#hamato miwa
cookieturtle26 · 14 days
Day 15: Best Karai
She deserved to have spent more time with her real family, damn I hate Shredder he saved and destroyed Karai/Miwa's life at the same time
And yeah, no silly fanart today :(
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bicryptide · 7 days
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Tmaynt Day 14-17
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cruelcruelsummr · 2 months
i genuinely believe that 2012 leo just cannot tell platonic and romantic attraction apart and that’s why he was so weird about Karai. he was envious of her because she was cool, and had more freedom (lack of leader responsibility, able to walk on the surface+in the day, never had to follow laws or rules) and his brothers just assumed it was romantic, and he didn’t know how to correct them because, if ALL of them saw it as romantic he must have been the one in the wrong.
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leowleow · 2 months
the female rage that I LOVE
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vwikaartt · 6 months
I found out Shredder has a daughter, who would have thought?)
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«The master may move a servant, the father may claim a child, but remember, whoever the ruler is, you alone are responsible for your soul»
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theangrycomet-art · 3 months
Do you have any human designs for the TMNT 2012 turtles? (Or any of the iterations really-)
I've got some vague ideas- still not 100% on Mikey but i like how peepaw splinter turned out.
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Not gonna lie these were pretty heavily influenced by @indieyuugure's mutation situation comic (they just absolutely nailed the bois- especially their hair *chef's kiss*).
Their skin tones were color picked from their plastrons.
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mutantmayhems · 4 months
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nostalgicninjas · 3 months
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TMNT 2012 Dynamics: April O’Neil and Karai (Hamato Miwa)
Hey there, princess. Miss me? Yeah, actually.
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beanieable · 4 months
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Day 3 - Shinigami and Kara from TMNT 2012
Reunion - ao3
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randometcetc · 4 months
Worst Ship in TMNT 2012 (canon ships)
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Hamato Saki AU
When he learnt of his true origin, Oroku Hamato Saki sided with his adoptive family. Unlike his canon counterpart, he never tried to date Tang Shen, never set the fire, never killed her, and never stole Miwa.
Instead, he moved to New York along with them. He witnessed the mutations of his brother and the four turtles. However, the members of the Foot Clan in the canon world still know Saki. None of them are villains and instead help the turtles when facing other threats such as the Kraang and random mutants.
Hamato Yoshi and the turtles: Their part is short because they're basically the same. Only difference is there's no Foot Clan to fight and Miwa and Shen are with them.
Tang Shen: Not dead. She's always been with Miwa and the turtles. A+++++ parenting. She's been trained in a little ninjutsu, just enough to defend herself but no where near the level of Yoshi, Saki, and the kids. Great friends with Kirby O'Neil too.
Hamato Saki: A lot, lot, lot, LOT more tame than Oroku Saki, but still has major anger issues. He’s Miwa and the turtles’ uncle and father figure to what would be the Foot Clan mutants. Never ends up mutated, never kills Splinter.
Hamato Miwa: Splinter’s daughter, the turtles’ older sister, Saki’s niece. She never ends up mutated, but is still dating Shinigami (and obviously never has that romance with Leo bc wtf)
Chris Bradford: Saki ran a dojo in New York for a few years where he met Chris Bradford. Since then, he’s trained as Saki’s protege. He does end up as a mutant in the Gauntlet episode and is double-mutated too, but the second time is caused by a fight with the Kraang.
Xever Montes: The Hamatos + Chris went on a trip to Brazil for *insert really good reason*. There, Miwa met a young Xever. Chris brought Xever back to New York with him, and he's been there ever since. And later on, yeah he gets mutated. Donnie builds his legs and breathing thing instead of Baxter.
Baxter Stockman: A criminal (sad guy with robots) who gets rehabilitated by the Hamatos. he works with them for a while, but betrays them in Baxter's Gambit in hopes of using his StockmanxTurtle Tech to rule the world, he doesn't and gets rehabilitated again, this time for good. He doesn't get mutated (he's honestly sad enough).
Tiger Claw: Knew Saki in Japan. After the Gauntlet, Saki calls TC to help out the Hamatos and is now one of their allies. However, that past with Alopex and the Kraang is hidden for ages.
Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko: Ivan is an old friend of Saki's. After the Kraang invasion of s2 he joins the Hamatos with his boyfriend, Anton. Ivan's still an arms dealer but is very particular about who he sells to. Anton is not a thief, he's a DJ. They get mutated by the Kraang instead of Saki.
Ask Me Stuff!
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juniperquills · 7 months
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leadenn · 7 months
Even MORE Mom Tang Shen
Part Three
As the boys get older, they get louder and more energetic. Hiding them gets harder, and Yoshi and Shen have to figure out how to keep their boys safe.
