#he has a toothgap for sure
dadturnedbarbarian · 1 year
birkenstock rockin', nature, hippie, druid dad !
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
Miguel with a chubby reader(specifically hipdips and a big stomach;and if you don’t mind,a toothgap) make it as kinky as you like friend🫶
-angel anon🪽
thigh worshipper
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pairing: miguel o’hara x chubby fem reader
contents: oral (f receiving), brief thigh fucking, brief titty fucking, face sitting, unprotected p in v, breeding kink, some mommy issues, overall just smut
author’s note: got kinda carried away with this one 🫣 i hope you don’t mind that i mixed your request with one from @shadofireshinobi. anyways enjoy lol <3 (i hope i did the requests justice)
word count: 5.5K+
You were laying on your bed, scrolling through Tinder after realizing that you'd watched all the shows you had on your list. Though you weren't too enticed by the options appearing on your screen, it entertained you for the time being. You stared at the messages on your screen, noticing that none of them had asked you to go on a date but rather a invitation to come over.
Though you were conscious of the fact that you didn't fit the description of the 'conventionally attractive woman', you still wanted to be seen as something more than just a sexual object. You continued to swipe left at the men popping up on your phone until your phone started ringing, the word 'MOM' flashing at you.
"Hi mommy, how's it going?" You greeted her, trying to make some sort of conversation. Your relationship had been strained before you moved to Nueva York, but now it just felt like you were hanging on by a thin rope. "I'm gonna keep this short. Your brother asked me to tell you if you could bring him some food. Said that you would listen to me for some reason," she responded, cutting off every aspect of making friendly conversation.
"He's thirty years old, I'm sure he can manage to get food on his own," you grumbled, knowing that he'd used your need for motherly approval to get his way. "Just go give him some food, you're all each other has," she responded, the line cutting off after she spoke. "Bye," you mumbled to the dead line, hoping that some part of her would call back and ask you how you were doing, to provide you with some kind of advice.
But of course, you were only met with a black screen when you pulled the phone away from your ear. You got up from your bed and walked over to the kitchen, packing up what you made for yourself in a plastic tupperware. While you didn't exactly mind doing these favors for your brother, you weren't expecting to go back to work on your day off. You worked at Alchemax under the human resources department and he had a tendency to use that to his advantage, getting you to bring him lunch and whatnot.
"Y’know, you could've called me instead of mom if you wanted lunch," you greeted your brother as you came into the office, setting down the tupperware on his desk. He opened it up, the scents of spices filling up the room and he let out a small sigh in delight. "Yeah but it's so much easier to get you to comply when I tap into your mommy issues," he responded, putting the papers on his desk to the side. You sat across from him, rolling your eyes as you two talked about what's new at Alchemax.
"Don't forget about the barbecue I’m hosting on Saturday," your brother reminded you as you were walking out the door, and you gave him a thumbs up before leaving. You heard your phone buzz in your back pocket and you saw a message from a decent looking guy asking to get to know you better. You were instantly immersed into conversation, having a slimmer of hope that his intentions would be pure.
Your attention was taken away from your phone when you bumped into a very built man, the sounds of glass shattering forcing you to put your phone away. "Can you not see properly or something?" A voice looming over you spoke, agitation evident in his tone. you looked up to see that the man was staring down at you, his eyes flaring with annoyance and anger. "I'll help you clean those test tubes, i'm sorry about that," you responded, watching the liquid dribble through the floor. "Don't bother, just get out the way and go back to whatever low-paying intern gig you're doing."
Your nose flared as he spoke to you but before you could argue back to him, he'd already walked off to the janitor's closet. While you had offered to help him clean up the mess, you didn't feel responsible towards actually doing the task given the way he spoke to you. You carefully stepped around the glass and left the building, trying not to let his words agitate you too much. If luck has it, you'll never have to see that man again.
The day of the barbecue had approached you faster than you'd expected and you looked over at your closet for options on what to wear. You didn't want to appear too overdressed, but you didn't want to wear too little. You grabbed a black tank top and a pair of low-rise shorts, putting them on quickly. A younger version of yourself would've been self conscious of how your pudge appeared on the tank top or the stretch marks that showed on your thighs, but that version of yourself was no longer there and all you felt was pure happiness at seeing yourself.
You did some light makeup you wouldn't sweat off in the sun before heading towards the kitchen, grabbing some of the potato salad you'd made for the barbecue at your brother's request. You arrived at the event half an hour late but everyone was starting to get buzzed, so none of them made any note about it. You set down the tupperware on the table outside, glancing around at who'd arrived at the event.
It was composed of most of your coworkers, given that neither you or your brother tried too hard to make friends, and their kids running around in the backyard. Though you tried not to talk to geneticists at work, you found yourself getting attached to their kids whenever you went to events. Whether it was a form of healing your inner child, of being the mother figure that you never received growing up or if it was just to be the 'cool aunt', you didn't know but you'd grown to enjoy the kids' company more than your coworkers'.
Your eyes widen comedically when you notice the man you'd bumped into a couple days before, talking with your brother like they're the best of friends as he sipped on a Modelo. You viewed him through your peripheral, trying not to be so creepy in your staring as you tried to figure him out. He seemed cold and unappealing to hang out when you had bumped into him, but he was laughing and slapping your brother on the shoulder as they talked. You walked over to the food table, browsing through the options before you settled on getting a beef empanada.
