#happy birthday ushijima wakatoshi
softeninglooks · 10 months
ushijima wakatoshi | birthday sweetness
bringing back this (edited) drabble i wrote for ushijima’s birthday last year. i always liked his character, but post time-skip wakatoshi hits even harder! seeing him help and befriend iwaizumi was really sweet 〔´∇`〕
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tendou never let his best friend's birthday pass by without cake. and although the collected and stoic ushijima did not seem like one for birthday celebrations—let alone the extravagant kind tendou always was so fond of—, every year ushijima blew out the candles that his team mates had stuffed the cake with (always the exact number!) and smiled a little, gratitude seeping through the soft look that would flash upon his face.
the tradition remained throughout high school. tendou always made sure to get ushijima a cake, or some kind of pastry, whenever the 13th of august came around. the whole team would stay after practice, munching on delicious slices of fancy cake bought out of a joint effort; they did the same for every team mate's birthday. but for ushiwaka, it was always special. he, the quiet boy with more often than not no friends, had never received that kind of attention before. in truth, he did not dislike it. he would have been fine without it of course, but that yearly slice of cake, along with smiles and pats on his back, always left a warm impression within him. something he could not describe with words, but felt every time. something close to the feeling of finally fitting in.
he never thought it would continue though. after high school, it was after all common to lose connections, people slowly drifting away and friendships coming undone without the people involved even noticing. yet tendou always found a way to shake ushijima's pre-conceived expectations. his first birthday after high school was no exception.
in the united states, where he began training for his international career, ushijima did not make many friends; volley-ball occupied his mind. then the 13th of august came around.
ushijima's phone got flooded with texts and congratulations from his former team mates—even coach washijo sent his prodigy a benevolent text. his father treated him to japanese cuisine for lunch and offered him a book touching on physical training, the kind of useful gift ushijima enjoyed most.
but the biggest surprise yet awaited him in the evening. an unexpected delivery.
when ushijima opened the door, a big box was put into his hands, the mail-man assuring him that he had got the address right and this was no mistake. all wakatoshi could do was thank him, perplexed, and set the mysterious object upon the table to open it. inside sat a cake. a chocolate cake, with waves of white frosting on top and capped with a volley-ball sculpted out of chocolate. cards slipped out of the box.
happy birthday wakatoshi-kun, the first one read. don't eat it all in one sitting ;) baked by yours truly - tendou satori.
before ushijima even had time to think about what to do next, his phone buzzed, and next thing he knew the faces of tendou, semi, goshiki, shirabu, ohira, kawanishi and yamagata all appeared before him, most of them smiling, all so familiar.
"wakatsoshi-kun," tendou sang brightly, pointing at him through the screen. "did you get our present?"
"the ball isn't exactly round, but i redeemed myself with the nice frosting, don't you think?" tendou went on cheerfully and puffed his chest. "i baked it all by myself. culinary classes are starting to pay."
"thank you."
ushijima took a closer look at the cake, which indeed did not look as neat as that of a professional baker—but something about its imperfections, the slightly irregularities in the curve of the ball, the inscription ‘happy birthday’ written atop the frosting in tendou's handwriting made it all the more authentic. it made it special for ushijima.
"come on, dig in! we all got our own!" tendou lifted up a plate with an identic slice of cake, as did the rest of their friends.
"i baked enough for all of us so you wouldn't eat alone. though none of you lot get a fancy volley ball and inscription," he winked. "enjoy, wakatoshi-kun!"
"it's really great to see you, happy birthday wakatoshi-san!" goshiki was the second one to speak, cheeks red from excitement as much as timidity when addressing his senpai after quite some time.
"let him eat, then we'll talk," shirabu rolled his eyes, but a slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"come on wakatoshi-kun, we're waiting for you!" tendou hurried him on. balancing his phone against a glass of water, ushijima did as he was told and dug in. it was not the first time he tried something tendou had baked—and never disappointed. though not being much of a sweet tooth, ushijima could tell that coming up with such a cake must have taken his friend a lot of energy. the sweet taste of dark chocolate (his favourite kind, were he to choose one) filled ushijima's mouth with a taste of sugary bitterness which was alleviated by the sweetness of the frosting.
tendou's inquisitive look met ushikawa's eyes, the red-haired boy eagerly awaiting his reaction.
"it's really good." ushijima nodded, taking another small bite.
"it's amazing, tendou-san!" goshiki cheered on, which was followed by semi's equally enthusiastic reply.
"you should bake for us more often, tendou-kun!"
"aren't you two getting ahead of yourselves?" shirabu scolded the two of them, but got drowned out by ohira also complimenting the desert.
seeing them like this, reunited, bickering and laughing and trying to talk over each other to congratulate their former captain, gratitude inevitably shone upon ushijima's face. as his team mates began singing 'happy birthday', he smiled a little, calmly sitting there and listening.
there could be no better gift than them.
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jinkicake · 1 year
~♡ Date Nights ♡~
(( Day #5 )) Matsukawa, Atsumu, Tsukishima, Ushijima x Reader
A/N: the entire reason i was able to write so much when i first started this account was because everyone requested haikyuu all the time T T like... i have to write about them again for you all one more time! 
also, im obsessed w sakuatsu (again) and their fics inspired me to finish this
WC - 2,161
Matsukawa Issei
“Hey, baby,” The sound of Matsukawa’s low voice, lazily drawing out each word, nearly makes you swoon. It’s as if the second he opens his door and you step into his apartment, you’re engulfed in a warm hug. Literally and metaphorically. 
Your boyfriend doesn’t give you the chance to remove your shoes or place down your things before he wraps his arms around your shoulders. His brute strength comes into play as he pulls you into his chest and squeezes you in his hold. 
“‘Missed you today,” His voice croons into your ears, sending a shiver up your spine. You nearly start to squirm, he has a hold on you that you truly cannot explain. 
“I missed you too,” You pat his forearm and then wrap your arms around his wide waist. When Matsukawa stands on top of you like this, it becomes undeniably clear just how much taller he is than you. Your height difference will be the death of you one day, you’re sure of it. “even though we saw each other like yesterday."
“Too long ago,” Once more, your boyfriend squeezes you and then lets you go. You can feel his intense stare as you walk through his apartment, it bores two holes in your back as you kick off your shoes and place your bags on his counter. 
The sight of takeout has Matsukawa feeling more affection than usual. 
“(Y/N),” After his brief whine, you feel his arms snake around your waist again. He’s practically leaning on you without placing too much of his weight, it’s as if you’re being encased in a thick blanket. “you brought food?”
His question is followed by a few pecks, his lips instantly finding your neck. Matsukawa lifts himself up slightly to remove your hair out of his way, pushing it all to one side before he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. Gently, he places kiss after kiss under your ear and then down the side of your jaw. 
“I fucking love you,” 
“Are you talking about me or the food?” You tease, and it makes the man scoff. Matsukawa squeezes your hips in retaliation before brushing his lips over your ear. 
“I would never do the shit I do with you with food,” He rolls his eyes, even without seeing him, you just know it. In his arms, you turn around on the balls of your feet to face him. There is some slight resistance from your boyfriend but, as soon as he notices that you’re still in his hold, he lets you continue. 
You stare up at him with an expected look and he matches it evenly with a soft smile. Matsukawa leans forward to place a soft kiss to your lips, his nose gently brushing against your own. The proximity of your bodies makes your head spin. Even a date in the most casual setting has your heart beating a hundred miles per second. You blame him, you blame Matsukawa with no hesitation. 
“I love you.” This time, he pulls away to look into your eyes as he confesses. It’s enough to make you gasp as your heart flutters in your chest. You’ll never get tired of hearing him say that. 
Miya Atsumu
“Atsumu,” You cautiously call out to your boyfriend who is, at the moment, scrolling through his phone. He hums warmly, glancing at you to offer a quick smile before focusing on the lollipop in his mouth. “if this is a date, why is Bokuto here?”
It’s hard to ignore the giant outside hitter planted in the middle of your couch, right between you and your boyfriend. He makes Hinata, who is sitting in front of the tv, nonexistent with his sheer size. 
“He brings us lollipops, (Y/N), you can’t kick the guy out,” Atsumu waves the cherry treat in front of you, reaching over with his exceptionally long arms. You grab it without a second thought and stubbornly stick it in your mouth. 
Your platinum boyfriend gaps dramatically but, is soon shut up with another lollipop in his face. Bokuto hands him another sweet without hesitation as he stares intensely at the TV. The controller you normally use for your switch is in Hinata’s hands as he and Bokuto both fail at playing Mario Party.
As you look around it almost feels like something, someone, is missing.
“Where is-” The doorbell to your shared apartment rings and being the closest one to the door, you get up to open it. Atsumu is right behind you, no doubt going to check the door before you open it. He handles it like a case, holding his hand up to keep you back as he sneakily looks through the peephole. 
His nerdy dramatics make you roll your eyes, affectionately of course. 
“Move, ‘Tsumu," You push him out of your way to open the door and practically beam at the other player in your doorway. “Sakusa! I’m so glad you’re here!” The outside hitter offers you a similar greeting back with a genuine smile underneath his mask, it’s seen in the way his eyes crinkle slightly. 
“Why?” Atsumu turns up his nose and then coughs loudly as you hit him in the gut. You swat him in the side with the back of your hand and Atsumu, growing up with a brother, stumbles back against the wall to put on a show of dramatics.
“Sorry,” You still apologize, patting his head while Sakusa laughs and moves to sit by Bokuto. Now with two giant volleyball players on your couch, there is  certainly not enough room for you and your boyfriend in the living room. “where are we going to sit?”
“You can sit with me!” And as Atsumu pats his thighs, you lower yourself to the floor and into his lap with a sigh. There is little hesitation on your part to sit with him and Atsumu happily greets you as he wraps his arms tightly around your shoulder and places a wet kiss against your cheek. 
“You’re so gross,” You wipe off the cherry taste of his lips before placing your own gentle peck against the corner of his mouth. Hidden behind the couch now, you’re not afraid to privately shower him in love.
“You love it,” He winks before throwing one of his arms into the air “I call next round! (Y/N) is going to be on my team, the dream team, right, babe?” 
