#hi hi i am never on here anymore tumblr my tumblr i miss you
odetolovers · 6 months
hello 💃
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takavasen · 3 months
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
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Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
809 notes
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
31 notes
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
43 notes
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
3 notes
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
754 notes
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
1,642 notes
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Messages you didn't notice #6 | Sunbae Theory
I wanted to add this to my previous post about other messages and their translation and theories (here) but it was becoming too long, so I'm posting it separetely.
Guys, I kept thinking about the fact that we never got to learn more about the meaning of these "random" messages. And then I realized I was overthinking it too much.
In the final episode there's a moment when the last message shows up, and the author is finally written.
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"I hope that place sparks your hope. From sunbae."
After we learn Myungha's full backstory, we now know "that place" means "afterlife". And if you look back on all the messages it MAKES SENSE, if you think that these are messages that are still coming on Myungha's phone from a friend – or, if we consider that everything is happening in Myungha's head, these are the thoughts about him by someone else.
Sunbae missed Myungha who was suddenly gone from life.
[In May, there is Children's Day, Parents' Day, there is even Teacher's Day but there is no Day when I can meet you] [I was passing by and saw a bracelet that you used to wear long time ago. It reminded me of you. I wonder if you still wear that bracelet.] [I broke a vase that was a gift from you. Can it be repaired?] [I thought only you dressed like that but others do too. I knew it wasn't you but I still followed. But why would you be dressed like that] (last sent messages) [I miss you. If only I could go there…] [Everything depends on what you'll do. Get yourself together.] [I hope that place sparks your hope. From sunbae.]
Tell me if these messages don't look like they were written by someone mourning the loss of a dear person. Someone who might be still sending messages to the number that will never reply anymore (and Myungha never did!). A chat that has become a diary of memories and longing, filled with a ghost of someone whose specific details you keep noticing in your everyday life. There is no Day when they can meet anymore. If only he could see him again...
I'm not sure about the vase but Myungha wore a bracelet in the beginning of the story (that was the first detail we notice about him tbh when he looks through the novel draft in the very first scene).
Someone else on Tumblr has expressed a theory that sunbae is a friend (or someone who loved Myungha) who decided to commemorate his friend in a written novel because they wanted to give him a happy life instead of a miserable one Myungha lived in real life.
I am so on board with this theory, (even though I like the grim reaper/deity theory or Myungha creating the world for himself), I think sunbae did exist in real life. And he obviously cared about Myungha, whether his love was to teach him a harsh lesson or to commemorate him in a meaningful story. After all, isn't this what all authors do to their characters? They make them go through conflicts and breaking points in order to overcome it all and finally find a happy ending.
Maybe sunbae has regretted that Myungha was never able to accept the love that others wanted to give him so he wrote the story to change that. Maybe sunbae is actually Yeowoon who wanted to put Myungha in his shoes and teach him how to love and be loved – actually, remember young Yeowoon, who lost Myungha due to his decision to erase himself from the game, who cried and picked up a pen to bring him back, starting a mission to make Myungha happy.
Maybe this novel is a desperate attempt to make peace and hope that someone you lost could be still loved at last.
No matter what, Sunbae was surely grieving Myungha.
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mxmmyprentiss · 3 months
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
Summary: Long story short, you survived without her. Her name had become a memory pushed and tucked away in the back of your mind. You locked it and threw away the key. You had stopped yourself from waiting for answers as to why she walked out on you or why she didn’t fight for you ages ago.
Well. Until now. Genre: Angst Pairing: Emily Prentiss x female reader Warnings: homophobia, parental abuse (?) Word count: 6.9k (I got carried away)
A/N: Hi, guys! I just made a new tumblr account and I'm new to Criminal Minds and I'm still actually just about to start season 4 lol but Emily Prentiss already got a chokehold on me and here I am. English is not my first language so any grammar/spelling/other writing mistakes, I apologize. I also have not written anything in a long, long time. Comments and criticisms are welcome.
(also emily's fbi timeline here might be a little confusing so idk lol)
Relationships don’t always work out. You have known that fact since you were seven years old as a result of your parents’ divorce. You still remember your mother saying, “Baby, sometimes love doesn’t last. Maybe it’s love for now but it won’t be love forever. Two people can grow apart even when they are together all the time. And that’s what happened with me and your dad. And honey, it’s not your fault, you understand?” And you still remember nodding as if you really understood what was happening.
But just like any other child who knew how it felt to be a product of a broken family, you still felt responsible about it. You could have done more, could have done something to prevent your family from falling apart, or at least could have done anything to stitch your family back together. But as you grow older, you learned that what if’s are only as good as heroin and cocaine combined together - it’s not. It’s lethal.
So even though your parents are still alive, you still considered them as the first ones you have lost. Accepting that has helped you cope with other things you have missed throughout your life..
Hair ties.
Bus ticket.
Your first love.
The last one, unlike the others, was not forgotten, misplaced or stolen. The last one walked out of your life before you even had the chance to tell her you would move mountains and set the world on fire if she asked you to. What once were gentle, careful hands that held your heart are the same hands that crushed it into pieces and may have been impossible to glue it back together no matter how much you tried.
It’s fine though. It was a long time ago. You learned to live with it.
At least that’s what you told your therapist when she asked during one of your sessions.
“Come on, sugarplum.” Penelope Garcia, your roommate, tugged your arm. “It’s just drinks at the bar.”
“I’m already beat, Penny. I’ve had a long shift.”
“Exactly the reason why you need to get out and have fun, doctor. We were both so busy with work and never had fun anymore.”
“We have movie marathons sometimes.”
“Please,” Penelope scoffed. “You fall asleep in the first 30 minutes of every movie.”
You sighed. You didn’t defend yourself because it’s true. Lately, everything feels heavy. And you’re always exhausted to the point of passing out at any furniture you lay your head to.
“I’m sorry, Pen.”
Penelope cups your face and forces you to look at her. She has the most gentle, caring eyes when she wants it to be. Curious and determined, most of the time. “Hey, I’m not saying those aren’t fun, okay? I’m just saying maybe we need a change of environment. Get loose. Have a few drinks and maybe meet some people and dance. That’s all.”
“I don’t know these people,” you said defeatedly.
“And you don’t know your patients either but you’re forced to interact with them anyway.” Penelope squeezed your cheeks before letting go. “They’re my friends as much as you are mine, sweet cheeks. I’ll introduce you to them and who knows. You might end up liking them too.”
There’s no winning against your roommate. So you finally agreed and Penelope pranced to her room to change.
Since tonight seemed to be about changes, you decided to put on a skin tight knee-length blue dress that complimented your curves and skin along with a light denim blazer. You matched it with black printed flats and a purse Penelope gifted you last Christmas.
You and Penelope walked hand in hand to the bar. She told you briefly about everyone’s first names but you’re not sure if you will remember them all as you haven’t seen their faces just yet. Also, Penelope talks too fast when she’s excited and your brain just cannot process it as quickly knowing how tired you are.
You both stopped at the door, scanning the place and saw a booth on the far end of the bar. Penelope waved at the people on the table and everyone happily greeted Penelope. You felt a little at ease that they were all wearing casual clothes and looked a little less scary compared to what they actually do for a living.
“Everyone, this is my roommate, Y/N,” Penelope introduced you to the team. And pointing from left to right, she said, “This is Hotch, Derek, Reid and JJ.” They all waved at you. Reid stood up and shook your hand. He insisted you can call him Spencer and babbled something about an article he read the other day that he remembered because you’re wearing a blue dress. You stared at him, fascinated albeit confused. Derek chuckles and pulls Reid next to him.
“Hey, guys, here’s our dri-”
A pause. 
A stare.
Your heart skipped a beat. Or two. Or maybe it stopped for God knows how long.
One of the glasses of beer almost fell out of the raven-haired woman’s hands. Luckily, JJ caught it, looking back and forth between the two of you.
“Emily, you are an angel.” Penelope snatched three glasses out of her friend’s hand. “Y/N, this is Emily.”
It took you a second - or ten - before you reached out your hand for a handshake and forced a smile. “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” Your jaw started to hurt at how tight you’re clenching them but you can’t help it.
She’s here.
Emily took your hand and for a brief second, you felt her squeeze it harder than you would normally do for a handshake. “Emily,” was all she said and sat to Penelope’s right.
Everyone grabbed their drinks. The music at the bar grew loud and they talked even louder to understand each other. Derek and Reid debated about something work-related that you didn’t understand but Derek rolling his eyes at Reid whenever he stated facts amused you. Meanwhile, Penelope showed something to JJ and Emily on her phone and you just hope it’s not something embarrassing because you caught the glance JJ shoots at you and she giggled.
“What are you showing them, Pen?” you asked curiously.
“Nothing,” she grinned. “I’m just showing them how pretty my best friend is.”
You squint, not believing a word she just said. Your hands were quick to snatch the phone from her hand. “Penelope Garcia!” Even with the dim lighting, your blush was evident. It’s a photo of you sleeping in your kitchen, hugging a stainless pot and holding a wooden spatula. You don’t remember that happening. “When was this and why are you keeping this picture?”
Penelope laughed. “You don’t remember so I’m not going to remind you.”
You immediately deleted it off her phone. “Now it’s gone.”
She raised her eyebrows and let out a chuckle, “You forget I work in tech?”
You mumbled a curse and rolled your eyes, accepting defeat.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. It’s cute.” JJ teased and you could only force a smile in embarrassment.
Out of nowhere, Penelope gulped down her entire drink and stood. “Come on, let’s get dancing! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
Everyone followed her. Even Hotch who seems to not like the idea but Derek practically pushed him to the dance floor.
Everyone except Emily.
And you.
You two were left at the booth, sitting across from each other. Emily was gripping her glass. Hard. You believed she might break it if she didn't relax.
You averted your eyes from Emily. It’s ridiculous to not find anything to stare at other than  Emily’s hands.
Emily’s beer. 
Emily’s hair. 
Emily’s clothes.
Emily’s necklace.
Why is this place full of her?
The place was full and crowded and the music was so loud but the silence between you two? That was louder. Deafening. Unsettling. Awkward.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Emily said, finally managing to look you in the eye again.
Your breath hitched once, twice, before answering, “You too.”
And you meant it. But you didn’t want to. 
Oh, but you did.
She chugged her beer and grimaces the second she does. “I … I didn’t know you and Penelope are friends.”
“I didn’t know you and Penelope are co-workers either.” You shrugged. “How long have you been with the FBI?”
“Seven years,” she answered.
Penelope called your name from the dance floor where she was dancing with Morgan. You only gave her a thumbs up to let her know you’re fine and will be staying at the booth.
“You’re staring,” you said and Emily quickly diverted her eyes from you. She decided the floor was a better view instead. You licked your lips to keep yourself from smiling. “It’s okay, you know.”
“I said it’s okay.”
“What’s okay?”
“If you want to pretend like we don’t know each other.” But the agonizing tug in your chest claimed otherwise. “I mean, they’re your friends and Pen is your friend as much as she’s mine. She doesn’t have to know. She just brought me here tonight so we could have fun and meet you guys.”
To your surprise, Emily moved to sit next to you. Not really next to you but just close enough to smell her perfume. 
You inhaled deeply, composed yourself, and stole Penelope’s second beer.
“How have you been, Y/N?”
The shiver that ran down your spine shouldn’t be there when Emily said your name. It shouldn’t have affected you that much. Or at all. But it did. And you despised it.
“Since you left me? Great.” You laughed quietly, staring at the glass now half empty. “Really great. I … I’m well … a resident doctor …” You take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. I just …”
“You didn’t expect to see me, I get it.”
There’s the awkward silence again. If it doesn’t stop sooner, you think you might just bang your head against the table just to shift the mood.
“I tried to find you,” Emily spoke again. Her voice was low, you almost miss what she said. “I came back but you weren’t there anymore. Your mom said you already moved to LA with your dad and -”
“I don’t want to do this here, Emily. Please.” You just can’t. You might cause a scene if you keep this up. You’re still torn between crying hysterically or just downright screaming at her face.
But her face. Her stupid, fucking perfect face.
You looked away. You focused on the people dancing specifically at Penelope grinding against Reid who’s only swaying awkwardly. That’s better.
Emily scooted closer to you but not close enough to invade your personal space still. “Do you hate me?”
You wanted to be rude. Tell her what does it look like, bitch? But that’s just not you. You’re not a confrontational woman. You’re an honest woman. And to be honest, you’re feeling a lot.
Instead, you gulped a drink and stared at it for a while, leaving Emily staring at your hand, waiting for an answer that may never come.
It took a few minutes for you to gather the strength to look her in the eyes. Your eyes may have been teary, you’re not sure, but everything else looks blurry and you feel lightheaded. You’re not even drunk yet. You only had two beers, for fuck’s sake.
You missed those eyes. Emily’s kind, loving, gentle, ‘used to see right through you’ eyes.
“You left me,” was all that came out of your mouth.
Emily moved closer to your seat, dark eyes still locked on yours as if asking for permission. “I was scared. I was young, Y/N.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “And I wasn’t? Your mother literally hired a private investigator to threaten me so I would stay away from you! I was 17, Emily! 17!” You hissed. Emily tried to reach out for your hand but you got up quickly and ran to the dance floor, to your friend. 
You whispered to Penelope’s ear that you needed to leave immediately to cover an emergency shift at the hospital. She knew better than to argue with you and your work so she let you go and told you not to worry about the tab. She offered to call you an uber but you insisted on walking since the hospital is only a few blocks away.
“Y/N, wait!”
“Emily, not now!” Your strides were getting bigger and you wished you could just fly home instead and get there faster. She grabbed your arm, pulling you to the side. And although it’s already dark outside, Emily can’t miss the way your eyes glisten with tears, staining your cheeks. “Please, Emily, just please.” You didn’t know what you’re actually asking - begging - her. You weakly placed a hand to her stomach and pushed to keep a little distance between the both of you. 
Emily took your shivering hand and held it to her chest instead. Her hands were as soft as you remembered them to be. And you hated the fact that you still remember that after so many years. “Please, Y/N, let me just talk to you.”
“What’s there to talk about? We made it this far in life without each other.” You said bitterly.
“But we didn’t want to.” She sighed. “At least, not for me.”
You took a deep breath in. Emily wiped the tears with her thumbs. Then she cupped your face and you couldn’t help but to just feel her for a minute, face settling on her warm hands. You look at her, eyes pleading. “Em, please.” 
Emily shuddered at the nickname. You were - are - the only one who could make it sound so soft and loved; make it sound like home. After all this time.
“Emily?” You both looked at the sound of Penelope’s voice. You quickly retracted your hand from Emily’s. “Y/N? You’re still here?”
“I, uh, Emily here just brought me my purse because I forgot.” You lied. Emily swallowed whatever she was about to say. You turned to Emily. “Thanks. I have to go now.”
“Oh, okay.” 
You hailed a cab and got out as fast as you can, leaving Emily dumbfounded and Penelope confused as she was intrigued.
Emily rubbed her hands together and exhaled loudly. Penelope raised her eyebrow. “What did you do?” She asked.
“What? I didn’t do anything.”
“For an FBI agent, you’re a bad liar right now, honey.” She squinted and took a closer look at Emily’s eyes. Teary. “Were you two making out?”
Emily scoffed. “You’re drunk, Garcia.”
“And you’re hiding something, Prentiss.”
“I’m not!” Penelope continued to stare at her suspiciously, pressing the truth out of her. “Okay, I think you should talk to her first. I can’t be the one to tell you if she doesn’t want to.”
“Did you know Y/N before I brought her here? I saw that you two were surprised to see each other a while ago. There was something there. It doesn’t take a profiler to see it.”
Emily paced back and forth, biting her lip, arms crossed. She stopped herself from biting her nails, a habit she may have done when she’s anxious. Emily contemplated whether to tell Penelope everything or something or anything. “God, I think I need something stronger than the drinks in the bar.”
“I’m waiting here, pudding.”
“And I’m thinking here.” She kept her pace. Then stopped. Emily takes a deep breath. “Y/N is … well, she was … is … I think …” she rambled, hands in her pockets. Emily looked up to keep the tears pooling in her eyes from falling. “Garcia, she’s the love of my life.” She stated weakly.
Penelope gaped at Emily like a deer caught in headlights.
Penelope arrived home at around 2:30 in the morning. You heard the lock click and footsteps approaching your door. You quickly pulled the covers above your head and pretended to sleep soundly.
“Y/N?” It’s your roommate. She caressed your foot. “I just want to say I’m sorry for bringing you out there tonight. I … I didn’t know you and … her …” Penelope sighed sadly. “We can talk about it when you’re ready or whenever you want or not at all. It’s up to you really. I just want to say I’m sorry.” She gave a light pat to your leg. “Good night, sweetie.”
The next morning, you found Penelope sitting in the kitchen having coffee and talking to someone on her laptop. You didn’t interrupt her, suspecting she might be working from home.
You prepared coffee for yourself and sat on the opposite end of the table. You pretended to scroll on your phone … waiting …
“Morning, baby girl,” Penelope finally decided to break the silence.
“Morning, Pen.”
“So …” There it was. You have known her for a long time to know that nothing - not even the strongest of hangover -  is stronger than her inquisitiveness. “Want to talk about the elephant in the room?”
You took a deep breath.
“I’m not forcing you, Y/N. I’m just asking if you’re ready because if you’re not, it’s fi -”
“And let you die of curiosity?” You hid your smirk behind your mug. Penelope smiled widely. “Did she tell you about me?”
“Emily?” You roll your eyes as if to say who else? “We haven’t had the chance to talk about our personal lives before but last night, she told me two things actually.”
“One, that it might be better if I get the dirt from you. And two …” Penelope pauses, grinning. Is she actually pausing for dramatic effect?
“Spit it out, Penny.”
“I’m not sure if you want to know.”
“Just say it.”
“That you were -” Your friend shook her head. “ ARE. You are the love of her life.”
There it was again. That tug in your chest. Are you dying? Maybe. You needed to get this checked out one of these days at the hospital, you thought. You might need an ECG or probably a 2D echo.
“Is it true?” Penelope pushed. “How did you two know each other?”
You walked to the living room with your coffee and sat on the couch. Penelope follows you.
“That love of her life part, I’m not sure.” You took a sip of your coffee. Black and bitter. “We met in high school. She was my girlfriend.���
Penelope scooted closer. “What happened?”
“Well, long story short -”
“No, I want the long complete detailed version, love bug.” You rolled your eyes at her and she smacked your arm. “You’ve been holding out on me!”
“Hey! I didn’t know my ex is working with you, okay?”
“Still! Everything really does happen for a reason.” She smiled to herself.
You raised an eyebrow. “And what’s the reason for this then?”
“We’ll see,” Penelope smirked. “Now, go on with the story, girlfriend.”
“We met in high school. She was a transferee. I was, well, an introvert with no friends. She was the new girl. I’m sure you know where I’m going with this.” You see Penelope with a shit-eating grin, nodding her head. “It took a week before I could say a word to her.”
“Because you’re so gay and she’s a pretty girl?” Penelope grinned.
You glared at her. “Because I was an introvert.”
“Anyway, she missed a class and asked if she wanted my notes and she said yes. We have been friends from then on.”
“She was the first one to say ‘I love you’, you know?” Tears started pooling in your eyes. You immediately wiped it off with the end of your sweater before it even stained your cheeks. “We were in the locker room. Just the two of us after gym class. It was out of nowhere. We just finished showering -”
“Together?” Penelope gasped scandalously. You swatted her arm and she laughed. “I’m kidding.”
“Anyway, we just finished showering and she said she loved me. You have to understand that it was a time when you know … it’s not accepted nor tolerated to be … us.” Penelope took your hand and squeezed it. She could only sympathize, knowing how cruel and tough the world must be to not let people love who they love. “We hid it for a year, maybe two. I’m really not sure now, I think, but it was the longest time of my life. We were okay, great even. We had the most fun, enjoying each other’s company, sneaking around, going on dates. My mom met her. She liked her. Always asked about her when I get home.” You smile at the memory now but it quickly fades. “Until her mother found out about us.”
