aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
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L'Afghan, un cheval aux multiples variétés, originaire de l'Afghanistan
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haphazard-trolls · 7 months
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they should kiss ( feat. @sharklilly )
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sharklilly · 8 months
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When he's angry, his pupils expand to be the size of his irises, and the yellows of his eyes become as red as his irises.
arrives at your village the same way any other villager arrives (anytime after three disappearances during jack's residancy)
his house is mostly decorated with the balloon series. there is a display of a completed saber tooth tiger fossil upon move-in. after every villager disappearance, there is a chance for his saber tooth tiger fossil to be replaced with a table upon which an australopith is displayed.
interacts with jack frequently and is generally more active and sociable than other villagers. he's seen interacting with non-villager npcs much more frequently than other villagers as well, and he wants to interact with you much more often.
villagers jack focuses on interacting with will also receive more of scout's attention.
gets mad after interactions with anyone much more frequently than most other villagers, including after interactions with jack.
villagers will begin being more active in the community and more participatory in events.
talking with villagers or npcs while scout or jack are nearby will result in relatively normal but brief interactions.
talking with villagers when away from scout and jack will sometimes cause them to breakdown and beg for them to be removed from the village while expressing feeling unsafe with them around
villagers will make plans to move out more frequently. if a villager plans to move, they might disappear anytime during the process.
villagers planning to move may be seen interacting with jack or scout (scout is more likely). they will sometimes change their mind about moving out after the interaction. they may tell you that they've changed their mind, or they may quietly return to their normal activities.
if you ignore scout too frequently when he wants to talk, he will eventually run up to you and you'll be locked into an interaction with him against your will.
scout usually seeks you out to discuss problems with villagers, other npcs, or with the village itself. if you do not correct whatever issue he's brought to your attention, he will continue to pester you about it with increasing frustration until it gets done.
if you do not participate in events, he will seek you out during the event to insist that you participate since you are the mayor. he will get mad and will reprimand you if you do not participate.
if you do not play for a couple days or longer, he will be at your door when you start the game to ask where you've been and to remind you of your duties that you've been slacking off on.
if you fail to save your game, both resetti and scout appear at your door, resetti reprimanding you and scout informing you of a new autosave feature to prevent further mistakes.
if you try to delete your save file, you meet with resetti who says that you cannot.
disappearances might result in blood patterns appearing anywhere in the village, most often near or within jack, scout, or the villager's house. if not picked up, they will be gone the next day.
if scout gets too upset with you, jack or scout will run up to you at night and knock you out. your screen will go black for a while. turning off the game and turning it back on will not change this. after a few hours, you'll appear in a dark room with a pot at the top left corner and a door at the bottom of the right of the screen.
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skiddo-xy · 1 year
i think this is cool
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pwlanier · 3 months
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The elegant field design with lobed floral vase issuing a large central cypress filled with ascending herati designs and a smaller central cypress in ivory surrounded by intricate and active designs of stylized florals and foliates with palmette meander, the rich dark blue field having jewel-tone foliate meander and interspersed blossoms is framed by a wide robust border with dynamic ascending flowering plant form on saffron ground in rich saturated jewel-tone colors overall. This exceptional Persian village weaving created in the middle period of the 19th century. with wide main border being flanked only by a narrow inner guard stripe is unusual and impactful.
Soulis s Auctions
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iasmelaion · 1 year
Just spent most of the last couple weeks with visiting family (exhausting, but good!), most of whom speak Persian with a Kabuli accent, and now my accent in Persian has taken a hard turn into Kabuli. My accent was already weird and mixed up enough! Like, I randomly alternate between the Kabuli and Herati pronunciations of naan based on nothing but pure vibes already (noon vs. naan, fyi), and lol now I’m even more mixed up than usual.
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dreamg4l · 2 years
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"...she's always back at the house in Kabul, walking the hall, climbing the stairs. She is alone, but behind the doors she hears the rhythmic hiss of an iron, bedsheets snapped, then folded. Sometimes she hears a woman's low-pitched humming of an old Herati song. But when she walks in, the room is empty. There is no one there. The dreams leave Laila shaken. She wakes from them coated in sweat, her eyes prickling with tears. It is devastating. Every time, it is devastating."
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humaintain · 1 year
A Yielding
after Toeti Heraty
Let us settle down, love. No more heartbreak. The rice cooker has always been turned on. The rice tender and warm. I don't forget, in this version of my life. Neither do you.               Malam tidak menggebrak masuk melalui halaman (jika kita bisa memanggilnya halaman) belakang, tetapi menyelinap dingin di atas linoleum menguning, membawa tenteram & bukannya ancaman-ancaman belaka.1 
We leave behind the jagged edges of ourselves. 
