#heat treatment haha
sulcrafatejackets · 2 years
Hey can we get some trash gloves for the ghetto kids to wear for those of us who care about saving the environment please these people are throwing hold on I’ll let you guys see what is an example of trash hold on
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Local inbreds without brains those people who believe in heat treatment and stupid other things as that? They will not understand that we do not want a trashy planet…
 Littering it needs to be considered a much bigger crime because it is a huge crime and it is becoming a bigger and bigger problem and they now want to send everybody to Mars except everybody doesn’t go to Mars only a few people go to Mars and everybody else dies here on earth unless we fix this
Catherine go ahead and fold your ears I know that science is not a thing that you can upload easily you can blame it on your local senators and your local chairman I’m sure… And then it’s on Catherine to know the difference between right and wrong and it’s a thing that Catherine never learned

If you guys pick up trash in the ghetto kids be careful you don’t want to be getting cut with any glass or anything like that a lot of white trash people I hate to tell you guys a lot of white trash people are trying everything they can to destroy this planet and they wanna make sure that they destroy all of these neighborhoods so that these little black babies and Asian babies and Arabic babies they don’t have a clean world anymore because of a few incestuous white people in America who technically really really have a lot of shit coming
Can’t say that I agree with some peoples perspectives on white you know what I mean Jay Chandrasekar yeah yeah whatever yeah we’re all right we’re alright
All right says we are all correct
Right right
So is that the part where I’m supposed to tell Kelsey to go fuck herself because she doesn’t have boundaries? I believe she got that idea and then she felt kind of stupid so yeah what have we learned about pants Kelsey
Nothing because Kelsey believes in throwing her trash everywhere because that will get back at Rebecca for trying to help keep the streets clean Kelsey doesn’t give a shit about these animals she’s unable to upload that information apparently but I don’t think she’s that slow
#ladygaga is worthless

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cornertheculprit · 1 year
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this is their whole dynamic post-turnabout goodbyes after larry admits he's the one who stole edgeworth's lunch money fifteen years ago
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vivmaek · 1 year
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Libra Suns are soo oblivious sometimes. I can never tell if they’re doing it to get something or if they’re actually having a dumb blond moment. 
People with Mars in the 2nd house need to learn how to share. They become territorial over their possessions. As children, they were the types of kids to show off a cool toy and then go, “but you can’t play with this one because it's special.” 
Mars in Pisces are the types to make a passive aggressive comment under their breath, and then when someone calls them out, they go, “I didn’t say anything!” 
When people who have Mercury in the 8th house become obsessed about something, they will never shut up about it. Just when you think you’ve managed to steer conversation into a new direction, they will find a way to bring up whatever topic is plaguing their mind. 
Pluto in Sagittarius generation is so self-righteous. Everyone is overly aggressive with their opinions, everyone thinks they’re right, and everyone is under the impression that we’re going to be these revolutionary radicals who will serve justice to those oppressed when most spend their time on the internet trying to cancel people. Like seriously we get so heated over nothing sometimes. I think that's because this generation really struggles with misdirected passion. I’m excited for these Pluto in Aquarius babies tho 
Aries Moons and their temper tantrums, that's all. 
People who have their Mars in Taurus will destroy things when they get angry, literally like a raging bull. They make a mess and fling things around, like what is that accomplishing?? And then afterwards they clean it up like nothing ever happened. 
The uncomfortable look on a Gemini Moon's face when someone starts to cry, they wanna leave asap and are looking for the nearest exit. 
Leos will cry, scream, and throw a fit over their hair. DO NOT MESS WITH THEIR HAIR. It's the one quality they like about themselves. A bad haircut or color treatment will have them SPIRALING. Like a serious identity crisis. They die inside when someone goes, “It's just hair, it will grow back.” 
Mercury Libras and the lies they spread! They lie about the smallest things and it's usually in an effort to people-please. 
People with their Mars in Sagittarius are psychos when they're mad. They lack the foresight to see how they’re putting themselves and others in danger. I’d say they are the most likely to carry out some form of revenge.
If you’re dealing with someone who has their Venus in the 8th house, make sure to establish some firm boundaries. They will just keep taking if you let them.
Venus 11th housers cause so much drama every time they develop feelings for one of their friends, I never seen this not cause tension within a friend group. 
12th house stelliums and the way they always maintain distance, and everytime you get too close they pull back, actually super frustrating. Also the silent treatments they pull! They’re not even doing it to punish, they're just doing it because they’re uncomfortable, but it still ends up feeling like a punishment for the other person.  
Mercury in Taurus individuals are sometimes too blunt. I honestly really love this quality hehe, but I have to admit they’ve offended me just by pointing out the obvious. 
Aries 11th housers always feel like they’re in competition with their friends. 
Moon Trine Uranus and crying at the most unexpected things. I have this friend that I’ve known since middle school, never saw her cry once. Even when we graduated and said our goodbyes for college, nothing. Then a year later, we were watching the finale for Euphoria together, and this girl started bawling at the end. I was like out of all the things to make you cry this is it?? Haha, I love her. 
The Pluto in Virgo generation hands out criticisms left and right. If my friend's parents had this placement, I always felt like they were judging me. 
Capricorns and their obsession with money, and also how they fail to realize that not everyone else is driven by monetary gains. 
Aquarius’s love to act like their egos aren’t big. The only reason why Leos get checked more on this is because of their bold sense of expression. 
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stargirl-writes · 6 months
safety net part two
pairing : force healer! jedi reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 1 k
masterlist | part one
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finding safety in a world deranged by war became a distant dream until your childhood friend, anakin skywalker, comes back to your life.
tags : angst, fluff, romance, friends-to-lovers
warnings : mentions of dressing a wound
part two of this one but can be read as a stand alone !
also, i think it'd make sense if i say that as a demisexual, angst is my version of a smut haha!
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Anakin would appear every Wednesday.
The clone war broke out and healing Anakin became more difficult. For every wound that you closed, another would appear.
By the fourth week of your treatment, his bionic arm was nearly finished. You've gone to extensive lengths to gather beskar alloy. Which worked out in the end, because Anakin's synthetic arm became a sort of shield.
There was absolutely no reason for him to keep coming to your med-bay station. You knew he could've easily submerged himself in a bacta tank, which he developed a deep hatred of, or used a stim, but he persists.
And you can't entirely find it in yourself to not welcome him.
Anakin was a part of your childhood that felt like how home always felt. Even if you can no longer identify with most parts of your past, Anakin was... well, it was nice having him around.
"I'm starting to get the idea you're hurting yourself to see me" You teased one late night when Anakin welcomed himself to your quarters.
He lets out a soft chuckle, shrugging his shoulders.
You step forward, hand finding a way to his cheek out of instinct.
Exhaustion. Warmth. Excitement. 
You withdrew your hand, he was alright.
His gaze felt warm on your skin, you caught your eyes locked with his.
Your heart races and you step back, searching for something to occupy yourself with.
"I still don't get how you do that" Anakin's voice echoes from behind. You open the drawer of your closet to find your kit.
When you turned, Anakin was curiously stirring the pot of soup you were preparing.
"Do what?" You asked absentmindedly, laying out the cotton, the antiseptic, and the salve neatly on the table.
"You can tell how I'm feeling by touch?" Anakin searches the cupboards for the bowls and cutlery.
"I've been trained to" You answered, then gestured Anakin to sit down so you can dress his wound.
Anakin walked over and started taking off his robes. He winces under his breath. Recognizing his careful movements, you helped him unbutton his shirt.
A large blaster burn was marking the back of his shoulder to his collarbone.
"You should've gotten this checked by a med droid" You lectured, surveying the wound.
"Thought I could use gentler hands" He still delighted in himself.
You huffed a laugh. Then, you began cleaning the wound.
"I'm applying the salve now" You narrated what you were doing, a habit you developed after realizing Anakin does not like being surprised by the sensation.
He nods and you continue. Finally, you focused your intent on fully healing the wound. You closed your eyes, focusing on breathing at a steady pace. It had been a few moments before the skin was new again.
"Thank you" Anakin mutters, rolling his shoulder to feel the pain had gone away.
