#himchan reactions
Is That The Shower Head On Your Clit?
Soul Mates? A dancer and producer?
Can I have my heart?
Stray Kids
9 or Nothing
SKZ Reaction to You Getting Your Period
SKZ Reaction to Another Member Walking in on You Kissing
Bang Chan
Lee Know
Seo Changbin
Don’t Mind Me, Just Enjoying The View
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
The Meaning of a Rose
Himchan and His Betrayer
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bxhchan · 11 months
your muse reaction to a love misunderstood with my muse
Himchan não entendia porque queria correr para o banheiro e chorar depois de ouvir uma das suas colegas falar que Huan tinha retribuído ao flert dela. A garota continuava se gabando para as suas amigas, estas que estavam eufóricas e incrédulas com o facto do veterano ter correspondido às investidas da novata e enquanto isso, o loiro remexia a sua comida com o garfo, completamente cabisbaixo e com vontade de fugir daquela mesa. Ele ainda tentou ignorar a conversa que acontecia ao seu lado, mas os seus ouvidos e atenção estavam sendo traiçoeiros. Não lhe restava outra opção a não ser esperar que fossem liberados e rezar para que não começasse a chorar na frente de todo o mundo. - “Eu juro que ele piscou o olho para mim!” - exclamava a garota, eufórica. - “Aposto que consigo beijar ele em uma semana, ele está tão afim de mim.” - a garota continuava a gabar-se e o loiro estava ficando impaciente. Ele queria evitar chamar à atenção e perguntas, mas não aguentava mais ficar ouvindo aquelas coisas. - “Desculpe...” - falou com a voz trémula, erguendo a mão no ar para chamar à atenção de um veterano. - “Não estou me sentindo bem, será que posso retirar-me?” - ele perguntou quando uma veterana que estava na sua mesa e mais próxima de si, o notou. E depois de inventar uma desculpa de que estava com dor de estômago e a veterana o liberar e mandar passar na enfermaria, Himchan correu para o banheiro mais próximo e fechou-se nele. E ali sozinho e completamente confuso e triste, o loiro chorou.
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I ain’t even gonna hold my tongue. 
I hate this mutfucka. Not only because he hurts women, but he has stained the legacy of BAP. The members have already gone through hell and back. Now some of them are starting to have good careers in the industry. So many fans have dreamed of a comeback. Even if they do it independently. Yet, here he goes fucking up everything. I just pray, hope and beg that none of the other members are still in contact with him. OH PLEASE
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Making Up With Mom [Yongguk and Himchan]
This follows the Child Makes Mom Cry.
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Ever since the argument between Catherine and her mom, Stephanie, three days ago there was a heavy tension when they were together. Stephanie couldn’t stop questioning herself as a parent and what she was doing. She wondered if she was wrong being a daycare owner. If she wasn’t doing the best she could as a mom.
When Catherine would enter a room, Stephanie would stiffen as she felt a wave of anxiety. She’d stop what she was doing in the room and leave. She knew it was childish, but she didn’t know what to say and she couldn’t take the tension. It was suffocating. However, what she didn’t know was the defeated look her daughter had each time her mom left her alone.
Yongguk looked up from his computer with dark eye bags under his eyes. He rubbed his eyes as he looked at the time before he turned his attention to his daughter, “It’s late Catie, you should be asleep.”
Catherine entered Yongguk’s home office, “I know... it’s just... Mom still won’t talk to me.”
Yongguk pushed back his spinning chair to face her, “Well, baby... what you said--”
Catherine’s eyes instantly watered, “Did I break mom?” She choked on her voice, “Did I make mom hate me for being a terrible daughter? I didn’t mean what I said and I don’t know why I said it to her.” She sniffled as she wiped her tears with her sweater cuff. “I love mom and I don’t want her to not love me anymore. But she wo--” Her bottom lip quivered as she broke into sobs. Yongguk got up from his seat as he took his daughter into his arms.