With such a sweet look on his face, how can you say no?
Tsukishima Kei
You always feel blessed at the sight of your boyfriend. As difficult as he may be, as indifferent as he tries to appear to you, you know better. He stands out compared to everyone else in your life. 
Even now as you leave your work, you’re surprised to see him waiting for you. He towers among the rest of the crowd heading for the station, his presence is powerful to you but almost nonexistent to others. Had you not known any better, you would have thought he hated to wait there.
You can see the blush on his cheeks as you approach him, the red dusting over his ear, and it all makes sense as to why when you notice the bouquet in his hands. A petite size, bright and in full bloom filled with your favorite color. You nearly awe as you continue to stare at it.
“Kei?” Finally, you call out to him and he tears his eyes away from the other side of the street. “What are you doing here?”
“I felt like being nice,” He murmurs and gently hands you the flowers, he brushes his fingers against your own as he passes them to you and the electricity almost makes you jump. “we have a date tonight. Don’t we?”
Your jaw nearly drops.
“I-I mean we do but, I thought we were just going to eat in and laugh at your old teammate’s fails?” You walk in step with Tsukishima as you begin the path back to your apartment, mentally making a subtle note of the way he slows his strides for you. “Kodzuken posted another compilation of fails that include Hinata, Kageyama, and Bokuto. I saw the notification during lunch,” Each of your fingers lower as you count the players facing the wrath of the youtuber and you can only applaud the creator for the free entertainment. 
“That’s fine with me,” Tsukishima lowers his face further into his scarf, trying to cover his nose from the brisk cold. 
“Do you want to do something else?” You ask and step closer to him to avoid anyone else walking beside you. Tsukishima eyes your position before wrapping his gloved hand around your bicep and pulling you into his side. 
“You know I like to stay home,” He murmurs but, you find it hard to be convinced.
“Are you sure? We can do something else if you want?”
“Why would I want to do anything else besides watching Hinata fall on his face and Kageyama get a volleyball served into his gut?” His brisk attitude makes you laugh and affectionally pinch his waist. 
“You suck but, I’m also the same.” It’s true that you and Tsukishima would have never gotten along as well as you have if you weren’t both (#)haters. Only someone as spiteful as you are can match up to him. “I like doing anything as long as it’s with you,”
“Cornball.” Tsukishima scrunches his face at your cheesy words and you roll your eyes in response. He can try to deny it all he wants but he is just as much of a cornball as you. You’re holding proof of it in your hand. “But, I like you, whatever.”
He always lets you win. 
“I know."
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Never again will you let Ushijima pick an outdoor date spot.
“Is this not fun?” Your boyfriend’s concern weighs heavy on you like a boulder resting on your shoulders, you’d hate to upset him. 
“No, no, it is fun!” You pant and brace yourself against a wooden railing. “This is so fun, so much fun!” Nature is not your forte and to the best of your ability, you try to hide it.
“Is this sarcasm?” Ushijima stares at you expectedly as if he is trying to decode the active front you’ve put up. 
“I told you I would tell you if I was being sarcastic.” You lie straight through your teeth and cover it with a bright smile. “I love hiking.”
“We don’t have to go to the summit, we can just have our picnic down at the base.” As Ushijima looks around the area, you nervously glance at the topic of the mountain. There are cable cars the higher the two of you go but, you still have a ways to go before you can get on one. 
“I’m fine, totally fine!”
“Oh, well, I am not fine.” His blunt personality is something you’re still getting used to and right now, you can’t tell what he is trying to do. “I am tired and do not want to hike.”
“Really?” You eye him in an attempt to read him completely, but it doesn’t work. “I feel like you’re lying.”
“That makes two of us then.” Ushijima’s hard eyes make you gasp and you quickly try to cover it as you turn away from him. “I know now that you hate hiking and that is okay.”
“Is it? I really wanted to do something that you like.” You frown, a pout deep on your face. Gently, your boyfriend places his hand on your shoulder and cups it entirely with his large palm.
“I do not like hiking.” His blank expression is a complete 180 from your own shocked one right now. You continue to stare at him with a raised brow and Ushijima takes the initiative to continue before you make up your own reasonings for him. “I do like being active but,” He pauses and tries to find the right words. 
Ushijima can’t because, as much as he tries, he does like being active outdoors. He can’t keep up his lies in front of you. 
“I am not disappointed that you do not share my interest. I like that we are different, (Y/N).”
“I know but, I just feel bad.” You glance back at the summit and try to shake the picture of it out of your head. “Maybe we can eat first and then try again?”
“Sure.” He smiles and it’s a supportive gesture that makes your heart clench painfully tight. As Ushijima guides you to a park table, he leads you with his hand on your lower back. His other hand holds your lunchboxes all neatly wrapped up and placed in your bag. “I like to be around you, that is all I wanted from today. Do you understand?”
You hesitantly nod and Ushijima covers any lingering insecurities with a kiss on the top of your head. 
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yeonruwu · 10 months
🏐🔏 夢叶う : dear diary,
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✒️ august reminded me — that he was never mine.
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crnl-chicken-tots · 10 months
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Happy belated birthday to one of many gentle giants, Ushiwaka!! 🎉🎉🎉
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Love can't be forced | UshiKuroDai
A/N: MY FRIEND (@ragewerthers) HAPPY BELATED 🎂 BIRTHDAY 🎂!!! I am the worst person ever but I hope you enjoy this little gift I offer you my frieeend! 💖
Words: 3,036
Summary: it's a surprise 😲
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It hadn't been long since the three of them had formally entered into a love relationship. For Kuroo it was still strange. Initially he only felt something for one of them, Ushijima had simply come as an extra because Kuroo only had feelings for Daichi and the later was in a established relationship with Wakatoshi already, but after a few weeks, he had discovered all the charms that Ushijima hid beneath that scary face and his terribly introverted personality, and now he couldn't even imagine a single day of his life without the presence of both. 
In fact, it now seemed to him that he was spending much more time with Ushijima than with Daichi, who was, for lack of proper words, his first and only interest. This was clearly because he was surprised every day to see Wakatoshi's true personality and actions: a shy smile, a bubbly laugh, a tender caress, a strong and loving hug, a blush on his cheeks - all those things that he never imagined would see in someone like Ushijima, now saw them almost daily and he felt his heart swell with love every single time. 
But his favorite thing was without a doubt, Sunday mornings. When none of them had to get up early for work or for a morning walk. On Sunday mornings the three of them would sleep late, until their backs would start to ache, wanting to stay in for the cuddles and warmth for longer.
Speaking of cuddles... if it wasn't for his current situation, he would never have known that Wakatoshi was one of those who liked to snuggle, Kuroo nearly fainted the first time he found out. 
It wasn't like he hadn't seen Ushijima be affectionate with Daichi before when the three of them first started dating, but to Kuroo, Daichi was always the one to initiate the displays of affection and, perhaps because he was still reluctant to open up to Wakatoshi, it seemed to Kuroo that it annoyed him when Daichi hugged him for too long. 
This was no different during the nights, (Wakatoshi usually perched on one side of the bed, Daichi in the middle and Kuroo on the other side), Wakatoshi would only hold Daichi if he snuggled against him, otherwise, he'd even turn his back around and let Kuroo held Daichi during the night. 
Kuroo was okay with it, he liked to cuddle Daichi, even if it was only for a moment because then Daichi overheated and it was uncomfortable for the three of them; one morning, however, Kuroo wanted to change positions, simply turn on his side, but he found the task impossible as something clinged around his waist, holding him in place. Opening his eyes he found out that it wasn't something, but someone: Wakatoshi.
Kuroo gasped, his body freezing when he found the former Shiratorizawa Captain against him. His strong arms encircling Kuroo's waist in a tight hug, pink cheek pressed against his chest, legs intertwined together and, on top of that, Daichi pressed against Wakatoshi's back, sandwiching him. 
How had Daichi and Ushijima changed positions? He had no idea, and for a moment he didn't know what to do, but before he even knew it, he was carding his fingers through Wakatoshi's hair, smiling softly when he let out a happy sigh and melted even more against him. He woke up a few hours later, that time Daichi between his arms and Ushijima making breakfast. 
After that day, that situation became common, and it usually happened on Sundays, well, at least only on Sundays Kuroo noticed since Ushijima got up before him and Daichi the rest of the week. As time passed, Kuroo even got a little sad if he didn't find Ushijima snuggled up against him in the morning. 
But it was rare when that happened, and that morning, like last week and the week before that, Ushijima was hugging him tightly, his face pressed against Kuroo's chest, his slow breaths tickling his skin. As soon as he could handle his body after waking up, he hugged Ushijima back, placing a kiss on the top of his head. 
"Morning, Tetsu." Kuroo was startled for a second, thinking that he had woken Ushijima, but he realized that it was Daichi who was greeting him, looking at him from behind Ushijima's shoulder. 
Kuroo smiled, "Morning, Dai," his morning voice sounded exactly like a purr, (at least that was what Daichi and Wakatoshi had said to him before), and he grinned when he saw Daichi blushing softly. 
"It's already past noon," Daichi mumbled, nuzzling into Ushijima's shoulder. "I think we should be up soon." 
Kuroo hummed, his eyes traveling to the sleeping beauty between his arms, he smiled warmly and kissed Ushijima's forehead. 
"I can't move right now, Dai," Kuroo said, hugging Ushijima tightly. "I've been chosen." That made Daichi laugh and he quickly hid behind Ushijima to quiet down. 
"You're always chosen, Tetsu. Wakatoshi enjoys being in the middle, because he gets to be close to you, but he acts like he doesn't."
Kuroo gaped. "What? What do you mean? Why?" 
Daichi smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "He's still unsure about your affections for him. He knows you act differently now, but he worries you're forced to do so because you want to be with me. I don't know if you know, Tetsu, but Wakatoshi fell for you not too long after you came into our lives."
Kuroo felt his cheeks burning. He couldn't lie and say that wasn't true, but that was in the beginning! Now he couldn't imagine life without Ushijima in it; they both were dear to his heart now. Still... knowing this made him feel guilty - he never meant to hurt Ushijima like that. 
