#hi...... just realized it's been a good bit since i've posted any art here
feralshadowdemon · 1 year
*offers you a chuuya in these trying times*
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beatcroc · 4 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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splitster · 9 months
answering more asks!!
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featuring pom wraith, pingo, ocs?!, and older art check it out (three's some art 💖)↓↓
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THANK you!! ohhh i do have old pikmin ocs... i actually revamped my old captain a while back, i can share him:
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i had a whole crew of pikmin ocs who were a part of the S.S. Harmony, they were gonna be SUCH a nuisance to everyone they ran into...
i thought about making a rescue corps oc for fun. hrmm! maybe...
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AHHH thank you!! i've seen a shocking number tags and asks from people saying that I'm apparently the reason they like Dingo now? and i have to say that is so mind boggling to me, because when i first played Pikmin 4 I didn't care about him at all!! he was a nothing sandwich to me... but then i drew him a few times... and started thinking... and then things went downhill and now i REALLY like him...
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(referring to this post) i think dingo is better when he's withered
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(referring to this comic) I HEAR YOU... I HEAR YOU... but if any tear at all would cause oxygen poisoning, i wouldn't be able to draw them all battered and cool :(
i imagine that there's a seal around the neck in case there's a breach in the suit's lining. so as long as their backpack (life-support) works and is connected to their helmets, then they can breathe✨
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(referring to this post) Olimar would be horrified because he knows Louie, and if he sees that note there's only one thing it could mean! his coworker tried to eat pom!! if pom hasn't been outed as wraith and Olimar is questioning her, she'd just say Louie bit her and then refuse to answer any follow up questions 💖
Shepherd would be... concerned. she might think they have a weird fling going on and louie's talking about a kiss? she probably wouldn't realize Louie quite literally means he ate something from pom. oops!
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that's a really good question... I'll be honest, with a lot of the "when and how did x happen" questions, there's not an official timeline or anything; the pom wraith au is sort of an umbrella with a bunch of different stories and what-ifs underneath it. although there was one story where louie does find out her secret!
louie and pom end up bridging their differences (with the help of olimar), and become good friends while pom is continuing the rescue effort. then there's a very unfortunate incident where pom and louie are away from the base and they're attacked... pom has to reveal herself to defend them and she accidentally hurts louie :(
its fine though, louie doesn't care what pom is. they're both freaks in his mind and that's all that really matters. he does end up having to defend pom from olimar (who's been made vindictive through his trauma with the plasm wraith) sometime later!! here's some older art:
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me too! they do NOT get along... louie's kinda pissed at her for chasing him around on PNF404 and beating him in dandori battles when he just wants to stay there and vibe. pom meanwhile doesn't understand him, he pisses her off too! she likes olimar a lot, and as an outsider it looks like louie doesn't appreciate the friendship olimar offers him. to someone who's trying to understand and participate in this whole friendship business, she thinks he's ungrateful and weird. they do not get along!! at the beginning at least...
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AHHHH!!! THANK YOU!!! WAHH...🥺💖💖 i'm very glad you enjoy my silly little art style!! i want to make things very squishy so i appreciate that 💖
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i don't think that man is going to live!
wait actually if you eat enough maybe you just turn into a wraith. that'd be scary! hopefully olimar's there to stop him
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that's a fun thought! he would probably be able to sense that something is off about her. but he'd also probably just think "she's weird like me." honestly, the whole wraith thing doesn't really matter much to him -- the only thing it changes is that pom can now offer her tendrils as a skewer for his cooking at any time and location!
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i think i'm gonna call her rose wraith!! and ohh, i didn't know that... i was just gonna call her rose wraith since she has a rose head. i'm creative i promise
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(referring to this post i think) AHHH hehe... honestly, when Pom first learns about Dingo's fear of blood, she only tries to keep him from it because it's really annoying dealing with your coworker when they faint. he's like a sack of potatoes when he's knocked out. but yes, as they become actual friends pom will (subtly) do her best to keep blood away from dingo. it's fortunate she doesn't have any!
she might not get phobias, but she understands what its like to have a crippling fear, so she's empathetic!
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THANK you. he has sunglasses. he's pretty cool
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AHH THANK YOU... i like them a lot... 👉👈
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let the marching pikmin give you the energy you need to practice🫡
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pkmndaisuki · 1 year
Mystery Retirees AU Art Dump!
been a bit since i've posted anything for this au but i have been drawing a good chunk of stuff!
still have some gaps of characters to work out the designs for but here's what i've got so far:
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First up is Fred and Rita. They met through having the same major at the same school, and their respective parents adored their kid's beau. So, they got married right after graduation in a big fancy ceremony. (Also it needn't be said but everyone in the gang flew out and attended!) They had a daughter not long after, Phoebe, but after 7 years together they realized they really didn't have a lot in common and were kinda societally pressured into marriage which wasn't healthy for any of them. The divorce was kinda messy, and Phoebe chose to stay with her dad.
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Phoebe then grew up and got married herself, having one son, nicknamed "Trey" since he's a -the third (with his dad being a jr.). Trey is Fred's only grandkid, so he absolutely dotes on him just as much as he did Phoebe.
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Next up is Shaggy and Dinah! Both music lovers and not really caring about fitting into society, while they met in college they dropped out and started a small music career. Had a one-hit-wonder that paid the bills, and their wedding (again, the whole gang came to it, Scooby was "Best Dog"). Dinah has a history of twins in her family so they ended up with fraternal twins Robin and Robert. Eventually Shaggy and Dinah's life goals shifted, with Shaggy being comfortable where he was and Dinah wanting to branch out, but there was no bad blood between them. They split after their twins moved out, but are still friends to this day.
Robin got married first and had twins herself, Casey and Margaret (called Maggie or Mags for short), and then Robert got married and had one son, Oscar.
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Also Casey and Mags adopted a tiny poofy pomeranian they named Pom-Pom:
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And yes, he talks too. At first the twins couldn't believe it, but after talking with Granpa Shaggy, realized that kinda luck just runs in the family.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Just a random concept I thought of and wanted to share with you. Not a request by any means I just thought you might like this.
Cyno who likes to watch reader from afar never realizes that they're singing softly barely a whisper (since art is look down upon) until he heard them coming from the highest tree branch of the akademiya. Not knowing it was them he follows the singing to see reader singing their heart out while looking at the stars and moon.
Cyno will never be able to erase this from memory.. especially not when they looks beautiful. You always look beautiful and each memory of you that he has is locked in his brain but this.. is the most beautiful.