"Do tell me your thoughts on the recipe after you're finished eating," someone's voice behind you snapped you out of your thoughts and you turned around to face the same man. Now that he'd mentioned that he made the empanadas, you were predetermined to hate them just out of spite. You took a bite out of the empanada, the beef and cheese melting perfectly on your tongue. It was savory, neither too salty nor too simple, but your ego couldn't let yourself admit that to him.
"They're alright, at best. I'd say Colombian empanadas are better," you responded with a small shrug, trying to mask your expression the best you could. He rolled his eyes as he watched you take another bite from the empanada, entertained by the way you couldn't help but lick your fingers after you were finished. "I'm Miguel, it's nice to meet you when you're not breaking all my test tubes," he finally spoke up after a couple seconds, but your attention was pried away from the man when you felt some light tugging on your shorts.
"Can you come play water balloons with us, pretty please?" A little girl with pig tails asked you, her eyes eerily similar to the man standing in front of you. "Gabriella, what did I say about getting messy?" He spoke up, looking down at the girl as he folds his arms. "Please daddy? I don't wanna be the only one not playing," Gabriella asked him, giving him her best version of puppy eyes. He let out a small grumble, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head, looking down at the floor. "Fine, but have this lady here take care of you."
You joined Gabriella with the other kids as they threw water balloons at each other, eager to have some time away from the other adults at the party. You could feel their judgmental stares when you were eating your empanada, from the gap in your front teeth to the way that you ate, but you didn't really say anything since they didn't acknowledge it directly. You looked up to see that Miguel was staring at the two of you though someone was speaking to him at his side, one of the more renowned geneticists at the lab.
"Hey, who's that?" Miguel asked your brother once he got the opportunity to get away from the geneticist who talked his ear off about how the economy's going downhill. He'd tried asking other people at the party but they all offered him vague responses about how you were just a HR worker at Alchemax. "That's my sister, I'm surprised I haven't introduced you to her before. Why do you ask, though?" your brother responded, looking over at where the kids were playing.
"Just curious why a grown woman's playing with a bunch of children," he responded with a small shrug, folding his arms across his chest. "The kids like her, man. I think it's helpful to her since our mom wasn't exactly present in our life, sorta like healing her inner child," your brother responded, looking back over at Miguel before he walked away. Miguel wasn't sure why he was so fascinated by you, given how much of a klutz you could be but he found himself entertained by the idea that you didn't put up with his shit.
The group had aligned for a photo like at most reunions to hang up on the front walls of Alchemax, but you were pulled to the side by the girl taking the picture. "Excuse me but you can't be in the picture. you're all wet," she told you, her nose scrunching up as she looked at you. "Literally all the children are wet, so go ahead and tell me the real reason why you don't want me to be in the picture," you responded, folding your arms as you stared her down. "Well, you're not extremely flattering in this angle. You'd just ruin the picture if you got in there."
Miguel overheard this conversation and reunited everyone that was in the group, standing off to the side in solidarity. He wasn't sure why he felt so protective of you, of having a need to make sure you didn't feel hurt, but he wasn't going to question it too much. "Can you leave? You're kinda killing the vibe here," he spoke up behind you, despite the fact that he had no authority over who came to the party. Her eyes widen as she looked over at Miguel, her cheeks flushed as she tried to sputter an apology out to him. "I believe the person you need to apologize to is right in front of me, no?"
The girl looked at you, a disgusted look on her face like she couldn't believe that she had to be subjected to this. "You know what? I don't wanna hear your apology. Just get the fuck out of my brother's house," you told her before she opened her mouth and she reluctantly left, visibly defeated. Miguel looked down at you, a surprised expression coaxing his features but chose not to say anything. The group reunited once more for the picture and you chose to smile for it, the first smile you've given for the first time in a while in photos.
The party ended up winding down soon after that and you went home after helping your brother clean up the house. You were out on your porch, reading a book on one of the lawn chairs you'd gotten on sale with a cigarette hanging from your mouth. Your attention was diverted from your book as you saw Spider-Man hanging upside down from your porch.
"Don't you know those are bad for you?" He asked you, pointing towards your mouth as he kept his balance with one hand. "And don't you know dropping on your head is also bad for you?" You retorted, watching as he crawled into your lawn, settling down on the lawn chair next to you. You continued to read your book, occasionally taking a moment to look from your peripheral that Spider-Man was staring at you, like you were the most fascinating thing he's seen.
"What?" You decided to break the silence after a while, setting your book down and taking the lit cigarette out of your mouth, putting it out. "This is usually the part where people start to freak out, y'know? start to get excited that Spider-Man recognizes their existence and whatnot," he responded, and your brows furrowed slightly as you laughed. "You're really not that important to me, bug boy. i'll see you around Spider-Man," you told him, retreating back into the house and he was left speechless.
Miguel took notice that you responded nicer to him while he was dress as Spider-Man, even if it was just by the slightest bit, so he decided to check up on you every time that he was done with patrol. He validated his decision to go over to your house by telling himself that he was purely there to collect information about you, about what type of person you were if you were going to be around Gabriella once more.
The more that you spent time with Miguel and Spider-Man, the less time that you spent on Tinder to seek out approval from random men. You decided to delete the app after coming to the realization that you felt more accomplished with Miguel talking to you like you were something more than just a fetish, and you had started to develop some type of feelings for him. The thought of liking him terrified you since you'd built up some emotional walls to keep people out, but he managed to tear through those pretty easily despite how offputting you could get.
