#hang in there!
royaltea000 · 4 days
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this maid liet goes out to you @writernotyetauthor thank you so much for sending me those nordic cosplay links!! 💕
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qqueenofhades · 5 months
I completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering this, but my mind is spiraling out of control and you’re the only person I know with the level of knowledge to where I can feel comfortable asking this without getting some form of “bla bla we live in a safe state don’t worry.”
I’m sincerely wondering if I need to be making plans to leave the country in the event of November bringing the most horrible of outcomes despite our best efforts (and yes I’m planning to vote blue in everything I can); as a AFAB in CA?
I know about project 2025. I’m terrified. Forgive my pop culture reference, but I feel like a version of Princess Zelda staring down a barrel of possible doom while everyone around me is like “nah that future you literally had a nightmare about where they made it illegal for a woman to have a bank account without a guy co-signing it and took the money from everyone who didn’t comply by a certain date isn’t even a possibility!”
I’m just confused about my life and am trying to take it day by day, and exercising every right while I still have it to prevent this outcome, but it feels weird making plans and retirement accounts and just general Setting Up Adult Life And Future Things™️……while wondering if I even have a future in this place at all and I’m just making it harder to escape if need be.
I’m sorry I’m rambling, and I guess I don’t know what I’m asking since no one has a crystal ball.
But I guess, it’s stuff like how much can the feds effect state’s policies? Is it possible for them to immediately block international travel for all women practically upon inauguration? How much time would I even have to gtfo if the worst begins?
Bc honestly this whole thing feels like the lead in to a very nasty chapter of a history book, and even though I have hope we’ll have another blue tsunami, it can be hard to try and figure things out when it feels like there’s barely any historical precedent for any of it.
Welp. Okay. First of all, I am giving you a comforting hug, I am walking with you to your favorite coffee shop, I am paying for your favorite beverage and also a baked goodie of your choice, and we are sitting down in a corner where we can talk honestly. So that's where I want you to imagine us having this conversation.
To start with, yes, I completely understand this feeling of utter, paralyzing doom, where I am trying to go about my daily life and make plans for my career and carry out daily tasks and Be Responsible while there's still just this total void beyond the end of the year, the utter impossibility of knowing if we will have dodged an absolutely massive bullet and finally be safe (since if Trump loses again he is 100% going to jail in the next four years) or, well. You know. That is a very hard way to live, when you're wondering if anything is going to matter and you can't see beyond that black cloud of fear on the horizon. It sucks you down and tells you that nothing is worth doing now in case it just gets so much worse. I am not going to tell you not to feel that. We all do. We are all scared. That in and of itself is a perfectly normal way to feel.
However, there are things you can do both now and if (I repeat, if) God absolutely forbid, the worst was to happen (again). First of all, we have already lived through a Trump presidency once. It was terrible and scary and awful and demoralizing as fuck, but we can do it again if we absolutely Goddamn fucking have to (once, again, God forbid). Second, you are currently about as safe as you could be in California. Newsom has proven himself to be smart, tough, able to run rings around Republicans, and unwilling to comply with their stupid performative-cruelty directives. He's not a saint or a magician, but you don't need that; you need a shrewd politician able to fight back, and he has proven himself willing and capable of doing that. So as long as he is governor, you're going to be more safe than not, and I'd also like to ask all the shrieking Online Leftists if, should the shit go down, they would rather live in a state with a Democratic governor who will fight Trump 2.0 every step of the way, or a Republican governor who will just roll over and obey. (But that would destroy their BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME talking point, so you know.)
Next of all, even if the Republicans are doing their best impression, America in 2024 isn't Germany in 1934. There are different tools, different ways to fight back, and different awarenesses/social media/visibility factors. I also need everyone to remember that just as Biden can't just sign an executive order and fix everything everywhere, Trump can't just sign an executive order and fuck everything everywhere, just like that with no more discussion ever. He tried that last time, it generally didn't work, and trust me, at least this time nobody is sleeping on the danger he poses. His candidacy in 2016 was dismissed as a long-shot joke that nobody took seriously until it was too late, and for better or worse, people aren't doing that this time. He will be sued instantly, incredibly, and repeatedly with everything his band of wannabe fascists try, and since we have had four years of Biden fixing the courts from where Trump trashed them, that does mean something. There is no scenario where even if he does issue some outrageous order against women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, etc (which to be clear, I'm sure he would try) it would just be carried out completely, immediately, and with no feasible way to stop it. Evil is evil, but it is also stupid, clueless, determined to hurt people just for the hell of it without any regard for what is possible or which will be allowed, and there's a lot more grey area in there than just "Trump says something terrible and it's instantly done, the end."
