aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
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L'Afghan, un cheval aux multiples variétés, originaire de l'Afghanistan
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elestirmen-46-86 · 22 days
Qəzəl.**Hər gözəl, dövrü-zamanında gözəldir,Çün pərvanə, şəmi-narında gözəldir.**Zəbur, Tövratı oxu, İncili vəsf et,Zahidin əşrəfi, Quranda gözəldir.**Ey gül, ol Məbuduna aşiqi-məşuq,Axirət, öz gülüzarında gözəldir.**Salam olsun sənə ki, Adəmi-övlad,Çün ədalət, həya, imanda gözəldir.**Allahın zikri; səxavət və ibadət,Xoş əməl cənnəti-kamında gözəldir.**Nə qədər müşrükü ,ol, dinə gətirdi,Misridə…
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that-one-dork · 1 year
At 36 I want to have a loving partner and a stable income, maybe ferrets and cats, and a nice house. At 36 I want to be working on cool game development and/or animating or drawing cool things professionally.
At 36 Saleh Mirhashemi is on death row in Iran for protesting for basic rights and decent treatment.
Say their names and fight to stop executions in Iran. Join the “at that age” challenge and spread the word in the hopes of suspending if not stopping altogether these executions.
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melanielocke · 11 months
Book recommendations: queer adult SFF
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It's been a while since I did one of these posts but I'm thinking of doing more regularly. I have read a lot more new books that I hope some of you will pick up and I've made another selection. I'm reading more and more adult SFF lately because lots of YA is getting a little too young for me. But I also find that transitioning to reading more adult can be difficult, and it's not always easy to find what you're looking for. I found YA a far easier market to navigate, so I figured I'd make a post featuring some of my favorite adult SFF books.
The Unbroken & the Faithless I read recently.
This is a trilogy, with book 3 coming out most likely in 2025? Not sure actually. The series focuses on Touraine and Luca. Touraine is a conscript in the Balladaire army, stolen from her homeland and trained to fight from a young age. She is originally from Qazal, a country colonized by Balladaire, but doesn't speak their language or understand their customs. In the first book, she returns home for the first time since she was taken, to stop a Qazali rebellion.
Luca is the princess of Balladaire. Her parents both died when she was young, and her uncle is ruling as regent, refusing to allow her to be crowned Queen until she proves herself. She too is sent to deal with the Qazali rebellion. What makes Luca interesting is that she often means well and is definitely more benevolent towards the Qazali, but she's also very power hungry and wants her throne, and no matter how much she does to help the Qazali she is still the princess of the empire that colonized them, and the author continues to hold her accountable for her role in the empire and some of the choices she makes.
Luca is also disabled, she injured her leg when she was young and uses a cane.
There is a sapphic romance between Luca and Touraine. It is not really the focus on the series but at the same time it is what shapes much of the negotiating between them since Luca has a very obvious soft spot for Touraine and Touraine has to use that to improve things for Qazal.
The world is inspired by North Africa and French colonialism (in Balladaire they speak French so I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be France), and the author themself is Black and North African. The series as a whole is very political.
Next is Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans
This is the first in a duology (I think?) with book 2 coming out this November.
This is set in a world where there are four different planes, and Siyon is a poor man who can delve into the different planes to get ingredients for wealthier alchemists. He wants to be an alchemist himself but can't afford the education. There's also the problem of magic being technically illegal, which means rich people can do alchemy but poor people can't.
Then one day Siyon accidently unleashes wild magic and is thrust into the world of alchemists where he wants to belong but doesn't. And there's also the matter of the four planes being instable and at risk of collapsing, and Siyon might be the only one capable of stopping it.
Siyon is bi/pan and his main love interest is a man, though this is not the main focus of the series.
Then Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
I think I had this one last time too, but not enough people are reading it so I'm going to discuss it again.
Check out the summary, but honestly not sure if that does it justice. Some Desperate Glory is the story of a girl who grew up in a fascist cult and was raised to believe in everything this cult stands for.
The earth was destroyed before she was born, and the Majo, aliens, were responsible. Kyr has been training her entire life for revenge. She wants nothing more than to be the perfect soldier for earth. As a result, she is a terrible person and everyone hates her.
