#he doesn't know if he should refer to him like everybody else does or do what he usually does askgj
antianakin · 1 month
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I assume you mean the Coruscant Guard and not the GAR as a whole. We do see Fox during the Fives arc responding directly to an order from Palpatine, but he's also IN PALPATINE'S OFFICE already because they're playing bodyguard in the moment. The GAR would be subordinate to Palpatine obviously, because he is the Chancellor of the Republic. Everybody is subordinate to Palpatine, that's kind-of how it works, it's just that most of the other clones seem to sort-of report more directly to a Jedi General or a civilian officer of some kind before they report to Palpatine.
So whether the CG reports directly to Palpatine or not is sort-of up to speculation as far as I can tell. It's possible that a reference book might have something more to say about it, but what we're shown in TCW isn't conclusive. There's never any indication that the CG have a Jedi General of any kind, so they presumably have to report to SOMEONE and most people just assume that this is Palpatine. It's just as possible though that there IS someone else they report more directly to normally, like Mas Amedda maybe or someone like Tarkin perhaps. The CG just aren't explored enough to really give any sort-of definitive answer as to who they report to directly. Palpatine is the ultimate authority so his orders would supersede anybody else's no matter who they came from.
As for Fox's personality, I have basically the same answer. He really isn't explored enough as a character to really say he has a "murderous" personality. He's in all of a few minor scenes across the entire show and he's always working and he never even has his helmet off, so figuring out his personality is a little difficult. Most of what people know his personality to be comes out of fanon, not canon. The closest I can think of to something he says that might give a hint as to his personality is when he tells Ahsoka that he understands why she'd kill Letta Turmond but that he still has to arrest her for doing it. It's not murderous by my interpretation, but it does show that he has empathy and is willing to treat Ahsoka with kindness despite what his duty requires him to do. He does help chase her down after she escapes from her cell and a bunch of his men seem to have died at her hand, but there doesn't seem to be anything particularly personal or vindictive about it, it just means he doesn't have the time or motivation to offer her the same empathy he did earlier.
So sure, he seems focused on work and pretty professional, but we also only ever get shown him WHILE WORKING, we never see him in any kind of downtime. And the one line that seems to showcase a little extra personality is actually intentionally empathetic towards someone he should see as a criminal. He doesn't have to extend that empathy to Ahsoka in the moment, but he does, and that seems to go forgotten quite a lot.
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I want to talk about that miracle.
All everybody ever asks is: why was that miracle so strong, is it because Crowley was a powerful angel before the fall (probably), or was it because Aziraphale & Crowley working together are more powerful than anything else (definitely)?
But nobody ever asks: why was that miracle so strong? I mean, they said it worked a little too well, when the angels & demons couldn't even recognize Gabriel when he stood directly in front of them and announced himself. But still ... does that really require a miracle the same strength as bringing someone back from the dead 25 times? We have learned that angels are rather unquestioning and demons rather dim, it should require fairly little to pull the wool over their eyes. And Aziraphale & Crowley didn't even think that it would take a big miracle, they planned to both do a little miracle, a very minor miracle, each a half-miracle that would barely move the dials, the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle they have ever performed. And after they did they even had to check if the miracle took at all.
So yeah, even if they accidentally overdid it - why to the amount of 25 Lazarii? And that without them even noticing!
Of course their delight at the successful hidden miracle followed directly by the scene of all the alarm bells in Heaven ringing with what literally looked like Red Alert was insanely funny. But once I stopped laughing, and they showed Zira's bookshop spewing purple miracle dust like a volcano, I immediately thought: that can't be it. I expected a soft glow around it, like a shield or an aura, but not a pillar of pink that went up into the sky space. There must have been something else in Zira's shop. What do we know was in the shop at that time?
Apart from Gabriel himself my first thought was his cardboard box. Up until the end I was convinced that the box contained more than just empty air. Even when the fly was revealed, I still thought there must have been more inside. Gabriel went to the trouble of taking the fly out of the matchbox and putting it in this much much bigger box. Why did he do that? It cost him a lot of time. He could have just grabbed the matchbox and be on his way! If he had taken a finer pen than the marker, he could have written a message on there too. From inside the elevator. And Soho would have gotten a longer and better look at his goods.
So I kept thinking that there must have been something else, invisible but enormously miraculous, inside that box. No not the fly. More powerful and more important than the fly. 25 Lazarii more powerful. The only problem with that theory is that when Gabriel got his memory back, he should have remembered what else he put into the box as well. And he could/would have told Aziraphale what it was. (I also don't think that the "something terrible" he referred to in his first conversation with Zira was his impeding memory loss, I think he was already talking about the second coming. And I think he wanted to prevent it, even while fleeing Heaven.)
But he didn't tell Aziraphale & Crowley anything. Was he so caught up in his reunion with Beelzebub that he forgot? That he didn't care anymore? Had someone or something removed certain memories from the fly, held them back? Or did he indeed not know that there was something else in the box, was it maybe given to him by somebody?
Yes, I have had this Box-Theory since my very first watch of the very first episode. I can't seem to let it go.
But even if it doesn't have anything to do with the box - I am still absolutely convinced that there was a second miracle. Maybe that miracle is the one that will finally make sense of all the dangling threads and open questions about season 2. Maybe it is the new context we are all seeming to look for. I have absolutely no fucking clue what it could be.
But I know that something was going on in that bookshop on that day that we don't know about.
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skiller0dani · 1 year
Secrets | Part 2
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
angst | shy!hufflepuff!reader requests info w.c | 3.3k summary | Garreth successfully drives a wedge between you and Sebastian, driving you straight into his arms. But is it worth the pain he's willing to put you through?
lemme know what you guys think! I love reading comments left on my work! :) I'm enjoying this mini-series, and it'll likely have 2 endings. One for Sebastian, and one for Garreth.
Disclaimer: You aren’t the MC from Hogwarts Legacy in this, and I’ll most likely refer to the MC as ‘MC’.
I have yet to play the game as a Gryffindor, so I'm using my knowledge of the books and movies to describe the inside of the common room. I don't know exactly how it looks in the games.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Garreth says gently, MC is sat across from Garreth, wringing their hands together. They look anxious, and Garreth knows that if he keeps pushing they will tell him what happened.
"I can't hurt Sebastian like that." They said finally and it took all of Garreth's strength not to roll his eyes. Why does everybody care about protecting Sallow so much? Is he the only one who cares about you?
"You haven't seen how he is with Y/N. He's controlling, and overbearing, gets jealous really easily. He won't even let her see me anymore. I don't want him to hurt her. Please...help me protect her." Garreth pushes, his eyes pleading with MC.
"I want to help Garreth I do, but this information...could seriously screw up his life if you decide to go blabbing it to the entire school." MC says decisively. Hearing that makes Garreth's stomach turn, what on Earth did Sallow do? What did he do with the very hands that have touched you? You're too good, too pure for him. He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Deep down Sallow knows that, which is why he's so hostile towards other men.
"I think Y/N should know the truth. How could she hope to build a life with a man she doesn't even know?" Garreth argues back, leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees. MC bites their lip, and Garreth can tell they're so close to telling him the truth.
"Sebastian is different now Garreth. Y/N is helping him, her love is saving him. If he looses her now, then he is lost as well."
"So you're fine with lying to her? Keeping secrets from her? She's never let anybody down, is always there when you need her. I want to be there for her, but you and Ominis care more about Sallow than anybody else." Garreth is frustrated now, leaning back on the bench he's sat on with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.
"...If she finds out about what Sebastian did...then she might never speak to him again." MC's voice is quiet, their eyes downcast. He can see their resolve breaking, he's wearing them down. They're going to tell him the truth, he won't stop until they do.
"Let her decide that...instead of making these choices for her. She wants to spend her life with him...and there are far too many skeletons in his closet." Garreth says softly, MC's gaze lifting to meet his.
"Garreth...I trust you alright? I trust that you'll tell Y/N and nobody else. If this gets out, it's not only Sebastian's reputation that will get trashed but anybody close to him will be put under fire as well. If this gets out...you'll hurt her more than anybody else." MC says, their face suddenly getting very serious. It makes anxiety rise in Garreth's chest.
"I won't tell anyone else, you have my word." And Garreth really does mean that. As much as he hates Sallow and would love to tarnish is reputation, he could never do the same to you.
"Okay...during 5th Year Sebastian began to...well-" MC took a deep breath, almost as if saying the words were too difficult. They glance around them before moving to sit next to Garreth on the bench.
"He began to explore the Dark Arts- to save Anne. He taught himself the Unforgivable Curses...all of them." MC whispered lowly and Garreth's eyes widened. Sallow knows the curses? His heart falls into his stomach, this was clearly worse than he was anticipating. You're in love with a very dangerous man.
"He...I mean it was just an accident! He- He didn't mean to do it, he just got carried away." MC began to stammer, tears burning in their eyes as they recall a memory that clearly brings them pain.
"What? He didn't mean to do what?" Garreth pushes, he's so close to figuring out why MC and Ominis keep protecting Sebastian.
"Sebastian...he accidentally killed somebody during 5th Year. With the Killing Curse. He hasn't used the curses since and hasn't touched the Dark Arts since he began dating Y/N...but that's why he's different. Why he emerged from 5th Year a completely different person." MC finally whispered, and the first tear fell. They quickly wiped it away and turned their eyes to Garreth's stunned expression. Sallow is a murderer. That's worse than anything Garreth thought MC was going to say.
"Was it an accident? You have to mean the curses when you cast them. That's no accident." Garreth snaps, his jaw locked. You're dating a murderer. A murderer who as likely touched your skin, and seen the beauty of your naked body. It makes Garreth sick, you don't know who Sallow is- not really.
"Y/N has to know what he's done." Garreth says firmly, standing from the bench and setting off to find you.
"Garreth! Please just try to reconsider- I don't want Sebastian to do something he regrets." MC says before Garreth can walk away.
"And I don't want to wake up one morning and discover Y/N is dead because her and Sallow had a disagreement. If something happens to her, and I could have stopped it, I'd never forgive myself." Garreth fires back, turning and walking away before MC can say anything else.
All MC can think as they watch Garreth walk away is what have I done?
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You had been avoiding Garreth, ever since that night in the Library. You're lucky Sebastian had been so forgiving, that he'd only been angry with Garreth and not you. You missed Garreth, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't. He was your closest friend, your best friend and you two had been attached to each other since you first met him at the Train Station in Hogsmeade. His unruly mess of curly red locks and freckles peppered over his face like constellations drew you in, his playful nature and knack for trouble made you want to know him. You admire how deeply he cares for his siblings, how he never brags about being a Pureblood, he's good and kind to everybody. You missed him, and you know it would crush Sebastian to know you feel this way.
You don't know why. You love Sebastian, you tell him that every single day. You wished you knew why he was so afraid all the time, why he was so paranoid. Eventually you hope that you can coax him to open up to you, there are secrets he hides from you. Maybe he's just protecting you, maybe he's protecting himself. You try not to think about it too much, lest you start questioning everything he's ever said or done. You doodle in your notebook, sitting in the grass and enjoying the warm breeze. You're watching Imelda fly around, practicing for Quidditch.
"Y/N, there you are." You hear Garreth say, and you look up at him with a smile. He looks out of breath, like he ran to get here.
"Hi Garreth, have you been looking for me?" You ask, scooching over on your blanket to make room for him to sit next to you. He doesn't sit, in fact he looks anxious. It makes you anxious too.
"What's wrong?" You ask instantly, standing up from your blanket.