Maybe.. just maybe.. he can use this.. you a Scholar dabbling into the arts? How preposterous!! I guess no one will mind if he drags you into his office for this and "keep" you in order to "discipline" you after all.. who would object? So will you please sing for him and only him now that no one else can hear you and judge? After all, you don't want your punishment to get worse, right?
(Yes he's a yandere because dang it your blog is giving me so much yandere brainrot that Im about to start a writing blog just to post these concepts into fics-)
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The Akademiya itself was enough to cause you immense stress due to its ridiculous expectations and constant need to keep up and stay on top. If you weren't the best in your field of expertise then you might as well not be trying in the eyes of some important scholars. This alone caused you to lose infinite amounts of sleep but you never knew that you'd find an odd sense of comfort in singing of all things.
You were not the best singer out there but that didn't stop you from humming random tunes you could come up with on the spot as you did your daily routines, always mindful and cautious to be as quiet as possible even if you were alone.
Who knew what would happen if someone found out.
You worst nightmare came to fruition as the General Mahamantra himself called you into his office one fine morning, a deep feeling of fear engulfing your entire being as you sat in the chair across him, head down and arms pressed firmly on your knees, your knuckles clutching the fabric of your clothing. Nothing ever good came out of the meetings with the General Mahamantra, you were screwed.
He was going to have your head on a silver platter and there was nothing you could do to defend yourself.
Just as you were about to open your dry mouth to say something, the General Mahamantra raised his arm slightly, a knowing glint in his eye.
"Don't bother." he said. "I've already heard every excuse under the sun."
You gulped. You might as well throw yourself off the Akademiya rooftop once you were done with him. It would be better honestly, than to live in shame.
As if he read your mind, the General Mahamantra raised a single eyebrows and tsked.
"Don't even think about it. If you do something foolish to yourself I'll make sure to bring you back from the dead myself."
You wanted to cry. Why can't he just leave you be?! All you did was hum for Archon's sake, you've been a good person and scholar during your entire stay here-
"There is something you can do to improve your situation though." the General said suddenly, his piercing red gaze looking directly at you, almost as if he was swallowing you whole. If the situation were different you would even manage to make out that his voice sounded a little eager, if not downright excited. With a yelp you suddenly sprung up from your chair and nervously said:
"I won't sing ever again, I swear on my life! Please, please Sir, don't kick me out, I-!!"
He silenced you once more with a raised arm. Bitting your lower lip you sat back down awkwardly, embarrassed for causing such a scene. What he said though caught you by surprise.
"...Sing for me."
"Sir, I already promised that I would never-"
"Sing. For me."
A million thoughts ran through your head as you kept trying to make out his strange request. Well, demand.
Cyno sat on the edge of his seat, his heart beating like never before as he prayed that you indulge him. There was no way he would ever turn you in for this but you didn't need to know that. Your secret was his to keep, as were you. He was never sure how to approach you but when he heard you sing to yourself yesterday evening it was as if Celestia itself opened its gates for him and showed him the path.
He finally had you right where he wanted you.
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🍒 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @morigumy, @juuuuuj101010, @b10h4z4rd
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e-adlirez · 6 months
An Independent Callout Update
Hi everybody, this is uh, this is exactly what it says on the tin, and I figured I'd make one.
Last you saw me I was offering some appreciation for some funni Tumblr art, and sharing a project long-ish in the making (it was like two months it's not that long). I figured y'know, maybe we can let sleeping dogs lie, maybe I can work on other things and maybe take a br--
NOPE JUST KIDDING someone's still up and about and still trying to prove himself somewhere in the blameless route. I've genuinely never seen someone make this many backflips to make them look innocent since Grace Chastity, which is an accomplishment, by the way! Not a good one by any means, but an accomplishment nonetheless!
Let's dive into it, shall we?
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Here we have a Cadillac trying to claim that he was hacked. As you can see, he's failed miserably at trying to ping @2deadkat, @ratonahat and @bloombirdreads, in an attempt to call for help. He's failing to ping them because they blocked his ass a whiiiillleeeee ago. And of course, the "it wasn't his fault, it was someone else acting in my name!" excuse! This is peak "I can't be having impure thoughts! This is the other guy's fault for making me horny!" Cadillac is there something you wish to confess in front of the class?
Two holes in his excuse:
One, you didn't seem to have any issues when you were trying to convince me into thinking that you were trying even the tiniest modicum of owning up to your mistakes (which I have screenshotted here in case you think you can delete them and say I can't prove anything). It was really more of a "I'm changed in literally 2 days, I'm not like that anymore!", which is about as believable as falling into a black hole and coming out alive. In other words, not at all. Even less believable since your writing style doesn't seem to have changed from your older posts to your newer posts, hm....
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Two, Cadillac, even if you were telling the truth and got hacked, how did you not notice? Getting your account hacked is a very big deal! You could lose personal information, get doxxed, have your account become a mouthpiece for scams, and that's only the half of it! How did you only notice this just now, on December 22nd of 2023? This is a big affront to your internet safety! It would be impossible!
And if you want to say this is a recent development, then uh, buddy, I have some news for you.
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Here I have a screenshot from one of my personal Discords, and so far it's the earliest secondary record I have of Cadillac's shenaniganery.
And you can tell it's really early because a reply to the mini-rant around the same day mentions this funny little detail:
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This was back when Cadillac had only made two shirtless G posts on his blog. From July 26th, 2023 to December 22nd, 2023-- that's a five-month time period! Almost half a year of not realizing that you've been hacked! And the strangest thing is you haven't changed a bit before or after! This hacker must've done a very good job making your posts sound like your own by extrapolating your internet personality from-- and I counted-- eight bare-bones posts, hm? /sarcastic
Well okay, remember how I said Cadillac's been very consistent this whole time? Well, I lied. There's Cadillac's most recent post as well:
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Dear me, you're sounding awfully mature and respectful here! Is this a miracle? Could you possibly have actually been hacked and the person behind the screen is actually a decent person all alo--
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Buddy, I didn't even need to pull up GPTZero for this, you were sounding so corporate and so fake it wasn't even a contest. You ain't slick, Cadillac, not slick at all.
And for the record, I plugged my entries in the callout post in there too because why not
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Yep, a lotta hooman to go around with me, Cadillac. This one in I'm writing right now took about an hour :D Whether or not it's because of having to find sources or just to find a good way to say what I want to, I'll leave that for everyone else to decide.
Anyway, this is your Cadillac callout update, goodnight tristate area.