Stephanie woke to the echoing cries of her daughter and shot from her bed. She headed towards the sounds to her husband’s office. Stephanie entered to see Catherine in her dad’s arms distraught and broken. “Catie” she rushed to her daughter’s aide fearing something bad happened. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Catherine’s shoulders quivered as she pulled her face from her dad’s shirt, “I’m sorry. Don’t hate me. I didn’t mean it I swear.” Yongguk loosened his grip on Catherine as Stephanie reached out to hug her. Stephanie knelt in front of Catherine who in seconds just collapsed in her mom’s warmth. “I love you. You are an amazing mom. I don’t hate you. I don’t want a different mom.”
Stephanie ran her fingers in her daughter’s hair as she kept her own tears at bay. “Shh, it’s okay” her voice was low and even. “I don’t hate you my love. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” She kissed her daughter’s hair as she tried to calm her down.
The next morning, Stephanie woke to the smell of breakfast being made and slowly sat up in bed. She looked to her side to see her husband gone.Stephanie got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. She peeked inside to see Yongguk standing over their daughter as she flipped a pancake.
“I did it!” Catherine squealed as she looked up at her dad.
He rubbed her head in approval, “You did. Good job!”
Stephanie leaned against the archway and smiled at the two. “Morning” she greeted.
The two jumped in surprise. Catherine groaned, “You ruined the surprise, mom!”
Stephanie chuckled as she pushed herself off the archway, “I’m sorry, love. But it smelled divine, so I had to see what was going on.” She approached her little family and pressed a kiss on her husband’s lips then a kiss on her daughter’s head. She peeked over and noticed the sloppily made heart shaped pancake in the skillet. “That looks delicious. Maybe we should have a fruit salad with it?”
Catherine’s eyes lit up, “That sounds good! Why didn’t you think of that, dad?” She nudged him.
Yongguk stepped back defensively, “There’s a reason your mom’s the brains in this family.” He went for the fruits while Stephanie assisted their daughter with the rest of the pancakes. He couldn’t help but glance back at the two women in his life with a gummy smile plastered on his face.
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It was the day after the argument between Miranda and her son, Seungwon. Eunhae bounced down the stairs with her ponytail swishing behind her. She took a turn to head into the kitchen to see only Seungwon sitting at the island with a grumpy look on his face. Her morning smile fell as she looked around the kitchen, “Where’s mom?”
Seungwon let out a grunt, “She’s late apparently. No breakfast” he rolled his eyes.
Himchan rushed into the kitchen as he attempted to fix his tie, “Morning guys, mom isn’t feeling too great today, so you’ll have to fend for yourselves.” He paused as he stared his son down. He shook his head and looked to his daughter, “Mom told me to take you to school today, hun. You got everything?” Eunhae grinned widely and nodded. Himchan gave her a smile back before he headed out to the car.
Eunhae turned to Seungwon with an angry look, “It’s your fault mom isn’t okay. I hope you know that, prick.” She retrieved her bag and threw it over her shoulder then headed out the door.
It wasn’t until noon when Miranda made her way out of the bedroom. Miranda hated the idea that she was hiding from her son, but she was. She didn’t know how to approach him after the day before. Miranda headed down to the kitchen to make lunch for the two of them when she heard the sound of pots and pans clashing about. The sound made her jump, as she approached the archway to the kitchen.
Seungwon put a baking dish and pan on the surface of the oven before he leaned over the cookbook. “Enchilada sauce in the bottom of a 9 x 13 baking dish? What is a 9 x 13?”
“The x between the two numbers mean 9 by 13″ Miranda replied startling her son. He turned his head back to her and she awkwardly waved at him. “What are you trying to make?”
His face reddened as he looked back to the cookbook, “I got hungry and wanted enchiladas...”
Miranda’s lips tilted upward as she looked at her son’s back. “I can make some if--”
“No, I’ll make them myself” he said suddenly. “Just--Just go do something else... please.”
“Okay... Call if you need to” she went to the living room, pulled out her laptop, and began working on work emails and projects. Not noticing her son peeking into the room with a sad look.
40 minutes later, Seungwon appeared before his mom with a plate of enchiladas and Mexican rice. “Here you go” his voice was small as he waited for her to take it.
Miranda shut her laptop and let out a girlish squeal, “Ah! It looks so good!” She took the plate and cut up the enchiladas. With a quick blow on it, Miranda bite. Her eyes lit up as she looked at her son and let out a groan of approval. After swallowing the enchilada, she grinned, “You did perfect! Which recipe did you use?”
