i didn’t want t’ make you uncomfortable, so i took what i could get.”
“what do you mean when you say you want me?”
“platonically, sexually, romantically. whatever i can get.”
it felt like a weight came off your shoulders when schlatt said that, and you couldn’t help but smile as you walked forward to sit on his lap. “what about all of the above?”
he nodded, then like so many other times, he leaned in to kiss you. this time though, it was different, full of a special kind of passion that came with knowing your feelings were reciprocated. of course, there was also the fact that you were completely naked in schlatt’s lap, his hands running over every inch of skin he could reach.
“jay,” you whined between kisses. “wanna fuck you.”
“fuck, hold on, doll. lemme get my clothes off and get you prepped.”
he didn't take long in stripping, allowing you to finally get a good look at his body. that included his long, thick cock, hanging heavy between his thighs and curving slightly to the left.
"how is that supposed to fit?" you mumbled quietly to yourself, though schlatt chuckled as he heard.
"don't worry, doll," he promised, moving down and pressing a kiss to your clit. "i'll make sure you're nice and wet f' me."
you couldn't help but gasp as he dived in, your fingers tangling in his hair as he ate your pussy like it was his last meal. his own fingers were busy playing with your clit, as he drank up the slick coming from your cunt. "jay!"
schlatt moved and pressed a kiss to your clit before pulling back with a grin, switching to sliding two fingers in your pussy. "c'mon, doll. we're just getting started,"
a high-pitched whine left your mouth, and your back arched as he began to search for the spot that would make you fall apart. it didn't take long either, his grin growing as you called out for him again. "there it is. that's my pretty girl, soakin' my fuckin' fingers. are you gonna cum, baby?"
you nodded, crying out as he began to suck your clit as well. it was your undoing, and you quickly reached your orgasm as he continued to pump his fingers. "i'm cumming, jay! i'm cumming!"
he pulled off and gently pulled his fingers out, face shining slightly with your slick. "good girl. did that feel okay?"
once again, you nodded, panting for breath. "felt amazing."
schlatt leaned in to kiss you, a string of slick connecting your lips as he pulled back. you both laughed, and he pulled back further to break it. "so, are you ready for the rest?"
"yes please," you murmured, him carefully getting into position over you. "just be gentle."
"i promise." he replied, leaning in again to give you a quick kiss before he pushed in.
despite how wet and open you felt, schlatt was big enough that it was a stretch. your nails dug into his back, and you couldn't stop the whimper that escaped you. "oh my god, oh my god—"
he stopped for a minute, looking down at you in concern. still, you could see how hard he was working to keep still. "you okay, doll?"
"just give me a minute. your dick is fucking massive."
the two of you stayed in silence, each trying not to move until you finally gave the go ahead. this time, as schlatt finished pushing in and began to move, you could feel pleasure starting to run up your spine.
"feeling better?" he grinned, his smug attitude beginning to return as the pleasure was clear on your face.
"mhm," you agreed, beginning to roll your hips in time with his thrusts. "feeling a lot better— fuck!"
he adjusted your position into a mating press, making it so you could hear the wet sounds of your pussy as he thrust in, and let out a groan. "fuck, doll. your pussy's so wet f' me. gonna pump you full of cum, get ya even more slick,"
you couldn't help but whimper, clenching around his cock at that statement and making him chuckle a bit. "you like that idea? me fillin' you up with all my cum, gettin' your tummy all round?"
"please," you begged with a sob, making him pick up his pace with another groan. "please breed me, jay!"
"shit, doll, is that it? you want me to make you a mama?"
you nodded, drunk with pleasure. "mhm, please, jay. need your cum so bad."
"you'll get it doll," he grunted, moving his hand down to your clit as well. "just give me a minute. want you to cum too."
sure enough, it didn't take much longer for schlatt's thrusts to grow sloppy and his breathing to grow ragged. "you ready, baby?"
"yes, jay," you moaned, back arching once again as you felt your orgasm building. "gonna cum!"
"then cum, doll. need you to cum so i can give you a baby." he grunted, fingers continuing to dexterously play with your clit.
that was all it took for you to peak, tumbling over the edge with a cry. you could feel yourself milking schlatt as you came, causing him to cum shortly after. you couldn't help but feel tears prick at your eyes from the full feeling. it was everything you could have dreamt of with schlatt and more.
he helped you clean up afterwards, gentle and caring, before snuggling with you in bed.
"so," he eventually murmured, playing with your hair. "we're going to keep this up for the rest of the trip, and even after, right?"
you smiled softly, cuddling closer to him and giving him a kiss. "i think we'll be doing this for a long time to come."
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landograndprix · 7 months
「Feel the magic ๛ l.n」
part ix
✧.* while the fans question your friendship with Carlos, you and lando have never been better
✧.* they are my babies your honor 🥺 google translated spanish. this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
✧.* prev part - next part
y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by albon_pets, cecilemoulin and 189,673 others
username oh..you're coming home with me 😻
view all 378 comments
y/nluv how many cats did you see so far?
y/nusername at least one!
y/nluv that's so many!
Hannahh this is indeed heaven 😭
norry4 get dash, leo and lola a new sibling!!!
carlossainz55 saca los gatos de tu maleta (get the cats out of your suitcase)
y/nusername no puedes detenerme 😉 (you can't stop me)
carlossainz55 oh, puedo 😉 (oh, i can)
sharl16 just some shameless flirting in Spanish 💀
landorfour lando reading this 😐😐
yourfriend1 te convertirás en la loca de los gatos (you will become the crazy cat lady)
yourfriend2 ¿Cuantos te vas a llevar a casa? (how many are you going to take home with you?)
norrizz comments being hijacked by the spaniards 😭
cecilemoulin you're going to need a bigger house if you're going to adopt a bunch of cats.
landonorris we don't need another cat..
landoscar WE?! y'all live together already?
bott_ass c'mon dad, what's one more kid?
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 203,102 others
y/nusername wedding season' 💍
view all 444 comments
hamilt44n 100% sure the garland in the last picture was y/n her idea 😂
yourfriend1 same dick forever season
lan4lan so is Carlos going to be your date to this wedding?
julieeeexo I've been a wedding where I got put with a date I'd never met before, nothing special going on if Carlos does end up as her date..
lan4lan Carlos and y/n actually dated though, it's weird
julieeeexo and they've been exes for a while without any of us knowing I think they're good.
carlossainz55 don't cause any trouble
yourfriend2 sabes que ella es la mayor alborotadora 🤪 (you know she's the biggest troublemaker)
y/nusername Por supuesto que sí, ha vivido con ello durante años 😉 (of course he does, he has lived with it for years)
yourfriend2 ¡Eras mucho peor entonces, pero todos lo sabemos y lo amamos! (you were much worse back then but we all know and love it!)
carlandooo yall worried about this wedding and Carlos and y/n being each other's date meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to survive the day I'm going to hear y/n speak spanish 🥵
landonorris it's hot for sure
carlandooo STOP ITT 😭
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liked by y/nusername, maxfewtrell and 627,672 others
landonorris let's gooo
view all 1,872 comments
norry4 jesus...
mrsnorris my day's been blessed for sure 🥵
y/nusername y'all seeing this? 👀
norrizz we definitely see this bestie 😭
maxmaxmax afraid you have to share your man with all of us :((
sharl16 I'm not a lando girl I'm not a lando girl I'm not a lando girl I'm not a lando girl I'm not–
landofooooour 😍😍😍
y/nusername now the question is: where was my invite, where was my front row seat to all of this?
y/nlandoo girlie, you and I both know you wouldn't let that guy continue working out if you were there
y/nusername you right..
lan4lan everyone: still asleep and hungover after last night's party. Lando:
y/nusername jesus christ
landonorris stop it, you're making me blush
norrizz 😭 😭
norrislando lmfao y/n acting like she doesn't see this man half naked everyday 😭
landonorris posted to their story
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Feel the magic taglist: @celesteblack08 @mrsmaybank13   @cha-hot @judesgfirl @roseseraj @kissesandmartinis @jpg3 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @marialovesf1 @silkenthusiasts @luvrrish @laneyspaulding19 @emily-b @formula1bby @buckybarnessweetheart @strawberrychita @iifloweringnightsii @buendiabebeta @jjsprobablywrong @babyvinnie @mishaandthebrits @hockeyboysarehot @ironmaiden1313 @justdreamersdream
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10
Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife
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nanenna · 4 months
Today I remembered that my favorite thing about having so many AUs is to pick up 2 AUs like Barbie dolls and clack their faces together while making smooching noises.
