#he both has no face and has a face and that's wonderful
moonstruckme · 2 days
request: was thinking about that one video that’s like “my wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you touching me like that on my chest” “i am your wife” and then the heart monitor starts going crazy and that put a doctor remus idea in my head after r gets out of surgery/is on anesthesia for something or other
Thanks for requesting!
cw: hospital, mention of surgery
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 855 words
Lots of people would probably be happy to have their significant other visit them at work, but as it turns out, Remus really doesn’t like it. He’s used to seeing patients post-op, and yet somehow when it’s you it feels sad, all those tubes and wires connected to his girl. The fluorescent lighting turns your complexion wan and the wary frown on your lips as a nurse checks your vitals makes Remus’ heart feel like a bruise. 
It helps some when you notice his entry and they stretch into a dopey smile instead. 
“Hi, dove.” His voice is soft and smitten, an automatic reaction to seeing you that he’s already heard the new residents commenting on in the break room. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m okay.” You tug at the sheets on your bed. Ball them in your fists like you might be nervous. “My stomach hurts a little.” 
“That’s normal,” Remus assures you, even as his stomach dips in sympathy. He sits on the edge of your bed, taking your hand and beginning to draw tight circles into the inside of your wrist. “If it starts to hurt worse, or badly at all, you should let me know, alright?” 
“Okay.” Your voice has quieted slightly, your eyes following the motion of his thumb on your skin. You glance at the nurse as though checking if she sees. Remus feels his lips tip up bemusedly. 
“Everything alright?” he asks the nurse.
She smiles at the both of you, passing him a clipboard. “She’s stable, ready to move when you’d like.” 
“Thanks,” he says, reading over your vitals quickly after she leaves. He sets the clipboard down and gives your hand a squeeze. If your heart monitor gives a quick beep, he pretends not to notice. “You’re all set, lovely girl. We’ll get you to your own room in just a bit.” 
You nod, not seeming to hear him. You look to be gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Hey, don’t do that,” Remus says gently, thumbing it free. Your eyes widen, and he drops his thumb to your chin, looking you in the eyes. “Is something the matter?”
You rub your lips together hesitantly. It’s normal to have a small fever after surgery, but your face feels suspiciously warm. “I just, um, I have a boyfriend.” 
Remus feels his face split into an irrepressible grin. He’d been wondering how the anesthesia would affect you. “Yeah, dove,” he agrees, delighted, “I know you do.” 
“I don’t…” Your eyes dart to where his thumb still rests on your chin, your shoulders gravitating towards your ears. “I think it would upset him if he knew you were touching me like this.” 
Truly, this could not be any better. Remus wishes he’d brought a video camera like James wanted him to. “I am your boyfriend, sweetheart.” 
Your expression freezes in place, but your heart monitor starts beeping loudly. Your eyes dart to it, alarm and embarrassment worsening, and Remus laughs, dropping his hand from your chin in favor of rubbing your shoulder until both you and the machine calm down. 
“You?” you ask. You appear nothing short of flabbergasted. 
“Yes.” He brings your hand to his smiling lips, kissing your knuckles as if to prove it. “Why, are you surprised?” 
“You’re serious,” you check. Remus has the opportunity to make a joke here, but he worries it’d only confuse you more. 
“I am,” he says. 
“But you’re so handsome.”
Another laugh startles out of him. “And what do you think you are? Of course,” he gives your knuckles another brief peck just to see your eyes flare again, “I would love you no matter how you looked, but you’re a far cry from hideous yourself.” 
You look taken aback by this news as well. Remus is half tempted to find you a mirror. 
Then you ask, voice soft as down feathers, “You love me?” 
Something in Remus’ chest goes all warm and mushy. “I do,” he says sincerely. “I love you so much, sweetheart, sometimes I don’t know what to do with it all.” 
You smile until your eyelashes kiss, and he can’t resist cupping your face again, smoothing his thumb along the skin of your cheek. 
“So that’s why you’re here?” you ask. 
“Well,” he hesitates, “yes, but I’m also here because I work here.” 
Your eyebrows raise. Your gaze dips to his white coat as if remembering it for the first time in a while. “Oh. You’re a doctor and my boyfriend?” 
“That’s right.” He squints at you amusedly. “Did you think I just snuck in here in a white coat so I could see you?” 
“My boyfriend is a doctor.” You don’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular, perhaps just asking the universe for confirmation. 
Remus decides to get back to business. “Right again, dove. I think it’s about time we get you to your room, yeah? Anything else I can do for you, anything you need?” 
“Nope.” You lay your head back on the pillow, looking somehow more dazed than when he’d come in. “I think I’m set. Like, probably for life.”
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This fandom created a myth about Lady Whistledown. Sometimes i wonder if i watched the same show. Let me make myself clear: While Penelope has to tell Colin the truth, because she loves him and he deserves it, LW helped the Bridgertons a lot actually. It saved them to have Daphne married to a creep ( and see how Violet wanted people to talk to reach LW and spread), saved Colin from a loveless marriage with children that he didn't know anything about it and saved Eloise. Yes, it saved Eloise. Eloise created and kept pushing the situation in her reckless pursuit. Eloise also didn't think about the consequences of her action towards the people working for LW, didn't listen to Penelope, didn't think about the risk she was putting people at. And while i understand her anger in not knowing, had she been a better friend, many other things would be different, because she truly never paid attention to what Penelope feels or want, she molded Pen to be whom she wanted and be her audience. And then, she left Pen with the choice of losing all she built and suffer consequences or pick the less harmful option: to make Eloise's scandal about politics, not romantic and save them both, plus Theo. The real ruin for Eloise would've been her being caught with Theo, something that was bound to happen as she was not careful at all. Why should Pen sacrifice all for Eloise? Would any of you sacrifice all ( job, family and possibly your liberty) for a friend who caused the bloody situation? I'm no hypocrite, i know i wouldnt. Not to mention Eloise bravado, to Pen she would say she wants to challenge society and doesn't care about what they think...but folded the moment she received a frown from the Ton. Shall we see who are LW victims, people that suffered real consequences? Lord Beerbrock. That's it. Marina is married, despite her lies and deceit. Colin? Nothing as well, in fact, happier than ever. Eloise? A few weeks of ostracism and she's back without a problem, without a romantic entanglement to ruin her. One that she clearly didn't really thought was deep enough to face society. The Bridgertons have more to thank LW than to hate her. And Violet and Anthony, i bet your asses, do think so, and see it. And The Queen? Are you watching the show? Have you seen Charlotte's personality? That woman loves the whole game with LW. And She loves to take it all, to receive the laurels of that society. As long as she can make it look like the won, and she can, easily, by revealing or be involved in revealing who is LW. See the whole KatexEdwina, how she handled the Ton there.
Anyway, just wanted to say something because some people have dreamed a LW that doesn't exist at all. Created on their own minds a boogeyman that wasn't simply reporting the truth with witty opinions but fabricating stories and lies to ruin lives, and that's simply not true. Never happened. There was never a lie created there. Only the truth, even about herself, as Pen was often damaged by her column.
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sageyxbabey · 3 days
Hospital Food | COD x Reader
Summary: Your ex-husband (the biological father of your daughter) shows up when said daughter is admitted to hospital. Your current partner (and your daughter) put him in his place.
aka: stupid man gets verbally wrecked by a 17-year-old girl and a SAS soldier. Inspired by the time my stepdad and i roasted my bio dad.
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For @the-californicationist 's Nameless Challenge! This means you have to guess which of the delicious war criminals I'm writing about below. (This has inspired a series, so you'll find out who I was thinking of when the second one comes out. ;) )
WC: ~700 words (oops, forgive me cali)
Pairing: f!reader x tf141 member (but who? 👀)
Your ex-husband stood at the foot of his biological daughter’s hospital bed, watching her tap salt out of the little sachet onto a piece of buttered bread. His face was full of condescension, and you knew yours was full of barely contained disgust as you stared at him. God damn the child support agreement that required you to tell him when she was admitted to a hospital. At least you had otherwise full custody of her, you’re sure your ex would’ve been murdered by now if you’d been forced to see him semi-regularly – either by you or your wonderful (deadly, military-trained) partner who hated the man in front of you almost as much as you did.
God, you wish he was here right now. Unfortunately, he was wonderful enough to have gone down to the cafeteria in search of lunch for the both of you – and something sweet to sneak back in for your little girl. He spoiled her rotten, and it made you love him more every time he did. 
“That’s a lot of salt,” your ex rumbled. If looks could kill, the stare your 17-year-old daughter levelled him with would’ve evaporated him where he stood.
“Yes. It is,” she spoke. 
Tap tap tap, she resumed shaking the sachet.
“They put salt in bread when they make it. White bread is about 3% salt,” he said. As if there was some important point your daughter was missing.
“I know. I’ve made bread before.”
Tap tap tap.
It was taking every fibre of your being not to laugh with sheer joy and vindication as your daughter, the blood of your ex-husband, so casually eviscerated him in the middle of this tiny white room.
“Which is to say, you don’t need to be adding salt to it.” You didn’t think the man could sound any whinier. You were about to step in, but your daughter let out a deep sigh beyond her years (definitely picked up from the soldier who shared your home) and threw the empty salt packet onto the bed tray.
“Tell me, why shouldn’t I eat that much salt?” Her arms crossed in front of her, your ex-husband looked to you for help. He would get none.
“Because… it makes your body retain fluid and raises blood pressure–”
“Correct. I am in this hospital because I have low blood pressure caused by a low volume of fluid in my blood. They give me the salt packet on purpose. I am prescribed literal salt tablets,” she shook the bottle in the man’s face, “because I need to raise my blood pressure up to normal levels.”
Silence. Blinking.
“So I am going to eat this bread because it is what the doctor ordered.” Her head snapped to you, with a chaotic glint in her eye only teenage girls could possess. The next words out of her mouth would stay with you until your dying breath;
“Hey, Mum. When’s Dad coming back?”
You could not fight the grin that spread across your face, the elation jumping in your stomach. A quick glance at your ex-husband’s sour face made it clear that your daughter’s point had struck true – You are not welcome here. I do not need you. I have a real father where you failed.
You opened your mouth to reply, “He’s–”
“Right here, love!” The warm, gravelly voice of your partner filled the room, your daughter’s eyes lighting up with his presence. He stopped to press a tender kiss against your cheek, passing you a toasted sandwich, before he made his way to stand over the shoulder of your precious daughter.
“And I got you something special,” he whispered playfully, “Don’t tell the nurse.” He pulled a poppy seed muffin out of the bag he was holding and placed it on the bed tray in front of her. 
“Sorry mate, who are you?” Your partner turned and cocked his head at your ex. 
Your man knew exactly who the snivelling creature across from him was. Your boyfriend was just deciding to be a little shit, and it was one of the sexiest things you’d ever seen him do. 
“Dad, this is Marcus. You know, the man who got Mum pregnant with me?” Your daughter’s voice was poorly disguised venom. 
“Oh, right! Of course. I suppose I should thank you for your part in creating my wonderful daughter.” He stretched a hand out to your ex-husband who, for once in his life, made the smart choice to shake it and give some poor excuse for why he was needed elsewhere.
As soon as he was out the door, you had your arms around your lover, pressing endless kisses to his cheek as your daughter laughed. 
“Did you hear what I said, Dad?” 
Your partner leaned down to hug the girl – his girl – tightly. He grinned.
“Every fucking word.”
I LOVE MY STEPDAD SO MUCH HE'S MY REAL DAD and my mother and he are truly couple goals. I was on the phone with him the other day when I asked if he remembered this happening. he let out the most fatherly cackle of pure, shit-stirring joy I've ever heard. It was magnificent.
forgot the TAGLIST: @frogtowne @teenagellamaangel @universitypenguin
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luveline · 21 hours
I was just rereading your marauders sex shop blurb. I love how the boys have just adopted reader into their group, and how open they are with their affection for her. You do such a wonderful job of writing intimacy that rides the line between platonic and romantic. And I love the readers inter monologue of wondering if that intimacy means something more romantic like she wishes. It’s wonderful! I was also wondering if there’s a blurb on how the boys met reader for the first time?
thank you so much, that’s so nice of you <3 there wasn’t one but I hope this is okay!! —Remus, Sirius and James move into their new flat. You’re helpful. fem, 1k
The stairwell is filled with the sounds of kissing. Remus frowns, heart beating quickly, arms aching under the weight of yet another box. He gets to the top of the stairs and peeks around the box’s sides. 
Sitting on the step of their new doorway is James. And, sitting on top of James, stroking his cheek, is Sirius. His hair is falling all over the place and they’re kissing so much Remus assumes they’ll have bruised noses. They often turn their kisses into a fight, like one of them can win, though it never really ends that way. He wants to laugh as Sirius pushes James down for more kissing, and he sort of wants to watch regardless because they’re both good kissers and he’d quite like to be included, but mostly he needs the heavy box put away. 
“Someone please help me,” Remus says. 
James breaks away. Sirius squeezes his face and begins to kiss his neck. 
“Baby,” James says as he pushes him away, which is funny, unlike him and unlike Sirius to be called it, but also not actually unlike either of them when Remus really thinks about it. 
Sirius gives a last peck and pulls away. When he gets up to look at Remus properly he’s flushed all over from the activity, his neck and face turning red in splotches. 
Sirius and James have spent a lot of time spoiling Remus into love. He would’ve ended up there regardless, but he’s used to being the centre of attention. It was nice to see them kissing, and he wishes he didn’t interrupt quickly, but neither party seems to begrudge him. Sirius stands up and James is a second behind him, taking the heavy box from Remus’ arms before it can topple to the floor. 
“We’re on break,” James says with a grin. “Especially you.” 
“We have to take the van back tonight, in case you forgot. There’s still half our stuff in there.” 
“If we have to pay their fine, it’s fine,” James says, shifting the box against his chest. “I’d much rather pay the extra day than have us all hurt ourselves. How will we ever test the big bed if poor Remus can’t move?” 
“Poor Remus,” Sirius says, taking Remus’ hand to play with his fingers. 
This is pretty much everything Remus has ever wanted. To get to keep his two best friends forever, to be in love, to live together in a new city with good food and better cinemas. And here, nobody knows them. Nobody to judge them or give them strange looks. They can just be together like they’ve always wanted to be. 
Remus leans down to put his face against Sirius’ chest, their hands still held, Sirius’ free arm wrapping around him loosely. 
“Tired?” Sirius asks. 
James reluctantly leaves for the kitchen to put down their heavy box. 
“No. We really need to empty the van.”
“We will.” Sirius drops his nose against Remus’ hair. “Cliche if I kiss you?” 
“I like cliches.” 
Sirius puts his lips to Remus temple. Barely a kiss, no movement nor sound, but Remus knows it counts. It’s about intention. 
“Would you like a rough one?” Sirius asks quietly. 
“Maybe later.” 
“Please, let me give you one,” he says. 
“And have you press me into the floor? I don’t think so.” 
Sirius tips Remus’ head up and presses a kiss to Remus’ Cupid’s bow in an act of lifting his face, and then presses an equally gentle kiss to his lips. All this kissing… 
“I’m so happy we’ve moved,” Remus admits. 
Sirius squeezes his fingers, pulling away to meet charmed eyes. “All we need to do is find James a new team, and it’s perfect. Everything, finally.” 
“Hello?” someone calls. 
Sirius and Remus keep their hands held and shuffle across the hall to look down at the square. The flat building is strange, big and with an interior that’s an exterior, and you stand on the grass with a smile. 
“Hi!” you say, hands on your hips. You’re dressed for the strange weather, jeans and a t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie, entirely non-assuming. “Are you guys moving in?” 
“We are!” Remus says back. “You live here?” 
“My friend, I came to make sure her cat was okay, she’s gone to Ibiza. Do you need help?” 
“Oh, no, we couldn’t ask you to!” Remus says. 
“Sure you can!” 
You smile, and Remus thinks you look really lovely when you smile, it changes everything about your face. He feels guilty for the thought quickly, but it’s not as though being in a relationship means he can’t tell when girls are pretty. 
“Are you busy?” Sirius asks. 
You grin and make for the metal stairs up to the flat. 
Remus peeks at him in surprise, then suspicion, but Sirius only smiles at him. “We’re making friends already,” Sirius says, giving him a nudge. “That’s what we wanted.” 
James returns, having taken off his hoodie, a brown t-shirt loose on his frame. His own, then, because he insists on stealing from everybody’s wardrobes and stretching out their clothes. 
