#hind does br
rosepaige · 7 years
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tough-bit-of-fluff · 3 years
"Self-Reflection on My Self's Reflection or, Do Foxes Tire of Time-Worn Tropes?"
“Pink...everything is...pink. By. The. Twelve. Has all the world….gone pink!?”
Aly flipped her hair out of her face, laughing in her normal voice instead of the overly-theatrical faux-masculine one she had used a moment before. Glancing in the mirror and seeing her attempts at styling were already mussed beyond easy repair, she scrabbled at her hair with both hands, to tease it up into further heights of disordered fluffitude. Pink strands tinged with light blue now stood out in all directions from her head, the points of her long, furry ears barely visible above the mass.
“Okay, Fetch.” She crouched down to address the fox sitting primly on the floor of the small, slightly ramshackle airship, The Four Winds, beside her. “Remember to make a wish, before you blow the seeds off this unusual but strangely alluring pink dandelion, and scatter its seeds alllll across Eorzea.” She pointed at her recently-enfloofened hair, and gestured broadly with an open palm to indicate, no, really, ALL across Eorzea. 
“Just imagine, little me’s sprouting up in every city-state. It’ll be the cutest AND most combat-ready invasive species!” She laughed again, imagining the potential mayhem. “Unless you somehow managed to like. Send out fox-spores or whatever. Then that one wins, hands-down. No one will suspect the lethality and sheer cunning of the adorable fox-weeds until it’s toooo late! All of Eorzea will be within the grasp of your many slender snoots!”
Fetch lifted aforementioned snoot slightly, perhaps to watch a moth fluttering past the hanging lantern, or perhaps to affect a more majestic air befitting a conqueror. Whatever the motivation, the effect was achieved nevertheless.
Alyona grinned wide and tossed Fetch a hearty thumbs-up, before bouncing up out of her crouch, stretching her arms and tail as far as they would go, arching and flexing her back, and then turning to look in the mirror. 
“I know you don’t need my approval, Fetchie, but I need yours,” she said, raking her fingers this way and that in an attempt to tame the fluffy pink mane. “Do you like my hair parted on the left side? Or the right?”
The fox tilted her head in apparent consideration, and then began scratching her left ear with her hind paw.
“Left side, got it! Your advice is invaluable as always.” Aly wasn’t sure where Kail Gerrad, the tough old pirate who was Fetch’s person, had wandered off to, or why the fox was roaming around the airship on her own, but she was glad of what company the oddly attentive animal could provide.
The miqo’te leaned forward to examine her reflection more closely, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she struggled to open a barrette with a resin paissa affixed to it. Her eyebrows raised in realization, and her mouth opened in a wide grin, showing her fangs.
“Oh! This is that part of the story where the heroine examines herself in the mirror, so the readers can know what she looks like and what is on her mind. It’s a well-worn literary device, Fetch. Some might say TOO well-worn, but you know what? I say it’s a classic for a reason!”
Aly clipped her hair into place and gave an “eh, good enough” shrug at her reflection. “Here’s the important question, Fetch: what IS on my mind?”
The fox paused her scratching to give a huff that sounded almost scornful. “If you don’t know, woman, how on earth am I, a fox, supposed to?” is what it seemed to Aly to convey.
“Ha, fair enough, Fetchie, fair enough,” Aly said, as though replying to an actual statement the fox had made. 
“Well, let’s start with the appearance then! Okay so. I have these big ol’ gray eyes, which are great at noticing things. They’re not shrewd gray eyes, or flinty gray eyes, so that tells you something about the nature of my character. They’re,” she paused to make a series of increasingly bizarre faces in the mirror, furrowing her brow, arching one eyebrow, opening her eyes so wide it looked like they might disengage from the rest of her head. 
“Soft,” she wrinkled her nose, dissatisfied with what character traits that might denote, “And curious,” she nodded. “These eyes say to the onlooker, this person does not NECESSARILY know what is going on. But, she is canny enough to *know* she doesn’t know, and savvy enough to try and find out.”
Aly gave another thumbs-up and a grin. “Yeah! We’re doin’ it, Fetch! Introspection Experts Beg Protagonists To Identify Their Defining Traits With This One Weird Trick.”
“Umm, what else. Rounded cheeks, perhaps denoting my youthful enthusiasm?” She smooshed a finger into the soft curve. “Or at least my enthusiasm for like, cheesecake?” She shrugged. 
“And a cute little chin signifying,” she paused a moment, frowning. The chin, what did it signify? Was a chin sometimes just a chin? “Oh! That I am agreeable but can be very decisive when necessary!” 
Aly beamed and pumped her fist in the air. “Man, I am a natural at this! I should open a consulting business, telling people what character traits they have, based on my assessment of their appearance!” Aly sat with that idea for a moment, arms folding across her chest. She shifted from foot to foot.
The woman grimaced, and scratched the back of her neck. She looked chagrined. “I….should NOT open such a business, for reasons that should have been immediately clear to me, but, now revealed, are better left unsaid.”
She waved away her embarrassment. “That’s not how these scenes work anyway! They have to emerge organically. You can’t force someone to undergo character growth,” she laughed. 
She narrowed her eyes and growled into the mirror dramatically, “Though by the Twelve I try.” She slapped her fist into her palm for emphasis.
Aly beamed again at the fun she was having, and her tail waved merrily behind her. “What next. Ears? I have pretty ears. They’re real soft. Though not as pretty and soft as yours, Fetch, no no no, I would never suggest! What inner complexities do you find that they reveal to the perceptive, Fetchie? Or has anyone even taken notice? Don’t worry, the right ones will come along,” she reassured the animal, nodding. The fox’s tongue lolled from the corner of its mouth. Fetch’s face was not that of a forest creature who was overly concerned.
Aly turned her head at various angles, watching the shifts in light and shadow on her face. Her hand wandered up to stroke the edge of one of her own ears. A goofy grin spread across her face, in both recognition and enjoyment of the absurd gesture.
“Mmm,” she said, closing her eyes and smiling. “It actually is pretty nice, even this way. Though still not the same.” She opened her eyes and tapped her cheek thoughtfully. “Oh! The takeaway here is perhaps that I am the kind of person who is aware that her ears are soft and pretty, and cares which way the light falls on her face to create the desired dramatic effect. I am surprisingly filled with artifice!” she observed cheerily. 
She held up a finger, adding, “AND self-awareness! And and, winning! I am full of winning, Fetch.” 
Fetch gave the woman a flat look that indicated she was certainly full of something.
“I can’t see what look you’re giving me right now so I’ll have to assume it’s more of that approval,” said Aly, who, with the mirror, absolutely could see that was not the case.
“Of course,” she said, lifting up her shirt, “This callback serves not only to point out my delightful cheeky sarcasm,” (the shirt covered Aly’s face at this moment, so she could not see Fetch’s reaction to this declaration) “But to recognize that I am not entirely kidding about craving recognition and even acceptance from a fox, which really calls into question a number of my other judgment calls.”
“Oh well!” She chirped, casting her blouse to the floor. “Now we get to see how many paragraphs we spend discussing the appearance of my br-” Aly broke off, tilting her head curiously, and running her fingers over a spot on her side.
“Huh,” she said. “I have a scar there. A small, cute scar. But totally a scar.” She used her thumb and forefinger to measure its size, then brought the measurement up in front of her face. Her eyes crossed a little as she looked at it. 
Aly pursed her lips, then reached down to her thigh-high boot. She pulled out a knife, which she held up first to her fingers, then to the old wound.
“Oh, yeah. I definitely got stabbed,” Aly asserted, nodding confidently. Sheathing her knife, she pressed her fingers into her side with her left hand to feel her ribs, and put the palm of her right hand flat against her chest, over her heart. “I almost got stabbed to death!” The miqo’te’s level of enthusiasm for this macabre revelation might have seemed to Fetch to be entirely out of proportion, had the fox not been absorbed with the pressing task of worrying at her svelte right haunch with her tiny teeth.
Aly was ready to move on with her whimsical self-assessment, but her fingers kept wandering back to the scar. Probing it, examining it. Imagining what it must have felt like. She frowned slightly. Well of course she’d been stabbed before, there was nothing significant about that. She’d been injured in combat multiple times in the past month alone. Scrapes, bruises, cuts. That desperate Ala Mhigan’s spear had taken a while to heal from. But the fact was that she had healed. She was fast to recover, and not prone to developing lasting, visible scar tissue. Not prone to taking a hit someplace so vulnerable, someplace she would have rolled and twisted and fought to protect in combat.
She moistened her dry lips. “I think,” she said slowly, “I wasn’t stabbed in combat.” She took a moment to mull over what that might mean.
“They said I was a spy, Fetch,” she said, crouching down to retrieve her discarded blouse. “In those folders and files we found at the secret base. Dossiers! That’s the word. It, it was the Garleans! It could have been a trick, or just plain wrong. But…” Aly twisted the fabric in her hands. Fetch yawn-whined, and padded to Alyona’s side, resting her tawny chin on the girl’s thigh.
