#hence why i haven't done anything in so long
ferberus-skull · 1 year
urgh. I really should try to make another skin at some point.
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
It's definitely a refusal to engage with or truly understand politics. I'm 24, I was in middle school during Obama's second term and 17 in 2016, and I feel like a lot of my peers just continue to be appalled at how bad things have gotten with the Republicans and why Democrats can't do anything to stop it. What's missing from their understanding is how long it took for the Republicans to get here. It didn't start in 2016. They worked for decades to do all the nightmarish shit they're doing now, and Democrats just haven't been able to do the same (because people refuse to vote consistently and give them the power to do those things). I feel like that's where the "both sides are the same" bullshit comes from - the idea that if the Dems wanted to stop the GOP, they would. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how anything works, and often relies on downplaying how bad the Republicans actually are in order to support their 'Dems are just as bad' stance.
Things did get catastrophically worse when Trump was elected, and he broke things way more than they ever had been, but he doesn't exist in a vacuum and it took the Republicans a lot of fucking work for him to do what he did. The only way the Dems can counteract that is by having a party of people willing to put in a similar level of work, and that requires understanding our structures and how things work (executive orders are only temporary fixes and actual legislation takes time, compromise, and work), and a lot of these people just aren't willing to do it.
The thing is, yes, I absolutely do get the feeling that everything is terrible and we are doomed. I went through it when GWB was re-elected in 2004 and then again in 2008, worrying about whether Obama would get elected and end that particular run of Republican-induced misery (when John McCain looks like a fucking saint compared to the GOP candidates we are being offered now), and obviously plumbed the depths of despair in 2016 with Trump. But I don't remember ever thinking that I should just give up trying, stop voting, or any of that, and I don't think it was because I was some kind of special person who was just so tenacious. I obviously have not been a teenager in the present era and yes, that means I have different views on things from the next generation, but also: this has always happened. Moments of total political despair and feeling that everything is fucked are also not a new thing. We are going through it with Trumpism, the previous generation went through it with Reagan/Thatcher, the previous previous generation went through it with Nixon/Vietnam, the previous etc generation went through it with the Cold War, the previous etc. etc. generation went through it with World War II -- and so forth. There has never been any one point when everything was great and there was no work left to be done, because, y'know. That is not how either history or human nature works.
Hence, that is why I'm trying to figure out what in the fuck is going on right now, and whether it's just social media that have made things so bad (entirely possible). Critical thinking is a shambles, yes, but that's not necessarily something young people have chosen for themselves. The current world is a late-stage capitalist dystopia run by four or five trillionaire oligarch cartels and corporations, and obviously public education, basic civic responsibility, the teaching of any "controversial" history, and everything else that might threaten that setup has been systematically and methodically dismantled, politicized, or so infiltrated with false information that it's basically useless. That in itself is not young people's fault. They have genuinely been dealt a terrible hand in many ways, and I don't blame them for being angry about it. I too am angry about it! I do question, however, when the overwhelming sentiment became "well we should just give up and let the bad guys win, either because it's too much work to change it or because that will spark the Great Revolution and that's the only way to fix things ever, and doing anything else at all in the meantime is wrong."
Once again: I do not blame young people for being angry at the shitty situation they are currently facing. I do not blame young people for being disillusioned with the system and thinking that it can't solve everything at once. But yet again: there has never been any government, country, or organization in the history of ever anything everywhere that was able to do that, and the ones that tried, or insisted that they could do it, were infamously murderous bloodbaths, because breaking society (even with all its flaws) into a thousand pieces and thinking this will make My Preferred Ideological Utopia Now Appear is probably the deadliest belief in all of time and space. The world is flawed and has been for all time because humans are flawed and probably will be for all time. Being a grownup requires coming to an understanding of that fact and seeing what you can do in spite of that. People in every era have had gaps and biases and blind spots and other things that hobbled their understanding or made their efforts for change less perfect or complete than they would have wanted in an ideal world, and they have had to move past those anyway. The current generation is no different. Not to sound like a boomer, but even despite the mess they've been faced with, they need to figure out how to engage with it anyway and not just completely absolve responsibility because they can't fix it all at once. Which I don't think most young people do! There are plenty of them who really do get it and are engaged and idealistic and working for good change, and that's great! It's just the other part that worries me, and which is not as small as we would like to think.
And yes, part of this is just flat-out bad information and the stubborn lack of any desire to change it if it conflicts with pre-existing beliefs. (This is by no means exclusive to young people of this current generation, as it's another bad habit of humanity, but yes.) In the aforementioned "you're driving young leftists away :(" ask I got yesterday, there were also plenty of dubious and just-flat-wrong claims, such as that Democrats keep moving to the right "especially economically." That is just not true. In the last four years, the Democrats have moved the most economically leftward in all of American history and have finally and flatly rejected the Great Reagonomics Myth. Just because Clinton did Reagonomics-lite in the '90s (when most of the current generation of Online Leftists weren't even born), that is thirty years ago and in wildly different circumstances. These things are not difficult to look up. Do it. Try to educate yourself, even if the system doesn't want to do it. You can't just throw up your hands and insist that nobody taught you, so how could you know??? Put that "instant access to all of human history and knowledge" to use, even just a little. It'll be good for you!
Likewise, there was also the anon's befuddling insistence that I was "patronizing" or "shaming" anyone "further left than Biden," which reflects their apparent feeling that telling people to vote for Biden is a "personal attack" on their cherished beliefs, or whatever. I'm unsure how many times we have to keep repeating that voting for a candidate does not mean you are canonizing all their beliefs exactly as your own, and that it's just one tool to do the bare minimum to not live in a fucking fascist theocratic dictatorship, but yeah. I can guarantee you that I personally am well left of Biden. I can guarantee you that most people on Tumblr voting for Biden are probably well left of him as well. That does not negate the fact that Biden is the most progressive president America has ever had, regardless of how much Online Leftists shriek otherwise. It also does not negate the fact that this is by no means true of America as a whole (witness the large faction that still thinks Biden is a godless far-left evil socialist). It does not negate the many complex historical, political, social, cultural, religious, racial, etc reasons that have collided to produce the America where this is the case. Therefore, if I do not want to live in a society ruled by Trump and his orange Nazi minions, which is the case due to how badly the last 10 years have been fucked up, I will use the tool of voting for Biden! He can be successfully pressured to create positive change in the direction that I would like! Trump cannot and will not under any circumstances, regardless of the wild fantasies that suddenly he will transform into a perfect progressive on Gaza or whatever other issue! THIS IS NOT THAT FUCKING DIFFICULT!!!!!!!
Anyway. All of this is obviously complicated. Obviously things are bad and frightening and we want a solution that fixes all of it at once, instead of slowly, badly, and piecemeal. But as I said: that has never, not once, been the case in all of history, and we know what happens when people and/or governments with delusions of psychopathic grandeur try to do it. We do not want the "Final Solution" (which is infamous as what Hitler literally called the Holocaust). We do, in fact, want the careful step by step, we want things to get better and not just explode in a mountain of nihilistic doom, and that does take work, from everyone. So unfortunately, there is no real choice except to do it.
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runwayrunway · 3 months
Have you ever done a post on Trislanders?
Haven't done past tense. Will do, present tense.
So, we've discussed trijets extensively on this blog, and that's all well and good, but why should jets have all the fun?
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I. Hmm. Okay. Yeah, maybe there's a reason for that.
The Trislander is a triple-engined version of the Britten-Norman Islander. (I mean, they made other changes, but do they really matter when they added a third prop?)
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image: National Museum of Flight Scotland
I love the Islander. A lot of people love the Islander. So people thought, hey, let's make a bigger one! So they stretched the fuselage (hence the way it looks long, thin, geometric, and blocky) and then they
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image: milborneone
Hmm. Okay. Yeah, that looks goofy. As far as I'm aware this is the only prop plane to ever have this arrangement, with an engine on the tailfin, and it is just...exceptionally strange.
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image: Ragnhild and Neil Crawford
Words fail me when it comes to the Trislander. Just...they really made a plane that looks like that, huh.
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That engine feels like it's looming. Trislander fuselages are taller than Islander fuselages but not by that much, and it just looks so weird to have a propeller that's above the actual plane to this extent. It's like a reversed helicopter tail rotor, but on an airplane, and because nobody else has ever tried this configuration for some reason it just looks so off. This is a plane that fills the viewer with a profound sense of 'well, that can't possibly be right'. But it is. That's what they look like.
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They only made 80 of these goofballs, and the largest carrier is Aurigny (though Vieques Air Link also uses them). I've never flown on one or even seen one in person, but I want to so badly.
(If any of my followers have been on a Trislander I would love to hear from you, because I'm very very curious about if the back of the cabin is horrifically loud because of the extra prop directly above it. Also, I'm jealous.)
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It turns out airplanes can basically just look like anything.
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safetycar-restart · 6 months
In light of tonight’s soft vibes, I’m thinking little!arthur? Because honestly I’ve been missing him.
He seems to be so in love with his mommy (Adoration and comfort-type love than romantically). So I was thinking about what a tyoical night routine for them would be?
I can imagine gently washing him in a bubble bath, picking out his pyjamas, drying his hair whilst giving him little kisses throughout. Maybe massaging him tummy with some back rubs. But my personal fave scenario is giving him some warm milk and just rocking him to sleep. Honestly, the entire image is just so cute 🥰
FINALLY MORE LITTLE!ARTHUR!! Any and all little content is just perfect for soft night, and this is perfect I love it.
So firstly, Arthur regresses very young, sometimes even younger than one. And he really can't do much of anything himself when he's regressed, just needing you to be care for him and look after him. For everyone else, he's an absolute nightmare to care for because he's so fussy and so whiney and cries for everything. He'll just cry and beg for his mommy, fighting people who try to help him because they arent doing it right!!
But then for you he's just the best little thing ever. He just loves you so so much. When he's in his adult headspace, its romantic love. When he's regressed, it's more adoration and trust of course. He just... he loves his mommy!! No one cares for him like his mommy does.
And a typical nighttime routine with just his mommy is so so good, definitely his favourite thing.
So firstly, of course there's a bubble bath!! He LOVES bubbles. Maybe you always let him choose the scent? Only he can't read the bottles so he just points to a pretty colour and thats the one you use. He's always so sweet while he watches you get the bath ready. He sits on the floor in the corner of the room, sucking on his pacifier and watching. He's such a well behaved little when he can see you, hence why you can never just leave him in the bedroom while you get the bath ready.