“Aunt Monica sent me the family recipe on the phone...” He sat on the sofa across from her, but didn’t take a bite as he stared at his food. His jaw clenched as he tried to force himself to talk.
Miranda noticed the shift in her son, “Wha--”
“I don’t know why I get so angry” Seungwon spilled. He took a sharp breath, “I get so angry with the smallest things. I want to hit things and I know it’s not normal. I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right, mom. And what I did yesterday, I was pissed at myself. I’m not like Eunhae. Her grades are perfect, everyone likes her. I’m a dumbahhhh--” he stumbled on the word knowing his mom was against cursing-- “I’m an idiot. I don’t understand school. I don’t have a goal in life. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going.” His eyes waters, “I know I’m not normal. I know I’m worthless, but I don’t want to be given up on... I’m sorry for yesterday. I am so so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you--I wouldNEVERhurtyoumom” his words meshed together as he cried.
Miranda set down her plate as she rushed to her son and sat beside him. She pulled him to her in a hug as her hand petted his hair, “You are my son, baby. You’re not worthless or stupid.” She kissed his head, “You don’t need to compare yourself to Eunhae. I know you’re sorry, I mean you made this amazing lunch. I didn’t even know you could cook this well! I should have you help me make dinner more often.” Seungwon let out a weak laugh. “Being weak, isn’t bad. Showing weakness doesn’t make you pathetic. You’re hurting and I don’t know why. You don’t have to tell me why either if you don’t want to, but you have to know deep down something is wrong. We can take you to counseling, have a third party listen and give you advice. Maybe get you into kick boxing to release your tension, but we can’t let you lash out on others.”
Seungwon nodded silently before he spoke again, “I’ll try counseling, but please not Aunt Katelyn. That’s just awkward.”
That night, Himchan and Eunhae arrived home to hear Miranda shouting in French. They two rushed in to see Miranda and Seungwon in front of the tv playing Mario Party.
Seungwon let out a loud laugh as he watched his mom, “You suck at this game, mom!”
“But really, is it me that sucks or the game that sucks...”
“It’s totally yo--” Seungwon’s smile fell as he looked back to see his sister and dad behind them.
Miranda looked up from the game to see what caught Seungwon’s attention. “Ah, you guys are home! Perfect. Dinner should be ready soon. Seungwon made it! Go get ready. Let’s play another round after dinner, Wonwon. I swear I’ll beat you next time.” She stood up and rubbed her son’s hair before she headed to the kitchen pecking her husband’s lips and patting her daughter’s cheek in the process. Eunhae followed after her mom leaving Himchan and Seungwon alone.
Seungwon awkwardly stood prepared for another lecture from his dad for being on a video game. Himchan approached him and patted his shoulder, “Your mom is terrible at video games, right?” Seungwon was caught off guard with his comment. “Even when we were dating, I tried to get her into video games, but she kept accidentally killing me in the games.”
“I can see that” Seungwon chucked. “She crashed her own car three times then made me crash.”
Himchan nodded, “Sounds about right. Go get ready for dinner, we can all play later, okay?”
“Yea!” Seungwon grinned as he hurried out the room. He paused at the archway, “Also, I’m sorry for yesterday. I was out of line.” Himchan said nothing as he gave his son a nod before Seungwon headed to the bathroom.
Part II ||  Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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taejikookiee · 6 years
🖤B.A.P Reaction🖤
-’reaction to you teasing them in public’ 
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Definitely the type to get flustered but kinda annoyed that you decided to do it in public, he's not one to participate in public displays of affection, especially those of an sexual nature, mostly because he found it hard to control himself.
“Jagi.. as much as I love the feeling of your pretty little hands on me, now is not the time” he would huff moving your hands from atop him, but lacing them with his so you didn't think he was mad at you. 
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He would not be impressed at all. Teasing Himchan knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything about it would be a big no no, expect punishment when you were alone
“ooo you are totally going to pay for that later...” he would whisper in your ear before placing a rough kiss on your cheek catching you off guard.
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This one here would not care where you were, teasing him in generally always led to something more so the fact that you had decided to do it in public was your own mistake. 