"I'm the worst."
Daichi giggled, pressing tender kisses to Ushijima's shoulder, causing his skin to prickle with goosebumps. "You are not. You just need to tell your true feelings to Wakatoshi directly, he's not good at reading the mood, you see. He can be a little dense sometimes," Daichi mumbled before pressing a kiss to the back of Ushijima's neck, making him shudder in his sleep. "But that's what makes him so cute, don't you think?" 
Kuroo chuckled and he nodded softly. Indeed, Ushijima cluelessness, instead of being annoying, was so painfully cute. Especially because he didn't fake it. He never faked anything about him, so it was only fair that Kuroo was also true to him about his feelings for him. 
"Oh, is he awake?" He asked when Ushijima jolted a bit between his arms, but checking again, he had his eyes closed, soft snores coming from his parted lips. 
Daichi shook his head, "he's just ticklish here," he said, kissing the muscle just underneath Ushijima's nape. 
His body jolted again and this time Kuroo could see a little smile pulling at one side of his lips. 
"Wait," he said with a gasp. "Is Wakatoshi ticklish?!" 
"Huh? You didn't know?" Kuroo shook his head and Daichi laughed. "Have you been under a rock these past months? He is ticklish!" 
To prove his point, Daichi ran his fingers down Ushijima's spine. Wakatoshi arched his back away from the touch and against Kuroo, his lips curling into a big smile. What had he been doing all this time to miss out on this important piece of information?! 
Daichi chuckled, his fingernails tracing their way back up Wakatoshi's spine and the man arched again, this time a soft gleeful sound escaping his lips. Kuroo gasped, was he giggling? 
"My Toshi is very ticklish," Daichi said, sending a playful look to Kuroo. "Especially under his arms, but he lets me tickle him because he secretly enjoys it," he chuckled to himself and Kuroo thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest. How can his lovers be this adorable?! 
Daichi grinned and brought his hands down to Wakatoshi's lower back, his fingertips tracing the muscles and the dimples at the bottom of his spine. Wakatoshi shuddered and his smile grew bigger and bigger as he pressed himself harder against Kuroo, but when the soft tickling didn't stop, soft, sweet giggles started to pour out of his lips. 
"D-Dahahaichi!" He giggled, nuzzling more into Kuroo's chest. "Stahahap!" 
Kuroo watched him with amazement. He had heard Wakatoshi laughing before, he actually started to feel attracted to Ushijima after seeing him truly laugh for the first time, but seeing him like this was just more than his heart could take! 
"He's still asleep," Kuroo said breathlessly, hearing Daichi's giggles combined with Wakatoshi's. 
"He is, huh?" Daichi asked, stopping his attack to not wake Ushijima just yet. "You wanna try, Tetsu?" He offered with a huge grin, Kuroo immediately nodded, feeling Wakatoshi relaxing into him again. Daichi chuckled. "His lower back is really good, as you could see, but another good spot are his ribs," Daichi said, sneaking a hand around Ushijima's waist to point at his lower ribs. "Especially here, he'll probably wake up if we tickle him there, but that's okay right?" 
Kuroo felt his heart beating fast against his chest, he wondered if Ushijima could feel it where he had his face nuzzled. Daichi was looking at him curiously, almost teasingly and Kuroo couldn't help but blush softly. 
"Just try wiggling your fingers there a little, that'd make him laugh already!" 
Kuroo nodded and he moved his hand to the spot Daichi had shown him. He gently pressed his fingers against Ushijima's lower rib and the muscles jumped under his touch. He grinned and quickly started to wiggle his fingers against the warm skin. His fingernails lightly skittering there. 
Wakatoshi jumped and he started to giggle again, lowering one of his arms a little to protect himself; when Kuroo saw this, he couldn't help but press his thumb against the rib, massaging it gently. 
Ushijima jolted awake, head thrown back with surprised laughter. "DAHAHAichihi!" He cackled, trying to catch the hand attacking him, but he was uncoordinated.
Daichi giggled behind him, "It's not me, but I could help, if you want?" He said, his lips finding that sensitive spot behind Ushijima's ear, making him shrug his shoulders like a turtle. 
"Whahahat? Whoho- K-Kuroo?!" Kuroo smirked widely when he caught a glimpse of one of Ushijima's eyes, the only one he could open as uncontrollable laughter kept pouring out. 
"Morning, Wakatoshi," Kuroo purred, rubbing circles against his ribs. "A little crow told me that Wakatoshi was a little ticklish. It looks like the crow was right!" 
He saw Wakatoshi's cheeks turning bright pink, he also noticed how he tried to hold back his laughter, but it was nearly impossible with Kuroo's fingers going for that sweet spot. 
Ushijima shook his head, "N-No, that's- ahahaha! Plehehease, wahahait!" Now he was moving backwards, away from Kuroo's embrace and into Daichi's. The former Karasuno captain received him with open arms as he kept doing god knows what, behind Ushijima's ear, his fingers moving to claw at his toned stomach. "D-Dahahaichi! Stohohop!" 
"What?! Why don't you ask Kuroo to stop? Do you like being tickled by him but not by me anymore?!" Wakatoshi shook his head, desperately trying to pull Daichi's hands away, even closing one of his own hands around Daichi's wrists. 
But when he tried to make Kuroo stop, he barely touched his arm with the tips of his fingers, as if he was scared of hurting him. Kuroo felt a tug of sadness in his heart, was it because he was still unsure about how to act around Kuroo?
"Tetsu, do you want to tickle Toshi in his best spot?"
"Nohoho!" Ushijima shrieked, trying to get up, but Daichi had been awake for more time than him, his mind was working faster now so he easily grabbed Ushijima's arms and pinned them above his head from behind him. Ushijima squealed. "D-Daichi! Let- Let go, I-!" 
He pulled at his arms, but he really couldn't escape Daichi's iron grip. It even made Kuroo feel flustered at the sight, his own armpits tingling in anticipation. 
"What is the matter, Toshi?" Daichi teased against Ushijima's ear. "Last time I checked you enjoyed-
"D-Daichi, please," he begged, blushing to the tip of his ears. Kuroo noticed the way Daichi frowned as Ushijima quickly looked up at Kuroo. "You- You really don't have to do this," he said and Kuroo felt his smile faltering. Ushijima was serious, he really thought Kuroo felt forced to do this. 
"Ah, Dai, let Ushijima's arms go, yes?" Daichi was always quick at reading the mood, so he did what he was told and wrapped his arms around Ushijima's waist, pressing a warm kiss against his back. 
Kuroo could see that Ushijima didn't know what to do with himself, he smiled softly, "Toshi," Kuroo said tenderly, waiting for Ushijima to look at him.
Kuroo immediately cupped his cheeks. He chuckled when Ushijima looked at him, perplexed. 
"Wakatoshi, I love you," Ushijima widened his eyes. "I truly love you. I'm not happy with only Daichi anymore, I also want you. I thought I was being very clear, so I apologize for not being direct with you about it and just assume that you would understand my feelings even when I didn't say anything."
He smiled sheepishly when he saw Ushijima's eyes tearing up a little. Kuroo pressed a tender kiss under each eye and then to his nose. 
"I don't feel forced to love you because I love Daichi. I love you both so much, but for many different reasons. I don't love you because I love Daichi. I love you because you are you. I love everything about you, Toshi." 
He kissed Wakatoshi warmly and lovingly, trying to show all the love he felt for him, but he knew a single kiss wouldn't be enough.
They pulled apart breathlessly and Ushijima smiled shyly as Kuroo pressed their foreheads together. "I love you too, Tetsu," he said and Kuroo groaned, capturing Wakatoshi's lips in another kiss, a bit more heated this time. "I truly love you too. Thank you… For loving me too."
"No, Toshi. Thanks to you for being so patient with me," Kuroo mumbled, kissing Ushijima again. 
"Hey! Why are you making out without me?!" Daichi said and Kuroo was surprised when Wakatoshi suddenly laughed into his mouth. 
"Nohoho! Dahahahai!" He was tickling him again, hands latched to Ushijima's lower ribs. "Gahahaha! Hold ohohon! Ahahahaha!" 
Kuroo beamed when Ushijima tried to hide his face against his chest, his heart feeling warm and fluttery, but he still wanted to be mean to his sweet lover. 
"Dai, I think we can go for Toshi's best spot now, don't you think?" 
Daichi seemed to beam and he immediately went and lifted Ushijima's arms, exposing him to Kuroo. Ushijima flushed, but this time Kuroo could clearly see that there was no trace of discomfort in his features. If anything, he looked like he really was enjoying himself, excitement making his pretty eyes twinkle. 
"Pl-Plehease, dohon't!" He giggled, shaking his head and squirming backwards, but Daichi stayed firm, giggling to himself. 
Kuroo smirked, "Don't what, Toshi? Listen, this is totally part of my plan to show you how much I love you," he said, his hands moving closer and closer to Ushijima's underarms. "As a good lover, I need to know all of my sweethearts ticklish spots, don't you think?" 
Ushijima shook his head, closing his eyes to not see those wiggly fingers approaching him. Kuroo chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to Wakatoshi's nose before his fingers finally made contact with his sensitive skin. 
Kuroo whistled at Ushijima's reaction. He really was ticklish there, huh? He was simply scribbling his fingers against the soft skin and he was already howling with laughter.
"Woah, Toshi! You can't go around the world being this ticklish! I have to help you get rid of it!" 
"NAHAHA! STAHAHAP!" Wakatoshi laughed hysterically, head thrown back against Daichi's shoulder. 
"You're the worst," Daichi chuckled, his own cheeks going a little red. "Are you trying to kill my Toshi?" 
Kuroo laughed, "Our Toshi. And I'm just trying to help," he said, checking that Ushijima was still able to breath before he sent a teasing look to Daichi. "Why? Wanna take his place? I've heard from somewhere that you're ridiculously ticklish under your arms too." 
"TEHEHETSU! Plehehease!" Ushijima begged, kicking his legs back and forth, hitting their shins. 
Daichi flushed, but he smirked back at Kuroo, "Oh? You're being too cocky right now, Tetsu. Aren't you super ticklish there too?" 
