#he's so twisted and diabolical and I love him so much
heavenlydevine · 8 months
╰┈➤ ❝You keep acting like a little brat and I'll take you over my knee right here, I don't care how many people are watching.❞
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𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who is the epitome of patience, despite the aching tension in his muscles, remains characteristically calm in the current state of things, fingers drumming patiently against his thigh in hopes that by some miracle, you'd stop with your naïve little delusions.
It is unbecoming of him to indulge within the familiar presence envy brings along, and though he had once believed himself incapable of feeling an emotion as diabolical as jealousy, watching you flaunt and parade about in that flimsy little dress awakens something primal within him.
He cannot blame the lustrous gazes that are pinned against your swaying body, and though it fills him with pride to know that you were his and his alone, the beast within him did not subside into the darkened depths he had buried it within.
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who is quick to appear by your side with an expression you cannot quite place, surprise evident in the way you peer up at him—this reaction is expected, as you were not aware of his presence, believing him to be on a mission somewhere on the outskirts of Japan, dealing with a high level curse. "Darling," you beam at him with so much love it almost blinds him, arms wrapping around his waist, smushing your face into his chest with a gleeful cry, "—I have missed you so much. You should have told me you were coming home."
A fucking pout forms on your face and his resolve shatters, glancing at the insignificant pest that lingers behind you, "I did, had you bothered to read the countless messages I have sent you."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who watches in barely restrained amusement as you sputter and reach for your purse, fingers searching mindlessly through the cluttered mess before finally finding your phone, face twisting into something that sends the beast within him roaring, "Oh."
You smile innocently at him, waving a hand at the no-name bastard sitting behind you, "Nanami, this Takada Yamada, a friend of mine from college. Takada," Nanami grunts down the growl rumbling from his chest as you turn to face the now known Takada, "—this is my fiancé, Nanami Kento."
A firm handshake later and Takada takes his leave with a mumbled goodbye and a pained expression crossing his face, stumbling into a few people here and there in his haste to escape the wrath that radiated within Nanami.
"That wasn't very nice, Nami."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who grunts in response, glancing around the dimly lit establishment before returning his gaze towards you, "It would appear that I have ruined your night, love. I will let you indulge in one more and then it is time to go home."
You are not happy with the sudden turn of events, opting to click your tongue against your teeth, twirling around before strutting towards the bar. He has the right mind to drag you back, yet he knows you need to loosen up—especially for what he has planned for you.
You, who had entered his life without much regard of your own, worming yourself deeper and deeper into his life with a mission in mind. Kind and loving, accepting and strong willed, Nanami Kento couldn't help but curse the stubbornness that came along with it, michievous and cunning when you did not get what you wanted.
He considered himself a patient man, a firm believer that actions spoke louder than words, and though he did not believe himself to be cruel, perhaps putting you in your place was a punishment well worth on it's way.
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who offers no warning as a firm hand wraps around the back of your neck, cock hardening as a surprised moan slips past your lips, pulling you back with a grunt of displeasure, head lowering as he whispers, "You keep acting like a little brat and I'll take you over my knee right here, I don't care how many people are watching. I said it's time to go home," hotly in your ear.
Releasing his hold unto you, Nanami shifts as he slams a few crumbled bills on the counter, keeping a firm hold on your upperarm, "I bet you think you're real cute letting them put their hands all over you. We'll see how cute you look later when I get you home." It isn't that your little friend, nor those who had ventured to close to you for his liking, had touched you without any ulterior motives on their mind, rather than it appeared friendly in nature, had jealousy rearing its ugly head, for it was an instinctive sensation that urged him to throw caution to the wind and fuck you senseless.
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who is silent as he ushers you towards the rental, a sleek black Mercedes C63 AMG with nothing but a reassuring, yet firm hand, "I don't want to fucking hear it." He has no intention of hearing your feeble apologies, having defied him already once tonight. His patience is running thin, yet a gentleman he remains as he opens the passenger side of the car, forgoing to strap you in.
His thick member strains against his trousers, hands raising and fingers fumbling, loosening his necktie in hopes to appease the burning inferno roaring within him, grunting as he eases into the driver's seat, all too aware of your wide eyes watching his every move.
He turns towards you, making quick work of the buckle of his belt, "Safe word, now!" He respects your dignity too much, he loves you too much, yet even now he knows that you are aware not to push him beyond his breaking point, eyes blown wide with barely restrained lust.
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who gives you no warning, barely able to start the car before grabbing a fist full of your hair, semi-hard cock freed from its confinement, "Put that fucking mouth to better use," and then he shoves you down on his length without remorse, moaning as you instantly hollow your cheeks, breathing through your nose as you set the pace, your own moans of pleasure drowning into the sweet pur of the car's engine.
He hardens further into your mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat with every thrust of his hips, euphoria coursing through his veins, "Fucking little whore," he is well aware of what his voice does to you, revelling in the way your body trembles in wanton desire, "—gonna fucking tie you up and fuck you raw. Fill you up until all you can taste and feel is me."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 who threads his fingers through your hear, fucking into your mouth with a growl, urging himself not to glance down and watch you swallow him whole, "Fuck," pedal to the medal and the powerful V8 turbo kicks in, sending his cock further down your mouth, throat constricting in a way that sends him absolutely fucking insane, "—is there anything you can’t do with that tongue of yours?"
You mumble something incoherent, yet as the complex in which you both live looms ever closer, Nanami pulls your delicious mouth off his throbbing member and turns you to face him, "I'm not done with you yet."
God have mercy on your soul.
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animeyanderelover · 27 days
Can I request Fyodor, Jōno, Sigma, Tetchō, Yuki, and Kyo with a darling that enjoys solidarity? Pls and thank you❤️
Glad that I asked you before publishing this. For everyone’s information, it was meant to say that the darling enjoys solitude.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, manipulation, abduction, isolation
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @flaming-vulpix
Darling enjoys solitude
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎​Everything in life has its good and its bad aspects about it and the same concept applies to your preferences for solitude. On the positive side, it is quite delightful to have you already self-isolating all by yourself as Fyodor can keep very easily an eye out for you. But where is the fun? He is a terrible person who believes himself to do God's work yet the diabolical things he does surpass even the deesd committed by the devil himself. Fyodor sees it as a necessity to break you and shape you into someone new and he can't help but think that it might be less amusing to watch your life crumbling away as you prefer your solitude over the company of other people. Nevertheless, if you should be someone who is less prone to show your feelings very easily, he sees it more as a challenge than anything else to see how far he must go to finally shatter you to your core. It is a sick and twisted way of thinking but it is a deed that has to be done. After all you deserve all the suffering he is about to unleash on you.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​Your preference to spend time alone is much appreciated and welcomed by Jouno who has always been far too possessive to let other people close to you. Whenever he seeks you out, he finds you most of the time alone and enjoys the fact that he can have your attention and company all for himself most of the time. Although it does increase his spite for the people you do actually keep close as he knows that they are very special to you if you bother to hang out with them. You are a fairly calm and composed person who enjoys their quietness and that is reflected in the relaxed composition of your heartbeat. As someone who can pick up on the emotions of others easily due to his enhanced senses, this only aids further in Saigiku's obsession as your emotions don't overwhelm him. Although similar to Fyodor he still has a sadistic streak and sometimes might try to trigger your emotions to go haywire to satiate his own desire. Your racing heartbeat is lovely to listen to at times after all.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​Tetchou is fairly normal for someone who has an unhealthy obsession going on but if you compare him to people like Saigiku, it should be no surprise. On the other hand he is quite dense at times and may make wrong assumptions which is unfortunately what happens in your case. He assumes that your preference to be alone is because you have social anxiety, even if that may simply not be the case. Growing from this hasty assumption of his, he grows more protective over you to the point where he actually ends up isolating you even if you want to spend time with others. Convinced that he is doing you a favor, he ends up taking over every social interaction of yours as you aren't even allowed to order something from the staff in a restaurant as he instead insists on doing so for you. It may not look like much but it can very much turn into a smothering overprotective behavior where your social skills drastically reduce themselves due to the social isolation he puts you through.
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☁️​You give him almost constantly anxiety due to your withdrawn personality which has him actively struggling out of fear that you'd be annoyed if he would attempt to talk with you. He doesn't want you to direct any negative feelings his way as he is much too sensitive for that so instead Sigma starts stalking and spying on you to collect as much information about you as possible. Knowledge is a weapon after all and he hopes that by finding out more about you, he can find a suitable way to approach you without getting on your nerves. He is most likely overthinking it all yet it's not like someone could just explain this to him. He does learn to appreciate it more later on as he can spend all of his time alone with you without having to worry about you expressing unhappiness about the isolation due to your preference os being alone. As foolish as it may be, he even has high hopes that you will forgive him the abduction he is currently planning as you have never been a fan of being under people to begin with.
Sohma Yuki
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🐭​Yuki has been admiring you from a distance for a long time yet for multiple reasons he has never approached you before. Sometimes he wonders if you are someone like him though as he often sees you all by yourself, not bothering to mingle with other students. He wishes to talk with you yet his low self-confidence and his popularity have always kept him from doing so. When he eventually gathers the courage to seek you out and start a conversation with you, he only finds himself falling more for you. He feels comfortable and safe in your presence and the fact that most of the time you are by yourself only aids his secretly possessive side as he claims that time alone he has with you. Yuki quickly learns where he can find you when he feels the need to see you and sees it through that no one follows him so that no one can disturb the time he wants to have with you for himself. Things take a bad turn when he finds himself dependent on you though whenever he feels anxious or very stressed, leading him to suffer from a mental breakdown when he can't find you anywhere.
Sohma Kyo
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🐈​Kyo may not show it but he feels initially worried when he catches you most of the time away from others, instead sitting all by yourself. He wonders if people don't like you or if you are very anxious yet he soon comes to realise that you just simply prefer to be by yourself. It does give him relief to know that he has nothing to worry about yet it also makes it more difficult to approach you, even though he has sworn to not get to know you due to the deal he made with Akito. The heart does what it wants though and so he finds himself commonly hiding from your sight as he watches how you spend time by yourself, reading a book or doing some work for school. It isn't enough to quench the longing in his heart yet he reminds himself that staying away from you is for the best. Kyo is very protective though and whenever he overhears someone calling you weird for always being alone, he reacts defensive and brash as he lashes out on the students for talking about you like this.
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kiiwiigii · 9 months
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The Bet 
Alec x Fem!Reader
Summary: You use a very naughty word in an attempt to seduce Alec into kissing you. Will it work? 
Bad words (obviously) 
Slightly NSFW 18+ 
Word Count: 900+ 
Requested?: Yes! I hope you enjoy nonny! 
A/N: I'm sorry this is so late! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to go about this. 
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"Alec, darling." I wrapped my arms around his torso. 
"What is it, amore?" He paused in his typing, looking back at me over his shoulder.  
"I'm bored." 
Alec gave an uncharacteristic snort and put his phone away before pulling away to face me, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. 
"And just what do you expect me to do about that?" 
"Entertain me for a bit?" 
His eyes darkened and a smirk worked its way onto his lips. 
"Not like that, you pervert!" 
My cheeks began to redden, thinking of all the naughty things he was implying with just a look. He put his hands in his pockets, leaning forward seductively. 