"Remember when you told me that you're worried Sallow is hiding something from you? I found out what it is he's hiding." Garreth asked and the solemn look on his face, the pity in his eyes...it makes your heart squeeze uncomfortably. Makes your insides twist and turn.
"Please tell me." You beg quietly, and you can only hope it isn't as bad as Garreth clearly thinks it is.
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"Sebastian! Seb- I've made a mistake. I'm sorry I shouldn't have opened my mouth but I did and now-"
"What are you talking about?" Sebastian interrupts MC's rambling. He was sat in the common room, which was mostly deserted as the other Slytherin students were attending lessons. Sebastian didn't feel the need to show up for Defense Against the Dark Arts anymore. He knows how to protect himself, and he isn't afraid of the Dark Arts anyway.
"G-Garreth, he was asking questions. Saying Y/N deserves the truth! He...well I-"
"What? You what?" Sebastian rose to his feet, his entire body beginning to tremble. Silently begging that MC didn't tell Garreth what he fears they did.
"I told him. About 5th Year." They say finally, and the venom in Sebastian's eyes actually scares them a bit.
"Shit! Where's Y/N? I have to find her before he does." Sebastian snaps, remembering you mention last night that you were hanging out with Imelda today. You're likely camped out on the grounds somewhere then, Imelda is probably on her broom.
"Sebastian I'm sorry-"
"I don't fucking care. You're dead to me." Sebastian seethes, darkness in his eyes as he gives MC one last look before darting up the stairs to exit their common room. MC sinks onto the couch, hands in their hair as tears stream down their cheeks. What have they done?
Sebastian has never ran faster in his life, dodging students and throwing open doors to try and get to you before Garreth does. He can't lose you, he can't. If Garreth tells you the truth, Sebastian will lose you forever. The thought makes hatred and anger swirl around in his chest, pushing him closer and closer to becoming the person he's tried so hard to leave behind. His heart is pounding in his chest as he pushes through the main doors to the castle grounds. His eyes scan the faces he sees frantically before they finally land on you and when they do...his heart stops. Garreth found you first, and there are tears in your eyes.
"My love...can we talk for a moment?" Sebastian tries, he can still fix this. He can still find a way to explain this to you, tell you it was self defense. Which technically it was. Solomon attacked first, MC and Sebastian were merely defending themselves. Your body is trembling, your back is to him. You're facing Garreth, who has nothing but hatred in his gaze when he looks at Sebastian. Sebastian grits his teeth, his palms itching to beat into Garreth until he stops breathing. Garreth is taking you away from him, stealing you from Sebastian.
"Sweetheart please, just let me explain-"
Your palm makes contact with his cheek firmly, tears flowing freely down your cheeks. At first you weren't sure about what Garreth was saying, but the more he explained what he learned...the more you believed him. Everything began to make sense, Sebastian's paranoia. Why he was so worried about who you were with, his possessiveness. Sebastian barreling through the doors frantically was the final confirmation that Garreth has been right about Sebastian all along. You wished you listened to Garreth, because now you- you love Sebastian. You love him so much, and this is worse than any other pain you've ever had to experience. When Sebastian looks back at you, there is desperation in his eyes and sadness. So much sadness.
"I never want to see you again. I-I hate you!" You cry, though you don't mean it. You could never hate him, not even if you should. You want to, right now you're so angry and you want to hate him. But you love him too much. Sebastian's eyes mist at your words, you don't hate him. You can't, he knows it's not true. He hopes it's not true. That this is just some nightmare he's going to wake up from.
"Dove, please you don't mean that. Just l-let me explain. You don't know everything-" Sebastian is begging, damn near close to dropping to his knees before you.
"Because you never told me! I don't want to speak to you ever again. Leave me alone!" You cry, sobs wracking through your body as you turn to press yourself against Garreth's chest. You miss the prideful smile he shoots at Sebastian over your head, his way of saying 'I won'. Sebastian could kill him right here and not feel a single ounce of guilt. Garreth wraps his arms around you, holding your trembling body close to his. You nuzzle against him, his warmth soothing the sadness in your heart.
"Garreth please take me away from here...I can't be near him anymore." You beg, feeling Garreth wrap his arm around your shoulder to hold you close to his side- the way Sebastian used to. Sebastian doesn't even know how to describe how he's feeling. His heart has just been ripped from his chest, by that snake Garreth. Sebastian resists the urge to torture him with Crucio, or perhaps make him torture himself with Imperio. Avada Kedavra is too quick for Garreth, too painless. Sebastian wants him to hurt the way he's made you and Sebastian hurt. You two were happy, and Sebastian would have told you what happened when he felt ready. Garreth never gave him the chance, he's so in love with you that he'll break your heart just to ensure that it's his.
And he says Sebastian is selfish.
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You haven't stopped crying since Garreth took you inside from the courtyard. You held onto Garreth tightly, your fingers curling around his robes as he walked you two inside. He needed to take you somewhere safe, somewhere away from Sallow. He could feel your body shaking through the tears and while he hates that he had to hurt you, he feels better knowing that you know the truth. That you know what kind of person Sallow really is, hearing you say you hated him gives Garreth hope that you'll never take him back again.
"Gonna take you to my common room, okay?" Garreth whispers and you can only nod, pressing yourself against him as the tears continue to fall. Garreth has snuck you into his common room before, and the two of you have been caught by the Fat Lady as well. But luckily, everybody, including the portraits, love you. So by now she usually allows you entry if you're with Garreth, and if he begs first. You keep yourself pressed against him and he tries not to feel happy about it. Your heart has just been broken very badly by Sallow, but your sadness has allowed you to drop your defenses. Allowed you to let the feelings you have for Garreth surface.
Once the two of you arrive at the entrance to the common room, Garreth says the weekly password but she merely raises an eyebrow at you.
"C'mon please? Look at her, she needs me." Garreth pleads, and the Fat Lady is unfazed. Garreth groans in annoyance, but he reluctantly releases you. He knows what she's waiting for and so he drops to his knees, putting his hands together.
"Please?" He's groveling, and seeing the irritation on his face makes you giggle through the tears. Hearing the sound of your laughter behind him makes this whole ordeal worth it. The Fat Lady smiles before swinging open and allowing you to enter as well.
"She's just trying to humiliate me." Garreth insists with a huff, reaching to take you in his arms once more.
"You do that all on your own Garreth." You say weakly, a watery smile on your face as Garreth leads you to the plush red couch placed in front of the fireplace.
"You know I didn't do this to hurt you right? I wanted to help I promise." Garreth says softly and you lean against his side, your head resting on his shoulder as you take his hand.
"I know, you're the only one who's ever looked out for me. Thank you Garreth." You whisper, feeling safe and at ease here with him. He carefully wraps an arm around you, pulling your head against his chest. You cuddle against him, feeling your chest warm when he presses a soft kiss to your head. You and Garreth have always sort of blurred the line between friends and more, though you never fully took that step over it. Tears burn in your eyes again when you think of Sebastian, his smile, his laugh. The way he held you, the way he made you feel a few days ago when he took you to the Undercroft. You gave yourself to him, all of you. He has every piece of you, your heart, right this second. You don't know if you can ever stop loving him.
"Garreth..." You whisper, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"Hm?" He hums, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm.
"I...I slept with Sebastian. A few days ago. I didn't know what he had done...oh how am I ever supposed to let him go?" You cry, burying your face in his neck. Garreth wraps both arms around you, his heart splintering at your confession. So Sallow did get to touch you, get to see your bare skin. Get to know how you feel, how you sound when you...Garreth couldn't even bear the thought. He feels jealousy flaring hot in his chest again.
"He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Give it time, your broken heart will heal." Garreth reassures you softly. You close your eyes are more tears cascade down your cheeks. You know they say time can heal all, but you doubt it could heal this. You felt so connected to Sebastian that day, like you two had become one. How are you gonna live without him? Your heart is so broken you don't know how to feel. You sit back, looking into Garreth's eyes and feeling warmth bloom in your chest again. Maybe Garreth is who you were always meant to be with. Maybe you simply fell prey to Sebastian's wit, charm, and good looks. Maybe your heart has always been destined for another.
Before you can think about what you're doing, you lean forward to press your lips against Garreth's. His hands find your hips as you kiss him fervently, your fingers curling around his robes. Garreth feels like he's in heaven, you're here pressing your body against his, your lips sliding against his. But he comes to his senses far too soon, and pulls away.
"What's wrong?" Your voice is small, you feel embarrassed. Maybe you read the situation wrong, maybe you were wrong about his feelings. It seemed like he cared about you...maybe he didn't. You turn away from him, cheeks hot.
"Hey hey, don't do that. Come here." Garreth says, seeing you retreating from him. His arms pull you back to him, his hands cupping your cheeks to make you look at him.
"I want to sweetheart, I just want to make sure your heart heals before we do anything, okay? It's too soon since what happened with Sallow, your heart is still broken." Garreth explains softly, he knows that right now you're searching for comfort wherever you can find it. If you two are going to be more than friends, he doesn't want it to be some rebound for you. He wants to do it right, take you on dates, help you fall in love again. You know he's right, your heart still yearns for Sebastian. But it also yearns for Garreth, it always has a little. Maybe that's why Sebastian didn't like him.
"I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'll always be right here, waiting for you." Garreth whispers as you lower your head into his lap. You feel drowsiness taking over, your eyes struggling to stay open. Garreth cards his fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as you finally fall asleep. He smiles, lips tingling and blood pumping where it shouldn't be.
He finally has you.
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TAGLIST: @weezley @eddiemunson4ever @idcabouttumbl @saturnawa @valyrra @cerulione @dilucente @riokunova @theknightssecrets @rinascere-di-fiore @sallowapologist @kaixoly @cosmicmadwoman @turnip-milk
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ancientagentalien · 4 months
So I had this idea while watching a clip of "this is the greatest show" at the end of the greatest showman, and I had to share it with everyone here.
We all know the part where P. T. Barnum gave his hat to Philip Carlisle.
Now imagine Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel was allowed to go down to hell to present himself as proof that a soul can be redeemed. Charlie and the whole gang wanted to think of a way to spread the word and possibly the hope of being redeemed to all of hell in a captivating way.
Eventually, they come to the idea of a circus, with Sir Pentious as the ringleader so Charlie can stay at the hotel and keep things up and running there. Over time, they get more people, more talent, and more respect.
Now imagine Angeldust gets redeemed and is traveling with the circus. He doesn't perform due to his time working for Val and prefers to help behind the scenes.
Let's circle back to the scene I reference at the beginning of this post. Sir Pentious wants time to work on gadgets and stuff like that, but hasn't had much of any time to do so because of the circus. Angeldust is watching from beside the stands, just like Philip Carlisle. Sir Pentious goes over to him and surrenders his title as ringleader to him.
I feel like this would be amazing for him. Instead of being under control and forced to do things the way Val wanted, he's in charge and can use his title to act the way Val should have. He is fair, kind, compassionate, and empathetic. He does not see himself above anyone. Rather, he sees himself as equal to his coworkers and that he is more of the manager.
He isn't told how to dress, move, or act. He doesn't need to use his sex appeal. He only needs the ability to have fun, inspire, and spark wide-eyed wonder.
Now that Sir Pentious can work on gadgets, he uses his talents to make things for the circus and often brainstorms with Angeldust and whoever else he brings along to come up with machines and other things to increase the impact and effectiveness of the circus.
Angeldust is truly a performer, but now he gets to express himself, not the version of him people force.
Anyone who gets redeemed can join the circus if they were not a member already, and a sinner truly working towards redemption will never be fired. The circus has a place for everybody.