He came to your porch one night while you were lighting up a cigarette, dangling it in between the middle of your teeth as you paced around. "What's up with you, my number one fan?" He asked you cheekily and you were visibly startled at seeing him appear from the night. "Didn't think you were showing up so soon, bug boy. Might start to think that you're actually interested in me," you remarked, trying to deflect from the subject at hand.
"What's wrong?" he inquired, sitting down on the lawn chair as he crossed his arms. "You don't have people to save? No one who's just so obsessed with you that they followed you here?" You remarked, sitting down next to him on the chair as you played with the hem of your silk pajama shorts. He stayed quiet, almost like a form of invitation for you to share what you were going through at the moment.
You started to tell him about what was going on at work, with a big audit that's taking place at Alchemax. You noticed that while you were talking, he looked up at you a couple times just to make you believe he was paying attention but his gaze kept returning towards your exposed thighs. "Are you bothered by them or something?" You decided to cut off your story and take out the cigarette from its place, putting it out before putting it in the ash tray.
"No, no. I'm sorry, I didn't make to feel you that way. It's just.. I've had a long day too and your thighs just look so nice smushed together in that chair," he admitted, his voice cracking a little bit like he wasn't expecting to say that himself. Your brows furrowed but you decided to stay shut, unsure of how to react to his remark. "Can I.. just taste you? We don't have to do anything else but I just really need you to wrap those thighs around my face."
Which is how you ended up inviting Spider-Man into your home, the two of you currently in your bedroom. He slid just the mouth part of the mask up to his nose and even though he asked you not to, you couldn't help but examine his features to see if it was somebody you knew. Your thoughts were diverted as his mouth touched yours, surprised that he was initiating some form of foreplay. You brought your hands to the back of his mask, feeling a bit of soft curls from where the mask had been exposed as you kissed him, more needy than you had expected to be.
He brought one hand down to your sleep shorts, his hand tracing small circles on your inner thigh before gently prodding at your folds. You felt your breath escape your lungs as he pushed a finger in, your growing slickness inviting him with each thrust that he took. His mouth went down to your neck, his lips sucking harsh hickeys into your skin. He knew that it was wrong at some degree, but he couldn't wait to see you as Miguel with his marks on you.
His fangs gently grazed at your skin with every kiss that he took and he was almost tempted to paralyze you, to have you be his feast for as long as he needed to, but he decided to file that away for a later time. He pulled his hand away from your cunt once he was done with the attack on your neck, slotting in between your thighs. He rolled the fat in between his hands, doing the best he could to massage them but even with his bigger than average hands, your thighs were just too big to do so.
Your plush thighs closed his head in the spot that he was in and he figured that if he died right now, he'd be a pretty lucky man. He brought his mouth to your folds, slowly starting to prod inside your hole with his tongue as he looked up at you for your every reaction. He couldn't help but get off on the fact that you hated him so much but yet, you'd complied so easily to have him in between your legs.
"Look at you using your friendly neighborhood bug boy to get off. Y'know, you look so much prettier when you're not being to mean to me," he told you, his tongue forming small circles on your inner thigh. If you hadn't built some form of connection with him, you would've worried that he would be thrown off by the stretch marks coaxing your thighs, but if anything, he just seemed to be more enticed by the mere sight of them. "Shut up and just fuck me," you mumbled, thrusting your pelvis closer to his face as you tried to feel his tongue on your cunt again.
"With pleasure," he responded, his hands squeezing your thighs as his tongue went into your hole, tasting every bit of the juices you were releasing. He had no intention of wasting any drop, not when you tasted like the sweetest nectar he'd ever have. His eyes shut to focus on the task at hand, your hand coming down to the back of his mask as your hips moved closer to his face, starting up a steady rhythm to get yourself off. He stopped and tsked, his hands coming to your thighs as he held them in place.
"Patience, sweetheart. I'll get you off, don't worry," he says before he went back to it, his tongue collecting all the slick from your folds before going back to thrusting in and out of your hole. He felt your hands grip around the back of his mask but he felt some sort of trust in you, that you wouldn't expose him for your benefit. And you didn't, you simply just pulled at the curls on the nape of his neck as he continued his attack on your pussy.
His mouth enclosed around your clit as his hand came down to your pussy, slowly moving a finger inside while you got adjusted to it. He'd done a good job of preparing you beforehand but his fingers were too long and thick for you to just take in one thrust. He started easing his way in until your walls opened to accommodate him, instantly curling to find your g-spot. His tongue flicked around your clit like he was curious to find out what exactly is what made you tick, what would have you dripping in his mouth.
Spider-Man continued with this for a couple minutes, just taking an opportunity to explore what made you writhe against him and what had you moaning out for more. Your fingers were tightly wound as he rolled his tongue around the nub, his pointer finger brushing up against the spongy spot inside of you with every thrust that he took. "Let me taste you, sweetheart. I need you to give it to me," he pleaded, sounding more desperate than you for your orgasm. Your back arched from the bed as you felt the coil inside of you snapping quickly, your orgasm approaching you quickly.
He lapped up all the juices your cunt released around his finger, his mouth coming down to lick at the juices that had leaked out around your folds. He knew he should've been a gentleman and waited until you came down from your orgasm, but he couldn't help the desire he felt towards sucking everything that you would give him.