“Listen baby, unless you want to be a moaning mess at this dinning table I would stop what you are doing right now” he smirked as his hand glided up your inner thigh causing you to jump slightly when he applied pressure, the smirk that appeared proving he was more than happy with himself. 
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Youngjae would be hard to get flustered in public considering how outgoing he is, he would mock your failed attempts leaving you the flustered mess rather than him.
“oh baby... did you think that would work... hahaha, nice try but you are going to have to try harder” he would chuckle at your pouty expression. 
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This cute little baby bunny omg  He would most definitely be oblivious to your efforts at first, you would basically have to tell him what you were doing for him to notice, but when he did he would be a blushing mess. 
“oh.. you were trying to get me in the mood.. oh baby why didn't you just tell me.. lets go home i’ll help you out” 
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Zelo, the precious maknae would be so flustered by the slightest touch or kiss, especially if it was infront of his hyungs, the constant teasing would drive him crazy. 
“(y/n) please, the boys are sitting right there.. if they see they will bully me forever” he would muttered his tinted cheeks causing your heart to do swirls. 
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uwu look at him, so precious 
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blogmarareactions · 7 years
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B.A.P Version
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His reaction would be amused. He`d find it cute because he is definitely the one in charge normally. He`d let you try it out, seeing as this could be very amusing for him to see. However you wouldn`t get very far with this guy. He`d be in charge even when acting submissive because with his dirty talk he`d turn the situation right back around. 
“Is this what you want me to do baby? Like this?”
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He`d be more open to you taking control, mainly because he`d find it a little sexy every now and then. In the end however he`d still be the secret dominant one during the whole thing. He`d challenge you to try some kinky stuff with him, for example asking you to tie him up. Though if he wanted, he could break free from them whenever he wanted.
“Alright then darling. Tie me up and use me however you want.”
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He kinky af. No way you gonna be dominating this one. Is just straight up fully against the idea of you being the one in charge. He`d take the opportunity to show you exactly why he is the dominating one in bed, in the most pleasurable way you can think of.
“Oh but kitten, don`t you like it when I make you scream for me? I think I have to show you why I am the one in charge.”
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This one is probably the only one of the group to actuallu fully let you take charge. He wouldn`t be too surprised at your requests as I see him as a switch so the only change is that you`d be in charge during the whole event. This would however definitelly have it`s charms in Youngjae`s eyes.
“That sounds hot baby. I am all yours.”
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Dominate Jongup? I mean you can try but if you suceed in it depends all on your persistence and his mood. Catch him in a good mood and he`ll let you take control, if you want to keep it however you need to step up your game and don`t go shy. If you`re not all in for it he`ll simple flip the situation around and take over.
“If you really want to try it I`ll let you, but you better commit to it baby.”
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Another switch. Though he would hover more over the dominant side he wouldn`t mind giving up the control inbetween. Especially if you are a good dom. The first time you`d ask him he`d be suprised and maybe a bit tense but when you two were getting into it he started liking it more and more. You might have to prepare for him to take over at the end some days though.
“You want to dominate me? You really surprise me every day anew.”
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danghyuk · 3 years
B.A.P reacting to their boyfriend’s tattoos
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As someone with tattoos himself, he doesn’t really care, or rather – he isn’t that surprised. Yongguk has a huge chest piece and his older sister is a tattoo artist, so he isn’t unfamiliar with ink and imagery on skin.
Of course, he is interested in your tattoos and would 100% support you whenever you’re considering getting a new one. Whenever you bring the topic up in a conversation, you can bet that Yongguk helps you brainstorm ideas and pulls up his phone to research various tattoo artists.
Yongguk will often find himself immersed in the pictures scattered all over your (s/c) skin and catch himself tracing the various colours on your exposed body whenever he wakes up before you. Tattoos for him is just another art form, and he loves the way they make your skin more vibrant.
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Having no tattoos at all, Himchan is a little shocked when he sees yours for the first time. However, that doesn’t mean he’s negative towards them. After the initial shock, Himchan’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t stop asking you questions. 
