#he is like so meny states away
dale-b-cooper-fbi · 1 year
☆Interrupting Dale and Harry's perfectly romantic sweet life to day, there's a farm boy who has a choke hold on me and I wanna write him cowboy poetry so badly....
And wishing eveyone a groovy little time as always! ✨️
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tsams-confessions · 2 months
I have been seeing a lot of Earth slander and defending on this blog, so I thought I'd give my two-cents.
Earth can be a good character. I love everything that has to do with her dad, I love that she's a kind-hearted character who loves her brothers. I like how she is strong but not a marry sue because she can get hurt. I love her character, and when she's sad, I'm sad. She's emotionally complex sometimes. (Also, she is hilarious, is gaming videos)
Now, onto the things I'm not that favorable over. As I stated, she can be emotionally complex sometimes. However, a good chunk of times she isn't. Like I feel as if she should have lingered on the Bloodmoon killing her thing a lot longer than she did. Like Lunar is still holding onto that trauma caused meny months ago, but Earth kinda got over it in one month. But that's the only big gripe I have on the emotional thing. The other problem I have is that she is perceived by the show itself that she is perfect. Like, yeah, they say she's quirky, but the biggest problem I had was when they went to a dimension where she was "evil," and the only difference was that she was an ELECTED president. Everything else was the same! I know she isn't Lunar, but even Lunar, the cinnamon roll (at time that episode came out), got a dimension where he was actually evil! I want to see an Earth where idk her brothers died due to the creator, and she became power hungry because she needed a sense of control over her father that took everything she loved away from her (kind of like evil Lunar but not exactly).
But overall, I do like her and enjoy seeing her in the episodes (especially uno).
Also, I NEED to get this off my chest, but some of y'all are complaining that her relationship with Monty is weird because Monty is a bad person . As if most of y'all aren't uber simps for Eclipse because "I can fix him." If you can have that fantasy, why can't my girl Earth?
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Felt like wanting to write about Jimjam having some withdrawals and some murder :>
The bricks under Jimmy's palms were rough and cold.
It felt like it was scrapping the skin off as he crawled up the wall.
The dull pricks of pain felt near cooling against the near shimmering heat that raged through his muscles and fogged his sight into shapes and rings. Gods, how long had he gone without the coppery taste of blood in his mouth? Too long. Ghost should've shut up. should've stayed quiet like a good little ghostie. Should've-
The hoarse scream that bubbled out of his mouth felt both relieving and torturous as he clambered over the edge and onto the low roof and onto his back, trying to shut his eyes against the near fever in him to no avail while the clouded sky started to swim above.
He was in a quiet part of town, one where not meny people lived, and one where he could effectively roam free. The odd car drove past, but where he layed was far enough away from the main streets that little would disturb him.
As he panted out laboured breaths, he could feel the familiar tug tug tugging on the back of his mind, and he could feel himself going slack in response to it. It would be so easy to give in; to get out and have a clear head and be rid of this sickly state...
...and then Ghost would come back out, and he would be worse when he did come back again. No, Jimmy wasn't having anything stopping him. Not Ghost, not anyone-
"hey, you!" A sudden voice from below snapped him out of his ramblings, and snapped his eyes wide open.
Well, 'little' didn't mean 'nothing'.
Fighting the vengeful wave of feverishness that washed over him, he rolled over to peer down to the alley below, and at the owner of the voice.
"what are you doing on my roof?" The question barked hotly
He couldn't make them out through his miasma; they were pale, wore muted clothing, and had brownish hair. He couldn't make out their face, or any details - it kept swirling into shades and dots of ordinary colours. Did those details really matter though?
Of course It didn't matter. It doesn't matter. They were dead. They are dead. They are dead!
Those words marched through his head like a mantra as he scraped down the walls rapidly. His old bloodlust seemed to slash through his oppressive heat and shoved it down while a toothy smile broke on his face, sharp teeth dimly gleaming as he pulled out his knife from his pocket when he smacked the concrete floor feet first. He didn't seem to hear the little giggles that were slipping out of his teeth.
At his sudden liveliness, the new guy seemed to get the message, and started to back up, holding up their hands like they were trying to calm him down, "heyy buddy, No need for that"
Jimmy cracked out dry cackles at the shaky words, not bothering to hide his amusement- no, ecstasy, at their nervousness. God fucking right, you should be scared of me!
This is going to be so good...
Whatever was said next was lost on him as his cackles morphed to a feral screech and he charged, straight at them with his knife drawn high. The milliseconds that they froze up in panic was enough of a delay for him to dig his knife deep into their side, just missing the hip bone, and ripping out a delicious scream from them. He didn't hesitate, tearing it out and stabbing in the thigh, wiggling it in to widen the wound.
Couldn't have them running away, could he?
The impact of his charge sent them both to the ground, leaving a chance wide open for him to stab their chest. He fished out the blade from its old wounds and shoved it in deep into their chest, not waiting a second to savour the gargling sounds or struggling before he pulled out and stabbed again and again.
His vision went red as he kept stabbing their chest, practically digging into them as manic laughter poured out of him. When it became the consistency of paste, he swapped the knife out for his hands as he delve deeper into the body, licking up the blood off his hands like a hungry dog and ripping out any chunks of skin or organs that got in his way.
His rapidly decreasing patience wasn't happy with the little bits off his hands and so he shoved his face in the wound and lapped greedy at it, biting and spitting out meaty chunks and extra openings to pour out scarlet red goodness while he drank up any blood like soup.
He lifted his head up when he had gorged his fill, mouth and chin dripping with gore. Any blood that had escaped his ravenous hands and tounge has pooled, cooling around his knees and legs and leaving a satisfying sticky sensation all around him.
His victim was long dead; Jimmy could almost giggle at the glassy eyed stare. He picked himself up, grabbing his knife that he realised he carelessly left aside, and admired his handiwork.
Even he was mildly shocked at what he'd done: the torso was a mess of bloodied cloths, meat chunks, and even the end of a rib just barely poking though the gaping wound. He'd outdone himself here!
Licking his lips, he turned to the end of the alleyway. He wasn't burning up or thirsty anymore, but his hunger for death was still there, purring around his head.
It wouldn't hurt to find someone else to stab, right?
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blazenekofox · 3 years
a Lumity idea I had
I been talking to a Lumity fanfic writer about some of my ideas, this was one of them
human AU, Boscha makes Amity come and watch the cheerleaders try outs, Amity complains that this is a waste of time, Boscha stating that Amity enjoy this because cute girls in cheerleader, making Amity reply, "not everyone is as perverted as you" Boscha looks cross and saying she's not a perv but before she can go on, Amity ask, "is that Skara?" Boscha looks asking "what is she doing here?" as Skara is part of the US football team, Amity smirks and says "maybe she's sick of you bossing your team and wants to be a cheerleader" Boscha shoves Amity and say "fuck you" the 2 hear "you think that's an impressive trick" both look and a tan skin girl "check out this" and lifts her eye lids, Amity stares and giggles, Boscha says "yea she's a total loser" thinking Amity is laughing at her, Amity has gone red, and says "y-yea" not looking at Boscha, wondering why she did that
Amity is English in this, the reason was when Amity and Luz meet, Luz looks at her oddly when when Amity says something, and points out how cute her Australian accent is, Amity blushing like mad and shyly saying it's an English accent not Australian, and Luz goes deep red says sorry over and over X3
I also wanted Amity to tackle Boscha and Boscha complains that Amity tackles too hard, making Amity ask in an insolt way, "what's the point in the armour if you can't take a hit?" Boscha then saying "there is no way you tackle that hard in rugby" Amity smiles and answers "no we hit harder then that" Amity isn't in rugby as there is no rugby at there school
also Amity popping over too Luz's, Luz apologises for not having tea, Amity giggles at this and tells her it's ok, Amity finds it very sweet that Luz is trying her best to be nice too her by doing British things her, but doing some of it wrong, it's clear her heart is in the right place, but going the wrong way, and Amity finds it kind of cute, like the face Luz palls when she's told that they call the cookie Luz is holding a cookie not a biscuit, and had to explain cookies are more like a type of biscuit, Amity does get her own back doing the same to Luz, sometimes by accident sometimes purpose, same with Luz as time goes on they love to teas each other X3
it's Valentine's day Luz walks too her friend Amity and sees that her locker is fall of cards and candy, and Amity is sorting them out, Luz looks down a bit sad, and says "someones popular" making Amity jump, turning and smiles, "yea happenes every year, must accent" Luz smiles back "it is a cute accent" Amity going red and goes back to sorting them, as they talk, "I wish I got Valentine's day card", "I'm sure you got at least one" Amity says looking a bit red, Luz is about to say something but Boscha pushes past Luz saying get out the way, Luz looking cross, and Amity doesn't say anything, which is odd, she normally says something, Boscha then starts to brage "hay Ams look I got 10 cards, how many did you get 3" "Boscha can't you see that I'm busy" Amity moves showing Boscha that she has at least 30, "why do I always get so meny" Amity says grining at Boscha, Luz does a little giggle at seeing Boscha face going off saying she was just lucky, Amity grabs her books and says "come on Luz lets go" Luz can see that she's a little as they walked she says "didn't get a card off you sercet crush?" Amity not look at Luz "seems it" "I'm sure he's just being shy" then teases "you do have a cute accent" Amity goes red and does a nervous laugh and says "you mean she right" Luz stares "you're gay" Amity giving a nervous laugh again hoping that she didn't give her self away "yea" "why didn't you tell me" "we never talked about sexuality" Luz humms at that this, "I'm bi by the way" Luz says with a grin, "the way you look at Ed and Em when you met them, I be shocked if you said you where ace" Amity sounding annoyed, Luz smiles "they are cute, but a bit too into pranks" Amity smiles at this "who trys to find there sister's diary to show the school" Amity smiles at that, when Luz gets too her locker she finds a card and squeals, "I got one I got one" Luz looks at it, and it has no name, opening it, Luz stares then asks "Amity can you read this the cursive writing hard to read", Amity jumps at this and goes red as a tomato, "shouldn't you get your mum too read it" going very shy and has a nervous smile "pleases I need to know what it says" Amity sighs, and reads the letter, leaving out who sent it, as it was hard sending this letter, saying she sent it, was going to far for Amity
I think this is the best I've done, and it just started with Amity having Valentine's day cards, but I miss some, it was meant to point out she was keeping the anonymous cards, also she was meant to give some of her sweets, calling them sweets, saying something like sweets for my sweet, or something like that, that's why I called them candy, it's also the most I have ever written, 3700 odd, maybe I should keep telling ideas till I can write it X3
had a thought, the snakes would never of happened, Amity would of talked her out of it, she would of got her to use fake sakes in this AU, and no fire works, Luz would be upset, but Amity would made her see reason why there bad ideas
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
A love left behind - Chapter 4
Charles Smith x Reader
Summary: Your dad owns a ranch in between Thieves Landing and Armadillo, doing business with both Blackwater, Armadillo and Tumbleweed. One day three strange men show up on your land, a man with a scar across his face, an old bearded man whose horse has a literal mustache, and a tall and handsome man, both black and indian you think. What are they doing here and how will you deal with them?
(Warnings: John tries to play matchmaker, and it kinda works?)
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(Amazing credit goes to lupivulpes where I found it, I really hope it’s alright that I use it, I love it so much!)
You brushed down one of the horses when you heard hooves galloping in the distance, turning you saw Charles stop his horse near you, and you couldn’t help the smile “Mr. Smith! How are you?” you asked as you moved out of the pen the horses were in, putting the brush down on a bale of hay before walking closer to him as he dismounted. When he turned around you saw that he had the same eagle feather in his hair, and a tiny relaxed smile on his lips, so small that it was easy to miss. “Well, to what do we owe the pleasure Mr. Smith?” you put your hands on your hips, studying him as he held the reins of his horse, “John asked me to come get you, he said that Betsy, the sheep who caused trouble before? He says she won’t join the others again, and now she won’t eat” Charles gently shook his head, his small smile vanishing as he frowned slightly “and since you handled her last time…” you nodded, turning around “let me saddle up (Y/H/N), could you let my father know while I do that?” you called as you went into the stable. Charles nodded and walked towards the main house, knocking and waiting outside politely until your father opened.
“Mr. Smith? What can I do for ya?” your father leaned in the doorway as he spoke, “well, John asked me to come get (Y/N), he said we’re having some trouble with the sheep” Charles cleared his throat, oddly enough feeling small under your father’s stare. Your father leaned off of the doorway, crossing his arms across his chest “and why are you tellin’ me, if he asked for my daughter?” his tone said more than his words, “(Y/N) is saddling up her horse… she asked me to tell you” Charles stated in a simple manner, your father nodding slowly “well, I guess it’s alright” he mumbled, before giving a final nod “alright” he concluded, about to say something else when you exited the barn with your horse, waving at both your father and Charles, your father noticing Charles staring a bit too long at you for his liking “you get her back to me in one piece, ya hear me, son?” your father glared at Charles, making him nod before going down to meet up with you, and your father didn’t like one bit that Charles didn’t call you miss, or your last name, but remembered the conversation you had a few days earlier, which was the reason for holding his tongue.
You smiled as Charles approached and saddled up, you doing the same. Riding out of your ranch towards Beecher’s Hope.
You were riding in silence, until you decided to break it, looking to Charles “if I may, you said that John said there was some trouble with Betsy, you ain’t seen it yourself?” Charles gently shook your head at your words “no, he asked me to ride straight away” you hummed in response, looking ahead again “your fella, Mr. Marston? Has he done much ranching before?” Charles shook his head with a small chuckle “no, none of us have, so we’re all pretty new to this” he admitted, making you smile “well, you’re doing pretty great for your first time then, my father have a lot of experience and he didn’t dare buy Beecher’s Hope. But you’ve done a lot of good with the place, I just hope you don’t get any trouble from the Skinner Brothers” you mumbled the last part with worry, glancing at Charles to find him already looking at you, making the both of you look ahead quickly, both of your cheeks red.
“Well, we had some, but we made it” Charles admitted, making you look at him with wide eyes “you survived the Skinner Brothers?? How?” Charles looked a bit flustered “they’re just angry men on a rampage, and John and I-... we have some uh… experience with men like that” you gave a quiet ‘huh’ at his statement, thinking for a second “are you a bounty hunter?” Charles glanced confused at you “or is Mr. Marston?” you added, Charles shrugged “I believe John sometimes does bounty hunting with an old friend, but he doesn’t want Abigail to worry, so he doesn’t mention it” Charles shrugged once more, glancing at you to find you being the one to already look at him this time “and you?” you asked with a small smirk, Charles looking at you confused once me “are you a bounty hunter?” you added, making Crales shake his head “no, that work ain’t the kind for me”.
You arrived at Beecher’s Hope, coming to a halt near the sheep and getting off of your horse, inspecting the sheep, a frown resting on your face, Charles stepping up besides you “uh… Mr. Smith?” he hummed in response “that’s Betsy there” you pointed to Betsy, who was laying next to another sheep, chewing on some hay, looking up at you before giving a small ‘baah’ as soon as she had chewed her hay, taking some more into her mouth. You and Charles exchanged confused glancing before hearing John approach “oh hey (Y/N)! Sorry that you had to come all the way out here, the problem with Betsy solved itself, I’m sorry you had to ride all the way out here for nothing”, Charles narrowed his eyes at John as you only shrugged “not to worry, Mr. Marston, Betsy can be some trouble if you don’t know her” you glanced at Betsy, giving her a small smile, not noticing Charles looking confused at John, who merely smirked. “But hey! As an apology, why don’t you, Charles, take (Y/N) into town? On my expense of course, I was the one to call you all the way out here after all” John took a few dollars out of his pocket, handing it to Charles who stood dumbstruck “as an apology to the both of you” John added, and you glanced at Charles, seeing him turn bright red as he caught onto what John was trying to do “I uh-... wouldn’t mind” you mumble, making Charles look down at you, his eyes soft as he cleared his throat, nodding as he walked to his horse, you following him to your own. 
You arrived in Blackwater, hitching your horses outside a saloon, the two of you just standing there, glancing at each other from time to time “so, what do you wanna do?” you asked, trying to get at least some form of talk going. Charles looked around before shrugging “want to-... see one of those, moving picture things?” you would never have imagined that the tall, handsome, strong and slightly brooding man before you, could act so out of character. “Sure, I’ve never seen one” you smiled softly at him, making him smile softly back at you “me neither”.
You both entered the theater after buying tickets, sitting next to each other as the projector started rolling. Apparently this moving picture was about electricity and that not all electricity was safe. You chuckled lightly as the small man in the frame got struck by lightning from trying to turn on some light, and it was actually entertaining. You however didn’t notice Charles just looking at you, a soft smile on his lips as he studied the way you lit up when you laughed, the way the corners of your eyes crinkled, the way your lips formed when they smiled, and it wasn't until you looked at him that he even noticed his staring, quickly looking back to the moving pictures, even though he hadn’t been paying attention, and so didn’t know a thing of what was going on.
“That was just about the most stupid thing ever” you laughed as you exited the theater, Charles chuckling low at your words “honestly I’d feel better just living off somewhere nice, without all of this modern stuff. I mean don’t get me wrong, seeing these moving pictures and taking the train is fine and all, I’d just much rather travel by horse, maybe read if I was bored” you shrugged, and not having heard a reply from him, you grew oddly nervous “but uh, I mean… there’s nothing wrong with living a modern life” you quickly added, not wanting to offend him in any way, but Charles just chuckled “I get that. I wouldn’t mind just living off of the land” you sighed relieved that he had the same opinion as you “well, look at us then, two people stuck in the ‘old world’” you joked, earning an amused scoff as you headed towards the saloon.
You leaned against the bar, Charles leaning next to you “we could, uhm… order some food?” he scratched the back of his head, and you shrugged “I’m fine with that” you both looked at the meny, ordering before Charles asked you to find a table, while he waited for the food. You sat down at a table a bit in the back, against the window, watching the different people go by outside, though you were interrupted by someone sitting across from you.
“Hey that was quick-” you went dead silent as you saw a stranger sit across from you, and not Charles, looking around briefly you cleared your throat “I’m sorry sir, but that seat is taken” you gave him an apologetic smile, but he didn’t move, just sitting there with his creepy smirk “aw come on sweetie, that don’t work on me, you look so lonely sitting here all by your lonesome” you cringed at his words “I’m not lonely, and I’m not alone, now please move, sir” you frowned as he just laughed at your statement “oh honey, I don’t see no one else around. So, why don’t you and I-”
“Leave” the stranger looked to whoever was speaking, and you gave a sigh of relief when you saw Charles, food in hand. The stranger scoffed “get lost you black or red or whatever bastard” you jaw dropped, standing up and slapping him across the face, which he didn’t seem to like all that much.