Kuroo huffed, feeling a deep blush creeping to his cheeks as he smiled and looked at Ushijima's laughing face. How could he not be in love with someone like Wakatoshi? He was stupid for even thinking that he didn't want to love him. He was stupid for not wanting to open his heart to someone as sweet and kind as Ushijima, but he was glad he did. 
To Kuroo's surprise, Daichi suddenly let go of Ushijima's arms and he lowered them quickly, clamping them to his sides, but not fast enough to stop Daichi from latching his fingers back to his ribs. 
This time Ushijima positively howled, having two of his worst spots tickled like this. Kuroo laughed and he slowed down, not wanting to overwhelm Ushijima. Daichi also slowed down and Wakatoshi finally went limp against the bed, breathing heavily as sweet laughter still poured out of him. 
"Toshi got the giggles," Daichi sang, poking Ushijima's tummy just to make him giggle more. "He can't stop giggling!" 
"Stohohop pohohoking me!" 
Kuroo couldn't stand the butterflies in his stomach and the warm feeling on his chest, he grabbed Ushijima and pressed him back to his chest, hugging him tightly. 
"I love you both so much," he said, kissing Wakatoshi's forehead and then lifting his head to kiss Daichi's nose. "Thank you… for accepting me in your lives."
Both his boyfriends smiled warmly at him. "Thank you for being in our lives, Tetsu."
At first, there was no Daichi without Ushijima, but now, for Kuroo, there was no love and happiness without Daichi and Ushijima. The two were a combination that made his life better and he didn't need more. 
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pecan-pi · 2 years
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farewelltoeden · 2 years
Bear Hugs
summary: reon’s birthday occurs just shortly after the team learns a somewhat interesting fact about their dear wing spiker. his boyfriend plans accordingly.
tw: mention of blood, but in the context of semi being uncoordinated? another mention of blood in reference to carrie by stephen king. author is bad at endings.
a/n: i have a million asks sitting in my inbox and instead i’m writing a self indulgent fluff fic. not proofread ✌️ happy birthday to the best #4 fight me on it
as a child, ōhira reon never really celebrated his birthday. his parents didn’t see much of a need for it, and, being a child, he went with what his parents said. this was among the many usual childhood activities reon never got an opportunity to partake in.
it was a pretty average day when the team found out two shocking facts about reon. not only did he not celebrate his birthday (which was sad enough on its own!) no, it went further than that. something that got everyone down, even if he didn’t see it as much of a big deal himself. even ushijima was a little pouty.
“yeah, no. i don’t think i ever had a teddy bear.”
obviously, this could not be allowed to continue. though reon’s birthday wouldn’t occur until late october, eita’s plan went into effect way before that. making sure that everyone, along with whatever they wanted to gift ōhira themselves, had a teddy bear to give him. some picked out their own while others went to the (self appointed and titled) event coordinator for help. he was turning 18, and damn it, if he didn’t have one as a kid, he certainly wasn’t going to go into adulthood without them- and without people who wanted to celebrate him.
by the time his birthday actually rolled around, reon had entirely forgotten that he'd even said anything to the team about it in the first place. after all, his boyfriend was the only one who seemed truly appalled by the information in the first place. he woke up in the morning expecting some texts and birthday wishes throughout the day, endless excitement and attention from eita, probably a present or two, based on past experiences. he couldn’t say he wasn’t disappointed when he checked his phone to see no new messages (even from semi!), but he wouldn’t say anything. as always, it wasn’t a big deal to him.
what he didn’t expect, after he brushed his teeth and got ready for his day, was to open the door of his little shiratorizawa dorm room to come face to face with ushijima. who looked like he’d been up for hours, by the way. meanwhile, he was still bleary eyed and exhausted. “hi..?”
“good morning, ōhira.” ushijima greeted, regarding the other with a small smile before holding out a neatly wrapped box. “this is for you.”
reon took the box, looking between it and ushijima himself before smiling in return. “oh, wow. thank you! you really didn’t have to-”
“it’s your birthday.” he was interrupted rather promptly with the matter-of-fact statement from the captain. “it’s your birthday, and you deserve to have your birthday celebrated just like the rest of us.” he continued, patting his shoulder. “so.. i hope you have a good day. i’ll see you later.” he nodded, turning on his heel and walking off down the hall. he smiled to himself, only just slightly. the other seemed happy to receive the gift.
“okay- well, thank you again!” he called after him, letting himself smile fully now that there were no eyes on him. he slipped back inside the room to open the box privately, almost feeling bad as he tore the pristine wrapping. the guilt quickly subsided when he saw what was inside, though. among an assortment of sweets and candy sat a smiling face, staring up at him with brown plastic eyes. he picked the object up in disbelief, marveling at the softness of the black fur and how damn cute it was. it even had little paw prints on the feet! it was about the size of a football, he’d say, and he hugged it to his chest with the biggest smile.
his very own teddy bear.
he’d have to find ushijima and thank him endlessly later, though he couldn’t imagine why he’d decide to buy him a teddy bear. the reason didn’t matter, however- he was just so excited to finally have one. he felt like a child when the thought crossed his mind to just skip classes, stay in his room and stare at it all day, but it was such a shock. he didn’t want to leave it all alone! still, he eventually kissed its head (don’t judge him) and set it down on his pillow with the promise to be back later. even as he was leaving, it continued to smile at him the whole time.
when he arrived at the cafeteria, his first order of business was to look around for eita. he wanted his birthday hugs and kisses, and of course to tell him about ushijima’s gift to him. he didn’t spot him, though. in fact, none of his teammates were at their usual table. and he still had no messages. odd, he thought, taking out his phone to call his boyfriend when a voice from behind interrupted him. “ōhira-senpai!”
it was called in a pitch he very much recognized, prompting him to turn on his heel to face everyone’s favorite first year. “good morning, tsutomu.” he greeted happily, noting the way his underclassman was panting. “did you run here?”
“that’s not important!” goshiki replied, cheery as ever. just a little out of breath. “happy birthday!” he continued, shoving a bag toward him. not a gift bag- just a plastic bag, like you’d find at any store. but it was the thought that counted, and it counted a lot to reon.
“oh, wow- thank you! you really didn’t have to get me anything..” he started, the same spiel he intended to use on ushijima. though he got further that time, he still didn’t get to fully finish.
“i wanted to.” the younger interrupted, smile still bright on his face. “it’s your birthday! it’s special. go on, open it.” he seemed to only get more excited with each word, which gave reon a distinct feeling of dread. the type that told him it was one of those situations like when his brothers gave him something to open and a snake popped out at him.
even so, he opened it, not wanting to disappoint his junior. inside was a keychain that had a picture of the team shrunk down onto it, alongside something that made him regret being suspicious. shiny little eyes and soft brown fabric that just looked so huggable. he stood there in the cafeteria for a solid minute just staring, a fond look in his eyes as he resisted the urge to pull it out and smile like an idiot. “wow.”
“do you like it?”
“yeah, i do.” he finally looked up, matching goshiki’s smile with one of his own. “thank you very much, tsutomu. i love it.” he was about to continue when the other clapped and hugged him excitedly, causing him to laugh and hug him back.
after a minute, the younger stepped back and bowed his head. “i’m glad you like it! anyway, i have to go, my teacher wants us there early today for a project..” he grumbled, his smile dropping as the sulking began. reon just laughed, patting his shoulder and walking him out.
“you’ll do great.” he assured him, about to wave goodbye when he stopped. “hey, before you go- i don’t suppose you’ve seen eita anywhere?”
he tried not to find it odd when the younger abruptly shouted his goodbye and left without answering his question.
his day went on in such a pattern. run into one of his teammates, get a teddy bear, then have them run off before telling him where eita was. he tried to convince himself it was nothing, but there was always a gnawing feeling that this was their way of softening the blow before telling him that his dumbass- but loveable!- boyfriend got himself expelled or killed.
if it was, it was pretty nice, regardless. shirabu and kawanishi were together when they stopped him in the hall on the way to his second class, each with a small bag in hand. taichi quietly presented him with the image of a classic teddy bear- button eyes, threaded smile, soft to the touch. explaining that he figured he’d like it, cause he’s like 40, y’know? and it’s an old person teddy bear.. hah. that earned him an elbow to the ribs from shirabu, who quickly changed the subject with his own gift. lo and behold, another bear, this one built like an actual bear- four legs, correct bear posture, mouth sewn on in a straight line- because bears don’t smile all the time, he said. only when they mean it.
after getting an awkward hug from each of them and expressing his gratitude about a thousand times, he asked them if they’d seen his boyfriend. despite his wide smile in the moment, he was getting kinda sad. he hadn’t seen him since practice the previous day, and he was starting to really miss him. shirabu only rolled his eyes. “i already remembered your birthday- now i have to keep track of your boyfriend, too?”
if nothing else, it made him laugh a little as the two underclassmen started to walk away. “thanks anyway!” he called.
he got through the next three classes without much ruckus- a ‘happy birthday’ here and there from teachers or a few of his classmates who heard in the cafeteria. other than that, it was quiet. which really was odd, because right around now he’d usually be catching up with-
ah. there he was.
he turned around to greet his friend, seeing a flash of red already barreling toward him. used to these antics, surrounding students cleared a path without so much as stopping their conversations. satori barely managed to skid to a stop 2 feet in front of him, smile wide as ever. “hello, satori.” he greeted him quietly, turning to stand by his side and resume walking to class. a package was shoved into his chest before he could take two steps, causing him to blink in surprise.
“happy birthday! open it! open it, open it, open it, open it-”the redhead repeated, over and over until reon finally opened the box.. at which point loud cheering ensued. he was somewhat embarrassed, but that went away when he saw tendou’s bear selection. a normal bear, dressed in what seemed to be a bloody prom dress..
“satori. no.”
“it’s bearrie!” the redhead declared excitedly. “b- carrie? cabearrie.. car-bear.. come on, i put effort into this!” he whined. it was true! he cut out the little prom dress himself, painted on the blood, all that fun stuff. he knew it was the other’s favorite book.