Ayo kita tanggalkan belati diri yang terpaksa ini.2                                     jati diri
1. Night doesn't break in / through the backyard (if we can even call it one) / but slips, frigidly by, on top of the yellowing / linoleum, carrying tranquility & not / mere empty threats.
2. Come disarm the blade   we were forced to be.                           the person
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parlegee · 2 years
Must Know Qualities of Antique Persian Rugs
Chasing after the all-unique antique Persian rugs might take brains and experience. Nearby shops and show focuses may introduce heaps to piles of determinations to browse however, the veritable thing may be missing. Fostering a sharp find out more here vision's in look for the legitimate piece calls a need.
It takes various things to remember managing the antiques. From knowing the history and different foundations, spots of beginning, materials utilized, winding around examples and, surprisingly, the plans are an unquestionable necessity. All together not to get tricked, requiring the work of realizing the nuts and bolts is similarly just about as significant as having the current bona fide things. In any case, if managing antiques as your natural energy, everything to know are pretty much as basic as a piece of cake.
One of the most critical things to know precisely about antique Persian rugs and carpets is concerning their place of beginning. There are four principal rug makers in Persian as expressed ever. Tabriz, Heart, Kashan, and Kerman are the spots with their unmistakable plan and originalities are those which you need to be aware.
The carpets produced using Herat are normally described by red fields, looking over plant adornments and verdant palms from light green to dark blue colors. Herati designs made by gifted Herati skilled workers clarify frames and exact evenness giving accentuation to the large adornments organized around the center of the field.
Kashan rugs and carpets are known for its three silk hunting rugs carpets with exemplary emblem like examples, verdant to palmette line plans and flower field decorations. The best weaver, Mohstashem, is liable for the finely woven carpet either could be made of wool or silk with profoundly striking and intricate flower jar and wreath designs. Kashan are typically known for their purple and ruby red silk ties.
Kerman carpets have their exceptionally all unique and novel plans called the "container procedure". Garden rugs and carpets and ogival grid carpets are models weighed down with this procedure. Kerman rugs and carpets are noted for the daintiness in their shades and the rich single color, generally red.
An antique eager ought to know how and have the option to identify what a veritable truly is. Investigating doesn't restrict just on the way regarding how it looks. One should have the option to decide by noticing the surface as well. Look at the winding around designs and simultaneously, center around the plans with regards to how these were created in a way that it very well may be followed to the specific ancestral makers back to the historical ages.
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aftaabmagazine · 14 days
Publisher's Introduction to "The Collected Works of Qahar Asi"
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Beyond the Verse: Unveiling the Man Behind the Poet
No formal biography of Qahar Asi (1956-94) exists. Yet, like a puzzle, his life can be pieced together through scattered articles, videos, interviews with colleagues and family members, and audio recordings, a few of which are available in English. In this brief exploration, I aim to illuminate the enigmatic figure of Qahar Asi, delving into critical moments of his life and his impact on contemporary Farsi poetry by sourcing an introduction to his collected works.
The 2013 publication of "The Collected Works of Qahar Asi" offers glimpses into his life. We learn of the encouragement he received from his responsive high school Farsi teacher, شیراحمد حق‌پناه Sher Ahmad Haqpanah, himself a poet and author. 
Asi's development was further shaped by the mentorship of Sufi poet حیدری وجودی Haidari Wujodi and later his classmate نوذر الیاس Noozar Elias at دانشگاه کابل Kabul University. 
After graduating, his poetry took on a decidedly political tone. It protested the Soviet occupation and, at times, offered panegyrics to the resistance, as seen in his poem مردان عشق "Men of Ardent Devotion," which he recorded a video recitation. Yet, he was bitterly disappointed when these same resistance forces entered Kabul, engaging in acts of violence, destruction, and cultural erasure.
A reviewer of this collection remarked, "One notable feature of this collection is the removal of duplicate poems that had appeared in multiple collections. Additionally, poems written in local dialects are presented in their original form, with a glossary at the end of the book explaining any unfamiliar terms."
The collection also features unpublished poems, raising questions about whether Asi intended them for print—some may be unfinished drafts, while others, perhaps deemed too radical, never passed the Kabul censors' scrutiny. The book remains a rare find abroad, and it's unclear if subsequent editions have been printed since its initial publication.
— Farhad Azad, Spring 2024
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This is the editor's introduction from the Collected Works of Qahar Asi, editor's Ahmad Maroof Kabiri and published in 2013 in Mashhad, Iran, by Badakhshan بدخشان Publications:
Born in the village of Malima in Panjshir, Qahar Asi entered this world on the fourth of میزان Mizan, 1335 (September 26, 1956), into a family of modest means. After early childhood, he began his education at the village mosque, followed by formal schooling at the Tanbana elementary school at six. His family later relocated to Kabul, where Asi attended the Abu ابوریحان بیرونی Rayhan al-Biruni Middle School and لیسۀ غازی Ghazi High School.