He secretly loves how badass they make you look and add to your overall ‘bad boy’ image, but he will constantly tease you for taking his bad boy role. Himchan also secretly loves the way other people look at you in public because you’re his gorgeous boyfriend! Though he will never admit it due to his pride. 
Since he has no tattoos, he knows very little about the process around getting one and that is the topic he will ask the most about. If you want to get a new one, Himchan would definitely ask you if he could come along, and if you got one for him, he will definitely cry. 
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He has some of his own and seeing yours would make him considering getting new ones. However, he cares the most about the messages they portray and the meaning behind them. Daehyun’s tattoos mean a lot to him and he loves to hear you talk about the stories behind your own.
Daehyun is the most likely out of B.A.P to get matching tattoos with you. Not your names necessarily, but maybe something dear to the both of you and your relationship. Your boyfriend is a sap after all.
A thing he likes to do is kissing them. Whenever you wear something that shows off the ink you got or wear nothing at all, there isn’t a single moment where his lips have been all over your skin.
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Another member who doesn’t have any tattoos and probably won’t get anyone either. Youngjae is also the member who’s the most shocked by your tattoos, but that quickly passes as you explain each of them to him and changes into understanding.
He grows rather fond of your tattoos and how they look on you. Youngjae has his favourites and he is not afraid to rank them and point out the ones he likes the least. Since he knows you are confident in them and in your own decisions, he knows that his own opinions won’t overrule your own. The ‘critiques’ often tend to make you laugh instead.
Even if he doesn’t want tattoos of his own and means they won’t fit his image and personality, he is quick to realise how good they look on you. That results in him becoming your own personal stylist some days, Youngjae is rather persuasive too because he won’t leave the flat if you’re not wearing what he wants you to wear.
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Jongup doesn’t have any either and he doesn’t really have any strong opinions regarding the topic. In fact, he doesn’t really register that you have tattoos until one of his fellow band members asks him about it or points it out.
He feels quite awkward for not noticing it earlier and it just makes him shyer to ask you about it. Because of his awkwardness and seemingly ‘disinterest’ in the topic, you ask him if they make him uncomfortable. Feeling guilty, he explains the situation really embarrassed to which you reassure him with long and loving kisses that he can ask whenever and whatever.
After getting attentive to your beautiful work, he feels a bit flustered whenever they are visible, not only for not noticing them before but also because he sees how handsome you look with them. Jongup is the least subtle being you know about, so it’s easy to spot whenever he has looked at them too long due to his red ears.
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Having looked up to Yongguk for years, it’s no surprise that Junhong has tattoos. He would be the most excited of the members when he finds out that his boyfriend has tattoos as well. There is no chance you will be able to explain them all without a lot of interruptions from him.
Junhong is the boyfriend who loves to take cool pictures, so a good chunk of the pictures on his camera roll would be the both of you wearing clothes to show your tattoos off and your bodies pressed and tangled together so the tattoos are included in the shot.
Seeing your skinned filled with them makes him smile and he will trace them whenever he has the chance, however, most of the times that result in a tickle fight. Junhong has no idea why,  but he feels extremely confident with you and by seeing you express yourself in the art covering your skin.
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
B.A.P as Bunnies:
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noona-clock · 4 years
When BAP Babysits with You
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
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When you tell Yongguk you can’t come over to his place tonight because you have to babysit your niece, he’ll be a little bummed at first. But then you ask him to help you, and his whole mood changes. He’ll take it very seriously! He’ll buy some books to read, download some movies, and he’ll buy his favorite type of ramen to cook for you guys. He’ll be very patient and sweet with your niece, and you’ll know immediately that you want him to the father of your own children one day! *swoon*
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Himchan would immediately volunteer to help you babysit your next-door neighbor’s kid -- you wouldn’t even need to ask! He would want to play games with him, make up songs with him, watch dramas together... Himchan would basically do all the work for you. And when you try to split the money with him at the end of the night, he would insist that spending time with you was more than enough payment for him. But he wouldn’t say no to you buying him dinner.
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When you find out you have to babysit your younger sibling instead of going on your date with Daehyun, you would invite him over to help you out since you still want to see him. He would hesitate at first, but once you tell him you’re going to cook a meal with 9 side dishes, he would at your door in minutes. He would be perfectly content spending a cozy night in with you and your sibling -- as long as you have a lot of soft, snuggly blankets and a movie-musical DVD to watch! Pair that with your delicious cooking, and Daehyun honestly might never leave.