“The hell’s wrong with you, woman?! I’ll-” the guy barely finished, Charles having put down the food on another table, grabbed him and threw him across the saloon, your eyes wide, you knew that Charles, by default, was pretty strong, but that was perfect proof right there. Everyone stopped what they were doing, watching as the man staggered back up on his feet, Charles standing in the same spot, arms crossed across his chest, you behind him. The man mumbled something, walking over to Charles, throwing a punch, which Charles just caught, grabbing the man’s wrist “you’re going to turn around, and leave” Charles sounded so calm, like none of this faced him. The man struggled in his grip, cursing at him and when CHarles finally let go, pushing him a bit away, it was clear that Charles gave this man a chance to walk away, which he wisely took, exiting the saloon with his pride hurt.
When Charles turned around to face you, he saw your shocked expression, and quickly began to prepare his apology, but you merely smirked, sitting back down after grabbing the food he put on another table, setting it down in front of him and the empty seat across from you. Charles stared at you bewildered “well go on, it’s not gonna eat itself” you gestured towards the foot, making Charles smile slightly before sitting across from you.
When you arrived back home it was almost dark outside, and you had the biggest grin on your face, it had been the best evening in a very, very long time, and your father noticed as he came outside “where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried outta my mind!” You merely dismounted and hugged him “goodnight, pa” you giggled, going back to the stables to saddle off (Y/H/N), then go to your own house to go to bed. Your father watching you with confusion, and most of all, worry. What the hell happened for you to be so cheery all of the sudden? You went out to help with a sheep and came back acting like a newlywed, which just made him even more worried at the thought.
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missstormcaller · 5 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Vol. II Part 16 Full Translation
This is 4/4 of part 13 on the app (chapter 14 continued)
"What's the big idea with this thing!? We're not about to get dragged into this ridiculous dispute are we!?"
At the words of Candice who has gotten caught up in the aftershocks of Ikomikidomoe's struggle - the Zanpakutō which had taken the appearance of a gargantuan Hollow - Meninas replies in her usual manner.
"We were more or less dragged into it from the very beginning, I think…."
"But still, weren't we told in the beginning to simply knock the lights out of that so-called Fullbringer lot and then snatch them away!? So why in the hell are we now getting dragged into this conflict between a freak who looks like its had all kinds of overgrown Hollow condensed into it, and a bunch of Arrancar!? Come to think of it, didn't the number of Arrancar just double without us noticing!?"
Whilst using her lightning to crush the rocks that were being flung into the air, Candice pointed at the two female Arrancar who had newly emerged.
"Speaking of which, what's the deal with their style!? There's way too much emphasis on their figures don't ya think!?"
"Candice, you can't really speak for others though can you?"
Meninas spoke whilst observing the Holy Knights uniform belonging to the Quincy who had her chest on open display, but pretending that she didn't hear that, Candice initiates a counter-attack.
"Anyway, if this monstrosity isn't stopped first and foremost, then we won't be able to continue with our task."
Although they also had the option of making a brief retreat, it did not appear likely that Kurotsuchi Mayuri would tolerate such a thing.
That being the case, they should probably battle the gargantuan threat by taking advantage of this confusion, and at the same time, watch for an opportunity when the Fullbringers are off their guard. Even if it was impossible to capture the Fullbringers this time around, it was still a chance to analyse how their opponents fight among other things.
Thinking as much, Candice proceeds with the battle whilst paying mind to whether or not Ginjō's group would make an escape.
"Meni! Create an opening!"
Upon nodding in understanding, Meninas made an approach towards the feet of the great Hollow with slow movements, she slipped herself into a position that was located in her opponent's blind spot.
Then, the muscles in her arms that were still in their normal state are instantly made to swell, using her might she lifts upwards.
Just with that alone, the huge physique of 'Ikomikidomoe' is violently thrown off balance, and in a chain reaction, Ikomikidomoe is scooped up from the ground and sent tumbling down with great force.
"Ha! Nice work! Leave the rest to me!"
In a manner that appeared to aim for the spot where the opponent's balance had been weakened, Candice fired a volley of arrows entwined in lightning.
Moreover, as if to indicate that it was the finishing blow, she cast down the same "Electrocution" that was unleashed upon Ginjō and the others a short while ago.
The barrage of assaults, that were hammered out with lightning speed momentum in a very literal sense, blanket the surroundings with a dazzling light.
"That was close…! What the heck are those two doing! Do they not care that I'm also standing here!?"
Having evaded the lightning strike by a hairbreadth, Hirako exclaimed aloud as a cold sweat trickled down his cheek.
"Aren't those the Quincies that became Mayuri's subordinates!? …Yes, that's right. I should've known that Mayuri wouldn't worry about the welfare of myself or other fellow Shinigami."
Coming to accept this realisation by himself, Hirako maintains even more of a distance, he then shifted his gaze in the direction of 'Ikomikidomoe' who had been engulfed in the flash of the lightning strike, however——
"No good. There wasn't much of an effect."
'Ikomikidomoe' who had taken the form of a monster only moments ago, now adopted a spherical shape after folding its limbs, sitting neatly within the Rukongai as an ominous item of art.
In the next instant, a white haze gushed forth from the space around this colossal ball, and no sooner than that did an infinite number of small creatures sporting wings materialise out of said haze. 
Though described as 'small', this is only in comparison with the mammoth build of Ikomikidomoe; the creatures who would appear to be Adjuchas level Hollows from outward appearance, begin to take flight into the air as a swarm.
Then, as if it were a protective response, they lunged directly at the aggressors —— at the pair known as Meninas and Candice.  
Looking down at the Zanpakutō which continues to generate these small-scale 'terminals' spawned in the dozens, and hundreds, Hirako pulled a frown as he corrected his own perception of the matter.
"…I guess I was mistaken in calling it a huge robot huh."
Whilst maintaining the utmost vigilance towards Hikone who commands that Zanpakutō, and towards the man known as Tsunayashiro Tokinada who bestowed such a Zanpakutō upon the child, he continues speaking.
"This is like an entire 'country' sprouting legs and moving. It's not something we can deal with using orthodox methods."
As Hirako calmly dissects the state of affairs, Candice's group is forced into a disadvantageous position before they could even get a grasp on the situation.
"How can there be a Zanpakutō like this!? Or maybe I should be asking if this thing is really even a Zanpakutō at all!?
"That might be a little problematic huh…."
Using Heilig Pfeil the two continue to shoot through the swarm of beasts that were advancing towards them, however, much to the pair's regret, the enemy's numbers were far too many.
Meninas hit back with superhuman strength, and Candice with the power of her lightning strikes, yet in this current situation the creatures continue to be spawned with momentum that transcends their own, and moreover, there had hardly been any damage incurred on the main unit itself.
With a Galvano Javelin in each hand —— spears created by Reishi imbued lightning bolts —— Candice strikes the creatures down, however their numerical advantage far exceeds the quantity which could be dealt with effectively using only two blades.
"Crap…! If only I could use the power of my Vollständig…."
Originally Candice was able to manage six blades by utilising the wings produced by her Quincy Vollständig, but because of Yhwach's 'Auswählen' she ended up no longer being able to invoke Vollständig, as a result she has now become limited to handling two blades.
What's more troubling is that it was by no means the case that these creatures were charging at them in a wild and tactless fashion, rather they come in for the attack whilst calculatedly catching the girls off guard through controlled movements, almost as though they were a single organism despite being a swarm.
Although they are annihilated in one fell swoop by the lightning strikes firing in rapid succession from the sky, it was but a drop in the ocean.
"tch… did that just stir up a hornet's nest…?"
Though her exhaustion is quite significant after the barrage of assaults from a short moment ago, on the basis of acknowledging that, Candice attempts to unleash her 'Electrocution' once more, and in that very moment ——
"Just drop it. Your Blut Arterie will end up being burnt out before anything."
A voice which struck a familiar chord, rattles her eardrums.
What exactly does it mean that this voice could be heard in such a place?
Before Candice's mind could process that thought, the 'answer' took form and came sweeping in to wolf down the swarm of beasts.
A long and narrow jaw that had made a sudden appearance, swallowed up several hundreds of these grotesque figures in a single breath.
As the abnormal jaw that had preyed upon the white beasts retracted back into a mouth, the owner of the voice gave utterance to her impressions of what she had consumed just now, coupled with a languid sigh.
"It's the same with those skeletal bastards from the other day… just as I thought, mass-produced goods are flavourless."
Floating in midair, is a young girl whose distinctive cold eyes peeked through from under her white Sternritter military cap.
After observing her form, Candice opens her eyes wide and gives a yell. 
Common sense would dictate that It was an impossible sight.
Having been separated over half a year ago, her companions looked for ways to somehow make contact with her from their position, however she had appeared before them ahead of anything that could actually occur.
In response to a stunned Candice, the girl with the cold eyes —— Liltotto Lamperd —— uttered a complaint in an exasperated tone.
"Jeez, the plan was to try and collect you by taking advantage of all the commotion, but it turns out your sorry asses are right in the middle of that commotion so just what the hell am I supposed to do now? What a drag."
"I-It's you! How are you here? Perhaps, you've come to help us!?"
"Didn't I just say that I've come to collect you? Listen when people talk bitch." 
"I mean, you're really alive…. After I heard that you had turned against His Majesty, I… I thought for sure you'd-…"
Having even held onto the suspicion that, in the worst case scenario, Kurotsuchi Mayuri had lied about Liltoto and the others being alive, Candice raises her eyes to Liltoto with an expression that was a mix of relief and astonishment.
"Don't call that bastard 'Majesty'. Either way, it seems he's long gone."
As Lil said so, another voice could be heard coming from behind Candice.
"Wow, you're looking more rough than I expected. Too lame huh, Candice chan?"
With a twitch, a vein throbbed at her temple, before she could even rejoice at their reunion, Candice threw a backhand blow.
Whilst effortlessly evading her fist, the black haired Quincy —— Giselle Gewelle —— raised her voice in protest as she smiled with only the corner of her mouth.
"Eh, don't drag out the end of your words, you make people's names sound like 'old man' you know." (TN: -- When Candice drags out Gigi's name above it sounds exactly like "じじい" which means "old man")
"It's wrong that you made Gigi mad just now."
Without exuding even a trace of an air that could be described as anything akin to a touching reunion, Meninas spoke in her usual manner.
"Wait a minute! Don't you think you're also accepting this way too casually Meni!? It's not like I'm the only one who can't read the situation is it?"
"If you want to complain, why don't we catch a damn bite to eat later while it goes through one ear and out the other. Anyway, right now it looks like we have to find a way to deal with that trouble over there first."
The swarm of beasts continue to gush forth from the white haze as unchanged as before, but perhaps analysing the abilities of Lil's group who were the newcomers on the scene, the swarm's current stance was watching the group carefully whilst encircling them at a distance.
Then, Gigi tilted her head in response to Liltoto's words.
"Huh? Deal with them you say… shouldn't we just make a run for it?"
"…That was the plan. Even if we did run away as is, I suppose it would be pointless if there are also bombs implanted in Candi and Meni's bodies."
Although Candice had taken this possibility into account, she was once again struck with terror by having it pointed out through Lil who is the brains among this group of friends. 
Rather than address Candice herself —— Liltoto proposes a deal towards the person at the other end of the communicator that was fitted to her clothes.
"You can hear me can't you, Kurotsuchi Mayuri. I'll cooperate with your so-called experiment. So in return, I demand the release of Candice and Meninas."
It was at that point, that a very distinctive voice echoed across from Candice's regulation cap.
"Dear me, that you actually made the error of believing that you are in any position to negotiate with me, how very conceited of you."
Disregarding Candice who was taken aback by the voice that had suddenly slipped out from atop her head, travelling across the communicator, the voice speaks with a dispassionate tone.
"I didn't implant the likes of bombs in the first place. Thanks to the Central 46 and the captain commander who can't adapt to the times, I was very recently prohibited from implanting bombs into the bodies of subordinates. So long as you bear the name 'unit', the lot of you too, can only be treated as soldiers rather than tools. Good grief, what an oh-so benevolent gesture."
"Since we're on the topic of bombs, could that not mean that you've tossed in plenty of other crazy stuff?"
"Do you really think so?… Never mind, Quincies are now curio. I have no intention of breaking them so easily."
"Hold on!? What's the deal with that vague wording!?"
Paying no heed to the cries of Candice, Lil calmly continues negotiations with Mayuri.
Without dropping her guard against the surroundings even while they negotiate, the small units of beasts that were charging towards them at random intervals as a diversionary tactic, is 'swallowed whole' each time as she expertly moved the conversation forward.
"What I want is merely the freedom of Candice and Meninas, and the guarantee of their safety. They can be exchanged with a handful of fighting potentials among us Quincy, that doesn't sound half bad right?"
"Once you've attained that level of pretentiousness, it goes beyond comical and one can only feel pity. You may be curios, but as far as I'm concerned, the likes of Quincies are an area of research that has been fully exhausted. Did you actually think that the lot of you had that much worth?"
"If Quincies don't have that much worth, then what does it matter to at the very least part with only two, Candi and Meni? I suppose that would just about cover the cost of doing your chores. Also, this concerns you. You've already implanted something within me and Gigi too either way, haven't you?"
Gigi raises her voice at this unexpected information, but Mayuri's voice makes a blunt assertion with a nonchalant air.
"Oh, even if they're fools, I can't say I completely detest those who are quick on the uptake. That Quincy named Ishida didn't even have the slightest clue until I told him."
"Why thank you. I pray that you're also the type who's quick on the uptake."
In response to Lil who was holding her ground against Mayuri, the voice streaming through Candice's cap resumes speaking with stifled laughter.
"If I refuse you here, do you perhaps intend to take your negotiations directly to the captain commander? My, my, if Hirako Shinji wasn't present, I could've had you silenced in secret."
"Maybe I decided to go to the trouble of showing my face precisely because another captain rank is present?"
"Quite the clever-clogs aren't you? Good grief."
"The danger that you are has touched our very core after all. That he didn't include you among the Special War Potentials, I can only imagine that Yhwach was off his rocker."
Following Lil's words, the sound of a heavy sigh could be heard coming from the communicator fitted to Candice's cap.
"I make no concessions based on blatant flattery. Well, it's true that your ringleader's eyes were as good as blind however. It appears that even if he could forecast the future, he wasn't able to see the reality."
Then, in a somewhat upbeat tone, Mayuri offered a concrete proposal.
"I want to dig up as much data as possible on that colossal mutant of a Zanpakutō, as well as the mock-up Shinigami trial subject standing on top of it. If the lot of you can do that, then I will upgrade your treatment from test subjects to at least the level of mercenary. And if you also happen to capture the Fullbringers while you're at it, perhaps I can even help you grow taller as a special reward."
"Unnecessary. Even If my physique and whatnot got bigger, it would probably only make me get hungry faster. So to sum it up, it's going to be us knocking the wind out of that huge freak right?"
"I don't expect you to go that far. After all, if a subject could be brought down that easily by you lot, then I wouldn't be interested in it to begin with."
"Tch… you underestimate us."
Perhaps regarding it as a completion of the deal, Lil voiced her complaint, following this she poses a question towards the colossal sphere that towers heavenward.
"I wonder if you think the same? Freak."
In response to a confrontational Lil, Gigi who was listening from ground level speaks up.
"Hey Lil, I can't stand it. Helping that black and white clown and all."
It was at this point that Mayuri's voice shot out from Candice's cap in seeming astonishment.
"Even your brain tissue has finally rotted away has it? Zombie girl. The one I was negotiating with is that girl with the big appetite. I never put the likes of you down as a fighting power from the very onset, so you can just go ahead and rot wherever you like."
"…Does someone who stole another person's zombies have any room to talk though?"
"Save it for later. I don't think this is the kind of opponent you can defeat by mouthing off."
Calming Gigi who mumbled in a voice filled with deeply held resentment, Lil raises her eyes to 'Ikomikidomoe'.
"Whatever you do, first things first, we have to silence that behemoth."
"…If you say so."
Despite the smile playing on her lips, Gigi's eyes revealed that she had actually agreed reluctantly, after heaving a sigh she issues instructions to a shadowy figure standing at her back. 
"Go for it, Bambi-chan."
"Uunhh… I, do my best. Because Candi, and Meni, everybody… here…."
Then —— the battlefield which had been engulfed in white lightning only a short while ago, is this time made to be blanketed in the tint of red explosive flames.
"It's that girl with the bombs!? They just had to bring along that bothersome individual huh!"
Watching the zombie girl who came flying out from Gigi's shadow, Hirako involuntarily raises his voice.
As recollections of the moment he was almost blasted to death in the past are vividly resuscitated in his mind, a cold sweat trickled down his forehead.
Reishi bullets, which are fired one after another by the girl with dark red skin, make contact with the creatures spawned from 'Ikomikidomoe' and cause her opponent's body tissue to convert into bombs. 
The hot wind from the chain of explosions which subsequently gush forth, vaporised the sweat on Hirako who was standing at a distance. 
"…Gah! As reckless as ever I see. What can I say, I guess this means, sooner or later, I'll also have to consider my next course of action…"
Hirako releases a sigh and places a hand on his Zanpakutō, he whispered to himself whilst contemplating whether he should join a side in battle here, or whether he should allow the dust to settle by contacting Mayuri who was stationed further away.
"That Momo should've reported to Kyōraku san, so there may be some action over there too."
"Oh man, this is turning out to be quite a disaster huh."
Not withdrawing, but not actively participating in the battle either, Ginjō's group avoid the ripple effect of the assault whilst observing the situation.
"If we're going to retreat, I think now is our chance right?"
With a shrug of his shoulders, Ginjō addressed Tsukishima's remark.
"That was the plan… but didn't that brat say 'I'll get you to acknowledge me as king' or something?"
"…I see, are you worried about that?"
When Giriko mentions this, Tsukishima also opens his mouth to speak as if to say he understood.
"Ah, it's about 'XCUTION' isn't it?"
The 'XCUTION' he spoke of is not the group of Fullbringers who were once assembled by Ginjō in the Human World, he is referring to the 'XCUTION' they had heard about a few days ago, a new religious organisation which is making its presence felt in the Human World.
Whilst recalling the information he had gathered in the last few days from the 'newcomers in Rukongai', Ginjō begins to reveal his own speculations.
"…Going by those guys fresh from death, apparently this religious cult organisation known as 'XCUTION' already has devotees in the hundreds of thousands… somehow or the other, I can only imagine that some Fullbringer or Shinigami has something to do with this."
According to the account he heard directly from someone who was a believer in their lifetime as luck would have it, details around such things as the Rukongai and the Shinigami Konsō being noted among them in the creed of 'XCUTION', was almost entirely consistent with the state of the afterworld.