Behold my beloved DCxDP AU amalgamation monster: DeamonTwinAU and PhantomThiefAU (aka: Selina gives Danny a slutty slutty cat suit, good times)
The story vaguely goeth thusly: Danny is a halfa, the Balance, the Bridge Between Worlds, he is....... the Observants' glorified gofer. You see, there are a lot of cursed/enchanted/ghostly artefacts floating around loose in the living Realm and they need Danny to go retrieve them. Danny would rather not, but they just won't leave him alone about it. Can't a guy just live? At least let him poop in peace! Ancients! Fine, he'll do it if it'll get them to shut up. (Spoiler: it does, in fact, not get them to shut up.)
But you see, Danny has a secret: he was raised in an assassin ninja cult (at least for the early years) before getting adopted by the Fentons. Now the killing? Not a fan, no thanks, he's working on not increasing his kill count, thx. But the sneaking? He could use that. Sneaky ninjas are also good thieves, right? So he cobbles together a knock off League of Assassins outfit, buys a cheap portable lock picking set, and decides to make a game of how far can he get without using his powers (much. He's new at this okay?)
Batman is not having fun. There's some (possible?) League assassin running around stealing verified cursed/magical artefacts! Is Talia planning something? Is Ra's planning something? (Isn't he for real dead? Silly reader, no one is ever for real dead in DC.)
Robin is super frustrated. For all the same reasons Batman is but also because he just knows this new rogue is taunting him. Personally. Because he's Damian al Ghul Wayne and the whole world revolves around him, obviously. (And also because he once pointed at Robin and laughed before jumping out a window.)
Selina is intrigued. Who is this kid? How does he know what to go after? How does he keep evading the bats? Luckily she runs into him mid heist (fortunately they had different targets, she's intrigued but not enough to hand over her shinies to him) and oh he's adorable! She has to train him, it would drive Brucie up the wall. But then she sees his face and oh, she knows exactly who he is, even if he seems oblivious.
Because Danny? He's in Gotham for the ecto, for the Thomas Wayne full ride scholarship he managed to snag, and also because for some reason Gotham is full of so many cursed/ghost artefacts. (Lady Gotham is seething, she worked hard to collect all those curses! But this is her beloved dark knight's kid and she kinda wants him home. But she also doesn't want to give up her curses!) Back to the point: Danny doesn't care about ANY of the rich bougie people. The Waynes give out a lot of scholarships? Cool, that's nice and all. They probably also rub elbows with Vlad or Sam's parents. No thanks. Doesn't care. He's got better things to worry about.
Selina has got a plan though! She's gonna teach this boy how to thief properly, starting with better tools (including the slutty, slutty cat burglar outfit). She also knows that she can't let any of the Waynes (in or out of costume) meet Danny (out of costume). So does Lady Gotham. So does the universe apparently (or just Clockwork maybe), because all kinds of unlikely things keep happening to prevent it.
Danny is having so much fun though! He's learning new skills. Selina is giving him an allowance so he's not living off ramen and peanut butter sandwiches, he's doing well in school, he gets to stretch his ghost powers regularly to go above the smog cover and star gaze in peace. Everything's coming up Danny.
Selina decides it's time to flaunt her find in front of Brucie and makes Danny go to a gala as her date, she spends the entire time clinging to his arm and introducing him around to everyone. Including Bruce himself (who just so happens to have Damian in tow). Danny may not recognize Bruce, but he sure recognizes Damian, and Damian recognizes him if his utterly flabbergasted face is anything to go by. But Danny remembers what it was like living in the League. And so far as he knows Damian is still in it, he was the Demon Head's heir after all. Damian made sure of it.
Oh it. Is. ON! Now Danny is on a mission! A sibling rivalry mission! He is going to make Damian's/Robin's a living hell. Selina going on a heist that has no magical artefacts? Danny's there anyway, always have back up. That necklace in the museum has barely any powers and he wasn't even going to bother with it? Too bad, it's back on the list. He has no reason to be out at all but the bats are on patrol? Well so is Danny. Catch him if you can, suckers!
It's good for Danny, it's enrichment!
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Okay yeah this is going to be corny whatever. They deserve the corniness. Eddie calls Steve sweetheart and yeah, Steve loves every bit of it. But the first time Steve calls Eddie a petname, Eddie freezes and he tears up.
Steve has been calling him Eds since they became friends and Eddie loves it. Only Steve calls him that and it's a nickname for his nickname.
Eddie also knows that Steve wants to call him something. They once talked about it when they start dating. Eddie explaining to him why he calls Steve sweetheart. Steve said nothing was good enough for Eddie, baby or babe is sweet but it's just not Eddie. He wants it to be good because Eddie calls him sweetheart and means it.
The thing is Steve doesn't know this kind of love. He grew up alone, with parents who showed him that love was sleeping in two separate rooms and still going together out of town, with parents who forgot holidays and birthdays. He's only starting to learn what love is after Nancy, the real one, without bullshit, with the help of the kids, and Robin and Eddie.
Eddie's kind, has the kindest heart Steve's seen on anyone. He's been given the toughest shit from a young age with his family situation, struggling to be gay and being bullied. The whole Vecna debacle proves this, like what town goes after one guy without zero evidence? Despite all that Eddie is still kind. He forgives Steve, without a moment of hesitation, when Steve apologizes for all the shit he did in high school. He helps the old lady at the grocery store even if she lectures him about satanism. He helps swing the random kid on the swing even if their mom glares at him. He can't adopt random pets, but he has about 6 cats he has to feed everyday. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's gentle. Yeah, laugh it up. But he is, Steve says. He hides it well, Steve will give that to him. Eddie's gentle in his black shirt, ripped jeans, dark eyeliner, rings that could make your nose bleed and a tough exterior that could scare you away. But he is gentle. Gentle with the way he holds Steve when the nightmares catch up on him, the way he paints miniature figurines, the way he draws on El's tattoo with a marker, no matter how many times it has been, the way he wakes up Wayne, always with a cup of coffee. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's brave. He still doesn't believe Steve that he is, some days he believes it, but there are days that he still doesn't. Still regrets running away from Chrissy and not helping Fred. Steve reassures him that he is brave. He is brave in the way he loves so loudly and so openly. He is brave with the way he expresses his true self so freely without fear. He was brave, when he followed them to the Upside Down, was brave with Chrissy and Fred, was brave in his almost last moment. He is brave for continuing to fight every day. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's a lot of good things, and Steve can list it all in one sitting if he wants to.
Steve's watching the latest episode of Golden Girls when the timer beeps. Eddie's in the kitchen, sitting on the breakfast bar, writing like a maniac for the next campaign.
"Eds! Can you please get the cookies? I don't want to get up! The guy Rose slept with died on her bed!" He can hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen as he shouts an Okay.
Steve's immersed on the episode's story, just as Eddie comes waltzing into the room, gloved hand holding the tray full of cookies.
"Sweetheart, the cookies came out good!"
Steve nods, he doesn't even look at the tray, not wanting to miss a piece of this episode, "I know."
Eddie cackles, setting the tray at the coffee table, "Can I have one? Or is it only for annoying, invasive 16 year olds?"
Steve snickers, still not paying attention, "Of course you can have one, love."
Eddie freezes, just standing there, one hand reaching for a cookie, one hand still wearing the mittens. Steve immediately clocks this, is it Vecna again? That can't be they killed him.
"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eddie nods, but something is wrong, Steve knows because Eddie's tearing up. He hits mute on the tv, focusing his full attention to Eddie. He'll just watch it on a rerun.
"What happened? You're scaring me, love." Eddie makes another chocked out sound, collapsing beside Steve as Steve scoops him into his arms.
"You... You called me love."
And yeah, Steve did. He didn't plan it, it wasn't even on the list of petnames when Steve was deliberating what to call Eddie. It just slipped out.
But it made so much sense. Love is... love is the warmth of a cup that says "worlds best uncle" full of coffee in the morning. It's the soft, worn out yellow sweater you wear on bad days. It's the beat you tap your hands to, a song that saved your lives. It's fresh baked cookies. It's in kind gestures, gentle hugs and brave actions.