Once it's all ready, you help him get undressed and into the bath, which he loves. He's so happy and so giggly, just playing with the bubbles and letting you clean him. He never complains, even when you have to wash his face.
All you have to do is say, "Come on darling, just let me do this okay, it'll be over quick" and then he stays nice and still.
Once he's been bathed, you dry him with a big big fluffy towel, making sure to kiss him all over and tickle him a little. He has to be giggling and squirming by the time you finish drying him or else you haven't done it right.
Then, after that, it's time to get him dressed. First you put a diaper on him, always making sure to kiss his tummy before it goes on. Most of the time he wakes up in the middle of the night back in his adult headspace and the diaper is unnecessary, but you both decided it wasn't worth the risk so you always put one on.
And anyway, when he's regressed Arthur loves the additional comfort it brings, knowing he's all safe and doesn't have to worry.
Of course his comfiest jammies are next, a process which also involves kissing him all over as you put his clothes on. l
Often you'll give him some warm milk then, which he happily drinks while you tell him a story. Sometimes it's a story you read him from a book, sometimes its one you made up, sometimes it's just you talking about your day. It doesn't matter, just as long as he can hear your voice he's happy.
He almost never manages to actually finish his milk before he falls asleep, instead he'll just stop drinking with the bottle still in his mouth.
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helloitstsyu · 1 year
you get to wear a mask | Tom Cruise [fluff]
my masterlist
Summary : As a celebrity, it's nearly impossible to go and to do normal life activities in public. So, as his girlfriend, you offer Tom a solution.
Pairing : Tom Cruise x female!businesswoman!reader
A/N : it's my first fluff y'all🥹, i hope you like it as much i love writing it. this makes me giggle so much as i imagine it. I wanna know what you think abt this one, talk to me, babes!
WC : 3157
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"Babe! I'm gonna go run some errands, do you want something specifically?" You shout as you gather your things before you head out the door.
Tom walks downstairs. He just had finished making a phone call with none other than his creative partner, Christopher McQuarrie. Ever since he landed in Los Angeles this morning, he's been occupied with work phone calls.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
Lifting your head up you see your boyfriend walking towards you, he leans against the doorway of your kitchen and put his hands inside his trousers pocket.
"Grocery, we literally have nothing in here,"
You're a thriving businesswoman. A CEO of an e-commerce fashion startup. You constantly hopping between big cities for work, New York, Los Angeles, London, and Paris, that's why you decided you expand your assets and buying apartments in each city so that you don't waste your money for expensive hotel expenses. Hence, why you don't have anything in your LA home since you haven't lived here for the past few months.
Tom pouts, "I just finished my calls, and now you wanna leave me,"
You and Tom have somewhat of a long distance relationship. With him caught up and busy filming and you running your business. It took extra effort to spend time together with your man. Though, two of you are keeping one important rule, never spend apart for 2 weeks. And for so long you've been living to that.
You smile as Tom gives you puppy dog eyes. "Why? You wanna come with me?" You smirk.
Tom smiles, "If it means i get to spend more time with you, yes," Tom steps forward and pulling you closer by your hips, "But, you know... i don't think whole food is Tom Cruise friendly,"
You chuckle as Tom place a sweet kiss on your cheek, "i missed you so much, baby,"
Suddenly, the brightest ideas come to your mind.
"I have an idea..." You smile and wiggle your brows.
Tom crook his head as he sees that mischievous grin on your face. For as he thought, you might be plotting something that beyonds the world's expectations.
"This is not what i had in mind when you said you have an idea," Tom protests as you sit down in front of him. You turn your makeup bag upside down, and all of your makeup products rain to the floor.
"You get to wear a mask, Ethan, you love when you got to wear a mask, don't you,"
Tom sighs "Never i thought someone would use that line to turn against me,"
"Tommy, you love when i throws you movies references at you,"
Tom chuckles and shakes his head. You take your phone and turn on the camera. You start recording and put your phone on the coffee table, rest it to a coffee mug so it stands still perfectly.
"What are you doing? Why are you taping this?" Tom asks.
"So we can have memory to look back to," You said as you prop the camera.
"Nonono, NO! you're not recording this," Tom reaches to your phone.
"Thomas!" You slap his and before it can reach your phone.
Witnessing the look you have on your face and the shift in your tone, Tom feels like he just seen your inner mother gothel. He sighs and just gives in.
"You're not gonna post that, though,"
"Of course i won't! It'll be our sweet secret memory, yep?" You smile at him, and Tom only smiles back sarcastically.
"Oh, come on, Thomas! It's not like you haven't got your makeup done for carpets or films anyway,"
You take a few pumps of your foundation to the back of your hand. Dotting the product on several spots of his face, then you start spreading it evenly using your brush.
"Yeah? Well, my makeup artist doesn't have that devilish-mischievous grin on their faces,"
"Baby... i need you to trust me," you said seriously.
Tom grunts and stops protesting.
"This is definitely the wrong shade... you're much tanner than me,"
"Oh, great," He rolls his eyes.
You chuckle, "How do you usually have your makeup on?" You ask.
Taking your fenty cream contour, you swipe them on the back of your hand and mix it with the foundation to create darker shade. Et Voila, the perfect match to his skin.
"Just- what do you call it? concealer?... maybe a little foundation if needed, like if i haven't gotten enough sleep,"
"Yeah? You never have like a full face of makeup? Character makeup?" You ask again as you still apply foundation all over his skin.
"Um... not really, maybe for vanilla sky,"
"Oh yeah! i remember that... that was a scary face though, tell me bout it,"
Tom starts to tell the story about the David Aames makeup he had on Vanila Sky. Well, as you thought, work does stop him from protesting and whining like an annoyed little boy.
You giggle after finishing spreading the foundation and concealer evenly all over his face. His skin looks so good, better than yours even. He has such perfect, well taken care of skin.
You take your face pallette next.
"What's that?" Tom asks.
"My fenty contour and highlight stick, it's to redefine the shadows and highlights of your face, cause after i finish applying foundation, your face now is all in one flat tone." You said as you apply the bronzer and contour to his cheek and forehead.
Tom thinks for a moment, "Why are you teaching me this stuff as if I'm gonna need to do makeup to myself?"
You laugh. "Well, baby, you never know... maybe someday your makeup artist catches a cold before red carpet," Tom chuckles and shakes his head.
You continue to apply contour and highlighter on his face. After setting it all with a translucent powder and put some blush on his cheeks, Tom reopens his eyes with you grinning widely.
"You look different," you giggle.
Tom takes a peek on your phone screen to look at what his face looks like.
"Babe, you can't look yet!" You stop him from peeking, but he managed to get a glimpse of what he looks like.
"Oh god! You supposed to make me look unrecognizable, not girly!"
"Your skin looks beautiful tho, you have such nice skin,"
Tom rolls his eyes and grunts.
"Why do i agree to this," Tom mutters.
"Well, darling, you do this because you lo—" Your words stop at the tip of your tongue when you realize the L word hasn't come out yet. None of you have said the L word you've only been with him for a few months.
Tom realizes how your expression drops. He knows what you were about to say. The quick expression shifts on your face from cheerful to a saddened look, sends rushes of pain inside his veins.
"...I mean... You'd do this because you're an adrenaline junkie... right? You like challenging yourself. But i guess you don't have to... i-if you don't really want to," you look down at the scattering makeup products on the floor.
That makes his heart break.
These past few months, Tom has been feeling that bubbling-odd feeling inside him building. He knows he's hooked in deeply. He can't stop thinking of you. You're constantly on his mind, and he admires you deeply. He just hasn't got enough balls to say the word to your face. He's afraid that he's moving too fast.
Tom takes your hand, which is holding a blush brush.
"Come on, need more blush," he smiles.
Beat drops. Even that got your heart swims in wonders. Giggling again, you apply a little more blush to his face, and soon, the apples of his cheek look like a blushing porcelain doll.
Next step, eyebrows. You always love his thick eyebrows. You think it's a statement of him. You take your brow gel, and you brush his brow upwards, and diagonally, you try your best to make them look good.
"I always wanted to do your brows... but it's kinda hard though," you mutter. "Hmm... yeah they look good enough,"
And to make you happy, of course he gives in and lets you do everything to his face. Tom looks at you deeply. Those eyes that he's been giving you for the past 5 minutes starts to make your heart beats faster and your palm sweating. Those eyes are the reason you're here. Everytime Tom looks at you like this, you swear you feel like you've been sent to heaven.
"Stop that!" You chuckle and cover his eyes. He knows you get butterflies when he gives you those eyes and he adores that you try to pretend as if you're not flustered.
Tom chuckles, "I'm not doing anything, darling,"
"Shut up, help hold me this, Tom," you said, handing him an open eyeshadow palette.
"Close your eyes for me, sweet," you kindly ask.
Tom follows all that you said. You begin applying eyeshadow to his eyelids. Deciding to go for an angel eyes look to complement those beautiful emerald eyes.
"Ow! What is that?" Tom asks, look you back in the eyes.
"Just powder," you apply the other eye the same color of eyeshadow too.
"OW! It's like burning," Tom narrows his eyes.
"No, it's not!" You grin
"Right where you just put it, it's burning... seriously!"
You stop applying them and sit back straight. Looking at his eyelids, you try to find if something is wrong, if there's any redness or anything.
"Is it still?" You ask.
"Yes!" Tom grins
You chuckle nervously, "What if you're allergic?"
Just when you start to think he's being serious, you can see shift in his eyes. "What if?!"
"Don't lie to me! I can tell when you're acting!"
"I'm serious!" Tom exclaims, but the grin still stays on his face.
You apply more to his crease.
"Arrghhh," Tom yelps.
"Tommy, stop it! I can smell you lying!" You slap his shoulder, and Tom laughs.
You take your favorite maybelline mascara and your magical shu uemura eyelash curler.
"Wait, what's that? That looks dangerous!" Tom holds your hand down.
"Just an eyelash curler,"
"Nnonono,... don't bringing that thing near my eyes," Tom pushes away your hand.
"Tom,... tommy, relax, just trust me, Baby, come on," you try to stop him from pushing your hand away.
And again, he gives in.
"Look down," you told him to do, adorably, Tom misunderstood and buck his head down.