“Ambassador Prentiss? Oh, that evil -”
“Her mother sent a P.I. to threaten me so I would stay away from her daughter. I was 17 years old and scared, what else can I do?”
“Oh, honey,” Your friend pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry the world has not been kind to you, sunshine.”
“Thanks, Penny.”
“You two broke up after that?”
You shook your head. “I was about to ask Emily what we should do. I was ready to run away, to hide, to go anywhere with her. I messaged her to meet me at the gym locker room after class the next day but she never showed up at the school at all.” Penelope noticed your trembling hands and gently caressed them. “I found out from the faculty that she moved overseas.”
“Thank you for sharing this with me. I know it’s hard for you, honey bun.”
“I just didn’t expect to see her last night … or ever. I stopped myself from looking for her again. Turns out, life has funny comebacks.” You chuckled bitterly. Penelope enveloped you in a tight hug until her phone rings. You giggle, “Work is calling you, badass computer nerd.”
When Penelope reached the BAU, Emily was the first one to spot her. She ran towards her, following Penelope to her office.
“Fabulous morning, person who hurt my roommate.” Penelope greeted without looking at Emily to which she replied with an eye roll. “Y/N told me everything.”
“Y/N told you everything about what?” Suddenly the two women stopped on their tracks and turned around. It’s JJ with take-out coffees in one hand and files on the other. “Come on, ladies. Share it with the team.”
“No!” They simultaneously yelled.
“Okay, chill.” JJ handed them each their coffees. “Share it with me. I’ll find out about it anyway.”
Penelope dragged the two women into her lair. Once locked inside, Penelope announced, “Y/N is your ex!”
“Garcia!” Emily hushed her.
JJ’s eyes were wide and almost spitted out her coffee. “I knew there was something!”
“What?” Emily looked genuinely confused.
“Emily, we’re profilers. We see everything.” JJ reminded her. “You were so awkward with her last night. I assume you guys haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“15 years.”
“And it’s still that awkward?” JJ scoffed unbelievably. “Must have been a bad break up.”
“Technically, they didn’t break up but Agent Prentiss here left my friend without saying goodbye.” Penelope squinted her eyes at Emily, arms folded and eyebrows raised.
Emily’s face was almost as red as her blouse now. “I didn’t … I didn’t want to.”
“Then why did you?”
“It’s com-”
A knock interrupted the ladies’ gossip session. “Ladies, Hotch wants us in the briefing room ASAP.” Morgan told them.
“Be right there!” JJ replied. “We’ll continue this later. Over drinks. Just the three of us. Ladies’ night.”
Emily saw no way out of this so she just nodded.
It was a terribly bad day at work. The ER was filled with too many people. Patients kept on coming without showing signs of slowing down. Every bed was occupied - some were already in the hallway in wheelchairs - and everyone had something to do. You have not had breakfast or lunch yet. Your cup of coffee left cold at the doctor’s quarters which you’re sure someone threw out already.
Sometimes you wonder why you chose this career instead of just pursuing your love for multimedia arts.
“Doc,” a senior nurse called you. “I have your patient’s labs and ECG right here.” She hands you the chart. “X-ray results are to follow. Let me know if you’ll be requesting more. Bed 5.”
“Okay.” You walked towards the bed, reviewing your patient's chart. Name … age …
Now the world was playing a prank on you.
“Emily Prentiss?” You call your patient’s name as soon as you draw the curtains. Emily looked up to you, lying on the bed, beaming too much for someone who’s injured. There’s a small stain of blood on her tank top. You felt something stuck in your throat as worry fills your thoughts yet you retain your poker face.
“Dr. Y/F/N, resident. I’m,” you cleared your throat. You put down the chart on the bedside table. “I’m here to examine you. Can you tell me what happened?”
Emily adjusted herself on the bed with a grimace. “I got shot. Almost. I was wearing a vest but I think it left a graze.” Emily lifted her top to show you. You don your gloves and inspect the wound closely, pressing softly at the area. You suspect she might have taken more than one close hit from the way the graze looked. Your eyes panned to her eyes staring at your hands.
“Did you get hit elsewhere, Agent?”
“No,” Emily shook her head. But your eyes found fresh bruises on both of her arms. “It’s fine, doesn’t hurt.”
“You’re always a tough cookie, agent?”
“I have to be.”
“Of course.” You assessed the rest of her body, especially her head for any bumps or cuts. Apart from the bullet graze on her chest and the bruises on her arms, you didn’t find anything else worthy of concern or emergency so far. “Do you feel anything else? Any pain?”
Emily had many answers to that but she bit her tongue. It’s not the time and place. She shook her head instead.
“Okay, I’ll get someone to clean and dress your wound. I’ll order an intravenous painkiller. It will take care of the first six hours, at least, but I’ll also prescribe you some oral painkillers and have your home care instructions ready. Do you have someone I can talk to?”
“I, uh, I think JJ is around somewhere. Or Reid.”
“Any relatives?”
“They’re all I have.” There was a small pause. “We take care of each other.”
“Yeah, of course. Part of the job.” You wrote your initial reports on her chart before leaving. “So, uh … I’ll call the nurse.” You turned around but Emily grabbed the end of your coat. “Anything else, Agent Prentiss?”
“Can you, if it’s not too much to ask, can you do the IV thing? I just …”
“You hate needles.” I know.
She nodded. “Please?”
Fuck. How can you say no when she’s looking at you with those eyes? Dark, pleading and consuming.
You can lie and tell her you have other patients to attend to but so far, no nurse had called you yet. You hear another resident had come in, too.
Emily’s eyes and hand were still on you.
“Okay,” you finally said. “I’ll be right back.”
Just your dumb, stupid luck.
Your shift ended at around 10pm but it’s almost midnight when you got out of the hospital. You already changed your top into a purple t-shirt. You carried your bags, coat hanging on your arm, as you walked to your car. You couldn’t wait to go home and wash off the busy day you had.
You stopped by to take out Chinese food for you and Penelope and a little extra to reheat tomorrow for breakfast.
You heard the TV as you approached the door. Penelope must still be awake and watching a show. You opened the door with your keys and to your surprise, one of your patients today was sitting on your couch. Your eyes met briefly.
“Hey, sweetie pie!” Penelope cornered you and grabbed hold of the take-outs. “Let me talk to you for a minute.” Penelope excused herself and you, dragging you to the kitchen. “I’m sorry Emily’s here but somebody’s got to take care of her and she lives alone. I figured since you’re here and you’re a doctor, this will be the safest choice. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
“Do I really have a choice?”
“No.” Your roommate grinned widely.
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Then it’s fine. I’m going to my room. I had a long day.”
“But aren’t you going to eat? You can watch TV with us.”
“I lost my appetite.” You mumbled. You walked to your room and Emily caught you on the way. She stopped in front of you. “What?”
“I’m sorry for staying. The team insisted and -”
“It’s fine, Agent Prentiss.”
Emily frowned. “You don’t have to be so formal.”
“I’m sorry but I’m really tired. I just want to go to bed.”
“Okay, sorry,” She stepped to the side and you walked past her. “Y/N?” You looked back at her. “Thank you for today.”
You flashed her a small smile.
You woke up the next morning to a loud scream. You quickly got up and ran to the living room. Your hair still disheveled and pajama pants hanging a little low.
“Is there a fire?” You asked, confused and half awake.
“Sorry for waking you, sunshine. But I cannot do this.” Penelope handed you a gauze, medical tape and scissors. “Help us, oh sweet lord of ER.”
You yawned then sat next to Emily. You disinfected your hands with alcohol and proceeded to clean her wound with povidone-iodine. She winces a little. “Hurts?”
“A little.”
“Well, it’s supposed to.”
“Wow, aren’t you grumpy in the morning.” Emily teased, earning a glare from you and a slightly painful poke. “Ow! Hey, be gentle please. I’m already hurt.” She pouted.
“You have a dangerous job. Couldn’t you be more careful?” You retorted, annoyed.
“Well, I’m sorry the UnSub has a gun and tried to kill me.”
You ignored her mumbling. “Do you have the day off?”
“Hotch gave me the week off.” Emily answered, clearly disappointed. “I can’t believe my doctor suggested a week's rest. It’s not even that bad, right?”
You bit the inside of your cheeks. “And you know better than your doctor?”
Emily smiled. “I guess not.”
You finished cleaning up her wound and changing the dressing. You picked up an ice pack from the fridge and handed it to her. “Ice your bruises. No more than 15 minutes at a time.”
“Yes, doc.”
“Don’t call me doc.”
“You’re a doctor.”
“We’re not in the hospital.”
Emily leaned forward, a little too close to your face. “What should I call you then?”
Up close, you noticed her lower lip has a small cut while her upper lip … well, there’s nothing wrong with it.
You tried not to focus too much on her lips. Tried is the keyword. 
Then, you suddenly felt like your ghost floated above you and gave the back of your head a cold hard slap. Your eyes quickly darted up to her own brown orbs, intently staring back at you. 
“I’d rather you not call me anything at all.” You said firmly and got up. Emily watched you march back to your room.  A small smirk formed on Emily’s face.
You lied on your bed. Heart pounding, head somewhat dizzy, cheeks flushed.
Fuck Emily Prentiss and her stupid, stupid, tempting lips.
The three of you ended up watching your second classic film one afternoon with Penelope sitting between you and Emily. You didn’t like the movie that much honestly. You walked to the kitchen to make yourself your favorite drink - soda with vanilla ice cream.
“You still like that huh?” Emily sneaked up behind you. “It’s diabetes in a glass.”
“Guilty.” You took a sip. “It’s my comfort drink.”
“It sure is.”
“What do you need? Ice?”
“You, actually.”
“Why? Something hurts?”
“Nothing you can heal.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m serious.”
“So am I, Y/N.” Emily stepped closer to you. “I was wondering if we can finally have a talk.”
“We’re watching a movie.”
“Penelope’s just fine.” You both glanced at Penelope who turned her head back to the TV at breakneck speed.
“She put you up to this huh?” You took a seat and you gestured to Emily to do the same. There’s no use avoiding ‘the talk’ anyway as it looks like Emily might live here for the whole week whether you liked it or not. “What do you want to talk about?”
Emily ran her hands through her hair, not knowing where to start. “I didn’t want to leave.”
Fifteen years.
It’s been fifteen years since you last saw Emily. Both of you were still kids - young, innocent, carefree, hopeful. The day Emily left your life, you were a wreck. You did good at school, acing exams after exams, and eventually got to medical school on partial scholarship. Outside, you tried to be the perfect little golden daughter your parents and teachers expected you to be. Inside? You were empty. You felt as if you’re a shallow case of a person.
The first five years since Emily left, you graduated from high school. You got multiple part time jobs before applying to universities. In between those busy times, you tried to find her - called her up on her phone every single day for three years, wrote letters to her last known address every month for two years. Once, you even tried to sneak into their house but the security guard spotted you and almost caught you. You almost had a bald spot from the security grabbing your hair.
By the sixth year since Emily had gone, you stopped. You realized it’s not healthy anymore. You were holding on to a ghost. So you learned to live the next years of your life without her. After finishing your degree in biochemistry, you moved to LA with your father. You got yourself into UCLA and pursued medicine.
The med school journey wasn’t a smooth ride at all. Yes, you didn’t fail one subject during med school but the harder part came later - the actual practice. You struggled with a lot of things but mostly socializing with different people - strangers - whose life depended on you and your capabilities.
It was only five years ago that you finally started to feel somewhat confident with yourself. Not perfect but you weren’t getting yelled at as much by the attendings anymore. A senior resident even complimented your improvement which meant a lot to you.
Long story short, you survived without her.
Her name had become a memory pushed and tucked away in the back of your mind. You locked it and threw away the key. You had stopped yourself from waiting for answers as to why she walked out on you or why she didn’t fight for you ages ago.
Until now.
“Y/N,” Emily placed her hand on top of yours and you were quick to retract it. It was a reflex at this point. “Sorry.” She kept her hands under the table. “I know apologizing won’t erase anything that happened to us but I’m really sorry, love.”
“Don’t call me that.” You clenched your jaw. “Just tell me why.”
“She, my mother … she took me to the Middle East when she found out about us. I should have known, I should have seen, that we were being followed by her men every time we went out. She tossed the photos - our photos - to my face. She called me disgusting and immoral and a fucking disappointment all because I loved you.” The last part came out as a mumble but you caught it.
Your eyebrows relaxed, eyes softened. The waterworks in your eyes were threatening to fall again. Damn it.
How would a 17-year-old expect this from her own mother? How was she supposed to know?
“She had all your information and your family’s and I was so afraid that she would come for you.” Emily continued, now looking down at her hands, trembling in fear and probably embarrassment of being vulnerable and open. “I knew she would come for you. She told me so. I will set that girl straight if that’s what it takes, that’s what she said. And you have no idea how that sentence scarred me until now.” Emily takes a deep shuddering breath. “The thought of you being hurt because of me … us … I couldn’t bear that, Y/N. I had to protect you so I made her swear to leave you alone and in exchange I will follow whatever she wanted me to do, whatever she wanted me to be.” Emily glanced back up to you, eyes defenseless and face flushed. “I just want you alive and safe.”
“Emily …”
“You don’t have to forgive me now or ever if you don’t want to. Or if you can’t. That’s okay. I can live with that … I think.” Your ex-girlfriend sat up straight, faked a smile. “But I want you to know that when I got to the Bureau, I did look for you.”
Your eyes met. And from what Penelope was seeing from the living room, everything was evident: the longing, the pain, the memories.
“I found out you got into med school in LA. I was so happy for you, you know that. I knew you would make it. I remember you wanted to be a surgeon at first but then you said you liked kids so maybe pedia -”
“Why didn’t you call?”
“I couldn’t … I wanted to, Y/N. I have wanted so badly for years. But when I remember about what I put you through, what my mother put you -”
“Us,” you corrected. “What your mother put us through.”
Emily nodded. “I just couldn’t ruin your life like that again.”
“Do you still talk to her? Your mother.”
“Not anymore. We haven’t been in contact since the last case she brought to the FBI.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Can’t miss someone you don’t know.”
You gave her a sad smile. “You’re strong, Emily.”
“Sometimes I think it’s a curse.”
“It will take some time,” you mumbled. Emily stared at you, waiting for what you meant. “Forgiving you, I mean.”
“I know. You don’t have to.”
“But I understand, Emily. I understand now.”
You shared a friendly smile. You leaned forward to wipe the tear from Emily’s cheek.
Emily held your wrist, feeling your hand on her cheek. You two stayed like that for a few seconds. You were the first one to let go but before going, you left a tender kiss on her forehead to which Emily closed her eyes, feeling your lips against her skin for the first time in a long time.
The moment was almost ruined when you and Emily heard a shriek from the living room and saw Penelope stuffing her mouth with ice cream. Clearly, she saw everything.
You and Emily chuckled.
“Em,” you softly whispered. “I’m sorry too.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
“Sorry the world wasn’t kind. To you. To us.”
Emily frowned. “It’s not your fault.”
None of this was your fault or Emily’s as it turns out. Now that everything was out in the open, a blossoming hope grew in your heart as you looked at Emily. All the sadness, anger and pain you felt the first time you laid eyes on her at the bar, you felt that diffusing quickly.
Maybe it’s not such a bad idea. 
To just kiss her. Just once. Again.
Or hug her.
You don’t know. All you know is that you missed her. And although she looked much older than you remembered her to be - so are you - you still remembered looking at her eyes all those years ago. At the locker room. During classes. At the carnival. At the mall. In your childhood room. The street two blocks away from her house.
Emily stood up, eye level with yours, as if she read your mind. She leaned forward. Your lips now close to hers that you can feel her take a breath. She waited for you to pull away or to ran to your room but you didn’t. The next thing you know was Emily closing the gap between both of your lips.
The kiss was soft. Like the first time when you were two young girls at the locker room the first time she told you that she loves you. Yet, it was also intoxicating, exciting. You felt a jolt of electricity running through your whole body.
The kiss was also quick. It was done before you know it.
Emily flashed a smile. “I’d like to do that again.”
“Me too,” You mentally kicked yourself at how quick you responded to that.
“Let me take you out on a date sometime.”
How can you say no to her?
The answer is you don’t.
“I’d like that, Em.”
“Friday? 10pm? I’ll pick you up?”
“It’s like you know my work schedule.”
“Lucky guess,” Emily smirked. “Let’s go before Penelope dies of excitement. She’s literally red and might combust.”
“Don’t worry, I’m here if she codes.” You share a laugh.
You couldn’t wait for Friday to come.
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judeslove · 3 months
but why?
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pairing - jude bellingham x trents sibling!reader genre - fluff, slight angst i guess, dating brothers bestfriend warnings - cursing, petnames (babe, etc), intended lowercase summary - trent does not approve you dating jude
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when you met jude, your brothers bestfriend, it was like love at first sight. sure, it was wrong, but something about him just drew you closer and closer, like he has placed some type of spell on you.
trent told jude way too many times that his only sister is off limits. yet jude couldn’t help but mirror the same feelings you felt towards him.
today he was coming over. you were nervous, since your and judes relationship was fresh. trent didn’t know, and it‘s not like he had to know, you just couldn’t make it too obvious.
“yo bro nice to see again” you saw trent greet his friend, or “g” as he likes to say. they eventually made their way upstairs, jude sneaking you a little wink when your brother wasn’t looking.
the night went fast. jude texted you asking to meet up in the bathroom.
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you heard jude excuse himself to the bathroom and you left shortly after.
“hi baby” he greeted you smiling, showcasing his gorgeous smile.
“hey” you said as you wrapped you hands around him and pecking him lips after the door was closed.
“missed you” jude mumbled in your hair while hugging your figure. “me too, i wish trent would accept us” you agreed as you dug your head deeper into his chest.
little did you guys know, the door wasn’t actually locked. a while after trent decided to go check why jude was taking so long. upon seeing the bathroom unlocked, he decided to open the door.
“now what the actual fuck is going on here?” trent asked, absolutely fuming like you said. panic washed over you as you froze, not knowing what to do.
“trent it is not what it looks like i swear”jude tried to help the situation but was cut off by trent, who angrily stared at you both.
“jude, i’m not mad, or i perhaps am, but i am just mostly so fucking disappointed in you. why the hell are you doing this when i said she was off limits? are you fucking deaf or something?” trent rambled, disappointed in his bestfriend. you saw jude worry about his relationship with his bestfriend, how his eyebrows turned upwards and mouth into a frown.
“look man, i’m sorry. it’s just that we both have genuine feelings for each other. i can help it” jude looked down, embarrassed.
“yeah, can’t we just be together?” you asked trent, practically begging him.
trent debated for a few minutes, until he finally decided to speak up.
“fine, but if you hurt my sister, you wont see the light of day anymore” trent threatened jude.
“yeah bro, i’d never do that” jude said while doing a pinky swear with your brother.
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
185 notes · View notes
vintagemulti · 5 months
shards and splinters
parings: marc spector x reader , steven grant x reader
desc: apparently what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. now you’ve died and returned alive, perhaps it’s time to test that theory; or risk losing your life once and for all.
warnings: blood, angst, swearing, fighting, guns and gun violence, death descriptions, long as fuck, sex mentions i guess(? if you squint), hurt/comfort, gory i guess (jake🤷🏻‍♀️) writers note: idk how accurate these are bc i’ve been writing this on and off for years but cover all bases i guess xx
a/n: psa to pls reblog anyway she’s BAAAAAACKKK did you miss me ?? i missed youse … if there’s even a moonknight fandom anymore 🫣 i’m so sorry for the 2 years gone from the face of tumblr, i’ve quite honestly had two years from hell and insane writers block so. can anyone even remember this series?? idk maybe you should all reread the first parts 👀👀 anyways. there’ll be one more part to this (will it come this year? next? 2026? who knows…) bc i HATED my original ending and just had to change it. also sorry if this feels rushed or like it jumps around a lot, it’s been written over YEARS, but i’ve tried my best for continuity. also, i know there’s a lot missing in like fight scenes but they are BORING and i hate writing em so i’m not doing it. tried, got half way thru then didn’t touch this for 7 months so.. it’s no fight scene or no part at all. but my last part is pretty much done so hopefully it’ll be posted soon! ill let youse savour this for a while tho lol. on a real note thank you all SO much for all the love, even two years later. it means the world. all my love, all the time x
series masterlist
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the air felt different now. it was funny; you and marc had been apart hundreds, if not thousands of times, but he had never felt your absence. not like this. no, never like this. it was different now because he knew he could look for you everywhere and you would still be in that room, not breathing, not living.
he could see it all so clearly now. all of what? all of it. everything; life, your life, his life, where everything went wrong, what he should have done, should have said, how he could have saved you.
there was nothing you could have done, marc.