"The Greatest Show of Second Chances"
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pixaho · 4 months
Rude Boys With Girlfriends
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♥ Pairing | Rude Boys x Girlfriends ♥ AU? No |
♥ enjoy! Also I have a discord server now for fellow H&L writers who want to promote, share ideas, collaborate, or just have fun in general. It will be at some point put out. I've also not been posting recently due to writing a bunch of other stuff so I do hope you all enjoy this!
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You met Smoky when you and him were kids, obviously he couldn't adopt you as a younger/older sister since you were the younger/older sister of P. But you knew each other since you were kids and you had frequently taken care of Lala and Eri as you all got older.
Your dates with Smoky consist of going to the Nameless Road's orphanage and spending the day with the kids there. Smoky says that he thinks of Nameless Road as a family and is willing to take care of them, so why not spend your dates there? Of course he scrounges up lunch for everybody but especially for you two.
He was kind of scared that he could get you sick with what he had so he tried not to do it with you, until he couldn't. You guys had been frustrated over a minor thing that he was trying to fix and you both took your frustrations out on each other, sexually. He was soft when trying to do it because he never wants to hurt you.
Arguments are rare. He always shuts the arguments down by being thoughtful and thinking about it.
Nope. He doesn't really have a reason to be jealous because he believes that if if you don't have a good relationship with him, then you should find someone else.
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You were running from Doubt members as a kid when Takeshi grabbed you (he was also a kid) and shushed you. He knew why you were running and decided to take you with him. That is when he introduced you to everyone.
Unlike Smoky, his idea of a date in nameless road is to take you to the highest point there and stargaze. Commonly refers to you as a star because he thinks you shine like them. He's a romantic, what can I say?
You guys actually had your first time while you were stargazing. One thing led to another and you were ontop of Takeshi under the stars. You guys were slightly drunk. Lala may have accidentally saw y'all but she silently cheered you on.
They only really happen when he doesn't tell you whats going on. He tries to bypass it by telling you everything is okay and asking you how your day is but it ends in arguments because he'll lie. He goes to Smoky when he doesn't know what to do.
He does get jealous, he doesn't like to admit it though. He will only show it by being all lovey dovey when your attention isn't on him.
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You were apart of Sannoh Rengokai when Cobra came by, a few guests with him. You knew a few of them except for one, P. You were intrigued by him so when Cobra offered to introduce you to him, you took the chance!
P is awkward with dates, he doesn't entirely know what to do considering he grew up on Nameless Road. He leaves them to you or he asks the others, this leads to a fire being started (trashcan / barrel) and the roasting of some good food.
Your first time with him was while the rest of Rude Boys and Nameless Road were asleep. He took you to a secluded tent far away from everyone else and romance happened (and a wee bit of magic too).
He isn't around that much and when he is, arguments are rare. He usually spends his time cuddling and/or snuggling with you until the others need him. He loves you too much.
Jealousy jealousy jealousy. Yes. Short answer is YES. He literally hates every good looking person secretly because he wants to look better than them to keep you.
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(We barely know him but he's cute)
You happened to meet Yu when you were helping others get medical help as a kid. Smoky had come by, being pushed by Lala to see you, and brought someone new. You were introduced to Yu and helped your family member to clean him up.
His confidence leads him to setting up dates in and outside of the Nameless Road. These dates are typically in parks with food and near the coast.
You guys had your first time when Yu got back after a fight. He had been really injured and you were helping him clean up. Well, one thing lead to another and you guys did it. YIPPIEEEE
Arguments aren't rare and they actually happen a lot. Yu hates arguments as they often remind him of before he met you so he always tries to find the salutions. But these are typically about his confidence getting in the way and how he doesn't realize it.
Lets his confidence cover the jealousy but will show it by drawing and/or writing on your skin using his fingers.
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♥ Mutuals | @talusional @dillpick
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pianocat939 · 1 year
hello!! :0 can I have a blurb of the yan!turtles (I feel like this mostly applies to Leo bc he makes all the jokes but idk) Whos MC thinks they’ve got a weird laugh so theyre always trying not to?
HOW DARE YOU HIT MY WEAK POINT. Seriously tho, I have a windshield wiper or seagull laugh so people stare at me weirdly when I start laughing. (I still make my friends suffer through it tho 💝)
Tw: Mikey threatens to burn people,
(Very fluffy)
Raggedy Cloth:
At first, he thought nothing was funny enough to make you laugh but then realized the actual reason why. He’ll come running at you and engulf you in a hug before reassuring you that your laugh isn’t weird. "Your laugh isn't weird! Don't you ever say that again!" If you don’t start laughing soon he’s going to attack you with more affection.
Laundry of Dirt:
Notices it right away. Immediately shuts off his typical snarky personality and gets serious. "I know what you're trying to hide. Forget everybody else, laugh; laugh for me, and only me." Then busts out his barrage of corny one-liners and jokes. Even a giggle will keep him satisfied...For now.
Decaying Fabrics:
May not notice it the first few times but does catch on quickly. He's not like empathetic like the others but does give you a blunt statement. "Your laugh is fine, endorphins are released from your brain when you laugh so...Just do it." (That was an unintentional reference to the meme we all know) Would never admit it but kinda likes the way you laugh.
(He would not love mine I sound like a fucking seagull ready to attack trash)
Mangled Sleeves:
Literally offended. Why doesn't his divinity like their laugh? Do they not feel loved enough? Then no matter what, he'll fix the problem. Proceeds to blabber praises. "Omigosh, you should never hide your laugh, it's a melody of joy! I'll burn the people who dare say such things to you! And-" Once he finally gets you to laugh, he'll record it and listen to it every night before sleep.
(Did you guys notice the names? I went for clothing as my topic)
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glitteringcrab · 6 months
Rick and Morty unresolved plot points (I think)
Cocky Morty
Rick: Just don't get too big for your loafers, Buster Brown. A cocky Morty can lead to some big problems. Can be a real bad thing for everybody.
Morty: Oh yeah? How's that?
Rick: Uhhhhh...I...I'll explain when you're older.
By the end of the episode, the blatantly obvious cocky Morty to us viewers is Evil Morty... However, Rick C-137 didn't know that and wasn't referring to that.
Which means there has been a previous incident (or incidents) where a Morty went sorta rogue and, like with Evil Morty, all hell broke loose.
The "I'll explain when you're older part" initially comes off as... I dunno. I mean it's the sort of thing you tell a child when they ask about the birds and the bees (which is obviously unrelated here).
Or, when a child asks a difficult question which has a complicated answer which requires years of wisdom, experiences and insight to understand.
I get the feeling Rick was avoiding the question because he felt Morty would NOT like the answer. And, given Rick's (and Ricks') past and his narcissistic tendencies, I wouldn't be surprised if he is at least partially to blame for the reason the answer would not be easy.
Now, we've seen Morty Prime getting sliiiiightly unhinged when the "right" (wrong) circumstances present themselves (purge episode, the time he shot Rick in blind fury in the citadel, death crystals episode, narnia episode) and I've read a theory that there is something inherently wrong with Morty, and that Rick's constant criticism is keeping it in check. That Mortys HAVE to stay with their heads down, because otherwise they'd be dangerous.
However, I don't think that's true. I feel like if that's what Rick was going for, that would be gaslighting. The idea that abuse is good for the victim, that the victim is irrational for not liking being abused is pretty manipulative. And Rick is absolutely abusive. He constantly belittled Morty (more so in the previous seasons), made fun of him, manipulated him out of his netflix dream, is currently forcing him to sell drugs, and... well, the worst episode for me was the vat of acid. I kid you not, I felt literal disgust for Rick during that episode. That episode was like a punch in the gut for me. The abuse is always so absurd it's played for laughs, but in that episode I did not find it funny at all. The pettiness and cruelty of it felt way too real.
Morty Prime does seem to be in danger of veering off to the wrong path, but if that happens, I think the reason would be Rick's influence, worldview, and the fact that Morty Prime is constantly exposed to danger and violence. Not the lack of constant criticism on Rick's part.
Back to the matter at hand: what would a cocky Morty do? What is a cocky Morty? As I understand it, a cocky Morty is a Morty who thinks he's better than Rick; or otherwise, a Morty who thinks Rick is less (less clever, less capable, less valuable) than a Morty. Or conversely, a Morty who thinks Rick can be defeated by a Morty. A Morty who thinks Rick SHOULD be defeated, and who is willing to try. It's not a Morty who becomes narcissistic enough to think that he, Morty, is a super-powerful god; it's a Morty who understands Rick is NOT a super-powerful god, but a human being who has as many failings as everybody else and can be treated as such. A Morty who holds Ricks accountable.
I think a cocky Morty is simply a Morty who doesn't let himself be abused anymore. A Morty who stands up to Rick and stands his ground. My guess is that the majority of Ricks would not tolerate that and retaliate... And given the "big problems, real bad think for everybody" part I think it's safe to surmise that said cocky Morty would be QUITE CAPABLE of wrecking as much havoc as Ricks do. E.g. imagine a Morty who discovers the Morty Factory and decides to try everything in their power to stop it-- if said Morty has even 1/10 of Evil Morty's capabilities, then all hell would break loose, with many Rick casualties. Or, to not go to such extremes, a cocky Morty who constantly stands up to their Rick would lead to a progressively more aggressive Rick who would try to re-assert his dominance in increasingly cruel ways. Not fun for anyone involved.
2. Morty factory - it's complicated
When confronted by Morty Prime on the matter of the Morty Factory, Rick C-137 said "it's not the whole truth" (to which the answer was "liar") and then he added "it's complicated".
When Morty Prime insisted on wanting answers right then and there, Rick changed the subject by breaking free and attacking Evil Morty's guards.
We never found out what the "complicated" and "the whole truth" part were. Sure, we saw Rick's downloaded brain, but that held no answers (other than his tragic backstory). We saw that he did not agree with what was going on in the citadel, but we didn't see exactly WHAT was going on- or why.
Evil Morty's parting words were "you can't outrun your past, Rick".
I can understand why Rick C-137 would create the Central Finite Curve (so that Rick Prime could get trapped inside) but if the Morty Factory was simply a byproduct of other Ricks' actions, why would Evil Morty hold him accountable? The Central Finite Curve traps Mortys in Rick universe, sure, but the Morty Factory would have occurred one way or another. Although, from the moment the Ricks banded together, they'd all find out about the Morty brainwaves thing, and therefore the demand for Mortys would soar; so I guess Rick IS kinda accountable.
Still, I feel like there is something more that might have happened, and that we don't have the full picture yet.
3. One True Morty
Initially I thought this was a (hilarious) joke (and it could very well be simply that), but... it's oddly specific. Given that this is a universe where there are clones of Mortys... I dunno. There could be more to it. It could be an actual person.
4. Oh man, he built it again
What Rick C-137 said the moment he approached Rick Prime's Omega Device:
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Originally I thought it was referring to the weird trippy base Rick Prime had in Season 6, Episode 1:
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But then I remembered that Rick C-137 hadn't really destroyed that. He had run off to help Domestic Beth and Space Beth. Theoretically it self-destructed afterwards, but I don't think that's what Rick C-137 was really referring to. Also, if you look at the screenshots, it looks quite different.
Rick C-137 also didn't seem surprised to hear that Diane had been wiped across all dimensions (he even said "I don't wanna talk about this" to Morty and Evil Morty) AND he had already heard the name "Omega Device".
The conclusion I'm getting is that Rick C-137 had already destroyed Rick Prime's first Omega Device... Which Rick Prime improved on, since it can now "fire more than once".