Aly had already averted her gaze from the mirror, but it was too late to stop the tide of unbidden reflection, as ever more stories about herself came flooding into her mind. You’re the kind of person who can’t tell friend from foe. You’re the kind of person who lets her guard down even when it doesn’t make sense to do it. Someone tricked you into believing you were safe with them. You probably tricked other people into thinking they were safe with you, too. You’re the kind of person who tells lies and gets lied to, do you even know which of your stories are true? You’re the kind of person who can’t leave well enough alone. You refuse to look at what’s in front of you, and when you finally do, you won’t look at anything else. How many people are going to get hurt before-
Fetch whined again, and Aly absently stroked the fox’s head. The feel of the fur against her fingers grounded her, interrupted her racing thoughts. Impulsively, she hugged the creature, an act which the elegant fox bore stoically. Fetch gave the miqo’te an appraising look, as if to say, “Well? What have we concluded?”
Aly rose to her feet, and pulled the now-wrinkled blouse back over her head. “We’ve concluded,” she answered the imagined question, “That I’m the kind of person who almost got killed, maybe in combat, maybe by someone close to me, but, that’s not going to stop me from fighting. That’s not going to stop me from getting close to people! I love people, I will never stop that!” She stamped her foot for emphasis, and her booted heel thudded against the wood of the floorboards. She liked the dramatic sound it made, so she did it again.
“The girl smiled,” Aly narrated aloud, breaking into a grin on her own command. She didn’t turn to look at it in the mirror, however. “She didn’t know a lot about who she had been, but, little by little, she was finding out, who she is.”
Aly nodded in satisfaction. “Well? Whatcha think, Fetch? Would you read a book about this character? Or is she consigned to the discount bin?”
The fox was nowhere in sight. Perhaps the stomping had scared her away, or perhaps she had found the scene too self-indulgent by half.
Aly heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Everyone’s a critic,” she lamented, but she said no more about it. This time, she was not even talking to a fox. @teahousetales @erstwhile25
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maceingeweihter · 3 years
The greater lie in Buddhism is that we are more powerful than we are. In modern sight of it is Theosophy. God hates this belief, belief that we are all consciousness of God. Small pieces of God spread about in men. And the gnostic Catholic take it this way, when they greet a homeless man they say that they have greeted Christ. Is Christ divided among unbelievers? His Holy Spirits dwell within the Christian. This is why they look different. But not even we, whi have God's Holy Spirit within, are to be called God. We are the 4th man (men). Almost like a 4th official. And... I like it this way.
It's not common place (historically) for religions to hold this view "we are Gods." Think of Alexander the Great, who almost was killed by his troops near Samarkand. He attempted to say "I am a God!" Egypt however held to men as Gods.
But we know minor Gods (sons of God / angels) belong above as servants of the Most High, Christ Jesus. This is why Egyptian religion (Sun worship) is hopeless. Their man gods all died. . . (Insert Peabody and Sherman mem) In times they (Gods) visit men and in times they left their places in heaven to sleep with women. (Insert Nephilim game advertisement)
They are like fire and can shapeshift to appear human. They are not yo be worshipped. They can not even look on God without hiding their faces. But who are we?
I have been marvelling at marriage. Sex and the idea of marriage in heaven. God said in the future the Christian's will br raised up to inherit a body like a angel. And to those he called he gave rights to "become like angels" (Son's of God.) Now to those who are not bastards (fake Christian's) we already call ourselves "children" of God. But at the 2nd resurrection we will be given a metaphysical body that can shapeshift. We shall be like angels. Super, heroic, extra human.
Don't like your body here? That's OK to be honest. These bodies rot and decay. They are the focus more often than not. And if you love your body but dislike attention, perhaps you can put on a different image. The sons of God (angels) can do so and Jesus promissed this to those who are worthy (of being found in his book of life) will have eternal bodies like Angels.
What would you shapeshift into? Do you think we can fly if we want to in heaven? Would your try to prank anyone if you can shapeshift in heaven? All kinds of questions!
Interestingly enough, the angel (God) of this world, the serpent SATAN lost his ability to shapeshift. He got stuck inside of a body he haunted. A dragon. And God removed his hind legs. He naturally crawls around like Ivar the Boneless. "Devouring" men who make pacts for power. That is when he's not flying Air SATAN. He must have more private jets than AL GORE.
The devil is a God who still does count as a God (angel) messenger. For a bit longer. After the great earthquake(s) several things will happen, but one of them is that the Devil will be kicked out of Heaven as the lawyer (executor) againsts the saints. Essentially he gets fired and becomes angry. His sentence (1000 years of bottomless pit) is coming sooner, but surely not until the majority (95%+?) of the saints (salt and light) are killed by the sea Beast's government (supported by the men who follow MYSTERY). It is suitable we should be brought to perfect unity by dying together. Hold eachothers hands. We shall go together.
Perhaps this is all the dream of the train is. A giant train where we all must lay down and be killed. So, it's borrowed time on earth, but the man who obeys the Father (and serves Christ only) shall live forever. Today is another slowed down moment and the future has already occured (written before time.)
While it is a struggle to not "worry" this ignorant condition of the sinful world hurts me. Not just that people get hurt, starve, face slavery; but that humans after must be sentenced based on their deeds (and whether their name is found before the LAMB)
Can you write forged notes to BILLY GRAHAM cracker people into heaven? It's better to obey... I lose nothing for meeting people in this world halfway. But to not warn them (dilligently through study) of the severity of their sin is like giving half a haircut. The sinner should not be saved like some WILLY WONKA give away.
Have you ever turned from all your sin? Forsake your ways and follow the leader. Or follow the leader. Mostly men need other men to teach their women (pastors, life coaches, positive messages) but some men are lead wholly by other guides, their (pastors, life coaches, positive messages).
Well, onto the SF FUTURISTIC? It's all "sealed" from angels. we have a cheat code to see already. Forsight is always 20/20 when God promises to complete something it only will occur that way... Next POST SF IDEATION
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
November 13, 2018: 2:39 pm:
November 13, 2018: 3:15 pm:<br><br>I want say something about the JP Morgan C... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-11-13 15:39:13-0800 - Updated: 2018-11-13 15:39:13-0800
November 13, 2018: 3:15 pm: I want say something about the JP Morgan Chase Bank in Grants Pass Oregon. They have two or more branches in Grants Pass, one at 151 Midland Avenue at the corner of 7th Street and one inside the Fred Meyer Department Store at 1111 Grants Pass Parkway. What I want to say here includes interest earned from transactions made by online banking customers. The way the terrorists are making money with the online banking is such that when a online bank user of the JP Morgan Chase Bank system makes a transaction to pay bills, the debited amount is taken from the account immediately. This sounds as if it is the way it is supposed to be, however, it is not, and is a terrorist, financial, criminal activity that has been going on for a long time. The amount debited with an online payment at Chase Bank is debited immediately from the account holders balance. Also, the amount debited has not gone to the place that is being paid with the transfer. The recipient of the debited amount does not receive the payment credit for up to ten days. Very few payments are made in just one day, most take six days, and some take ten days to reach the recipient of the online payment. So, money balance leaves the account holders balance amount, and where is it? It is not in the account that belongs to the account holder who made the payment, the amount is debited immediately and that fact is mad clear at teh online banking center for JP Morgan Chase Bank at the close of the transaction session. The word "Funded", appears next to the information showing the amount, and to whom the payment was made. Also, at the close of the transaction session, the balance amount of the account holder reflects that transactions made during a payment session have been deducted immediately from the account and are not available. Also, the recipient of the payments made during a transaction session have not received the payment credit amount. The money transfer is diverted to some intermediate account at the banking supervisory level. Those transactions are earning interest while in that limbo staged account area. The individual account holders do not receive the interest income for  that period of time, typically six days. When considering how many online transactions are made nationwide with JP Morgan Chase Bank online, and all of that "limbo" balance for six days or so, the interest generated would be substantial. Terrorism at the JP Morgan Chase Bank does not stop at "limbo" interest transactions. It is far worse and includes snuff movies made inside of the vault at the Midland Branch. Read about that on other entries to this page if interested in stopping terrorism and the killing of American Citizens.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-11-13 21:23:17-0800 - Updated: 2018-11-13 22:02:11-0800