“that’s easy for you to say.” he mumbled, looking down at his hands. “you’re not the one who was halfway through a fucking argument when harrow took her. and if you can remember, harrow took her because of me.”
steven sighed, and went quiet.
“i should’ve died on that fucking alter.”
marc said it over and over, like a prayer, to go back in time and pull the trigger. he was fuck knows where, it looked like the middle of the desert but marc didn’t care enough to question it.
he had walked out of that pyramid and kept on walking - for hours. the hot egyptian sun had began to set, casting a rosy hue on everything. the humidity make marc’s head ache.
steven had gone silent - a small hum of anger in the back of marc’s head. it usually would have surprised marc, for steven to be the angry one. but he wasn’t sure he would never feel surprised again.
are you going to wallow here forever?
marc looked up, low sun glinting in his eyes, making him squint. but he could tell exactly who it was - crescent staff in his peripheral.
“fuck off.”
khonshu laughed. that’s one way to talk to a god.
“fuck off.” he repeated.
and why should i, mortal? why should i listen to you?
“you did this.” it was stiff, cold, a definite statement. “you did this to us.”
khonshu groaned, moving to block the sun from marc’s eyes so he could see him properly. aren’t you going to question how i am here?
perhaps you should.
marc could never cope with khonshu’s riddles. they had always infuriated him - never getting a straight answer. but this one, he could tolerate.
“fuck does that mean?” he was looking directly into khonshu’s eyes now - something he had readily avoided for years. “and don’t give me any of your goddamn riddles.”
if you must be so blunt, it would seem like osiris has taken a liking to your poor lady wife. hathor isn’t half fond of her, either. maybe you ought to go back to the pyramid, something tells me your needed.
and he was gone. disappeared with a gust of wind, leaving marc alone in the saharan sunset, shaking and still covered in his wife’s blood.
she’s alive?
“i-” marc looked around. “i don’t-”
his eyes slipped into the back of his head.
steven took a deep breath, swallowing hard. he set off in a run - towards the pyramid.
“this feels so fucking weird.”
you were pressed flat against the wall, peeking around every few seconds to make sure one of harrow’s followers wasn’t coming your way.
i must admit, it’s been a while since i’ve had an avatar.
you let out a breathy laugh. was that your first ever laugh since being revived? you supposed it must be. oh, you wished it was one of steven’s jokes you were laughing at instead.
you didn’t think you’d ever find one of his jokes unfunny again.
“where is he?”
it’s hard to tell. i can’t check, unless i’d like ammit to spot me.
humming, you looked around the corner once again, breath hitching when you saw a shadow come closer.
what made your breath stop completely, however, was the slow, melodic tapping of a cane, following every footstep the person took.
harrow was less than two feet away from you.
swallowing hard, you pushed yourself against the wall even harder, back cold against the concrete. you hoped - prayed with your newfound faith in osiris and his mercy - that harrow would turn back the other way, not hearing your thumping heart.
but your luck had ran out for this lifetime.
the tapping of the cane became louder, until you could see the tip of it in your peripheral, crunching glass finally becoming audible. he was about to come around the corner, and see you. you would be impossible to miss, even the bright red of your new outfit making you stand out.
it seemed like it was impossible to escape harrow, and the tapping of his cane. he had killed you once, what would stop him from doing it again?
apparently, a guardian angel. someone spoke, making harrow turn to look behind him.
this was your chance - to slip away and turn the opposite corner, escape harrow in your new life as you couldn’t in your last.
his voice made you flinch. cool, charming, low. like a snake - exactly like a snake, now you thought about it. the way he slid through life, from the bar all those years ago, to now, awakening a centuries old god, aiming to destroy the world.
you could slither away too, though.
still holding your breath, you sidestepped along the wall, making sure to watch your step over any lose stones, until the wall fell away behind you and led you into another corridor.
as soon as the light from the hall had faded, you let out your breath, hands coming to your forehead and rubbing your eyes.
we have to keep moving. ammit is almost ready to begin.
nodding - although it felt like your brain was rattling around your skull - you looked back up and saw hathor, still looking as beautiful as ever.
this hallway was much dimmer than the last. colder, too. it was like all the light had been blocked, the only thing keeping your vision was the small, fading candles lining the walls every meter or so.
perhaps it was your natural instinct, or a new given sense as an avatar, but you could tell - something wasn’t right. something in the air had shifted, on top of the hot, sticky, egyptian heat, there was something sinister.
your years as a mercenary had taught you to recognise something - blood in the air. and there was certainly blood in the air around you.
“what is harrow’s plan?”
he wants to judge people. through ammit, he believes he can rid the world of everyone bad, even if they aren’t already bad.
“so he’s playing god?” the corridor seemed to go on forever.
he would never admit it, but yes. and ammit is the perfect enabler for him, she’ll know exactly what he’s up to, but because he can give her her power back, she’ll play along.
you scoffed lightly. “harrow isn’t stupid either. he’ll know what she thinks.”
hathor shrugged, a few paces in front of you. only time will tell, my dear.
for a few minutes, the walk along the corridor was silent. the tap of your shoes echoed down the hall, breeze from your passing flickering the candles on the wall.
why did you marry him?
it stopped you in your tracks, hathor stopping too.
marc. why did you marry him?
you stuttered for a moment, looking around as if someone would come and help you.
i don’t mean it in a rude way. i’m the goddess of love, it’s natural for me to want to know.
“well,” you paused for a moment and began walking again, slower this time. “we were young when we met, i was coming up for 18 and he was 19.”
“and i knew what i had done to him.” you swallowed. “i felt fucking awful, i thought, maybe if i get to know the guy, and he’s not as much of an ass as everyone makes him out to be, it’ll make it easier for me to forgive myself.”
the corridor kept on, as if it were never ending.
“as you can tell, it didn’t work.”
he wasn’t as much of an asshole as everyone thought?
“no, he was,” you gave a dry smile. “it just so happened that assholes are my type, and i think he worked it out pretty quickly. so after only about two months of knowing each other, he asked me on a date. a real date. it was my first ever date too, god knows anton never took me out. but god, he was such a gentleman.
he picked me up, gave me flowers, wore a fucking tie. and he payed for everything, too. dinner at a four star restaurant, a movie, then out to a bar for drinks.
i knew i had fucked up when he kissed me that night.”
you regret it?
“not for a day. and that’s my mistake- i mean, i was supposed to hate him. i told myself i would hate him. so i wouldn’t feel bad about telling someone to kill him. i didn’t even know how he got out alive- he didn’t tell me about the khonshu shit until after we got married.
oh, our wedding,” you smiled again, a real one. “it was perfect. i was twenty one, marc was twenty three. we were so young. it was a small wedding, just some friends, neither of us invited our family. it was the best night of my life.
it was the night i met steven, too. i think the stress of the day must have triggered it. and that was it- there was marc, and there was steven.”
didn’t it take a while to get used to?
the corridor began to open up, getting slightly wider by the meter. still - there was no end to it in sight.
“it did and it didn’t. i knew for a while there was something happening to him, he would disappear, look confused all the time. i knew it was a matter of time until something changed. and then came steven, perfect steven.
he changed so much- it was like dating all over again. he was even more perfect than marc, stupid english accent included. but, naturally, abuthing that’s perfect must come to an end.”
hathor sighed. and it gave you the impression, just for a moment, that she already knew the whole story. that she was humouring you by letting you tell it. her sigh, sad and resigned, almost confirmed that she knew what was coming.
“the-” you stopped. your voice had broken, and your feet no longer moved. hathor continued for a few paces before looking back at you.
i understand, but if there’s any time you need to tell this, it’s now.
“you know?” you voiced your suspicions.
take into account which god i am, my dear. there is no one else i could chose, but you.
you swallowed. “what’s the point of talking about it if you already know?”
you have been born again. revived. would you like to carry this, this horrible vendetta against someone who has done nothing but love you, for the rest of your new life?
then voice it. i can take this pain from you, if you only ask me too. i can help you.
you bit your tongue, looking down at your feet and kicking around a few of the loose rocks. hathor waited.
“the baby was supposed to be born just after my twenty-third birthday.”
a beat. hathor didn’t reply.
“but he didn’t live past twelve weeks.”
you looked back up at hathor, anxious for a reply. she didn’t give you one, only nodding.
“i don’t- i don’t know what i did. i was waiting until i could get a scan, tell marc, have it done properly, you know? but when i went to my appointment, i knew. she didn’t say anything, she just looked. then she left, got the doctor to come in.
he said that the baby had died, that they weren’t sure of the cause, but it was a boy. that my baby boy had died.”
tears threatened your eyes. never - never - had you spoken about this before. not even with marc.
“i went home, with a hatred in my heart. the next few days were the worst. i was grieving a child no one knew i even had. the blood was horrible, it hurt so badly. i told marc i was on my period. fuck, for all he knew i was.
and then my baby was gone. and i hated marc.”
why did you hate him?
you shrugged. “i have no idea. i needed someone to blame and marc was the easiest. that’s when it all went downhill, you know? i wanted him to be there for me, for something he didn’t even know happened. and when he wasn’t, i blew up at him. and he blew up at me.
and that was it, for three years. this horrible hatred towards each other, me hating marc for something he knew nothing about, and marc hating me for every other reason.
he hated me the most for making him stay a mercenary. he wanted out, he wanted a normal life in the suburbs with a dog and a big house and maybe, one day, a child.
but i can’t have that. i don’t want that kind of normal - not when i was so close to it and lost it. so i pushed him into this world. i made him take jobs and work himself to death, even when i found out about khonshu. i made him do it.
and that’s why we’re here. because i told him to follow khonshu here. and now look what i’ve done.”
hathor took two, wide steps towards you, and cradled your face in her hands.
you have done nothing that makes you inhumane. none of this mess is you fault. khonshu would have gotten marc here one way or another. anyone in your shoes would be the same.
her hands were warm. you felt a tear fall, running underneath her fingers. “but i’ve been so horrible. i’m a monster - if not for this, for everything else.”
hathor shook her head. you are a human being.
there was silence as you cried and hathor wiped your tears. at least two minutes passed - but it didn’t matter to you. harrow could come running around the corner and you wouldn’t bat an eyelash.
hathor took a deep breath, looking to her left along the corridor. she opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, another figure appeared.
is now a bad time, human?
you flinched at the rough edge in khonshu’s voice. “what do you want?”
what do i want? there’s a long list.
even through your tears, your patience thinned. “seriously?”
hathor took her hands from your face, turning to look at khonshu. enough of your riddles. just tell her.
the unmistakable sound of footsteps, running, drew your attention. they were getting closer.
i don’t think i have to say a word, actually.
just as khonshu had finished, a figure appeared, coming around the twists and turns of the corridor.
your heart stopped.
marc looked around in a daze, eyes falling first on khonshu, then on hathor, then…
just as he had stopped running, he started again, coming towards you like a lion out of his cage, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off of your feet.
“oh baby,” he mumbled into your neck.
you had just reached - wrapping your arms around him in equal tightness, hands flying into his hair. oh, god. his hair - his curls, his skin - you’d never take it for granted again.
he pulled back, hands on your cheeks in a mirror image to hathor. his eyes locked into yours, brown irises melting into his pupils, filling with tears.
marc stuttered, trying to get several sentences out at once, before you hushed him.
“please, marc, we don’t have much time. harrow is gonna-”
“i know,” he nodded, eyes still not breaking from yours. “i know- baby, i know. please- please, just give me a minute. i never- i thought i’d never- oh, baby.”
he leaned in, moving his hands out of the way to rest his forehead against yours. he was hot - sticky with sweat and dirt and, although you didnt want to think about it, your blood.
“i know,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “marc, i know.”
barely having finished your sentence, he leaned in and kissed you.
it was like the first kiss all over again, and you supposed it was. hot, needy, passionate, desperate. you could live in this moment.
but the unmistakable sound of khonshu clearing his throat broke your kiss.
if you wouldn’t mind, harrow is about to release ammit. i’m sure your couples catch-up can wait another hour.
“yeah,” you nodded, breaking away, but marc was far more hesitant to let go.
“i can’t-” he looked around, paranoid. “i can’t do this, y/n. i just lost you, i can’t run the risk of losing you again, i’ve never- y/n, i can’t let you go, you’re everything to me, and if harrow- oh god, what did harrow do to you? i swear to god, the minute i see him, i’m gonna-”
he blinked. a beat.
“paranoid git never did know when to be quiet, did he?”
“oh, steven,” you threw your arms around him again. “fucking hell.”
steven, unlike marc, seemed far more willing to let you go. “love, i know, but if we don’t go now, we’re all gonna end up dead. please, we can do this all after, yeah?”
he took your hands in his, stilling your shaking fingers. he was so warm - always so warm.
“okay,” you nodded, looking between him and the gods beside you. “okay.”
you had severely underestimated how far harrow was willing to go. it had been what felt like hours, an unrelenting fight. you weren’t even sure when layla showed up, hoping to help you in any way she could.
but her attempts were futile; ammit was huge. really - huge, bigger than the pyramid behind her. khonshu had, as usual, gotten involved too, so that meant he was the same size, almost trampling you with every step he took.
you had tried. really, you had. you’d tried to use your new found avatar abilities to at least land something on harrow, but truth be told, you were failing. he’d hit you far more times that you’d even aimed for him, you were covered in cuts and rapidly forming bruises, you were sure your shoulder was dislocated.
but worst of all? your head wasn’t right. you weren’t sure what was wrong with it - it seemed fine every time you focused on identifying the issue, but every time you weren’t paying attention, it was there again. dizzy, a ringing in your eyes, everything a second or two behind; your vision lagging and cloudy. but just as you’d notice it, it was gone.
it was getting worse, too. you could see marc out of the corner of your eye; he was one to one with harrow. it would have made you anxious if you could properly focus on what was going on. but you couldn’t - your thought were scattered, a ringing back tenfold in your ears, the world had gone distant and hazy.
the doctors told you it was a concussion the next morning. layla had actually came in very handy, able to translate the man’s arabic into english for you.
he had told you that you’d sustained a massive head injury - you figured it would have been investigated, if you hadn’t been one of the people there last night.
‘there’ was all people could talk about. first the sky had gone backwards (you’d missed that part, thanks to being dead), then, out of nowhere, two ancient egyptian gods had appeared, destroying all the buildings in their wake, pyramids too.
it wasn’t that you couldn’t remember it. you could - it was clear in every aspect. it just didn’t feel like you’d been there at all. even the build up to it, every moment from when you’d stepped out of that pyramid, hand in hand with steven, hot air hitting your face;
it wasn’t you.
well, obviously it was you. but it wasn’t the same you. everything felt different, you didn’t have the same emotions you did before. the same key ones, yes, like how you felt about marc, and steven, and who you are as a person, but basic thing, like fear, and compassion? it was gone.
you’d have voiced this to a doctor if you could put ‘i died and got brought back to like by an ancient god, but not the same one who destroyed half of your city last night, sorry about that, by the way’ into layman’s terms.
trauma induced dissociation was enough of a label for you. it fit - everything just felt a little hazy, was all. not that you’d asked your doctor, a google search (excluding the resurrection part) had taken you to pages and pages about dissociation and how it’s normal to feel it after a traumatic event. you were pretty sure dying was a traumatic event.
and yes, you could bring it up to your doctor, he was payed to help you, after all. but there was a strange gnawing in the back of your head: that if you voiced this feeling, it would only get worse, and the happy ending you and your husband currently had would be shred in two because you couldn’t feel properly.
so instead, you listened to his professional diagnosis; a severe concussion, fractured rib, dislocated shoulder, several cosmetic wounds, and mental trauma that would be discovered at a later point, if you ever got around to voicing it to a doctor.
what a lovely shopping list, you thought.
it was three days before they let you out, and marc wasn’t getting out for another two after that. you’d had to beg him to even go to the hospital in the first place, but now he was getting the medical attention he’d needed for years, he seemed content in his hospital bed. not that he’d ever admit it.
with two days to yourself (not nights, you’d go back to the hospital and stay with marc), you decided to have the egyptian holiday you had come for.
the first stop was obvious; buy clothes. all of the ones you had were either covered in blood or halfway shredded. once you’d achieved this, in a new white linen sundress (cut below the knees to hide the still raw scars), you felt just slightly lost.
of course, you weren’t lost, you were always quick to get your bearings in new places - mercenary years had left you with a few skills, after all - and you kept yourself in a fairly small area, close to the hospital in case you got an emergency call.
no - the feeling of being lost came from deep down. ever since you’d come back to life it was the same, a strange longing for something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. something you felt you just had to have, maybe not right now, but in the near future. the hazy feeling had already begun to pass, you were sure google had served you well. but it left behind this in its wake, a new, even stranger feeling.
a breeze blew your hair lightly as you looked down the street in front of you. it was picturesque, all kinds of small shops and cafes as far as you could see. you could hear kids playing somewhere, a baby crying in the distance.
the lost-longing feeling piqued at this.
“oh.” you breathed. “oh.”
beside you, hathor, dressed in a golden, floor length dress and looking beautiful as ever, laughed.
oh, indeed. did you forget which god i am?
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ssa-montgomery · 1 year
Secrets I Have Held In My Heart (are harder to hide than I thought)
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Word Count: 7489
Summary: Daryl misreads Y/N's laughing and joking with Rick as flirting which leads to a fight between the pair where Daryl's hidden feelings for Y/N are revealed. Little does he know, she's felt the same way the whole time.
Characters: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader, Rick Grimes
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting, mutual pining, smut, just the filthiest smut, oral sex (fem receiving), thigh riding, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dom/sub, degradation kink, use of degrading terms (bitch, slut), punishments, spanking, dirty talk, hickeys, marking, possessive kink, kind of ownership kink too?, choking kink, biting, Daryl has a bit of an oral fixation, rough sex, crying, Daryl is generally very possessive and angry and it gets KINKY
A/N: Yet another Daryl request from here on Tumblr and oh boy am I going to hell for this one! Anon requested a fic with jealous Daryl where the reader and Rick have always been close and Daryl views it as flirting and ends up kissing the reader when he can't take it anymore leading to smut and I well, took it a slight step further. My mind really just ran wild with this prompt and this is probably the roughest, dirtiest smut I've written so I really hope this is still what you wanted from this request Anon! I hope you all enjoy angry possessive Daryl!
Feedback is what motivates me to work so please let me know what you think! Reblogs are also greatly appreciated.
Taglist is open!
It took a long time for your group to find the comfort you had today, years on the road afraid of what would come next, fighting tooth and nail for every ounce of safety you found in Alexandria but it finally felt like the fight was worth it. On the quiet days that you let your mind forget what lay waiting for you beyond those walls, it almost felt like the old world again. It was a sense of normality you never thought you'd find again, walking up every morning under the same roof in your own home rather than the open skies of the woods or the concrete walls of the prison. Deanna had even found you a job taking shifts at the infirmary based on your first aid training.
For the first time in a long time, you were happy. Actually genuinely happy. When you weren't at work you spent your evenings helping the community, tending to the gardens and spending time with friends both new and old. You'd even taken up hosting the occasional dinner party alongside Aaron and Eric. You were content in your life, but still, there was something missing. You couldn't deny the bittersweet feeling of watching everyone around you settle down into relationships, some already happily married and some even starting families.
