#her last album
o0dorkk0o · 1 month
I’ve been having dreams lately about Taylor Swift recording a super secret album she plans on releasing the day she dies. It’s called “From Beyond the Grave” where she has songs like
“I’m still relevant from beyond the grave”
“My last will and Testament” (a song where she describes what each of her cats will inherit)
“My deepest darkest secrets”
“My very last song”
“The eras”
“Rolling in my grave”
“The ghost’s song”
“I win”
“Existential Crisis”
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gshina · 1 year
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photographed by VINCENT HAYCOCK
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fizpup · 2 months
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real sad robot hours who up
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asteriskemily · 18 days
The fact that Ruben doesn’t remember what happened is absolutely sending me.
Like, imagine your name is Ruben Hopclap. You wake up in front of a ruined school gym wearing clothes you don’t recognize and missing your favorite necklace. You don’t remember falling asleep. Your chest hurts.
Uncle Henry is there talking to principal Auegfort over scraps of a robot. For a moment he looks at you like you’re a ghost before wrapping you in a tight hug. He asks what you remember. You tell him you remember packing your bag to go to the mountains of chaos for your spring break quest. You don’t remember anything after that. He hugs you again.
Your party’s there too. Most of them at least. Along with another party that you recognize as the Bad Kids, the most infamous party in your grade, maybe in the whole school. You tamp down any jealousy you might feel about that when you see the way that Mary Ann Almost-but-not-quite smiles at their barbarian. Instead you go to where Oisin and Ivy are huddle together, speaking softly to each other.
You ask where Kipperlily is. They look uncomfortable. For a moment you think about asking after Buddy, but then you realize you don’t know who that is. They keep avoiding answering the question, so you walk away. You almost go to talk to Lucy, but you see how uncomfortable she looks, how she flinches away when you start to move towards her. You decide to leave her alone.
Eventually Henry takes you home. On the drive home he turns on the radio and you hear yourself singing a song you’ve never heard. It’s loud and chaotic and so so angry. The sound of it makes you want to throw up. You turn it off and ride in silence back to the house.
The walls of your bedroom have been painted a deep, bloody red. There’s an electric guitar that you don’t know how to play leaning against the wall. Your desk is covered in notes and plans, some of it written in codes you can’t decipher. That doesn’t really matter because you don’t understand the stuff that’s not in code either.
Your parents look almost scared of you when you ask where your normal clothes are. They tell you that you got rid of them. They keep apologizing, like they think you’ll get mad at them. You tell them it’s okay, but still search your closet for something a bit more your style. You find a box shoved into a corner, under some clothes. Inside is your puka shell necklace and your ukulele. The string on the necklace is broken like it had been ripped off. The body of the ukulele is cracked like it had been thrown to the ground. You decide to deal with that in the morning.
You fall asleep and you dream of a girl. She’s a tiefling with red and black raccoon streaks in her hair. She smiles at you with lips painted black. If you stare at her for too long you can see blood dripping out of those lips and a crossbow bolt lodged in her side. You look at her and feel longing, feel grief, feel betrayal. You want to stop dreaming of her, but some part of you knows that any other dream would be filled with blood and crystals and rage. You accept that you are doomed to Wanda.
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shakooo · 3 months
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1/2 JAKSHAHA HIIIIII GUYS IT'S ME AGAIN here is the comic that i promised....just the day before yesterday i was able to advance this, school is killng me now hahaha and i definitely have to focus on it like never before, but well, about the comic AAAAGH I WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT ISABELLA you know, her design is very interesting and fun to draw for me
apart from the fact that in the conceptual art she has a much more sophisticated outfit AND that was the one that gave me the inspiration to do this hehe
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this is what i'm talking about >:), the whole family has their elegant version and k love the concEEEPt
there are still 3 pages left to color so wait for it ª
Here is the drawing without text....AND I LOVE HOW IT LOOKED
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rottingraisins · 10 months
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
(Hi there! If you saw/voted in this poll, why don’t you check out Swiftlit, my new Taylor Swift podcast. It would mean a lot to me :) 💗)
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thcbolter · 1 month
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taylor swift — the manuscript
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 months
I've listened to TTPD three times now, twice alone and once at a listening breakfast with friends! Thoughts:
I liked quite a lot of it, but I'm not immediately blown away.
Current favorite is "The Bolter," followed by "But Daddy I Love Him," "The Prophecy," and "Florida!!!" in no particular order.
I loved the breadth of feelings that the album addresses. You really get a sense of a whole emotional landscape.