It can be said with certainty that this creed which mentions everything from the existence of Shinigami, Rukongai and Seireitei to the existence of Hollows, Hell and Hueco Mundo, is something that could only be written by an individual who knows about the 'afterworld'.
Nevertheless, in its midst, there was one sole part which deviates significantly from reality.
To be precise, it is a part that depicts the future and it is not yet known whether or not it will come to be.
—— {A new king will be born from the shadows of a turmoil spanning a millennium, and reign over the three worlds respectively.}
At first, Ginjō was of the opinion that the religious cult were associates of the Quincies, and that the 'new king' was perhaps referring to Yhwach.
However, he has heard that Yhwach's purpose was not to rule over the three worlds, but to eliminate the boundaries of the three worlds itself and return everything to the original plane of existence.
He believes that this very passage of the mysterious prophecy is the key to grasping the identity of the other party, it was his intention to even bring up the matter with Hisagi, the self-styled 'journalist' who made his acquaintance just the other day, and draw out the opinion on the Shinigami side.
Yet before he could put this plan into action, a direct hint appeared before his eyes.
"Well… in that case, whose influence should we be focusing on?"
Ginjō was not looking at the monster of a Zanpakutō called 'Ikomikidomoe', rather he cast his line of sight towards the child manipulating it who gave its name as 'Hikone'.
At that point, he noticed something.
Noticed that one of the Quincies who appeared later, slipped through the storm of the bombing raid and drew closer to the child Shinigami. 
"Hey, kid. You said your name is Ubuginu Hikone right?"
What entered Liltoto's eyes, is the form of Ubuginu Hikone standing atop an 'Ikomikidomoe' who remained unscathed. 
Only a few moments ago, they should have been subjected to the lighting strike unleashed by Candice several times over, but putting the creature that is 'Ikomikidomoe' to one side, she is taken aback by the fact that even this Shinigami who is its master was unharmed, at the same time she intentionally opens up a dialogue in order to probe for information on the opponent.
"Oh! You're the Quincy lady who showed up at Hueco Mundo that last time! Long time no see! It's amazing that you'd actually eat up the kin of 'Ikomikidomoe'! It was a pleasure meeting you!"
"I didn't want to encounter you at all if possible. Didn't you say you were going to become king?"
"That's right! Ah, well, to be precise, rather than saying that I am the one who will attain this feat, it is Tokinada sama who is being kind enough to make me king!"
"On top of being some hand-me-down for orders, you'll be just a figurehead king? Isn't there something you want to do through your own damn will?"
Although her manner of speaking was akin to provocation, Hikone doesn't even seem to realise that it is what's known as sarcasm and thus replied with an innocent tone.
"There is! What I want to do are things that are useful to Tokinada sama!"
 "…So if this Tokinada guy you speak of told you to 'die a painful death', would you go ahead and die?"
"Yes! I would do my very best to suffer as much as possible!"
"…Oh, I see."
—— Damn. Talking with this brat is going to drive me crazy.
—— The way it fanaticises about things reminds me of that asshole Lille.
—— Nah, I wonder if this is slightly different from that guy, rather than fanaticism… how shall I put it?
—— I get the impression that the damn kid was set up to be that way from the very beginning.
Lil believed that this did not seem like someone she could get through to, but even so, she continues to question the child all the more.
Aside from the goal of extracting information, she genuinely harboured a suspicion.
"There's something I want to ask you."
It was regarding a certain Reiatsu intermingling within Hikone, which Candice and the others also perceived.
"…Have you ever heard the name… Gremmy Thoumeaux?"
Gremmy Thoumeaux.
The name of a boy who is reputed to be the strongest Sternritter, in fact, it was said that in all likelihood, no one could hope to defeat him outside of Yhwach.
That he is described as a boy, is purely because the body he had imagined for himself was that of a young boy, in actuality, both sex and age were unknown. 
His true form is only a brain floating within a small container; a Quincy who 'imagined' (created) his very own body by using the power of the Schrift V —— "The Visionary" given to him by Yhwach.
Making one's imagination transform into reality as it stands, is evidently a phenomenon close to the power of a god, in the life or death struggle against Zaraki Kenpachi, he conjured everything from a huge meteorite within Seireitei to the vacuum of outer space. 
In the end, he imagined power that could overcome Zaraki Kenpachi and made it his own, but because he couldn't completely imagine a body that was able to withstand that power, it resulted in his self-destruction, he awakened from his dreams, and his brain ceased all function.
Lil caught sight of the moment Gremmy disintegrated with her own eyes, she was also able to confirm that his Reiatsu had come to a complete stop.
She had no idea what happened to the brain container thereafter, nor did she have any particular intention to go searching for its whereabouts.
However, it was a separate matter entirely if one could sense Gremmy's Reiatsu coming from the Shinigami before her.
Perhaps by some chance this Shinigami figure is a mere mimicry, and in truth, something formed after the living Gremmy had 'imagined' it, Lil had surmised as much before posing her question.
"Gremmy… Gremmy san you say…? Aha!"
Suddenly, after a brief moment of consideration, Hikone's face lit up.
"Yes, I know that name! Tokinada sama kindly informed me!"
Not expecting the child to return a straight answer, Lil widened her eyes a fraction and waits for Hikone to continue.
However, what is then narrated from Hikone's mouth, was an answer that Lil doesn't really want to hear.
"Gremmy san was apparently… a member among the materials, used at the time of my creation! That's right!"
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marvelthalia · 5 years
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall: Homeric Hero
Information from an amateur classicist (me).
Ancient Greek heroes (heros) were quite different from what we would call a hero today. Heroes of legend like Achilles, Patroclus and Odysseus, what we would call ‘Homeric Heroes’ all followed a code that would be hard to reconcile with our makers definition of hero, especially the superheroes that we’ve all come to know and love.
Ancient Greeks, like us, valued bravery and courage in their heroes, men (and women) who fought on the frontlines known as promachoi in Greek.
Artemis of course never shied away from a battle, shown in Wonder Woman V5 #54-55 when she leads the Bana army against the Quaraci military. Even against tanks and machine guns she shows no fear.
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She enjoys fighting and whilst she puts justice above anything, she loves a righteous war, this is constant across every version of Artemis. She’s always a leading warrior or a general, she leads the Amazon army with skill and she’s not afraid to get into the thick of a battle.
Homeric heroes are motivated by the promise of glory (kleos), whether just the acclaim that comes from being a great warrior or from possessing weapons and armours of other great warriors (timê - reward and tropaion - trophy). Now Artemis may not tear valuable armour off the dead bodies of fallen soldiers, nor is kleos her sole motivation but she does fight for her honour and for the respect of her peers. In Rebirth (Red Hood and the Outlaws #8) as a young girl she trained hard in order to become their Champion. She may have been just trying to protect their crumbling city state but she aimed for the position of Bana’s best warrior just as Achilles wanted to be immortalised as The Greatest Hero. In Artemis’ first ever appearance (Wonder Woman V2 #90) she and the Banas are tired of being disrespected by the Themyscirans and decide to compete in a contest in order to earn respect and notoriety on the island. She wins he contest and earns herself the title of Wonder Woman (for 7 short issues).
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The concept of guest friendship, of being kind to the stranger, welcoming to the foreigner was very important to the Greeks. Violating the pact of Xenia could earn someone a punishment from the King of gods himself, Zeus; like when Trojan Prince Paris stole (in some versions) Helen from her home after being invited to her husband’s house for a meal and the whole of Troy was destroyed as a result.
Artemis tried to be cold but at heart she’s extremely kind. In Rebirth alone there are countless examples like when she taught Bizarro to speak while they were ‘trapped’ by Black Mask (Red Hood and the Outlaws #13); when she let Solitary go instead of killing him like she was ordered to because he had a son he wanted to see (Red Hood and the Outlaws #22 & Red Hood: Outlaw #31); when she helped the resistance in a strange elseworld (Red Hood: Outlaw Annual #3) dimension that she really has no stake in and when she joined the Outlaws in the first place despite claiming to be a loner and really having no reason to stay with a faulty Superman clone and a reserected Robin.
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Respecting the gods which is what Asabia means was extremely important for Greeks, piety and respecting the gods was good morally but it also just meant you wouldn’t incite a god’s wrath and die bringing your whole city down with you. She has been shown to pray and even converse with her gods as heroes often do and especially in times of death or great illness like when Bizarro is on deaths door. She’s also shown to respect gods who others have given up on due to them being abandoned long ago.
(Red Hood and the Outlaws #8)
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Artemis also respects her elders and her superiors. In Wonder Woman V2 #54-55 Queen Faruka II orders Artemis into a war despite shooting her hero Atalanta and working with a Quaraci who has in the past been a villain. Artemis fights the war until she realises it’s not a righteous one. She is a soldier but she is only loyal to a fault, she doesn’t follow blindly.
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Greek heroes were obsessed with physical perfection and the idea of a Kalos Thanatos (a beautiful death) which of course meant they had to fight beautifully too. Before a battle warriors would oil their skin, brush their hair and arm themselves with the best armour they could afford (or steal as a trophy). Artemis is known for her iconic long red flowing pony tail which has been present for decades in Wonder Woman comics since her first appearance to her most recent one (even if it is a bit more... shaved now a-days). Achilles’ son Neoptolemus was nick named Pyrrhic which meant ‘red’ in Greek for his red hair. As a point of contrast to the legendary hero’s son, Neoptolemus killed a son in front of his father and then killed the father at a temple altar which was seen as overly brutal and angry (menis) (The Aeniad) whereas Artemis let Willis Todd go so he could have the chance to see his son again (RHATO #31).
Artemis may be a bit more fictional than the Classic Greek myths and also a product of Greek and Egyptian mythology (than again so was Cleopatra) but she still had a lot of similarities to what came before, the Homeric Heroes of Old.
Bonus: Penthesilea
In the Homeric Tradition, Penthesilea ea was an Amazon who with 12 other Amazons, fought for the Trojans against the Greeks. She distinguished herself in battle before being slain by Achilles, the greatest warrior at Troy on either side, upon removing her helmet he fell in love with her and was beside himself that he had killed her. In DC canon she is a Bana-Mighdall Amazon who after she left Themyscira, fought in the Trojan War and was killed by Achilles but it was her (and Antiope’s) sect of renegade Amazons that came to form Bana Mighdall.
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(Wonder Woman v2 #33)
Bonus +:
Gay Lovers
Achilles and Patroclus are often seen as lovers due to practices of the time and the fact that Patroclus is the only person other than himself that Achilles cares about in The Iliad. ‘Hetaîros’ /‘Hetaîra’ meaning companion or lover. Achilles refuses to fight after he’s disrespected by they King and as a direct result of his inaction Patroclus dies.
Artemis and Diana had to kill her love Akila after she went crazy and tried to destroy Bana Mighdall and then had to kill her again a year later with Jason and Bizarro for the going to war with Quarac and trying to kill refugees.
A Symposia is ritualised eating and drinking that involves discussion, debate and Agon (councel).
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Brotherhood (sisterhood because Amazons), love and friendship.
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carnie-fr · 4 years
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He - Him - Himself
Hozier - Arsonist’s Lullaby
Not as flirty or prideful as he used to be, Puck remains a kind heart and wild reveler. Puck's aged experience and countless scars lead to a dangerous opponent on the field. Even with the relations between him and the leader of the clan repaired, his presence still sends worry through the most seasoned warriors that had opposed him during the civil war.
The Silence falls under his command and that of his lover, Björn. A mercenary group mostly comprised of those who still believe in the survival of the fittest, the Silence are warriors and rogues who followed Puck in the civil war and remain loyal to him still. Not so extreme as he once was, the work has mellowed him dramatically. Basic mercenary work now, instead of the zealous riots of Plague worship. Though much of that mellowing can be attributed to Björn.
Puck has had many lovers, but none so serious as Björn. True, he has Menis still, but when Björn and he finally got serious, something blossomed in him he'd never known. The viking Nocturne came to the clan when the Aurea Empire fell. Björn's wife had fallen in the chaos and while he mourned, Puck found himself drawing closer. It took years and the slow, steady work of The Silence together before they got to where they are now. Now, they stand shoulder to shoulder, each to cover the other's blindspot. Soon, no one had to ask anymore if they were together. Where Björn is the calm, collected focus, Puck is the warmth of passion and freedom. They encourage the best out of one another.
A recent job in Ice, however, has Puck distracted. He knew Björn was loyal to his element, but never was it so vivid as those weeks. Björn's enthusiasm to explain old traditions and stories of his childhood that he'd never told before came spilling out. And both of them are only getting older; his feathers and hair are becoming streaked with grey and white, his limp worsening every day... He can't help but think of the old abandoned house they'd stumbled upon in the wilderness of Ice. Retirement seems more and more welcoming with every passing day.
Born with a terrible heart defect, paling even as he cracked out of his egg, his superstitious parents left him to die at a very young age. Had it not been for the intervention of a kind-hearted spiral from Lightning who stumbled upon him, he would have wasted away. Carrying a little magitech device in his chest now to keep him alive, the spiral would take him back to Arcane. To a clan known as The Nebula's Center. Under the careful eye of Comet, the orphan grew and played with a pair of siamese twins, Phenax and Erebos, the three quickly become thick as thieves.
But Comet was not loyal to the Arcanist. She raised them with the words of the Plaguebringer, the Mother of Filth. And when Imirear was called to His service and Limiri formally stepped down, Comet was next in line. And so the clan went through a major change. Comet had worked her magic on many clan members and it wasn't long before The Nebula's Center was no more and The Rot's Revelers were born. Puck, Erebos, and Phenax became her seconds, along with a mirror named Xenagos. Then came the Decay. And Puck accepted it, as of course, he should. To hell with coatl superstition of sickness being a weakness. He would survive this, too.
But the Decay ravaged his body and mind. He clawed at his scales, tore his eye out, as fever madness took hold. But the fierce, sharp-witted coatl who came out the other side was a force like no other to be reckoned with. Swiftly becoming the clan's commander and coliseum champion, the revels were where he belonged. In the fray of indulgence and freedom.
Then Comet fell and he became leader. Barely matured, Puck then led through his prime. His wild ways and the kind heart that remained beneath seduced many a lover, and Puck has many children across the continent from his time as leader. His clever mind grew alliances with Beastclans and dragons alike and grew rivalries and tensions with others.
He remembers the day it all ended. The bone-chilling roars that haunt his dreams even now. That makes his stump ache with phantom pains. The crash of dens collapsing, and the screams of the dying. He remembers adrenaline and pain.
He remembers seeing stars.
Then he woke in Shadow. And never had he felt more betrayed. Perhaps it was fever-induced fury from his wounds, perhaps he was madder than anyone thought, but as his debilitating state forced him to inaction, a rage broiled within him. It didn't take long for others loyal to him to gather, and they became The Pack. For some time, Icthanil allowed it. It gave Puck his space to worship and practice in his own right and kept a part of the old clan alive. But they became worse and worse. Up until Puck's son, Reuel, was killed. And the coatl seemed to snap.
With sheer brute force, Icthanil managed to end the first battle and force The Pack from the city. But the civil war raged on and on. Then a face Puck hadn't seen since his hatchling days ended it swiftly. Imirear's words were law as a progenitor. Again, Puck was forced to inaction. He fumed and raged until the next revel. And it was the longest ever had. Old connections forged anew in blood and adrenaline. And Puck was sated. With a raging snap, the tensions finally relaxed. Puck finally relaxed. The Pack disbanded and The Silence formed.
First art is from @acverg The second art is mine.
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alpxcamin · 5 years
Yandere!SKZ Reaction to You Rejecting His Confession// Hyung Line
(I don't know much about yanderes so I found a post online about different types of yanderes and did ‘enie menie minie moe,” i probably spelled that wrong but eh, for each member) ~Admin Mymy
masterlist // maknae line
Also I do not view any of the boys in these ways or think they will behave like this
Warning: Includes sensitive content
Chan: I see Chan as being a very dominant yandere for some reason, so this one worked out well for my writing lol. An admirer from afar for a while. He would not react nicely to you not accepting his confession. He spent 5 months working on his confession, staying up for hours, barely getting any sleep at night, making sure that everything would be perfect for you. Chan was a strong dude who liked asserting his dominance so whenever another guy tried to flirt with you, he made sure that he would not be at school the next day, he became accustomed to having everything in the palm of his hands and going his way. So, When he finally confessed, he was confused to say the least at your rejection. Chan would want more of an explanation than “I'm not ready for a relationship at the moment.” He was infuriated, you needed to feel his love for you but he also wanted you to feel his undying pain. So, knowing the route you take home everyday after your study sessions he waited in a dark alley, waiting to approach you. As you passed him his hand reached out and grabbed your hand and baking you up into a wall.
“C-chan, what are you doi- ” your words are cut short by him squeezing your wrist.
“P-please stop Chany-you're hurting me” tears started to form in your eyes.
“Shut up fucking and listen to me right now Y/N” his voice was loud and harsh, it caused you to shake in fear.
“Do you know how long, I've wanted you to me mine Y/N, huh? Answer me” he demanded and you shook your head no. “I'm s-sorry Chan”
“Don't be sorry babygirl, just be mine okay?” you nodded tears streaming down your face. “Such a good girl” he smiled kissing your forehead.
“Now let me walk you home, there's dangerous people out here that will try to hurt what’s mine.”
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Woojin: He is the projective type of yandere, he fell for you when you two first met freshmen year, you reminded him of his previous love interest Daeun. She was perfect in his eyes, and no one would ever live up to be her…. unless he made them. He would walk you to class everyday, carry your books for you, protect you from boys who made you uncomfortable and never failed to show up at your house to walk you to your part-time job. When you rejected poor Woojin not only were your friends shocked so were his friends and him, his self. But he respected your decision to some extent. He wanted you, not only he was going to make you into Daeun, he was going to make you better. You felt very bad for breaking his heart and thought you should apologize to him. He was sitting on the benches outside of school when you approached him.
“Woojin… are you okay?” you spoke softly so you didn't frighten him.
“I'm fine Y/N you don't like me in that way and that's okay,” he gave you a soft smile but in his mind this was very not okay.
“That's not it…… I like you so damn much, I’m just….”
“You're what?”
“Afraid, you're so perfect and I'm just myself” you started to tear up and looked down to the ground until Woojin grabbed your hand.
“No one is perfect Y/N but I can fix you, I mean, we can fix each other” he says giving you a small smile.
“Really? You would do that?” He nodded and pulled you into a tight embrace. “Have you ever thought about growing out your hair?”