You stood up and turned the heat off the soup. Anakin pulls the chair and waits for you to sit. Once again, it was just you and Anakin sharing a table, isolated from everyone else. The way it always used to.
However, when morning comes, the reality of it dawns on you. You can only ever steal a few moments of safety with Anakin, but the truth is there'll always be a war.
On most days, it felt like the losses were unending. On most nights, Anakin would make time to hold you as you wept when the weight of it all felt too heavy.
You weren't really the person to cry in front of other people. But with Anakin, you fall to pieces. Perhaps, you were comforted by the fact that he won't judge you, even if some nights you'd utterly be inconsolable.
"We'll be alright" He'd promise.
Even the fact that you have Anakin Skywalker so definitely became a cause of fear.
Because there he'll always be. You know his eyes like they are your own. You can hear his laughter when he is not laughing. You can come to Anakin and there he'll always be.
What happens when he's not?
You hadn't even realized how much you were depending on Anakin. Because it was always about taking care of each other.
So it came unexpectedly.
One quiet evening Anakin insisted on staying the night.
And you let him in, holding the door wide open so he'd know he could leave anytime he wished.
"I didn't think I'd ever be this happy to be back on Coruscant" You sat on the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath as you leave the tormenting memories of the day fade away with the light.
"I make you happy?" Anakin half turns with a boyish smile.
His resilience was something you admired. You were certain he was carrying an equal amount of grief. And yet, here he was. Brave and confident, so competent, so certain that he, too, has something to offer.
"Of course, you do," You said, to yourself or Anakin, but you couldn't decipher.
He was telling a story of how he started implementing this game with Ahsoka, a competition of some sort to revert her focus away from the truths of the war. His words blur as you stare and think to yourself, Oh.
He has that power over me now. 
It felt like a surrender. In a world terrorized by a raging war, he built a home that made you feel safe.
He notices your silence and sits down next to you, his finger tracing the necklace he gave you, and you find yourself running yours through his hair.
"We're going to be fine," Anakin said. "It's okay, it's going to be alright," he said in a firmer tone.
He'd been there when you needed him to. So, he'd always reassure you.
"I'll always take care of you, you know what, right?"
"That's my line" You chuckled.
Anakin mirrors your smile. "Right, well, I mean it".
Your mind quiets, and you can't hold the pose of defiance when Anakin presses your head to his chest.
"Doesn't it get tiring? Fighting and fighting..." You trailed, voice barely above a whisper.
"It does." He answers. "But we have to, otherwise, it's like handing the galaxy in the hands of a cruel tyrant"
You turned your face upwards to hear more, and your nose touched his.
"Alright, chosen one" You teased his heroic remark.
He grimaces at the title. He still doesn't believe it to be true. And you'd never miss the opportunity to call him that.
"At least you're already chosen by someone" You looked up through your lashes.
Anakin shakes his head and his lips curl to the side. "Well, you're my chosen one"
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did anyone catch the dramatic irony haha!
also! written this off the prompt [which i can't find anymore 😭] of people healing each other physically and emotionally by loving
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sourholland · 1 year
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series based off of taylor swift’s song style
Summary → He’s the Quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of Lake Erie—but does he have the heart to match it? You’re the Bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. It doesn’t take much to catch the eye of Joe Burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
AN → Honestly this idea came to me pretty suddenly, it wasn’t very premeditated. I’m not sure anyone will be interested in reading it, this is me kinda testing the waters. I’m just going through a crazy sad breakup so I’m kinda just trying to get back into the things I love to do, writing being one of them. Also, I kinda just want to get my mind off stuff and who doesn’t love Joe Burrow haha. As always, let me know to be added to the tag list :)
Pairing(s) → Joe Burrow x Fem!Reader
Warnings → Strong Language, Alcohol Use, Mature Themes/NSFW Themes, Angst, Injury, Forbidden Love, More to Come
PART ONE - No Headlights
PART TWO - Good Girl
PART THREE - James Dean
PART FOUR - His Wild Eyes
PART FIVE - Taking Off His Coat
PART SIX - Tell You To Leave
Teaser →
After a rigorous auditioning process with over a thousand girls trying to earn their spot on the Bengal’s Cheerleading Squad, only forty made the cut. Most returners, some new like yourself. You’d watched girls break bones, continuing to audition on them to have a shot on the squad. Many left in tears, cut and sent home with hardly any reason why.
There was a little bit of metaphorical survivor’s guilt after you’d made the team, knowing this wasn’t your dream like it was for some others. This was only a season or two commitment for you while you finished up your last year of college. Then you’d become a teacher, something you’d had a passion for over the years. Cheerleading was more so a hobby, you’d danced all of your life and had cheered in high school. This wasn’t going to be your livelihood, nor did it offer you the funds to live off of for more than a short while.
There were plenty of rules to follow, many of which had you questioning if this was truly what you wanted. The handbook they’d given you was thick, although some of the girls had told you that they’d lessened up on the requirements over the years after a lawsuit had been filed. In the end, it wasn’t so bad. Tedious, but still a very surreal experience.
From about April to the middle of July, it was practice twice a week from 7:30 at night to about 11. There was a separate facility used to work and condition through the colder months, just following the Super Bowl. Once pre-season truly began, the whole team moved practice facilities. This put you in the same place as the Bengals practiced, giving you more field time than gym time to get acclimated. It was different, especially due to the fact that players and cheerleaders were placed at an arms length most of the time.
The afternoon of the first practice at the new stadium, you’d all been given the talk. This was basically your coaches and executives way of saying that if anyone found out that anyone off the squad had anything more than a friendly, professional relationship with one of the players—they’d be either cut or sanctioned. It was bad for the image of the team, making it bad for those in charge.
It shouldn’t have been a problem.
That first night practice in August was tough, you were coming off of a sprained ankle and the heat was blistering even at 8 at night. Amanda, your head coach, sent you inside to grab some ice from the athletic trainer to bring back out to the field. There was a stigma around the coaching and treatment of NFL cheerleaders, but you’d mostly had a decent experience so far. Your coaches did care that you were healthy and equipped to cheer.
Adorned in a slightly baggy Bengals T-shirt and spandex, you walked through the empty halls of the mostly deserted facility. The players had just ended their practice about an hour earlier, you watched them all exit into the locker room. That meant that mostly everyone had called it a night, heading home. The cheerleaders stayed late because practice was meant to be after work or class, it wasn’t a full-time job.
The door to the athletic trainers office was slightly ajar, the light on. Pushing it open slightly, you stepped in with furrowed eyebrows and a curious look. On the large medical table, ice in hand, sat Joe Borrow still in his practice jersey and shorts. The office was empty besides him, trainer nowhere to be seen.
He was a good looking guy, you’d give him that. Maybe it was the fact that he was 6’4 or maybe it was the fact that he was really fucking good at his sport. He looked up at you and gave a friendly grin, laying the ice on his knee.
“Emily said she was heading home about a half hour ago, her kid was sick or something so she had to pick him up from the babysitter,” Joe told you politely. “I came in just as she was like walking out, she just told me to lock up the office when I was done.”
Someone was clearly a rambler.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I was just going to grab some ice.”
He nodded and went silent while you walked over to the ice maker, taking the plastic scooper and putting some of it into a plastic bag. He was still looking at you, making it obvious as you saw him from your peripheral. Twisting the bag, you felt slightly awkward just standing there in silence.
“I’m Joe,” he spoke again.
“Y/N,” you turned back towards him. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He extended a hand towards you, smiling as you took it and shook it softly. When you broke from his grip, he remained looking at you. He was definitely one of those people who looked you right in the eyes through the entire conversation. You didn’t know if this made you particularly uncomfortable or slightly excited.
“You’re a cheerleader.”
“Was that a question?” You chuckled, “I think that’s pretty obvious.”
“No, no. I was kind of just thinking out loud.”
He was easily flustered, that much was obvious. He repositioned the bag of ice and looked back up at you with slightly pink cheeks. This made you want to crack a grin, feeling like you were talking to a boy for the first time ever or something.
“I should head back to practice,” you told him, watching him slowly nod in understanding.
“Yeah, of course,” Joe smiled. “It was nice meeting you, Y/N.”