"Perhaps I can change your mind." He whispered. 
"Now that's just playing dirty." I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms across my chest to hide my suddenly hard nipples. 
"If it lets me have my way, I'll play as dirty as you like." 
"What if I want to have my way for once?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. 
His smirk twisted into something terrifyingly sexy. 
"And what makes you think I would do that?" 
"Because you love me." I pouted. 
Alec was suddenly laughing, and I wanted to smack him. The only thing holding me back was the possibility of breaking my hand. He sobered up after a minute and ran a thumb across my cheek. 
"I do, indeed, love you, mio cara." He shook his head. "But I have something that I think should prove more interesting." 
"And what is that?" 
"How about a bet?" 
I eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of bet?" 
"The kind where I win, but it will keep you entertained either way." 
He pulled back looking smug.  
"Explain please." 
"Whoever gets the other to kiss them first wins." 
My mouth popped open in surprise. That was just plain mean. Downright diabolical. Alec was well aware that I was a very touchy person, and I gave him kisses on the regular. As in it was a habit.  
"You know what?' I sniffed. "I take back everything nice I've ever said about you. You are the spawn of Satan." 
"That would mean Jane is also the spawn of Satan." Alec deadpanned. 
"She has a different father." 
"We are twins, Y/N. We cannot have a different father." 
I waved my hand in dismissal. 
"She's nicer to me than you are." 
"I have to say, you are the first person that I have ever heard say that." 
I tapped my chin thoughtfully before muttering. "I'll probably be the only one." 
"So?" He hedged. "Will you make a bet with me?" 
"This is basically making a deal with the devil; you know that right?" 
"I thought I was the spawn of Satan?" 
I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. I'll take you up on this bet. Have fun losing, you psychopath." 
I yelped when he was suddenly before me, lips less than an inch from my own. "Oh, I don't plan on losing." 
I groaned but managed to step back. He stayed exactly where he was, his eyes brightening with a challenge. Finally, he straightened back up, his eyes roaming over me with a satisfied glint that one has when they think they've already won. 
I simply glared back at him. I could do this. And when I won, I was going to have him on his knees, begging. I grinned back at him. This was going to be easy. 
"Oh, before I forget. We cannot purposely avoid the other, so no hiding in the library for days on end, amore." 
With that he disappeared. 
Well shit.  
Maybe this wasn't going to be so easy. 
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I needed help. It had been almost a week and neither Alec nor I had barely even touched each other, much less kissed. I was going insane, but I was too stubborn to admit it.  
He almost had me a few times. Cornering me and whispering dirty words in my ear, his wandering hands exploring my body. But it hadn't worked, sadly for him. 
But it had given me an idea. 
You see, in all the times he had fucked me, and I mean well and truly fucked me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head kind of fucked me, I hadn't been able to bring myself to talk back in such a way. I had made one attempt, which he thought was cute, and still teased me about it.  
Well, this time would be different. 
We were in his room, and he had me against the wall again, caged in by his arms, whispering dirtily in my ear. 
"I know the bet was for a kiss on the lips, but I think I would rather have your lips kissing my cock." 
I took a deep breath. Now was the time. I leaned up on the very tips of my toes, my lips brushing softly against his ear. 
"And I'd rather have that cock wrapped up in my cunt." 
Alec's head reared back, his mouth open in shock, gaping at me. I smirked. I had never gotten such a reaction from him. He was usually cool as a cucumber. But I could tell he was turned on, his eyes were darkening, and I watched as he swallowed roughly, as if he was nervous or holding back. 
"What is it darling?" I continued, pulling him back in, barely an inch away from my lips. "Is cunt to much of a dirty word for you? Or are you just imagining the feeling of it strangling your cock as I cum?" 
Before I could blink Alec had his hands tangled in my hair, his lips on mine in a hungry kiss. After he pulled away, I gave him an impish grin, while trying to reign in my breathing. 
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @lack-lust-3rr @rosedpetal
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motherfracker · 11 days
This episode.
First I need to talk about Henren and how I am absolutely heartbroken over them having endure more loss in their family. Like they are the best damn parents, stop taking their children away. And having all of those cases twisted on Hen like that as ammunition and evidence to take Mara away from her. Diabolical. Just a gut punch, I cried so hard.
There is so much about Bobby that I don’t even think I can get into it all. But I was so worried about him, I AM so worried about him. The beginning of the episode feeling like a goodbye, to him having to save Athena, and then having a heart attack. The emotional whiplash of it all. I’m so afraid to learn anything more about how that fire got started. The guilt this man has carried, and continued to carry without leaning on his wife for support. Still bottling it all up until it was too late. Just heart wrenching, and I feel for Athena, it is so hard to watch your significant other struggle like that and not know what to do but to just love them and hope it’s enough.
Buck, getting the chance to cook for the team from Bobby. He was so happy about it, so proud. And his moment with Bobby after shift was so sweet, they have come so far. He is going to be so gutted if anything happens to Bobby. That’s his dad.
And then Buck running into Kim like that, oh my god. And immediately going to Eddie’s to figure out what the hell he just saw and figure out what was going on (despite whatever his plans were for the evening). That kitchen scene was so great, they are so vulnerable with each other, so patient and understanding. Buck using the back door to be considerate of anyone else in the house because he knows how crazy and fucked up it all is. But he’s so calm and gentle with Eddie about the whole thing.
Which leads me to Eddie. My guy, you have come so far, but you are still so delusional. Shannon was not the love of your life, she was your first love. And there is a difference. Kim is insane for coming back to pretend to be Shannon to try to give you closure without all of the context, because Eddie you omitted a few key details in your retelling of your relationship’s history. And to get so wrapped up in this fantasy to allow yourself this weird moment of skewed catharsis and have Christopher walk in (with your girlfriend, which where were they without you?) and witness this woman in your life who confusingly looks like his DEAD mother. How painful for him. That kid has been through enough, and I can’t fathom how he will view you going forward and I am so scared for that. It’s so twisted. How do you explain any of this to your son? How?
I can’t stop thinking about it. 7x09, I wish you were longer.
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
Prompt: Ornaments
Featuring: Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Series: Fits into Love at First Knife, AO3 link here
Premise: Winter continues to be Astarion’s least favorite season, but when you give him the chance to show off his nimble fingers, he can’t possibly refuse. Time for some arts and crafts!
Tags: POV Second Person, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Fluff, Holidays, post-canon, comfort, astarion is a crafter
Word count: ~1.1k
“Astarion, could you come here a moment?”
The vampire in question stops in his tracks, turning to look at you. You’re currently hunched over a desk littered with all manner of materials– various strings, glass beads, sequins, pieces of wood, cloth, and so much more. 
Taking in the situation as he walks over, he asks, “Darling, are you crafting a diabolical poison? Or perhaps a seasonal explosive?”
You laugh, halfway through tying a string, and gesture him over with your head. “Nothing so deadly, I’m afraid. Could you put your finger here so I can tie this?”
Like the supportive partner he is, he places his finger in position before continuing to press. “So what exactly are you doing, love?”
“Making ornaments,” you say, as you finish tying together a tree made with green beads. You hold it up for him a second later. “See? Do you like it?”
The look on his face doesn’t give away much, but you can sense the emotions underneath at war with each other. “It’s…”
“Don’t finish that,” you say, holding up a hand. “It’s my first attempt, so it will only get better.”
Astarion crouches in front of the desk across from you, folding his arms over the edge. “I was only going to say that it’s quite twee. Though it may be missing a little something.”
“Oh?” you ask, raising an eyebrow at him. “What do you suppose is missing?” You spin the tree a few times to get a better look at it before he holds out his hand to you. After a second of deliberation, you place it into his awaiting palm. “Don’t break it, I lied about getting better. This is probably my best work.”
He smirks at you. “I know, dear. But that’s why I’m here to help.”
“What are you going to do to it?”
Tilting his head as he looks through your various materials, he simply gives a soft hmm. His long fingers sift through a variety of silver strings, pushing them aside for a delicate, metallic silver. He spends another few seconds searching through the beads while you watch and he comes away with a few glimmering, silver beads that look like stars. “I think,” he finally says. “It could use a bit of dressing up, don’t you?”
You nod at him with a smile, getting out of your chair. “Alright, love. Let’s see your nimble fingers at work.”
At that, Astarion gives you a suggestive little look, but he moves around the desk and sits down all the same. “Watch the expert, darling,” he says, his tone entirely too seductive for the task at hand.
But watch you will. After giving him a kiss atop his head, you settle in. At first you stand behind him, watching him weave the thread through the beads in a regular spacing, tying off after each one. Then you lean a bit forward, resting your arms on the back of his chair, as you watch him begin to sew the beaded thread into the tree, his fingers working in a way that manages to somehow be both elegant and swift. By the time you’re watching him tie off the additions, your arms are draped around his shoulders, melted by the easy way he fell into the rhythm of his work.
“There,” he says, holding the finished tree to your eye level. Then, tilting his head back toward you, he asks you the same question you asked him, “Do you like it?”
You want to be a little snarky, give him the same blank stare he gave you, but you know it’s pointless– the glee on your face is already unmistakable. 
While you were proud of your work before, Astarion wasn’t far off the mark when he called it twee. Now that he’s had a turn with it, it looks like a piece of art. The silver stars and string drape across the green beads like delicate garlands, twisting up the tree to culminate in a crown of stars on its top.
“It’s beautiful,” you say, hugging Astarion through the chair. “Your talent is a thing of wonders, love.”
Astarion tries to appear nonchalant about your praise, lifting his chin up and looking at you with a smirk. But something about the look in your eyes proves to be too much and he turns back around, clears his throat, and says, “Thank you, my dear.”
“I mean it!” you say, misinterpreting his sudden shift for disbelief. Using a finger to turn his head back towards yours, you see the truth of it when his wide eyes meet yours. He’s bashful– in fact, you think if he wasn’t a vampire, he might be blushing under the heat of your praise.
“I believe you,” he says in a soft voice. Then his voice picks up strength and he adds with a smile, “I didn’t realize that such an insignificant little thing would be worthy of so much praise.”
You move around the chair to face him and shift the hand that was holding his chin to cup his cheek. Staring down your ridiculous, brilliant lover, you impress upon him the truth you know he needs to hear, “There’s nothing made by your hands that is too small to be worthy of praise. And it’s significant to me. Understood?”
He nods into your hand and presses a kiss to your palm. Then he heaves a great sigh. “Ugh, why must you try to infect me with these absurd holiday emotions? I was perfectly content just milling about, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” you say, removing yourself from his face and going to pull up another chair. “And now that I know you’re willing to help–” you raise a hand when he begins to open his mouth in objection. “Only to the extent you feel like, of course. I think it would be nice to make some ornaments together.” You place the chair next to him and scoot in, looking at him expectantly.
Astarion purses his lips at you, as if he’s trying to figure out if he’s fallen into a trap he hadn’t realized you’d laid. After deciding it doesn’t matter, he replies, “How could I say no?”
You spend the rest of the evening together, crafting a variety of ornaments. Some are seasonal: A snowflake, a ribbon, a candy. Some that are more for the two of you: A dagger, a skull, a snake. Once the night is over and you’re both cleaning up, Astarion looks up at you, a wry smile playing on his lips. “You may have tricked me into helping, but I did quite enjoy myself.”