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Minho: This boy right here is the removal type, he wanted to be the only one you wanted, you were his everything so he didn't see why he shouldn't be yours too. Don't even think about leaving him on read or putting someone else's plans before yours and his. His confession was not planned at all…. he liked you, he thought you liked him so he just confessed. Poor Minho didn't see it coming when you rejected him with a big, resounding ‘No’. Your reasoning? You two only knew each other for 4 weeks, you needed more time to get to know him. He did not take this well at all. He would threaten all of your male friends to stay away from you, as most people were scared of Minho they stopped talking to you. It made you really upset, you wondered what was wrong with you, and when Minho had comforted you, you let him, and you fell for him.
“I’m sorry Minho, I didn't mean to reject you like that, please don't leave me” you cried, tears streaming down your face.
“Don't cry love, I'm not gonna leave you like the others.” He had you right where he wanted you.
“I wish I could have been a better friend to them. I fuck everything up” you cried into his shirt, staining it with your tears.
“Don't say that, they don't deserve you, you have me, You only need me Y/N”
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Changbin: Changbin would be “the wrong idea type.” You let him borrow a pencil and he thought you were in love with him. Crazy right? You two became good friends, always joking with each other in the halls. He always glared at every other male who tried to come in contact with you, sometimes even scaring them off. Oh lord, but when you rejected his confession he didn't think you were being serious, at all….. So when you said you were being serious he said “okay” and walked away still planning the date anyway. This boy I swear. The following day he came up to you and stated asking you questions about the “date"
“Changbin there is no date” you said sounding kinda angry now.
“You seem angry, do you want me to rub your shoulders for you?” He said walking up to you with his hands out.
“No Changbin, I want you to leave me the hell alone” you yelled, causing him to frown.
“Oh…. I'm sorry Y/N I'll leave you al-” “Please don't cry I didn't mean it like th-” but he continued to walk away.
“I'll go on that date with you…” you said probably regretting it later.
“Really?” his face lit up with his perfect smile. “You won't regret this.” With that he kissed your cheek and walked away…. what just happened?
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rivervixen327 · 5 years
The Slayer
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Summary ↓
Six months ago Stevie Hoffman was just your regular highschool student, above average grades, head cheerleader, class president and the president of the year book committee. But all that changed the day she turned sixteen, that day the wool had been ripped from her eye's and suddenly she was thrust into the world of the supernatural. A world she had to singlehandedly keep at bay, along with her over barring Watcher at her side ,all while she tried to keep her identity a secret.  unfortunately things are about to get a whole lot more complicated when Thaddeus greystone shows up, with information about the big bad apocalyptic Ark Angel who just rolled into town looking for trouble. and a secret, one that involves Stevie Hoffman.
Characters ↓
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Thaddeus greystone - " I didn't choose to be this way, a monster."
Stevie Hoffman - "Go to hell, the council doesn't get to decide who I love"
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Louisa Corns - " I really do hate that bitch"
Gregory Cerberus - "Wow they really don't make em how they used, huh"
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Kathy Davenport - " wait let me get this straight, you're vampire slayer and my boyfriend is the wolf man"
Mickey st'john- "sorry my favourite time of the is coming up"
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Pete Hoffman- "Back off dad, you screwed up way before you cheated on mum"
Tory Rivera - " So can he like, ya know smell you're period"
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Professor Lionel Coleman- " I'm her Watcher it's my duty to train her, to protect her, it's not yours"
Mrs Mary Hoffman - "Hunny I know you don't want to talk right now, but when your ready my doors open"
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Cameron Fields- "Look babe I've been trying to get in good with her click, but the witchy girl is making Impossible"
Sara Davidson - "Hmm, she's different to the others, why?"
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Angela Thomas - " So you're the slayer, smaller than I thought you'd be"
Delilah Spence - " Long time no see, tell me Thaddeus how is immortality treating you"
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Ezekiel - " You think you have the power to beat me little girl, I am power"
Jedediah - " We were friends once Thaddeus, perhaps one day we shall be again "
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Mathias - " Come home Brother our father misses you greatly"
Philip Hoffman - " Hey she's my daughter too, I deserve to know what the fuck is going on with her"
Hey so I'll post the prologue on Tumblr if you want to read but don't have a wattpad account.
Ezekiel's feet pounded the gravel flooring of Paris, the night air thick as he chased down his latest prey, the slayer. He had kill meny in his time since his fall from heaven, this one would mean just as little as the rest. The slayer rounded the corner into a pretty french graveyard, away from the prying eyes of the mortal folk.  personally he couldn't care less if the mundanes saw what really lurked in the night, but she was a slayer and very good one, one who had evaded him and his clan for years, so yes it made sense that even now as her death was approaching she kept to slayer code.
The slayer stood rooted in her spot, watching as two more men appeared from the crevices of the graveyard. She knew in that moment that her death was near, but she wasn't scared to die. For a slayer her life had been long, most don't make passed the test. So yes while she was only 43 the slayer knew she had lived a long Life, one in which she was a hero to meny. Going out in Paris seemed beautiful to her, the tower in view it's light's glistening, as the Ark Angel and his followers surrounded her. The Slayer knew what he wanted, but she wouldn't give up a fellow sister, especially one as significant as she would become.  For centuries the council had told it's warriors of one who would have the power to end the raign of Ezekiel. That the Slayer would have the power of immortality, though it was an impossible task it was a task each was Given, to understand what the prophecy ment by immortality. And for centuries no one had figured this out, until now, until this moment now she the middle aged women stared her death in the eye's she understood the prophecy.
In her minds eyes she could see the next warrior, the girl was young much like she used to be. But she also happened to be completely untrained, though to the slayer perhaps this was a good thing. The girl would be surprise to Ezekiel and his band of merry men, he wouldn't be expecting the next warrior to be small and untrained knowing nothing of the supernatural world. But the Slayer knew this girl would be well protected, with friends like she had. With the Watcher who would soon be chosen to prepare her for the battles ahead, one who would love the her like a father loves his daughter. Surely the council would frown upon such a thing, but it was something out if their control. And she had him.
He was a surprise to the women at first, but now visions had become clear, In Death that often happens, now she could see the Slayer clearly and she knew the girl needed him. There had been a Reason her first date six months ago had been such a chaotic disaster, it was the same reason all the other dates had ended the same way. It was clear now, she was destined to be with him, it was as though they're Union was written in the star's. she was Reason why he had left his master's side over a thousand years ago. She was Reason why he only killed when he needed to, the universe was trying to tell him something. It had become clearer to women now as her death approached, the shadows in her vision's had been him. He was forever watching her, making sure she was Safe. He had loved her since the beginning of his immortal life. Now the current slayer for however long she had left knew this would be hard for the pair of fated lovers, it was forbidden but she knew somehow in the end it would work out. She knew the slayer would be safe and protected by all around her that cared for her. And she knew that the girl would protect them too.
Ezekiel finally came into view, the Slayer shut of her minds eye, her concentration now of the Ark Angel and his followers coming forwards  from the Shadows. The women was now surrounded but she had no fear of death, it was a natural part of life.
The women dropped her stakes, using her now free hands to push back she knoted blonde locks from her face.
"Arh, i see the women has come to her senses, tell my slayer what do you know of the prophecy" the man's voice was thick with gravel, his yellow eyes hooded as  they remained trained on the Slayer.
"I'll never tell you" spat the women, in a flash Mathias had pinned one arm across the blondes chest, while his free hand tangled itself into her hair, pulling back her head. The warm flesh of her neck exposed.
"You are brave, for a dead women,  aren't you ?" The ark angel closer now, so close he could hear the blood pumping in her veins. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was trying to intimidate her but it wouldn't work she wouldn't give the young girl up.
"Nothing I'll tell you nothing" Ezekiel growled like a primitive animal, before taking a few strides backwards.
"Go ahead boys, but remember to share." Within a blink of a eye, the slayer felt two pairs sharp teeth sink into either side of her neck. Both vampire's lapping up the blood as sweet as nectar. The older man forced his children to stop when he saw the women wanting to speak.
"STOP, she wants to speak." Both vampire reluctantly realised the women allowing her sputter out her last words.
"You'll never beat him, you Ezekiel of Lazarus will never beat him, you are not strong enough."
"Who, is this you speak of, girl answer me" the man's face was a mixture of confusion and desperation, to know who the Slayer spoke of.
"Someone you thought was long dead, you're Greatest creation," with those words the women was dead.
Ezekiel was confused, In his long raign on this earth he had turned meny and meny of them he considered his greatest creation. But through the ages they had all died, well those except Mathias and jedediah. On some level he knew that the pair were living because of him, they were faithful to him, to cause and of course he knew why. He had found jedediah two thousand years ago dying, the blood had been two hard to resist and soon enough he was drained of the sticky red liquid. At the time his first turn had convinced Ezekiel to bring the man back and of course he did. Matthias was different he was young compared to jedediah at only just a thousand. He and come looking for Ezekiel, evidently he found the the ark Angel in question, at the time he happened to be grieving the loss of his child. So he turned the young Man, his pathetic attempt to recreate his masterpiece.
"Father_father are you okay"
"No I think I have discovered something imperative, you're brother Jedediah may still in world after all". Ezekiel stated, the younger man froze taking a step backwards.
"Father it can not be, you would've felt his presence long ago, if he was still with the world you could feel him" Mathias spoke up licking the rest of the slayers blood from the corner of his lips. He had never met his master first creation but he had heard the story's, if they were true he was something beautiful but fearsome to be-hold.
"Perhaps, the distance of time has severed our connection, my son would've come home to me if I'd called, if he knew I was still living." Ezekiel frowned as a old wound had been opened.
"Father, maybe he did know and he simply didn't want to return to your side, that if what the girl said isn't true, father she could've lied" Jedediah said remembering those last few months before his blood brother disappeared, before the human had come with proof of his death. It had been trying times, his brother grew bored of being locked up like a child, he grew tired of the constant killing. The blood that followed them, how cruel they're father had become. How his eyes longed for more than blood and satisfaction the kill gave him. Jedediah knew his brother was capable of more, maybe evenlove if he found the right person. So he thought maybe his brother had planned that night, to escape and then disappear from the face of world.
"No my son would return to me, I know it" all eyes were on the Ark Angel as he spoke.
"Let's leave we have a Slayer to find"
It was late afternoon when Stevie Hoffman started on her way home, cheer practice had gone longer then expected, giving her less time to get ready for tonights party. Tonight her family and friends would be celebrating sixteen wonderful years with Stevie in the world. We'll all except her father, he would be seeing her on the weekend, since Mary and Philip got divorced the redhead saw her father less and less. Though she supposed it was natural he lived in California now and she still live in Willow falls, a small town just outside of Pennsylvania. But that didn't mean that Stevie didn't want him here for her sixteenth, but both her parents had assured their daughter it was for the best so Stevie dropped it.
The redhead decided to take a short cut through the cemetery, maybe she'd stop and see her grandparents graves before heading home. This was nothing out of ordinary Stevie often came by to see her grandparents, sometimes it help to talk to to them, if the day had been especially bad. And today had been, the boy who asked out had suddenly changed his mind and copped off with a blonde a year or so older than her.
This always happened to her, the redhead felt like she was destined to be lonely forever. Stevie continued down the gravel path to her family crypt, but from behind her the girl Heard a branch snapped under someone's feet. Now sure this could've been nothing but the redhead could've sworn she was alone. Turning Stevie saw nothing, so she shook it off and headed further down the track.
The girl however didn't get far because before long had been shoved to floor, with a man in his late twenties maybe early thirty's on top of her. The man's face was filled with rage, his eyes wide with hunger. He craned mouth down to the girls neck, but as his large fangs grazed Stevie's neck she brought her knee up to his groin, connecting it hard. The man tumbled a little to the side in pain, the girl shoved him the rest of way scrambling to her feet she ran.
The redhead ran as fast as converse clad feet would carry her, but she couldn't beat the man's speed. He up and like a flash had caught up to the girl. Stevie once again found her on floor, the man dragging her by the ankles. The gravel of the paving cutting her knees and hands. The girl some manage to break one leg free, kicking the man in the ankle he fell to the ground.
Stevie turned to leave but once again the man was her In a flash, the red was flat on her back. Fearing the worst, that he was going rape her. She turned her head, green eyes landing on a sharp wooden branch and in a instant the girl knew what to do. It was like every molecule woke up and told her what to do, seconds later Stevie plunged the wooden stick into the man's chest. Soon enough he was reduced to ash, his body had disappeared, as though he was never there.
From the corner stood a man holding a note pad and what looked to be a recording device. He looked impressed, but Stevie Hoffman stood tears welling up in her eyes and the realization of what she had just done. She and killed a man.
"Oh god I killed him, he's dead" the man frowned  and made his way over to his slayer.
"Miss Hoffman you need to calm down" he tried to Reason with the girl.
"No I killed someone, I just killed someone, he's dead what if he had a family" Stevie Hoffman's body trembled, where she now stood the stake still in her hands.
"Miss Hoffman, I need you calm down and listen to me. What you just killed wasn't human, he was a vampire and he was already dead" the man with note pad spoke getting closer to frightened redhead.
"Vampires aren't real,"
"Yes miss Hoffman they are and it's you're duty to protect the world against the creatures, you are the slayer" Stevie Hoffman let out a hystercial giggle before collapsing to the floor. The Watcher huffing as it suddenly became clear to him just how much help this girl was going to need.
Sighing professor Lionel Coleman collected his slayers belongings, and drove the unconscious girl home. He had spun some story of how he saw the girl being asulted by the cemetery, but had managed to to stop the assailant before anything to bad had happened. Stevie's mother had been greatfull that her daughter was brought home safely and thanked the man kindly. 
It was safe to say her sixteenth birthday hadn't turned out the way she expected and it turned out her life wouldn't be the same again. So much was coming and her Watcher just hoped she'd be ready when it did.
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paradisobound · 7 years
Piecing Together My Mind
Written for the Reverse Big Bang 2017!
Summary: When Dan is the victim of a terrible car accident, he suffers unbelievable trauma to his brain. As a result, only a few doctors in the world can perform the operation that is needed for him to recover: one the doctors being Phil Lester from America. Through the surgery and his recovery, Phil is there for him every step of the way, leading them into a spiral of love no one can predict, which eventually gains attention and popularity through a book written by Dan. 
Artist: @audaw
Beta: @carditawrites
Rating: Mature (for the themes involved)
Warnings: hospital settings, car accident, surgery
Word Count: 10,763
Authors Note: When I first began to write this fic, it came really easily and I was so happy with it. The car accident depicted was actually based upon my own car accident, just more dramatically, because I felt like I needed to vent it out and this fic was perfect for it. Through the process of writing, I went from nearly finishing it in one sitting to not touching it for months, and then finishing it all in one sitting. And it’s been a ride lol. But I seriously wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of my awesome beta @carditawrites because she literally helped give me so much inspiration for this! I really hope you all enjoy it as well! Happy reading! :) 
  In hindsight, Dan should have stayed home. He shouldn’t have attempted to get into his car and drive off in the severe downpour that was washing away the streets. He should have just waited until it stopped. But at the time, he thought the rain was going to stop and he would be able to make it to his parent’s house.
His mind was already clouded with dark afterthoughts and his eyes were blurry with unshed tears as the thought of the break up plagued his head. Maybe if Damien had just waited a few more hours, he wouldn’t have felt so inclined to travel back to his parents’ home in a complete downpour.
Dan could barely see the road in front of him, his headlights not making much of a leeway in this darkness. The glare from the lines on the road weren’t helping his already blurred eyes. Maybe he should have just pulled off and wait until the rain lets up. There wasn’t even a way that he could continue to drive in this.
But his mind told him that he was going to fine and the weather was going to change. The rain was going to stop soon and he would run out of it. So he powered on, his fists gripping the steering wheel tightly to the point where his knuckles were white; his foot moving over the gas pedal and then to the break when he needed to slow down.
He didn’t even know how long he had been driving now. It had been at least an hour. Maybe he wasn’t even going in the right direction. To be fair, he couldn’t tell. His windshield wipers were going as fast as they could and they still weren’t fast enough. They were beating away the rain that Dan just willed to stop so he could get to the safe haven of his parents. He craved their attention in ways that he couldn’t nearly describe. All he wanted to do was cry to them about how much he loved Damien and how heart broken he was.
The slip… he felt it within the first couple seconds. The tires on the car were fighting to pass through the water that was on the road. Dan’s foot found the break and he pressed it, willing his car to slow down but it wasn’t working. The back of his car had a mind of it’s own, swinging out right and he heard the noise. Metal on metal in a collision that will forever haunt Dan’s mind.
He didn’t remember what happened after that. Maybe a couple of turns and possibly some more colliding. All he knew was that the airbags deployed, leaving his flesh with black and blue marks that would later sting when he took a breath.
For the first few moments after the accident, Dan was conscious enough to realize the severity of it all. His car was upside down somewhere and his head burned with pain. His limbs felt tired and exhausted and he knew he needed to get out, call for help and pray that someone would come by and see him.
He went to move when his arm felt like it was grinding against shard glass. He cried out, trying his best to just escape but he knew he wasn’t going to do this by himself. He needed to get help.
His arm was moving to the passenger seat for his phone when he heard the first siren come. It was far enough away where the sound didn’t hurt his ears but close enough that he knew he was going to get help.
But he didn’t get to see the police officers and ambulance arrive, because his sight went black just moments before and his body fell limp.
The distant beeping was what pulled him from the void that clouded his mind. He opened his eyes and then immediately closed them when white fluorescent lights filled his vision. It was too bright in there: he needed it to be darker.
His body had other plans though, and his eyes reopened. It took a moment to adjust before he processed where he even was. Was he dead? Was this heaven? Was that why he was suddenly being blinded by the light? He was no believer in God but maybe after this, he would be.
After a moment of adjustment, he was able to come to his senses and realize that he was in an all white room. Cords littered the floors as they led out of his body in various places. The distant beeping wasn’t a weird noise that he was just hearing; it was his heart monitor.
His eyes hurt to adjust but quickly a pair of blue scrubs came into view and he opened them wider to see who was in front of him. A perky blonde in all blue scrubs was stood at his bedside, a clipboard in hand and stethoscope around her neck. “Good morning, Mr. Howell. We’re extremely happy to see you’re awake!”
Dan turned his head and whimpered at the ache of pain in his neck. His muscles felt stiff and unmoved, his mouth felt like cotton and as he opened it to ask for pain meds, he realized he wanted water a lot more. “Wa—wat—water,” he croaked out.
The nurse quickly moved around the bed and came back with a clear cup filled with the cool liquid. She handed it to Dan, who reached up to grab it when he realized he couldn’t move his arm very fell. Maybe it was the stiff muscles, but it took some shaky movements to get to the cup where the nurse helped him ingest the refreshing liquid.
When the cup was empty, the nurse moved it back to the side before looking him over. “How is your pain, Mr. Howell?”