Kyr first starts questioning Gaea station when she is assigned nursery to have babies even though she is the best fighter in her mess. When her brother disappears, she teams up with his friend Avi, a queer genius who works with the station's systems and was always aware of how fucked up Gaea station is. They discover Magnus has been sent on a suicide mission and go after him, and Kyr is confronted with the outside world, including a Majo she grows close to, and has to unlearn everything Gaea station taught her.
This book has a difficult to stomach mc at first, though it is very obvious what she believes is not what you as the reader are supposed to think. But there is some wonderful character development going on in here. It's hard for her to change, and she's thrown into lots of difficult situations before she gets there, but in the end you can see she's nothing like the person she was before.
There's an amazing cast of side characters, though not a very big cast. There's her twin brother Magnus who never wanted to be a soldier and is actually very depressed, which Kyr never noticed. Yiso, the cute non binary alien Kyr develops a weak spot for even before she comes to realize Majo are people. And my personal favorite, Avi, who is an unhinged little guy who is way too smart for his own good. He's a great example of how a cult can affect different people in different ways. He doesn't believe in Gaea station like Kyr does and is aware of how fucked up he is, he experienced that first hand as the only visible queer person on the station. But he did internalize their messages of revenge and violence which plays out in interesting ways.
This edition is the Illumicrate edition of the book from April's box, which has the UK cover.
Witch King by Martha Wells is next
This is a confusing book for people who do not have a lot of experience reading adult fantasy. It has a lot of world building that is explained gradually, the book doesn't really hold your hand, so be prepared for that.
Kai is a body hopping demon. He has been betrayed, killed and entombed under water. When he is freed by a lesser mage hoping to hone his power, he kills them and frees himself and his friend, the witch Ziede.
Together, they have to uncover what happened to them, who betrayed them and what is going on with the Rising World coalition. He's not going to like the answers.
Alternating is a past timeline in which Kai and his band of allies rebel against the tyrannical rule of the Hierophants, which happened decades before the present timeline.
The strenght of this book is really in the characters and how they grow and the bonds they have with each other. I loved the relationship between Kai and Bashasa, who is the rebel leader in the past timeline in particular. It's not quite clear what the nature of their relationship was, though it is implied to be romantic and I do think Kai is supposed to be queer. He is a body hopping demon after all, and spends his early life in the body of a girl. There's also a sapphic side pairing between Zieden and her wife Tahren, who they spent much of the present timeline looking for.
The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach
This is a science fantasy set in a world inspired by New Zealand and Maori (I think? The author is Maori and a trans woman herself)
The main character is a police officer from a poor background who believes she's making the world better for people like her. She's already been demoted for being queer but believes she can make the police force better from the inside.
Then she's murdered by fellow officers and thrown into the harbor. Unfortunately for them, she comes back from the dead with new magic powers.
She teams up with a pirate crew with similar powers and has to stop a plague from being unleashed on her city.
This book focuses on how police functions in many modern societies to protect the wealthy and harm and restrict poorer, non white communities. The main character doesn't believe this at first but it's obvious to the reader that they're not helping anyone doing their job. Next book is coming out next year.
Last is the Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Two books are out and book 3 is coming sometime in 2024.
This series is set in a world inspired by India. Priya is a maidservant with a secret. She is one of the few surviving temple children and still has some powers from being once born.
Malini is the princess of Parijatdvipa, the empire that conquered Priya's land. Her religious zealot brother has taken the throne and imprisons Malini because she refuses to be burned alive.
Priya is one of the maidservants sent to take care of Malini in her prison, which is the old temple where Priya grew up. Together, they can change the fate of an empire, but they can never quite trust each other.
This is a sapphic fantasy with magic but also lots of politics and I think if you like this series you'd also like the Unbroken and vice versa. I've talked about this one before but it should definitely be included on a list for adult fantasy.
I hope you can find something you like on here. All these books are not super well known and deserve a bigger audience
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @aliandtommy @ikissedsmithparker
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lincodega · 2 years
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The rebels have won, and the empire is withdrawing from Qazal. But undoing the tangled web that binds the two nations will not be easy, and Touraine and Luca will face their greatest challenge yet.
Luca needs to oust her uncle from the Balladairan throne once and for all and take her rightful place as Queen. But he won’t let go of power so easily. When he calls for a “Trial of Competence” and Luca’s allies start disappearing from her side, she will need to find a way to prove her might. And she knows someone who can help…
Touraine has found a home in the newly free country of Qazal. But she soon realizes that leading a country and leading a revolution are two very different tasks. And, even more importantly, if Luca’s uncle doesn’t ratify the treaty, the Qazali could end up right back where they started.