“Why are you guys shouting?” 
“Nice girl’s gonna come help us move.” 
James raises his eyebrows. 
‘Nice girl’ makes her way up the stairs. You’re still grinning when you get to the top, unperturbed by the appearance of another boy. “Hi,” you say, holding out your hand for an introduction. “I’m Y/N.” 
It’s the start of a long road. Remus shakes your hand and gets the sort of butterflies he’s terrified of now, though eventually Sirius and James will admit to the exact same thing, and no one will know what to do about it.
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luminiamore · 3 days
I'm in an Eren mood, and just found your bomb fics🫶🏾!! I was wondering if you can do a tomboy/boxer(or weight lifter) reader who has a smart mouth with Eren, they're really competitive and always arguing(jokingly, because they both have smart mouths) it can smut or not whatever you feel🩷🩷
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best friend eren x boxer black reader
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warnings: ex jean, eren HATES jean, pussy eating, recording, great sex/mean ren
a/n: doing a part two 🫶🏾
Friday night, 11 p.m.
A small gathering was taking place while you were at Connie’s house. Your friends, including your annoying best friend Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Historia, her girlfriend Ymir, and your ex-boyfriend, Jean, were there. Your use of the term ‘friend’ for him is rather polite. You were here, drinking rather than mentally preparing for your match in the upcoming week at home.
You were lying on the couch. Eren lazily leaned his head on your lap, entertaining himself with random Instagram reels on his phone while holding a bottle of Cognac in his unaccompanied hand. Card games were being played by the rest of the crowd to entertain themselves. As you were all quite drunk, Connie made the decision to introduce a drinking game.
“Not gon’ play with them?” He whispers, the sound still rumbling against your exposed thighs.
You sigh, actually contemplating it. You probably would’ve said no if you were sober —scratch that—you definitely would’ve said no. You know that Eren wouldn’t play unless you did. His ego is too big to admit it, but he followed you around like a lost puppy. The only reason he came here was because of you.
“I might. Join me? We should keep a score to see who gets the most points.” You grin, head spinning when you abruptly shift your position.
“Compelling. What kind of points?”
“Isn’t this game like you have to answer a question or drink? I get to drive your beamer for a week if I answer the most questions. And you have to buy me new gloves for my match.” You poke his shoulder as you speak. You see his eyebrows raise up in amusement.
He snorts, “And what do I get if I win?”
“What do you want? And don’t say nothing crazy, I’ll fuck you up.”
At that, he gives an amused laugh, “Girl, please. You can’t even reach my face. Short ass.”
You flick his forehead with your finger, snickering when he groans a bit. “Reached it now, didn’t I?”
“You’re not funny. Nobody laughed, actually.”
“I did. Now, answer the question, fore’ I do it again.”
You get an eye roll and a sly smile on his pink lips as if he has come up with some devious plan. You would’ve started regretting this, but you’re not a quitter. You started this shit, and you’re gonna finish it through.
“You have to do anything I say for a week.”
You suck your teeth, “We not in some video on Pornhub, boy. Be for real.”
“Any video starring you and me in it would have Hollywood rushing to put it on the big screen. You be for real.”
That renders you silent. For a moment, no one says anything. Eren just stares intently into your eyes, waiting for your response.
“.. That’s what you want?”
“That’s what I want.”
There’s nothing much to say after that. You push Eren’s head up so you can stand, ass jiggling in the shorts you were wearing. As if by magic, he follows behind you, with you failing to notice his gaze drifting downwards to give your ass a drooling gaze.
They gathered in the living room and sat in a nearly perfect circle. You opted to seat yourself right next to where Sasha was sitting. Eren, of course, shoved Jean, who was sitting on the opposite side, to sit next to you. You would have said something before you and Jean broke up, but that isn’t your man.
Your relationship with Eren was a source of jealousy for him, leading to your split. For years, you and Eren had been friends; you had practically grown up together. Your moms had been friends, so by default, you two started hanging out every single day since grade school. The two of you were very close, extremely close. You slept in the same bed together; he was your first kiss, and you were his. You even lived in the same apartment.
You’re not oblivious. At least you don’t think you are. It was always clear to you that having a boyfriend would necessitate changes. The act of sleeping in the same bed and cuddling with Eren would necessitate changing. Eren reluctantly understood, but there are times when you wake up in the morning and find him fast asleep on your stomach.
Every day, Jean would complain about Eren being too close to you and how he doesn’t like him living with you. He suggested that you move in with him a month after you started dating. You two hadn’t even fucked yet.
You would never drop Eren, he was too important to you. So, it’s safe to say your relationship with Jean didn’t last long.
You ignore his gaze on you as you giggle at something Sasha said. Connie finally comes back with a stack of cards that say ‘Truth or Drink: Dirty and Sex Edition’ and a bottle of Hennessy.
“Ya’ll know the drill, answer the question, or take a shot. Don’t be pussy, though.” He addresses the group over music playing.
The game gets off to a fast start. The questions began simple, such as ‘Are you a virgin?’ or ‘How many bodies do you have?’ These are not things that should make anyone feel ashamed. Eventually, they became a bit more intimate, at least for you. You had 9 points, and Eren was in the lead with 12 points.
“Your turn, (☆).” Connie addresses you.
After pulling a card from the pile, the next question causes your breath to pause. Swiping the bottle, you take a deep breath to prepare yourself for the burn this drink will give you.
You’re stopped short by Eren, “Aht— you gotta tell us what the question says.”
“Not important.” You take a sip, gagging when the flavor finally hits your mouth. You’re too occupied to notice Eren quickly removes the card from your lap. When he reads it out loud, you almost choke on your spit.
“Have you ever hooked up with a friend?” In response to the rest of the group’s ‘Ooohs,’ he snickers at you.
You smack his head lightly, “Asshole.”
“Who you fucked, girl?” Sasha pokes at you. The attention is entirely on you, causing your face to flush in embarrassment.
“I plead the fifth.”
“Was it Eren?” Jean’s voice prompts a quick turn of your head. He looked so angry, so ticked that he could explode if you said one wrong word. You answered to avoid causing a scene,
You’re nearly afraid to look at Eren, yet you realize he’s staring at you. His gaze was burning on the side of your face, making you squirm. Jean’s scoffing shows he didn’t believe you, but you’re not here to argue with your ex. Connie recognizes that you no longer want to talk about it, so he turns the spotlight on him when he pulls another card.
You’re about to send a grateful glance to him for that, but your body stiffens when Eren whispers in your ear,
“You just gonna lie to him like that?”
You grit your teeth, keeping your voice as low as possible, “Shut up.”
“What, you gonna protect his feelings?” Eren’s energy is condescending and irritable, to say the least.
“I’m protecting your frail ass ego. Wouldn’t want to embarrass you when I tell them you didn’t even make me cum.” You lie through your teeth, smirking, thinking you won.
You almost yelp when you feel a pinch on the side of your hips, “C’mon, mama. Your body never lies, especially not to me. Remember those pretty moans clear as day— ‘Oh, daddy! Right there— gonna cu-’”
Your hand covers his mouth, and you’re about to smack him again when you feel that stupid, cunning smile against your hand. You pause and sigh in relief when you realize that no one has heard him, as they’re too preoccupied with Sasha, who’s indulging in the bottle. No one except Jean, who’s practically seething in anger as he glares at Eren.
- -
It was now one in the morning. Most people were passed out because of how drunk they were. Only you, Eren, and Jean were awake, with Jean nearing sleep while staring at his phone. It goes without saying that Eren won the bet; he had no shame when it came to his sexual innuendos.
You’re about to get up from your seat on the floor, but Eren’s grip on your waist doesn’t loosen. You try to look at him but realize he’s not even paying attention to you. Instead, his eyes are intently focused on the shorts you’re wearing with a frown.
“You good?” You speak, thinking that your sudden voice will dislodge his gaze.
“Hmm. These shorts aren’t easy access.”
That’s the message the liquors are trying to convey -- it must be. You and Eren only slept together once, but you assured him that it was a mistake that wouldn’t happen again to keep your friendship intact. He handled it well, perhaps too well. Almost like he was expecting you to say that. As if you hadn’t experienced heaven on Earth that night, you both returned to your normal lives.
“Eren, there are people here.” You whisper rather harshly.
He unbuttons the only button on your garments, “I don’t see anyone.”
“Jean is right there.”
“..Anyone important.”
Your eyes widen when he plays with the hem of your peaking panties now that your shorts are loose. He’s so stealthy with it, too, like he’s not doing anything wrong. You have to snap out of it when you realize you’re in a room full of friends. You slap his hand,
“We’re not doing this here.”
His response is quick, “Oh, so if we weren’t here, you would?”
“If you two are gonna fuck, can you do it somewhere else?” Jean is downright peeved by the sexual tension that is erupting between you two. At this point, he’s just annoyed. Annoyed that his suspicions were confirmed. You two are definitely more than just friends.
You freeze, failing to remember that he was still awake for a moment.
“Jean, it’s not like that-”
“It is like that. I might take you up on that offer, Jean boy.” Eren abruptly ends your sentence with a gleaming smile, making it clear that he’s only trying to annoy him. He’s petty like that. You’re tempted to hit him again.
“No, it’s not. Stop being petty-”
Eren turns to you abruptly, eyes zeroed in on your lips. His voice is purposely loud so Jean can hear precisely what he’s saying to you. “Will you let me eat your pussy again if we leave here, (☆)?”
You gasp, your pussy tightening a bit at how desperate his tone is. You really want to say yes, but you know that’s the liquor talking. It has to be. Jean scoffs, pulling you out of your daze.
You scowl and push his hands off you, “I’m leaving, and I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”
When you stumble to stand, he watches you, his eyes fixed on the fatness of your ass and its movement. These shorts are a favorite of his. He sighs, his lips twitching as he speaks,
“Can I-”
“No.” And with that, you stumble off to the room, making sure to lock the door behind you.
Eren makes the decision to return to the couch in the living room to sleep. Jean’s eyes never leave him all the time, and when he catches him staring, he doesn’t fail to stare back,
“The fuck are you looking at?”
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Monday afternoon, 3 p.m.
“Imma be real with you. I’m all for equality and shit, but seriously, you hit like a girl.”
The deep voice of your best friend flutters in your ears as you throw another punch at the hand he’s holding up. You’re both in the boxing ring at your local gym, practicing for your next match.
As always, your best friend is there to help you and throw some lighthearted insults your way.
“Eren, please don’t get fucked up.”
He gives a laugh, a genuine one that makes you roll your eyes, “Oh yeah? With those weak ass hits? Forgive me if I’m not shaking in my shoes right now.”
You throw another hit at his wrapped-up hand, harder this time. You can tell by the way his unwavering hands move a little. You grit your teeth at the fact that he doesn’t wholly stumble back.
“Yo,’ ass was damn sure shaking in your shoes when I almost folded you.”
“So, we lying now?” That little smirk that was forming on his face never backed down.
It almost irritates you how arrogant he is. Connie and Eren always get into these friendly play fights, never anything serious. But that’s just your best friend. If anything, you would probably chew up any other person with your mouth. Connie, for example. Not Eren, though; he always had something to say back.
“Every word that comes out your mouth is a lie.” Your whisper
“You not any better.”
You hit his hand again, “Now, what the hell are you yapping about.”
“Why would you lie to your little boyfriend yesterday?” His voice is low and calculated as he questions you. He was getting heated again.
“Ex. And I’m not sorry. I didn’t want to tell the man who’s been worried about us the entire time we dated that I got your dick wet.”
“Dated. Past tense. So, why the fuck are you worried about it?” Now, he holds your hands to prevent you from moving.
You huff, “I’m not rude, Eren. I have no beef with the man. Now, let’s keep practicing, please.”
You think he’s going to release your hands, but he only stares at you. Your heart is racing. Does he really feel upset about this?
It seems he is because Eren pulls your body out of the ring and drags you to the nearest locker room. The gym is closed today, only opened to the two of you because he’s friends with the owner. Now that he has you to himself, he has no worries about anyone ruining this moment.
You would have protested; your resolve is usually stronger than this. But it’s Eren. Your Eren. Your best friend who happens to be really good with his tongue, his fingers, and that absolute monster in between his legs.
Fuck it feels so electric when his tongue laps in between your wet folds, your body squirming on the bench he seated you on. You can’t stop twitching, your arousal just overflowing on his tongue.
“Thought this was a mistake? ‘It can never happen again’, that’s what you said right?” He lightly bites on your clit, relishing in the gasp you emit.
“Look at you now, letting it happen again.”
He pushes two fingers past your walls and rapidly moves them in and out, grazing your spongy spot. They’re curling inside you, and with every stroke, you feel yourself falling more into a haze. Your eyes start crossing as Eren stirs up your insides.
You whimper out, “S-Shut up. Shitt.”
“Oh, no. You’re gonna listen t’me today. Maybe we should send a video to Jean, show him everything he could never do to you.”
You hate yourself for it, but the thought of it gets you even wetter for some reason. With the way your best friend chuckles against your core as the squelching sounds coming from you get louder, he can tell, too. Your pretty brown pussy is just splashing on his face, he’s in love with it— in love with you.
He rasps out breathily, “Wet my face, baby.”
Your face twists as he works his fingers against your cervix. The sounds coming from you are simply divine. The heat in your stomach is palpable, and the heat in every crevice of your body is sizzling and electrified.
“Want me to fuck you, right? Cum then, (☆).”
It’s as if your body knows what he’s saying because you release immediately. Your body shakes when you squirt. Your addicting juices spraying all over his fingers— his face. Eren slurps up everything you have to offer, and its sounds are just so obscene that you’re sure anyone would know what’s going on if they just walked by the door. Your loud moans would probably give it away, too.
Eren deliberately takes his time creeping up to your panting lips and pulling his thick fingers out of your walls. Your breath is sucked out of your lungs when he kisses your lips. The taste of your essence makes your pussy drip as he sucks on your tongue. You love it, so drunk off the taste of him.
You frantically pull his hips onto yours, unaware that he’s already pulled his dick out. It’s not much for his tip to force itself inside of you. He has to do most of the work to fuck the rest of his inches in. You’re gasping against his lips, trying to moan, but he won’t let you. Every time, he swallows them.
It’s torture. He’s so thick that it stings a little. He gets a little impatient and slams into you all at once. Screaming in a muffled voice, you quickly press your hands on his stomach. He’s making your pussy sing some nasty noises that make you feel so good.
You’re squirming your body as Eren starts feeding you gut-punching stokes. That won’t do.
With a harsh grip on your wrists, he pushes them above your head with one hand. “I couldn’t make you cum, right?”
You huff, your eyes rolling back in your head when he abuses your cervix. It’s too late for you to realize when Eren takes out your phone. He knows your password and keeps thrusting in you when he opens Jean’s message thread. He scoffs when he realizes you haven’t yet blocked and deleted his number.
That catches your attention as your eyes struggle to settle on him, “W-What are you doing?”
He shuts you up by speeding up his movements. Shit. You almost choke on your spit when he leans his body on you so hard your legs are reaching your ears. The only inkling you get that he’s recording is when your ears catch on the sound it makes when he presses that red button.
You don’t stop him or even struggle against his hold. You can only morph your face into pleasurable expressions as he makes you feel euphoria. He sets your phone on the wall behind the bench, and he can see it’s showcasing the both of you. Good.
Eren, let’s go of your wrists to use both hands to press on the back of your thighs into the wood underneath you. You feel him deeper this way, his bulge pressing against your stomach every time his tip touches your womb. He finds joy in the fact that the camera captured that.
“Ren— baby— I’m g-gonna make another mess.” You whine, pressing on his stomach to stave off your impending orgasm—it does nothing. Nothing, but make him push harder so you can feel how deep he’s going.
“Go on then. Show the camera how messy you get for me and only me.”
Your breathing stutters, “Only you— fuckkk. S’too m-much”
“You love me, baby?”
You cum right then, choking on your moans as you barely get your words out, “Love you so much.”
He groans against your ears when he fills your pussy with his seed. It’s so much, too, so thick, you feel as if it’s coming out your throat. This is what you craved the most, the feeling of his cum stuffing you. You’ve dreamed about this since he did it for the first time.
Feeling worn out, you are basking in the afterglow while breathing heavily. Eren never takes his dick out of you, but he takes this moment to end the video and quickly sends it to Jean with a small message accompanying it,
she lied, lol. 😂
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yurinaa-world · 15 hours
"𝐼'𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝓇𝓊𝓃𝓀!"