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list :)
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gorgonwrites · 1 year
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bound to you (part 1)
diluc x fem!reader
authors note: hi! im gorgon and this is my first fic :) i am definitely NOT a writer, but i had an idea and i decided i wanted to do it myself >:)) this is turning into a slow burn type of thing i am so sorry haha. i usually like getting right into the thick of things but i just kept writing sos 
wc: 1,864
cw: uuuuuh none for now, no smut in this one! mutual pining, diluc is dumb and is trying to ignore his feelings for reader, fem!reader, arranged marriage trope, diluc learning to be a good husband blah blah 
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It’s been six months since you came to the Dawn Winery. You’ve come to love Mondstadt and you adore the staff who share your home. The only person who was still warming up to you is your cold shouldered husband. Master Diluc wasn’t known to be an affectionate man, and he kept himself busy with business or stayed late at Angels Share. Even though you’d been married for months, you could count on one hand how many times you’d actually spent a moment alone with him. He avoided you, and quite frankly, you avoided him. You knew you’d never get a chance at marrying for love since you were the eldest daughter of a well known Lord in Fontaine. Your marriage was purely political, but you lived an easy life here. The stillness that you experienced most days was a relief compared to the constant partying and being paraded around at events like you were an item to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. You were, however, incredibly lonely. Adelinde tried to remind you that Master Diluc was a very kindhearted person, he just needed time to adjust. 
“It hasn’t been that long since you arrived and married the Master, Lady y/n. Just give him time, he shows his affections in… his own way. You’ll see.” You sighed. Another six months of avoiding each other may drive you mad. You were an independent woman, and not being allowed to lift a finger in your own home was driving you past boredom towards insanity. 
“Do you think I’ll be able to help with the grape harvests soon? Master Diluc will be away on business for at least another month and I’m happy to provide another pair of hands.” You phrased it as a question, but as the Lady of the house Adelinde wasn’t in a position to refuse. She giggled as if you had asked her something rather mischievous.
“I know we could use the help. Besides, you could put that vision of yours to good use and keep everyone cool, I’m sure.” You didn’t get many chances to use your cryo vision anymore, and you jumped excitedly at the thought. Your husband can hardly stand the cold, and you’ve tried to limit how much you use it out of respect for him. He may avoid you, but he hasn’t been unkind. You try to afford him the same treatment, even if it was difficult at times. You were directly going against his wishes by offering to help with any harvesting work out in the hot summer sun, but what your husband doesn’t know won’t hurt him. 
“I’ve got more frozen lemonade, boys!” You yelled out to the men working tirelessly in the vineyard. Adelinde held an umbrella out for you to shield you from the afternoon heat, but you were feeling perfectly cool after using your vision to make a huge batch of frozen drinks for your employees. 
“Thank you, Lady y/n!” Each man said one after another, quickly snatching their drinks from the tray you brought out. You all had been working for hours at this point, your nose and cheeks were tinged pink from the sun. 
“Alright, after this we’ll get back to it. I’ve got a bit of energy left!” you said cheerily. 
“You most certainly will not.” a familiar gruff voice asserted behind you. Your eyes widened before you slowly turned to come face to face with your husband, speechless. He was home more than two weeks early. You stood before him in a thin undershirt and underskirt to combat the heat, sweaty, sticky, and sunburned. Embarrassed, you whispered softly,
“Welcome back, Master Diluc.” You averted your eyes from his gaze, suddenly feeling exposed in your current state. 
“Adelinde, please see y/n to her chambers and have her rest. I’ll help with the remainder of today's harvest.” he spoke as though you weren’t even there, and you were close to snapping. You can’t though, not for everyone to hear. Adelinde began to shuffle you back to the winery, and you chanced a glance back to look at your husband. He had already shrugged his coat off and began unbuttoning his shirt. He looked up to see you staring, and you swore you saw a small smile appear on his face. Surely not, you thought to yourself. And you let Adelinde take you inside to bathe and relax after a long afternoon in the hot sun. 
After your bath you sat alone in your room, wondering whether or not you wanted to find your husband. The harvests of the day had long since ended, and the skies were stained pink and orange as the sun set. You had a perfect view of the vineyard from your window, so you sat to watch the sky as you got lost in thought. You began to mindlessly braid your frizzy curls, and became so engrossed in the thought of your shirtless husband that you didn’t hear a quiet knock at your door. 
“Y/n?” You jolted at the sudden intrusion, only to see the subject of your wandering thoughts in your doorway. You looked away quickly, wanting to hide the flush creeping up to your cheeks. You felt hopelessly exposed again, only donning your summer nightdress. Your husband was a handsome man, you knew that. But you didn’t know him. After six months of marriage you knew nothing about the man in front of you, but you were finally ready to find out. 
“I did knock,” he smiled sheepishly, “I wanted to… see to you being well rested before I retired for the evening.” You furrowed your brow in confusion. This was the first time Diluc had visited your chambers, and he wanted to make sure that you were resting? You quickly changed your mind about getting to know him, and you could feel agitation creeping into your skin. 
“I am very well rested, thank you Master Diluc.” you replied flatly. His expression fell slightly, and you scrambled to find something else to say. 
“I told you not to call me that. I’m your husband, calling me Diluc will suffice.” You scoffed at him in response.
“Some husband, who has hardly spoken to his lonely wife in six months. Hardly even seen her as well! Leaving her to entertain herself day in and day out. I think if I become any more restless I may die from the madness!” You clapped a hand over your mouth as soon as the words left your lips. Wide eyed, you glanced at the man in your doorway once again. He’s nothing but a stranger, you reminded yourself. Even so, you didn’t mean to sound so harsh.
“I apologize,” you immediately whisper, “I didn’t mean for that to sound so unpleasant.” He smiled gently in response. Even if you pushed the limits of what you could do, even with your fiery quips and sarcastic comments, he only ever showed you a softness that no one else witnessed. Maybe you were the one giving him the cold shoulder and hadn’t realized it. You crossed your arms in response to your own thoughts.
“Don’t apologize for saying things I need to hear. I know I’ve been exceptionally busy since you came to Mondstadt. After the harvests are done, I’ll have a bit more freedom to do as I like with my time. I’ll see to it that I spend some of that time with you. Sleep well.” He quickly turned on his heel and was out of your room, leaving you speechless. You couldn’t help but notice your heart pounding, and you clutched your chest in hopes of calming it quickly. The sky was almost dark now, and you watched as crystalflies floated through the vineyard. Your heart had slowed its pounding, and you sat in your window again to go over what your husband just said to you. 
Diluc quickly made his way across the winery to his own chambers and let out a sigh when he closed his door behind him. His heart threatened to beat out of his chest after the short interaction with you, and he couldn’t deny the bulge growing in his trousers after seeing you in your thin nightdress. 
“Damn it.” he breathed. No matter the distance he kept between the two of you, the yearning he felt became clearer and clearer. He wanted you, and badly at that. Kindness flowed out of you like water, your fiery personality was intoxicating, and you were undeniably the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He resisted growing close to you because he worried about putting you in danger. Anyone close to him could be used as collateral against him, and if anything happened to you his relationship with the Lords in Fontaine would crumble. Is he worried about that, though? Or is he more worried about any harm coming to you? He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, cursing at himself. 
Spending time with you would change nothing. He was sure he could easily entertain you once or twice a week when the Winery’s busy season came to an end. He took a breath and slowly began to undress for the evening. He huffs at the chilly night air flowing in from his open window, kissing his tanned and freckled shoulders. Diluc didn’t like the cold. It reminded him of what his life became after losing his father, and preferred to keep his body and home warm despite how hot it became throughout the summer months in Mondstadt. He thought of your cryo vision, and wondered if your body stayed cool in the same way that his body stayed hot due to his own pyro vision. Do you even like the heat? What was your favorite season? Would you ever tolerate being touched by him? His mind was racing again. Stripped bare aside from his shorts, he flopped onto his bed and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. 
Gods, she’ll lead to my ruin if I’m not careful. He stretched his arms over his head, seeing stars from the pressure of his palms. He smiled. Maybe any ruin you lead him to could be worth it.