Yes Cadillac you can bet your ass that the only reason anyone would ever be unblocking you would be for no other reason but this: making callouts that aren't going any time soon. I will admit, one flaw in my original post was the fact that I hyperlinked more than I screenshotted, giving you an opportunity to wipe the evidence. Well, you've got nowhere to hide now, Cadillac. I've caught you in 4K, and these posts aren't going anywhere.
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darlin-collins · 1 year
Red paint
We've been talking about parents darlin anf sam and here's my take on it
Sheeesh it's been a year since I've written a redacted fic, tell you what you think (good, bad, advice, ANYTHING, i wanna learn how to write)
Notes: sam&darlin / a little girl oc/some blood and injuries are mentioned, nothing major, just what we had on the second sam audio, hiding an injury, dark past, dead parents, a lil bit traumatized child, fluffy angst if you will, slightly edited and read before being posted, soo yeah, no beta we die like the girls parents
They opened the apartment's door as quietly as possible for someone in their state, a hand pressed to their side,having limped their way up stairs, and vision blurry from blood loss
They tip-toed to the couch and sat there, breaths leaving their lungs in quiet pants and sighs as the tension built in their legs was somewhat relived and for a moment, and they were tempted to just close their eyes... Only to open them again, wide, as the realization doomed on them, they're currently bleeding,, if they do fall asleep they might not wake up once again, and as much as the idea appealed to them they can't leave, not yet, not if Quinn is still out there, not with the the child sleeping in their room, oblivious to what's happening around her..
With a curse they sat up, reached their phone from their pocket, the screen broke, again, Lily will be mad that her little art pieces won't look good anymore, they need to fix it tomorrow if they wanted to avoid her lecture about being careful with a phone and paying attention when its in their hand
They chuckled at the thought, if only she knew why their screen is always broken like this
With blurred eyes they barely managed to hit the contacts bottom, so they just called most recent number in the list, it's not david, it's certainly not another pack member,so who can it be-Oh.. It's the cowboy from the other night
They sucked in a breath "hey cowboy" damn it hurts to talk, but they kept their voice low
They heard him chuckle on the other side "it's Sam"
"it's whatever" they joked, " ya know any private healers, ones that keep their mouth shut?" they hoped that their words weren't as slurred as they think "why? Are you alright?" he asked "yeah I'm ok, i just got in some fight,pretty banged up though " they whispered "what- well how bad is it, are you alright?? " his voiced raised a little, filled with worry "shhh keep you voice down, i said I'm fine, it just needs a patch job" they answered, covering the bottom of their phone to make less sound "why haven't you gone to a healer yet?" his voice came out muffled, well shit... "they'll ask questions! "
"They'll ask questions!?" he echoed in disbelief, huffed "when the do just tell them to shut up and heal you" his voice was only getting higher "hushhh! " they said, again "keep it low!" "Where are you?" he asked "my place? " it was an answer, but it sounded more like a question "no like- address?" he corrected "the heck you wanna know my address for?" they censored the word "hell" mostly out of habit now "because I'm not having you bleeding out on my conscious when i can do something about it", what?
"now address " "wha-" they started to ask "-address. " he ordered again, they sighed and gave him the address "I'm coming over" what!? What!!??
"wait no-" the line hang up
Well fuck
He barely got to knock on the apartment's door when it swung open, the wolf appeared, behind it "you look rough" he commented, they leaned away from the door opening it wider so he can enter "just keep it down" they whispered, going back to the couch and sat there, head falling into it, sharp eyes still monitoring his every move, he sat besides them "can i touch? " he asked gently, voice low, they blinked, surprised, and his heart ached at the thought of them never been asked something like that, and once more his gaze trailed down the lines of scars that littered their skin, now covered in blood, and it confirmed his theory "so?" he mumbled again, they unfreezed and nodded, whispering something about him being here to heal them and still asking.
A while into the healing he noticed that the wolf is trying to keep themselves quiet, and whenever his voice would get higher, they tell him to keep it down, and he worried if they had a head injury,
"did you take any hits to the head? " he whispered, "no, why? " they asked him back "well you've been keeping yourself and me quiet, i suspected that your head hurts from noise" he reasoned "no i didn't hit my head, it's... Complicated " they said
They sat in comfortable science after he was done with healing them, that is until he heard a door open, the wolf looked at him, wide eyes, and mouthed "hide" as they stood up
Tank stood up and went to the back of the couch, making it seem they're just leaning on it, giving speace to the vamp in their living room on the couch to lay on it and be out of sight.
"hey Lily" they smiled as the little girl appeared out of their room
"tank! You're home" she said happily "what where you doing? Why is your clothes all red"
"i was painting using red paint" they lied
"really?! Can i see it" The girl asked
"sure, little radiostar"
Lily is a 10 years old child of two, sonal energetics that died at the hands of quinn before tank met him,he lied to them and told them he saved her when he found her parents dead, she lived with him for a while, him wanting to make her like him, before he and tank fought and he fled and left her behind they had to break into his place so they could take her, but to avoid the pack knowing all of this they didn't tell the department about her, which left them no choice but to take care of her and not traumatize her, not anymore than what quinn did already, she probably woke up from a nightmare and came looking for them.
They croushed under the couch and pulled out a painting, it had red paint on it in different shades and shapes
They tried to be quiet when they strained one of the freshly healed wounds on their body, they stood up and showed it to her
"wow! it's so beautiful!" her eyes shined and sparkled and they wished they weren't laying to her again "i want to help you finish it!"
"yeah? Well i was already planning on coming over and finishing it tomorrow, so how about you go back to the room till i shower and join you? And we'll deal with it in the morning? " they sing-sang to her "ok!" she jumped, turned around and close the door behind her again
Sam listened in shock and awe to the wolf and the a little girl talking, how they laughed, how they almost were happier because she was around, and then the girl went back to the room, and they turned to look at him over the couch.
They mumbled a thank you let him go on his way
"So yeah that's what actually happened" tank looked a their 15 year old teen that glared at them, she's taking to call sam dad, which made them go nuts because "you know him for 5 years! You've known me for 11! Why does he get to be called dad and im just 'tank'??" as they put it
"red paint my ass" Lily rollled her eyes
"well it's your fault you thought i was capable of doing any type of art" they responded "expect martial art of course" they added
Please if you're one of the 6 people that saw this when i saved my draft and it got posted pretend you didn't:)
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eryanlainfa · 4 months
I just realized that even though i see your art of him and you talk about him a lot, i don't actually know anything about aiden. so. infodump to me about your OC lore please.