Together, the two women will have to come overcome their enemies, their history, and their heartbreak in order to find a way to secure Luca’s power and Touraine’s freedom.
The Faithless is available for preorder now. It will release March 7, 2023. The first in the series, The Unbroken, is available wherever books are sold.
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kikithebooknerd · 1 year
5 GLORIOUS STARS to #TheFaithless by #CLClark
This was everything #BookNerds!
💔Tension, Angst, Pain
🧠 Politics and mindgames
⚔️ Duelling
🏳️‍🌈 My Sapphic Babes
And so so so much more 🔥
This was such a stunning sequel that I have no words!
Thank you to #Orbitbooksuk for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
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pridepages · 2 years
Power Play: The Unbroken
I just finished CL Clark’s The Unbroken. I have thoughts...
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Here there be spoilers!
Let’s get it out there: this book was not my cup of LGBTea. CL Clark’s high fantasy The Unbroken initially drew me in because of its premise: an evil Empire, an oppressed people in rebellion, a young soldier who finds herself changing sides, a romance between the soldier and the crown princess. 
It sounds like the perfect formula. But what we end up getting is an extensive discourse on military strategy and fictional politics. Think Game of Thrones, but there aren’t any dragons. Worse still, the gestures in the direction of a sapphic romance are about as compelling as sawdust. In the end, I had to accept that this wasn’t actually a queer book. Rather, the novel is about the evils of colonialism featuring some queer characters.
The story revolves around Touraine, a soldier who was abducted as a child from her home country of Qazal. She was then pressed into service as a soldier for the empire of Balladaire, which had previously conquered Qazal. As the narrative begins, Touraine returns to Qazal for the first time as an adult. She comes as part of the regiments accompanying Balladaire’s Crown Princess, Luca Ancier. Princess Luca has been sent to Qazal by the regent, her Uncle Nicolas. Luca fears that her uncle is unlikely to surrender the throne at all. Luca wishes to strengthen her claim by showing that she can regain control of Qazal by putting down the rebellion. Rather than send in the soldiers for a bloody repression, Luca’s initial plan is to forge a tacit alliance with the rebels. To do so, she enlists Touraine’s help as a go-between.
Clark would have us believe that Touraine and Luca begin to fall in love over the course of this mission. But there’s a flaw in this plan. Luca is, objectively, terrible. She is the face of an oppressive regime. Yet, when the rebels refuse to just go along and get along, Luca actually says with a straight face: “If they wanted allies, they would behave better.”
Luca tries to keep insisting that there can be a peaceful end to the tensions between Balladaire and Qazal. “If you want to end the bloodshed, you tell the rebels to stand down and be patient...The words rang true, but just to a point, and only from one point of view.” Condemning direct action can be a tool toward further oppression. By vilifying the people who refuse to go quietly, oppressors can coddle society with little conciliatory gestures while at the the same time they stymie efforts at real, systemic change.
Besides, for all her grand words and ideals, Luca always makes sure Balladaire comes first. “I won’t abandon my people, Touraine. But I also don’t want to come to them empty handed.” Luca says, which forces Touraine to draw some obvious conclusions: “So you’d steal from someone else, just to give to Balladaire...She could see the shape of empire in Luca’s words.”
This is the nature of empire: conquerers are the ultimate entitled. They take and take while insisting that there is a possibility of a friendship with their conquered. But at the foundation of friendship is equality. There cannot possibly be equality between one party that lives with its boot on the other’s neck. Which is exactly what Touraine finally realizes as she begins to shift her alliance from Balladaire to the Qazali rebels: “Our friends?...what have you done for them except finally treat them like humans? ...Is everything yours for the taking? Do you care about anyone but yourself?”
Luca keeps trying to cloak her appalling selfishness in necessity. “I am my throne. You stupid, stupid woman.” Luca rants. “I was born to this, raised for it, and I have fought for it this year harder than I have ever fought for anything. There is more at stake here than who I want to fuck, and I have made sacrifices because of that.” But at no time do we actually see her fight. We see her sneak and scrape and coddle the colonizer nobility while double dealing with rebels NOT because she genuinely wants the Qazali to be better off, but only because they have access to a resource she wants: magic.