Love is kind and gentle and brave. Love is who Eddie Munson is.
"Yeah... I guess I did."
Eddie smiles at him, tears still brimming in his eyes as they look at each other.
He looks soft. Maybe Steve will add that to the list of what love means for him. Soft.
"You still want that cookie, love?"
Eddie nods, "Please, sweetheart."
Steve sees it everyday. He sees love. He wakes up with it everyday, cooks with it, sleeps with it, reads with it.
Yeah, love really is the perfect petname for Eddie.
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husbandhoshi · 4 months
[3:36 PM]
you don't think there's a better couch in the world than vernon's.
it's blue-gray and you think it's been through several world wars even though you remember the exact moment you picked it out at the local ashley furniture two years ago. there's a hole in the right-most cushion (from when vernon tried to kill a spider with a pen), and mascara stains (yours) you haven't quite figured out how to remove yet, but it is one of your favorite places in the world.
and quite frankly, it's the only place you want to be sometimes—especially now.
"vernon," you wail. "i think i'm destined to die alone. i'm going to adopt a million cats, move out of the city, and die alone."
you watch him fumble with his phone as he attempts to text the doordash guy the apartment code while juggling a box of tissues and your favorite four dollar trader joe's wine.
"hey," he says, as if attempting to calm a wild horse. "you know that isn't true."
he dumps his armful of crisis objects on the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch next to you.
this is the usual order of things.
somehow, you, local disaster, had befriended vernon, the most normal person in the world. and this—the wine, the doordash, the sad sza playlist he made you the week you met—somehow became a familiar ritual of yours. (even one you look forward to, seeing as you don't seem to run out of disasters.)
"he's an asshole," vernon supplies unhelpfully. "don't let it get to you."
"it's getting to me. it got to me. i've been gotten." you bury your head in your hands.
"you really deserve better." he takes some tissues out of the box and pats you on the shoulder, visibly searching for the right words to say.
quite honestly, vernon has never handled these situations with ease. he doesn't get worked up like your girl friends, and he doesn't throw his arms open for a long cry like your mom would. but he handles them, and you, with more patience than you ever think you deserve, and you think that's why you love him so much.
"who gets stood up on a hinge date?!" you snort into a tissue. "we had been talking for weeks!"
vernon shrugs as he wiggles the wine cork out of the bottle. "it just means you guys weren't right for each other."
you wad up your kleenex stack and vernon hands you another.
"i'm deleting hinge. and tinder. and bumble. and then i'm getting a cat."
"okay," he laughs. "i'll go with. i'll get one too so they can be friends."
"deal," you croak as you watch vernon stand up to get the delivery. "please tell me you got nacho fries."
"i got you two. with extra cheese sauce."
for the first time today, you laugh. you laugh big and loud because no one in the world knows you better than vernon, and you don't even think he knows it.
he looks at you, head tilted and eyebrows knit together like you've started speaking in tongues. you think he gives you that look at least once a day, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
you laugh again.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
i imagine peter to be the sweetest ever. imagine hes been pinning over you for years and eventually after another failed first date, you announce youre done with love. then peter stands up and declares hes gonna show you how its done. and thats how you start dating peter
working on a lot of stuff, i promise i'm doing the best i can atm!
You’ve been in love three times. 
Number one was Conner Fields. He was your first boyfriend, it was all innocence and excitement. The first time you felt nervous to hold a hand and you were locked up with jitters the entire night after your first kiss. Awkward middle school dances and staying up all night texting, pure childhood love. It didn’t work out, but a part of you will always love Conner Fields and you can hope the same for him. 
Number two was Dustin Powers. He was your highschool love, it was all exploring and discovering. The first time you felt lust, a feeling that made you kiss until you couldn’t breathe and felt like your lips would fall off. Questionable moves that turned into breathy sighs and shaky hands as you undressed another person for the first time. Unsure movements that became bold and calculated. The first time you had real trust for someone, the first true love you ever had. 
Number three was Peter Parker. He was your best friend, it was all comfortable and peaceful. The first time you felt homey and peaceful, like nothing could touch you or wreck you ever again. The first time you felt someone truly had your back, someone who defended you with a cardboard sword. The first time you felt love first, words second. The first time you had someone forgo their own needs to carry yours. The first time you felt breathless by a kiss. The first time you felt numb and buzzed and high all at the same time by a hand on your lower back. The first time someone said they weren’t going anywhere and you believed them. 
There were guys between boyfriends two and three. Nothing serious, a couple dates and it fizzled out. One guy refused to buy you your meal, and you wouldn’t mind, you can pay for yourself. However, you did mind that he made a point to tell you after you had paid that you passed the test, and when you asked what test he shrugged and told you it was so he could tell who just wanted a free dinner and who wanted a real date. You didn’t respond to his texts after that. 
One guy quite literally forced his tongue down your throat and you couldn’t have noped out faster. 
One guy flirted with the waitress, bartender, movie theater popcorn maker and then told you at the end of the night he took a chance on someone who isn’t on his regular scale of hotness. You almost burst a blood vessel while withholding your hand from smacking him. 
The final straw was when a date showed up an hour late, you couldn’t have felt more embarrassed. Correction, you could when he showed up obviously freshly fucked and when you pointed it out he stated that men have needs and it was his ex so it didn’t count. You stuffed the complimentary bread in your purse and took the nearly full bottle of wine off the table and walked away, no words needed. 
Peter watched you chug at the bottle, you wiped your mouth when you ripped it away. 
“Love is a lie, and it’s pointless in trying to believe in it.” 
“Hey now, love is very real, it's just hard for you to find it right now.” 
You searched for the bread basket and set it on the coffee table, you immediately ripped a piece apart and stuffed it in your mouth, “I’ll die alone with my bread and wine and I’ll probably have to start adopting cats now if I want to reach my one hundred goal when I’m sixty.” 
Peter shoulder checked you, “we could get a cat.” 
Your best friend is right, love isn’t a lie because you feel it with him. You don’t think a love with absolutely no conditions existed, and even though it’s a friendship it’s always felt a little deeper than that. Soulmates even, and you swear you’d find each other in any life or timeline. Sometimes you think about what it would be like if you had met under different circumstances, maybe if you met in college instead he’d be something more than a friend. 
It’s not like you were in love with Peter, but it’s a passing thought that circles from time to time. Sometimes you even wonder if he thinks the same, some nights you find yourself drunk and you look at Peter in a different light, and think of giving him a kiss, if it didn’t change everything that’d be fine, but at least you would know instead of always thinking of a ‘what if.’ 
You were best friends, always have been. At least since high school, it’s been six years. Now in your second year in college and closer than ever you think it wouldn’t be weird to kiss him, and that should be weird. But it wasn’t. 
“Do you ever think about kissing me?” 
Peter hitched his breath, “what?” There’s no way you said that to him of all people. 
“I dunno, I feel like that’s normal, right? I mean we're best friends of the opposite gender, don’t you ever think about the what if?” 
“What’s the what if?” 
You shrug, “if we met at a different time our relationship might be different.” 
He does. He thinks about it too, the first time was in high school and he buried it down. Sometimes it’s better to just think about it, he liked you too much and he wasn’t prepared to lose you as a friend, it was better he stayed quiet and protected what you had. But since college, it’s been a rampant thought. Some nights he’d catch himself holding you close and playing guard dog to any man that walks your way, sometimes he likes to pretend he’s your boyfriend, even if just for a night. 
Peter can’t admit that, he’d be a psycho. He has to play it cool. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess so. You mean if we’d be boyfriend girlfriend instead?” 
You feel him looking at the side of your face but if you look at him you’ll feel hot. 
“Yeah. I do.” He nods, sure of his answer. 
Interest piqued, “which one?” Does he think about what it’d be like if you dated or kissed? 
While he thinks it would be fun to be your boyfriend, he can’t lie. 
“I think of kissing you a lot more.” 
That should be questionable on its own, but it’s not. You nod and accept the answer, you loop back around to your original thought. It would be weird for a second, but it would answer everything you wanted to know. 
You turn to face him, you sit up straighter and give him a smile when you feel nerves creeping up because it’s just Peter. 
“Do you want to kiss?” 