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Once Youngjae hears you have to spend the night babysitting your nephew, he immediately responds with, “Oh, yay! I’ll be right there!” He’ll arrive with a schedule filled with only the most fun activities, the most important one being video games. He will literally spend hours in front of the television playing games with your nephew, and you’ll actually have to pull them away because you need to make sure he (your nephew, not necessarily Youngjae) is fed and bathed and ready for bed before your brother gets home. At the end of the night, Youngjae tells you more than once that he had so much fun. If your brother ever needs a babysitter again, he will gladly help out!
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“Babysitting??? I’m... not so sure about this. We’ll just be... sitting? With a baby? For the whole night?” When you tell him that, in fact, you will be taking care of a young child, he lets out a sigh of relief. He’ll totally help! He’ll want to teach the kid how to dance, maybe read some mangas together, and he’ll definitely bring over McDonald’s. The next time the parents call you to babysit, they ask you to bring Jongup with you since their child is specifically requesting his presence. You can’t even be offended, though, because any time you spend with Jongup is a good time.
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When you invite Zelo over to watch your boss’s toddler son for the night, he’s a little hesitant and nervous at first. He doesn’t know much about taking care of small children... You assure him it’s really not much different than taking care of a puppy, and that instantly sparks an idea in him. He’ll bring Mochi with him! He asks if that’s okay, of course, and once your boss approves, Zelo’s worries vanish. Your boss’s son is delighted to see Mochi, and when Zelo offers to teach him how to dance and rap, he’s even more delighted. He ends up dancing and playing with Mochi so much that he falls asleep before it’s even bedtime. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” you asked Zelo as you’re lounging on the couch waiting for your boss to come home. “No, it wasn’t. You did lie to me, though.” “Excuse me?” “This was way more fun than taking care of a puppy.”
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kpxp-layouts · 4 years
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jongup layouts !!!!! ♡
please like or reblog if saved
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byzeloforzelo · 4 years
When you stayed up until 4am to see a livestream but have to wake up at 6 to go to work so you question every single life choice you ever made.
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He is really a piece of shit. I wish he was kicked out of the group, before they disbanded. The only thing I pray for is that the other members are not still in contact with him. I am a big fan of Bang Yongguk and Moon Jongup. 
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bxngstxr · 4 years
BAP: "i want a baby" joke💬
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Running Into An Ex [Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun]
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Aria had a bad history of dating before she met Yongguk. She had a nasty habit of going back to her ex, Jacob, who had a history of cheating. She had told herself that he just made a mistake. That he loved her regardless. That he learned. However, after five years on and off, Aria put her foot down when she found her cousin in his bed and she called it quits for the last time. At first, he didn’t believe her, but then one day she applied to teach overseas and within a month and a half, she was on a flight to Seoul with her dog, Marky.
She spent the first year making friends, finding herself as she had long but forgotten, and along the way she stumbled upon Yongguk and it was an instant connection. However, she refused to date Yongguk after the experience she had with Jacob, but Yongguk didn’t sway from her. He didn’t bug her about it, but he made his feelings for her clear. It wouldn’t be until on night while the two were relaxing at a nearby park that Aria took the first step and kissed him.
Since then, Yongguk showed her nothing but love and trust that she had missed while dating Jacob. He showed her a world of color that she didn’t know existed. Aria’s world felt like the pieces were assembling and she felt so free and happy.
After two and a half years of dating, Aria and Yongguk flew to the US to her hometown to announce her engagement to Yongguk. She was glowing when she flashed her ring to her family who were just as happy as she was.
It wasn’t their first time in her hometown, but it was the first time in over two years of seeing her ex. An ex she had finally moved on from. The ex who was nothing but a ball in chain. During their stay, she took Yongguk to a cafe that she loved when she lived at home. It was there she ran into Jacob though at first she didn’t even realize it was him. He was chubbier than the last time, his hair was messy and he had an overgrown beard.
Aria held onto Yongguk’s upper arm as she convinced him to find them some chairs as she ordered the coffee. She made her way to the cashier and spoke her order.