“H-hurts,” he croaked out, his head now pounding and his lower body radiating pain. He didn’t know if it was from the movements he was doing now after being dormant for so long or from the accident…
The accident. The memory suddenly flooded his head. He had gotten into a car accident: he knew that much, but he couldn’t remember what happened or what had caused it.
“Well, we can't have you be in pain, can we?” the blonde stated as she picked up a syringe and injected the liquid medication into his IV. The long tube was connected to an area in his arm, scaring him slightly, but he looked like a machine being fed by wires.
Nearly instantly, his pain began to lesson and he relaxed into the bed, noting the terrible quality of the mattress he was lying on. “Do you know what happened, Dan?”
The sudden use of his first name made him turn his head a lot quicker than he should have. He groaned inwardly to himself at the movement and willed his muscles to relax to ease the pain. “No,” he finally said softly, his voice hoarse and raspy.
“Well, I’ll wait for the doctor to tell you then,” she said sympathetically. “You were conscious for the first few minutes in the hospital and I didn’t know if you were aware then?”
Dan shook his head softly, leaning back into the bed and shutting his eyes. Just this simple conversation was using all of his energy. He felt drained and ready to sleep all over again. He just wanted to relax further.
“You’re welcome to relax, Dan,” she said gently. “The doctor is now aware that you are awake and he’ll be wanting to speak with you soon, okay?”
Dan wanted to nod, but instead he let go of a shallow breath and shut his eyes. He let the nurse continue her routine vital checks as he felt poked and prodded all over again. She checked his breathing, his blood pressure, his IV drip, and a bit more that Dan couldn’t tell.
It wasn’t long after she was finished that he heard a soft knock against the door and the creak of it opening. He opened his eyes long enough to notice a tall middle aged man with a white coat enter his room. This had to be the doctor. His grey hair and glasses gave way that he was an experienced man and Dan didn’t know if that made him feel better or not.
“Are you finished, Louise?” the male boomed out in a deep voice.
The nurse, called Louise, nodded her head before exiting the room and taking the cart of equipment with her in the process. Meanwhile, the doctor was now pulling up a seat next to Dan’s bed, which scared Dan because this had to be obviously serious. There would be no other reason for the doctor to be sitting, other than telling him bad news. Maybe he was going to die after all.
The thought scared him more than the idea of being hurt.
“How are you feeling, Dan?”
Dan felt the urge to shrug his shoulders, but he didn’t know if he was able to do that action so he just replied, “Okay,” instead.
“Well, that’s good,” The doctor noted. “My name is Dr. Meny and I was your surgeon last night.”
Surgeon. Dan knew that wasn’t good. He had gone through surgery and never even known it.
“You see,” Dr. Meny continued. “If you cannot remember, you were the victim of a very serious car crash. You were brought to me at the emergency room last night, and had appeared fine. However, after just a few minutes within the ER, you began to fall into a seizure. Unknowing what could have caused this, we notified your next of kin - your parents - and they told us you had no history of seizures. Confused, we performed a CT Scan of the brain and noticed that you have swelling, which is what we call cerebral edema, or excess fluid within the walls of the brain cells. Now, noting this, our next priority was decreasing the pressure as much as possible because if there is a lot of pressure inside the skull, blood will not flow to that section of the brain and therefore, it can lead to very serious health conditions. This includes seizures, strokes, and even death.” He paused for a moment.
Dan took the time to process what he was hearing and a single tear escaped down his cheek as he thought the worst. He was going to die and this was the doctor telling him that he only had a short time to live. He knew it. Reaching a hand up, he felt the bandage around his head that he had never felt before. He moved his hand back down and allowed for the doctor to speak to him more.
“Now, do not think that this isn’t treatable,” Dr. Meny said reassuringly. “This can be treatable and that is why we operated last night in an emergency surgery. We went in and tried to relieve the pressure by removing some of the extra fluid because, you see, when the accident occurred, you did damage to your head. And I'm sure you probably are feeling the symptoms of it, like memory loss.” Dan nodded slowly, because he was experiencing that.“But the surgery was unsuccessful. We were not able to remove that fluid.”
“So what does that mean?” Dan asked just as soon as the doctor's words were finished. “Why wasn’t it able to fixed if it’s treatable?”
“Well, here is the thing,” The doctor began, “We think that there is something further inside of the brain that isn’t allowing for the swelling to go down. We think there is some trauma further down that we are not seeing. Since we are not specialists on the brain, we can only do so much.”
“But what can I do?” Dan pleaded. “What options are there for me?”
The doctor pulled out a notebook from his jacket pocket and flipped open the cover, “In the time that you have been recovering, we have found three surgeons in the world that are able to work inside the brain in a precise way that will not damage the brain. We have contacted all of them and two have responded,” he pulled out a pen and wrote some things on his notepad. “However, until we can find out which one will be willing to take on your case, we are obligated not to disclose their information.”
Dan seethed inside of his head. Why couldn’t he know who would be opening his head up and drilling into his brain? Wasn’t he important enough to find out?
“When will we find out?”
“Well,” Dr. Meny began. “We heard back from one of the two doctors, this one being from America, who is willing to fly out and consult you to do the surgery. However, we have not heard back from the other doctor—”
“I want the first one,” Dan spat out. “I want the one that is willing to fly from America to here to do my procedure.”
“Are you sure?” Dr. Meny asked, scribbling something else on his notepad.
“Yes,” Dan spoke out. “I want them to do the procedure because they’re clearly willing to fly over here to see me, so they deserve to operate on me.”
“But this needs careful—”
“Why?” Dan asked in a spiteful manner. “Why would I need to be careful about this? My brain is swelled. Remember, you told me so. This could mean so much and…” Dan felt his voice get choked up. “I want to be able to have a doctor who wants to do the procedure for me instead of doing it for the money. That’s all.”
“Dan, I just want to reiterate that—”
“I know,” Dan interrupted, “I want that doctor.”
Dr. Meny sighed and wrote something more on his notepad before standing up from his sitting position, “I will have my secretary contact the doctor and we’ll go from there.”
“Am I able to know the doctors name now?” Dan asked, relaxing into the bed as a strong headache began to form in the back of his skull.
“His name is Dr. Philip Lester and he’s a prized Neurosurgeon from Los Angeles.”
Dan nodded, half listening to the words as the pain in his head began to radiate towards his eyes and his vision clouded. Groaning in discomfort, he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped onto the blankets of his hospital bed with white knuckles as he willed for the pain meds to take over and take away this God-awful pain.
His wish was soon granted as he slipped into a black void as his body refused to fight the pain.
They had him Skype with Dr. Lester that afternoon, following the arrival of Dan’s parents who were worried sick over their son. Dr. Meny had reassured Dan multiple times that he was going to be okay and that he could do all normal, everyday things but he just had to be wary of his head and hitting it on surfaces too hard. For instance, like Dr. Lester later explained, lying down in bed or on a couch too fast.
But that still didn’t help his worry.
With his laptop sat on the conveniently placed table, he Skyped with this Philip Lester and felt his worries simultaneously diminish and also increase. On the screen, Dr. Lester appeared to be extremely professional as he spoke to Dan in the comfort of his office. The time difference was very clear but that didn’t seem to affect Dr. Lester at all.
Dr. Lester explained to Dan that his life was not going to be affected at all if he can help it. In fact, he had already booked a flight straight to the UK to see Dan the following day which Dan thought was extremely generous. He’d never heard of a doctor doing this before but in all honesty, he liked that.
The Skype call didn’t last long, because Dr. Lester told him that he was going to consult with him tomorrow more about what he can do to help Dan out. In the meantime, Dan was just worried about something else happening to alter his already swelled mind.
This worry was aggravated since earlier in the day, just as Dr. Meny was about to leave, Dan fell into another seizure that he had to be brought out of. He came out exhausted and ready to collapse. He couldn’t remember that it happened, but he had a sinking feeling that it had occurred.
Once Dan was alone with his parents again, they questioned him about Damien. But Dan didn’t even know who Damien was. Apparently, Damien was Dan’s boyfriend., but Dan couldn’t remember him. He didn’t even know of anyone named Damien.
A picture was showed to him from his nearly destroyed mobile phone which confirmed to him that he, in fact, did know a Damien and he was somehow involved with Dan. Another quick look at his text messages proved that whatever he had with Damien had fizzled out because of another person named “Becky”.
“Are you sure that you don’t remember him, Dan?” Dan’s father stated in a helpful manner as he sat at Dan’s bedside.
Dan shook his head as slowly and carefully as possible because no, he did not remember him. Frankly, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. It had to be a blessing that his short term memory was altered so he couldn’t remember Damien and anything he did.
“Well, I guess that’s okay,” Dan’s mother piped in, “Right, John?”
Dan’s father nodded before reaching out and taking Dan’s hand in his own, squeezing his palm gently. Dan looked down at their clasped hands and smiled. He will be forever grateful for the love and support he received from his parents all this time.
“So the doctor comes in tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yes, he should be here in the morning.”
“But when will the surgery be?”
Dan shrugged his shoulders carefully. “Hopefully soon,” he said. “I don’t want any more damage to be done and I want whatever damage I do have to be fixed.”
“We know, Daniel,” his mother added. “But we’re very scared right now.” Tears glistened in her eyes.
Dan tried to fake a smile to tell her that he was okay but it faltered and tears cascaded down his cheeks like a stream. He wasn’t sure if he was ever going to be okay. He always joked about death but now that he was on the verge of death, it was terrifying him. He never got to fulfill his life. He hadn’t done what he was set out to do. If he was to die now, he wouldn’t have a lasting impression on anyone.
He needed to be remembered by something. If he didn’t make a lasting impression, then what did he ever do with his life besides waste it away?
A book.
Dan was going to write a book. But a book on what? He was fighting within himself mentally to the point where he was giving himself another headache. What would he write a book about?
Then the idea hit him.
He would write a book about this. About the car accident and what he remembered; about his fight for life as his brain swelled; about the doctor who was gonna save his life. He was gonna write a memoir. He was already thinking of the ideas for it in his head.
He was going to make a difference. If he survived this battle, he was going to show everyone what he went through: the seizures that he never used to have; the memory loss; everything.
“What are your thoughts right now, Daniel?” His mother asked, placing a hand over his fathers that was still clasped in Dan’s own hand.
“I want to survive this,” Dan stated, with a newfound courage in his voice. “I will survive this. Dr. Lester will help me. He’ll heal me and find the damage that is causing my seizures and pain.”
“Yes, Daniel,” she added. “God is looking over you in ways that we cannot believe.”
Dan had to agree with her words. He was a self-proclaimed Atheist but even he had to admit that this was somewhat of a miracle.
“Why don’t you get some rest, Daniel?” His father said suddenly, reaching behind him and undoing their hands so he could fluff Dan’s pillows, “I think you deserve to sleep for a little bit and rest your eyes.”
Dan had to agree with that as well. He was exhausted in ways that he simply couldn’t describe. His eyelids weighed heavily on his lashes and his mouth fought back a yawn. Shutting his eyes, this time with his own control, he relaxed into the bed and succumbed to the brink of sleep that was overtaking him.
“Dan.” Louise, his nurse, spoke as he carefully chewed away at a piece of toast. “Dr. Lester has just arrived to the hospital and is requesting to see you immediately. Is it okay for him to come in?”
Dan nodded, finishing up his bite of food before brushing the crumbs off from his hands onto the bedding that was surrounding his tired and bruised legs. He saw his body for the first time last night when he used the bathroom. The mirror didn’t lie when it showed him a discolored face with a bruised left side; cuts and scratches that littered his stomach and bruises that littered his chest, and the dark marks that stung on his thighs when he walked. He nearly cried because for the first time in his life, Dan didn’t recognize the man staring back at him in the mirror.
He had one more seizure that night. He woke up briefly before he fell into it, the machines going crazy as this one became the strongest and worst one yet that Dan has experienced. The nurses murmured about him. He heard their talk as they all discussed how Dan needs to be seen. The more seizures he has, the worse his brain would be and the more damage he would have: permanent damage that would change his life forever.
Dan’s parents were waiting in agony to hear about what Dr. Lester has to say. They wanted to stay by Dan’s side but Dan didn’t want them to worry so he sent them to a hotel for the night instead. He was sure that they were probably at the hospital, sitting in the waiting room while they thought Dan was still asleep. And hell, Dan still would be, considering the time was six in the morning but he had to be woken up for vital checks every few hours and they got the best of him last night.
“Yes,” Dan said to Louise, “I’m really eager to see him.”
Nearly a minute later, a soft knock echoed into his room and Dan watched as the door slowly opened. A raven haired man walked through the door with glasses that bridged the top of his nose. When he turned to Dan’s direction, Dan felt all breath leave his body as he stared into his deep blue eyes.
This had to be Dr. Lester.
“Pleasure to finally see you, Dan.,” He spoke with soft, careful words. “I’m sure you already know but incase you don’t, I’m Dr. Lester. It’s great to meet you in person and not over a webcam.”
Dan smiled at him. Not just a small friendly smile but a full big smile because he already felt better with him here. Dr. Lester gave off this presence that significantly made Dan feel better.
Dr. Lester’s hand stretched out to Dan’s and Dan took it in a warm handshake.“Nice to meet you too, Dr. Lester.”
“Oh please!” he said pulling up a seat next to Dan and taking out a medical chart. “You can call me Phil since I’m going to be seeing more of you than you probably want.”
Dan could have choked. Seriously, if he had been eating, he would have because that crude humor was exactly what Dan liked. He knew instantly he was going to like this guy.
“That came out really wrong,” Phil chuckled like a high schooler. “Oh, what a great first impression I have made. My excuse is that jet lag has gotten the better of me this morning.”
Before Dan could get any words in, Phil interjected again with the medical talk nearly immediately, “I have reviewed your CT scans and can tell already that the doctors here have missed a vital part of what is causing the swelling. From what I have seen, I can tell you are bleeding inside of your brain. The damage suffered is quite extensive and is quite definitely what is causing the seizures. Now, here is the problem: I will need to go into your brain within the next 24 hours because if any more bleeding occurs, life threatening instances will occur, and I don’t want that happening okay?”
Dan nodded slowly, having trouble keeping down his breakfast after hearing Phil’s words. Goosebumps crawled up his skin and prickled at his nerves. His stomach twisted into knots and squeezed as he processed the words that were just spoken to him. The more he thought about the phrase “life threatening instances will occur”, the worse his stomach felt and he temporarily looked around just in case he needed to expel his breakfast somewhere.  
“So what we are going to do, is that I’m going to do a final CT scan on you. What that scan is going to show is what I will be working with here. If your brain is swelled further, it’s going to make my job much more difficult. But do not worry! I will fix the problem,” Phil then leans over the bed, causing Dan to wonder what he’s doing until Phil shows him a graphic template of a brain on an iPad that shows exactly what Phil is going to do. “So here is the plan: you are going to be awake for the entire thing, just sedated. I am going to open up the cranial flap large enough to open the skull and reveal the brain. Once inside, I’m going to carefully relieve the fluid in a determined way so that all the swelling will decrease. Once the swelling goes down, I will go further into the brain and use a clamp to cut off the blood flow wherever you are bleeding. Once the bleeding is done, I’ll cauterize the artery. By the looks of it, the bleeding is coming from just above the cerebral cortex, which is a big deal because if the bleeding doesn't stop, you can go into shock. This can cause anything from paralysis to stroke, to an aneurism to death.” Dan nodded slowly to Phil’s words. “During the procedure, you’re going to be speaking with me. This is how I will know that I haven’t hit anything in the brain that can be life threatening. Do not be afraid, okay, Dan? Everything is going to be fine.”
“I’m really scared,” were the only words that came out of Dan’s mouth.
Phil nodded, pulling the iPad away and setting his belongings on the end of Dan’s bed. He reached out and grabbed Dan’s hand, noting the loss of color within Dan’s skin, and squeezed softly. Dan was shaking slightly, his body feeling fear from the impending operation. What Dan didn’t know was that Phil was nervous too but Phil couldn’t begin to even imagine the fear that must be setting inside of Dan as he spoke. “I know, Dan,” he said sympathetically  but at the same time he knew his words would be helpless. “I’m nervous too because this is the hardest procedure I’ve ever done, but I have full confidence that I’m going to get it. I’m going to heal you.”
Dan took a deep, shuddering breath before nodding and smiling softly at Phil. “I trust you.”
“I know,” Phil reiterated. “Now, I have to go over the risks. Anything done to the brain is a risk in itself. Although it’s never happened to me, one slip could be fatal. Any little slip from me and my scalpel can cause paralysis or death, but that’s not gonna happen.”
Dan nodded and took another deep breath, “So when does this happen?”
“If we can get your CT scan done this morning, I can do the surgery this afternoon.”
“That soon?”
Phil nodded. “The sooner the better.”
Phil’s hand released from Dan’s long enough for a new nurse to come in and begin prepping Dan’s for his CT Scan. Dan was amazed at the quick work of the doctors and nurses at this hospital, but Phil quickly mentioned that he put the order in as soon as he arrived this morning. Phil was just as shocked about the quick work.
Dan was wheeled to the nuclear imaging center of the hospital where he was shifted from his bed to another much less padded and much colder gurney. He was instructed to lay flat as they adjusted the lead protective shields around him. He’d groan and whimper if a nurse was too rough with him. Moments later, a loud voice boomed through the speaker next to him that caused him to relax: it was Phil.
“We’re about to start the scan now,” Phil said. “We’re going to move you inside of the camera now where you will be scanned. The test should go by fast and I’ll be here to speak with you the entire time.”
The bed underneath him suddenly shifted and he looked to see that he was moving forward into this cylinder that reminded him of a coffin. He felt like everything was closing in on him and he gripped the sheets under him, claustrophobia setting in.
“Dan,” Phil’s voice spoke out to him. “Dan? Can you calm down for us? Your heart rate and brain activity have suddenly spiked.”
“I’m sorry,” Dan spoke out, mostly in a whisper.
“It’s okay, Dan,” Phil coaxed. “Everything is going to be okay. I know that it’s hard to believe right now but you’re going to be okay.”
Dan didn’t move but he felt like he needed to relieve the pressure and tension from his shoulder blades. A weight was now sat on them, making him feel even more weighed down than the lead blanket that had given him to protect from radiation.
“Okay, we’re about to start the scan so stay as still as possible, got it?”
Dan didn’t reply. Instead he felt the hair on his body prickle up from the radiation. It made a small shiver go through his spine at the thought of the scan he was going through pumping his body full of toxic chemicals. But to Dan, this definitely isn’t the worst thing to happen right now. The worst thing would be him falling into a seizure on this gurney.
Dan could still feel and hear the buzzing around himself as the scan continued. He didn’t hear anything from Phil over the speaker for a while, until Phil told him the scan was almost over. Just a few moments after that, Dan heard the buzzing stop and he was soon being retracted from the cold metal tube he was just inside.