Peter feels his eyes widen, “right now?” 
“Yeah. We can give it a try.” 
He’s hesitant, sometimes wanting is better wanting. “Is that a good idea?” 
Peter watches you think it over, and it looks like you really are. Thoughts race through your mind and there's two thoughts, you love and trust Peter. Either you laugh it off or move forward as something else, you don’t think you could live without the answer. 
“Yes. Yes, I think we should kiss.” 
You’re sure of it, it takes Peter a second of lag time before he processes your words. His shoulders square and he twists so he’s facing you more on the couch, he clears his throat and leans in slightly. 
He’s hesitant, he’s not sure where to touch you or how to kiss you. He’s kissed people before, he has that part down, but how? Sensual, flirty, fun, innocent, platonically? 
Peter’s hand cups your face and his eye dart from your mouth to your eyes, you’re holding your breath with anticipation. He thinks he’s going to kiss you with the exact emotion he feels for you. Love. 
The moment you connect you melt, everything you wanted or needed amounted to this second and you can’t believe you waited so god damn long to ask Peter Parker to kiss you. His mouth lined up with yours, his bottom lip favoring your top, you weren’t sure how he was feeling but you can hope it's the same passion. 
You see colors behind your eyelids, you find yourself only locked in the bliss of your best friend's touch. 
Peter pulls away, he knows how he feels, everything he thought he knew about his feelings were amplified by a million. If you didn’t like it he doesn’t think he could go back to how it was. 
Breathless, he’s desperate for the answer. He wants to drink you back up. 
You nod your chin at him, “you first.” 
“I think I want to keep doing that and take you out to dinner to show you love is real, and it can be yours, if you’d like.” 
Your eyes sparkle, you pull him in by his shirt collar and mutter at him before locking your lips again. 
“I’d like. I’d like very much.” 
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sofie-toffy · 4 months
Deadplate Vince x Rody !
But instead with the tragic ending that left me in tears there were different, more normal circumstances. Where Manon and Rody broke up, Manon (alive and well) left town and Rody came to terms with that, wishing her well. And he finally got rid of his delusions of Manon, and recognizing what was right in front of him, a stoic, cold-hearted chef, who only showed his soft sides to Rody. The two got closer and closer, to the point where Vince taught Rody a little how to cook, and they start chuckling a little together when alone. And thanks to Rody, Vince started cooking with a little more emotion.
Rody started to feel certain emotions when with Vince, one he wasn’t sure he could label, but he knew he wanted to be closer with Vince, to see him smile more. The way his eyes crinkled at each others jokes, the way his dimples were more visible, and looked so adorable…oh no…is he in love with Vince? Surely not! He’s his boss! The most they do is hang out at each other houses…watch movies..and go out for dinner from time to time…”Oh no..I’m in love with Vince!” His head turns with his thoughts reeling.
And, long story short, after his bi panic, he eventually agrees he likes his boss…and so, he asked him out
With Vince’s supposed “hesitation” (he was actually squeeling inside) he said yes, and the two went out for cute little dates, park walks, restaurant dates.
And with date after date, month after month, every date was successful, and eventually the two moved in together. And even adopted a cat, to which reminds Rody too much of Vince. Same black hair, raven eyes, hell- even the same attitude. And Rody couldn’t help but smile when cat Vince and his Vince, were cuddled up together on the couch, to which Rody joins, providing the three of them warmth. A year ago, Vince would’ve thought this a waste of time, opting for useless relationship rather than the success of his bistro. But any time is time worth spending so long as it’s with his Rody.
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basu-shokikita · 7 months
Thinking about Toki's character arc in Metalocalypse...
Now that Metalocalypse is officially over, or so it seems, I wanted to go over what Army of the Doomstar means for Toki's growth.
Warnings for spoilers for, well, the entirety of Metalocalypse.
So, over the course of the show, we see Toki repeatedly trying (and failing) to form a meaningful bond with several living beings, people and animals included.
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Analysis under the cut ⬇️
Season 1
It starts with a dying little girl called Juliette Sarmangsadandle in Dethkids (S1E16). Toki is upset over being misunderstood aka his public image being associated with kids and vehemently fights the idea by adopting an edgy personality.
When he watches Juliette's video, about being a child that longs for violence, it speaks to him and his childhood. Toki feels seen by this little girl and imagines his child self singing with her.
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Sadly, when he goes out to meet her, she's already dead. Here goes Toki's first attempt at connection, utterly butchered.
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In the following episode, we're introduced to Rockzo in Dethclown (S1E17). Toki brings his clown friend over and everyone pretty much almost instantly dislikes him. Not to mention Rockzo tries to betray Dethklok for drugs. Still, he sticks around for the remainder of the show as Toki's friend.
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Though it's important to mention how much of that friendship involves Rockzo abusing Toki's kindness and generally being a shitty person. He's not exactly someone Toki can rely on.
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It is not that significant but I'd also like to give a shout out to Dethwater (S1E02), where Toki is locked in an oxygen chamber and sings to the fishes and creatures in the sea. It's an early episode, but already portrays Toki's friendly nature and colorful life outlook.
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Season 2
In season 2, we have Dethlessons (S2E02). After having a disagreement with Skwisgaar's teaching method, Toki meets Dimneld Selftcark. Though initially wanting him as guitar teacher, it's clear Toki doesn't actually intend to perfect his craft and more than anything appreciates his company. Toki even refers to him as 'a father friend'.
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However, as luck would have it, Selftcark is ill and dies in Toki's arms after Toki gave his first recital.
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Then there's Dethdad (S2E15), where Toki learns that his dad is dying of cancer. Toki is very much visibly affected by his parents' abuse towards him, though he still decides to pay his father a visit. When Toki finally gains the courage to see him and bond one last time, his father requests to see the cottage he was born at before dying.
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Unfortunately, Toki steps and slips on his way there, dropping his father into the ice. Toki watches his father die and is unable to do anything about it.
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This boy is really just collecting traumas all the way, huh?
Season 3
Dethhealth (S3E03) has Toki adopting a cat he found at a concert. Although he is not the best caretaker of the animal, Toki is very obviously fond of his new pet.
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But, of course, the cat was dying, solving the mystery of who was the person dying within Dethklok. Toki is so devastated that he faints and then proceeds to have an elaborate dream sequence for closure.
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Fertilityklok comes three episodes later (S3E06) and we find a Toki jaded with casual sex encounters. He decides he wants to meet a partner whom he can have children with. Though initially facing Dethklok's indignation, Toki goes forward with the idea and lands in a dating agency.
They find the perfect partner for Toki but nothing ever goes well with this guy and the lady in question disappoints Toki both in looks and personality. To make things worse, the agency wants to force him in a relationship with her and for Toki to impregnate her, even.
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Toki manages to escape the whole charade and decides he's better off with sluts. This one is not so tragic as much as it's just another total failure at forming the connection Toki so desperately craves.
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Season 4
Diversityklok (S4E04) and Bookklok (S4E05) feature Toki's interpersonal problems within the band so I figured they were mentioning as well.
In Diversityklok, Toki complains about feeling constantly left out by the band, so he forms a 'special persons invite club' to gain agency over his friends. He still ends up being forgotten by them at the end of the episode.
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In Bookklok, Toki has a fallout with Skwisgaar after being denied a solo and writes a book denouncing his behavior towards him. In modern lingo, he essentially cancelled Skwisgaar. He fails to consistently maintain the fans' approval as he flunks the solo he so desperately wanted. His fight with Skwisgaar is not resolved (at least, not on screen).
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Finally we get to Dethcamp (S4E07), where Toki's erratic behavior conflates with the mainline plot. In the search for friends, Toki goes to the Rock-a-Rooni Fantasy Camp, where he's almost killed by one of the campers. He's saved by Dethklok's former rhythm guitarist, Magnus Hammersmith and they subsequently become friends.
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Good ending? No, Magnus stabs and kidnaps Toki over Roy Cornickleson's funeral, his fate being unknown as the season ends.
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Doomstar Requiem
We finally learn how Toki joined the band. He showed up late to Dethklok's auditions and had a guitar duel with Skwisgaar, where he eventually lost. Defeated, he was abandoning the premises when Skwisgaar says that nobody made him play as well as Toki did, inviting him to join the band.