Pulling his head back straight, you chuckle, "No, baby, you look down with your eyes not with your head,"
"Don't poke my eyes,"
"I won't... i need you to relax, okay?" Tom nods,
"Aaahh..." Tom squeals as you clamp those beautiful long lashes.
You can't stop laughing to your sweet boyfriend's funny reaction. The fact that you have an older boyfriend, a grown man, more than that, your boyfriend is the freaking Tom Cruise. The guy who did daring stunts as his way to pay the check. Now you got him squealing like a big baby. Thank God you tape this moment.
"Okay, okay... I'm done," you said,
Tom sighs hard, "Jesus Christ! it was scarier than hanging on the side of a plane!"
You feel like your stomach starts to get hurt from all the non-stop laughter. This is the best thing that ever happened in your life. Tom Cruise, finally admitting to be scared of something.
"Okay, baby, Mascara, now this will be tricky, just trust me on this one, keep your eyes down and still, ready?" You ask.
"Wait, is that like waterproof? Can it come off?" Tom stops you.
"No, it'll come off,"
"How do i get it off?" He asks.
"You just rub it,"
Tom takes a long deep breath, "Okay, go" he said.
You start applying a good amount of mascara to his lashes. Rolling the wand on his lashes.
"I don't like it..." Tom whines like a big baby sissy.
You can't help but to laugh out loud.
"Aaaahh..., i don't like it," Tom cries again as you put mascara on to his other eye.
Feels like you have a full abs workout. Even you're tearing up from laughing too much.
Now, Tom looks gorgeous, jeez, he looks like a freaking poster model. His eyelashes are snatched and thick long. The sparkly pink and bronze eyeshadows makes his green eyes pop even brighter. Guess you were right, you always thought he'd be pretty too as a girl just as much as he is as a man. He has such a good genes.
You giggle, "you look so pretty, Tommy!" you smile.
"I'm gonna have to contour your nose though. You have such a manly nose, babe," you said as you picked up your go-to fenty contour stick again.
"Um... yeah?! because I'm a man??... I have a freaking annaconda under my pants,"
You gasp, eyes widen in shock, "TOMMY!" You slap his shoulder.
Tom laughs upon watching how your cheek burns in red cherry color. Tom loves to tease you and catch you off guard like that, making you flustered and burn in red.
"Can't believe you said that," you apply the contour again on his nose.
"Well, you like it, don't you?" Tom chuckles.
"I meant you have such a distinct nose! That's such a Tom Cruise nose,"
You blend the contour on his nose. Trying to make it look somewhat different than his famous nose. Tom can't stop grinning widely at you.
As you focus on making his nose look different, Tom looks at you deeply with that look again. The corner of his lips slightly curls up, his tender gaze glued still on you. His hands are on your thighs, softly caressing your smooth skin with his thumb. You feel butterflies fluttering inside of you again.
You giggle, "Can you stop looking at me with those eyes!" You cover his eyes with your hand again,
"What eyes?" Tom smiles wider, he holds your hand down and leans in to place a kiss on your cheek.
"Tom..." You giggle.
"Do i make you nervous or something, Miss Makeup Artist?"
You giggle as Tom sends attacks of sweet kisses on your cheek and neck.
"Tommy, come on, you're not done yet,"
Tom chuckles and sit back straight again. You steal a kiss before you put a nude pink colored lipstick on that lips. Then, you're all done with his makeup.
"There you go... oohhh look at you girl, you look so beautiful!!" You giggle.
Tom looks over at your phone screen. His jaw hangs wide open when he finds the result of your work on his face.
"Oh my lord!" Tom exclaims in a southern accent, which earning you to laugh even louder.
"Darling, what did you do to me?! I look like my sisters!"
You're rolling all over the floor. Bursting in loud laughter. Your stomach hurt and you can't stop some tears to spill out.
"Oh wait, i forgot one thing!" You take your setting spray and spray it to his face.
"What- does it make it not wash off?!" Tom asks.
You grin widely and nod, "Yeah,"
His jaw hangs and eyes widen, "Are you serious?!" Tom crooks his head to the side.
You chuckle, "Yeah... it won't wash off for 6 hours," You lie.
"DARLING!" Tom tickles your waist.
You laugh and hold down his hands. You hand Tom a mirror. He looks at his face closer with wide eyes. Scanning the details of artwork on his face. His eyes nearly bulges out off his head.
"SWEET JESUS! My eyes are scaring me!... Look at my lashes, they grew 2 inches more!"
You for sure can not feel your stomach. Your cheek burns from laughing too much. Feels like the muscles there have their own workouts.
Afterwards, you told Tom to change his clothes with your pink baggy hoodie. Your big hoodie still fits him like a normal-well-fitted hoodie, though this one is better  than his previous outfits that hug his body tightly, showing all of his muscles. You also insist Tom to put on your Jessica Rabbit's wig that you have, and you once use them for a Halloween party.
Later that day, You managed to take Tom Cruise grocery shopping in downtown Los Angeles without one person recognizing him. It was a mission accomplished. Well, some of the people there give him a weird look though.
Before you went to bed, you sent McQ the selfie of you and Tammy (you said to McQ Tammy was your new friend), and he too can not tell who's next to you at first! Took McQ a couple of minutes and a closer look before he texted back, "THAT'S TOM?! YO WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Tom comes out from the bathroom. "Honey! You send McQ the pictures?!"
"What pictures?" You act dumb as you eat your strawberries that you bought earlier.
"Oh you know what I'm talking about," He narrows his eyes and have his hand on his hips.
You giggle again, "yeah..."
"Y/N Y/LN!"
"Oh come on, Thomas, no need to be dramatic here, sweetie. McQ couldn't recognize you that means i did a great job... you too honey! You just went grocery shopping! I'm proud of you!" You come to him and kiss his cheek.
"That was your best acting too, baby," you tease him again. Gives him a playful wink as you click your tongue.
Tom looks at you still. His shoulders drop slowly as his gaze soften at you.
"Thank God, i love you," he said.
You feel your heart skipped a beat, and the clock stops ticking for a moment. You look back at his eyes with wide eyes. You stop chewing the frozen strawberry inside your mouth.
"What?" You ask with your mouth stuffed full.
"Of course i do, you're my dream come true, I was just afraid to say that too soon, but i can't help it any longer. And I don't expect you to say—"
Tom smiles and sits next to you, "You heard me... i love you, Y/N... i love you so much that i let you do shit to my face,"
Tears start to brimming in your eyes. You feel your heart warming up. Tom runs his fingers through your hair.
"... and I'd let you do it all over again if it means i get to be with you, i love you, darling," he smiles.
Swallowing the strawberry inside your mouth. Tears finally falls to your cheek, to which Tom quickly wipes away. "Y-you... love me?" You ask softly.
"I love you!" You cut him immediately.
Tom freezes for a moment before he smiles, "What?" He asks.
You smile, "I know i said to take this slow, but... but i love you,... Gosh, i love you so much, Tom,"
Tom smiles, wraps his hands around you, and brings you forward for a kiss.
Tagging :
@malavera @call-sign-shark @tomsf18 @moondustfairies @katherineswritingsblog
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you guys. you guys you guys. i think i know what i want from the final season of the penumbra podcast. i have spent the past ten minutes pacing around my room. yesterday i read up to chapter 17 of prydon's fic separate but syncopated (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30943430/chapters/76417991) which let's be honest, you've probably read already. it's phenomenal. if you haven't, you should.
so i've been thinking. i just really want to go back to brahma. i want to go back to brahma and take down the guardian angel system.
the thing is, the junoverse is a very character driven storyline, and i love that about it. the second citadel is more event driven i think, and it was more difficult for me to get into that storyline and stick with it (i'm weak i'm sorry). for example, although the first season focuses a lot on juno solving the whole martian artefact doodah, back then the penumbra crew were still finding their feet.
then junoverse season 2 happened, and the entire point of that season was basically "get juno over his trauma" (that's why it was so long oh my god). sure, there was a whole plot with ramses and the theia souls, but i think we can all agree that was secondary to juno's character development.
next, season 3. season 3 is definitely character driven, you literally can't deny it. it focuses on each member of the carte blanche in turn, and it uses the plot, finding the curemother prime, as a secondary tool to further the true point of the season: getting to know the characters.
season 4 i'm a little less certain about because i'm typing this post straight into tumblr fresh out of my brain (if anyone wants to help out with the analysis i'd love that). but i think the point of season 4 is to test and showcase the bonds of the carte blanche with each other, and juno rescuing them all is not only a good story, but also a good way to show off the relationships they built in season 3. his relationship with nureyev is shown through periodic reading of the journal, and juno's copious inner monologues (i say like i'm one to talk when all of these thoughts are swirling around in my own head).
then, season 5. the point of this season mirrors that of season 2, but this time, we need to get nureyev over his trauma. this is way trickier, because we're not inside nureyev's head, we're still in juno's. it's still character driven because the aim is to help nureyev, but the plot is given by juno having to chase him across the galaxy. hence, juno's hesitation when he finally finds nureyev.
well, steel, you've caught him. now what the hell are you going to do with him?
there is no plot to drive the character study anymore. our goal was to help nureyev, and juno (poor juno) has done all he can. the ball falls squarely into nureyev's court now, and juno has no say in the plot of the rest of the story. this is why i have been chewing myself alive since the last episode — we know what's next for the characters emotionally, but we have absolutely zero idea what's happening next plot-wise. it's killing me.
(what was the point of this post again?)
OH WAIT I'VE GOT IT. so. since our whole thing for this season is helping nureyev, and we all want him to go batshit fucking insane, i really want nureyev to go back to brahma, and finish what he started two decades ago. i think it's the perfect circular story arc to keep them occupied while nureyev heals emotionally from the fallout from everything going on with slip.
also, sorry to get real for a second, but i've just been tearing myself apart being morally outraged at the world we live in, and the fact that i'm barely able to do anything about it. maybe one day i could, but until then, it would be nice to see my favourite space gays set an example.
now, i know there's complications with this. nureyev refused to take the guardian angel system down in the first place because of the damage it would cause, and i'm willing to bet he hasn't excised that moral core just yet, no matter how hard he's trying. but i'm sure they can find a way to make it work. they have rita, after all!!
they're definitely hinting at a homecoming arc for juno. i think nureyev needs one too, is all.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Guys you might be sad to hear this but I've ditched genshin(had to say goodbye to my heizou) and jumped to honkai star rail.