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solvicrafts · 10 months
I have a lot of Jarlaxle feelings
spoilers under the cut for Lolth's Warrior
So this post isn't going to ONLY be about LW, it's also about just the whole series entirely, but man oh man these are some fresh wounds that need healing.
Something that really, really gets me about Jarlaxle is that there is a deep undercurrent of self-loathing that he makes a point of hiding in favor of playing up his hedonistic qualities and/or hyper-fixating on trying to make everyone else's lives better.
He puts on this act of the carefree dashing rogue and even to this day, among some of his closest friends, he still manages to mostly fool everyone. It really pains me that Drizzt was really the only person offering Jarlaxle the support he needed when he was losing Kimmuriel. Obviously Dab'nay herself was traumatized (and who tf can even blame her?!), so she gets a pass, but the only real acknowledgement of Jarlaxle's loss after the fact is from Quenthel, and she's merely stating a fact and not offering anything on an emotional level (which I also can't blame her for, given their very immediate circumstances)
Other than Drizzt and Quenthel, nobody acknowledged the weight of Jarlaxle's loss or even that Kimmuriel is gone!
Jarlaxle spent the end of the book negotiating to save nearly 3,000 people, leading them to a better place, and making arrangements personally to help out people around him -- Dinin has rejoined Bregan D'aerthe and has even reconnected with Drizzt and Zaknafein, Zak is going back to Callidae with Jarlaxle's blessing to go settle down and have the life he always wanted (and Jarlaxle himself wants, but will never tell anyone), Drizzt and Catti are reunited, Ravel is working with Gromph, and hell Jarlaxle's even thinking about finding a place for Quenthel to settle down.
This man has lost so much and is watching everyone around him move on with their lives and a majority of them are ABLE to do that *because of him* and the sacrifices he (and Kimmuriel) made.
This SHOULD be a moment of triumph for Jarlaxle because
He saved thousands of his people from the Lolthites.
He got Dinin back! And he got to reintroduce him to his family and take him back into BD!
He got Braelin back, and he gets to see Braelin and Azleah be happy and in love!
He managed to accomplish things he NEVER would have thought possible a few centuries or even one century ago. And yet it all rings hollow because he lost his other half.
And no one cares enough about HIS feelings to check in with him. Everybody's just moving on. And sure, I know part of this is because there are some time jumps and Bob had to wrap the book up, but I also know that if there were significant exchanges between these characters, something would have been included.
It just makes me incredibly SAD because the thing is, Jarlaxle spends nearly all of his time and energy on trying to make other people happy, and this isn't some sudden new characterization for him.
Because on some level Jarlaxle has always been intensely preoccupied with trying to create a better world for people around him, he just wasn't always in an environment where he could be so open about that, and it's especially evident that he closed himself off emotionally all the more after losing Zaknafein.
And if you thought *that* wasn't heartbreaking enough, just consider how frequently he puts the people around him up on a pedestal.
He increasingly references Drizzt, for example, as being his major inspiration and outright blames him damn near every time he does something good or nice for someone, like he doesn't really believe that HE, HIMSELF has those noble traits. No no no, they all come from Drizzt.
Except that they DON'T, because Jarlaxle has always had a very generous heart, he just was not always in a position where he could live by it.
Jarlaxle knows that he's sexy, he knows that he's smart, he knows that he's resourceful and all that.
But does he know how amazing he is as a person? Does he truly know what he brings to the table on his own merits? Does anyone ever bother to TELL him these things, other than Kimmuriel and (rarely) Drizzt?
It's genuinely soul-crushing. This man gives and gives and gives, and I know he has people who like him and even love him, but they don't communicate that and they don't prioritize communicating it. And they certainly don't prioritize his needs.
I hope that changes in future books (if there are any; Bob isn't currently under contract to write more, per his AMA, but that could change) because the man seriously needs and deserves it.
If Kimmuriel can still show him support from beyond the grave, what's everybody else's excuse?
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justmenoworries · 7 months
Lore Olympus Episode 254 Spoilers
So, Apollo succesfully poisoned Zeus and, through a series of extremely convenient coincidences, has managed to get Eros and Psyche, the only two deities who know it was him, out of the way for now.
Does he...
A) ...keep away from the scene of the crime, so as to not be associated or draw suspicion onto himself
B) ...pretend to not know what Zeus is afflicted with and call emergency services together with Hebe to feign being a worried son so that he's less likely to be suspected by the authorities
or C) ...unecessarily frame someone else with no solid evidence whatsoever and call not medical services or the police, but the media, in the process getting as many eyes on him as possible which is the last thing a murderer should want?
If you picked anything other than C), congratulations.
Not only do you still have some good faith left for this comic, you're also a better writer than RS. (Not that the last one is a high bar to cross.)
So Apollo wants to frame someone else for his crime. Well luckily for him, there is already an established deity among the cast who doesn't get along with Zeus, has expressed the desire to overthrow him multiple times and is known for having a bad temper as well as having a grudge against hi-
It's Hebe.
He chooses to frame Hebe.
You know, one of the few gods on Olympus who has absolutely no reason to want Zeus dead and gone.
Just... why?
Ares was right fucking there!
If you absolutely needed to frame someone (which, just as a side note, you absolutely didn't) why not choose the war deity who everyone knows gets regularly banished to the Mortal Relam because of how much he doesn't get along with Zeus???
I mean, the best explanation I can think of is that this is supposed to reference how Hebe lost her position as cupbearer of the gods because of Apollo in one version of the myths, but if that is the case... wow, that's an extremely contrived and clumsy way to incorporate that into LO.
So, Persephone's deal with Erebus somehow altered her powers and now she can no longer make plants grow and only causes cold and decay whenever she tries.
And the winter that was essentially Demeter's power play in the original myth is now not only given to Persie but made into a terrible consequence of wanting power for herself. To save everybody she loved, might I add.
So empowering.
So feminist.
And as always when Persie screws up, she does what she does best:
Cry foul and beg someone else to fix it, then throw a tantrum when said someone else actually does try just that.
RS really misses no chance to try and villainize Demeter. Even if Demeter is absolutely, completely, undeniably in the right, she always has to be the eeevil mother-in-law making Hades feel bad.
And that's no different here.
Demeter is right, this is Hades' fault.
If he'd kept his damn mouth shut about the pomegranates or at least elaborated on the price one has to pay to get the Underworld's power, maybe his noveau riche wife wouldn't currently be killing all life in the Mortal Realm.
And the way he doesn't even try to dissuade Persie from "helping" and just watches as she keeps making everything worse because "lulz, I'm not gonna be a controlling husband and stop my wife from killing people".
But hey, this is the same guy who rewarded Persie with sex for breaking and entering and making death threats against a nymph. At least we're keeping it in-character. /s
Oh look, Persie has conveniently passed out from the strain so she won't have to deal with the direct consequences of her actions.
Wonder what kind of deus ex machina will absolve her of all responsibility this time.
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day 160
i was gonna summarize their backstory in the tags but even the summary literally got too long so TRAGIC BACKSTORY UNDER THE CUT
nobody likes Szelseis (manlet on the left). everybody likes Szuna (snake bod on the right). even their mom! this is due to circumstances outside of szelseis's control (ie Snerson Societal Hierarchy)
their mom, for reference, is genuinely a fucking monster. but shes nice to her daughter at least. Szuna feels... Some affection for her, for this reason. She's seen mom's "softer side." Szelseis wants their mother dead.
Szuna tries very hard to relate to her little brother but really does very little to actually improve his circumstances because well. she doesnt want to be treated the way people treat him. and standing up for him might get her tossed to the bottom of the social hierarchy alongside him.
but she wants to be there for him emotionally. and he trusts her more than anyone else for sure. she is the closest thing he has to a friend in this world.
so Szelseis vents to her about wanting revenge on their entire community. Szuna listens to him and offers sympathy but like. She doesn't take him literally when he expresses a desire to "leave town and burn the place to the ground behind them." shes just like haha yeah we should anyway good night
of course he immediately decides that he is old enough to make it on his own in the world ESPECIALLY if his older sister is backing him up, and then attempts to burn the town to the ground. (He's like, maybe 15 at the time.) he does a pretty good job of it, too! he starts of course with their mom's place in an attempt to kill her, but also makes sure the fire is set to spread.
by the time Szuna realizes what's going on, it's too late to stop him. so she confronts him and tries to at LEAST get him to help fight the fires but he's just mad that she lied about agreeing with him on this. has she ALWAYS been on their mom's side??
and she wants to be like "no i just don't condone mass murder like really this is an ENTIRE TOWN theres like KIDS AND STUFF not LITERALLY EVERYONE has been SO mean to you that they deserve to burn to death what the fuck are you DOING" but the fire is spreading and if he's not going to help then she will get to him LATER. bigger priorities right now.
While she's busy firefighting, Szelseis flees town and basically goes "FUCK everybody the world is terrible everyone is out to get me TRUST NO BITCH i am going to have to Treat My Self from here on out." so he becomes a shitty solipsistic little thief, trying to build up enough of a fortune to live in luxury for the rest of his life.
Szuna, meanwhile, manages to save their mom from the fire, and the first thing she asks her daughter to do is hunt down Szelseis and bring him back, dead or alive, she no longer gives a shit.
Szuna of course has mixed feelings about this. But she does what shes told anyway and sets off, figuring she can just.... Decide what to do about Szelseis when she finds him.
Maybe they'll fight, maybe they'll hug, maybe they'll run away from their shitty mom together, maybe they'll straight up kill each other.
WHO KNOWS!!! thats main story territory babey this is just the backstory
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mrsbakashi · 1 year
here i am once again writing holiday-themed stuff because it's one of my favorite times of the year and i just had these scenarios in my head during christmas eve, so why not write it? hope you enjoy it!
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summary: you bring your boyfriend home for the first time during christmas eve and your family fall in love with him.
a/n: this is 100% based on my family/friend's family so it's kinda personal, i guess, but i hope someone else also identifies with it :)
⚠️ cw: christmas, family (not perfect), chubby reader, hard-to-deal-with mother, low-key fatphobia
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🎁 it's the first time kakashi is meeting your family, and he's very nervous about it, tho he tries to play it cool. he knew it was important to you, that your family was not perfect, but that you adored them, so he wanted to cause a good impression, he wanted them to like him - specially your grandmother.
🎁 at first when you arrive he feels a little awkward, shy and quiet, but as the night goes by, he starts to feel more comfortable and at ease.
🎁 your grandma falls in love with him the second she sets her eyes on him - he brought her flowers, but she was already in love before that. she's in awe of everything he says or do. she starts to refer to him as "prince charming", which is exactly how she refers to your grandfather, even after he passed away. that's a very good sign, and it makes you really happy.
🎁 at first your mother is shocked at how handsome he is, and for a while that's all she can focus on - part of her wonders how a man like him ended up with a girl like you, but she tries to not let it show (it's not that she thinks you don't deserve to be happy, she loves you, in her own way, but she does, it's just that she's very hard on you, specially because of your weight because she was bullied into losing weight by her husband, so she unconsciously believes that big people are not worthy of love).
🎁 kakashi rarely leaves your side, always keeps an arm around you - except when you go help your mother setting the table and finish the food.
🎁 when you're busy he sits and talks with your cousins, that are like your little brothers and want to know him and see if he's worthy of you, and not just a player - they end up thinking he's amazing. i mean, he's charming, handsome, funny, charisma king, it's impossible not to love him.