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From then on, it's all rainbows and happiness for Toki as his life finally takes a turn for the better. He has found a family and a home. He loves his brothers and his life. Current Toki is on the brink of death and thinking about Dethklok is his only solace.
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I might be biased in saying this but the sequence from 'I Believe' feels like the peak of the movie, and I don't think this is incidental.
While Toki is rescued at the end of the movie, we don't get to see a proper reunion.
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Army of the Doomstar
Cut to 10 years later, Army of the Doomstar releases and while the plot is much about the end of the world, we get to see post-DSR Toki.
First of all, at the start of AOTD it is stated that Toki (as well as the rest of the band besides Nathan) has forgotten about what happened during Doomstar Requiem. However, his attitude towards the band is very loving, stating he's happy to be back with them.
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He's especially fond towards Skwisgaar, attempting to hug him multiple times, worrying and being generally attentive of him. Toki shows both verbal and physical affection towards Skwisgaar over the course of the movie, finalizing in the bridal carry during the before last scene. Compared to the show, it's a huge contrast to their relationship, where Skwisgaar and Toki behaved as rivals, with Toki feeling simultaneously admiration and envy towards Skwisgaar.
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But what are you trying to say with all of this, Basu? Well, essentially it's the following:
At some point, Toki started feeling neglected by the band and began seeking love from outside sources. The childhood companion he never had (Juliette), a father figure (Selftcark), his actual father, a pet, a girlfriend and finally...an actual friend he could rely on (Magnus). All of the aforementioned failed, eventually landing him in an even worst situation where he started.
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However, being stuck there, wounded, malnourished and dying is what reminded him of the best time of his life. Of the people most important to him. And even if those memories were seemingly gone, the feeling prevailed.
Sure, Dethklok is massively flawed and there's lot of work they have to do with regards to interpersonal relationships, but they're his family and his life. Perhaps the lifestyle or his need for ego/power (Skwisgaar plays a big hand in this) made him forget about it for a second, but he knows it now. He doesn't need to look for love from strangers, he already has it in them. They're everything he's always wanted and he's going to cherish them for the rest of his life.
And if you're wondering why the special emphasis on Skwisgaar, my theory has to do with the age regressing that was confirmed in the movie. While it mostly happened over the Ishnifus funeral, I think Toki has generally gone back to the emotional state he was in when he joined Dethklok. A young, easily impressionable man happy to finally have found a family.
Which means he holds Skwisgaar in special regard, considering he is the guy that accepted him into the band. Not Nathan, Pickles or Murderface, it was Skwisgaar.
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You could almost say that Toki might view Skwisgaar as his hero, given that he is the reason Toki has everything he has right now. So I think Toki's gratefulness is expressing in that almost overwhelming affection. Just like Toki's not going to let himself forget his feelings for the band, he's not going to let them forget about his feelings, either. It might not be easy, but Toki's priorities are clear now. His heart is with Dethklok.
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In short, even if Army of the Doomstar didn't address Toki's issues the way we would've wanted, it's still a happy outcome for him and I fully believe he'll have more than enough to work on them. Metalocalypse is, at its core, a story about found family. This is specially true for Toki.
So, I really believe that Toki is eventually going to heal and be happy with the band. :)
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brights-place · 1 year
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Dating Baji Keisuke
A/N: These are headcannons of whats it like dating Baji and it's so long cause I had SOOO many head cannons.
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He likes when you play with his hair and do random hairstyles for him, sometimes he goes to tomans meetings with these hairstyles and chifuyu makes fun of him by saying that he is too submissive but he just glares.
He likes to paint your nails and you like painting his.
He trusts you when you talk to other males or females or non-binary’s
He's more of a best friend than a boyfriend, he likes you to tell him about your problems or the gossip you find out about school or the rumors that exist about Toman for a laugh because some of them are very stupid.
Baji is sometimes hungry early in the morning, so he gets up to cook noodles with cheese and also makes a plate of noodles for you so that you are not hungry either.
When they go out for a walk on the street, he always has food and animals with him to catch them and take them to an adoption center since he already has too many sanitary products and they don't let him have more.
When Baji Gets suspended he drives your school and tries to find you at your break to rant to you about it.
Sometimes he likes to dance with you in his room.
He asks chifuyu for advice since he read romance manga and when Baji takes that advice you squeal because you find out he's trying his hardest to show you lots of love.
The first time you went to his house, his mother got excited and started showing you the pictures of Baji as a baby. Baji yelled at his Mother flustered.
One day at school, he almost punched the teachers because a child put gum in his hair and he didn't want to cut it, so you spent the whole afternoon taking the gum from his hair, he was almost crying
Outside his apartment, he has cat food and water for the kittens who came home
He loves holding you close to him.
You nearly cried when seeing him hurt Takemichi and say he was leaving Toman he never told you what he was planning and he tells you everything.
It's normal that he sometimes wakes up at midnight because he was hungry and bugs you about it.
He is afraid of you and his mother when you guys are angry at him.
His friends always make fun of him because his attitude changes a lot when he is with you and when you are gone, he beats up all the people who made fun of him but when you told him he can show his true self he literally hugs the life out of you and shows you his true self you found it chaotic but you loved it and was glad he showed himself more to you.
He shows PDA no matter if it’s public or just you two.
He will protect you forever it may bother you, but you know he doesn't want to lose you
He teaches you self-defense in case they attack you and he is not close to you to protect you
When he can't sleep, he will text you that he will be picking you up at home so that they can take a motorcycle ride and go see the stars.
When you introduced him to your parents, he was very nervous thinking that they would despise him for being in a gang, but your parents didn't care and they only asked him to protect you.
He is a little jealous, but he tries to hide it, which does not work for him, he always tries to tell you what bothers him so that you can solve it together.
When you make a hairstyle on him, he doesn't take it off for anything in the world, only when he has a fight that he has to tie his hair well to be able to fight better, but then he goes to you to do it again.
Baji Hates seeing you get hurt it annoys him and angers the ever loving shit out of him so the other gang there fighting Baji would be rocking there shit.
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
Inspirational Saturday
hi everyone, I was barely active cause mental health is a bitch and I wasn't writing for days, but today i finally broke this block and started a new wip I named "please, stop twisting knife(never wanted to cause your pain)" where Eddie is going to be engaged to a wrong guy for a moment and date this guy for longer moment, not seeing how he destroys his and Buck's friendship (Buck's insecurities and Eddie the king of denial Diaz are gonna be in the fic for long time) I was tagged today by @monsterrae1 <33 meet the moodboard and 966 words of angst I wrote cause I wasn't posted for a moment
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“I still don't know how I can help choose the ring for the guy I met like …,” Buck tries to remember all the situations he was with Alec at least in one room,  “3 times? And let's not forget he is not my biggest fan,” Buck says, trying to sound casual. But everyone in the shop, except Eddie, looks strange at him. “Don’t you think Chris, Pepa, Hen, Karen, Chim or Maddie, Bobby or Athena, hell even Ravi, could be a better choice? They at least know him.” 
“And he would not be angry with you for spending time with them. Them not me,” is left unspoken, but Buck has to bite his lip hard not to let it slip from him.
Buck turns away from Eddie, who looks so beautiful and joyful admiring rings. His face has this pure happiness and smile, Buck would be drinking like crazy, like the most thirsty man alive, seeing the purest water, if it wasn’t the face Eddie has because he wants to marry someone else. The guy who made them strangers. Even if Eddie keeps trying to deny it. 
They are not family. They do not have movie nights or dinners, or even fucking calls and texts between them. Buck, thank god to Chris’ stubbornness, has it only with a boy. Mostly calls or texts, of course, because dinners or movies are barely even possible in between Buck’s shifts, Chris' school and social life. Plus to it Eddie and Alec’s attempt to create a family by constantly having family activities, and Buck left behind so easily. 
He is just a memory now. And he always would remember who he was all those years. Temporarily replacement of a missing part for the third member of Diaz household, while Eddie was getting ready to find someone to be permanent. While he was getting ready to let someone take this place to never leave again. 
Really, Buck is not even surprised he was so easily replaced. Just some words from Alec about him wanting Eddie to spend less time with Buck, Buck saying yes man, no problem, and now they are here. Him being not even a friend for Eddie. But just a guy who he still works with. 