Eventually, Yoshi mentioned a space in the sewers that would be large enough for them. Shen glared at him.
"One, that's disgusting. Two, how would we keep them warm during the winter? Three, how would we move our things down there? Four, how am I supposed to tell my boss that I'm moving into the sewers with my missing husband and our four turtle toddlers?" Shen questioned.
"We can clean the space and make it suitable for them. If it gets too cold during the winter we can stay here again, I can move the necessities down there, and we'd keep the apartment." Yoshi replied, he takes Shen's hand into his own and presses a kiss to it. "We always figure it out, don't we?" He asked. Shen smiled a bit, and interlocked their fingers.
"We do." She said, leaning her head on his chest. He wrapped his free arm around her.
"So please trust me, Shen. Trust me to protect you and our sons, that I will never let any harm come to our family again." Yoshi muttered in her ear, holding her tight.
"You didn't let anything happen." Shen said, "That thing chose to do what it did." She said, squeezing his hand in a show of comfort and out of anger at the thought of Saki.
She hoped that bastard died. She hoped he died slowly. She wishes she could watch it happen. The idea she ever considered running away with him makes her feel physically ill.
"I could've protected you. I could've made sure you stayed outside. I should've-" Shen cut him off.
"It's in the past, and without that we wouldn't have our sons." Shen said. "Can you look at me and say you'd trade our boys for Miwa? Because I wouldn't."
Yoshi shook his head, "I love them equally." He said, his lip twitches and Shen noticed his eyes getting glassy. "I think of her every day."
"She'd love her little brothers." Shen said, looking at the floor where their four little turtles laid in a cuddle pile. They preferred sleeping together, and she didn't miss how Donatello only let Michelangelo touch him as they slept.
"I wish she was here. I wish she got to meet them." Yoshi mutters. "And everything I do is for our family. Please, trust I will not let anything harm our family." He added.
"You really think the sewers will be a good place for them?" She asked.
"I do." He said, and those words carried weight.
"Then I do too." Shen said, tracing her free hand over his cheek. "I know you want the best for our boys." She added.
The moment was interrupted by an aggressive yank on Shen's pantleg. Shen looked down and wasn't surprised to see Raphael pouting at her. "You seem tired, little one." Yoshi said.
He ignored his father, and made grabby hands to Shen. "Momma up." He demands, and Shen gives him a stern look. That was hard to do, since he was adorable.
"What do we say when we want something, Raphael?" Shen asked, and he stomps his foot on the ground.
"MOMMA UP!" He shouts, and Shen shakes her head.
"We say please in this house. I'd be happy to pick you up if you said please, sweetheart." Shen said gently. "But I won't if you yell and stomp at me again."
"Please." Raphael said, making grabby hands. "Please please please-" He whined, and Shen picked him up and pulled him into her lap. She gives his head a kiss.
"Thank you, Raphael." She said, "Why aren't you napping with your brothers anymore?" She asked.
Her dramatic little boy didn't answer, since he was tired from his long and extensive journey of 20 feet across the room to where she and Yoshi were sitting on their bed. He could barely hold his head up, and Shen let him rest his head on her chest. She smiled down at the boy.
She glances over at Yoshi, who was now on the ground with their other sons. She smiles at the sight, and he smiled back at her.
"I think the room to run around down there would be good for them." Shen said, and Yoshi's eyes were back down at their other sons. He traced the pattern of Leonardo's shell with his finger, and Michelangelo crawled into his lap. He was still asleep, he just moved to the warmth from Yoshi subconsciously.
"The exercise would be good for them." Yoshi agreed.
"We'll do it." Shen agreed, the decision now final.
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evaglass · 9 months
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Sorry, I love this show but I hate it too
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Sometimes I see people make the criticism of TMNT 2012 that they should’ve just kept Karai as Shredder’s daughter and have her not be Splinter’s daughter Miwa to avoid the problematic and uncomfortable relationship/shipping between her and Leo, because they’re siblings.
But here’s the thing, even if Karai wasn’t Miwa and was actually Shredder’s daughter, her relationship with Leo would still be problematic because they would still be related! If Karai was Shredder’s daughter, her and Leo would instead be cousins!
As a reminder, in TMNT 2012 Splinter and Shredder are brothers, with Shredder being adopted by Splinter’s father as a baby. They grew up together and were raised together since diapers. They are family, they are brothers, meaning Shredder is the Turtles uncle and Karai would’ve been their cousin.
So before it was reveal that Karai is Splinter’s daughter Miwa and therefore the Turtles big sister, for most of season 1, Leo was crushing on his cousin. Ew.
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hinacu-arts · 2 years
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Why when i draw memes i can pump them out in 2-3 hours but when i wanna draw anything else it takes like a month? Anyways based on this post
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