Once again, I'm not going to say that the worst-case scenario is not possible, but I don't think it's likely, and even if that does happen, there are ways for us to survive and fight back (again). Nobody wants it and it should not have to be asked of us due to the utter collapse of the social, civic, political, and intellectual fabric of this country thanks to the TrumpCult, but once again... these people are so loud and dangerous and cruel and stupid because they are in the minority. Etc. etc. polls are garbage, but we did just have an interesting piece of empirical data from the Iowa caucuses. Trump -- in one of the whitest, most rural, most conservative, most religious, most Trump-loving states in the country -- struggled to break 50%. Almost half of a rabid Republican fully-Trumpized electorate, among the diehards sufficiently motivated to get out and caucus in extreme freezing weather, voted for someone else (Haley and DeSantis took about 20% apiece). Now, no, we don't know how that will translate to the general election, and if registered Republicans will flock back to the nominee even if it's Trump, but as almost half of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden if it was a Biden-Trump matchup in the general, there is some sense that Trump is an aberration to their otherwise ironclad party loyalty. Now, Republicans are the fucking worst and nobody should be relying on them to save us; we still need to get out and vote for Democrats with all our might. But Trump is no longer barn-burningly popular even in core Trump heartland, and it'll be interesting to see how things go in future primaries.
My point is: I know the feeling that evil is awful and unstoppable and all-powerful, and will crush our lives and our futures no matter what we do to resist it. I really, really do. But Trump is a terrible candidate, he's running literally only to keep himself out of a long, long prison sentence, and if he had crushed the Iowa caucuses regardless, we might be having a different conversation. However, we need to remember that it is possible, again (God forbid) in the worst scenario, to resist, to live, and to win. Everyone who is motivated to work for a better world will still be here. Everyone who can help you and all of us will still be here. And there are more of us than there are of them. Yes, I do understand the feeling that we need to have contingency plans in place, I do absolutely know that it could get very bad, and all that (as you say, nobody has a crystal ball). But for now, I want you to take a deep breath, try to take this day by day, and remember that this is not a crushing and inevitable future that will sweep over you and destroy you without you (or any other person of good will) having a say in the matter. You still have agency, you still have the ability to protect yourself, and you still have others who will protect you in turn. You're not alone. The bad guys want you to think that, because when you're isolated and terrorized, you're easier to pick off and/or recruit into their cult. But you're not.
In conclusion: "What are we holding onto, Sam?"
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vibrantinklings · 1 year
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Had an idea inspired by those 'hang in there!' posters with the cats, which lead to this this was probably funnier in my head than it was in practice but i still like it
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vegetadaily · 2 months
I've been having such an awful time lately and everything feels like it's too much but seeing Vegeta comforts me in a strange way. He's very dear to me... I hope you know your account helps me a lot.
I'm so sorry to hear that, it sounds like you have a lot to carry right now. I hope that soon you will have a breather and can put all that weight down for some time. You deserve some rest and happiness.
Vegeta does look like a strange "comfort" character or as the people around me say "he always looks so angry". But maybe that's just what does it. To have this grumpy man who does his own thing and mostly snaps at others, but still chooses to work hard and fight for what he protects. Who believes in himself, but also gets frustrated at his own limitations. He is so flawed, which makes him so incredible. He is dear!
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obaex · 17 days
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deadtrashpanda · 7 months
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hylias-gremlin · 1 year
Still down for emergency request ? My mind is rushing like a fking hurricane with ptsd and old scars hurting and I would love some love from one of the LU boys of your choice 😢
Aw, I'm so sorry you're going through a hard time :< I'm sending all the love I have over!!!
I don't really have emergency requests, but I think this is the time to squeeze them in! <3 Don’t you worry I've got chu!
I hope this can help you feel a bit better. I tried to get it done asap, I really hope what I came up with is what you wanted, Darling <3
I chose Twilight since he's one of my comfort Links. I hope that's OK with you!
Tw: mentions of scars, reader having a hard time, dark thoughts ptsd but no details
Content under the cut
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Your mind was running a mile a minute, and your hands were shaking like leaves in the wind.