As Dan was helped back onto the gurney, his head throbbed with pain and he felt the need to reach out and grab onto whatever he could hold. Within moments, his vision blacked and his worst fears came true as he fell into another seizure: right there in the room as Phil ran to his help.
This one was a lot harder to come out of. His body was just so tired of fighting it and he wanted them to just stop completely. When he opened his eyes slowly, Phil was staring at him with concern laced over his face. He reached out, pushing Dan’s fringe away from his eyes and tucked it gently behind his ear. Dan relaxed into the touch, his body still tense and rigid.
“You won’t have this hair for much longer,” Phil said with a gentle smile. “But to be fair, I think you’ll look fine bald.”
“Hmm,” Dan voiced. “I don’t know about that.”
Dan’s words were slurred and showed of exhaustion.
Phil smiled at him. “We’re going to do your surgery in a few hours, okay?” he stated. “But when you keep falling into seizures, it makes it hard for us because we need to ensure you’re not going to have one when you’re being operated on.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Phil said, running his hands gently through Dan’s exposed hair. “I know they’re not your fault,” he said. “But do you know when you’re about to fall into one?”
Dan nodded softly. “I get a headache and then my vision blurs.”
“So you’ll be able to tell me if you start feeling one?”
“That’s all I need to know,” Phil stated to Dan as he retracted his hand from Dan’s hair. Dan visibly shook from the cold chill he got when the touch was left. He felt like a puppy who just wanted to be petted and have attention. “After your recovery, do you think you would care to join me for lunch?”
Dan opened his eyes a little bit more, even though they were still heavy with exhaustion. “Possibly,” he spoke. “As long as you can guarantee that I’ll still be alive.”
“Then it’s a date.”
Dan smiled to himself, finding himself blushing at the forwardness that Phil was showing to him. He felt good at the presence of Phil. He liked having Phil here: it made him feel safe and secure.
“I need to go and get prepared but I’ll see you in a few hours okay?”
Dan smiled at him. “Okay, Dr. Lester.”
Phil smiled back at him as he stood up from where he was sat and walked towards the door. He gave Dan one last look before exiting the room, leaving Dan shaking like a leaf as the nerves of the surgery kicked in.
The operating room was cold. Dan had asked for a blanket as he sat up on the operating table. A back support for him braced against his spine as he was told he’d be sitting for awhile. According to Phil, the surgery could take anywhere from 2 hours to 8 hours depending on what he found once inside his brain. But regardless of the time it would take, Phil was going to fix him.
He was slowly being sedated with a list of medication that Dan didn’t even know. He was still awake but he was numb everywhere and couldn’t even move his own arm. The idea of being in a temporary paralysis was quite terrifying but the thought of having his brain wide open for Phil was worse.
Per the request of his parent’s, they had the hospital pastor come into his room and say a prayer for him right before he was wheeled away for surgery. Dan had cried hysterically to his mother before he left, telling her he was scared of it. She tried her best to help him out of the fear but when she was fearful herself, it was hard. He had Phil’s reassurance and guidance to help him through this but he was still terrified out of his mind.
Right before Phil was set to enter the operating room, the anesthesiologist come in with a syringe and went to inject the liquid into Dan. “What is that?” he slurred.
“Dr. Lester has requested you be fully sedated for the procedure after all. He is saying that the risks are too high to leave you in a mild sedative.”
Dan felt himself start to panic. He had been told this entire time that Phil would talk with him through the procedure and now he was going to be knocked out. What about if he got knocked out and then never woke back up? He’d be put to sleep quite literally.
He was terrified now. His body shaking even though it was paralyzed and now he was on the verge of tears. “Take two deep breaths, Dan.”
Dan struggled to take in the one when he felt the world around him begin to spin. Just as his vision was blacking out, he watched Phil put his gloves on as he walked into the operating room.
One Week Later
“How are you feeling, Dan?”
Dan sat up straighter in his hospital bed, his head still slightly sore but his body feeling much more recuperate. He eyed Phil up and down as he stepped inside in his typical hospital attire.
“Really good!” Dan finally answered.
“That’s great!” Phil answered, moving forward and sitting down next to Dan at his bedside.
Dan’s surgery had taken nearly six hours. Phil worked until he found every last thing wrong and he fixed every single one. His surgery was a pure success and Phil had never been so proud of the fact that he completed such a dangerous surgery.
It was after the surgery that really showed Phil’s generosity to Dan. Phil was supposed to fly back a few days prior but had decided to stay until Dan was fully recovered. He predicted that within six weeks, Dan’s healing would be nearly complete but six months would be when he saw full change back into normality.
At one week later, Dan was beginning to see the signs that normality was on the horizon. Just one day after the surgery, the nurses had him up and walking around to make sure he hadn’t suffered any onset nerve damage. Phil didn’t think Dan would but he still watched from the sidelines as Dan walked slowly up and down the hallways.
By the second day, Dan was feeling really good. The nurses removed his bandages for the first time and he was able to see the intricate stitch work of Phil that went halfway around his head. He felt a little destress over seeing his hair being gone but Phil had reassured him that he looked fine without.
Phil was Dan’s biggest supporter at that point. Besides his parents, Phil was always there for each small milestone that Dan went through. Everything that Dan did, they did together. Even though Phil was Dan’s doctor, Dan felt like he had a friendship with Phil that was building quite fast.
It was the beginning of Dan’s recovery process. Phil wanted to start him fast so he would learn his skills and memory back fast. Phil talked about sending Dan to a specialist to help but Dan insisted that Phil was fine to help him. So Phil helped him slowly, but he was grateful for every little bit.
They began with basic information., like Dan’s family. So Phil asked Dan questions about his family, like what his mother's name was and his father’s name and if he had any brothers or sisters. The entire time, Dan felt humiliated, because he knew his family. He didn’t see how this was helping him if he already remembered all of this. Dan felt like laughing at Phil, because that for this was a joke for Phil to get his humor up. It turned out not be.
The second test Phil conducted involved an advised trip to the centre of London, where Dan was told to recite the directions to a store. Dan did so easily, even showing Phil little quirks on the streets to prove that he did remember. Pleasantly surprised, Phil decided to test three other locations, and Dan remembered these just as easy. Phil was rather proud. In fact, he was almost sure that they wouldn’t need any more tests. To be sure, he did another one just in case.
The third and final test came in the form of puzzles. Phil hid a single cheerio underneath a cup, and then told Dan to point out which cup the cheerio was under, and Dan failed every time. Phil was dumbfounded as to why Dan wasn’t getting this riddle. So he tried it again. This time, he made Dan follow his line of vision so he could see where the cheerio was going, and that helped Dan a lot. But that still didn’t make Phil happy with the results. He pushed Dan for the rest of the day, trying to get him to help and to learn.
That night, Dan felt something inside of his head. Something that signalled something was wrong. He was already stressed from not doing good on the test earlier that day, so maybe that had something to do with it? Phil was writing something else down in his notes, ready to leave when Dan stopped him. “Don’t leave!” Dan pleaded, “My head doesn’t feel good.”
“What’s going on?” Phil asked, extremely concerned.
“I...I feel like I could have another seizure and I’m scared.”
Phil stood up from where he was sat and walked over to Dan’s bed, sitting down next to him, “You need to relax for one.”
“I can’t,” Dan cried, “I’m stressed!”
“Can I?” Phil asked, and Dan was confused until Phil lifted the blankets off from Dan’s legs and slid underneath, getting close to him, “Scoot into me and just relax.”
Hesitant, but eager to stop the bad feeling, Dan did so. He moved closer and cuddled into him, letting Phil massage his back to soothe him. Soon, Dan had fallen asleep; the bad feeling gone.
In the morning, before Dan was awake, Phil checked him over, running a quick check up on his brain, noticing the activity was normal. He smiled in content, before leaving for his other plan for the morning. He went to the hospital store and picked up a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers. When he got back up to the room, Dan was just waking, and surprised to see Phil standing there with his gifts.
“Why did you get me these?” Dan asked.
“Because you had a rough night last night and I want you to feel better.”
And Dan knew in that moment that something new and exciting was brewing between him and Phil.
Dan was filled with nervous energy the day he was released from the hospital. His stitches were nearly healed and dissolved and his hair was growing back the way it should be. He still wore a cap over his head though to cover the lack of hair.
Phil had left with him. Dan was shocked at the fact Phil had cancelled his flight again to stay with Dan for a few more weeks. Dan was ever so grateful for the friendship that Phil has given him: all of the nights Phil had stayed in the hospital beside him, the days Phil had got him food because the hospital food was terrible, and the one special night where Dan felt like he was going into a seizure but Phil held him in his bed to calm him down. All of these led up to the present where Phil was now holding his hand as Dan shakily climbed out of the taxi at his apartment.
Dan couldn’t remember anything about his apartment. If he thought hard enough, which he tried not to do because he was scared of something happening, he could remember little details: like how his bed was against a white wall and how he had a white piano in the corner. All of that was merely just an image to Dan and he didn’t even know if it was something his brain was making up.
“You okay?” Phil asked in a soft voice as Dan stood on both feet, his knees shaking slightly.
“Just a little nervous is’all,” Dan replied making a few steps on the uneven pavement underneath.
The truth was that Dan wasn’t scared of walking or moving, he was just scared of falling. He was terrified of hitting his head on anything and even though Phil has sworn up and down that he’ll be okay, Dan was still nervous.
Phil took a hold of his hand and led him to the stairs of his apartment building. Dan slowly and carefully took the steps one step at a time as he held onto the railing with white knuckles. Looking up in front of him, Dan didn’t recognize the door, but yet he had this familiar feeling in the core of his stomach that told him this was his apartment.
Phil handed Dan the keys that Dan had given him, too scared that he would lose them if he held them himself. With shaking hands, he pressed the key into the doorknob, and twisted, allowing the door to spring open. Immediately, the scent of home flooded his sense and Dan smiled, feeling grateful to not smell disinfectant anymore. Walking through the doorway, the first thing he notices is that there is a TV on in the distance. The slightly static and grainy sound made its way to his ear.
He suddenly tenses.
Who was in his apartment?
He reached behind him and gripped Phil’s hand, walking slowly, “Someone's in here,” Dan mumbled.
Phil looked at him, “Are you sure?”
Dan nodded, “The TV is on. I can hear it.”
Phil took the lead, walking towards the now loud sound that was resonating through the tiny apartment. As they near closer, a pair of legs come into view and Dan’s heart kick starts. He leans closer to Phil, confused and upset about who could have broken into his apartment, especially when he’s been in the hospital?
“Who...who are you?” Dan asked, his voice shaky and unsure, lacking confidence.
The figure suddenly stood up and rushed over to him. Dan cowered, turning into Phil and hiding. The man was large, with broad shoulders and blonde hair. He scared Dan…Dan didn’t even know who he was or why he was here.
“Dan?” The voice boomed, deep and emotion filled, “Baby, is that really you?”
Dan turned his head, feeling his bandages catch a little on Phil’s shirt, but he ignored it and stared at the man, getting a good look at him, “Who are you and why are you calling me baby?”
The man’s eyes widened, a now deep brown that was sucking Dan in, “Dan? Do you not remember me?”
Dan was confused, horribly and terribly confused. He shook his head.
“Dan, I’m Damien...your boyfriend,” Dan felt his heart drop into his stomach, “We had a fight one night and...and you left and then I never heard anything from you. I...I called everyone and everywhere for you and no one knew! I was so scared, baby!”
Something about the man, Damien’s, words bit at Dan in an uncomfortable way. He didn’t like his tone, and he didn’t like what he was saying. Something was resonating deep inside of him, telling him something was terribly wrong.
“From what I know,” Phil suddenly chipped in, long forgotten in the reunion of Damien and Dan, “You broke up with Dan that night.”
That thought clicked in Dan’s head. That sounded about right.
“So why are you still in his apartment?” Phil asked, “And further, why didn’t you try harder to locate your so-called boyfriend as he was lying dying in the hospital?”
Dan swallowed hard, a sudden headache beginning in the back of his head near his neck. He said a silent ‘ow’ and moved his hand to touch the sore spot.
“Dan...come on now, you remember me?” Damien spewed out, “We loved each other. We...we had everything and we…”
“Damien,” Dan finally got out. “I don’t remember you,” he stressed, “And I don’t remember anything that you are saying. But the part that is striking inside of my head is that everything you are saying is a lie. I would really like you gone, now, okay?”
“You can’t kick me out of our apartment, Dan!” Damien cried, “I help pay for this!”
Dan shook his head, “You don’t anymore and I want you go. If you’re not gone, I’m going to call the police.”
Damien’s body tensed, and he backed up away from Dan was shaking and holding tightly onto Phil’s arm for leverage. He didn’t understand where the sudden confidence boost came from but he was glad it was there. He felt a sort of relief over the fact that he stood up to Damien. Maybe that’s what his old self wanted to do all along too.
Damien walked away, stomping over to the living room where he looked reluctant to do anything. But then he was gone, and the sound of various thrown items hitting the floor was heard throughout the apartment.
And Dan felt incredibly okay with this...it was exactly what he needed.
“You’ve had a rough day so what about watching a movie?”
Dan looked up from their dinner that Phil had ordered from a local restaurant just down the road. He was happy to eat something else besides mediocre hospital food. This Pad Thai was much more exciting to eat than grilled chicken that was way overcooked and hard.
“Yeah, that sounds okay with me,” Dan said with a smirk.
Phil was already done eating, and although Dan had a long ways to go, Phil stood up and headed into Dan’s living room and turned on the TV. Dan watched from the corner of his eye to see Phil open Netflix and surf through the movies until he finally found a new TV that Netflix just released, “I know you said that you wanted to watch a movie but what about this show? It’s called Stranger Things and it seems really interesting!”
Dan smiled wider, an unspoken agreement that he was okay to watch the show instead. He finished his food in slow bites before moving into the living room.
Sitting on the couch, there was evident space between him and Phil. He knew that he and Phil had gotten a lot closer than they intended to. For one, it wasn’t a normal occurrence for a doctor to go home with a patient. But Phil had insisted.
He suddenly felt brave. Moving closer to Phil, he scooted until their thighs touched and Dan leaned into him. He carefully rested his head on Phil’s chest, letting himself relax. It was such a small intimate gesture, but one that meant so much to them both at the same time.
They show became forgotten as Dan sat back up, staring Phil in the eyes before leaning in. He didn’t mean to, but he was. And now Phil was leaning in as well. And then their lips were touching, so soft and feather-like against each other.
And then it was all over. The kiss just remained that soft gentle kiss. And Dan smiled. He smiled brightly and Phil smiled back, reaching up and smoothing his thumb over Dan’s cheek, “Spend the night?” Dan asked.
The day came way before either one wanted it to come. The day of Phil’s flight back to America where he would need to go back to work and see his patients that have been waiting for him for these long months.
But Dan didn’t want him to go. He never wanted him to leave.
They were stood in Dan’s door way, Phil’s hand intertwined in his as they faced each other, “Let’s go get coffee,” Phil said, “Spend one last good time together before I leave.”
The words were bitter and they hurt Dan as he listened. His bandages were gone and his incision on his head was just a scar now, his hair was growing around it and looking nice. But he was scared of never looking the same as he once was.
“I...don’t want you to leave.” Dan said, the words catching in his throat.
“I know,” Phil said sadly, “I don’t want to either. So that’s why we should make the most of our last day together.”
Dan joined him, and they headed to the coffee shop, both of them ignoring the somber feeling in the air around them.
Over the course of the past few weeks, they had developed something. Little kisses here and there and cuddling was in their everyday routine. Phil even stayed majority of his time with Dan in his apartment. But they never said to each other what they were. But it was evident both wanted more.
They sat in silence for a while at the coffee shop before Dan finally spoke, “At least this will give me an excuse to finally visit America.”
A sad look washed over Phil’s face, “Dan…”
“And you can show me around!” Dan spoke up, his voice wavering as he held back tears, “I’ve always wanted to see New York City and you can show me, right?”
Dan broke and began to cry, silent tears ran down his cheeks as he picked up a napkin and furiously wiped them away. Phil began to speak to him, but he didn’t listen as he looked around at the paintings on the walls. He focused on everything but Phil in front of him. He just wanted the memory of Phil and him being happy to replace the one of Phil leaving.
Phil reached across the table and took Dan’s hands in his, pulling him away from his face, the napkin falling on the table, “Dan, look at me.”
Dan refused to look so Phil repeated his words.
Then Dan finally looked.
“I know you’re having a tough time with this and I am too, but just know that everything is gonna be okay,” Phil said softly, “And you’re right, you can come and visit me and we can go visit all of these wonderful places.”
Dan nodded and smiled, tears still softly rolling down his skin, “If you promise?”
“If you don’t forget,” Phil said with a smile. Dan chuckled, they joked occasionally about Dan’s condition, but it was always in good taste and spirits.
The rest of the coffee date went by faster than they would have liked. But it soon came time for Phil to get his things from his hotel room and make sure he had everything packed. Dan offered to come with him but Phil told him to rest.
So Dan reluctantly went back to his apartment, but not without kissing Phil one last time before departing.
Dan was still laying on his bed when his phone chimed. Picking up, he noticed he had a text message from Phil, letting him know he made it to the airport okay. Dan let a few tears fall down his cheeks because deep in his heart, he hoped Phil would knock on his apartment door and tell him he changed his mind, and that he was going to stay with him.
But that knock never came.
He remained in his bed, depression setting in because he wanted so dearly to be with Phil in his apartment. He was nearly ready to fall asleep when a thought rang in his head…he could get to the airport and see Phil one more time before he left!
Jumping up, but not too quickly, he rushed around his room and gathered his belongings, picking his phone back up, he scrolled through his numbers, hoping his old self had a Taxi company in his contacts. He found the contact and called them, telling them he needed an urgent Taxi to the airport. The company told him all the Taxi’s were out already on calls.
Defeated, his next resort was checking out the hours of the tube station nearest to him and what trains were still running to the airport. But he was unpleasantly surprised to see none of them were running right now. He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing he could do. His options were pretty limited here.
He Googled taxi places around him to try and call but nothing came up besides a rental car company down the street. But he wasn’t going to rent a car. He didn’t want to ever drive again! Maybe he wouldn’t have a choice. Driving the car would be his only option.
Closing his eyes, he hit the number on the screen and let it ring. Quickly, someone answered and he told them his situation. They gave him the location of their office and told him they would let him rent a car for 35 pounds for the night. So he left his apartment shaking on wobbly legs as he walked down the street, and took a right, seeing the place just down from him.
He was given a small four-door car to drive, the keys in his hand. He was scared beyond belief but he needed to get to the airport. As it stood right now, he probably wouldn’t even make it before Phil was through security and then he wouldn’t see him.
