#helena is literally my favorite actress
loislame84 · 1 year
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She is gorgeous. That is all.
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childofaura · 9 months
Any thoughts on Karen Strassman? She played Olivia, Anna (of all kinds) and Hana!
Outside of it, she’s the current voice for Rouge the Bat, Aigis from Persona 3 and Nanako from Persona 4.
I've gotta put this out there, because any time I bring up an actor/actress who isn't totally left wing, I get messages telling me why said actor/actress is the spawn of Satan and I shouldn't like them. It happened with Amanda Miller (Someone who isn't even right wing) and it happened the last time I brought up Karen Strassman.
So again: I literally do not care about an actor/actress's politics, whether they're left or right wing. I care that they're not harming someone (i.e. Daman Mills) or being an asshole (Helena Taylor). This isn't a left or right thing, I just simply DO NOT care about someone's politics. And if people want to block me for saying that, that's totally fine and I have no hard feelings.
I like Karen! I like her role as Olivia (Who I'm surprised was pretty popular for a while and then just dropped off the face of the earth when it came to alts), I like her work as Anna... And while I actually don't like Hana's character, I do like her work as Hana. And outside of that, I adore her Nanako (as someone who got deeply invested when I played P4Golden), and I actually think she's a good Rouge, even though Kathleen Delaney was more my favorite. And I can't wait until Mozu gets added to FEH. Something tells me she'll show up on the next Fates banner.
Performance! I think her performance as Olivia between her pegasus alt and her Festival Arts alt is interesting; in the former, she's much more shy and timid (gives me big Fluttershy vibes), while she seems to feel very comfortable and more confident in the latter. It's an interesting distinctive tonal switch between the two. For the two variations of Anna in FEH so far (Commander Anna and Awakening Anna), there's a difference in their emotions that conveys what is the most important reason for each Anna to be earning money: For the commander, it's to keep funding the Order of Heroes, so she's a bit more serious and doesn't really talk as much about the money itself, more about the Order's funds in general. For Fates, it's to personally get rich, so she usually sounds mischievous and charismatic, to draw people in. I think it would actually be fun someday to have a full Anna banner as an April Fool's joke with the Annas that aren't in the game yet: Tellius Anna, Fates Anna, Fodlan Anna, etc. And finally, Hana. I think her voice for Hana is good, but... Something happened to the way she was pronouncing Sakura's name between her Ninja alt and her Valentine's alt. In her Ninja alt, she pronounces it correctly, but in her Valentine's alt, she goes "Sa-Koo-Ra". But then in her Ninja alt, she also pronounces Kagero's name weirdly too. I blame less of that on Karen and more of that on the voice director; they're the ones who are supposed to know the correct pronunciations of the names and should be guiding the VAs on how to say them right. Still a good portrayal for Hana though, she's energetic and a little spicy sometimes. Just makes me wish her support in Fates wasn't so unreasonable ("How dare you make Lady Sakura cry by getting kidnapped!" Like bro, WHAT?! Corrin watched their surrogate father get bombarded with arrows he shielded them from, then get slashed. How is any of that a literal child's fault?!).
I think she's a good fit for all three of the characters. Just... fix her pronunciation issues as Hana and we're all good.
However, when it comes to range... Look, as a general actress, I know that Karen has range. Her sultry voice for Rouge compared to her child voice for Nanako are pretty decent. But in FEH, I'll be honest: you can pretty easily tell that Karen voices all three, and Hana and Anna sound pretty similar to each other. So for FEH, I'll say the range is not really there.
Overall, I'd put Karen at an 8/10. I still don't know why they replaced her in Engage (And I don't know if that means that Monica will be playing child Anna when she gets added or if Karen will take over as child Anna), but as an actress I enjoy her work.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
June 14: Orphan Black 5x09
Watched the penultimate episode of OB tonight. It wasn’t my favorite of the season, but solid. I really loved Rachel and Sarah in it--Rachel because I like this role she’s slipped into of helping the other clones but still seeming... kinda set apart from them, and Sarah because I love a good Sarah-caper, and she did an excellent job of being a really creepy Rachel. (Also in a way I felt like she was protecting Rachel in that scene, because Westmoreland was saying awful things to her, but Rachel never had to hear them because Sarah was filling in for her.)
But I felt like the real MVPs of the episode were the side characters. Art, Scott, Hell Wizard, and Felix all had really great moments. I literally went DAMN ART when he shot Frontenac or whoever that dude was. And Scott power walking the “live organ” into Dyad was Classic. I love that Hell Wizard is still here and truly part of the gang. And honestly, I loved that they were both implied to be “S’s people” given their presence at the funeral. Felix also got to show off both his badassery with Art but also his softer skills: he’s CLEARLY the one holding the family together after S’s death.
Aside from Rachel and Sarah, and of course Helena, there really wasn’t much for the clones to do. So in a sense I felt like this was a final hurrah for a lot of the side characters who I can only assume will be less important than the clones in the finale-finale.
And yes, this was Helena’s story, clearly. But tbh I didn’t really feel like I learned anything new about her today. It was odd that younger-Helena was played by a different actress (because they needed her to speak Ukrainian?). The scene where she killed the clone in the church was definitely striking: the horror of staring into her own face as it dies, and at the same moment becoming a monster, in two senses: a murderer, and the thing that is deserving of murder. But overall, it felt... kinda like unnecessary exposition this late in the game. Like an apology for barely using her this season lol.
I’m still upset about S’s death. The conversation with Sarah and Art made it seem like she did die as a “sacrifice” to the cause, but like, she really didn’t? She contributed greatly to the big W that was leaking the documents, and then after that she died in an act of basically senseless violence. Idk if they’re trying to retcon it or if they themselves didn’t get that what they claim to portray is not what they portrayed. At any rate, her death was just too sad and I cried through the whole funeral scene. Didn’t need that.
This ep felt like cleaning house to a degree. Like did Mark really NEED to die or did the show just not have a need for him anymore? That scene was very sad and very well done--and I do like how it underscores Helena’s point that Coady, for all her bravado, is just a serf to this dumbass man--she does whatever he says, even if it means killing her own child, and he’s out there doing nothing but exploiting the minds, bodies, and souls of every woman around him. Nevertheless, RIP Mark, because I liked him and Gracie a lot, and traitors or no, I wanted a happy ending for them.
Similarly, while Coady definitely DID need to die, when she did I was like, ‘yep, crossing that one off the list.’
Only one more episode left, which is wild. I predict it will be good but not the best over: it’s going to have to tie up loose ends, and then show everyone’s cutesy endings, and it’s obviously going to end with some kinda Adorable Voice Over from Helena, which is maybe not my favorite concept. But a happy ending is a happy ending.
