#hm yes good book must read
qwesty-030 · 10 months
hello ASP fandom
I’ve been lingering on the ASP tag for a while bc I wanted to find ppl that like the book as much as i do. I’ve seen all the beautiful fanart and whatnot. and I wanna thank yall bc I’ve been inspired to make my own post ✨! I too shall contribute to the ASP fandom too bc tumblr is the only place i can find an active asp fandom🧍
thank you and have a nice day
so uhm these are my designs for Finny and Gene. I drew these back when I started reading A Separate Peace in my high-school sophomore year. They’re pretty old drawings. At the time, I only drew these just to have some faces to put a name on (to help me visualize easier idk)
Well fast forward, my class finished reading ASP and I have been an ASP addict ever since.
okay im going to word vomit now
okay erm thought process of these designs:
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i tried to make him as book accurate at possible but ngl i actually i thought he was a red head before i looked up what he actually looked like. I genuinely wouldve believed he was a red head if i didnt looked it up (yes im referring to the ppl propagating redhead finny)
i gave him very sharp features and a somewhat messy hairstyle to symbolize his wild nature but also neat enough to get him by in school.
His shirt usually untucked or hastily put on. Most times he has his coat off or unbuttoned
he has some freckles and moles too YAY
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made him the most basic looking guy with the most basic features: black hair and brown eyes (okay ik his hair looks blue and u can barely see his brown eyed but i was limiting myself on colors GSSSYSHDHHSHA )
ofc i HAD to make him the complete opposite of Finny. His features are more squarish and rounder. because he always does random 90° angles out of nowhere
his hair is more neat and put together compared to Finny’s. It’s very structured to be square shaped. i like to think he uses a little bit of gel but it’s not a tight slickback. he lets his hair go loose bc he wants to follow Finny’s footsteps and be wild and free too 🤩🤩 yet he can’t help but follow the standard of having a neat slick hair and ofc follow school dresscode 🤷‍♀️
his fit is also more put together. he always makes sure his tie is neat and his coat is buttoned up most times
i gave him a mole :)
this was a fun one to make cuz he literally never describes himself in the book💀💀 i find that really interesting tho. perhaps it was on purpose so readers can relate to Gene more by emotion and not feel distanced by physical features
(yea i obviously put in a lot more thought into Gene’s design than Finny’s)
(i still love them both tho)
honestly thought Finny was a latino and/or hispanic cuz of his tan skin. (im well aware white ppl can look tan and not be a hispanic but also hispanics and latinx could also look pale white i was lowkey a little ignorant back then 💀.) idk maybe he could have some hispanic blood 🤷‍♀️
do not mind the messiness and low quality, i did this in the dead of night on a note-taking app called Notability
that last note may sound absolutely unrelated BUT WAIT! I actually have a whole stock of ASP Notability doodles! More to come!! maybe…
if i feel like it…….
we’ll see
their hairstyles and clothing are based on actual 1940s styles :D it’s my favorite thing about their design especially their hair. it was fun researching and incorporating historical trends
the chair Gene is sitting on is supposed to be the Early American chair from Finny’s house! I did not put any effort into the chair whatsoever 😀
although i gave Finny short hair, I’ve come to see how good long hair Finny is
Yup that’s all for now. Thank you all who stopped by. It’s so nice meeting u guys!!
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roosterr · 11 months
white flag ✹ interlude
note: this chapter is a lil shorter than usual, I just wanted to include a lil bonding moment for reader and ghost before the events of next chapter :)
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 1.7k
no use of y/n reader's callsign is 'stingray'
summary: you and ghost go people watching in the local park, plus a little heart to heart
warnings: just some much needed fluff :)
【prev】 || 【next】
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one warm shower and a couple of ibuprofen later, you're feeling mostly human again with a manageable headache and a reasonable amount of regret for how pathetic you’d acted. with time you’d get over that, especially now that ghost had finally seen the light and started treating you with some decency. admittedly though, his change in attitude threw you off earlier; you were bracing for a stern lecture and he essentially brushed it off as though it didn't matter, but you’ve decided not to dwell on that fact.
small victories, as they say.
for the very first time, the pair of you were both sitting across from each other at the tiny kitchen table, in your own worlds; the radio was faintly playing some classic rock station in the background as ghost had his nose in his book and you played some mindless game on your phone. you’d honestly prefer to be reading a good book too, but your collection was currently ash in the wind, so this would have to do.
you're tempted to try starting a conversation, the quiet was giving you far too much room to think, but on the other hand the atmosphere is so peaceful it would be a shame to ruin it.
so you set your phone down on the table and turn your eyes to ghost, watching him scan the pages, his head tilted slightly in concentration. he's washed most of the paint from around his eyes – that was probably done yesterday, not that you noticed – so only a few smudges mark his skin. with the black paint gone, you notice the raised bumps of old scars around his eyes, something you'd never paid much attention to before. you know better than to ask, but you do wonder, in the back of your mind, the stories behind all of them. examining them gives you inexplicable urge to run your fingers over them, to soothe the ache having so many of them must cause.
his dark eyes are like black holes, drawing in your attention and refusing to let you escape their grasp. you're vaguely aware of how long you've been staring at his face, but you don't care to snap yourself out of it until he speaks up.