November 13: 2018: 8:45 pm: More attacks on my home today. Mostly the attackers were staged at the Nathan Phillips Vatican terrorist training center at 520 "MyStreet", but included terrorists from 598 and from the house where the donkeys live behind mine on Russel Road. Lorena Chapman, "The Priestess", of 3701 was briefly involved and used a horse to ride around while releasing Nitrous Oxide/Versed gas. These attacks are directly in response to my efforts to get help on the Twitter social media platform. My account there was blocked at Twitter today after making an explanatory statement to the Department of Homeland Security account on Twitter. I cannot reach conventional means of getting help. What I want to say with this entry is about observance and recognition of the threat of Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas. Some of the way I am able to know about the presence of the gas is by knowing how animals behave. Animals in the woods here behave differently when there is gas around then when the air is clear. Deer will just lay down almost anywhere when the gas is around. The deer will usually find a cover of trees to lay o=in when gas is not present. The deer will also move away from pedestrians and cars when there is no gas, but will linger when there is gas in the air. The deer also tend to use there mouths to clean there hind area more often when the gas is around, the bend themselves in contorted ways when there is gas, not so much when the air is clear. Birds do not fly when there is gas, the flutter, they stay low, they walk and stumble and fall over when there is gas in the air. The birds will fall out of the trees and onto the ground if the gas is thick, and when they fall, they flutter around, you have to know a bit about the birds to recognize the normal way they behave, and differentiate that with the gas effected birds behavior. Today, I saw a Pileated Woodpecker fall from a tall tree while making it's trademark bird-call that sounds like laughter. I also saw a squirrel fall fro, a tree. The squirrel had been in the tree silent, then was making that throaty noise they make, then fell onto the ground and walked into the roadway and laid down. When fighting against terrorist with the gas while walking, I have a Bic Lighter in my hand always. As I walk, I lite the lighter briefly, one second or two seconds of lighter use. As I do this, with the lighter in my right hand, I extend my arm to the left side and waist high, then light the lighter, I move my arm at a moderate speed from left to right at waist high or lower, the gas is heavy, stays low mostly. I keep doing this every fifty feet or so as a go for a walk and have been for a long time, it is necessary for survival. As the lighter is moved from left to right, I take notice of the flame it makes. If the flame is small, normal, there is no gas around. If the flame turns blue, becomes extended, or appears to leave the confines of the lighter itself, then I know there is gas around, and more importantly, there is a terrorist with poison gas trying to kill me. The use of the lighter is necessary while grocery shopping, the terrorists took over the grocery stores and kill people inside the stores. That is what the lighter is for. To protect from being killed or taken prisoner by the terrorists who use the gas. There are many thousands of terrorists using Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture to kill Americans in Oregon. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter! When the gas ignites, a terrorist also ignites. They are killed as a result of ignition. The terrorist gas tanks are internally holstered, and ignition makes the tank rupture within their bodies, they "Burst". Also, if the tank ignites, there us an equal possibility that the terrorist carrying the gas will "Launch", like a rocket. They disappear very quickly when that happens. Some times the terrorists will violently go up and back down and back up and back down crashing into whatever there is around. When that happens, the locals call it "fart circles", it's gruesome to see, like a human balloon that is going around and hitting stuff. It gets bloody when that happens. When the terrorists "burst", they expand. Their clothes tear open and there is a loud screeching sound that can be heard a long distance away. The sound is not from screaming, it's the sound of tearing skin and clothing combined and it is gruesome once you know what makes that sound. The terrorists that burst from nitrous ignition, their intestines come out if their mouths, and from other places that their skin has torn. If you have gone deep sea fishing and seen what happens when you reel in a cod fish from deep water, then that is similar to the intestines coming from the mouths of the bursting terrorist with nitrous oxide tanks internally holstered look like. That description of terrorists bursting is tame compared to the description I could give of what I know happens to the American Citizens that are tortured by these people. The reason terrorism is called terrorism is a result of what they do to the Americans they capture. Igniting the tank of terrorist posses only very little risk of injury to the persons who are defending. You could get hit with a flying terrorist, I have, and it;s like a football player blocking you in a game. Or, if the terrorist bursts, you could get some bodily fluids on you, I have, it's not a big deal. You cannot get burned or catch on fire from a terrorist with gas that is ignited. But a terrorist with gas who uses it successfully to make you pass out, will kill you. You must light the m up or die trying. They never are alone, there are always more than one, and they are connected to other via electronic communication. There are many thousands of terrorists in Oregon, and they kill American citizens with impunity every day. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter!.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-11-13 21:29:19-0800
November 13, 2018: 9:27 pm: This is what happened one second after exposing some terrorist information with the Department of Homeland Security at their Twitter account today. Twitter shuts down the accounts of people who report and expose terrorism.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-11-13 22:14:21-0800
November 13, 2018: 10:09 pm: This is a typical tank used by terrorists to carry Nitrous Oxide.Versed airborne gas. These are plumbers tools, they are normally used by plumbers to do required testing and other needs to isolate a section of plumbing while working on it. It's called a "Plumbers Test Ball" and comes in a variety of sizes. The terrorists typically use these in a four inch by sixteen inch size, some use larger ones, some use smaller ones. They are installed rectally and filled to pressure with gas after installation. The hose on the end is modified in ways that suit the terrorists to release the gas, and the metal chain is removed for terrorist uses.
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em-6103 · 7 years
Husband does not mean a male Wife does not mean a female Girlfriend does not mean girl Boyfriend does not mean boy
The gender doesn’t matter An extra body part doesn’t change you It doesn’t make you better Nor does it make you worse
It’s not right to judge a person By their gender By any changes they made By anything
It’s just not right To hurt someone To hurt anyone Because of their gender
For gender is just an outside It’s not the real you It’s just society’s way Of defining people
People try so hard everyday to hind who they are, whether it’s their personality or who they like. Many still don’t agree with people who like the same gender and will bully them to “fix” them. It’s not a disease to like another boy or girl. Love is a strong feeling that’s important and doesn’t judge so we should do the same. I’m sorry if this goes agains your beliefs but it’s what’s more important to me and many other people. Don’t judge because of one little thing. Don’t hurt someone for loving who they want. Don’t try to “fix” then because in the end they’re already perfect.
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rosepaige · 7 years
I voted for boddirook :)
thank you!! :)
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stewartry · 7 years
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Persuasion - Jane Austen
I say this a lot, but it's been a very long time since I read Persuasion. I know the movie (Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root, for me the only one worth watching) very very well, and it was a pure joy to be reminded of how utterly and beautifully faithful it is to the book, and another joy to be reminded of all of the elements that did not make it into the film. Karen Savage's reading was lovely and just enhanced my enjoyment of the story.
I wonder if the book's title came from the prevalence of the word throughout the text, or if Miss Austen went back and threaded different forms of "persuade" into it afterward. (Wikipedia's messy article on the book (really, if someone's read Austen I would have thought that meant they could use proper English) indicates that the book was untitled at Jane Austen's death and that her brother named it – therefore, I guess, the former.) It's a pernicious little word, and quiet in its poison. Nineteen-year-old Anne was not bullied into giving Frederick up, nor ordered to do so, nor forced – nothing so loud and against her will. No, it's worse: she was persuaded. Lady Russell poured poison into her ear and sweetly nudged and subtly herded and full only of concern for Anne and only in her best interests steered her away from him until Anne bent to her will, became convinced that such a marriage would be bad not only for her and her family but also for him, and she turned him away. I don't doubt but that was quite a bit less quiet.
I like Anne, a great deal. She was, I think, not so much weak as pliant and obliging when she was young; she retains some of that pliability, but the pain she has lived with for eight years has woken her up and steeled her spine. She is willing and content to do for others, even those who are tiresome or who require rather than request, but she has a mind of her own, and it's a good one.
I don't know if I would love Wentworth without Ciaran Hinds's interference; I would like him, at least, and sympathize with him; I don't think it would be a Boromir-saved-by-Sean-Bean situation. He sounds like he was a bit free-wheeling when he was younger and courting Anne – he made a good deal of money and spent it, though Miss Austen declines to say on what. He does not seem to be a gambler of any sort; my semi-informed guess would be that he spent it on things he liked and on his sister and brother and friends.
I despise Lady Russell. I said so on a Goodreads Austen group, and was (genteelly, as befits an Austen group) jumped on for it and in all ways declared to be in the wrong. ("She stops the marriage with Wentworth because she cares so much for Anne and wants to protect her. Wentworth is penniless, was about to go to war and could have died.") I backed off, thinking my opinion must be faulty because it was based mainly on the film and not the book; the movie, I thought, must have slanted the character to encourage my dislike.
But it didn't. Listening to the book, I was a little surprised – and a little gratified – to find that while Lady Russell has to her credit a genuine affection and care for Anne, she is every bit as ludicrously snobbish and closed-minded as I thought – as much so, in fact, as Sir Walter himself. She. Ruined. Anne's. Life. Eight years of it, at least, and her interference was only remedied by chance. Also: Frederick's life, ruined. For eight years, both of them existed in some degree of misery because of Lady Russell. She took their love lightly, counted it as far less important than Anne's countenance and position, and never took into consideration the fact that in her concern for Anne's future security she was thoroughly sabotaging Anne's present and future happiness.
Was Lady Russell well-meaning? Of course. I never questioned that she honestly loved Anne. Was Lady Russell wrong? In theory, no. In practice, very much so. And in the end, criminally. The article I link there talks about how Lady R was trying to save Anne from making the same mistake as her mother – but she did not, apparently, trouble herself to determine that Frederick was very different from Sir Walter Elliot, nor that feeling ran deep on both sides. Anne might have had eight years of worrying over Frederick being injured or killed in the wars, but in the end …
Was Anne at fault as well? Of course. But she was nineteen years old. And it wasn’t a 19 comparable in any way to 19 years old today; it was a sheltered 19 used to being guided by her guardians, unused to having her voice heard or heeded. She relied on Lady Russell as she would have her own mother. And Lady Russell was dead set against Wentworth.