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 5 months
The Crown spoilers... you have been warned. My thoughts.
I finally go the time to watch the final 6 episode of the final season of The Crown. I wasn't exactly thrilled they broke up the season but in end I think it worked better. To deal with Princess Diana's death kinda solo, than move on with everything else. Personally I'd been dreading it since I knew they were going to tackle it. I'm old enough that I was an adult when it happened, I remember just how devastating it was when it happened in real life. I remember clearly watching the procession with Prince William and Prince Harry walking behind their mother coffin on TV, just sobbing my eyes out. So I wasn't looking forward to reliving that in any
way on The Crown. However I think the series did a remarkable job with how they handled it, as they've handled all the other sensitive subjects. With grace, caring and compassion. Like crash itself, we hear it but they never show anything. Which I really was thankful for. Because at the time they had pictures of what the car looked like after the crash all over the news papers. Which no one ever needed to see! Also perhaps the series didn't want something so horribly to hit during the Christmas season when rest of season was dropped. In the end I do think it was a the correct decision.
I still find it funny how much better looking Prince Charles is the series who played by Dominic West. Not even on now King Charles the lll best day was he ever good looking. In my opinion...
I was so sad when we lost Princess Margaret, I just sobbed. I hated seeing Lesley Manville leave the series. I loved her and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. They really made me like Princess Margaret quite abit.
I'm not sure how I feel about either of the actors that played Prince William and Prince Harry. I don't if it's just their portrayal of them or what but I just didn't find myself really connecting with them as the older version of them. I'm also surprised by who they choose to portray Kate Middleton. She good actress I guess (I don't know her), but the real woman is far more beautiful than the actress they chose. I know looks aren't the point here, but well yea.
Seeing Blake Ritson show up as Prince William's Eton housemaster Dr. Gailey was treat. I'm a huge fan of The Gilded Age also where he plays Oscar Van Rhijn. It was fun seeing a familiar face from another series I love.
I love episode where we get to see both Elizabeth and Margaret to out to Ritz to celebrate WWII being over. I was so much fun getting to them being normal girls for a moment, drinking, dancing, laughing, having fun. It was so wonderful. I do think in some respects the series did do a deserves to Queen Elizabeth as showing her almost one dimensional. I remember watching all kinds of stuff about her right after she passed away. One thing that kept coming up from people that actually knew her, work with, worked for and so on was what a great sense of humor the Queen had. The series show a tiny bit of that with speak at Prince Charles and Camilla wedding. But that was really the only time truthfully. I think that was really a missed opportunity to have shown another side to her.
Ok on to my favorite thing they did which was bringing both Olivia Coleman and Claire Foy back. Even though it was just for one episode I loved seeing them again, especially Olivia Coleman, she was my favorite version of Queen Elizabeth on the series. I literally squealed when I seen her. See I had no idea they were coming back so at first I thought I might be hallucinating. But nope it was her, then I started to cry. Then Claire Foy showed up as her version of Elizabeth, which was so cool. The ending was just done so perfectly with all the version of Queen Elizabeth there. When Imelda Staunton version walked through the door at the end into what could easily been clouds, it made think she walking straight to heaven.
Over all I think the whole series was done excellently well. It's definitely worth watching even if British royal family isn't that interesting to you. The series can be seen as fiction meets historically.
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clapboard emoji for Asterope!
okay i am deadass so dumb i literally have no idea what a clapboard emoji is but i searched it up and it says it’s this  🎬 emoji, the movie cut scene emoji. so i’m assuming you mean the oc as canon ask game and i really hope i’m right. i’m super sorry if i’m wrong and you’re referring to something else,,, fdhgfhdgh i am not smart, i am so sorry.
who the fandom ships them with: so like how the fandom ships hermione with everyone, they do the same for asterope! the most popular ships would be their canon ship which is neville longbottom, the second would be harry potter, and the third would theodore nott. ginny weasley is close to being tied with theo as third most popular.  
why the fandom loves them: the fandom loves them because they think that their relationship with neville longbottom is one of the better written relationships in the series, though they aren’t as popular as ronmione. they also love asterope because they like their character arc and how they struggle to be who they want to be while constantly being pushed into a certain mold fitted by others. also they like that they’re what some  consider the ‘pure of heart, dumb of ass’ character trope and also they’re a very queer-coded character. ( in my story asterope is canonly bisexual and eventually they identify as gender-fluid but we all know that jkr, the author of the actual harry potter books, would never make these canon things because jkr is a COWARD ) 
  why the fandom hates them: asterope is not the most hated character but they do get a lot of heat for being: emotional, too powerful ( even though harry could wipe the floor with them with magic ), dating too many people before settling down with neville, showing signs of their mental illness,  asterope like cho or lavender, can’t catch a break at times. 
what the cast relationship would be like: she got a long with almost all of them when filming, asterope’s actress counterpart ( who had a fic at one point, it was a social media fic for matthew lewis but that was back in 2017 so a long time ago ) was related to the phelps twins, she was their cousin or something like that, i can’t really remember. her name was marnie phelps and i put a lot of thought into her, it was so bad, i was such a SLUT for matthew lewis back then. after filming she falls out with a few of them because she loses their numbers, she stay in contact with matt and they become roommates ( they’ve got that bad, bad mutual pining friends to lovers going on ) she also stays pretty close to helena who becomes like family to her. she hates jkr especially as jkr’s ignorant and harmful behaviour comes out, she actively speaks out against jkr and stands with those who are effected by jkr’s harmful views. also hangs out with bonnie wright a lot, and sends tik toks about incorrect harry potter quotes to daniel radcliffe. asterope’s actress counterpart, marnie, was very good with people, she was bubbly and kind, and no on really had a problem with her on set.
what was their audition scene: their audition scene would have been a scene taken from the books, it was from the first book, the second interaction asterope has with harry. the scene basically was asterope coming up to the golden trio to ask where neville was, this would be after the flying lessons, they tell them that neville’s in the infirmary and harry hands them neville’s rememberall to give to neville when they go to the infirmary. the scene ended up being cut from the final product of the movie but it is in the special edition version of harry potter.
