#his love language is acts of service
The way Hades has set up an elaborate system to channel light from the world above, down into the underworld just for Persephone 💕😭
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modernvintage · 7 months
The Danes Boys have my heart. It’s official.
Team Luke. Team Jess.
Everyone else on this show can bite me.
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aroace-hoe · 1 month
Unpopular ATLA opinion (not really) but, Zuko using the Blue Spirit mask to steal from people so him and, mainly, Iroh could eat good food and have good things? Iconic of him
It's the fact that he started doing that only after seeing how low his uncle was willing to go, while keeping a smile, for him. My boy started stealing from people to give his uncle an ounce of comfort and you cannot tell me that's a bad thing.
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wheelercurse · 1 year
Mike wants to be seen as a knight in shining armor, and Will sees him as a knight in shining armor, if you even care. 
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glorified-red · 2 years
what did it be like having a fwb with dami? Tim?
I read this and I honestly thought you were asking what it's like to be friends with brothers...then I realized friends with benefits exists 😂
I could definitely see a FWB type relationship with Tim. He's a pretty busy guy and relationships take time & energy he doesn't have a lot of the time. This is when CEO Tim brain rot happens because I think that version of Tim would most likely have that kind of relationship (not just because the office sex would be incredibly hot)
Paparazzi would cut too deep into a romantic relationship, but a FWB 👀 everyone wins. I will say though, Tim will probably end up falling in love by accident. Regular Tim would have a harder time with FWB because sex requires a lot of vulnerability, so he'd either make it transactional or be FWB with someone he trusts and already knows And then catch feelings which is rule #1 of what not to do.
Damian on the other hand, I don't see FWB happening very easily. He views sex in a very strict way because of how he was raised, it isn't something recreational to him at first. You'd have to show him that it can be recreational for him to consider the offer.
Damian is a pretty detached guy so after he gets comfortable with recreational sex, FWB could absolutely become a possibility. There's a slim chance he'll catch feelings because it's just to blow off steam and enjoy the moment---nothing more, nothing less. He'd have the most transactional fwb relationship whereas Tim would lean a little too far into the "friends" portion.
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sunnyuto · 1 year
My dad: hasn’t hugged me or said “I love you” at any point in recent memory
Also my dad:
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sun-marie · 7 months
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A moment, some point in late Act 2
(based off the Patch 4 notes mentioning we can now wash the dirt off our companions 💜)
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drulalovescas · 1 year
Cas telling Dean his true feelings
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Dean "telling" Cas his true feelings
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cuterefaction · 8 months
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#Trektober Day 9, "Dress Uniform". Julian's missing his dress uniform in 'Move Along Home', but since the one we eventually see him in is pretty unflattering I choose to believe that Garak did a night visit months before 'Cardassians' and got too distracted to actually wake him up.
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buckleys9-1-1 · 15 days
i present the moments i think buck and eddie started to fall for each other
buck in 2x01:
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eddie in 2x04:
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+ bonus
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rosiesriiveters · 2 months
Keep thinking of Rosie allowing everyone else to experience the trauma of war around him in any way they need to. Whether it be after listening to his crew member choke through the Munster story, reaching a hand out to comfort him, making sure the replacements are all settled and feel comfortable with him - establishing that he's someone who can be trusted with any issues - and listening to Crosby tell him he's scared he's becoming a monster and reassuring him, and yet refuses to give himself the same grace.
Thinking about how he doesn't tell Crosby about what he saw after he was shot down, what he witnessed in that camp. He's never really the one telling any stories in the series. He listens and watches, lets others say whatever they need to, all the while keeping his cards close to his chest.
Thinking about Rosie smiling while watching his crew and the other airmen enjoying themselves at the flak house, and yet not allowing himself the same enjoyment. Thinking about how the doctor at the flak house got Rosie to look after himself only when he framed it that looking after himself is looking after his crew.
Thinking about Rosie re-upping, choking slightly on his words as he explains he can't bare the thought of sending some rookie in his place to only get himself and his crew killed.
He won't give himself the grace or patience he deserves, but by god he'll take care of everyone around him.
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thatonekimgirl · 10 months
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Conrad unpacking Belly's room and putting all of his gifts to her in their places.
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zolaliz · 8 months
Natsu uprooting the Sakura tree for Lucy while she was sick was textually romantic and I don’t take second opinions
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arcaneacolyte · 3 months
I think Mountain likes to make Epsom salt concoctions for all of his packmates, and especially ones with chronic pain.
He likes to mix and test and create on a good day, splicing flowers and plants together and seeing what effects he can create. He just loves botany and what he can get his element to give him, so it makes sense that making bath salts would be so fun for him.
Working out formulas for everyone's specific needs is so enjoyable too; be it migraines, anxiety, aches and pains, relaxation. He just thrives in the throws of *creation* and also problem solving. The fact that it will end up helping his packmates is a huge bonus too. The sparkling eyes and bright smiles he gets from them when he pulls the perfectly packaged salts from behind his back--with self made paper bags and labels to boot, Mountain doesn't do handmade gifts by halves--makes the long hours it takes to get the recipe just right for their needs worth it.
He always asks for a report back on how this batch works, and if there's anything he can do to improve it. The other Ghouls don't tell him, but he gets so cute like this, genuinely eager to provide but also improve. Really the mixes are all perfect already, but the wide forest green eyes and not-so-subtly wagging tail behind the giant is enough for them to tell a little fib and come up with something arbitrary, but will make Mountain double his efforts.
He loves his pack, he loves his element, and he dives straight back to work so that the next batch is all ready to just as soon as this one runs out.
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golden28s · 10 months
he won the award of boyfriend of the year
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books-and-catears · 2 years
My thoughts as I read through this text:
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Oh. I like where this is going... Please go where I think it's going.
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So you're telling me this man is so silly with charms that they thought Mammon did it! ITS SO FUCKING ADORABLE I-
Also the fact that it wasn't even a love charm. No it was a PROTECTIVE CHARM. An anonymous defensive charm to keep MC safe from curses.
He didn't even brag about it, no he totally forgot. As if looking after MC is just a habit now. It's just second nature.
God his love is so selfless and pure I'm going to cry-
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