Put it this way: if she had continued to allow herself to be guided – to be persuaded – by Lady Russell at the age of 27 there's a damn good possibility she would have shortly found herself married to Mr. Elliot; that good lady despised him as much as Sir Walter in the beginning, and swung entirely over to his side with surprising quickness. Despite what she knew of his past, she saw an agreeable face and manners and an evidently decent fortune and set her persuasiveness to the end of pushing Anne toward him as she had pushed her away from Wentworth. If Wentworth had been married; if he had indicated he couldn't stand the sight of Anne; if Anne had fallen out of love with him; if she had not at that moment had Wentworth filling her eyes and heart Anne might have been once more persuaded. And that would have turned the story into a tragedy.
Another part of that discussion on Goodreads that completely shocked me was about how Wentworth victimized Anne – "8 years after what happened between them, Wentworth did not forget, he came back to avenge for his broken heart; 8 years is more than enough to forget and forgive! Wentworth was decided to hurt Anne. He was indulged with the Miss Musgroves though he had no intentions of going beyond flirtations. He did it to rub it in Anne's face" …
I didn't fight it then and there; I did protest, and happily was backed up by someone else; but, again, I didn't go into detail because I wasn't entirely sure of my ground, and my partisanship for Frederick Wentworth is obviously influenced by my infatuation with Ciaran Hinds in the role. Who knew but that the movie whitewashed Frederick a bit and slandered Lady R? Well. It didn't. Wentworth re-emerged into Anne's life because he had little choice in the matter. He could have shirked it, told his sister that he had to be elsewhere – but he's not that kind of man, and besides which they were renting the Elliots' house for an extended period. He had to know he wasn't going to be able to avoid the Elliots for the whole time, and – in keeping with his character indicated by his naval actions and advancement – he did not try to avoid it, letting very little time pass before he entered the fray and went to visit his sister. Was he rather cutting with her? Sure. It would take a saint to refrain completely from at least a few cutting remarks. She broke his heart eight years ago and he has not found anyone else in the intervening time to mend it. He genuinely loved her: "I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant." "Weak and resentful" – he admits it, he was unforgiving when they first met, and he has regretted it. But eight years is hardly "more than enough to forget and forgive" – anyone writing that has never had deep feelings for someone. She wronged him in such a way as to wreck both their lives. Eight years is nothing at all with that kind of pain.
"…He had no intentions of going beyond flirtations". Nonsense. He had built himself a successful career, and now in this time of peace all he hears is "you'll be finding yourself a wife soon, of course!" He had been severely hurt by Anne, and my guess would be that he had no intention of even thinking about considering the least notion of courting her, ever again. She was never demonstrative, and was still working her way through her own feelings, so she could not and would not and did not offer him any sort of encouragement. And there at the Musgroves' and most certainly in Lyme, with two pretty girls flinging themselves at him (literally, in the case of Louisa) and Anne very much not flinging herself at him, how could he not entertain the idea that one of these girls was a possibility? He was expected to settle down; he had a desire to settle down. He was … persuaded … that he ought to choose a wife and, since he could not apparently have the love of his life it might as well be the bright and vivacious Louisa, not least because everyone around him (including Louisa) took it as read. Then silly Louisa fell, and he saw how Anne reacted in the crisis – both the immediate emergency and in the trying days after – and gauged her reactions to him, and doesn't seem to have given Louisa, much less her sister, another thought. I believe he gave some serious thought to the Musgrove sisters – which is my belief if for no other reason than that it would be a rather repulsive man who would toy with two young girls just to get back at an old flame, and Anne would not continue to love an ugly-spirited man.<br /><br />What, I wonder, would have happened if Frederick Wentworth had returned to Anne's life under different circumstances? As a lowly lieutenant or commander, not having caught the luck and bounties that Captain Wentworth could rejoice in? Would Anne have been strong enough to see that he still loved her, and to accept a renewal of his courtship?
In the end, Lady Russell does redeem herself. She is forced to face the fact that she was wrong – about Wentworth, about Elliot, about Anne.
The only one among them whose opposition of feeling could excite any serious anxiety was Lady Russell. Anne knew that Lady Russell must be suffering some pain in understanding and relinquishing Mr. Elliot, and be making some struggles to become truly acquainted with, and do justice to Captain Wentworth. This, however, was what Lady Russell had now to do. She must learn to feel that she had been mistaken with regard to both; that she had been unfairly influenced by appearances in each; that because Captain Wentworth's manners had not suited her own ideas, she had been too quick in suspecting them to indicate a character of dangerous impetuosity; and that because Mr. Elliot's manners had precisely pleased her in their propriety and correctness, their general politeness and suavity, she had been too quick in receiving them as the certain result of the most correct opinions and well-regulated mind. There was nothing less for Lady Russell to do, than to admit that she had been pretty completely wrong, and to take up a new set of opinions and of hopes.
One note I can't resist making in counterpoint to the article in defense of Lady Russell:
When Lady Russell objects to Frederick’s having “no connexions to secure even his farther rise in” the navy, we should not interpret this as an example of her “value for rank and consequence” (11). (It is interesting to speculate that Frederick must have never mentioned to anyone other than Anne during his initial visit to Somersetshire that he had a naval “connexion” in his sister, the wife of Admiral Croft. Mrs. Croft says in 1814 that she has been married for fifteen years and thus would have been married to the admiral for seven years by 1806.)
He wasn't necessarily an admiral as yet in 1806.
If for no other reason, Persuasion is one of my favorite books because it contains one of my favorite passages, one of my favorite letters, fictional or non.  
Frederick: I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W. I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never.
Such a letter was not to be soon recovered from.
I imagine not.
~View all my reviews~
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taleofomni · 6 years
Layer upon Layer to Make a World for the Player
Hello all,
I know it has been a while, but now I, the Architect, am back with another blog post. And in today's blog post I will touch upon some of the recent changes, I have made to the game, to allow for a more vivid world for Omni (and the player) to explore. And as the title might suggest, it is all about layers!
GameMaker:Studio 2 and Layers
So, for the readers not knowing, we are using GameMaker:Studio 2 as our engine for Tale of Omni. In GMS2, parts of a game like levels and menus are typically divided into "rooms" (kinda like scenes in Unity, for reference), and unlike earlier versions of GameMaker, objects, tiles and other resources a placed in "layers" which also decides the order of which these resources are drawn onto the screen.
To make the environment of Tale of Omni look alive, I use quite a few tile layers, most of which I have ordered in different folders along the layer list as seen in the screenshot below.
This ordering allows me control over where elements are placed in relation to the player and other objects. Also note the "temp_fade" background layer between "bottom_tiles" and "background_tiles". This background is a transparent black color, which makes me able to visually differentiate between background tiles and the rest.
I will speak more of this later in the post. Now, back to the layer list: Inside each of my tile folders, I have a variety of similarly named tile layers, which is where the actual tiles go.
Except for the layer names' prefix "top_", which changes across the folders, the names of all the layers are the exact same. This allows me to easily manage the tiles through code, as I will further describe later. Now let us begin making everything look alive! I have set up the beginnings of a small area of the game with a huge tree.
Beginning from the background tile layers, I start out filling in leaves for the tree. Note that I place the leaves on the dedicated "foliage" layers (top and bottom), but not on the "foliage_static" layer.
Now while working the background, we might as well add a little extra tiles around the area to break up some of the repeated tiles.
Next up I move to the foreground/"top" layers, as I want the remainder of the leaves to be on top of everything. To make leaves overlap, I add a few more layers. Except for the end number, these layers all share the same name.
When I am satisfied with the tree, I go across different layers and add more tiles around the scene. A few mushrooms, flowers and bushes.
Shaders and Scripts
Now, tiles alone is all fine and good, but I don't want the nature to look static. Therefore, in a specific object's room start event, I have the following code (the event, and thus the code, will run once a new room is entered).
The first part may be ignored, as this is used for other purposes. The interesting code is the code starting from "//Background blending". Here I tell GMS2 to make the "temp_fade" layer invisible, so that it does not darken everything in the background. I do not want all of the background to be darkened, but I still want the tiles to be, so I go through the background tile layers using a few loops and apply a darkening shader to them. This is where it is especially nice to use easily recognizable and structured names for the layers.
Next up I find all the foliage layers, again using a series of loops, and then I apply another shader to these. But because this shader needs game variables to be passed, I instead give the layers scripts to run before and after drawing. These scripts simply sets and resets the shaders, but also they pass the proper variables to the shader. The background foliage layers gets a unique script, as it needs to both animate the foliage but also darken the tiles, as it is a background element.
End Result
Now, while the scene still needs some tweaking (I think, for example, I added a few too many leaf clusters), I hope this blog post illustrates the effort put into making the world of Tale of Omni look more alive. And if you are an aspiring GMS2 user, maybe you even learned some tips on what you can do with tiles!