"Sit on my face," he told you once you came down from your orgasm, laying down on the bed next to you. You knew that he could take on multiple villains at the same time and you could see that he was ripped just by the way his suit clung onto his body, but a part of you couldn't help but feel like you would suffocate the man if you did that. "If you're worried about me, I'll be fine. I just wanna have your thighs squish around my head, mami," he spoke once more, sounding so needy to have you comply with his demand.
You slowly moved up his chest all the way to his face, your thighs enclosing around his face as they held him in place. You gripped onto the headboard for some kind of support as his hands came down to your thighs, helping you in the process. He started off  by thrusting his tongue into you, tasting the remnants of your orgasm with every thrust that he took. He brought his nose closer to your clit, the contact of it every time that he moved his head causing a small shudder to run down your back.
He ate you out with such vigor, like he would die if he wasn't able to acquire a taste of you. "Use my face all you want, mami. i'm just here to pleasure you," he spoke up from beneath you, and you slowly started rocking your hips against his body. You kept your rhythm in tandem with the way that his tongue moved, your hands going to your breasts as you kneaded them through your thin shirt. You moved them underneath the shirt, playing with your nipples for extra stimulation as you tugged and pinched them.
His hand started to play with your clit, his fingers working on the nub as he rubbed circles on it. Your pussy clenched around his tongue, coating his mouth with a wave of fresh arousal. He couldn't help but lap it up greedily, working to have you cum on his mouth once more. Your toes curled as you felt that orgasm building up inside of you, your rhythm starting to get sporadic the more that he used his tongue. You came once more, your juices coating his mouth as you got off from him.
He missed the way your thighs wrapped around his head as soon as you got off, but he was consoled by the taste of you overwhelming his senses. He licked his lips and looked over at you, your chest heaving as you tried to get your breathing under control. He knew he should've left at that moment but he couldn't help but hold you in his embrace, his fingertips tracing small circles on your stomach as you started to fall asleep.
Spider-Man continued to make routine visits to your house, though he didn't attempt to have sex with you right away. The day after he ate you out, he came over at around midnight and asked if he could fuck your thighs, that he couldn't stop thinking about them and how inviting they looked. Needless to say, you agreed and soon enough he was on your couch, thrusting into your thighs.
His cock wasn't small by any means, but as he did this, only the tip was visible with every thrust. You slowly grinded your thighs against his cock, emulating what penetrative sex would be like. He came after a couple minutes but he didn't stay the night this time, he simply got dressed and left your house. The next day, he showed up with some minor injuries and asked if he could fuck your tits after you finished patching him up.
He would always be a fan of the way your thighs clenched around his cock, but he couldn't deny that your tits were pretty damn enticing. The way they felt as he was thrusting in and out of them, the way you pushed them together to provide him with the friction that he needed, and the way your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock. His cum coated the top of your tits as he came and he could've sworn he could've came again with the way you licked the cum off.
Coincidentally, Miguel had also taken steps to be a better person towards you. He had brought some empanadas as an apology for overreacting when you bumped into him and he started bringing Gabriella to your office when you were on break. You knew that he was doing it more for you than anything else given that Alchemax offered free daycare, and you could admit that you liked to take care of her. She was smart, in a way that wasn't annoying to talk to, but she was capable of having a conversation with you that wasn't about school.
You came home from work after a pretty stressful day of paperwork and filing, wanting to relax and watch something new on tv. Your plans were quickly derailed when you heard a thump in your porch, the sight of Spider-Man on the floor making your heart drop. You'd had some suspicions that he'd been Miguel seeing him hurt made all the blood drain from your face. You walked over to the porch, opening the door to let him stumble inside.
He settled on your couch, holding his stomach in pain as a gash bled through the cracks of his fingers. You got up and went to the bathroom, getting a towel to wrap around the gash so the bleeding would subside. "No smart remarks about how I'm paying for your couch after this?" He joked, his voice coming out cracked from the pain he was in. You scoffed as you wrapped the towel around him to the best of your ability, tightening it up.
"You get hurt and the first thing you want to say to me is some stupid remark about my couch, Miguel?" You scold him, your eyes widening as you gave away the realization of your knowledge. He slid off the mask, his hair messy with some pieces of flesh tangled into the strands as he looked at you apologetically. "I didn't know you cared about me so much to worry this much, corazón. I would be flattered if i wasn't bleeding out," he told you, flashing a grin but it didn't carry the intended effect.
You gave him a towel so he could wash off his hair and the grime coating his body after he finished healing. You were sitting on your bed as you scrolled through your phone, reading through some stupid news article about today's events. You looked up to see Miguel coming into your room with the towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and curled at the ends. You could admit that the sight looked inviting, especially with the way that his happy trail poked out from the towel but you didn't want to initiate anything just in case he was still in pain.
Miguel came over to the bed, bunching your night dress in his hands as he looked down at you. "Let me thank you for everything you did for me, mami. I've been thinking about your cunt clenching around me for so long," he suggested and you raised a brow as you looked at him. "You sure you want to do that after an injury?" You asked and he reassured you that he was fine, though he appreciated the concern.
Miguel took off your dress quickly after he got your consent, throwing it to the floor and bent down to kiss your neck and chest. He started to kiss every place that he had access to, treating your body like a masterpiece more than anything else. "You're so pretty, como una obra de arte," he whispered into your skin, nipping at the juncture on your neck. (like a work of art) You'd never felt so turned on with your previous partners and the man hadn't done anything but kiss you.
Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he kissed your lips, tasting your mint toothpaste as his tongue went in your mouth. His fingers were working on your cunt as he opened your cunt to fit around his cock, knowing that it would take some adjustment to get it to fit. He whispered how beautiful you were and how good you tasted in between kisses, each compliment sounding more needy than the last.
He aligned his cock with your cunt, slowly pushing it in as you engulfed his length. You felt a sting forming in between your legs as he bottomed out, the girth of his cock stretching you to your limits. He rubbed small circles on your stomach, his mouth coming down to attach on your breasts. "Don't listen to anybody who says anything about you, you're beautiful. Not just to me," he told you, looking into your eyes as he pulled his cock out. You were about to whine at the loss of contact but he quickly thrust it back in, getting into a steady rhythm.
"Gabriella’s been telling me how nice you are, how she wishes you were her mommy. How badly she wants a sibling," he moaned out in between thrusts, his head hanging low as he looked down at you. "Then make me a mommy, Miguel," you responded, your breasts moving with every thrust that he took. "I'll make you the prettiest mommy Nueva York's ever seen. Toda llena de leche y solo para mí," he responded, his thrusts growing more intense with every passing moment. (all full of milk and just for me)
He brought his mouth to your neck, kissing the skin as he left small marks for every one. "Tan rica que sabes y es tan injusto. You should be my dumb little wife, just available for me any time I want," he told you and you could feel that he was being serious, rather just saying this out of the intensity of the moment. (you taste so good and it’s so unfair) The realization made you want to kiss him, feel even more intimacy despite how close you were to him. It felt like you couldn't get enough of him, of his cock, of everything that he would give you, despite the fact that he was giving you what he could at the moment.
He rubbed your clit with his middle finger, working in tandem with every thrust that he took. Your legs began to shake with the intensity that he was thrusting inside of you, your toes curling and back arching as you felt that coil building up inside of you. Your orgasm washed over you with intensity you'd never faced before, your vision spotting as you tried to come down from the euphoria. Your walls tightened around his cock and you took the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist to convey that you were being serious about him breeding you.
He looked down at you before burying his head on your shoulder, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he approached his orgasm. Your cunt clenched around his cock tightly, milking him for every drop of cum that he could offer. He pushed the cum deep inside as he took notice of it start to leak, making sure that it would take. He slid out of you with ease, rolling on his back next to you. Just the picture of your stomach round with his child and your tits full of milk made his cock grow hard once more.
"Let me just make sure that it takes properly, mami," he told you, moving on top of you as he got started to go once more. Needless to say, after each round he convinced you to keep going with him under the pretense that he just wanted to make sure that he'd pumped enough so it'd take.
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Hitting you with my new design for Qi Rong. Here's the design things and changes I made:
I loved how stupidly the colors clashed on his Donghua fit but I wanted it to look a little different.
I also always pictured him with shorter scrappy hair but I really liked the braid in the Donghua so now he has both. I mean look how terrible his bangs are. He is the embodiment of perfection.
I gave him a bunch of skulls and bone themes stuff because it's cool and fits his vibe. I have no idea what the skull around his neck came from though. I'm gonna say it's the skull of an infant.
His teeth are really effed up too. I want him to just look really gross and disturbing and the teeth just gave that image to me. The toothgap is so fat you could fit a pencil, maybe even two pencils in it. And when his mouth is closed his bottom flat teeth are so short that in addition to the tooth gap, theres just this gaping hole which he probably sticks his tongue out of to be a chaotic little shit.
The scar on his neck was something I came up with based on my own headcannons. We don't really know for sure how he died as a mortal, just that it was probably in a massacre of the Xianle royalty. So if he was executed, I'd like to imagine he was beheaded as thats typically how exucutions would go. I also wanted the scar to mirror Xie Lian's cursed shackle because these two parralel to each other so hard it's not even funny.
The thumbless glove stayed because thats funny as shit. My boy really is just telling everyone to fuck off.
I kind of liked doing this and so I might go after Hua Cheng or He Xuan next.... it depends on how people react to feral goblin Qi Rong and his fucked up teeth.
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roodles03 · 2 years
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Some more studies of Hunter. Been really practicing him. I clearly have a comfort character lmfao.
My favorite out of the four is the one where Hunter has a stomachache. I used to have horrible stomachaches as a kid and before I got birth control every month I'd be bedwritten with cramps so I know exactly how he feels lmao. Eating nothing but scraps from the trash for a whole week definitively must've upset his stomach.
I also like the one where I drew Hunter sticking his tongue through his tooth gap. I headcannon that he probably does this. That would be so cute wtf.
I don't like how the other two came out as much, but it's not like I hate them either. They're pretty good too. The blushy Hunter with the wiggly ears is cute, he's definitely feeling nervous around Willow, and the one with the neutral expression is pretty show accurate. There just not as interesting as the toothgap and stomachache drawings I made to me. Not sure why.
Also here's some close ups. Feel free to color any of these if you'd like!
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Slashers reaction to S/o with toothgap.
BET MOMMA WIC!!!!! I got you ♥️
Slashers with an s/o that has a tooth gap
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Thomas Hewitt
He thinks it's absolutely adorable. The first time you break out in a giant smile and he catches a glimpse, his heart leaps into his throat. Sure he might have seen something like it before, but it's just different! it *suits* you. He's trying the little things to make you smile just to see it again. Your smile is so contagious that this man can't help but smile under his mask each time he sees it. No one has ever done this to him before, it's almost unfair!