"what?" he grumbles, not bothering to look up from the page. you quickly look away, down to where your hands idly fiddle with your phone on the table.
"hm?" he hums in acknowledgement, but still doesn't look at you. normally you'd give up at this point, assuming he was completely uninterested in what you had to say, but this time you decide to push your luck.
"you fancy a walk to the park?"
finally, he meets your eyes, looking up through his light eyelashes and blinking once as he contemplates his answer. you resist the urge to break eye contact as he stares right through you.
"...alright." he says, wedging his bookmark between the pages and sets the book down on the table.
you weren't expecting him to say yes, but you're pleasantly surprised that he did; it felt slightly surreal that after all this time, you were finally becoming friends with ghost. your eyes follow him as he stands, leaving the room to, presumably, change his mask while you sit there with a bewildered look on your face.
a minute or so passes before you hear his voice again. "you comin'?" he calls from the entryway, bringing you back to the present.
"oh– yeah, one second!" you jump up from your chair and rush to get ready as well. the grin you wore as you rushed past him to fetch your jacket was unconscious, the feeling lighting up your features and overshadowing and lingering thoughts from the night before.
a few moments later you're tugging your boots on and you're both walking out the door together, side by side. for once it's actually a nice day, so the short walk to the park is a pleasant one under the blue sky and warm sunlight.
"sorry again, for last night. i think that's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life." you look over to ghost with an apologetic expression, and you can't help but feel that the expression he gives back is one of amusement despite not being able to see half his face.
"that's twice you've screamed at me now." he says, keeping pace with you for a change rather than marching ahead as he usually does.
"i didn't scream at you!" you attempt to defend yourself, but thinking back on it you change your mind. "alright, the second time maybe i did,"
"but the first time, i was very collected." you continue. "it was quite satisfying, to be honest."
"i suppose i deserved it." his gaze falls to the ground and, even though he's right – he did deserve it – you do feel a little bad.
"seriously, though," you continue, "thank you, for looking after me last night. you didn't have to, and i know you didn't want to, but i really appreciate it."
"anyone would'a done the same…" he mutters, bringing a hand up to scratch awkwardly at the back of his head. you get the feeling he's not used to people showing their appreciation for him, which only encourages you to carry on.
"and thanks for taking me in, i know having some random idiot in your house is the last thing you want." you give him a warm smile as he looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"well, you're not just any idiot, are you?" he says, earning a questioning tilt of your head. "you're sting. the idiot."
a genuine laugh escapes you, the first one in a long time, and you gently nudge ghost's arm with your elbow.
"oh, lovely, thanks mate." you chuckle, shaking your head in amusement. you see his eyes lift in a barely noticeable smile, the sight causing a warm feeling to bloom in your chest.
you arrive at the park fairly quickly, finding yourselves an out of the way bench to occupy under the partial shade of a nearby oak tree. you're enveloped by a comfortable silence as you both simply observe the beauty of nature and bask in the feeling of the sun on your face.
you're not sure how long the two of you sit there in each other's company, but you find yourself subconsciously drifting closer to him, close enough that your knees just about touch. you're sure he notices – there isn't much that gets by him – but he doesn't show it.
"did you hear they figured out how the fire started?" you keep your voice low to preserve the peaceful quiet, turning your head to look at him as you ask.
"oh yeah? how?"
"ugh…" you groan with the annoyance the memory bring up. "my stupid neighbour left a fucking candle burning all night, the twat."
"what a fuckin' idiot…" he glances briefly in your direction, a sympathetic frown on his face.
"i can never look at candles the same way again, they're tainted now." you drag a hand over your face and shake your head to rid yourself of the thought.
there's another pause in the conversation as you stare ahead, watching the trees sway in the breeze and all the people going about their lives, everything cast in a golden glow from sun.
you don't want it to end, the way the two of you are now. this is the most you've ever spoken to echother, outside of arguments, and you really want to make the most of it.
"nice weather today, right?" you try to keep him talking to you, and you're considering the fact that he hasn't told you to shut up yet as a good sign.
"hm." ghost hums and leans his head back, his eyes fluttering shut. "you gonna ask me what my favourite colour is again?"
"c'mon, throw me a bone here." you turn your body to face him more. "actually what is it, though?"
"i knew it!" you exclaim, a triumphant grin pulling at your lips. "it makes sense, you just have 'dark green' vibes."