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AHHH okay that's it for now sorry there wasn’t much ~flavor~ but i had to set the scene okay. like i said im no writer so feedback is always welcome! im so soft for this man i can hardly stand it LMAO 
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yanderend · 1 year
All Yandere's reactions when you hug them!
Requested by an anon (well, sorta...)
— The Detective
As far as Charlie's concerned, your hug came out of nowhere! He knew he was successful in you starting to feel more comfortable with him— but wasn't expecting this!
His initial response is to push you off, out of shock and embarrassment.
Seeing your face, all affectionate and smiley makes his heart race, and he's not quite sure what to do! Usually he's the one trying to render you blushy.
What can I say? Cuddles make him feel soft!
Quickly, he pulls you back into the hug, this time holding you so tight you can barely breathe.
'Don't you dare share this with anyone, okay? You know what'll happen...'
He speaks with his usual malice, but it's a little less threatening than he'd like when you can feel the heat burning from his cheeks.
— The Childhood Friend
· Eli never knew how much she missed the feeling of a good, long hug. You two have almost always been fine with physical touch, but after her spiral you seemed to become a bit more wary— and she hated that!
So, oh boy is she happy to have you finally be physical with her again!
Your hug might result in a few tears, as she holds you tight and shakes with happiness.
'I- I thought you hated me...' She sobs, nuzzling into your neck. 'Please never stop again... Don't let go.'
Not that you'll be physically able to let go, anyway. She'll have an iron grip on you until she's cried all her tears out.
Just like old times, eh?
— The Worshipper (cw: suggestive at the end)
His prayers have been answered! Kazuo has spent days on end asking for a crumb of touch.
(It has been 48 hours since you last hugged him. What are you doing, starving the man?)
He simply can't help it, standing there, frozen as tears well in his eyes, overwhelmed from the feeling of warmth with your body wrapped around him.
'O-oh dear... Oh gosh...' He whimpers, hands flailing, unsure of whether he should hug you back or not. 'I'm not- I'm really not deserving of this, my love! Please--'
When you give him permission to hug back, his touch is incredibly gentle; careful, even. Kazuo feels like he's melting into your touch, wondering if this is what heaven will be like. He sure hopes so.
Even when you let go he feels the warmth residing on his body— leaving him in a fuzzy afterglow all day.
He's a desperate boy, and the slight scent of you on his robes drives him insane. He berates himself for thinking such sinful thoughts, but can't help wondering how long he could've kept you there... Touching him.
He wants more, always hoping, every time he sees you, that you'll do it again. Maybe you'll do more, that time..?
— The Queen Bee
• Anya's immediate thought is to take a picture— preserve this moment! A defining moment of your relationship, to be sure!
Whether it's a short hug or a long one, she'll be sure to make little comments; an attempt at convincing you to hug her more often.
When you hold her, her bout of narcissism comes back in full.
'Look at you, getting all friendly! It's alright if you're falling for me, cutie. We both know I'm irresistible, haha!'
She plays it off as a joke, but she means every word. Your affection solidifies her ideals of you two being a power-couple.
It takes a minute to hit her that you could be this open with others, too. Anya won't allow that, no way!
'Careful not to go around giving everyone this treatment, you don't want to give them the wrong idea, do you? No, I don't think of you that way, of course!' She takes a second to think, bringing her hand up to run it through your hair. 'In fact, why not just keep the hugging to me, yeah? You're soooo super cute when we're alone, after all!'
— The Fanclub
★ The excited squealing of lovestruck girls is one you should get familiar with. You're going to hear it a lot after this.
Fortuna becomes a stuttering mess immediately— she needs to say something, anything! But nothing's coming out except for excited and incompressible whispers.
Aurora is a little more forward, but her heart is still beating way faster than she can keep up with, and she's a little lost too.
The former will shake in your grasp, carving every detail of your body this close-up into her mind. She'll be thinking about this all day, if not all year.
The latter will place a hand on your heart, cozying up and testing the waters as to how close she can get. And also... to gauge if your chest is thumping as loud as hers. (Though, if she picks up any heartbeat at all she'll take that as a 'yes' and let her imagination run wild.)
'H-hey! Um... you're not like... acting like this with any other fans, are you?'
You're confused by the 'fans' sentiment, but that just makes the two of them high-five and interpret it as a "you two are my favourite ladies, so you get special treatment" response.
It wasn't that at all, but it's much safer to let them think that.
— The Deity
Nitai's head has a buffering moment, responding with a 'huh?' when he feels you burrow into his chest.
He wraps muscular, super-soft arms around you, and gets a dopey smile on his face. A hug has never felt so good...
'Am I winning you over, my little angel?' Nitai hums softly. 'Good, good. You're being so nice and loving to me today.'
His nearly inhuman height and strength only gives him a warmer feeling in his chest— you're so very fragile, holding onto him like that.
It's decided! He has to protect this, protect you! There's nobody that should share this experience. They could hurt you!
Nitai will now ask for cuddles CONSTANTLY, his craving for physical attention now overriding everything else.
Any chance The Diety has to hug you goodbye, or crawl into your bed when you're having trouble sleeping— he'll use anything as an excuse to snuggle up close, even something ridiculous.
He's reminded of all the previous followers of his who would've given their right arm to hug him— Oh well, he's always been a fan of nepotism.
— The Anomaly (cw: mild body-horror)
Yvetan was wondering when you were going to do something like this. They chalked the lack of impromptu hugs as having to 'act professional' in front of the armed guards.
They let out a not-quite-right sigh, and let their entire, sore body rest in your arms. They're a lot lighter than you expected, to note.
Yvetan's eyes flutter open to look at your face, their head leaning comfortably on your shoulder. They're wondering why they didn't just miracle you into doing something like this in the first place.
It means even more to them that you did it of your own accord, though. Even more to cherish. What a truly pure human...
'You two,' they speak suddenly, not even turning to look at the guards behind them. 'Look away, now.'
The guards look to eachother, and then to the two of you, stating that they're can't do that as it'd be against protocol.
Yvetan huffs, and you can feel their body go tense for a moment, holding you with their left arm.
From the position you're in, you have clear view of the guards faces crumpling up in horror before one drops his weapon to raise his visor up in a panic.
No eyes. The entire upper half of his face had been flattened out — removed of any features. The guard standing next to him doubles over, dry-heaving before facility medics run into the room to escort them out as they start to scream.
You can feel The Anomaly smile against your skin as they start playing with your hair.
'I can't let them in on this intimate moment of ours. You understand, yes, dear soulmate?'
— The Idol (cw: suggestive)
## Jamison has been open with touch since the moment you met, and has himself constantly prepared to hug you if you need it. (Or if you don't.)
He's never been good with such a genuine emotional connection until you, though, so having a meaningful hug full of so many feelings has him shaking in your grip.
He gets so excited- and not even in the sexy way he normally is! This is just so much for him...
You think he was bad when he broke his arm to get your attention? You've seen nothing yet. Minor or major injuries will become worryingly common— and the only thing he ever asks for when you ask what you can do to help is a hug, or a peck on the lips, if he's feeling cheeky.
Naturally with The Idol, he's going to take every opportunity to invite you to hug him in the public eye so that people know who you belong to. No-one's going to mess with a celebrity's partner right in front of them.
After you initiate PDA, he might take it a bit far and try and get steamy with you on date night. Surely, you want him as much as he wants you, so what's the problem there?
You get groped a bit more often than usual now, and Jamie can't help but be a little disappointed you don't do it back (as often, at least.)
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nightghoul381 · 8 months
Nokto 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Chapter 1
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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There’s been something I’ve been wondering about lately.
Clavis: “You work too much.”
Luke: “You work too much.”
Emma: “I knew it”
Chevalier: “…”
When I visited the foreign affairs faction, it was unusual to see all of the princes other than Nokto.
I’m face to face with two of them, Chevalier silently handling documents at his desk.
The central figure of today’s conversation is King Nokto.
Nokto is often absent form the court these days.
He seems to have many diplomatic appointments in quick succession, sometimes returning to the castle just before dawn.
