#he even messaged me once! i don't know maybe a year ago. it was totally out of the blue. 'saw this book and thought of you' on a picture of
genderfluid-druid · 1 year
#ok we're gonna try to finish this story in under 30 tags ok let's go#SO. 'hahaha yeah wow that's crazy that you know him! we did date yeah. (does not elaborate)'#but. okay confession time. i know this was a questionable choice. it was selfish. it fed the brain gremlin that craves validation#but i never blocked M on snapchat#so even though we never talked. i could see when he viewed my stories. and i won't lie. there is a smug part of me that enjoyed#letting him see me go on about my life.#i am a flawed bitch. so sue me. it was a manageable amount of contact that didn't send me into spirals#and he DID keep viewing them.#he even messaged me once! i don't know maybe a year ago. it was totally out of the blue. 'saw this book and thought of you' on a picture of#a nice edition of The Hobbit. i didn't respond. i had to have a petty moment for all the times during the Bad Era when i tried to message#him and he took too long (in my shitty estimation) to message back. so i left him on read. for like a year#okay you can see where this is going so I'll cut to the chase#'i ran into a friend of yours' is a perfectly reasonable conversation starter. it can be the whole conversation if it needs to be.#well. it wasn't#idk. my world state for the last six years has been 'M doesn't care for me and there is no world in which we ever have a civil chat again.'#well. that doesn't track with 'it's past my bedtime but i don't mind staying up to chat' and 'i would love to get an earful about podcasts'#and 'let's chat again' and 'it was really great to hear from you'#idk. i don't know what emotion i should feel. anger is gonna be the first one that makes it to the surface i think#got a good healthy dose of anger happening#grief. i do think there's some grief. mmhmm yep there it is#there are probably some positive emotions but those are the most strenuously repressed and i don't think I'm ready to let the collar off#i have made a lot of choices in the last six years to protect my mental health specifically because of how that relationship ended#so even just talking to him is. well for one thing it's playing a bit fast and loose with the health i have managed to build up#i feel good. my life has been good lately. my therapist moved me from monthly to once every three months. my social life is the most#thriving it's ever been#i am possibly in a place to unbox some things that were thrown in the attic as an emergency measure#i should talk to my therapist
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 22 days
What Happens in Cars, Stays in Cars
dbf!jake seresin x fem!reader 9k words
summary: After a month-long deployment, Jake is finally coming back home. Well, not home home. You're too desperate to wait until you've actually got him home. But who needs home when there's a perfectly good car anyway?
a/n: porn with plot. a lot of plot. and a lot of porn. 18+ obviously. reader is twenty-five in this, jake is forty-seven. as always, a list of things to watch out for:
nudes. mentions of masturbation. pet names used in an unholy way. the word 'brat' is dropped twice. safe sex (yess they still have a condom!!! i feel like i deserve a round of applause for not forgetting it). car sex, so a tiny smidge of exhibitionism. dom!jake. a lot of begging, as always. a tad bit dry humping. first finger sucking, then fingering. any more, uh....? i don't think so. there's not much space in a car for anything else.
top gun masterlist | dbf!jake seresin masterlist
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(the gif has nothing at all to do with the fic, but tell me that's not dbf!jake working out in his backyard knowing you're watching him istg)
It's a one time thing. That's what they told him. A one time thing.
He isn't supposed to do these anymore. He's supposed to be stationed permanently, sitting in his office and doing what an admiral does. Important work, surely. It's a high honour and he's proud, of course. But office work... Office work has never really been his thing. And if they'd deployed him for this mission four months earlier, he would've been thrilled.
He's the best of the best. The navy knows. He knows. Which is why he's an admiral by now. And also why they want him coaching the new hotshots for a month, halfway across the country.
And, yes, he would've been thrilled - four months ago.
Four months ago, when you'd not yet moved back home. Four months ago, when he hadn't yet met you. Four months ago, when he hadn't known what it was like to hold you, to touch you, to miss you.
His phone chimes and momentarily distracts him. It's not that he didn't mute it - he's standing in front of a bunch of twenty-something year olds who he does try to be a role model for - it's just that you'd tampered with it once and ever since then, you've had a personalised ringtone that still somehow works even when everything else is muted. (He could totally turn that off if he wanted to, though. Definitely. Ab-so-lu-tely. He just... doesn't.)
His jaw clenches and he has to restart his sentence, but other than that, he manages to pretend nothing happened. Nonetheless, he has to glare at the snickering wannabe-pilots in the first row, who remind him very much of a young version of himself.
You're three hours ahead of him and probably just got off work. It's likely nothing but a sweet "having a good day?" message or maybe a photo of you all dressed up, ready for dinner with your friends like you'd planned.
Either way, knowing your message is sitting unopened in your chat has him talking quicker. He finishes his lecture half an hour early and fishes his phone from his pocket before the first of his pupils have even got up from their seats - which turns out to be a horrible, horrible idea, because the photo attached to "don't know how long i'll stay out, have a nice night, admiral" with the winky face emoji is not one of you all dressed up for a night out with your friends, but one of you in just a pair of panties in front of the mirror. The mirror in his bedroom.
Fucking god-
He seems to let out some kind of choked up groan or something of the sort, because a few of his pilots turn to look back at him. One even has the audacity to ask if he's alright, which he certainly isn't. But that's absolutely not their problem.
So he grumbles something about how they should all use their free time to go to the gym instead of bothering him before he collects his things and flees to his room. One of the many advantages of being an admiral, of course, is that he doesn't have to bunk anymore, which is always the greatest nuisance for anybody who's ever looking for privacy. The times he's had to listen to guys jack off a foot away from him- fuck, the times they'd had to listen to him.
No, right now he is incredibly thankful for the privacy of his bedroom as he locks the door behind him and opens his phone again. Goddamn, why were you in his house? His fingers hover over the call button for a few seconds, but then he decides against it - you're going out with friends for the first time in months, he doesn't want to bother you.
He's popping the button of his jeans and sitting down on his bed right as you come online.
"Like the pictures, baby? I've got more"
And before he can even respond, you've sent a bunch more selfies, half of them in front of his mirror, the other half on his bed and none of them decently clothed. Fucking hell, in one you've got your fingers down your panties and Jake is really thankful for the privacy of his room then because he groans so loudly that a bunkmate would definitely have heard.
"Are you still at dinner?", he asks, his fingers flying over his keyboard while he tugs at his zipper with his left hand.
"Yeah, won't be home soon", you write back. "Sorry"
"Don't be", Jake responds, as quickly as he can, because he definitely does not want to make you feel bad for spending time with your friends. "Have fun"
"Have fun with the pics", you send. Jake can picture your grin, sitting all dressed up in a restaurant and ignoring your friends to text him. "Thought those could maybe make up for no phone call tonight"
He swallows hard as you log off, leaving him with those pretty pictures of yours that certainly improve his night by a lot. Hell, he's already moving his briefs out of the way and clicking on your photos again. Just seeing you half-naked in his room - fuck, the thought of you sneaking over there only to do a goddamn photoshoot... You're really unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. And he can't wait to get back home to you.
"I miss you", you mumble into the phone, blinking at the alarm clock on your nightstand. It's eleven thirty, not nearly late enough for you to feel as exhausted as you do.
"I miss you too, darling", you hear Jake drawl on the other end of the call. "I'll be back soon."
"Not soon enough", you whine - god, you sound pathetic and miserable to your own ears already, you must sound ten times worse to him. You let yourself fall back into your pillows and let out a deep sigh. "Would it be rude to say I hope the mission gets cancelled?"
Jake chuckles. Fucking hell, you miss that chuckle so much. You miss him so much. You miss cuddling up to him under the covers and tucking your head under his chin. You miss running your fingers through his hair and having your hands on him. You miss seeing him, standing in the kitchen or working out or tinkering in the backyard or fresh out of the shower. Shit, you even miss sneaking around with him, because at least then you'd gotten to watch him from a distance, maybe steal a kiss when your parents hadn't been looking or spend an night at his house pretending to be at your friend's.
Now he's halfway across the country and absolutely, completely out of reach. You'd barely gotten to see him at all - twice it had worked out to video-call during a lunch break, once he'd even managed to virtually show you around his office after work. The camera quality is hardly any good, of course, which means video-calls aren't all that great, plus the connection never seems to really be stable, so with a few exceptions, you've only seen Jake in pictures over the past two and a half weeks.
His deployment would take another one and a half and then, finally, he'd be back home. Back home with you.
"I won't answer that", Jake says, and you can almost hear him grin. "But I wouldn't mind either if they moved the mission up."
You have to bite down on your lip to hide a smile.
"So you think you're good to go?", you ask softly, not wanting to bring the mood down further, instead opting for the non-classified work questions. You've already been bringing down the mood enough back here at home - you don't need to fill the few minutes a day you get with Jake with your whining as well. Your parents already hear enough of that. Of course, they don't know why you've been in such a bad mood ever since Jake left. And they can't know, either. You can't tell them. You can't tell anyone.
You can't tell anyone because no one knows that you've been sneaking around with your dad's best friend for the past three months. So you resign yourself to moping around and keeping out of everybody's way as much as you can. For one and a half weeks more, one and a half...
Exactly one and a half week later you're standing at the airport in your best heels and a little yellow sundress and are positively buzzing with nervous energy. Jake's plane got in at half, he'd said, when you'd last spoken him six hours earlier. Then the plane had taken off and so had his wifi.
You're playing around with a strand of your hair and doing your hardest not to start chewing off your nails, which proves more difficult than you'd thought (even though you'd put on nail polish).
You're just so excited.
It's been a month since you'd last seen him. A month. And at the early stage of your... relationship, if you could call it that, that's basically half a year. God, how long it's been since you've run your hands through his hair, since you've felt his arms around you.
You miss him so much.
Your phone chimes and you fish it out of your pocket with trembling hands, only to be disappointed when it's not a message from Jake. It's not like you'd told him to text when he'd landed, just... A part of you is kind of scared you're waiting in the wrong place. Maybe he's on the other end of the airport - it's not a particularly small one. It'd take you hours to find each other if you were waiting in the wrong place.
Then again - maybe the plane is late. Maybe he's had to wait for his luggage.
You check the time, just to be safe. It's 11:46. For all you know, Jake is still in the air. Or less than a door away.
You bounce on your feet, nervously shifting back and forth before checking your phone again. The text you'd gotten is from one of your friends, who you text back only to distract you. It barely works anyway. You can't put it away again quickly enough.
It's not even that you don't want to distract yourself. You just physically can't pay attention. You've been a nervous wreck for the past three days, ever since you'd made the plan to pick him up from the airport. Which is probably why you almost don't spot him.
He walks through the opened doors with his suitcase rolling behind him, his backpack slung over his shoulder and at least five other people rushing past him.
He sees you before you see him.
But then, then when you see him-
You're already sprinting towards him before your mind even tells your legs to move. You can't control it and you can't be bothered to. Why would you?
You don't care about the people glancing at you with raised eyebrows. You only care about Jake, about Jake who's standing there, pulling his hand from the handle of his suitcase and grinning at you. Grinning at you as you run at him and throw yourself into his arms.
He catches you effortlessly and steadies you as you cross your hands behind his neck and press your lips to his.
God, how you've missed him! How long you haven't kissed him!
His palms flatten against your back and he holds you tight, so tightly to him. You push even closer. He's here. He's back.
You don't realise you're crying until you taste the tears.
That's when Jake pulls back.
"I've missed you", he mutters, raising a hand and brushing the tears off your cheeks. You lean into the touch and tighten your arms around his neck. You're really touching him. He's really here.
"I missed you too", you try to say, but you're choked up and crying and it somehow comes out a blubbering, stuttering mess that you're not quite sure Jake can even understand. "Missed you so much."
He smiles one of those gorgeous smiles that you haven't seen in far too long before he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. Your eyes flutter closed as you lean into him, your fingers trailing up the nape of his neck. His breath mingles with yours as he draws you in again and catches you in another kiss, tugging gently at your bottom lip as if he has all the time in the world to do it - slow and languid and real. Finally real again.
He pulls you in by your waist, his hands splayed wide and so, so big against your thin sundress. Your nails scratch against his neck and he lets out a groan and suddenly, he's got his hands on your thighs and you're wrapping your legs around his middle and tightening your arms around him and his lips are working against yours feverishly, heavily, messily. You're crossing your feet behind his back when one of them hits something hard. You've flinched away from him even before you can hear the dull crash of his suitcase kissing the airport floor.
There's blood rushing in your ears and you're sure if someone measured your heart rate right now, you'd be sent to the ER immediately. You probably look like a tomato with all the redness in your cheeks. But Jake stares at his suitcase silently for two seconds too, breathing heavily as his grip on you tightens further.
As much as he likes having you in his arms, his suitcase reminds him that you're still very much in the middle of a well-used airport. So he turns back to you and lowers his voice.
"I think we should get out of here, darling."
Your lips tug up into a grin and you lean in to give him just one last, quick kiss.
"Yeah", you breathe, carefully jumping back down onto your own feet. Jake lets go of you only reluctantly - if this wasn't a public airport, he'd never have let you go again. But it is, so he swallows hard as you brush your palms down your dress and blink up at him with a smile.
You're wearing heels. You're still shorter than him by quite a bit.
His amusement melts into a frown when you grab the handle of his suitcase.
"I've got that", he says, reaching his hand out to take the suitcase from you, but you're already maneuvering it away from him and starting to walk in the direction (you think it's the right direction) you'd parked your car in.
"I want to do it for you", you hum.
"Sweetheart, you're already doing enough for me", he says, and he really does mean it. You've driven all this way to come pick him up, you'd watered his plants while he'd been away, you'd even cleaned. That one mostly because you'd desperately needed something to do and Jake's house had always smelled like him, but still.
"Doing enough to you, you mean." Your grin borders on lewd as you dig your teeth into your lip.
"Yeah, that too", he sighs, but he has to grin as well. You're absolutely unbelievable. Instead of trying to argue (he knows it'd be fruitless anyway), he wraps an arm around your back and pulls you into his side, his hand resting on your waist again.
You glance at him.
"I'm not letting go of this suitcase", you warn, even as you lean into his side and swallow. God, he looks so good. And he smells so good. And he feels so good.
"Got it", he chuckles, brushing a kiss to your temple and pulling you even closer into him. He can't have you close enough. Does this fucking airport not have an end? He just needs a little more privacy, a little more space-
"This way", you say and point right. Jake smiles at you as you guide him down the halls. He can't help but watch, can't help but stare at you, at your dress in that soft shade of yellow and your matching heels. Autumn doesn't seem to have caught up with you yet. Then again - autumn hasn't caught up with this place yet. And he's used to Texas heat, he likes that it doesn't get cold here. Also, those sundresses... Yeah, he certainly isn't complaining about the weather.
You speed up when you finally catch sight of the doors, dragging him along with you, almost falling into a jog. The suitcase rumbles against the airport floor, the wheels click-clacking over uneven ridges and bumps and then, thank god, you feel the sunshine on your skin. His hand tightens around your waist.
"Home sweet home", you grin as you take the first step onto concrete. You swivel around and steady both palms against the handle of his suitcase behind your back, bouncing on your heels and looking up at him. "After about a three hour drive."
Jake chuckles and looks back at you with raised eyebrows.
"You'll drive?", he asks. You hum.
"Maybe", you grin as you turn away again and walk over to your car, parked only three rows away for whatever holy reason. You'd been incredibly lucky. And you'd almost run over a grandma. "Or maybe not."
Jake follows you with another low chuckle that sends a pleasant tingling sensation down your spine. It's been so long since you heard that chuckle behind you.
He's next to you again within a few long strides, reaching out for you and you slow your steps to intertwine your fingers with his.
His hands are so big. He's holding onto you so firmly. Fuck, you've missed him so much.
You squeeze his hand and walk a little quicker. Car, home. Car, home. That's it. Then you've got him all to yourself. You can see the car glinting in the sunlight already - and then it's three hours. Three hours next to him in an enclosed space before you've truly got him back.
You stop and let go of his suitcase to fish the car keys out of your pocket without dropping his hand. You push the unlock button and open up the trunk before you turn to Jake and grin at him.
You want to say something, really. It's on the tip of your tongue, still running through your mind, but you've completely forgotten it when you look up at him.
Because while you'd been dragging him to the car, he'd pulled his sunglasses out and put them on and for whatever reason... That kind of does it for you. Holy shit.
"Are those new?", you ask hoarsely and swallow hard, the car keys digging into your palm as you tighten your fist around them. Maybe it's just that you haven't seen him in a month. Or maybe it's the way the sunlight catches his hair, slightly longer than when he'd left. Maybe it's just that with the sun behind him, you've got no choice but to squint at his broad shoulders.
"The other pair broke", Jake explains, letting go of your hand only to wrap his arms around your waist. Fuck, you're just standing there, doing absolutely nothing and he already can't keep from touching you. He has to touch you. He's got to put his arms around you and pull you close. "Why? Don't like it?"
You steady your palms against his chest and let out a breath as your eyes drop to his lips - he's got that cheeky look on his face that's not really a grin but not really not a grin and that nobody but him can do.
"I do", you counter, because it's the truth, and there's no way you can lie to him. "I very much do."
"Very much?" Jake does grin then, raises his eyebrows and pulls you fully against him. "That's more than just a yes."
Your fingers fist his shirt, the car keys digging into his chest just as firmly as they're digging into your palm now. He doesn't seem to be too bothered. He really isn't too bothered.
"They look good on you", you mutter, pulling him even closer. It's been too long since you'd pulled him close... And he feels so good, smells so good, looks so good. Fuck, he's so big and broad and-
"Thanks", he mutters, his grin all cheeky and self-assured and god, is it really this hot? Do you just feel this hot? Because you feel really, really hot. Your skin is burning. How the hell are you supposed to manage a three hour car ride?
"Jake", you whimper, without even meaning to. It's barely above a breath, barely above a whisper, and still too much of a whine to sound anything close to appropriate. A sort of grunt leaves his lips before his arms tighten around you, before he slots his mouth over yours hard. His thumbs drag circles against the small of your back, catching on the fabric of your dress. Your fingertips dig into his shirt, into his chest.
The sun beams down on you, warming your thighs and your arms and every exposed inch of skin, brightness behind closed eyelids as you push further and further into him. He's so sturdy, all hard abs right in front of you, broad arms around you.
You don't even notice the breathless moan that escapes your tongue. You can only feel the heat boiling inside of you, the desperate heat inside of you crawling up your body, every inch of you burning. Burning with want for him. With need for him. Fuck, he's been gone for way too long.
And then he pulls back.
You need a few seconds to even blink yourself back to reality.
"Home?", he suggests, even though it's less of a suggestion and more just a fact. He's getting you home. Now.
"Please", you whine, already halfway through pulling back and dropping the car keys into his palm. Three hours. Three fucking hours, you... You simply won't manage to sit down behind the steering wheel with your skin crawling and your underwear soaked through.
You'll barely manage sitting in the passenger seat.
Jake presses another kiss against your temple before he grabs his suitcase and leaves you standing there, trying to pull yourself together. He's breathing hard and his muscles are tight, his jaw clenched as he heaves his suitcase into the trunk and drops his backpack into it right after.
You force your legs to work, to carry you to the passenger side, force your arm to raise and your hand to close around the handle. It's heavy and hard work. Your body feels leaden, entranced. You let yourself collapse onto the seat and close your eyes.
You'd forgotten how much... how easily...
"Seatbelt, darling", Jake reminds you as he climbs into the driver's seat and adjusts it. You swallow hard and strap yourself in, trying to even out your breathing and pull yourself back to reality while you fumble for the confirmative click.
"Three hours", you remind yourself breathily.
"Three hours", Jake agrees lowly and turns the key in the ignition.
You settle back in your seat and close your eyes, clenching and unclenching your jaw as the radio starts playing and the car rolls out of the parking lot. You just have to relax. Just relax. Relax.
So you breathe out deeply and open your eyes again. Jake glances over at you as you lean forward, flick through the radio channels and then adjust in your seat - it's touching too much, too little of your skin, and the way you're rubbing against it somehow doesn't help in the slightest.
Before you can tuck one of your legs under the other and press the heel of your foot against your core, Jake puts his hand against your thigh. Against your bare thigh. His big fucking hand against your bare thigh.
You bite down on your lip and look up at him.
God, he looks so good. His features are chiseled, his hair that sunny, beachy kind of blond-
"Stop that", Jake grunts, his eyes trained on the road in front of him. It takes you two seconds to even realise he's talking to you. You'd kind of lost yourself in staring at him there.
"Stop what?", you ask, voice hitching as his fingers tighten on your thigh. Damn it, he needs to stop that. He's hardly been driving five minutes, he can't already be teasing you.
For once, actually, he doesn't even mean to tease you - not that you know. He just can't help but touch you, not when he hasn't touched you in a month, not when you're sitting so deliciously, tauntingly next to him.
"Stop looking at me like that", he says, taking his hand off of you to change gears before grabbing even tighter onto you again. "Or I'll have to pull over."
You brush your fingers along his wrist. Your chest feels tight, so tight. It takes everything in you not to push his hand further up your thigh. And you'd actually thought you'd manage a three hour car ride.
"I'll stop", you breathe, even though pulling over doesn't seem like the worst idea. "If you want me to."
A muscle twitches in his jaw.
"Don't do that", he warns, his voice staggering into that indecent gruff of his that has you clenching your thighs together, trapping his fingertips between your legs.
"Don't do what?", you ask, trying your best to sound somewhat innocent while you continue this little taunting game, not as though you're deliberately riling him up. You aren't, really. It's more just a reflex.
He turns his head to you then. His eyes are narrowed and his jaw is clenched and honestly, the way he's meeting your gaze all serious, as though he's trying to reprimand you just by looking at you - for no more than five seconds, of course, before he drags his eyes back to the road - has your lips tugging up in a teasing grin.