Relationships were the one element of your old life that you were admittedly finding it hard to settle back into. You had plenty of platonic relationships sure, some closer than others and you valued every single bond you'd created since you met this group back in Atlanta but after everything you'd lost, you were afraid if you let someone get that close again losing them would destroy you. No matter how safe you were in Alexandria this world was still cruel, and you'd learned that the hard way.
It was the exact reason why you hid what you really wanted from the one person you'd let yourself develop feelings for since this all began.
"This seat taken?" You were sitting out on your porch, your legs tucked up underneath you in your old rocking chair just watching the world go by when you heard his voice behind you. A bright smile broke out across your face as you looked up to see Rick standing with his hand on the back of the chair next to you.
"Not at all, please, sit down. You want a drink?" You asked gesturing towards the fresh jug of cold lemonade you'd made just before you came outside. Rick nodded politely at you as he took his seat and you leaned over to the little table beside you, grabbing the spare glass you kept by the jug. You always kept yourself prepared for visitors, a couple of the women from the community including Rosita and Carol had grown fond of stopping by and admittedly you enjoyed the company. 
You listened to the satisfying noise of the ice clinking against the side of the jug as you poured a drink for Rick, taking a moment to enjoy the quiet, strangely familiar feeling of it all. Summer was quickly approaching and it filled the air with that warmth that wasn't yet overbearing but certainly made you appreciate the feeling of a cool drink.
"Thank you Y/N." Rick smiled at you, happily accepting the glass you held out to him before taking a sip. When you first found this group Rick was one of the first people to truly see your potential and he'd quickly become one of your best friends while he helped you become the fighter you were today. The two of you almost immediately formed a close bond and you knew you could always count on him to look out for you and you'd risked your life time and again to protect his family.
"Judith didn't wanna visit her favourite person in the whole town today?" You asked feigning a dramatic, hurt sigh as you pressed your hand over your heart. Judith was growing up so fast, having now reached the age where she was starting to say anything that came to her mind. It led to a rather hilarious situation for you when she blurted out that you were her favourite person to visit in front of Rosita, Carol and Maggie while the group was having dinner at Rick's house. They had sulked over her choice and she quickly followed it up by saying Daryl was her second favourite which only seemed to add insult to injury for them.
"No, she's got another play date with Gracie today. The pair of 'em are inseparable now." Rick chuckled lightly as he spoke, a peaceful look softening his features as he looked over at you. Judith was the light of his life, that much was clear from the way he talked about her. You could see the weight it has lifted off his shoulders now that he was able to give her the childhood she deserved.
"Oh that's good, it's good for them. Being able to play like kids again. She'll do well here Rick." You took a long sip from your drink while you watched Rick. There was something distracting him, something clearly on his mind as he stared out past the road in front of you, staring at nothing in particular. You gave him a curious look, balancing your drink on the arm of your chair before you spoke again. "What brings you out here anyway?"
"Headin' out on a run soon, just wanted some peace and quiet first before I gotta deal with that you know? Thought I'd stop by to say hi in the meantime." He shrugged, seemingly snapping back into the moment as he looked over at you and offered you a warm smile.
"Rick Grimes lookin' for some peace and quiet, I never thought I'd see the day. You were always lookin' for trouble when I first met you." You shot him a teasing grin as you spoke, your eyes sparkling with that look of mischief that always got you in trouble for your comments at town meetings.
"Hey, watch it you. You're one to talk 'bout lookin' for trouble." He scoffed reaching his arm out to lightly smack you for your dig at him. It truly did bring you comfort to see Rick and the kids growing into their new lives here,  it was what they deserved after everything they'd been through. "Can I ask you somethin'?"
Rick's attitude changed then, his expression becoming more serious compared to your previous teasing. It wasn't serious enough to worry you but you knew what came next was going to be a personal question, something Rick seemed unsure about bringing up.
"Sure Rick, course you can." You nodded giving him your full attention.
"You and Daryl, is there something-" 
Rick's question was cut short by a loud, sharp whistle from the road just below your porch, your trained instincts making your eyes immediately snap to the source of the noise. Daryl was leaning against a tree just to the side of your house, his hands shoved in his pockets as he watched the two of you. You offered him a warm smile, giving him a small wave when you spotted him but it was met with a cold, almost angry stare from him.
You could feel your happy expression fall from your face, a heavy feeling weighing on your chest at his reaction, unsure of what you'd done to seemingly upset him. It had taken a while, longer than with anyone else in the group but you'd developed a close friendship with Daryl, finally breaking down the walls he'd built so high around himself but sometimes he would shut you out again and you could never understand why. Maybe things would be simpler if you could understand even just a fraction of what went on inside his head.
"We gotta go Rick."  That was the only form of acknowledgement or conversation the two of you got from him, even his tone towards Rick seemed different. There was none of that usual brotherly respect the two men held for each other present in his voice, instead, he sounded even more annoyed than usual. 
"I'll see you 'round Y/N." Rick nodded at you, his hand resting on your shoulder as he bid his goodbyes, turning to jog down your front steps to catch up with Daryl. By the time he turned away from you, Daryl was already gone turning his back on the two of you without another word as he disappeared up the street.
"What is goin' on with him?" You muttered under your breath, letting out a frustrated sigh as you tapped your nails against your glass. You were growing increasingly concerned that he was angry with you over something you were unaware you'd done and you wished you could talk to him about it, find out what was on his mind but you knew you wouldn't get that chance until they returned from their run now.
What you didn't know was how long Daryl had been standing there, just out of sight, watching the way you and Rick laughed and joked together, catching every innocent touch. Or the way that scene looked to jealous eyes and a cruel imagination that couldn't hear the true conversation.
It was late when the knock finally came on your door, so late in fact that you'd started to pace, growing worried that you'd just have to give up and accept that he wasn't going to show. You knew who it was the second the three loud knocks echoed through the house, the sound sending your heart racing. You rushed through the kitchen and took one final breath before quickly pulling the front open to be greeted with the sight of Daryl standing on the other side. You opened your mouth to speak but the words died in your throat. You lost your nerve at the way Daryl stared you down, his eyes burning through you with that same angry look as earlier.
"Carol said ya wanted me. Whadda want?" He snapped at you, clearly unimpressed at your lack of conversation. His attitude was completely different towards you today, he was never this short or aggressive with you and on the rare occasion that he was it didn't last long, the anger not having been directed towards you in the first place. Today though, his anger seemed to very much be directed towards you. You hoped he'd have cooled down after your encounter that morning but he seemed just as irritated as he had then.
"I um- can you come in?" You stepped back from the entrance deciding that maybe your doorway wasn't the best place for this conversation as you held the door open for him and gestured for him to come inside. He stared you down for a moment as if he was considering abandoning this whole conversation, walking away before this got too far before he finally stepped inside. You crossed your arms in front of you, your fingers playing nervously with the fabric of your shirt as you started to speak again. "I was hopin' we could talk-"
"'Bout what?" Daryl's voice cut over you, not even letting you finish your sentence as he did everything he could to avoid looking you in the eyes. You could feel your annoyance growing at the sight of him scuffing his dirty boots against your wooden floors.
"What is goin' on with you Daryl?" You asked with more force than you'd originally intended. The original worry and hurt you'd felt were now melting away into frustration at whatever kind of childish tantrum he was having. No matter how much you trusted and respected Daryl you had your limits and you certainly weren't going to let him treat you the way he was without even giving you an explanation.
"Oh, bullshit." You spat back. If there was one thing everyone respected about you it was your ability to put Daryl in his place, even if you did sink to his level in the process. If you wanted answers you were going to get them. "I mean seriously Daryl you've been all pissy with me all day. Did I do something to you? What is wrong?" 
"Rick." You waited for more of an explanation, expecting that maybe the two were arguing but nothing came. You were becoming increasingly fed up with this conversation. Daryl was a man of few words and that was well known in Alexandria but now was hardly the time for him to decide he didn't want to talk. How could you be expected to find a way to fix this when he wouldn't even talk to you about it?
"What about him? Is there somethin' goin' on with the two of you? Will you just fuckin' talk to me, Daryl?" 
"Nah. Ain't nuthin' goin' on with me and Rick but there is between the two of you, ain't there?" Daryl had been trying to bite his tongue on the subject. He knew he shouldn't bring it up but there was a fire burning in his eyes when they finally met yours and there was no putting it out now as it lit the explosive anger inside him. His voice rose in volume until he was almost shouting as he started to rant. "Saw the way you was with him this mornin'. All smilin' and laughin'. Flirtin' with those lil touches. Ya think the rest of us are fuckin' blind or sumthin'?" 
His words were dripping with venom, finally releasing all of his anger that had been building over this situation for weeks as he drew closer to you. His face was inches away from yours and you could smell the smoke from the cigarette he'd lit up on the way to your house still on his breath. He was trying to intimidate you but you weren't going to let it happen as you held your chin up and stood your ground.
"You're jealous? You're actually fuckin' jealous?" You all but laughed in his face. It was entertaining to you, it truly was. What Daryl didn't realise was that even if anyone else in Alexandria was attracted to you in that way, he had absolutely nothing to worry about. There was something about your relationship with him that even Daryl hadn't caught onto yet.
You had denied it for a long time but the truth was you were attracted to the redneck from that first second you'd met him back in Atlanta. There was something about that fiery temper and defiance that drew you in and you couldn't fight it anymore not when it was on full display for you like this. Not when it was over how possessive Daryl had grown over you. You spent countless nights fantasising about what it would be like if you could get Daryl alone like this. If you could get him to unleash that anger on you.
"For fuck sake Daryl, Rick's like a brother to me. I was never flirtin' with him! All that smilin' and jokin' was about Judith and Gracie. Those touches? They're nothin' more than friendly. You wouldn't be havin' such a bitch fit over it if were Carol doin' it would you?" You squared up to him, not caring that you posed absolutely no threat to him as you leaned up towards his face trying to match his aggression. 
"You think I'm stupid, girl?" He growled, his words vibrating low in his throat as he walked you backwards until you were trapped against the wall with nowhere else to run. The feeling should have scared you but as wrong as it was you could already feel the heat growing between your legs. "Don't lie to me. I heard Maggie sayin' you were spillin' all your fantasies to her, she was talkin' 'bout ya wantin' someone 'round here. It's clearly him."
"I really do think you're stupid if you haven't figured out who it really is yet." You bit back with a mocking smirk on your face. You were getting overconfident in just how much you could match Daryl's attitude without facing the consequences. "You wanna know what I really told Maggie? I told her how much I'd been thinkin' 'bout your hands on my body. How rough I thought you'd be with me. I told her how much I wished you'd just get the nerve to just fuck me already. But I mean if your just goin' to sulk instead maybe I should -"
Once you started you couldn't stop yourself from letting exactly how you felt about Daryl and everything you'd been dreaming of spill out before you could overthink it. It didn't matter anyway, he didn't give you a chance to regret it. Before you could even finish your sentence Daryl's hand was around your throat, squeezing the sides just enough to cut off the blood flow as he pressed you back into the wall behind you.
"You want me to show ya who ya belong to? Want me to fuck ya like I mean it huh? Prove I'm the only one who can fuck this pussy good?" Daryl's lips were ghosting over yours now, his breath hot against your skin as he held back from kissing you, teasing you. You were pressed so close together you could feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he panted out his anger. He was towering over you, completely caging you in and part of you wanted to melt. To entirely give into everything he wanted to do to you and let him take you over but you were too worked up for that now. Too frustrated and proud to play the role of the good girl.
"I'd like to see you try Dixon." You scoffed with a smug look in your eyes. You let your eyes drag over his body like you were inspecting goods out on a run, trying to keep your expression as unimpressed as you could. It was a challenge, one you knew Daryl would take. He had to. You knew what he was like when he got like this, knew how determined he was to prove a point. He was never going to back down from this, especially not when you challenged his ability. You wanted him to fuck you hard, to punish you for testing him and that was exactly what you were going to get.
"Don't be a fuckin' brat." His voice was low as he spoke, a warning of what was to come if you continued the way you were. He used his grip on your throat to pull you flush against his chest before slamming you back against the wall. 
Your head tipped back against the wall as your hands found his wrist, trying to hold his hand in place as he threatened to move away. He hadn't been rough enough to hurt you, just enough to be forceful but part of you wanted him to tighten his grip, to leave a bruise against your skin in the shape of his hand. You gasped out at the feeling of him squeezing his hand again and he took the chance to finally kiss you. It was a rough and messy kiss, his tongue dragging over yours as his lips moved against you. "I'm gonna make sure everyone knows who ya fuckin' belong to. Show 'em who managed to make this brat submit." 
His lips left your mouth, leaving sloppy kisses across your jaw until they found the junction where your jaw met your throat, sucking on the soft, sensitive skin before sinking his teeth in to make sure it left a mark. You cried out, your skin already burning under the feeling as your hands grasped the back of his neck, holding his mouth against your skin. 
He smirked against your skin in between kisses, knowing you were enjoying it from the way you held him in place. He didn't let up, deciding that just one mark wasn't enough as he moved his mouth all across your neck, sucking and nipping until he was satisfied that you were covered. He pulled back to admire his work, looking at the purple marks that were already starting to blossom against your skin, the slight indents of his teeth, everything that marked you as his.
"Ya like that huh?" He hummed against the shell of your ear, his fingers trailing over the marks on your neck. The feeling of his light touch making shiver. "Like walkin' 'round with a reminder of the only one who can touch ya like this? Wearin' a reminder everyone can see?"
"Prove it." You panted out, that mischief still in your eyes as you watched for his reaction. You weren't going to give in to him so easily, even if you were already growing desperate from the simplest of touches. You'd been dreaming about this for too long to not get exactly what you wanted. "Prove that you're good enough to be the only one touchin' me. All I've seen so far is you talkin' a big game. Got the skills to back it up, pretty boy?" 
Whatever small bit of restraint that Daryl had still been holding onto snapped at that moment. His hands were on you in a second, pulling at your clothes to finally feel your skin. He quickly grew tired of trying to wrestle with the small buttons of your shirt, instead grabbing at the top of the flannel and pulling. 
You could hear the sound of the fabric ripping under his strength as the buttons popped and fell to the floor, revealing your heaving chest to him. You pushed the ruined fabric from your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor as Daryl made quick work of your bra, pulling it down your arms with one hand. His free hand was already groping at your chest before the bra even hit the ground as his thigh moved between your legs, pressing up into you to give you the friction you'd been craving.
You moaned out at the feeling of Daryl's mouth dropping to your chest, sucking another hickey into the curve of your breast where you already knew it would be visible above any of your low-cut tops. He moved his mouth downward, kissing over your skin until he took your nipple into his mouth. His tongue lapped over it, the feeling making you buck against his thigh. The drag against your clit was just right as Daryl kept up his pace, moving between your breasts listening to the gasps that fell from your mouth. 
"Nah." He groaned grabbing at your hips as he decided your movements were getting too desperate, pinning you back against the wall to stop you from grinding against him. You could on his face how much self restrain it was taking for him to stop you, to take his time with this. "Nah if yer gonna cum it's gonna be while I fuck ya so hard ya can't walk for a week. Want to feel you cummin' on my dick. You ain't gonna cum like this. Don't get to cum 'til I say so."
"I wasn't gonna cum I promise." You whined out trying to buck your hips against his hands but his grip was too strong. You weren't going to get anything he wasn't willing to give you. He proved that point, pushing his thigh even further into you, giving you more pressure but none of the friction you were so desperate for. You wanted to break Daryl's rules, wanted to see just how far you could push him and above everything else you wanted to come, your body already so close to that edge. "Just wanna feel you, Daryl."
"You get yerself off before I say ya can and I swear yer gonna regret it." He warned, his voice holding that dangerous tone as his mouth returned to its place on your chest. He was playing his own game with you, testing you to see how far you were willing to let him go as his hands released their grip on your hips. 
He knew you weren't going to listen if he gave you the opportunity to keep grinding against his thigh, you had a reputation for ignoring every instruction you were given. The thing was, you breaking his rules was all the permission he needed to play this rough.  
You ground yourself against his thigh the second he let you go, moaning as the new pressure made the seam of your jeans rub against your clit even through your panties. Daryl's mouth trailed across your chest, biting and sucking at your skin while his hands groped at your ass, pulling you against him. He was toying with you, waiting to see how long it would take for you to beg him to stop, not able to take anymore before you came.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers threading into his hair as you used the leverage to ride his thigh. You should have stopped, should have listened to his warning and told him how close you were but you couldn't help yourself. The heavy drag of denim against denim was driving you crazy, rubbing you just the right way as the friction built you closer and closer to orgasm. Before you could think to stop yourself your movements grew faster and more desperate, the feeling of Daryl's teeth grazing your nipple throwing you over the edge.
"Daryl - oh fuck -" You threw your head, the dull pain from your head colliding with the wall only heightened the feeling as your arms tightened around his neck, one hand scratching across his clothed shoulders. You barely had time to come down before you felt Daryl's hand around your throat again, pulling you back to the reality of what you'd just done. Your head was already swimming from the force of your orgasm and his hand squeezing your throat had your eyes fluttering shut. 
"You stupid fuckin' bitch." Daryl growled forcing your face up to meet the fiery look in his eyes. That anger you loved was still as strong as ever as you struggled against his grip, your breathing coming more laboured than before as his hand restricted it. "I warned ya but clearly you can't fuckin' listen. Gonna show ya what happens to brats that can't learn to behave. You wanna cum so badly? Gonna make ya cum until ya beg me to stop and then some more. Not gonna stop until I ruined ya." 
"Oh god, Daryl, please." You gasped out, your hips bucking in search of his again already. Your mind was racing with the idea of what Daryl was about to do to you and you knew none of it could live up to the reality of what was about to happen. Even after the orgasm you'd just had you could feel the need building again in the pit of your stomach, the way your heart raced under his hardened stare. "I need it please."
"Look at ya, just came on my thigh and yer already beggin' for me like some dumb slut. You want that don't ya? Want me to use ya until yer all fucked out, can't even remember yer own name?" Daryl's degrading words shouldn't have turned you as much as they did but you were already putty in his hands. He was right. You wanted to be used by him in whatever way he saw fit. He could do whatever he wanted to you at this point and you'd thank him even if it left you bruised for a week.
"Ya really liked my mouth on these tits that much huh?" He asked, punctuating his question by roughly groping at your chest again, his thumbs swiping over your nipples. "I know somewhere else I could put it to good use to make ya cum. Gonna eat yer pussy 'til yer drippin' down my face. Where's yer bedroom?"
"It's - it's -" Your words trailed off into a broken moan as Daryl dropped his hand to cup you through your jeans, his fingers running over your clit even through the material. He thrust his fingers against you, watching the reaction on your face as he mimicked the movements of fingering you over your jeans. The feeling had you moving your hips against him, praying he would just slip his hand inside the waistband of your jeans. Any thought of the question he'd asked you was long gone as your brain completely gave in to him.
"Never fuckin' mind then. Here's good enough. Are ya really that drunk on the thought of me fuckin' ya already?" Daryl dropped to his knees in front of you and roughly pulled at your jeans, undoing the button before he pulled them down your legs in one swift movement. 
You could see his eyes darken as they focused on the wet spot on the front of your panties that you were sure had probably soaked onto your jeans too. He wasted no time, peeling the soaked material away from your body and throwing it to the side to join your jeans. He ran his fingers up the inside of your legs, starting at your knee and stopping at the apex of your thigh, feeling how slick your skin was there. "Already drippin' down yer thighs for me. You want me to fuck ya that badly?"