And those smiles when you're perfectly content and comfortable? Those are his favorite. Don't get him wrong though- Your laughter makes his heart race just as much.
all in all, if you asked Thomas what his favorite features of yours was, he'd say he'd love all of you. But it's definitely your tooth gap.
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Jason Voorhees
Jason would be heartbroken if your first imstic is to cover your gorgeous and brilliant smile. don't hide it from him, please!!! He'll be quick to frown and try to wordlessly communicate how much he adores the gap between your teeth- everything!! you're so wonderful
you love him with all of his insecurities, and he's here to love all of yours. How can you even be ashamed or embarrassed of it? He can't wrap his mind around it-
And if you can understand sign language, you'll constantly be met with compliments each time you smile or just exist.
and of course "Your smile is stunning". because it IS.
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Michael Myers
In true Myers fashion, it doesn't seem like he cares. Obviously he acknowledges it, but doesn't even tilt his head at the sight. He doesn't insult you on it so he figures he's doing a good job!
Wait, you don't like it? Hes unsure how to deal with that, and if he could he'd tell you that your smile lights up his incredibly dark world.
for the longest time you assume he's mute but then he'll hug you from behind and drop his face into the crook of your neck, and in a deep hoarse voice you'll hear him mumble "pretty". Those moments are very rare, so cherish them! Don't push your luck.
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Brahms Heelshire
The first time he sees it or really notices if, he's grabbing your face and cradling it I'm his hands.
"Smile again!! Please?" And his behavior is enough to make you giggle and grin up at him. And God he's pretty sure his heart explodes. Then he starts to whine that he didn't know you had a gap, like it's the end of the world. It ain't but he's pretty sure it is.
how could you hide something so adorable from him??? unfair!!!
You'll have to apologize or calm him down. His affection towards you spikes each time you smile or laugh, he's immediately pulling you into a hug and nuzzling you like there's no tomorrow.
"Do you like my tooth gap Brahms?"
And he nods so quickly.
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Jesse Cromeans
He isn't the type to make a big deal out of it but it's noted! It's something so small and something that isn't really worth noting to some people. But you're Jesse's everything, of course he'll notice! It agitates him how his heart flutters at the sight of it and he usually brushes it off without much fanfare.
He loves tender moments with you where he can rest his forehead against yours and you smile so big at such an act.... it's quiet and he swears you can hear his heart swelling to twice it's size.
He'll also sign or write to you about how adorable he thinks it is.
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Bo Sinclair
I wouldn't put it past this man to make fun of you, but I also think he'd just give you a crooked grin in response to your giant bright smile. It's like he's catching a cold each time you grin, cus suddenly he's doing the same.
"Got a little space between those teeth, darlin'" like you don't already know. What an ass.
Real talk, it's not a big deal. He won't make it a big deal and he'll only really compliment it if he notices you tryna hide it from him.
"Hey, why're you coverin' that smile of yours? Don't you know how much I love it?"
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Vincent Sinclair
You are his muse, and anything you deem to be an imperfection is immediately captured in his work. No matter what it is, he'll sculpt or draw it. Sometimes he doesn't even realize that he's drawing or forming something after you, until he takes a step back and breaks out of his artist's daze.
Your smile makes him so unbelievably flustered!! If you smile at him while y'all are cuddling or hugging, he's hiding his face in your hair or the curve of your neck.
And he swears he gets close to fainting whenever your eyes sparkle with that grin of yours on your face. He's going straight to heaven. Or too the floor if his soul isn't ready to leave yet.
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Harry Warden
Lord have mercy.
He isn't very mushy and he'd never gush to you over your own features. At least not very often. But you swear every bit of tension that neither of you knew harbored inside that body of his leaves the instant you smile. No matter how small.
"You drive me crazy" accompanied with a shake of his head. WTF that supposed to mean Harry
don't worry, it's all good things when it comes to him!
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Stu + Billy
Neither would make fun of it. Not even comedic genius Stu. They've probably noticed it for a while, but Stu of the first to melt right in front of you over it.
"I fucking love your smile, babe" followed by a kiss to your forehead. Billy doesn't say anything like that, but it's bound to be his special kind of sweet.
"I like seeing you smile."
Something like that. Simple, but so so so meaningful coming from him. He's rarely soft and if you leap at a chance to make fun of him, he'll roll his eyes. And oh yeah, he's definitely blushing over it.
"You're being really sweet right now bully, what's up?"
"Shut up, you're lucky I love you".
He's so annoying istg.
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tumble-nextgen · 2 years
HI I have no idea how to start this tumblr thing or what exactly to do
So i'm just gonna share MHA headcanons + ships so far for the AU i've got!
Note that I don't genuinely ship some of what's listed, it's mostly just for next-gen purposes. But I will fully lean into whatever I list, I'm very fixated on this right now.