Before anyone says anything just know I too am mourning the loss of the jump button.
Well anyway I want to talk about a theory I have.
When you start the game your immediately bombarded with the hottie known as kafka, I honestly had no idea what was happening and I still don't.
It's known that Kafka is technically the MC's(us) mom, I've rewatched the scenes a couple times again and noticed a lot of things.
When she talks to us one on one(except that time with silver wolf) she just sounds so concerned for us. I might be overthinking it but I feel as though she genuinely cares for us.
The first cutscene where the Mc and Kafka meet I instantly notice that Kafka seems to have known us for a very long time, while she does kind of feel like a mother if you watch it more closely you get a different feeling, it feels like were her long lost friend or something.
I've also watched a lot of tik toks about this and found out that it wasn't just Kafka that made the Mc but a bunch of other stelleron hunters helped too.
This is a pretty far stretch but I have a theory that the Mc is meant to be a clone of someone, I'd call this person og mc.
The og Mc was probably a member of the stelleron hunts, probably a very well liked member judging by how Kafka treats us when were alone, I actually haven't got to the part where the Mc meets blade so I don't know how he treats us, I think silver wolf treats us pretty well because it seems she has a habit of messing with people and she hasn't really done that to us(I think). We haven't met any of the other stelleron hunters but my instinct tells me that there going to treated well if we were ever one on one with them.
Back to the main theory, the og Mc was in the stelleron hunters, I predict that the og Mc died a very a painful death and didn't have the greatest life. The reason why I think that is because of a guy named Elio(pls let me know if I spelt it wrong).
When Kafka and silver wolf talk about Elio, they talk like what he's going to happen is absolute, Kafka told the Mc what elio said our future was gonna be like and damn it was pretty good, he said that people will like us and we'll get family, then at the end of our journey we will feel peace and our worries will wash away.
Since they are notorious criminals it feels unusual for this guy to give us such a good future. Now that I've added all my points I'll put my theory into one sentence.
The Mc is a clone of the og Mc who was a stelleron hunter and very well liked by the group, especially kafka. Then they died a very horrible death. Many years later Elio decided to create a clone of the og Mc known as our Mc, perhaps Elio had a deep bond with the og Mc so he wanted to give the clone a much better life, Kafka was on board with this but still couldn't help but feel the need to be closer to the Mc (hence why she shows up so much)
While this theory has a lot of loup holes, such as it doesn't explain why the Mc has a stelleron placed inside them by the stelleron hunters, it's technically a ticking timebomb that could kill them at any moment, it's all so confusing because of the future Elio said the Mc will have. Also why did Kafka act so concerned for the Mc when she was the one who put the ticking bomb inside of them.
Its very confusing and hoyoverse is doing a good job at keeping me confused.
Pls let me know your theories and I hope you enjoyed mine.
Have a good day
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Lost (04)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Au: Underground boxer! Jungkook, Coach’s daughter! OC
Genre: angst, smut and fluff.
Warnings: some fight scenes, smut.
Rating: 18+
Summary: Jungkook doesn’t know much about you provided for the fact that you’re his coach’s daughter. But soon, his feelings of indifference turn into that of dislike.
Word Count: 4K+ words
A/N: The language they converse in isn't important, however, just putting it out that they indeed converse in Korean.
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-fi
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If you want early access to the next part of lost and to all of my other fics, head over to my Patreon page. I have only recently opened my Patreon page, so please show me some support. 🤗
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The next morning, you wake up in your bed. 
The moment your eyes open, you're greeted with a heavy feeling in your chest. For a very short period of time, your brain remains unresponsive and clueless as to why you're feeling the way you're feeling. But soon it all clicks and the memories of last night come rushing back. 
You sigh, feeling too tired to feel the pain and humiliation you know you will if you were to allow yourself to replay the events of last night. Hence, you decide to not let yourself repeat the scene in your head as you head towards the washroom. In a way, it's almost as if you're not letting yourself feel the emotions that your mind wants you to process. But you're too exhausted to hold a debate about whether that's healthy or not.
Once you're done freshening up, you wear your clothes for your shift at the cafe. When it's time for you to head out, you hesitate just for a second before you open the door to the living room.
It's only silence that greets you. You should have known. It's not uncommon for you to find the house empty. If anything, it would be weird if you were to find either of your parents in the house, greeting you with a good morning like every other normal household.
Sighing, you walk towards the shoe rack but much to your surprise, a soft and warm voice calls for your name. 
The sound of your name causes you to squeak and you turn around to look at whoever it is that just caused your heart rate to spike by hundred. 
Upon turning around, you're met with two warm brown eyes which shine with amusement at your scared form. Two brown eyes, you recognise to be your family cook's.
"Laura," you place your hands on your heaving chest to calm yourself down. "You scared me." 
"My apologies, I did not intend to." She smiles at you, amusement now replaced with a tender look in her eyes. "Now, come I have made you breakfast, you're not leaving home on an empty stomach. You will get weak that way."
Your first instinct is to deny because you're not in the mood of eating at all. Although you try not to think about your issues, there's still that continuous churning in your stomach that reminds you there's a lot of negative emotion you haven't processed properly. A lot, you honestly, don't know how to process. That feeling in your gut doesn't make food sound appealing at all.
But then something inside you stops you from uttering the no that is on your lips. It's the part of you that doesn't have the heart to deny the very first person, who at least bothered to take notice of you and asked you to have your food. 
It's just that longing for the minimum acknowledgement that has you nodding your head to Laura's previous question with a smile on your face, that radiates the same amount of tenderness as the one in her eyes.
You will take whatever you get, from whoever is willing to give.
She doesn't say much as she swiftly turns around and heads to the large dining table. You take it as your cue to do the same and follow her. She pulls out a chair for you to sit on and then arranges the plates in front of you. She then disappears for a few moments, for what you assume is to bring food from the kitchen.
You're simply running your fingers across the patterns of the table cloth when you smell it. 
Lemon ricotta pasta. 
Your eyes widen in excitement and you snap your head towards the kitchen entrance, where you assume the aroma is coming from. At the very same moment, Laura comes and much to your delight, she is indeed carrying a bowl of your favourite type of pasta.
She chuckles at your excited form and the big smile that's on your face.
"You cooked lemon ricotta pasta?" You exclaim, your mind narrowly focused on the fact that you are going to have one of your favourite dishes in your breakfast. You're so happy that you forget about everything that has been bothering you in recent days.
"I did," she replies as she serves pasta on your plate. "I hope you like it."
Well, if you were to go by the way it looks and smells, you already like it.
She sprinkles some chilli flakes on the top.  "Your mom told me that this is your favourite."
Your mind abruptly stops working for a second. "Mom knows I like this?" 
"Of course, she does. She gave me a list of foods that you enjoy." She chuckles.
Once again, you find yourself being speechless. "She did?"
She nods. "She also told me to not cook any of your favourite dishes for you until you're well settled. She was worried that it would take your body some time to adjust to the weather in Busan. Just so that your immunity doesn't become weak, she suggested you eat healthy, nutritional food. And we all know that the ones you like aren't exactly healthy." 
Despite the storm of emotions that rage through you, you find yourself letting out a chuckle. The kind of food you like, is indeed not healthy, aka greasy as fuck. 
But that chuckle soon subsides when you realise, you don't exactly know what you feel. You feel a certain warmth bloom through your chest, of course. Your mom cares for you. The thought itself is enough to make your day. 
In theory, you always did know that she cares for you but the number of times you have felt being cared for is a handful. Which is why, you always treated the moments when you felt that you're cared for, very close to your heart. This being one of those.
With that warmth, there's also this bitterness that spreads through you because you have no idea what your mom's favourite dishes are. Or your dad's for a fact. All you know is that your mom likes spicy dishes but what in particular, you have zero clues. 
It's not like you have never asked them. But it was once, years ago. You don't know if they still like those dishes or what other new dishes they have tried in the last few years, that they found good enough to be added to the list. 
You never asked them again, because how many questions can someone ask over the phone? You can ask about their favourite dishes but then what about their favourite movie? Their favourite artist? Their favourite song? What about their dislikes? 
Most of these things aren't asked, they are observed. Which again, you never got the chance to do. 
The new mixed feelings added to the exhaustion you feel from the events of last night, has you focusing on the food instead, in an attempt to distract yourself. Taking a bite, you hum in delight. 
"This is so good." Your brows furrow in concentration. The food tastes so good that you find yourself genuinely distracted. You haven't had this for a long time now, and this surely is a treat for your tastebuds.
"I'm glad you like it." 
"Thank you so much for taking the time to make this for me." You say after swallowing down a huge bite. 
"You don't have to thank me." She shakes her head. "Anytime you feel like eating something just come to me. I'll try and see if I can make it for you."
You mumble another thank you and keep the you're too sweet to yourself. You don't know if it would be weird to say that to someone you're only talking to for the first time. You don't want to express how touched you are by her words because you don't know if she will find it weird. You never thought these small gestures would make you so emotional someday. More than anything, you don't want to mess up by over welcoming yourself. You did that with the whole boxing practice thing and someone aka Jungkook clearly wasn't fond of it. What if-
Something snaps inside you.
You shake your head to yourself in frustration. This is not the time to think about Jungkook. You can't let him get to you every time. This is a good moment, Laura is clearly not like Jungkook. Most importantly, you feel good. You cannot let thoughts of Jungkook ruin it for you.
Jungkook was rude to you, and that's on him. 
Sure, his words still hurt because he despises you for the mistakes you made. Mistakes. Especially, mistakes you made while trying to fit in. You are also sure that if he were to, again, be rude to you, you'd be hurt. Although, maybe not as much as you initially were. That's because now you have an idea of what Jungkook is like, so his words probably won't come off as a surprise to you. Now, you know what to expect from him.
And honestly, you don't want anything to do with him.
But the question is how long are you going to let it affect you? How long are you going to react to his words? 
You simply don't want to keep reacting to his words anymore. Because when you do, your happy moments are ruined by the feelings of hurt he has caused. 
How do you stop reacting though? 
That is a question you will need some time to figure out the answer to. For the time being you settle for taking a deep breath and finish the food on your plate. When you're done, you rest the spoon on your plate and look up at Laura.
"Laura?" You call out.
"Hmm?" Laura glances at you and notices that you are done eating. "Do you want some more?"
"Ah, no," you shake your head. "I just wanted to thank you for making pasta. It's very sweet of you."
