#harassment mention
fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, edited erasure-poetry style to read, "I don't condone harassment. don't do it."]
I don't condone harassment. don't do it.
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"I think fanfic readers need to calm down. The other day, I was reading a fanfic Star Trek about a love triangle (it was tagged this way). Sometimes, I read the reviews and one of them was saying something like : " Stop writing A and B, B must stay out.." (sth like that). Dear other readers and shippers, who do you think you are? Stop feeling so entilted and maybe next time read the f*cking tag? This review has been deleted but I'm still upset and I hope the writer is ok."
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yourlocalwitchstuff · 6 months
Me when I wear moonstone for Lady Artemis’s protection and strength because there’s this boy in my choir class who keeps harassing me and I’m too scared to do anything.
Also the citrine for Lord Apollo because we have a concert today and I want it to be good.
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just-antithings · 1 year
The harry potter discourse annoys me
Like “the game is offensive” okay and how does harassing and suicide baiting, or assuming the worst out of people who like it, especially trans and jewish folk who like it, help?
And don’t even get me started on the people getting hate for using it to cope with their mental health problems
I’ll start with the disclaimer that harassment and suicide baiting is never okay from any side. If you see someone playing the game then simply block them because at this point if they’re playing the game and promoting it in social media then they already know about the issues and are willing to let them slide so it’s not worth engaging.
However you seem to misunderstand something here. The biggest issue isn’t that “the game is offensive” (although it certainly is). The issue is that the money is going directly toward the oppression of trans people in the UK.
The Harry Potter game isn’t the only offensive game to exist and JKR isn’t the only bigot out there. However people either don’t understand or don’t care about just how influential she is. It’s not just her spouting transphobia on twitter and writing bigotry into her stories. The money she gets from her Harry Potter properties she uses to directly fund anti-trans legislation in her country.
Were you aware that at the start of the year Scotland was set to pass a bill to help transgender people in their country? It would have incredibly eased the struggle trans people go through to transition legally and be recognized as their gender by the law. It was passed through by the Scottish Parliament! But then the UK for the first time in history used their veto power to block this law from going into practice. This is the sort of legislative decision making that your money is going to when you buy the game. Because JKR talked extensively on how against this bill she was. And JKR has outright said that she takes the continued monetary support of Harry Potter as support and agreement to her ideals and she uses that money to donate to organizations and back lawmakers and fund legislative decisions such as this.
Anti-trans sentiment is at an all time high in the UK. Shortly after the game came out there was an article about a trans girl who was murdered by two of her classmates for being trans. These were highschoolers. The rhetoric that is being spread in the UK right now is literally life or death for trans people.
I get that people have an attachment to this series from before it was clear what a horrible person the creator is. I get that some of those people struggle with their mental health or are trans or Jewish themselves. But it’s not about them being comfortable with letting it slide. It’s specifically about the trans people fighting for their lives in the UK.
It doesn’t matter how many trans people from outside the UK say they’re fine with playing the game and giving JKR money. They aren’t the ones being directly harmed by this. It’s only up to those in the UK that JKR is legally fighting against to determine where the line is drawn. And an overwhelming majority have begged people not to buy this game. To not play and promote it on social media for others to see and decide to buy.
There are so many other incredible series out there to discover and fall in love with. And even if you decide you wont do the work to separate yourself from this series, there are plenty of ways to indulge without giving money to its creator. Read or write fanfiction, draw art, start a roleplaying blog, whatever! This game is in no way a need, even for those who feel they rely on the series for their mental health. It is purely a want and buying the game is a decision that your want is more important than the fight for trans rights in the UK. If that’s your prerogative then that’s your decision to make. And while you shouldn’t be harassed for it you should know that it’s the choice your making and people have a right to lose respect for you or cut you out for it.
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inhumanliquid · 11 months
Fun facts with someone who literally has PTSD:
Calling someone a bigot because they have a fucking trigger that offends you is ableism.
You don't know the pasts of strangers on the internet.