With all of the innocence of a trained liar, you simply blink at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m glad you had fun.”
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Cigarette Smoke And A Vibrator Remote - Sam Kiszka
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A/N: Yeah, okay… this might be my favorite Sam fic i’ve EVER written. This one goes out to whoever wrote me all those requests a while back for Sam 🫶🏻 I can’t find any of them now, but I just want you to know, whoever you all are that sent them, that I love you dearly for all the requests.
WARNINGS: Sam being absolutely diabolical and cocky af. Toys (remote controlled vibrator), TEASING, edging, shotgunning , hair pulling, overstimulation, unprotected sex. Did I mention teasing? This contains 18+ content! Minors please DNI!
“Look at you… a fucking gem,” Sam stood behind you and ran his hands down your sides, staring ahead at your reflection in the full body mirror.
A crimson blush tinted your cheeks, feeling hot from his words and his burning gaze.
“Mm… I should let you pick my dresses more often.” You whispered, running your own hands down the deep, royal purple, material.
It hugged your body in a delectable way. The cut at the neck was low, but not too low and the length of the dress stopped about mid thigh. It was incredibly classy, yet still sexy.
You turned around to face Sam, giving him a purposely slow once-over.
He matched you perfectly with a button up in the exact same purple, with a pair of nice, but simple black pants.
“You forgot something, Sammy…” You met his eyes, running your hands up his arms until they reached the collar of his shirt.
He hummed. “And what could I possibly have forgotten, doll?”
Wordlessly, your fingers found the first button of his shirt, undoing it. You did two more the same way, leaving only a couple still fastened at the bottom.
“That’s better.” You lended a cheeky grin, thoroughly enjoying the palpable tension you had just created. “Much, much better.”
“Uh huh, I bet it is, but…” Sam reached into his back pocket, swiftly pulling out a little box. “I also almost forgot something.”
You eyed the box skeptically, obviously unaware that he had gotten you anything else. “Sammy, what is-“
He opened up the box, holding it out for you to get a good look at.
“Samuel… Francis…” You eyed the little vibrator inside in utter shock and your stomach was suddenly twisting with nerves. “No way in hell.”
Sam tilted his head back. “Why not?!” He all but cackled, knowing good and well why you didn’t want to wear it.
Or claimed you didn’t…
“Because you’re fucking evil and merciless,” This drew a genuine, rather proud laugh out of Sam.
“And you’re the one who’s got the remote!”
“Come on,” he sang. “I’ll go easy on you, baby. Promise.” He threw his free hand over his heart.
You shot him an unconvinced look and he huffed, trying to fight back another giggle.
“Okay… I’ll at least go easy for a little while.”
“See?!” You pointed a single finger at him in an accusatory fashion.
As your point had pretty much just been proven.
He tossed the box down onto the bed behind him and pulled you closer to him. “Come on, doll. Be real. I know you really want to try it…”
You turned your face away from his, fighting with yourself to not give in to him.
“You’d love for me to have this much control over you all night.” His lips pressed against your jaw, sneaking their way to your ear.
“Go ahead and try to tell me you don’t want that. I won’t believe you. Listen…” he paused for a moment. “-you’re breathing all heavy. You like it. I bet this pretty cunt is dripping at the idea already.”
The urge to smack him in the mouth was almost too overwhelming.
“I’m not.” You tried to will your voice to sound firm, but Sam still wasn’t buying it.
Truthfully, you weren’t buying it, either. You absolutely wanted to go out, vibrator secretly tucked between your legs, while Sam had the remote hidden under the nice restaurant’s table.
“Oh, yeah? So if I see for myself right now, you won’t be wet at all?” Sam peered down at you, raising one of his eyebrows.
Truthfully, you were most likely already dripping onto your panties - you could feel it and Sam already knew that. He would be an idiot to believe otherwise and he was far from stupid.
“Tell me the truth, mama. I would hate to have to keep you here and punish you for lying to me…” Sam’s voice dropped even lower, threatening to steal the air from your lungs and the strength to hold your weight, right out from your knees.
“Fuck you,” You muttered with a whiny edge. “Give me the damn box.”
A triumphant smile and low chuckle was all the response Sam gave you; another word and you probably would have actually smacked him.
He handed you the small box, turning you towards the bathroom with a gentle shove.
You closed the door and stared down at the little vibrator, extremely curious as to how much power the little thing even had.
“Guess i’m about to find out..” you mumbled, not even close to loud enough for Sam to hear.
You took the vibrator out, letting out a shuddering breath as you realized it was meant to be inserted and rest right on your gspot.
Slipping out of your heels, you pulled down your panties and carefully began inserting the vibrator.
Once it was in and felt comfortable, You quickly put your heels back on and left the bathroom to return to Sammy.
“Feels a little weird, huh?” Sam asked in amusement, taking notice of the way you were walking.
You ignored his question entirely, asking a question of your own. “Sam… How high does this thing go…?”
His eyes instantly darkened. “You wanna find out before we leave?”
“No.” You were certain that if you tested it now, you would scramble to the bathroom to take it out.
“Let’s just go before I change my mind.”
You were out of the bedroom door in a blink, leaving Sam to play catch up as you made your way down the stairs.
“Dare I say you’re really just eager to get there?” Sam teased breathlessly, slowing his quick strides once he reached the front door.
You turned your back to him and grabbed your bag and coat down from the wall, hoping the blush on your cheeks would be gone by the time you turned back around to face him.
Just as you were about to pull your coat on, a low buzz whirled to life between your legs, causing your knees to buckle.
“S-Sam??” You whipped around to face him on wobbly legs.
“Mhm?” He stayed leaned against the wall with his phone in hand, smirking evilly at you.
His thumb ghosted just above his screen, like he was just waiting to play around with it.
“Cut… Cut it out. We haven’t even left yet,” You scolded him, clenching your thighs together. “I said wait.”
His thumb swiped the screen and your eyes widened in panic, but the vibrations stopped.
Sam pushed himself away from the wall and snatched his keys from the small table by the door, winking as he sauntered by to open the front door for you.
“Just wanted to make sure it works.”
Letting Sam convince you to wear the vibrator out in public with him controlling it, probably wasn’t one of you best choices.
The only thing you’d gotten out of it was hours of countless teasing after you’d made the bold decision to purposely provoke him, until you finally broke and begged him to bring you back home.
“Sam.” You forced out through gritted teeth, gripping the booth below you.
You were doing everything in your power to hold back the stream of moans, trying to rip their way out of you.
“What?” He smirked at you from across the table.
“Take. Me. Home.” You demanded, just barely above a whisper. “Please.”
“How are you so demanding and polite at the same time?” Sam snickered, pulling his wallet from his pocket to pay.
Sam waved down the waitress and she immediately started making her way over to your table.
“Sammy!” You whisper-yelled in a scolding tone. “Sam, I’m-“
He just flashed a sly, toothy grin in your direction.
As she approached your table, you turned your head away from her, trying to regulate your breathing and rapid heartbeat as another orgasm started to build up inside you.
“Y/N,” Sam called for your attention, gradually dulling the vibrations inside you to a stop. “Can you walk? Or should I carry you out of her-“
You were up and out of your booth before Sam was even finished talking. Your legs were carrying you towards the door in a blink, leaving Sam to play catch up behind you.”
As you scrambled out of Sam’s car and up to the front door, Sam was hot on your heels.
“Don’t know why you rushed up here.” Sam chuckled. You were almost sick of hearing that cocky sound come out of him. “I have the keys.”
“If you don’t open this god damn door, Samuel.” You spoke through gritted teeth.
Sam pushed the key in the door, flipping the deadbolt. “Someone’s eager.”
He barely had his key out of the door, before you were shoving passed him and kicking your heels off in the entry way.
“We’re not going upstairs yet.” Sam said and you stopped in your tracks as you reached the stairs.
“Come with me.”
You reluctantly walked back to him and took his outstretched hand and he lead you towards the door to your back porch.
“But. Samm-“
“Quiet down.” Sam’s finger pressed against your lips and he opened the door, somewhat gently pushing you out first. “I wanna smoke and you’re gonna sit right out here on my lap, so I can make sure you’re a good girl.”
A very audible whine escaped your lips as you watched Sam sit down on the bench by the window.
He pulled his phone from one pocket and his cigarettes and lighter from the other, then, patted his lap for you to sit.
“Sammy, you always smoke after sex.” You argued, sounding much like a child not getting their way.
He reached a hand out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his lap himself.
“Your point?” Sam cocked an eyebrow once you were straddled over his legs. “Tonight I wanna smoke first. You’ve stressed me out, being such a bad girl all night.”
“You’ve been teasing me all night. What did you expect??” You watched him pull a cigarette out of the little box, while you half bickered with him.
“Light it.” Sam commanded and placed it between his lips, completely ignoring what you had just said.
He held up the lighter and you snatched it out of his fingers, flicking it until the little spark of fire lit up the space between you in a soft orange glow.
Holding the cigarette to his mouth with one hand as he waited for it to light, Sam unlocked his phone with his other while you were somewhat distracted.
He clicked on the app linked to your vibrator and as soon as his cigarette was lit, he took a drag out of it and proceeded to slide his thumb over the screen.
“Sam, no- fuck no, please,” you pleaded, trying to reach for his phone.
“Huh-uh, bratty girl. You need to learn how to behave.” Sam taunted, holding his phone just out of your reach. “You can’t have everything you want, just whenever you want it.”
“But you- you always give i-it to me.” You were a whiny, stuttering mess in his lap.
“Sam- Sammy please, if you… if you keep it on, I’m gonna cum- i’m-“
“You’re absolutely not.” Sam laughed at you breathlessly, blowing the smoke from his mouth.
“You’re so… fucking horrible…” You pant, squirming for any sort of friction as the vibrations died.
“And yet I can feel you leaving a wet spot on my pants.” Sam teased. “You love this and you know it.”
“I would love it more if you would let me cum. Please, please, please!” You sounded so desperate and pathetic even to your own ears. “PLEASE, Sam?”
He took another pull from his cigarette, nonchalantly playing around with the vibrations on his phone; taking the vibrations all over the place. From high to low, back to high again just to shut them off entirely and then all the way back up to the highest setting.
“S-Sa- Fuck, oh fuck-“ You rolled your hips against his thigh, gaining some extra friction against your clit.
“Such a pretty girl I have in my lap.” He smiled up at you, watching as your head lulled back and your mouth gaped. “Kiss me.”
You brought your head back down, watching Sam take another drag of his cigarette.
You knew exactly what he was about to do.
Holding the smoke in his mouth, he leaned up and met your lips just so, blowing the smoke from his mouth to yours.
He pulled away just enough to let you blow it out, before reattaching his lips to yours for a true, heated kiss.
It went on as long as you could go, but after a minute or so, you were pulling away with a choked cry.
Sam was well acquainted with that particular sound.
“Oh, does my pretty baby doll want to cum?” He cooed, pretending as though he cared. “That’s just too bad.”
You cried out loudly yet again, not even caring if anyone was outside to possibly hear you. It was getting late anyway.
“If you…” You tried to gather yourself, fed up with his teasing, even though you earned yourself this torment. “If you won’t get me off, I’ll go do it myself.”