!!!! hi <3 I have SO MUCH to say about Aiden- and yet I don't share that much about them! I draw them a lot but never give much context, my bad xP
I did answer an ask a while ago about them here if you want! it has all the basic infos you might need and I've just updated it a bit because some stuff was outdated and I wanted to add some details. I also think you can find (very) few things in the eryanwrites tag
But you're asking for infodumping so!!! Imma infodump MORE >:3c
(this is in addition to the post I linked- you might want to read said post before, to have more context)
⚙ Backstory stuff
Despite being born in Old Corona, Aiden spent half of their childhood in another village even farther away from the capital. This village is run by a small saporian community and was mostly filled with travelers so people tended to come and go, lots of witches came by looking to seal their power to pass as human. So Aiden and their parents were easily welcomed there.
When Aiden was a child, the local Grandma (Aiden never learnt her name- she was just referred by everyone as Grandma) used to play with Aiden's hair a lot while she told stories. Aiden avoided cutting their hair for her, and even after her death they still refused to cut it.
Said Grandma was the village's healer and quickly became Aiden's role model. She was the first person to mentor Aiden in their quest to become a physician.
Aiden's second mentor is the current royal physician, the only one who didn't leave when the Queen got sick and no one could find a cure. Both of Aiden's mentor were/are unhinged and definetly shouldn't be trusted to teach children but that's why I love them.
Aiden is very not normal about human bodies. Both because of autism and the way their mentors educated them about it. Aiden is pretty desentisized about stuff most people would find gross.
⚙ Aiden's relationship with other characters
Aiden has a pretty good relationship with their parents. They're very loving people but a tad overprotective, it kinda made Aiden avoid talking to them about big problems because he was scared to worry them more than necessary, but overall they all love and care for each others. Aiden is just terrible at understanding and communicating his own needs.
They have many friends within the castle since they've been working here for a while now. They're also known outside of the capital since his mentor sometimes send them away, either on errand or to take care of villages without doctors.
Aiden isn't close to the main cast of tts, beside Varian. He respects and admires most of them but he doesn't consider them friends since he never really got interested in getting closer to them. They do know they can count on him when any of them gets hurt or sick, it's his job after all.
Aiden has a bestie- his name is Daniel, he's the son of the merchants proccuring most herbs for the physicians, and is currently part of the royal guards. He isn't a very fun person but Aiden enjoys how down to earth he can be.
⚙ random stuff
During the series Aiden went through like... 4 different leg prosthesis in one year because people (bad guy of the season) kept on breaking it. (I'll admit it was my go-to excuse as to why Aiden doesn't appear in canon. They're always off screen doing random things or laying on the floor stuck somewhere 😔)
They're very sensitive to temperatures since the Storm that made them lose their leg.
Aiden's magic got sealed by a tattoo on their back when they were very young, so as they grew up the tattoo got deformed and the seal weakened. Their extended family is the ones completely getting rid of it- by removing part of the skin. Hopefully for Aiden he was under hypnosis when that happens and he has no memories of it whatsoever. Varian is the one who found out about it and it made him really mad.
So you know Venefica's magic is linked to mind control. And Aiden caught feelings for Varian long before he caught feelings for them himself. Varian is very obvious about his feelings, yet Aiden doesn't acknowledge it at all. That's because they're somehow convinced Varian's feelings aren't genuine and is caused by their own magic they never learnt to control.
I mentioned witches cannot break promises so they avoid doing any, since it can easily end badly for them. Aiden (so far) made 2 : one to Quirin and one to Donella. The first one lowkey resulted in the loss of their leg. The second brought distrust between them and Varian. So yeah. Promises bad.
The only reason Hugo is allowed to call them Hobble is because he helped a lot with their prosthesis and still does
⚙ shipping stuff
At this point if you don't know I ship Aiden with both Varian and Hugo then-.. Idk how you escaped all my posting about them but I admire that, this is impressive. Anyway-
I wanted to try doing an actual love triangle so when each of them catch feelings it starts with : Aiden -> Hugo ; Hugo -> Varian ; Varian -> Aiden. Then things just... happen and at some point they all have feelings for both of the other and they are struggling to figure out what to do about it.
The first two to get into a relationship are Aiden and Hugo, but it's not really romantic, they're just having fun. Hugo quickly understood Varian was the team leader but the boy kept Aiden in high regard, so getting Aiden on his side would eventually bring Varian to it too. Aiden is very aware of it and is fine with it as long as Hugo isn't actively trying to get them hurt.
I have.. the worst love triangle dynamic chart ever :
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I don't even know if its readable to others but oh well-
Anyway. I think that's enough! If any question rises I'll love to asnwer them! About Aiden or other ocs or timeline stuff- or aus- anything is fine
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red-carter · 28 days
HEHE you opened up the ask box so here we GO-
Compliment: I admire the boldness and bravery you had to reach out to me to say hi!! That’s a scary thing, my dude!
A story (a real one because I suck at doing quick fiction ones on the fly): A friend and I realized at college that if I tucked myself up pretty tightly, I could sit on a storage-shelf-thing that she had on the back of her bike. So for a good several months she would ride around on her bike with me hitchhiking a ride on the back and grinning at people as we zipped past. It was very fun 😆
Why I follow you: Primarily, because I’m so thankful that you follow me, but also because it’s clear that we share so many of the same interests! I want to see what you unearth on this crazy platform 🤩
A cute message: You have no idea how PROUD of you I felt when I saw that you posted art on the discord, since you told me you were nervous about talking on there. Good for you!!
One thing I want to tell you: I’m so happy that we’re chatting ❤️ I am a huge chatter and I get happier the more I chat with people 😆 so it meant a lot to me when you reached out. I don’t have a huge social network irl aside from a few college friends and my siblings, so it makes me SO happy when people choose to talk to ME, ME of all people, online 🤩
Finally, a thing I want to know about you: what’s your favorite color, favorite music genre, and do you prefer movies or tv shows? (And depending on which one, what shows/movies do you like?)
Oh my goodness- Thank you so much! Reaching out really was scary, but I'm so glad I did! Thank you! <3
I love that, that actually sounds like so much fun!
Hahaha, the same goes to you, granted, mostly just to see what all we share sounds awesome to me. I'm sure I'll be bound to come across many crazy things- can't wait to share!
Stoooppp Imma cry. But yeah! I got a bit comfy when we was talking, gave me enough courage to send it. Was scary, but I'm proud of myself as well, thank you so much.