At one point, Luca is asked the question outright: “If you were queen and had all the power of the realm to do what you will, would you leave Qazal? ...If she was unwilling to leave, there would be no peace short of physically crushing the rebellion. Otherwise...everyone else would fight Balladaire, fight her until they had what they wanted or died for it.”
Luca only ever considers success as a world in which the empire maintains its status quo. Touraine is dead right when she accuses Luca: “You can’t be yourself unless you have a leash in your hand, and there’s always got to be someone attached to it.”
For Luca, people are literally game pieces. She only ever talks strategy, and the reader is meant to be convinced that she just...gives up at the end of the novel? Agrees after a demonstration of magic that it’s time to retreat? It doesn’t really make sense. Neither does the love story because how could Touraine, who is starting to realize just how much she’s been robbed of: a country, a family, even her proper name (Hanan), could somehow overlook all that and feel romantic desire for her even though for 99% of the book Luca shows no sign of changing.
Clark has written a very necessary critique of European colonial attitudes. Her Balladaire clearly has been influenced by France, possibly Belgium, and how these countries treated African people. In Hanan Touraine, a study has been made of what happens to the lost ones: the people uprooted from their culture, raised in another, and then finding themselves alien to--and rejected by--both. And there is a legitimate call for books that feature queer people without their queerness necessarily being the focus of the book. I think the real difficulty here is in connecting with most of the characters. While Hanan Touraine is heartbreakingly, fully realized as a displaced person, she is the only character that has emotional depths. Most of the supporting cast barely gets more that surface development. And Luca in her stubborn singleminded goal to uphold the status quo is unbearable. I would actually have preferred to have access only to the Touraine side of the story and get rid of the Luca side completely.
But, in the end, I’m not sorry I read the book. Supporting our queer siblings is vital, especially when they want to speak to an intersectional experience. Luca’s queer experience as a white woman of privilege, as a conqueror, may not be easy, but it still doesn’t look anything like the challenges Hanan Touraine faces as a queer woman of color, enslaved, alienated, and fighting for her right to survive. Power is not a game we play. Power is in structures that we can choose to maintain or join in the fight to learn and unmake.
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speedymusicsheep · 2 years
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Model Introduction
 Name : Qazal
Height : 5'6.5
Weight : 50 kg
Body type : hourglass
Chest : 32
Hip : 34
Waist : 24
Shoes size : 5
Skin colour : fair
Eye color : light brown
Hair color : dark blonde 
 Model Factory Model Agency
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qalamkaarsblog-blog · 4 years
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Swipe for the whole 💌💕 . . . #urdu #qazal #poetry #words #3amwords #urdustuff #qalamkaar #urdupoetry #urdugazal #shayari #shair #writer #blogger #pakistanbloggercommunity #writergirl #writeups #poeticstuff #rhymingpoetry #urdu #english #poetess #bloggingstyles #instafeeds #instapoetry #instafeels #instawriter https://www.instagram.com/p/B_I0oKSAZAz/?igshid=15ogcmd4ul01p
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aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
L'Afghan, le cheval privilégié pour le jeu du Buzkashi
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wearedevil · 7 years
The Paladin pauses by the nearest doorway, sniffing the air with a frown. "Why do I smell brimstone?" He murmurs, before looking inside the door.
Upon opening the door it appeared to look like an abandoned shop with empty shelves and crates full of books and scrolls dotting along the walls. A man stood at the counter writing in a ledger and constantly going back and forth through different scrolls of long paper and the book. He appeared to be a human wearing a black suit and tie and glasses. He could be described as having a handsome face with his hair tied back into a short ponytail.
“Just a moment I..” he did a double take looking up looking rather surprised. “Shite.” He muttered under his breath taking off his glasses and putting them aside. “What do you want?”
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aeondeug · 3 years
Luca you cut this so close to the wire. I came to 100 pages and still you didn’t do what I asked. I came to 40 pages and still you didn’t do what I wanted. We came within 20 pages and finally you bowed to the demands. Finally you got it.
You will not be disowned.
seriously though this was like. LAST MINUTE. and like i figured it was coming but also i was like. BUT WHAT IF SHE IS STUBBORN STILL. but no she just. finally went ok no we are leaving and qazal is no longer a colony and we are fucking off. christ.
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thetehrantimes · 7 years
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By Qazal Rostami www.THETEHRANTIMES.com
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bahmani · 5 years
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lenvasil-blog · 5 years
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likegram · 6 years
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Qazal by @ALIOMIDI
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