🎁 your family has secret santa every single year, and it's always incredibly fun, funny and messed up. you asked him to join this year, but because it was his first christmas there, he wanted to let everyone feel more comfortable with him before taking part in your traditions. you get a self help book from your aunt because she thinks you could really use it - it's sweet in a strange way.
🎁 you sing on the karaoke, dance a little to the loud noisy music your sister chose (the ones that remind you of your childhood make you scream like crazy with her) and play every stupid game your mom comes up with to make everyone interact more - AND YOU WIN! not all of them, but like, most of them, and it's all kakashi's fault because he's amazing at everything.
🎁 you, your aunts and your mom try to make him drink more, but all he has is a glass of wine.
🎁 of course your mom ends up making a horrible comment about how big you are, and that your dress didn't fit well and that you should lose weight, take care of yourself, specially now that you had a handsome boyfriend - kakashi hears when she's talking to you, and he doesn't want to be rude, so he shows up hugging you and saying he thinks you look perfect.
🎁 towards the end of the night when everybody's already half drunk your aunt approaches you and says something about how handsome kakashi is, and how happy she is for you, because you look visibly light, happier and better. it's really sweet.
🎁 your mother makes sure kakashi are at least a little of everything and invites over for the weekend. you tell her you have other plans, she ignores you and says she'd love if he could make it.
🎁 on the way home you talk about the night, the food and your family and he tells you he loved everyone, specially your grandmother and your cousins. and he really did. because he didn't have any family anymore, he had forgotten how crazy and lovely it can be, and today specially he felt like he belonged somewhere - to you and your family. now they were like his family too, with their flaws and everything, they made him feel part of them. and that made his heart warm.
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kakashi's taglist: @smutteedreams @justmyownreality @nightingaleflow @allyallygator @thetimelesschild @jyotsna-d @rocknrollsoul76 @crimsonxuchiha @hellogeckofriend-blog
fill this out to be part of my taglist :)
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 year
[Theory] Kaito's Desired Endgame
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Actually, this is more of breakdown of why I don't think the common (?) theory of him aiming to switch Akiho and Sakura's lives is true.
It just bugged me a lot and I need to sort these thoughts out of system. Because if Kaito does want the girls to switch places, then that would count as malicious intent on his part (cuz doing so would harm Sakura which is like the biggest tabooboo in CCS land). And that doesn't align with what I see in the portrayal of his character so far.
Yea, he may be sneaky but there has been nothing to suggest that Kaito is a cruel or evil person. Far from it.
So I'm going to attempt to prove the "switch lives" theory wrong and come up with a possible new one at what his real goal might be. (others may have thought some of this up already but I've been out of the loop on CC as a whole to mentally recover so...just please give me space, thanks)
Remaining chapters
Let's start with the technical stuff first.
CC will end with vol 14 and right now we are currently at 69 chapters with ch 70 to be released at the end of January (so within a few days).
Usually a volume has 5-6 chapters with each one being about an average of 30 pages long. If so, the story should end with ch 70 or 71, right? Since vol 13 ended with ch 65 so ch 66-69, which are already out, fills up 4 chapters of vol 14 already.
Well, final manga volumes can be thicker than the regular volume by having more pages in the final chapter(s).
This happened with Pandora Hearts (the only other manga I have on hand that I can use as reference for this matter). Its final Japanese volume (24) had 70 more pages than the previous vol 23 and the final chapter alone totaled around 100 pages. See below photo for comparison:
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Yea, so at the very least I think we might get 1 or 2 more extended chapters after 70 to wrap everything in the story up properly. 3 chapters maximum if we're really pushing it.
It can't be 5 chapters because then the story would end end at vol 15, not 14.
Right? Right. Ok, next.
EDIT: I stand corrected because ANN announced in an article last year (?) it would end at vol 14 but apparently, there was a mistake and now it'll end at vol 15. So yea, there's 5 more chapters of story after ch 70!
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2) The possibility of a "simulation" or a dream-like scenario where the two "Alice"s experience switched lives.
Kind of something similar to the final judgement in the first arc where Sakura faced off against Yue before becoming the master of the former Clow Cards. The part where she went unconscious and saw a world where everybody forgot who they loved most?
Yea, that's exclusive to the anime series. It didn't occur in the original manga where Sakura stayed conscious, fended Yue off and won a lot faster.
If such a thing were to be added to CC's finale, you're going to need at least 3 out of the 6 chapters left for the desired...emotional impact. But even so, when we've spent a whole two volumes in the fantasy world of Clockland already, adding another layer to this "dream" the characters are already in...it's kinda superfluous and tiring, to be honest.
Not to mention, you need pages to wrap up other things as well. Like addressing Sakura's control over her growing powers? How are they gonna close that out? What about the European magicians? Will we know what they'll do once they learned Akiho isn't the artifact anymore? So many things to do before ch 75.
Creating and diving into another reality adds a whole other problem to the pile and frankly, even with the Exchange card, I don't believe there's even enough magic to be able to pull off such feat either.
But more on that later because there's something else that I must address before that.
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3) Clues aren't direct and premonitions aren't exact.
There seems to be some collective perception that Momo's hint for Sakura back in ch 50-51 is suggesting Kaito intends to have Sakura replaced with Akiho and that's why nobody recognizes Sakura when she runs around frantically asking everyone what's going on.
Bzzt. Wrong.
The hint was not that she was going to be forced to switch lives (because if that were true, where was Akiho then?) but rather, Sakura was going to be thrown into the world of the story of Alice in Clockland. In other words, Momo's book.
Notice how all the houses and trees and stuff resemble props within a play? And how the school play eventually ended up connecting with the story in the book.
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Yea, the hint was telling everyone that the finale will take place in a fictional setting.
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As for why none of her family and friends recognized her in Momo's simulation, the opposite actually happened when Sakura became "Alice" after entering the book.
In the hint, Sakura remembers everyone but nobody knows who she is.
In the book, Alice!Sakura doesn't remember who she herself is but all the Clear Cards that took on the image of her loved ones (and therefore, are representing her loved ones) do.
In other words, the hint was meant to throw everyone off of what to expect while still giving us a clue of what will occur in later chapters. (side note: this also sorta brings to mind a line that Alice in the AiW books said: "Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't.")
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And the meaning behind the hint became clear quite recently to me too.
Sakura was able to break the spell on her and recall her true identity by remembering the bonds she has with the people important to her. This effectively indicates that the memories we have with others are a large part of what defines who we are.
That if we don't lose sight of our connections with those dear to us, we won't lose sight of ourselves either.
Just like how Akiho recalled much faster about who she herself is by remembering never forgetting her feelings for Kaito.
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Next, the premonitions.
Keep in mind that while Sakura's dreams fortell the future, they are also a product of her mind trying to sort things out while she's sleeping.
The things we couldn't readily process while awake (like confusion, shock, etc) would often be set aside in our unconsciousness to be dealt with later. Notably during the time we're not awake.
And I believe that the brain would try process those things to the best of its ability...but it can only do so with the information it already has available on hand. So anything you're not aware of or don't know yet, something else will be used as placeholder instead.
For example, the cloaked figure that Sakura pulled the hood off to reveal (a soulless-eyed) Syaoran underneath. That actually foretold that she will confront the Dreaming Card and an imposter Syaoran (aka Kaito in disguise) in Momo's book.
When she was still dreaming of MCF (sp?), she wasn't aware of Kaito's true identity as a magician yet so she kept seeing Syaoran in the cloak who always wore an expressionless face that she couldn't decipher. Because she didn't know that person was going to be Kaito.
But after she learned Kaito could use magic in ch 54, she no longer saw MCF!Syaoran in her dreams anymore.
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Additionally, the Akiho who Sakura saw in her dreams turned out to be different than what's happening now.
In her dreams, Akiho is not conscious and always wearing her ritual dress with a vacant expression on her face. Like an empty doll.
But in the book, Akiho is awake despite the fact that her memory was temporarily subdued and she is wearing a noticeably different outfit. The dress of the Red Queen.
Her expressions are solemn but her eyes are very much alive in contrast to the Akiho in the dreams.
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As for the serpentine winged dragon, no one smart should've expected it could represent anyone else other than Kaito.
On the corner of Kaito's robes as well as the back, there is the symbol of the dragon.
But as Sakura didn't suspect Kaito of anything yet at the time when she started having these dreams, her mind used the image of a dragon to clue her in on who she will be confronting later on.
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However, it should be noted that none of what Sakura saw in the dreams suggests that she will switch lives with Akiho.
It only foretold that she will meet and confront these figures (the imposter Syaoran/Kaito in disguise, Akiho, the Dreaming Card and the dragon/Kaito as his real self) within the book.
And that future she saw already came to be as of these past two volumes.
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4) The creation of the Exchange card
It should be pretty obvious by now that the whole synchro plan was for the sake of creating the circumstances needed to establish the foundations of this card.
Through Akiho and Sakura sharing feelings and bits of memories across their joint dreams, the idea of a "trade" has been incepted into Sakura's mind early on so that she will eventually create a card that can function as a link, a channel, for an exchange to be possible on immediate demand.
Throwing her into the book and making her "Alice" was just the final push to materialize the card into existence. Because the cards are born from Sakura's inner emotions, the events that led up to this point were meant to foster a certain feeling within her for that purpose.
As "Alice", the heroine, she was faced with the dilemma of the Red Queen's loneliness and inability to leave Clockland. That is what developed a wish in her to save the Queen (Akiho).
A desire to help Akiho by saying "I should've taken your place".
With that desire, a new card is born.
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My prediction was correct (partially). Kaito was betting on this with the combination of his two plans (the synchro + the story of Clockland). He wanted to utilize the heroine's tendency towards altruism to bring about the card he needed.
As long as Sakura wanted to save Akiho, she would be able to birth the card needed for such a task.
However, none of that necessarily means he intends to use it to switch their lives. The only definitive thing out of this was that he wanted a specific card from Sakura all along...which is also what he's been saying all along, too.
How he intends to use the card may not be what everyone is expecting.
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5) Conditions that need to be met + conflicts that may arise in using Exchange.
There are several things we need to ask before we come to any conclusions, chiefly among them the following:
Who can use the Exchange card? (read: is likely to use it in the current scenario)
And do the conditions differ depending on the person using it? Along with what their respective wish is?
First off, let's remember that the four central characters are all within a rather ambiguous space at the moment.
While the Clear Cards are there in the book and were created by Sakura, she was told that not all of them would not outright obey her commands. Or at least, they are following her subconscious will rather than her conscious one.
For example, when Sakura was fighting off the Dreaming card, trying to escape the book with Akiho, only to realize she didn't truly leave the book and what she saw was only a dream. Her attempt to leave was an illusion...a dream that she wished for as clarified by Kaito after it broke.
In other words, it can be interpreted that what Sakura truly wanted deep down was to believe that everything happening around her was not real. That it was a dream.
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We should also note that Kaito, as the author/creator of Clockland, has some significant control over this field as well. They are playing on his turf right now so he has a slight advantage over them.
At the very least, the ones that seem to hold the most sway over the turnout of the story are the two most powerful magicians present (Sakura and Kaito) as well as the one whose choice will influence them the most (Akiho).
Moreover, we should also remember that he was able to use Clear Mirror to disguise himself as Syaoran.
As such, who can be called "master" over a Card may have been blurred within the book. It's possible the cards can respond to the will of anyone.
Depending on whose hand they're being held in and perhaps also, provided that the order they give doesn't conflict with Sakura's subconscious desire.
So now it becomes the question of who Exchange will fall into the hands of...