"Yes, yes Daryl need you to make me cum again please." You gasped out feeling the way he ran his hands up the inside of your thighs again, stopping just before he got to where you really needed to feel him. His lips followed the path his hands had just taken, moving painfully slow as he teased you. He stopped to suck at the inside of your thigh, marking every part of your body that he touched as his. He stuck his tongue out and leaned towards your clit before diverting to your hip bone at the last second, driving you out of your mind with frustration as you tried to press your thighs together for any form of friction. "Daryl fuck sake, please just -"
You yelped at the feeling of Daryl's teeth sinking into the side of your thigh as he pulled your hips closer to his face, his tongue soothing over the sting his bite left behind.
"Watch yer tone Darlin'. You got yourself into this mess, yer gonna take yer punishment like the good lil' slut you are." His fingers traced over the red mark that was raising on your thigh as he spoke, distracting you with the feeling of his feather-light touches before he dived in, lapping his tongue across your folds. 
You jerked forward at the sudden feeling shooting through your body, your hand grasping at his hair. He was messy, making sure every inch of you got attention as he kissed and sucked everywhere he could reach. He grabbed at the backs of your thighs, hooking one leg over his shoulder to spread you out even more to his tongue, his lips finally closing around your clit. "Sweetest thing I've ever tasted. Goddamn woman you taste like fuckin' candy. Wanna taste you cummin' on my tongue."
Daryl didn't give you a chance to process his words before his mouth was on you again, lapping up everything he could. Your fingers in his hair tightened, pulling at the strands as he traced his tongue around your clit in tight circles before sucking on it harshly. You were quickly learning that his sharp tongue was good at more than just biting insults, your thighs squeezing around his head. He didn't seem to care about your tightening grip as he dipped his tongue down to tease around your entrance, listening to the way you whimpered and whined before he pushed it inside of you.
Your hips pressed forward against his face at the feeling of his tongue inside you, his name a broken cry on your lips. He grabbed your hips, tilting them forward so his nose bumped against your clit with each movement. Daryl put everything he had into eating you out, a concentrated look taking over his features as he pressed his whole face into you while his arms wrapped around your thighs to hold you in place, letting him take whatever he wanted from you. He flattened his tongue inside you, grazing against your g-spot and the feeling combined with the pressure on your clit had you coming again.
You cried out as you spasmed around his tongue, your knees almost giving out as you doubled over his head, your hands sliding down from his hair to grasp at his back. His name was a broken moan on your lips as he worked you through your orgasm, his tongue never stopping its movements. You expected him to ease off once your body started to slow down again but instead, he pulled his tongue out, licking you clean before moving his tongue to clit again as he slid two fingers inside of you.
"Daryl what - ah - what are doin'?" You pulled at his hair trying to pull his attention away from your already sensitive clit, the feeling almost too much for you already.
"I never said I was done with ya. You felt too good cummin' 'round my tongue to just leave it at one." Was the only response you got as he dove back in, his lips finding your clit again. His fingers hooked in just the right place on every thrust while he found a steady rhyme with his tongue. Your breathing was broken, every second breath a whimper or moan. Your orgasm was building quicker than you'd ever felt before and you knew you were already close.
Daryl's hand came up to grab at your waist, using his grip and your leg slung over his shoulder as leverage to hold you up against the wall as your legs started to shake. His hand slid across to press against your stomach as the cries of his name started to come quicker, louder with each thrust. He pushed a third finger into you and you screamed out his name at the unexpected feeling. The slight burn as he stretched you out only added to the pleasure he was bringing you.
One more particularly rough thrust of his fingers against your g-spot had you coming around him again. You clenched around his fingers as your legs finally gave out, your eyes snapping shut at the intense orgasm that ripped through your body. Daryl slowly pulled his fingers out of you and stood up again, his grip on you the only thing keeping you standing as every muscle in your body tensed. He pulled you in a kiss, slow and messy as he moved his tongue against yours in the same way he had as he ate you out, letting you taste yourself off his lips.
"Three down, how many more can ya handle? Bet this sweet pussy's gettin' sensitive." He proved his point as he dropped his hand down to tease at your clit, feeling the way your whole body shuddered against him. His hands were back on your waist in an instant, pulling you away from the wall as he lead you over to the kitchen counter. He spun you in his arms letting his hands roam across your body as your head tipped back against his shoulder. Your skin was already sticky with sweat, your breath feeling impossible to catch.
Your hips met the hard surface of the counter and you could feel the bulge in Daryl's pants pressing against your ass as he stepped in behind you, holding you tight against his body. He leaned back slowly running his hand up your spine until he reached your neck, messily wrapping your hair around his hand. You gasped out when he shoved you forward by the makeshift ponytail, bending you over the counter. He tightened his grip on your hair and pulled, hard, forcing your head to snap back so he could catch your mouth in another bruising kiss.
"Better brace yerself for this. Gonna fuck you all hard and rough, just like ya wanted." He warned as his hands left your body, the sound of the scrape of the metal zipper on his pants filling the room. He quickly undid the button and pulled his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock, not even bothering to fully undress. You reached your hands out in front of you trying to find any purchase on the counter that you could as you pressed your cheek against the cool granite surface.
You were waiting for Daryl's next move, your heart racing with anticipation as you couldn't see Daryl moving behind you in this position. You couldn't even prepare yourself for how big he would be as you realised you still hadn't seen him undress and yet here you were, fully undressed, writhing against the counter for him. You cried out, your hips pressing even further into the counter as you tried to arch away from the pain of Daryl's strong hand landing roughly on your ass. A second later the harsh sting landed on the other side of your ass. A whimper fell from your lips at the pain but you'd be lying if you said the feeling of your skin burning under his hits wasn't turning you on beyond belief.
"Yer ass looks even better all marked up with my handprint," Daryl growled in your ear as he leaned over you, his chest pressed against your back while his hand grabbed at your ass. You could feel his cock dragging against you in this position and the feeling of it had you pushing up on your toes, trying to get Daryl to hurry up and fuck you already. "Might have to take ya over my knee if ya don't learn to behave yerself." 
Daryl was already worked up in a way that clouded his mind to anything but his goal of fucking you. He was painfully hard from seeing you getting off on him so many times already and it didn't take much convincing for him to shove his cock inside you. He pushed himself all the way in with one hard thrust, his hand pressing down on the small of your back as he held you in place. 
You moaned out at the feeling of him filling you up in a way you'd never felt before when you were already so sensitive and he didn't give you a chance to adjust to his thick length. He pulled out until only the tip was still inside you and then slammed back in, setting a cruel pace as he fucked you hard.
Your nails scratched against the surface of the counter trying to find any way to ground yourself in the moment as your brain started to melt, his hips snapping against you so hard you were sure it would leave bruises in the morning. You cried out with each thrust, your moans mixing with his own grunts as the drag of cock against your walls was already becoming too much for you. Daryl's hand found its way around your throat again as he pulled you up until you were flush against his chest.
"Promise ya you wouldn't be able to walk for a week, everyone's gonna see you limpin' 'round after this. Who do ya belong to Darlin'?" He hummed against your ear, his voice was rough and broken as he spoke. He littered kisses all across your jaw, his hands roaming across your chest to grab at your breasts.
"Y-you." You stuttered out barely able to form a coherent thought anymore with the force of his thrusts against you while you drew closer to your fourth orgasm of the night. It was like each thrust pulled any of the bratty fight you'd had earlier in the night from your body.
"Who's pussy is this?" His voice was growing deeper, more possessive as he dropped a hand to tease your clit while his hips never let up their rough pace. You could tell he was losing himself in this feeling just as much as you were.
"Yours- yours Daryl - oh fuck - ah I can't - I'm gonna -" You couldn't take it anymore, Daryl making you admit out loud that you were all his sending you straight into another orgasm. You came hard, a white light exploding behind your eyes as they snapped shut, his fingers still drawing circles around your clit. You whined out, collapsing back against his chest as you tried to grab at his wrist, the feeling of his fingers against you too much for you to handle along with his cock inside you.
"That's right. Mine. Yer all mine." He growled out at the feeling of you clenching around his cock. You could tell he wasn't far behind you, getting closer to his own release as his words started to slur, his head falling to the back of your shoulder where your hair was plastered to your sweat-soaked skin. "Pretty lil' pussy just for me. Nobody else could ever fuck ya as good as this. You know ya can only get it as good as this from me. Nobody else is gonna treat ya as rough as ya need."
Daryl's arm tightened around your waist, clinging to your body as he continued to thrust into you, drowning out your moans and whimpers with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses that were mostly teeth and tongue as he fought to keep up his rhyme. No matter how much your body tried to fight it you could feel another orgasm building inside of you as each thrust hit against your g-spot.
You couldn't kiss Daryl back anymore, your mouth hanging open in a loud gasp as a heavy feeling settled in your chest, weighing down on your lungs as tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. The tension in the pit of your stomach was starting to snap again, you could feel the strain with each thrust.
"I can't - I can't not again Daryl please - it's too much - oh fuck please -" You screamed as he held you close to him, helping you ride it out as another orgasm ripped through you. Your body couldn't take anymore, going numb in his arms as the tears you'd been fighting back spilt freely down your cheeks.
"Mine." Daryl made his point by biting at your shoulder as he thrust into you one last time, the sight of you coming again and so forcefully tipping him over the edge with you. He held himself deep inside you as he came, his own breathing becoming broken against your shoulder as he held you both against the counter. He didn't trust his own legs to support your weight as well as his own as his hand ran comfortingly across your stomach. "S'okay. So good, ya did so good. Did so well for me. Fuck Darlin' yer perfect."
Once he had recovered a little more he slowly pulled out of you, cautious of just how sensitive you were now and turned you around in his arms as he reached a hand up to brush away your tears with his thumb. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss, the softest he'd been with you all day, every ounce of his previous anger now melted away. He pulled you into a tight, comforting hug as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. He left a trail of light kisses across the marks he'd left on your neck earlier in the night and then cupped your face, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead.
"Didn't mean to make ya cry. Did I really hurt ya?" He said softly, the concern written all over his face as he brushed your hair away from your face where it was stuck down with sweat. "Think I lost control a little." 
"It's okay." You reassured him with a small nod. Your body was slowly coming down at last as you clung to his chest, simply enjoying the feeling of him holding you. You pushed up on your toes to kiss him letting yourself smile into the contact as he cupped the side of your face. "I'm okay I promise. You only hurt me a little and I mean, I all but begged for that. In fact, I'm more than just okay Daryl. That was incredible, I've never felt anything like that. I need to make you jealous more often. Maybe I should flirt with Spencer next."
"I wouldn't recommend that." Daryl chuckled then, the sound was sweet but you could see that fierce look back in his eyes. "I like Rick, Spencer? I might actually break his jaw for touchin' ya."
Taglist: @azanoni @ineedmorefanfics2
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ritsufeet · 1 year
stay with me.
longing [ ft. m. kaiser ]
i don’t want u to leave… in which kaiser longs for you more than he thought he would.
k by cigarettes after sex heavily recommend to listen to while reading!!
all works from luvmouche & ritsufeet on tumblr.
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𒁷 sfw, (forced to) made for ivelle (@n6gi)
𒁷 cw// hurt comfort(?), kaiser is too busy for u (dickhead), but it gets better i think, mutual longing, kissing smooch smooch, umm idk what else, kaiser tw🤓, “m” is his nickname given by the reader, rly short fic btw, slightly ooc kaiser but yk what idc!
i made this for ivelle this is literally yhe only bllk fic ill ever make (maybe) also i dont even like kaiser (kurona bwtter) i originally made this in my notes app i had to decide whether or not i eveb wanted to post this on tumblrHelp
synopsis: michael kaiser is a cruel, busy man—yet he finds himself pining for your warmth more than he expected.
not proofread!!!
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kaiser, michael
your boyfriend, michael kaiser, who’s a famous, up and coming athlete, never has any time for you.
“i’m leaving, i have a meeting today.” he says, hurriedly pushing his shoes on with heavy sighs. you look at him and frown, “again? m, you never have any time for me anymore…”
“i know, but i’ll make it up to you, i promise. just not today, i’m busy.” he huffs, frowning right back at you, his blonde hair sways messily in front of his face and his fingers coming up to brush them up and out of the way again. you frown deepens and you sigh.
he looks up at you, his eyebrows furrowed. “what? what’s wrong with you?” his question only makes you sadder.
“can’t you stay?”
“no, i can’t. you know this. i said i’d make it up to you, didn’t i? trust my word.” you know this, you already know… but you can’t help but already begin to miss him.
he’s often gone for long hours, sometimes it’s more than just hours. it’s hard loving him when he’s absent majority of the time, and when he’s not gone, he’s doing something else that doesn’t involve spending time with you. what could be so important, anyway? of course, you love him, you love his career and support him with everything you can, but he could at least love you a little back.
you slowly walk over to him when he’s finished putting on his shoes. he looks at you with soft eyes, a face that he doesn’t show often. vulnerability that doesn’t come easily to him, something he only shows to you. “i’m sorry,” he says, his hand cupping your cheek. you relish in his touch, leaning into his palm. “i really wish i could stay too. you know that as well as i do.” he caresses your cheek, sliding his thumb over your skin.
“i get it… you should go, you don’t want to be late, right?” you look at him giving a reassuring smile. “i’ll be here, like i always am.” his heart aches as those words leave you, and the urge washes over him. he brings himself to your lips and kisses you—sweet, quick, and loving. he lets himself linger there for as long as he needs to. he doesn’t want to be late, yet he finds himself not wanting to move a single inch away from you. he wants to stay, wants to be here with you and the comfort of your kisses.
you pull away instead, you put your hand right above his—the one caressing your cheek so gently and longingly that you fear that it’d break his heart if he tore it away—and squeeze it. his face is solemn, his gaze wavering. he’s staring at you, but he looks away, as if hesitant to say anything. then, he looks at you again, and purses his lips. “..i love you.” your reassuring smile turns into a genuine one. “i love you too, m.”
he pulls you into a hug, holding you longer than just a few seconds, and he can hear himself the moment he decided to just go ‘ah, fuck it.’ a barely audible chuckle comes from his voice leaving you wondering what’s so funny.
“on second thought, i don’t think they’ll mind if i miss a day or two.” he says, smiling.
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a/n: i hope ur happy ivelle. k bye im tired fuckkk
557 notes · View notes
griffin-girl-r · 7 months
Blackhill requests you say? Dw I got you covered!
Natasha and Maria are both happily married with an 8 year old daughter (r) when r’s dad enters the picture (r was conceived in the red room so he’s a bad guy who Nat had a one night stand with at some point idk)
She's mine
Created: 11.11.2023
Finished: 16.11.2023
Edited: 17.11.2023
Age: 8
Word count: 2,935
Warnings: Homophobia , Mentions of sexual assult , Abandonment , Misogyny
Anymore let me know
Request: Yes (Tumblr user) (@ravensinthedaylight)
Pairings: BlackHill, Natasha Romanoff x Lev Ilyin (Original!Evil!Character) (Past mention)
Natasha and Maria were quietly sitting on the couch in their living room, snuggled closer to each other as their 8-year-old daughter, Y/N, was sandwiched in between the two women.
'Lilo and Stitch', Y/N's favorite movie was playing on the TV and their little girl was absolutely fascinated about everything that was happening in it as if she wasn't seeing this movie for the millionth time.
Natasha had to buy 40 new DVDs with the movie, in the last 7 years since its release, because Y/N watched them so often that they quickly got scratched and, therefore, almost useless.
Natasha could only blame her wife for introducing their daughter to this movie.
Now, truth be told, Maria wasn't actually the other biological parent of Y/N.
Years ago, when Natasha was still a young mere prisoner of her own life, she was forced by the organization that had taken care of her training to have intimate relationships with a man she didn't even know.
More of like, being offered against her own will by the Red Room to one of their men but that is all in the past.
She was ready to keep living with everything that happened to her as long as the only good thing that came out of everything, her daughter, was by her side.
A knock at the front door interrupted Y/N's innocent giggles and the little family looked confused towards the door.
Who could be at the door at this late hour?
"I'm coming!" Maria shouted, carefully moving Y/N's sleepy body, who was using Maria as a pillow, away
"I'll get it." Natasha quickly placed her hand on Maria's arm, stopping her
Maria looked at Natasha for a second and the agent wanted to protest but the reassuring smile the redhead was wearing was too tempting.
"As you wish, my love." Maria smiled back
"I'll be quick." Natasha quickly peaked her wife's lips, then stood up, making her way towards the front door
Natasha opened the front door, unaware of the darkness that was lurking just on the other side of it.
A sickening smirk formed on the face of the man who was standing just in front of the red-headed woman.
"Hello, Natalia." He said "Long time no see. Did you miss me?"
Natasha froze in place for a moment as she took in the sight of the man she never thought she would see again.
Memories of a long-forgotten time had resurfaced in her mind.
She shook her head "No..." Natasha whispered "What are you doing here?"
"Well, you know..." The man began "I came to take back what's mine."
Natasha looked at the man, her eyes widening in shock.
"You are not going to take my daughter away from me!" She protectively declared
"Our daughter, my darling." The man corrected her "Oh, and what makes you think that I'm here just for our daughter?" He chuckled "I am here for you as well, Natalia. You are mine just as much as our daughter is." He stated as a matter of factly "How is she, by the way?"
The man took a step forward, walking uninvited inside Natasha's home, and looked around.
"I bet she grew up a lot in the time I haven't seen her." He added when Natasha hesitated to answer his question
"Leave her alone, Lev." Natasha raised her voice "She's innocent. She doesn't have anything to do with all this madness. I thought you were busy planning the world's dominance. How come you have come for us after all this time? How come that HYDRA let you leave their safe prison."
"How?" Lev chuckled "I was never a prisoner at HYDRA, to begin with, unlike you. I am one of their highest-ranked agents. Why do you think they offered you to me out of all people?" He explained "Now I am here to claim what's mine. And this time, neither you nor our little girl will run away. I will find you anywhere."
Anger raised inside of Natasha just as much as fear built inside her.
She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that after all this time, the man who hurt her and took advantage of her body was here to claim something he never took part in.
More specifically, in the raising of Y/N, which he had no right over.
"Just leave us alone." Natasha shouted
"You wish!" Lev laughed sadistically
From inside the living room, Maria's ears picked up on the raising tone of her wife's voice, and her instincts kicked in, telling her to go and check what was happening.
"Stay here, baby." Maria kissed your head "Mom is gonna go and quickly check if Mama is okay out there and see who is at the door."
"Okay, Mom." You replied distracted as your attention was fully focused on the movie
Maria stood up and with one last ruffle of your hair, she made her way towards the front door.
"Honey?" Maria called Natasha confused, as she took in the sight of the unknown man sitting in front of her wife "Are you okay? Who's is he?" She pointed to the man "Were you expecting someone?"
"So this is that so-called wife of yours I've heard about." The man smiled "Well it's nice to meet my replacement but we have to leave, Natalia."
Maria looked confused between Natasha and the man for a second.
"What do you mean you have to leave?" Maria asked "Babe?" She turned her head towards Natasha, waiting for her answer
Natasha looked up from the floor, directly into Maria's eyes and the brunette could see the tears that were present in her wife's eyes, causing Maria's instincts to heighten immediately as a surge of protectiveness overflowed her senses.
When Natasha begged Maria to help her just with one look, Maria pushed Natasha behind her with a swift move.
"I don't know who you are." Maria said, her muscles tensing "But I'll have to ask you to leave. Nicely." Se ordered the man through gritted teeth
"You have no right to tell me to leave." The man laughed "I am here to claim what's mine and you, weak woman, will never be able to make me leave."
Just then, Maria's brain clicked on what was happening and she understood who the man that was standing in front of her was.
"You monster." Maria whispered angrily "I know exactly who you are."
"Well..." The man raised his arms, proud of who he was "It took you some time to figure that out." He sang "I expected you to be smarter than this."
"This is the last time I am asking you nicely to leave this house. That unless you want to have some serious problems." Maria said once again
"Oh, come on." The man chuckled sarcastically "You don't expect me to be afraid of a woman and especially of you, don't you?"
"Well, I wouldn't say the same thing if I were you." Maria tilted her head "I am ready to do anything to protect my family."
"Your family?!" The man shouted "They're mine! I am going to take my belongings and leave."