"People with religiously themed main blogs interacting with me makes me uncomfortable" isn't the same as "I hate Jews and Muslims" and if you think it is that's a you problem.
Some people are going to have triggers you find offensive. Harassing them over it makes you a shit person.
Politely asking people not to interact isn't harassment.
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sometimes you get catcalled by a bunch of middle schoolers and what you want to say is "get your 4'10 ass over here ill beat you the fuck up also you're like 13 what are you doing?" but you are with your oblivious mother so you say "URGHHUh"
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hoarder-of-danmei · 1 year
Hi, are you alright?? You haven’t been active anywhere for a while. Happy new year. I hope you’re doing well. 🥺
Hey! Yes, I'm okay! Thank you for caring.
I'm actually doing really well. I've continued my medical transition, and strengthened old friendships, and found wonderful new ones, and learned to be gentler with myself.
I've been focusing on things that make me happy. Unfortunately, this account just reminds me too much of being harassed. :( I'm not going to completely abandon it anytime soon - I'm actually working on a fic to post on AO3 in the next few days - but I’ve been trying not to log in very often.
But again, I’m doing really well. Things are going great for me! I’m just not posting about them on here.
I hope you're doing well!! Happy New Year to you, too! ❤️
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lesbrarian · 7 months
(Personal post about work unpleasantness under the cut) (cw harassment mention, but no description)
So I work at a public library, and there's a pretty big problem with patrons harassing staff. When staff speak up to managers, we have gotten responses like "that's a security concern, talk to our Security Manager" (who is a former cop and also not our superviso); "you have to tell them to stop or else it's not harassment" (which directly contradicts our local government policy about harassment); or "you are responsible for not tolerating harassment" (which is basically just blaming us for being yelled at and creeped on).
PLUS they recently made it a lot worse by saying we can't stay/work behind the Literal Library Service Desks that were built for that purpose, and instead we have to be "out on the floor" (aka more exposed). This shift happened shortly after we really started to speak up about being harassed, btw.
So it's just been a steadily increasing tension at work where staff feel unsafe with patrons and unsupported (and actively scrutinized) by management. Enough people have gone to talk to our local Labor Relations office that management has set up appointments for all of us to meet with one of the LR people. The problem is, the person we are set to meet with has a history of meeting with a staff member about a concern and then immediately (like, same-day) helping management write that staff member up. So you can imagine how helpful that will be.
Anyway, today is my meeting with the LR person. I'm going to say what I have to say (because if we all refuse to talk to her like we want to, they'll just go "I guess there were no concerns!!!"), but I'm gonna have to walk that real fine line.
Wish me luck.
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We’ve been getting quite a lot of anon hate, threats, and harassment on this account recently… so here’s a reminder for those who haven’t checked out our pinned!
This account is a safe space for systems of all origins!
We are an OSDDID system who firmly believes the existence of nontraumagenic systems doesn’t take away any resources from those with complex dissociative disorders.
We don’t expect to understand the experience of all systems. It is our goal to provide support and positivity even if other systems don’t share our experience!
We believe that individual systems should get to choose what language they use to describe their experience.
We believe that individual systems know what they’re going through more than anyone outside their system.
We believe that even if someone is faking plurality, they should be treated with kindness and respect. It’s not our job to go around determining who’s faking and who’s genuinely plural. Fakeclaiming only succeeds in othering and putting down systems who need help and support.
If any of this bothers any of our followers, please feel welcome to unfollow, block, or whatever you’d like to do to cultivate a positive tumblr experience for yourself! We stand firm on these beliefs and they will not be changing any time soon.
All anon hate will be deleted immediately! We do not tolerate hate on this positivity account.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day y’all!
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"The writers/producers had the opportunity to correct the sexism/racism of TOS with AOS. They didn't do shit about it. AOS!Kirk is the worse with women and even spied on Nyota, like WTF. Well they manage to write a romance for Nyota with Spock, in TOS time, they couldn't do it because racism. So far, it's the only positive stuff about the movies."