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If it goes to Sakura, there are two ways this can play out:
Kaito reveals the truth about him and Akiho along with his wish to Sakura and asks her to use Exchange to fulfill it. If his wish is for her to switch lives with Akiho (and therefore, harmful intent), of course Sakura would refuse and his plan will fail on the spot. So naturally, it can't be that. Frankly, this approach makes no sense and further rules out the switch theory. Kaito cannot afford to fail in his quest to save Akiho so he needs a plan that is as airtight as possible with a higher percentage of succeeding. Relying completely on Sakura's goodwill won't give him that because he knows Sakura isn't a pushover. He knows she wouldn't just say "yes" to anything drastic even if it's to save a friend.
A more likely possibility is that he would offer himself in exchange for Akiho's life. His priority is to save Akiho and the most immediate danger is the book inside her. More than switching lives, he needs that book removed (and there's no guarantee that switching lives will remove the book anyway). He is willing to sacrifice everything he has, including his magic and what's left of his dwindling life, to get it out of her. In which case, Sakura would also refuse because not only would that hurt Akiho if she loses Kaito but it would also be assisted suicide. Which is something she would never consent to (and also extremely inappropriate for a story with a young age demographic). Sakura would never consent to sacrificing someone else no matter what the cause, especially when she still knows nothing about Kaito. And when she does learn the truth about him and his and Akiho's past, it will just make her refuse to let Kaito die even harder.
This part of the theory hasn't taken into consideration of what other cards she might use later (like Rewind) but I think we can say with some certainty that Exchange in Sakura's hands would be a dead end for Kaito so he will probably do his best to not let it go to her.
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Now, if Exchange falls to Kaito, then it's a question of what his true intentions are with this card.
Everyone wants to perceive that he wishes to switch the girls' lives.
But I...simply do not believe there's enough time to bring about something that cosmic-sized of a change (along with all the action it entails), prevent it, resolve the issues at hand, have Sakura's party learn everything about Akiho and Kaito's pasts, reconcile...and then dedicate the entire last chapter to SyaoSaku being loveydovey with each other for fanservice. If the last 5 chapters are all 30 pages each.
Also, it seems a little too obvious to be true and there are too many contradictions that can make this go wrong.
For one, if we follow by the rules of magic, magical transactions usually need to be equal in value on both sides to be done successfully. Otherwise it will either not go through...or there will be severe consequences to make the transaction even.
So the definition behind Exchange shouldn't be that different.
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Frankly, in the case of Akiho and Sakura's respective lives, they are not in fact equal.
They may share some things in common (being chocomint fans, of the same height, etc) but those are all surface similarities and nothing deep.
Since they've led different lives and had different experiences, they would naturally have different feelings, different hearts and therefore, different values.
What is important to Sakura is not the same for what is important to Akiho. For instance, the people they love most are different and thus, inexchangable.
There are also things that Sakura has that Akiho doesn't (magic, family, happy childhood, etc) and that goes the same the other way around, too. Akiho possesses things that Sakura doesn't have either (passion for books, emotional scars, trauma, and a deeper understanding of darkness due to a sad past).
Adding that up, the exchange would be doomed to fail because Akiho and Sakura are too distinct from each other as individuals to be switched smoothly.
Kaito is a magician so on top of knowing how different Akiho is from Sakura, he must be aware of this rule as well.
Furthermore, if the Exchange card takes into account what the user sees as equal in value for a trade, then he would fail there too.
Because of course he would place more importance on Akiho's life than Sakura's or anyone else's.
The scales would be tipped and maybe the magic might not even start up because the conditions for a fair trade have not been met to initiate it.
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There's also the possibility of Kaito exchanging positions with Akiho.
In fact, he and Akiho are on more even standing than Akiho and Sakura are.
They share similar backgrounds (lonely pasts, traumatic and abused childhoods) and both are in danger of "dying" with their time running out (Kaito from using too much rewind, Akiho from the progression of the artifact that will erase her soul).
Since Kaito possesses a lot of innate magic while Akiho has that book filled with magic inside her, he can have Exchange put the book inside him while Akiho receives his magic. Doing so, Akiho's soul is preserved at the cost of his own.
But does he really want that with how much his life has been shaved off already from the multiple rewinds?
Doubt it.
Because besides saving her soul, Kaito wants Akiho to live a long and happy life as well. He didn't do all this work just to extend her life for a few more days or weeks or months. He wants her to have a future.
Moreover, even if it can save her soul, any method that forces magic onto Akiho goes against the biggest principle he's been standing by this entire time: that Akiho doesn't need magic.
That she isn't less valuable because she doesn't have any powers.
Whether it be from Sakura or him, it doesn' t matter. He does not want Akiho to change since she's already fine as she is now. She's fine being a normal person.
Giving her magic goes against the moral of their story and most of all, would validate the cruel criticism Akiho's clan had always thrown at her which is something Kaito would want to avoid at all costs.
So any way that ends with Akiho gaining magic is a no no. Because as long as she has magic, whether as an artifact or a magician, Akiho will always be in danger of being taken back by her clan to serve their own purposes.
They only have any interest in her if she contains power within her. If she doesn't, they will give up trying to reclaim her. That is the best outcome Kaito could hope for. Hence why he wants the book removed because then the magicians will stop chasing after Akiho for good and she can finally live in peace.
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One more thing. A switch of lives means uprooting what has established the girls as the people they are now...which is gonna be incredibly hard to do.
Not only does it mess with personal history and relationships and therefore, effectively change who they are, it can screw up world through... some effect.
The girls have already lived 13 years, they made their mark in the records of time. The logic that constitutes them individually are already imprinted on the fabric of reality. This is not easily undone, rearranged and stitched perfectly back together.
And the price to attempt it sounds like it would be too much as well. It's not something Kaito alone can pay for. Not even with his and Sakura's magic combined.
Again, his major goals are 1) to remove the book from Akiho foremost and 2) to ensure that nothing that makes Akiho "Akiho" changes.
That includes the things that are the most precious to her. Her appreciation for books, her cherishment of Momo, the friendships she's made in Tomoeda.
And also, her love for her parents.
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She may not have known them but she still treasures the fact that she had parents once, that she is the daughter to someone. The few things she does know about her mother and father, she keeps close to her heart. She wants to hold onto whatever she has of them because she has nothing else of them to keep.
Kaito understands this more than anyone because Akiho told this to him herself.
And the fact that Lilie, Akiho's mother, was also a significant person in his life is more than enough to deter him from ever wanting to sever the connection Akiho has with her parents. Because Lilie is an important part of Akiho, too. If Akiho loses that, she will no longer be the Akiho that she is now.
In short, switching Akiho's life with another's might turn her into a girl who has warm family and friends and a happy, sheltered childhood and all...but that girl wouldn't be the same Akiho in front of him at this moment.
Therefore, I must conclude that exchanging Akiho and Sakura's lives is probably not what he's aiming for. Because that ultimately means changing Akiho from who she is now into someone entirely different.
She would not be Akiho anymore if that happens.
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6) Kaito's true wish + the endgame he wants
This is the part where I throw out a new theory.
Even if it's not an exchange of lives or magic, there will still be an exchange of something.
A wish and a price to pay for that wish.
Kaito wants the book that has been carved into Akiho's body to be removed.
The book has been implanted by the powers of many, many magicians from both the Association and Akiho's clan. And over the years, more magic has been added to its pages through all the books Akiho had read.
The amount of magic within her, though not specified, must be enormous. For it to be taken out without harming the vessel (Akiho) would require a very hefty price.
Kaito's life and his magic might not be enough. Hell, even adding Sakura's magic into the equation, overflowing as it is, might not be enough either because she is still only one person against the hundreds of magics and taboos stored in Akiho.
So what can Kaito offer, something that only belongs to him, to make it so the book no longer endangers Akiho? What does he alone possess that can match in equal value for the fulfillment of that wish?
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Perhaps his own existence?
As in, erasing it from the world? That's a pretty big offer, isn't it?
Like it was discussed above, any tempering with the events of time is a very difficult thing to accomplish. In the magician society, it is also a widely known taboo. You don't mess with the workings of time and even the altering of one person's life in the flow of it can result in some significant change.
But see, if this is indeed possible...then the task is "easier" to carry out with Kaito precisely because there a very few people who are aware of him. In fact, the less others know about him, the better. It would not create such a big backlash if he were to disappear.
Because he thinks he didn't make enough of an impact on anything that would be hard to forget and also probably believes that everybody wants to forget about him.
He has no blood relatives looking for him so he believes he doesn't have a true home or family to go back or belong to.
The Association only ever saw him as a tool to be used and is out to kill him for taking Akiho (the artifact) away so they definitely won't miss him.
And nobody in Sakura's party really understands what he's after. They only suspect he's scheming something so they think the worst of him because they lack information to consider otherwise. Moreover, Kaito had also went to great lengths to hide his personal information from being discovered. He doesn't want people to know about him because that will make disappearing much more difficult.
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Knowing him and his self-loathing, his belief and depression that he'll always be alone, his guilt over that blank book comment that brought this fate upon Akiho (the person he loves most) and how little time he has left to live anyway, Kaito is definitely in the mindset that there would be no problem if he were gone.
For him, it might even be preferable. This way, Akiho can be saved and he (as the "villain" he thinks he is) can exit this story, this world, so that it could have the "happy ending" he envisioned.
Though I suspect he wouldn't request for an ending on such a massive scale either because again, he cannot risk anything that could change Akiho from who she is now.
He'd still want his efforts to remain, to keep everything that built up this story to stay (taking Akiho away from her clan, bringing her to Japan, letting her meet and befriend Sakura, enacting the magic of Momo's book to remove the artifact, etc) so that it preserves Akiho's foundations as her own person.
He would just want to blot himself out. So that only he is forgotten after this is all over.
Akiho can still have Momo, her friends, her memories of her parents, the life she's lived up till now. It's only Kaito who wouldn't be there like he originally was.
There may be blank spots left behind where he used to be but since not many people knew about him, he trusts the world can fill in those blanks on its own. Like history correcting itself by creating little "coincidences" or whatever to explain and make sure things make sense.
For Akiho, he knows he can at least entrust her into Sakura's care after he's gone. That might be another reason why he allowed them to form a close friendship in spite of the dangers it could've posed to Akiho (i.e. the artifact reacting to Sakura's magic and reaching closer to completion, thereby shutting Akiho's consciousness down).
It wasn't just for the sake of the synchro and creating the Exchange card he was waiting for. It was also because he needed a good person to be there for Akiho, someone who is capable of protecting her when he no longer could. And for sure, he has confidence in Sakura because everybody knows Sakura will never abandon a person in need.
As long as the book is removed, the European magicians won't come after Akiho anymore. Sakura and co can take good care of Akiho because they are kind people. They will give her a safe place to stay, away from all the troubles of magic.
Including him, who believes his value lies only in his magic and was the source of this whole mess to begin with because of his affiliation with magic.
To make up for his "sin", for what he accidentally did to Akiho, Kaito is more than willing to step aside and vanish so that he doesn't get in the way of Akiho being happy.
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However, he could not be more wrong because he still has absolutely no idea just how much Akiho loves him and therefore, how it's inevitably going to change her, to destroy her, if he erases himself from her life.
She is who she is because of him. If it weren't for Kaito making the choice to take her away from her clan, to save her from the doom of losing her soul, she never would've gotten this far. She never would've survived to become the Akiho she is now. Never to know what love is, to make friends and to realize that she's always had the choice in the matter of her own happiness.
Kaito taught her all that. He gave her that chance when no one else did.
He is the lynchpin of her existence. The reason why he's the most important person in her life.