“i thought we spoke to you about the puns.” reon sighed, before letting a smile break out on his face. “i love it, though. thank you.” he chuckled, holding onto the bear as tendou jumped on him for a hug.
“i knew you’d love it! she’s your favorite, right? you can totally tell me if she’s your favorite. obviously she’s your favorite-” he rambled, nudging reon repeatedly with his elbow before he rolled his eyes and walked away. “what?!” satori called after him. “was it something i said?”
the only thing dampening his good mood as he walked back toward his room, arms full of bears, was that he’d still yet to see eita. he wasn’t even in their usual sixth period class. he really was starting to worry, intending to call him again once he got everything sorted away. as soon as he did, though, someone burst in through his partially open door. “boom!” he heard the voice of the team’s libero, toting a gigantic ass bear on his back. “i win!”
reon watched with wide eyes as yamagata plopped the thing down on his bed, and while he definitely wanted to hug the shit out of that bear, he first had to ask- “won what, exactly?”
“y’know. your birthday.” he beamed proudly. “it’s not an official competition, but.. biggest bear means i win.” he insisted. “it’s called a djungelskog-”
“i really don’t think you can win.. my birthday.”
“agree to disagree.”
that argument actually went on for a while- basically until hayato also insisted he won that and ran out of the room. that left him there, alone- well, not entirely. call it childish, but he finally understood what people meant when they called their teddy bears their friends. or maybe it was just because these came from people who meant a lot to him. even so, laying on his bed among six of the best teddy bears in the world, all he could think about was eita.
he just couldn’t understand why he hadn’t seen him all day. in years past, eita had been the one to make sure his birthday was celebrated. while he was sure he had something to do with the gift theme that day, nothing would compare to seeing him in real life. he stared at his phone screen, displaying yet another call semi didn’t pick up.
he decided, at that point, just to go look for him. maybe he was sick or injured, or maybe he was mad. whatever the situation, he really missed him. he stood up from his bed, pocketing his phone and slipping his shoes on before opening the door. there, on the other side, was eita, getting ready to knock. he was absolutely soaked from head to toe, hair a mess and a fresh gash on his palm. even so, he smiled when he saw his boyfriend. “happy birthday!”
reon could only stand there, shocked at what he was seeing. “what the hell happened to you? i- come in, come here.” he told him, wrapping his arms around him for warmth. he’d completely missed the fact that it was raining, pouring actually. he’d been too focused on missing him. “where have you been?” he sighed, moving hair out of his boyfriend’s face and lifting his wounded hand. “i missed you.”
“oh.. well, did you get your bears? looks like you had a good day..!” he smiled, not wanting to think he ruined reon’s birthday by not being there.
“yeah, but i wanted to see you.” he chuckled, drawing him in for a gentle kiss and walking to his bathroom to grab some alcohol wipes. “i’ve been looking for you.” he told him, patting the bed to tell him to sit down beside him. “i do love this little theme. i assume you had something to do with this?” he gestured to the bears.
“i’m sorry.” eita sighed. “i.. i did, and i got so busy helping everyone else pick one that i totally forgot to go pick mine up, and so i went this morning and.. and it’s not even done.” he groaned, letting his head drop onto his non-bloody hand. “and i fell on the way back and now i don’t even have my main gift because they fucked up the orders.” he continued, getting more upset with every word. he’d put so much thought into his bear. he picked the material, the color, eye color, everything out. he ordered it through a highly rated custom gift website, even had it embroidered on the foot- 愛してる. i love you. he was going to spray it with his cologne.. so it would remind reon of him. “i’m sorry..” he sighed again, covering his eyes. he couldn’t believe he missed most of his boyfriend’s birthday for a gift he wouldn’t even be able to get for another week. he could have cried.
“hey, hey.” his boyfriend whispered, finishing up his hand and then moving in beside him. “i’m not mad, okay? i missed you, but you were trying to do something nice for me.” he hummed, kissing his temple. “besides, you’re here now, yeah? let’s get changed and lay down. i want my birthday kisses.”
eita laughed, wiping his eyes and planting one on him. “i can do that.” he agreed, standing from the bed. “oh! speaking of changing, i got you this.” he went into his school bag, pulling out a baby blue hoodie. of course he didn’t only get him one gift- what kind of boyfriend would he be? he unfolded it and held it out to him, revealing a little embroidered teddy bear with a hear on the right side chest. “if it’s not too lame, i also got a matching one.”
“oh, it’s so lame.” reon teased, taking the hoodie. “let’s see it.” he peeked into eita’s bag, identifying the same hoodie in baby pink. “i’ll let it go, because you’re cute.”
it took eita a while to peel off his wet clothes, but as soon as he was comfortably dried off and changed he joined reon in his bed. the teddy bears were spread out all around them, and he thought it was absolutely precious how much he seemed to cherish them. “i told you.” he whispered, poking the tip of his nose. “everyone needs a teddy bear.”
“mm, maybe.” reon agreed, hugging him tighter. “but i’ve got my favorite one right here.”
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August 13: Happy Birthday Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyū!!)!!!!
He was born in 1994, which would make him 29 years old today!
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someonemb · 2 years
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Don't Lose Your Head WIP
For Oikawa's birthday. No, I am not over drawing for my fanfic.
You know the song.
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softeninglooks · 1 year
tendou satori | tendou’s birthday
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"tendou bakes us cakes every year when our birthdays come around. we need to give him something great. especially since we're seeing him 𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯."
ohira was right, there was no point in denying it. tendou needed a great present, and although five former team-mates flying all the way to paris to wish him a happy birthday could be considered big enough of a surprise, shiratorizawa's alumni weren't going to stop at that. tendou's present needed to rival tendou himself in scale and colourfulness.
"i could perform a song," semi suggested eagerly, strumming on an imaginary guitar. "if my guitar doesn't get destroyed in the plane, that is. or i could bring along a ukulele." "i have a feeling tendou would love it," shirabu approved, much less inspired to find a solution for their friend's gift. truth be told, no one on the team was nearly as enthusiastic as tendou when it came to extravagant gifts.
"great, the song will do," ohira decided contentedly. "but there's also something we need to do as a group."
"maybe..." ushijima spoke, his calm, low voice immediately attracting the attention of his friends. "we could bake something for him. it could make him happy that we partake in his interests."
"good idea! but can you bake, ushijima-san?" goshiki inquired, slightly dubious although he appeared convinced by the suggestion.
"can anyone else?" ohira asked hopefully, looking at his former team-mates in turn. all shook their heads, and shirabu sighed deeply.
"okay. well, this is going to be fun."
"yes." ushijima nodded, much to everyone's amusement.
nobody could really tell whether he truly meant it or simply backed up shirabu's skepticism as regards their baking skills. either way, it seemed like it had been decided - baking it was! and if everything went well, a delicious strawberry shortcake should appear at tendou's table on may the 20th.
the plane landed smoothly at paris charles de gaulle airport after twelve long hours. for a professional athlete like ushijima, flying such distances had become common, but most of his friends had spent the first hours of the flight gazing into the windows, amazed by how small tokyo grew underneath them as they went up higher, soon to be surrounded by nothing but the bright blue sky and fluffy hills formed out of white clouds.
they landed in paris on the following day - and first on the agenda was to get all the necessary ingredients to bake a strawberry shortcake. goshiki took care of finding a step-by-step recipe online, while ushijima and ohira were in charge of bribing the hotel staff into lending them cooking utensils and a variety of pots and glasses.
ohira was definitely not above using ushijima's fame to their advantage, and his friend quickly found himself signing autographs and taking pictures with some star-struck employees who had recognized the athelete. wakatoshi's gratefully posed with everyone, and although the incorrigible uneasiness of his smile showed through all the pictures, ohira could tell that he really was doing his best. he patted his oblivious friend's shoulder with a proud smile, and both of them went back upstairs with their arms full of supplies.
meanwhile, semi and shirabu returned from a local supermarket with bags brimming with strawberries, flour, chocolate, and plenty of cream. aprons were tied and whisks were drawn out—for tendou's birthday, they had to give it their all.
in the evening, paris came to life in a carnival of lights, the warm hue of lamp-posts merging with the golden headlights of cars. the streets bustled with passers-by and tourists, buzzed with the sound of lively conversations in foreign languages, and vitrines glowed merrily along the boulevards.
"i can't believe tendou gets to work here every day! somehow, it looks even fancier than in the documentary," goshiki commented with stars in his eyes, following ushijima towards the shop tendou worked in. since wakatoshi had been the only one to visit their friend abroad, he steadily led the way.
"moving here sure was a crazy thing to do. but then it's tendou we're talking about," semi chuckled, shaking his head in both admiration and disbelief.
a few minutes later, they were pushing the door of the chocolate shop open and entering a shimmering bubble of warmth and sugary scent. ushijima went up to the counter, clearing his throat softly.
"excuse me," he addressed the cashier in english. "could we see tendou satori? we are friends of his."
"good evening! wait... aren't you..." a small frown creased the young man's brow in spite of his polite smile. "pardon my curiosity, but aren't you ushijima wakatoshi, monsieur tendou's best friend?"
"yes," ushijima's lips slightly curled as he remembered the documentary they had filmed. indeed, tendou and him were best friends.
"i'll go get him. thank you for paying us a visit, monsieur."
"well, isn't it nice, getting recognized like that..." ohira and semi chuckled, exchanging knowing glances. they had always known that ushijima would make it to the top, but seeing it in the flesh was always particularly pleasing. especially in a foreign country.
"wakatoshi-kun! what a surpr-"
tendou emerged from behind a backdoor, all clad in white and wearing his signature toque. but his cheerful exclamation was cut short as soon as his gaze landed on the rest of his former team-mates pressed together in the hall of the shop.
"happy birthday, tendou-san!"
they roared at once, torn between laughter and emotion at the sight of tendou's shocked face. they had not seen each other in person in a very long time, so such a reunion was more than needed.
"everyone..." the usually so upbeat tendou could barely speak, overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.
"happy birthday, best friend," ushijima added stoically—but he truly did mean it—, and handed tendou the carefully packaged gift. "we hope you like it."