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with: so once again i must state that i am dumb and don’t really understand what dependent of the fandom means?? I’m not sure if that means what tom felton’s doing by milking up his draco act with the hp fandom or if it means something else??? but i will say that asterope’s actress counterpart is very well-liked in the fandom, she listens to them and indulges in their headcanons and all that jazz, she also stars in other things such as stranger things ( as nancy wheeler ) so she doesn’t really need the hp fandom to survive, she definitely doesn’t beg them for money because they’re mostly teens that can’t afford much, she doesn’t abuse her power in the fandom but she’s involved with it. when the hp cast would go to comic cons she was mostly paired with matt, since their characters end up together, but sometimes she’d be with the twins or daniel. also went with helena to a few, those were probably her favorite.
if they spoil things: surprisingly no, asterope’s actress counterpart wasn’t big on spoiling things, when filming she would sneak little cryptic things into social media to keep the fandom involved in the filming process but nothing that would give anything away or would get her into trouble. 
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large: asterope’s actress counterpart, marnie, is very happy with her character’s ending, she was worried that asterope was going to die with all that she suffered and jkr wasn’t big on letting her characters recover or have a happy ending, but asterope lived and had a recovery and happy ending that wasn’t delved deep into because asterope isn’t the main character but it was enough for marnie to be happy with it. marnie isn’t a big fan of the ending of harry potter, she thought there wasn’t enough insight on how things got from where they left off at the end of the battle to the 19 years later epilogue, she would’ve like a more inside look on the recovery of harry potter and his friends but she liked the whole ‘all was well’ part. harry naming his son after albus and severus not so much. however she was expecting a worse ending when it came to jkr.  
thank you so much for asking @squirrelstone!! this was so much fun to answer!! i hope this was what you meant and i hope you enjoyed the answers!! 
if you like these answers please feel free to ask about it here for any of my ocs! also check out the original ask game and the original poster right here!
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fairyeater · 3 years
fuck, marry, kill: bucky, mickey, or seb
fav color? fav animal? fav actress? describe ur aesthetic. what’s ur height? (that sounds so weird i-) fav character that isn’t played by seb?
also how’s ur dayyyyy
Fuck: Mickey (he's a whore, I'm a whore)
Marry: Bucky (literally who's surprised)
Kill: Seb (he's on thin ice as it is)
My favorite color is black, I'm sorry this isn't a more exciting answer lmao.
My favorite animals are red pandas and bats 🥺
I don't particularly have favorite actors because I more enjoy the characters they portray versus anything, but I do really enjoy Helena Bonham Carter's work.
My aesthetic is slutty final girl in a horror movie that wears YSL perfume but also vintage band tees.
I'm 5'6"
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, some of my favorite fictional characters are Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix Lestrange and Sirius Black.
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anonil88 · 4 years
The Crown s4 e7-8 react
Had to take a break because I can't watch ed triggers while I eat. But we back.
In response to episode 6, I would hypothetically full on throw hands and deck prince Charles hypothetically. Princess Di will forever be a bad bitch, hot girl, etc. with big dih energy.
Margaret had every right to be angry and pissed off that their family just discarded family.
Also medical term doesn't mean politically correct.
Also um the royal bloodline not just English monarchy but most of them have incest. Incest to some kind of degree so of course kids at some point are going to come out with disabilities or genetic issue.
No doubt is Margaret had lived to 2020 would have leaked soooo much.
Not even just out of spite, but of the love she had for her integrity. 2020 is a quite different time than the 80s-90s.
If only she hadn't grown up in a time period where liquor and drugs were the norm at like 13.
The waves on that beach were so beautiful.
Also dear tim burton you really cheated on the Helena Bonham Carter.
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Ep 8
Ayyy the actress from season 1 and 2. I love her.
I love how the writer and director are transitioning and showing all these different works of life.
Damn sis was really the only woman in her class..... also I cannot imagine the responsibility then of being 21 and a literal world leader. I would have thrown up.
This season has evolved the show in a lot of ways, ugh I love this type writer scene. I need to see the storyboards for this.
He really said writer by night, secretary by day. A whole literary superhero.
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Again I could not be a royal because being a neutral moderator for a country, nope.
Racist fucking cunt.
Andrew was the favorite, now though....😬. Bro you fought for like half a week calm down.
Interesting though that she did read through the documents they provided her.
Uggghhhhhh this over head shot. Ughhhhh this wide shot. The cinematography is so yummy.
Me if someone slaps her this episode:
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I said what I said and I would of hated my job as the middle man.
Someone please put their foot up her.....please tell me a majority of the current population in England still hate this woman. (I love Gillian but she is so good in this role I can't help but hate her)
Ayyyyy my people.
Again fuck that woman and I'm glad he got to do a job he loved in the end.
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Reasons to Watch Sweeney Todd!
- (Applied to stage production only bc the movie, no matter how much I love it, butchers this) Johanna is a badass who shoots the owner of an asylum she's being kept in
- In almost every production, movie or stage, the actress playing Mrs. Lovett has such a different portrayal of Lovett?? Like?? She varies from being super lovestruck to more clever to just being super all over the place??
- And speaking of Lovett: her songs are killer. By the sea? Classic. Poor thing? Awesome. Worst pies in London?? Challenging and entertaining beyond belief.
- "Poppin' pussies into pies"
- Toby is adorable and would kill for Lovett
- Just the entire song "Not While I'm Around" is heartbreaking jfc
- The musical is literally based on an old, written sort of "Soap opera" (Penny Dreadful).
- So the actual plot is just. Rediculous. But that's a good thing
- Like?? Who tf just thinks "okay but what if my barber wants to kill me and make me into a pie"
- Oh and Sweeney himself? Hot Topic Emo Murder Barber. No one can convince me otherwise. Fight me.
- His songs, tho? Awesome.
- "Epiphany" gets stuck in your head tho. it's oddly catchy and yet disturbing
- Have I somehow not mentioned "A little priest?"
- Great way to disturb yet intrigue potential friends and/or dates
- The finale of the show is just slaps you in the face tho. Not a bad thing, just a "whoa. Wtf" kind of thing
- Moral of the story: never leave the oven open
Overall, just watch or listen to Sweeney Todd!! It's my (Mod Wrenn) favorite musical and I love it so much! I personally advice watching both the stage version and the 2007 movie by Tim Burton (not just bc I love Helena Bonham Carter in it) because they're both really cool. The movie does skip certain songs and plot points despite being one of my absolute favorite movies. I'll actually probably make a post in the future comparing the two, tbh.
Have a great day, and thanks for reading this post!
-Mod Wrenn
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Harry Potter for the Ask Game 😂
Thanks for playing, let’s see how much I can fill for this one... xD
Top 5 favourite characters: LUNA LOVEGOOD, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Other characters you like: Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Sirius Black
Least favourite characters:the Dursleys, DOBBY, Dumbledore
Otps: Harry/Draco/Luna, Fred/Harry/George, Neville/Ginny, Luna/Ginny, Cedric/Harry, Remus/Sirius
Notps: Harry/Ginny, if we’re gonna stretch to the prequels then definitely Newt/Tina, honestly probably a lot more but I can’t think of any right now
Favourite friendships: Harry & Luna are legit my favorite dynamic, Harry & Hermione and damn I wish I would have gotten to see that Ron & Harry friendship book-readers keep claiming but the movies really didn’t sell it much...?