"Jake", you whisper, drawing your nails slowly up his arm, all the way from his wrist to his elbow. "Baby. You've been away for so long. You know how lonely I've been, right?"
Jake glances at you again and grunts his agreement, eyebrows raising as he starts to realise what you're doing.
"You can't blame me for looking at you", you go on, digging your fingertips into a spot right above his elbow and drawing one, two circles there. "Or for touching you."
Then you shift in your seat, spread your legs a little and run your fingers down his arm again. You grab his hand and brush his fingertips against the soaked spot on your panties.
"Or for being this wet", you whisper, your breath hitching from the sting in your stomach. He lets out a low curse. "I've just missed you so much."
He sucks in a breath then and trails his fingertips up your panties once, just once, before he jerks his hand back and clenches it hard around the steering wheel, so hard that his knuckles turn wide. Fuck. Fuck! Fuck! You're driving him crazy. You're driving him fucking crazy.
He's supposed to be responsible here. Somewhat responsible. You're young, you've got that risky twinkle in your eyes that he knows so well because he'd seen it in the mirror himself for over twenty years. He knows the thrilling buzz that's running through your veins. He still feels it whenever he's in the air. And he feels it around you.
Which is why he's not responsible, not when it comes to you. Not when you're sitting next to him in that pretty dress, with no shorts on and completely fucking soaked through.
You grin to yourself as he pulls off the highway and bite down on your lip, shifting in your seat once more, fighting the urge to trail your own fingers into your panties.
You haven't even asked how his deployment had been.
But goddamn, you'll have enough time to do that once you've got home. Or got off. Or got him off. At this point, you don't fucking care.
He pulls into one of those parking lots that mainly trucks use, one of those where there's hardly ever a toilet and if, then one that hasn't been usable since the last century. Right now, there's two trucks right at the front that Jake just brushes past. He parks your car at the far end and turns the motor off.
The silence is heavy.
Your breath comes much too quickly. Your eyes are fixed on him. And every inch of your skin is crawling with heat. But you don't move. You can't move.
He rolls his seat all the way back.
"Jake-", you whisper, catching on his name when he looks up and meets your eyes. There's a ghost of a grin on his lips, but... Maybe you're wrong.
"Yes, darling?", he asks, raising his eyebrows and leaning back in his seat. You have to strain your neck to keep looking at him. Instead of an answer, you just softly shake your head. You're suddenly unsure of what to say. His eyes weigh you down. You're painfully aware of every inch of your skin under his watchful gaze.
"Come on", he drawls, the grin that's growing on his lips more obvious now. "You were all eager to talk just then, baby."
Your teeth catch on your lip as you let out a breathless sigh. Your fingers hover over the buckle of your seat belt. Can you? Or...
"I missed you", you whisper, letting your fingertips glide over the hard plastic. "Can I-"
You swallow.
"Can you what, darling?", he repeats, grinning widely now.
You chew on your lip as you push down and unbuckle yourself slowly, your eyes still trained on Jake, who simply watches you with raised eyebrows.
"Can I touch you?", you whisper, your breath disappearing into the thick air of the car, the seatbelt still caught between your fingers. The corners of his mouth only tug up further.
You look angelic with your wide eyes and rosy cheeks, so obviously desperate to feel him - but still you don't move. You sit there and wait for him to tell you what to do. To allow you to do something. Anything. It's almost endearing how well behaved you are in moments like this.
"Go on, darling", he drawls. "Come here."
Without hesitation, you reach over the centre console and grab onto his shoulders, steadying yourself against him as you throw one of your legs over his and climb into his lap. His hands find your waist, grab onto your sides, hold you softly against him. Your teeth dig into your lip as you sink down, your fingers trailing along the outline of his collarbones over his shirt, your dress riding up and pooling around your hips. You suck in a breath when your panties drag against his jeans.
Fuck. It's been so long. It's been way too long.
"Jake", you mutter as you lean in, pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth, brushing your nose against his cheek. "You look good."
He lets out a breathy chuckle, his grip on you tightening.
"I know, darling", he can't help but say with a grin. "Thanks."
You giggle onto his skin as you trail your lips down his jaw. Sometimes he's incredibly unbelievable. I know. How cocky. Not that he shouldn't be - goddamn, he should be! You can't even fault him. And confidence is sexy. Especially on him. Though, then again, anything on him is sexy.
"I've missed you", you mutter, pressing another open-mouthed kiss against his skin, this time against the spot between his neck and his ear. "Missed looking at you. Missed touching you."
"Yeah", Jake breathes, digging his hands into your hips and pulling you harder onto him. "I've missed you too."
He's missed you so fucking much that he's hurting, straining against his jeans so hard that he feels like he might combust. And you're kissing down his throat, pressing your lips against his skin, wanting, needing to touch him, to feel him-
A month away from each other. A month too long.
"I need you, Jake", you whimper into his ear, all breathy and desperate, rocking softly back and forth in his lap and letting your eyes fall shut.
"You need me, baby?", he echoes, grabbing you as tightly as he can and dragging you against him, his head thumping back against the driver's seat.
A filthy moan slips past your lips as your hips roll against his, finally, for the first time in weeks. Fuck, yes, you need him so badly. You need him now. Here and now, in the passenger seat of your car.
"Please, Jake", you breathe, steadying one palm against his chest and grabbing one of his hands with the other. You wrap your fingers around his wrist and tug it off of you, but before you can drag it down to your panties again, drop it between your legs and beg him to fuck you, before you can do any of that, he's turning your grip around and taking your hands in his instead.
"You're getting ahead of yourself, baby", he chuckles, before settling your hands against your thighs. He's painfully hard by now, yes- But that doesn't mean you can just drag him to where you want him. "Seems like you forgot your manners."
You're already shaking your head before he can finish. No, you haven't, you haven't, you just need him so badly... and you can feel him, you can feel that he needs you too, so why doesn't he just take you? Why doesn't he-
"I haven't, Jake, I promise", you whisper, looking at him and forcing yourself to still on his lap. It won't help you if you move. It definitely won't help you if you move.
"You haven't?", he asks with raised eyebrows, looking all but amused at you. You keep shaking your head no, no, no. "So if I'd told you to stay in your seat and wait, you would've?"
You bite down on the inside of your cheek and look away. He's grinning. He knows. He's not even really asking. But if you'd learnt anything, anything at all about him, it's that he doesn't like to be ignored. If he asks a question, he wants it answered. So you'll answer.
"No", you breathe truthfully, because you most definitely wouldn't have managed a three hour car ride next to him. There's no way you would've managed a three hour car ride next to him. No fucking way.
His grin widens.
"No", he repeats lowly. "No, darling? You wouldn't have listened?"
"Couldn't", you correct, fighting the desire to rock against his thighs that's growing with every passing second. He looks so fucking good. He smells so fucking good. He feels so fucking good. And he'd fuck you so good, you know that, if he'd just finally get to it.
"Couldn't", he echoes, his fingertips rubbing circles onto the bare skin of your thighs. "That desperate."
It's just that he's that desperate, too. Desperate to feel you wrapped around him, desperate to hear you whimper and moan. He needs you as much as you need him.
"You want me to fuck you, baby?", he asks, all smooth and casual and your fingers dig into your thighs to feel something, anything. It's unbelievable how easily something so dirty slips off his lips.
"Yes", you gasp. "Want you so bad, Jake. Please. I'll be so good for you. I'll be perfect."
A muscle ticks in his jaw.
"You are perfect", he breathes, even though that hadn't been his plan at all. But he has to say it. He has to tell you. You've got him wrapped around your little finger, even if you don't know. And he's not all that sure you don't know anyway.
Your teeth catch on your lip, your hands dig harder into your skin and-
And Jake's thumbs trail along the inside of your bare thighs, brushing up naked skin, drawing a shallow breath from your tongue. A shiver runs down your spine as you clench your legs around his and force yourself to keep still. He's touching you. You have to remind yourself of that. He is touching you. There's no reason at all for the urge to defy him, to pop open his jeans and just sink down on him. He's touching you, he's touching you...
Yeah. Barely.
"Let me feel you", you beg, drawing your hands away from your thighs and trying to put them against his chest - but before you can, he's pulled his hands away from your thighs as well and grabbed your wrists. Again.
"You're not in charge here, darling", he chuckles, pushing your hands back down. He grabs for your waist again. "If you can't behave, I'm gonna put you back in the passenger seat and keep on driving, got that?"
You nod.
You want to be good for him. You will be good for him. God, there's no fucking way you could have managed the car ride already, and if you had to sit through it now, after this- No. You'll be good for him. You'll be so good for him.
He flashes you a grin and goes back to dragging his thumbs along your thighs.
"Ask nicely", he says. "Maybe I'll-"
"Please", you blurt out, your hips involuntarily bucking into his touch. "Can I kiss you?"
His eyes drop down to your mouth then.
"Yeah, baby", he mutters, his thumbs catching on the hem of your dress. "You can kiss me."
He expects you to jump at him, to slot your lips over his and lick into his mouth eagerly - but you only steady your palms carefully against his chest and lean in, your eyes focused on his, your breath meeting his skin. You kiss him softly, lightly, with your lips just so grazing his and your eyes fluttering shut. His fingertips run down the soaked spot on your panties.
That's when your teeth catch on his lip. You sink them into his skin gently and tug, your heart missing a beat as he groans into you. He hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls them to the side just like you'd hoped, just like you'd begged for.
Jake's right - you're not in charge. But that doesn't mean you don't know what buttons to push to get what you want.
His fingertips trail through your wetness for the first time in a whole fucking month. It's long overdue. So long.
You moan into him, pressing your chest right up against his and fisting his shirt, and push closer. You need to be this close. You need to be even closer. You need him to fuck you, now, not only to drag his fingers up to your clit.
But he's too focused on you, getting too drunk on the feeling of you. He's finally got you here again, finally on his lap again, finally kissing him again, finally eager for him again. He's finally touching you again. And he has to touch you.
You're so fucking wet. You're soaked. He wants to take his time to notice that. He needs to take his time to notice that. He needs to touch you, to feel you. He doesn't even mean to tease you. He doesn't even realise he is teasing you. Not until you rock into his hand and let a whine slip into his mouth.
You really don't intend to. It's an accident. You don't want to rush him. What you want is to be good for him. But you can't help yourself.
And he knows you can't.
Which is the only reason he doesn't pull back and leave you high and dry. Well, that - and his desperation to have you.
So instead, he pushes two fingers into you and catches the languid moan you let out. Fuck. You sound so sweet. You feel so perfect. It's been so fucking long.
"Jake", you whimper, just because it's also been that fucking long since you've whined his name into his mouth. Into the low-quality mic of your phone, yes. But with his lips on yours? With his fingers thrusting inside you so precisely, hitting the right spot immediately? No, that's been too fucking long.
It's dirty. Not quick, like the other times neither of you had been patient enough to look for a better spot to have each other and had opted for the car instead. No, it's just dirty, with his fingers pumping in and out of you, his tongue running along yours and your knees rubbing against the seat.
Maybe it's because the radio had turned off alongside the car, or maybe it's just the long month you'd spent apart - either way, all sounds are louder than they should be, your ears ringing with your moans, your wetness around his fingers and his lips against yours.
He's working magic. You don't know how he hits the right spot again and again and again, his fingers curling, his thumb catching on your clit - but he has you clenching around him, warmth pooling in your core, wetness dripping down your thighs and onto his jeans within minutes.
You pull an inch away from him, your eyes still squeezed shut, your palms flattening against his shirt, and the only reason he knows he isn't just dreaming of you again is because you're warm and wet around his fingers. Everything else about you is unreal.
You're gorgeous. You're so damn stunning, rocking your hips back against him and moaning his name, your lips parted and your skin sweaty.
"Fuck", you pant, your chest rising and falling so tantalisingly that his eyes drop right down to your cleavage. "Just like that."
He has to grin to himself, but he lets it slide, if only because you're looking so pretty holding onto him as he pushes his fingers into you and circles your clit - just like that. Again and again, until you're digging your nails into his chest and catching your lip between your teeth and moaning his name, Jake, baby, fuck, fuck, fuck, until you're clenching around him and shuddering in his arms, until you're reaching your high on his fingers, not on your own for the first time in four full weeks.
"Attagirl", he mutters, straining so hard against his pants that it hurts. "I've got you."
You press your lips against his jaw sloppily as you come down, your breath shallow, your skin burning, just needing to get your mouth on him. You can feel your heart beating, every thud, thud, thud against your chest. God. You hadn't come like that in a month. You'd come, sure, to the low rumble of his voice over the phone, calling you all sorts of sweet names and telling you just how to get off for him. But nothing could ever possibly beat the way he works you.
And still - even as you come down from your orgasm, you already crave the next, long and lust and hunger for him inside of you, not his fingers, but his cock.
"Jake", you mewl, slotting your lips over his and desperately dragging your tongue over them before you draw back an inch, your breath meeting his. "Fuck me? Please?"
He pulls his fingers out of you and raises his hand and before you can even really realise what you're doing, you're parting your lips and watching as he grins and presses his fingertips down on your tongue. God, he fucking tastes like you. You suck his fingers into your mouth obediently and lick them clean, looking at him out of lowered, half-lidded eyes and he fucking grabs at your waist with his other hand like his life depends on it.
Goddamn, it's been too long since he's watched this. Since he's had this sight in front of him. And holy mother of hell, what a sight that is.
Your cheeks hollowed out, your gaze caught on his, your lips wrapped around his fingers. His jeans are too tight. Too fucking tight. He needs relief. Now.
So he pulls his fingers out of your mouth with a low grunt and fumbles with the button of his jeans, quick and hurried. He's barely popped it open before your hands slip between his and push them out of the way. You drag down his zipper, reach into his briefs, finally, finally, finally! and he lets you, steadying his palms against your thighs and watching you tug your lip between your teeth.
"Condom", you breathe, then you glance up at him and blink - once, twice, thrice to get yourself back to reality. Condom. Condom, fuck, you're sure you've got one, you know you've got one, somewhere-
Jake takes his hand off your thigh and reaches for his pocket, pulling out a condom before you've even finished thinking.
You grab it from him almost reflexively, your fingers closing around it, tearing it open - quick and frenzied now, because you're not sure how much longer you can hold out. How much longer you can manage without having him.
You glance up at him before you roll it onto him, waiting, checking, if you can, if he'll let you- And how could he not? Fuck, he's got to clench his jaw and grab onto your waist just to hold back, to stay still. He hadn't meant for it to be like this. He'd meant to fuck you back at home, slow and steady, preferably in bed where he could really see you, where he could see every inch of you, not in the front seat of your car that he'd probably have to get cleaned tomorrow. But he can't fucking help himself. He can barely fucking wait until you've rolled the condom onto him, already grabbing at your bare thighs, slipping his hands below your dress, grasping at your stomach.
You steady your palms against his chest and breathe out a whine as his fingers slide across your boobs, pushing the fabric of your dress up, up, up, circling your nipples, hardened and sensitive and damn, you've missed him. You've missed him so fucking much. It's been so fucking long. And you're so fucking desperate.
So you slowly sink down on him and let out a moan, rolling off your tongue so filthily he has to groan. Shit, shit- You hold yourself against him, drop your head against his shoulder and an open-mouthed kiss onto his skin.
"Fuck", he grunts, his fingers working frenzied circles onto your boobs, trying, desperately, no, needing to touch you, to feel you. God, you feel so good around him. Finally around him again. You take your time sinking down on him, catching your breath and pressing your lips against his neck, your eyes squeezed shut. Inch by inch, you take him - and the only way he can keep from bucking up into you is by trying not to concentrate on the way you feel around him (so, so fucking perfect), but instead do his best to breathe. Just... breathe. It's been too fucking long. And you're too fucking pretty. And he'll go fucking crazy.
"Jake", you mewl, your lips dragging against his jaw.
Instead of an answer, he turns his head and catches you in a kiss.
You whine into his mouth, your legs clamping around his, stilling as you adjust, your tongue running along his lips, his teeth, your hands fisting his shirt, clenching and cramping and pressing against his chest.
"Go on", he urges, pulling away no more than an inch, his breath shallow, mingling with yours. "Take what you want, darling."
"Fuck", you breathe, arching into his palms and steadying yourself against him, your teeth catching on your lip as you move - up, slowly, steadily, then down, faster, quicker, and again, and again. Holy hell. Moan after moan rolls off your tongue. He feels so fucking good. You're so fucking full of him. You find a rhythm, then that spot inside of you. Your head tilts back, your fingers clench into the collar of his shirt, your nails scratch against his skin.
He watches you, every inch of him tensing. You're gorgeous, so damn gorgeous, bouncing in his lap like this. You're stunning, your dress pooling around your hips as he drags his hands back down to your waist, thumbing at your stomach, circling and drawing against your skin. He's touching you. Now, here. It's not just a dream. It's not just his imagination. It's you, you, wrapped around him, moving up and down him, your palms against his chest, your eyes fluttered shut, your teeth digging into your lip.
"Just like that, keep going", he encourages, all low and deep, smooths his hands down your body and can't help but grin as you let out a soft mewl. It's been so long since he's heard you whine for him - so long since he's heard it without hundreds and hundres of miles between you, without the microphone ruining what have to be the sweetest sounds he's ever known. "Feeling good, baby?"
The air is heavy, heavy and sticky. It presses down on you, pushes against your skin, settles on your body and flattens your breath. Every single one of your nerve ends is on fire.
"Yes", you gasp, your eyes fluttering open to take him in, him in all of his very, very real glory right in front of you. He looks so handsome, so fucking handsome. Your thighs tighten, clench. You can feel yourself growing closer and closer and closer with every stroke, with every time you sink down on him. Fuck, he doesn't just feel good, he feels heavenly. He feels like everything you need. "So good, Jake."
The grin on his lips sends sparks through your body. It's confident, self-assured... Yeah, you're on top of him, you're moving, you're taking what you want - but he's in charge, you can see it in his eyes. He's in control. It's in the way he breathes, in the way his hands grab at your hips, in the way he palms at your skin. If it weren't for the red on his cheeks, for the sweat beading on his forehead, you wouldn't even have guessed he's all that affected. But he's hard, he's hard as a rock, and it's taking everything in him not to just buck up into you and come right on the spot.
He prides himself on his stamina. In all his years, he's always prided himself on his stamina - on how he can keep going long enough to make you come twice, thrice. And he'll hold out now, too.
But you're gorgeous. And you feel perfect. And you're close, you're clenching around him as you lean in to press your lips to his, to slot your mouths together and kiss him with all your might.
So you're not making it easy for him. Not at all.
He brushes his hand down to the inside of your thigh, leaves a trail of tingles on your skin before his finger finds your clit. You breathe out a whine that he easily catches on his tongue, your nails digging into his chest as he draws circles on your clit, on that sensitive bundle of nerves that has you melting, your eyes squeezing, squeezing, squeezing shut.
Fuck, fuck, you're close, you're close-
Just for a fleeting second, Jake debates pulling his hand away again and leaving you there, on this edge you're teetering on. Not forever, only until you'd got home or so. But he's too desperate to come, too wound up already, too close himself, and there's a much bigger part of him that wants to just fill you up in the driver's seat of your car, in this random parking lot, a month after he'd last had you. The part of him that will revel in knowing that you'll be sitting in the passenger seat for the next three hours with soaked panties, probably leaving behind a wet patch when you'll get out, the evidence of two orgasms right there-
"Fuck, Jake", you gasp and your head rolls back, your lips parting as your entire body clenches, every single muscle cramping and tightening at once, your nails digging hard and harder into his skin, your eyes squeezing shut. His finger on your clit doesn't still, just keeps drawing circles, keeps guiding you through your high, through the foggy haze you're swimming in as your body writhes and tingles.
Jake is too entranced, too enamoured, too captivated by you to even realise he's spilling inside the condom, coming as you do. He can't feel, can't see, can't touch anything but you - his hand grabs at your hip, it palms at your thigh. Anything to feel you. Anything to be with you as you unravel.
"Jake, fuck", you breathe, a lot more softly now. Your grip on him loosens. He'd barely noticed how your nails had still been digging into his chest, but now that you're pulling them away, stretching your fingers and steadying your palms flat against him, he can't help but miss them. You blink at him with the sweetest smile, your lips plush and kiss-swollen, and the view of you is so disarming that he can just so resist opening his mouth and letting those final three words roll off his tongue. But it's too early, it's way too early, even as you're sitting in his lap, even as you're squeezing his cock, even as he draws his finger away from your clit. He's never been the type to say it early. He won't now.
No, instead he raises his hand and rests his fingers against your lips. Once more today, you part them obediently and wait until he's pushed them onto your tongue. Then you close your mouth around them - he still tastes of you faintly - and suck, slathering them in saliva in that sloppy, messy, dirty way you know he likes, your head bobbing as you clean them off. You pull back just far enough to dig your teeth into his fingertips and bite down on them playfully.
Your lips tug into a grin as he draws his hand back, eyebrows raising, his gaze settling on you - still so very heavy, so intense, so fucking full of sex.
"You're a brat, darling", he chides, but he's already brushing strands of hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ears and then wrapping his arms around you to pull you even closer, even tighter to him. Your grin only grows as your fingers clench into the collar of his shirt.
"Maybe", you laugh breathily, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips, one that's so addicting he thinks he might need to stay in this car, in this parking lot for the rest of eternity. "But you love it."
Jake chuckles as he chases after your lips.
"Such a brat."
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sherwees · 5 months
CW : noncon, stepcest, somnophilia (dubcon and noncon) and idk overall fucked up shit.
side note : literally took inspo from this crazy ass story by @ne0pearl and the amount of times that this trope was mention in our messages is crazy tbh so I tried smth with it.. I hope you like it !!
extra extra note : there MIGHT be some errors that I'll definitely fix later ..
extra extra extra note : last fic of the year?? wtf I'm glad I'm ending my year with wayv!!