Today was a bad day, stress only stacking until you couldn’t take it anymore. Your anxiety and ptsd getting the better of you.
The group had settled down for the day, and you sat a ways away from everyone, trying to hold yourself together. But it was hard with your mind in a dark place and old scars aching from bad memories.
A hand on your shoulder made you flinch, eyes following up the arm that was attached to Twilight, who gave you a worried look.
He had noticed how you fell back at the very end of the party, and he watched you sneak away towards your spot far from the campfire.
"Hey. You ok?"
This was the final nail in the coffin. The last drop that started the water works as your lip wobbled, and you frantically shook your head.
This was all Twilight needed to know to wrap you up in his Fluffy wolf pelt and lifting you into his arms for a tight hug. He'd be the shoulder to cry on for as long as you needed.
"Shhhhh. It's ok. You're OK."
He started rocking back and forth, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back while the other gently combed through your hair.
By now, the others had noticed that something was wrong, but the rancher shooed them away with a wave of his hand. The last thing you needed right now was unwanted spectators.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He left a small kiss on your forehead, waiting patiently for your answer.
You shook your head again, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. "No..."
Twilight squeezed your shoulders a little. "That’s fine. You don't need to talk if you don't want to."
His hands found the sides of your head as he gently made you look at him. His thumb gently wiping away the flow of tears that made their way down your cheeks. "I'm here for you, ok? I know you’re going through a hard time right now, but you're not alone, Darlin. I'll stay by your side until you feel better."
His hand pushed your head back onto his chest, where you nuzzled back into his shoulder. "Thank you, Twi."
He hummed calmly, a gentle smile on his lips. His hands still rubbing circles across your skin, soothing your aching scars. "No need to thank me. Your feelings are valid, YOU are valid and we're all only human."
He adjusted your position, leaning back against one of the trees. Placing another kiss, this time on your temple. "It’s ok not to be ok. You're not alone. We all feel this way every now and then."
You hugged him tighter, letting all the feelings out you had to hide for so long. Sniffing loudly, you mumbled. "I feel so weak... and my mind just won't shut up with these bad thoughts. I'm so tired, Link."
"Don't be ashamed for crying." Twilight whispered next to your ear. "It’s not a sign of being weak." He hugged you tighter. "It just shows that you've been strong for a little too long."
His blue eyes met yours, filled with adoration. "Do you want to eat something?"
"I'm not hungry..." You frowned, but by now, the endless flow of tears had ceased. "I just want to cuddle..."
Twilight grabbed a water bottle from his bag and gently placed it in your hands. "Okay. Cuddle time then. But please, drink something first. You cried a lot, and I don't want you to dehydrate, Love."
You gave a small nod and emptied the whole bottle in one go.
"Atta girl."
Twilight lifted you in between his legs and laid you down on his chest. His strong heartbeat soothing the ringing in your ears, calming the raging thoughts that endlessly swirled through your mind.
"Wanna take a nap? You must be exhausted. It's been a long day today."
You gave a weak nod as his hands wrapped themselves around you yet again. One around your waist, pulling you closer, the other one gently playing with your hair.
"Rest now. Everything's going to be ok. I'll still be here when you wake up. I'm not going anywhere."
With Twilight whispering words of encouragement and comfort, paired with his gentle fingers playing with your hair.
His warmth and calm heartbeat gently lulled you to sleep. Blue eyes never leaving your, now, relaxed expression.
"Sleep well. I promise I'll chase the bad thoughts away anytime you need me to."
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saigeofseasons · 11 months
Absolutely fucking astonished at how much my life and my health have improved in ONE WEEK of being away from awful mould filled annoying housemate house I feel STRONG and CAPABLE and HAPPY
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fluister · 2 years
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A portrait of Sasori from Let Freedom Bleed by @demented-tours Because the last chapter was AAAAHHHHHHHH :D
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bnjmin · 2 years
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americiumam · 5 months
the mutuals button should be a hug
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ikarakie · 5 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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hjarta · 2 months
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kavaleyre · 2 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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vegetadaily · 10 months
Been going through some pretty tough times and your blog gives me comfort. Thank you.
I'm very sorry to hear that you've been going through some hard times. I really hope better times are ahead. But something tells me that you're stronger than you think and braver than you know. You're still fighting the fight and that says a lot. Keep at it, just like Vegeta always does. And may that also give you strength.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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