Either way, I have had a lot of fun exploring the possibilities of tiles and shaders in GMS2, and I look forward to continue building a beautiful world for Tale of Omni and the players to explore!
Sincerely, The Architect
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ronaldmorton · 7 years
Teaching Your Dog Tricks for Treats Giveaway #TrickorTreatDogs
Let’s learn dog tricks and give away over $850 in prizes! Yes, it’s tricks for treats time, dog lovers of the highest order! Welcome to the 2017 Tricks for Treats Giveaway with OVER $850 worth of fun and prizes!
Just for stopping by and checking learning about how to teach your dog some tricks we invite you to enter this year’s Trick or Treat Giveaway hop after you see Dexter work his trick magic. It’s well worth it because the prizes are wag-tastic. Your dog is already a winner, so let’s make him or her eligible for swag galore!
Cool beans: This goes on for 10 days of awesome dog tricks, fabulous dog treats, and OVER $850 worth of fun and prizes!
Disclosure: The Trick or Treat Giveaway Hop is sponsored by CleverPet, The Honest Kitchen, Planet Dog, and Health Extension. The opinions and ideas in this post are my own and are uninfluenced by any other person or business. The individual sponsors are responsible for their giveaway prizes including shipping.
Dog Parent Promise: Before Teaching Your Dog a New Trick
Promise yourself two things: You will have patience/never yell at or scold a dog AND you will try this is very short segments. Five minutes once or twice a day. I learned long ago from dog mom who has a trick dog that smaller bursts of trying something new is key AND you should always end on a positive note. Clap and reward your dog. You want the dog to feel good for doing this and not like a robot who must follow orders. If your dog does not want to do these tricks and/or is not feeling well or has health issues, please do not force a dog to do so. This is meant to be a fun, bonding experience to strengthen the relationship you have with your dog. There will be no shouting, yelling, spanking, frustration, or hissy fits on your behalf. Paw-mise? Okay good, let’s learn and win!
About Dexter
My dog is 9 years young, and our practice sessions have ensued over the years. The 15-minute practice sessions were more of a reinforcement, so if you are just starting out, be happy, be joyful, be engaged, and never scold a dog for not ‘getting it right.’ Not every dog is meant to be a trick dog, but every dog can form a loving bond with their human if properly trained, loved upon, and given respect.
My dog is official an AKC trick dog, achieving both the novice and intermediate titles! An AKC trick dog title helps instill confidence and so much more in dogs. I don’t plan to have my dog do television, commercials, or movies; my dog and I worked towards our AKC trick dog titles for other reasons.
Here’s the scoop, why we did it, and how your dog can train for his or her trick dog title.
I love this trick so much. You put the dog in a sit pose and remind him or her to stay. Place a treat into one hand and allow the dog to see it. You will start by placing your arms in front of the dog so he can smell the treat. You want the dog to know the treat is there. Reward when your dog realizes the treat is in your hand. Yes, give the treat up. For the first day or two, just do this.
On day 2 or 3, start holding the treat in front of your dog’s nose, but the treat needs to be seen and in between two fingers so you can hold it in front of the dog’s nose. You want the dog to be on his haunches as a goal. He will be on his haunches and wrap his paws around your arm while you say beg. In order to do this, work on it a few days at a time.  By leaning forward a bit and pushing the treat toward Dexter’s nose, he started to associate the word ‘beg’ with what I wanted him to do. Winning!~
Scroll to the last part of this video on Instagram to see “beg.”
A post shared by Dexter and Carol B. (@fidoseofreality) on Aug 28, 2017 at 11:25am PDT
Which Hand?
You simply put a treat in both hands, sit in front of your dog and ask him or her ‘which hand?’ The dog will either tap your hand or nudge gently, as Dexter is doing here. You simply reward when they get the hand right. Put both hands in front of you. Obviously I am snapping the photo, and Dex is working his canine magic here: (this is one that most dogs can learn and it’s oh so cute, too)
Indoor Exercise Trick Sets
Combining a series of tasks into a few “sets” allows for dogs to keep fit all winter long and also for rainy days and ‘just because.’ It also keeps the dog’s mind limber because he or she has to think, listen, and react.
As part of our AKC trick title training, Dexter and I learned indoor exercise trick sets. Starting at the 4:30 position below, you can witness our exercise sets in action.
We combined a sit, stay, down, and spin into one set and then repeated it x3. In order to do this, you simply teach each command as listed. It also is a fun game to show your dog loving friends. Dexter loves applause, so this was a fun set to teach and witness.
If your dog isn’t getting it or just simply is not interested, you do not want to end on a sour note. Have the dog do something that he or she is good at, no matter what it is, and then reward, clap, celebrate. The goal of learning anything new is to enhance the relationship between dog parent and dog.
Enter to Win Prizes and Snag More Entries
And now some super fun for you and your dog! Prizes galore, as we shared above. Here is how to enter. Just go through the easy-to-enter form below and visit the different blogs listed for even more entries. Easy peasy, right?! If you visit each of the blogs, you can learn a new trick AND enter for more chances to win. Fun stuff! Give your pawsome dogs a scritch behind the ears from us and good luck!!!
$300 Gift Card to PetSmart
CleverPet Hub
Golden Milk, Eggnog, Pumpkin Spice Latte,
Cuddles, and Smooches
Halloween Trick Ball, Halloween Treat Ball,
and Maple Leaf Nook
Duck & Yogurt Bully Puffs, Chicken & Cheddar Bully Puffs,
Lamb & Peanut Butter Bully Puffs, Bacon & Liver Bully Puffs,
and Bacon Chips (1 Bag Each)
PLUS follow all bloggers on Instagram for a chance to win a SPECIAL SOCIAL MEDIA PRIZE:
$100 Gift Card to PetSmart
2017 Trick or Treat Giveaway – Fidose of Reality http://ift.tt/1mFzCXA
Learn to Crawlby Kol’s Notes
Learn to Calmly Ride in Elevatorsby Beagles & Bargains
Learn to Not Freak Out When a Doorbell Ringsby A Dog Walks into a Bar
Learn to Ring a Bellby ChiPets
Learn to be “Sassy”by Dog Mom Days
Learn to Take a Bowby Fetch for Me, Human
Learn to Stand on Your Hind Legsby Heart Like A Dog
Learn to Kissby It’s Dog or Nothing
Learn to Touchby Life With Beagle
Learn to Pick It Up or Take Itby My Dog Likes
Learn to Crawl Through a Tight Tunnelby My GBGV Life
Learn to Shake Paws (for Dogs Who Don’t Like Their Paws Touched!)by Sarcastic Dog
Learn Puppy Push Upsby Spencer the Goldendoodle
Learn Two Dog Tricksby Tails from the Road
Learn “Paw” and “Shake Paw”by Talent Hounds
Learn to Cover Your Eyesby Tenacious Little Terrier
Learn to Jump Through a Hoopby The Broke Dog
Learn to Spinby The Daily Pip
Learn to Open Doorsby Wag ‘n Woof Pets
 Visit each blog for more chances to win!
Follow #TrickorTreatDogs!
The post Teaching Your Dog Tricks for Treats Giveaway #TrickorTreatDogs appeared first on Fidose of Reality.
Teaching Your Dog Tricks for Treats Giveaway #TrickorTreatDogs syndicated from http://ift.tt/2k1J2Eq
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thenullstreet-blog · 7 years
Bóg trójcę lubi which means – all good things come in threes.
The phrase holds true for the clan of my dumb dogs , whose saga now comes to an end with this third and final part.
In continuation of – The ‘Kaalu’ chronicles – Part 2
Things hadn’t gone very well with Kaalu 2 lately and the final curtain fell with his getting kidnapped and lost forever to oblivion . We of course , missed him sorely and by ‘we’ , I mean me and my shadow . No one save me cared for him , I , however ,was shaken. The purloinage had left me crestfallen. Crest…fallen.
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Nevertheless , life goes on. He was soon succeeded by King Kaalu the third. This dynasty seemed to be going on and on incessantly , which reminds me of the French monarchs , especially the Capetian dynasty , House of Bourbon. There were a total of twenty Kings named King Louis. King Louis the XIV reigning the longest.
He was small , which again reminds me of Kings been crowned at a fairly young age , Akbar , or Muhammad Qasim , the caliph’s viceroy. But he certainly lacked a bunch of things these guys possessed.
We came in possession of him when one of King Kaalu the second’s concubines gave begat him along with , of course a few others who probably went away to soar into the bazillion canine possibilities in this enigmatic world of yours. Plenty of bitches to be sniffed. Plenty of fields to be pooped over. A myriad chapatis to be chased.
As Kaalu descended onto the mortal land , a whirlwind took the sky all over. A heavenly voice roared – “This animal , this hornless , wingless unicorn has divine sanction going for him. Don’t fucking fuck with him “
This , however , wasn’t the truth. But this is how I like to remember him.
The truth was – someone , perhaps my grandmother , sighed – ” why the hell do we have to rear him? this horny , witless master-piece of shit has got some disease going for him. Get rid of him.”