Eddie can deny it how he wants, but they are not friends anymore. They are closer to being strangers than friends. 
Isn’t it the most painful of all of this situation?
Buck thought he had Eddie on his side forever, but he lost him too fast. He couldn’t even say a word because Eddie is happy. And why shouldn't he be? 
He has an amazing partner and the best teenager in the world as a family. They are adopting the cat soon. Eddie and Alec want to buy a house together because they started to talk about a new kid in the future, and they just want more space for their family. Family where Buck would not have any place because he is not wanting here by big part. And he wouldn’t even try to make Alec angry trying to be here. 
Just the thought that he knows all about Eddie’s plans for the future from someone, not from him, makes Buck sick, like someone twisting the knife into his guts, so he tries to concentrate on the rings the seller shows them. 
At least about the engagement he found out from Eddie. 
But Buck wishes to hear it from anyone else. Seeing Eddie’s face today, when the knocks on his door was too long and too exciting, almost screaming in Buck’s face how he needed to find the perfect ring right now and Buck should help him, destroyed part of his heart he considered dead for weeks, maybe even months, to never be recovered ever again.
He felt and still feels the sharp blade opening his back, cutting out his lungs to get to his heart, sticking and leaving the knife in his almost non-beating organ.
Buck can’t stop thinking, if he would be staying alive a little longer after lighting, would it feel the same, or would a heartbreak by the man who had your heart in his hands for years be way worse? Should Buck buy the suit for his funeral and not Eddie’s wedding?
“Yeah, I could ask them, but it would make no sense to buy the ring with them as they are not my best friend and not gonna be my best man,” Eddie grins at him sheepishly and Buck just forces the smile he perfected for years, making people believe he is fine. 
He never used it with Eddie.
“Best friends, huh? What I was doing for the last nine months, Eddie? What books have I read? What movies have watched? Who is my celebrity crush of the week? A year ago you would answer easily. Now you don’t even know I’m moving to the house I bought some weeks ago.”
It rushes through his brain, making Buck hate himself for being petty and not staying truthful to his words to always have Eddie’s back, even though he knows for Eddie it means nothing now, but not for him. 
For him it was a vow he takes with him to grave. So he presses his little overgrown nails so deep into the skin of his palm that he almost feels like cutting through the skin, and says, “I’m proud to be your best man. Let’s try to choose the perfect ring.”
Buck swallows blood in his mouth from all the organs being crushed and chopped into bloody soup inside him when Eddie just smiles like he can’t see - and Buck hates that he actually can’t, that Eddie never saw him - how he breaks him and shows Buck two rings he likes the most.
tagging @wikiangela @tizniz @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @transboybuckley @underwater-ninja-13 @puppyboybuckley @paranoidbean @pirrusstuff @anakinfallen @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @gaydiaz @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @hippolotamus @honestlyeddie @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @housewifebuck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @caroandcats @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @buddierights @mandzuking17 @malewifediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @ghost-cowboy @911onabc and anyone who wants
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ kaeya and diluc don't have much in common, even if they're brothers
☰ pairing ⋮ diluc ragnvindr x reader x kaeya alberich
☰ length ⋮ 2.1k words (it was meant to be longer but i was struggling ok)
☰ contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, cheater! reader (rip), you cheat on diluc with kaeya </3, neglectful bf! diluc, slightly lovesick! kaeya, business/modern au, NOT canon-compliant/accurate, they are implied to be biological brothers (ik kaeya was adopted but go w it), strained familial relationships, semi public sex, office sex, slight teasing, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (princess + baby), diluc walks in </3
☰ notes ⋮ cat got me to officially really play genshin finally. now i am sick over kaeya and diluc. especially diluc SOBS but i started writing this when i was more into kaeya so this is a big rip for diluc my baby </3
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“you know, i’d never leave you alone in an outfit as cute as this if i were diluc,” kaeya grins, sliding his hand up your skirt, eyes glinting in amusement as he feels the wet patch on your underwear. he hums, pressing hot kisses along your neck, making you whimper at the attention.
attention. it’s funny, you think—just how much a little attention can change so quickly.
kaeya is nothing if not persistent, he has his eyes set on you one way or another—and truth be told, it’s probably the one thing he has in common with his brother. from the way they walk and talk, to the way one has crimson locks while the other sports blue, you think if you ask anyone, they’d say kaeya and diluc are the last two men anyone would expect to be brothers. they’re just too opposite, couldn’t be any more different if they tried…and something tells you they never have to try. 
you’ve heard less than kind things about the blue-haired nuisance (as diluc likes to say) from your boyfriend—diluc isn’t tightly knit with his brother, and he doesn’t exactly try to hide it. he comes into your office on more than one occasion with a scowl on his face and heavy breaths heaving from his chest as he tries to calm himself down, mouth running faster than you can comprehend the words as he vents about his sibling with rather…colorful words. 
but still, kaeya doesn’t seem that bad in your eyes, even despite the image your boyfriend paints of his brother. you think diluc exaggerates things sometimes. sure, kaeya is a little immature and has a track record of being a tad bit unprofessional at times, and it may be true that he has a natural gift for popping blood vessels and making your head ache with his nonsense—but kaeya is also kind under the facade. 
at least, that’s what you’ve come to learn.
he brings you coffee fresh from the pot—he brews a new batch himself because he knows the longer it sits, the worse it tastes. he replaces your pens when you’ve used them through—and he even gets the fancy brand you like, even if a little costly. sometimes, you almost feel bad listening to your boyfriend vent about a guy who treats you so well.
but then again, maybe that’s why you like kaeya in the first place—he treats you so well.
when was the last time diluc came into your office seeking you out for you? when was the last time you were something other than a person to vent to? when was the last time he noticed you because he craved you?
you can’t answer the question honestly. and then there’s the fact that he’s stiff outside the office too. he’s kind, sure. he’s respectful and treats you as an equal, he swipes his credit card and gives you what you want on more than one occasion—he does it without hesitation, too. he doesn’t look at the numbers when it comes to you, which should make your heart soar…right?
but he doesn’t answer your texts on time, and he’s too busy for dates to be a regular occurrence, and he’s just so invested in inheriting the family business. it’s my job as the next in line, he always tells you with a kiss on your forehead when you’re disappointed that he’s got no time for you, someone has to pick up the slack kaeya doesn’t. 
and then you’re left to wonder…maybe all the things you thought attracted you to diluc are actually every reason to choose kaeya instead.
kaeya skips meetings to hang out in your office (though he’s often a distraction) and he spams your phone with random messages (though it’s a bit obnoxious) and he never puts other things before you (though you’re sure it’s more because he simply doesn’t care for a lot of things in general.)
so now you’re here, pressed against the desk of your own boyfriend’s office, underwear soaked and pussy dripping as his brother teases your clit with the pad of his thumb. 
“you’re dripping,” kaeya purs, chuckling as you whine from the barely-there friction of his finger, “and it’s all for me. ‘sn’t that something?”
“k-kaeya…diluc ’ll be here any secon—”
“you really want me to stop?” he feigns shock, fingers retreating from where you need him most in an instant.
no, you realize, you’re wrong—kaeya has a lot more in common with his brother than anyone realizes. the way they both have you ready to sob for it while barely doing anything at all is proof enough that they’re siblings.
“no!” you gasp, pushing your hips back and chasing his hand, trying to rekindle the friction—even as minimal as it is. he snickers behind you, chest pressed against your back as he kisses your neck. his hand smooths over your ass, squeezing firmly before you feel something hard poke you from behind. “please,” you whimper, “need it—need you.”
he likes the sound of your voice so desperate—it makes him just a little satisfied that he finally has something his brother doesn’t. that he has something that he’s taken, not just given second hand.
diluc doesn’t deserve you. kaeya comes to this conclusion the first time he notices your sad eyes when his brother brushes you off to stay extra after work. he would never do that, he decides—he would skip meeting after meeting if you so wished that of him. he could make your eyes light up, he thinks, or at the very least—tear up from pleasure instead of pain.
“need me where, hmm?” he teases. his cock is hard—aching and swollen in the tight confinement of his pants, begging to be released so he can sink into the glistening folds of your cunt. but he’s waited a long time for this—so he decides to take his time with you, at least for a bit. what’s a little extra after waiting so much already?