She was able to become who she was because he was there for her, to support her and encourage her and to protect her and love her as she should've been loved.
Take him away and everything that they both worked so hard for will become undone. It doesn't matter how well taken care of she is by people like Sakura afterwards, they can never fill the hole he'd leave behind.
That void will always hurt her because she knows something, someone, is missing from where they should be.
Only he can fill that spot in her heart. No one else can.
He is the only person for her. He is the only person who knows best how to let Akiho stay Akiho.
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And Akiho's greatest task in this story is to make him see that.
To make him realize that there is someone who will be deeply affected if they were to lose him and that's her. The one he cares most about and wants to save the most.
If he doesn't want Akiho to change into something she isn't...
If he doesn't want to see her worst off than she is now, a hollow husk who will grieve the loss of him forever...
If he truly wants her to be happy, then he has to listen to her. He has to believe her when she says "I love you. I will never be the same without you so don't leave me. Stay with me."
With that, I think I can picture the order of what might happen for Akiho and Kaito.
Akiho will be saved first with the removal of the book.
Then Kaito will be saved next through some other miracle means with Sakura's assistance.
But for sure, it is Akiho who will contribute the most to stopping him from dropping off the edge of no return. That loss will be hers to bear if she fails to so the one who has to put in the most effort to save Kaito will also be the person who loves him the most.
And she'll do that all without the need for magic. Just like she's always done to get by.
She just needs to be herself, to just be Akiho.
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After all, Akiho is the true main character of "Alice in Clockland" whereas Sakura is the stand-in heroine for the sake of manifesting the magic Kaito needs.
The world of Clockland can bend to her will because she is the Queen.
Likewise, the story of Clockland can end however she wishes it to because she is in fact, the real Alice.
Kaito weaved this tale for her sake, for the real Alice.
Therefore, only she has the power to stop him. Only Akiho, the real Alice, is capable of turning him away from death and giving him reason to want to live.
Kaito wants the best and happiest ending for Akiho? Then don't go. Don't disappear.
He needs to understand the importance of his connection with Akiho. He needs to understand what it is that his most beloved reader truly wants in order to properly give her the most satisfactory "happy ending".
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I should be sleeping but instead I am writing up this post because I can't sleep.
About this crossover au that nobody but me gives a shit about. And ya know what. Good for me. To give the quick run down before I go full explation to this au. Basically I just throw the sides from sander sides into the dndads universe and that's about it.
I used to be super hyperfixated on sander sides and now am on dndads. So why not do crossover. The other basic premise is that each side (or sides in the twins case) are also kind of assigned to one of the families.
Which will be explained in the full post below the keep reading mark.
So full explanation. You wanted to actually read this, huh?
Damn. Time for a very long post.
Also I will explain not only the family assignment but also kinda how shit goes ig? This au is kinda just me messing around and also being like. "Damn, Virgil is fun to write and honestly would be fun to just exist."
So we'll start with the obvious.
And that is the Oak-Garica family and Remus & Roman. Because Lark and Sparrow are twins and so are the creativity twins. Also because the Oak-Garica twins are very creative (they burnt down their first school, the damage was limited to only one or two classrooms but still.) With the creative twins, they act as the lord of chaos's right hand men. Also, as guards. It is very silly for the prince and Duke of creativity to be guards and right-hand men instead of royalty. But it is very fun. These two become very protective of the Oak-Garica twins while at the ravenloft castle.
Got not much else to say for the twins and the twins. We will get to the s2 group later, as that will be easier to do it that way.
Now. We go to the stampler family and Virgil. This isn't just because of the purple color schemes between the two (it kind of was when I first made this crossover idea in my brain.) But in all seriousness. He and Terry Jr. are in the French town which name I have forgotten now. Virgil acts as Terry's guard, very similarly to the twins. But until the twins, is willing to actually harm the dads (+ the mystery side that'll be revealed later.) He tries to stop the dads from stopping Terry Jr. from going to the Astral plane, which he fails at. At Ravenloft, he tries to create a very paranoid atmosphere for the o-dads. However it does affect everybody else so he doesn't do it often, not wanting to affect everybody else with it.
Moving on. We go to the Wilson family and Patton. Those who know sander sides and/or those who know dndads may feel this decision weird. Patton is very kind by nature which is very Wilson. However Grant was ya know, in a murder game. So it feels like an odd choice. However I feel it was a good choice as Patton, despite probably not wanting to kill others, would probably do so if necessary. During the for knights (fortnite) arc and all, Patton is staying with Grant and watching over the kid. Patton is very kind and feels like leaving a kid who is maybe at the most 13, maybe 14, alone would be a horrible idea. During the time in the castle, he tries to talk to Grant during it. Failing miserably however. But he tries.
Moving on once again. It's now the Close family and Janus. I decided on this one because of how different Nick Close and Nicholas Foster was. And I felt like out of the remaining sides, Janus fit the Close family more than the Foster's. Janus is all for the watermice thing. He also 100% agrees with the falsehood (very fun word and reference) that your piss can stop you from passing out, because ya know. Deceit, crazy to think that we used to not know his name, I thought that he would've been called Ethel. Anyways. At Ravenloft, he kinda just glares at Virgil the whole time. He knows Nick can handle himself, so he really doesn't act like a guard or protector towards him.
Moving onto the final family and side. The Foster family and Logan. However I will note that Logan stays with the dads the whole time. In the Close timeline, he is with the dads. Probably the only reasonable one. However in the foster timeline. He stayed with Nicholas the whole time. Anyways. Logan stays with the party, trying to act reasonable to everybody else's dumbassry. He already deals with Remus, what's 4 more dumbasses? (a lot, it sucks.)
Now before we get to the s2 group, there is a few things that I need to talk about.
Like their classes.
Logan - Wizard, despite how squishy they are. The fact they use learnt knowledge for magic felt really right for Logan. He's logic, and also the smart one. Very book smart, not very street smart. However he needs to use an actual weapon, he will straight up smack somebody with a book.
Janus - Rouge, he's very sneaky. Sneaky snake boy, which is what he has been called canonically once for those who have never seen sander sides. (I am so sorry to my dndads mutals, and any dndads fans that see this.) Janus uses disguise Self a lot (he did technically disguised himself as both Patton and Logan before.)
Patton - It's a very heavy decision between Barbarian or Druid. On one hand, with Barbarian, the whole rage and trying to always seem happy thing works really well. However, with Druid, Patton could turn into dogs. So, like, It's really difficult. So he could also multi-class, that works easier. However down side for both. Barbarian downside, Daryl is already one and it kind of just sucks. And downside to Druid, Henry is already a Druid and the two of them kinda look similar outfit wise.
Virgil - He's a Warlock. Funny because Scary is also a Warlock, so like. He can be a mentor or whatever. He's a Warlock, however he uses an actual weapon besides his magic. His weapon of choice, probably a knife. Or a spear. Something stabby, let him stab people 2023. (Let Virgil stab others in 2023.)
Remus - Paladin. He would be a fighter if it wasn't for the fact he is in fact probably magical. So yeah, what is his oath? Who knows. (Probably oathbreaker paladin but still.) His weapon of choice would be his morning star, which isn't on a chain. It's not a ball and chain weapon.
Roman - Roman is also a paladin. I could've gone fighter as well here. However once again, magic. His oath is kinda unknown as all dnd oaths for paladins suck /hj. Not really, they just don't fit him really. His weapon of choice would be his sword.
Classes out of the way. How the sides feel about the dads or how they do in this au. Or npc characters I wanna mention lmao.
Logan finds all of the dads sometimes very dumb, however he doesn't think they're 100% stupid. Just have some times where they don't think like at all. With Jodie, he doesn't find him as dumb, as Jodie has more common sense than the dads. Well until the whole flash bang thing but still. He does like the dads, just thinks they can very dumb at times.
Remus likes the dads well enough, finds them a bit boring however. He's a wild card and enjoys the same energy back. He does find Scam cool though, chaotic good and chaotic neutral get along. However he does think Well Actually can straight up die, I don't blame him. Rules lawyers to somebody who is extremely creative would to make me want that.
Roman likes the dads as well. Not much to say. He likes that they can handle themselves in battle I'd guess.
Janus finds the dads entertaining. He also doesn't have much for me to say about the dads. He does like Scam quite a lot. Finding the guy fun, cause ya know. Scams and Deceit go hand in hand. So of course they get along, mostly. Janus also like Well Actually, finding it fun to annoy the shit out of him.
Patton loves the dads. He likes how Daryl is strong and protective. He likes how Henry gets things done. He doesn't have much to say. He kind of ignores how the dads can be bad parents. He finds them great company and enjoys them. He also sucks at telling himself that they do in fact have negative traits, because that is admitting that dads can suck. Which is something he rather not think about, he tries to be a good dad. Despite having no children.
Virgil finds them tolerable at best. Kidding, he actually does like them. The original idea for this au, also includes him flirting with Glenn. I don't know why I decided that. However I decided to keep it because it's very silly. Also because it let's me make Virgil confident and shit instead of how some of the Sander Sides fandom treats him... like he's an uwu anxious baby (wow, is there somebody like that in dndads fandom? Yeah. It's Ron.) However I haven't figured if they [Glenn and Virgil] actually started a relationship or kinda just had romantic tension and it goes nowhere. And it sucks. Also Virgil finds Ron to be cool, which is nice.
Now that's done. Finally.
We can get to some talk about the s2 group. And a little info into how the sides now interact with the world since s1.
The sides have been stuck in this universe for now 25 some years. They have accepted this, so they now live as if they are just normal people.
They're family friends of their "assigned" family. (Minus Virgil, he just decided that he's now just Ron's brother now.)
Everybody has taken a fake last name to throw anybody off their trail. With Virgil taking his now adoptive brother's.
The twins figure out a name that seems royal enough. Patton takes Hart because basic ass bitch I am and it's just a good last name. Idk for Logan yet. And Janus is an oddball and idk as well, he could pass as a Likely family member if he wanted to honestly.
Now how they feel about the teens, mostly parental or mentor like. And also how they interact with the family they are "family friends" with teen. (Also with npcs I wanna mention)
Logan sees the teens as teenagers. They can be dumb and idiotic and very impulsive. He understands that, however it makes him worry for them sometimes. He thinks Taylor's obsession with anime a bit concerning. He gets along with Cassandra well, the both of them often holding intellectual conversations at like 2 in the morning. Both very sleep deprived.
Remus sees the teens with the fact that the world is very fucked up at this point and they need therapy. He does enjoy how creative they can all get, teens have some of the most twisted minds. He thinks the fact Normal is a mascot kid is pretty cool. He did wish that the devil mascot won because it'd be more fun. However he does enjoy telling Normal about fun ideas for the Teeny fanfics, most getting shot down. How he interacts with either of Normal's parents is with slight malice to the fact they keep pushing Normal's creativity down. It upsets him.
Roman thinks that the teens need to go to therapy, just like his brother. Similarly to Remus, he likes that Normal is a mascot kid. He also gives suggestions, however he doesn't get shot down as much. He also treats Normal's parents with malice for shutting down creativity and also not being proud of Normal. Like ow, that hurts.
Janus thinks the teens need to be more honest. Which is shocking coming from him. He loves a good lie but lying all the time can ruin how you feel about yourself. He actually doesn't really spend time with one family, as he doesn't really want to. However he mostly stays with the Swift family. He also likes having intelligent conversations with Cassandra and Logan. However they are usually all sleep deprived during these conversations.
Patton is very concerned for the teens. He stays with the Li-Wilson's. Lincoln concerns him the most for a while, as the kid has no friends. He interacts with Link's parents decently well. He does push for Link to actually go to school because social interaction is important for kids.