Aaaahhhh! Absolutely same! I love chatting, and my IRL friends are well- I constantly forget are my friends sometimes. I have a lot of people I can talk to, and fewer that I can hang out with. I've always been more of an online person (been mostly online since late middle school). So it always makes me happy to find others who share interests with me and also wanna talk with myself as well. It's- It's really nice!
My favorite color would have to be any shade of blue! Close seconds would have to be green and purple though. More of like a mint ish green, more of that muted color? Not too bright, or neon green is great. Purple, either lilac, or dark vibrant purple. Music genre is a bit tricky. Since I listen to quite a variety and they're all so amazing. If this counts as a genre, I'd say music that people make for content creators. Otherwise, I guess pop? They're all great tho. Goodness- I love movies, a lot easier to binge and just watch and finish. Horror films are great, and I can't watch psychological learned that the hard way-, though I love romance and action just as much. I actually just watched Damsel last night, and oh my god- I loved it. Sad, but really good! TV shows, I love as well, mostly anime though. One Piece is one of my favs, along with ERASED, Fruits Basket, and some more. I can't pick between the two. They're all so amazing.
What about you on favorite movies/shows?
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mtreebeardiles · 5 months
For the WIP game, care to share about Afterwards? 👀
Sure thing! So that's been an idea I've been playing with on and off for some time now -- a post war ME3 fic centered on one of Kaidan's squad leaders in Biotics Division. I wanted to do a series with original characters post-war, especially Kaidan's people since we don't get to hear much about them in-game and we don't really get to address much in the way of human biotics and the way they're still seen by their peers.
So Afterwards follows Ajax, who was initially introduced in my still ongoing ME3 long fic, and here's a bit of what I've got lol:
An interest in Asari engineering was as good an excuse as any to slip away from the festivities.
The ceremonial aspect of the evening had ended hours ago, the rest of his squad and Biotics Division dispersing into the crowd to mingle and celebrate with friends and family, and Ajax knew a thing or two about taking social laps to keep up appearances. Had done it most of his life, really, soirees and fundraisers, setting the stage for connections and contacts at the intersections of business and art, business and altruism, business and…
Well, business.
There were certain steps to these dances, as carefully calculated as any movement on a battlefield or breaching an enemy base, and while he'd kept away from it all these past five years it was still too ingrained in his muscle memory for him to forget.
Too ingrained for him to forget that he hadn't always needed to wear a mask, either.
Not to hide what he was -- there was no sidestepping the truth here, not after he'd been on stage with his fellow biotics, not when he wore the insignia and the rank on his uniform. Not when he was a squad leader, not when he needed to speak to his team's accomplishments and accolades -- things they'd deserved, things he wanted to shout from the rooftops if he could, even as another part of him shied away from the spotlight. Even as that part of himself braced for the looks and the whispers, from smiles that didn't quite hit the mark for sincerity, for empty praise pried from behind gritted teeth, from the tightness of jaws and hands, tension in the shoulders, discomfort at odds with a repulsion that would have been deemed rude in such company.
These were things Ajax had dealt with time and again, from associates who'd sneered at his youth, once, at the idea of being told what was what by some young upstart -- who couldn't quite change their tune even once they'd realized that he was not, in fact, some empty-headed socialite playing with mommy and daddy's money.
This was different, though. Ajax wasn't here to shore up business relationships, wasn't here to convince investors that it would look good for their public image if they'd just help a little more, reach out a little more, spend some time lifting the vulnerable up instead of fleecing them down.
Ajax was here to be acknowledged for his service, for the edge he and his fellows had given the Alliance as the first full-fledged Biotics company in their military history.
He was here to show that they'd mattered, in the war effort. That they'd helped.
That maybe, just maybe, there was nothing to be afraid of when it came to someone so different from yourself.
He'd done his laps; he'd been polite. Did his part and now…
Now he just wanted to get away from it all.
Parties like these had been his life, once; parties like these belonged to a past he could never get back.
And for once in the five years since his biotics had manifested, he wasn't entirely certain he wanted to go back.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I’ve been rotating your TMNeglectedT AU in my brain and read all your posts about it so here’s a dogpile of thoughts and questions (you don’t have to answer/reply to all of them):
I don’t know if you’ve answered a question like this before but- do your versions of the turtles deal with the idea of “my parent was nice to me once so they can’t be that bad-“? Especially Donnie, i feel like Splinter could be polite to him (or just acknowledge him) once and then he’d be like “well now I’m horrible for thinking he’s bad because he’s been decent before-“
do you plan to make this into a story (whether a comic/fic/etc.) with a plot or just a world build in a way-? (Sorry if i don’t make any sense-)
Would you say that Mikey uses Maladaptive daydreaming to cope/has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder? In which his daydreams can often take over whatever he’s doing to such a degree that it effects him negatively- 
I hate Splinter for being so shaped, like i love his design but i VIOLENTLY hate him
Raph being afraid to cry/not letting himself cry is so me- you mentioned in a reply to an ask that he doesn’t cry for really long periods of time which is 🤝(i definitely think i experienced some form of emotional neglect when younger- and reading about this universe is confirming that to me)
You’ve mentioned Donnie having experiences with grooming, this adds another layer of trauma to him- Would he ever experience flashbacks/triggers to his uncomfortable experiences? For example if someone grabbed his arm a certain way would he experience panic from previous situations. How would him and/or his brothers react to that? (him being triggered and how he reacts because of/during the flashback) at this point i kin your Donnie and I might be projecting
Donnie 🤝 Me (intrusive thoughts)
If i were to make fan art and post it how should I tag it? Or should i tag you in the post?
Thanks for reading this long ask and again you don’t have to answer/reply to everything!
gonna answer these in order
yes, this is actually the hardest for Leo to deal with, since he was treated the "nicest." nobody wants to think their parents suck (unless you've gone full in on it like Mikey haha) so it's a rough road for everyone. it's like, he COULD'VE BEEN SO GOOD.
I plan to do a bunch of one of comics, and I'd like to either make one big fic or a bunch of smaller fics in the same universe. but right now I really only have time for posting on tumblr, since I've already got to deal with college and my ongoing personal comic that updates once a week.
I'm a little bit confused about what specifically maladaptive daydreaming is/looks like. I've watched a few videos on it but am still not sure what its actually like, so i hesitate to say yes, but he definitely spends a lot of his time in his head, sometimes to the detriment of himself/his brothers.