Dan started the car, his breathing quickening as he struggled to grasp the wheel without feeling like his entire control was slipping like that night in the rain. He slowly pushed his foot on the brake and let out a long breath as he shifted the car into drive, and then he drove.
He actually drove…
His eyes followed the roads, this time they weren’t wet. They were just normal roads. They weren’t standing in his way. They were a gateway between him and the love of his life. And soon, the signs for the airport came into view and he couldn’t believe. He couldn’t believe that he was actually here. He had drove successfully.
The airport was busy tonight, like always. But Dan was glad that he got there when he did, quickly parking before running inside. He didn’t even take note of where he was. He just ran. He ran, not even worried about the jarring of his head as he did so. He had no idea where he was going. He didn’t know what airline Phil was even flying. But his instinct told him where to go. So he followed them, dodging people in the process.
And he soon ended up near the the American Airlines gate. Looking around, he tried his best to see if he could spot Phil, but he knew in his heart it was going to be too late. But much to his surprise…he saw a tall dark haired man, walking in the queue as he neared security, already striping off a black peacoat.
Dan ran over to the line, outside of the velvet rope, “Phil!” He exclaimed.
The man turned and he saw for sure that it was Phil, and his blue eyes bore into his soul. Phil jumped out of the line, hoping over the rope before he swung his arms around Dan and holding him close, “Don’t leave me,” Dan cried, “I can’t be without you, Phil. You need to stay in England with me.”
Phil kissed the side of his head, “Dan, I need to go back, I have patients waiting for me.”
“Then take me with you,” Dan cried, pulling back and looking at Phil, “Let me go back to America with you! We’ll go together!”
“That’s crazy,” Phil said, leaning in a kissing Dan’s forehead delicately, “Your family is here. You deserve to be here.”
“But I want to be with you,” Dan pleaded, “You saved my life. You gave me this new outlook on my life that I almost never had. I owe you my life, Phil.”
“That’s not a reason to pick up everything and leave,” Phil said, reaching up and rubbing Dan’s tear stained cheeks.
“Phil,” Dan paused and hesitated, “I love you. I love you a lot and I don’t want to live knowing you’re not here. Please, let me go with you or stay with me.”
Phil looked at Dan with so much love and admiration that Dan melted, “I love you too Dan, I figured it out the first day I saw you that you were special.”
“Then stay,” Dan whispered, “Or let me go with you.”
Phil nodded and leaned in, kissing Dan soundly in a breathless kiss before pulling back and looking at him, “I’ll stay, Dan, I’ll stay with you.” Phil was crying now. “God, I’m so stupid. We’re so stupid.”
Dan smirked at him, “Then let’s be stupid together.”
Dan wrapped his arms around Phil’s neck and yanked him close, crying tears of joy. He was so happy to hear Phil was going to stay with him. It’s all he ever wanted and now it’s happened.
They shared that special moment in the airport, a crowd gathered around them before they parted and left, in the car that Dan rented.
And Phil could never be more proud of him in that moment.
The clapping was loud, deafening almost. He saw the cameras around him, filming the scene in front of him as his name was announced and he walked out, looking into the studio audience and waving as he sat down on the white couch across from the host of Britain’s new top talk show host.
After that night at the airport, he and Phil sealed their relationship in breathless kisses and whispers. Phil moved his practice to England where he got his new license to practice while Dan worked on his recovery more and more everyday.
Eventually, Dan did exactly what he told himself he would do…and he wrote a book. He wrote a book that became the best selling work of fiction in the US and the UK and Dan was so astonished. His life was turned into such an anomaly that he had producers begging him for the rights to turn his book into a movie. And now he was on a talk show, sharing his life. In this time, he also had created a blog in which he has gained another massive following, but mostly from those who are looking at him as an inspiration to their own brain injuries and ways to get over it.
They called out Phil next, or Dr. Lester, and Phil walked out, waving at the cheering crowd around them. Dan smiled brightly at him, loving the look of his new husband as his ring glittered in the light. They married about six months prior, in a small intimate ceremony with both of their families. But it was perfect, and Dan wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
The entire time at the talk show, Dan laughed and cried slightly along with everyone else as he talked briefly of his experiences. Phil went into some medical talk about the procedure he used to help Dan. And then they even showed some photos of Dan while he was still in the hospital.
By the end of the show, they asked Dan who he wanted to play him in the movie adaption, and Dan jokingly said “Evan Peters”, even though they looked nothing alike. He just loved him as an actor.
The show ended and he and Phil walked off from the stage and back into their room. They grabbed their bags and belongings before leaving and exiting the giant building. Instantly, Dan was bombarded by fans who had copies of his book and were asking for autographs.
Taking it one person in a time, Dan signed as many books as he could before he felt Phil’s hand on his back, telling him they needed to move on. But before they could, Dan spotted a young boy, about the age of six, looking up at him with giant eyes, his head wrapped in a bandage. He looked up at Dan and handed him his book, and Dan bent down, signed the book and asking for his name. The boy didn’t answer but the mom chimed in, “He’s mute. He has a tumor that is affecting his motor skills and he doesn’t speak. But I read to him your story and it’s given him such a positive look on life, even so young. You’re truly an inspiration.”
Dan felt tears brim his eyes as he reached forward and hugged the trembling boy. This was the reason why Dan did what he did. He now had a purpose for his life, one that he couldn’t see prior to the accident. His life was full of meaning that he couldn’t even comprehend.
And that’s all because of one doctor who decided he wanted to take a chance.
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Actor AU - ereri week day #5
I’ll keep being late, but I really want to write OS with all the prompt for the ereri week. This is the Actor AU from yesterday -though, it’s already 3 in the morning here (so two days ago i’m an horrible person), and I’ll be out in less the four our for a two-days family trip with no pc, so I’ll try to work on the rest on paper. Now, I really need to sleep. (sorry, I don’t know where pining!Levi came from...)
Rating: General Audience
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing: Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman
Word count: 1913
Additional tags: Alternative Universe - Modern Setting, Actor AU, Pining!Levi, Actor!Levi, Help director!Eren
Summary: One Shot for ereri summer week 2017, Actor AU
He wasn’t pining. He knew what the word meant – to miss or long for, as his generous friend and manager Erd liked to remember him. He had anything he had always longed for -a house that fit a man’s basic needs, a family, even if not blood related, a healthy condition and the job career of his childhood’s dreams-, so Levi rarely lost his patience when the guy started reprimanding him about not giving himself the chance to be happy. What did that mean, anyway? He was happy. He really didn’t need anything and wasn’t interested in nothing more than what he already owned. It wasn’t out of arrogance, an accuse that needed to be addressed since just being a well-know, successful actor seemed to qualify him as the perfectly stereotyped windbag. Levi was genuinely okay with himself. He had his good points and bad parts, as anyone, nothing more. The door opened, cutting short his mental soliloquy. “Good morning, Mr. Ackerman!” There. The help-director who has been assigned to him. Closing after him, Eren Jaeger walked toward Levi with his long, tight-black-jeans-hugged legs, combat boots, and a mouth-watering fitting olive green button down. His hands were full of take away cups and a bag from Levi’s favorite bakery shop. God, that deserved more than a simple “thank you”. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Levi, you deaf brat?” Okay. Something went wrong during the brain-to-mouth part of the communication. “But sir-“ “No. Every day the exact same thing before we even get things started. Are you trying to offend me?” How was he so much more talented in screwing up all his not-work-related conversation than movie script? He may have accidentally terrified the kid -his big, clear, magnetic eyes were wide with concern and confusion. “NO! I would never dream of-“ “Then call me by my name as I asked you. We have been working together for months, no need for all this formality.” The look in his eyes gentled a little, his features softening with relief and a sweeter hint of affection. “It’s just hard to get unused to formalities, s- Levi.” “Mmh.” He wasn’t smiling, not really. “We’ll just have to get you used to it.” He didn’t mention the fact that they had more or less one last week of filming left, and Eren didn’t, either. He handed out one of the cups and then hesitated, fiddling with the paper bag. “Here is your tea. I, uhm, I was walking past the place you told me about on the way here, the one with fresh bagels and those awesome donuts we ate when your brought them here? I thought they’d make the day start better, since the filming process is getting pretty intense, plus you seemed a lot stressed last week, so… yeah.” Eren gave him the bag and Levi didn’t know if he should gaze in wonder at that or the boy sitting in front of him on the couch. He chose to check on the item in his hands, breathing in. Levi smelled the chocolate-praline coated bagel before seeing or touching it. “Careful, Eren, you’re spoiling me. I may ask you to abandon the movie making road and become my slave.” And that wasn’t meant to sound as sexual harassment. “W-well, I wouldn’t mind this little deviation to become a routine for the days to come, if you’re up for it. Bagel really seems to lighten your mood!” You lighten my mood. He put a hand on his mouth to not let that kind of bullshit escape him. They already talked about boot-licking behavior and how much Levi hated that shit. They barely knew each other when Levi reprimanded him about it, and even then Eren seemed sincere when he admitted how much he admired Levi and his movies and how he wanted to work hard to make sure he wasn’t going to be a burden for any of them. Levi still saw the same determination, though Eren was much more mellow and friendlier than in those first days. He liked that attitude. Soon, they found a rhythm -practicing lines on mornings in Levi’s dressing room until it was time to film. The perfect routine, one he fought to maintain when the director wanted to change filming times due to a not so important reason -Pixis thought Levi wasn’t sleeping enough, that he was giving a hard time to his make up and hair styling team, but that was stupid, he just wanted to be there in time every morning to review his lines with the boy. He started eating, looking over at Eren as he pulled out of his bag the script from today’s scenes and summed up them for Levi. His voice demanded to be listened to, rich and enthusiastic while articulating every word and sentence, and Levi couldn’t do anything but what he was supposed to do. Chocolate hair were brushed off by a strong looking hand, so delicate between between those locks, and Levi followed it until it disappeared, focusing instead on Eren’s eyes. Worse. He sighed and told Eren to hand him the script so he could refresh the lines in his head before they started to work seriously.
“You’re being ridiculous.” “I’ve already heard that.” “Because you are! This is your ultimate chance! My God, Levi, you’ve been-“ “-pining on the help-director for moths! Why the two of you always talk about the same thing?! Don’t you get bored?” Erd turned around on the barstool and regarded Hanji, one out of two script’s co-writer, with a disapproving look. “You’re not helping, you know that?” “I can’t not-help something that isn’t even there, now, can I?” Levi shot her a dark look, sipping his drink with a frown. “Don’t you have lines to create instead of spitting bullshit here?” “We finished filming, honey!” “Don’t call me that.” “Aww, come on! Everyone knows, okay? Just go with the flow and see what happens! You two should talk and keep it slow, or meet up and fuck all day. But this sexual tension you’re emitting has to stop. It’s becoming hard staying around you. Literally” “Good.” She whined in annoyance. “Hanji is right. Stop pining after him and do something, dude!” He was not pining, for god sake- “Levi!” He shot around at Eren’s voice and located him walking over from the table where the crew was celebrating for the occasion. His smile was as big as theirs, only ten times brighter and cuter and his eyes where fucking shining under the bar’s faint lights. He wanted to run his hands on his cheeks and jaw and chin and caress those lips that kept forming his name and kiss him and see if they tasted as good as they were inviting- Fuck. He was definitely drunk -ish. “Why are the three of you here alone?! Well, you are three, so you’re not alone, but- you should come over!” Eren was cute when he drank too much. “You drank too much.” Right. No filter. Hanji held her laugh back, looking anywhere but at them, and Erd silently slipped away from the boot, siding her. “What are you talking about?! We are partying!” He threw his arms up, almost losing his balance in the action, and Levi shot forward, steadying the boy. “Stop, brat, you want to sprawl all over the floor or what?” “I want to get sprawled under you…” Eren threw his arms around his neck, this time, and Hanji couldn’t contain herself anymore -she burst out laughing, making meny heads turn around to regard them curiously. “Oh, wow. Okay, that’s our clue to leave!” Erd excused them with those word and dragged Hanji after him, while the woman kept crying out and shout thing like: “good luck with that, man!” He sighed, trying to keep Eren on his feet with his hands on the boy’s hips and ignoring what he said. “Stop saying shit. Come on, I’ll call you a taxi.” “Nooo. The party is not over, I came here to call you, not a taxi!” Levi was tired and drank and grumpy and he wanted to go home, but Eren stayed there, dead-weighing on Levi’s shoulders and muttering unintelligible shit in his ear. He sighed again, his heart was not jumping in his chest. “I’ll ride with you, okay? Let’s go, this is not a place for you in this state.” “But the others-“ “You look like you’re going to drop any moment.” “That’s not true! Stop treating me like a kid!” Eren struggled against him when Levi started to shove him out of the bar, not looking over at the table for even a second. “As you’re right now, you should be in bed.” “You could keep me company.” Levi moaned in displeasure. “You’re such a pain in the ass.” He leaned down and with a swift movement, he grabbed Eren’s leg for support, made pressure on his belly with his shoulder and lifted him up with a grunt, adjusting his weigh and keeping him still with his arm before walking over the door. “Put me down!” “As if.” “I can walk!” “It didn’t look like you wanted to.” “I’m going to spank you right now!” “Be my guest.” They left the bar, one more willing than the other, and Levi called for the taxi and moved closer to the edge of the sidewalk, were a bench was. He threw Eren there, minding he didn’t land too hard, and then sat down next to him. Eren almost instantly attached himself to Levi octopus style, making the actor wonder where he found so much agility when he seemed such a sluggish drunk. “Eren.” “Mmmmh.” “Move.” “I hno wanto.” Levi barely understood him. “I don’t care want you want, move.” He wasn’t agitated. He was perfectly calm. Eren didn’t move. “Eren.” “Mmmh.” “Eren-“ “You’r s’ comfy.” Levi freezed. Eren tightened his hold, nuzzling his face against the juncture of his shoulder and neck, making him shiver. Jesus fuckin- “I like your neck, it’s soft.” He spoke more clearly, taking a deep breath, then another. He was sniffing Levi. His heartrate was okay. It was all fucking good. Levi suddenly felt teeth against his neck and he barely held back a real moan, shocked at how quickly he had relaxed on that bench next to Eren. “Eren, we are drunk. Stop.” “Bt you wan me.” “What?” “I know. People talk. And I saw… when you thought I wasn’t lookin…” Levi swallowed, his throat so dry it hurt a little. And he was sweating, fucking gross! Eren’s words were sluggish, but understandably occasionally. He didn’t move his head and kept hugging him, as if he was afraid of letting him go. Levi just wanted to run. Or stay right where he was. “Why re you always s’ jumpy? I barely know what to do with myself when you… you re so… uh.” Levi’s arm found home on Eren’s bended shoulders, and the tension he felt in the boy’s voice seemed to leave his body, at least. “Not now, brat. We can- we can talk in the morning. Alright?” “You’ll be there?” “Uhm-“ “Stay on the couch. Or in my bed. Whatever.” “You seem awfully awake, right now.” “Not my fault.” Levi nuzzled him back a little, and the two of them waited the taxi. Erd was right -he was pining. But little did they know -Eren was pining too.
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easnuppa · 7 years
When it is written in the stars. Chapter 6.