Favourite family:the Weasleys
Favourite episodes: doesn’t have episodes xD
Favourite season/book/movie: The Order of the Phoenix
Favourite quotes:uuuh I got none
Best musical moment: FINALLY SOMETHING WITH AN ACTUAL MUSICAL. *^* Okay, so, quite clearly one can not pick just one. But maybe Harry Freaking Potter? I just, I love A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel a whole lot *^*
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: mmh, honestly, when rewatching, every time I fangirl the hardest when I first get to see Luna ^-^ (can’t believe she only joins the plot in the FIFTH movie >_
When it really disappointed you:that Luna only joins in the fifth movie like seriously :D”““ also every time I hear how Ron is actually a far more likable character in the books??
Most well done character death:uuuhm yeah no. I got nothing, I don’t find the deaths very... convincing or well done and honestly, most make me actively angry because of the avoidability
Favourite guest star: David Tennant! Does that count as a guest star??
Favourite cast member: Helena Bonham Carter
Character you wish was still alive: SIRIUS BLACK. Seriously, JKR beat Harry down in so many different ways. It... It really wasn’t necessary to give him his godfather and then kill him off. The series would have worked just fine if Harry had gotten to live with Sirius past book/movie five :D”““
One thing you hope really happens: I’d love a TV show remake, to be honest? A season per book, fixing the things that they screwed up, including more character development - seriously, Luna joins in the fifth book, but what’s nearly worse is that Harry’s endgame love interest who was in it since movie 1 has had less interactions with Harry in FIVE movies than Luna did in that one movie, like c’mon. A TV show would give so many opportunity to flesh dynamics and friendships and characters out better
Most shocking twist: uuuuh that they tried to sell Snape off as a good guy?? That was shocking because I still don’t find it very convincing :D”““
When did you start watching/reading?: I started reading the series back when the first book was first released ^^
Best animal/creature: Hedwig
Favourite location: I mean Hogwarts?
Trope you wish they would stop using: beat-down protagonist :D Seriously, the double-dead parents was already a lot, the evil overlord trying to constantly murder him, the abusive aunt and uncle, the bullying cousin, the CONTINUOUS abuse like seriously they could have gotten him out of there after he joined Hogwarts, then the bullying from a teacher like what the fuq and good gods when it finally looks as though he could catch a break... Harry’s new godfather gets killed off... it’s just... so... much
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I mean, there clearly has to be something, otherwise it wouldn’t be so... all-consuming...? But... personally, I genuinely can’t put my finger on it; it never sucked me in the same way it did with others from my generation ^^°
Funniest moments: most things the twins do :D
Couple you would like to see: I was very pleased when the movies changed things to Neville/Luna in the end, but like... I don’t really have any ships I’d WANT to see, aside from “gay it up”, because seriously
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: uuuh I got nothing
Favourite outfit: the outfits are kind of all rather ridiculous? Probably Hermione’s Yule Ball dress??
Favourite item: the map or the cloak
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: no, I don’t
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Ravenclaw
Most boring plotline: THE FUCKING CAMPING TRIP. I swear there was no need to split that final book into two movies you coulda cut two hours of camping trip out of it, that is such a boring-ass drag it was mind-numbing
Most laughably bad moment:I... can’t think of one right now
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: were... were there flashbacks? Beyond the “look at how Harry’s parents got killed” and “look at Snape getting bullied”? Because I don’t think so and I don’t really dig either of these
Most layered character: Hermione?
Most one dimensional character: I mean thanks to the movies not really taking time to flesh most characters out... the majority, really...? Let’s say Vernon, because I think he was just as flat an abusive bully in the books
Scariest moment: okay so for me, as a smol child reading those books, absolutely Chamber of Secrets with the voices in the walls. I had nightmares and was scared of fucking WALLS for MONTHS
Grossest moment: can’t think of one?
Best looking male: Draco?
Best looking female: Luna?
Who you’re crushing on (if any): not really, no
Favourite cast moment: I don’t really care for these things ^^°
Favourite transportation: mmmh the teleportation through fireplaces probably?
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I really don’t know
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:HOW THE EVER LOVING FUCK DOES FANTASTIC BEASTS FIT INTO ALL THIS SHIT. The first one was still fun, but then we get fashionable young Dumbledore to join the plot and suddenly there is ANOTHER Dumbledore who was never mentioned before and got to pose as Creepy Kid From The First One?? And why would kind, sweet Queenie mind-rape Jacob and join the bad guys and also wait did the bad wizards predict WWII was going to happen and like the bad guys yeah? Becaus ehonestly WWII is a solid call-out for humanity and where the ever-loving fuck is all of this going I have a headache, I just wanted to see a sheepish ginger collecting Pokémon magical creatures, not this hot mess
Best promo: I really don’t pay attention to these things
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: never. I mean, I don’t dislike it - I regularly rewatch the movies, am literally right now rewatching them with my adorable Draco-fangirl girlfriend - but I never fell in love with this franchise
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loislame84 · 2 years
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Finally some new pics of Helena to add to the collection!
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qcpmedia · 4 years
“Birds of Prey”: A Crisis of Infinite Harleys
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by Chris Clay
Ok-- let's get this part out of the way first: I love Harley Quinn.
Have done since her debut on Batman The Animated Series. My mother let my dad take me to see Tim Burton’s brilliant 1989 Batman film (I was 5 at the time) because she was under the assumption that Batman was always the high camp she remembered enjoying in the television show from her childhood. Thanks, Adam West! My journey into comics began shortly after learning to read with classical mythology, so I was totally prepared for all manner of tales about monsters, demons, serial killers, human traffickers, etc. Quickly becoming an avid comic reader, 10 year-old me was a DC & Marvel veteran who spent a lot of mental energy filling in the blanks on the softened-for-cartoons versions of Bats, Spidey & the X-Men. 
After years of seeing "versions" of my favorite supers onscreen, I thought this new character, originally the Joker's jester henchwoman, was a breath of fresh air. She seemed like the perfect fit for both the show and the Joker, the first real Manic Pixie Dreamgirl. She was funny but also scary, vulnerable and just overall awesome. Best of all? She didn’t seem nerfed for kids tv. She just seemed oddly... real. And she was contagious. That complex reality bled onto anyone she shared enough screen time with. She helped me to see Poison Ivy as the troubled yet brilliant and sensitive person the show had always hinted she was. Besides Catwoman, no other character tested Batman's rigid sense of right and wrong more beautifully. Even Joker seemed multifaceted when Harley was around. I cheered as loudly as anyone when she ditched that clown, and those Harley/Ivy episodes were some of the best the series had to offer.