"They are staying here." Maria protested "You don't even know how my daughter is named, let alone have any right over her. I raised her ever since she was a five-month-old baby. I was the one who changed her diapers, checked for any monsters under her bed, and loved her, not you." She hissed "And the same goes for my wife. She's mine for a reason."
From the corner of her eye, Maria saw some movement right behind her, and she saw the man's smirk growing wider.
"Aha, my sweet girl!" The man cheerfully exclaimed "I finally came home. Are you excited to see me?"
Y/N silently peeked at the man from behind her moms.
"Mama?" You called shyly "Who's that?" You pointed towards the man
"No one, baby." Natasha quickly tried to make you leave "Just go back to the movie, okay? Me and Mom will be there very soon."
"Mom?" Lev raised his eyebrow "There is no such thing as another mom. I am your other parent, sweetheart." The man tried to tempt you in a sweet tone "I came here so you could have a normal family. I am your Dad." He declared
"Dad?" You asked confused, looking up towards Natasha "I have no dad. I have Mama and Mom. I already have two parents."
"Well, your parents must be a mom and a dad, not two moms." Lev tried to turn you against your mothers
"But, I love my moms." You innocently declared "They love me and we're always having fun. And Mom always carries me on her shoulders and buys me ice cream, while Mama reads me bedtime stories and gives me the best hugs in the world."
But just before you got to finish your sentence, the man snatched you away by your arm and forcefully held you in place.
You let out a terrified scream as tears quickly made their way down your cheeks.
"Mama!" You screamed out in fear, begging Natasha to help you
"Leave her alone!" Natasha screamed as she tried to grab you back from the men, but she didn't manage to "My baby!"
"Leave my child alone!" Maria threatened "That's my daughter you're holding there. You just don't get it."
"These two girls are mine! And she's coming with me." He pointed towards you
"She's mine!" Maria shouted as she grabbed your other arm quickly and pulled you towards her with all her force, causing the man to loosen his grip on you "They are both mine!" Maria declared as she quickly shoved you behind her to shield you from anything, just as she has done with Natasha "I don't know what's the reason behind your actions and what your evil plan is, but you must leave right now!"
Lev, in a fraction of a second, lifted his arm and punched Maria in the face.
Natasha let out a horrified gasp, her hands instinctively flying to her mouth to cover it in order to muffle any sound.
"Mom!" You screamed, afraid that your mom was badly hurt
"It's okay, kid. Mom is okay." Maria reassured you as she looked towards the man "So, you want to fight?" She nodded, taking a deep breath "Alright then, that's what you'll get."
And just like that, Maria delivered a punch back towards the man and a fight started.
Natasha wanted to help her wife, but she also knew that you needed protection and reassurance as she took two steps backward, shielding you with her body.
Kicks and punches were thrown around from both sides and just as the fight was getting more violent, a blowing sound was heard and the door of their house was slammed open.
"S.H.I.E.L.D., get down!" A deep voice shouted as agents armed with weapons burst inside their home
"This won't end like this!" Lev shouted as he tried to fight his restraints, just as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents escorted him away
"We'll see about that, Lev Ilyin!" Maria shouted behind him before she quickly turned her attention back to her wife and daughter "You're okay." She said in a rushed but reassuring voice "Everything is okay now, my sweethearts." The brunette woman pulled you and your mama in her arms "No one's ever gonna be able to take you away from me, I'm here and I will always protect you, you both are mine and no one else's."
Your small whimpers broke both Maria and Natasha's hearts.
Natasha held you tightly in her arms "It's okay, baby, it's okay. You're okay." Natasha kissed the top of your head and you hid your face in her stomach
Your cries slowly turned into quiet sniffs as you basked in the protection you felt from both your mothers as Maria protectively held you and Natasha closer to her.
"You're both okay." Maria whispered "We're all okay."
Natasha raised her head and looked at her wife's face, a gasp escaping the redhead's lips.
"Masha, you're hurt!" Natasha worriedly looked at Maria's bruised face and raised her hand to touch her wife's cheek
Maria tenderly grabbed Natasha's hand, stopping her from touching her cheek.
"It's okay, my love." Maria reassured "It's nothing. I just need a little bit of care from you and our little princess and I'll be all healed in no time."
"I'm sorry." Natasha whispered on the verge of crying "I never expected to see him again."
"None of that!" Maria sternly declared "You have no fault in this. Okay?"
"But Maria..." Natasha began before sighing when she saw the look on Maria's face and the spy changed the subject "How did the agents show up just on time?"
"Well, I kind of activated the alarm I have on my bracelet and they were alerted when I realized who Lev was." Maria shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't such a big deal
"You sneaky agent." Natasha chuckled, a gleam of proudness shining in her eyes
"Well, what can I say?" Maria tried to sniffle her laughter "I am prepared for any situation."
But just as they hugged again, the sweet moment of the small family of three was interrupted by Nick Fury, who walked inside the room holding a file in his hand.
"Agent Hill. Agent Romanoff." He nodded, greeting the women "I want to thank you for catching one of the most wanted criminals on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s list.
"Well, you know..." Maria turned annoyed towards Fury, angry that he disturbed their moment "He kind of messed up with my family. I had to do something about it."
"As a thanks, I have a very special mission for you both." Fury stated "I need your help and you have just proven to me that you're both fit for this mission."
Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes "I knew there was something about you showing up here, Nick, not just because of Lev Ilyin."
"You know me, Agent Romanoff." He stated unimpressed, extending his hand towards them, offering them the file "Ilyin is just another trophy to our collection."
The couple grabbed the file from his hand and Natasha opened it, looking at the name of their next target that was written on the first page with big, bold letters.
"Tony Stark?" Maria asked confused "Isn't he that annoying, reckless man who thinks he's smart just because he has money and who wears sunglasses at parties that take place at night?"
"You couldn't have described Stark better, Agent Hill." Fury nodded "That's why I need Agent Romanoff to infiltrate inside his company. You have all the information there. You're getting a new alias and your mission is to protect him as danger is too close to him right now. We need to take action or the next events will have a turn for the worst if we don't intervene in this." He explained before adding "For the whole globe, not just for Stark."
"Consider it done." Natasha nodded, accepting the mission
"I promise you both, you won't regret helping with this mission." Fury looked in between the two women
"We hope we won't, Sir." Maria squinted her eyes
And just like that, Fury turned around and left without adding any other word.
Maria peeked at the page where all the details about Natasha's new identity were and quickly scanned the page with her eyes, reading the important details.
"Well, I see he didn't think too much about a new name." Maria said teasingly "Come on! Natalie Rushman? He could do better than that. And you were supposed to be a model?" She chuckled "No way!"
"Oh, shut up." Natasha playfully smacked Maria's arm "Let's just leave the mission for another time, okay? I have enough time later to study this role."
"All right, Miss Rushman." Maria laughed, wrapping her arms around Natasha's shoulders while taking a gentle hold of Y/N's small hand "I think we had a movie to watch."
"Stitch!" You cheered excitedly
"Yeah, baby, Stitch!" Natasha lovingly smiled down at you as you all made your way back to the living room
That night, Maria lay awake in the bed she and her wife shared.
Natasha and their daughter were sound asleep as today's events drained them out of energy.
The brunette agent turned on her side with a sigh and scanned the faces of her two loves in the darkness.
"No one will ever be able to take you away from me." Maria whispered "I promise you both that we will forever be a family regardless of our past or of what other people might think about us."
Maria slowly leaned closer and kissed your cheek.
"You're so loved, Y/N." The brunette whispered in your ear "And so are you, Tasha." She also pressed a gentle kiss against Natasha's cheek "You're my blessings and I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you both."
What happened today, helped not only Natasha and Maria, but also you, to realize how lucky you were to have each other and on how much love your small family was actually built on.
Maria vowed to fight until her last breath, just so she could keep you and Natasha safe, as her love for her girls knew no bounds.
And just as Stitch has said.
'Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.'
And a true family is built on love, not blood.
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @mmmmokdok , @natsxwife , @lovelyy-moonlight , @observeowl , @froufrousnowman , @youralphawolf72 , @halstead-severide-fan , @daggersquadphantom , @circe143 , @ravensinthedaylight , @darkstar225 , @dannipotatoo , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @cherlenovix
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homestylehughes · 6 months
jack Hughes- noise
noise- jack hughes
summary: where jack is the only noise you ever want to hear.
PSAAAA: hiii!!! if you clicked on this story thank you so much!! I'm new to writing on tumblr so I'm still learning!! so pls be nice ( I promise I'll get better) anyways hope you enjoy, let me know what you think below (omfg I'm sorry this is so long I'll stfu now<3)
fic below:
time is moving slowly, each time i look at the clock. time is moving slower and slower. I used to love being alone, i used to love my noiseless life, or the noises that i found simple and easy. like the noise of my ac blowing when doing my homework. or the occasional noise of my favorite records i’d play, and dance too around my apartment at 2 am. now i have a different type of noise in my life, jack hughes. 
if you would have told me a year and half ago, i be waiting to hear noise fill up my life and apartment; i’d tell you you’re crazy. my noise being jack hughes. there’s nights like these where i really want him here, to feel his noise.  
the devils lost to the Sharks tonight 6-3. after coming off a 3 game heater, i knew this loss would be hard for them. for him. i waited for him to call, to hear the noise of his ringtone, for it to ring through my ears. constantly glancing at the clock on my wall, as i see the time ticking by, slower and slower. i just wanted to hear my favorite noise. after most losses, jack didn’t come over. i respected that, i knew he needed space sometimes, and i would always give that too him. but right now i was missing my noise, i wanted nothing more than to grab my keys and head out the door, drive 40 minutes to his place. i wanted nothing more than to call in 15 times, spam him with texts, to let him know that i missed him and that i’m here for him. that i missed his noise.  
the game ended 3 hours ago. i keep looking at the clock, time is still moving slowly. i make my way to my bedroom, throwing on one jacks shirts. i slowly make my way to my bed, a bed that feels cold without him. i close my eyes, and try to think of something that can send me off to sleep. all of my thoughts are about jack, and how much i miss his smile. his laugh. his sassy comments. his kisses, oh god how much i miss his kisses. and most importantly his noise. my thoughts are starting to slowly fade, my eyes start to slowly close. as my eyes flutter close for the last time.
 i hear a pounding at my door, i glance at my clock and the time reads 3:30 am. who’s here at 3:30 am? i slowly make my way through my apartment, turning a light in the hallway, in which i immediately regret. i turn the handle at the door, not knowing who to expect. my mind goes foggy when i see jack standing in my hallway. all my thoughts are immediately consumed by him again. all of my thoughts are consumed by his noise.
“hi” i say, as i look at jack who’s still standing in the hallway outside my apartment. “hi” jack breathes back out to me. our eyes never leave each other. i can’t take the space anymore, i can’t take the silence. i need his noise.
 i pull him into my apartment and slam the door behind us. the next thing i know is jacks body slamming into mine. pulling me into the biggest and tightest hug ive ever received. we stand in my living room of my apartment, embraced in each other arms. no words need to be said between us. i slowly pull apart, too look into his eyes. scanning his face to see any sign of injury, instead all i find is love and calmness.
 i grab his hand and led him into my room. knowing my bed will no longer be cold with him in it. no other words have been exchanged yet, no other words need to be exchanged. we get into bed, and jack quickly pulls me into his flush body.
i can feel his noise. i can hear his noise. the steady sound of his breathing. the sound of his heart beating beneath me. this is all i need. his noise. my favorite noise jack. my jack. i slowly fall asleep to the sound of his noise, and now i'm no longer alone. my noise, my home is back.
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aitadjcrazytimes · 10 months
It's been a good run
But it's time to bring this to a close!
The saga is over, C, T and I are all together. T and I are in the swing of it, C approves as much as it is possible for him to approve of anything, everyone knows about the blog and is chill.
C is back at his rightful place of walking his sister down the aisle.
I'm getting everything I want, and we're all free to make each other miserable until the day we die.
I'm not going to be updating this blog anymore! Nobody else involved with the situation will be submitting any more AITA posts either, because they are either not on tumblr or agreed it would be annoying.
I will say that there is some stuff on here that I've alluded to that isn't necessarily 100% in the spirit of things, so I've included some stuff below the cut for the folks who have caught onto that. I would not suggest reading it if you like how all of this played out and want to keep it that way. I know that's incredibly vague, but I'm not sure how to phrase it without making it weird?
Thank you all for listening and talking to me over the past few days! That's where I'm leaving it!
...Is everyone who wants to keep believing in the disaster polycule gone? Yes? OK!
So, this was fake. I made up the whole thing. TK and C and T and everyone else are fictional characters. Did I lie? Yes. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Q: All of it? Even the og AITA post? The followup AITA post? The screenshots?
A: All of it.
Q: Wh... Why did you do this...?
A: Well, first this all started as a Red vs Blue fanfic for the ship Chexer (Church/Tex/Tucker)-
It started as a fanfic for Chexer. However, I was already working on a different fanfic for RVB that was totalling about 15k words at this point (+ at least 90k to go), and I knew I would never have the time or energy to write this one. I thought: yknow. this would be really funny as an aita post.
Q: It was a fanfic of a Halo fanfic series.
A: Yep!
So, I submitted Tucker's perspective. I did not expect for it to get more than maybe 100 notes at most. I totally thought someone would call it out right away.
The funny part is, if I'd dedicated all this energy to a fic instead of this blog, I'd probably have about 15-20 thousand words of fic already, but whatever, can't ruin my personal day!
Also, I wanted to see how many people would figure it out/how long it would take for it to become too obvious that this was a fandom thing. I was dropping names and RvB lore since the beginning. A few people did figure it out, and I DMed them in private to let them know.
Q: But why make the blog then?
A: Because I love to lie and be a nuisance to the general populace! <3
It was always my intent to wait until Carolina's perspective got posted (i am honestly still shocked i got away with "Carey/Georgia/West Virginia/Alabama/Miss Louisiana 1988"), let it simmer for about a day, then come clean. Which is what I'm doing now!
The reason I'm coming clean now instead of dragging it out is because I don't want anyone to feel stupid or like they got duped. You're not stupid! You were a part of this story! This was, as one anon said, a creative writing project. It was a collaboration! Thank you so much for helping me!
That said, I'm sorry to anyone that finds this disappointing! I had a blast doing this, but I will not be doing it again. I have gotten my fill. I have had my taste of being an influencer, and now I can go on with my life without ever feeling like I need to start a youtube channel.
Q: How did you keep up with a consistent timeline?
A: I didn't, especially at first. But in my time as a liar who lies about things, I have found that usually people are willing to believe you when you say "yeah, i lied about that".
Q: Wait, what about the thing with your kid?
A: Yeah, I fucked up on this one. In the other fic I was/am writing, Tucker was around 33. So, when I was saying what Junior's age was, I subtracted it from 33 and got 18. It wasn't until I was showing my partner the blog and they said "Wait, he had his kid at 13??????" that I realized I had fucked up. Oops!
Q: Was it really ALL fake?
A: For the most part. I will say that I did actually drop chocolate cake all over my tits that one time and had to shower by myself like a fucking loser. That one was true. I did also get my nails done for the first time ever, which did actually affect my typing. And I am in a band (but so is Tucker, canonically)! There are a few other things as well, but I don't want to list all of them.
Q: DID you ever read homestuck?
A: Nope. And I never will.
Even the title, though I will say that the title I came up with was "Leonard "Alpha Bitch" Church's Decidedly Not Lo-Fi Beats to Get Nasty and Get Clean To: The Movie"
Q: So there was never a combination sex/bathtime playlist?
A: Maybe! But perhaps more accurately: the combination sex/bathtime playlist was inside of you all along. You can make it. There are only three songs on there that are canon to the lore of this blog. Those are No Children by The Mountain Goats, Take It Out On Me by Thousand Foot Krutch, and one unknown song from the album Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV by Coheed and Cambria (Yep, the call was coming from inside the house, I gave Church my music taste). I had intended this to be Wake Up, but it's out of my hands now. The rest is yours to fill in.
Q: What's your main blog, so I can follow you?
A: Hi, this is aitadjcrazytimes. You're not getting that.
Q: Your AO3 handle?
A: Nope, not that either.
You will never find me. And that's the way I want it. You will see me in every blog. Every new follower. Every stranger you meet on the street. You will look into your discord kitten's eyes, and you will absently wonder if he was the one behind aitadjcrazytimes. And you will never know for certain.
Q: But-
A: Let me live on in your memory. The only person who knows both who I am and the fact that I did this is my partner, who is not into RvB or commonly on tumblr. I am not a RvB blog. I am not a writing blog. I am a nobody on the fringes of tumblr society who's been here long enough to know how to remain in the shadows.
And, even if you do manage to find me, against all odds:
No one will ever believe you.
I am closing my askbox. I am also closing my messages. If you have anything to say to Tucker or Me (tumblr user aitadjcrazytimes), you are welcome to do so in the replies or reblogs, but you will not be receiving an answer. I'll keep this blog up for anyone that wants to go through after the fact and do a deep dive or what have you.
Thanks to everyone who made this into the wild ride it was! Live long and get fucked or whatever! Xoxo <3
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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@venexus | 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
tags: fem!reader, newborn baby, zhongli is getting bullied by his wife and infant daughter, xiao gets a cameo, fluff, fluff, and more (you guessed it) fluff
word count: 1080
an: i have tried to post this five times and tumblr keeps deleting it and i am on the verge of tears and i can’t take it anymore the spacing won’t stop being weird and
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Zhongli knocks on the front door a couple of times, holding the warm bundle of joy you’re bringing home close to his chest. He hasn’t relinquished the baby since you woke up from your nap, arguing that you deserved your rest, and as much as you’d like to argue against that, it’s true. You’re exhausted.
“You can just give her to me, you know.”
Zhongli shakes his head. “There’s no need for you to be putting unnecessary pressure on your body. You need to rest, and if I have to force you to do it, so be it.” The baby whines softly, pressing her face into her father’s chest. “See? She’s more than happy here. You should rest.”
You sigh, about to complain some more, when your door is slowly pulled open. Zhongli, being the cautious man he is, suggested that you both stay somewhere closer to doctor Baizhu should something happen during the birth of your child, and hence you found yourself away from home for almost two weeks. You’d come to miss home, even though you were slightly anxious about the doctor not being a few minutes away.
“You’ve returned,” Xiao mutters. He wasn’t entirely overjoyed to be stuck on the detail of house and dog-sitting, but you’d been kind to him, and he figured returning the favour was the very least he could do. “I’m glad you’re well.” he says to you. Despite the fact his voice is somewhat monotone, you know he’s sincere.
“Thank you,” you smile gratefully. “And thank you for keeping an eye on Amber for us.” Xiao seems to become uncomfortable with the earnestness in the air, unsure of what to say, so he nods carefully, excusing himself as you crouch down to pet your dog. She wags her tail excitedly, following you as you try to track your husband down.
Sometimes, you end up missing your baby. Zhongli’s so insistent on making sure you don’t strain yourself that you really only end up holding her if you’re sitting down. Which, you suppose you’re doing a lot since he’s handling pretty much everything else.
You find him in the bedroom, putting her down for a nap. He’s singing softly under his breath—as lullaby he often sings to her that seems to hail from centuries before you.
“You never told me what the lyrics of that lullaby mean,” You say to him, wrapping an arm around his waist as you watch over your baby. He reciprocates, lifting an arm to stroke your hair as he kisses your forehead.
“I’m not sure about the direct translation.” He says carefully. “Something along the lines of growing up strong and annihilating all your enemies.”
“How sentimental.” You sigh.
“How are you feeling?” Zhongli asks you the same question every day, more than once. If it weren’t for the fact that you knew he had reason to be worried, you’d be complaining right now.
You contemplate for a couple of seconds, humming lightly to yourself. “I’m hungry.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
“I feel perfectly fine. Amazing even. So now you can let me hold my own baby without being worried I’m going to keel over.”