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Characters: Scar, Jiyan, Geshu Lin, & Calcharo x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: Kisses while drunk?!
Warnings fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇 "𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝐹𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒹𝓊𝓈"
“Ugh...You’re such a bastard..”
Who would have known that Scar would also join you for drinks—sitting right in front of you with a grin—but now how you two are arguing? Well, it’s just you being a jealous drunk while he’s acting like his usual flirt since he isn’t forcing down a drink every second like you—this argument is completely one-sided.
You take another slip from the bottle—it used to be full but now you’ve left it almost empty—you sigh after your lips leave the bottle.
“You’ve shattered my heart with that insult.”
He’s mocking you! You can tell how he’s holding his laugh! His head was slightly tilted to the side while his chin was on his palm. 
“I hope it’s broken till it can’t be fixed!”  You huff and take another sip of your drink while he hums while ‘taking in your words in for consideration’—he’s just getting some information to tease you with when you're sober.
“Must have been fun to go on your ‘little date’”  
he snickers at your statement, such a jealous little lover of his. "You know you're the only person I'd love." His unoccupied hand went to your cheek, pinching and pulling at it while you frowned with annoyance. "You're my only one, darling~"  He smiled, his eyes closed as if enjoying a wonderful dream. You push his hand away, annoyed by his actions.
"Say that to your new lover."   You sneer at the thought. "Oh please," He scoffs, "who else in the entire world would I burn everything for? I'll give you a hint: it's the same person sitting in front of me"  His voice lowered into an even more teasing tone, leaning in closer to you—your lips inches away from each other—so close you could feel the heat radiating off his body, causing you to shiver in anticipation. His hand on your face is now gripping tightly on your cheek, making sure not to let you pull away as he leans forward and whispers lowly 
"And it's you. you're my everything.~" When leaning to kiss your lips—just like always it's rough—his hand moved down, cupping your jaw as he deepened the kiss, biting the bottom of your lip. You pull away trying to catch air and breathe out while flustered out of your mind.
"Why don't you call me a bastard again, hmm?"
𝒥𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓃 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈"
“Loosen up Jiyan, you're so tense!
He really should loosen up! always refusing to drink at parties. Even now that’s the case! you're both all alone together so he really should take a break and let his mind just go numb for a while with how much thinking he does.
He might not be able to resist you for any longer with how you are straddling his lap, an arm loosely around his neck and the other with a drink in hand—to get him to try—you were wasted out of your mind.
"You should calm down before you get hurt.” 
He tells you, very gently pushing you off of his lap and taking the drink from your hands. “Aren’t gonna drink it?” You clasp your hands together and beg him. which just makes it worse for him not to listen to you.
He listens to your request, immediately chugging the drink quickly and fast to get it over with just to make you happy.  
He could see how bright your smile was when he finished—how can you be so happy over something so small and how the way you giggled and squealed.
“See! You're not so tense anymore after a drink!”
He just sighs and pulls you close as you lean on him and rests your head against his chest. “You’ve had too many drinks..”
“But I want just one more.” 
𝒢𝑒𝓈𝒽𝓊 𝐿𝒾𝓃 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝓂𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈"
“You’re drinking too much..”
“Huh? I’ve only had three though?” You mutter, laying your head against his shoulder, while Geshu Lin has his arm loosely around your waist—drinking his nonalcoholic drink while you had been drinking till your heart's content maybe too much with the fact you can’t even remember how many drinks you’ve had, and your face was sooo red.
All you feel is fuzziness, mind burry and just in general not having too much consciousness in your actions—yet you keep on drinking, small little cup yet still filled to the brim—with the warmth of his body, the solidity and softness made you want to come closer.
Looking to the side to see him smiling at you lovingly,  his eyes warm as he continues to hold you close. “I don't want to let you go.” You incoherently mumble,  snuggling closer into him. 
 Feeling his fingers gently caressing your hair as he looks down upon you. His lips quirk up further, making you put down your drink, and his hands gently cup his face. leaning ever so gently to kiss him on the lips.
He could just taste the hard alcohol from your lips,  but it didn’t bother him, nor did he mind. In fact,  after a moment or two of kissing, he deepens it.
You respond by letting out a breathy sigh, deepening the kiss.  pulling away, you feel dazed and dizzy but the smile never leaves his face. You stare up at him as if you were even more drunk than before.
“I think it’s time for you to get to bed.”
𝒞𝒶𝓁𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑜 "𝐿𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝒽𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈"
Ugh…What a pain. Having to deal with you while you’re drunk is a nightmare for him. 
“Come on! Calcharo! Why are you pushing me away~?” Your words are all slurry and muffled because of the alcohol in your system. While you try to hug him yet his hand on your face, pushing you back.
 “Look at yourself in the mirror before talking. you’re a complete drunk mess.”
You pout at his stubbornness, giving up on trying to get closer before grabbing the bottle beside you and taking a deep sip of the alcohol—numbing your system even more, making you feel so warm on the inside.
He grabs the alcohol bottle from your hands, pulling away from your reaches. “enough drinking,”  he spoke sternly.
You immediately frown at his tone, “You’re no fun!” You say in a whining tone. It was true though—you were drunk out of your mind.
Putting the bottle away—far from you—you stare blankly not sure of what to do now while Calcharo eyes you suspiciously. You were planning something and he sure wasn’t wrong.
 Grabbing his arm, wrapping your arms around his,  you pull his body towards you until you are chest to chest, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “I want a kiss.” Gazing up at him with a hot expression on your face.
 he seemed stunned by the sudden action immediately pulling you off of him and covering your eyes. “Ask me when you're sober.”
“What! That is so not fair!”
“Since when did I care about it being fair?”
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nnight-dances · 3 days
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PAIRING: yoon jeonghan x f!reader (ft. wonbin)
GENRE: angst, fluff toward the end
TROPES: established relationship, model!jeonghan, singer-songwriter!reader, jealousy, paparazzi interference and rumors, and so on.
NOTE: this was hard to write so bear with me and let me know if there's anything that absolutely sucks about this lol... i love jeonghan but he's so hard to write (maybe it's because i'm the most not normal about him)... anyway this plot is kinda inspired by a real life fight i had with a friend who i have ambiguous feelings so do with that what u will :) enjoy!!!!
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"thanks, love," jeonghan mumbles into your cheek when you hand him the wallet he'd forgotten at home this morning. even in the dim moody lighting of the room, you can see he's genuinely happy to see you when he pecks your cheek. you smile and press your hand into his, "how bad was today?" 
he hums, "not too bad if i don't think about it too hard."
it's not out of the ordinary for a successful model like jeonghan to have the mind-numbing schedule he has but you can't help hurting for him anyway. "i'm sorry, babe," you squeeze his fingers and he nods in acknowledgement. he's too tired to say much most days so you've gotten accustomed to interpreting his silences. 
you were part of a band known for its jazzy music and you were its lead singer and song-writer, which meant it couldn't be helped that you had written more than a few love songs dedicated to yoon jeonghan, your lover of over two years now. in that time, you'd found a good beat with jeonghan, spending a good four months with both your heads' deep in work and only the nighttime spent in each other's arms. sometimes, jeonghan's international presence meant a few weeks of not even that. and as your band got bigger, you took on tours that only took you further from jeonghan. but after a rocky summer, came the breeze of fall. 
fall meant downtime for both your jobs, a time you could easily retreat and while the rest of the world turned vacation mode off, you would travel with jeonghan, whether it be across the world or just along his skin on a rainy weekend. it was easy with him, even when it wasn't. 
but recently, you'd found yourself wondering if it really was that easy still. tonight you're performing at this club, a local presence known for its hosting of musical influences, and jeonghan managed to escape his impossible day to watch you. you should feel loved, grateful for him, but when it's your turn to perform, you feel yourself drift away from him.
onstage, even as you introduce yourself and your band members, your eyes are on him. but he seems so far away. he watches you, not a smile on his face, just familiarity. as if he'd memorized all that you had to say, as if this was another box to tick on his long day. you clear your throat to steady your mind and open the first song, "this one's called heavy." it was an old song, perhaps one you'd only performed before you met jeonghan. which would explain how hopeless the melody was, how uncertain your voice got throughout, and scarily enough, how much you found yourself relating to it now, so many years later. 
after the song's over, you glance at jeonghan and he seems as stoic as ever, clapping in encouragement but without any mirth. you sigh, "woah, sorry to bring the mood down like that," you chuckle a little when the crowd laughs, "um, anyway, this next one's much happier, i promise. it's called loverboy… after my one and only, well, boy." you laugh again and spot jeonghan smile, too, all the way at the bar and your heart thaws a little, allowing you to get through the song without thinking again about how cold it felt in the room. 
you get through the next two songs without a hitch, perhaps because you let yourself go on autopilot mode and restrict yourself from even looking at jeonghan for your own sake, and come down with a heavy sigh. your bandmate, yves, touches you on the shoulder with a frown, "you good, y/n?" you nod, "yeah… i'm just tired. or something." she pats you on the head, "don't think too hard about things, dove. just let go. or something." you laugh at her witty piece of advice and thank her as you head for jeonghan, naturally. 
he wraps you in his arms when you find him, plenty kisses on your neck, "my girl did so well." 
you let out an uneasy groan, "i don't know, han, i feel like i was lame."
jeonghan pulls away with a frown, "no, you weren't. you were amazing. although that first song caught me off guard. it's been a while since you performed it."
"yeah… it was my decision but it felt right," you shrug. jeonghan's eyes take on a gravity you don't like when you say that so you avert your gaze, "but more importantly, when can we go home so i can get out of this dress and sleep?"
a year ago, jeonghan would've gone, "i'll help you take it off right now, love," but now he agrees solemnly, "i think we go as soon as everyone's focused on the next set." 
you know it's stupid, you do, to dwell over the details of your relationship this obsessively. but honestly, once you start there's just so much to pick at. to start, you felt more distant from jeonghan than ever, as if there was something unsaid in your way just keeping you from getting back close to him. and you hate it when things go unsaid. but you also knew jeonghan didn't care for spelling every little thing out, he could settle for a little discomfort till ignoring it was enough to make it go away. 
but that was just it, you couldn't take it anymore. you'd had a few fights with jeonghan in the past and they'd all come down to the fundamental differences in your natures. you liked for everything to be said and thought out, especially if either of you felt hurt or unheard. jeonghan liked silence, just simple gestures speaking a million words and routines in place to reaffirm your love. you knew it was better his way, simpler and easier, but you'd lived his way and now, you find yourself suffocating in the same bed as him. 
you stir away from him, rolling off the bed and onto your feet, and make your way to your makeshift studio, closing the door off incase jeonghan gets curious. you can just say you were working on a new song. once in, you throw yourself against a bean bag, head heavy in hands. 
"god, this is stupid," you mumble as the tears roll out. you spiral almost immediately, thinking back to everything that went wrong in the past few months. for one, jeonghan was away for your 25th birthday, for the whole week, and though you'd spent it surrounded by your friends and his apologetic gifts, you couldn't talk the bitterness away. then, he'd been mad at you when you told him your tour started during the week he had off, calling you a "workaholic" because you'd rather work than go with him on the beach trip he'd planned. it was unfair, he'd admitted later, but not after you'd spent the whole week of your tour crying yourself to sleep. 
to add to it all, were the recent rumors in the news about jeonghan's brand new 'mistress', a japanese model called nana. even before the first article came out, he'd called you outright, telling you his agency had caught a reporter in japan pestering nana if she was anything to jeonghan. that had only dullled the pain you felt when you read it, pictures of jeonghan and nana posing for a cover shoot. and it wasn't the first time jeonghan had looked absolutely stunning beside another person, far better than you'd looked with him in all the paparazzi snaps that circulated the net when questioning if you were still in the running for the attractive model. 
it wasn't the first time and yet, thanks to your already strained relationship, you felt more hurt than usual. this was also the longest scandal yet, ongoing past four weeks, perhaps because of jeonghan's frequent visits to japan. it really got you thinking how there were so many reasons for the two of them to be in the same room. 
jeonghan, alone in your shared bed, inevitably wakes up, confused when he doesn't feel you. "y/n?" he calls out, hoping you might just be using the washroom, but the lights are off and there's no sound in the bedroom. "my love?" he calls out louder, propping himself up on his elbows. when he hears no response, he falls onto his back with a weary sigh.
there was something up with you. you'd been acting… distant since the past two weeks. you'd pull away from his kisses a few beats too soon and wake up long before you had to. he wondered if he should ask you because he knows that's what you'd want but whenever he got to sit down next to in full seriousness, he'd go weak, missing your presence when he was away. 
he pulls out his phone, skimming throught the texts that had accumulated over the few hours he was asleep. there's a few from nana, the model he was rumored to be having an affair with. 
nana: another stupid article :( 
jeonghan sighs at the link she'd forwarded him. in full honesty, he'd all but developed a good friendship with nana while in japan, where he'd been previously lost without a good guide telling him where to go. given all his staff was korean, they could only be as useful as a google search. nana, however, had taken up to herself to show him the local spots, the shopping district where he'd been able to secure gifts for you, anticipating your needs before you'd known them.
you know all this, of course. jeonghan had offered to break all ties with nana if it bothered you but you'd been insistent that he keep his relationship with her, especially when it kept him sane abroad. 
you'd said you were fine, so how come you weren't next to him, mumbling sweet nothings into his chest like you always loved to? when you couldn't sleep, you would wake him up with your persistent kisses, apologizing when he did finally come to, but then talking about everything in the world from your outfit tomorrow to your plans in the next five years. 
"are we…" you'd started one night but then stopped, going hot and hiding your face into the pillow.
"are we what, love?" jeonghan pried you off the pillow and onto his arm, pushing his face close to yours so you couldn't run. 
"are we serious, han?" you finally asked, quietly. "you know, like, long-term serious?"
"hmm, let me think… i don't know we've only been dating for 20 months so i wouldn't get your hopes–"
you hit his chest with a muffled giggle, "you know what i meant!"
"i don't, really?"
you avert your gaze, "are we ever gonna, you know, be married? have kids? that kind of thing…"
jeonghan's heartbeat had sped up despite all his nonchalant facades and his face disclosed his flustered state causing you to go redder. "it's- forget about it if it's not something you've thought about–"
"of course i've thought about marrying you, doll," jeonghan asserts, arm around your waist to stop you from flailing around, his fingers draw circles on your exposed stomach. "of course i want to be committed to you for life, y/n. and don't even get me started on kids. i know it doesn't seem like it because i'm such a cool guy but i'm crazy for kids–"
"no, it's pretty obvious, you basically lose your head everytime we see a couple with a newborn baby–"
"okay, well, there you have it. i want kids with you, y/n."
you mull over his words in silence for a moment and then, "not now though, right?" you say, "we're both too succesful in our careers to… start a home."
jeonghan palms your cheek lovingly, "i think what we have right now is already home. but you're right, i think we ought to wait some more time. till it feels right."
till it feels right, he'd told you and now he kind of regrets it. he should've asked you to marry you right there so you'd never have a reason to doubt your relationship ever again. but again, that too was just a dream. 
jeonghan was off to japan for a week. yet again, you think, holding your tears back on a sunday afternoon when you wake up to a resounding silence in your home. you need to find a way to make things right, you know. you need to talk to jeonghan but honestly, your head hurts so much you'd rather just forget all about him.
that's why you find yourself crashing at yves' place for the next few days, her house known to be a hub for lost souls and good music. you spend your afternoons working on new music, inspired by your new surroundings, writing about everything but jeonghan and as soon as it hit seven, you'd be helping yourself to martinis, thanks to yves' well-equipped bar. 
you were amid making yourself a drink while yves went over some notes and recordings you'd made this afternoon when she sat up with a weird look in her eyes. "y/n?"
"what is it? is it horrible?"
"no, it's not that. it's just… this feels like a different person," she comments, finger scrolling through your lyrics. "like a younger version of you? it has the same lonely vibe to it. i'm a fan of it to be honest, but i'm just wondering… is everything good?"
you chuckle, "yves, you ought to have known that if i'm here for an extended period of time, nothing is good… but i appreciatey you asking. i'll be fine, eventually." 
your friend is lost in thought for a while and you sip your drink when her phone pings with a message. she reads it and turns to you with a glint in her eye. 