She gives you a sweet smile. "You don't have to thank me for that. I'm just glad you enjoyed it."
You nod at her with your smile broadening. 
This feels nice. 
You said what you wanted to say. You didn't let your fears stop you. You did it for yourself. You didn't let Jungkook's words, which your mind has quite honestly been obsessed with, stop you. 
This sure feels nice.
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The day at the cafe is busy. 
There is a steady flow of customers and the whole place is bustling with no empty seats. You find yourself being occupied with the long line of people as you're currently in charge of taking down their orders. 
But you kind of enjoy it, enjoy being busy and occupied. That way, your mind isn't wandering to places. Plus, the low murmur that is spread throughout the cafe is kind of nice. Makes you feel a little less lonely. 
You also enjoy taking glimpses of the people who are sitting in the cafe. It's like a window to their lives. 
In the extreme right corner are sat two kids with their dad. You observe the way the younger boy explains something very animatedly to his slightly older sister and find it endearingly cute. Their dad is nodding along aggressively so that his son knows that he's listening to him. A few tables in front of them, sits a young lady, probably just a few years older than you. She looks lost in whatever it is that is on her computer screen. Maybe she's reading a story. Maybe she's doing some office work. Maybe she's simply thinking something and has zoned out from the letters on the screen. Whatever it is, it seems important enough that she doesn't notice the plate of cookies that are being placed in front of her and the waitress has to call her twice, to gain her attention. A few feet away from her table seats a man who is probably in his forties and at the moment, he seems interested in gazing out of the glass walls.
Your eyes move back to the computer screen in front of you as the person who was next in line, recites his order. 
That's what you like about this job. You can just take a glimpse at people in between taking orders or serving. For some odd reason, you enjoy it a lot. It's like you're working but then after every minute or two, you also get to allow your mind to venture here and there about the people around you. It feels nice almost like you're taking a break in between orders and serving when you can.
It's around fifteen minutes and a few orders later that you look up from your computer screen to greet the next person in line, but when you notice who the person is, your smile fades.
God, your day has been nice, please don't get it ruined.
"Hello, Y/N," he greets, with a smile that you can tell is genuine, which puts you slightly at ease. He also, seems completely unaffected by the way your smile faded the moment you saw him.
"Hey," you say a little hesitantly, not knowing how to act around him after last night.
"Can I have two lattes please?"
At his words, you feel a certain amount of relief spread through your body. He's possibly here only for the coffee. You nod and type away on your computer. "Sure, that would be 12,947 Won."
Jimin fishes for his wallets and pays for the order. "I know it might not be the best time but can I talk to you for a moment?" 
Well fuck. You spoke too soon.
Before you can politely decline him and give the busy day as an excuse, Linda appears out of nowhere and gently nudges you such that she now has access to the keyboard and the computer screen.
"Go talk to him. I'll take care of the orders meanwhile," she doesn't stop there but also shoots you a suggestive wink, one which is subtle enough so that Jimin doesn't catch it.
Oh god. 
Did she think something was going on between you and Jimin? If you were to go by the wink, she probably does. But you decide that's a conversation you'll have with her later. Clarifying it in front of Jimin might just be weird.
You sigh and give her a nod before you're exiting the counter and pushing the separator so that you can make your way to where Jimin is standing.
Jimin gives you another one of his smiles but this time he looks nervous. As odd as it is, the nervous smile somehow soothes you a little bit because now you know you're not the only one who's feeling that way.
"I just wanted to apologise for yesterday."
Now that catches you off guard.
You were a bit cautious of what Jimin had to say to you. You know Jimin is a much nicer and friendlier guy than Jungkook but you were somewhat embarrassed to face him after yesterday. After all, you did get treated as if you're a good-for-nothing person in front of him. Albeit, Jimin's drunk self was nice to you but even then, you still felt embarrassed and awkward talking to him.
But out of all things, you weren't expecting him to apologise to you.
Your reaction to his apology is stuttering.
Looking at your expression, which most likely screams that you don't know what to say, Jimin decides on explaining exactly what he is sorry for. "Listen, I don't know what I was thinking knocking at your door at three in the morning. I don't have an excuse for my behaviour except for the fact that I was drunk-"
His apology speech gets cut off by a snort that escapes your lips. It is very unlike you, to find something hilarious in a situation like this, where you are completely caught off guard. But something about his words has you reacting that way without giving it much thought.
The moment you realise what you had done, you tense up and you're ready to apologise for being insincere when he was apologising to you so sincerely. But then he beats you to it.
"Anything funny about what I said?" Jimin asks with his brows furrowed. You'd think that what you feared was true and that your slip had offended him, had it not been for the way he tries a little too hard to look offended.
That extra hard frown of his paired with the playfulness in his orbs is enough for you to know that he isn't offended at all. So you allow yourself to relax a little and a small grin appears on your lips.
"It's just that it sounds like you're apologising for cheating on someone." 
That catches Jimin off guard and he starts to replay his words in his mind. You see the very moment it clicks in his mind and a shy, almost embarrassed smile appears on his lips.
"I did sound like that, didn't I?" He mumbles.
You nod with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it. I get that you were drunk. Your apology has been accepted."
Jimin sighs in relief but he looks like he has got something more to say.
You watch the hesitance play on his face before he finally decides to just go for it. "I'd also like to apologise on Jungkook's behalf. He had no right doing what he did, yesterday-"
"You don't have to apologise for something you never did." You interrupt him before he can continue because Jimin has no reason to apologise for the asshole-ery his friend displayed. And perhaps, you also cut him off because Jimin continuing with his words only reminds you of the incidents of last night.
Jimin chews on his lips and casts his gaze on the floor. "I know but still, I'm sure he feels bad too for what he did."
Once again, you snort. This time, it's a bit sarcastic.
"You don't have to lie. I might not have known Jungkook for long, but I know him enough to know that he isn't sorry for what he did." 
Jimin still has that look which gives the impression that he has more to say, but this time he decides otherwise, much to your relief.
"So, if I am forgiven and all is good, can we be friends?" He queries with a small shy grin.
The question surprises you but when your brain slowly catches up with his words, you feel a giddiness spread throughout you. 
Are you finally going to have a friend here? Damn, today is a good day.
If your brain had hands, it would probably do a keyboard smash right now.
You try to keep your smile contained and try not to show exactly how excited you are to be friends with him (but you're sure you failed terribly at your attempt). "I'd love to be friends with you."
You notice Jimin's smile widening and his eyes disappearing to form crescents. "Great! Maybe if I converse with you, I will finally get good at English."
"Is that why you wanted to be friends with me?" You joke, with squinted eyes.
"Yes, indeed. But don't worry, in return, I'll take you to all the good places in Busan where you can get authentic Korean food." He winks, playing into your joke.
"Ah, so it's like I help you get better at English and you help me to get to know Busan better?"
He nods, trying to suppress his smile to give off a serious look. "Guess we are friends with benefits, now."
You make a disgusted face. "Gosh, I can tell you are cringe."
"Everyone is," he shrugs.
"True," you agree. "So, now tell me when do I get to taste authentic Korean food?" The excitement is palpable in your voice. You had always wanted to explore the city but with how your mood has been, you never had the energy to go out. But now that Jimin is more than willing to give you a tour of the city, you think it won't be as lonely as you'd imagined it to be. 
Jimin hums. "Well, how about once the tournament ends? Would you be free then?"
Your eyes spark with surprise at his words. "The tournament hasn't ended yet?"
He shakes his head and lowers his volume so that the words are only audible to you. "Apparently the news of illegal boxing got around and police got involved. The tournament had to be paused temporarily until things got under control."
"Police?! Is it dangerous? This whole tournament thing? The people you all are involved with?" You whisper shout.
You are well aware that there must be some sort of danger involved. Had it not been the case, you wouldn't have been sent to Canada. But even then, you still do not have any idea as to what that amount of danger might be.
Jimin contemplates for a few moments before answering your question. "It can be dangerous."
"Can?" You prod.
He nods. "Yes, but I don't think it's a conversation appropriate for a place like this."
Your fingers fiddle with each other as you keep your curiosity in and give him a nod in return as if to say that you understand where he's coming from. However, there's one question that you end up asking when you know you probably shouldn't have.
"Do you think I can attend one of the matches?"
The moment the words leave your lips you see the surprised look that appears on his face as if he never expected you to ask that of all things. But the moment the surprise wears off, he shakes his head furiously. "There's no way. Your dad would never approve and honestly, I agree. It's not something you want to be a part of, trust me on that."
The words don't come off as a surprise. You already knew what the answer was going to be. But that doesn't mean you don't feel a bit dejected because you do really want to go to one of the matches just to know what the environment is like.
Jimin recognises the look on your face. "Don't be sad about it. I'll tell you everything in detail about the match. I'd have shown you videos but then recording is prohibited." 
Somehow his words put a smile on your face. Knowing that he is willing to describe the match to you, for some reason means a lot. To add to that is how he answers your questions and acknowledges your curiosity, even when he doesn't necessarily understand where that curiosity is rooted from. It makes you feel oddly nice to know that there is someone you can talk to about the regular stuff as well as stuff that you have always felt, was prohibited for you to know about. 
"Thank you, I'd appreciate that." You say with sincerity coating every word of yours. 
"Always glad to help," he grins. It's then that his name is called for him to collect his order. "Ah, I think I should get going. Lord knows, Jungkook gets real cranky when he doesn't have coffee in his system."
"Here, I thought being cranky was his default mode." You blurt out before realising you were technically badmouthing Jimin's friend in front of him. 
Before you can apologise and panic any further, Jimin laughs with his head thrown back and clutches his stomach. "Damn, I wish Jungkook was here to hear that. Would have served him right."
It's almost as if some higher power has heard his wishes because at that very moment Jungkook enters the shop, wondering what is taking Jimin so long. His eyes do a quick scan before landing on the two of you. The sight that he is greeted with, perplexes him to no end. 
It's Jimin laughing extremely hard, the way he usually does and it's you standing a few steps away from Jimin with a small, easy smile playing on your lips. He doesn't know what the two of you are talking about and by the look of it, neither of you have noticed him.
He has long forgotten why he came here in the first place for there's one thought that currently has his whole attention.
Looks like his best friend and you, are friends now.