“i-in me,” you plead, “please, need you to fuck me. need to cum,” your lips are almost pouting, lashes almost wet from the tears threatening to cling to them. 
gone is the shame. gone is the remorse that you’re cheating on your boyfriend with his brother in his own office. gone is any semblance of reason and self-control as soon as kaeya slips up your skirt and tugs the flimsy fabric of your underwear aside—he decides he doesn’t have the patience to fully take it off. somewhere in the process, he’s seemed to have freed his cock, the wet, fat tip pressing against your clit before dragging up and down along your entrance as he gathers your slick and smears it along his length. 
you whimper and he grunts, the slight shoot of pleasure running up your spine, enough to make you choke back on a needy whine. he grabs your hips tightly, and your hands grip the edge of the desk to brace yourself as he slowly pushes past your dripping folds, inching into you slowly with a throaty groan. good, you feel so good, and he’s not even fully in you yet. 
how can diluc keep his hands off of you for longer than five minutes, let alone ignore you for more than half the day? kaeya can’t understand it. he’s parched, thirsty for it, thirsty for you—like a man desperate for water as the summer sun glares down on him with scorching heat, bubbling up his throat with carnal desire. 
he thrusts his hips with a swift motion, too impatient to keep any self-control left. you mewl, back arching up to push down on his cock, feeling him curve deeper into you. the thick veins running along his length drag along your walls, making your eyes blur from the sensitivity.
“that’s it, princess,” he groans, “shit, such a tight fuckin’ pussy. ‘s not fair he gets all this to himself,” he spits, slamming his hips into you harshly, mercilessly, unforgiving as he rightfully claims what should be his. 
you should be his—right from the start you were meant to be his. 
“so deep,” you gasp, and he lets out a strained chuckle, breath fanning against your skin and making you shiver. “feels…feels so good,” you pant. 
“yeah? you feel that?” he angles his hips to hit the blunt head of his cock against your sweet spot, perfect and precise‚ like he knows you without even trying. “feel me? ‘s like i was made for you, huh? take me so well, princess, squeezin’ me in—’m barely able to move,” he groans. “fuck—fuck, you’re so good.”
“kaeya, please,” you sob, “faster.”
your voice cracks as it says his name. it makes the thin thread tying him to sanity snap almost immediately. 
and that’s all it takes for his hips to piston his thick girth in and out of your dripping cunt, animalistic in his pace. the mess of your slick and his pre cum coat your thighs and his crotch as he slaps his balls against your ass, and you can hear the smacking of skin against skin—the wet, squelching sound of his cock bullying into your pussy and filling up the room with the sound of your betrayal. 
except it doesn’t feel like a betrayal—it feels like you’re choosing yourself for once, like you’re putting yourself first over a man who doesn’t think about you twice. it feels so right—so how can it be wrong? 
kaeya’s voice is raspy against your ear, pretty and deep yet holding just a hint of whininess with the labored pants that spill from his throat. his hands are bruisingly tight against your hips, you’re sure they’ll leave marks from his nails digging into the flesh. his cock slips in and out of you harshly, curving into you so deep, you swear you can feel him in your throat. 
and then you wonder, what would it be like to have him down your throat? how would he taste on your tongue? how would he sound with your head between his thighs?
the image itself is enough to rip a high-pitched mewl from you, cunt sensitive and throbbing, aching to relieve the pressure slowly building up in a steady ache. you’re close, so close—you can taste your release just seconds away as you reach the precipice of your high. 
“‘m close, so close—g-gonna cum,” you moan, “for you—gonna cum for you,” you say so sweetly, like nectar flows from your lips. kaeya has almost half a mind to turn you around so he can suckle your lips like fruit off the tree—forbidden, yet still the height of his desires. 
“cum for me, princess,” he groans, hand coming up so his thumb can roll over your clit in harsh circles, “wanna feel you—can you cum for me? let go, baby.”
and that’s all it takes for you to let out an ear-shattering squeal—surely the whole floor has heard you by now if they haven’t already. you can't bring yourself to care, and kaeya can’t bring himself to shove down the satisfaction. your walls spasm around him, making him whine as his own orgasm rips through him in tidal waves. 
you can feel his cock twitch with every thick rope of cum he paints your walls with, fucking his load deep into your womb like you’re his to mark. he’s sensitive—lets out a whimper into your neck as he cums, makes your skin rise with goosebumps at the sweet sounds he makes in the height of his pleasure. he’s perfect, you think—and you’re hit with the realization as he breaks for you that you want him.
as wrong as it is, you want kaeya just as bad as he wants you. 
“fuck, baby,” he groans as he finishes, “you’re something else, y’know that?”
you let out a tired giggle, feeling his body lightly slump over yours as he kisses the back of your neck. 
“yeah i been told here and there,” you tease. “but you can tell me agai—”
the door opens and cuts you off, and before you can even fully comprehend what’s happened, two red and horrified eyes are blinking at you in shock before landing on a pair of smug eyes behind you.
“oh, hey,” kaeya says with a smooth voice, lips curling into a smirk as he eyes diluc casually, “that’s a first. your meetings usually never end early.”
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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wh0rcrux · 2 months
Cat in The Box
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Genre: fluff & established dating
Warnings: none :)
Synopsis: Draco had thought long and hard about what to get you for upcoming an birthday present, the perfect present finally came to mind and he couldn’t wait to show you.
A/N: this is my first writing piece by the way! I’m still trying to improve on my writing.
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Draco stood by the side of Hogsmeade, holding a rather large box with holes poked on the side and a pretty green sparkly ribbon on top. He was busy trying to quiet the little cat in the box as he waited for you to meet him at Hogsmeade for your birthday. Draco wasn’t the type of guy to be interested in animals but after hearing your love for cats, he decided that a pet cat would be the perfect companion for the both of you.
“Jesus, how do I pacify a cat?”
The white blonde haired male mumbled to himself, his eyes darted from looking up to looking down inside the box to check on the little cat who was seemingly pretty annoyed to be inside the box. Draco understood though, he’d hate to be trapped in a box without knowing why but he was doing this for you.
“Ah! Draco! Am I late? I got caught up- oh? What’s this box?”
Your eyes landed on the box in his hands, which was moving and shaking slightly. At first you had no clue what the contents of the box were until Draco finally handed you it, as you opened the lid of the box, you are greeted by the sight of an adorable little cat. Grey fur, big blue eyes and a smushed face.
“No, you’re not late but happy birthday Y/N. I know you spoke about your love of cats and how you’d want to adopt one day, so I decided to do the adopting for you. For us, actually.”
Draco smiled at you warmly as he saw the joy spread across your face, he had initially thought of buying a cat before he remembered you mentioning about adopting a rescue cat from a shelter. While he’s an arrogant person, the idea of pleasing you and helping a cat in need really made him feel good.
“Aw, thank you Draco! I really appreciate this. Is this kitty a boy or a girl?”
“He’s a boy, named Prince. That’s what the people at the adoption shelter told me.”
Your heart instantly melted at the mention of the cat’s name, Prince. Such a fitting name. The smushed face cat meowed, pawing at you as you scooped him out the box, holding him to your chest as Draco wrapped his arm around your shoulder while taking the box and lid.
“We’re going to be such good pet parents, Y/N.”
With that, he pressed a kiss onto your forehead before you both started to walk around Hogsmeade with your new fur baby while solemnly promising to spoil Prince forever.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
café cuddles
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Genre: Fluff, Lee know x Reader, One-Shot
Word count: 2k
Warnings: A lot of fluff
Requested?: Yes
Synopsis: It was about time that you treated your boyfriend to a little trip to the cat cafe.
Author's Notes: I really hope you enjoy this. As a Lee Know and cat enjoyer, I genuinely loved writing this one. It is very very fluffy!! You have been warned!!! Feel free to let me know what you think <3
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"Hey, you wanna go to a cat cafe with me?"
It was a simple question, objectively. A basic query which prompted a yes or no answer. And yet it seemed to be taking your boyfriend an exceptional amount of time to answer.
You watched as your boyfriend stared intensely at you, not once breaking eye contact as he took a loud, obnoxious slurp from his coffee cup. On putting the cup down, he pursed his lips slightly, before flashing his teeth on full display with a big, wide grin. And, paired with his glorious, faded purple hair, he reminded you of the cheshire cat. Perhaps, that was his intention.