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nyandela-catalogue · 3 months
[original description + trigger/content warnings under readmore, please read before watching]
here's a video by Ces explaining things related to Mark's posts from the night of March/18/2024. it goes into some detail about some stuff that goes on outside of this blog/in general, but it's mostly vague.
i hope this gets our point across. this bad boy is a long one.
Ces talks about the posts from the night of March 18th, 2024. Said posts can be found from that time period on [link to this blog] , however the long post is read here, as well as several asks we've received. Ces also discusses some pretty heavy topics, which are outlined in the warning screen before the video. Heed them before continuing. Thank you for your patience. The whole process of making this video was am emotionally-taxing one. --- TW/CW for discussions/mentions/implications of: religion, delusions, paranoia, implied suicide, mental illness, trauma, source trauma, abuse, harassment, substance use (weed)
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💗 and 🐞 for hobie!!!
💗- What are your pet names for your f/o’s? what are their pet names for you?
For Kath it's, Kat, kit, kitty, kitty cat, cats/cat, katie, or whiskers
And for hobie it's, Hobes, hob, punk, larry (middle name), spider, or spidey
🐞- Who insists they’re luckier to have found the other person?
Kath 😭😭😭 if it weren't for hobie she would still be working with her old company and that companies worked and harass her so
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just-antithings · 2 years
The reddit anti incident blown up on twitter to the point major journalists are catching wind of it and its overflowing outside of fandom spaces.
Normies are outright disgusted and appaled by what's on the reddit thread. A lot of parents have shared their own testiments of similair incidents that almost happened to their childern along with concerns from other parents that their own kids may be apart of internet cults.
People are pulling out recipts of major events in fandom history of the rise in anti culture along threads of victims and their stories with screenshots.
antis are scrambling to try and flip this. with posts of "trust me, this is fake. How I know? Source: Trust me bro" The best they got is memes. They got no ground to stand on.
Breadtubers like SZ are under scrunity again for creating content lying about proshippers and how they participated/spearheaded in the harassment of CCs.
TLDR; avoid twitter for a bit, it might get messy
Yea I kind saw that one coming from a mile away. No matter how much antis want to push this as a psyop by proshippers or whatever, it's a lot harder to do when a bunch of "normal" people start hearing about what's going on and don't agree with them.
My only concern is that some older antis will use this as proof that they are the only safe adult these younger antis can trust. But hopefully with more parents stepping in this won't be too much of a problem.
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antiproship culture is seeing proshippers tell you to block and move on so you make a blocklist full of proshippers active in a fandom youre in but they get mad at that too
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minu-moni · 9 months
For anyone new wanting to get into Helluva Boss: stay away from the fandom.
There are some good people, but most of them will harass you and tell you to kill yourself if they think you didn’t watch the show “the right way” or if you just do one fuck up.
I’ve met lots of good people there, but the space is more toxic than ever, and the show’s creator doesn’t care. She will encourage fans to hunt someone down, but won’t bat an eye when someone is harassed because they simply didn’t like the way the story is going.
These people are vicious, immature and have an overall terrible attitude, as one would expect from a fandom crawling with 🐜
It’s okay to enjoy the show, hell, I do, but be careful. There’s a lot of bad people out there, and the Helluva Boss fandom is filled to the brim with them.
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justproshiprants · 1 year
Okay seriously though, how do antis justify their shit to themselves. I explained that I don't even approve of loli/shota stuff personally and am more of just anti-censorship, and got told I am as bad as my abuser. Wonderful, that's totally the actions of a sane, healthy, morally good human being. /s
Like, I was an anti at one point. I'm not proud of it, but I was. But I never believed that harassing people over fictional stuff was okay- it always left a bad taste in my mouth. Even if they were morally correct, it doesn't accomplish anything.
And for some antis, if you word it as you're anti censorship, they actually might start to understand or even agree. But there are others who just frustrate me to no end because I cannot understand how you can justify that to yourself.
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