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OG Harley & subsequent versions over the years tended to show a woman that was preyed upon by a master manipulator who pushed her to the edge of sanity. To the edge, not over it. She was definitely traumatized, but the original portrayals never presented any extreme mental problems. Sure, she was codependent & had a temper. And shitty taste in men. Those traits in moderation are not craaaazy. That's just being human.
Harley continued to evolve over the years, shaped by many creators and performers across multiple mediums. Her look has changed, her status as villain or antihero has vacillated and her relationships have been presented more and more as on her terms rather than something foisted upon her by chance.
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The characterization problems started in comics, but David Ayers' disappointing 2016 Suicide Squad film brought this lesser Harl to the masses, along with a version of her *ahem* more revealing New52 costume, seemingly metahuman durability & chalk white skin. I always loved the idea that Harleen had the ability to take her jester clothing & clown makeup off, sit around with an equally dressed-down Ivy and talk about who they really were, what made them tick. This new Harley (like her modern comics counterpart) was always "on", displaying very little of the soulful, mature character many of us comics & animation fans know and love. Despite that, she was definitely the highlight of the film, and there were flashes of brilliance that made me believe Margot Robbie could get to the fundamental truths of the character if given another chance. 
And that brings us rather neatly to Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).
Harley Quinn, last seen in the aforementioned Suicide Squad, has just been dumped by the Joker & is forced to make her own way in Gotham City’s underworld. In short order, she meets Dinah Lance, Renee Montoya, Helena Bertinelli & Cassandra Cain. All of these ladies have, for various reasons, fallen onto the radar of neat-freak gangster Roman Sionis, played with scenery-scarfing delight by Ewan MacGregor. Forced to band together to survive, they eventually learn that despite their considerable individual talents, they're more formidable as a team.
For some reason I still can’t quite articulate, I remember being slightly underwhelmed when the cast was announced. I liked all of the actors... hell, each of them has had at least one role I absolutely loved them in-- but I still felt they were odd choices for their respective roles in this movie (more on that later). The trailer was where I got genuinely worried that Warner might be climbing back into the hole so many creators toiled to pull the DC film properties out of. 
However, as I said in the beginning, I love Harley Quinn. I was definitely going to see this movie. In Margot Robbie, I felt Harley had a champion on par with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool or Hugh Jackman as Wolverine; an actor who would work tirelessly to get their character right, on the page & onscreen, however many tries it took. Plus she was saying some interesting things about what she thought the the film & the character should represent during the rollout (and I know the movie isn't the trailer), so I was at "cautious optimism" by the time I sat down to watch the film.
I was totally wrong about one thing: the cast is the best thing about the movie, and that’s not some backhanded compliment. K.K. Barrett's production design is great, colorful while not feeling cheap or phony, and Cathy Yan has a great eye for fun directing choices that keep things zipping along... but the cast is the real MVP. They’re actually great.
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Jurnee Smollet-Bell is understated & surprisingly physical as tough-as-nails chanteuse Dinah Lance, a classic “woman trying to keep her head down in a bum situation”. She gave modern comic book moll vibes & I Stan. Rosie Perez's Renee Montoya brought a dose of realism to the candy-coated insanity swirling all around her while also giving Harley an entertaining foil for the first 2 acts. She has probably my favorite fight scene in the entire movie.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead, the person I went into the movie thinking was the most grossly miscast, is hands down my favorite character in the film. She's equal parts ruthless & socially awkward, a take on Huntress that is somehow both anachronistic & perfectly in step with her comic counterpart. Even newcomer Ella Jay Basco brings a unique charm to what could have easily been an irksome reimagining of fan favorite Cass Cain as a sassy teenage pickpocket. MacGregor’s turn as Sionis is less a character than he is a symbol, acting as a stand-in for various brands of broken maleness, but the guy’s clearly having a blast and he has decent enough chemistry with the leads. Chris Messina as Victor Vsasz is an absolute snoozefest, a waste of both character and actor that I’ll give no more space or attention.
Now for the elephant in the room: Margot Robbie's Harley is my least favorite thing about the whole movie.
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"But Chris..", I hear you yelling at your computational device, "...you said she was the lone bright spot of SS!"
True, but in a film with clever, unmuddied direction & other actors that actually display some semblance of emotion or charisma for more than one scene a piece, the bar has been raised this go round & Robbie's frantic mugging limbos under said bar by a mile. What’s worse is that she actively takes screen time that could be better spent fleshing out one of the other four characters. Only Huntress (who has probably the least screen time of any of the leads) actually has a backstory, but her origin is a large part of the plot. One could be forgiven for thinking the she wouldn’t have had one at all otherwise. We don’t really know anything about Cassandra Cain, Montoya is literally just Stock Cop, and you could make a whole movie out of how the hell Dinah ended up singing at Sionis’ club. And where the hell is the Joker?! Why is he letting Harley destabilize Gotham’s balance of power or letting Sionis threaten his ex-puddin’ while also claiming to be the the underworld’s top dog? Instead of answering these questions, we get a bunch of throwaway characters attacking the newly-emancipated Quinn and Suicide Squad flashbacks that look even uglier than before when placed side by side with the production design of this film. The fact that most of these characters are so thinly characterized yet still connect is a testament to the performances and chemistry of the central cast.
You get the feeling that a lot of this movie was Robbie as producer, exerting her ideas & energy onto a massive production that needed a lot of moving parts to line up in order to work. It's not easy to have everything riding on you, whether it’s the future of the DCEU, progressive representation of women in film or just your own movie stardom. I understand that and I sympathize. This frantic, flailing movie is the product of some 3 years of rewrites and pitching, shooting on and off for 9 months, plus all the promo stuff. Every interview that I've seen the cast do has basically been Robbie explaining things ad nauseam while Jurnee Smollet-Bell or Mary Elizabeth Winstead kind of quietly nod in agreement, with the exception of the recent season premiere of Hot Ones, where capsaicin finally allowed someone else get a word in edgewise. The real problem with that comes when you see the movie and realize she’s contextualizing so much of the film on other media outlets because the film itself doesn’t really seem to have the time or interest, leaving it’s star to try and explain what we actually see onscreen on the press tour. This leads to a situation akin to Final Fantasy XV, where the player needed heaps of supplemental content to understand what could and should have been included in the story proper. She just seems overworked, similar to when Ben Affleck wanted to perform the Herculean task of writing, directing & starring in the next solo Batman film. Maybe Margot & Harley both need a little break?