"so… does that mean you'll go clubbing with me tonight?" 
if you were gonna embrace a younger self, you might as well do it all, you thought, putting on a dress you'd loaned from yves. it was shorter than anything you'd worn recently and a light pink you never naturally gravitated towards. but you had to admit, it did look quite good on your figure when you looked in the mirror. you embellished your eyes with glitter, lining your eyes with mascara and a thin wing at the ends. 
the club itself is nicer than you'd expected and you're glad you'd dressed up as much as you did, pursing your lips to make sure the lip gloss you'd applied was still intact. yves pulls you to a table with her friends, some of them mutual to you, others complete strangers to you. either way, they're all fun, welcoming you without a question. 
one of the familiar faces is wonbin from a contemporary band known for its unique take on house music. he immediately materializes by your side when you've downed your first shot of the night, large grin overtaking his face. "you're here?" 
you tilt your head at his question, "i am! it's weird, isn't it?"
"a little," he shrugs, "you stopped coming out with us after you got swept up with that pretty model boy of yours."
you grow a little uneasy at the mention of jeonghan's name, "yeah, well, i thought it would be good for my music if i reconnected to my past a little. let myself live a little."
wonbin smiles, "that's nice, i love that. and to that," he brings out two more shots, handing you one, "cheers!" you hesitate for a moment but then catch yves looking at you encouragingly, and clink glasses with him, downing the drink in a go. 
that's all it really takes for you to let go. your body finds the music's rhythm faster than anyone else in the group so you take to the dance floor, and wonbin follows you, telling yves he'd look out for you. not that you need it. 
it's been a few songs that you've been dancing around, with wonbin's body getting closer to you with each time. you blink when his hand is at your waist, and you clear your throat, "i'm gonna go get some water!" wonbin grabs a hold of your wrist, "i'll come with!" 
it's a little uncomfortable, the way he's following you around, but you reassure yourself it was only for good intentions. a few more songs you keep yourself close to yves and her friends, feeling wonbin's presence heavily on your shoulder, but then you're a few more shots in and it doesn't really matter. 
it's only when you return from the bathroom when things go awry. it starts with your phone blowing up with texts and a call from jeonghan. in the loud music of the club, you can barely think, let alone talk to your boyfriend who you'd been ignoring for a week so you decline. when you make back to your table, your phone goes off again. jeonghan again. 
before you can register how odd it is of him to double-call you without good reason, wonbin's pulling you over next to him. you sit with a groan, "wonbin, i need to take this call–"
"y/n, you need to look at this. it's about jeonghan and that japanese model–"
yves cuts wonbin, "wonbin, get the fuck off her!" she tries to pry his arm off you but you find yourself unmoving when you catch jeonghan's figure on screen. he's laughing next to someone, a girl– oh, it's nana. she leans in close, a little too close, and you're not sure if it's your spinning head, but she keeps on getting closer, close until her lips are on jeonghan's and–
"i feel sick," you exclaim suddenly, clutching your stomach. wonbin's strong arms are around you in a moment and yves can't fight him off when he leads you through to crowd, weaving through the impossibly long line to the bathrooms. despite everything, you're thankful for him when he holds your hair up when you throw your guts up, tears mixing with the alcohol in your system. 
when you're done, you ask yves if she can take you home and she's already ready with your bag over her shoulder. 
"y/n, wait!" wonbin stops you, hand on your elbow, "can i talk to you for a sec–"
"wonbin, please, you've done enough, she needs to go home–"
"go home to what exactly?" he questions and you have to physically restrain yourself from falling to your knees with the sobs that wreck your body, "i'm here for you, y/n, if you ever need–"
down in your bones you know jeonghan better than anyone, know he would never be the kind to cheat on you, to ever leave you for the wolves like this. but honestly, the news ring out louder than anything in your head. "yoon jeonghan with ito nana, confirmed? was his little singer-songwriter girlfriend just a joke?" 
that's how you feel right now. little. and like a joke. you simply nod at wonbin and turn around to leave the club before the music can suffocate you any more. 
"i'm sorry, y/n, i didn't think he'd act up like that–"
"it's okay, yves, you didn't do anything," you tell her and look down at your phone at the photo of jeonghan that shows up every time he calls you. it was one you'd taken on your very first dates, of him sitting prettily across the table with a chopstick in each hand. 
"you should talk to him, y/n," yves pats your back, "you don't have to go back to him but you have to hear him out, right?"
you sigh, "you're right." 
you accept the call as yves leads you to a silent corner and gives you some space as she goes off for a smoke. you hold your breath when you hear jeonghan's voice. he sounds distraught.
"y/n? love?" 
all you can do is sigh to delay your tears. "hey," you say coarsely and jeonghan's losing his mind. 
"baby, can you stay where you are? i'm on my way, okay? i… i don't know what you've seen but you know it's not the truth. okay? just," you hear him run into someone and apologize. was he running to you? that would be crazy. "just let me talk to you."
you take a deep breath, "i'm waiting here." 
you don't question how he found you, it's likely your location on life360, a feature you'd added a year into your relationship just to know where the other was. just in case. 
you hadn't opened the app in a while, there hadn't been a reason. even if you knew where he was, he'd be far enough that it didn't mean enough. 
it takes a few more minutes before you hear jeonghan's voice on the sidewalk outside the club. he's in a white shirt that's been untucked from his pants. he's disheveled, and you can only wonder why. 
"y/n," he says, out of breath, sweat beading his forehead. 
"did you run here?"
"the car was stuck in the traffic so i told my driver to catch up," he inhales deeply, "i had to see you." 
"and why is that exactly?"
jeonghan sighs, "love, i think we both know why. that clip of nana kissing me probably found you by now?"
you look at your feet, "i saw it. i thought you guys were just friends?" you pause and before jeonghan can speak, you continue, "or was that just a lie silly little me believed?" 
jeonghan's hands find your shoulders, "there is absolutely nothing between me and her. i thought my platonic feelings were reciprocated because we'd been normal for so long. but then today, she… she kissed me and i realized that was me being stupid." 
"of course she was into you," you mumble. 
"i'm sorry, i really am. not just for this but for the past few weeks. or more than at. i don't know how long it's been but i feel like i haven't been putting you first."
"jeonghan, you have to know that it just sounds like you're overcompensating so i forget about the nana stuff."
"there is no nana stuff," he tells you, "and if you must know, i was always planning to come home a few days earlier. you've been so cold lately and i thought i could surprise you. but then you stopped responding to my texts and i found out through your bandmates you hadn't been home in a week. i got worried and in my head."
"i admit, i let nana distract me, but as nothing more than a friend. because when you're gone, i also lose my closest friend. i have no one but you to talk to you, love, i can't trust anyone, not after today. and i'm so sorry that i don't talk to you more, that i don't address problems as they come up."
you feel weaker than ever, head still down as tears roll down. "y/n? are you crying? baby, look at me, please."
"han, i really don't know what to do anymore," you finally break out, letting him take you into his arms, "i've been so miserable without you. i… i can't do it anymore." you take a deep breath to gather your thoughts. 
"you're so good at accepting changes and moving on from little fights. but i'm crazy. i get stuck in a spiral for days over the little things and after your scandal started, i… i can't help but think they're right." 
you pull away to look jeonghan in the eyes, "maybe i'm not the right one–"
"no," jeonghan cuts you off with a hiss that surprises both of you, "i will not have you think the stupid crap they're writing in the news, okay? you're my love, y/n, you're my everything. seriously, did you not hear me? i don't care about anyone else like i care about you. god, i'm stupid for not having married you when i had the chance."
"han, i don't know, i'm so tired," you rest your head against his. "can we go home for now?" 
later that night, you sit side by side with jeonghan on your side of the bed. you've taken your shoes off but not your dress. "is that a new dress?" he asks lowly. 
"i borrowed it from yves," you reply, adjusting the straps to sit right, "does it look fine?"
you feel like you're in a liminal space with jeonghan right now. you haven't broken up but you're not sure if everything's back to normal just yet. funnily, it feels like the first few months of getting to know him. he has the same boyish nervousness about him as his hand reaches out to brush your hair out of your face. 
"you look so good i'm mad i didn't buy you this dress," he says, "or that i didn't get to dance with you in it." 
you sniff, "i wish you'd been there tonight." and after a moment, "i wish we weren't so different."
and then again, "i wish we were the same person so i could know your thoughts inside and out without having to bother you." 
"it's not a bother, i'm just bad at it," jeonghan says, "and i don't wish we were the same person. because i love how different we are. i have so much fun with you, learning your ways and fighting with you."
"fighting is fun?" you ridicule him.
"only in retrospect, of course. i never want to see you look as hurt as you did tonight." 
he reaches out for your hand and you let him, intertwining your fingers. he places your joined hands against his lips and then back into his lap. "i love you, y/n. i love you more than everything."
"i thought i was everything?" you ask through a half-concealed giggle.
"don't tease me when i'm being vulnerable, love," he whines, "i'm serious. i'm sorry for making you feel so ignored all this while. it was never my intention. everything i did, i did because i'm stupid and still learning. but i always want to be with you. i want to spend everyday with you." 
"i love you too, han," you kiss his shoulder, "i'm sorry, too, for being so closed off. you don't have to feel so bad, it was partially my fault too."
jeonghan stands up, pulling you up after him. before you can ask him what's wrong, he hugs you tight, breath soft on your exposed back. your arms find his waist, rubbing his back in a reminder of how much you love him. slowly, you're not sure who starts it, you both start swaying to no song in particular, just to the rhythm of your heartbeats. he twirls you around with a smile and kisses your forehead. 
"on that note, my love," jeonghan stills you, tiptoeing across the room to his bag, ruffling through before finding what he was looking for. it's only when he gets on a knee that you comprehend what's happening, "i know i haven't been the most promising husband material but i promise, it will only get better from here. i've made the mistake of not doing this earlier and i can't wait to make you mine forever. so, y/n, will you marry me?"
with that, he opens the black box in his hands, revealing the precious diamond ring inside.
you've never fallen to your knees faster, taking his hands in yours, "yes, of course, i'll marry you, han! i–" you fall short of words when you look at the ring in his hands, "i had no idea you were planning on– god, i'm– i love you, han."
"part of the reason i wanted to come back faster was to do this," he tells you softly, slipping the ring onto your finger, "to finally propose to you." 
"finally?" you question, sensing some hidden meaning behind his words. 
"well, i have had this ring for a year now. i considered getting a newer model but this one was just too gorgeous." he takes your left hand in his, "and it looks prettier on you than i could have ever imagined."
"a year?" you ask in disbelief, "han! you– why didn't you tell me?" you feel stupid really, knowing how long he'd planned on marrying you for real. his love for you looms over you and you can't help but feel lightheaded. 
"because i didn't think it was the right time yet. i was wrong about that, of course. any time is right with you. i just needed to make you mine." 
you throw your arms around him, tearing up again, "yoon jeonghan, god, you make me crazy."
"so is that a good crazy, as in you'll write happy love songs about me again or… as in i make you want to scream and shout?"
"honestly, a bit of both," you laugh against his shoulder, "and about the happy love songs… i think you should know but i wrote some really depressing songs while you were away. yves loves them so they'll end up on the next album but i know you don't necessarily like them so–"
"what are you talking about? i love all of your songs."
"han," you kiss his cheek with a smile, "you don't have to lie. i know you feel weird about them. and that's okay. but i hope you know, i'm in a different space when i write those, and i will continue to write those. but they don't reflect the truth in any way, okay?"
he narrows his eyes, his lips pouty, "you mean to say i'm not good enough for you to make you happy for the rest of you life?"
"that is not what i said, babe, and you know it," you laugh again, letting him pull you onto his lap. he kisses you once and then twice. "if you say so, love." 
you spend your first night engaged to jeonghan the best way possible: talking to him. you lay down next to him, in your pyjamas, feeling fuller than ever. he tells you everything he'd thought or done in the past few months, scrolling through his camera roll for reference and kissing you whenever you'd have a giggling reaction. when it was your turn, you pulled up your notes app with lyrics from the past few months and read some select ones out for him.
"oh, oh, and the way i was gonna introduce this one was like this," you clear your throat as if taking on your stage persona, "this one's called no one's prettier because no one's prettier than my boy." 
you fall into a laughing fit with jeonghan, a slight blush on his cheeks when he pulls you close, "someone's down bad for me, huh?"
"yes, sir, i am," you say back, smugly, "i love my boy, sorry, my fiancé so much and i just can't shut the fuck about him."
"god, say that again."
"what? that i can't shut the fuck up about my pretty fiancé? my adorable loverboy? my honest and reliable husband?" the last word feels so right on your tongue when uttered for jeonghan, even though you'd never said it before.
"you're my everything, love," mumbles jeonghan with a big smile, kissing you sqaure on the mouth. 
"...so the past few months have been a rough trek for the band," you speak into the microphone, looking onto the solemn crowd with a soft smile, "and when i say the band, i really just mean me. i think i aged by like ten years." the crowd laughs. 
"but i came out stronger, and more engaged than ever," you wiggle your left hand at the crowd, throwing a smile at jeonghan at the front, watching with a smitten grin. "so here's a new song i wrote. it's called everything because my love is everything to me." 
when your set ends, you rush to jeonghan's arms and before you can ask him he'd liked the new song, he kisses your hands. "that was perfect, love. i've never felt more seen by a song." 
you let him shower you with kisses as you walk him through the lyrics a little. you're in the middle of explaining the bridge when you're interrupted by a call of your name. 
you turn around to find wonbin standing before with a rose in his hand. "oh, hi, wonbin!" 
jeonghan doesn't do anything to hide the dislike on his face for the man. after all, you'd told him about everything that happened that night at the club and had barely managed to calm him down after. "hey," he nods at jeonghan who simply raises his brows at him.
wonbin glances at jeonghan's arm around your waist and sighs. "congratulations on your engagement, y/n," he holds out the rose, "and i'm sorry about everything that happened with us. i hope you know it's only because i have nothing but admiration for you. and maybe one day–" 
"thank you for your kind words, wonbin," jeonghan cuts him off, taking the rose and handing it to you with a small smile. "but we need to be going somewhere. sorry. see you around. maybe at the wedding?" 
as you walk away from wonbin, you chuckle at jeonghan, "didn't know you were still worked up about that guy?"
"of course i am! he tried to take advantage of you in a hard time! i'm just too pretty to get into a fight or i would've thrown hands long ago."
you laugh as you kiss him on the cheek, "right, of course. my baby, let's go home." 
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meanbossart · 2 days
Hey king how do u think blood tastes to vampires lmao
also, seeing how often drow is covered in the stuff, would he enjoy the taste? Or is it about the sensation/murder urge satisfaction
I'll be honest I've spent more than one shower thinking about this LOL
I assume that vampires" palates are different from mortal, humanoid palates in a similar way that a human's and a wolf's are. Except that while wolves and predators in general have evolved to enjoy the taste of bland, raw meat and not be at all compelled at by - lets say - a lovely arugula salad , in the case of vampires it's just a symptom of their curse and something that sets in overnight.
Astarion describes the rich wine at the tiefling party as tasting like vinegar, so, unless he's lying, he is able to taste normal food and beverages in a vast array of flavors - they just so happen to be very unpleasant to him, and probably impossible to digest since his system doesn't function as it should.
He also compares blood to wine and even suggests that it tastes and smells differently depending on the person it comes out of. Obviously I don't think that the comparison is literal, but I think what he is saying is that blood has different notes, hence there's room for preferences even within his kin. My cats are crazy about food but they will turn their noses at salmon-anything - I know that for other cats that isn't the case.
So, I reckon that it just tastes like whatever a piece of raw steak tastes like to a carnivorous animal. No idea what that would be, though. I would also guess that a young, or starving vampire wouldn't be anywhere near as picky or preoccupied with when or how they enjoy a meal as a 200-year-old spawn would be; one whose survival very much depended on his ability to disguise the fact that he is cursed with literal blood-lust. I often wondered if, while drenched in blood during or after fights, Astarion was ever tempted to suck on a soaked sleeve or lap-up freshly-spilled blood that he just wiped off his face - but I think that he's either too used to wearing a mask of normality, too proud to indulge, or both. Probably both.
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021894s · 19 hours
— 17 longing [3.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, jealousy, sex, oral (m receiving) MINORS DNI!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS HERE what we’ve all been waiting for ehe, enjoy <3
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The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as you wake up in Daecheong, your mind still buzzing with the remnants of last night's conversation with Saerom. Your revenge plan, a daring little scheme that's both out of character and exactly what you need right now, is set into motion with a simple phone call to an old fling. You're not usually one for pettiness, but seeing Sunghoon and Ningning together has worn down your patience, and you're ready to show sunghoon he was an average fuck – even if a small voice in the back of your mind whispers that none may compare to him.