Warning: strong language, cursing. I do not own any of the original characters from the hobbit. The days had snaked by slowly, Faenith tried to ignore her broken heart so she did not ruin her brothers good spirit. She had tried to figure out why the king had been so rejecting and what he ment by some of the hurtful things he had said. She had tried to ask Faenthor, that had started to spend more time in the kings study, but he only suggested for her to talk with the king, she had tried to work up the courage, but she chickend out every time she stood in front of the kings study and was about to knock. She could hardly sleep, she did not feel like eating, she knew the other guests knew something was up with her, the other elleths had started avoiding her,if she walked out in the garden they suddenly got quiet and walked away, the ellons had started giving her uncomfortable looks. She felt alone and depressed, she had debated with herself to go and have a talk with her uncle, maybe he would understand and send her back to Imladris, the festivities where comming to an end after all, and her chances for a union was no longer possible. She had given up on the idea to accept Elladan aswell, it was not fair to him, she was damaged and he deserved better. Maybe she could convince her father to follow her brother and maybe become Elanoreths handmaiden, there where worse faith then that she thought, she really enjoyed Elanoreths company. How could she have been so stupid, she had no problem staying away from the ellons back home, why could she not reject the king. Even now, after his hurtful rejection her heart started racing as soon as she saw him or just thought about him, she hated how weak she had become after comming to Mirkwood. She looked into the mirror, the elleth staring back at her was barely recognisable, her eyes had lost its spark, her hair was mat and lifeless, she had lost weight, her skin had turned paler. She looked sickly, maybe she should talk with a healer and see if they had something that could make her look at least alive. She desided to see a healer then go talk with her uncle about sending her back. Faenthor looked down on the map in front of him and followed the kings finger as he pointed to the outskirts of his realm " and this is the area where my formar captain wanted to clear out", Faenthor looked at the distance from the palace to the erea, it would take the guards a little over a week to get there if they whent by horses. The king had started to consult matters of the state with him, and Faenthor felt honered, they had become closer after the fight and found out they enjoyed each others company. " what does the last reports say?" The king handed him the scroll to read, when he was done, he looked at the king confused " my lord, this says it is only a small nest, and that there have not been any trace of spiders moving in the palace direction. Why risk a company for something that is not an emediate danger?" Thranduil met his confused stare and he rolled up the map, he walked over and slumped down in a chair, resting his arms on his knees, he draged his hands over his tired face " you are right, I should leave it alone, I dont know what I was thinking" Faenthor walked over and sat down in the other chair, he looked at the king who where looking tired and beaten. " are you alright, my lord? " The king pinched the bridge of his nose to stop his pounding head. "How is your sister?" He was still thinking about her day and night, he regretted what he had said to her, how he had pushed her away, at the time he had not been thinking clearly, he was to drunk and his jealousy had taken full control, he had been thinking that if he pushed her away, she would feel free to announce a union with elladan, but no announcement had been made, and he had hardly seen her around the palace. Faenthor leaned back in his chair " she is not well, my lord. " Thranduil snaped his head up and looked at his new friend, worry was written all over his face. " is she ill? I can send one of my healers to check up on her" Faenthor shook his head " I do not think a healer could help her, she looks like she is fading. She is unhappy, though she tries to hide it. " hearing that Faenith was fading, and that most likely he was the cause of it, broke him even more. He wished he could take everything he had said and done to her that night back, he had wanted to apologize his behaviour so meny times, but the fear of being rejected held him back, she probably hated him now. " is she talking to anyone? Who is her friends? " Faenthor got up and walked over to the side table where the king kept his wine and filled up two glasses. He handed one of the glasses to the king before he sat down " she does not really have any friends among the elleths guesting your palace, Elanoreth says the elleths is gossiping about her and freezes her out, and Legolas warned me the other day that the ellons are discussing her innocence in an ill manor. She keeps to herself if she is not with me or Elanoreth. She eats her meals in her chambers, if she eats at all. " this was all news to Thranduil, he had not heard any gossiping. Faenthor cleared his voice " maybe you should talk with her?" Thranduil gulped down the wine and got up, he pushed his own fears aside and marched out of his study. After a good houer looking for her he was nearly on the bridge of giving up, no one had seen her, she was not in her chamber,she was not in the garden and not in the library. He was going to return to his study, when he stoped outside the royal gallery, it wouldn't hurt to check, he thought and silently opened the door. She stood in the middle of the room looking up at a painting of the late queen holding legolas, when he was an elfling. He studied her silently, she had gotten thinner, her tunic hang lose from her shoulders, a wave of guilt ran through him, he walked up and stoped a few steps behind her, he folded his hands on his back not trusting that he could keep himself from touching her. " Legolas looks a lot like his mother" he said, she did not turn to look at him,but kept her eyes on the painting, he kept his eyes on her. " she was beautiful, no wonder you love her and have grieved all this time" she answered,her voice hollow and flat. His hands where aching to reach out for her and hold her in his arms. " things aren't always as they seem" he hated the thought of her thinking he was still grieving and only using her to fill a void. " I will leave you alone, your highness" she turned and bowed and was about to walk out when he grabed her hand gently, sadnes and dispare filled him as theire fingers met " would you do me the honor and walk with me?" He couldn't let her go, he needed her, he had to admit that fact to himself, any chance of winning her heart was long gone after what he had done to her, but he needed to see if he had a slight chance to recover a friendship. "As you wish, your highness" she gave him a slight nod. They started walking side by side, he folding his hands on his back with a tight grip " what did you mean with things aren't always what they seem?" A little surprised he looked down at her " Im not grieving" he said, trying to keep his voice light, she glanced at him from her sidevision " what do you mean, it is known all over middle earth how much you loved her and that you awaited death yourself just to be reunited with her" he cleared his throat and stoped as they reached the place where the painting of his father was hanging " do not mistake grieve with guilt. Me and the late queen never loved each other, we where loyal and devoted to each other, our marriage was arranged by my father, it was a union made to uphold peace with another realm. We became friends and i respected her loyalty to the crown and the elfs of Mirkwood , but we never bonded. When she died I blamed my self for her death, I brought her out at war and robbed Legolas of his mother. I wanted to trade places with her for Legolas's sake." Faenith had turned and was now looking at him for the first time. He knew this was news to her, he knew what everyone belived to be true and he had not bothered to correct them, until now, he did not want her to think he was in love with the late queen. Faenith looked up at the painting of the late king Orpher. " you look a lot like him, where you two alike?" He looked from her to the painting of the elf he admired." I have stribed all my life to be like him, for him to be proud of me, I never questioned his demands, but I secretly dreamt of another life, where I was free to live my life as I saw fit." Faenith absentmindly placed her hand on his arm, a burning sensation spread from her touch and throughout his body, he let himself enjoy the feeling before she retracted her hand. " maybe you and Legolas are more alike then you and your father" her voice had gotten a little warmer and did not sound so distant as when he entered the room. The thought of him and Legolas being alike had never crossed him, he had always thought he took after his mother, but he knew that she had a point, maybe he should try to ease up to his son and give him the space to make his own life desitions, like he himself had always longed for. His admiration for Feanith grew, he needed more time with her " would you do me the honour and walk with me tomorrow evening in my private garden?" She looked up and met his eyes, he saw how she was debating on wether or not she should accept. Maybe she thought he was going to force him self on her like he had almost done when he was drunk" I can invite your brother and his lady to join us if that will make it easier for you to accept" she gave him a short smile and nodded, she then excused herself and hurried out of the gallery, he placed his hand on his arm where her hand had been, if only he could hold her again. He walked out of the gallery,happy that she had accepted to spend more time with him. Faenthor woke up by a loud banging on the door, he turned over in bed and pulled the pillow over his head to block out the sound and go back to the dream he had. "My lord, you need to wake up, you are requested in the kings study!" The voice was muffled by the pillow, but he threw the pillow on the floor and growled. The knocking continued. " My lord!!!" He draged himself out of bed and pulled on his trousers, he opened the door "I am up, what is the matter?" The servant outside his door bowed. " your pressence is requested in the kings study, my lord" what is it now he wondered, this better be something really important, he threw on a tunic and smoothed down his brown hair and walked to the kings study, before he reached the door he could hear his fathers voice thundering loudly. Oh eru, he thought, this could not be good, his parents wherent to come before closer to the wedding. He took a deep breath and walked in, in the room was his parents, the king, his uncle and lady Galadriel. Faenthor looked around at the elfs in the room, his father was pacing around on the floor red in the face from anger, the king stared stiffly down at the floor, almost like a ellon being cought in doing a crime, his uncle looked helplessly at Galadriel and his mother was crying. "I leave my daughters well being in my brothers care for two months, and suddenly I hear she have become the kings whore!!!!! I will not stand for this." His father inhaled and exhaled before he turned to his brother " and you tell me you did not know that this woodland sprite was " he pointed at the king " warming his sheets with my daughter, your niece?!?" He turned to Faenthor " did you know that your sister had become the kings new toy for the summer?" Faenthor just stood there, not quite sure what to say, he looked over at the king, who looked back at him with a helpless glimps in his light blue eyes, he did not envy the kings position, he knew very well that it was no fun being on the receiving end of his fathers rage. " yes father I knew. " his father walked up to him in two long strides, his face was inches from his " you knew?, YOU KNEW!?!, and you did not stop it?, you did nothing to protect your sisters honor? " Faenthor met his fathers brown orbs " where you too busy sucking up to the Lothloriens so that you could get some adventure for yourself? " Galadriel was about to stand up and defend her subject and tell him that his son had made a suitable union when he cut her off and pointed his finger at her " you sit down Galadriel, I do not want to hear one word from you,I know you knew what was going on and you alowd the king to ruin my daughter reputation! So sit down and keep your mouth closed" Faenthor was fuming " I stayed out of it because I was hoping they where comming to an agreement on thire own." His father looked at him " an agreement, and what kind of agreement where you hoping on, that your sister would be kept here as a savages mistress, to fill this cave with his bastards, to watch our family name being dragd into the mud! Your sister is nothing more then a whore now and it is all his fault, for all we know she can be carrying his bastard already" Faenthor watched the king from his side vision, his fathers toxic words had sparked the kings rage as well, he got up from his chair " I will not have you talk about lady Faenith like that within my palace walls, my lord. She is a high born lady and should be adressed as such." Faenthor had to give the king credit for standing up to his father, it was a rare thing to see. His father turned to the king. " yes I am sure you gave much thought to her title when you bedded her. Hiding behind your married status, to get out of the responsibility of making an honrable lady out of her. Orpher is turning in his grave to have such a faithless son" Thranduil was now standing right in front of the raging bull " Do not speak about my father! And I would court your daughter if she would have me! Im not hiding behind nothing." A knock at the door silenced the two and all turned theire attention to the elf now standing in the doorway. Theire mother got out of her chair and ran over to her daughter and clung to her in a tight hug like glue. The king had directed his stare back at the floor, trying to calm himself,suddenly feeling nervous of the outcome, he had never told her how he truly felt about her. " there is no if, a union between you two will be announced this evening at dinner!" Faenith looked at her father and then at her brother " what is going on? A union between who? " Faenthor found it wiser to keep quiet as his father kept raging. " between you and him" her father pointed his finger at the king who was now looking very pale and uncomfortable. " I will not have any grandchild of mine being called a bastard because his parents couldn't restrain themself! You wil wed him and that is final!" Faenith looked at her father with pleading eyes, she couldn't let him force the king to wed her when he was so unhappy with his first union, he deserved to be happy and chose for himself the second time, her eyes welled up and her voice sunk to a whisper " father, no, you can not do this" she sniffled, she really hated that she teared up so easily now, she needed all her strength to stand up to her father " I will do anything, I can go away, I can move with Faenthor and become Elanoreths handmaiden, there wil not be a scandale that will ruin the family name" her father gave out a short bark of a laughter " you would rather be a servant then to wed him? I have made up my mind and that is final, you have no other choice then to do as I demand, the damage is already done!" Faenith looked at Faenthor for help, he cleared his throat " father, at least give them some days to get used to the idea of a union?" Faenthor had always been the diplomat between his father and his sister. Theire father looked between the two of them " very wel, I give you two by the end of the week, then it will be a banquet and the announcement will be made, if not then I will refuse your union with lady Elanoreth, so if you want her you better make sure your sister comes to terms with this!" He marched over and grabed his wife's hand " come my love, time for breakfast" and like nothing had happend he walked out of the kings study. Elanoreth was sitting in front of her vanity and combed her hair as a hard knock came to her door, she didn't have time to adress it before Faenthor walked in, she met his worried eyes and got up, her smile stiffened on her lips " my love, what is the matter?" Faenthor gave her a quick peck on her lips before he started to pace the room in frustration "somehow my father had got the word that Faenith and king Thranduil have been fooling around, and he is here now. He was furious and demanded the king to wed Faenith" Elanoreth looked at her beloved, confused to why this would be such a problem " but my love, I thought you said that the king had strong feelings for Faenith, and that he wanted to court her." Faenthor stoped his pacing and met Elanoreths golden orbs " the problem is not him, he admited to my father that he was willing to wed her, but she refused" Elanoreths confusion grew " she refused? But she feels strongly about king Thranduil as well, she told me she had fallen for him when we where picking out fabric for our dresses" Faenthor pulled his hands through his hair in frustration " I know, but she is stubborn, she dont want to be forced into anything, at least by my father. The thing is. If we dont get her to accept Thranduils courtship my father will refuse our union" Elanoreths jaw stoped, she had heard that Elronds older brother was a hard and difficult elf, that he was a warrior through and through, but she did not think he could be this cruel to get his way. " the king invited us for a walk with him and Faenith this evening, maybe we can try to talk with them, convince them that this is the right thing to do? " Faenthor grabed her hands and kissed her knuckles, he loved her positive mind set. " what we should do is sedate them and have them wed" Elanoreth hit his arm playfully as a laughter rolled over her soft lips. " no time for joking my love, this is of serious matter, I think we just have to convince them that they both want this." Faenthor could not agree more. He walked over to the door and called on a servant. " tell the king his presence is requested in his privat garden, then wait an hour and tell my sister as well" the servant nodded, bowed and hurried off. He turned to his lady and smiled " are you ready to fight for our union, my love? " Elanoreth smiled her bright smile to him and followed him out. Thranduil walked into his private garden, his light blue orbs scanned the calming beautiful erea, he spotted Faenthor and Elanoreth. He walked towards them with his hands behind his back, the shock from this morning had settled and he had now put on his calm and cold facade. "Good morning lady Elanoreth, Faenthor" he nodded towards them, they both greeted him. "I figured you both have a good reason to call me out here, I was bussy drowning the memories of this morning with wine" Twenty or rolled his eyes " we have no time for either wine or self pitty now, my lord, we need to figure out how we can make Faenith come to her senses." Thranduil looked at Faenthor, he knew what was at risk if his sister refused her fathers bidding, he could see he had filled Elanoreth on this mornings events as well, she was clinging to Faenthors hand like she would drown without it. " as I remembered it she was very clear on what she wanted, she would rather be a servant then to spend her life with me. " now it was Elanoreths turn to roll her eyes. " no need to feel offended my lord, she was probably trying to talk her father out of the idea for your sake. In her mind you want nothing to do with her, at least not be stuck with her for eternity" Thranduil sighed. He knew the young elleth was right. " and how do you two suggest we make her as you put it, come to her senses?" Faenthor and Elanoreth almost answered in unison " tell her how you feel about her." Thranduil looked at them as they where looking theire minds. " and you think she will belive that? My other attempts have clearly failed and you think me telling her that I can not endure my life without her will be enough?" Elanoreth looked questionly at Faenthor, he was the one who knew her best. " at least try to convince her you are not sacrificing your happiness when you wed her." Thranduil was about to tell him that it was not enough when he saw her walk into the garden, he shut his mouth and just stared at her. His blood started boiling when he thought about that in only a few days everyone would know she belonged to him. She bowed her head before him "your highness" he nodded to her " my lady".Faenthor interrupted them with a scoft, " how you two are in this mess is beyond me, one should think you two are completely strangers to one another" Thranduil stared at the ground for a second, a little embarrassed, he was really not comfortable with how this was going, was theire plan to make him declare his undying love for Faenith in front of the two of them. He who had a hard time telling his son in words that he loved and cared for him. Faenith felt his his angsty feelings " I must apologize for my fathers outburst this morning, I am sure that with Faenthors help we will manage to talk him out of this ridiculousness, my lord " Thranduil met her silvery stare, did she really mean she wanted to get out of this or was lady Elanoreth right. A servant came out and cought Thranduils attention "my lord, the council has gathered and are ready to start" he waved the servant of with his hand and turned to Twenty or " I trust you to talk this out, you know where I stand, so if you all would excuse me" he bowed before them and with long strides he left the garden. Faenthor turned to his sister " are you completely clueless, or just plain stupid? " Faenith just blinked and looked at him." You just told the king to take his proposal and shove it!" She shook her head "no I just want to let him know that I am working on a plan to get him out of it." Elanoreth sighed " oh eru, what if the king does not want you to get him out of it, what if he truly want this union?" Faenith bursted out in a sarcastic laughter " he told me himself the other day that he wanted to chose himself this time, but father is forcing him. Beside he have avoided me almost the entire time we have been here." Faenthor grabed his sisters hand to get her attention " you have avoided him aswel, give him a chance, listen to what your heart is telling you when you are near him" Faenith couldn't tell him no, she knew what her brother had risked standing up for her earlier. She forced a smile and squeezed his hand reassuringly that she would do what he asked. He was going to try to talk with Thranduil. His plan to lure the twins parants to Mirkwood had back fired, he really thought that Faenith would be punished and sent to Imladris as soon as her father had heard the rumors. But the ignorant thick headed elf had demanded a union, luckily for him Faenith had been stubborn enough to refuse, this bought him some time, he had to really get creative to get what he wanted, ruthless too. A plan had started to form in the back of his mind, a grin aperad on his face and he walked back to his chambers to make out the details of his plan.
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investmart007 · 6 years
CHARLESTON, W.Va | Lavish court spending in poor West Virginia triggers scandal
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CHARLESTON, W.Va | Lavish court spending in poor West Virginia triggers scandal
CHARLESTON, W.Va — A $42,000 antique desk. A $32,000 blue suede sectional sofa. A $7,500 inlaid wooden floor map of West Virginia’s 55 counties.
A scandal involving lavish office renovations and other financial abuses by the highest court in one of the poorest states in America has triggered an extraordinary move by one branch of government to essentially fire another.
The West Virginia House of Delegates on Monday impeached four justices of the state Supreme Court on charges of extravagant spending and other misconduct, setting the stage for a Senate trial that could lead to their removal.
One of those impeached retired on Tuesday, averting the prospect of sitting through a proceeding that is sure to explore the justices’ fancy tastes in embarrassing detail. And the court’s fifth member retired under pressure last month.
Some Democrats have decried the impeachment drive against the elected justices as a power grab by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, strategically timed to allow GOP Gov. Jim Justice to name their temporary replacements.
Republican Delegate John Shott, who oversaw the House Judiciary Committee hearings that drew up the articles of impeachment, said the court’s spending of more than $3 million in office renovations earlier this decade came at a time when the state was struggling so hard it made tens of millions of dollars in budget cuts.
Justice Robin Davis, who has identified herself as a Democrat even though justices are elected in nonpartisan races, spent $500,000 in upgrades to her office alone — the kind of money it would take most West Virginians a decade or more to earn.
“Like the vast majority of you and many West Virginians, I find many of these purchases offensive,” Delegate Chad Lovejoy, a Democrat, said during the House debate. “I find them to be outrageous, and I find them to be out of touch with our citizens.”
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 17.9 percent of West Virginians live in poverty, the fifth-worst rate in the nation. The state’s median household income is near the bottom at $43,385, or about $14,000 below the national figure.
But some Democratic lawmakers worry that their GOP colleagues might be exploiting the opportunity to take control of a branch of government that is supposed to be chosen by the voters.
“We’re taking away from the people,” said Democratic Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer.
Tuesday was an important deadline: Any justice who left or was removed by that date would be replaced by way of a special election in November. After that, any vacancies on the court would be filled by the governor.
Davis announced her retirement Tuesday rather than face a Senate trial. Most of the money spent in her office went for construction costs. There also was $28,000 spent for rugs, $23,000 in design services, an $8,100 desk chair and $1,600 on painting.
Justice Allen Loughry rang up $363,000 in office renovations, including the blue suede sofa; the floor map of West Virginia with a different colored piece of wood for each county; $16,000 for eight chairs; $6,400 for window treatments; a $2,500 coffee table, and $1,700 for throw pillows.
He also had the state-owned antique desk moved into his home and drove a state car to book signings. Loughry, who wrote a 2006 book chronicling West Virginia political corruption, was suspended earlier in the year and has been indicted in federal court on 25 counts, including two fraud charges added Tuesday over the personal use of a state vehicle and credit card.
The Senate trial of Loughry, Chief Justice Margaret Workman and Justice Beth Walker has yet to be scheduled.
Supreme Court officials have said there will be no interruption in the handling of cases. The court is in summer recess and is not scheduled to begin hearing cases again until September.
The retired fifth justice, Menis Ketchum, has agreed to plead guilty in federal court to a charge related to the personal use of state cars and fuel cards.
Workman and Walker announced separately Tuesday afternoon that they won’t resign.
“There is no basis for my impeachment,” Workman said in a statement. Walker said she looks forward to explaining herself before the Senate.
Even if the justices escape conviction, lawmakers have questioned whether they have the public confidence necessary to continue serving.
Under the West Virginia Constitution, the Supreme Court essentially sets and controls its own budget. A proposed amendment on November’s ballot would give the legislature more control.
Shott said the impeachment articles overall accused the justices of a “culture of entitlement.”
Impeachments in state government are rare in the U.S., especially among Supreme Court justices. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Judge Rolf Larsen was removed by impeachment in 1994 for voting on whether to hear cases based on input from an attorney who was also a political supporter. But impeaching an entire slate appears to be unheard of.
“The state of West Virginia has lost confidence in the court — the whole court,” said Republican Delegate Mike Folk. “They think they’re better than everybody in this state that works a blue-collar job.”
By JOHN RABY , Associated Press
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