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Day 1 : Your new step brother yangyang that gave you a devious smile when you first met eyes with him, his thin fingers twirling his pyjama strings around his left index while he toys with the other string. He seemed... nice? As anticipation and maybe.. fear bubbles in your gut, a smile creeps up on your face.
Looking slightly over, his father wore a white button up and he looked like a literal snack. His name was Kun or whatever he said.. His hands were fucking huge like they could go around your waist... maybe your neck..?
He was your fucking stepfather.
It's also enough that your mother wasn't going to be back for an exact month so it would be only you three in the house..
I mean what could go wrong?
Day 2 : Creak.. creak~ was that the floorboards? Your thighs feel irritated and there's some sticky.. gooey feeling in between them.. Your eyelashes felt like they were glued shut by weights, you thought about lulling yourself back to sleep out of laziness but the itchiness wouldn't leave. Reaching over to your lamp and flicking it on, you tug the covers away; being met with a splatter of cum. The air forms a bubble at the back of your throat, eyes filled with confusion, your stomach swirls with unsettlement. Quickly pushing yourself out of the bed and cleaning up yourself in your bathroom; too groggy to show concern.
Something that managed to catch your ear was the footsteps fading away in the hallway.
Peeking your head through the door, you definitely notice the brown head of hair going down the stairs.
Day 7 : Laying upside down at the head of your bed, the stillness in the room only comforted your rushing thoughts about what happened 4 days ago. It wasn't until you heard a sound of something ripping? Like plants being torn? Before you even know it, you're at the window; witnessing the scene of Yangyang tearing out your precious plants. At least it's the ones you least care about but still.. WHAT THE FUCK? You ignore the sound of Kun's concerned “Huh?” when the door slams against the wall from being swung open, everything is a blur through your searing anger.
“Yangyang, what are you doing to MY plants!” You cried with stomp to your heel and clench to your fists once he walked in with the dead crops in his gloved hand.
“Well, it's actually our gar–”
“It's not! I put down the soil, I planted the seeds and I care and water those plants everyday!” There was an inquisitive gleam in his eyes now, you bit your lip anxiously as he stepped only closer to you.
“You could run your pretty little lips all you want but I don't care.”
Pretty little?? PRETTY LITTLE?
He thought that you were a fucking joke. He totally wasn't dismayed by your rant also and it only fueled to your frustration more. A stinging sensation traveled from your nose evoking tears in your eyes,
Oh please don't cry...
“But those are my plants..” You whined with a wistful spirit whilst your hands cover your face, trying to hide your tear streaked face. There was a thud on the ground, his hands delicately found yours and guided them away. They smoothly found your waist once you both met eyes, the ire tension now faded whilst your face grew hot. His face inched closer, his doubtful eyes switched from your eyes to your stout lips.
Day 8 : You look over to Kun and immediately look down at your fiddling hands in your lap. Honestly, you wished he wasn't close enough to kiss, those black glasses weren't helping your case either.
“Are you even listening to me?” You blink extra hard even rubbing your eyes dramatically to show that he now had your attention. Even you could tell that he wasn't having it, you sighed, “Honestly.. no.”. Kun could only make it worse by scooching even closer, your attempt to back away quickly became futile when he grasped your wrist; his huge hand practically engulfing it.
“Don't make me do something I'll regret, sweetheart.” His other now trailing up your ridden up pyjama shorts and your heart nearly stops. “Wait– Wait–!” Your fight instincts kick in as you scream but his hand muffles it immediately; he now laid on top of you, his crotch hot against your clothed abdomen. Before you could even object, he smashes his lips with your own; the sounds of your lips smacking together with your moans and grunts both in unison wasn't as favorable, it icked you. “Kun— please..” You whimpered but his hands only traveled thick and through your shirt like a snake wrapped around it's prey.
His hands stopped it's traverse for a mid second, his deep brown eyes filled with desire; his dimple flashes along with a smile which fills your soul with relief but only for a second until you hear a zipper. Kun only chuckles once your expression drops when you look down to his engorged cock slapped against your stomach.
“Why can't I have a turn?” He says with a playful manner and a mocking pout to his lip before his hand shoves down your pyjama shorts along with your panties.
Day 10 : There's a commotion by your ear, tussle tussle. It sounds like your covers being thrown around, don't open your eyes, it isn't worth it..
“Don't act like you're not awake.” Yangyang said with a teasing lilting in his voice. You jolt slightly awake and nearly slap Yangyang that's laying with his chin in his palm with a quirk of curiosity to one of his brows. Everything feels fuzzy; your vision, your mouth, your head and your senses.. especially.. your senses.
There's something moving in your shorts and you don't even register on time that it's Yangyang's hand cupping your pussy, your legs were already trembling and with every second, you intake your vulnerability more. Three fingers then slither up and down your damp folds until one fingers hooks on your clit, he then massages it with a light chuckle at your still expression; he always fantasized about you being his little doll.
“Hm~ you're so pretty like this.. Not running your mouth, y’know?” He teased with his tongue poking from his cheek. He loved your pretty lashes caked up with tears, your body only moved to the rhythm of his fingers inside your little hole. His cock was insanely tight in the confinements of his pyjama pants at your mewls, he sworn he nearly came himself when your slick walls clenched around his digits. His fingers work faster, practically bruising your abused pussy and your sounds in harmony grew louder and louder; enough to maybe alert Kun of what was happening over a few doors down.
“You're gonna cum all over my fingers, yeah?” He grunted until your legs shook sporadically with a loud scratchy cry...
Definitely alerting Kun.
Day 30 : “This movie is totally boring~” You scowled whilst bating your eyelashes at the brown haired boy above you. He looks down with a slight smile, his hands trailing your forehead then to your jaw. You then diverted your eyes to where your feet layed right on your stepfather's lap; the same male that bugged you both about having a movie night for the past few weeks so you could all “know each other better before mom comes back.” A heat rushes to the back of your neck when you remember the look that him and Yangyang gave you in that moment causing you to simply look back at the screen to the horribly produced horror movie.
You embarassingly got immersed in said horror movie until you felt a grip at your ankle, the heel of your foot was being moved in a constant rhythm against Kun's gyrations on the bone. His member growing erect from the initial contact, you look up at Yangyang if he notices the strangely moving object under the blanket but he somehow doesn't. Kun's jaw is clenched, his glasses are sliding down his nose slightly as his gyrations grow slightly faster; your eyes constantly shoot back up to Yangyang. You never realized that his jaw was also clenched along with his fist that laid over the arm rest..
With your spine becoming sore from your position, you do what any other person would do and nudge yourself upward (duh). Unintentionally, you provide more pressure to the tip of Kun's cock and he lets out the slightest moan that fully made Yangyang aware..
Oh fuck..
Comically with an eyebrow raise, Yangyang pulls the cover away and analyzes the whole scene, his eyes switching from the latter's expression to yours and back to your foot that you now only decided to pull away.
He huffs dramatically with a puff to his cheeks, you then manage yourself up to sit in the middle of the couch. The tension causing that same anticipation feeling in your stomach you had from the first day you saw them; but it was quickly overcame by the fear part of it.. Your tongue peeked out of your lips, attempting to ignore the lingering finger flipping your waistband. Out of instinct, your hand flies to Yangyang's wrist; your doe eyes meeting his destitute ones.
“I don't think I'm ready.” You cried, your head falling into the crook of Yangyang's neck. “But I think you could..” Kun only beams back immediately, his arms circling around your waist and up your silk shirt; pulling your body slightly towards him in a rough manner but you barely nudged away from the other. The pads of his fingers glide over your hardened buds through your thin bra, arousal swirls in your lower region; eliciting a slight whine from your agape lips.
Your eyes were screwed shut from the euphoria that surged through your body from their lingering hands; you weren't even sure who was who anymore. Your shirt was discarded somewhere, the humid air hitting your uncomfortably sticky skin.. The air came out of you like a balloon with every punch of whomever's fingers was inside of you guessing it was Yangyang's.
Suddenly, one of their salty digits shoved past the narrow entrance of your mouth with a resounding grunt belonging to Kun. Your head attempted to recoil from the fingers once they pushed past your gag reflex but they only pushed deeper but steadily, as if they were trying to find a certain point.
“You're gonna have to open wider if you plan to take the both of us.. so please listen to me for once and open wide princess..”
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little extra scene: Cold hands slither in between your own and there's a warmth to your backside, your heart stutters a beat until you notice a strand of black in your peripherals. “Don't scare me like that!” Your scream echoed throughout your greenhouse, your stepfather kun looks at you with a furrow to his brows that makes you feel slightly guilty for your outburst. “I was just wondering if you needed help..” His tone was sorrow, the distance between you both was concerning until he stepped back and walked off with a fuck ton of tomatoes he smuggled in his back pocket.
Who the fuck steals tomatoes, fucking loser.
You later confronted him about it and he claims that it gave him clear skin if it's combined with eucalyptus and honey, it might work and you might even consider trying it.
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tragedyofdevotion · 5 months
Love letter
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This is a scenerio featuring Prince Reo from royalty au. My man is a simp for reader in this post.
PS. I made Chigiri in this au crossdress because he is sooo pretty and I love seeing pretty boys in maid uniform.
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Your maid, Chigiri, beautiful lady you have ever seen. With the reddish pink hair which sparkled in the sun, her confident and attractive charm has always been the object of your admiration.
But it seems that even such a perfect lady has her problems. When you mentioned that her height is not less than the average men in the country, she made a bitter face.
Maybe she has a complex about being told that she looked like a guy. But you think there is nothing wrong with being strong and tall. She would make the most reliable maid ever.
In your mind though, you are thinking that it might be your overprotective brother who assigned her as your personal maid because he thought that the kind Isagi is not enough to protect you.
Not that there is any danger to be protected from, but you would like to thank his overprotectiveness for once since it allowed you to meet your best friend.
"Princess, gifts have been sent from Prince Reo. What would you like to do with them?"
You were having afternoon tea in your personal rose garden when said maid delivered the message.
"I don't need them. Do whatever you want," you said with a slight frown, feeling unpleasant to hear about your fiance.
"Understood, I still store them accordingly. And there ere is a also letter addressed to you," your maid added as she handed you the rose scented letter.
When you sighed audibly, your maid took pity of you and asked, "Shall I burn it?"
"Yes, burn it," is what you would like to say but no matter how much you hate your fiance, he still is a prince and you, being the princess of a country, cannot recklessly dispose words of the neighboring state.
"Thank you for being considerate, Chi-chan. But it is ok. I will read it. Can you please bring it to me?"
When you said with a small and tired smile, Chigiri walked up to you and handed you the rose scented letter.
Your mind relaxed a little bit due to the scent of your favorite flower but it still weighted heavily in your hands.
Really you cannot understand why the Prince changed his mind about the arranged marriage. Just until half a year ago, him, like you, were totally against the marriage. Even though you did not know him or speak with him at all, you felt a sense of kinship towards him as the one who was working towards the same goal, which is to annual the engagement. So, you, abeit one-sidedly, felt betrayed that he changed his mind.
"Anyway, let's just hurry up and read it." When you thought so to yourself and opened the letter, greeting you was beautiful syllables lined up like jewelries.
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Greetings my Princess.
Please believe if I say I woke up filled with thoughts of you.
That lead to me starting my day, appreciating the beauty in your portrait as usual. Oh my dearest, how I wish I could see you... I know that whatever beauty you has in person will make this piece of paper pale in comparison.
Sweet incomparable y/n, what a strange effect you have on my heart!
My soul aches with sorrow, and there can be no rest for your lover, but is there still more in store for me when, yielding to the profound feelings which overwhelm me, I draw from your lips, from your heart a love which consumes me with fire?
Oh my dearest, if only I could leap through land and water to come to you...
If only I had wings so I could fly to you...
What I would not give to capture your figure in these eyes for a second...
Mikage Reo.
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You were a fool to think that he would have written anything significant. You should have just burn it as Cigiri suggested.
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mysinsforbts · 1 year
💜 Losing your vibrator Part.2 💜
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>>>> BTS EDITION <<<<
x sub! female reader
+18 (minors DNI!!)
smut, crack??, cursing, daddy kink, sex toys (vibrator), public sex?, kinda voyeurism, creampie meantioning, dirty talk, threesome, bathroom sex, car sex, oral (f), fingering, hickeys, teasing, savage yoongi, bad boy jungkook, actor taehyung, clumsy namjoon, (let me know if I forgot something!~)
You're on dinner with your boyfriend & the rest of his members. Sitting around the table, enjoying the food while talking, you quietly try to hide the dirty secret you hold between your legs. Not wearing underwear under your dress, vibrator stuffed between your legs you tried to hide the moans. At least it should've been between your legs. But after moving around so much, it must've slipt out.
Your eyes wide open as you realise the vibrator was gone. Shorly after panic overcame you. Telling your boyfriend about the situation you whispered, "Daddy, I-I lost the vibrator.. please help me find it! Before anyone notices.."
(This took me half a year! Some parts might be a bit more smut than others! I still hope you'll like it! Please enjoy~ )
♡ ~ Seokjin ~ ♡
- *stone face* yes.. that would be him
- he would be so in shock that he would stop to breath-
- His ears starting to glow a deep red
- "Seriously? Where is it?", he asked in panic
- jinni wouldn't know what to do
- so.. he just grabs your hand, stands up & excused himself and you to leave
- man would be out of there real quick
- "l-let's pretend that never happened haha! I'll buy you new one, okay my rose?",
- his excuse would be very bad, like, "I forgot the cookies in the open", stuff like that
- will punish you
- don't test him, he is to sides: Be a brat or tame the brat
- Will scold you for not wearing underwear that day, "Are you this desperate for my cock?"
- usually can hold himself back till home but with the boys teasing him and you looking like that..
- car sex will happen once in a while
- After you two were done jin would check his phone, having a message from namjoon saying,
- "Hyung, you lost something. Come & get it tomorrow at my studio~ ;) "
- Drops his phone & hides in a ball, total embarrassed
- Probably sends you to pick the toy up namjoon found dknd- GOOD LUCK
Nothing. No responds. Seokjin didn't move. Actually he didn't even breath. Oh no.. is he?? "Y-YOU WHAT???", seokjin whisper-yelled.
Your words shocked him so much that he chocked on his food. Trying to calm his fast beating heart down, he took a huge sip of the drink he had ordered. What should he do now?? Paniced he looked at the other members, no one seemed to have noticed until now. Jin let out a sigh. He leaned to you, "Where is it rose? Do you know where you lost it?", he whispered with a still shaky voice.
You almost laughed. How was he always so funny without even trying?? This was serious but seokjin made it seem so funny. Lucky for you, you held it together and whispered back, "Don't know.. It was still inside me a few minutes ago.. maybe.. it fell under the table? But I don't see it.. soo..", you blushed. Now that you thought about it, this was so embarrassing. Gosh.. why did this happen to you??
"Soo.. anyone just could hear it??", jin stuttered out, his ears clearing turning red. "Yes! What should we do jinni?", you whispered back, geting more nervous with every passing second. Seokjin smiled, "We run away! Let's go home!", he said grabbing your hand and standing up. The others members looked very confused as seokjin just pushed you to the door, quickly geting your jacket. Even as you tried to stop him he would just drag you outside. After you finally gave up and decided to just play along, he went back inside.
"Yah hyung! You two just came! Where are you going already?", hoseok whined looking at his older group member. "Me?? Going??.. Ahh.. I left the cookies in the stove! Hopefully I didn't burn the house down! So.. I have to go!", jin answered, taking his jacket in a hurry.
"As if!! You have to be more carefull hyung!!", jungkook said, glaring at jin. "But does y/n really have to go with you? Can't she wait here?", yoongi asked, taking a bite of his food. Clearly understanding what is going on. "I-It's y/n's kitchen.. so yes! Yes I need her there!", jin blushed, looking away, clearly avoiding eye contact.
"So.. YOU BURNED DOWN Y/N's KITCHEN??", jimin yelled, looking clearly shocked. Everyone gasped. 6 eyes now glaring at seokjin.
"M-maybe?..", jin made his stone-face again. Why does this get even more embarrassing?? Seokjin turned around, ready to leave.
"Next time just say you want to fuck hyung~ We are all close after all~", namjoon said, making everyone laugh. "WH-", before jin could even ask yoongi continued, "Yeah, the way you two whispered it was clear you did some dirty talk~". "We didn't-", the oldest wanted to say but yoongi just chuckled as everyone agreed. "So no more weird storys! Okay mr. I need to get my dick wet?", hoseok smirked in jin's direction. "I-", the poor man was left for words as he just ran out of the building. Dashing towards you, just to ran with you towards his car.
"Did you find it? Where was it?", you asked while the two of you drived home. "Found what?", seokjin asked in a deep voive. Deeper then usually. Oh.. so he was pissed now?? You gulped and decided to make sure.
"The vibrator jinni? You took so long.. I thought you went to search it..", you softly asked, making sure to look at his face as you spoke. Seokjin didn't answer for a while, thinking of what to do with his feelings. This whole thing made his dick hard. How? No idea! But he was turned on now.
"Can you be quiet please? I have to concetrate!", seokjin spoke, looking at the street. Yup.. he was pissed and turned on. You were sure he was gonna punish you at home. But what you didn't expect was a hard fuck in the backseat of his car. Everything went so fast, as soon as he parked infront of your house he pushed you on the backseat. All your clothes were gone, kneeling on hands and knees infront of him while seokjin thrusted into you with such force. You only could moan and try to hold on to something.
Later, after seokjin came inside you and left his marks on your back and neck he carried you inside your house. The two of now cuddled on your bed while jin checked his phone. You already had your eyes closed, feeling tired. But then you heard a crashing sound. Seokjin had dropped his phone. Opening your eyes, looking at him just to see him hiding under the blanket.
The sight was so adorable. You really wanted to giggle. But now was not the time for that. You quietly picked up his phone, wanting to see why he was so down. Namjoon did send him a message as it seemed. It said:
Namjoon - 00:15
"You lost something hyung! I found it because my fork fell under the table. Come & pick it up tomorrow. Meet me in my studio and have a good night. Enjoy it ;) "
♡ ~ Jimin ~ ♡
- Doesn't know if he should laugh or cry
- would be so embarrassed
- hiding his face in his hands
- the 'laugh out of panic' type
- Jimin would be so fluestered that you had to wonder who lost the toy of the both of you..
- "You lost what now??", "Come again??", he would laugh but hide his face in his hands
- you didn't even blink and his whole aura changed
- He quickly grabs the remote control to stop the toy from making noise
- "You better aren't lying to me just to get a break princess!~", he chucked, looking at you
- If he would find out, this was just you beeing a prankster he wouldn't give you any sort of orgasm in weeks..
- angry jimin is scary jimin-
- lucky the room was louder then the noise of the vibrator
- the other members seemed to have a good conversation, since they didn't pay any mind to the two of you
- jimin's duality saves the day
- "leave this to me~", he smirked
- oh no.. what is he planning now??
- well.. let's welcome actor jimin- (he learned from his best friend~ )
- "can I please get the sal-", with that he pretends to fall out of his chair
- now on the ground, he laughs as everyone else laughs too
- this dramaqueen.. but you decide to play along
- "are you okay honey??", you ask worried ( it's fake-worry)
- jimin gives you a thumbs up no one could see and smiles sweetly, "haha yes, yes all good j-just a moment-"
- thats when he crawled under the table searching for the toy
- "Huh? Yah jiminshi what are you doing??", jungkook asked confused
- "he said he lost his phone, it fell down haha~", you giggeled
- "o-oh.. not again jiminshi", jungkook sighed and continued to eat
- after a few seconds had past you started to worry for real
- where was jimin??
- then you felt two hands on your knees, spreading your legs apart
- you almost chocked on the air
- "I can't find the vibrator, let me check if you weren't lying princess~", you heard a dangerous voice whisper
- something wet teased your clit
- you gripped the table hard
- jimin was eating you out right there
- no fluestered jimin anymore
- good luck walking home later
- he even wants more later on, with toy or without
- wants to punish you for losing the vibrator
Jimin stopped chewing on his food just to look at you. Slowly swallowing before starting to laugh, "You.. lost what now?? Come again??", he asked. A blush formed on your cheeks, rubbing your thighs together from embarrassement. "I've lost my vibrator.. it fell under the table..b-because I tried to scratch my knee..", you whispered so only jimin could hear you. What a mess.
Now it clicked in jimin's head and his whole face got pale, hiding it in his hands, "love.. how could this happen?? Why us??", he laughed in his hands, "What should I do now?? This is so embarrassing..but hilarious omg..", your boyfriend continued to ramble on. You pouted, "You know.. I was the one who lost the vibrator not you.. why are YOU so fluestered??", a giggle left your mouth, shaking your head. This angelic boy is unbelievble! Yet so adorable.
But the fun was over as you felt jimin's stare on you. Trying to avoid looking in his eyes you looked down. Jimin leaned closer, now his lips where right nexr to your ear, "I fucked my beautiful girlfriend so much that she can't even hold a small vibrator in her cunt anymore.. that's a crime! That's why I'm fluestered~", he whispered with a smirk in his face. Before you could even think about his words, his fingers held your chin still. Now you had to look into his eyes. His stare was so intimidating, his eyes almost seemed to glow.
"You better don't lie to me just so you can get a break! After all you're a good girl right, princess?", your boyfriend whispered against your lips, not leaning in to kiss you tho. What a tease! You moved forward, kissing his lips as you whispered back, "I'm your good girl park jimin! I would never lie to you about this!", you smiled at him. Hoping he would finally stop his teasing and help you find the vibrator. A moment later jimin let go of you and leaned back in his seat. He took a sip from his drink and smiled back at you. Seriously, how can he be both? Cute and hot?? How does that even work??