Sam let out a genuine laugh, amused by the absolute tantrum you were throwing.
A little endeared, too, knowing you wanted him so badly.
This only irritated you further.
You got off his lap and immediately went to the door.
You stood there goring back at him for a moment, thinking he would just cave and get up to follow you.
“Well…?” Sam smirked. “You gonna go get yourself off, then?”
With a groan, you jerked the door open and stormed back inside your shared house.
However, instead of going up to your bedroom, you made your way into the kitchen.
You weren’t actually going to get yourself off. You wanted Sam too bad to do that.
Your mind wandered off and replayed the last few hours in your head.
Maybe… Definitely… you were being a bit spoiled.
Just then, you could hear the sound of the back door closing. And after a few moments, Sam’s footsteps could be heard going up the stairs.
He was looking for you.
After a minute or two, his footsteps were heard coming back down the stairs, after having been met with an empty bedroom.
“Y/N?” He called calmly into the quiet house.
You turned on your heel, opening a cabinet to retrieve a glass and closing the door rather loudly as your response to Sam.
Sam was in the doorway of the kitchen within seconds, body leaned against the doorframe much too cooly.
“I’ll go do it myself!” He mocked your little outburst from just minutes ago.
“Shut up.” You snapped in a hushed tone, turning to the sink to fill your glass with cold water.
“What? You mean to tell me you threw that whole fit and didn’t run upstairs to finish yourself off?” Sam loaded his tone down with faux shock.
You just ignored him, lightly rolling your eyes and lifting your glass up to your mouth, slamming the water that was in it.
Sam shook his head and pushed himself away from the doorframe. He made his way over to you, slowly taking the now empty glass from your hand.
You stepped around him, leaning against the island with crossed arms.
He placed it down on the counter, letting out an amused huff by your actions.
“Are you done throwing your little tantrum now? Hmm?” Sam turned around and took barely even a whole step. His hands grabbing the edge of the counter on either side your body, trapping you in place.
You looked away from him.
He lifted one of his hands, nudging your chin with the knuckle of his finger. “C’mon…”
You jerked your face away from his touch, only to be met with his whole hand securing itself around your throat.
“Look at me, Y/N.” Sam demanded, low and serious.
You finally turned to face him and met his dark, still lust filled eyes.
He leaned down swiping his tongue along your bottom lip, pulling away the second you chased after his lips.
“You ready to get your way, you spoiled girl?”
You nodded slowly, your body surrendering to him without leaving you much of a choice.
Sam lowered his head back down, letting his lips ghost over yours. “Is that what I’ve created?” He whispered against your lips. “A spoiled girl who throws tantrums until she gets her way?”
“I… No…?” You couldn’t even lie or defend your end, you knew it was the truth.
“Y/N.” Sam gave you an incredulous look. “Admit it. You’re a spoiled girl.”
You shot him almost the exact same look he was giving you.
“Say it, Y/N.” Sam repeated himself.
“I’m… I’m a spoiled girl.” You forced yourself to say.
“Yeah, you are.” Sam finally captured your lips with his, smiling when you whimpered into his mouth.
You pulled away for air for just a second, then, hooked your arm around his neck to pull him down even closer than before.
Hoping to soften him up, you began sucking and biting at the spot just beneath his ear. You repeated the same actions as you worked your way down, leaving a pretty trail of darkening marks on his neck.
You pulled away to examine what considered beautiful little pieces of art, but then Sam’s voice - low and breathy, was floating through your ears again.
“Don’t be shy. Put some more,” Sam encouraged breathlessly. “Put some more, doll.”
You reattached your lips to his neck without a second thought.
A soft groan sent vibrations through Sam’s chest and neck and you smiled against his skin.
“Don’t get too giddy. I’m still the one in control here, doll face.” Sam let you leave a few more marks, before pulling you away.
“You want me to make you feel good now?”
You nodded, practically ready to cry at the idea of finally getting what you wanted so badly all evening.
“Turn around.” Sam commanded, guiding you with two hands firmly on your hips. “And you might wanna hold onto the counter.”
“Hush.” He cut you off, dropping to his knees behind you.
A gasp of shock fell from your lips, as felt Sam gather up the back of your dress at the hem and push it up over your ass, holding it there with one of his hands.
He hooked his other hand into your panties, working then down your legs. “Step out of these, will you, doll?”
You lifted one leg up at a time and as soon as they were off completely, Sam shoved them into his back pocket before returning his attention back to you.
“God, you’re fucking dripping.” Sam practically groaned. “Have you been like this all night? Hmm?” he taunted.
“Sam, please.” You begged, staring down at your hands that were gripping the cold, marble counter top. “That’s enough teasing.”
“Didn’t I say hush?” Sam’s hand connected roughly with your outer thigh, sending the chilling sound of the smack all throughout the kitchen. “I didn’t say it just for shits and giggles. I’m gonna make you feel good on my time and you’re gonna be patient.”
As much as you wanted to argue with him, or begging him to the point where he would question your sanity a little, you so desperately needed an orgasm at the mercy of his mouth or fingers. Or both.
“Be my good, spoiled girl… M’gonna make you cum all pretty and messy. Right here - just as soon as I’m ready.”
Sam reached back and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. He unlocked it, going straight to that god forsaken app linked to the vibrator still tucked inside your dripping cunt.
“I want you dripping all over this fucking floor.”
Sliding his thumb over the screen, the vibrator whirled to life and you faintly heard the soft clatter of Sam sitting his phone on the floor beside him.
You fought to swallow down the whimper that wanted to escape you already. And you had succeeded… Until Sam hiked one of your legs onto his shoulder, positioning himself between your legs.
His tongue suddenly licked from your entrance, up to your clit and there was no holding back the sound that ripped it’s way out of you.
You clenched around the toy inside you, legs already trembling around Sam’s head as you struggled to stay standing. He let your dress drop back down, using both hands as extra support to hold you up.
“Oh, fuck- oh fuck,” You moaned, barely able to keep yourself quiet anymore, even though you were trying your best to.
Sam just hummed against you, flicking his tongue against your clit at a speed that had your head spinning.
You released the countertop as the rest of your body started to shake and you laid your upper body over the counter, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
“Oh my god…” You rolled your hips, grinding your center into Sam’s tongue.
The vibrations inside you stayed steady; that in combination with Sam’s tongue licking at your clit was mind numbing.
Sam pulled away for a split second. “Tell me how it all feels, Y/N. I wanna hear you say it yourself.”
You tried to sound as coherent as possible. “Feels- it feels so good, i-“
“What feels good?” He pried, reattaching his lips to your clit and sucking it into his mouth, emphasizing his question.
“Oh, god- fuck-“ You cried out. your legs starting to tremble around Sam’s head. “Your mouth Sammy- Your mouth and the- and the toy.”
That burning feeling that Sam had gotten you far too acquainted with over the last few hours returned, making your belly burn and tingle, as if there was actually a fire melting you from the inside out.
You almost didn’t want to tell him you were getting close, in fear of having it ripped away once again.
“Mm- keep going, Sam,” Your whimpers were like music to his ears - Though somewhat muffled by your thighs, he still found all your pretty noises utterly addictive.
“S’good! Please, please, please, keep going…”
The closer you got, the slower the movements of Sammy’s tongue became.
You were mere seconds away from falling over the edge, when he came to a completely stop and another orgasm was ripped right out of your grasp.
“Samuel!” You seethed, on the verge of fully bursting into tears.
You were quite literally dancing on the line of hysteria.
“That was just to prove how spoiled you are. Such a little whore for me.” Sam said lowly, picking up his phone and shutting off the vibratory inside you as he rose to his feet.
He gathered your dress back up and bunched it up in one hand again at your lower back. His fingers tangled into your hair, pulling you up to meet with his chest.
Sam’s lips, dampened with your wetness, ghosted the shell of your ear. “For my mouth...” His hand abandoned your hair, coming around to the front of your body and snaking down to your clit.
He just barely let his middle finger touch it. “…My fingers…”
And finally, he pressed his hips against you, his cock pushing into your lower back.
“My cock…” It came out a bit more breathy. You weren’t exactly the only one incredibly worked up. “And I always just give it all to you. Whenever you want.”
A breathy whimper fluttered out of you as you attempted to roll your hips into Sam’s finger still ghosting over your clit, taunting you.
“I know you wanna give it to me, Sammy. Please.”
“I do.” He nodded, despite the fact that you couldn’t see him. “But-“
You cut him off almost immediately. “Samuel Francis, I won’t stay shoved up against this counter all night.”
“Oh, you won’t?” Sam pressed two fingers into your clit, rubbing lazy circles into it.
“N-no.” Of course your voice would betray you.
“I think you’re bluffing to get your way.” Sam practically growled into your ear.
His fingers traveled further down, slipping inside you just enough to tug the little -but powerful- vibrator out of your fluttering cunt.
“Open my phone.” He commanded, bringing the vibrator right up to rest over your clit.
With shaking hands, you picking his phone up off the counter and unlocked it.
“Mhm. Good girl,” he pressed the toy harder against you. “Now to to the app linked with this toy and turn it on.”
A ragged, burning, breath tore it’s way out of your lungs at his command.
You felt his hand release your dress and you heard the sound of his zipper being undone.
“Turn. It on.” Sam hissed. “Don’t make me say it again, doll baby.”
You slid your trembling thumb over the screen and the vibrator whirled to life against you, sending you doubling back down onto the cold counter.
Sam maneuvered his pants and boxers down with one hand, stroking himself a few times before carefully lining himself up at your entrance.
“Tell me to give it to you like the greedy girl you are.” Sam purred, just barely sinking his tip inside you.
“Give it- give it to me. I need it.” You rushed out, pushing back into him in hopes to sink him deeper. “I’m tired of waiting.”
“Yeah, that’s my spoiled, baby.” In one swift thrust, Sam was filling you up completely.
After only a few slow thrusts, Sam was already dragging you towards the edge.
“Off.” Sam grunted, keeping his slow, agonizing, pace. “Turn it off.”
You had half the mind to whip around and slap him, but given your current position, your only option was words.
More stuttered. fucked out, words… That would likely have little effect on him.
“What-? What the fuck! No, I’m not turning it off.” Of course, you didn’t exactly think over the consequences of your defiance.
Sam was the one holding the toy after all.
“Okay.” Sam bit, removing the buzzing toy from your clit himself. “Listen to you. You think your demanding ass really deserve to cum?”
You let your constant stream of whimpers be his answer, fumbling with his phone to shut off the vibe like he had asked.
“Good girl. Thank you.” Sam hummed, deepening his thrusts again.
One of Sam’s hands gripped your hip, his other bringing the vibe back to your clit, making you jump.
“Sensitive little thing. I bet this pretty clit is just aching, isn’t it?”
“Fu- yes,” you choked out through your desperate moans.
“Turn it back on.” Sam gripped your hip tighter, trying to hold you still when your hips jerked against the dizzying buzz.
The vibrations were almost too much for you anymore. Sam had edged you so many times now, that it was starting to turn into a sick combination of pain and pleasure.
“I want you to ask me like a good girl to cum.” Sam told you, quickening the pace of his hips. His cock hit that sweet spot inside you, that only he could reach. “Be sweet to me and I just might let you.”
Your head was spinning and not a single coherent thought was left hardly.