The agreement to spend the day at the lake comes easily, with everyone eager to enjoy the warmer weather. The house is a flurry of activity as everyone preps for the day, the kitchen buzzing with the sounds of breakfast and light-hearted banter. You're all gathered, plates in hand, when an unexpected knock echoes through the space, slicing through the chatter and leaving a startled silence in its wake.
with a heart racing from excitement and a hint of mischief, you call out, "I'll get it!" All eyes swivel towards you, a mixture of curiosity and surprise etched on their faces as you stride confidently towards the door. Your hand wraps around the knob, turning it with a flourish to reveal the person on the other side – Jaemin, standing there with that familiar smirk that promises nothing but trouble.
In that moment, as you stand in the doorway with all eyes on you and Jaemin, you feel a surge of satisfaction. This is your game now, and you're playing to win.
Jaemin's arms wrap around your waist in a familiar yet unexpected gesture, pulling you into a warm hug as he greets you with a playful "hey pretty." The air crackles with a mix of surprise and amusement as you lead him into the bustling kitchen.
"Hey everyone, this is Jaemin," you announce with a smile, introducing him to the group despite the fact that he's already acquainted with the Ksana boys. The easy camaraderie between Jaemin and Heeseung is evident, a connection that transcends mere acquaintance, forged through shared moments at past parties and gatherings.
Sunghoon's expression shifts ever so slightly, a hint of confusion flickering across his features as he observes Jaemin's arrival and the interaction between you two. His gaze lingers for a moment longer than necessary, a subtle curiosity dancing in his eyes as he processes the new dynamic in the group. The air around him seems charged with a mix of emotions, leaving you to wonder what thoughts are swirling in his mind amidst the morning's unfolding events.
Heeseung's voice cuts through the hum of conversation, his tone a mixture of surprise and genuine curiosity as he addresses Jaemin, "Jaemin, hey, what are you doing here?"
without missing a beat, Jaemin's arm wraps snugly around your waist, drawing you closer into his side. He flashes a confident grin, his eyes alight with a playful spark as he responds, "Ynnie here invited me." The words hang in the air, weighted with an unspoken understanding that his presence is as intentional as it is welcomed.
Heeseung's eyes narrow slightly, a shadow of uncertainty passing over his expression as he takes in Jaemin's casual display of closeness. "Right," he says, the word edged with a hint of skepticism, his protective instincts flaring up subtly at the sight.
You catch the tone in Heeseung's voice, and with a quick, pointed glance, you communicate a silent message to him, one that's clear and firm: "don't even think about it." Heeseung pauses, reading the resolve in your eyes, and after a brief moment, he nods almost imperceptibly, deciding that it's better to let the weekend unfold without interference, to not dampen the spirits of the gathering.
Jaemin seamlessly integrates into the group, his presence injecting a fresh energy into the morning, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how your little revenge plan is unfolding. The day ahead promises to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and you're ready to embrace every moment of it.
As the group organizes themselves, the logistics of car space quickly become apparent. With the other vehicles filled to capacity, you find yourself heading towards Jaemin's car, the two of you naturally pairing off due to the lack of space elsewhere. The engine hums to life, and the convoy begins its journey to the lake, the anticipation of a leisurely day ahead palpable in the air.
The silence in Jaemin's car lingers only briefly before he breaks it with a question that carries a hint of his characteristic confidence. "So what's the real reason you called me here? You haven't hit me up in months, miss me that much?"
You can't help but roll your eyes at his presumption. "Get over yourself, I simply just need to prove something," you retort, keeping the true motive close to your chest.
Jaemin casts a quick glance your way, a mixture of amusement and curiosity in his eyes before returning his attention to the road. "And that is?" he probes further.
"I'm not telling you, just shut up and drive," you respond, an edge of playful firmness in your tone.
"Yes ma’am," Jaemin replies, his chuckle resonating in the confined space of the car, acknowledging the unspoken rules of this little game you've started.
the cars pull up one by one to the lake, each person eagerly disembarking and stretching their legs after the short drive. The group quickly falls into a bustle of activity, claiming a spot and setting up for a day of sun and relaxation.
Once everything is in place, you stand and begin to shed the layers of clothing that conceal your carefully chosen bikini. As the fabric falls away, you become acutely aware of the eyes on you. You catch Sunghoon's gaze for a brief moment, his look is fleeting but noticeable. Then there's Jaemin, who, when your eyes meet, offers a shameless smirk, clearly unfazed by the moment.
However, it's not Jaemin's attention that you're seeking. His smirk might be confident, but you find yourself wishing it was Sunghoon's eyes that lingered on you, not just a passing glance but a look that held a hint of something more, something deeper.
The group finds solace from the sun under a large umbrella tent, lounging in their chairs while the guys take on the task of inflating tubes for the water. The sound of air filling plastic melds with the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore. It's Sunghoon's voice that cuts through the casual chatter, his question pointed and unexpected.
"Since when have you guys been a thing?" he asks, looking directly at you and Jaemin.
The question hangs in the air, and you can feel the shift as everyone's attention suddenly turns towards you, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring their faces. You open your mouth to respond, but Jaemin beats you to it.
"We had a little fling months ago, and I guess she missed me so much she had to bring me here," he says with a teasing tone.
You let out a deep sigh, frustration bubbling up as you elbow Jaemin in the abdomen, a silent reprimand for his cheeky remark. "Ignore him," you say, trying to dismiss the implication.
Turning to Heeseung, who looks a bit uncomfortable with the conversation, you scramble to smooth things over. "We're just... hanging out! Yeah, we enjoy each other's presence, right?" Your words are punctuated with a pointed look at Jaemin, a silent plea for him to play along.
"Right," Jaemin concedes, perhaps catching the warning in your eyes.
Sunghoon nods, a simple "Ahh, gotcha," escaping him, his response doing little to dispel the tension but enough to move the conversation along.
Jake declares the tube ready, passing it to Saerom, who eagerly heads towards the lake to lounge on the floatie under the warm sun. As she drifts away, you turn to Jaemin, holding out the sunscreen, a silent request for his assistance. Without hesitation, Jaemin takes the sunscreen from you and starts applying it to your skin, his touch gentle and familiar.
A quick glance towards Sunghoon reveals him already watching the interaction, You quickly avert your eyes, but not before catching his knowing gaze. It seems like your plan is falling into place.
As another tube becomes available, you seize the opportunity to float on the lake, soaking in the sun's embrace on your skin. Unbeknownst to you, Sunghoon's gaze lingers from a distance, the memory of your soft skin beneath his fingertips vivid in his mind. He's lost in the recollection, a silent yearning to relive that night's sensations, though he'd never openly confess it.
Ningning's voice snaps him back to reality, her concern evident as she checks on him. "You ok?" she asks. Sunghoon brushes off his momentary distraction with a casual, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hot. Are you getting in the water?" Ningning nods, "Yeah, just wanted to make sure you're good," she replies before Sunghoon reassures her, "Don't worry about me." With a smile, she joins you and Saerom in the water.
The conversation flows effortlessly among you three, Ningning bringing up the topic of you and Jaemin. "So you and Jaemin, huh? I didn't see that one coming," she comments. "Yeah, me neither, to be honest," you respond, and laughter follows as the trio of you delve into discussions about school, boys, and more. as much as you hate to admit it, ningning is actually a really fun person.
The arrival of Niki, Jungwon, and Sunoo adds a new wave of energy to the water-bound group. You're caught off guard when Niki playfully splashes you, his chuckle a familiar sound that prompts a feigned exasperation, "Niki, you bitch-" But your words are cut short as you leap off the floaty and onto his shoulders in a playful pursuit, "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" he exclaims, laughter bubbling up from everyone witnessing the scene.
Jungwon chimes in, still chuckling, "You think he'd know not to mess with y/n by now," as you retaliate with a splash far grander than his, water flying into his face. The playful banter and lighthearted splashing are the perfect display of the camaraderie and shared experiences that you so appreciate.
Back on shore, the dynamics shift as the guys observe the playful chaos unfolding in the water. Heeseung's comment, "How'd I end up the only bitchless guy here?" elicits laughter from the group, highlighting his unexpected solo status among couples. Jake's suggestion, "You should've invited Kazhua," only adds to the amusement, pointing out Heeseung's missed opportunity for company.
Heeseung's response, "Well, I didn't get the memo we were all inviting girls," is met with Sunghoon's playful jab, "Sucks to suck," teasing him further.
everyone immerses themselves in the joy of the water. Jaemin's closeness is undeniable, his actions intimate yet affectionate as he wraps his arm around your waist under water, leaving a soft peck on your neck, prompting a smile to grace your lips. Heeseung's playful protest, "Hey! Please don't be all kissy with my sister in front of me," cuts through the moment, drawing laughter and the collective gaze of the group.
While the scene is light and full of laughter, a keen observer might catch the flicker of annoyance on Sunghoon's face, adding a layer of unspoken complexity to the mix. The day continues with the group enjoying each other's company, both in and out of the water, culminating in a shared meal that brings everyone together. As the day winds down, the group retreats back to the house, carrying with them the memories of a day well spent.
The group's laughter still lingers in the air as they return to the house, the day's escapades etched into their sun-kissed skin. One by one, they peel away from the collective hum of friendship to find solace in the showers, the warm water cascading down, taking with it the salt and the lightness of the ocean breeze.
In the living room, the couch becomes an oasis of comfort, each person finding their spot, nestling into the cushions. The TV flickers to life, casting its glow on the room as scenes from various movies unfold, a quiet companion to their shared relaxation. The films roll on, a comforting backdrop that fills the room with familiar sounds and images, allowing for peaceful moments of reflection.
As the sky outside darkens, the aroma of dinner begins to permeate the house, a siren song that eventually coaxes everyone away from their cinematic reverie. you gather around the sitting in between sunghoon and jaemin, serving each other with the same ease as they share jokes and recount the day's highlights.
And there, amongst the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of voices, you finds yourself stealing glances at Sunghoon, heart caught in a silent dance of uncertainty. Each look, each accidental brush of hands under the table, is a question left unanswered, a story untold. Despite the laughter around the table, a thread of tension weaves through the room, as delicate and as potent as a whispered secret.
the night deepens, the house begins to quiet down, the energy of the day's excitement giving way to the calm of the impending night. One by one, everyone bids each other goodnight, voices a soft symphony fading into whispers as they retreat to their respective rooms, the promise of tomorrow's adventure already sparking dreams of rugged trails and verdant vistas.
In the solitude of your room, you reflect on the day, the laughter at dinner, and the plans for the hike tomorrow’s morning. you made jaemin sleep on the floor not putting it past him to try something had you let him stay in the bed with you. you feel yourself start to doze off, the exhaustion hitting you all at once.
In the calm of the morning, wrapped in the soft cocoon of bedding, you lie motionless, the muffled sounds of your friends' departure seeping through the walls like a distant melody. Saerom enters the room, taking a seat on your bed opposite of where you were laying’ “y/nnn wake up, we’re about to leave” you groan, tucking yourself further into the sheets, as a muffled “i’ll stay behind” left your lips. saerom sighs but ultimately leaves you, knowing better than to wake you and have to deal with a grumpy y/n.
An hour slips by like a shadow in the early light, and the pangs of hunger gently nudge you from the embrace of slumber. With the languid grace of the newly awakened, you descend the stairs, each step a soft echo in the quiet house. The kitchen, awash with the warm glow of morning, reveals Sunghoon, an island of stillness amidst the mundane rhythm of breakfast and idle scrolling.
His gaze lifts as you enters, a silent acknowledgment passing between you before words find their way into the space. "You didn't go on the hike?" you inquire, curiosity lacing the simple question.
Sunghoon's response is casual, a shrug in his voice as he explains his absence. "No, hiking isn’t really my thing, plus it’s too hot." The words hang in the air, a simple truth that seems to say more about his character than the words themselves.
"Ah," is all you offer in return, a sound that carries a world of understanding. Turning towards the fridge, you search for sustenance, the normalcy of the action grounding you in the reality of the day. The domestic scene unfolds with a quiet comfort, two souls sharing the simplicity of a morning unfurling slowly, the unspoken connection between you as nourishing as the food you seek.
you’re preparing your food when you feel sunghoon’s presence next to you. “be honest” he says “did you invite jaemin here to spite me?” you’re a little unsure how to answer “what are you talking about sunghoon?” “well seeing as you haven’t even so much as muttered his name in these past few months it’s a little hard to believe you took him back so suddenly” he tells you in a sarcastic tone.
“fuck off sunghoon, worry about your own relationship” a hint of anger and annoyance in your voice, who did he think he was??? “is that what this is about? me inviting ningning?” he shifts closer to you, his voice going to a whisper, “she was supposed to help me forget about you but, it hasn’t worked” you shoot a glance at him, making direct eye contact “what?”
“i haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night, and I know it’s wrong but fuck baby not a minute goes by where i don’t crave your touch” you’re utterly speechless, this whole time it was all an act? to get over you? you don’t think too much before you pushed your lips against his in a hungry kiss.
your tongues exploring each other's mouths. you could feel sunghoon's hard cock pressing against you , wanting to feel him inside of you. you wanted him so bad, deciding to skip foreplay, you reached down and started undoing his pants, freeing his cock. quickly pulling down your shorts and panties after.
Sunghoon grabbed your ass and lifted you up, pinning you against the kitchen counter. you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He started thrusting his cock and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
"Fuck, I missed this," sunghoon whispered in your ear, his lips moving down leave kisses on every exposed inch of skin of your neck.
"Me too," you replied, moaning as he fucked you harder and harder.
you were both lost in the moment, your bodies moving in sync as they chased their orgasms. it was messy and quick, the both of you desperate to feel each other again. you could feel yourself getting close, and you knew that sunghoon was too. you grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum," sunghoon whispered, his voice strained.
"Me too," you replied, your voice trembling.
you both came at the same time, your bodies shuddering as they released your loads. Sunghoon pulled out and collapsed on the kitchen floor, panting and sweating. you slide off the counter and lay down next to him, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm.
you lay there for a moment, catching your breath, taking in what just happened. you looked at sunghoon and smiled.
"Wanna do it again?" you asked, voice playful.
Sunghoon looked at you and grinned.
"Always," he replied, pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.
you both get up off the floor, gathering your clothing as you follow him up the stairs to his room.
the both of you shed whatever clothing is left, hopping in the shower. you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him, moving down to his neck and slowly sinking down to your knees, he doesn’t even protest, letting you have your way with him, after all it’s all hed been thinking about since you both got back from japan.
you take his heavy cock in your hands, giving it a few quick strokes before sticking out your tongue to lick his tip. he quietly groans, taking that as a sign to take his entire length into your warm mouth. "fuck baby, you take me so good." He ran his hand down your arm, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin. "missed your mouth so fucking much."
you felt a shiver run down your spine as sunghoon spoke, his words sending a rush of heat to your core. you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you could satisfy him in such a way. you quickened your speed, sunghoon threading his hand through you hair pulling it gently,
but your moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of commotion downstairs.
sunghoon's eyes widened as he realized your friends had returned. He quickly reached down to help you up, whispering, "They're back."
your heart sank as you realized how bad it’d be if everyone found out what you two had been up to. you quickly wrapped the towel around yourself and made your way to your room after gathering your clothes, trying to be as discreet as possible.
once in your room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. your moment had been ruined, and you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in the act. you looked at yourself in the mirror, still glistening from the shower, and couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for sunghoon
Meanwhile, sunghoon was still in the shower, trying to compose himself after the interruption. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what you had just done. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you had felt the same way this entire time.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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lilacstarx · 1 day
✿ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴍᴀᴋᴇʀ
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Summary: when boredom strikes the general can play cupid for two little youngsters
Warnings: New Patched character yunli, platonic relationship depends how you view it, yanqing and yunli are the same age and share an interest (CONTAINS SPOILERS) Reader is gender neutral, Marriage life. Not proofread
Author’s Note: no one told me once you ship someone from a fandom basically people will cook you alive 😭 yet i still made this :33
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It was awfully quiet recently and you've been having a hard time pinpointing what it was normally a sign to start a new hobby that's going to cost a lot and lose half of the profits per the general claimed his money has no limit when it comes to you but still you felt bad.