"Leave this to me!", he smiled at you before turning back to the table. You already got worried, what was he going to do now? "Can I please have the salt-", he asked in a sweet voice while pointing somewhere on the table. A second later jimin fell from the chair, to the ground. He gasped and looked with wide eyes at the others. Now the whole attention was on him, but he looked at you. Understanding his plan you decided to go along.
"Are you okay honey??", you asked worried, with panic in your voice. Turning to him, "Don't worry y/n, this always happens to him. He'll be fine", namjoon said in a calm voice, looking at you with a warm smile on his face. "Yes, after all he should be used to it by now~", yoongi teased him. With that everyone laughed, making you laugh as well.
What no one else saw was how jimin gave you a thumbs-up before speaking again, "Haha really funny all of you! The whole room is laughing, even the food thought it was funny. Can't you hear it??", he pouted, looking at you, "Don't worry honey, I'm good. Just.. wait..", and so he crawled under the table to search for the lost toy. You focused back on the other members. They seemed to mind their own business again. Besides one. Jungkook.
Jungkook looked confused, "What are you doing under the table jiminshi?", the younger one asked. Quickly coming up with something you answered, "He said he lost his phone, it probably fell down with him..haha", you gave a small giggle in the end, hoping jungkook would let it go. Lucky for you, jungkook sighed, "Oh man.. not again jiminshi! Don't spoil him to much okay, y/n?", before going back to eating his dinner.
After a few minutes, jimin still was under the table. Slowly you paniced a bit. What happened? Can't he find the toy? You were so lost in your own thoughts that you almost jumped up at the ceiling as you felt two hands grab your legs. You felt how your legs got spread apart, cold air hitting your still wet cunt. Just as you were about to look under the table you felt something wet licking over your clit. Quickly covering your mouth with the back of your hand to press down a moan. It was so hot, your head was spinning. Another flick against your clit, then a deeper voice whispering, "I couldn't find the vibrator anywhere! Let me make sure you weren't lying princess~", jimin gently bit into your thigh as he pressed a finger down against your entrance.
It went in so easily. Slightly thrusting in and out while his tongue played with your clit. The pleasure made you hold on to the table. "Try to hold your moans back, at home you'll scream my name all night long! My cock will stuff you better as your small toy~", jimin whispered between your legs making sure you wouldn't be able to walk later.
♡ ~ Yoongi ~ ♡
- he couldn't care less
- looks at you, shruggs and continues to eat
- would say something like, "and now?", "what do you want ME to do?", "If it bothers you this much then go & pick it up"
- fjrjh- the savage he is
- still he loves you, so of course he will help you
- will stop the vibrator using the remote-control
- tells you to calm down & let it be
- BUT if you keep on whining yoongi will make sure you go & pick it up yourself
- or he just wouldn't touch your for days denying you any sort of pleasure
- But if you let it be, he will promise you to buy you a new one later on
- will praise you, "what a good kitten you're for me~"
- "why do you care for that toy so much?" "should I stuff you full with my fingers until later?", he teases
- will totally finger you & make you cum
- if someone of the other members notices your weird behavior and asks yoongi about it, he just goes, "I don't know, why don't you ask her yourself? Y/N is right here"
- Has a smirk on his face when nobody is looking
- After you all go home a suprise comes your way
- Oh dear, poor lucky you-
- Hoseok walks up to you & yoongi
- "I believe this belongs to you. Yoongi asked me to give it back to you. He also said you would reward me for keeping your lewd secret, is that right y/n?", hobi asked, giving you the vibrator back
- yoongi just chuckled, already having a plan in mind
The moment you told him, you already thought you would be done for. Meaning no reward for you tonight. To your own suprise yoongi just looked at you, shrugged and turned his attention back to his food. You were about to ask what that meant, as he rested his head on his hand, looking at you, "And what do you want me to do now? It's your vibrator isn't it?", yoongi said without blinking. Ahh, sometimes you forgot what a savage he was!
A pout formed on your lips, "But babe.. what if someone finds it? Won't it be embarrassing??", you whined while grabing his other hand, slightly pulling on it. Your boyfriend sighed as he pulled out the remote-control from his pocket and stopped the toy. "There! Are you happy now? Just forget about it, there are many people here. No one will know it was from you!", yoongi whispered back to you as he hid the remote-control again. With that he turned back to eat his dinner.
A frown covered your face. If the other members found out about this, it would be a huge embarrassement. You wouldn't be able to look any of them in the eyes ever again. "If it bothers you this much, go and pick it up yourself kitten!~, the whisper of your boyfriend hit your ear. A small smirk toyed on his lips. Hiding your face behind your hand you whispered back, "No it's alright.. I'm already embarrassed enough..", not wanting to cause a big scene you tried to let it go.
"Let's just forget it! That never happened, okay babe?", looking at the boy next to with a small smile on your face. "What a good kitten I have~", yoongi whispered against your lips and kissed you, "I'll buy my good kitten a new toy later. Would you like that?", he leaned back again but still looking at you. You just smiled and nodded, now also focusing on the food infront of you. It really looked delicious. Just as you were about to take a bit, you felt a hand caressing over your thigh. Holding your breath you eyed your boyfriend from the side. And should you really be suprised? A smirk covered his face, taking a sip from his drink while starring your way. Yoongi knew what he was doing as his hand moved upwards, under your dress and between your legs. Of course he knew! Spreading your legs open with his hand before caressing over your inner thigh. This had you chocking on your breath. Since you were holding it, your lungs struggled for air now.
Yoongi let out a chuckle as he leaned in, "Since you miss your toy this much my fingers will help you out for now! I'll stuff you full until we get back home. So be a good kitty okay?~", he whispered in your ear as he gently bit into it. A teasing lick before he pulled away. His deep voice and his dirty words had your clit throbbing. Shit! How was he this hot?? But you had no time to think about it as your boyfriend caressed over your clit. Rubbing it in circles, but slowly. To slowly! Biting your lip, leaning your chin against your hand, you tried your best to hide the unholy noices wanting to escape from your mouth. It really wasn't fair! Yoongi just sat there, not bothered by anything. Mean while you were a shaking, red-faced mess.
Things just got worse as yoongi decided to push a finger into you. He pushed it all the way in, as far as it could go. Hitting the right spot, you clenched your walls around him, making him chuckle again. Not moving at all, yoongi pushed a second finger in. Hitting your sensetive spot once again. A whine had left your lips but yoongi covered it up with the sound of a cough. You could feel his glare on you. A warning! Better be quiet otherwise no pleasure for a week or worse.
"Do you want to show your wet pussy off so bad? Mhh? Are you trying to get everyones attention so that you could tell them about your lost toy? About how needy you are?", yoongi whispered, starting to thrust his fingers deep and fast. You had no time to prepare for your up coming orgasm. It came so quick. Legs shaking wildly as yoongi continued, "Do you maybe hope that someone would have enough guts to stuff my girlfriend full with their cock? Infront of my eyes? What a whore you are!~".
The next thing you felt was a flick against your clit and then you saw white stars infront of your eyes. One hand grabbing the table hard while you bit into your other hand, which was covering your mouth. Gently thrusting back into your boyfriends fingers you calmed down. That was a good one. One that made you tired. A sigh left your mouth as you felt yoongi's fingers pulling out, leaving you empty. While you tried to take a sip of your drink, geting your mind together, a voice called out your name, "Yo is Y/N okay?.. yoongi.. everything okay?", seokjin asked you.
"Don't worry she is just fine. But why not ask her yourself? Y/N is right next to me, you know?", a sigh left your boyfriends lips as he looked at you. Playing innocenct infront of others, but the look he gave you was different. A teasing, dirty one. Oh, this night was long not over. You knew that! Playing along you smiled from yoongi, to the other members, "Thank you for worrying about me! I don't have a fever. I'm just a bit hot currently. But a bit fresh air should make me feel better", you answered. Lucky you, everyone seemed happy with your responds. Not asking anymore questions.
Ready to leave, jumping in yoongi's car you heard a familiar voice outside. Stopping yoongi you opened the door again and looked for the voice. Hoseok stood infront of you and smiled. His usually bright, sunshine-luke smile. What a sweet gesture. But couldn't help as to think something was off. The look in his eyes was darker. A bit to dark. The complete opposite of the bright smile he wore on his lips. Hobi looked at you, stared you down, basically eye-fucked you. It felt like he would undress you naked with just his gaze. He wanted something from you. So just what was this current situation??
"Sorry to stop you so suddenly Y/N. But I found this earlier and I thought I'd give it back to you. Yoongi asked me to give it to you myself, so here you go!", hoseok explained, sounding like a cute classmate who wanted to gave you some missed homework. Such a sweet guy! The next second hoseok pulled out your vibrator under his jacket. Holding it infront of your face. You could feel the world spinning.A huge blush covered your face, quickly grabbing the toy and throwing it rather careless into the car. How did this even happen?? On the inside you cursed at your sly, kinky boyfriend. This guy is unbelievble! When did he even-
"No!!-", hoseok yelled, "I-I just cleaned it and now you throwing it around like that..", a pout formed on the other boys lips. HE WHAT?? Did he just say.. hoseok cleaned your vibrator, which was inside of you, covered in your juices.. OMG!! Before your mind could progress any futher yoongi stopped you by yelling, "Yahh!! Kitten, don't just throw your vibrator at me! Otherwise I won't buy you a new one", he grumbled, picking up the toy.
You wanted to sink into the floor. What kind of situation is this?? Once again before you could open your mouth, hoseok stopped you, "Yoongi also said you would reward me for keeping your dirty little secret! Is that right Y/N?", he continued. HUH? How can someone ask these type of question's with such a innocenct looking face?? Hobi took a step forward, as you took one back. Now you were pressed against the car, hoseok standing infront of you with one leg in between yours. Another whisper fell against your ear, "After all.. I have enough guts to stuff you full with my cock! Infront of your boyfriend's eyes, infront of yoongi's eyes! So.. how about it k-i-t-t-e-n?", hoseok asked you, loud enough for yoongi to hear it tho.
You were fluestered. Your clit just throbbed. Fuck!! Why does everyone have to be so damn hot?? Staying quiet, you waited what yoongi would do or say. Usually he isn't the type to share. Wrong one look from anyone and the hell broke out. But.. yoongi always acted different around his members! Especially around Hoseok. So this would be interested..
"Your choice kitten! Don't you think we should thank him for keeping our dirty secret from the others?", yoongi smirked, looking towards you. Ahh, so he wanted this? Must be a new turn on for him. A new kink huh? "Yes~ Love, you're right! Thank you for helping us out hoseok! How about you come with us and join us tonight? I feel like rewarding you~", you smiled at the other boy. Still a bit shy but excited for the night to come. Hoseok nodded and smiled back at you.
"Can you two please jump in then and cut the flirting until we're home? It's cold!",  yoongi said, making the both of you laugh. Qickly geting into the car, closing all doors. It was s funny ride back home as you told hoseok the whole story about the lost vibrator. It felt somehow like home. Like you could trust any embarrassing storys to them. You just knew this night was going to be amazing. But what you didn't know at that time was..
This wouldn't be only 'ONE' night. This wouldn't be only 'ONE' secret you shared. This wouldn't be only a ' Thank you '! From this very second one you had two very hot, dom boyfriends in your live! And they would spoil you their whole live!
♡ ~ Jungkook ~ ♡
- the moment you tell him: jungshook
- silence, you thought broke him
- will help you find it but just wait until later
- will punish you!
- you won't walk the next morning or week
- will use his full stamina on you later
- as the lovely, caring boyfriend he is will calm you down
- will ask about the situation, "since when is it gone?" , "did you hear it falling?"
- smart boy will distract everyone by pushing the attention on to you
- leans in to you kiss you deeply on the lips and says, "You're so beautiful tonight babe~"
- now the other members whined to you about 'geting a room' and 'how adorable the two of you were'
- jungkook used this chance to disappear under the table
- He almost forgot he had the remote control on his phone
- taking out his phone, he stopped the vibrator
- after a few minutes he finally found the toy, quickly picking it up and hiding it under his jacket
- A sigh left his mouth but to soon
- Just as jungkook was about to crawl back to his sear, a fork fell down, jimin's fork
- before jk could react, jimin looked under table and looked into jk's eyes
- jimin got scared for a moment and almost jumped before starting to laugh
- what an embarrassing moment, other people would missunderstand this for sure
- the rumors which would spread from this scene.. embarrassing
- your boyfriend went through so much because of you, so you better comfort him all night
- Coming out from under the table and sitting down next to you again
- jungkook whispered to you that everything was found and fine now BUT you should get ready for later ;)
- and with that he meant fucking you in the bathroom
- you better show up if you don't want him angry
Jungkook's eyes were wide. His breath stopped for a moment. Oh.. he was so shocked. The poor babe.. "I'm sorry kookie.. I really don't know how this happened..", you whispered again, biting down on your lip. You were so scared to ruin Jk's whole carrier at this point. But how would you go and find the toy without someone seeing you?? So you decided to let your boyfriend know.
A smile appeared on his face as kookie whispered back, "Heyy~ Don't worry to much babe! I'm going to find it okay? Do you know since when it's gone?", one of his hands gently caressed your arm up and down. Trying to calm your nervous heart down. Gosh, kookie was soo sweet. At these times you realized how much you actually loved this man! "5 minutes ago you were moaning my name, rubbing your thighs together, begging me to stop so it can't be far right?", your boyfriend whispered in a teasing voice. THIS MAN!! And there it was... his famous duality! Like wtf??
A sweet but dangerous man! You couldn't help but get fluestered at his words. A laugh left his lips and he smirked, "What? You get shy now?~ How adorable babe! Let me go and check on your toy then okay?~", kookie whispered as he leaned in. Before you could even think about what he meant, he kissed you. A deep kiss, full with love. Once again, without thinking you kissed back. This man's lips were something else. Soft and warm. It made your heart flatter. Out of excitement! Gosh.. this man! How did you get so lucky? To call him yours. You asked this question yourself every single day.
Jungkook pulled away and winked at you before he said out loud, "Wow!!~ You're so damn beautiful tonight babe! I could kiss you forever~", as the words weren't powerfull enough, he licked over his lips. The lips which just touched yours, with the tongue which just touched yours. Oh.. the world was spinning again! But before you could sink in your thoughts, the other group members were talking to you.
"Jungkook and you are so adorable together Y/N!!", hoseok said with a big grin on his face. "When did Jk grow up this much?? I'm so proud of him!", namjoon smiled, taking a sip from his drink. "Woah!! Can it be?? Is jungkook better at flirting then me??", jimin giggled while leaning back in his chair. Hopefully he wouldn't fall again, you thought. "OMG!! Can't you two get a room?? My poor innocenct eyes??", seokjin whined while holding his hand infront of face. "But hyung, they aren't innocenct! Remember that one time we watched-", tae started to laugh while speaking. "EEWW!! Can we not talk about this now? I'm eating!!", yoongi said while whining. How adorable. Like a small baby kitten.
Mean while jk just disappeared under the table to search the lost vibrator and nobody noticed it. Taking out his phone, stopping the vibrator from making any noise he looked around. After a few minutes of search he found it. Quickly hiding it under his jacket. A sigh left his mouth. He finally found it. Now everything was solved. Or at least so he thought..
All of sudden a fork fell down next to him. Huh? Why? But as Jungkook realized the reason why and what was about to happen, it was already to late. The next second Jimin looked under the table just to stare right into Jk's eyes. "WAHH!!", jimin jumped back, geting scared just to laugh and shake his head, "W-What.. are you doing between my legs??", the boy asked between laughing. The other members started to laugh or look down in curiosity. Your heart just stopped from the panic. Omg no.. how would wou ever explain this situation? How would you ever look anyone normal in their eyes again?? Shit!.. But your boyfriend answer had your jaw hitting the floor. In the most calming voice ever, jungkook just goes like, "I was enjoying the view".
Silence. No one said anything. He not just said that, did he?? A huge blush was covering your face, you just got second hand embarrassement! Oh god.. the rumors that would spread from this scene. "Jungkook? Are you cheating on Y/N??", asked jimin, starting to giggle again. Now the others started to laugh too. "How dare you???", seokjin yelled, ready to scold the youngest.
"That's really not funny. Don't you think Y/N must be hurt?", hoseok sounded calm. To calm. Woah, that glare gave you chills. Poor kookie.. and actually that was all your fault! Well.. the vibrator's fault! But still.. "You know jungkook.. If you don't want Y/N, I do! I will treat her well too~" taehyung said with a smirk on his face, starring at you. Ohh this man!!
"WHAT?? HOW DARE YOU-", jungkook yelled, wanting to get up but hitting his head on the table. Now he was clearly mad! You had to stop this somehow!
Without thinking twice you stood up and laughed loud, " OMG! Stop Jungkook!! You clearly won this round! Let's stop playing the courage-game for tonight okay?", you walked towards jimin, helping your boyfriend up from under the table. Not caring about the toy anymore. "Ohh! So this was just a prank or something??", jimin asked confused. You nodded with a smile, "I dared him to scare you. Well.. I guess it worked", then you laughed, sitting down again. Lucky jungkook got what you were on about and nodded his head, "Yes!! I told you I would win babe!! Ahh.. and I'd never cheat on my love! So don't even try to hit on my girlfriend! Got it??", jungkook glared at everyone, but laughing after. Turning towards you as he whispered, "I got it! Everything is solved~", he smiled as he kissed your cheek.
Your heart calmed down as you heard this words from him. Everything was normal again. But as jungkook's eyes met yours once again, the look had changed. It was way darker. Oh.. he was mad. You felt a gently bite on your ear as kookie whispered, "Meet me in 5 minutes in the bathroom! Don't come later or else.. hehe~", he chuckled softly, standing up and excusing himself to the bathroom. Your heartbeat increased with every word of his. Oh boy.. Taking a sip from your drink you thought of how to slip away, without beeing obvious.
"Uhm.. I don't mean to seem rude boys but I kinda feel so full from eating, I'll take a walk while having some fresh air outside", you said, smiling warmly while standing up. "Sorry to hear that y/n. But someone should join you, it's dark outside after all!", joonie answered with a returing warm smile. "I'll go with you! Until jungkook comes back from the bathroom that is~", jimin stood up and grabbed his jacket.
'Shit!', you cursed on the inside. This was a bad idea!! "There is really no need jimin. You are still eating after all. I wanted to wait for jk infront of the bathroom and go outside with him. But thank you, you're all so sweet!", you blushed, looking away with a giggle. You meant it, you really did. But right now was a bad timing for much company. "O-oh.. Oh! I get it. That's no big deal. Have fun y/n~", jimin's face lit up with a grin and sat down again. He winked at you and minded his buisness again. Did he realise? No right..
Without thinking twice you went to the bathroom to find your boyfriend. Standing infront of the men's bathroom you hoped no one would see you. With a quick look you around you slipped inside the bathroom. No one there. Lucky! Running towards the bath stalls. All of suddden a hand grabbed you and pulled you in one of the stalls. "Just in time princess~", jungkook whispered in your ear, locking the door. Shock was written over your face but disappeared quickly. "Don't scare me like that!", you whispered back, now pouting a bit. Jungkook just laughed and pressed you against the wall. Pinning you between his arms. His tattooed, strong arms. He pushed his tongue into his cheek while starring at you. Gosh, he looked so damn fine! You felt yourself geting wet. Rubbing your thighs together.
"Looks like you want me to right?", he asked, leaning in, stopping shortly before your lips, "You want my cock inside of you. Filling you up. Replacing the toy of yours. Punishing you for not keeping it in like a good darling!", he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours. Your heart was about to explode, you were horny and so in love. "Beg me & I'll do it~", with that jungkook leaned away and sitting down on the closed toilet. Fuck, did he have to man spread now?
"Go on, sit on my lap and beg me to fuck you right here!~", jk said, pushing back his hair, looking at you. The lust in his eyes clearly visible. This would be a looong walk outside...
♡ ~ Hoseok ~ ♡
- the moment your words left your lips, 'BOOM', a shocked hoseok
- looks at you with wide eyes, chocking on his glas of wine
- hitting his chest, within his now fast beating heart, "YOU.. WHAT? HOW? HERE?? WHERE IS IT NOW??", hoseok asked you loud enough for the other members to hear
- what a mess..
- the moment hoseok realised his mistake it was already to late
- the other members were talking all at the same time, laughing, teasing, making jokes
- since it clearly wasn't the first time they caught hobi & you in the act
- and it wouldn't be the last either..
- while having fun & talking you shortly forgot about the actually issue here
- that was until yoongi looked at you, giving you hints
- what does he want to tell you?
- It couldn't be... was the toy with him??..
- Hoseok, still embarrassed but now horny from this whole situation quickly picked up on your & yoongi's gazes
- a jelaous hoseok dragged you out to show you who you belong to, what a turn for the better
- who cares about the toy if you could have the real thing right???
- all of sudden you heard yoongis voice behind you
- hoseok smirks at yoongi, than to you
- oh boy.. you were in trouble..
"WHAT?", hoseok screamed, entertaining the whole restaurant. He was so shocked that he chocked on his wine. Trying to catch his breath, your boyfriend didn't even realise the chaos he just had created. You blushed, laughing embarrassed, hardly trying to think of an excuse. Which was hard with all eyes on you. After realising what he did, hoseok quickly looked to you, then back at the boys. Did they catch on to it?? "What did you do now?", jimin asked while laughing at hoseoks face. "I bet something dirty..", yoongi said while he continued to eat his food.
This made everyone laugh until seokjin coughed and looked at hoseok, "Yah!! Can you two not get me involved in your dirty-games, for once?", if someone looked closely you could see jin's red ears. Hoseok laughed and waved his hand, "sorry, sorry hyung~ Haha~ But you walked into the wrong roo-"
"BAHH!!! BAHHHH!", seokjin started to yell and jumped up from his chair. Now it was your turn to laugh, both, out of embarrassement & out of fun. "It is your fault! You two should keep this thing more privat! And y/n, don't you act innocenct now!!", seokjin pouted, also embarrassed & mad about it. Which made you laugh even more. How is he so funny without trying??