(I heard you were busy with the social season, but…)
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Clavis: “At that rate, one day he’ll collapse from overwork. Let the love-nursing chapter begin, eh?”
Emma: “I don’t want to start.”
Luke: “Thanks to him working so much, I have free time.”
Emma: “If you ask Prince Chevalier, I’m sure there are plenty of jobs.”
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Luke: “No.”
Clavis: “Haha, somehow Nokto is the hardest working person in the foreign affairs faction.”
Clavis: “But, humans have limits. Unless you’re a super-human like Chevalier, you will die.”
Emma: “…I-I have to do whatever it takes to get him to rest.”
Clavis: “Do you have a shovel?”
Emma: “I don’t need one.”
Luke: “What about honey?”
Emma: “Don’t you want it?”
(The only way to get a busy Nokto to rest is to use my trump card, not a shovel or honey.)
--Nokto’s room—
Emma: “Nokto, welcome back!”
Nokto: “I’m home, I told you to go to sleep.”
Nokto came back late at night today. I greeted him while hugging him.
I missed his signature smell of the night.
Nokto: “…Are you up to something?”
Emma: “Why?”
Nokto: “Your body is stiff.”
His fingertips traced the lines of my body and I unintentionally reacted.
(As expected of Nokto, He’s tired but still sharp.)
Nokto: “Is it something dirty?”
Emma: “It’s not like that.”
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Nokto: “That’s unfortunate. Then what is it?”
Emma: “…It’s…”
Emma: “Recently, I’ve been feeling lonely.”
Nokto: “…”
Emma: “I’m missing my Nokto, so I feel like I want to take you somewhere far away and go on vacation with you.”
Nokto: “A vacation…”
(Nokto never takes a rest, even if I say ‘rest’.)
(But he’s sweet to me… If I approach it like this, he should definitely take a break.)
It takes some rough treatment to get the busy, hard-working Nokto to realize that he needs a break.
Emma: “Are you too busy?”
Nokto: “What do you mean? I can at least take a few days.”
Emma: “Really?!”
Nokto: “However—”
I was honestly very happy and Nokto grinned at me.
Nokto: “It’s in exchange for your dirty face, right?”
Emma: “I don’t know what face you’re talking about.”
Nokto: “Then I’ll tell you.”
Nokto’s finger caresses my lips and taps them.
(Do you want me to open my mouth?)
When I obediently obliged, he slipped his finger inside and tickled my tongue.
Unable to close my mouth, his obscene hands play with my tongue.
(What should I do… I’m starting to feel weird.)
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Nokto licked the moisture that was about to fall from the corner of my mouth.
Heat flooded through my body, pooling in the pit of my stomach.
Nokto: “See, you’re already looking nasty. It’s easy isn’t it?”
Finally, he removed his fingers and I was freed from his lewd play.
Emma: “…Nokto.”
Nokto: “Yes, yes I will accompany you on vacation.”
Nokto: “…Thanks, love.”
(Ah… he noticed.)
The soft way he said those last words turned the heat in my body to another emotion.
(Maybe that was just Nokto’s way of hiding his embarrassment.)
When I hugged Nokto again as he turned his back to change, our laughter echoed throughout the room.
A few days later, the talented Nokto immediately made time for me—
Old Lady: “Welcome, thank you for coming all this way.”
Old man: “Prince Nokto, it’s been a while. You’ve grown up…”
Nokto: “Yes, thanks to you. Thank you for taking me up on my request on such short notice.”
(Um…what do you mean?)
I offered to make the preparations for the vacation but Nokto insisted that he had an idea.
In that case, I decided to take his word for it and as a result, we visited the neighboring country of Benitoite.
When we arrived at the mansion in a prime location in Benitoite, we were greeted by a refined old couple.
I had already memorized most of the faces I’d seen in the social world, including in Benitoite.
I had never seen this couple.
(I heard that they would be hosting us in this mansion for a few days, but…)
Old lady: “There’s a rumor about that woman…”
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Nokto: “Yes, this is my fiancée.”
Emma: “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I hid my confusion behind a smile and bowed.
My fiance’s eyes lit up at the sight of me.
Old Lady: “Well, well… that Prince Nokto who kept us on our toes with his many infamous affairs, is really…”
Nokto: “I am now a single-minded person. Everyday I’m fascinated by the flowers that show no signs of wilting.”
Nokto hugs my shoulders and puts a beautiful, diplomatic smile on his lips.
The old couple seemed really touched, and we even received a small round of applause.
Emma: “Umm… I’m sorry for my lack of knowledge, what is your relationship with King Nokto?”
Nokto: “Relative.”
Emma: “Eh?”
Nokto: “They settled in Benitoite, but they have a distant connection with the royal lineage of Rhodolite.”
Old lady: “Now, I’m just a lowly Benitoite merchant.”
Old man: “Nokto once studied in Benitoite for a short period of time.”
Old man: “At that time, according the wishes of His Majesty the previous king and Sariel, we welcomed Nokto into our home.”
(What story is this, I’ve never heard of it!?)
Nokto smiled wryly as if my surprise had been obvious.
Nokto: “It’s nothing to hide, but I don’t think it’s worth talking about.”
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Nokto: “Speaking of studying abroad, I spent more time in the Acroite boarding school than in Benitoite.”
(Boarding school? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.)
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to know Nokto, but it seems there are still many things I don’t know.
(But it’s weird, Nokto’s expression is somewhat awkward.)
Nokto: “By the way, there seems to be more luggage in the hall than the last time I visited.”
Old lady: “I’m sorry. Actually, I have plans to open a stall at the antique market that will be held in a few days.”
Old lady: “When I was sorting out my things, I found a lot of useless antiques. I wanted to sell them.”
Nokto: “Hmm… are there any books on display at the antique market?”
Old lady: “Yes. Not among the items we sell, but we do see stalls specializing in books every year.”
(Antique books!)
Nokto: “Then, shall we also take a peek at the market on that day?”
Emma: “…Did it show on my face?”
Nokto: “Extremely.”
(oops… even though it’s in front of the couple.)
I felt my ears burning and when I looked down, Nokto burst out laughing as if he couldn’t take it any more.
Nokto: “I don’t mind. You’re cute when you’re honest aren’t you?”
Emma: “Nokto…!”
Old lady: “Well, that Nokto sure has grown to laugh so much…”
Old man: “… I feel like I’m going to end up crying at my age.”
Old lady: “Me too… the old Nokto was a child who didn’t smile, as if he had forgotten his emotions somewhere else.”
Old lady: “It’s nice to see you smile with emotion.”
Nokto: “When are you talking about?”
Nokto’s expression became laced with bitterness.
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(Nokto… a child who doesn’t smile?)
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kaicubus · 1 year
Dating Bianca Barclay
warnings ✩° : bianca being jealous, i think that’s it.
pairing ✩° : bianca barclay x gn!reader
authors note ✩° : i don’t care if she toxic. i want her. so bad. literally fucking look at her. GONGEOEUS LADEE.
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- Dating her is a little hard because of her whole siren thing going on, and the fact she’s super popular and all her friends look like they’re going to kill you. But somehow being her partner kind of puts a barrier around you so no one can hurt you, physically, emotionally, or socially.
- You basically become untouchable.
- It’s also kind of tricky to date her because there’s so many rumors that she manipulated you to get with you but that isn’t true at all.
- Bianca has so many doubts and fears that you’ll leave her like her exes have done in the past because of some rumor that happened, so she’s secretly insecure and VERY jealous. She just hates seeing you talking with anyone who isn’t her.
- If you’re talking to anyone with status ((or even worse, someone with no status at all)) she’ll interrogate you with 50 questions.
“So, Y/n, who were you talking to?”
“You know it’s actually funny because I heard that the person you keep leaving me to hang out with actually sleeps with multiple people, so I don’t know what you're doing with someone like that since it obviously is weird and you're MAKING it weird by ignoring me for them.”
“Bianca that’s my cousin.”
“…Oh! Ignore what I said.”
- Ok besides all that other stuff, Bianca is so sweet and protective towards you. She also spoils you a lot and doesn’t take no for an answer.