All you could think of was the orgasm Sam was steering you right towards, hoping he wasn’t going to rip it away from you again.
“I can’t- i… fuck, Sammy,” You dropped his phone against the counter, panting and moaning his name and whatever swears that first came to mind.
“You better figure it out, princess.” Sam warned, groaning rather loudly as you fluttered around him. “Ask me nicely to make you cum. All sweet and pretty.”
“, Sammy, please. I’m begging, I’m begging, I’m begging-“ The words flew out of your mouth so fast, they were barely even understandable. “Please. Please, let me cum, baby. Please!”
“Turn the vibrator up a little.” Sam ordered, voice much softer than before. “Wanna see how hard you can cum for me, princess.”
You picked his phone back up, unlocking it once again and dragging your finger up the screen.
“Oh, my fucking- god, Sam!” You cried out, reaching down and grabbing Sam’s wrist.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to pry the vibrator away, or press it harder against your swollen bundle of nerves.
“Go ahead and cum for me,” Sam angled his hips just so, relentlessly pounding into the spot he knew would send you spiraling. “Make a mess all over my cock, spoiled girl.”
Your jaw fell slack and your eyes squeezed shut. Your body froze and all your previous noises fell silent, as if your body was short circuiting from the immense pleasure cursing through your body.
A glass-breaking sound erupted from your lungs suddenly as your high took over.
Even Sam was a bit stunned by the sudden outburst; he had never heard a sound quite like that come out of you.
Yet, it still served to drag him even closer to his own high.
“Come on, princess. Come on,” Sam coaxed, trying to keep his pace despite how much your hips were writhing. “I got you. Just let it all go... Give it to me.”
That white hot coil in your belly exploded abruptly, making your eyes roll back and squeeze shut.
Your body couldn’t even move anymore. All your muscles tensed up, unwilling to relax until your orgasm passed.
Sam was mere seconds behind you. The feeling of you clenching around him - basically trapping him inside you as you continued to flutter around him, was his final straw.
He spilled inside of you, too caught up in his own high to even realize a soaking combination of you both covering you both.
As you both came down, Sam pulled the vibe away and carefully leaned over you to grab his phone and turn it off.
“Fuck me…” Sam muttered breathlessly, slightly gasping to refill his lungs with air. “I think… fuck-“
You heard him, but your brain was too clouded to even fully comprehend what he was trying to say.
“Baby, did you… Did…?” He gently lifted your dress up, eyes immediately noticing the stream of juices running down not only your thigh, but his own also. Wet splotches scattered over the thin, black material of his pants that he didn’t even take all the way off.
You took a couple deep breaths, taking in the way your body felt as though it was buzzing. The fogginess of your brain, the wetness coating your legs… the marble against your skin that was once cool to the touch, but had been warmed beneath your blazing skin.
“Did I… did i what?” You asked slowly as you turned around to face him.
“Baby, I think I made you squirt...” Sam said in complete astonishment. “Holy fuck… i… holy fuck.”
The softest giggle fluttered out of you at Sam’s state of shock.
“That was… wow. My body feels so weird, but good.”
“I think I just need to take these off.” Sam huffed a soft laugh, bending down to remove his pants and boxers the rest of the way. “And I need to get you cleaned up, too.”
He tossed his clothes over his shoulder and then picked you up in his arms, carrying you up the stairs and to your bedroom.
“Get undressed, doll.” Sam ordered gently. “Gonna run you a bath.”
“Us.” You corrected him and he stopped in the doorway of the bathroom.
“You’re gonna run us a bath.”
“Is his your way of getting round two out of me?” Sam questioned seriously, making his way into the bathroom. “Cause it’s working!”
“You’re out of your mind, Samuel!” You yelled back, practically becoming lightheaded at the thought of having another orgasm.
You heard Sam turn on the water as you began prying your dress off your body, finally ridding yourself of it with an exhausted huff, just as Sam walked back into your bedroom.
“I make you squirt one time and now you’re down for the count?” Sam teased. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to work on that.”
“I am not down for the count!” You protested.
“Oh?” Sam stalked towards your slowly, almost taunting you. “Then come here.”
“Okay, okay!” You out your hands out in front of your bare body. “Wait wait wait!”
Sam lunged at you, grabbing you and pulling you right into his body.
He wrapping both arms around you, pressing a few quick kisses to the side of your face.
“Maybe another day, babe. I’ve put you through enough tonight.”
“More than enough.” You faked an annoyed tone.
“Shut up. You loved all of it.” Sam rolled his eyes, carefully walking the two of you a few steps backwards towards the bathroom before he let go of you.
“Now come on, spoiled girl, before you keep distracting me and the bathtub overflows.”
@jake-kiszkas-smirk @theweightofjake @shutupdevvie @belovedsamuel @gardensgatedaisy @ageofbarbarians @positivegvfthings @gretasmokerising @doodle417 @jordierama @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @asparrowofthedawn @greta-van-chaos @skankforjakekiszka @sarakay-gvf @teddiie @colorstreammind @ofburningskies
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eco-lite · 1 year
Some mostly out of context funny/sweet/heartbreaking moments from Una McCormack’s Enigma Tales:
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[Text ID: “Renel took the other chair and the two guls, both big men, perched awkwardly together on the sofa. Garak had asked for the sofa’s dimensions to be just slightly too small to comfortably seat two adult males. His cruel streak always found expression somehow.” End ID]
Garak forcing stuffy military men to squeeze onto a tiny sofa together. Utterly diabolical.
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[Text ID: “My real pride is, of course, my garden. I have worked hard here. Parmak helps, although he has a tendency to kill plants on touch—worrying in a doctor (previous sentences underlined in red by me). He can’t do too much damage. The plants are hardy, the flowers have their own agenda, and not even Parmak can kill dry stone monuments.” End ID]
I love that in The Crimson Shadow, it’s implied that Kelas takes care of Garak’s garden while he’s away, yet here we learn that he’s actually terrible at it. First of all hilarious. Second of all, very sweet that Garak trusts him to keep trying.
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[Text ID: “’There might be another route to Garak,’ Alden said slowly, at last. ‘Ambassador, what do you know about Kelas Parmak?’
‘He is the castellan’s close friend,’ said T’Rena. ‘Probably one of his closest advisors—not officially, but certainly they are often together.’
‘Are they lovers?’ said Pulaski.
‘I don’t know,’ said T’Rena. ‘I do know that Parmak was interrogated by the Obsidian Order in his youth, and that Garak may have been involved.’
‘Damn,’ muttered Alden, ‘this place is twisted.’” End ID]
Pulaski just assuming that Garak and Kelas are lovers. A perfectly valid assumption--it’s the same assumption I make myself. Also, Peter Alden pointing out how it is frankly fucked up that they should be lovers considering the circumstances of their past encounter. He’s not wrong... Kelas is just a forgiving angel of a man.
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[Text ID: “She picked up the parcel she had brought with her. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. I hope it’s been good to see me. But I brought you a present. Well, it’s not really from me. Several of your friends got together and found this, and when they heard I was coming they asked me to bring it with me. I hope there’s no injunction on importing livestock. I think I got away with it.’
He was hardly going to unwrap the gift, so she pulled at the paper, revealing the small brown bear inside. She reached for Bashir’s hand again, lifting it and pressing it against the toy, in case the touch stirred some memory. She pressed it against his cheek too, so he could catch the scent. Smell and memory were closely intertwined; smells took you back to places more than anything else. Then she put the bear upon the windowsill, half looking out at the city, half looking back at Bashir. She smiled at it; this little guy had been loved, she saw, and someone had done some stitching that would make a surgeon proud. She reached out and rubbed its ears.
‘He’s an old soldier, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘He’s been through some wars. We’ve all been through some wars.’ She stopped and kissed her lost friend gently on the brow. ‘Come back, Julian,’ she said. ‘We miss you.’” End ID]
Pulaski bringing Kukalaka to comfort the comatose Julian are you kIDDING ME? This scene is so bittersweet.
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[Text ID: “’My father would say, all the time, how much I was wanted. How much he wanted me.’
(Next paragraph highlighted red by me) Well, he had wanted something, Garak thought. Telek’s father had not wanted the child he got. And that hurt, as Garak had cause to know; yes, that hurt very badly.” End ID]
Hahahahaaa ouchie.
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[Text ID: “Garak realized that he was still holding the phaser. He slipped it back into his pocket, for he would no doubt need it again one day, and then he rested his head against the cool of the window. My poor Julian, he thought. He let himself tremble for a while, allowing his body to process the shock. He might have allowed himself some tears then, too, in the dark while nobody could see, for all that had been lost, for all that he had done; for everyone that he had harmed.
Everyone that he had been unable to save.” End ID]
Despite everything, Garak is a very compassionate person. He very kindly talked down Telek, who was about to kill him, and was sensitive and remorseful that Telek’s Bajoran genetics had been eradicated as a child, at the insistance of Telek’s Cardassian father. And then immediately after that assassination attempt--a moment in which you’re surely allowed to think selfishly--he instead thinks of “My poor Julian,” another man whose father did not want him as he was. And that’s not even acknowledging all the other shit Garak is going through here. It’s a lot.
Love to end on a sad note. But seriously, everybody go read this book! These are just a few great moments among many. Lots of angst, lots of tenderness.
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💚❤️ steddie The Holiday au preview scene incoming...💚❤️
“So you’re here to…” Eddie swallows the question. Has to try again with a raspy throat. “You’re here to get to know me?”
Steve is looking around the house, picking up little trinkets and placing them back down in different places. Like he is Nancy’s newly hired interior decorator all of a sudden.
“Essentially, yeah.” Steve examines a snowglobe (ugh, Eddie hates those little glass fuckers).
“And then what?”
Eddie’s heart pinballs around in his chest. Ricocheting on every corner and scoring high numbers. Like Eddie just won all the tickets in the whole goddamn arcade.
Almost forgetting that he leaves in a week.
“Is that what people usually do when they are majorly crushing on someone?” Steve asks, suddenly sounding insecure.
“Big shot sportscaster, Steve Harrington, is crushing on a lowly guitarist from Brooklyn?” Eddie is beaming now.
“Thought you were from Georgia.”
“You remembered.”
“You’re hard to forget.”
What a cheesy line. Not even a flirt veteran like Eddie Munson can resist such a cheesy, charming line though. He’s about ten-seconds away from having it down bad for this guy.
Steve sets down the snowglobe, looking diabolical. “So you cyberstalked me back, huh?”
“No.” What a fucking liar. “A little.”
“Well, I went full-blown binoculars outside your bedroom window with how much I researched you.” Steve admits, almost proudly. “And I never look up the people I’m hooking up with.”
Eddie snickers, walking into the living room. “Almost hooked up with.” 
“Right. That never happens either.”
“Almost hooking up?”
“Spending the night in someone’s arms.” Steve approaches Eddie now, reaching for his hair. Twists a curl around his finger - it’s still a little damp from Eddie's shower earlier.
“Oh.” Eddie suddenly feels a little guilty. Like he made Steve do something he wasn’t interested in doing. Like him made him vulnerable when that’s not his Thing.
“Sorry if that was-”
“Don’t.” Steve releases his hair, touching Eddie’s cheek sternly. “I haven’t slept that soundly in several months, so don’t apologize. In fact, I should be thanking you.”