Zhongli laughs at that. The baby smiles too, something in her dreams bringing fond memories to light.
“See, it’s a sign.” You grin, leaning forward to stroke her cheek. “You should stop being so paranoid, you know. I’m not going to die, I promise.”
“I am not concerned about your death. I am simply concerned about you over-exerting yourself before you have the strength to do so.” He says. “I suppose you have a point though.”
Having a baby at home is vastly different to what you expected it to be. You expected it to be pure chaos, nappies everywhere, laundry piling up to the ceiling, the house trashed from every corner. In reality, it wasn’t that extreme. Yes, maybe you ran the laundry twice as many times than usual, and yes, sometimes little Jingmei would manage to leak through her clothes. But as she got older and you all fell into the swing of things, if anything, having her around was less stressful than life was before her.
“What do you want for dinnner?” Zhongli asks you. Jingmei, old enough now to have the slightest inkling of a personality, babbles thoughtfully in response. Amber hops onto the sofa beside you both, and Jingmei’s babbles become more passionate. “Jingmei, my love,”Zhongli smiles. “Can you please enunciate your words? I can’t understand you.”
You scowl at Zhongli. “She’s trying her best. I can understand her perfectly fine. She’s saying she wants to go to Wanmin restaurant and eat so much she empties your wallet.” You grin at her, pressing your nose to hers. “Aren’t you, baby? We can even go say hello to Tao Tao, can’t we?” Jingmei giggles, the sound of her excitement even making Amber jump up in anticipation. You turn to look at Zhongli with a mischievous smile on your face. “You can’t say no now, Li. Even Amber’s excited.”
“I wasn’t going to.” He chuckles. “I had accepted the proposal the second you said it.”
“Lies.” You smile, standing up to face him head on. “Jingmei and I both know you’re lying.”
“The fact that you’re using a child who can barely speak to further your point lessens its validity. You are aware of that right?”
“You are just one big party pooper. You know that, right?” You hand Jingmei, who has been relentlessly making grabby hands at her father, to him, turning on you heel to go upstairs. “I’m going to get ready. Do not, under any circumstances, tell her any more stories about you thrashing your enemies in the Archon war please. She keeps trying to reenact them with me.”
“I’m training her in the ways of the world. She finds the stories entertaining. That’s all that counts.”
“I don’t find her pulling my hair out entertaining. If you’re going to tell her stories, can you please tell her age-appropriate ones? Like about princesses befriending dragons and becoming doctors.”
“I’m glad you have grand plans for our daughter.” He scoffs. “Ignore your mother.” He says to Jingmei, and she giggles at the mere thought of disregarding your words. “I’m going to regale you with the tale of the time I cleared Liyue of pests.”
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jessybarnes · 10 months
I See You
Pairing - Professor Snape x Student!Reader
Tags - Angst, crying, confessions of love, sneaking out, slight panic attack, and I think that’s it.
Word Count -  684 
Beta - None. All mistakes are my own.
A/N - The reader is 18 in this! This is a repost from my old Tumblr blog. I am in the process of transferring all of my fics over to this one. I hope you enjoy :)
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Nights at Hogwarts were often calm. While the rest of the students slept peacefully in your dorm, you sat on the windowsill with your thoughts. It was nearly spring, and even closer to the day when you’d have to say goodbye to the place you practically grew up in. 
You’d miss so many people and things about this castle, but there was one person you’d miss more than anything else. Falling in love with Professor Snape hadn’t been your intention, but it’s what your heart decided. 
Most nights, you would look out across the grounds and let your mind race until you were tired enough to sleep. Other nights, much like this one, you knew it wouldn’t be enough. Quickly and quietly, you slid your shoes on and stepped out into the chilly dungeon corridor. 
Navigating these halls was something you’d grown accustomed to over the years, and you managed to get to your destination without using Lumos once. Once you were sure you weren’t followed, you slipped inside and breathed a sigh of relief. 
Unaware that Professor Snape watched you disappear behind the door, your eyes zeroed in on the one thing that brought you peace. The Mirror of Erised sat near the back of the room, and you felt as if you were drawn to it. 
Slowly, you walked up and ran your fingers along the grooves of its frame.  The detail in its design was beautiful, but that wasn’t why you came here. The floor beneath you was cold, but you sat anyway. Your knees were folded up to your chest and your eyes glistened with fresh tears as you took in the sight before you. 
It was you in an embrace. A hand came up to cradle your face as obsidian eyes gazed lovingly into your soul. You were so enraptured by how real it all looked that you didn’t hear the door open behind you.
“I could have you expelled for being out of bed, you know.”
You felt the color drain from your face. Out of all the people to find you in here, why did it have to be him?
“P-Professor Snape! I … I can expl-” 
Instead of taking points away from Y/H, he asked a question you weren’t expecting.
“What do you see?”
You wiped a few stray tears and shook your head.
“You wouldn’t understand…”
Snape crossed his arms, his expression becoming impossibly more impatient.
“The fact that you think I wouldn’t understand only intrigues me more, Y/L/N. Either tell me what you see when you look in that mirror, or I’ll take you to Dumbledore myself.” 
Panic pricked at your skin. There was no way you could tell him, and he’d know if you lied, so you did the only thing you could at that moment. You ran. He called after you, but all you could think of was finding somewhere to hide. A closet caught your eye and you hurried inside, barricading yourself against the back of the door. 
Sobs shook your body and even though you knew the noise would lead him straight to you, nothing could stop them. His deep voice was muffled by the thick wood of the door, but you still heard him clear as day.
“Did you really think you could hide from me in my own potions closet?”
He muttered the unlocking spell and tried to get in, but you pushed back keeping him from entering.
“Professor, please, just … let me go back to my room! Don’t break my heart anymore than it already is!” 
“Y/N! Open the door!”
Snape never called you or any other student by their first name, and that was enough to get you to ease up on the door just enough. He opened it slowly and stepped into your space, his hand tilting your face up to meet his just like in the reflection you saw.
“Tell me, what do you see?”
Your lip quivered as you finally told him your secret. The welfare of your heart now laying completely in his hands. 
“I see you.”
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crackedpumpkin · 6 months
ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ || ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ ||
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Author's note: Sick on Xmas, but hope y'all out there celebrating and staying safe <3 have been incredibly busy lately my calendar has been BOOKED so im super super sorry for not getting back to anyone regarding tumblr; just havent had the time lately;;; in happier news, im travelling tomorrow! (haha still sick.)
[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
Sunday | 11.30 AM |
“The birds are chirping, the trees are tree-ing, dogs are barking, and my brain is farting.”
“That was so poetic.” Michael nods, clapping slowly as he moves away from the streetlight he’d been leaning on while waiting for you to arrive. You had texted the group chat the night before, asking if anyone wanted to grab lunch before meeting up with the rest for bowling.
“Is Nicole coming?” He asks, pulling out his phone to check. 
“She’s probably still sleeping.” You shrug, tugging off the thin lavender cardigan you’d put on before leaving the house. You sense Michael’s raised brow, looking up to see his incredulous stare at your outfit. 
“Dude, it’s like, hot.” 
“It’s for the fit,” You defend yourself, adjusting your jeans and tank top. 
“Some fit,” He snorts. He doesn’t even get a moment to defend himself before you sock him in the arm. He winces, rolling his shoulder back and massaging his arm with a grin. “Seriously though, it’s like sweltering out here. I don’t know how you’re going to survive bowling.”
“Watch your words, you’ll just end up being left in the dust anyway.” You cross your arms smugly, holding out the cardigan. He instinctively takes it from you, helping carry it in his arms while you check for lip balm in your bag. Luckily, you grabbed it just before you left the bedroom, stuffing it into the depths of the unknown black hole that is your purse.
“In those jeans?” He scoffs in retaliation. 
You pause in the middle of the sidewalk, glancing down at your jeans in case there was any stain you had missed in the wash. “What’s wrong with my jeans?” “...Everything.”
Michael laughs when you move to pummel his stupid face, shielding himself until your punches subside. “Are you excited to meet Miles?” He asks, running a hand through his hair and checking his reflection in the passing shop windows. 
“W-why would I be excited to meet him?” You ask, stammering only slightly and disguising it as a cough. The reminder only serves to make you more aware of the growing pit that begins to form in your stomach. Suddenly you aren’t so hungry anymore. “I mean, it’s great to meet him and all. Maybe we’ll be best friends, who knows? No one can resist my charms.” As if to prove your point, you flash a bright smile at Michael who hums absentmindedly. “Right, because that’s exactly how we became friends.”
“Yeah! Remember when you walked down the hallway and tripped over my foot, then I helped you up?” 
“Uh, wrong. I tripped over Nicole’s foot and you stood there while she laughed.” Michael corrects with a shake of his head. “The audacity to claim to be a saint.”
“I was shy and it was my first day!”
“I saw that smirk on your face, pinto. And it’d already been a week since you transferred to our school at the time. I knew it was a bad idea for Nicole to be your buddy. See, if we were paired up on the other hand, we could’ve gone and gotten some gazpacho.” He nudges your shoulder with raised brows, smiling suggestively. 
“You’re disgusting,” You laugh in response, shoving him away as he grins. The day had gone just as Michael described, but it was mainly because of how funny Michael’s face had looked when he processed the large white stain on the side of his shirt when he stood back up and dusted himself off. The dismay soon faded once he processed your presence, offering a friendly smile and fist bump before proceeding to flirt shamelessly with Nicole. 
Their dynamic confused you at first, but you soon came to the realisation that they were in fact, crushing heavily on each other. Nicole would never admit it though, but she definitely treated Michael differently from other people. The moments were rare, but on occasions when you did witness it, they were sickeningly sweet and oblivious to the point you wanted to puke (politely, of course).
“Is Nicole already there?” 
Speak of the devil. You pull out your phone, subtly glancing at Michael’s slightly eager expression as he waits. “I think so. She read my message two hours ago, so I think she’ll be reaching earlier than us.”
“She was up at ten? Is she sick or something?” He frowns, trying to hide his worry. However, the way he cups his chin and scrolls through his phone for homemade remedies suggest otherwise.
He really isn’t subtle at all.
“Yeah, I think she mentioned needing lozenges the other day.” Simply pushing them together isn’t enough. You need something solid, something more concrete to gently nudge them. “Didn’t you mention a brand you liked the other day for lozenges when you were sick with that flu?” 
“I did?” He pauses. “I did! I’ll be right back.” He calls out, entering the convenience store right next to you. Hiding a chuckle, you choose to lean against a wall, pulling out your phone to check for notifications.
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: a little birdy told mike that ur sick
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: what did u do and why
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: he asked, i replied. He has the problem, i have the solution.
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: this is the opposite of hlpeful. Why r u doing this
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: helpful*
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: r u at pepercino’s?
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: yea why
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: u didn answer my question
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.46 AM ]: see u there babes &lt;3
You ignore the next few notifications, shoving your phone back into your pocket with a satisfied grin. Michael exits the shop just as you do, holding a small red plastic bag. You lean over as he opens it to show you what he bought, raising a brow at the bottle of honey lemon tea inside along with two boxes of lozenges.
“What? Why? Do you think I got a flavour she didn't like? I knew the grape one was better.” He mutters, only for his entire body to stiffen when he remembers that you’re there. “I mean, it’d just be a waste of my money if she doesn’t take it,” He rolls his eyes with a scowl. 
“Right,” You nod your head, playing along with his little charade. “Wouldn’t want your money to go to waste.” 
You spot the sign for Pepercino’s up ahead, grabbing the cardigan back from Michael and wearing it over your tank top once again. He doesn’t question it, already knowing your intentions. Upon entering the restaurant, the air conditioning’s cool relief hits you with full force as if someone rammed a truck against you. 
You loved it. 
Bounding over to a tired Nicole slumped against the window in the booth seat, you slide in right next to her with a bright grin. “Like the fit?” 
She blinks, registering you and Michael’s presence, the latter arriving at the table and sitting down opposite the both of you. She scans your outfit, nodding in approval. “The lavender was a nice touch,” She admits. 
You laugh delightedly, leaning your head on her shoulder. Surprisingly enough, she allows you to do so without complaint. “Here.” You glance up at Michael who places the red plastic bag from earlier in front of Nicole, whose eyes widen slightly at the sudden gift. She opens it and pulls out the bottle of honey lemon tea, a grateful smile ghosting across her lips. 
“Don’t waste my money. I could’ve used it to take another girl out.”
Moment? Ruined.
“Whatever,” Nicole scoffs, her gaze hardening as she opens it with brute strength, chugging it down and slamming it back onto the tabletop. You automatically move away from her shoulder, shaking your head at Michael’s baffled expression. 
“I already ordered for us,” She informs you, proceeding to ignore Michael’s presence. 
“With bacon on top.” She nods. The server arrives just as she finishes her sentence, placing three hot plates down on the table and giving Michael a fist bump which he slowly returns, his gaze still trained on Nicole. “Here.” She shoves Michael’s plate toward him, and he snaps out of his thoughts before beginning to shovel the scrambled eggs into his mouth at the speed of light.
You and Nicole both dig into your own plates, and you hum happily at the soft, yet fluffy and perfectly cooked pancakes drenched in maple syrup and whipped cream. A single bite has you reeling in pleasure from the mildly sweet tinge of strawberries cutting through the richness of everything else. The whipped cream melts on your tongue as if you just bit into the softest cloud. 
There’s only one word to describe this: Euphoria.
You blink, looking down at your empty plate, fork and knife poised and ready for more. Michael had already placed some of his scrambled eggs and toast on Nicole’s plate in exchange for some of her pancakes, taking the last bite with a satisfied smile.
She pops a lozenge into her mouth, glancing briefly at the flavour before sticking out her tongue. “Lime?” 
“The superior lozenge flavour of them all.” You nod, taking one for yourself before handing the server twenty five dollars. He takes it with a smile, waving goodbye to all three of you as you exit. “I think it’s about a ten minute walk from here.” You pull out your phone to check, Michael absentmindedly taking the cardigan you hand to him once more.
“This way.” Nicole instructs, navigating through the streets without worry. A short while later, you stop in front of a tall building, relishing the moment of shade it provides, shielding you all from the sun. 
Right. This is it.
You take a deep breath, straightening your top and posture, adjusting your jeans and subtly checking your reflection.
“You coming or what?” Michael calls out, raising a brow at your strange behaviour. Nicole is already inside, talking with the receptionist. You plaster a smile on your face, trying to push aside the sudden nerves that have your palms clammy with sweat. 
“Coming!” You reply cheerfully, though you're feeling anything but. This is the moment you finally meet the elusive Miles Morales. Not as Ray Paynt, not as his kidnapper, but as you.
You, your raw, unfiltered self. You with your trusty sketchbook that doubled as a weapon in times of need. You, with the very contract that basically had freaking spiderman bound to you stored safely in the locked drawer of your bedside table.
Everything will be fine, you reassure yourself, though your smile is uneasy as you grab the bowling shoes Nicole hands to you. You can’t help the way your gaze darts around as if being chased, trying to spot him before he has the chance to find you.
“Yo,” Michael greets a group of people clustered together, and you grin when one of them holds up his fist for a fist bump. You tap it lightly with your palm, grinning at them. 
“Glad you could make it,” Ally says happily, taking your bag and placing it on the bench. She holds out her arms, the many bangles dangling on it making a little jingling sound as she waits for a hug. You wrap your arms around her briefly, pulling away with a hug smile. 
“You kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world.” You reply enthusiastically, noticing a stray fleck of dust on her cheek and using your thumb to gently wipe it away before looking around to see who else had arrived. 
“I wonder why.” Michael says sarcastically, narrowly making his escape by darting away to the snack counter with Jeremy who snickers under his breath, giving him a fist bump.
“Where’s Morales?” You overhear Nicole asking, pulling out your phone to check the time. “He’s late. He better be coming, or I’m gonna drag his ass here.”
“You called?” 
Oh. Oh no. Not now. Hide. You need to hide.
“Hey guys,” Miles says, giving an ecstatic Ally and nonchalant Geoff a quick hug each and pretending to block Nicole’s punches with a playful grin. “What’s good…?” His smile fades once his eyes land on you, his words trailing off. 
“Right! Miles, meet our little pinto.” Michael introduces you cheerfully, Nicole murmuring your real name into his ear. “She transferred into our school a while back. Fair warning though, she’s more capable than she looks.” He laughs, oblivious to the way Miles’s shoulders tense, fingers curling into a fist as they rest at his sides.
“Yeah, I know.” Miles mutters under his breath.
“Bless up,” You greet weakly with a small smile, your high five going unreciprocated. You awkwardly lift your other hand up, high-fiving yourself instead as the group stares at the both of you. You slowly lower yourself down into your seat, clearing your throat and pretending to not notice how very, very tense the atmosphere had suddenly become.
Good save, you mentally compliment yourself on the sheer nonchalance of the action.
“Have you met before, or…?” Ally glances between you both with a clueless smile.
“Uh, well-” Miles spots the subtle shake of your head, “No. This is our first time meeting actually. Nice to meet you.” He draws out your name, the angry glint in his eyes enough to make you look away. 
You never knew bowling alley lights could feel so much like one of those police interrogation rooms you’d only ever seen on TV. But hey, that’s what you get for manipulating the city’s superhero, you suppose.
Okay, so maybe the entire situation is your fault indeed. That much you can admit. 
You look back at him when he scoffs out a sigh of disbelief, sitting down opposite you as the surprise in his eyes shifts to betrayal. You avoid looking him in the eyes, focusing on anything and everything around him instead. You’re pretty sure he’d love to sit anywhere but here, but it’s the only seat available.
Pressing your lips together, you risk a glance and immediately regret it. He’s already looking at you, arms crossed and the corners of his lips hinting at a frown. You gulp, pulling out your phone.
abuelita [ 01.30 PM ]: hi :) ?
His phone chimes with a text and you lift your head. He checks the notification, raising a brow and glancing momentarily at you. 
You gesture to his phone with a sheepish smile. “You gonna get that, or…?” 
bug [ 01.31 PM ]: what
You wince at the hidden bite in his text.
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: i was gonna tell u, i swear
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: i just didnt kno when…?
bug [ 01.31 PM ]: who even is ray paynt then
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: repeat that to urself 3x 
He quickly mutters the fake name you gave him under his breath, eyes widening in realisation once it hits him. 
“Spray paint.”
“Don’t you already have some?” Michael asks, suddenly making an appearance and choosing to sit next to Miles with a grin. “If you need some, I know a guy.”
“I don’t need spray paint. I need answers,” He mumbles the last part, Michael shrugging and grabbing one of the bowling balls. “Do what you gotta do, dude. But know that you are going down today.”
He chuckles slightly at that, his jaw tense and shoulders stiff. You allow your gaze to trail over him, observing every nook and cranny that the shadows of his face settle in, the lighting of the bowling alley casting a light neon that reflects in his eyes.
Your fingers itch for your pencil and sketchbook. 
You flinch when he turns back to face you, locking eyes. Your first instinct is of course, to smile. 
Besides, only a lunatic would get angry at someone smiling at them.
The lunatic sitting across from you suddenly stands up, moving over to grab your wrist and tug you up as well. You stumble, balancing yourself and about to question him when the look in his eyes makes you fall silent.
“Where’re you guys going?” Geoff calls out, and you glance up at Miles who makes no move to turn around.
“It’s nothing, we’re just gonna get some nachos!” You call out with a nervous chuckle, Geoff nodding in approval at the prospect of his beloved snack and oblivious to the fact that you’re being dragged away. 
He finally stops at the snack counter, queuing up for the aforementioned nachos. He drops your hand and turns around with the most anger you’d seen in his eyes. There was also wariness, but it’s overshadowed by the tight-lipped smile on his face. 
“Okay, what’s your angle?”
“What angle?” You purse your lips into a frown, trying to make sense of what he’s saying.
“Your angle! Everyone has an angle. Look, when you made me sign the contract I already knew this isn’t gonna end well. I thought I could’ve persuaded you to rip it up or something, but you keep somehow venturing away. I take my eyes off of you for one minute and bam! You’re gone!” Miles rants, running his hand through his hair in irritation and sheer frustration.