The internet is scrambling to diagnose why a well-reviewed movie starring a beloved character played by a popular actress is underperforming at the box office, citing everything from the trailer to the rating to the movie’s title, with many (including BoP creator Gerry Conway) blaming the lackluster box office on sexism, but I think there might be a simpler answer: this version is trying to pull from the entire history of Harley to create a singular characterization from sometimes disparate portrayals. It doesn’t help that Robbie’s Quinn exists in a universe that’s constantly shifting under her feet after every film.
Most comic characters are criticized for being inaccurate to the source material but Harley has arguably the opposite problem; almost a Crisis of Infinite Harleys, where Robbie and Warner Bros. want to stuff the best elements from every version of Harley into every movie she’s in. It’s supposed to be fan service but instead, often feels scattered and tiring. Not to mention the stuff these films just pluck straight out of thin air that don’t work...
The DC Universe version of the character chose to leave the Joker on her own terms and I thought that was a brilliant and socially relevant writing choice, so it was strange to then see the more mainstream (and arguably more popular) version of Harley be dragged out of Joker’s hideout, kicking and screaming. In a film who’s title was purposely made ridiculously long to accentuate the character’s supposed newfound self-sufficiency, For all of the things that do work well, Birds of Prey just doesn’t feel like what’s explicitly promised on the tin.
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I still love Harley Quinn, and I still think Margot Robbie’s the right person for the job. No need to Pattinson her or anything... just put less on her plate and give the character and the movies she’s in a clear, singular direction. Pretty please, puddin’?
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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), directed by Cathy Yan, follows Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) as she attempts to rebuild her life and breaking up with The Joker. Amidst that rebuilding, she ends up on the wrong side of Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor) while crossing paths with Dinah Lance (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), Helena Bertinelli (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco), and Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez).
Leading up to the release of Birds of Prey, I was simultaneously excited for and nervous about this film. I love most of the characters featured in this film from their comic and animated appearances and recently, I’ve started to read Gail Simone’s Birds of Prey run in the comics (thank you DC Universe). However, I really didn’t like any of the trailers leading up to the film. They felt incohesive and lacked any definitive substance as to what the film was going to be. Well, there’s a reason for that. The film isn’t very cohesive and doesn’t have much substance. In spite of this though, I ended up enjoying the film quite a lot because the characters are great, there’s some great action, and it’s funny throughout.
So, to start off with the performances, this is where the film really shines. Everyone is great and really embodies the character that they play. There’s not a single bad performance in the film, but there are a few that stand out among the rest. Of course, Margot Robbie is fantastic as Harley Quinn. She’s already shown that she is so it’s no surprise that she is yet again. Jurnee Smollett-Bell is fantastic as Black Canary and really makes this version of the character her own.
My personal favorites though were Helena, aka Huntress, and Roman, aka Black Mask. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is great in pretty much everything and she kills it here. Literally. She’s intense, but brings a great sense of humor and humanity to a character that could seem a bit robotic at times. She plays the socially awkward card really well and in a way that never feels out of place. As for Ewan McGregor as Black Mask, he chews the scenery in every scene. If he’s in the scene, he absolutely owns the screen. Honestly, it’s one of the best villain performances in a DC film since Heath Ledger.
Because each performance is great, this plays into the action and humor of the film as well. Cathy Yan does a solid job of directing and brings out action and humor that fit well with each character. Harley’s is wacky and off-the-wall. Black Canary and Huntress are intense when it comes to action, but have very different styles of humor. Yan understands this and allows her actresses to play off each other very well.
The problem with this film lies in the script and editing. It’s a mess. A good portion of the film is told in a non-linear fashion, which makes sense given that this is truly a Harley Quinn film. She’s the narrator and everything. But there’s a point where the non-linear elements become distracting, causing the flow of the film to be disrupted. I get why it was done this way as 4 new characters needed to be introduced as well as a new status quo for Harley, but it pulled me out of the film after a while. There are some editing issues as well with how stories abruptly shift or there’s a flashback to a scene that happened five minutes prior, but these are relatively minor. 
It also takes what feels like forever for the Birds to actually get together. Once it happens, it’s awesome, but for most of the film, they’re almost completely separate from each other.
This film would also be a good look into what it means to truly adapt something as well. This is an original story, so that’s not included, but each character is adapted and changed in some way. Harley is a nearly 1:1 comparison to her comic book counterpart, but Huntress, Canary, and Montoya? All different in some way while keeping the heart of the character intact. Then there’s Cassandra Cain. This is so minor, but as a Cassandra Cain comics fan, I really don’t like how they adapted her here. The character is fun and charming and Ella Jay Basco plays her very well, but the character isn’t Cassandra. Like, at all. If they made her a new character or just used Harper Row, this really wouldn’t be that big of an issue, but making the character Cassandra Cain? Not the best creative choice. For those who don’t know, comics Cassandra is the daughter of two of the deadliest assassins in the world and she has been trained her entire life to be an assassin as well, brainwashed to kill and not even taught how to speak. She eventually finds a family with Batman though. But hey, this leads to a bigger conversation about what it means to adapt something.
Overall though, Birds of Prey is a messy, but very enjoyable film that features some great new additions to the comic book film catalogue.
Thanks for reading!
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1, 2, 3 and 5 for the female characters top fives?
Thank you!! Okay, listed in no particular order and with short rant included because I couldn’t help myself. So this is long, prepare yourself!
1 - Protagonists
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean) - 
I love her so much. She’s so stubborn and won’t put up with anyone’s shit and is ruthless and is more of a pirate than Jack Sparrow. I love that she longed for the sea and learned about pirates in secret as a kid and then got her own ship and crew and became Pirate King!! And that her story was always about freedom and she got it in the end. I love that Elizabeth doesn’t wait around for Will to save her, but goes out and saves herself and makes her own destiny.
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) - 
Tohru’s proof that kind/compassionate characters are not boring or less complex. Tohru feels so real; the way she ignores her trauma and grief and hides her issues to try to always appear perfectly selfless and happy is so human and relatable and her journey is really, really interesting. She’s so kind but still has so much room to grow and I honestly see a lot of myself in her.