Virgil thinks the teens are cool, maybe extremely anxious but still cool. He is concerned for Scary for the fact she is being manipulated by Willy, however if he tried to tell her. She would start to extremely distrust him. So instead he goes along with the fact that Willy is "good." He is trying to help Scary the best he can, as Scary reminds him a lot of himself. God the parallels between the stamplers and Virgil, damn. Anyways. He also finds Veronica cool and thinks Scary should stop being mad at her. Same with Terry, even if Terry can be a total loser (/pos) at times.
And that's kinda the whole post. However, one last note.
The sides thinks Normal and Hermie deserve to be happy instead of sad as fuck. However, teen romance normally doesn't work out, so they're also worried that Normal will get his heart broken.
They're proud parents basically, who just worry for their kids (the teens). But also kind of just mentors but also parents.
So end of post. I am so sorry for how long this is. It was not worth it to read the whole thing. Sorry.
Anyways. Thank you for reading this long ass post. And dealing with this bullshit.
Also, sorry to those who found this via the tags. I need to tag the post for easy finding on my blog and also for reach.
I will maybe have more stuff for this bullshit au at a later date. Maybe Glenn and Virgil flirting fic. Maybe fanart with the two sets of twins being cool and twinning.
Anyways. Good day/night/time of day everybody. And thank you for reading this whole post!
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
Okay hold absolutely everything- I wanna hear about your au Shadow and Vanilla crackship, I'm very intrigued.
[deep breath]
Okay so. Several factors afoot here.
Vanilla is basically a local community leader. She runs a bakery/family restaurant and both employs and manages charity work for a lot of people. In the 'less fashionable' oldtown district of Starlight City, just about everybody knows Vanilla. She is Connected.
This also means she is busy, which, as a single mother with a rambunctious adopted child, does mean she makes SOME arrangements for Cream, who cannot play soccer in abandoned lots all the time, and there's only so many times you can get a kid a tetanus booster before the consensus comes in that Someone should keep an eye on the kid.
Incidentally, Vanilla living close to century-old prefab housing means some of her neighbors are Interesting. One of them is Shadow, who was able to buy out not just the particular unit for sale but enough of the prefab structure that he basically owns his own 'townhouse' and has turned the basement into his personal machine shop.
Nobody really know what Shadow's deal is. Most of the people Vanilla talks to do not know when exactly he blew into town. He is, most concede, Older Than He Looks because he's got the physique of a spry 20something but offhandedly references being there for events that are at least thirty to forty years ago. It's also a general consensus that he's almost definitely here illegally and tends to disappear any time someone particularly official is too close for his comfort. He Does Not Get Out Much, sleeps irregularly, and makes psychiatrists home in like bloodhounds on the scent within ten paces of most of his habits.
Needless to say, not what most people would consider ideal babysitter material. But Cream managed to kick a ball through one of his windows on a dare, and the bewildered enigma thus summoned awake at 3pm cleaned up the broken glass and patched the ball, nominally so she'd leave him alone, and told her to play somewhere else without particular anger.
Vanilla does not really believe Shadow thinks of her as a friend, but she believes very strongly in being Neighborly, and, every now and then paying him to watch Cream is an easy arrangement and also a pretense to make sure he doesn't spend too much time alone in the dark with his thoughts as seems to be his prerogative.
Cream thinks Mr. Shadow is terribly sad, and not always polite, but sometimes people struggle to be polite when they're feeling bad, and he seems to be feeling bad almost all the time.
Shadow thinks the kid is alright, and her mom is somewhere between a little too nosy for his comfort and one of the rare listening ears he almost opens up to before he reminds himself not to do anything that means he'll have to leave town even faster than normal.
He's already been here too long.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Sam stans stay in denial that she's a disgusting mary sue that gets away with never suffering consequences for treating others bad and being a selfish bitch that everybody forgives anyway!!
...anon, why would you tell me, a primarily Sam blog, this.
Ohh wait I get it, you're trying to change my mind, right? Or insult me? Wow. You know, for someone who seems to believe what they're saying so much, you sure seem comfortable behind your anon mask :) but I'll answer you to the best of my ability anyway.
First of all, Mary Sue as a term is outdated and misused! Here's an article that talks about it. And a forum thread. Even the creator of the Mary Sue Litmus Test has expressed that they're not proud of it anymore (read the very top of the page)! So frankly, the term is way too subjective to count for much.
(For anyone who's wondering, Mary Sue in its original conception referred to an intentionally-satirical fanfic. So Ebony Darkness Way would be a Mary Sue by that definition, but Sam? Absolutely not, especially since she does have flaws. Plus, since everyone has different lines for what qualifies as "Mary Sue," the term is no longer an objective standard of measurement. So if you call a character a Mary Sue to me? Sorry, you're shooting your credibility in the foot)
Sam isn't selfish actually! I know it might seem that way for someone who watches the show on mute with your eyes closed, but really, if you actually watch the show properly, you'd see that she in fact tries to help everyone! And make everyone happy! That's one of her flaws: she's a people-pleaser to such a degree that a lot of her arcs revolve around her self-image and who she is! No clue how you managed to call her selfish when her character arcs are the exact opposite. (Notice how I mentioned she has flaws? That repeatedly get in her own way during the course of her arcs? Yeah. All definitions of Mary Sue describe her as "flawless," so even if the term had any merit, you'd be wrong, anon)
Now, does she do some selfish things? Sure, she's a teenage girl. And I don't excuse her for everything. She still holds some blame for 2x9, just not as much as Miguel since she's blackout drunk (but she still bears some blame for it). You'll never hear me call her innocent for that. However, she's not the only one who does selfish things.
Tory (and mind you, I say this as someone who likes her) also does some selfish things - and in fact, she's hurt Sam pretty badly and hasn't expressed remorse to Sam for it! She doesn't have to say "I'm sorry" outright, that doesn't really seem like her, but there's no expression of remorse whatsoever. And if you're referring to Sam's s4 arc...then you ought to take her PTSD into account. Sam wasn't right to harass Tory at work, but everything else? I defy you to be any less hostile towards someone who a) hospitalized you and b) broke into your house to hurt you again :) But I still like Tory because...guess what? She's a teenager with flaws, and she makes mistakes!
Miguel also did some selfish things - for the 2x9 kiss, he was sober, yet he never seemed sorry for it (he never really apologized to Tory for kissing Sam iirc, or if he did, it didn't really seem sincere. His talk with Tory was him guilting Tory even though Miguel was the one in the wrong during that relationship). But I still like him because...guess what? He's a teenager with flaws, and he makes mistakes!
And Robby...what he did to Hawk was certainly a mistake. And to Miguel. But I still like him because...guess what? He's a teenager with flaws, and he makes mistakes!
(And I should point out, anon, that Sam's mistakes aren't as scarring as Miguel's, Robby's, and Tory's. Funny how that works, huh?)
Long story short: this was amusing, really, but in the future, I'd advise not going into the inbox of someone who likes a character and calling them delusional :) I promise, you won't change their mind! I dislike plenty of characters in the media I consume, but part of Tumblr etiquette (or just netiquette in general) is having a heart and/or learning to just take a breath and keep scrolling.
Or, at least, have the decency to get off anon so we can block you for being rude :) have the day you deserve!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Rest of the chapter!
I absolutely love Wilbur's spite (referring to the line "You seem to be pretty good at finding out information I didn't tell you"). The fact that he said it in public means that Jack and Niki are going to be very curious/concerned about what exactly went down. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes up later as a plot point
Oh, Tommy standing up for Wilbur when Tubbo tries to talk behind his back while literally in front of him is great. Reinforces what I said in the last ask about trust. It also furthers the idea that Tubbo is playing an antagonistic role in this fic. Tubbo's viewpoint is definitely understandable. That's actually my favorite type of antagonist - the guy on the sidelines who's actions make complete sense yet they're still causing problems for the main character.
Also, the irony that Tubbo was concerned about Wilbur hurting Tommy up in Quackity's bar is not lost on me.
Then Tubbo's spite to actually have the full on argument about Wilbur's life right in front of Wilbur. It makes sense, and Tommy brought this upon himself and Wilbur. Yet it still feels fucking brutal.
Then all the friends converge in and it just becomes more clear to me that nobody understands Wilbur and Tommy. Nobody but each other, and even that is a shaky understanding. Aimsey and Jack* and Tubbo himself start fighting and the thing is that they do not know what they're fighting about. All it's doing is making Tommy and Wilbur more upset.
(* Jack, Niki, Phil, and Techno understand Wilbur & Tommy better than the other characters do because of the time they've taken to understand them. They still don't have the full picture)
Shit. Just got to the part where Wilbur stopped Tommy from escalating the fight. The fact that Wilbur was preventing Tommy from attacking Tubbo and Tubbo pulled out a knife.
Yeah, Tubbo's definitely an antagonist. And I'm fucking loving it.
"And don't you dare call him a fucking dog again." Yes Tommy! Slay!
I understand now. The narrative impacts of Wilbur's escape attempt are not falling on Wilbur and Tommy's relationship. That's relatively unaffected. The narrative impacts of that plot point are about everybody else. Everybody who doesn't understand Wilbur and Tommy.
Then comes that moment.
This is what's so dangerous about Wilbur's loss of identity. This is why his religious trauma is such a problem. This is getting me to understand why Tommy felt it was so important to use a proper name for Wilbur. It's because without one, Wilbur is not a person, and if he is not a person then why does he have the right to live?
In Wilbur's view, his right to existence was granted to him by Clara, not by his personhood. Now that he is not serving Clara, he does not deserve it.
Then the revelation that Wilbur is not going to die. Fate has literally dictated that his going to live.
And Wilbur feels that he is failing Clara by not dying.
Fucking hell.
(However, in Wilbur's own worldview, this outcome should mean that he is still serving Clara because he still has the right to live. Once he calms down, I bet he's going to realize that. That means that he's probably gonna keep trying to do right by her. It's like he's pushing a boulder up a mountain. This is him seeing it roll all the way back down. He's going to go down and do it again, isn't he? When will he finally stop?)
"Don't call me that."
(Yeah, he's not stopping anytime soon.)
lmao of course wilbur was gonna be spiteful he's sooooo petty
I wouldn't say tubbo is solely going to be a main antagonist, but he's definitely playing an antagonistic role at this point in the story. again, I don't like to simplify things like that. the reality is far more complicated. and tubbo isn't trying to be an asshole either. he wanted to have the conversation in private, but tommy refused, so he got annoyed at this best friend and doubled down. it's brutal, but that's kind of on tommy.
you got it though. nobody understands what's going on between wilbur and tommy except the two of them. even then, they don't fully get it either. their strange trust doesn't make sense. but it's there and like you said, niki, jack, phil, and techno have a better understanding of it than anyone else in the temple, but they still don't get it fully.
tubbo only pulled out a knife to protect tommy from the pythia. if tommy had attacked him, tubbo wouldn't have pulled it out. he'd never actually try to hurt tommy, just like tommy would never try to seriously hurt tubbo.
the escape attempt DOES affect wilbur and tommy's relationship, just not in the way you expect. but the impacts are far more broadly seen with the rest of the deathlings instead of the two of them.
yes this is exactly why it's so important that wilbur gets his identity back. he's got such an unhealthy mindset and it's going to manifest in some very dangerous ideas like what he pointed out there. you'll get a better idea of his thoughts on all of that in the next chapter :)
thank you flame anon love hearing your thoughts as always. so glad you enjoyed!!
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