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yeenybeanies · 10 months
This is sort of a two-parter
Was part of why Price was so sad to see that Soap had hybridized himself because he knew it effectively halved his life expectancy? (Just saw your new tweet about hybrids rarely living past 50) and did Soap know it would do that?
Additionally would Gaz be any sort of exception because his species is so long lived? Or would it be burning the candle on both ends because he never stops growing, hence taxing his body faster
And then pt 2.
You said Ghost is effectively blind, how does that affect him with using firearms and how did the task force find out about that? I imagine he doesn't go about advertising it
aaaa i'm LIVING for these questions aaa thank youuuu!!!
putting under a cut bc it's a lil lengthy.
SO yes! that is definitely part of why price was sad! i haven't worked out a full timeline yet of events but price has been a hybrid for most of his military career (underwent the change when he was 19; he is currently 37, but him reuniting with soap was probably a couple of years ago). price was pretty well-informed on what hybridization would/could do to him, & how it would, among other things, shorten his lifespan.
when he was mentoring soap early on, working to get him into the SAS, soap had expressed a passing interest in undergoing hybridization, but price strongly advised against it. said he didn't need it. truly no one needed it. never went into much detail, though. soap didn't bring it up much after, so price figured it was settled. moved on.
so, when price does reunite with soap after soap's hybridization––which he did without telling price (he wasn't obligated to, & hadn't talked to him in a while)––price feels more than anything a sense of guilt. regret. like it's his fault for not doing more to talk soap out of essentially ruining his life.
made worse still because soap wasn't fully informed on what hybridization does. not for a lack of trying to find out so much as he was more or less lied to about it. he was fed the perks, while the downsides were downplayed or omitted.
gaz would not be an exception partially for your reasoning, yes. the continuous growing, even if it's slow, does tax the body significantly. & crocodilian longevity, it doesn't counteract the other strain that's put on the body as a result of the hybridization. the fact of the matter is that human bodies are not meant to be spliced together with these animals, & hybridization is not done with the recipient's health in mind. hybrids are created to be tools & weapons. so long as they can do what they were made to do, that's good enough.
so ghost is largely blind, yes. pretty much entirely blind in his left eye, & his vision is still pretty bad in his right eye. he can detect light (which he is still very sensitive to, despite the poor vision) & shapes, but not much else. he does wear contacts/corrective lenses, though. not a whole lot can be done for his left eye, but it's salvageable in his right, which is the eye that he shoots with anyway. it gives him decent enough distance vision that, with a scope, he can snipe just fine. (reading things up close, however, is a bit more of a challenge, as the contacts make him far-sighted.)
for closer situations, he doesn't really rely on sight at all. he instead uses his sense of smell, hearing, & echolocation. & he's damn good with it too. most people don't know that he's almost blind, because he moves & behaves like anyone with decent vision would. he tracks movement with his eyes, makes eye contact, & he can fight/shoot perfectly at close/medium range. hell, he can shoot better than most because he can work in pitch black with ease, & he doesn't need to be facing a target to know it's there.
price does pick up on the blindness almost immediately, since he's known ghost the longest & was there to help him adjust to his forced hybridization. & also because he's price. ghost knows gaz the next-longest, & probably just ends up telling him eventually. gaz suspected something was up (bc ghost is always wearing sunglasses, even at night), but never asked, & certainly didn't think that ghost's vision was as bad as it actually is. that surprised him, considering how ghost can still snipe. soap likely figures it out on his own after a while. just because of how his relationship is/grows with ghost & how close they end up becoming. soap is observant. notices how ghost squints sometimes, how he occasionally asks someone to read or summarize something to him, & other small things. & he might not ask about it either, but he'll start doing things to try & accommodate. writing/drawing things bigger. offering to read stuff for ghost (or just doing it unprompted). sharing audiobooks & music he thinks ghost would like. & when ghost does admit that he's mostly blind, soap's just like. oh. i know, but i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me 🥰
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Random Ramblings
If this is somehow even more long winded than I normally am (yeah it's long), it's because I'm going through an IBS flare up that is kicking my butt.
BUT I wanted to get my thoughts out about some of my content warnings, because I'm very tired and have been shoving the same one in front of my Reece/Samir parts even if they might not reflect that particular part because I'm too tired to judge how spicy warrants a spice warning.
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Where to start... If you haven't figured it out, all my grown sims are currently woohoo positive, as in they do not think that how much woohoo a sim does or does not have dictates how "good" a person is. Why? Because whoever made sex synonymous with shame is stupid and has ruined many a life (it was probably a dude, no offense dudes out there).
While I don't currently have any sims that are asexual, not all my sims feel the same about woohoo.
For example Charlie and Kaori would choose a good chat over woohoo most times. Not because they don't love each other, or are averse to woohoo, but because that's who they are together. Most days they tire themselves out as athletes and prefer to relax together
Cassandra and Rahul on the other hand love to have woohoo, particularly unprotected, three kids and still not done
Keira, who rolled the soulmate aspiration, chose to wait before she had woohoo. Her high school girlfriend (Morgan Fryes) cheated on her because she wouldn't woohoo. Even after meeting Marta (her now fiance) she wanted to wait until she felt comfortable being vulnerable around her.
Then of course we have my superstar Joey who is aromantic but allosexual (a mod did that, I didn't choose it). As soon as he became a YA he got a fwb. His philosophy is basically, oh she identifies as she? Can I hit it? I love you Joey that's why I call you a slut
Normally I just chuck up a sim spice warning if there are some screenshots taken during woohoo. Me being me, I don't feel like including pixel private parts in my published posts. Kudos to all you who do, it's just not my style. It's also rare that I'll write about anything that happens during a woohoo session, mostly I'll just write some foreplay then say it happened. That said, I do like to chuck in innuendo here and there if it feels like something my sims would say (any other writers feel like they know exactly what their sims would say at times?). I'm also not in a hurry to be classified as a mature blog, purely because that doesn't fit like 95% of my gameplay. Yes, I use wicked whims for my gameplay, but that doesn't mean I'm going to show you Luna being a lowkey pillow princess... shut up brain you can't just say that
Finally, on to my babies Reece and Samir. If there are spectrum's they are at the extreme end (also in my country the age of consent is 16 so any hijinks they get up before Reece turns 18 isn't percieved as illegal here). They both enjoy woohoo, like a lot a lot. Probably didn't help that there rotation had love day in it but they both also have high woohoo drives. They were flirty most of the time, so what would they do in that state? Sweet talk each other of course.
Now, if you weren't aware and you probably weren't cause it's been ages since their last rotation Reece and Samir also have a dynamic my other sims don't. Although on reflection Bob and Eliza have it as well, just to a lesser extent. Reece, chatterbox ego that he is, is a submissive. Samir, who barely says more than a sentence to anyone but Reece, is a dominant. When together they'll often lean into these roles, using both innuendo and statements of things their partner does that they're in to. Some people would probably label things that even use those words as mature, but it's a dynamic that exists people.
Now their chapter isn't me suddenly switching to speaking in 100% innuendo, but it has more than my average writing, at least for the first half you'll understand later if you read hence the sim spice warning. Looking back on it the chapter does not contain any screenshots mid woohoo, but the dialogue makes me want to put a disclosure above the cut, since I'm still not sure of all the rules around here, and my IBS is making it hard to focus right now.
Woohoo talk done? It's done! That's what she said... shut up brain, we're not twelve!
The other warning is about sim death. No one dies in the chapter but it deals with figuring out what happened to Samir's birth parents. Previously it's been established they were killed when he was 5 but the chapter and my Samir flashback pov short bit that I am low key proud of does involve mention of blood, death, dying etc. Me being me, I do not include any screenshots of dead, dying or seriously bleeding sims, it's not my aesthetic (don't act as though you don't love playing Until Dawn, the Quarry and The Dark Pictures Anthology which is full of gore... okay yes but gore does make me queasy for the most part, could never ever watch a saw film) and things aren't described in explicit detail. But death is death and grief is complex. It can hit you at unexpected times in unexpected ways.
So why am I bothering to put content warnings at all? Still sounds pretty tame. Yeah, probably, but as mentioned, I still don't know all the rules around here. Plus I would choose for someone to not read my story and avoid seeing something that upset them, than have someone grieving a loss see my dead sims bodies on their dash because I tagged it Sims4 every time. So if you see a content warning on my post, it most often just means viewer discretion advised. Not that you'll click and get flashed by my sims.
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Something I do that seems cringe but isn't:
All my OCs are PopStars in my head
(a project in normalizing my neurodivergent behaviors - I talk about my maladaptive daydreaming habits and hyphantasia. I try and talk about behaviors I've never seen anyone discuss)
All of my OCs are musically inclined. All of them can play music or sing or something. Especially the girls. Why?
Cause they're PopStars. All of them.
Am I the only one who does this?I'm SO curious.
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This how they be in my head I'm so deadass
I like to listen to music a lot while daydreaming. It's a huge daydream trigger, especially for my hyphantasia.
And I can daydream full length music videos with outfits and sets and themes without much effort at all.
And I do it ALL THE TIME. WITHOUT MEANING TO. I don't even think about it at this point.
I can tell which character sings what part, and when a certain singer sings a line in the song, the appropriate character will take center in the music 'video'.
There's chereographed dancing, outfit changes. Like a constant popstar AU.
I've done this for years. And at this point I don't have to think about it.
If anything I do it to relax, it's like turning off my brain vhhvhohococ and I'll just sit there and do it for like thirty minutes straight lol
And honestly THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL I MEAN writing it out right now it sounds almost fake but I promise there is a VH1 Top 20 Music Video Countdown show going on every time I listen to music
I find it's really helpful even when I'm not doing it.
It helps at keeping characters different, because I'm seeing them as if I was looking at the Spice Girls, with each woman needing their own style, attitude, vocal strength
Certain characters have a certain tone of voice - so if I imagine a character as an alto, from then on they can only really appear in songs with altos.
Some songs go to certain characters based on personality and lyrics and beat
I have playlists of 'albums' each girl group would sing.
Each group has a name too, sometimes the albums even have names.
And this is my brains default music mode. As a kid I remember having an ipod nano and sitting on the long subway rides listening to music and doing this for like an hour straight.