It's in strong and compelling conversation with Taylor's whole body of work without being too excessively self-referential. "thanK you aIMee" is the notable exception.
A lot of the songs are overwritten: she uses $20 words in place of $2 words, repeats herself, and dulls the power of what works by surrounding it with a lot that doesn't. If we go by Coleridge's definition that poetry is the best words in their best order, then yeah. She definitely needs an editor.
However, none of the lyrics that people seem to be highlighting as "cringey" bother me at all. I've always loved Taylor's proclivity for small details, even strange or out-of-place ones.
I would really love to gently help Taylor out with her literary allusions. They're a long-standing struggle for her, and even going in I was a little worried for that aspect of the album based on the marketing. Could've been worse, but most of them could still stand to be a whole lot sharper.
The songs tend towards very consistent production and tempo. Whether you want to call that cohesiveness or homogeneity is a matter of opinion.
My great, secret wish for this album was that it would feature a bunch of orchestra/strings, which would've meshed great with the dark academia vibe. Clearly, I didn't get it. Oh well
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get-back-homeward · 27 days
The Beatles, Flowers, and Love
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A white sport coat and a pink carnation I'm all dressed up for the dance A white sport coat and a pink carnation I'm all alone in romance
Once you told me long ago To the prom with me you'd go Now you've changed your mind it seems Someone else will hold my dreams
—A White Sports Coat (and A Pink Carnation)* (1957)
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I send you flowers but you don't care You never seem to see me standing there I often wonder what you're thinking of I hope it's me and love love love
—Hello Little Girl (1957)
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Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers That grow so incredibly high
—Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (1967)
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Find me in my field of grass Mother Nature's son Swaying daisies, sing a lazy song Beneath the sun
—Mother Nature's Son (1968)
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Songs that lingered on my lips excite me now And linger on my mind Leave your flowers at my door I'll leave them for the one who waits behind
—Goodbye (1968)
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Some call it magic The search for the grail Love is the answer And you know that for sure Love is a flower You got to let it grow
—Mind Games (1970, 1973)
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Sweep through the heather like deer in the glen Carry me back to the days I knew then Nights when we sang like a heavenly choir Of the life and the times of the Mull of Kintyre
—Mull of Kintyre (1977)
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All through the summer, I have followed you around Bringing a rose for the winter that's coming Now the snow is on the ground... Love awake to the day When we can make our love awake
—Winter Rose/Love Awake (1978)
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You want a love to last forever One that will never fade away I want to help you with your problem Stick around, I say Coming up, coming up, yeah Coming up like a flower Coming up, I say
—Coming Up (1979)
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If you'll forgive me my little flower princess Never too late unless you can't forgive
Time is on our side Let's not waste another minute 'Cause I love you my little friend I really love you
Give me just one more chance And I'll show you, take up the dance Where we left off
—Forgive Me (My Little Flower Princess)** (1980)
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After hours  Late in the bar  By a darkened corner seat  Faded flowers wait in the jar  Till the evening is complete 
—Take It Away (1981)
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She sprinkles flowers in the dirt That's when a thrill becomes a hurt I know I'll never see her face She walks away from my resting place
That day is done, that day is done You know where I've gone I won't be coming back That day is done
—That Day Is Done (1988)
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letterful · 1 year
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— CANDY DARLING, from a letter written shortly before her death from lymphoma at age 29.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
also suddenly just thought of "Maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame, or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away," in relation to TTPD and made myself feel icky 😵‍💫
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msommers · 1 year
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FROM APHRODITE AND THE LOVERS, TO OUR LITTLE DOVES 🕊️💌 to celebrate the release of the ethereal lovers club, we're offering a limited-edition cassette of the album exclusively for our top fans on spotify. a limited quality is available for this offer - until april 30th or while supplies last - so act quickly!
mc & band for @infamous-if [templates]  [psd]
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anthonycrowley · 2 months
okay slept for a few hours and i think i have managed to create a concrete opinion on the album. while i thought the surprise double album was fun everyone saying no album needs to be 31 songs and 2 hours long is right and to be honest my guess is it would have been significantly less boring-to-unlistenable if she cut like. well. about half the songs. i also think all the posts from swifties that are like oh all the lyrics are so deep i don’t understand them i need to sit with this album until i do. bestie. you can admit the album is long and convoluted and you couldn’t focus for two hours on what is. and i’m sorry but it really is just. i cannot stress this enough. a breakup album. and not a particularly deep one.
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someone tell me how there was this much of an abundance of lucy dacus music i was just unaware existed?? i am a fake fan this hurts me
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