mactiir · 7 months
in HEMA (aka historical european fencing), much of the sport is done with fencing masks on, so identifying your clubmates during sparring or tourneys is just based on gear. you know, what color their jacket and pants are, what patches they have on it, how is their mask painted. If someone borrows someone else's jacket it's legitimately jarring, like having someone with an entirely different body type and way of moving stealing your friend's face.
Once i read about historical fishermen in the north sea and how they each had a specific hat pattern that their buddies would use to identity them while they were bundled up. It was so much part of their identity that they were often buried wearing those hats. The gear is like your name, a visual identifier of YOU when you do not have a face.
anyway, back when I was buying gear i got my pants in ELECTRIC blue. I figured i was gonna get a black or grey jacket. but HEMA gear is kind of expensive because it's all custom- or handmade, so instead of spending $400 on a new jacket I picked up one secondhand for like 20. Except the only jacket that fit me was bright, SCARLET red. And I already had my expensive, new, custom, BLUE pants. I look like a damn rocket pop or like, a mixed Icee. I was like, shit! I should switch my jacket before i become the rocket pop guy!!!
Long story short, not only am I now the rocket pop guy, the color scheme has bled into my entire wardrobe. Every-fucking-thing I own is red and blue. I look like a french revolutionary. I look like a founding father in a school play. I have become a northern fisherman in my stripey hat. Now, even if I DO get a new jacket, I feel like I GOTTA buy it in red, yk? Otherwise they won't recognize me. Maybe I won't recognize me. I'm the rocket pop guy!!!
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uncarving-the-block · 6 months
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New hema jacket patches what up
Edit: I added photos of the other side (plus me wearing it) as a rb, fyi to y’all
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crabeetle · 1 year
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maddoxfanx · 6 months
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Measured response to Shad
I have no idea how anyone can talk this much shit about actual artists while using stolen assets to make stuff that still looks bad.
Also, he should stop making 3 hour long videos of him getting mad at children's cartoons.
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dogesterone · 10 months
Thoughts on zweihanders?
Zweihänders are SUPER fucking cool! If I had a spare $900 I would totally get one.
A lot of video games and other media actually get them wrong, though. Slamming a sword that big into the ground is gonna really damage the sword, but abruptly stopping something with that much momentum can severely damage your joints and muscles if you aren't careful. You want the sword to only come to a stop when it's either hitting something you want to hit or when stopping its movement won't injure you. The trick, then, is to let the momentum of the sword carry it into this very beautiful flowing cutting pattern where the sword and its wielder are working together.
So, in practice, zweihänder/doppelhänder/montante/spadone looked less like this:
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And more like this:
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Some fun zweihänder facts:
"Zweihänder" is specifically a German name for this kind of sword. "Montante" was the word for more or less the same kind of sword in Spain, and in Italy they were called "Spadone."
There are some particularly massive swords of this style called "Paradeschwert" that were purely ceremonial. I saw a few at the Chicago Art Institute last time I went that were absolutely enormous.
It wasn't too uncommon for these swords to have wavy "flamberge" blades.
The prongs on the blade are called "parrying hooks."
The Landsknecht mercenaries famously used zweihänders to push past enemy pikes and break front lines.
Aside from Landsknecht, they were also used by bodyguards.
Flamberge zweihänders are still used today by the Papal Swiss Guard for ceremonial purposes.
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petraforgedyke · 6 months
always grateful when somebody clarifies that they’re talking about historical european martial arts when they mention HEMA because it always takes me longer than i care to admit they’re not talking about this
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runeswordproductions · 2 months
I think there’s a pretty good argument to be made that Gideon Nav’s weapon of choice isn’t a longsword, but something bigger, more comparable to a zweihander or a montante.
Like yes, of course Gideon uses a longsword because we as a fandom have a special place in our hearts for longsword and there’s probably Word of God from Tamsyn about it, but if we look at the text *archaeologically* how is this weapon actually described? Getting this out of the way: it’s called a two-hander (literally English for zweihander)  as often as a longsword but I don’t think that says much on its own. Neither are technical terms (“longsword,” historically, has been used to describe many weapons including, ironically, rapiers) and “two-hander” is pretty descriptive of what we think of as a longsword. Another potential fallacy that won’t help us is how everyone seems to regard Gideon’s “longsword” as a brute’s weapon with little finesse behind it. This isn’t true of longsword, but it *does* ring true for a take from snotty rapier people, and this series has an astonishing number of those in it.
Rather, I think the best argument is found in how we’re told these weapons are used. We never get to see Cohort swordsmen in action but they sound more like zweihander-wielding doppelsoldners than fighters practicing blossfechten or harnischfecten. Front line shock troops widely regarded as insane (at least by normal, non-House people), the Cohort's swordfighters seem to trained to take on large numbers of enemies at once and—critically—they don’t seem to fight *other people with swords.* Blood of Eden doesn’t use swords and there are no references to other anti-House resistance movements using them. So what makes the most sense here? Longsword, a surprisingly technical weapon most often used to fight other people with longswords? Or the whirling battle dance of the montante, designed to shock and terrify and cleave through whole units at once? I know which of these fighting styles I’d want to use against a giant bone construct.
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ovoid-ovvie · 3 months
A couple weeks ago my HEMA instructor referred to inviting someone to attack you as a "pickup line" and the first thing that came to my mind was
"Hey baby," *performs a mediaeval longsword technique, killing you instantly*
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kultofathena · 10 months
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mockingnerd · 11 months
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Another one for the HEMA folks, or SCA or LARP or other collections of capital letters! It is available here if you are inclined to wear clothes or stick things on other things
If my clubmates would stop saying banger things like this I would be able to stop drawing piles of weapons and twisty banners. But for now it's a pretty fun challenge for my art so I'll allow it
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crazypercheron · 5 months
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ilysetration · 6 months
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secret's out
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crabeetle · 1 year
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tentacion3099 · 1 month
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dogesterone · 1 year
Historical fencing treatise diagrams that look like they're from some kind of wizard manual out of context
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The Flower of Battle, Fiore dei Liberi
Trattato di Scientia d'Arme, con vn Dialogo di Filosofia, Camillo Agrippa
Academie de l'Espée, Gérard Thibault d'Anvers
Academie de l'Espée, Gérard Thibault d'Anvers
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uncarving-the-block · 7 months
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