"Of course, is that even a question?" He said smugly, a small smile now replacing his grin. He fiddled with his white earphones, trying to untangle the heaped mess it had become from just living in the pocket of his coat.
"O-oh," you said, blinking at his abrupt answer.
"What? What did you expect me to say? No?" Minho chuckled as he finally untangled his earphones, before shoving them back into his pocket once more.
"Well no I knew you have cats. I just didn't know if cat cafes were your thing, you know?" You stared down at your own coffee mug, moving it in circles as if to stir the mixture that way.
You two hadn't been on too many dates. In fact, this was your third date. You found getting to know Minho on a personal level a bit challenging, but you knew that would be the case. It didn't matter to you. He had been nothing but charming and hilarious ever since you started dating. But you wanted to see him in a different environment. The only time you had met up with him was either at his work or in a normal cafe you were sitting in right now. So you wanted to change things up a little. Doing something you thought he would like.
So you were glad he excepted.
Minho suddenly got up from his seat and started to put his coat on, shoving his arm in one of the sleeves.
"W-what are you doing?" You question his sudden behaviour.
"I thought you wanted to go to a cat cafe?" He smiled as he slid his other arm into the other sleeve.
"Well yeah, but now?? You just had a coffee," you couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour. He always had random spurts of energy. Always full of surprises. You could never figure out what was going on in his head.
"Might as well go now, before it gets dark."
"Oooo someone's eager," you chuckled playfully before you put your own coat on, embracing its cosy interior.
Minho held an arm out for you to latch onto. It was a quick habit to adopt in your relationship: linking arms. You found your boyfriend was more private in terms of his affection for you, but that didn't stop him from initiating what he thought was romantic behaviour. You were both trying to feel each other out, both being in the early stages of your dating life together. It was hard sometimes, noticing each other's boundaries, your likes and dislikes, and as much as you had learned about Minho in the last three dates, you realised you had not learnt enough. Perhaps he was maintaining a cool guy image, the usual witty jokester who has not much to say about himself, but rather, plenty to say about others. He intrigued you, to say the least.
When you walked out of the cafe, you both ventured down the street, arm in arm as your steps matched each other's rhythm. Pondering over casual affairs, as you did before, you both walked and walked. A cool, easy breeze weaved between your bodies, hitting the coolness of your face and spreading goosebumps on your skin. You clung to Minho's arm further for warmth, looking up to him to see if this was okay. But his expression was blank, barely flinching at your tighter grip.
Eventually, you found your destination.
After receiving a warm reception from the cafe owners, you were both embraced by the smell of coffee beans and the sight of cats roaming all around. A lady that worked there guided you to a table and explained the rules.
"So you can order any drinks or food at the counter here. We have hand sanitiser on every table to maintain hygiene when you go to play with the cats," she listed the various rules as quickly as possible, and Minho nodded along. But he knew what to do. This wasn't his first cat cafe, after all.
You both thanked her for the information as she left, before taking your coats off and settling them on the back of your chairs.
"Oh! And one more thing," the woman shuffled back, her shoes neatly marching back to the table you were seated at, "all of the cats are adoptable. So if you do have a special connection with one and want to take them home, please fill in an application sheet at the front!"
Your head immediately flashed to Minho. His eyes were wide and sparkling. You could practically see the cogs turning in his head. The lightbulb shining in his mind. The fireworks exploding in his thoughts. This was a game changer.
Immediately getting up from his seat, Minho made his way over to the biggest playpen, where most cats were in.
"You don't want a coffee first?"
"Nah, later." He waved a dismissive hand to you as you followed him to the playpen. Clearly, there was something more important on his mind.
Seeing all the fresh, newborn kittens wobbling about, their little feet examining the floor with each delicate step, trying to keep their balanced as best as they could. Some more grown-up kittens were chancing each other around, play fighting and nipping at each other's ears, only to sink into a bundle of cuddles together. There was a mother cat that could be seen in the corner, feeding her young, and even licking some of her kittens to clean them, knowing they can't do it themselves yet. Some cats were small. Some cats were big. Some cats were black and white, some cats were brown, some ginger, some grey. Some cats had three legs, while other cats had one eye.
But all the cats were beautiful. And Minho? Minho wanted all of them.
He sat down cross-legged as he waited for little kittens to explore his body. One brave cat went up to him immediately, sniffling and rubbing itself along his leg.
"What's your name, sweetie?" Minho said in a cute, pouty, doting voice. A voice you had never heard before. You supposed he used it with his other cats at him. It made your heart burst. Who knew how adorable he was?
With gentle fingers, he scratched the head of this cat, little it become comfortable with him. And as you sat down next to your boyfriend, soon more of them had come to say hello.
Your heart was melting at the tiny little kittens. How helpless they were. And how curious they were about the world. It was endearing watching them take their settings in. And the adult cats, so ready to love. Some had been rescued from cruel owners, but now, in this environment, they were taken care of. Looked after. As they rightfully should be. A soft smile appeared on your lips.
What was more enthralling was seeing Minho completely captivated by the fluffy mayhem around him. He was thriving here. It was his happy place.
Yes, your boyfriend. The one you, before you even started dating him, said that he himself looked like a cat. Admiring his feline features, his cat-like eyes, the head-tilt he did when he was confused. The way he talked and expressed himself with both grace and sarcasm. All the characteristics of the fluffy friends he has now made today. It was like this was his home.
"... I want them."
"Yes, I can see that," you giggled at his childish voice and the pout now plastered on his face. "I don't think you have enough room in your apartment-"
"But I want them alllll" he sounded like a toddler about to throw a tantrum as he folded his arms, giving you an angry expression, making you laugh even more.
"Cutie," you leaned over and grabbed both his cheeks, squeezing them in your hands, making him briskly bash your hands away in a grumpy manner. "Gahh stop that!" His pout deepened.
You grinned at him. It was lovely seeing a much softer side to your boyfriend.
You were both there for a very long time, taking your time with each cat that wanted to be touched. It was probably the softest moment you had ever experienced with a partner before.
After being there for so long, it was nearing closing time. Outside the cat cafe, the world was getting darker, the sun setting behind the buildings of the city. You both made your way out of the big playpen and into the open area of the cafe. There were still so many more cats to play with, most of them maturer and confident ones who preferred being at the front of the cafe. Some set on the window sills, looking out as the people on the outside looked in, cooing at them as they stretched and posed for them. Some cats had slept the whole day, curled up in their little baskets, their bodies rising and falling softly by the gentleness of their breathing.
As you and Minho were getting ready to leave, he stopped putting on his coat when he caught sight of a cat on the other end of the window sill. He was a much older cat, you could tell. Light fur, puffy cheeks, and a grumpy frown on his face. He didn't seem to take much interest in the hustle and bustle of the people who were getting ready to leave inside the cafe. He looked like he was usually left alone, and perhaps he liked it that way. Besides, with all the new and younger cats coming in, it wasn't exactly surprising. He was quiet; meditative. He sat, staring out into the world, looking like he was contemplating life.
He was perfect.
"Go ahead, I'll meet you out there," Minho mumbled to you in a soft voice, seeing as you were ready to leave. You did as he said, waiting for him outside and buttoning up your coat.
You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you shoved your hands into the warmth of your coat pockets. Clearly, you brought out the softer side in Minho. You felt like doing a little dance, feeling like a victory had fallen upon you. You felt so honoured to have even witnessed him so happy and playful with the cats. Your heart felt glad. The affection you had for him before had only grown. Getting him to smile in such a way was all you could ever ask for.
"Ready to go?"
You turned around to look at your boyfriend, and what you saw was both a surprise and not a surprise at all.
In Minho's hands lay a little pet carrier, in which held the fluffy, grumpy old man cat. You looked at the smile on your boyfriend's face.
And you realised, in an instant, you had never met a man quite like him before.
Yep, you thought to yourself, he's the one for me.
Smiling back, you grabbed his arm as you both walked down the street you came from.
"Good choice," you giggled as he smiled sheepishly in return.
"Ha, thanks," he grinned softly, "I'm good at making choices. You know why?"
"Why?" You giggled, turning to him in curiosity. He stopped walking suddenly and, with his free, hand, he cupped your face with his hand, inching closer to your face.
"Because I chose you, too."
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