"you guys... showing up here..." tendou took the present from wakatoshi, grinning widely as everybody applauded, costumers joining into the unexpected event. "i can't believe you."
tendou set the parcel on a nearby table, untangling the ribbon holding it together, and the open box revealed a creamy white cake more or less decorated with red frosting and strawberries peeking out from the layers of sponge cake. and on top of it, drawn in chocolate, was the image of tendou himself dressed as a chocolatier and holding a volley-ball, with the inscription 'happy birthday tendou-san' written above.
tendou lifted his head back up, looking at his friends and former team-mates, and his eyes shone with tears. of course, the cake could have tasted better had they ordered it in a professional bakery - but nothing could have warmed tendou's heart as much as this. it was the best birthday he ever had.
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kisa-ownworld · 10 months
Will u believe me if i said i had a dream where i met ushijima last night and now i find out that today is his BIRTHDAY???
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natriae · 9 months
ushijima was definitely a little innocent boy in highschool. and no this is not me tryna make him seem so babygirl cuz y'all he looks like he'd crush you, but you cannot tell me that that man was not so obsessed with playing volleyball for his parents approval to the point he missed out of basic puberty things.
Like homie probably woke up with his first boner and thought he needed to go to the doctors cause he was just that out of the loop.
So i one hundred percent believe that when Ushijima felt himself have feelings for the first time during his second year he would copy everything he saw in romance mangas. He would blush when he finally told tendou about his feelings for you.
He definitely made a lot of oopsies in front of you because he genuinely has no idea how to talk to girls.
He gets sad seeing how you get scared when he walks by. His first real feelings of insecurity about his body.
Every morning he would make sure his uniformed was ironed and neat for you.
When he woke up from a wet dream about you he immediately apologized when he got to school. Obviously he gave you no details about why he was apologizing. He just walked up to you and said "i'm so sorry 😐".
But finally the day he tried to copy a scene from a j-drama was when he thought he lost you. He told tendou to try and spill his drink on you but to purposefully miss. That way you would lose your balance and he would catch you. Safe to say that isn't what happened. Tendou's chocolate milk was dumped all over you, and everyone in the school witnessed the first time Ushijima Wakatoshi "yelled" at tendou. However, telling tendou "this isn't what we planned," in a stern voice led you to believe the two of them were purposefully trying to embarrass you.
When Ushijima saw the tears well up in your eyes he felt a kind of pain that he hasn't felt in years. His heart hurt seeing how scared you looked at him. That night he went home and attempted to write his feelings out into a letter. Did it make a whole lot of sense? no, but it got his point through.
The next day Ushijima hadn't seen you at school, and his mom went into his room to collect dirty clothes. When she saw an envelope addressed to you she assumed her son forgot to take it. It was your birthday today if she remembers correctly. So his mother walks through the neighborhood and drops the envelope into your mail box cursing out her "stupid" son.
On that fateful day it was revealed that Ushijima Wakatoshi was just a silly boy that was so deeply in love.
Btw the best part of the letter was:
"you're like a volleyball. I get happy when i see you,"
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schelamski · 6 months
Things Haikyuu Boys would do in a relationship (pt. 4)
-Ushijima, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Osamu
Part 1: Sakusa, Kita, Asahi, Hinata, Tendo
Part 2: Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Suna, Kuroo, Yaku
Part 3: Kenma, Kageyama, Terushima, Akaashi, Atsumu
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Ushijima Wakatoshi: Helping you put a necklace on
Wakatoshi likes to spoil his girlfriend, especially on your birthday. Right now you are struggling to put on the beautiful necklace that he gifted you, special to you because of the engraving on the back. “Toshi can you help me?” you ask him and his hands are immediately on your neck, closing the necklace around it. He is looking at you in the mirror while letting his hands linger a little longer than necessary on your nape before putting your hair back in place and stretching out his hand to take you to the dinner reservation he made to celebrate your special day.
Tsukishima Kei: Deep convos about random shit
Normally he doesn’t talk that much and especially not over something so seemingly unimportant but with you he is conversing without any snarky remarks or hesitation. Kei could talk for days about the deeper meaning of a recent book you two happen to have read, a theory regarding his most beloved fossils or everything else that’s running through his head. You always admire his way of thinking and you are happy each time he gives you insight on what’s happening in this smart head of his. The way you are listening and talking to him never fails to make him want to shut up again and just kiss you, after all he is better at showing his emotions through actions than words.
Oikawa Tooru: Having a special song
It was the song that was playing in the small copy shop where you were waiting to receive your printed pictures when you met Tooru. He wanted to print out some pictures to craft a photo album for his nephew when he noticed you humming the melody of the song absently. On your third date in a mini golf arena the song started playing again and since then it’s been the song to which you have the best memories. If he ever gets the chance to marry you, he wants this song to play during your first dance.
Bokuto Koutaro: Randomly looking at each other and saying, “I love you so much”
Currently you were suffocated with the weight of your boyfriend who was laying on top of you but you wouldn’t be able to catch a breath anyway because suddenly he told you that he loved you. That was the first time he told you and you weren’t able to say it back until he moved to look at you because you’ve been silent for too long. After that it happened at the weirdest times. For example, when Kou asked you which type of rice to bring or when he walked in on you sitting on the toilet or even in front of all of his team when you came to watch the MSBY team practice. After hearing it some more in unexpected situations you even started to learn to say it back to him in time.
Miya Osamu: Hugging the back of them and putting your face on their shoulder
There is no better feeling after a long exhausting day than coming home to find Samu standing in front of the stove working on some meal for you to eat. You make your way into the kitchen and collapse against his broad back while leaning your face on his shoulder, humming in appreciation. You follow him around the kitchen like this until he leads you to the table and places a plate of incredibly good smelling food in front of you and him. Over dinner you ramble to him about your day during which he reminds you with a soft smile to eat before the food gets cold. After the dinner you two spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the sofa, both enjoying the soothing warmth of each other’s bodies.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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osamusriceballs · 10 months
Last-Minute Plans
Ushijima x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW (cockwarming, rather soft)
Words: ~ 1,5 k
About: Wakatoshi got a ring for you, and he needs to make sure it fits.
A/n: Happy Birthday to our beloved Wakatoshi-kun~
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"It fits,"
he mumbles with a sigh of relief, one he hadn't realized he was holding. He looks contently at the jewelry now adorning your ring finger.
Ushijima knows that he's late with this. He should have attempted this plan a long time ago; he despises last-minute actions. Lately, however, you've insisted on waiting until he returns home late from practice due to extended training sessions just before the crucial match, making it impossible for him to secretly slip that ring onto your finger to see if it fits. He's aware he hasn't been giving you the time you deserve lately, but he's determined to make it up as soon as he can. He intends to spoil you as soon as the match is over and his schedule finally allows him to have more free time, treating you like the princess you are.
He had nearly abandoned the idea of trying the ring on your finger. He considered simply hoping for the best, planning to alter the ring quickly after proposing if it didn't fit. He knows you wouldn't have minded, but he wanted this moment to be perfect. The first difficulty he had encountered, however, was that you had rings in various sizes in your jewelry box- probably for different fingers, but even after sorting through them, he was still not convinced that he chose the right size.
Relief washes over him as he sees the ring fitting comfortably, and for a short moment, he envisions your future together. He dreams of having you sleep beside him every night, of going on the vacation you've always dreamed of, and of giving you the beautiful wedding ceremony you've always wanted. He's already asked Tendou to be his best man and informed his parents of his plans. He even decided to send his father a notice that his son will be getting married soon—hopefully.
The ring looks stunning on your hand. It's noticeable yet subtly elegant. He's confident you'll love it; you've often praised his taste, describing him as simple in his choices, which you adore.
His gaze drifts to your peaceful sleeping form. You must be exhausted not to have woken up yet. Normally, you'd wait until he returns or awaken when he quietly lies down beside you, an act he's yet to master. You'd always greet him with a tender kiss, a gesture he cherishes most during his days and misses the most when he's away. Yet, you sleep soundly, your face soft, breathing steady. You're wearing one of his shirts, the old Shiratorizawa jersey you claim is the comfiest—adorable on you, he agrees.
He's fairly certain you're wearing only flimsy panties beneath, but he'll take his sweet time tomorrow to explore every inch of your body.
"Toshi," your sleepy voice pulls him from his daydreams, and he quickly hides the ring, clutching your hand in his. You stir, turning towards him, brows furrowing as you reach out blindly.
"Y/n, go back to sleep. It's late," he murmurs in a soothing tone, knowing you find his voice calming.
"I missed you," you groan, squinting your eyes as you try to make out his face in the dimly lit room.
"I missed you too," he replies, smiling softly and leaning down to press a tender kiss to your lips. You smile in return, bringing your free hand to his cheek, a bit clumsily—almost slapping his face, but he doesn't mind; he is simply happy having you close.
"You haven't shaved today," you mumble as you caress his cheek. He hums in response. "I forgot. Does it bother you?"
"No, it doesn't. But you never forget to shave. What was on your mind today?"
You, he thinks, but for once, he refrains from sharing his thoughts. He needs to distract you, to take back the ring unnoticed. How you haven't noticed it so far surprises him.
"I was thinking about…" he begins, his voice trailing off, unsure how to respond without you getting suspicious.
"Wakatoshi, come to bed. You seem really tired," you yawn, and he suddenly knows what he needs to do.
Ushijima leans down to kiss you again, this time deepening the kiss with more passion. He feels your response, your body arching into his touch, your lips moving in sync with his.
"Toshi," you're already breathless after a few kisses, and he finally feels your hand relax, fingers intertwining with his with the metal still on your finger. He typically holds your hand more firmly, but now he keeps his grip gentle, ensuring you don't feel the ring on your finger. With his free hand, he traces the hem of your shirt, his fingers gliding beneath the fabric, encountering the softness of your skin.
"Want you, but I'm tired," you whisper against his lips, prompting him to nuzzle against your neck. "Should I pleasure you? Should I make you feel full?" You moan softly and weakly nod, your eyes barely open in the dark room. Unbeknownst to you, a wave of relief washes over him. This may not be going exactly as he planned, but making love to you with the ring already on your finger is better than he could have imagined.