It finally came to pass that we kept him anyways. He looked like he was brought up on fish food , or grass , or toothpaste. Once, he lost a fight against a grape vine.
But when it came to issues concerning libido , Kaalu was no less than a cupid. He too, like his father , attempted to rape buffaloes and once got pooped over by one of them. Completely.
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Kaalu’s life came to an abrupt and disheartening end. He turned insane , started teetering on two legs – right foreleg and right hind leg and upon this show of defiance against gravity , his eyes clearly proclaimed –
“Let Newton make of it whatever he wishes to”
Whenever such things happen , and they do happen a lot , we know the drill – we simply disown the beast, unless it’s the holy cow. No one knows the reason for his turning insane – all I know is , he licked me a day or two before the symptoms appeared. Nothing apart from this trifle.
He died . Died childless . The dynasty ended. Kaalu was all-bark-and-no-bite. He ran barking towards trespassing dogs and ran back still barking when they gave him a stare.
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Time of death – no one gave a shit. Last words – Bow! Bow!
Athwart the horizon, a plume of dust emerged. A white stallion emerged out from the dust-cloud. He galloped and galloped , muscles moved like a clockwork on his sides. He galloped and galloped , a white furry tail swung elegantly like a pendulum. He galloped and galloped.
He raised his hooves upwards , Sparks ran out of the burning asphalt as the heels screeched against the road . He stopped just ahead of the verandah , on the mud and wagged a tail and a tongue in unison and ravenously fed on the chapatis we threw to him.
The satin skinned steed is what I like to think of my brand new dog. He is all white, as a witch’s tresses. A pink nose. He has a sister too , same pink nose , a bit more furry plus she has the unique ability of catching chapatis with her jaws in mid air when they’re flung towards her.
We named him Kaalu despite his white colour as a sign of respect to the Kaalus . Hell no , just to save ourselves the effort .
this is him.
He is the antithesis of sanity . Plus he his ever so energetic , as if going for a Trojan war , or the crusades. He rules! He is …… A stud!
One morning , I’m going somewhere, seated behind a motorbike, looking at the fields around , when something strikes my eye. This is….. is this ? ?
He….. Hell yes! He is Kaalu the second! The one who was kidnapped , turns out the kidnapper felt tortured by this bizarre beast of the satanic realms. All he does is sleep.
It was Kaalu the second , besmeard with muck , stealing some … fucking grass! for-god’s-sake-nooooo. Spinach leaves in his jaws , he turned a head and gave a ghastly half-grin. I swooned.
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I waited , and after four days , he showed up , finally ( that was the time it took him to figure out the way back to home). Though he is a King , he doesn’t check his ways , appearances. He is content . A King in disguise. HE DOESN’T FUCKING CARE !!
As says Walt Whitman – “If no other in the world be aware I sit content, And if each and all be aware I sit content.”
He claimed his throne once again and we love him !
Though he has returned , he isn’t half the dog he used to be. But we love him in spite of his queer tastes and mysterious habits. He sleeps as if he is dead, just like a possum does while feigning death – legs up, teeth open , tongue out. I was under the impression he must be old now , but Mummy told me one day that he has just turned two!
This is how things are going now – We live in the the beautiful district of Nainital , with our beloved Kaalu and the white Kaalu.
I may write an epilogue to this beautiful chronicle one day in the fullness of time . Right now , however I’m not the least in the mood , for right now I have bigger fish to fry , like feeding him the leftovers ( in keeping with Hindu customs) or keeping him from stepping on the just-mopped floor.
hee hee !
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      The Kaalu Chronicles – Part 3 Bóg trójcę lubi which means - all good things come in threes. The phrase holds true for the clan of my dumb dogs , whose saga now comes to an end with this third and final part.
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ps-terrorism-blog · 7 years
कभी-अभी [भूल,गलती,सही,अच्छा,नीचता,प्रोपेगंडा]कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निंदापूर्ण, खंड-खंड-पा-खंडित, तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, {उ{दास} {दबे-कुचले-शोषित-वञ्चित} रखैल[एं]वधु-रण्डी[यां]वैश्}]-बनानेवाला पौराणिकी-अयथार्थ-अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: Osho | HD Audio: https://youtu.be/8A-OBtZpXVc राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]] | Ram[ayana]anarchy[Maha]Bharat Rajya भारत के पौड़ानिक-से-नवयुगी दासतानें[अ]फँसाने [slavery-enTrapments]: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र-OBCs, दलित-Dalits, आदिवासी-Ad[h]iwasis, धार्मिक-अल्पसंख्यक-साँस्कृतिक-नृजातीय-minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, k[s]hetriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचाना। an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News by-through Sudhir Chaudhary : https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI जितनी गहराई में जाँचोगे-पुरखोगे, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में कैसे उजाड़-उखाड़-ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM How to identify Fake News in India?? by Dhruv Rathee: https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?] 7 Historic Facts about Indian Hindu organization RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 Gadkari and the 'Brahmin' Janata Party: https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 OSHO | भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त [महा] [भारत] [राष्ट्र] !? | Corruption in iNDia | nation[als] against corRuption | Hindi Audio: https://youtu.be/Zjpm9NhX1WQ जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं - वामन मेश्राम: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww There have been too many-much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle-war-priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good-better living conditions for its-their nationals. भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] eXPosed: https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 DamODarDas Modi on LALu & YAduVansh[i] and Krushn[a] https://youtu.be/Z3T3HSaujb0?t=55s Modi is leading nation[als] to big[ger] disappointment[s].. al[most al]l iNDian [human, earth, world] reSources-assets have had been [exPloit, utiliz, [ab,mis]us]ed to benefit-flourish-don[ee]pay 10-15%varna: qamchor-deServingless-shramHeen-bhatkau-bhadkau don[ee]Liabilities https://youtu.be/P7109hcSdJo?t=14s https://youtu.be/vJ8vlUpiijI?t=43s https://youtu.be/sJznzokk8UQ & to exPloit & preServe [with]in[s,c-ide] [अजायबघर, संग्रहालय]धाम, ~85-90%other mehnatqash-hardworking less-earning gumrah[i]deServing iNDian[ National](s)-asSets. [जाति,वर्ण]वादी न्याय(अ)[न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य/Our Aim is to end the Racist-Casteist Justice System: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 भारत[में,-ीय]भ्रष्टाचार पर वामन मेश्राम: https://youtu.be/9YMLWj0_bLk mahaboret [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d-ange-r-ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!? Osho on|about eQualizing Dr BR Ambedkar &|Vs religiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg ब्राह्मण धर्म की वामन मेश्राम द्वारा विवेचना: https://youtu.be/rZ1gX6fc4UM The Tyranny Of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 ब्राह्मण कोई विद्वान नहीं/Brahmin is not knowledgeable/a-scholar: https://youtu.be/sXYOcTK_oBk Brahmin is {unKnowledgeable, fooling}: makes others too aRe|is Buddh[a] [not] an|the Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw Arya-ns https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent.. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 "hindu" means [slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black] https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXPlaining with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief {gondwana} आदिवासी हिन्दू नहीं है: https://youtu.be/_en3JaUBVqg Hypo[Theses, Cris(i)]es of|for [human, mammal, animal] nationals: [Hind[u, i, ustan, [maha]rastra, maratha, [pra]desh] ~50%; brahman[ism,ist], brahmins ~3.5%; aRe-a-n[ism,ist]arya-n, k[s]hetri[ya-is-m/t]rajput-which[raj ke put?? OR raja ke put??] ~5%+3.5%; jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'Ama-yana D'Asa-ratha ~40%; [na'R, kin-na-R, nArad, nAra-yana, na-aRi, laksh/lax-mi] 40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R-ad[h][ik]a ~60%; (unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient 50%; inDia[n]-inDies'-inDus(trial)[ nationals] {dia, die or do !?