Bakugo x OC (possibly x Kirishima as well. Poly)
Deku x Ochaco
Yaomomo x Todoroki
Kaminari x OC
Others shipped w OCs not yet made, probably only making the kids
Also rq, Bakugo's kid is the MC of the NextGen AU I have in mind, and One for All is passed to him. Ignoring the fact that it sounds like MHA is taking OFA in a different direction. I am embracing quirk overkill and all of its issues
Now do I know what exactly is considered a headcanon? Haha. No i do not
Aroace lesibain Mina !? wowiw. Mina gets a gf with a cat quirk, might plug in another unrelated OC here as like a funky easter egg type thing
Bakugo and Kirishima are fruity. Somewhat for each other, but I mostly mean in general. The Gays
Bakugo has a toothgap! Perfection is fake bakugo w tooth gap is real
Scarred up, ponytail deku. I like what I've seen.
For everyone's benefit I'll be either remaking Mineta better or pretending he does not exist, I hate that guy
Bakugo gets some hearing loss when he's older, i like that one. I'm not making him entirely deaf just v hard of hearing? Here he's mostly made peace w Deku, but still gets mad at him bc he's always muttering. Lots of yelling in the Bakugo household. Bakugo pretends not to hear people a lot. I'll do research on this when I start thinking about these aspects more.
Mirko prob wouldn't have kids so I'm giving her a niece instead. Which I guess means I'm giving her siblings? Idk if she has any family canonly so I'm just makin stuff up
Endeavor is probably either very dead or will have died at some point in this story. Dunno if he really does die, I'm only barely into S5, but I sure will act like he did.
Bakugo gets a quirkless kid cause I'm so nice. He is of course torn up about this but he ends up being a great dad, for the most part. Very annoyed about Izuku's involvement as the cool uncle. Moreso annoyed about Denki's involvement as the cooler uncle.
Ochaco and Deku still live modestly despite Deku's placement in the hero rankings. The most expensive thing they own is Hatsume's terrifying security system, and the insane hot-tub Ochaco decided she needed.
Deku and Ochaco get to be a funky Bi couple
LOV get reformed... mostly? I mean, whichever ones I spare will. Shigaraki excluded, NextGen AU appoints him the new All for One. Dabi survives until like... around when Bakugo's kid is 16. And then gets wiped out by a very souped up Nomu.
Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki constantly fighting for #1, so the rankings change for them frequently. It's an unspoken competition between them all.
Bakugo has a hero agency alongside Kirishima. It's called GroundRiot, which doesn't make sense anymore because the nerd named himself Dynamight. I'll give Ground Zero to his kid I guess. Blonde boy exists to give me trouble I think.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
🌱, 🍒, and 🍓 for the domestic f/o asks! (with anyone)
Ill go with both cypher and Phoenix, the strawberry one is already answered for both of em
(Gif warning flashing lights/guns)
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🌱 it’s a beautiful sunny day outside! what do you and your f/o plan on doing? (are you active people? do you admire it from the air conditioning? is there a special natural setting you enjoy?)
Since im soon going to the beach imma say.
Cypher/phoenix and I go for a walk on the beach, Phoenix is having the time of his life,Cypher not so much, he likes the sun and warmth but hes also just...not happy of showing his face but the hat helps him with that (hes vewwy handsome).
Phoenix is very active and all,he does make sure to take care of my social battery,cypher and I are very quiet people so we just sit and enjoy it togheter in peace maybe at home.
🍒 being around another for extended periods of time tends to reveal new traits. what do you and your f/o notice about each other? (what quirks do they have? what do they realize about you? how do you help each other feel seen?)
Cypher notices that when im very concentrated I bounce my leg and he can sort of see the gears turn in my head.
When hes concentrated maybe working on something or doing something he starts to play with whatever he has at hand twirling it in his fingers; when hes about to take a shower he sort of talks to himself in arabic and sometimes forgets to switch to english so he asks me abr a towel and im confused, but I I quickly learn the meaning of some of the words and I answer him in english.
He realizes what he did in the shower and you can hear the visible facepalm and his small scream of embarassment ( hes also shirtles 50% of the time so im just confused and red)
Phoenix tends to thicken his accent when
1)very angy
2)very excited about something.
He also humms to himself and drums on the table or anything he can tap his fingers on while waiting.
He noticed that I twitch my head when im confused, Like tilt it as much as my neck lets me like the animals.
He also noticed my happy stims like shaking my hands, its an obvious thing but he didnt quite realize it at first then he was like "oh shit". He loves my happy stims
EDIT: when they are both abt to loose it they do the lil twitchy eye thing and its hilarious
Also Phoenix has a toothgap
Tysm for the ask
Ok to rb
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be-more-will · 5 years
1, 3, 10, 15 for the bmc asks :eyes:
This is a long one, baby!! Answers under the cut!
1. Would you take a SQUIP? If you did, what would it take the form of?
So first of all, yes. Like- yeah, I would. I mean I’m as much of an idiot as Jeremy is and who doesn’t want help in being better than they are? And second, I’m actually not sure? Like it changes a lot. Probably a celebrity or someone I’m close to!