During his high school years, Asi's poetic talents began to flourish. His teacher, Sher AhmadAsi'sanah, recognized and nurtured his budding abilities, encouraging him to write more and refine his craft. At the end of each Farsi language and literature class, Asi would share his verses, earning the admiration of his classmates. This early recognition, a testament to his raw talent, laid a solid foundation for his future as a poet, inspiring him to continue his poetic journey.
In late 1358 (late 1979), Asi met Haidari Wujodi (1939-2020), a Sufi poet and mentor whose guidance in literature and mysticism profoundly influenced him. In early 1359 (1980), Asi entered Kabul University, a pivotal environment for his poetic development. He crossed paths with Azim Herati (Noozar Elias), a poet from Herat. Asi’s mastery of the quatrain poetry forms can be traced back to Elias’ influence, evident in their shared emotional depth and evocative imagery.
By 1365 (1986), Asi's intellectual and literary development had significantly accelerated, leading to a newfound maturity in his poetry. During this period, he arose as a pioneer of protest poetry and committed himself to literature, shouldering the pain of his people and their vulnerability. He evolved into an authentic voice of their suffering, and his poetry was a raw and resolute narrative of the human cost of conflict.
On a fateful Wednesday evening in Mizan 1373 (September 1994), a rocket explosion in Kabul tragically cut short Asi's life. He embraced martyrdom, joining the ranks of those whowAsi'sd sacrificed their lives for their beliefs.
Asi’s published works, both poetry and prose, include: “The Crimson Flower Collection,” “Melodies for Malima,” “The Garden of Lovers’ Divan,” “My Ghazal and My Sorrow,” “Alone but Everlasting,” “From the Island of Blood,” “The Beginning of an End,” “Of Fire, Of Silk,” “The Year of Blood, the Year of Martyrdom,” and “The Collected Works of Qahar Asi.”
Asi’s poetry, rich in thematic depth and purpose, represents a fresh current in Farsi literature. He pioneered a bold and dynamic style, championing a more authentic and impactful art form. His verses seamlessly blend the unique spirit of his homeland with universal narratives, incorporating elements of humor, heroism, and realism. This unique blend of local and universal themes in his poetry invites the audience to connect with his work on a deeper level.
Asi’s poetic forms are diverse and varied, unrestricted by any rigid framework. He excelled in free verse and traditional classical forms, showcasing his versatility and talent. This duality in his poetical structures strengthens his poetic originality and demonstrates his exceptional capabilities, intriguing the audience with his creative approach to poetry.
In essence, Qahar Asi was a fearless poet, a true champion of the people, and a visionary who yearned for an open and humane society.
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dadaopopeh · 1 month
In Afghanistan, a "Tajik", is typically defined as any primarily Dari-speaking Sunni Muslim who refer to themselves by the region, province, city, town, or village that they are from;[41] such as Badakhshi, Baghlani, Mazari, Panjsheri, Kabuli, Herati, Kohistani, etc.[41][42][43] Although in the past, some non-Pashto speaking tribes were identified as Tajik, for example, the Furmuli.[44][45] By this definition, according to the World Factbook, Tajiks make up about 25–27% of Afghanistan's population,[46][47] but according to other sources, they form 37–39% of the population.[48] Other sources however, for example the Encyclopædia Britannica, state that they constitute about 12–20% of the population,[49][50] which is mostly excluding Persianized ethnic groups like some Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Qizilbash, Aimaqs etc. who, especially in large urban areas like Kabul or Herat, assimiliated into the respective local culture.[51][52][53] Tajiks (or Farsiwans respectively) are predominant in four of the largest cities in Afghanistan (Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif, Herat, and Ghazni) and make up the qualified majority in the northern and western provinces of Badakhshan and Panjshir while making up significant portions of the population in Balkh, Takhar, Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa, Baghlan, Badghis and Herat.
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aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
L'Afghan, le cheval privilégié pour le jeu du Buzkashi
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haphazard-trolls · 11 months
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made some updated references for artfight - come say hiii
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sharklilly · 1 year
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dinosaurs and marked locations in TES:IV Oblivion, excluding the letter "S"
Abdon Abirobither Abrator Achuax Adiriuttan Adome Adryx Aeocer Agadryx Agorator Agothend Aguax Alidonghen Allocor Alnatopal Alveing Anaxa Ankineal Anolvent Anotahico Antavager Antinembek Antoctor Aotaiaon Aptor Araijia Aratorn Arbotakne Arcarocer Ardim Arkakminan Aromp Arren Arthoeld Atatey Atelliomime Atlacanim Atont Atoryod Avent...