Emori (The 100) - 
I mean most of you already know how much I love Emori, but I LOVE EMORI. She’s such a fun, interesting, unique character with a really interesting backstory and unique challenges to face. I love how smart and manipulative and conniving she is. I love how she doesn’t know how to trust people and has to slowly learn how to be part of a group. I love how insanely loyal she is once she’s found that group. I love that being one part of a romance story didn’t fix all her issues, but finding community and acceptance helped her grow even further. I love that she still loves herself despite what society says about her. I love her look even if the shape and size of her tattoo keeps magically changing.
Annie Edison (Community) -
I love how Annie is ruthless, and I love how that contrasts with the sweet/innocent/naive stereotype she appears to be at first. The more you see of her the more you realize that Annie Edison will steamroller over literally anyone in her path to get what she wants, Jeff included. The hints we get about her backstory and family life are also really intersting, even if the show never really goes into it - probably because it wouldn’t really stay comedic. 
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone: Balance) - 
It is my mission to get more people to give TAZ a try. It has so many great characters and Lucretia is one of the best. She’s so complicated. Your outlook on her constantly changes. She goes from being a mentor archetype to possibly the antagonist to a tragic hero. She did something terrible to the main characters for good reason and you see the awful affects of it but it’s also made clear why she did it and just how awful she feels about it. She’s such a tragic character and every time I relisten my heart breaks for her more and I just love her. 
Also she has some amazing lines like “Hot diggity dog, that is a baller cookie” so how could you not love her.
2 - Villains
A.L.I.E. (The 100) - 
She’s probably my favorite villain ever. Every season I want them to bring her back. I’m still bummed s5 didn’t take the PERFECT opportunity they were given. She would be my one weakness to start watching the show again.
Azula (ATLA) - 
Azula’s far more threatening than Ozai ever is, and she’s so flawed in such interesting ways. One of my favorite moments of her is the scene where she says, “Are the tides the captain of this ship?” because at first it seems like such a badass, in-control moment, but it honestly reveals just how much Azula’s pride and arrogance hinder her. That’s such a foolish, reckless thing to think, that what you want is above the forces of nature, but Azula is foolish, prideful, and arrogant, even if she is incredibly talented and smart. I think it’s also really interesting how they parallel her decline with Zuko overcoming his trauma, because for most of the series it seemed that Azula only benefited from their upbringing, and then you realize she’s just as messed up from it, just in different ways.
Bellatrix LeStrange (Harry Potter) -
I don’t have a rant for her, she’s really not that complex, she’s just such a fun, terrifying villain and Helena Bohamn Carter plays her to perfection.
Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter) -
I mean I don’t like her at ALL but we all collectively DESPISED her and that’s just proof of what a great villain she is. When she showed up again in Deathly Hollows I remember just feeling rage as I read it. I was like, her??? AGAIN???
Last one below the cut because major spoilers for Fruits Basket!!!
3 - Superheroes
Nebula (MCU) -
I really love her journey in the MCU from villain to hero. The best parts of Endgame were getting to see her find a group of her own that supported her and learn to have fun and smile.
Natasha Romanoff (MCU) - 
I don’t always love how the MCU handled her, but I do like the character the MCU ultimately created, if that makes sense. She’s snarky and kind of dorky and it’s such a contrast from the shallow femme fatale cliche she started as and is usually portrayed as. I love that we get to see some of her weaknesses and fears over the series. I think they screwed up with her narrative a LOT, but I still enjoy the character they ultimately created.
Pepper Potts (MCU) -
Badass business lady turned occasional badass superhero when her husband’s in trouble. I really love her visceral fear of the superhero business and her hatred of it for most of the movies. It makes sense and makes her human that she doesn’t just go along with it. 
Raven (Teen Titans) -
Raven was one of my favorite characters as a kid. Apparently I like characters who are isolated but crave community and slowly learn to love others and let that love and acceptance in, because that’s part of what I love about her. 
Carol Danvers (616) -
I don’t like Carol in the MCU because of writing/directing reasons, but I love Carol in the comics. I love her “fuck you” attitude that is so at odds with most superheroes and her stubborness and her tendency to punch first, talk later, even when it gets her into trouble. I love that she named her cat after Star Wars and makes really corny jokes.
5 - Queens/Empresses/Royalty
Apparently I don’t watch a lot of shows with queens/royalty, so I’m going to do a grab bag of five other great female characters that come to mind.
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) -
KH isn’t great at handling it’s female characters, but she’s the one exception. She’s a keyblade master who tried to keep her friends safe and stop the main villain, and she failed! She sacrificed herself trying to save one of her friends, letting herself get trapped in the Realm of Darkness, and the tragic part is that she didn’t even save him. So then she wanders the RoD for 10+ years, alone, being haunted by her fears and doubts and regrets, slowly losing herself. She eventually gets saved and gets a happy ending, but the part of the series exploring her endless wandering is so interesting. She’s a protagonist of a series aimed for kids, but she fails, and she has flaws and doubts and she has parts of herself she doesn’t want to face, and she’s just cool.
Echo (The 100) -
Because I didn’t list her in protagonists. I really fell in love with Echo in s4 when we saw her internal struggle between what was right/just and what was required to protect her clan. She was a great antagonist because we still saw so much of her humanity and now she’s a great protagonist with flaws and desires and self-doubt. And she’s a badass.
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) -
Another really interesting, flawed, complex lady. Riza is a soldier who fought in war and her actions during it still haunt her and drive her to push for a better world and country, even if she fully expects and accepts that a better world will punish her for her actions. She’s so interesting.
Judy & Jen (Dead to Me) - 
They’re by no means favorite characters of all time, but I do really love both of these characters. They’re just well written and interesting and the conflict between them is really interesting and I just want to include them for being cool female characters.
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road) - 
What an awesome character. Her design is cool. Her actress is amazing. Her risking her life to get the wives to safety is fantastic. The way the movie slowly humanizes her more and chips away at her harsh exterior to show the emotions underneath is so good. She’s got a disability and fights around it. She’s great.
Villains (Cont.) below the cut ; spoilers for Fruits Basket
Akito (Fruits Basket) -
I put this under the cut because people are just starting to get into Fruits Basket for the first time and the fact that Akito is even a woman is a major spoiler, because she was raised as male her entire life because she was head of the family. Akito is so unlikeable at first and so awful and manipulative. She takes joy in hurting other people. She has a hand in most of the other characters’ trauma. And then you start learning more and more about her and realize she’s a traumatized, lonely, hurt person and is lashing out. It doesn’t forgive what she’s done, but it humanizes her. She’s a great parallel of Tohru in that they went through very similar trauma and experiences but Tohru had a loving mother who taught her the importance of love and kindness and Akito’s mother was awful and abusive and she learned that the only thing that mattered was power and control. She’s a really interesting character and I honestly still don’t know to feel about her most of the time.