- Her love language would be acts of services and also giving gifts, but not like Enid, since her gifts usually have more expensive taste—hence why when you protest against it. When you decline, she doesn’t take no for an answer. It WILL show up in your dorm room on your bed or on your desk if you refuse in person.
- Something she loves to do is when it comes to showing affection Bianca really likes when she’s able to wrap her hands around your waist and pull you into her chest, as close as possible, and give you soft kisses on the back of your neck.
- When you really get to know her, she’s actually really deep ((haha siren joke)) and interesting. At first you thought she was very surface level ((haha another siren joke)) like most popular people in Nevermore were. Especially with Bianca who’s a perfectionist.
- Expect really introspective talks because of that, like the kinda talks that make you really think about your life and how far you’ve come. Usually they take place at the Weathervane or on the dock by the lake under the stars.
- She likes your bitchy side a LOT. Especially when you’re shit talking someone you both don’t like, she gets totally giddy from her end. Plus she really likes looking and swooning over you when you’re heated in the moment. Despite being fuming.
- Corner. Mouth. Kisses.
- Light touches when she kisses you too, like just barley there grazes of her fingers against your cheeks and collarbone.
- Fights with her don’t last long because they’re usually caused by her insecurities and fears, but if SHE makes the mistake then she does everything in her power to fix it. Yeah, she’s silent at first because she’s stubborn ((like me fr)) but after a day, at most, of giving you the silent treatment then she finally comes to sit by you and just roll her hands on her knees and apologize very quietly.
- Biance is the type to compliment you for you. Example : “You make me feel safe.” “You have the type of presence that makes everyone feel better.” “You have such a warm soul.”
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mariondeux · 2 years
It's my second time writing this i am sorry for bothering u but i just wanna read this help😭😭 So Can i request an angry??? kohaku x male reader nswf like they were lovers
and one day rinne teased you with asking whos the bottom and whos the top in bed saying "I think ur the bottom one m/n-kun~" and m/n gets frustated saying shit like "M-me? I am definetely the top! Kohaku is the bottom one ofcourse!!" but little did he know that kohaku was behind him all the time and gets angry ?? amused ?? and he says an excuse to get them both home like " me and m/n-han have some job to do " ,,when they both get home he roughly fucks reader in different places, positions that reader can't walk the day after that,, so what? He showed whos the bottom one and whos the top one!!
Elements..hmm maybe belly bulge and ass slapping?? I will be so happy if u wrote this u wrote so good😭😭
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— SYNOPSIS ; Kohaku wouldn’t let you get away with lying and telling his unit mates that he’s a “bottom”.
CW ; NSFW, rough sex, anal sex, degradation kink, mean dom Kohaku, belly bulge, ass slapping, manhandling
PAIRING ; Kohaku Oukawa x Male!Reader
A/N ; firm mean dom Kohaku believer.
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“So, who’s the bottom and who’s the top? I honestly think you’d bottom for sure! Haha!”
HiMERU sent a stern look towards Rinne’s way. “Avoid asking such personal questions.”
You shook your head, waving your arms as you felt your cheeks heat. “No, no! I’d definitely top! Haha.. Kohaku is definitely way more of a bottom than me!” You were beyond embarrassed as Rinne continued to tease you in fits of laughter. 
Little did you know, Kohaku had been standing behind you the entire time. In between Rinne’s teasing, he grabbed onto your shoulder and spat out an excuse that even Rinne knew was bullshit. He smirked as he watched you get dragged away by your lover, already fully aware of what was going to happen.
“Well, I’m going out so I can avoid what the hell is about to happen.” Kohaku held onto your wrists, pulling them back behind you as his cock breached into your ass and stretched you out further with each thrust. Your head hung low as your hardened dick tapped at your stomach each time your body bounced against his. He’d been fucking you so roughly for god knows how long. All you knew was that this was the third position he’d put you in and you could feel your body on the verge of giving out. If he puts you in another position, you won’t doubt that you’ll pass out.
“Tell me who’s the bottom now, bitch,” He hissed as he let go of your wrists and pushed your head into the dirty sheets, using his free hand to slap your ass. He handled you so carelessly that bruises littered your body because of his ferocious treatment. You couldn; t do anything but weep in response, babbling incoherent words.
Kohaku delivered another harsh slap to your ass, delivering another brutal thrust. Your ass stung from the constant slapping and rough thrusts. It felt like your skin was on fire. Both of your bodies were draped in sweat along with the heavy air staining the bed. 
“What are you, a dumb fucking baby? I said tell me who’s the bottom! The least you could fucking do is say one word!” Kohaku flipped your body around and laid you on your back, placing his palms flat on either side of your head. Now that he had a good look at you, he could clearly see the bulge in your stomach from his cock. He grit his teeth and rocked his hips with such aggression, he wanted this moment to be burned into your head. This wasn’t a treat, this was punishment. You were completely disheveled, mouth open, with drool slowing down your chin and onto the sheets underneath you. You really looked dumb. 
“I-I’m the.. Hnngh! Bottom!”
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @leeuxry @s1cklyang3l @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @mayoisilly @maharutolol @maxx0inwonderland @Chiakiiyi @1694
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calx-bdo · 1 year
Something knocks on your window. It was late at night, past 12 am, perhaps even 1 am. What on earth could be outside your window at such an unholy hour?
Slowly, you grasped the wooden bat underneath your bed (in case, can't tell what could happen in New York), and slowly opened the curtain, hand tightly wrapped around the window handle. Slowly, you pushed the window open, the wooden bat ready to be aimed at the intruder's face.
You swung your bat- Hey, where'd it go? And what's this sticky web on your hand?! You gazed in fright at your intruder, expecting some punk with a black ski mask or something, with those dragon tattoos and all that. You know, typical Underground Gang stuff.
"Kazuha? What..what are you doing here? OH MY GOD ARE YOU BLEEDING?" You quickly gasped in horror as a wave of panic swept over you. Kazuha had a huge gash running down his chest, though not deep, but still enough to make you lose your absolute mind. "Get in, I'll bandage you up!" Thank god you were a trained medical professional. You haven't even realised the Spider-Man mask half pulled up, letting some of his front hair out.
Kazuha plopped down on your bed, letting out a wince.
"Sorry, this might hurt a bit."
You slowly cleaned the wound with clean water from your tap, truly hoping that the government-assured "drinking quality tap water" wasn't a fraud. Then, gently, using a clean, dry towel, you pressed it to the gash, absorbing the moisture from the wound.
Next, you tightly wrapped the bandage around his gash, trying your best to not stare at his muscles and abs, but god. It was so..stunning? It's almost feminine in a way, with a tiny waist and broad shoulders. His collarbone is so defined, and his skin with cuts here and there, healed scars, oh my goodness, he was beautiful.
"Haha, are you trying to bandage me up or trying to get a good look at me?" Kazuha's soft voice teased. You could feel the heat rise to your face, eyes trying to look everywhere but his softly smirking face, his eyes gazing at you with a smidge of mischief in them.
You quickly finished bandaging him out of embarrassment and plopped down next to him. "L-let's talk about the bigger problem. You're Spider-Man?"
Now it was Kazuha's turn to blush. He looked down, face tinted a light pink, laughing nervously.
"Yeah..And the reason why I came to you was because I didn't really...have anyone else to go to? Sure, Aunt Beidou and Aunty Ningguang are trustworthy, but I'm not really keen on letting them in on my vigilante double-life. You know how Aunt Beidou is when she's tipsy. I guess I only ever really trusted you, Y/N. With this secret. With my other life."
A beat of silence turns into two. A small smile crept up on your lips, realisation dawning on you that Kazuha only ever trusted you with this. You're the one that holds his heart in your hands. Kazuha's wrapped around your pinky. Kazuha entrusts this huge secret that could potentially end both your lives and many others, to you. He trusts you more than anyone. He loves you more than anyone.
"Thanks, zuzu. Let's get you cleaned up, shall we? The dirt on your face is really ticking me off. And it's on my bed now too..I definitely need to change bedsheets later. But for now, let's focus on you. I love you, Kazuha, and nobody can change that."
You press a small kiss to his forehead. 'A worthy price for saving New York everyday, ' Kazuha thinks.