“Ari?” She looked up at the cashier, who she hadn’t looked at the entire time she ordered, and her head tilted in confusion. The cashier’s grin fell, “Really baby? Don’t play dumb. I know it’s been almost 4 years, but seriously.”
“Oh, Jacob. Nice to see you again…” She forced a smile.
He leaned over the counter, “Why don’t we make up for old times? We’ve missed a lot…”
Aria let out an awkward laugh, one that Yongguk heard and knew he needed to be with her. A hand took hers as Yongguk stood beside her. “Sorry, I was just here to get some coffee with my fiance… So, if you could–ring it up?”
Jacob’s mouth fell open then his face twisted as he leaned back and punched in the order she repeated. His eyes glared daggers at Yongguk as he took her card and swiped it. “Here… enjoy.”
Aria took her card and Yongguk lead her to the seats he found. The moment they sat down, Yongguk’s face broke out into a smile as he laughed. Aria couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. She never saw herself so much as being without Jacob all those years ago, but now she was happier and loved than she ever had been before. She pressed her lips to Yongguk’s cheek, “I love you.”
Yongguk’s gummy smile grew before he pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss, “I love you more.” They ignored the glaring ex who watched them as he ignored the growing crowd.
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Amelia stared at her now husband, Himchan, as she sat beside him in the airport terminal. Her legs were folded on the chair as she held her head up in her hand that was supported by the chair. She felt bubbly and excited and none of it went unnoticed by Himchan.
Himchan twirled a part of her stray hair with his finger, “Why do you keep staring at me?”
She smiled shyly as she looked down at their rings, “I’m just still in awe.” She reach down and touched his wedding band, “We’re really married. It feels so surreal still.”
Himchan laughed and was about to reply when the intercom announced their boarding group. He got up and held out his hand to take hers, “Ready to go, wife?” A blush crossed her face as she took his hand and he led her to the boarding line.
As the plane reached altitude, Amelia and Himchan chatted away in their seats in the first class area. One of the flight attendants of the first class area approached the two as he made his rounds to take their drink orders. Himchan request two wine glasses. As the attendant returned with their glasses, he met Amelia’s eyes.
She cringed at the name. Only one person had ever called her that. She looked up at the flight attendant and her suspicions were confirms, “Miles, hey… Long time no see. You’re a flight attendant?”
He grinned, “Yea, I get to travel a lot. What have you been up to?”
She smiled and flashed him her wedding ring, “I just got married to this amazing man. We’re on our way to our honeymoon getaway.”
Miles gave Himchan a look of disgust, “Him? Really?”
Himchan smirked, “Yea, who are you?”
Miles gave Himchan a customer service smile, “I’m the one who was her first for everything.”
Himchan’s eyebrow twitched. He had heard about Miles. Amelia was his childhood friend before she dated him. However, their relationship soured after he rose his hand to her. He looked up at Miles and his jaw clenched as he took a breath. Himchan had always planned that if he saw Miles, he’d deck him. He took a sip of his wine and grimaced.
“I’m the one who she first loved. You really think she’s truly over me?”
“Miles” she warned noticing his anger rise.
“No, it’s fine love.” Himchan held his hand up to calm his wife. “While you start plotting on how you’ll try to steal my wife from me, we’d like to get better wine. This one has been tainted with your bitterness” Himchan grinned as he held up his wine glass. Amelia held back a laugh as Miles, unwillingly, took this wine glass and left to get a different drink. Himchan turned to his wife and rose his eyebrow,  “Well, you definitely know how to pick them. How on earth did you find that one?”
She rolled her eyes, “You’re so infuriating sometimes.”
He leaned over to her and chuckled, “But you love me.” She closed the gap between them as she kissed his lips. Himchan broke it suddenly as he remembered something, “You lied to me!” Amelia blinked in confusion. “You told me he was good looking. If that was good looking then I must be at the level of a god.”  
Amelia doubled over in laughter as Miles returned with the new wine glasses. Himchan took them both not sparing Miles another glance as he grinned at his laughing wife.