I also hate splinter <3 he's so The Worst
yea i actually cry really easy (or i used to before T) so that's something based off my oldest sister, who straight up could not cry for years hah. trauma's a bitch.
I think all of the turtles experience frequent flashbacks/triggers. they're all pretty heavily traumatized, so it just makes sense. Donnie is probably embarrassed about how his flashbacks/ptsd symptoms make him seem more "twitchy" than his brothers. but they all have ptsd/cptsd. he's just the one who's the worst at hiding his symptoms. that being said, the ways the brothers react really depends on the specific situation. sometimes they'll mock him, sometimes they wont even realize whats happening.
you can tag your post however you want but I'll only see it if you tag me, which I advise you do, cause I like seeing fanart :)
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pan-magi · 1 year
My Magi LGBTQIA+ Headcanons
Ok, I've been working on this list since January. I still probably forgot some. I haven't worked out all my SnB ones yet and about half the Rens. It takes me an inordinate amount of time to sort them out. The only ones I'm really set on are the aspec ones because I'm biased (that's me, I'm AA and proud).
All that to say I may update this list or do a second part. Most likely won't be for a while since I'd want to to add a good chunk before I commit more to the wild.
Also, if you disagree, that's cool. My list though~ I love hearing other people's hcs but I am not up to arguing over mine. I know you guys are chill but to ensure we are on the same page :)
(It's a reasonably long list so all of it is under the read more)
Leila and Sahsa: You can't tell me the manga didn't start off with a lesbian love story with a little shit child playing mediator.
Judar: He very gay.
Aladdin: Genderfluid. I just like the idea of him having everyone constantly guessing as a child of chaos. They're also vying to take that title from Judar. I also can't place who the kid will be interested in but none of his friends are around the same age.
Titus: Trans gay guy.
Yunan: Doesn't really have much attachment to gender. He wouldn't really describe it as a lack of gender yet won't turn down using agender. Gender neutrois also works. Uses any pronouns.
Scheherazade: Cupiosexual. She yearns for being able to have sexual attraction but it just never has occurred for her. After a few decades she had accepted it about herself. The most common form of attraction she feels is alterous attraction (often explained as the space between romantic and platonic attraction).
Hakuryuu: He has messy chemistry with everyone. Bi disaster through and through.
Morgiana: Ace and questioning. She hasn't figured it all out yet but her friends are there to support her. (hi, yes, this is me projecting weeee)
Alibaba: Bisexual and clueless. So if you ask, he won't be able to answer but he also picked up on Sinbad's natural ability to flirt with anybody without trying too hard.
Hakuei: Lesbian
Koumei: Bisexual. I mentioned with the art I made on my own blog that I designed Koumei around the bi colors without realizing it. Nothing in my mind has changed to refute that so that's what I'm still going with. I do think it fits him.
Sphintus: Gay. I can see him being biromantic as well, but mostly into guys.
Sinbad: Pansexual and greyromantic. I won't go into it again more here. He's the best most clueless and suave person ever.
Jafar: Homoromantic demisexual. He likes guys but also without any strong connection to go off of he doesn't really register how people can be attractive.
Drakon: Omnisexual. There's attraction to guys, women, and enbies, all slightly different to each other. Preference for women.
Mystras: Also very gay.
Pisti: Aegoromantic. She gets invested in other people's (mainly her friends') love lives, and loves love stories, but whenever she tries getting into a relationship it never sits right for her. She won't mind an intimate relationship though knows it won't be romantic (after a bit of denial). After my brain came up with this I started projecting like hell and I don't give a fuck XD.
Mu: Mspec of some variety. I don't think he will be bothered by either bi or pan. Queer will work just as well. He will be down for anyone, you know? Going off queer history circles I've seen conversations and jokes that no one in Ancient Rome is monosexual. Mu feels like the person it will apply to the most. I'm going with it.
I joked to myself that the majority on Alma Toran are mspec or aspec. With longer lifespans for humans, a good handful are aspec because of the lack of incentive to have kids or families quickly. I would have posted about it last year during my Alma Toran posting in October and during ace week, but alas. I'm now posting it here lol.
Anyway, my Alma Toran hcs:
Solomon: Demisexual. Hasn't spent time thinking about it because he didn't expect to marry so young. It doesn't bother him though, not that he could explain his sexuality well.
Setta: Aroace. All ice mages are aroace because I said so. (except Judar, dude can have as many guys as he wants)
Isnan: Gay
Falan: Bi. Growing up she didn't have the chance to explore her sexuality. She won't deny it if asked though is perfectly happy in her relationship.
Ugo: Bi and aceflux.
Paimon: Also bi. She flirts too much with Ugo not to be (though I do know some lesbians and non-interested in men peeps who flirt with guys for shits and giggles without much feeling. Poison Ivy being the main lesbian I think of for this).
Arba: Non-sam aro. I tried to figure out her sexuality and I know it's not ace, but it's still too wrapped up in being aromantic. Non-sam is the closest I could figure.
Tess: Demiboy. The idea just burrowed into my head and hasn't left so I'm going with it. He is fine with he/they pronouns, yet the only people allowed to get away with calling him little boy are his parents.
That's all I got. For the moment, at least. If I try to figure everyone out I won't get around to finishing this till pride next year. If ever >>. As I said, I may update the list or post a second part.
Remember to stay chill peeps! & Happy Pride!
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koniku · 2 years
Cafe HC (part 3)
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Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli×reader | fluff | sfw
tw: none
a/n: I've been so tired lately I didn't even realize how much time has passed since I posted. Anyways here it is, I feel like Zhongli's is just my daddy issues speaking but that's fine
• the hottest guy in the cafe
• literally walks right in and EVERYONE'S eyes are on him
• he has the best smile I just know it
• he's the sun, he's the light, the love of everyone's life
• he's the one guy that everyone knows, and there is not one soul that dislikes him
• people likes him, animals likes him, there will never be a rainy day when it comes to him(unless he wants it to rain)
• the world revolves around him and only him
• you, just like everyone else, is very much pulled in by his goodlooks and great personality
• he's probably offered you help with a multitude of things, so much so that you feel kinda bad
• you probably offered to cook him a meal bc you feel it's more sincere?
• and he does accept the invite
• if you're a good cook, kisses to the chef muwah, he'll be coming back again
• otherwise, he'll be there to put out the fire don't worry!