Humming to yourself on the way to the garden, for sure, Jing Yuan and the lovely kid you raised together playing starchess every afternoon during their free time. Sometimes they take a nap beside you, saying, “You have a calm aura” when really they slack off from time to time. 
The garden was empty, strange no wonder it was at peace. The two rascal pairs aren't in their normal place; not even the hologram of the starchess board can be seen.
You get shocked when a fluffy white man brushes their head at your ankles.
"Are you looking for them to mimi?" You asked, crouching down to caress the lion's fur, only to be met with a purr. "Mimi, do you have any ideas?" Cooing at the lion before burrying your face against its thick, fluffy furs.
The little fun with the lion is interrupted when a small vibrate from your phone was heard snatching it out of your pockets and looking at Jing Yuan messages.
RichHusband: sent a photo
RichHusband: come find me at aurum alley be careful love :33
You: is that yanqing and yunli?
You: Yuan what are you doing!?
You: Yuan???
*Rich Husband is offline*
What a headache you thought zooming out of the photo, it appears that Jing Yuan was hiding and far away from the two teens "that's impressive look mimi" putting the screen near the lion's face
Well, if the general is going to cause problems, why not double it?
Scanning around Aurum Alley, you see Yanqing and Yunli at tall auntie eating. They appear bright-eyed, and a wave of nostalgia hits you.
Remembering the days when Jing Yuan and you used to sneak out using his allowance for the month, even though you argued that he didn't need to buy you gifts every week.
The thought has banished When someone drags you from behind with a hand on your lips, preventing you from yelling, you bite the stranger's palm and use your feet to kick his shin.
Jing yuan winches at the pain “hey beloved calm down-“
“Yuan! You scared me” shouting at the white-haired man before making repeated apologies and cooing at him to make him feel better.
Jing yuan shushes you “we might get caught be quiet they almost saw you!”
“Not really they were having fun” He grabs your hand, blending in with the crowd while keeping an eye on them.
“They are both participating in the war dance, right?”
Jing Yuan hummed in response, still keeping an eye on the two. “Are you slacking off again? ”Raising your brow before nudging his arm, the general pretends to not hear what you said. 
The silence between you two was pleasant, and hearing everyone excitement around and having their own conversations was enough to persuade Jing Yuan to stop following the two like a creep. "Okay cupid; since you're here, why not take me on date?”
Jing Yuan mused, drawing circles at your palm before kissing it. “I would be a fool to refuse that offer.”
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Yanqing enters the magnificent home where he was raised, and though it was late at night, he had fun today, especially spending out with Yunli.
Eyeing Jing Yuan from the coach while pretending to read your book, you hear the footsteps "Yanqing is here, act normal!""
Yanqing comes through the living room greeting the two adults, who just responded with a nod before shrugging them out. If you ask him about the upside-down book you were reading, he seems skeptical.
As Yanqing locks his bedroom door, you stare at Jing Yuan, scoffing, "You idiot! We looked suspicious, and he gave us the look!"
“Dear your book was upside down”
"Says the one with dumpling sauce on their shirt!"
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©Don’t repost without permission or translate
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moonstruckme · 4 hours
I love your roomate!james. I was wondering if you could do one where shy!reader is sick and she doesn’t tell james bc she’s used to taking care of herself but he’s adamant about taking care of her. 🥺🖤
Thank you lovely!
cw: implied nausea and vomiting
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
James worries he’s scared you off. 
He thought you’d been having a good time the other night, hanging out with his friends and then teasing each other while he battled you for cleanup duties after. He’d certainly had a good time. Watching you smile more readily as you got comfortable, feeling your soft form tucked up against his on the couch, it had made his whole body feel light and fizzy, but now James wonders if the easy, familiar energy of the night had made him too bold. There had been a moment, just before you’d gone to bed, where you’d seemed to stumble, defaulting back to the awkward, self-conscious way of speaking you’d had before you got to know each other. 
James might not have thought anything of it—you still get shy sometimes, he can never figure out what causes it—except you’ve been very obviously avoiding him ever since. That next day, you went to work and then disappeared into your room straight after you got home. He told himself he was being paranoid. But yesterday, you seemingly had the day off, and every time you needed to emerge from your room James heard you dash down the stairs and back up as if your bedroom was the only safe zone in the apartment. 
He hears you doing it again now, the soft click of your door unlatching before quiet footsteps start down the stairs. If Sirius were here, they’d probably make a game out of timing you, but James estimates it’s less than a minute before you start back up again. He wishes he could tell you not to hurry yourself; he has no intent of cornering you in your own home, even if he does want to patch things up. 
Then something falls on the stairs with a loud thud, followed by a sharp gasp just outside James’ room, and all thoughts of giving you your space are quickly abandoned. It was a valiant effort. 
“Shit,” he says as soon as he opens the door. He crouches beside you, taking your elbow in his hand, cushioning it from the cruel edge of the step, “Did you hurt yourself?” 
You must have had a mean fall. You’re completely crumpled on the stairs, one of your legs curled under you and one outstretched behind you as though it’s slipped back. Both of your elbows are braced underneath your body, keeping your face from smacking into the corner of the stair. James is willing to bet that big sound he’d heard was your knee hitting the step below you as you tripped. 
“Fuck,” you whine, pulling an entire loaf of bread from beneath your other elbow. The middle has been completely crushed, smashed between your forearm and the edge of a step. You look genuinely distraught about it. 
“Did you hurt your knee?” James frets, fighting the urge to haul you up off the stairs so he can look you over properly. He does take your other elbow in hand, using a firm grip to encourage rather than haul. You get more or less upright. 
“I’m okay.” You sound a bit odd, though he supposes you could be winded by the fall. “Thanks, sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for?” James can’t help it if a bit of teasing makes its way into his voice. This is something the two of you always do, you overapologizing and him making fun of you for it. “It seems like if anyone ought to be apologizing, it should be the stairs.” 
Your mouth tips up slightly. “Solid point,” you concede. 
The load in James’ chest lightens at your willingness to fall back into a casual repartee. He rubs the point of your elbow distractedly. “Wanna tell me why you’re taking an entire loaf of bread to your room?” he asks, grinning. “Do you have a secret stash of sandwich-making supplies in there?”
He feels goosebumps erupt on the side of your arm, and he does his best to soothe those, too. It must be too cold in here for you. “No,” you say quietly.
“Mm. I thought we were past this, angel. Come downstairs, I’ve still got leftover pasta in the fridge.”  
He starts to lead you down, but before he’s made it two steps you say, “No, thank you.” 
“Oh, come off it.” James shoots you another easy grin, hoping to loosen you up. “Don’t be a martyr. I’m all for carbs, but bread by itself will hardly sustain you.” 
“I don’t have much choice.” You shrug, and your shoulders stay up higher than they had been. You seem embarrassed. He waits, intrigued. “It’s sort of the only thing I can keep down at the moment.” 
It takes a blink for James to understand. “Are you not feeling well?” 
“Not very.” Your voice is softer than soft, swallowed up by the nerves James thought he’d earned an exemption from but nonetheless can’t hold against you in this state. 
He can see it, now. The way you’re holding yourself, like you could curl up on the floor at any given moment. Your complexion is flushed and your eyes slightly unfocused, glazed. 
He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” It comes out more caring than he’d ever meant for it to, but James is too worried about you to dwell much upon that. You bat his hand away weakly, but he just moves them both to your cheeks, feeling himself frown. “You’re burning up, love. Why didn’t you say?” 
“Not much to say.” You move away from his touch, backing towards your room. James pursues you, hand hovering near your elbow because you really do look like you could pass out. "It's a stomach bug. It'll pass."
“I could have been helping you if I knew. I just thought you were avoiding me,” he admits. You look so sorry he’s quick to smooth things over with a smile. “Do you need me to get you anything from the store?”
“I already went.” You slump onto your bed before seeming to realize he’s still behind you, your brows coming down. “I’ve got everything I need, but thanks.” 
“You went to the store like this?” James is aghast. “You should be resting! How high is your fever?” 
“Dunno.” You seem to give up uncharacteristically quickly on getting him to leave, sighing and sinking back against a propped-up pillow. “I don’t have a thermometer.” 
“You don’t?” He’s more frazzled by the second, every way in which you’re not being properly taken care of piling onto the last. It seems a miracle you’re still alive. 
You look suspicious. “Do you?” 
Shit. He grins sheepishly. “No...” 
But that doesn’t change the fact that you should, for some reason. People like James are allowed to coast through the world unprepared because responsible ones like you always have the things they need. 
He feels your face again. This time, you let him. Your breath fans warm over his wrist, those fever-glazed eyes drooping slightly. 
“Your hand is cold,” you say through a sigh. 
“I think you’re just hot,” James mutters, but that doesn’t stop him from stroking his thumb over your cheek, just once. Your lashes flutter closed, and his heart does an impressive flip in his chest. 
“Have you had paracetamol?” he asks you. 
You hum. James sweeps his thumb over your cheek again, hoping to rouse you, but it only seems to worsen your drowsiness. Your head actually lolls into his touch. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Mhm, yeah,” you say without opening your eyes. “You need to stop doing that, m’gonna fall asleep.” 
“You should be sleeping,” he says softly. It’s impossible to keep the fondness from his voice. “I’m gonna get you a cold flannel, okay?” 
Your eyelids crack open. “I don’t need you to take care of me,” you say, voice nearly slurring with sleepiness. “I’ve always done fine, by myself.” 
“You never neglect to remind me.” James slips his hand from beneath your face, going to the bathroom between your bedrooms. “I don’t mind helping, though. You don’t always have to do everything on your own, what are roommates for?” 
You make a quiet, breathy sound he suspects might be a laugh. “None of my other roommates were ever as nice to me as you are. I think you’re taking things beyond the requirements of the job.” 
James thinks so, too. But still. Regardless of the complicated feelings he’s starting to have for you, you’ve always deserved to be treated with care. 
“You mean to tell me,” he says, wringing out the flannel and going back to your room, “that if you were this poorly, none of your previous roommates would have offered to help?” 
Your eyes are open more fully now. You watch him as he lays the flannel on your forehead, smoothing away a couple of baby hairs before they can get trapped underneath, with an odd expression on your face. 
“I handle my own problems,” you say softly. 
James’ thumb is still stroking the baby hairs at your temple. He can’t get it to stop. 
“Maybe your problems could be my problems, too,” he says. The lightness of his tone is automatic, but it serves as no representation of the great and weighty feeling in his chest. He realizes his breathing has synced to yours. Quiet inhales and exhales in your quiet apartment. 
Your eyes slip closed again. “Why?” you murmur. 
James doesn’t have an answer for that. Not one he’s ready to think about. The lines of your face smooth out as you relax. More evidence of frowns than smiles, but he likes to think he’s made progress on the little creases fanning out from the corners of your eyes since he’s moved in. He feels a pang of triumph any time they make an appearance, little rays of sunshine on a wholly lovely face. 
Because he’s your roommate. Because whether you’re ready to admit it or not, he’s your friend. Because he cares about you. 
In the end, James doesn’t have to come up with an answer. You’re already asleep. 
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idkwhatever580 · 2 days
Are you f****** kidding me?!
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n has very bad trauma with alcoholism in her family, so she never drinks. Natasha never pushes it and is always protective of her decisions but what happens when the boys play a little “prank”on y/n?
Warnings: trauma, ptsd in a way?, reader freaks out, getting drunk, spiked drinks, protective nat, swearing, mentions of sh, fake allergic reaction.
A/N: guys sometimes I’m not great at explaining things in the warnings. So I put a question mark lol. I hope y’all understand it though.
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Y/n’s pov
Once again I’m at one of Tony’s parties. I think his excuse this week is his mom’s business partner’s daughter is having a birthday soon.
Whatever. There’s no point in actually caring it’s just another ploy for him to get drunk.
I usually leave before that time.
I start off my night with a water. I plan to finish the night with the same. Then suddenly Pietro comes up to me with Sam and says
“Hey y/n!”
I smile at him and notice he’s holding two drinks.
“Hey Piet. What are you doing?”
He smiles and says
“Bringing a drink to my favorite person.”
I roll my eyes at him. We get along because we like to prank people a lot. And play video games.
I frown as he hands me a drink and I say
“Piet you know I don’t drink”
He curses under his breath and says
“Oh right yeah! Let me take that and I’ll get you a virgin drink yeah?”
I nod my head and thank him as they both walk away. I guess Sam is just trailing along.
After a few minutes they come back and hand me a different drink and I say
“What is this?”
He looks at it and says
“A drink doofus”
I roll my eyes at his antics and say
“No I mean what’s in this drink?”
He looks at Sam and says
“It’s like a celcius!”
Sam agrees quickly and I say
“Oh. So like an energy drink?”
They both nod their head in unison and I smirk and say
“Thanks guys. You know I have a hard time with these things. Especially since nat is on a mission right now.”
Sam wanders off and Piet stays by me as I drink a few sips. It’s pretty good.
We talk a bit and Piet says
“How is that flavor? I have something else and I was just wondering.”
I smile and say
“It’s orange I think. Not the best but it’s decent.”
His eyes have a fire in them and he says
“Here! Why don’t I get you a different flavor?”
I nod and say
“I’m sure two wouldn’t hurt right? It’s only energy drinks and they don’t really affect me”
He nods and says he’ll be right back so I finish off my drink and wait for him.
When he comes back he has a slightly pink tinted drink for me and i immediately try it.
“This one is good!”
He nods his head.
I have about three of those drinks and I’m starting to feel great. My stomach hurts a bit but I feel fine.
And this girl is talking to me and her jokes are literally so funny. Like I have the giggles or something.
We start dancing and then I somehow end up with Wanda. We’re best friends but we are not leaving any room for Jesus. I usually don’t have this much fun at these parties.
Then I end up on a couch with another girl by my side and I’m just talking her ear off. She looks interested.
All of a sudden I get a rush of heat over my face. I just zone out trying to pinpoint what’s going on.
By now the girl has left and I see a flash of red come in my view.
“Y/n? Y/n detka focus on me. Where are you baby?”
My beautiful girlfriend Natasha pulls me from my trance and I throw myself on her and say
She lets me hug her and I get another rush of that feeling again.
She notices and says
“Are you alright?”
I nod my head and then think, and shake my head.
“What’s wrong detka?”
I lean on her shoulder as she sits next to me and I say
“I don’t know. I feel weird.”
Natasha looks at the table and sees three glasses and says
“Are those yours?”
I nod and smile
“Piet got me these three flavors of energy drinks. I can’t remember what he said they were called though. But he said they were like celcius”
She nods and grabs one of the glasses. She picks it up to her nose and smells it and sets it back down.
“Y/n you said you liked these? And you wanted them?”
I nod me head and say
“They were really yummy but I think they’re hurting my tummy a bit”
I pout and she looks to the side as if she’s scanning the crowd for someone. I follow her eyes and they land on Pietro and Sam who are giggling like teen girls. I slur out
“What are they laughing at natty?”
She looks to the side unsure of what to say and my eyes widen and I sit up. This realization has my mind sobered up a bit and I look at her with tears in my eyes.
“Nat? Is that alcohol?”
She bites her lip unsure of what to do but she nods her head and I say
“Pietro and Sam told me it wasn’t. They said they got me a virgin kind.”
She shakes her head and says
“I’m so sorry baby”
I shake my head and push her away. I immediately get up and walk off. I almost bump into a few people and I trip up a bit but not bad. I go straight to our room and Natasha decided to stay back to handle the perpetrators.
She makes sure Friday alerts her if I end up anywhere other than our room.
Nobody’s pov
To say Natasha was angry was an understatement.
She was furious.
She had to watch you storm off to probably go and cry because of what they did to you.
She stands up and brushes herself off. And then she calmly walks over to Pietro and Sam.
They say
“Oh hey nat! You’re back!”
Natasha smiles at them and says
“You wouldn’t happen to know what was in those drinks that you gave y/n would you?”
They shrug their shoulders and say
“What drinks? What are you talking about?”
Natasha is pissed so her patience is gone and she grabs them both by the ear and pulls them to the side of the room.
The noise isn’t any less quiet, it’s just out of the way.
And she goes ballistic.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you know what you did to her?! Everybody knows that y/n doesn’t drink because of her fears that she will end up like her father. She’s probably in our room now panicking about how she’s an alcoholic from three drinks!! And you!”
She points to Pietro
“You know better than to do that! You know she has problems. And you still did that! I should have the both of you banned from stark parties forever! You both intentionally spiked her drink! You two are literally dead!”