"Why is he so mad?", namjoon asked laughing at the scene. "Hyung walked in on Hoseok-hyung & y/n doing it from behind-", jungkook said looking on his phone. "YAH!!!", seokjun blushed while hiding his face in his hands. Namjoon just sighed and patted jin's shoulder, "Seriously? First me now hoseok?". Hoseok couldn't help but to laugh and put an arm around you, "You have to knock hyung~". The teasing ended with yoongi saying, "Can you not cockblock people?". For a moment you forgot about the actually issue. Forgot about the embarrassement. Forget about the wetness between your thighs.
But the moment you cought yoongi's eyes he smirked at you and looked down at his feed, hiding under the table. At first you didn't get what he meant but the gaze towards hoseok then back to you said it all. Your eyes widened, almost a gasp came over your lips, "No way??..", you quietly mouthed towards yoongi. The other group-member just bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders . 'What's that suppose to mean???', you thought, face geting warm at the embarrassement. Was he messing with you?? Like it's not the first time yoongi or the other members caught you in the act. But it wasn't like you didn't caught him with someone else in the act either.. Lucky no one took it actually serious. All these embarrassing storys would be told later as a funny expierence between the closest of friends!
'No way.. is he geting revenge on me?? For that one time I saw him riding-', "Y/N? You have been starring at me for quiet some time now.. do I have sonething on my face?", yoongi asked, acting calm. This sly...
"Or did something that I said earlier made you curious about me?", a small smirk formed on his face. 'Don't you dare..', you mouthed quietly at him. But it was already to late..
"Ahh.. I somehow forgot my phone in the car. Sunshine, can you come with me to get it?", hoseok ask in a charming, bitter-sweet tone. Oh namjesus.. you were in for something now.. "Of course my sun~" you answered, smiling even tho you knew it wasn't the right time to call him that. You rather should call him something else...
You stood up and hobi & you walked to his car. "Get in! On the backseat! We have things to discuss", he said in a dark, deep voice. "H-Hoseok here? What if someone-", "Oh I want them to see! I want them to know what's mine!", hoseok said opening the car door for you. You were still railed up from earlier but now you were really on the edge. After laying down on the backseat, you all of sudden heard a voice behind hobi, "Yo jhope you lost something! Better yet.. your partner lost something~", the voice said. Wanting to sit up to see who it was but hoseok pushed you back down with one hand and turned around, "Y-You found it?", his voice cracked a bit, shy from the sudden confrontation.
Within a second hoseok's whole attitude changed, "Well.. did you brought it with you?", your boyfriend asked with a dark undertone. It turned him on too, the bugle im his pants clearly proved it. The person gave your beloved toy back to hoseok and leaned against the car door just to look down at you. Seeing who it was made you just even more excited for what was about to come..
Yoongi smirked at you, "Soo which one was it? Why did you stare at me? Don't worry you can be honest! Your boyfriend already gave his permission~". Hoseok looked at you with a soft smile, yet his eyes were still dark, "Answer him honestly sunshine!~". You tried to calm your fast beating heart as you yelled, "I want you! The both of you! I want yoongi and hoseok to be mine..," Yoongi just laughed and hoseok said, "Well said my sunshine! No.. our sunshine!"
♡ ~ Taehyung ~ ♡
- would talk you in safety just to mess with you
- his duality..
- gentleman in streets but not in the sheeds-
- "aww love don't worry we all lose something here and there", has the softest voice
- even his eyes show nothing but sympathy
- BUT you know tae better than that..
- this meant a long night without orgasm
- he would make you apologize for it and you loved it
- behave like a brat and he might even spanks you
-tae: no one will know
-you: they gonna know..
- A tease, loves to see you fluestered
- lucky the other members are already used to your "games"
- poor you
- tae just acting all innocent and oblivious infront of the members while opening your bra in public
- the embarrassement on your face was his favorite thing
- while you ran to the bathroom, tae just chills with his members
- seokjin can't catch a break with the two of you
- his poor eyes, he was so embarrassed
- seeing your toy on the floor beneath him
- you came back, almost having a meltdown
- tae just playing along with the others
- ACTOR TAE everyone
- after the conversation calmed down you thought yourself in safety
- but not so fast..
- why is jungkook looking at you like that?
- does he know?
- why is jk waiting in tae's car to go home?
- Is tae smirking?
- you couldn't help but be excited
Taehyung looks at you with an unreadble expression before smiling gently at you. His eyes full of love and understanding, "Poor cutie~ Don't worry, I'll find it before anyone else does! See, I'll just turn the toy off so no matter where it is, no one will hear it!~", tae said while he presses the remote in his pocket and turns it off just to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
"What where you two talking about hyung?", asked jungkook, beeing the curious boy he is. A small blush forming on your cheeks as you quietly toke a sip from your drink, trying to avoid eye contact. Soon realising, leaving tae to answer this was a bad idea, "Y/n just lost my favorite toy and wanted to know if I'm mad about it~" , he answered casually, continueing to eat. You on the other hand just chocked on your drink, coughing like crazy. Did he really just say-
"Are you okay y/n? Do you want me to pat your back?", tae asked you, not blinking once, with the softest smile on his beautiful lips. He... And this was when you realised he was doing this on purpose! A punishment! So he was mad after all.. oh lord..
While still coughing you nodded, which was the second bad idea this evening. Taehyung stands up, pats your back and opens your bra. Having this small, very slightly smirk on his face. No one would notice, maybe jimin. But you did notice. The act itself told you! If he already started like this you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. But you should have seen the look on your face! Priceless! And tae thought so as well. Poor you. Tae just sits down again with that caring smile on his face, "Did it help, are you better now?". Forcing a smile, you leaned akwardly on the table, "mhh... yes! t-thank you love~", not beeing able to handle the embarrassement anymore you quickly excused yourself to the bathroom.
"Soo... hyung, what did you do?!", jungkook adked, clearly judging him. With one eyebrow raised and his arm leaning on the table he looked at his older hyung. "What do you mean?", tae answered with a question, keeping this careing smile on his face, not giving into the teasing. Jk just sighed with a turn of his head, "yoo jimin-shi, take a look at taehyung he is up to something again". Jimin turned to them both, "Not again! Here?? Really?! What did she do this time?", giggeling to himself and shaking his head at his best friends actions. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about~", tae said, his lip moving up a bit, which was gone again within seconds. "Hyung said, y/n lost his favorite toy so does he mean-", jungkook continued, looking from jimin to tae with a smirk. Just as he wanted to finish his sentence someone screamed, "THIS??? WHAT IS THIS???", making everyones head turn.
Seokjin had jumped up from his chair, staring at the ground in disbelieve. Who would do such a thing?? Why him??
Tae playdd his part incredible well, letting out a gasp while looking all shocked. You on the other hand... You just came back, now calmed down, wondering what the fuck was going on, "hey guys, i'm back-.. whaats wrong??", you asked confused yet a bit worried. Seokjin looked liked he had seen a ghost. "I AM FURIOUS Y/N!!! Look at the floor!!", jin yelled, his ears turning all red. You raised an eyebrow and looked down confused but suddenly got really pale in the face. Now you had seen the ghost. The ghost of your missing, long lost toy, it was laying under seokjin's chair. Still shining with your juices..
"O-Oh my god..", you let out, feeling the ground beneath you disappear. "RIGHT?! Who would do such a thing here??", jin was shaking his head in disappointment before looking up again, "Oh,.. don't tell me..", looking around, then at you. Your heart stopped at that moment, hoping to look very confused. But you could feel your cheeks geting hoter every second. You looked over to tae, who looked at you with a shrug of his shoulders. "D-Did.. I bring the toy of my wife with me by acciddent??..", seokjin asked more himself than the others.
"YOU WHAT??", tae asked in shock, gasping a bit and lookimg away. Acting shy. You decided to play along, a laugh leaving your mouth, "haha omg no..", making everyone else laugh too. Everyone. Besides Jungkook. He was starring at you with a blush on his face. Having put two and two together he understood very well what game you lovers played. "You good there jk? You look a bit fluestered?", jimin asked. Jungkook as about to answer but got cut off, "He is fine. Just shocket that our LOVELY hyung would be so naughty", taehyung said with a sigh, patting jk's head softly. While you sat down again you looked at jungkook in panic. Did he know? He didn't right??
Jungkook looked back at you with the same panic. RIGHT?? "Aghh!! Let's just forget about this okay??!!", jin yelled, quickly picking up the toy and hiding it in his bag. You decided to take a sip from your drink, trying to calm down again. After that everything went almost normal. Almost. Jungkook side-eyed you and taehyung all the time. Making you feel very akward and shy.
Later, once everyone was saying their goodbyes and going home, tae took you back to his car, "Go in already, I'll get our toy back from hyung!", tae said, kissing you on the forhead. Before saying otherwise tae was already walking away. So you did as your boyfriend told you and sat inside the car.
"So y/n, care to explain what turned you on so much that your toy slipped out?", a voice asked from the backseat, making you jump out of your skin. "Who?! WHA-", you yelled, blush forming on your face as you realised it was only jungkook. He looked back at you with a smirk, leting out a chuckle, "Did I scare you?". Leting out a sigh, while trying to calm your nerves and heart, "So.. you did know after all?", you asked, biting your lip. Great, very embarrassing. Another chuckle left his lips, "I'm pretty sure besides jin, everyone did hehe~", he laughed. Your mouth opened and closed again, another sigh left you, "I guess I should've known right?". You turned around, faceing jungkook fully, "Does.. tae know?.. I mean, about you knowing?", you asked looking away, not beeing able to hold eye contact.
"Do I know what?", tae asked while entering the car, looking at you with a soft smile. Tae sat down in the car, starting it. "Uhm.. hyung shouldn't you first explain?", jungkook looked at tae, biting his lip. Was he nervous? Your boyfriend nodded, turning to you, "Y/N I have a suprise for you.. yet maybe it will become more like a punishment..", tae smirked, looking over to jungkook. "Will you help me teaching her a lesson?", tae asked while pushing your hair to the side, eyes all on jk tho. "It would be my pleasure~", jungkook chuckled, leaning forward and patting tae's shoulder. Now you saw where this was going. And you liked it! You loved it! Very much!
"Y/N are you comfortable with beeing shared between both of us tonight?", your boyfriend, taehyung asked while gently caressing your cheek with his hand. He didn't have to ask twice. Head nodding wildly, "Yes!! Please!!!", you said with your heart beating fast.
"Great! Then jungkook.. you will see why she was so wet to lose her toy~", tae started to drive, leaving the place. This would be an interesting expierence~
♡ ~ Namjoon ~ ♡
- you tell him, he nods his head, continueing to eat
- cool, cool, WHAT? SAY THAT AGAIN!
- stops nodding head, stops chewing and looks at you
- confused like he is trying to understand what you just said
- he is loading everyone, be patient!
- "but you wear panties right?", thats it, his answer. "Soo how-?"
- "I used the small one today joonie", you sighed, looking fluestered on your plate
- originally you thought using the small toy was the best choice here but well bad idea..
- namjoon shwalloed his food and patted your thigh to calm you down, "Don't worry we will find it. Whats the worst that can happen? Someone else seeing it? Well.. the other members aren't really innocenct soo.. nervermind!", he smiled, giving you a kiss on the forhead
- you can see why is he the leader! He is just so amazing at solving problems, he managed to calm you down just with his words alone
- you smiled back at him, thanking him
- to soon-
- "I'll just stop the noise with the remote. Than no one will hear it!"
- good idea just a bit clumsy
- joonie pulled out the remote control, which slipped out of his fingers and fell into the soup infront of him
- causing the soup to swap over on the table
- you didn't know if you should laugh or cry
- joonie just sits there questioning his life choices
- the others members scould him again to be carefull while cleaning up the mess, feeling bad for the staffs
- laughing it off, namjoon tried to calm you down again
- "I'll be right back babe", joonie said, throwing his fork under the table, "oh no.. haha.. look at me beeing so clumsy today", he laughed while crawling under the table
- somehow you had a feeling this was a bad idea
- "you know you could just use a new fork right hyung?", jimin said laughing
- "noo that would be irresponsible. Let's not give people who do the dishes even more work!", joonie answered.
- you all talked and talked, laughed and spoke
- but no sign of namjoon
- where did your boyfriend go??
- all of sudden your phone beeped, a new messeage from joonie?
- you gasped as you opened it, a picture with many toys loaded on your screen
- "which one is yours?", joonie had wrote
- wtf? The blush formed on your face, to embarrassed to think over the situation in detail
- quickly typing the answer but joonie was already back up with his fork
- he looked at you with a knowing face
- he was up to something.. ohoh
- you looked at him with a confused look
- "count the toys in the photo", he said with a wink, before cleaning his fork
- funny how there were 7 toys in the photo, wait.. omg!!
- as you got it your brain was about to explode
- data overload..
- later on as dinner was over and everyone already left, just namjoon, jimin and you were still there
- "could it be that you lost something..?", jimin asked, looking curious at the both of you
- "yes but you did too!", namjoon answered, smirking at him
- "Indeed! Soo should we go and get it together? After all my love is waiting for me~", jimin chuckled, eyeing the door.
- both of them get under the table get their stuff while you just stand their, mouth agape
- jimin left and namjoon smirked at you, "We should go home too. You must be frustrated, let me make you feel good babe~",
- you both were on the way home, walking inside the house
- "undress for me and lay on bed will you? I'll be there in a second~",
- "let me just text jin again. He 'forgot' something. I'll make sure to remind him~", joonie laughed while picking up his phone
A nod, another nod, still nodding after what you just told him, he kept eating. A second later his eyes widened, he stopped nodding and chewing. Turned his head to you. You were nervous, waiting for his reaction. But nothing, he just sat there. Sorting the information. After a few seconds he looked at you confused, "But you're wearing panties.. right?", you nodded, "so.. how did it-", he started but you cut him off, "I used the small one today joonie!", letting out a sigh you stared embarrassed on your plate. How did this even happen? How did you not notice?? Orginally you thought using the small one would be a good idea and more comfortable but well.. looks like it was a bad idea after all.
It was like namjoon felt right away your anxiety and patted your thigh, shwalloing his food and whispering, "Don't worry babe! We will find it! What is the worst that can happen? Someone else finding it? Well.. the members aren't exactly innocent soo.. nevermind?!". Joonie kissed you on the forhead with a warm smile. You could see why he was the leader, he was so good at handling problems, taking care of everyone, making them feel at ease. He calmed you down with his words alone. "Thank you love", you smiled but it was way to soon.
"Let me stop the noice first", namjoon said, pulling out the remore of the toy, wanting to stop it. But before he could press any button it fell out of his hands, right in the soup beneath him. That caused the soup to swap over on the table. A huge gasp left you making everyone look at the scene. You really didn't know if you should laugh or cry. Namjoon just sat there, questioning his life choices. "Yahh, not again", yoongi sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "At least it wasn't our table this time!", jimin laughed and leaned back in his chair. "Still! Let's not leave it like this okay?", hoseok said while standing up and cleaning it with a few tissues, "I'll feel bad for the people that work here!". What a kind soul, you wiped a tear on the inside.
Looking at joonie, he smiled and patted your tigh again, "I'll be right back babe~", with that he threw his fork under the table. "O-Oh no.. haha.. look at me beeing this clumsy today..", with a small laugh and a sigh he climbed under the table. A feeling told you that was a really bad idea. You wondered why. "You know hyung, you could just use a new fork right? There are some more here", jimin laughed, looking from namjoons chair to you. You just shrugged. "Noo that would be irresponsible! Let's think on the people who do the dishes okay?", joonie answered, beeing the sweet heart he always was. You all talked and talked, and laughed but no sign of namjoon since he went under the table. Slowly you got nervous. Where was your boyfriend?? Did he go to buy a new toy or what??
Suddenly you phone beeped. Checking it you saw one new messeage from namjoon. Your looked confused. What does that mean? Opening the message you gasped, almost dropping your phone at the sight.
'Which one is yours?' - babe ♡ - 20:35
[ photo]
The messages said, showing a picture with many toys under the table. Wtf?? You had to try very hard to keep it together. The situation got more akward with the second. Feeling your face geting red at the embarrassement you quickly typed in your answer. But right in this moment joonie was already back up with his fork in hand. Wondering what now you waited for his answer. He sat down, cleaning his fork and lookinh at you. This look! He was planning something! Ohoh..
Raising one eyebrow you looked confused at him. "Count the toys in the picture", namjoon said with a knowing smirk on his face. Looking back at the picture on your phone you did what you were told. Huh?! Funny! There were really 7 toys like yours in the picture. Wait?!
Your eyes widened. Did that mean everyone here- Your brain was about to crash. OMG! No way! Looking at joonie you wanted to know if you understood right. The smirk of his said it all. Yet he acted normal and just continued to eat, with a fresh fork. What a dork..
Later everyone was leaving, one after another. Until just jimin, namjoon and you were left. Just packing your things, still talking a bit and drinking the glas empty.
"Hyung, could it be that you both lost something? I saw it earlier..~", jimin asked with a teasing, curious look on his face. You were about to deny it. Yet namjoon smiled and nodded, "Yes we did. But I believe you did too right jimini?~", a teasing smirk at the younger member was added. But jimin just chuckled and nodded, "Indeed! So should we go and get it back? After all.. my love is waiting for me ~", he asked looking at joonie and then at the door. You just stood there, mouth agape as they both went under the table to pick up their items.
If there was one thing you learned it was that a day with bts was never boring! And you loved it! You loved them! But the most you loved you boyfriend, kim namjoon!
Jimin had left and you and joonie were already in your car, almost at his home.
"Let me make you feel good once we're home babe! You must be frustrated~", joonie smirked at you while parking the car. Walking inside the house, in his bedroom he kissed you, "Undress for me, lay on the bed. I'll be there in a second~", with that he picked up his phone and chuckled, "Let me just text seokjin, he 'forgot' something at the dinner. Just want to remind him~". You started to laugh and hide your face in your hands. You couldn't believe this~
(Sorry for grammar mistakes! I hope you still enjoyed! Thank you for reading~ )
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leithsin · 4 months
Am I allowed to be sappy on the main? Because I'm going to be sappy on the main. I was browsing the Karmaland tag when I found your post about the animatic you made for the election arcs, and I clicked on your profile, because if you were still somewhat active I wanted to drop an anon ask giving you a compliment (your animatic was absolutely incredible, after all), only to be slapped in the face with your pinned Purgatory art. And that's when I had to stop myself to stare. Really stop and just stare, because I felt like I was looking at something that deserved that moment of silence.
I'm from a very, very homogeneous region, where its defining feature is its high Scandinavian population and its high school football team. Your animatic was my first introduction into Karmaland, and really into non-English content creation as a whole. I spent a good hour scrolling through the comments on your video with my laptop's translation on, and your video playing in the background, and just taking it all in. It's genuinely something incredible. Your color choice, the way you formatted the video, the song; everything about it was amazing. You were able to condense such a complicated and complex series of events down into something a larger audience could really get into, without losing what made Karmaland what it was. And that's something absolutely incredible. You're what got me into the series, and while my Spanish might still be the most accented thing on this side of the Prime Meridian, I'm making an effort. Because I wanted to connect with that community. That community that I learned about from your animatic, as sheltered and as strange as it may sound.
So I came to your Tumblr page, because I wanted to tell you that animatic was genuinely on the wall of fame in terms of artistic expression I had seen.
And I find your Purgatory art.
Honestly, you've gotten unbelievably better. I don't even know what to say at this point, because when I saw your QSMP art I had to stop and stare, the same way I did your Karmaland animatic. I can still see you're the same artist that you were a year ago, when you first posted 'I can decide', but you've grown an absolutely insane amount. Your composition, color choice, and your handle on the way that bodies work are all insane. Heck, I remember stumbling across your SunnySideUp art a month or so back and thinking about how genuinely awesome it was-because it was awesome, truly.
You're an inspiration, and while you don't know me, the art you've made has shifted something in my worldview.
You're an absolutely incredible, admirable artist, and you deserve to know that.
Parasocial with a tumblr artist? Me? Ha, never *sweats nervously*
That's really it. Gracias por todo y I hope this ask finds you well, and it isn't too awkward, rambly, or flat out weird.
Hihi, I'm sorry for the late reply, but your message totally caught me off guard - in the best way possible! - Like...I found myself reading it at random times of the day while I was working and I was surprised every time
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I once read that people express emotions better in their native language, and since you're talking about the Karmaland animatic and how it inspired you to try and learn a bit of Spanish, and also of the QSMP, I feel compelled to write my reply in my native language...well, maybe a bit of spanglish here and there, but hey, that's just how I express myself!
I'll also put a translation between parentheses , so feel free to take this as a fun opportunity to practice—or not, up to you!