• a resident at the nearby hospital
• he's so stressed out and tired you can see the heavy dark circles around his eyes
• he's falling asleep while waiting for his coffee
• I feel like despite his busy schedule he does take care of himself but it can be a bit difficult
• he probably stayed up late to rush a report or to do some reading and ended up sleeping terribly late
• he's usually busy so he doesn't come by often but likes to sit in the corner of the cafe with a cup of coffee while reading about plants
• he's a plant dad, he gives his plants names and actually talks to them
• you probably recognised the book he was reading and decided to chat with him for a while and realised that you guys get along quite well
• he's gonna be busy for the next few days but when he has time, he'll definitely drop by in hopes of seeing you again
• he's the cute singer at the cafe
• he plays the keyboard and compose and write songs
• he's the street and artistic kind of smart, he can't tell you how to solve quadratic equations but he can tell you Greek mythology and quote Shakespeare just bc
• you probably fell victim to his quotes once cause he found you cute, but ofc asked if you were ok w it first
• "for where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation"
• it's so cheesy, yet you couldn't help but blush and laugh at how corny it was
• you can laugh all you want, he doesn't mind, in fact he does it even more just to see you smile
• quiet edgy guy™ who has such a rbf
• he's just as intimidating when you first start talking to him tho
• his stare is so overwhelming but once you get to know him better you find him to be very nice and friendly
• you start to form a friendship when you first saw him, you found him to be quite cute despite his, yk, rbf, and you start talking to him
• ofc it comes as quite a surprise to him cause nobody rly initiates conversations unless absolutely necessary when it comes to him
• he's quite touched by your boldness rly and so he spares time for you
• it becomes a thing where if you see him in the cafe you'd start talking to him about just anything you could think of and his awkward demeanor melted over time
• though the both of you couldn't be considered as anything but friends, for now atleast the both of you are quite content with the current state of your relationship
• the old man sitting alone in the cafe with a cup of hot tea and a book on self care
• he's definitely into chrysanthemum tea, or any floral teas
• he's a regular at the cafe
• he likes to settle down in a quiet corner and read his books
• the staffs likes him a lot, and even ask him for his reading progress
• like if he finishes a book everyone would know
• I feel like he's very pleasant to talk to, you could talk about all your life problems and he'd listen to them very attentively, while giving you an occasional nod of the head
• he gives the best advice, and is great at comforting
• he probably saw you looking quite upset once
• and him being the absolute darling he is, goes to ask if you need a listening ear
• he just gives off the best vibes and you find comfort in him
• 10/10 therapy session he welcomes you to come again
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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It's Raining
This is a very cute set that is a real handful (literally!) to deal with.
We'll get to everything that makes this set more work than I bargained for, but first, let's present the inspiration for these two rainy-day cuties.
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Here we have Gong Jun looking tall, handsome, and casually outfitted for a rainy day.
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Here we have Zhehan, looking tall, handsome, and dressed like he belongs on a luxury yacht. Which he does. He deserves at a minimum one luxury yacht!
This white suit looks incredible. I'm in love with this belt because of the beautiful design, and how it really shows off his figure and slim waist.
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This was the Marie Claire shoot in July 2021. Since Tumblr allows 1 video per post, let's use it on the BTS of this shoot, shall we?
Ahh my eyes and soul feel refreshed. What a man. What a look.
On to the figs, shall we?
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These figs do not stand on their own - here I have them propped up against the back wall. Either the umbrella overweights them and they topple over instantly, or the umbrellas detach and fall off.
The interesting thing here is how the umbrellas fall off.
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That's right - these figs each have one detachable hand.
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The hands, come to find out, are the same size as Nendoroid hands. Nendoroids are small (originally) Japanese PVC figures that have interchangeable parts. Depending on the fig, they can have swappable hands, legs, torsos, face plates, hair, accessories, you name it.
So this means that you can easily swap out their hands for any number of fun items. I actually have a couple Nendoroids, so I experimented:
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Here's Zhehan and a new friend. It can get a little more silly for sure:
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I really like the coat cape I put on Junjun here. He looks good, doesn't he? Very Xu Si / Rising with the Wind.
I've seen all kinds of fun things that people use (other than weaponry, what the heck Lelanthe) like ice cream cones and leaves and other very wholesome items. So it's nice to have options.
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You can see I stuck them both with some fig stickers onto a little acrylic stand. They can stand up just fine if the umbrellas (or uh, the gigantic hand cannon) doesn't overweight them, but I like the original umbrellas on them, so on the plate they go.
Zhehan's hand connects fairly securely. Junjun's hand, on the other hand, does not - you can see it's coming loose already from the weight of the umbrella. I'll be at my desk working away, and all of a sudden I'll hear a clatter and Junjun's hand has fallen off!
Since I have a mini heart attack whenever I hear things falling from my fig displays, it's just no good for my continued health. I'll need to glue his hand in permanently to keep it from falling out.
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You can also see that the umbrellas themselves are not exactly perpendicular to the handle. When this set arrived, they just came in pieces (on purpose), and there was no way to snap or connect the the handle into the umbrella in any way. I ended up using some of the included fig sticker to stick the umbrella to the handle, which worked really well in the sense that the parts have never fallen apart, but less well in that it's quite flexible, and moves around quite a bit. It definitely lends to the overweight problem.
I'll need to also eventually remove the sticker and glue the handle to the umbrella so it's straight up and down.
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The fig maker did a nice job with these suits. Obviously this is the worst angle for them, but I realized I've been talking so much about other stuff I hadn't even gotten to talk about the nice detailing (I really like the silver anchor buckle on Zhehan's suit) or the moon and stars in their eyes.
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Here's the view from the perspective of the rain - not much to see here!
The box cards are very cute:
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There's also this double-sided art card:
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All in all, this is a cute and clever little set. It's also a huge pain unless you enjoy the interchangeability fun, which I actually do not, despite the laughs I got with the various weaponry. There is a lot of gluing to do with this set for me in the future, which is fine because I love it. No regrets. Just be forewarned, figthusiast friends!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 86
Diorama Count: 7
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: It's raining men - hallelujah!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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baptistsuicidewidow · 3 months
Well here I am and the baby is officially 'overdue'. After much googling I've learned that contractions are primarily set off with oxytocin or the love chemical in our brain...
Its no wonder my contractions stopped as soon as I was around some guy whose romantic feelings for me are NOT returned whatsoever.
Regardless, I'm sure if Jeremiah were here, baby would be on track... it gets me wondering about stress levels in pregnancy, and how much of my sadness has affected baby... I have been trying to push away my feelings partially because I would like to prevent any type of negative 'epigenetic' responses, if that is even a thing.