By now the room is silent from how loud Natasha is screaming at them. All eyes are on them but she doesn’t care.
“She was your friend and you did this to her! That is the ultimate betrayal and I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see your faces again! Get out of here. I don’t want to see you at another party! And I expect there to be ample apologies tomorrow!”
They nod and scurry off. Wanda is behind natashw now and she gives her a look as if she’s asking if they really did that to you and Natasha nods her head.
Wanda’s eyes glow red and she walks off in Pietro direction.
After Natasha knows they’ll be handled she smooths out her shirt and looks around at everyone gawking at her.
She raises and eyebrow and says
“Would anybody like to go with them?”
They all shake their heads and go back to partying.
Natasha goes upstairs to find you in your room.
She slowly walks up to your ball of a self and says
“Y/n? Are you alright?”
Apparently she chose the wrong set of words because you shoot up and say
“No im not alright! How can I be alright?! I’m literally drunk because I’m a lightweight and I feel disgusting because I liked it. And that’s why I never drink because I’m just like my father and I’ll like that shit and I’ll probably get hooked on it now!”
You are pacing back and forth and your breathing is erratic so Natasha goes up and grabs you and says
“Woah woah woah. Detka please calm down. You need to hear me. You are not an alcoholic from getting drunk once. You know that you don’t drink and that you won’t drink. Just because you liked the alcohol does not mean you are hooked okay? You clearly don’t like being drunk at all because it is hurting you.”
You are now just standing in Natasha’s grasp as she speaks to you.
“And you are most definitely not your father. You know now to not trust them with drinks anymore. Listen. I’m so sorry they did that to you. But you need to know it is not your fault. At. All. They spiked your drink knowing that you don’t drink for a reason.”
Y/n’s pov
I nod my head taking in all this information. And I tear up a bit.
“Hey hey don’t cry baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault”
I shake my head as some tears start to fall and I say
“No no. I’m not crying because of this. I’m crying because you’re so good to me. Nobody would have reassured me like this except you. I just love you so much.”
We both smile and kiss each other and then we pull away because there is a knock at the door and I softly say
“Come in”
Wanda steps in and says
“Hey. How are you?”
I smile and say
“Still drunk”
I laugh and Wanda says
“Do you want me to get you a water?”
Natasha shakes her head and says
“We keep bottles of water in our room. I’ll grab her one.”
Wanda nods and says
“Right well I just wanted to let you know that I just got onto both their asses again and they are on probation for two months”
I furrow my eyebrows and say
Wanda explains to me that probation is basically they don’t get any missions for two months. And she also added in there that they have to do my mission reports for that length of time too which is amazing since I hate mission reports.
“Wow Wands. That’s so sweet. Thank you”
She shakes her head and says
“No problem. Now I have one more question. They want to come in and apologize to you. Is that okay? I just want to check.”
I think about it and Natasha says
“You don’t have to agree detka. They can sulk in their rooms for now.”
I smile when I get a devious idea.
“What if you guys help me prank them back!”
They raise their eyebrows in concern and say
“What kind of prank?”
I think and say
“I can use my makeup skills and pretend I cut myself because of how bad my mind got!”
Their eyes widen and they say
“Woah there. That’s a little much.”
“Yeah Wanda’s right. Maybe a less intense prank?”
I sigh and nod my head. And then I completely forget about my idea when I say
“Wanda! You can use your powers to temporarily distort my face and body and we can prank them by saying I’m having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! Make them regret it even more!”
Wanda smiles and says
“I think that’s a good idea, but you’ve already had the alcohol in your system for a while. I think allergic reactions happen faster”
Natasha says
“They’re stupid. We can say it was a late onset reaction”
I nod my head aggressively. A little too aggressive though so I say
“Woah. Too much head shake there”
Natasha stabilizes me as Wanda says
“Alright. Why don’t you sit on the ground and I’ll work my magic?”
I sit down a little slowly so that I don’t get woozy or anything and while I’m waiting, Natasha gets me a water to help me sober up.
Wanda then distorts my face to look all red and blotchy and I get fake hives everywhere. I smile and say
“Nat. When were pranking them we can go in my bedside table and grab my old inhaler. I can use it to puff and it won’t do anything, and say I’m out!”
She nods her head. Anything to make me feel better.
And Wanda steps out and says
“I’ll be back with the boys.”
I giggle at my devious plan and Natasha says
“You’re gonna have to stop giggling if you want them to believe it”
I nod my head and get in serious mode. I lie myself in Natasha’s lap as she sits on her knees to pretend like she’s cradling me.
We here Wanda walking back and saying
“You better apologize and mean it”
They reply with a few “yes ma’am’s” and Natasha decided now is a good time.
She all but yells.
Thank goodness the party is still going so nobody else can hear.
Wanda runs in with Pietro and Sam hot on her tail and they see me.
Natasha puts on a facade that she’s freaking out and I make my breathing labored as if my lungs are closing up.
“Wanda! Help me out here! Y/n’s having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! I need her inhaler!”
Wanda jumps into action and says
“Where is it?!”
“In her bedside table”
Wanda runs to get it and only now can I see the boys. Their faces are ghostlike when they realize what they’ve done.
I fake puff the inhaler and shake my head. Natasha checks it and says
Pietro and Sam are now freaking out and saying
“Wait she can’t have an allergic reaction it’s been like forever!”
Natasha responds with
“It’s late onset and now her inhaler is empty! None of this would have happened if you didn’t spike her drinks!”
I gasp and say
“Epi… pen”
And Natasha remembers I have an epipen for if I get stung by a bee. And there’s a trainer in the bag so she grabs the trainer and they freak out.
She uses the trainer which does nothing but make a click sound and then she sighs as Wanda makes the reaction fade slightly.
They all sigh in relief and Sam and Pietro are the first to say something
“Y/n we’re so sorry. We had no idea this would happen!”
“Yeah we wouldn’t have done it if we knew!”
Natasha looks up and says
“But you would have done it even though you knew about her father?”
Their faces once again go like ghosts and I start laughing at them.
They’re confused and Wanda starts to giggle.
I hop up and say
“You idiots! We pranked you back!”
They stand there confused. Sam is the first to say
“But- but you used an epipen”
I shake my head and say
“That’s the trainer. It helps people know what to do in a real situation. The trainer doesn’t have a needle or medication in it”
He sighs and says
“What about your inhaler?”
I shrug and say
“Empty one. Doesn’t do anything anymore.”
Pietro is just silent and I say
“Aww Piet. Are you sad that I just pranked you?”
He shakes out of it and starts apologizing.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I know you didn’t have a reaction but I’m sorry because I didn’t think about why you don’t drink. I knew why but I ignored it.”
I sigh and say.
“I forgive you Piet. Just remember that we don’t do pranks that cause harm to someone.”
He nods and I turn to Sam
“And I forgive you too. Now both of you. I’d like to inform you that I have been letting my mission reports back up and I’m glad to tell you that you have until the end of the week to finish five of them”
They groan and say
“Yes ma’am”
I smile and they leave. I turn to Wanda and say
“Thanks fairy wand. You made me feel a lot better”
And I turn to Natasha and say
“Thank you too”
Wanda leaves and we get into bed (not without me putting up a fight) and Natasha makes me finish the bottle before I fall asleep.
“Thank you natty. You’re so good to me”
She smiles and says
“You’re a little devil when you’re drunk you know that?”
I smile and say
“Eh. I’ll be fine tomorrow”
She rolls her eyes and we fall asleep in each others eyes with Natasha knowing I’m gonna be worse when I’m hungover.
A/N: I hope y’all liked it! I kind of rushed it because I have a bunch of things lined up and this is just an extra tidbit I started before creating more lol
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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iris-qt · 2 days
𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞
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🪻 ᴛʜᴇᴏᴅᴏʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
🪻 ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ
🪻 ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏᴜᴛ…ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ!
🪻 ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ᴛʜᴇᴏᴅᴏʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴛ ɪꜱ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ Qᴜɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴛᴏɪᴄ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴀʟᴍ…ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛ ᴏɴ ʜɪᴍ ᴛᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀ ꜱʜʏ, ʙᴜᴍʙʟɪɴɢ ʙᴏʏ
Perhaps it was your awkward glances. Or maybe the way you’d do something silly like accidentally write the wrong year for today’s date then nervously survey the area as if anyone would notice. If anyone were to notice they’d have to be looking very closely…practically observing you. And that is precisely the gift Theodore Nott had been given as he was sat one bench above you in the DADA classroom his gaze directly hitting your paper and the side of your stressed and contorted face.
Yes this test was difficult but Theodore has studied incessantly for it. You see, Theodore Nott never studies but he had a plan. A plan that he chickened out on last minute.
The night prior he had been sitting in the library waiting for your arrival. He knows you arrive around 8pm right after dinner and quidditch practice. You were about to sit when Theodore Nott appeared in your peripheral with a slight deranged half smile on his face. His face rarely showed emotion but there was something manic in it at the moment per your mental Theo facial expression log.
“Hi Theo, you okay?” you lightly laugh as you see him stumble a bit.
Theodore mentally thanked himself for evading his friends’ questions as to where he heads off to around this time because if they saw the usually stoic Nott stumbling over his feet in front of this girl he’d never hear the end of it.
“Yes…yes I was just wondering if you needed some studying company?”
You smile warmly at him his presence itself warming you up from the cold you had just endure in the November night air while at Quidditch practice.
“I’ll definitely need someone to wake me up in case I fall asleep reading about the theoretical applications of non-verbal spell casting…you’re hired Nott.”
Theo smirks as he sits himself down a bit too close to you. He realizes in a panic and jerks back almost tilting over in his haste if you hadn’t steadied his chair.
“Theo, maybe you should cut down on those cigarettes,” you smirk as a light rouge paints his carved face.
Theo feels like digging a hole in the library ground and burying himself in it away from your hypnotic gaze but, at the same time, he cannot help but bask in it.
Initially his plan was working as he hoped it would. You admitted the things you didn’t know and Theo helped you brush up on it and quizzed you on certain terms. You both had even found some time to laugh and joke about things such as the drawer filled collection of ballerina hair gel Theo had found Draco hoarding in the “forbidden drawer”. They were both becoming comfortable and Theo lost his edge as he melted into your presence. Things went downhill after that as perhaps Theo became a bit too comfortable. As he was watching you read a portion of your textbook…your lips moving in slow motion and your eyebrows scrunched in the most adorable manner…he couldn’t help but mutter under his breath out:
“You’re so cute..”
You perked up as you couldn’t believe your ears. While your brain was immersed in the world of DADA your senses were in high alert within the presence of the boy you adored in silence.
“What did you just say?”
Theo at this point went into full lockdown mode as he slightly jumped exclaiming “I said you look like a boot!!” he blurted out as if that would salvage him in her eyes…her gorgeous, bright eyes.
You looked quite puzzled as you didn’t know exactly what that meant. Perhaps it was the way you had styled your hair? Or done your makeup? His sentence made zero sense and you weren’t quite sure how to feel.
Theo, however, had lost his marbles while he seemed expressionless on the outside his brain was short-circuiting.
“Uh…you know what I think I need to leave to um…use the loo? Yes I wonder what they put in that pumpkin juice because let me just tell you, y/n, it was NOT good…you think the elves are after me?,” he laughs nervously as he quickly slams his book shut attracting the attention of every student in the library as the sound echoes off the shelves.
“Merlin, where’d I get that strength!” he strains out with that same deranged, manic look returning to his face except this time in more volume. Before you could utter a word Theo scrambles out of the library. It takes you a few seconds to piece together what just happened but you eventually stand up leaving your things behind to find Theo. But once you reach the entrance of the library he was long gone…
You had spent a while pondering that occurrence and what he said to you. That night you had laid awake in bed. You were sure he had said you were cute, right? I mean obviously. Theodore had always been jumpy since you had officially met him that one day in 5th year in Potions as you two were partners. He was quiet yet endearing and you had fallen instantly. The only problem was your adoration for him had always felt like a dead end. As shy as he seemed Theo got around and to be fair you’d never felt like you had a chance…were you blind? No of course not. You were realistic…right?
And so we return to the day of the test and Theo who had finished 20 minutes early due to his vast knowledge he has filled his privileged brain with simply for, well, you. You were his everything. You had stolen the very air he breathed from the moment you slid in next to him in Potions. You held his breath captive and he simply couldn’t act human next to you. You loosened him up more than any of his expensive Italian cigarettes could. He was addicted.
After class Theo had begun his walk to his next class when he heard his favorite voice calling his name. God if he could only record your voice in one of those muggle devices. Mental note to buy one of those next time he secretly visited muggle London. He slowly spun around gripping his messenger bag for dear life for he could feel himself becoming light headed already.
“I think I had an aneurysm taking that test,” you laugh indulging in Theo’s dazed expression as it fuels your confidence. “I just wanted to tell you that you look cute..” you purposefully mumble the last part so that Theo could barely catch your words.
Theo’s heart soared and dropped and did somersaults all at the same time when he heard your words. “Wh-what?”
“I said you look like a grapefruit!” you yell falling into a fit of laughter as Theo gazes at you looking dumbstruck.
“I think this is the part I run away,” you quip raising your eyebrow at him playfully
“No I think this is the part I shake myself out of it and just ask the girl of my dreams on a date,” Theo breathes out attempting to recover from his actions the day before
You put your hand above your eyes as if shielding them from the sun as you stare into the distance. “Where is she? Can I meet her?” you bite back your laughter, gazing up at Theo’s watercolor eyes alive with the most tender of emotions.
Theo laughs shaking his head hesitantly removing your hand from your face and clasping it in his as if it were a rare jewel he has been searching for for decades and had finally found it. As if you were his life’s work finally accomplished.
“Look no further, y/n, she’s standing right here.”
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totalswag · 2 days
the last anon gave me an idea, so I'm requesting you
How Drew asks actress y/n to go out on a date, without the friends, only with him this time? How the first date goes? How he/she confesses his/her feelings for each other, without kiss? I mean, we don't kiss at the first date, it's like "see you soon" right?
Also love ur writing! <3
first date gone well — DREW STARKEY
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authors note ooo i really like your thinking! definitely see drew being the type to kiss maybe on the second or third date for sure. super sorry that your request is coming out late. so close to 900 followers!!
summary actress!reader and drew go on their first date.
warnings drinking, flirting, shyness, soft!drew
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Drew and you exchanged numbers after the party. You haven't stopped texting each other since.
Drew asked you out on a date after a week of texting. He maintained an interest in getting to know you more, and you reciprocated. It's been a while since you've felt this way about a guy.
You were instructed to dress casually for dinner, since he is taking you to an Italian restaurant. There's a surprise at the end that he thinks you'll enjoy.
Drew knocks on the front door; you grab your belongings as you walk to unlock it. When you see each other, you both smile.
"Hey, how are you?" Drew asks, drawing you in for a tight hug; "You look really beautiful too," he says, pausing to admire you.
He smells so wonderful, holy moly!
Blushing so hard right now.
"I'm doing well, and thank you; you look handsome," you say, blushing quickly, hoping he doesn't notice how he's already influencing you, even though the date hasn't even begun.
By the time you arrived at the restaurant, Drew had parked his car and walked around to open the passenger door like a gentleman. He let you walk in front of him, placing his hand softly on your back as you entered.
Drew and you sat in a two-person booth near the bar. You both ordered a glass of champagne with a side of iced water. There were several options on the menu. 
"This place is wonderful Drew, thank you," you exclaimed, your gaze fixed on everything in the restaurant.
He smiles, "I'm happy you like it. I was browsing for places to eat and remembered you saying this type of restaurant was your favorite, so I thought this would be an ideal spot to take you."
Everything in your body slid down to your feet. Knowing that he paid attention to every detail you told him indicates his character and good intentions. You felt your cheeks turn red and butterflies in your tummy.
The two of you spoke about work. At the moment you are starting to work on a new rom come movie; you cannot wait to start filming. Drew has been working on season four of Outer Banks and leaving in two weeks to film in Marco.
After dinner, Drew and you returned to his car. He let you choose the music for the short drive you were about to take. You plugged your phone to the car, scrolled through your playlists, and chose the more relaxed option.
Lana Del Rey, West Coast.
You begin humming the melody while closing your eyes and moving your head side to side. 
Drew begins singing a few words, taking you off guard. You turn to face him, surprised that he is singing Lana Del Rey, one of your favorite artists.
"I didn't know you listen to Lana," you say out loud, pointing to the screen.