Siento que acabo de recibir un premio, no te voy a mentir me asusté porque pensé que era algo malo cuando vi mucho texto! PERO- Siento que es el mensaje mas bonito que he recibido, empezar a dibujar a los 12 años desemboco en que ahora recibiera este mensaje y me hace muy feliz!! De verdad te agradezco que te tomaras el tiempo de escribirme AAAA (I feel like I just won an award, I'm not gonna lie, I got scared because I thought it was something bad when I saw a wall of text! BUT- I feel like it's the nicest message I've ever received. Starting drawing at 12 years old led to receiving this message now, and it makes me really happy. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to write to me)
Cuando empecé el animatic de Karmaland, sabia que las de personas que me seguían en ese momento en youtube estaban alli por el masochism tango. La mayoria probablemente no conocia mucho de un server en español que nada que ver con ese, asi que tuve la intención de seguir un orden cronológico de la historia, un simbolismo en cuanto colores, cuidado con la caracterizacion de personajes para que fueran distinguibles, etc...para que las personas que no tuvieran ningún contexto sobre Karmaland, tambien pudieran entender algo al relacionar las imagenes y las líricas. No sé que en que tanta medida lo logré, pero me hace feliz ver que algunos de los comentarios principales que hay en el video es gente en inglés intentando entender el lore asi como tú! (When I started the Karmaland animatic I knew that the people following me at that time on YouTube were there for the Masochism tango animatic. Many wouldn't know much about a server in spanish unrelated to that one, so I did intend to follow a chronological order of the story, try to incorporate symbolism in terms of colors, take care with character design to make them distinguishable, etc...This was so that people who didn't have any context about Karmaland could still understand something by relating the images to the lyrics. I'm not sure to what extent I achieved this? but it makes me happy to see that some of the main comments on the video are from English-speaking people trying to understand the lore just like you!)
De verdad es tan bonito ver a alguien como tú hacer el esfuerzo extra de aprender sobre una nueva cultura sobre la que no sabes nada, usar el traductor, intentar entrar a una comunidad diferente- y que mi animatic fuera la causa de ello me llena de muchisimo orgullo- Y MEJOR AUN, VINISTE A TUMBLR A DECIRME, QUE TERNURITA AAA (It's truly heartwarming to see someone make the extra effort to learn about a new culture you know nothing about, using the translator, trying to join the community- and that my animatic was the cause of it? fills me with so much pride - AND EVEN BETTER, YOU CAME TO TUMBLR TO TELL ME, HOW ADORABLE AAA)
I can't decided el animatic es mi bebecito, que decirte, ese mes de trabajo? worth it, lo haría otra vez, y quizas me tomaria unos días mas porque a veces lo veo y hay unos frames que me quedó MMM, QUE PASO AQUI LEITH, PINCHE FLOJA (I can't decid the animatic is my baby you know? That month of work? Worth it. I'd do it again, and maybe I'd take a few more days because sometimes I look at it and there are some frames that make me go mmm, what happened here Leith? you lazy fuck)
El arte del purgatorio y lo que le gustó a la gente me sorprendió muchisimo! Lo use para experimentar con escalas en blanco y negro, y lo hice en un lienzo pequeñito, y BOOM, mi pinche dibujo mas reblogueado. Yo y mi mala suerte porque esta todo chiquito JAJAJA Pero es un dibujo que me gusta muchisimo, pude juntar un poquito de mi carrera de diseño gráfico con la ilustración porque originalmente nada tenia fondo, solo estaban en un fondo blanco! (The Purgatory art and how much people liked it surprised me so much! I used it to experiment with scales in black and white so I did it on a tiny canvas, and BOOM, my darn drawing got the most reblogs I've ever had for a drawing. Me and my bad luck because everything's so tiny LOL But it's a drawing that I like a lot, I got the chance to combine a bit of my graphic design career with illustration. Originally the drawing didn't have a background or anything, just a white canvas!)
No sé si llegaré a hacer algun animatic el QSMP, a pesar de que lo veo de vez en cuando en eventos importantes, estoy muy perdida en terminos de lore, la vida me tiene un poco agarrada del cuello y es dificil mantenerse al tanto con todo! que no pasaba con Karmaland porque es un server chiquito. PERO si llegó a hacer uno en algun momento, espero tambien puedas verlo! (I'm not sure if I'll ever make an animatic for QSMP. Even though I catch glimpses of it at important events I'm pretty lost in terms of lore. Life has me a bit overwhelmed, and it's hard to keep up with everything! It wasn't like this with Karmaland because it's a smaller server. BUT if I do end up making one at some point I hope you'll watch it too!)
Me pone contenta saber que las composiciones o las elecciones de color, o incluso cositas como la postura del cuerpo, que pienso que son cosas que la gente pasaría por alto, son notadas no solo por ti, sino por muchas personas, de verdad es muy alentador! Ya le tome screenshot a este ask y me lo voy a poner cada que me sienta desmotivada B) (It makes me happy to know that compositions, color choices, or even little things like body posture which I think people might overlook, are noticed not only by you but by many others. It's really encouraging! I've already taken a screenshot of this ask and I'm going to keep it for whenever I feel demotivated B) )
¡¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!! Perdón si te escribí mucho, pero siento que tu respuesta lo merecia! No te preocupes por ser parasocial querido anon, TKM mucho, me hiciste el día, la semana y el mes y te deseo todo lo mejor! Te aseguro que le harías el día a cualquier artista con un mensaje como ese y hoy fue mi día de suerte! :D
(MUCHAS GRACIAS! Sorry if I wrote too much, but I felt like your response deserved it! Don't worry about being parasocial, dear anon, TKM mucho, you made my day, week, and month, and I wish you all the best! I assure you that any artist would be delighted with a message like that and today was my lucky day :D)
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andromebaa · 8 months
The Big Just the Two of Us Post
In February this year, I started writing a little silly fic for funsies. Well actually, I literally posted a chapter I wrote a year ago on my brand-new AO3 account. I thought, hm, maybe someone might be interested in this? I'm gonna be real with you all - I had literally no plans. Like, none. It was just a one-off chapter. Just a silly concept - what if Kaito and Kokichi got stuck in a simulation? Wouldn't that be hilarious? What kinda silly shenanigans would these two guys get up to? They'd probably just keep killing each other lmao. Nine months and over 140,000 words later, I churned out the longest piece of writing I have ever created. Ever. I'm not even joking.
Did I ever know that my magnum opus was gonna be a horror/sci-fi Oumota fic? No. Am I glad it is? Surprisingly, yes. There is so much I want to say and I don't even know where to begin. Massive shout-out to everyone who has been reading since the beginning. I can't believe you still stuck around even when the fic took like several shocking swerves. All of those kudos and comments meant so much to me too. The actual joy I got every time my comment notification went up by one is a type of euphoria I'll never get over.
Also another shout-out to the people who unbookmarked en masse once it got real messed up I'm so sorry but yeah I totally get it. Trust me I was not expecting it to get so dark lmao. Thanks @theskix for putting up with me talking about this goddamn fic for nine months straight (cheese forgive me) and being a fantastic springboard for ideas (brain fuzzy but I'm pretty sure he's the guy who came up with Miu eating cereal while walking in on them say thank you) Shout out to the concept of Oumota and every single Oumota fan in existence cuz like holy crap apparently people who like scary stuff and suffering just gravitate to these two guys apparently. Like I don't think I can begin to stress that I was never an Oumota fan. This fic turned me into one. I literally cannot stop thinking about them my brain is full of worms (or leeches I'm funni). Now for the fun part - what's coming up next? Well I'm planning on taking a break from any massive projects for the next month and a bit so I can participate in NaNoWriMo. May as well keep riding the train while it's still running, right? Once we get to December, I'm hoping to start the next fic in what I want to call my Dangan Horror trilogy. I'm also wanting to start writing a fic set in the Just the Two of Us universe from Miu's perspective. I may do these both at the same time, but I'll see how I go. I may do some smaller fics from time to time, especially if any fun-looking writing/themed events pop up, but I'll get to those when they occur. As always, my ask box and messages are open so please feel free to ask me anything about Just the Two of Us. I'm happy to give more info on my writing process, inspiration, headcanons, or anything you're dying to know. Thank you so so much for your continued support! It seriously means the world to me and provides me the motivation to continue to write. Until next time! ~ Mosey/Andromebaa
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donnerpartyofone · 1 month
At the risk of overstating the obvious, people are so weird on the internet. Like what do they want? Actually I have a personal system for understanding this, in which internet users (by which I really mean social media including anywhere you can leave comments) are grouped by apparent motivation, like:
seeking community
seeking fights (sometimes trolls, sometimes just anger issues)
seeking performance platforms (bloggers, ahem)
seeking information (including media)
seeking opportunities to provide information (blowhards, know-it-alls, discourse warriors, etc)
...those are some basic ones and I think I can usually tell an individual's main motivation, especially if there is more than one example of their behavior. Once you have a grasp of the motivation, even really annoying behavior can become easier to tolerate, or at least to dismiss without worrying about it. Not necessarily EASY, but easy-ER.
Some people are just mysterious of course. I often think about this anon years ago who would do this thing: I'd make a very particular, detailed post about some movie I disliked and exactly why it didn't work. Anon would send me a totally mindless message like "I saw that on HBO the other night, me and the wife loved it! Great acting, awesome story, four stars!" There was nothing argumentative about it, he wasn't trying to debate me or ask a question or add information or even call me stupid. It was so confusing to me, like why tell me about it? I'd post the asks like "This random stranger on the internet has a differing opinion of Movie X." I mean what did he want me to do? I've had people get really pissed off at me because I don't like their favorite thing, and those people are idiots but like, I know what they want. They feel threatened and insecure and they want me to say "I surrender, you're right and I'm wrong," or they want me to agree to have an exciting fight with them. But I really didn't know what this one guy wanted. After I did this a few times, just posting like "Here's an anonymous stranger's opposing viewpoint I guess," he got REALLY MAD and sent me these angry, pained messages about how I'm being really mean and immature and I shouldn't use the internet if I can't handle different perspectives...which was like, not a good description of what was happening. He was coming to my personal, individual blog to file his own opinions as if it were an open forum or something; maybe he didn't understand how Tumblr actually works? It was very strange.
Sometimes when I post an opinion about [x] I'll get replies from people who don't agree, and the people and their replies are essentially civil, but there's that undercurrent of insecurity; they're uncomfortable enough hearing someone hate on something they like that they cannot prevent themselves from pressing the button on "Aw, but I like it!" even though they already know exactly what I have to say in the matter. I find that annoying but I can forgive it because it's so clear that deep down they wish everyone agreed with them, or they perceive judgment of their taste as judgment of themselves, and they can't help acting defensive. But then sometimes someone chimes in to contradict me about something and I just have no idea what their mission is. The entire reason I'm thinking about this right now is that I made this post recently about my dumb ol' movie collection--mostly I was just trying to be funny after a long day of chores--and for some reason when I put it on Facebook, this acquaintance/colleague I don't really know replied with this rebuttal specifically to the part about how I keep multiple editions of things because I might need the extras. I've been in a few binds with formal research where I really needed some interview or documentary packaged with a certain release, and it's not fun to have to source something now-rare that I used to own...and for whatever reason this guy had to leave this sober commentary about how his physical space is at a premium and he never unwisely keeps duplicates of anything because if it's really that important he'll just find the video hosted on the internet somewhere, etc. And I thought...I don't get what this guy wants me to say. I mean first of all we're not in the same category, he doesn't write academic papers that have to be thoroughly cited. But like...why does he want me to know this about him? Am I supposed to apologize for giving bad advice (it wasn't advice)? Am I supposed to thank him for his superior insight? Am I supposed to say "YOU ARE VALID"?
That's probably what I should actually say, every single time someone leaves a reply on my stuff that's strictly about themselves and has no real application for me I should say "YOU ARE VALID!" But truthfully, whenever I get angry or fixated on someone's internet behavior, it's rarely the content of the behavior that bothers me--I know there are people out there who are different from me, and also people I don't like, and many overlapping variations of the two. What bothers me is my own inability to understand why they act the way they do. My question is rarely "Why are you like that," it's usually "Why tell ME about it?" This is why the motivation-sorting approach is so helpful to me in processing people's weird statements and actions, but there are still days like today that I can only deal with by writing four paragraphs to the tune of, "But what does that guy want me to say?"
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gomacave · 3 months
Lol, it is sooo nice to come across someone who still cares about kkm in 2024 😭 just gonna send as an ask so we aren't tag paragraphing back and forth. (Tried just messaging, but you know the tumblr app's reliabilty...)
I have so many thoughts on wolfram and yuuri as people and how they would work as a couple
Re: your original tags i 100% agree that yuuri would be the one to initiate their actual relationship with a kiss he didn't even put any thought into, body just acted. 
I've had this vague fanfic idea in my head for the past like... 10 years (i can't believe i first watched it so long ago) that after getting used to wolfram being his best friend and enjoying being around him in that way for a couple years yuuri would start to catch feelings without even realizing it. Then he'd kiss wolfram in some dramatic dangerous context (like your comic) and immediately fall through a puddle back to earth once the danger is over, without getting the chance to talk to wolfram about it. 
And then yuuri is just like, stuck on earth for a whole month or 2. Ruminating on the kiss, using 2007 style discussion boards to try to figure out his sexuality (😂 poor kid). Maybe watching some random movie (i genuinely don't have a specific one in mind) and realizing that the 2 male main characters have crazy chemisty, remembering something about shipping from that discussion board, searching male character A x male character B and reading some fanfic/seeing some fanart that makes him go "shit maybe i am into guys." Then he like... reads a real romance novel or something that his mom buys him (a teen book! I should clarify. His mom is quirky but not totally oblivous to what would be appropriate), because she's supportive and knows he'd never buy one on his own. And he talks to her a few times about this realization throughout this 2 months. 
Basically, i like the idea of yuuri being forced away from wolfram and all the normalized queerness of shin makoku and still coming to the conclusion that he likes wolfram and wants to be with him. And "hey, im not even gonna be living on earth much past the age of 18 anyway, so why should i care about any of these cultural norms anymore? And my family gets it, so honestly, fuck it."
And then he finally gets back to shin makoku and word vomits/lays this 2 months worth of soul searching at wolfram's feet.
And wolfram is just like, "well it's actually been 8 months or something for me. Glad you figured all that shit out, even though i still don't get what the big deal was, but i definitely panic spiralled into thinking you weren't coming back ever again because of that kiss. So honestly, i'm pretty happy right now. But ngl, you reciprocating my feelings is a little... off putting? No, maybe more like... completely unexpected. I'm in no way prepared for this."
And then their dynamic switches to wolfram being the one who's kind of uncomfortable with public displays of affection (he still likes it, but is noticeably shy/tense). And yuuri just trying his best to not spook wolfram and understand why he's like this now.
And it all just culminates in them having a talk in bed before the fall asleep a couple months after yuuri comes back where wolfram trys to explain how high up on a pedestel yuuri is in his mind and how, to him, it feels like them actually being together is just dragging yuuri down. And how yes, he loves yuuri romantically, but it's also so much more than that. He loves him as his  untouchable best friend who he was JUST getting used to always being out of romatic reach when yuuri got spirited away to earth for 8 months. He loves yuuri as his king. He loves him as an IDEAL. So being with him as his actual fiancé is going to be a slow process. It's a lot to recontextualize in wolfram's head.
But yuuri is fine with that because he's like 18ish/still a teenager at this point and wasn't ready to get married immediately anyway. 
Thanks for the invite to head canon dump on you. It feels good to share these vague ideas for a story i'll never write with another person who GETS the ship in the same way i do 💞
I'm also eager to hear any head canons/ideas you have about these 2. We're def on the same wavelength in terms of wanting to give the characters in kkm more context and agency outside of it being a silly little fantasy adventure thing (with a weirdly well fleshed out world, to be fair) 😂
REAL....... ur so real for everything here..... i think this is 100% how it would go. love the 2007 forums 😭 hes troubleshooting his homosexuality like its a game bug or smth thats so in-character i also agree w the wolf being startled by the reciprocation thing like he would 100% not be able to handle yuuri becoming "real" to him. like an actual option to date and stuff cuz my hc (bc i love suffering) is that he kind of likes or its convenient? that yuuri doesn't reciprocate cuz its so easy to be devoted when u dont have an actual relationship to talk abt and its one sided. it also gets more fanatical that way (aka yearning is stronger when it is left unfulfilled LOL) i also feel like he doesnt deserve it 2 some degree, not that hes not confident but that it's not his place. i feel like this is common in fanart/fic but where yuuri is like ok so can we kiss now and wolf is like ? kiss? we are a symbolic union between blah blah blah
BUT YEAH...... ALSO I LOVE THEM HAVING TALKS TOGETHER IN BED its just so.... like nice 2me...... the vibe of like having to sleep together.. the heart to hearts in bed is so funny but nice. the 16 year olds having a heart to heart while playing house (as a married couple) like the dissonance between their emotional immaturity and the tension and the closeness between them is so juicyyyy like SLEEPOVER TIME except ur discussing ur divorce arc w a 16 year old boysoldier who wants to die for you So Bad
my personal hcs/pure self indulgent bs under cut
ok first i feel like i have to clarify that i dont think that my hcs are canon i just like to have fun w kkm chars like dolls lmfaoooo..... but here are my self indulgent how-they-get-together-hcs ALSO its been like a solid two or three months since i last thought in depth abt kkm so i might be messing some details up
i kinda like the idea of wolf drifting apart from yuuri (from his constant rejection as well as duty and circumstance) and yuuri never reciprocates during this time (also never realizes) and eventually wolf goes off to bielefelt to do his duties and become the patriarch after everything settles. (i also like greta a lot so this is where she goes off to her own nation and wanders as a knight and alsooooo has a lesbianism with beatrice at around 20? years old..?) ANYWAYS they're in kind of awkward limbo and 2 yuuri wolf is someone he wishes he was closer to like when they were kids but isn't and he also avoids him from the guilt/shame of rejecting his feelings
at this pt yuuri has noticed in hindsight that he was in love w wolf but anyways something happens (like an attack) and wolf and yuuri are stuck living together again, wolf is once again risking his life for yuuri and his actions sort of betray that he's still just as in love w him as he was before they separated, he just decided that it would be better not to burden him with his feelings (at this pt he's self-aware that 16 year old wolf had a lot of baggage and codependency lumped in with love like the deifying stuff) and eventually yuuri reveals that he thinks he was in love with him too and wolf has to confront the fact that he wasn't looking for romance in the first place and also that yuuri is still too bright for him to touch (in his mind) so he's kinda like i do my job and u do urs for the good of this nation. BUT OFC they eventually get together after a lot of awkward divorcedness YAAAYYYYYYYY
OH ALSO unrelated to prev scenario but one thing i love ab ur hc and teen yuuram is the contrast between the world-ending desperation of wolf's love and the teenage first crush sweetness of yuuri's. I LOVE THE IDEA OF WOLF BEING LIKE. "i would die on the cross for you" (wiping the blood from his brow) and yuuri's just like "ok lets take this one step at a time" the part of the ship that's just yuuri getting to be an awkward gay teen and wolf eventually discovering awkward teen crushisms is sooo cute to me. like discovering that holding hands in a romantic context does not at all feel like what they did in the closet!! soo sweet and cute
ok ty for listening THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRRRYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭 feel free 2 throw ur hcs at me anytime...!!! ^^
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gracewritesfics · 5 months
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You post thirst traps on social media hiding your face, and sext strangers, and he views it all from his anonymous account. But what you both didn't know was you were in the same college. Suddenly, he realises it as he notices details about you. And he recognises you and is totally shocked.
Y/n's pov;
I've been single for a long time now. Dating is so complicated. The last time I dated a guy was three years ago. It was a year long relationship that ended in nothing but a heartache and tears. I was done with dating. I didn't want another complicated relationship. I had developed commitment issues because of my past relationships. So, I decided on not dating anyone.
Anyway, I still wanted attention. I will not lie. I felt the need. So I created an account on instagram. It had a weird username so none of my in real life people recognise me. I posted a picture without my face, wearing a sexy top, that hugged me tight, showing off my curves. A few people followed me, mostly creepy guys. You know how it is. They go crazy. And start dming you all at once.
I saw my message requests as they were bombarded with texts with just a few pictures that I had posted. I replied to ones I found a little appropriate, not creepy. But then they asked for more, they asked to meet me and my information like my contact number. So I blocked them or ghosted them.
I did not want to have sex, not with some random guy from my social media. I did all of it for attention. I was loving it. I posted a picture with my red lace bra and my dms were flooded. I talked a little to a few guys. I had this pattern, I ghosted them as soon as they began to sound like a creep.
No one knows about this. This side of me. Not my besties. None of my friends. The day they get to know about it, it's over for me. Because in reality, I'm a really shy girl. Introvert. I had this image. But the pictures I had posted on that account, were questionable for someone like me. I was shameless there. Like for public entertainment. But I got what I wanted. Attention. And I got to show off my body. It was too sexy to keep it disguised. At least some guys could see and jerk off and sleep peacefully at night because of me. Right? I was just doing social work.
One night, it was insufferable. I needed someone to talk. But most guys in my dms were creeps. I didn't want to talk to them. I went a little too far as I tried to click a perfect semi nude. I wore panties that barely covered my ass. And I slid off the straps of my bra, it showed the most of my cleavage. And I clicked pictures, showing off my ass and then my cleavage. I pressed my boobs from the side of my arms to make them look more perfect and show off the cleavage more. And then I posted it on my story.
I was hopeless. There were only creeps. I checked every other dm, disappointed. Then, there was this anonymous account, it said, "Your body is beautiful." I looked at it and smiled. "Don't flatter me. There's no need." I replied. "I'm not flattering you, it's the truth. I think women's bodies are a piece of art crafted by god and yours is one of the perfect ones." The text read.
"Woah, woah. What do you want? Nudes? Sex?" I asked. "No. I don't want any of that, unless of course, you are comfortable." He texted. "Are you for real? Are you a guy?" "Yep, I'm a real person, a guy."
"Can you please... help me. I need someone." I said finally out of desperation. "Tell me." He said. "Send me your video, while masturbating" "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes" I replied. I took off my bra and clicked a picture of my boobs while holding them with one arm and sent it to him after contemplating. "Damn, they're gorgeous." He texted.
His choice of words swooned me. Even if it was a facade. Maybe he's trying to impress me so he can fuck me in real. But it made me feel things. I was fucking wet already and then he sent me a video. His veiny hands, holding his dick, jerking it then going faster. I imagined it inside of me with every thrust he made by his own hand. His dick was leaking precum. And I was so wet. I shoved my finger inside me and paced it back and forth to get some satisfaction.