3. Is there a certain headcanon you have for all the characters? Like one you use to project onto them?
Jeremy: Needs glasses, loves stuffed animals and being comfortable/cozy, played club penguin, has scars from the SQUIP, unsure about gender identity but still uses he/him, bisexual! Michael: He’s gay and bilingual. Christine: Loves plays more than musicals, but still likes to sing along to albums! Brooke: Loves cats, has Alopecia, can’t bake but tries, pansexual! Chloe: Bisexual but scared to accept it, loves cats as well. Jenna: Lesbian! Rich: Has a lisp post-squip, toothgap, total nerd/dork, trans. Jake: Doesn’t define himself just says he likes everyone, loves to try new things, doesnt want to change himself for people deep down but he does anyway, desperate to be liked/supported since his parents didn’t do that for him
10. Favorite and least favorite generally accepted fanon?
Favorite: Michael’s gay  -  Least Favorite: Christine and Jeremy break up soon post-squip  
15. What color do you associate with each character?
Jeremy: Blue  Michael: Red   Squip: Teal/Light Blue   Christine: Lime Green  Brooke: Yellow Chloe: Hot Pink  Jenna: Purple  Jake: Dark Green  Rich: Orange
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morethanmeetstheass · 5 years
The reason Hothead!blitzwings gets so flustered when bee compliments his toothgap Is cuz other mechs would insult his toothgap, Saying it looked ugly or he looked really silly and no one could take him seriously, until bumblebee came along. So imagine he’s been complimented on something he thought ugly, He got so embarrassed when bee kissed his toothgap for the first time He’s just not used to people liking the gap.
oh i agree with this headcanon 100000%
idk if blitzy has a missing tooth or just a gap between his front teeth, but i know for sure that decepticons are assholes and poke fun at each other for everything, and they would make fun of him for his tooth gap and he’d get even angrier about it. bee is just a gremlin who thinks its fucking adorable, and hothead!blitzwing was so flustered when bee first saw it and thought it was awesome
blitzwing does protest to it being called ‘cute’ though. he is not cute. he is badass and he will be treated as such, god dammit
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shelterpark · 6 years
Name: tictac
Age: 15
Pronouns: she/her or they/them, i dont mind anything
Name: Philip “Pip” Pirrup
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Everyone who can sweep him off his feet. Willowy women and buff manly men alike.
Height: 171cm, pretty lanky.
Faction: Shelter
Occupation: Tries to be helpful wherever he can.
Brief History: Lived alone in a small cozy apartment he could barely pay the rent of. While the outbreak happened, he was working at his part-time job in a yogurt shop, naively thinking it was gonna be another uneventful day. At first he didn’t believe that a zombie outbreak could possibly happen (he doesnt really keep up with world news), but quickly ran the heck out of here. He changed his britishman clothes for comfier ones in some empty thrift shop, and half-heartedly stole some things from the dead cashier, like money, snacks and car keys, but not before giving them his prayers. He continued his trip, barely surviving, mostly because of exhaustion, but finally found a place to stay at the shelter.
5 or more Headcanons:
- weapon is a monkey wrench he found in the trash. travels in the beat up car he stole from a thrift shop cashier. (for some reason, there was a lot of unused toothpaste in the backseats)
- toothgap + freckles, light blue doe eyes, very expressive face
- is terrified of zombies and will probably cry while fighting them
- is absolutely terrifying when angry. he feels empty and doesn’t reallymake sense. usually happens when emotionnally exhausted.
- a plant lover. has a locket, and in the locket is a picture of his cat waffles and a dry 4 leaf clover.
- feels very lonely all the time and would love to hold hands - braids hair when conflicted or upset
- will risk his life for stupid shit he feels is worth it, because he’s a good person. he’s dumb and doesn’t have a mindset for the apocalypse, will give you half his food if you ask.
- dont blame the zombies blame french people
RP Example:
The Pirrup kid was silently reading a book he snuck in during work hours when the outbreak happened. He had suspected something was off, as the little hipstery yogurt shop he worked at was eerily silent that day, (his boss even went home before work ended) but he brushed it off as a misplaced gut feeling. It’s only when the small vintage radio he always bought to work started to buffer hysterically, the voice of a man muffled hardly getting through, that Pip really started to panic.
He listened to what the voice was saying, and, sure enough, it was screaming about some kind of zombie apocalypse, with sentence structure that made Pip wince, but at the same time terrified because of the sheer panic in the man’s voice. It was like in the movies, and he couldn’t believe it. Still, his paranoid side took over and he started towards the door, dropping his book. His hands were shaking uncontrollably as he jogged towards the entrance, stealing a look outside. He forced himself to exhale.
Everything seemed normal. No walking cannibalistic corpse in sight. It was probably some sort of prank, the stations his radio transmitted seemed shady anyway. A bit more calm, but still feeling erratic because of the unwanted adrenaline, he started to go back inside when he heard it. The thing that made his brain go haywire. The inhuman growl he heard was definitely not a fragment of his imagination.
The horrifying sound, sounding as if it was right in his hear, made painful shivers run down his spine, and before he could even think, he was running like crazy, away from what he was terrified to admit possibly being a zombie. “Bloody hell,” he thought, still sprinting through the streets, his heart beating like it wanted to be a professional tambourist and his vision swimming, “my shift only ends in half an hour.”
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ffortunato-blog · 7 years
"Hey, say, say!" Jesus Eileen, DON'T BOUNCE even if you're enthusiastic! "What places have you visited? I'd like to hear it!" A big smile, BEAMING and toothy, showing the toothgap. "Travelling is quite fantastic, isn't it? When did you start? If you want to share, of course!"
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“Sure. I started travelling when I was little. I was sent all around by my parents. The most memorable place so far has been the Grand Canyon. I gave the tour guide a little bit of extra money if he showed me the off-limit areas.” a wink. “It was truly the most breathtaking thing I’ve seen so far. It is majestic and gigantic and makes you realize how small we are. Which makes you appreciate life infinitely more. Maybe I’ll take you some day, so you can experience it for yourself! If you want, of course.” 
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