The main group is named Dianne (can be pronounced Di-anne or Di-An-Ne)
It's a musical duo of my OCs Disco-Spider Diane and her varient Annie - also named Diane, hence the name. (I haven't posted Annie yet but I'm gonna talk about her anyway because you'll get the jist right it's no biggie)
Their current album: Perfect Package EP
Top song: I Am - Baby Tate (feat. Flo Milli)
other songs: Area Codes - Kaliii, Vroom Vroom - Charli XCX, BRAT - Chrissy Chlapecka, Down Boy - No Angels
Concept: Bratz (Diane) vs Barbie (Annie)
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Annie's outfits:
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Solid and bright solids and checkered patterns - mod style
Diane's outfits:
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Scantily clad Courtney Love DiscoPunk
Umm. This is kinda embarrassing for me to talk about that's the point to make it not embarrassing
But it's like something so personal and writing it out it's RIDICULOUS how detailed it is butuhhh ISN'T IT COOL TOO anyway uhhhhhh :)
Does anyone do this too. Or like.......
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grapecaseschoices · 1 month
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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zzthekaiju · 1 month
Best of the Reptiles in Media - 02 - Heart
Here we are again taking a look at some of my favorite scaly heroes. And this time, we go to the realm of animation. That golden frontier where anything is possible.
A lot of people have asked me what my favorite animated film is. And ever since 2016, I've had the definitive answer. It's a film from Japan staring who might be one of my favorite animated protagonists of all time. One that I wish was recognized by way more people than just the cult following his movie got.
You could say that this character...has a special place in my Heart.
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And yes, that is his name. You'll learn to appreciate it.
Omae Umasou da na (You are Umasou) (2010) is an anime adaptation of a series of children's books revolving around a belligerent Tyrannosaurus Rex who ends up adopting a baby Ankylosaurus, with all the mishaps that implies. I'll admit, when I heard about this film for the first time, I wasn't sure what to think. Surely, this free film uploaded to Youtube wouldn't possibly--
It proceeded to rewrite my brain chemistry forever. It really is a great film. It's beautiful to look at, the animation is really action-packed and cute at the same time, it's got a gripping story (which I'll get into), and above all, it's main character is a martial arts-practicing Godzilla-looking T-Rex who engages in interspecies adoption. WHAT MORE COULD I HAVE ASKED FOR?!
But enough beating around the bush, why is Heart so compelling to me?
Let's start with an introduction. Heart is a Tyrannosaurus Rex from a prehistoric world whose lost egg winds up found and adopted by a kindly Maiasaura. Unfortunately, a carefree life of fun and peace with his mom and half-brother Light is brought to an end when he discovers his true nature as a "Big Jaw" (as in, carnivore). After running away out of fear of what he might do to his family, he grows up hardening both his soul and his combat skills so that he may survive the unforgiving badlands outside of the forest he grew up in (complete with training montage).
Then, as if life wasn't done throwing him curve balls, Heart is imprinted upon by a little baby Ankylosaurus he was just about to eat (complete with calling him the Japanese word for delicious, hence the name). Soon, Heart is caught between going with his true nature or taking a few cues from his own adoptive mother...
Design-wise, Heart isn't winning any accuracy contests, but then again, no creature here is. And it hardly matters, either. This dino manages to find a great balance between looking like the kind of character I'd want a plushie of (seriously, why haven't we gotten on to that) and one that conveys great ferocity and coolness. A major part of how that's conveyed is his expressions. This guy is a GOLDMINE of reaction faces for almost every occasion. So much so that, long ago on my Instagram page, I posted a compilation of faces that either cracked me up or just showed his facial range in general.
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What's your favorite? Let me know in the notes/reblogs!
Anyway, then there's when he fights. And MAN, does it go hard! Heart doesn't exactly wear kiddie gloves when he's put in a combat situation, utilizing heavy kicks and deceptive agility as his opponents barely keep pace. We see him go up against sauropods and other Big Jaws, and really, I just need to show you these GIFs to sum up what it's like.
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But that's not where Heart truly shines. It's his role in the narrative. You see, in most dino media aimed towards younger audiences, the big mean carnivore is the villain. This was most prevalent in works like The Land Before Time with Sharptooth, and the Carnotaurs from Disney's Dinosaur (both of which were the stuff of nightmares for little dino nerds like me). Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. Giant theropod dinosaurs are indeed scary, so of course they make for good villains. But then you consider that most of these predators aren't hunting our adorable plant-munching protags because they're evil. It's just in their nature as predators. What are they gonna do? Go vegan?
And that's the troublesome crossroads Heart finds himself at. You could say this film offers a deconstruction of the "vicious meat-eating dinosaur" archetype. The Anti-Sharptooth, if you will. We're obviously meant to root for him because he's the protagonist and an altogether pleasant guy, but at the same time, both herbivore and carnivore are fully-sapient beings here, and Heart must feed.
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The film does NOT restrain from showing him hunt down his prey, but it has the intelligence to show that this is not malice or even pleasure, it's simple survival instinct. He is a huge shade of grey in what would otherwise be a very black-and-white scenario in any other film. And it gets even harder for Heart when Umasou enters the picture.
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For the record, almost all of Heart and Umasou's interactions are the definition of adorable. Little Umasou is such a little ball of sunshine both inside and out, and poor Heart just doesn't have the...well, heart...to either eat or abandon him. Seeing his exasperation while keeping him safe while also training him in the ways of fighting like an anime protagonist (complete with training montage) is all kinds of endearing and a testament to Heart's strength of character. Of course, it leads to the inevitable point where he has to let him go...but unlike the source material, it doesn't take. Umasou knows that he and his adoptive dad are as different as can be, but he doesn't care. He's his family, and vice versa, something Heart comes to accept whole-heartedly (I did it again, didn't I).
And with that, the ending to this amazing nature vs. nurture story is very bittersweet, starting with Heart and Umasou reuniting with the former's mom.
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Actually, before I keep going, I just want you to know that this scene in which they finally see each other again made me go from "wow, great movie, ten out of ten" to "I NEED TO TALK TO MY MOM!!!" in less than a minute. Seriously, if you're looking to strengthen your maternal bonds, watch this movie and watch the magic happen.
Aaaaanyway, after a heated battle between Heart and the one implied to be his real dad, the truth remains that he can't stay. He's resigned himself to a life as an outcast, never being compatible with his parent and brother's kind while at the same time being shunned by his fellow Big Jaw for adopting food. Nevertheless, he leaves in high spirits, having mended what had for the longest time been a broken bond. That, and he doesn't have to be a straggler alone, anyhow.
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Really, Heart is everything I love about a lot of protags in one big package. He's a reptile (a dinosaur no less), he's a badass, he's a nice guy, he rages against what he is in order to be WHO he wants to be, and he's undoubtedly dad of the year. I hope more people come to recognize and appreciate him as much as I do.
Also, he's heavily implied to be in a steady relationship with an adorable Elasmosaurus, so he's got that "interspecies romance" trope possibly going for him too! C'mon, fellow You are Umasou fans old and hopefully new, you can't tell me you don't see it too!
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classysushi · 8 months
if you're able to invest, a rice cooker is kind of a huge depression meal upgrade.
Like there are ways to optimize your rice cooker recipes by washing your rice, adding meats that you marinate, etc. etc. But you can take it all the way down to low effort and still have a nice meal.
For example:
Buy pre-washed rice so you don't have to wash your rice - not possible for everyone, but in the US, a lot of rice you buy is pre-washed, and it will say so on the bag, hence that stereotype about white people not washing their rice - it does tend to have a nice texture and maybe even taste when washed (less starch floating around in the water) , but it'll be just fine unwashed as long as it is pre-washed. PLUS, often that prewashed rice has been fortified with vitamins, so skipping the wash may be better for you if you're low on other nutrition rich foods anyway. (and that's why a lot of pre-washed rice basically begs you to not wash it on the bag haha)
If you can, buy some bouillon, either in dry form or wet form, and you can just add a dollop or a cube in there, and it'll make your rice so yummy so easily.
You can stop there and have some nice flavored rice done between 40 minute to an hour based on the setting you use on your rice cooker. I recommend not using the quick setting because the texture of the rice is nicer and either way all you are doing is sitting around and waiting for it to be done, so may as well wait a little longer for nicer rice.
If you buy some meat chunks or chicken wings or frozen veggies, you can just pour those in there too! and that will elevate it a lot even with little or no seasoning. idk if this helps. maybe this is still too much for a depression meal but i feel like my rice cooker has made life a lot easier in terms of yummy meals when i'm not feeling doing anything The toughest part is washing the rice cooker bowl and that's technically easy, but sometimes the spoons just aren't there so i get that.
You could even boil potatoes in a rice cooker! mine has a steamer i can insert into it and i like to cut my potatoes in half and steam them! I haven't tried a whole potato yet... so idk if it'll work, but tbh you can just stick a whole potato in the oven on 400 degrees for one hour and you'll have a reasonable enough basked potato so you can do that too if you want. maybe get some shredded cheese on that bad boy....
okay im rambling lol
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askblueandviolet · 1 month
DF: Hey so you guys know how once upon a time I had mentioned that I would be writing an LBD centric prequel to Blue and Violet in an author's note in one of the last chapters of Colours?
It's definitely still happening if some of you were waiting for it!!! It's just, I haven't been working on it lately (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ. Actually, I've barely worked on it at all. Technically, I am more than a third way through writing it because it's only a three chaptered fic (well, that's the plan as of 'right now') and I have the outline of the whole thing pretty set in stone (aka, I know exactly what's going to happen).
The first chapter of it is... Actually, it's already done! Pretty terrible draft but not something some quick editing can't fix! But me being me, I don't particularly like to publish chapters unless I have some more chapters in the backlog to be published the following week (to uphold a consistent schedule). Hence, why I'm able to keep up the weekly update schedule!
However, I... Genuinely don't know how long it is going to take me to write the other two chapters. Because my brain is not good at multitasking. So, since my main focus is on Winter Mornings, Summer Nights (WMSN), this ask blog, and my life outside of the internet, it's hard to find time and energy to actually... Write the prequel I've been wanting to write for ages. A piece of work that I really wanted to share before WMSN came out because it's actually meant to be read after Colours (despite literally being a prequel. But it contains so many spoilers for the timeline beyond it because ITS LBD'S POV) but lmao it is what it is.
HOWEVER: If you are all willing to endure the very unreliable production of the prequel (it literally could take me months to dish out the second chapter), I could publish the first chapter for it! Just so you guys can like, I don't know, consume it.