He quickly runs through potential scenarios in which he could smoothly slide the ring off your finger, deciding to position himself behind you while maintaining a hold on your hand in front of your body. Shifting his body weight, he maneuvers behind you until his chest presses against your back. He skillfully settles beneath the blanket without releasing your hand, making sure not to tighten his grip around your fingers. His lips find your neck, where he places the gentlest kisses against your skin, earning the softest, most beautiful moans from your lips. His hips begin to rhythmically move against your backside, and he feels how he hardens in his pants.
You contently hum while you lean into his touch, raising one leg to allow him to slip his thigh between yours. "Feels good," you murmur as he starts a grinding motion against your pussy. He feels his growing need, a nearly instinctive response to your body. His earlier suspicion about you wearing only his shirt and panties appears accurate; that much he notices when his shorts ride up and his bare thigh grinds against your cunt. As much as he wants the feeling of your bare skin against his, he knows that undressing might raise too much suspicion. Instead, he guides his free hand downward, gently tracing circles against your clothed center.
"You're so perfect. So beautiful. I love you so much," he whispers into your ear, causing you to shudder in his arms. Your grip on his hand tightens, while your other hand softly clutches the sheets. He understands your needs. Grateful that he's still wearing the soft shorts, he pushes them down slightly, quickly freeing his cock.
"Should I use some lube?" he asks, concern lacing his voice, worried about hurting you since he hasn't fully prepared you yet—a truly challenging task when ensuring your hand remains held and he can only use one hand properly.
"Think I'm wet enough," you mumble, and he dips two fingers between your folds to confirm, and he is rewarded with enough arousal to forget about his worries.
As much as he wants to ravish you right now, he knows you would probably drift off to sleep if he makes love to you tenderly—so that's precisely what he does. He gently spreads your legs further with his thigh, allowing his cock to rest between your legs. It has almost become a routine for him to set aside your panties and gradually ease his cock inside you- a practice that you often do after he comes home late from his practice sessions.
A breathy moan escapes your lips at the stretch, and he feels his own body tensing at the sensation of your soft walls around him. He continues to push until he's fully inside of you. You always take him so well—it feels breathtaking to be buried deep inside you. He still hopes you'll succumb to sleep in this embrace, even though he's surely wide awake himself.
"Feels good," you hum, your breathing gradually returning to a steady rhythm. He pulls you closer, inhaling the soothing flowery scent of your hair- a scent that always brings him comfort and calms his mind when he can't seem to rest. You might not fully grasp how much he loves you—how every fiber of his being yearns for you, how he wishes for you to be happy and to be his. This is precisely why he plans to propose to you tomorrow and to place the ring back on your finger. You wouldn't refuse him on his birthday, would you?
"Sleep well, my love."
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hiraethwa · 3 months
one summer day
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07 sun and moon. where you plan a surprise for ushijima’s birthday with the help of his teammates
<< 06 saturn ii. | >> 08 to be human.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: as inspired by “i promised myself i would never fall in love but it was 4am and we were laughing way too hard and i felt happy for the first time in a long time" this one got a little out of hand hahaha :) hope you enjoy a cute slice of life chapter after all that angst from saturn parts i and ii - ave word count: 2.8k warnings: cursing, falling in love tags: @lemurzsquad -- (inbox me if you want to be added to the tag list)
august, second year
you hope that the boys did a good job of keeping your plan under wraps as you signaled to semi in the volleyball gym,. it’s summer break, and you had baked ushijima’s favorite cake as a surprise for his birthday. you have been planning this since the break started, coordinating with the boys on the team to celebrate his birthday. 
you stay hidden from his sight outside the doors, watching as tendo claps his hands twice to get the team’s attention, counting to three before they launch into a terrible rendition of the birthday song. it physically hurts you to hear the out of tune and unsynchronized singing, but you make your feet move forward. 
the candles on cake flicker as you step into the building, joining in to the singing as best you can. ushijima turns around to find you smiling sweetly at him, dressed in a white summer dress that falls to your knees, as if he heard you among the sea of voices. 
there is surprise in the way his eyes slightly widened, lips parting. he did not see this coming, you note with a strange sense of satisfaction, feeling a song coursing through your body. 
you stop in front of him, lifting the cake for him to blow the candles out. “happy birthday, toshi” you have been using that shortened version of his name for him lately, preferring the way it sounds. what you didn’t know though, was that the team has been giving him grief about you doing it, teasing him to no end when you were not around despite his repeated rejections of claims that the two of you were dating. 
a wide smile graces your lips as you soak in the way he stares back and forth at you and the cake before closing his eyes for what only felt like seconds, making a wish. you watch as his tongue darts across his lips before he puts out the candles in one breath. 
you hand over the cake to one of the first years, as ushijima thanks the team for the surprise and orders them back to practice in his captain voice. the third years had chosen him to lead the team, leaving shortly after they were done with interhigh nationals to focus on preparing for university entrance examinations. 
you know how significant it was for him to be chosen as captain. how he valued being relied upon by his teammates to see them through to victory. he aspired to be the dependable ace, and now he is. 
you place a hand on his arm, stopping them from resuming practice. it was evening now, and definitely time for dinner. you have a reservation booked at a restaurant in town, and have made the necessary arrangements for the team to be able to attend it. 
“coach gave you all time off tonight,” you announce, enjoying the various looks of surprise and respect on their faces except ushijima, who looks like he saw this coming. “c’mon, we have a dinner reservation in thirty minutes.”
they stand frozen in place, before one of the first years, shirabu, breaks the silence. “how did you do that? coach is so strict, he never lets us slack off at practice.”
you laugh, noting how they felt comfortable to address you now, a far cry from the beginning of the school year when they were too afraid to approach you whenever you visited your friends at practice. “that’s because i’m coach’s favorite,” you wink at the setter, sending him into a blushing fit. 
though the coach seemed hard to get along with, he had taken a liking to you after you brought him homemade food on a few occasions to bribe him into letting you stay and watch the matches. despite the mean facade he wears, he was always kind when he interacted with you.
you remember him taking a look between you and ushijima back in may, having noticed how you two seemed to appear together and how you stood closer than normal friends would, elbows touching and how only ushijima got packed bentos from you, and bluntly asked if you were dating. 
you had looked at ushijima, meeting his eyes and immediately looked away, heat burning your face all the way to the tip of your ears. and the two of you had denied it so quick and loudly that it caught the attention of the shiratorizawa players who were in the middle of a match. the spike the opponents sent back caught your team off guard, hitting soekawa in the back of his head and scoring the match point. 
coach had made them do a hundred serves each as penalty after the visiting college team left. 
sometimes you wonder if ushijima has told him anything about you to make him treat you so kindly. sometimes when you sat next to him at matches, helping him record the plays since they did not have a manager, and he talked to you about your life and your plans, he felt like more of a parental figure than your own parents. sometimes when he looks at you with that all knowing glint in his aged eyes, holding his words back and trusting you to make your own decision, you wish your parents were more present in your life. 
“go change into clean clothes, please!” you shoo the sweaty boys away from you when they try to give you a hug. the first years, recognizing the influence you have with their coach, had taken to lining up in a straight line, saluting to you with reverence. “yes, senpai!” 
you shake your head at the younger boys as they start cleaning up, jumping with excitement at the prospects of being given time off. you place the cake back into the cake carrier to bring to the restaurant as dessert. 
“y/n-chan!” tendo casually walks over to you, hands placed on his hips. “you look real pretty today. ushijima-kun must be over the moon that you dressed up for his birthday.” he grins at you teasingly.
you elbow the boy, rolling your eyes at him. “shut your mouth if you don’t have anything good to say, satori.”
“huh? anyone with eyes would be.” he sticks his tongue out at you, leaning back on the bench with his hands braced on either side of himself. 
you sit down next to him, watching the team packing up the equipment and mopping the floors. particularly the team captain. you got serious, remembering their recent loss in nationals. “how was practice? i know the interhigh loss must have been tough.”
“well enough, i suppose. we are constantly pushing each other to improve, ushijima-kun most of all.” he shrugs, pausing. you know that he gives his all and more to be the best out there. after all, he is one of the top three aces in the country at the high school level. but still, you worry that he is pushing himself too hard.
when school was in session, you had to drag your boys out of the gym by the neck on some evenings. they would lose track of time, practicing hours past practice, wearing their tired bodies down. and you would be there to tell them off. on some days, bribing them with food gets them out of the gym. 
tendo pins you with a knowing look. “i’m glad you found each other, you know.”
“who?” you frown at him. he needs to stop being so vague and whatever this is.
“you and ushijima-kun. he’s different around you, a good different,” he gestures toward you, “and you, you are happier around him. you smile more, and you come out of your shell to hang out with us. it feels like he’s the sun and you’re the moon, and you reflect the light he shines on you radiantly.” 
you understand what he meant. you, of all people, would know. being around ushijima feels like basking in warm sunlight in spring when it’s a little too chilly without the sun. though you don’t want to admit it, it feels like home. 
you don’t care to dig deeper and put a name to the feeling. you just wish to savor the present before it slips through your fingers. all you know is that you truly felt safe to be yourself around him. you love the person you are, the person you are becoming, with ushijima by your side. 
since that vulnerable night you shared with him months ago, he had kept his promise. whenever you took a step towards the light, he was right there next to you. and when the darkness tried to lure you back into its familiar embrace, he held your hand tight, refusing to let you go. 
slowly, but surely, you began to look forward to plans you made with your friends and classes that you found an interest in. to see the summer transition to autumn. to the life you would have after high school. music started to feel like magic instead of an escape. 
the hazy future that had avoided you became clearer. you had friends who cared about you. you grew the courage to show yourself and say the things you were too afraid to say in conversations. you smiled more, laughed more. you started living, and it felt good. it felt amazing, actually. you have developed the confidence to be the person that you kept hidden away for far too long.
“i’m the lucky one,” you mutter to yourself, lost in your own thoughts, failing to notice that tendo had been called away and the boys are filing out of the gym, chattering excitedly. semi calls out to you, “let’s go, y/n!”