But Eddie is dying to apologize - needs to say 'sorry' a million times over for bailing in seven days. After all of Steve’s raw emotions are on full display, he’s gonna have to catch a plane across the country. It’s stupidly unfair.
He puts his hand over Steve’s, the one that is resting on his cheek. Strokes his thumb over Steve’s knuckles, over the thin sterling band on his index finger. Wondering faintly what the significance behind it might be.
“I’m leaving in a week, Steve.” Eddie finally finds the courage to say it. 
Steve continues to hold his cheek, but his expression falls along with his shoulders. 
“I really want to get to know you better, but…” Eddie holds Steve’s hand now, removing it from his face. “How is this gonna work?”
Their hands drift apart, reality dividing their physical affection. Both of them seem to be contemplating what happens next, predicting an unwritten love story. Filling in the pages with propositions. Hopeless for an answer.
“Whatever.” Steve finally speaks up. Almost dismissive to their predicament.
“Yeah - whatever.” Steve plops down on the couch, kicks his feet up on Nancy’s coffee table (Eddie’s not so sure if Nancy would approve of something like that).
“Care to expand on the context of your ‘whatever,’ Steve Harrington?” Eddie cautiously sits on the adjacent couch.
Steve places his arms behind his head, full-on lounging. “I say we try this anyways.”
“You do?”
“Sure.” He’s so casual about this. How is that even possible? “It’s sort of ideal, actually.”
“In what universe is this ideal?”
“If we spend the next week together and it goes poorly, then we don’t have to worry about an awkward breakup. You’ll fly back to Manhattan and I’ll stay here in LA - no running into each other or being forced to evenly split up our mutual friends post-breakup. No mess.”
That’s only somewhat true. Eddie’s heart will be a mess. His overly tender heart feels everything so deeply. He’ll spend months mopping up the heartache if this doesn’t work out.
“But if things go well, I think we can figure out how to make it work.” Steve says that so casually too. Like he’s suddenly the most capable and committed human being.
“You can’t know that.” Eddie’s tone comes out frustrated. Which he is. The whole thing is frustrating. Lovey-dovey feelings and motherfucking distance? That’s outrageously frustrating.
“No, but I’m trying something new here.”
“Lets just call it an early New Years Resolution. Keeping an open mind. Going with my gut.” 
Steve walks over to Eddie, offering him a hand to shake. Seal the deal, like a fucking business exchange or some professional bullshit. 
“What do you say, Eddie Munson? Wanna date me for a week - see where this holiday whirlwind takes us?”
Eddie chews the inside of his cheek, strongly considering the consequences of this plan. Jots down a scribbly mental list of all the emotions that may lie ahead of them: Heartbreak. Misery. Grief. Resentment. Malice.
And before he can say hell no, a fucking red permanent marker adds two more words to his list, in bold letters:
Potential Love.
There’s potential that this could be it - a potential love that will finally stick. A potential love that can withstand distance and life’s complexities.
Eddie firmly shakes Steve’s hand.
“I’m all in, Steve Harrington.”
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sunstone-smiles · 8 months
Oh oh can I request Day 4 Augtickletober2023 (weak spot) with Lee!Ingo and Ler Emmet please? I love how you write them
Two Words, One Smiling Twin
Author’s note: Aww, thank you Unicorn Anon! (If that’s okay to call you that!) I couldn’t forget about the precious Subway boys! I hope you enjoy Day 4 of Tickletober: Weak Spot! (From August’s Tickletober 2023 list!)
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Series: Pokemon
Characters: Emmet and Ingo
Word count: 871
Summary: Ingo doesn’t seem to be smiling properly today. It’s time for Emmet to pull out one of his sibling tricks in the book to help him.
“Goodbye! Thank you very much for riding the battle subway with us today!” Emmet waves to the passengers leaving the subway car. A big smile is plastered on his face. To his right, Ingo waves goodbye to the passengers as well; although, his face remains stoic and less smiley.
When the last passenger steps off, Ingo and Emmet make sure the subway car is secure, then they head back to their office for a short break. Ingo walks into the office first. He takes his thick coat off, hangs it up near the door, and heads to his desk. Emmet closes the door behind them.
“You know,” Emmet starts a conversation, “it would do you much better to smile more often. I noticed you didn’t have one when we waved the passengers goodbye.”
“What do you mean?” Ingo takes a seat at his desk and straightens out a piece of paper by tapping it twice on the surface in front of him. “I was smiling perfectly fine.”
Emmet plops into his own desk chair, right across from Ingo’s. “No it’s not. I know that you have a much bigger smile than that.” Emmet twists from side to side in his revolving chair. “Besides, you need to start practicing your smile before Halloween. We’ll have many kids coming to the station, and we wouldn’t want to frighten them with your scary face,” Emmet teases his brother. Ingo huffs out a chuckle and shakes his head.
“See! There was a smile right there!” Emmet points at his twin. “Where was that earlier?”
“I suppose you’re right,” Ingo glances up from his papers. “Perhaps I’m just a bit tired from staying up late last night with work. Although, I know that’s not an excuse to be forgetting my duties.”
“Sooo, you need an energy boost?” Emmet jumps at the opportunity like he’s dying to give a suggestion.
“Do you have something in mind?”
Emmet puts on a smug grin, implying that he still wants to tease his brother a bit to get his smile all the way up. Emmet lays his forearm on the desk and leans his body forward. The younger twin stares directly into Ingo’s eyes with that same smug grin, almost with a threatening glare and diabolical scheme cooking in that mind of his.
“Two words,” Emmet pauses to let his smile grow. “Weak spot.”
Ingo’s eyes expand with a silent gasp, knowing exactly what those dreadful words mean.
“You wouldn’t,” Ingo’s eyes narrow on his brother, trying to act stern and unfazed.
Emmet’s smile is unwavering. “Oh, I would.”
After a pause—Ingo immediately leaps out of his chair and tries to sprint to the door. Emmet follows in pursuit and in one quick movement, Emmet swoops behind his brother like an Archeops and dives his finger-like talons into Ingo’s underarms.
Ingo yelps and falls backwards into his twin’s arms as loud, booming giggles fill the office.
“Ehehehemet!!!” Ingo tries to yank his body forward. “Lehehehet me gohoho!” Ingo also tries to unhook his brother’s tickly claws from under his arms, which only allows Emmet to have more access to his twin’s so-called ticklish weak spot.
“No, this seems to be working fine,” Emmet smiles from behind him. “Are you feeling tired anymore?”
Ingo gives no response as he’s too busy giggling and trying to tear himself from his twin’s tickly trap. He stabilizes himself on his feet, clamps his arms down and leans forward, but he ends up collapsing to the ground at the hands of his twin brother, who—of course—follows him down to keep tickling him. Emmet’s obviously gotten what he wanted, but now the younger twin is just teasing his brother.
“Oh! I have an idea! I should do this everrrry subway ride so the passengers can see you smile too! Wouldn’t that be great?”
A wave of embarrassment courses through Ingo at the thought of so many other people seeing him in this giggly state, “Aahabsolutely nohohohot!” He’s interrupted by a squeak when Emmet gives a playful poke to his belly before returning to his underarms. Ingo throws his head back and wheezes his brother’s name, “Ehehehemmet! Deheherail the tickling! Plehehehease!” Ingo curls himself up to make his point.
Right away, Emmet stops, still smiling at his brother as Ingo’s chest rises and falls with the same rhythm as a steam locomotive. The older twin on the ground tilts his head to the side to look at his brother. “Was that...really necessary?”
“Yes, verrry necessary,” Emmet extends the ‘r’ like he usually does. “And look, you have a lingering smile on your face. That expression should last you for the rest of the day.” Emmet pats his brother on the shoulder and heads for the office door. 
Ingo rolls onto his stomach, then pushes himself up. He dusts himself from the floor, grabs his coat, and follows his brother out of the office in a rush. Ingo didn’t have a chance to see this “lingering smile” Emmet was referring to before he left the office, but as they walk side by side to their next subway departure, Ingo can definitely feel that the corners of his mouth are lifted a little into a soft, approachable smile.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Been rereading some IDW and I wanted to compile my favorite very evil and badass things Eggman has done so far and hope to see much more of in the future:
When he ordered for Mimic to kill the Diamond Cutters (most members are just teens!)
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and then he threatened Mimic to finish the job when he finds out Whisper got away in a way that makes me 😳😳😳
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When he was cruelly toying around with poor critters during the testing of the Metal Virus and loving it, which is a great look into how he treats the animals when they're in his grasp that we don't usually get to see.
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When he went back to spit in the face of the people of Windmill Village that took him in as Tinker by pouring the virus goop all over it while saying "no good deed goes unpunished". Ungrateful bastard being an asshole and loving it, gleefully making them regret being foolish enough to give him a chance.
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When Starline dared to try to take out Eggman's prey that's for him to beat and destroy alone after proving his power and superiority. I love it mostly for the way he grabbed Starline's neck with just a finger or two and slammed him against the glass hard enough to crack it as the first thrilling display of his physical strength 😍
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The way he likes making toys and once again combines a fun hobby with evil as he models his awesome creations and uses them to plan and figure out battle plans and strategies
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Plus the reveal of how Eggman made the figurine of Starline a robot, hinting at how he was always either replaceable and nothing more than an underling for him to use just like all his other lackeys
When he fires Starline as a fine example of him throwing his lackeys away when he's finally had it and no longer needs them and just how harsh he is when they disobey his orders
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When he attempted to manipulate Sonic to plant a seed of doubt and make him feel guilt for the tragedies of the metal virus. I love the gorgeous sly smirk on that bastard's face 💜
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When he grabbed his gun like "oh yeah?" and tried to shoot Tails
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The way he was doing evil VR gaming in his evil simulated world, as yet another great way for him to combine a fun hobby with his diabolical schemes!
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When he first met Belle as his real self and was just like "pfft what makes your precious Tinker as good as me when I can do stuff like THIS?" *Shows her his fucked up tower concept*
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When he talked a bit about his delightfully cute but twisted and disturbing reasons behind his theme parks, capturing everything I love about how admiringly charismatic and passionate he is but so messed up about it at once!
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When he fought Starline in the glorious EGG EMPEROR! And the great moment where he said Starline never really had a place of co emperor alongside him because it's all or nothing for him, the world belongs to him alone and nobody else! He said so much of exactly what I've been saying this whole time while in the mech behind my username. I was so happy 💕
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The beautiful creepy silhouette Egg and he way he revealed that Starline has been outsmarted and absolutely dominates him
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and the way he absolutely fucked Starline up with an epic display of his strength that makes me swoon 😍💖💜💘💗💕
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then walked away knowing everything was collapsing and left Starline to his doom, then just announced it like "lol he's dead- so anyway"
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Eggman beat him and it killed his will to go on, then he left him as everything caved in which finished him off. Therefore he killed him, he knowingly had direct causation without a care and I consider it as part of his body count.
When he tried to shoot Surge and then grabbed and threw her- while in his awesome Eggwalker too! 💜💕💗
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When he praised Starline but only after he was dead and gone, so he could use it to praise and prove himself as superior by the way Starline is still a bested enemy that he defeated despite this. God damn, that's cold and selfishly egotistical… My man!!! 🥰
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And everything about Scrapnik Island with it exploring how he's carelessly thrown away so many of his robots and the impact it has on them all- especially the closer look into how much it devastated Mecha Sonic to go from his greatest creation to abandoned trash.