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There was a secret that Rory never told her long term boyfriend, Daehyun, about. It wasn’t that it was bad or anything, but she knew if he knew that he would possibly feel insecure and that was the last thing she wanted. Rory planned to bury her secret as long as she could, but unbeknownst to her, that secret was about to slip.
Daehyun and Rory were out near Seoul Station to catch the metro when she noticed a small crowd of girls squealing outside the station. “I wonder what’s going on…” Daehyun stopped and stared at the crowd.
Rory shrugged, “Maybe another idol is around here… We should go before we get spotted.” The crowd broke feet in front of them and Rory’s heart sank. She scoffed as she looked at the man who walked out of the crowd. He grinned brightly as he waved at them before his eyes fell on Rory. She immediately looked away trying not to draw his attention, “Let’s go catch the metro…” She tugged Daehyun’s hand.
However, he was starstruck. The Daniel Tate, actor and model, was standing right in front of him. He was someone that he really admired.
Daniel Tate was also the man that broke Rory’s heart when he left her because “she wasn’t good enough to be on his arm” when he grew in popularity in the US as an actor. Rory didn’t want to run into him. It wasn’t that she had lingering feelings, but she couldn’t help but dislike him. He was an arrogant asshole. “Dae–plea–”
“Rory! It is you!” Daniel jogged up to the couple and went straight up to her. “It’s been so long!” He hugged her, her hand slipped from Daehyun’s, and he twirled with her. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Rory got out of his arms as she touched the ground and stepped away from him, “So I’ve been told…” she replied coolly. The crowd began to gather around the trio and she looked back to see confusion etched on Daehyun’s face.
“Well, I’m here for a movie! Maybe we can get some dinner together. It’s been so long and I missed you.”
Rory shook her head, “That’ll be a hard pass. I don’t think going out with an ex would be smart.” She took Daehyun’s hand in his and it didn’t go unnoticed by Daniel.
He flashed Daehyun a strained smile, “Hey, sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Daniel Tate. Yes, THE Daniel Tate. I’m Rory’s ex-boyfriend. And you are?”
“Daehyun. He’s my boyfriend. Also a singer” she cut in knowing what he was doing.
He let out a hum, “Never heard of you” he turned from her, “Listen babe, maybe we can meet up and rekindle our relationship. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you all these years apart.”
Rory said nothing as she tugged Daehyun’s hand to get his attention. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn’t know how to react. “Let’s catch the metro…” he whispered not looking at Daniel or Rory. He guided her away and she let out a breath of relief not knowing the internal conflict Daehyun went through after that run in.
Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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lunnanunna · 5 years
I'm literally crying!
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I miss B.A.P! I'm glad that they're all doing well now, but I still miss them! Watching Daehyun (my bias) perform... well I'm on the floor now bawling. The song gave me B.A.P vibes. And the matoki lightstick in the corner...! Babyz always supporting the boys! Okay, I'm gonna go cry again, bye!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
BAP: ~Baby Grind On Me~
It’s late at night and Yongguk isn’t quite sure if he wants to actually do stuff, but he is also kind of turned on. He has his hand on your hip and is slowly grinding his cock against you. His breath his heavy and he kisses you slowly from time to time. He might whisper something dirty while he tries to decide if tonight is going to be that type of night or not.  He most certainly sports an erection, but wether he puts it to use is still up for grabs. 
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Deahyun is getting worked up from just making out with you. So you bet he is going to seek out some friction for his aching erection. He’s pulled your body against his own and his pelvis is working and rolling for all he is worth. He moans into the kisses you share and will do his best to work you out of your clothes. 
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Youngjae has got you pressed agaisnt the wall, his pelvis working against yours. He’s missed you so much. And his need is mighty. He can’t wait to get the bed, are you crazy! He will have you right here, right now. And getting you out of your clothes is just second prio. 
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You’ve been teasing him all damn day. Jongup is done with your shaningans. He pins you down, holds your hands above your head and goes to absolute town grinding on you. You are reduced to whines and whimpers and Jongup is not going to be giving in any time soon.
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He is showing off, pressing you against the mirrors of the dance hall. He grinds against your ass, his hands down your trousers. Everything about this is well practised and absolutely perfect. Junhong knows precicely what he is doing. 
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14 notes · View notes