“wait for me!” you yell back at him, jumping up and grabbing the cake carrier. semi links his arm through yours as you catch up to them. 
a lively air surrounds your group of friends as you head into town for dinner. your party of twenty takes up a good portion of the restaurant. talking and laughing about the most random things, from semi’s recent obsession with styling his hair to the time ohira got so nervous talking to a girl he said he likes her friend. 
the waitress comes by the table to take your orders, timidly trying to speak to the boys, but they are all distractedly speaking amongst themselves. so you stood up, clinking your fork to a glass of water to get their attention, telling them to decide on their orders and tallying up the different sets that they chose. she shoots you a grateful smile for making her life easier and not having to interact with the intimidating group of boys. you return an apologizing smile to her for your party who is being difficult to handle. 
dinner flies by with you seated between ushijima and semi. tendo rose to his feet, copying your earlier actions of clinking a utensil to a glass to get everyone’s attention. and proceeds to give a birthday toast to ushijima. “ushijima-kun, i am grateful to be able to call you my friend. happy birthday to the best team captain i have ever had!”
you all cheer for his sweet and simple birthday wish, sounds of clinking glasses and whoops fill the air. soekawa, seated beside tendo goes next, and then, ohira, and one by one, going around the table, birthday wishes are said to ushijima. 
shirabu wishes his senpai a great year of volleyball ahead and to win the nationals in his final year. semi admits that he admires ushijima’s work ethic when it comes to volleyball and for the soon-to-be third years to do their best. 
and then all eyes fall to you, the last one at the table to say something. the only girl sitting at the table full of strong-framed volleyball players. but somehow, you don’t feel like the odd one out. no, you feel perfectly comfortable with the group of friends who is beginning to feel like family.
but it is the pair of earth colored eyes that knocks the breath out of you. 
“wakatoshi, it has been my honor to call you my friend in the past year. you’ve seen parts of me that no one else had seen,” you pause, the hoots and excited clapping from the second years interrupting you. you shoot them a glare that promises death, realizing how your words implied something else. 
but you ignore the burning in your cheeks as you continue your toast. “and yet you stayed when you did not have to. you’re an amazing person, and an even better volleyball player. let’s celebrate this day next year and every year after that. happy birthday, captain!”
you meet his eyes, a warm light to them. a silent thank you reverberating in their depths.
no, thank you. a blink, and then a slow smile back to ushijima as the world fades away to silence until it was just the two of you. 
you see the understanding in his eyes. so many words left unsaid because they were not needed, not with him. they say soulmates complete each other. but you never believed in soulmates. even if they did exist, he wouldn’t be yours.
tendo is right. he’s a sun, capable of powering entire planets, and you are but a barren moon, thriving under his care, much like the other planets and their own moons in the solar system. just as the moon orbits the earth and the sun, so does the sun orbit the center of the milky way galaxy. and the sun is always out of the moon’s reach, destined for greater things.
you are grateful to have him in your life, but you know that sooner or later, he will move on. he is meant for more than just this. such is this life. so you will take whatever fate has given you and hold on to it tightly while you can. 
even if your souls are made from the same fabric, it is not enough for the ill-fated hand that you have been dealt. it should be enough for you to be able to share this time with ushijima. it has to be.
and then the noise comes flooding back in, pulling you back to reality as ushijima looks away towards someone who pulled him into a conversation. 
you stand up abruptly, unsettled by the realization that crept up on you. “i’m going to get some fresh air”, you say tightly to no one in particular, grabbing your purse and walking out the door. 
you settle on the curved bench, throwing your head back and enjoying the occasional cool breeze kissing the warm skin on your neck, legs stretched out like a cat. you stare up at the sky, at the moon and the stars twinkling in the distance. 
a heavy weight settling besides you startles you, sending you scrambling to sit up. “it’s me” ushijima. 
“hey, you. what are you doing away from your party, birthday boy?” you relax back into your comfortable position. sometimes you think you get high on air around him.
he nudges you. “not the same without the person who made it all happen.”
you unconsciously scoot closer to him despite the heat radiating off his body. “i enjoy their company, but i think the quiet suits me more.” against your best judgement, you lean in towards him, resting your heavy head against the curve of his shoulder. the silence always feels so loving in his presence.
“thank you,” you turn to look at him, finding his gaze already on you. his face is inches away from yours. that’s the closest you two have ever gotten, you think. you could lose yourself in his eyes forever. 
“for what?” it comes out as a whisper. 
there is a twinkle in his eyes. “for today. for making my birthday such a memorable one. for all the food you made me. for the green tea you keep stocked for me. for seeing me.” a smile graces his lips, “for being on my side. for nothing. for everything. for being you.” he lists, counting on both hands.
maybe it’s the way his voice calms you and soothes your fears. maybe it’s the feeling of his arm against yours. maybe it’s the way the moonlight is shining in his hair. maybe it’s the feeling of the melody that had been slumbering in you shift and open one eye. maybe it’s the way he saw your darkest and ugliest parts and still chose to stay. maybe it’s the way he felt like home.
because despite your best intentions, despite the promise you made to yourself to not fall in love, you find yourself stepping off the cliff.
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looking for more? browse the collection
reblogs and comments are appreciated! i wanted to yell so much as i proofread this part omg AHHH my inbox is also open if you would like to yell about them privately <3
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
Happy birthday ushi 🎉🎂🥳😘🎈🎁!!!
⍣ ೋ dreams come true
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˚ · . ushijima x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ fluff, unknown mutual pining, plot twist at the end (?), just cuteness for my boy wakatoshi's bday ʚ❤︎ɞ , this was kinda shit haha
even tiny love i've cherished (you make me feel so good)
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you walked slowly throughout the hallways, almost hesitantly, your hand behind your back, cheeks tingling slightly with excitement and nervousness.
you inhaled deeply, lightly pouting at the way you were such a nervous wreck, even though what you were about to do was normal for friends. hah, friends.
finding the courage, you sped up your steps when you saw the classroom that your friend was in, taking a moment to take a deep breath before you opened the sliding door.
you smiled lightly, finding comfort in seeing your dear friend. "happy birthday wakatoshi-san.." you meekly muttered, walking over to his desk, to where he was sitting at. he looked up at you with his stoic face, olive eyes watching as you approached.
you looked around quickly, noticing that it was just you and him and a few other random classmates. "w-where is satori-san?" you asked, a little nervous at the idea of it just being you and ushijima.
"he left to go get a drink. he'll be back soon," he said, his attention on you as he waited for you to say something. you always guided him in the conversations, not that he didn't want to talk to you, he just didn't know what to say sometimes. he's rather a listener than a speaker.
"say, are you doing anything for your birthday?" you asked. "i don't know yet, might not do anything." he replied, his hands coming up to his notebook, closing it. oh, what a bummer. "oh, that must suck, haha. did anyone buy you gifts? or are you going to get gifts?"
"i think my team is planning something, they are acting a bit suspicious." he raised a slight eyebrow, surprising you with his words, he caught on? "m-maybe you're just being paranoid, haha, don't think too much about it!" you stammered, lightly chuckling at his straightforwardness. his team, are in fact, planning something for his birthday.
"maybe." he said, a rare light smile coming up to his face. you couldn't help but grin at him, you love it when he smiles. you've known him since freshman year, and yet you can count on your hand how many times you've seen him smile.
"ah, y'know 'toshi, i have a lil' something for you." you said, biting on your lower lip excitedly. "what is it?" he asked, lightly cocking his head to the side. you were quick to whip out his birthday gift, wrapped neatly, with a cute purple bow on the side, "ta-da!" you cheekily grinned, giggling a little at your awkwardness.
you could almost hear his thoughts as you placed the gift into his hands, a gift? "please, it's your birthday! don't be so lame, 'toshi." you spewed, one of your hands coming up to playfully slap at his broad shoulder.
"do you want me to open it?" he asked, emitting a playful scoff from you, "why are you asking me? it's your gift! open it whenever you want."
jeez, this guy can be so dense, you pouted. though, your pouting quickly turned into a shy grin, so adorable. for some reason, your stomach dropped when his hands fumbled with the string of the present, working to untie and open it, in front of you.
you trembled nervously, your eyebrows furrowed greatly as you chewed on your lip, hands clenching at the material of your skirt. "i wanted to get you something, b-but i didn't know what, but i saw it so.." you said, trailing off when he brought his revealed gift closer to his face to observe it.
a keychain, a little volleyball with two black dots as eyes, and two arms and legs. he looked back into the gift-bag, which had other items such as cookies and little things. it surprised you when he was still observing the keychain, fiddling it in-between his thick fingers.
you jolted up when he sat up once more, keychain still in his hand. from the way he was staring at you blankly, you thought he was going to like, throw it at you or something.
"thank you, i appreciate your gift." he said, sitting the keychain upright on his desk, eyebrow raising slightly when it stood up on it's own. "you like it?" you smiled, leaning a little towards his desk.
he smiled at you softly once more. "yes, i like it. thank you." you softly blushed at his words, the praise and acceptance feeling the best to you, but the moment was short lived when the 5-minute bell rang, interrupting the sweet moment.
"aw.." you groaned out, slumping over in your seat. you then stood up, stretching a little before turning to face the doorway. "i'll see you later." he said, low eyes looking you straight in the eyes.
you grinned once more at him, his words sounding more like a demand, rather than a request. "see you later, 'toshi."
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
"that was fun, we should do it again," satori said, cheeks flushed intensely from all of the alcohol he consumed that night, leaning weakly against the wall of the outside doorway.
keys crinkled, metal on metal scraping against each other as ushijima worked the lock, twisting and turning the key until he heard a click. "ushiwaka, you still have that keychain?" satori purred, leaning in closer to ushijima, eyeing the familiar keychain.
opening the door, ushijima pulled his keys up closer to his chest, once more looking down at the keychain with familiarity and softness. it was the same keychain you gifted him in his senior year, and despite being nearly a decade later, the keychain dusted and dirtied, he still has it dangling alongside his set of keys.
"yeah," he grunted, opening the second door, stuffing the keys into his pocket carefully, staring straight-ahead into the house's walkway.
"welcome home 'toshi, oh, hello satori!"
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