Um, do bear in mind though, I might not end up following the results of this poll. Because I don't know, I'm a little silly I guess (or just incredibly unreliable lmao). But I will take the results from this into consideration! Ultimately, I will try to do what I feel like is best for you guys and the series (and my own sanity too I guess).
So, this is more of an update post than anything else. To tell you guys that I'm working on the thing, I swear XDDD!!! But if you guys really want to see some of it now, I am willing to share what I currently have :DDD.
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laneynoir · 1 year
Oooo can you do “Come here, we need to talk.” For Aragorn? I feel like this would be interesting-
So, turns out I did NOT post this two days ago like I thought I did... Oops. You can blame @sotwk and @a-burr-a-hobbit for accidentaly drawing my attention to that :P
Jordan, thank you so much for the request!
Word count: 2122
The nobles have a grudge agaisnt you, an irrational one, born from inset jealously and a belief that you do not belong. And you constantly find yourself antagonized by jabs, mostly verbal but some... Not so.
Hence your current state.
Really, you'd think that if one were to attempt an assasination, one could at the very least hire a competent assassin.
The orcs had come closer than these people.
Still, you had been shot with the dart, and the slash from the knife has yet to stop bleeding, so you push yourself up from the floor and limp tword the medical wing.
You had just turned the corner when you come face to face with a guard, who quickly dons an expression of suprise at your bloodied figure. Forgoing any words he may have spoken, you wave your hand.
"I am perfectly alright soldier. However there is a group of assassins tied together with some draperys in that hallway, they should still be unconcouss." You pause a moment. "Although one is almost definently dead and another is bleeding quite profusely. And you may want to get someone to mop up the blood before it dries into the floor."
You pat his shoulder before limping on -because although you know you haven't broken it, you've done something to your ankle- and make a sound of thanks to his promise to take care of it.
When you finally make it to the familiar pristine hall of healing, you can tell by the look on the maids face that you look a fright.
You are soon rushed to a seat on one of the beds as your favourite healer is brought to your side.
"Gracious me, they did a number on you this time didn't they?" Vera eyes the slash wound critically before grabbing a length of bandage and a few suspisous smelling jars.
You smile at her worry and shrug, immediately regretting such. "Tis not really so bad as it looks, I am only suprised that they would dare carry out an attack within the palace wall-OI"
Vera makes a small 'hmf' sound at your exclamation of pain. "I thought it was 'not so bad'? Are you going to tell the King?"
You sigh heavily. "I imagine Aragorn will learn of it it one way or another, though not, I think, from me."
At that Vera ceases her movements. "And just why not? That man -king- would tear down the castle of Rohan for you!"
The deadpan stare you give her is droll enough to chase off an orc but she doesn't flinch. "Because my dear Vera, I know very well how protective of his friends our King can be. And I would not dare put it past him to throw all of the nobles in a cell."
Vera gives you a look, that plainly lets you know that she knows there's more too it.
"And" you begin quietly "I think I am afraid that he wouldn't do anything. I hardly see him anymore and I fear I've lost his friendship."
The expression on her face melts instantly. "Oh y/n..." She pulls you into a hug, but jerks back when you release a yelp. "What-" her eyes widen "What's this then?"
She's quickly tearing away the sleeve of your tunic and gasps at whatever she finds on your shoulder. "What? What's what?"
Instantly she becomes a flurry of movement. "You- didn't tell me you'd been shot with a poisoned dart!"
She begins dabbing around the area, causing you to let a hiss out from betwixt your teeth. "In defence of myself, I was unaware of the poison."
Unbeknownst to both you and Vera, the problem of telling Aragorn, called Estel, would not come to pass. For already is he informed and strides with long pace beside Boromir.
Boromir who, though he shows no sign of it, is quite worried. In many battles he has fought with his now king, but never has he seen this expression on his face.
The king of Gondor looks murderous.
Aragorn has always carried a ruged yet regal aura, somewhat intimidating, one that makes all around him willing to follow, to obey, and to trust.
The air of such is still present, but also is an undercurrent of threat. And though he will never speak of it, Boromir is afraid.
It is an irrational fear, as he is certainly not the one whom ordered the attack on you, and yet he cannot chase the discomfort away.
The guards infront of the cell jolt at the appearance of their King and Captain, bowing stiffly they open the doors at Aragorn's commanding motion.
Inside is a pitifully ragtag group of four men and one woman. One of the men has his shirt compleatly removed and a thick bandage wrapped around his chest, the rest sport less cotton but look no less miserable.
At the sight of Aragorn they all jerk to sitting positions, each with differant levels of pain. "Oh King, to what do we owe the pleasure?"
The look Aragorn gives the red haired man is eerily similar to the one he'd given the mouth of Sauron, and that hadn't exactly gone well for him.
Cutting past any pleasantries, Aragorn stares at the man. "You are the leader?" At his tentive nod Aragorn inclines his head. "Come here, we need to talk. What is your name, and why have you come into my city with ill intent?"
The man's demeanour remains flippant as he introduces himself as 'Traydor' however this is not Boromir's first, nor is Aragorn an unobservant man, and they both note the sweat on Traydor's forehead and the slight tremor of his hand.
"To my first query you have given answer," Aragorn speaks, in a tone so cold that the man with the bandaged chest shivers. "And yet my second goes unanswered."
"I should think our intent was obvious, King Aragorn."
Boromir takes a step back as the sword of Elendil flashes through the air and lands against the throat of Traydor, who's eyes widen. "It is not in my nature to make empty threats, so I give to you one more chance; explain in full why you have entered my halls and put in danger one who holds my favour."
In the momentary silence, Boromir has the fleeting thought that Aragorn would probably not be holding a sword to the neck of a prisoner had it been him who'd been threatened, but then, he reasons, Boromir would rather remain a Spector of the long looks Aragorn sent to you, and not the recipient.
The silence dissolves with the broken tone of the man on the cott. "Traydor please. Dont let your pride take you from me?"
Traydor swallows agaist the unwavering blade agaist his person. "Fine! I will speak, but only because my husband pleads." He sends an anoyed, yet endearing, glance at mentioned man as Aragorn removes the blade from his neck.
"Then do so quickly, none of us wish for this meeting to be longer than it has to be." Aragon nods in agreement with Boromir's words and the redhead begins,
"As I pointed out, it us quite obvious that we were sent to end the life of lieutenant Y/n, in no specific way, and were offered a large sum to do so. 'Twas not until yestermorn that we learned of the past failed attempts on the Lory's life, and in haste we enlisted another's help, the man whom was slain.
"It was a risky endeavor the whole way through, for we were told that in halls of the palace our quary would be off guard, not so as we found, and were all desposed of and bound. I must say though, our hired hand managed a shot with his poison dart...?"
At this point he lookes to the least injured man who grimaced. "Plant called Eldarsbane."
Aragorn showes no outward sign of worry, but his breath catches and Boromir beguns to worry. "The name of that who hired you, give me this and you will keep your lives."
Traydor shrugs. "Fair, his name was Derind. Didn't like the fellow but I've lives I'm repsonsable for." At this his eye twitched and dismay coats his face. "Had I supose I should say."
Aragorn cannot find it within himself to pity the man, but turns to Boromir. "I must attend to Y/n, I trust you will deal with Lord Derind?" He barely acknowledges Boromir's nod before turning and disappearing diwn the hall.
"That was exciting"
Boromir son of Denthor, steward of Gondor, cannot disagree with the small man chrouched on the floor.
Aragorn has never regretted his Royal lineage more than in moments like this, when it is decidedly suspicious to run through the halls of the palace. He waves away concerned guard on this way to the halls of healing, praying to the Valar that you were there.
Someone must have heard his plees as he turn the last corner he hears the words: "In defence of myself, I was unaware of the poison."
You jolt up at his appearance, "Aragorn!" And if you watch a bit to closely at the fluid movement with which he sheds his cloak, that is no one's business but your own.
And perhaps Vera's, as she smirks knowingly. "What have you treated her with, Lady Vera?"
And so she rattles off a list of terms that only make slight sense to you, but he understands compleatly. When Aragorn mentions something of a 'Eldarsbane' Vera freezes, but quickly launches into movment at the request for some plant called prickelbear.
After she's hurried off in the direction of the gardens, you become far to aware of Aragorn's close proximity and in an attempt to distract yourself you joke; "How long until I die my King?"
He stills from his ministrations at your shoulder and your eyes widen. Turning, you look at him mouth agape. "I'm actually dieing? Mahal's hairy Balls of course I am. Will it be slow and painful-"
"Y/n, I will not allow you to die." The steel in his voice sends a jolt of alarm through you.
"And here I thought the plant was in charge of that." The jest is painfully halfhearted, and you shift your eyes always from Aragorn's. His reaction is to reach with a gentle hand and turn your face back to his.
"I say again," he says, voice as soft as the elves who raised him. "I will not allow you to die."
You fight the urge to rest against his hand -a battle not entirely successful- and find yourself in an odd state between releaved and dissapointed when he moves to trace the line of your jaw.
"How many times has this happned, y/n?" At your confusion he raises an eyebrow. "How many times has it escaped my notice and attention that the one I care for has been targeted for slaughter?"
Your mind is in a jumble, but you manage to tell him of the five previous attempts, by the end his elegantly grave features have hardened, before softening as he sets his forehead against your own. 
You can feel the blood rush to your face, but still feel odly at peace, especially for someone who is dieing.
But then, near death has always pit things in perspective; as such the fact that occasionally indulging is no crime, an hour can produce more than a day, and you've fallen madly in love with the king of Gondor.
Oh dear.
Vera returns with an odd shaped green and purple plant with spiked leaves, fifteen minutes later, you've a thick bandage with an ill-smelling paste beneath it. Aragorn proclaims that you will live and the joy and relief in his eyes shows so plaibly that you notice, and take the chanve at pulling him in for a hug.
While pressed against you he whispers in your ear. "Y/n, I do belive I've fallen in love"
"With whom my King?" You ask barely daring to fraw a breath.
"The most talented and loyal person to walk the halls of Gondor." He replies pulling away to look at you.
You smirk, "Falling for one's self is hardly becoming of a King."
Aragorn presses near to your lips, just a tilt of your head and you could claim the King. "Will you allow me to court you, to worship and follow you, to speak your counsel above all else, and shower you with the love you so deserve?"
A soft 'yes' escapes you, before you know no more, other than the lips pressed against the other, and the healing hands of your king tangle in your hair.
(I am fully aware of how bad this is, plz don't hit me)
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