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All these moments bring me great joy and feel like the Eggman I know and love in the games too, I adore his exciting evil and badassery when he gets a piece of the action, proves his skills and strength, and reminds everyone why he's the best!!! 🥰💜
When he's treated well, written with care, and given some of the focus he deserves, he can be fantastic in this comic. His characterization has really been looking up lately, he just really deserves more of a time to shine now as it's been five years and he still hasn't actually been the main villain of a big arc without some twist involving others taking the spotlight. I really hope he gets his turn to really shine in that spotlight for much longer soon!
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
◈ Housecat — Author’s Note ◈
ଘ(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)੭゚່ Read Housecat here!!
(づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ Read Alea Iacta Est here!!
Sndksnsajaja thank you so much to everyone who read my work!! Your feedback means the world to me and I hope you all suffered from enjoyed my yandere version of the Regrator
This post is just me sharing my Yandere! Pantalone headcanons, my characterization of his darling, the creative details in both fics, and bonus content from the rough drafts. I hope you all don’t mind this behind-the-scenes look into my work :>
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“Your entire life has been a gilded cage. The gods refuse to grant your greatest wish, and so you have resigned yourself to the will of destiny. But what happens when the red string of fate is severed and replaced with the silver chains of the Regrator?” (AO3 Summary)
♡ First of all, I must give credit to @bye-bye-sunbird and @ddarker-dreams for inspiring me with these posts from their blogs!! I rlly liked the idea of Pantalone pursuing a darling who grew up with everything he wanted but couldn’t have. By claiming her, he achieves what was previously unattainable to him and gains control over the divine ψ(`∇´)ψ
♡ I was originally going to write a single fic from the darling’s perspective, but the word count for i. scarlet quartz convinced me to split the story into two fics. Which, in turn, enabled me to incorporate Pantalone’s POV and more facets of his character!! While Housecat focuses on his charming manipulative side, Alea Iacta Est reveals the full extent of his ambition and cruelty :>
♡ Before I continue rambling, I want to say a big thank you again to @diodellet for another peer review!! Aside from providing feedback, she motivated me with her brainrot <3
♡ My version of Pantalone is a possessive and manipulative yandere. He likes to refer to his darling by “my [nickname]” and dress her up in his choice of clothing and jewelry. He is extremely cruel and ambitious in pursuit of his desires, so he will stop at nothing to own his Kitty darling completely.
♡ Wealth and authority aside, he mainly utilizes his intelligence, social skills, and friendly facade to manipulate how others perceive him. In taking note of his target’s wants and weaknesses, he presents himself as someone who can fulfill those wishes.
♡ This is the reason why Pantalone gives Kitty quality time and words of affirmation more often than material gifts. He knows that she wants something which wealth and prestige cannot buy, so he adjusts his love languages accordingly. He also consistently includes her in conversations, stands up for her, and makes time for her unlike Kitty’s other relationships.
♡ Given his character design and backstory, I think Pantalone indulges in his newfound wealth but remains mentally affected by poverty. The easiest way to set him off is to express ingratitude towards his luxurious gifts as shown in ii. fool’s gold. I wanted to depict his wealth as “different” from that of high society, in the sense that his extravagance is only limited to his preferences. He doesn’t follow trends or feel the need to prove himself to aristocracy, because he is already confident and superior in terms of authoritative power.
♡ Askdnkdendkw I hope you all liked his soft moments in vi. noctilucous jade and vi. diabolic waltz. I hc that he dislikes being seen without his material riches or “perfect” appearance, so when he is forced to be genuine and vulnerable around his darling?? It was a nice break from his deception and cruelty (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)
⬩Kitty Darling⬩
♡ Once again, in order to feed my love for docile darlings and twisted happy endings, I put myself through the pain of giving Darling her own detailed personality and backstory. To start, I made her a cat-hybrid for the housecat/ stray cat theme and because it was cute to write about her feline features. That is all  ^•ﻌ•^
♡ Kitty grew up with the privileges of high society, but it is that same upbringing which makes her lonely, insecure, codependent, and resigned to her fate. I chose fashion and dance as her aristocratic interests, since they align with her desire for attention and participation. Given her internal conflict, it is inevitable that she falls for Pantalone before his proposal.
♡ My own name and appearance for Kitty <3
⬩Other Characters⬩
♡ 赖 Lài family – Hahaha so here is the source of Darling’s issues!! Because of work and favoritism, she grew up ignored and babied by her parents. They did the bare minimum in raising her and only recognized her potential as a link to other important families. As a result, her sister also looks down on Kitty and is bitter about her lack of productivity. Their surname ironically means “depend on; trust in; rely on."
♡ Chairman 金 Jin – I wrote him to be someone whom Pantalone would view as a worthy challenge given their opposite upbringings. Symbolism-wise, his surname means “gold” to contrast with Pantalone’s silver accessories. His Dendro Vision foreshadows how his downfall is caused by his association to Kitty (Pyro Vision).
♡ Kitty’s brother and friends – These characters do care about her, but they can’t prioritize Kitty over their own responsibilities. This enables Pantalone to take full advantage over her loneliness and self-esteem, because he is the only person who actively seeks her company and sets aside his work for her.
⬩Literary Motifs⬩
♡ Housecat/ stray cat – At this point, the parallels don’t need to be explained. Kitty is the housecat, a pampered child who doesn’t know any practical skills beyond what is expected of her in high society. On the other hand, Pantalone is the stray cat whose destitute past made him cunning and self-sufficient.
♡ Red string of fate – Given his view of the gods, Pantalone probably scoffs at beliefs pertaining to destined/ forbidden love. Even if his darling or destiny refuses him, he will get what he wants through his own ambition. I'm also simply fond of that motif :>
♡ Fire – Sooo Kitty’s Pyro Vision was chosen to represent her codependence on others. Her Vision is her only source of self-esteem, being the only object which she was able to attain on her own. Alas, its warmth and light cannot compare to what Pantalone provides for her~ On that note, I’ll point out a narrative detail repeated in i. scarlet quartz, v. shivada jade, and v. the die is cast:: When Pantalone opens the door, he brings “warm light” into Kitty’s dark world.
♡ Love and contracts – Yeahh so Pantalone and Kitty are both cynical towards the concept of love. Similar to the former, Kitty views love as a give-and-take contract and refuses to use that word. So her “I love you” in the ending marks her complete descent into Stockholm Syndrome </3
⬩Chapter Titles⬩
♡ Jewels – For the most part, I referred to Genshin lore and irl symbolism. The jewels chosen with the most consideration were Smaragdus Jadeite, Shivada Jade, and Electro Crystal due to their lore, symbolism, and function respectively.
♡ Figures of speech – I didn’t know what else to use for Pantalone’s section dividers, so I just name-dropped a bunch of motifs or phrases lol. The last title vi. diabolic waltz is the title of the Kuroshitsuji ost which I described as the orchestral music for the dance scenes.
⬩Deleted Scenes⬩
♡ Fun fact, Kitty’s old life used to be angstier!! Originally, the distance with her friends was because Yinji was Chairman Lai’s mistress. (Cue a more dramatic reveal during the wedding) I scrapped that idea for the “too busy to hang out” tension in order to put more focus on Pantalone and worsen Kitty’s anxieties over being “more of a pet than a wife.”
♡ Pantalone adopts the stray cat from Yujing Terrace. I didn’t find the time to write that, sadly, plus I didn’t want to risk a “Pantalone dislikes cats” from Genshin canon lol. But yeahhh for now, the cat currently lives a comfortable life in the Regrator’s Liyue estate.
♡ I entertained the thought of writing a crossover with my Yandere! Capitano fic Herbarium, but I scrapped that idea because it didn’t contribute much to the story. Additionally, an interaction between Kitty and Damsel felt forced, given their conflicting personalities and the latter’s asocial nature.
⬩My Favorite Scenes⬩
First Kiss, Wedding Night, and “Stress Relief”
♡ Ansksnajaajahw I DIED writing those scenes. Compared to Capitano’s chivalry and comfort in Herbarium, Pantalone is more greedy and passionate with his physical affection. He strikes me as the type to take pride in tainting and overwhelming his darling during intimacy~ Honestly, I was just rlly thirsty for him and I think it shows in the sexual tension throughout Housecat  (〃▽〃)
Aftercare Scene ft. Hand-holding
♡ I’m quite happy with this scene!! I wanted to cool down from the wedding night with fluff aaand it became a rare glimpse into Pantalone’s vulnerable side. Yes, it was necessary for me to add that final dash of dark spice~ That bitey ending was inspired by a scene from the manga “The Villainess and the Demon Knight.”
Pantalone Says No to Baby Trapping
♡ Honestly, this scene was quite self-indulgent. Aside from the Fatui’s ongoing mission, I tried to rationalize my Pantalone’s “I don’t want kids yet” speech with the fact that Kitty actually wants children due to her lack of wifely responsibilities. Hopefully, the scene played out well?? I was afraid that it would turn off some readers, but I hope it provided some dark wholesomeness and reverse-psychology-esque manipulation. And hahaha Pantalone’s greedy last line—
Diabolic Waltz: Reprise
♡ *sobs* Pantalone being vulnerable with his darling again……realizing that she has truly given herself up to him……comfortable enough to let his hair down and have fun dancing, because there is no crowd of partygoers to judge them…….just the stars watching them……Pantalone allowing himself to be genuine and to say “I love you” for realsies skdwkfwewnkww
♡ But yeahhh I’m rlly happy with how I ended the fic. Aside from the last waltz being a direct contrast to the beginning of Housecat, I wanted to show how Kitty isn’t the only one who is acting “differently” in this scene. I just wanted to see Pantalone all happy and victorious. And so they lived happily ever after ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
⬩Pantalone x Kitty Playlist⬩
Songs which motivated me throughout the writing process. Istg why are these so perfect for Pantalone and Kitty’s story  ˭̡̞(◞˃ᆺ˂)◞
♡ Diabolic Waltz — Kuroshitsuji ost
♡ Tricologe by Niru Kajitsu ft. flower
♡ il by Anna Evans golden folks
♡ Gensou no Kyrie — Dance with Devils song
♡ The Slightly Chipped Full Moon — Kuroshitsuji II ost cover by Lollia
Aajsndjedj but yeahh that’s all for the twisted tale of the Regrator and his darling!! I was concerned about cramming too many ideas into this fic, but aahh I rlly wanted to exhaust all of my brainrot. And so we ended up with 15.8k words of my blood and tears~
I hope that more readers will enjoy Housecat and Alea Iacta Est. Do share your reactions and feedback with me—it truly warms my heart when you compliment my work!! Same goes for brainrot bc your keysmashes and suffering are a delight to read ლ(`∀´ლ)
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
Can you recommend any friends to enemies to lovers books?
The Harlot Countess by Joanna Shupe--In this one, the heroine confided in the hero a lot, and they were on the verge of becoming more, but he believed this lie which ultimately led to her having to marry a man she didn't love. Now she's a widow who writes these anonymous cartoons dragging him in the press, the beef is real, but like, there's more to it all than she thinks. I think the degree to which she feels betrayed adds to it, and they're realllll bitchy to each other lol. Also, I think this is the one where she walks in on him in bed jerking it and approaches like "allow me to take over uwu".