Drew grins, "Well, I have sisters who listen to her, and the more I listened, the more I liked her music," he adds as he turns the corner leading to downtown.
You feel yourself liking this man even more.
The two of you continue to discuss your favorite artists. Tonight you've learnt a lot about each other and will continue.
"Would you like to grab ice cream and take a nice walk on the beach?" Drew asks with a suggestive tone, secretly hoping you'd say yes to his question.
"That sounds like a good idea, I'd like that" you smile, "I love the beach so much, it's a safe place for me" you explain.
"The beach is somewhere to let go and relax your mind, no worries, no distractions, just peace and quiet" Drew replies.
Drew made careful to park near the ice cream business; there was a parking lot. It's going to be a busy Friday night in the summer. You both knew what you were getting into when you walked out together.
You walked close to each other, chatting rather than strolling silently. Throughout the evening, you found that you two can communicate without being awkward or bring up unexpected topics. You enjoy that about him.
A couple fans spotted you coming down the sidewalk and approached you for a photo. You politely snapped pictures and parted ways. They looked astonished to see you two out together.
"My favorite flavor is mint chip," you remark, pointing at the ice cream flavor through the glass.
"That's crazy you say that because thats my favorite flavor" Drew responds, smiling.
Drew paid for the ice cream, leaving a tip for the nice workers. You two could tell it made their day. They kindly asked for pictures too.
The sun began to set as you walked along the beach and ate your ice cream. The cool breeze, the sound of the waves, and the people looking out into the ocean; the scenery was breathtaking.
You pause to bring out your phone and take a couple photos of the scene in front of you. When you walk on the beach or visit the beach in general, you always take pictures.
When you arrived home, Drew walked you up to your front door.
"You know, I had a great night tonight, Y/N. "I'm glad you said yes to tonight and getting to know you better," Drew says, seeming anxious.
"I had a fantastic night, Drew, and you made it ten times better. You are quite something," you end your sentence in a flirtatious tone, hoping he will catch on.
Drew raises his brows in delight, smirking.
"Oh, really now?" "How about I take you out next week?" He speaks quietly, touching your free hand nearest to his.
"Yes, Drew." You are an excellent young gentleman who made me feel special today, and I would love to go out with you next week," you say, staring at his facial features and seeing how lovely he is standing in front of you on your porch.
"It was a pleasure tonight, Y/N; I'll text you when I get home." "Get some rest tonight, beautiful." He leans down and kisses your cheek before walking back to his car.
After closing and locking your door, you lean against the front door and reflect on what occurred tonight. You smile as you glide your body down onto the tile.
What an amazing night.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 days
Strawberry - (c.b. one-shot)
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♡ One-shot Inspo: Strawberries Attract success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Served as a love food. Leaves are carried for luck. ♡ Summary: Carmy fucks you nearly to heaven from the back, enjoy! Inspired by the filthy wonderful beautiful perfect inspiring big juicy brained @carmenberzattosgf <3 love u mami ♡ W/C: 1,616 ;) ♡ Posted Date: 06/05/2024 ♡ A/N:  HELLO!!! To the folks that have asks rotting away in my inbox I stg they're getting written- but that task is made near impossible when my little filthy olive martini @carmenberzattosgf posts something SO good that it takes up my entire brain and I have to write something inspired by it. Please by god go read this my pussy was screaming by the end like - I think she woke up the neighbors. Anywhore, enjoy this filthy-mouthed Carmen, no D words to be found here folks so for those of you who hate it you're in luck! And to those that will miss it...you'll see Carmy is still daddy af. ENJOY my friends xoxo ♡ Warnings for BTC: Smut smut , fem!reader, Black!Reader friendly (pics are pure vibes), unprotected sex, swearing, fluffy aftercare, domestic bliss
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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So, so fucking deep. You could hardly even think. 
Short squeak-like moans were leaving your lips with each snap of Carmys hips. The headboard was only lightly tapping the wall thanks to the stoppers he’d with quickness got on Amazon and by the grace of god and 24 hour delivery they had came a day after the first time his neighbor came by and slammed on the door, telling you both to ‘shut the fuck up or get a hotel’ 
You could barely register the light tap on the wall and the squeak of the mattress because Carmy would not. shut. up. 
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ. Pussy has me in a vice baby you like this, mm? Feels so good f’you, huh? Yeah I can fuckin tell- god y’sound so pretty”  he rambled on. When he fucked you from behind, he usually got really chatty. You weren’t sure if it was because he got bored since he couldn’t watch you with his big blue owl-like eyes, or if his confidence was just boosted because you weren’t watching him while he spoke so less anxiety - but you loved it.
“Yes- yes- Carmy- shit - oh fuck” you whimper as he hauled you up by your upper arms, wrapping his strong bicep around your neck, messily kissing your sweat-sticky neck and groaning into your skin as your core squeezed around him hard causing a wet schlick-schlick-schlick to fill the room
“Yeah? Yeah baby? Say it again tell me how much you fuckin love it hmm? That you love when I fill this pussy up. You love it when I make sure you can feel me t’morrow huh?” He squeezed your neck with his muscular arm and dear god were you glad he couldn’t see your face because you lost all control, practically shaking as he held you up, his cock so deep inside that his tip was giving your cervix a gentle little kiss with each thrust. 
“I’m fucking cumming” you manage out, holding his arm and squeezing tight, head falling back and body going slack against him. He used his other hand to press right above your mound, the added pleasure causing tears to seep from your eyes down your neck. 
“Look at you pretty girl takin me so well- so fuckin well. Jus’ a little longer huh? Wan’me to fill you up still baby?” He said hotly in your ear, taking your diamond earring he had bought you from Tiffany’s last week that was adorning your lobe and sucking on it gently, nose gently nudging the side of your face. 
“So- so good so good” you echo him, not even thinking with your head anymore. When you opened your eyes your vision was hazy with tears, in your peripheral you could see the edges of blonde curls. 
“Yeah?” He chuckled a bit, going harder as he chased his own high “so fuckin good f’me. That’s why I take care’you so good mm princess?” He loosened up is grip on your throat lightly and held your shoulder, sweetly kissing your cheek. Your mouth dropped in pleasure, practically drooling at how good he was making you feel. 
“Y-yes. Yes. God Carmy- god I fuckin love you” you mewled. You weren’t sure what came over you exactly, but you turned your face, giving his bicep a chaste kiss before biting down. Not hard enough to break skin, but hard enough to bruise. He hissed In pain, before taking his hand from your stomach and cupping your cheek, fucking up into you with a near punishing pace. 
“Jesus - fuck - how the fuck m’I supposed to explain that at work tomorrow? Mm? I tell em my girl can’t keep her mouth shut er’ to ‘erself?” He teased, smacking down on your ass with his palm, hard enough for there to be a pretty red mark in the shape of his hand - and hard enough for you to yelp, releasing the bit of muscle you’d held hostage. 
He took his arm back, pushing you back into the bed, your cheek flush against the mattress. “Lost that fuckin privilege since you can’t keep y’teeth in y’mouth. Wanna act like an animal you’ll get fucked like an animal sweetheart” he spread your cheeks, one of them stinging from his rough assault on it as he continued to pound you, watching as your cunt gushed around him in awe. 
You whimper, back arching more for him and your next orgasm riding the tails of the last. “Close” you said, voice raw and horse and utterly fucked out. 
“Me too, Angel- shit- gonna fuckin fill you up, stuff this pretty pussy with my cum huh?” He essentially laid over you, thrusts that were more like firm rolling of his hips at this point getting sloppier and the feeling of his weight firmly pushing you into the bed was making you dizzy in the best way. You felt his chain brush your back, the feeling was like ice on your damp sweat slicked skin. 
His breathing had become more of a quick, hot pants. His back was starting to hurt, his shoulder killed from bearing both your weights for so long - but he was fully blissed out. He was also frankly quite impressed with himself, in this position he usually couldn’t last even 10 minutes, but you two were teetering on half an hour now. 
This was thanks to his new little trick he had taught himself, whenever he got too close he thought about his boss from NOMA screaming in his face about never amounting to anything, and it backed him right off that ledge. Worked like a charm really. 
“Please - please fill me up bear” you whined out, and with a grunt he buried himself to the hilt, your hips flush with his as he stilled and shot rope after rope of milky white cum inside of you painting your walls with him. He sighed in relief, pulling out and patting your ass gently before plopping down next to you on his back to catch his breath. 
“Fuck y’so amazing baby. I wasn’t too hard, was i? Y’good?” He rubbed your back gently. You were too exhausted for much else, so you just throw him a thumbs up causing him to chuckle. “Alright so water f’you. And Cream f’this poor poor little ass of yours” he rubbed the tender skin carefully and got up, heading to the bathroom first. 
You stretched out, feeling the proof of his love leaking down your thighs as you laid there for a moment before getting up when you heard the toilet flush. You padded to the bathroom and nudge the door open to see him washing his hands. Your eyes found the deep red bruise on his arm, it would probably be purple by the end of tomorrow. 
“I sorry” you said sweetly and gently kiss over the mark. “You’re just so yummy I wanted a bite” you said and he flicked the remaining water off his hands before shutting off the faucet and grabbing the hand towel 
“Mmm thought you didn’t like Italian” he teased, heading out to the kitchen to fill your Stanley cup with fresh ice water. 
“You’re right I don’t like it I love it. Especially when it’s a sexy Italian with a thick cock” you chide as you made a neat little square of toilet paper to wipe with and you heard him laugh to himself 
“She’s back! That’s my mouthy princess, was afraid I lost you back there babe you got all quiet on me” he teased causing you to giggle to yourself as you flush and stood to wash your hands - legs still feeling a bit like jelly beneath you. 
“It’s hard to talk when you’re rearranging my insides” you head back to bed and lay on your belly, crossing your ankles. He came back, bearing gifts of course. He comes over to the bed and drops off the cooling lotion that he kept in the fridge for you and gently nudged you with the cup. You looked over, sitting up slightly and taking a sip. 
“Ooo-“ you said when you realized he was holding a plate 
“Mmhmm. Always you and y’sweet snacks after we fuck, open” he said. You opened your mouth obediently and he placed half of a chocolate strawberry on your tongue after taking a bite out of it, making the perfect mouthful for you. You hummed, resting your cheek on your forearm as you chew and your eyes fluttering shut. 
“Love you pretty” he smooched your forehead, setting the plate on your shared nightstand and started to massage the cold lotion into your skin. “You did really good f’me t’night.” He added and kissed your shoulder blade as he continued to squeeze and kneed tender flesh. 
“So good I can get a present?” You asked sweetly and he chuckled, rubbing over your hips as well that were sore from being spread wide for so long and you groaned a bit, arching into his touch 
“I think I’m spoiling you rotten lately, you got a new phone yesterday and you’re already ready f’another good girl gift, huh?” He went over to your dresser since he was all done rubbing you down and grabbed a pair of your comfiest panties and came back over, carefully slipping them up to your thighs before you lift your hips for him and he pulled them up the rest of the way, placing a gentle kiss on your mound “it’s you  who deserves the present” he said, before going to grab his own boxers so he wasn’t helicoptering it in front of your plate of strawberries. 
You giggled, rolling your eyes.  “I love you, dork.”
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backwzzds · 1 day
ೃ⁀➷ real bad gyal, eren jaeger
some old eren draft i had
“you know using him to make jean jealous aint really gon work, right?” you look over at your friend. her blond hair rested in waves as the makeup she wore shined, even in the dim light.
tiffany rolls her eyes. “of course it will. they’re friends.”
you twisted your face in response, “well…i wouldn’t exactly call it frie—“ tiffany cuts you off by handing you her drink and presenting herself better. she was preparing to go over and shoot her shot with local plug, eren, who was hosting the party with his buddies ony and connie. you never really interacted with eren a whole lot like that, but from what you heard, tiffany was not exactly…his type.
you wave your friend off as you lean up against the wall, awaiting her return. your eyes follow her over to the boy smoking a wood as he leaned against the countertop, laughing and enjoying his time with armin and connie.
you wouldn’t even call yourself friends with tiffany. she was just someone you had the majority of your classes with, and the only thing you shared in common with her was that you both had the same exact schedule as eren, and sometimes connie and ony. connie was a close friend of your brother’s so, that was the only reason why you were tight with him, and even ony.
tiffany approaches eren with a pretty smile on her face as she slickly inserts herself into the conversation with the guys. connie looks down at her with a weird look, unsure of exactly where she came from, but continues in with his story anyway.
you take a sip of your own drink and your mind can’t help but wander to how you were gonna cram for your anatomy and physiology exam in a week. you felt underprepared, and that anxiety clearly showed in your face as you dozed off into the atmosphere, mentally gone from the rowdy atmosphere around you.
“holon, check this,” connie scoffs as he makes his way to you. your attention is grabbed when the fully tatted boy nudges you. “yo, y/n,” you hum in response, facing him. in your peripheral, you could feel eren’s eyes move over to you, and now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows. he’s seen you around campus sometimes, but you ran in totally different groups. he’s heard about you from mikasa’s study sessions sometimes, but that was bout it.
you peak his interest when connie begins begging you to backup his street cred in ball playing, causing you to laugh. you quickly cover your mouth feeling as if your laugh was loud and horrible, but it’s hard to compose yourself when connie is begging you to prove his point in beating your brother in basketball nearly every weekend.
“bro come on tell the guys!” giggling, you finally agree and walk up to the group hanging out in the kitchen. pouring yourself some more sprite in your cup, you make your way over to where connie, eren and ony were arguing.
“has this been going on all night?” you lean over and ask armin.
he rolls his eyes in response. “since last week. ony and eren doubted con’s basketball skills and the three of them have not been able to shut up since.” you could tell the poor blonde was tired of the bickering between the group.
“i just don’t believe you!” eren exclaims. “you claim to win with de’ondre every weekend but when you ball with us, you suck ass!”
your eyes widen at the insult. so he did know your brother. he was his plug after all. you turn to connie wondering if he was gonna say something back, but the boy shook his head and turned to you. “you de’s lil sister? miss crybaby?” a smirk forms on his lips as he teases you.
you roll your eyes at the nickname your brother coined you for his friends. “sure. we’ll go with that.”
the rest of the night is filled with giggles and laughs as you hang out with the boys. within half an hour, you leave to get yourself another drink, and eren follows after you.
the boy holds out a wood to you before asking, “you smoke?” as you looked down at the drug and before you could even get an answer out, eren waves you off and reaches behind his ear to pull out a blunt. “my bad. ladies don’t smoke woods.”
you give him a look, knowing damn well his customers say otherwise. “don’t you sell girls woods on campus?”
“not the pretty ones,” eren scoffs. “that your friend over there?” eren gestured his head over to where tiffany stood, pretending to be busy on her phone.
you shrug your shoulders and begin to pour yourself out some juice. “not really. just classmates.” you admit honestly. you and tiffany really weren’t that close. you had other friends you were closer to, and and she just wasn’t one of them.
“damn,” eren mutters. he felt like you were slightly cold. but in fact, you were just brutally honest. he liked that. “never heard someone get classmate-zoned before. that’s a new one, god damn.”
you roll your eyes in response. “we not really cool like that. we just got some classes together is all. she’s in your class.”
“hm,” eren hummed in response. “you in my class too?”
“i have been since freshman year,” you roll your eyes again. eren barely payed attention to things. “anyways, she was just tryna use you to make her ex boyfriend jealous.”
eren digs back into his memory to figure out who tiffany’s boyfriend could be. “wait that’s jean’s girl?!” tou nod your head in response and lean against a closet door. “that’s crazy.”
“she’s been tryna get with me since high school,” eren chuckled with a scoff. “tried to fuck me and connie for free bud too. the streets is getting hard out here.”
“oh,” you raise your eyebrows in shock, but not complete surprise. now you understood why her and jean were on and off. you always knew she was weird. “that is crazy.”
“yeah, she’s not my type though,” the drug dealer shrugged casually as he lit up another wood.
you eye him, “yeah? what is your type?” you ask curiously. you weren’t sure if it was you or the alcohol talking, but you were just hoping you weren’t embarrassing yourself in front of him.
“for one, white girls are not my thing,” he admits. “i like you though.”
“oh? so you like bad gyal?” you joked with a playful raise of your brow. this causes eren to laugh brightly.
showing off his pearly whites, canines encased in real 14 karat gold plating, eren gives you a warm smile. “yeah, guess you can say so,” he shrugs. “you gonna let me take you out and see?”
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