Bacere Bacryx Balognax Bamange Banaal Bancinvole Bangong Banikolokia Barahcry Berhidon Beron Blaeodon Blecern Blevenia Bling Blocerol Blong Bodon Bonion Bowelon Brappon Brenthelon Brintact Bydro Caered Caleyon Calked Caloatong Camarah Cambley Camponyx Canaxara Candylly Canocum Canton Canyx Carexialang Caroebul Carth Catonia Cepionock Ceryx Chabilindon Chexix Chuang Chublocave Chyptororay Clathon Clawne Coavenocer Codonia Colaouparx Colenmimand Colken Collannatia Corkfare Covaye Coxen Crath Creadil Crentomine Croching Crodor Crophacoel Crotel Culionyan Dacomar Dagareephan Dagon Dalia Danvialia Dared Daxia Deminnodon Denykorokte Deven Dicer Dicra Diplephor Diveyha Dodon Dokent Dokte Donegiddon Dongavix Dradon Dromana Droor Drottokeryx Dylut Ecoxa Ectmon Edget Edmicoelia Ekinit Elypheup Eming Endwadia Eocenoth Eocer Eodoke Eorbow Eougion Ephera Erailor Euchein Euitabien Eurien Facovia Falkel Fatarate Fatoor Fator Fatotyron Fentacodry Fighcrong Flagex Flocer Flotanong Foryonax Froce Fukufeekine Gabrell Galiall Galon Ganyx Garre Gator Gealbind Glaptor Goblathion Goneley Gontor Gorathong Goyloyurugo Gracoele Gratia Gredgempy Grepid Guandhaber Gwead Haalked Hachet Hadia Haeup Handoceryx Handrot Hangerava Hargia Hatia Havenong Hayantian Hayll Heiojorn Heratium Heraty Hetide Hinfeed Hodon Holaia Homiratore Homptont Hongong Hotenew Houchuin Houng Huanghom Hycolove Hycton Hyroter Ictrony Inherle Irhopele Iutithor Jenclaed Jenow Jiania Jielowil Juderap Katadong Kerag Keregovipon Kinodo Klepakorn Knedmal Krilia Lacrolyonn Landeon Langionda Lapted Lawne Lechiodonth Lecorn Leinte Lemenally Lenthon Liator Liberack Limalgoav Linen Linew Lodon Loncer Lopet Lophoubarm Loplon Luxipe Magan Maguan Maholonan Maiandony Malhor Maltrong Mangia Manira Manithator Manke Manor Mapteraptor Mardia Mariratern Marmon Marpek Mehuia Melmegia Menon Methor Meuchia Meuck Meuptor Micro Miman Mindon Mindyle Modon Mogorningly Mogwe Moidon Mondon Montit Montor Morehrator Moughodong Naconyx Namettlaer Nargaciline Natitharin Natong Nator Natorokiall Naxiceracer Nedon Nemiracile Neodroth Niann Nitankanan Nitholama Noced Noctmor Nodon Noterk Nothro Ntomer Nyaloned Nyaver Nykor Omaplia Omawn Omelone Omincanelge Oming Orotto Otetimp Othia Otlaw Otroderene Oungyuarbo Ovidontor Pacera Paceraine Pacern Pacryx Padylonia Palaptoplor Palatitine Palle Palon Palta Pangone Panothodon Parcoelen Partared Pawin Peloken Pentorator Peter Pilke Pitan Pleakul Plenaptor Pliff Plocla Ploven Pnodo Praptor Priannameda Prinator Prodon Proly Promor Pronopplon Prothey Ptomar Pulon Pymptor Qiukanocera Quelief Quithectom Ratadon Ratell Ravia Relodong Rendylon Rharath Rielapak Rincan Rocel Rotor Taalenati Tacring Tahceptel Tanlopell Tarcton Tarlor Tator Tecoptor Tedraton Telital Terizhun Terle Teryx Texia Thada Thaeophia Thall Thkaquaxia Thoidex Thondyle Timack Tingaton Tinon Tomphoudew Tongalk Toron Travia Treob Treyhaath Trind Trinjaijune Tromender Turingald Tychuend Ugdum Ugovilbecri Ulaptor Umbiconthre Unodongalk Vagon Valevene Vardreedre Veyaw Vicria Vilon Vlack Vornator Walberap Wanoryx Wator Wedmal Weenon Welve Wenay Wengole Werack Werathet Werendaryx Whine Whinfen Wooderator Wulone Wylepted Xiang Xuwale Yandeir Yuanycer Yunideme Yunmor Zalve Zanalen Zanan Zania Ziacerine Zunma Zuoyanian
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pwlanier · 10 months
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Bulky central medallion in red, blue and white on a light-blue ground with a Herati pattern. Red border with trailing flowers.
Koller Auctions
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