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(sykyu008 on twt)
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
Oh dear I'm thinking.....
Liab!Phil's hands being burnt to a point where he can't feel as much. So while normally we'd need tongs to carry containers off the stove, or gloves for oven stuff, what if Phil can just hold them without needing those? Not prolonged, just more than enough to terrify people lmao. And same with cold stuff.
Liab!Phil on his Asian mom arc.
Well! In theory yes he would not be able to feel heat on his hands, however I would not recommend touching hot things still kekw
The burns would require like a period of just repeated disinfection and treatment, plus probably not aggravating the burn site haha
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littlelightbolt · 2 months
JazzProwl + baby - Merformers AU - Chapter 2: New housing
Here's the second part of it - I kinda written in a very werid style haha. Again Ideas are welcome - I wanna meet more people who can help me here.
The little one couldn’t tell how long they were stuck in the holding tank. At least, they feed him. But, it only came once a day, not that the little could tell the time. It left them tired and sore.
The rough treatment didn't make it any better. One of the bipedals would wrestle their head to make him take a bottle of weird tasting milk, almost like his mother's but not. They left many bruises on his flank.
Deep down, they had a feeling mother wasn't coming back.
He was moved just like that with bipedals all around him hopping from one container to the next, one even felt surreal as he could feel his insides turning on that one up then down a while later. Dizzy with travel sickness and hungry, the little one confined in the tight space stopped moving entirely trapped with the longer grief of its mother's death.
Eventually he was lifted onto a moving platform in a place quite unlike his own. The sun felt hotter, the area around them dry and dusty, not a trace of sea salt in scent.
They arrive at a giant facility where they were lowered into a small shallow pool.
The water felt wrong, smelt wrong, tasted wrong. Stricken malnutrition and mild muscle atrophy from being immobile for so long, all they could barely swim to the surface to grab a quick breathe before sinking back down to the bottom of the tank.
It wasn't long before more harrassment came. Humans in brightly coloured weird smelling garments came into the pool.
They smelt of dead fish, stinking up the water more. Appendages came to grab them from all sides, dragging them to the edge of the pool.
The little one weak as they were could only shriek weakly as they were lifted out of the water.
It was assualted on all sides by many hands roaming it's body. Things were being inserted to sensitive places. They tried to wriggle away but were no match for the stronger humans.
It gave a weak shriek felt little needles pricking his lower hide. But was quickly shushed by the bipedals.
Being small, they could only cling to the other handler as the scary one finished whatever it was they were doing.
Final, with a final per it was set back into the pool. The humans cleared out. The lights dimmed.
With great effort, little hands reached the little floating platform that had been left in the pool, beaching themselves onto it. With a full day done with, the little one laid there alone with their thoughts. It wasn't long before tears began to flow. With only a solo keening lullaby, the baby hugged itself to sleep, rocked by the waves of the pool. Dreaming of his mother and of warm sun rays.
Over the course of a few more meals, they became more dependent on the humans, getting sicker and sicker. Their body felt like mud, and their eyes often shut. The water felt too wrong, too empty. They missed their mother.
The humans were growing more concerned. They changed his feed, and checked him over many times
They hugged him and played with him, trying to get them to join in. All he could do was hang off of the floaty to avoid drowning, only wetting himself when they felt too dry.
They caught a fever that way. Little body heated up and sickly, they cried alone in the arms of their caretakers.
They woke from many a nightmare of red, dead fish and seagulls.
More humans came to see them. They didn't know what they would do to him.
One day, things changed.
The humans came with a strange box, it was clear and it had holes on its side, large enough for the baby's hand to slip though but no more than that. A wet blanket was placed inside the box.
The box was lowered into his pool, where humans had already dragged his floaty to the edge.
They transfered him to the box, which induces great fear in the babies feverish state. It could only weakly slap the humans beside it. The blows dealing little damage.
The humans petted it sounding out what was meant to be soothing coos. Succumbing to exhaustion, the baby ceased its efforts as a warm wet blanket covered it's form. It covered the box and the world from view.
The surface under them swayed and trembled as the box was moved.
Dizzy from the motion, the baby laid really still willing the sickness to pass.
Outside it could hear lots of chatter. It got very noisy at one point (humans taking and high pitched screams of laughter) but it was blessed quiet the next.
The movement of the box stopped. But that didn't mean the baby relaxed. The warm blanket was removed from atop the baby. Light shine through and revealed that they had arrived at the top of a deep pool.
The baby's box was dangling above it. Amd below they could see the tank wasn't empty. A big black and white blurry was hovering below. A Stranger, non pod. Natural instincts made the baby freeze in fear, stress coming off them in waves in their feverish state. Non pod wasn't pod, they were dangerous.
The box began lowering into the pool. The baby cried out in fear. Crawling to the furthest corner of the box from the non pod it curled around themselves in a bid to protect themselves. Shivering the whole while.
Outside, the distorted sounds of many humans grew louder, excited and energetic. Not that the baby cared.
The box finally sank to the bottom of the tank. Where the lines attached to it detached and returned to the surface.
Curled in fear, they fell still as they heard the first words from his company.
"Hello, little one." The voice was melodious and warm. It invoked a sense of curiosity and little calm in the baby.
Cautiously, it unfurled itself to meet their greeter.
An adult mer stood them, male in appearance. It was an orca black and white. They reminded them of their pod. Their sleek body toned with muscle a scar on its right eye the only marred skin. Said adult was beyond their little box, floating just an arms length away.
Looking around, the baby saw that it was in a big box with a wall missing. And beyond that were a crowd of humans and further on were other boxes just like the one they were in, the other mers looked funny. In weird shapes and colours. All of them were looking at him.
Feeling a little intimidated, the little curled further into the corner. Looking back at the adult, the baby could feel the waves of calm and protect that the stranger gave off. Sensing the baby's ease, the non pod came up to the box slowly. Cautiously, the adult raised its hands to the glass of the box. "I do not wish to harm you."
Mabye non pod is not that dangerous after all. It extended one of it hands out of the box to grab onto a finger.
The adult stiffened for only a second before they started humming into the water. The vibrations rocked the baby soothingly as they stuck out their other arm to explore the adult more thoroughly. " You are very young." The little one didn't notice the furrowing of the adult's brow and it's increasing deepness.
"Let me check you over." Gently, their wandering hands were caught and brought up to the adults face. Where he gently scented the baby, taking in the stress pheromones and sickness coming off of them. The adult was no happy. "You are very ill as well."
Outside a loud applause erupted, startling the baby and disrupting the adult's inspection.
The adult looking over at the crowd, gave a silent hiss. Making the baby, recoil back into the box. Disgruntled, the adult mer growled lowly as he fiddled with the latch of the box. "Filthy bipeds, everything is a game for them, even trapping infanta into these contraptions."
The adult orca made quick work of the locks. They pride the box open but stopped at reaching inside. They looked the little one with concern. A quiet apology "I have never done this before."
Deathly slow, they reached down into the box and lifted the little one into their arms. Instinctively, the little one latched on and nuzzled in deep. Glad to have a cool body against their hot skin.
"You are warmer than I thought." The adult muttered in concern. "I am so sorry, I don't know if I can help you." The adult hugged them closer, body turned from the glass to shield the baby from the prying eyes. Inside, the adult was raging. Rage at the humans for doing such terrible deeds, and at himself for not being able to help. Despite his many failed attempts, he begins anew to plot a plan. He has to help the baby survive.
"I will keep you safe, little one hang on.
Next chapter
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happyk44 · 3 months
Can I learn more about the freshwater babies of Neptune? their abilities, character, behavioral traits, and your original characters. It's so interesting, I want more.
Haha, sure! Let's start with the freshwater guppies! Some possible powers:
Creating and stopping rain
Advanced healing with water, so they have an easier time healing other people
Purifying any liquid they come across
Turning available fluids into water (reverse of the water into wine Jesus trick, lol)
Creating droughts (because droughts are oft linked to rainfall)
Obviously the stormy fingerlings can do all of the above as well, but the freshwater fry are the ones who are most instinctive to it, and vice versa. For example, with the rain - the stormchasers may have a harder time making it only rain without adding a turbulent element.