} ~70%; Mammal[ian]s [स]स्तन[धारी, पायी, [-ीय]प्राणी/जन्तु] ~100%;] ?? https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-following-Sonscrit-Hindi-Persian-words-Hindu-tvam-Hindu-mam-Hindu-swayam-and-Hindu-swatah skeptically [scrutinize, critique] बड़ी-बहस: हिंदू-राष्ट्र या पेश:[ई]धर्म: या धर्मनि:पेश: https://youtu.be/NVK1FDGegFo https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 हमको आज़ादी-स्वतन्त्रता नहीं; https://youtu.be/Y1fJS74yGww ब्राह्मणी-रीती-रिवाज़ की पोल-खोल: https://youtu.be/WiKwzRE--v4?t=5s सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए/We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds दलित अत्याचार पर मोदी को हिला डाला ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया ने JyotirAditya Scindia jolted Modi https://youtu.be/2tenbNgB30g Dr मनीषा बांगर on 15%[con-vi, a]ct[or]s[brahmi, Ar[y,e]a, k[s]hetri][n]ism & 85%con-vict-ims[Shudra, Dalits, Adiwasis, other religious-cultural-ethnic fellows] as : https://youtu.be/_AqKVwVNFog [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 मनीषा बांगर: Brahminist-Areanist-Tradest varna पर: https://youtu.be/j4CLW250Stg जिस्मफरोशी में कैसे धकेली जा रही बाहुसांख्यकी महिलाएं ?/Dr Manisha Bangar oN Majoritarian girls-women forced iNTo ProsTitution: https://youtu.be/y7oh-EYEkxE [ri-gh/o-t[दायाँ, दखिन]पंथी, center, left]ist, मज़बूत-संगठित विपक्षों के बिना-अभाव-में निरंकुश हो [needy] राष्ट्रीओं के [necessary, urgent] मुद्दे [भूल:, दरकिनार]कर अपनों के (greedy) [एजेंडे, प्रोपेगैण्डे, मुद्दे] राष्ट्रीओं पर [थोप,तोप]ती रही: https://youtu.be/SGMf1Ery1co Osho: आप झूठ[ए] क्यों? https://youtu.be/JXp8KkbK-Wo [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा, अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद racism-casteism aMong[st] inDian mammalian nationals aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com Osho: तुम्हारे देवी देवता सब झूठे हैं: https://youtu.be/TmIwxxyq_5I ब्राह्मणी-k[s]hetriya बावल-ज़ुल्म-आतंक[वाद]खौफ-जुर्म https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com osho: ये हिन्दूओ के भोंदू भगवा[न]भक्त: https://youtu.be/rvwyjL1vTyA https://www.facebook.com/Wakeuphindu1947/photos/1720871634597452 Buddh[a,ist] conversions from [Hindu, shudra, Dalits] https://youtu.be/IrTAfAXjGkM https://youtu.be/ZuRBlfYHQc4 https://youtu.be/B45wW6TdoEA https://youtu.be/OJ-K0jy35s0 https://youtu.be/A0d2apZ5iMM USA में 126 वी भीम जयंती: https://youtu.be/tkaQFy-wHYg झारखंड के सीएम ने दलित के घर खाया खाना: https://youtu.be/hdfOzTAzzpY https://youtu.be/UA0AN26Inj0?t=2m13s सहारनपुर की कहानी ,भीम आर्मी प्रमुख की जुबानी: https://youtu.be/HrNNEIA2ryU सिंधिया ने दलित के घर खुद बनाई रोटी और परिजनों के साथ खाईं: https://youtu.be/dYaKlkc3Ed4 भारत पाक की जनता की विचारधारा प्रेम की हो. नफरत की नही: https://youtu.be/kGGT_q_VdCo hypocrisy "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense." हिंदू-वार्णी-ब्राह्मणी-क्षेत्रीय-वैश्य-क्षुद्र भगवा-न-भ[-ु]गत मोदी-भक्त गुप्त भोगी-रोगी राष्ट्र[महा]भारत speculation "the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence." कैसे तैयार किये जाते हैं। देखकर दंग रह जाएंगे। https://youtu.be/7OAiVFyUhIs भगवा-न-भ[-ु]गत मुक्त [प्र]देश-राष्ट्र hypothesis "a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation." 85% [बाहुसांख्यकी, अधिकांक्षी][क] [संघठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा]समाज विजयी हो[ता गुज़रे|गुज़ारे जाएं]! ज़िंदाबाद-सम्भावित !? Osho: लड़की होने पर दुःख: https://youtu.be/gB2mpNKqc54 दिमाग-mind-sets-अंतर्मन से धार्मि[क-ी] कचरा religious-religiose-regional trash-junk-dirt निकालो! https://youtu.be/JWq6Lzg9lDw बहुजनों ने खड़ा किया सबसे बड़ा मीडिया/BAHUJAN MEDIA: https://youtu.be/zfYFV6nlRHI [side,after] effect[s:, ually] [na,la]yak, behuda, anNiyantrit 3rd-class-world palan-poshan [pra]shikshan shosha[n,k]? प्रशस्ति-प्रशंसा-नृशंस: पत्र, shoshit? [ni,pa]rikshan प्रश्न-उत्तर-hienta, सवाल-जवाब-dienta? [pra]shashan [qa, kha]miyan रामायण की ये बाते! Osho: https://youtu.be/B-368L4a05M भारत में हजारो सालों से महिलाओं पर अत्याचार हुआ: https://youtu.be/o7Ue-vSmAFE Osho: हमें राम-राज्य {जिस में महिलाओं का व्यापार होता था}, नहीं चाहिए: https://youtu.be/FosfvrBYzYA words starting with ram within enGlish: [derogatory, pejorative, negative, condemnatory] ram (răm) v. 1. To strike or drive against with a heavy impact; butt n. 1. male sheep rambla ˈrɑm blə n., pl. -blas. 1. a dry ravine ramble răm′bəl v. 1. To move about aimlessly ram·i·form  răm′ə-fôrm′ adj. Branching or branchlike. ramify răm′ə-fī′ v. 1. To have complicating consequences or outgrowths ramp rămp n. 1. An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels. ram·page răm′pāj′ n. A course of violent, frenzied behavior or action. ramrod răm′rŏd′ n.3. A harshly demanding overseer; a disciplinarian. v. 1. To exert strict control over; supervise closely source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-start-with-ram rampant răm′pənt adj. 1. Extending unchecked; unrestrained rampart răm′pärt′, -pərt n. 1. A fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a parapet built on top. rampike răm′pīk′ n. A standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire. rammish ˈræmɪʃ adj like a ram, esp in being lustful or foul-smelling rammy ˈræmɪ n, pl -mies; a noisy disturbance or free-for-all ramate rā′māt′ adj. Having branches; branched ramulose răm′yə-lōs′ adj. Having numerous small branches. ram·shack·le  răm′shăk′əl adj. So poorly constructed or kept up that disintegration is likely; rickety: a ramshackle cabin in the woods http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=rAmI Hindi - Sons-crit Ram: black[en-ed]d[e,r]own[ed] [se,de,out,il][c]lude KAl[i,a], Krushna go[rak[s]h, kul] http://www.spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=rAma erRor-ऋ स्वच्छ{राष्ट्र[-ीय,प्र]देश}स्वस्थ मीनाक्षी लेखी: https://youtu.be/uUPjNvPgn3Q pan-o-rama qon-kan mein Ram[a] RAm-Dhari Dinkar mere rom[e]rom mein basne wale Ram[a] pahan-od-rama mon-o-rama http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanas once/one['s]एक[की] bioGraphy-जीवनी or अ-नेक़ो की inDustry-FacTory/के कारख़ाने-उत्पाद-ऊँतपद-उद्योग? JAn[wa]R जान[व]र ~ R'am[a] र[-ाम]: D'as[a]rath[a] y'an[a]R'am[a] http://namopress.com/2017/05/25/rama-paintings-and-carvings-found Brahmins eXPosed: https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 Brahmin Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana https://www.quora.com/What-were-some-of-the-facts-evidences-and-depictions-about-Ramayan-that-made-it-derogated-towards-the-Women-Dasa-Dalits-and-Foresters Karnataka's Krishna Mandir Serve Muslims For Eid: https://youtu.be/hnYwi45audQ Malappuram Temple hosts iFTar for Muslims | Ramadan 2017: https://youtu.be/adu3niXmMWE बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में कैसे उजाड़-उखाड़-ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM Dubai gurudwara serves Iftar to Muslims during Ramadan: https://youtu.be/ww11wyQsrGQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotirao_Phule#Views_on_religion_and_caste "He saw|found using Ram[a] as a symbol of oppression stemming from the Arya-n conquest. He took over missionary criticism of the role of Brahmins in Hindu society and portrayed the Brahmins as conspiring to keep the lower castes oppressed and suppressed. In his book, Gulamgiri, He openly thanks the missionaries and the British for making the lower castes realize that they are worthy of all human rights too. Phule believed in overthrowing the social system in which people had been deliberately made dependent on others, illiterate, ignorant and poor, with a view to exploiting them. Mere advice, education and alternative ways of living are not enough, unless the economic framework of exploitation comes to an end. His most famous poem reads: “Lack of education leads to lack of wisdom, / Which leads to lack of morals, / Which leads to lack of progress, / Which leads to lack of money, / Which leads to the oppression of the lower classes, / See what state of the society one lack of education can cause!” " राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]] make [slavery, eX[Trac,PLoita,Tor]Tion, prosTitution] eaSier than beFore [with]in[s/c-ide] country-nation: अवैध खनन का रण:-माफिया-राज:: https://youtu.be/lAoOGMNnMuE https://youtu.be/jMSXJ0SiqNwl उगाहित माफिया[कर्मी]पुलिस: https://youtu.be/eYsQltD_kFw tens of true[f]actual-eVident videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?q=bjp+sex+racket part[y]BJ in जिस्म-फ़रोशी https://youtu.be/EsYelaeLmRE iN conGress: https://youtu.be/0Hy7Oj8aitk निर्वस्त्र {हो, कर[-ी]} जाती थी स्त्रियां इस राजा के दरबार में, ऐसे रंगीन[-ी]मिजाज़ राजा-लाजा: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ukitvZJ4Y inSulting Religion: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 दलित-SCs-शूद्र-OBCs: Osho: https://youtu.be/QRGGp37lgo0 mythologies: Ram[a] never {really} [become prince-king, get [kid-s,king,wise]dom, queen]; with ease Bh[a,A]ra-t[a] [kuchh nahin [dosh, bhool, galati, zulm-jurm] [bh,k]arata !?] get [[king,wise]dom, kid-s, princess-queen, rid of Ram[a]Sit]; aBhiGyanShaQ-UnTal[um] shrewdness [maha]BhAr:-t[a]: bhArat(m,f?), bharati(f, mata/bahan)]; ri-gh/o-t realised names !? [Tota, Tula, Kalu, Mangat/Mange, Tuka, Ho, Bhola, Buddhu, Sita]Ram[lala (kid), beti, lali, vati, charan, die-n, dhari, murti, prasad, prakash] saugandh ram [apni?? apnon ki?? khate hai, mandir wahin bayange. Ram lala-baba-dada [hum aayenge, mandir wahin bayange] ram·bunc·tious  (răm-bŭngk′shəs) adj. Boisterous and disorderly. Due to 10 per cent, 90 % of people are facing troubles, says Jyotiraditya Scindia https://youtu.be/k3U0Fb7qIqA निचली राजनीति पर उतर आयी है BJP अरुण शोरी | BJP is stooping to the lower levels of politics: https://youtu.be/tUQRScrGJ64 hindu[tv,swy,m]am ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]d योगी आदित्यनाथ की पूरी जन्मकुंडली/FIR LIST AGAINST UP CM YOGI ADITYNATH https://youtu.be/yLBK56ZrVIU Satta ka [bhogi, rogi, yogi, dhongi] adityanath urf ajay mohan beast [bhagwa atankwadi] sadhu-sant to [sAmaji, rAjnaiti]k jeevan tyag-taj ke rahte hai. [loot, a-chieph, thugg, criminal, terror, horror]ism of [maha]bharathiyan ri-gh/o-t wings "ye konsi democracy hy ..jahan criminal-terrorist p.m .aur c.m ban jaty hain .gunde mavali ministers mp mlas ..shit . [maha]bharat mein lagta hy .. phir 1947 hony vala hy." this time true freedoms in-for al[most a]l areas-kshetras, fields, institutions, professions, industries, organisations, parties, groups, circles-circulations, teams, of-for life[zindagi] and life-after-death[afterlife-dhaam] only. [V]VIP cults of-for cm yogi adityanath alias ajay singh beast: https://youtu.be/o3UPYgUkFOk [V]ViP rituals against 85% Dalits-SCs, Adivasis-STs Muslims, Shudras-OBCs, religious minorities: no deputy CM from 85% Dalits-SCs, Adivasis-STs Muslims, but CM from k[S]hetriya 5%, deputy CM from brahmin 5%, against earlier CMs from SC and OBC. ३ तलाक़-मुस्लिम हो या हिन्दू क़ानून दाँयापंथियों के नेता-नीतियाँ-नैतिकताए��� महिलाओं को मान-सम्मान-बराबरी-रोज़गारी नहीं देते: https://youtu.be/nyB9z6XLR68 दायाँपंथी मोदी-आदि[त्य]योगी मुर्दाबाद,योगी का [प्र]शाशन [शोषक, गुंडागर्द, पाखंडी]/ की सर[O]कार-पुलिस [गुन्डी-पुण्डी, पंगु, ढोंगी] है, नहीं चलेगी: https://youtu.be/tQZ_oXozc1Y कांशीराम गार्डेन में लगी आग बसपा की प्रतिक्रिया/ BSP FIRST REACTION ON KANSHIRAM ECHO GARDEN: https://youtu.be/B6i3O1iFoU0 NDTV पर CBI के छापा BJP पूरी तरह से गिर चुकी हैं Ashutosh Slams BJP on NDTV CBI Raid: https://youtu.be/Ig1ewPEi5HU सहारनपुर हिंसा के सवर्ण आरोपियों को क्यों बचा रही योगी वार्णी-ब्राह्मणी-क्षेत्रीय-वैश्य-क्षुद्र [pra]shashan पुलिस? https://youtu.be/ej66hyQws_8 योगी का भांडा फोड़, VIP unKnowledgeable sadh-u-son-t बनना चाहते थे योगी, योगी का VIP cult[ure] आया सामने, योगी-मोदी के दौरे, [ब]ग़ैर भाजपा-दायाँपंथियों को दौरे-झटके। https://youtu.be/KAOFy1b__DM lone-loan relief for UP farmers led to Mandsaur, MP mishap: https://youtu.be/HmQ4BHv-Sc0 https://youtu.be/q8I7lRCdhKI https://youtu.be/Ep5hy5jMNQk भाजपाई शि-व-राज में मंदसौर में अन्न[दाता,पूर्णा]-किसानों पर चलाईं गईं गोलियां. Six Feeders-Farmers killed-shooted-down during protest in Madsaur in shivraj https://youtu.be/JPTpYJmDLwg [chauhan, bjp, ri-gh/o-t-ist ideologies] ki [chau]haani-leharein kahar barpati, aag-lapte lagaati rehti hai [adivasiyon-STs, dalits-SC,  muslims, et al] par. शि-व-राज का VIP cult[ure] अहिंसक उपवास, हिंसक किसान हत्याओं के बाद: https://youtu.be/_uDjyHutIAA Na-na on she-wa-raj's farther farmers: https://youtu.be/IRvijPKme7s https://www.quora.com/What-were-some-of-the-facts-evidences-and-depictions-about-Mahabharata-that-made-it-derogated-towards-the-Women-Dasa-Dalits-and-Foresters क्या हो सकती/जाती हैं, एंटी रोमियो स्क्वॉड की [तुरंत] हानिकारकताएं? The Lallantop https://youtu.be/k3vZ-tzYxyM Swami Agnivesh on-against ri-gh/o-t-ist wings: https://youtu.be/ykZAvElRIJE https://youtu.be/z5ekZK53DRE उत्तर प्रदेश का क्या होगा? भाजपाइयों की गुंडागर्दी थमने का नाम नहीं ले रही https://youtu.be/hnvSV20MAMc दलितों पर बढ़ रहे अत्याचार और मोदी सरकार के 3 साल पर डॉ मनोज झा के विचार! https://youtu.be/dN6NZl44WQ4 वामन मेश्राम ने बताया आज़ादी कैसे मिलेगी: https://youtu.be/AOoS5Cpf0Jo
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painting-my-stars · 7 years
Special-Needs Shelter Kitten Needs a Home
March 03, 2017 at 10:33PM by >br> A Massachusetts animal shelter is searching far and wide to find the right home for a lovable and adorable special-needs kitten. Ivan, a 10-month-old tuxedo cat, was born without radial bones in his front legs. His left hind leg is also deformed, making it impossible for him to walk normally, so he does an army crawl to get around. This can make it hard for him to make it to the litter box, which is making the search for an adopter extra challenging. He’s been at the MSCPA adoption center in Boston for two weeks, since his previous owner surrendered him. “What Ivan lacks in mobility he more than makes up for in personality,” said adoption manager Alyssa Krieger. The center has had more than 300 email inquiries about Ivan since his story made headlines this week, and the staff is hopeful they’ll find the right fit. — Read it at MassLive Original From:http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/special-needs-shelter-kitten-needs-a-home?WT.mc_id=RSSFeed from Blogger http://positivelybarking.blogspot.com/2017/03/special-needs-shelter-kitten-needs-home.html via Susan Esquivel
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rosepaige · 7 years
i vote for boddirook bc its such a good u/n omg?????????????? and probably bc im also biased lmao i love bodhi so much
omg thank youuu! i love this url so much as well, i can’t believe i actually have it???
url:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | JYNERSOicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TINAGOLDSTEINmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | DANA SCULLYposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ARYA STARKoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LEXA KOM TRIKRUfollowing: no but ily | now i am | of course! | ‘til the end of theline
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rosepaige · 7 years
hi, hind! i voted for rebelersos (such an awesome url!) but i also adore your current one! so if you'd like a change, i saw rebelersos is great, but skywars is absolutely amazing, too.
heyyy thank you so much!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | JYN ERSOicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TINA GOLDSTEINmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | DANA SCULLYposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ARYA STARKoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LEXA KOM TRIKRUfollowing: no but ily | now i am | of course! | ‘til the end of the line
want a blograte?
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rosepaige · 7 years
hiii! i voted for scamvnders but skywars is amazing too! 💞
thank you!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | JYN ERSOicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TINA GOLDSTEINmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | DANA SCULLYposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ARYA STARKoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LEXA KOM TRIKRUfollowing: no but ily | now i am | of course! | ‘til the end of the line
want a blograte?
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rosepaige · 7 years
Hey Hind my little love
url:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | JYNERSOicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TINAGOLDSTEINmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | DANA SCULLYposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ARYA STARKoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LEXA KOM TRIKRUfollowing: no but ily | now i am | of course! | ‘til the end of theline
want a blograte?
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