I felt a wave of tremble and my fingers were sticky with all the release. "Did it help?" He asked. "It did" I said but I needed him so badly. I needed that dick inside me. "Then sleep well, beautiful <3." He texted. My eyes were widened. It was sweet but, why would he text me like I'm his girlfriend. I was just a random stranger.
I logged off my account and decided I'd not open it. But a couple nights later again, I felt irritated with all the tension. I wanted a release. So I logged in. I tried not to text that guy. But everyone else was stupid, creep, asshole. "Hey" I texted. After a few minutes, he texted back, "Hi! How are you?" I told him I'm fine. "Can I help you with something?" "You already know." I replied. And then he understood.
Sexting with him was, so satisfying. He knew exactly what to say. It made me turn on even more. "I'll trail kisses from your neck to your shoulders. I'll paint you like a canvas with my tongue." He sexted in poetry, I was amazed.
Jimin's pov;
As I was pacing through the campus to reach the hallway, I bumped into a girl. All her pages fell down and got scattered on the ground. "I'm sorry." "It's okay," she said and began to pick it up. I bent on my knees to help her too. She was really polite, someone else would be arguing with me that I was running around..
For a brief moment my hand touched with hers... And I viewed it closely. I felt like I had seen those hands somewhere. I looked at her face, but I didn't know her. She looked into my eyes and then said, "Thank you."
"What for?" I asked. "For helping me, in picking all this mess up." "Oh, no worries, it was my fault anyway." I said. "It's okay." She said again and then went on her way. I looked at her from behind. Shoulder length hair. She wore a top and a skin fit jeans. She walked away and I went my way.
"Hey" she had texted. The girl from that account. "Can I help you with something?" I asked. "You already know."
I had controlled myself for a long time. Once, when I was in high school, I dated a lot of girls. They'd also get into bed with me and have sex. But as soon as they got a guy better than me, they'd leave. I don't usually say this for women, but some of my exes were bitches. Especially the last one, she took me to bed herself and later blamed me that I manipulated her into sex. She did so when I caught her cheating with someone else.
I had this anonymous account because I wanted to have zero social media presence. I did not want to add some stupid people to see what's going on in my life. When I came across this account of a girl, she posted her thirst traps. I was really intrigued. Although she intentionally posted pictures where she showed her curves and her cleavage but I couldn't help but notice every detail. The little moles she had. One on her collarbone. It was beautiful. She had a scar, on her left thigh, did she hurt herself?! I did not ask, it would be too personal.
I had texted her earlier complimenting her body because I couldn't hold back. Sure, I was jerking off every other night seeing her pictures. I was curious, how beautiful would she be in real. How her face would look like? If her body was so beautiful. I wanted to hear her moans. How would it be to fuck her?
I was climbing the stairs of college one day as a girl was descending and suddenly on the last step she lost balance and she fell down. If I had stood close enough I would have held her. But she fell and her skirt slid up her thighs. I'm not the one to peep like a shameless creepy guy. But what caught my attention was the scar on her thighs. I shook my head to come to my senses and held out a hand to her.
Her hand felt so soft, like a touch of a blanket in winter. She got up and straightened her skirt. "Thank you.. I.." she hesitated feeling embarrassed. "It's okay, it happens, don't be so worried. No one else saw!" I assured her. Then she smiled hesitatingly and went away. I looked at her as she walked away. Was she..? No, she is so shy and quiet. She can't be her. Its paradoxical.
"I want to ride you. Fucked by you from behind. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk." She was wilding. Our sexting had reached another level. Whenever she felt the need, she texted me and I was there for her. We imagined the filthiest scenarios and our imaginations were wild. We sometimes even got close. I asked her when she sent the picture of her ass, she told me she had those scars from harming herself. She told me her ex used her to get nudes and sex and then left her. I shared with her my story. We practically knew each other's worse secrets. But we did not know each other.
One day, as everyone was preparing for the college fest, students were gathered. It was a compulsion to take part in one thing or the other. So, I took part in a dance. It was supposed to be a pair dance with 5 pairs. There were other girls too, so we were told to choose a partner from participants. There was this girl I knew. We had bumped into each other twice. I chose her as my dance partner. We began to practice as the dance instructor told us to do.
I held her waist for a step and she rested her hand on my shoulder. She wore a top and it revealed a little bit of her collarbone. I saw a ... mole. What the fuck?! "What's your name?" I asked casually, smiling. "y/n, and you.." "Jimin Park." I told. I shouldn't do this. But I peeked through the gap on the neck of her top, and noticed another freckle on her cleavage, at the exact same spot. I moved away my gaze instantly. She. Is. Her.
The girl I've been sexting with. It's her. I noticed her face. More beautiful than I ever imagined. Her voice sweet like honey. I imagined her completely. From the pictures she had sent me. I imagined her under me, moaning in that sweet voice of hers. I controlled myself. As I still danced with her.
"Can you say my name?" I asked. "What?" "I want to see if you pronounce it correctly." I said. "Umm.. Jimin, right? Jimin!" She said. I wanted her to scream it louder. "Right!" I said.
I held myself back too much, knowing it was her, everyday we practiced dance and every night she'd say filthy things to me in the chat. She wanted to be fucked so badly yet in real she hid behind that mask of innocence. I'm not saying she wasn't innocent. But I knew her behind that shy girl demeanor. She was wild.
The fest happened. The dance practice sessions were over. We did not meet much in college after the fest. Not like we used to while practicing dance. When I placed my hands on her waist and imagined her naked in front of me like in her pictures. I knew every detail of her body. Her freckles, her marks, her curves, everything.
One night, after a couple days, as she was busy with exams, she texted. "I'm sorry I was MIA for a while." She texted at midnight. "That's alright, you must be busy." I said. "Yes." She said. "Exams over?" I asked, unconsciously. "How do you know about my exams?" She asked back. Fuck. "Who are you??" She asked. "Do you know me?" A series of texts.
"I know you pretty well, you've shared a lot about yourself." I said. "No, I did not tell you about my exams. Who are you?" She texts. "I'm someone, who knows you. In real and virtual. From your shy personality to your wildest dreams."
She freaked out. She stopped texting. And a few moments later, I was blocked. What the fuck? We had talked so much, and sexted so many times, now that I tell her I exist in reality, she blocked me. I had her pictures saved. I saw them for a while. Then in frustration I threw my phone on the side of bed.
I paced my steps, looking for her all around the campus. I searched so many places but she wasn't there. Finally I saw her in a classroom. Putting her head down. I went inside the class and sat near her. "y/n?" I asked. She jerked up. Her eyes widened and she was terrified. But as she saw me her expressions calmed. "Oh, Jimin. You." She said.
"Yes, me." I said. "I thought it was someone else." She said. "Who could it be?" "Um.. no one." "Then why are you so scared and terrified?"
"I-" She was going to say something when I placed my finger on her lips. "Do you not recognise me?" I asked. "What?" She looked confused. I showed her my other hand, flexing it. "This hand, do you recognise it?" I asked. Her eyes widened with each breath as she noticed my veiny hands.
"You dream of it every night, these fingers, you dream of them inside of you..." She heaved, her heartbeats heavy. She couldn't breathe. She got up and hurried out of the class. I followed her. Calling out her name in the hallways. She dashed across the campus. I ran up to her and held her wrists and pinned her against the wall of the auditorium. Our voices faintly echoed as we spoke because of the huge space.
"Why are you running away from me? Didn't you say that you want me?" I asked. "I..I.. never imagined, you were.. really."
"You have driven me crazy with your fantasies. And I want to fulfill each one of them, darling." I said. "Wh.. I ... Jimin."
"Stop the act. I know who you are. I have seen you behind this facade." I said.
"Jimin, I'm not the kind of girl... that's not me." She mumbled.
"Babygirl, don't be ashamed of your desires. It's not a bad thing. I know you. I know about your scars, your freckles, each line of your body. And I know you want this. Just tell me once. I'll give you everything you want. In every way you like it. Don't hold yourself back anymore." I said, cupping her face as she looked into my eyes.
"I.. want you to-" she was about to say when I crashed my lips with hers and began kissing her, biting her lips, shoving my tongue in her mouth. "Wa-..wait.. is this the right place?" She asked.
"How about, I take you to my mansion? There's no one else there, my mom dad have gone for a trip." I said. "your mansion?" Confusion etched on her face in indecisiveness. "Do you trust me?" I asked "Y..Yes. I trust you." She said. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my car.
As she sat in the passenger seat I drove off the campus and I drove in speed. "Slow down, baby." She said. "I thought you liked it fast" I joked. She hit me playfully. As I parked my car outside my mansion. I looked at her finally, biting my lower lip in anticipation. Weeks and months of just imagining and dreaming.
Her gaze met mine and then dipped to my lips. I instantly grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Devouring her, like her lips were my favourite ice cream. I licked her, sucked her lips. She gasped as she tried to kiss me the same way. She moved her velvety lips against mine and I melted.
"Are we gonna do it in the car?"she asked.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold myself back!" I said and she chuckled lightly which made my heart tickle. I got out of the car and pulled her out of the seat and into my arms. Slamming the door with my feet as I kicked it. I held her up in my arms. And rushed to my bedroom which was luckily downstairs. I rushed across the hall into my bedroom, I dropped her on the fluffy mattress of my bed and locked the door. No one was home, but just in case.
I want back to her after locking the door. She looked straight at me, laying down as I had placed her, hands on the sides. She put her legs close together joining them.
She wore a skirt, black stockings, and a shirt on top. It was sexy. But it needed to go. I held both her knees as she had her legs joined, and did them apart. Spreading her legs open. I yanked up her skirt, and put my hand over the thin fabric of her panties. I laid on top of her, kissing her, mixing her saliva with mine. My tongue practically fucked her mouth.
She fought for dominance but I kissed her hard. Then I moved down to her neck. Unbuttoning her shirt all the way down, I removed it from her taking off it's sleeves. She wore her red lace bra. "This is my favourite." I said as I kissed over her cleavage. Biting her nipples from over the fabric of her bra. While I made circular motion with my fingers on her clit and she was dripping wet already. She moaned and gasped as I moved my fingers slowly and then I slid down her panties and shoved my fingers in her pretty little cunt. I stroked her with my fingers as she moaned.
I paced them back and forth inside of her until they were soaking in her juices. I licked my fingers to taste her. And then put them in her mouth. "you're delicious, I can have you for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert." I said. And went down on her as I put my thumb in her mouth. And undoing her bra from the other hand in a second. She gasped. "Are you impressed with my skills, love?" "Hmphh!" She said with my thumb inside her mouth.
I licked her pussy moving my tongue and trying to devour her, putting it in as long as it can go, I tasted her. Her reactions drove me crazy as she moaned and breathed heavily. She shrieked when I put her clit between my teeth gently.
I went back up and kissed her hard. "Taste yourself, you filthy little girl." She chuckled. "How do you want it?" I asked. "Do I have to tell you?" She arched an eyebrow.
I scoffed. I knew her wildest fantasies. I knew how she liked it. I undid my jeans and she gazed at my dick shamelessly. I took her hand and placed it on my dick. "Feel it. How you said you wanted to hold it and do the things to me as I sent you the video?" I teased. She moved her hand and lashed it against my dick. I moved her hand and laid on top of her grazing her thighs with my dick. "Just... fuck me!" She said.
And I put it inside her. Slowly moving it at first and then increase the pace. I held her wrists to the sides. I watched her face, burning red, so flushed like a cherry. She was a smoking mess that I had created. I stroked back and forth faster, each time earning a moan from her.
"Say my name, love!" I said.
"Jimin! Jimin..Jim- Ahh!" I chuckled.. I couldn't help. It was so hot as she said, my name sounded like a melody.
"Do you want to ride?" I asked. She nodded with half lidded eyes. Sweating all over her neck and forehead. I laid down, and held her so she could get on top of me. I had wrecked her so bad. She got on top of me, I held her waist and she put her hands back on my thighs as I lifted them a little for her. She rode my dick, moving up and down as it pierced the insides of her. She moaned loudly. If I had neighbours, they'd surely enjoy.
"Jimin.." She mumbled and she brought her face down over mine. "I... I have fallen. In love. With you. I want you."
"I love you. Y/n. I want you all to myself. You are mine. You don't have to ask, I'll fulfill all your wildest fantasies. And no other man, could touch you like I do. They'll not see you like this. You're mine to fuck, mine to ruin and mine to love. All your scars, all your freckles, all your curves, mine to kiss and to touch."
"I love you baby. I promise. I'm all yours. Every inch of me. I belong to you. Take me as you want. I'm shameless. I'll be on my knees for you. I'll scream your name while you take me. Take me, completely."
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
Not So Secret Crush
The first time Mickey sees Ian's Instagram profile he almost faints out of shock. Fuck, isn't he too young to die of a heart attack?
Or, Mickey accidently likes Ian post from 32 weeks ago. Panic ensues.
✨ Read on Ao3 ✨
Fuck fuck fucking fuck.
The first time Mickey sees Ian's Instagram profile he almost faints out of shock. Fuck, isn't he too young to die of a heart attack?
He knew Ian had no problem being shirtless. Fuck he doesn't think Ian is even capable of fucking with a shirt on. So he really shouldn't be that surprised he posted a picture with his sibling in their backyard pool, all shirtless and wet and hot- Fuck.
Mickey, get your fucking shit together.
He kept scrolling, he observed every picture. Some are silly pictures with his siblings, some are 'artistic' ones like fucking Christ Ian posting a picture of his army boots in the snow, some with Mandy. But there's one of Ian that made his heart beat faster. It doesn't even make sense. He's not even shirtless or wet or sweaty. He's just looking straight into the camara and Mickey thought he might die.
Only that can explain why he almost dropped his phone, tried to catch it quickly while in the prosses accidently liked the post.
Mickey may or may not have liked an Instagram post that was made by his cru- Ian. The real problem is that the picture was posted 32 weeks ago.
Fuck. Fuck! Fuuuuuck! Mickey was so fucking done if he finds out. He'd never hear the end of this. Can he just unlike the picture? He should but would that just make him a coward? No. It doesn't matter. He should definitely unlike it, before someone sees this.
Mickey dropped his phone. Okay deep breath Milkovich. Just fucking look.
Ian_Gallagherrr has followed you
That's it. Mickey is never leaving this house again. Never.
Fuck that. Mickey is going to move away from here, create a new identity. Mexico sounds like a great fucking idea right now.
Ian_Gallagherrr has sent you a message
He stared at his phone for good minute. His head was spinning and he knew he'll have to face this sooner or later, so he had to stop being a little bitch about it and just read the message. Worst case? Mexico is still an option.
Ian_Gallagherrr: Hey Mick (:
Mickey dropped his phone like it was made of burning lava.
How the fucking hell is he so casual after he like a picture from a million years ago???? Well maybe he didn't notice it was an old picture? Mickey should pretend it never happened and maybe it'll go away. Good plan.
MickeyM_F_U: hi
Cool. cool. cool. cool. cool.
Ian_Gallagherrr: Sooooo you like what you saw?
This fucking guy, who thinks it's ok to act so fucking casual with Mickey. Oh think the fuck again bitch.
He took another look at the picture he liked.
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How could anyone not like it, right?
MickeyM_F_U: fuck u gallagher.
Ian_Gallagherrr: You know I rather fuck you 🍑
Fuck. Mickey was totally fucked.
MickeyM_F_U: shit man u cant say shit like tht
Ian_Gallagherrr: So tell me, why did you like the picture?
MickeyM_F_U: accident
Ian_Gallagherrr: Hmmm
Ian_Gallagherrr: So you don't think I'm hot?
Mickey was officially dead. If you see him in Mexico, not you didn't.
MickeyM_F_U: fuck u is what i think
Ian_Gallagherrr: Well
Ian_Gallagherrr: I think you're incredibly hot Mickey
Ian_Gallagherrr: I kinda wish you'd post pictures of yourself on insta too
Ian_Gallagherrr: But I'm cool with being the only one who sees your hot body
Speechless. Mickey is speechless. Sure he knows Ian likes talking, he literally never shuts up, but he never says shit like that to mickey's face. He knows better, he knows mickey would react. But now, through messages, mickey can't shut him up.
Ian_Gallagherrr: I miss your body
MickeyM_F_U: come and get it
Mickey is possessed, that's the only explanation to why he sent that text. Is he flirting with Ian?
Mickey waited for a reply, bouncing his leg.
Ian_Gallagherrr: At work ):
Ian_Gallagherrr: Can't wait to fuck you hard once I'm done
This is so... new. different.
MickeyM_F_U: oh yea?
Really Mickey? he thinks to himself that's the best you could come up with?
Ian_Gallagherrr sent you a picture
Ian_Gallagherrr: Look what has your body is doing to me
Mickey tapped the picture and his mouth fell open. It's clearly a semi in Ian's pants. Now mickey was getting hard.
MickeyM_F_U: when ur off work?
Ian_Gallagherrr: 2 hours
Ian_Gallagherrr: Meet me there?
2 hours. Okay Mickey could wait to hours to have his dose of muscular arms, strong legs and incredible dick.
2 more hours he told himself no problem he took a deep breath. maybe he could start by himself-
Ian_Gallagherrr: Mickey.
Ian_Gallagherrr: Wait for me.
FUCK. Ian knows him too well.
MickeyM_F_U: yeah yeah see u there gallager
Ian_Gallagherrr: See you soon Mick😉
Fuck fuck fucking fuck.
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subliminalbo · 1 year
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Oh, hi there! I don't usually lead with author's notes up top but I just wanted to say: yes, I know that this bit is old as shit now and there's a whole world wide pandemic, two presidential impeachments, and an insurrection between us and that goddamn Pelaton commercial. But hey, this was super relevant once when I first posted it to Deviantart. Merry Christmas, I guess?
One Shot #5: The Gift of Service
She was only humoring him when she slid on top of the exercise bike. She had to hold back tears when he revealed her big gift on Christmas morning. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking serious? He played up the health angle to mask his true intentions, but the message was loud and clear. Daily trips to the gym weren't enough for him. He had to bring the gym into their home, to make her into the woman he truly desired.
But she was strong, and she forced a smile.
I'm overreacting. He just wants me to be healthy.
So she accepted his gift in spite, quietly plotting for next Christmas. Maybe she'd get him a set of weights, or a bulk order of testosterone pills. Whatever it was, she would make it clear that this was the worst fucking gift of all time.
Anger was her sole motivation as she peddled. She could barely focus on the instructor's words on the monitor as her grip on the handlebars tightened. Keep peddling. Keep peddling. The heavy feeling in her chest was lifting as her hips moved. Her mind began to wander from righteous fury to tranquility as it settled on nothing else but the pedals. And soon she was opening up, beginning to take in the words of the instructor.
"Remember your goal," the instructor said.
She was overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of grief. What is my goal? What is my goal?
"To be the best you," the instructor continued.
She smiled, all her worries once again evaporating. "The best me," she replied.
She continued to pedal until the instructor told her to call it a day. The workout was shockingly therapeutic, but she figured blind rage could motivate anyone to do anything. As she limped to the shower, she vowed never to make this a regular thing. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction.
But the next morning she was up at the crack of dawn on her bike. And the morning after that. Within a week it had become her daily ritual as she worked out and took in new instruction.
"To be the best you, you must be the best wife," the instructor would say. "The best wife," she would repeat.
By the third month she'd lost all anger over the bike. She'd gone from a distant "goodnight" every evening to a healthy and ravenous sex drive. Aided by the instructor ("Never go to bed angry, always show him you care."), she introduced the ritual of a goodnight blowjob.
I can't stop peddling. I need to stop peddling.
By the sixth month she was mantra cycling. The instructor would give her a set of words to repeat and she would imagine the pedals turning, working the words into her brain, creating new truths. Though a fleeting fear told her that something was wrong, it wasn't strong enough to override months of conditioning. So she peddled and repeated her mantras.
"A good wife is a good life. A good wife is a good life."
A good wife is a good life.
By year's end she had totally transformed into the docile wife she was always meant to be. The following Christmas she presented him with his gift. It wasn't revenge for the bike after all, but a video documenting her transformation over the year. "A year ago I didn't realize how much this would change me," she said. "This whole time I thought the bike was my gift, but now I see it all so clearly.
"Thank you for giving me this gift. Thank you for letting me serve you."
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talkingwoman · 8 months
Disbelief, disappointment, resignation...
Just a few moments ago, I re-posted the text I wrote the day Elizabeth and Armie jointly and quite amicably announced the ending of their marriage. I posited that for better or worse, we would discover whether the belief in the Armie/Timmy ship was, like the profoundly wished for sequel to CMBYN, in fact a mirage, a chimera born of heated imagination, fan fictions, and yearning for romantic beauty. As often happens when I post something contrary to the prevailing beliefs in the fandom, the response was crickets. Turns out I may have been prescient, but this is not about a "Toldja so!!" moment. Rather, this post is like my stages of grief, as yet incomplete.