The non-saline alevins are typically more social, have softer vocal tones, and don't mind helping people. Not all freshwater is drinkable without treatment, so sometimes they're a little awkward upon first meeting, but consistent interaction can help make them palatable.
Where anger may be one of the more easily and commonly felt, and stronger emotion in the Poseidon kids and Neptune's mini tempests, it's less abrupt in the baby wells. They have a slower buildup to rage, tend to be more gentle. But when rage does hit them, it's a sudden downpour causing soil erosion and destroying crops. However, they're often more clear-headed than their volatile counterparts.
Under certain circumstances, they can become a vicious sea type of child, but it does not go the other way (storm into freshwater). Melpomene is an example of this! She started out as a gentle caring person, but childhood abuse pushed her into becoming a hurricane as a defense mechanism. She doesn't recall being potable, as a result. Of course, not all the potables grow into brackish waves.
They enjoy summer (Neptunalia!) the most. Mentioned before but in the past, they would travel from town to town at the peak of summer to help refill freshwater sources and clear up droughts. They'd do so by dancing and singing in honour of their father. On the day of the actual festival, they'd be revered and treated with utmost importance. As Neptune became more associated with the sea, this practice was seen less and less as they began to associate his offspring with undrinkable salt and became unnerved by their presence at a time when water was already lacking.
They're not the biggest fans of the sun though. Excess heat dries up water, and the sun blocks the rain clouds.
Like all Neptune and Poseidon children, they can be very stubborn (their father is represented by the bull after all). Even they have trouble in getting along with Jupiter's kids. Fresh water is reliant on being replenished by the water cycle, so the kids can be very "go with the flow" and chill. They get easily annoyed when people interrupt their flow, or if they feel they're being consumed faster than they can recover from (water scarcity, lol).
As for my OCs, I have a lot of them, haha. Currently I'm focusing on June's story but I've got a billion other things going on, plus writer's block, so the story itself is paused. Luckily it's pretty much outlined, but honestly if I don't get it all written out at some point I will probably explode.
Sometimes I ramble about my OCs (mostly Alex, I think 😂) and their stories in #happy talks about his stories, and you can scroll through goof posts in #oc shitposting. 👍
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fatuismooches · 11 months
Smooches!! Hello sweetie pie! ૮꒰ ˶´ ꒳ `˶꒱ა ♡
I just thought this out of nowhere and honestly it may not work but basically, reader (maybe even fragile!reader I’m just a complete sucker for fragile!reader) and Dottore going out of the laboratory and into the icy land that is Snezhnaya to get some materials Dottore needs. But while you two are out, suddenly (somehow) you two get ambushed by maybe some treasure hoarders or perhaps some more elite enemies. And you end up getting hurt in the process. Maybe even to the point you end up bleeding. (Would this actually happen? Probably not bc let’s face it, Dottore is so intelligent and strong like you’ve said before even if this did happen the only other situation I can think of is the Traveler 😭) I also just want to see Dottore be like angered and pissed off at whoever dared to hurt his darling. (Like yes come be my protector Dottore boo boo 😭 💕)
But yeah this may not make any sense or even work but it’s okay!! As I’m writing this we finally got rain here!! And it was a thunderstorm to top it off so hopefully this heat goes down soon. Also to answer your question about my baby <333 (dog) we actually don’t know since we’ve never gotten her tested and we had originally gotten her from the middle of the street. She’s a small dog and a creamy colored with a few darker patches. Although she does look to be like a shih tzu! Okay I should stop talking about my baby 😭 if I could send pictures I would!!! (Also if it’s okay with you: I have a bunch of ideas that I hope to send before I have to inevitably start school, so if you see me spam your inbox I’m so so sorry :c )But I hope you enjoy your week and also enjoy this last week of July!! May all your days be filled with love and happiness, as I give you lots and lots of kisses on your cute cheeks and forehead. And a bunch of cuddles too! Please make sure you’re staying well and not tiring yourself with writing. I love you loads and so does everybody else!!! Mwa mwa!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Dottore's lover getting hurt by someone else always fills my brain with too much brainrot 🚶‍♀️ I too love the idea of a cold "i don't care what happens to anyone + I'm too strong to be hurt" character becoming uncharacteristically angry when someone they care for gets hurt. And yes as you said the chances of you getting hurt are practically in the negatives since he plans for every possibility and circumstance... if there's even the slightest chance you can get hurt he won't do it (ESPECIALLY if it's fragile reader, that's a no-no) but for the sake of fanfiction 🥰 if you do get hurt, oh boy. He doesn't show much emotion on his face other than that cocky smirk usually. But when you get hurt he just has no expression at all, and speaks with absolutely no emotion, no mocking, nothing. And that's how you know he's upset. Now we know that Dottore really doesn't care if his experiments suffer or not, but when he gets the people who hurt you, he'll make sure to conduct the most brutal experiments possible. Not caring when they cry and beg for forgiveness. Debating whether he should kill them or forever drag out their suffering.
...Moving on from that- at least you get the most advanced possible treatment in Teyvat, which means you won't be hurting for too long. And ahh I'm glad you got some rain 🌧 ! Hopefully things cooled down over there, I cant imagine how hotttt it is for you 😭 And omg your baby sounds so cute!! 💖💖 And of course I will always welcome your brainrots! I don't mind the spam at all! Good luck in school too, I know its hard but you got this 💞🥰 Make sure not to push yourself too! Hehe I'm giving you more kisses and smooches! I will enjoy this last week of July, we're one step closer to the fall haha. Ily too!! Make sure to take care of yourself as well 🫶🫶
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sweet-potatah-pie · 1 year
Would love to get your take on this: What is Tiana's haircare routine? What products does she use? How about Naveen? <3 Do they…help each other? Thank you!
What a question! This could get SO deep, but I'll try to stay on track, haha! 😅
So, Tiana exists in a very interesting era for Black women's hair (but honestly, what era isn't interesting!). In the decades just before the 1920s, Madam CJ Walker became a millionaire by catering to Black women’s beauty. Then with the rise of jazz and film, Black musicians and performers became visible in a real way for the first time in the United States and Europe. And there was still the oppressive presence of the white gaze and the physical protection of hair assimilation.
With all that in mind, I assume Tiana's hair texture is straightened and then curled based on the styles she wears in the movie. This process could have been achieved through a lye and potato based chemical treatment, but I like to think Tiana would have gone with the route of using a hot comb: a metal comb, heated over an open flame until hot, and pulled through the hair to remove the natural curl pattern.
I think Tiana, even as busy as she is, patrons a local Black hair care salon. The 1920s was a boom time of women's salons popping up everywhere, and the ones catering to Black women's beauty (as well as being places for community, safety, and civil rights planning) were still relatively new. Plus, these salons were usually owned/operated by Black women. As a Black woman business owner herself, I absolutely think Tiana supported other Black women business owners in this way.
So for her routine, I think probably once a month, Tiana goes to a salon for a professional wash, straighten, and curl. I think she probably does touch-ups at home with her own hot comb, curling iron, and pressing oil, and then I think she likely greases her scalp for moisture and shine. She probably also plaits her hair before bed and wears a silk or satin bonnet to sleep in, before styling it the next day. I really like that Tiana has longer hair in the 1920s when shorter bobs were the trend, because it shows not only that she doesn’t feel the need to follow trends, but I think it also says something about her dedication and how she values putting time into herself (because maintaining hair can be very time consuming for us!).
That said, I doubt she does much of her hair care routine alone. More likely than not, her mother Eudora, her friend Georgia, and her professional stylist are the ones who help her most with her hair (and she probably helps her mom and her friend Georgia in return).
I think Naveen probably helps remind Tiana not to fall asleep without her bonnet, but otherwise, I’m not so sure how qualified he is in this arena. LOL. There’s a lot of work and ritual involved! I’m sure Tiana has recommended a local barbershop to Naveen, though. Although his ethnicity is not confirmed, I assume his hair is naturally straight/wavy and that he wouldn’t need a conk, but he would still probably have his hair styled as if he had had one. He probably enjoys a professional shave regularly as well.
And I hope someone manicures that man's eyebrows for him, too. 😂
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