Isaiah woke me up this morning-I think he is going through a new phase... He wakes up in the middle of the wee hours of the morning, cries until he knows I am with him, asks me for juice, I change his diaper, he asks for milk, then juice again, then keeps one eye open on me to make sure I am there while he falls asleep... I just rub his back and sing a little, all the while feeling baby number two move and adjust to being on a different side with pushes and kicks...
After knowing Isaiah was fully asleep, I rolled back over, and whispered ,"It's okay, Bubby", to baby number two... then I remembered back as a newlywed I had started calling Jeremiah "Bubby", and he asked the meaning and I explained I didn't know, maybe Baby and Hubby mushed together? So he was my Bubby until Isaiah was born, then I started calling them both Bubby. Which full circle got me thinking about oxytocin, missing my original Bubby, all the things. He used to call me his "Lovey Dovey".
In Jeremiahs absence there is still God's presence. I started thinking of verses about delighting in the Lord.
Psalm 37:4-5 "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."
I realized it is altogether possible to get lovey dovey feelings just from remembering how good God has been to me... Dwelling on all the ways He has shown me that He absolutely without a doubt 100% loves me. He has all the "Love Languages" down (Ha!); transcends them even! So I will be reflecting on just how good God has been to boost my much needed sad levels of oxytocin.
I had originally intended to list all the things God has done for me in this blog post, but I feel like these cherished memories are more private, like little love letters written to me from the hand of God.. With that being said I think one example is still needed since this whole post has sufficiently 'whet the appetite' for me to divulge at least a bit.
One memory that stands out is back in 2018... I was in the Day Room of a homeless shelter in the south side of Chicago, and my friend Crystal came up to me and said "You need to read Isaiah 43 today! You must!". And so I went about my day as usual.. and during my devotions I quickly read through the chapter, mulled over it a bit, and I went on with my day. It was later, as I was hanging out at Starbucks, my barista friend named Steven just grabbed my King James Bible that was sitting next to me. He leafed through my Bible until he got to a page and pointed at the passage Isaiah 43 and said "you need to read this".
Now God really had my attention. 2 people that didn't know each other pointing me towards the same scripture in the same day! So since Isaiah 43 was a bit cryptic for me the first time, I sat down with each verse, and wrote down what I thought the meaning was behind each verse. After completing this I really had some answers. A couple verses that stuck out are the following:
"Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."
"Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him."
"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
 "I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified."
All these verses helped me make the important decision to join the Bible program. God was doing a NEW thing with me, and I needed to trust Him, since who wants to work for free at a homeless shelter for over a year? Although my time there was hard, God was a very present help for me every single day. He showed me in so many different ways there (and ever after) that He deeply cares for me, and is there for me. I learned how to rely on the Bible, and how to trust God in my darkest moments. (I really wish Jeremiah had learned these things for himself... He wasn't very receptive to my cliché rhetoric either..."We need to trust in God". These things need to be learned by experience though.)
Anywho, I am off to make a private blog post so I can list these things down, so I can have some warm and fuzzy feelings so that MAYBE the baby will have the confidence to enter into this less-than-warm-and-fuzzy world.
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sunnydaydevs · 5 months
Hey, I'm Sunny and I am a slowly budding indie game developer and long time tumblrite - though most of my time on Tumblr has been spent in Fandom places, of course my works here may be influenced by games I have played and novels I have read (aren't we all?) but they will be 100% original in as much as anything can be.
The blog is still WIP as far as hard coding things in; real life is a bit of a trial at times but I'm working around it as best I can.
If you want an in depth run down of my current works, you can check it out here, and if you'd like a quick overview to know what I'm about feel free to click the read more below or hop into my askbox or messages. I can be slow to respond, but always eager! Can't wait to get to know some more people who share my interest.
(And now, a little bit about my current projects -- this may change over time.)
Twine IF: All the Queen's Men
My main project, currently getting a ground-up overhaul to implement more details and ideas as well as futher fleshing out characters. It's going to be a lengthy project but I'm really invested in writing it. All the Queen's Men sits where a dating sim meets strategy rpg, (If any of them become a VN, it will be this one.) The premise is that a war has been dragging on for years and the Queen of Etheria (player character) was widowed without an heir not so long ago. The royal council sees this as an opportunity for her to remarry not just for an heir, but to strengthen Etheria's position in the war. The choices made by the player Queen will have global influence, but she will also have to live with it personally. What is the price of peace? How many paths could lead there?
Twine IF: The Crown Will Fall
Formerly laid out as an RPG Maker game, The Crown Will Fall quickly became something I realized needed more description and detail than I could properly provide with RMMV. The story remains a fantasy rpg, character driven and of course strongly dependent on player choice. The premise is that the once kind and just ruler of the kingdom [player] lives in has grown cold hearted, cruel and dangerous in his paranoid assumptions, and started turning against his own people. In the grief-stricken aftermath of the destruction of your hometown, you make a vow to see justice once more. Whatever that means in the end.
Twine IF: Rewind
Rewind is a story I almost wrote as a novel before realizing what I really wanted to do with it was explore the reader's decisions and choices - something I'm seeking out now with Twine, though it's currently down the line on priority. You play an amnesiac, nonbinary person who has only the barest snatches of potentially unreliable memories and a slew of notes with no context. But with undeniable power under your skin and a world in crisis, it looks like you're going to have to take a chance.
RMMV: Homesteader
Homesteader might well be the prelude to a larger game down the road but it does stand alone. The difference being that Homesteader by itself is more of a farming / crafting sim and the full thing would be RPG meets strategy game. As it stands, your parents have been called out of retirement to aid the king once more. As your training is incomplete, you're left to finish it when they drop you off at an old fortress they'd served at. Being given the land they had left behind, it quickly becomes clear that there are going to have to be a lot of renovations and hard work to pay them off while spending time on your training, in hopes of reaching full knighthood under the guildmaster's guiding hand within three years.
Pixel Art: Farm Assets
So I am a huge fan of the farm sim genre. I've been playing Harvest Moon games since the days of the Gamecube and GBA (my favorite remains the GBA's A New Beginning though MFOMT gets a shoutout for nostalgia and DS Cute is really good) and I have logged... a lot of time on Stardew Valley, even more since I discovered mods. So I decided I would make some assets for people to enjoy, They may or may not go up on Itch depending on how happy I am with them and if I make a cohesive set.
Godot 4:
No project here -- yet! Still working on learning the program. I'd like to do some basic stuff first? minigame type things, puzzles, things that test the logic of the system against the logic of my brain.
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