When Armie embarked on his parade of liaisons with young, yet publicly active and recognizable women, I questioned the move, but could never have imagined the shitstorm that descended as women complained vociferously about his sexual and emotional treatment of them. What happened next was swift and merciless. Crisis management researchers may use Armie's experience as a case study someday, but the finstas, DMS, and other messages central to the events are probably too raunchy for academic texts. Certainly his flat denial of any wrongdoing strategy failed dismally. Throughout the cascading losses of agents, film, tv, and stage contracts, I kept waiting for someone, ultimately anyone, to speak in defense of Armie. Most particularly I was stunned by the silence from Timmy, Luca, and others I had foolishly believed would publicly support a colleague, let alone friend or lover, who was enduring such attacks. Well, forget that. I literally could not believe no one came forward, but having stumbled down the Charmie trail, I couldn't understand why even a very simple line like, "Talented actor and scene partner. Loved working with him. I don't comment on anyone's private life." was not forthcoming. Mostly, I couldn't believe Timmy would display such public indifference. Saddening. Hurtful, whether intentional or not (see? I'm still making excuses for Timmy,)
In the ensuing years, Timmy gave three interviews to major media outlets. To say that I was disappointed that he dismissed the question posed by Time, as "worthy of a larger discussion" and said nada, zilch, nothing remotely supportive of the guy he once called his brother, role model, etc. is a massive understatement. In his second "Woodstock" interview with GQ he not only took pains to address rumors that his relationship with a woman he loved (his words), LRD, was a PR sham, but also failed once again to affirm his onetime friend and mentor, Armie, was a part of the "making and re-making of Timmy" that the article focused on. Well, he didn't credit Luca G. or James I. either, but they were not twisting in the wind like a bashed in dollar store pinata. Loyalty counts, even in the often cynical world of entertainment, right? Not so much, maybe.
Between the second and third GQ interviews, the AirMail interview Armie collaborated on appeared, and while that piece was gravely flawed and quickly vanished, it was another missed opportunity for Timmy or anyone else to speak consoling, compassionate words for a guy embarking on his addiction recovery journey. Not gonna happen. The most recent installment of the GQ articles should not have surprised me, but it's surely clear by now that for all my bluster I am not free of my gullible Charmie predilections. Timmy had every opportunity to say something kind, even in a dismissive mode, like, "aw, dude, ancient history. total mess for anyone to endure." about the scandal. Surely he and his team had prepared for this. What came out in the article was enigmatic in the extreme. "I don't know...it was..disorienting is a good word." Is that it? It's Timmy's world and Armie is exiled forever?
OK, I give. You, Timmy, owe me, your fans, and Armie nothing by way of explanation. Whatever you think or believe is your business. Having reluctantly accepted your continued behavior as personal agency in this matter, it is my problem and mine alone that I perceive it as a bitter betrayal of that gorgeous man who instead of showing resentment that he was not also Oscar nominated, gave you that momentous, loving push toward the snapping cameras and said "now, go shine, shine, shine". How long ago and far away that seems today.
And yet, it was there before my own eyes in this GQ article. Indisputable, maybe inadvertent revelation about the state of the Timmy/Armie ship came with the discussion of the fishy coincidence of the Bones and All announcement less than two weeks after the cannibalism stories erupted. What were the chances, Timmy questioned? What is immediately clear is that neither he nor Luca was in touch with Armie at all. When there is even a casual friendship between actors they talk about projects they are pursuing, engaged, and don't forget, co-producing. If there was any contact Armie would already have known. But check Timmy's reaction. Did he say, "I needed to let my friend know there was no evil intent in our announcement." Instead, he felt he HAD to do the project b/c it came from a book rather than someone's social media nightmare. Still, the cannibalism/Armie/Bones and All discussions endured and some would argue were exploited through to the premiere and even into awards season, with Dakota Johnson's snarky joke at Armie's expense when introducing Luca at a banquet. That's what friends are for, yeah?
The mirage seemed real. Sometimes I still flail, but time and circumstance continue to pile on evidence to the contrary. That does not make me happy AT ALL.
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aleksa-sims · 4 months
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Simself Story (18+)
⚠️ CW: addiction, drugs, drug abuse, trauma ⚠️
Only 2 days after my stormy journey with Nico, I was back home. Today the weather was nice. No more thunderstorms or dark clouds over the sky. Maybe this is a good sign? So I went to Daniel’s & my place in the evening. He was waiting for me there. After more than 4 months, I'll finally see him again and get answers, I’ve been waiting for so long.
I arrived on our street. It was a beautiful summer night, many people were still on the road. There was a relaxed, cheerful mood in the air and a a familiar, pleasant smell, that almost attracted me. I wondered, who smells so good here?... I saw a handsome guy standing in front of me. I risked a quick look over to him, as I passed him. I still didn’t realize, that Daniel was the good-smelling guy.
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D.'s hair looked a bit different compared to a few months earlier. That’s why I didn’t expect him, who looked at me.
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But as soon as I saw his face, his cute smile and those stunning green eyes, I knew it was Daniel. And... uh, I could literally hear my Baby calling for me, "Mommy, don't forget me & Daddy!" 🤦‍♀️ (🙈🤭) Of course, the voice I heard in my head was not my Baby’s, but my own, my conscience! I already guessed, something would happen tonight that would change me. I mean my attitude to.... love, or the dilemma I was stuck in.
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Daniel: You’ve always been beautiful and yet, you get more beautiful.
Me: 😳😳...............Is this real?
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Daniel: You’re sober, I suppose. So yea, it's real! But let me show you, babe.
Me: Okay! This time, it's definitely real, not a dream!
Daniel: I’ve always told you, I will never leave you...... I’m so sorry. I will explain why I was gone, but can we just be together for a moment?
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Me: You have 24 hours with me, but I can't stay with you.
Daniel: You're not going anywhere! We're still married!
Me: You're gonna hate me, once you get to know, what I did.
Daniel: No, certainly not. No matter what you did, ILY.. Let's go up.
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Daniel was totally cute but honestly, I felt pretty stupid. This isn’t a date! I wanted answers! So I finally asked him to TALK!
Me: Stop it, D.! I can’t anymore! So....Why? Why did you put me through that??
⚠️CW ⚠️
Daniel: I wasn't myself. But now I’m fine. I’m on meds. This helps.. Anyway! The abridged version: The guy with the black hoodie was back! He saw me at the place where I bought drugs. I knew the guy didn’t mean anything good when I saw him watching Sofia and you doing drugs a few moths ago. Well, he knew me! He wanted something back from me, that I supposedly took away from him, a damn watch or something??... It was about the time more than 2 years ago. Elena's fucker and those drugs.... I should have got something that belonged to him, but...I was sure, I never got his shit he was looking for. That weirdo didn't believe me. He followed me. He left me messages, notes, like a parking ticket on my car's windscreen. He threatened to take something away from me too, something that cannot be replaced. I ignored it.... Also, when I saw Alex trying to get between us, I went nuts. Now I know, my brother was just trying to help us, but after that night at the club, the fight between Alex & me, something happened. Normally Alex always accompanied me, when I went to buy drugs. But since I was pissed at him, I went on my own. I got a really bad withdrawal. So I did a line there. I was hanging up with some.... guys, druggies. And.... the guy with the black hoddie also came. Idk exactly how it happened? I don’t quite remember. But he, and someone else... they...shoot me heroin, against my will. I must have been lying there for a few hours. When I woke up, everything was still there. The syringe, a lighter that wasn’t mine and.... my left sleeve was rolled up. As I moved my arm to get up, I felt it. So it was real. It really happend. I took the syringe with me, I wanted to have it checked by a lab. I went to our doc. I told him about it. He took blood from me to see if I was..... positive. He said even if my test turned out negative, he still can’t give me a all-clear yet. Only after 3 months it will show, whether I was lucky or not. But since I took the syringe with me, he tested it. It was clean! Still, I wasn't sure, yk? I had to stay away from you. What if I was positive? I was afraid I could infect you.
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Me: Fuck, Daniel!😨 I’m so sorry you got.... hurt again ... But why the hell didn’t you just tell me?? I never would have blamed you for that. 😟
Daniel: And that’s exactly why I couldn’t tell you! You still don’t realize the seriousness of the situation. We had both relapsed!! Didn’t you listen to me? I had a fucking junk shot in my arm!!
Me: But, that wasn’t your fault or intention. I mean, what’s that got to do with me? You think I'd shoot or what?
Daniel: I know you would do it without batting an eye, if I did it again.
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Me: What?... You're such an ass! I don't believe you! Where’s Tina, Daniel? She disappeared or went into hiding just like you. Right after you remembered her, she was gone.
Daniel: The fuck...??
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Daniel: You still think I’m screwing Tina? Seriously now? 😠
Me: Not just Tina! Why were you at Irena's? She told me herself!
Daniel: I swear you're still nuts!... But yes, I had to get into my old apartment somehow .I told her a lie, to get into her apartment. You remember? The wooden floor in the bedroom? Where we used to hide our drugs? That’s why I was there! I thought I might have forgotten something? I mean those damn things, this guy wanted from me. Maybe I missed something then, that seemed unimportant to me? Yk?... Anyway, Irena caught me. She thought I was hiding drugs or something? Like I used to. She got really mad and kicked me out. That's ALL! You got it? And I don’t give a shit about Tina! I still don’t remember her!! And I doubt that anything has ever happened. For me, Tina is just a fucking liar, who started all this... MESS here. Tina and the secrets you shared with my brother... have triggered that.... shit, my madness in me. So pls, let's drop this! 😠
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Me: But I still don't get why you left me? 😟
Daniel: Babe, be honest with yourself, then you will see it. I mean, you don’t have to pretend or suppress, what you told or asked me yourself.
Me: I didn’t mean that, I was just talking about it. I said IF, I ever do that, then only with you! Yk? IF, Daniel, not I want!!! I didn’t know you were so sensitive about it?
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Daniel: What if I had stayed? We both would have continued until we get back to the point, where we don’t give a shit about anything. Tbh, I had already reached this point, but I didn’t want to drag you down with me. The truth is, I never meant to leave you in uncertainty for so long. I thought after a few days, I will call you back to explain everything, but the longer I didn't, the harder it was for me to call you. And I was always high, babe. When I wasn’t, I was busy getting money. Until I had nothing. That day I went to my Dad. But just some days later, I took off again. It wasn’t until he and Alex found me a second time, that I realized, what I was actually doing. I had to get clean, to get back to you. So I was in a clinic for 4 weeks. They suspected I was suffering from an acute, traumatic stress disorder. The pain I had in my left half and the constant trembling in my fingers.... They asked me, why and how I got this. I told the docs there what happend to us. They gave me meds. They said after two weeks, I’ll feel different, better! Like I used to. And indeed, I felt a relief after a while, an improvement. 4 more weeks later, I was myself again. I became aware that my behavior before and my actions, were not normal. I would never have acted like this!! I hope you understand me and if you let me, I’ll make it up to you.
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Me: You don’t have to make amends for me. You also helped me. You tried everything to help me get rid of my panic attacks. I just wish............. I had known all this before.
That’s so terrible what happened to Daniel. Those 4 men who attacked us in the middle of the street wanted to kill Daniel 7 months ago. And now something happened to him again. It shocked me so much that I didn’t want to believe it at first. How do I tell him about Nico, our Baby & me?? But also Nico. I promised him, Daniel's return, would nothing change for me, but........ can I keep it?
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thelasttime · 1 year
I have no one to genuinely ask for advice on this matter and I feel like you’d give me an answer that I’ll listen to. I’ve been in no contact with this guy for 3 months now due to several reasons. I pushed him away because I am practically making him decide whether he is serious about me or not even after a year and a half of knowing each other and having a relationship. he just stopped being loving towards me (literally you’re losing me) so I decided to cut off contact and hope that we’ll be better later on and see if we’re truly meant to be. He did break no contact once after one month, and he said he missed me. But I pushed him away, and so we haven’t spoken in 3 months since then. My birthday passed a week ago and I was hoping he’d reach out to me and break no contact, but he didn’t. He got one of my mutuals to tell me that he says happy birthday. I was sad and hurt by his lack of effort, he couldn’t directly message me a happy birthday. 😞 but I keep making excuses for him because I love him too much. And ever since then, I’ve had this strong urge to gift him something for his birthday. I feel so stupid and irrational to do something as simple as having a gift delivered at his door for his birthday, but at the same time I love him way too much to not do anything for his birthday. I don’t want to message him, I want to go all out and gift him something and have it delivered to him unexpectedly. Should I do this? Or am I crazy? will it backfire? Would he message me? should I give it a shot? Depending on what he does afterwards, it’ll give me some reassurance of what we could be or how he truly feels about me. But I mainly want to do this simply because I love him so much.
hi anon!! first, thank you for sending me this ask and trusting me with this information. i hope my answer helps, but i also hope that you know that i'm always here if you want to talk to someone! i don't know the complete story, but this is what i think based off of what you've sent me:
if he's known you for a year and half and he's already shown you that kind of behavior where he's losing interest and showing less love (the part about "you're losing me") - i'm just questioning if this is worth it for you. i've been in a pretty similar situation where i've held onto someone for years and years in the hopes that he would eventually realize that he was serious about me and that i was serious about him too. it's funny because i think i laid out all my cards and i'm sure you did too, but both of these people weren't ready (nor deserving)
what i learned from this situation and what i hope will help you too is this line from the perks of being a wallflower which says "we accept the love we think deserve." what this means is that we often settle for less because we don't think we deserve more. what i learned was that i was settling for someone because i thought i wouldn't get anything in life better than him. that there was no possible way for me to find anyone better and i couldn't find myself moving on because of the feelings and memories we already shared.
then there's this realization that i hope you might share with me which is that you are deserving of so much more love. i hope this doesn't come off as too cold or too blunt, but i worry that you're allowing yourself to settle for this person who's already shown you that they're not willing to care more even when they were given so many chances.
i hope you know that you deserve someone who knows they want you as soon as they meet you. you deserve someone who doesn't play games or sends messages through their friends just to say happy birthday. maybe there isn't some grand glorious ending to this story and maybe it's just a quiet fade, but i just wonder if it's worth making this birthday gift for him if he wasn't willing to do that for you (i apologize if this is hard to hear and i could be wrong too!!)
i hope this is helpful. i totally support you if you still want to go through the birthday gift because i too would do that 😭 i'm not saying i'm a perfect human because i would absolutely do what you want to do right now. but that want, from what i've learned, is based on holding onto something that you've already invested a lot of time and love into without realizing that you deserve so much more.
there are lot of people out there, and i think anyone who has the luck to be someone special to you should appreciate every moment of your love
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #168
What was the last liquid that you choked on? Water; I took too big of a sip and it didn't go down well, scared Girt a bit lol.
Did you or have you had sex with the last person you slept with in bed? Not literal genital sex yet, no. We want guaranteed privacy for that and living with parents doesn't offer that much.
When you sign your name do you use your middle name? Not unless it's requested.
Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? I start immediately outside of it, on a towel, but for more space to dry my body I eventually move into the carpeted sink area; the bathroom itself is VERY small, just a shower, tub, and toilet, very claustrophobic, then there's a long sink area with lots of cabinets and even a random closet behind you if facing the sink. It's much more comfortable to finish drying there.
Was your last kiss initiated by you or the other person? I don't remember, we were in bed and a lotta it happened, I dunno who exactly prompted the last one.
Whan getting dressed do you put your pants or shirt on first? Almost always pants first.
Who was the last person you saw totally naked? My boyfriend, I'm sure.
Is your toilet paper on the right or left side of the toilet? Left, for both bathrooms in our house.
Name all the cards that you carry in your wallet. An incredibly expired driver's permit, Covid vaccination card, social security card, insurance card, American Red Cross blood type card, a yellow ribbon suicide prevention card that has a sweet message and then relevant hotlines, and two tattoo artists' personal cards; I've kept them because I kinda wanna collect those by all who tattoo me. Maybe. I'm already missing multiple, so idk.
Do you use a handrail on stairs if there is one? Yes, once upon a time they were basically mandatory for me to stay balanced and I still do feel safer when I'm holding onto it.
What is your favorite drinking game? I've never played one.
Do you have any tattoos that you don't like anymore? Yup. It's a big reason I've gotten MUCH pickier with what I'll allow myself to get tattooed.
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed? Girt, with me.
Do you have a shower curtain or door? Mom's bathroom shower has a door, but the hall shower is curtained.
Who was the last person from your high school graduating class you saw? In person, uhhhhhhhh... I did a quick Facebook friends list scroll and that would be my old friend Tommy, he works at the guitar place where I took my old guitar for pricing advice on selling it. Cool dude and the husband of another friend Rachel.
Favorite farm animal? Either pigs or cows. I kinda think I like cows more nowadays.
Have you ever been sedated or put under anesthesia? Yes. It's still insane to remember JUST how quickly it hits.
Have any of your friends ever cheated on somebody? I know at least one friend who has.
How many instruments do you own/have you owned? I've owned three: a recorder, flute, and electric guitar. Well, I suppose actually four; me and my sisters had one of those electric keyboards, the kind whose keys would light up red to teach you how to play lots of songs, however we ultimately could've made up our own stuff, though we never did.
Do you own or rent your home? Rent.
If you have a significant other, how old were you when you first met them? 14 or 15?
Have you ever felt like you were someone’s rebound? No.
Who is the first person who broke your heart? My dad.
Who would you want to be the flower girl at your wedding? Odds are it will probably be Emerson, my youngest niece.
Do you know anyone with a service dog? I don't believe so.
Who is the most important person in your life (besides yourself)? Girt.
If you have pets, are any of them rescues from shelters? No.
When was the last time you talked to your most recent ex? Over a year ago.
When was the last time you kissed someone who was younger than you? Not since Sara and I were dating.
Would you have sex with someone of the same gender as you? Yeah.
Were you born with hair on your head? Pretty sure yes.
Would you rather have a home birth or hospital birth? I'm going to the fucking hospital and getting an epidural, this is not debatable for me.
Who were your best friends in high school? Summer, Hannia, Alon, Girt, Megan, and Maria. Maybe others, but those are who I remember very well.
Have you ever dated a twin? No.
What was the last food or drink you made for someone else? Last Friday I made my mom a peanut butter sandwich; we were watching my sister's kids and her blood sugar dropped severely and very quickly. This isn't unusual sadly, but it was definitely scarier than what it normally is because she was fighting fainting in front of three little kids that don't at all understand diabetes.
Have you ever auditioned for something? What was it, and how did it go? Yeah, elementary school chorus. I got in. I remember how insanely nervous I was, I've never been the type to sing in front of others.
Have you ever seen your ex’s new partner? If so, what do you think of them? I have no idea who anyone is dating and don't care.
What was the last piece of candy you ate? Uhhhh just a few M&Ms that were left over from something my mom made.
When was the last time you did something “meant” for children? Do you think it’s okay for adults to do these things (ie. watch cartoons, have stuffed animals, dress in cute clothing, etc), or do you think there’s an age beyond which it becomes unacceptable - and if so, why? A couple weeks ago Girt and I played more of Spyro 2 from the "Reignited" trilogy. I VERY firmly believe that if you're not hurting anyone, adults engaging in "childish" passtimes isn't even remotely wrong, and the fact that people are shamed for that sorta stuff is just foul. Let people have fun.
Do you believe there used to be dragons? No, I'm quiiiite certain we'd have found fossils by now...
Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? Girt and I played some of Elden Ring and also watched the first episode of a Netflix show called The Rain.
Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else’s dreams? My mom and boyfriend, and sometimes still Jason. Honestly most of my dreams feature people I don't know whatsoever or am merely acquaintances with, at least that I remember. I don't often do so anymore when it comes to the people in my dreams.
What is something you do to feel better when you’re scared? Talk to Girt or Mom or try to find something to distract myself with on YouTube.
Do you have someone who is protective of you (father, brother, etc.)? Definitely my mom, as well as Girt.
Where was the last place you went, that you hadn’t been to before? The house of I think at least one of Girt's uncles, maybe more though; it was a double-purpose party with a big tent between two houses, and jesus FUCKING christ about ten trillion people were there it felt like, and I know people went into both houses.
When was the last time someone surprised you with their reaction or behaviors? Nice timing, I think it'd actually be when I was with Girt's paternal family. The way he, his sister, and mother have described them, I expected to be much more intimidated by them than I was; they were just some redneck as ALL hell type of guys that were super hospitable, friendly, and goofy. I've been told they're VERY unafraid to hurt your feelings and be just painfully honest and know how to hold grudges that they shouldn't have to begin with, but they seemed nice enough.
Have you ever reached out to a crisis center for mental health support? If so, how was the experience? [TW: DRUG OD/SUICIDE] I tried once, via a suicide hotline's one-on-one chatroom because I was too afraid to physically call on my phone. They were of course busy, and after waiting a pretty long time (I'm talking no less than 30 minutes, pretty sure more) without connecting to anyone, I gave up and overdosed.
Describe the last thing you reblogged? How many posts do you tend to reblog during a day? It was some super cute fanart of Richard and Paul, and this varies quite a lot. I don't aim for a certain number, sometimes your dash is gonna be spammed by me and some days I don't share anything.
Whose house did you visit last? Girt's.
Have you ever played Geoguessr? I personally haven't, but I've seen people play it. It's not a kind of game I would be even remotely good at.
What is your favorite way to eat chicken? As tenders/strips/whatever with whatever dipping sauce I'm feeling at the time.
What style of pizza do you prefer (thin crust, stuffed crust, deep dish, Detroit style, etc)? Pan pizza. Stuffed crust is also good.
Can you see your favorite animal from where you are sitting? (on an article of clothing, a figurine, a stuffed animal, etc...maybe even alive?) Yes indeed, I have a weighted meerkat plush on my desk.
What was the last celebrity gossip you got sucked into? Obviously as a very invested fan of Rammstein I know the dumpster fire that's going on regarding allegations against their singer, and I've kept up with what's going on in concern for all of them since they're all affected by this. I'm just glad it seems to be dying down, there's an investigation going on but they've already said Shelby's "case" is basically non-existent given the lack of immediate evidence, and apparently she doesn't have a great reputation.
Do you own any merch from concerts/comedy shows/broadway shows, etc? I did get a shirt from the Alice Cooper concert, but I'll never fit that again. I of course kept it as a souvenir type thing.
What was the last bug you killed? An ant.
Who is your favorite Star Wars character? I don't care about this franchise whatsoever.
What kind of cheese do you put on your sandwiches? American.
Who was the last person to give you a gift? Girt got me flowers when I "graduated" from physical therapy.
If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it? I'ma be full real... I KNOW I would lmao.
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