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milk-karton-kids · 5 years
The Society Thoughts
So I figured I would make my own post about this with some topics I’m interested in (SPOILERS):
The plot was basic. Yes. We’ve heard/seen it before. It’s cliche. It’s classic. But those kinds of narratives are tried and true. I’m not saying they shouldn’t have experimented more, but yeah.
Should they have had more POC characters? Yes. But let me tell you when I was in high school in Connecticut my class had 1 black girl. It was literally only her the rest of us were white. Literally. However there were only 130 of us, and I’ve read that there’s 200 of them? But like my school had racist and homophobic af kids. It was an Ag school, so different than a normal public school, but seeing the sheer amount of more POC since moving down to North Carolina is shocking. Where the story takes place is literally like one of if not the richest and whitest part of Connecticut.
That being said while we had no black kids we had a lot of kids with colorful hair and “emos” and such and there wasn’t that either? But once again, they really are from the rich white kid section of Connecticut.
Campbell’s character sucks and they should have never made him. He’s a really fucking harmful stereotype so fuck that. There’s no such thing as a “psychopath”. He has antisocial personality disorder which is extremely rare. They’ve taken someone with a mental illness and turned him into the bad guy. Fuck that, and to everyone saying “I hope he dies” remember that there are real people out there who suffer from this mental illness and are being depicted horribly in this show.
Ellie is in an abusive relationship. She can’t “just leave” just like people irl can’t “just leave”.
Yes Allie should have let Campbell go and she was right to. She was right to not hold him just because he was “a danger”. Plenty of people there are “dangers” clearly. She would have to lock up the whole town.
Luke was shitty at the end. He should have told Helena. When she finds out he lied to her, and you know she will, she’s going to be pissed. I don’t think he loves her anymore. He said he wanted to know what it was like to be his own person and then he just fell under the pressure of his friends.
I like Clarke’s character, but he’s another really bad sterotype of “dumb jock” which is sad.
Lexie is a good character. I hated the actress’s character on Under the Dome and I hate her character here. She’s really good at playing a specific kind of character. Both characters in these two respective shows are really similar.
Grizz was never really a “jock”, but his friends never made too much fun of him for being super smart it seemed. Maybe they just didn’t care what he had to say. It didn’t come as a surprise they basically kicked him out. He never really fit in to begin with.
Of course Grizz is my favorite character and I knew he was gay as soon as he talked to Sam at the prom.
I like how close Grizz has gotten to Allie in a platonic way. That scene where he put his head on her shoulder? It was cute. I love all of the platonic relationships that have formed with everyone. People who would have never seen each other’s rooms go in and look around as their classmates’ rooms and they start to get to know them more. That’s sweet.
Allie has a Less Than Jake poster. 10/10.
I don’t like Will but I’m glad he got with Allie cause I guess my bi ass shipped them. I feel bad for Will and I understand how he came to be the way he is and I respect that but I wouldn’t want to be his friend.
I agree Will toyed with Allie and Kelly and neither of them deserved that.
Kelly deserves so much love and respect.
Sam should have stood up for himself when he realized that all of a sudden there were actual consequences that affected him and Grizz when he still agreed to be the father of Becca’s baby.
Everyone knew he wasn’t the father idk what the point of pretending was but
Grizz deserves Sam but Sam doesn’t deserve Grizz right now.
Harry’s allowed to be depressed, it can happen to anyone. He’s a shitty character and he has shitty actions that I don’t condone but you can’t say he’s “not allowed” to be mentally ill.
I do feel bad for Becca and I do hope she’s happy and well cared for.
The show jumped time a lot which was kind of annoying but
The scene where the girl comes into Grizz’s tent was just weird and gross and I don’t think I would have let her stay in my tent what she did was really fucked up and creepy.
Grizz deserves better
Will and the guard were like “you can’t hold him prisoner we don’t have enough people to watch him” like dude you only need 1 person at a time to watch him and then they were like “you either have to let him go or kill him” like nO cut off his finger or something like that’s punishment. Cut off his whole hand if you need. Like those were not the only two options. They really weren’t.
I feel like they could have made a better cover story than “we arrested El for no reason” but sure
Anyway I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
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1,2,4,11,24,26,28,30,37,44,47,48,50,53,55 and 59
Damn you and your hundreds of numbers at a time 🙄😂
1. selfie
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Note my dope ass Ted Bundy shirt 😂👌🏼
2. what would you name your future kids?
If I ever even have kids. Lmao. But one of my favorite names for a girl is Aubrey, so I'd probably name my daughter Aubrey Rae. If I have a son, he'd be whatever the fuck the father wants. 😂
4. what are you looking forward to?
My imminent death. Lmfao kidding. Honestly, I don't even have anything to look forward to right now.
11. are you listening to music right now?
No I am not. I'm currently watching the Patriots game. 😂👌🏼
24. height
5 feet 6 inches.
26. idol(s)
Shit bruh, I have too many to list. But I'll stick with the ones that have impacted me the most.
Literally all of Avenged Sevenfold, past and present, aaaand Chester Bennington. 💕
28. i'll love you if...
You eat this juicy bussy, binch. 😘💦
30. favourite tv show(s)
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Stranger Things, and Ghost Adventures. If there are more, I can't think of them. 😂
37. favourite actor/actress
Uhm, well, I have multiple favorites, so... Here we go
Actors: Bill Skarsgård, Dacre Montgomery, Tom Hardy, Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth (so pretty much every fucking Avengers actors lmfao)
Actresses: Keira Knightley, Helena Bonham Carter, Uma Thurman, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Anna Faris, Margot Robbie, Brittany Murphy (there's deff more but again, I can't think. Lmao.)
44. age you get mistaken for
Fucking 16/17 and its SO GOD DAMNED ANNOYING.
47. turn ons
Fuck. I have a lot. I'm just gonna go with my main one
Dacre Montgomery. K bye.
48. turn offs
Arrogance, really bad personal hygiene, tiny ass dicks. Lmfao.
50. favourite picture of your idol
I have too many, but this is at the way top of the list 😭💕💕💕
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53. 5 things that make me happy
1) My nephews
2) Dacre Montgomery
3) Bill Skarsgård
4) Puppers and doggos
5) My Tumblr friends 💕💕
55. tumblr friends
Literally every single one of my mutuals, I consider my friend. Even if we don't talk on a daily basis. Or at all. Lmao. 💕
59. why i joined tumblr
For the smutty fanfiction, duuhhh. 😂 But yeah, the only reason I made this blog was because I was thirsty as fuck for Pennywise when the IT trailers first popped up. Lmfao. 🙄😂
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