The Viper by Monica McCarty. Now thiiiis is interesting. The hero is essentially tasked with escorting the heroine, a woman who supports Robert the Bruce but is married to this asshole who doesn't, across the country. At first they don't get along, but they become like... friends? Over the journey, and naturally there's a ton of sexual tension. But then she ends up in the enemy's grasp for years, believing he betrayed her, and when they're brought back together again there is a loooot of anger.
Dark Skye by Kresley Cole. This is an IAD book, and kinda massively sums this up lol. Melanthe is a sorceress with the power of persuasion--basically, if she says it, you have to do it. She befriends Thronos, an angel-demon guy from a race of God Warrior Types, when they're kids. They grow up with this secret friendship; he has wings, she touches the wings, he shivers, it's great. BUT THEN this huge event happens and she tells Thronos to throw himself out a window and NOT FLY, which greatly injures him and inspires within him an intense hatred and a desire to hunt her down like a DOG. Also. He wants to have sex with her. And he is a virgin. It's very angsty and kinda twisted but also good? They have sex through a sheet?
A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean. They're childhood besties, then he stops responding to her letters because he basically loses the entire family fortune gambling, and years later he returns and his family estate is a part of her dowry so he tricks her into marrying him. Very diabolical, much sexy. Daring and the Duke has a variation on this as well, but they were more like childhood sweethearts than friends. However, she did fake her death after believing he tried to kill her, and he did like, try to destroy lives after discovering she was still alive. So.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Hey there, Frosty again! Lemme just say I commend you for being able to churn out all that content. Now here I’ll give ya something to read! As always fashionably late, I think that should just be my catchphrase for this place. (I also have similar thoughts with Trey in the works somewhere. Let me if you’re interested and wanted those to. Thanks for your time!~)
As fun as pathetic yandere’s are I need someone presentable enough to show off you know? What good is a pet if it’s constantly lapping at yours heels.
Jade takes the spot for me currently. He’d be a quiet presences following beside you always prim and proper. I just love how self aware he is, knowingly doing everything. Being on someone’s mind constantly for simply existing is a fun thought, isn’t it? You’re kinda like this annoying constant ringing sound in his ears.
It is that self awareness that I'd assume to be his downfall. Which is why this yandere isn’t for the faint of heart! You either take the reigns or slowly he begins to creep into your every being and no longer is he a shadow but someone to you. Someone whose name you will remember, whose wants and dislikes you will familiarize yourself with, and who you'll get used to being around. Never let it happen.
His greed and yours is something you need to keep in check. He is an acts of service man and you want to ensure to heavily monitor what you allow him to do for you. Should you let slip any of your desires, let it be the simplest ones. Such as a snack you want or something similarly small. Anything bigger than this and his mind starts to wander and he'll be able to deduce what it is you want always. And then it becomes harder to say no every time he shows up. Suddenly he starts looking less like a slimy eel and more like someone you can trust.
If this skill is mastered then you've trapped him in a cage of his own making. He starts to get sloppy as his greed overtakes him. For you won't even give him the satisfaction of pleasing you for the long term. That self awareness rears it's ugly head again and suddenly he's worrying that anyone can provide for you the same way he has. He realizes that he can never be special to you in any way that matters.
He's floundering as he should be after all he is an eel on land. He'll be so hyper focused on being someone to you that he doesn't feel the collar tighten around his neck. And you have him in your grasp. Eels are cowardly creatures who rely on the element of surprise that comes from an ambush attack. Without that he won't dare make another move, it's hard wired in his head not to.
But I think he loves it most this way. The guys pretty twisted. A masochist willing to throw himself in anyway to achieve what interests him. In the end you're polishing the cage you've kept him in. Every single day. Your attention may falter but you know better then to turn your back on him. It seems he to is a staple in your life and he becomes the same annoying buzzing ringing in your ears. Perhaps you can only ever achieve a draw? But you guys are smart, so try and come up with a solution, yeah? I’ll leave it to you!
Hohohohoho you left a hefty one right here! I love it when you guys do that, it entertains me so.
If anyone has anymore analysis to send, by all mean, send them to me and I will comment.
Yeah, certainly having a yandere be somewhat presentable to show off is pretty neat to have and Jade pretty much has that in spades. Acts of service are pretty much what he does best, so, Jade being Jade, he would absolutely weaponize them as he has done so before, with the added benefit of giving special services that are only reserved for you.
Truly, a diabolical man to deal with. He really intends on becoming something that is indistinguishable from your daily life. Where, if you cut him off, it feels wrong to do so. Basically, Jade wants you to feel as possessive over him and he does you, cause it's not fun when it just a one person tango. And the minute you let yourself have some kind of attachment to him, his victory is very much at hand.
But, considering who I am and how I structure my yandere's, well, they're bound to failure starting from their very first move. Jade easily slots yourself into your life, but it is that same ease that makes him aware how easy he can be to replace. While we have little to no information about what goes on under the sea, and how different the system is down there, one can easily assume that the environment down there is one that encourages selfishness. Weaponize your cowardice, pack together to overwhelm, or just be straight up vicious. Either way, persistence is key and Floyd and Jade have those in spades. Until they get bored, but that's another conversation.
Now, how does go about winning whatever battle is going on with Jade? How do you keep him in line without him chaining you up in the process? It's surprisingly simple. Keep him busy. That's a routine most comfortable for him, after all. No need to give anything back. If you're the kind of person who easily feels guilt for giving back, you're not going to survive him at all.
Keep going about your routine, make no changes to accommodate him and keep tight to your goal. The doubts will pop up on their own and Jade will start doing more on his own. Jade is own worst enemy, and it is best to keep that in mind.
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neverevan · 9 days
The way that I agree with your last ask post that Buck would never recover from Bobby dying and that's why I fear he might. 😭
Buck has had a pretty chill season. He's happy and healthy.
I am so scared because I feel that when a character is happy for too long, Tim's like nope lol you thought they were happy, here's some trauma and pain!
I just need my 188 fam to be alive at the end of next week and the fact that we can't rule out that there's a plot twist and cliffhanger has me stressing!!
tbh you can't have everyone going through their worst traumas all the time either! comic relief is a legit thing in media for this exact reason and thankfully, Buck's current stroyline while interesting and fresh, isn't full of major life altering traumas...
he's not untouchable by any means, but exactly because there is so much going on and because everyone else's messy storylines also affect him, I kinda don't feel like he'd be Tim's next victim in the near future — ofc I might be wrong, Tim is diabolical and unpredictable after all, which I simultaneously love and hate about him lmao
I feel like the next episode will be very jam packed with Eddie's family and henren and Bobby and Gerrard and maybe even some minor bucktommy storyline too just for good measure...
idk what we can expect, but I think the most we'll see them together will be at Bobby's bedside and I also don't exactly expect them to wrap up all — if any — storylines in the finale since we are already booked in for s8 and I'm assuming Tim is already plotting for the premiere. (though he's famously always behind on actually writing those plots smh)
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i really wish more homewell shippers or the boys fandom that use/like homewell type elements like the "good boy" or "sweet boy" stuff were at least more aware of the fact that homewell is a case of grooming--an obvious one--that is not portrayed as sexy. the actor and actress are sexy, don't get it twisted. but the show itself ain't subtle at all.
think of how creepy and uncomfortable literally every scene is made to be between them. not an undertone, they specifically do not play music or adjust the ambiance in a lighthearted or loving way. and sometimes even have sounds echoing eerily, specifically to make it gross and awkward.
i'm already not one for a partner pretending to be a parent, but remember how homelander was supposed to be about eight-fucking-teen in diabolical and how she was teasing him--someone she'd clearly known since he was a child and had acted as a mother figure for--and manipulating him? yeah that. that's textbook grooming. she flat out gave him the mommy issues and kink.
noir enabled the bullshit but holy hell madelyn was so much worse.
this isn't even to say that people shouldn't have fun with shipping or kinks, but just... be aware? please. i've seen too many people up and go "look how much we use homelander's literal victimhood and grooming against him to infantilize and abuse him more while pretending its just so hot and not in the slightest problematic! isn't he so cute?" with their fics or art which let me be clear. would be perfectly fine if they didn't then try to be "holier than thou" about it.
and i don't mean that lightly, i mean it very obviously shows. there are tons of people out there with kinks for control and powerplay, dom, sub, the whole shebang. myself included! i get that homelander is an extremely tantalizing and polarizing character for that and fandom can be competitive.
what i don't get is how so many of the people who get off to the idea of further caging in a character who's been caged and controlled his whole life and making whump of him can be so blissfully unaware that their kink isn't any better or healthy than the ones that let homelander let loose to go full abusive monster or are closer to canon.
or up and try to say it somehow is.
it is straight up getting off to the idea of homelander being forced to relive his childhood trauma and exploitive grooming from vought, with a new lover. except things somehow turn out better??? leik bitch what!? you can't be serious. we saying repeated abuse from the "right" person a.k.a. vought 2.0 the trauma bond reignited somehow makes a victim better???
fine, have the kink. but you can't seriously think that's less toxic than wanting him to be set free no matter how awful that may be for everyone else.
they're both toxic.
y ' a l l.
i have literally seen people trying to say butcher's toxic masculinity hang ups are a reason he would never bottom when him and homelander have the e x a c t same toxic masculinity hang ups. they are both giant insecure cunts who have trouble with vulnerability and became sadistic sociopaths because of abuse, that is the point.
the whole point of this show is to exemplify deeply problematic things and showcase how society and people are so desensitized to those things that they either don't matter to us, slip through the cracks, or shine a light on the hypocrisy of it all. with a few nasty jokes here and there. and for some of you in fandom it sincerely is flying way over your heads like i can't.
you cannot be that dumb i just you can't. please.
like homewell, like top "less alpha than raynor" butcher, indulge in toxic kinks. just try to be aware instead of hypocritical. the show is trying to teach us some things and i think they're worth picking up.
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for the headcanon asks: 911 AU where Chimney has amnesia after the stabbing? 👀
Ooooo this is diabolical! I love it!
As much as I relish in the idea of super pain, I want to say the last thing Chimney remembers is some event that happened pre-Bobby. So in addition to not knowing Maddie, he has no idea who Buck and Eddie are either.
Hen and Athena are the only people Chimney knows and recognizes. It's Hen who questions him and helps them both figure out that he's missing the last couple years of his life.
Buck doesn't take the whole thing well. If he'd been a little faster getting to Chimney, then maybe he would be able to remember who everyone is.
Athena breaks the news to Maddie about Chimney's memory loss. She blames herself because trauma will twist your brain. When Chimney gets wind of it from Buck's loose lips, he tells her that he doesn't think it's her fault.
Chimney actually does a stint at the call center to get back into the swing of things. Oddly enough, some of the calls he takes help resurface his memories.
Bonus- After seeing Buck and Eddie be...Buck and Eddie, Chimney waits until they leave the room before turning to Hen and asking if they're a couple or if it's just him.
Hen: They're not, but it's not just you.
Headcanon Ask or Drabble Ask
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