What happened next is definitely not your fault. Not even in the slightest.
“Are you saying you’ve been following me, Morales?” You gasp, holding your hands up to your mouth as your eyes widen in playful shock. The words and actions were instinctive, and happened faster than your brain could process.
There’s no choice now. You have to follow through.
“Do you have a crush on me or something? I mean, I’m flattered, but damn, at least ask me out first,” You laugh, patting a very, very stunned Miles. His lips are parted but no words escape, wide eyes trying to comprehend the utter ridiculousness of your very sentence.
“What would you like to order?” You glance at the chirpy cashier who waits patiently, then back at the boy who’s still clearly in shock. You take one look at the menu on the counter, making a quick decision when you realise you’re the next ones to order.
“Nachos and some popcorn chicken please.”
“Would you like the nachos with or without beans-?”
“I do NOT have a crush on you.” Seemingly recovered from his earlier dumbfoundedness, Miles hisses the last part of his sentence with some venom, hands curled into fists as he shakes his head, trying to gain some semblance of calm.
‘With beans’, you mouth at the cashier who’s watching this exchange with an awkward smile. She nods, moving to prepare your order even though there’s already staff behind allocated to making the food. You didn’t blame her for waiting to move away from this, wishing desperately that she’d take you with her.
Unfortunately, luck isn’t on your side today it seems.
“Dang, that’s too bad. I was gonna turn you down nicely too.” 
“Is this a joke to you?” Miles crosses his arms. Now that you have the chance to observe him up close without his mask, it’s intriguing to see how much of an open book he truly is. His tone is laced with disbelief, and is that a twinge of hurt at the end you hear?
A hint of distress flits across his features, disappearing as quickly as it came. The corner of his lips is twisted downwards, his brows furrowing as he waits for an answer. 
“I’m not trying to joke. I’m sorry,” You sigh, letting your arms fall to your sides in defeat, “I just thought that like- I just kinda- Look,” You wring your head in your hands for a brief second, trying to formulate the right words to say. “I’m sorry I lied to you about my name, okay? I didn’t even know I’d ever meet you as myself. Not in this situation, anyway.” You add the last part, gesturing to the bowling area where the rest of your friends are.
He takes a moment to contemplate your words, and you notice the cashier’s not-so-subtle gaze from afar, not wanting to be a part of whatever the conversation is, but still curious nonetheless.
“I’m sorry I lied to you.” You repeat once more, taking out your wallet in preparation for the nachos that are slowly making their way over in the hands of the reliable cashier. Miles stays silent, chewing on his bottom lip in thought as to whether or not he should even accept your apology. You hope he would, seeing that it’s not half-assed after all.
“That’ll be 8.50.” You pull out a ten-dollar bill, handing it to the cashier who places the plate of nachos down on the counter. She’s about to ring it up and hand you back the change, when Miles takes two packets of M&Ms, glancing briefly at you as he mutters, “She’s paying.”
You happily nod, spotting his slightly more relaxed shoulders, though there’s still some tension in his jaw. “Does this mean we’re good?” You ask, the both of you walking back to the group.
He pops a few M&Ms into his mouth, taking his time to chew before side-eyeing you. “You better increase my pay, and I want a full explanation next time.”
“Of course,” You breathe, relieved that he’s not as angry as you thought he’d be. Sure, the fragile bond that you’d gradually developed with him is definitely back in it’s starting stages now, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t become civil again.
Cheered up by the thought, you hand the nachos to Geoff who immediately starts inhaling them piece by piece, Tiff smacking his arm and scolding him to make sure there’s enough for everyone.
Taking a seat next to Nicole, you lean your head on her shoulder. “You good?” 
“Yeah,” You nod, your eyes following one specific person who’s interacting with everyone else. “I hope so.”
It’s silent for a while between you both, before Nicole realises who you’re looking at and snorts.
“Y’know, you didn’t hear it from me, but he has cooties.”
— — — — — 
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie1.jpg]
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie2.jpg]
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie3.jpg]
aCT on it AcT on it [ 09:46 PM ]: god ur naming skills have gotten so much worse
Mother is mothering [ 09:46 PM ]: u literally named your vacuum ‘roundy’
aCT on it AcT on it [ 09:46 PM ]: touche.
— — — — — 
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: sooooo u good? U free next week?
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: was thinking of going to the bowling alley again i kinda like the lighting
bug [ 10:00 PM ]: we just went thr today?
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: yes but like lighting and i didn have my sketchbook with me :(
bug [ 10:00 PM ]: idk hv to c
abuelita [ 10:02 PM ]: betbetbet, sweet dreams
abuelita [ 10:02 PM ]: try not to follow me tmr if u can help it :) 
bug [ 10:05 PM ]: ok
— — — — — 
@oh-kurva @queerponcho @sleepingnova @1theestallionyas @horologiumwise @ken-zah @sockgoblin @itstooearly-its3am @anuncalledbridge @ditto737 @sophipet @mirophobic @dilucpegg3r @urmotherswhor3 @arraxthatsonjah @ameliabs-world @superiorbyfar @swaqlover @janyiahsucks-blog @choco-malk-blog @akemiixx01 @a-cult-leader @berryunderscore @scarletrosesposts @stargirlhayven @bellstwd @edgyficuselastica @psyche404 @sukisprettyface @brunnetteiwik @axeoverblade @amo-a-los-postres
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chweverni · 6 months
Tumblr media
pairing; bf!woonhak x fem!reader synopsis; oh no! you and your boyfriend were cycling after school but then.. he scraped his knee. what do you do? don't freak out, please? warning; both reader and woonhak have the mental ages of 8 year olds, i don't make the rules (sorry) word count; 558 words author's note; its woonhak missing hours :( merry christmas to whoever celebrates it! listened to w2e while writing this aaaa woonhak come home to me :((((( </3
"AH- y/n! are you still following? i can't see you anymore, pedal faster please!", woonhak screamed from his bicycle, as he tried to slow down but struggled miserably. you, on the other hand found it difficult to catch up to him, because honestly, you didn't really cycle often. you loved walking more, because you could maintain your pace without having to worry about these stupid pedals.
"i'm right behind you, slow down! we're gonna go downhill from here, slow down! please!"
but woonhak was now confused. should he pedal faster, or should he slow down? i mean he wanted to pedal faster, and you wanted to slow down. gosh, why do you both never stand on a common ground? his legs began to wobble and before he could think, he lost balance and fell on the grass, his bicycle now dead, lying aimlessly on the ground. stupid bicycle.
"oh no! woonie, are you- are you hurt?", you shrieked, jumping down from your cycle, as it fell onto the ground with a thud. woonhak now sat on the grass, hugging his knee closer as he stared at his scraped knee. and it was kind of bad. his knee looked like some bear with fine nails scratched him. you were scared. "that's- that's.. a big wound. what do we do?", you asked, the question coming out quieter as tears welled in your eyes.
"you're hurt! i'm so sorry it's because i kept telling you to slow down and-", you began wailing like a toddler, because honestly, who would not when their adorable boyfriend literally is now wounded. woonhak on the other hand, was now freaking out even more. mostly because his knee was hurt, and because his other half was crying loudly like he lost an arm or something.
"baby, do you have your phone on you right now?"
you nodded weakly, sniffling soundly because now your nose was runny as heck. you took out your phone to phone your mom and you sat down beside woonhak as the phone began to ring. as your mom picked up, you told her about your situation and soon she rescued you both from the crime scene.
"are you okay now, woonie? it isn't bleeding now right?", you asked, your finger nervously twirling the telephone wire.
"yes, i am. don't worry, y/n-ie! i am your strong boyfriend, if i wasn't, i wouldn't walk out my bedroom, come downstairs just to pick your phone call, knowing that you, in fact own a smart phone too.."
oh. "i'm so sorry.. i completely forgot about that." you replied with a pout, and surely, woonhak knew so he chuckled from the line.
"i'll see you at school tomorrow, okay? i have to catch up on the homework. we'll study together after school too."
"are you perhaps planning a study date? and at my place please!"
"yes and yes. see you soon. l-word you so much!", woonhak replied, leaving a kiss on the phone as he quickly cut the call so that his mom won't hear.
your heart skipped a beat. did he say that he l-worded me? you skipped excitedly towards your room as you planned to text him from the smart phone, you definitely owned. you l-worded him a lot too, and you couldn't wait to show off your strong boyfriend to everyone tomorrow at school.
hes so cute bye
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr <3 byebyebye
67 notes · View notes
rec list (last updated: 10/22/23)
aka 'if you liked [cmh] you might also like [insert other really good fic here]' bc there are So Many amazing fics out there good lird
few things. first off if you see a disaster twins bias no you don't. second i tried to find all the authors' tumblrs but there were some i couldn't - if you know any of the ones i missed let me know!
aaand third, there are just. SO many good fics i ended up splitting things up. this is the rec post for multi chapter fics, here's the one shot rec post
Multichapter Fics
A Twin Thing (@minumi-chan)
Four times Donatello rejects Leo's notion of them being twins, and the once (and future) time he embraces it.
GOD THE TWINS EVER.... funny in parts but also hurts in the best possible way and thankfully has a happy ending to soothe the pain. i literally love them so much
Because We Could Not Stop For Death (@turtleinsoup)
After Leo dies, Donnie builds an android of his twin. After Leo dies, he comes back. He does. And Donnie will not ever let him go again.
very very very very VERY heavy please mind the warnings but god. god. another take on the 'leo dies in the prison dimension' concept that btw WILL make you cry. like a lot. absolutely incredible study of grief. i am never going to be the same person after reading this
coming right on back for you (@taizi)
Rise!Mikey’s portal in the prison dimension takes Leo a little bit farther than he meant for it to. 12!Mikey finds a familiar-looking stranger.
soooo full disclosure i haven't actually watched 2012 tmnt. that said even without that, this fic rules. incredibly soft and heartwarming. i love them
Corrupted Upgrade (@dandylovesturtles)
His brothers think they don't need him anymore? Well, fine. He doesn't need them either. The old Donatello is gone. He'll build a new one. One that will make them regret they ever threw him aside. Building things is what he's good at, after all.
i can't say too much without spoiling the twist, but oh MAN guys it's real good. come get your donnie hurt/comfort juice rn. also for a hurt/comfort fic it has NO RIGHT being so funny so often
Dimensions Apart & Home Again
"Who said I'm hiding?" Leo scoffs. Normally he wouldn't take such a sharp tone, but he's tired and not in the mood for what he feels to be an interrogation in his own bedroom. "You all know where I am. I live here, remember?" “Yeah, very funny. And you know where we live. But nobody's seen you for two weeks.”
ooohhh post movie hurt/comfort my beloved... leo is isolating and donnie kicks his ass. metaphorically. mostly. meanwhile raph and mikey are also having a certified Bad Time but it's okay they all get comfort by the end
Havoc, Thy Name is Donnie
Donnie accidentally turns himself into a child while experimenting with mystic power. It's cute until Donnie gets his hands on his older self's tech and then it's really uncute and Leo and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. are having a heart attack.
child donnie is an absolute MENACE and it's INCREDIBLE. terrorizes leo. terrorizes shelldon. terrorizes some random criminals. terrorizes april. terrorizes draxum. all in the course of a single day. 12/10
how to get very good at juggling (@radishhqueen)
The Krang invasion put a couple of things in perspective for April. One of them was how much she wanted her parents to meet the Hamatos. The only difficult part is…getting her parents to meet the Hamatos.
the turtles meet april's parents! it goes... about as well as can be expected. REALLY good april centric post movie fic
little kid with a big death wish (@remedyturtles)
Leo's mind rebelled against the sensation. The heaviness burst into awareness, body, limbs, lungs, blinking. The middle distance he'd apparently been staring in focused. Leo was awake. Leo was aware. Leo was alive. Being alive wasn't something he thought he'd be.
genuinely don't think i could ever recommend this fic enough. mind the warnings as it does get very heavy but. god. idk how to express how much this fic means to me in just a few sentences but like. you'll understand if you read it (also for. an actual summary: post movie recovery fic with a side of extra leo)
Nothing Haunts Us (like the things we don't say)
The boys learn the hard way that truths can hurt. Well, some of them.
truth spellllll you love to see it! lotta post movie angst + some good comfort at the end + bonus the boys actually being emotionally vulnerable and talking about their issues (even if it's not 100% by choice)
Trial and Error (@apatheticrobots)
Leo ends up in the past. This changes some things.
YES the healing (well. eventually).... big fan of the leos' dynamic in this one. also that One Scene (the one with the animatic. if you know you know) gives me goosebumps EVERY time good god
Unfinished business
When one dies leaving something undone, there's a belief, that they do not go gentle into that good night. They linger on until they've finished what they couldn't while alive. And for four turtles, that business is using the Poltergeist movie as inspiration.
bad future ending but make it HILARIOUS. tldr the future turtles haunt the SHIT out of the krang. that's all i'm giving you because that's all you should need. they fucking rick roll them. please
Use Only For Intended Purpose (me!)
That's probably not how mind melds are supposed to work.
sorry for reccing my own fic do you still love me /j BUT FR if you like post movie disaster twins hurt/comfort with a side of dream sharing. i got u
Where in the World is Neon Leon?
Leo practices portalling on his own. This is not a good idea for many, many reasons.
set over the course of the show + the movie! aka leo trying so so hard to be seen as reliable and getting incredibly fucked up over it. also making new friends
write this down on my headstone (it wasn't what i hoped for) (@bottledovercast)
it’s as he drifts listlessly through the cold-as-shit hellscape that leo’s willing to admit, maybe this wasn’t what raph meant. aka: i do not believe for one second that there were No Problems in between getting leo out of the prison dimension and the final scene of the movie.
i genuinely do not know how to do this one justice with words. it's written impeccably and the hurt/comfort is just. chefs kiss. please read it (+ has a sequel now that's also absolutely incredible!)
In progress
At My Worst (@teainthesnow)
Future Leo ends up back in time, stuck in the body of his younger self, who is still conscious but trapped within his mind.
genuinely LOVE this concept like there's a lot of (really good) future leo goes back in time fics but i'm pretty sure this is the only one i've read with them sharing a body? god the dynamic is. SO good. one of my fave future leo + present leo dynamics ever tbh. just. chefs kiss
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good (@dandylovesturtles)
Leo is cursed by a mystic whatever thingy. But don't worry guys, he's totally got this! Getting back into his body? Easy peasy. (He hopes it will be easy peasy.)
will smith poses fellow ghost(ish) leo fic my beloved! ngl this one kinda has a special place in my heart so i May be biased BUT even aside from that it's just. so good. the premise is so interesting and it's written super well and in character and also i would like to give leo a hug PLEASE GOOD GOD
I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? (@tangledinink)
When Hamato Yoshi is presented with the chance to return to the surface with his sons and give them a 'normal' life as humans, he takes it. He didn't think that they would forget about that whole turtle thing. But it seems kind of too late to tell them now. Surely they won't find out any other way, right?
human au! ... kind of. actually brooches au but they THINK they're human which is fine until, y'know, it's not. currently in the 'not' part of the fic and it's just going really great for everyone! you love to see it
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own
It was a huge mistake on the Kraang's part to kidnap the wrong half of the wrong set of brothers and leave behind two very worried twins. And not just any twins. The disaster twins.
another crossover with 12tmnt which. again i have not seen, but like. this fic is just. REALLY good. it's set pre movie so there's not that trauma, it's literally just the twins fucking the 12 kraang up and living up to their nickname while the 12 turtles (and rise mikey and raph) look on in horror
i think i would prefer the prison dimension (@purplecatghostposts)
Leo gets sent to the Kraang Apocalypse Future that he really didn’t want to think about. Future Leo, Mikey, and Donnie are absolutely baffled by him. Nobody is happy.
you've heard of future leo in the present, now get ready for: present leo in the future! he gets dragged into the apocalypse instead of getting pulled out of the prison dimension back to his brothers and boy he is, understandably, Not Thrilled!
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass (@last-hourglass)
The one where the Hamato family is freaking the fuck out, Leo is lost in the Prison Dimension, and a very-time-displaced Leonardo refuses to leave his younger self behind. (Oh, and there may be some mystic hauntings afoot. You know, the usual result of messing with the space-time continuum.)
future leo gets saved while present leo stays in the prison dimension! there's A Lot going on in this one and half of it is BIG spoilers but just. oh my god. this shit is SO well written i am eating it
Mikey's Jam-Packed, Guaranteed to Get Donnie's Memory Back, Friendship Tour!
Donnie wakes up without his memory one day and everyone panics. They're just going to have to jog his memory the old-fashioned way! Through the power of friendship! [And a small (I was wrong. A very large) degree of violence and shenanigans]
donnie gets amnesia and SO SO MANY shenanigans ensue. also a tiny bit of angst but it's fine
Minor Interference (@bambiraptorx)
The turtles accept Draxum's offer to train them. Little does he know that they're only going to use it mess with him.
haha draxum accidental dad moments... well okay not entirely just yet but he's getting there! the turtles are PEAK teenager literally just causing problems on purpose and it's incredible
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis (@mutantninjamidlifecrisis)
In the midst of attempting to make peace with his death at the hands of the Krang, Master Leonardo is suddenly yeeted over two decades into the past, courtesy of his little brother.
YEAAHHH another future leo fic! mans gets dropped into the past and IMMEDIATELY kidnapped and brainwashed so things are going great (it's fine he gets better. you know how it is)
odd man out (@threestripeslider)
The one where Future!Leo somehow managed to luck out on a one in a million mere millisecond chance of a freak glitch in the space-time continuum that sends him back into the present, where the Invasion has been successfully driven back. And it looks like it was a one-way ticket travel.
DAD FUTURE LEO MY BELOVED.... he really took one look at these kids and said is anyone else gonna give them a third (3) dad and did not wait for an answer. also big fan of casey's high school adventures LMAO
Power Up
Leo also gets healing hands like his 2k12 counterpart. Sadly, they end up backfiring on him. Who needs to know though?
leo taking 'it's not about me' to the extreme. good god please get this kid some therapy and self worth. the AGONIES
The Lemonade Leak (@turtleinsoup)
The one in which Leo can’t sleep without his swords, because there is a monster in his room, pretending to be Donnie.
oh man. oh MAN. legit one of my fave fics out there. i'm not usually a big thriller person but this one GETS ME + the way the author writes the different perspectives is just. chefs kiss. genuinely has me on the edge of my seat every single update
The Neon Void
Five years. It's been five years. Hamato Leonardo was back. But he was no longer who he once was.
krangified leo! ... sort of. absolutely delicious angst and also i want to rattle leo's brothers. TALK TO EACH OTHER
Three-Sided Coin (@leglessstreetlights)
Highly self-indulgent fic where I put Leo, Future!Leo, and TurtleTot!Leo in the same room until they hug
what the description says! room is a bit of a stretch and present leo is fresh out of the prison dimension So There's That. some really sweet moments in this one though. tiny leo my beloved
this year we lost our dear brother leonardo
The aftermath of the Krang, and of pulling Leo out of the portal. 90% comfort and silly banter.
this is a series not a single wip but i'm saying it counts because i love it a lot. hope this helps <3 yeah what it says on the tin. immediately post movie family hours you love to see it
Times Five
Leo gets struck by a mystic beam that splits him into five parts of himself; literally.
god the TWIST. still losing my mind over it. the whole thing honestly. lotta dealing with leo's complicated emotions about the invasion and himself, really really good tbh
Write Me Well, My Love, Write Me Weird
When stories start popping up on various media outlets of the Turtleman, New York Cities own personal cryptid, most of the world shrugged. To the citizens of New York? fear, excitement, adoration for this odd and lovable creature. Everyone is quick to share stories and memories of their encounters, much to lament of Turtleman's older brother.
leo and donnie get spotted by humans (more than once) and said humans post about it on social media, as humans tend to do. raph is Not Thrilled. angst (and eventual comfort) ensues
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