"i'll take your word for it."
it's difficult to know what to talk about with him, seeing as you've never actually been friendly before and you've already used the only small talk question you could think of.
"hmm…" your eyes roam over the park, looking for something to give you an idea. eventually you land on a scrappy little white dog, with possibly the worst haircut you've ever seen. "look at that woman's dog," you point it out to ghost, snickering at the way it was resisting its owner as she pulled it along. "i feel bad for the little guy."
"is that a dog? thought it was an oversized rat."
"oh my god!" you snort a laugh, covering your mouth with a hand and throwing your head back. you hear ghost chuckle lightly beside you, and when you turn your head to look back at him you find him already looking at you.
all other thoughts leave your mind when you see how his eyes glow a golden colour in the light of the sun. you feel the tips of your ears heating up and quickly face forward again before he has a chance to notice.
luckily another distraction presents itself almost immediately, in the form of a well-dressed office worker sprinting past you at full speed.
"wow," you mutter, your eyes following him as he disappears around a bend in the path, "he's not hangin' about."
"maybe he left a candle burnin'." ghost looks back to you, a playful glint in his eyes you're not sure you've ever seen on him.
you can't help the grin that pulls at your lips at his terrible joke. "aw, ghost," you groan, gently shoving him as he chuckles at your reaction, "you're wrong for that one."
ghost slouches into the bench as you both look back out across the park, shifting so his thigh presses against yours ever so slightly. you're careful not to react, afraid that he'd pull away if you draw attention to the gesture, and resolve to just enjoy the rare closeness of his presence.
eventually you'd have to head back, but for now you were more than content to sit here and watch the world go by with him.
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taglist: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @ghostslittlegf , @imonmykneessir , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna , @cathnoneofyourbusiness , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev , @clear-your-mind-and-dream , @thrivig-n-jiving , @lesterous , @glitterypirateduck , @slu77ym4nw415ts , @livelaugh-light , @trulylavendedarling
if your name is crossed out, it means i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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Lessons in the Gardens
aegon x reader smut
(part one, part 2)
TW: smut, dubcon, incest, (semi?)public sex, degrading, corruption kink, rough sex
word count: 1,696 words
The gods must be rewarding him. That is the only explanation for him to possibly come from him happening upon you in the gardens. You lay on your stomach, contently reading your book as you nibble on your pillowy soft lips. You don’t notice as his eyes linger on your body, appraising you to see if you are ripe for the picking.
“What are you doing out here all alone, sweet niece?” He startles you and you place your book behind you.
Why are you hiding it? He wonders.
“H-Hello, uncle.” Your cheeks flush and he smiles arrogantly, happy to have such an effect on you.
“What is it that you’re hiding from me?” He sits himself close to you so that you’re almost touching. He twirls a piece of your hair around his finger.
You hesitate for a moment. “It… it is nothing.”
“Oh?” He gives you a disbelieving look and you blush harder. “It looked like you were hiding that book from me. Maybe I should check, hm?” He swiftly plucks the book from your side and you sit up in distress, trying to snatch it back.
“Please give it back.” You whine a little as he holds it away from you so that you cannot reach. Your dainty hands still grab for the book so he grips both of your wrists and holds them in your lap. His eyes widen as he reads the scene of a young lady having her maidenhead taken roughly by a knight in the gardens.
“My my. Who knew such an innocent little thing like you was interested in such racy literature.” He teases.
“I-I am not!” You protest, becoming very flustered.
“I believe that this is what they call a ‘bodice ripper’.” He chuckles.
“I do not usually read such things.”
“Oh I know you don’t. You’re far too sweet for such things but… you were quite intent on hiding it from me. Does this book excite you, little dove?” His tone is nothing short of lustful.
“Excite me?” You ask, confused.
“Do you ever get… tingly feelings in your body when you read this?”
You look away and nod slightly.
“Can you show your uncle where?” He asks gently, his voice is like honey dripping from his bitten lips.
You shake your head this time.
“It is… a private place, uncle.”
“Oh, little dove. It’s okay. You can show your uncle and he’ll take care of it all.” He caresses your cheek with his hand with a tender look in his eyes. His thumb brushes over your pouting lips. “It would be naughty for you to not show me after you have teased me so.”
“Naughty?” You look a little nervous. You don’t want to upset him after he has been so kind.
“Yes, baby. Very naughty, I'm afraid.”
You bite your lip and think for a moment more before shifting to sit in front of him. He watches hungrily as you lift your skirts and part your legs for him.
His sweet little niece, spreading her legs wide so her uncle can take her. The dichotomy of it all heightens his arousal. Such a good, innocent girl doing actions that are so lewd and sinful.
“It tingles here, uncle.”
“I can’t see properly, little girl. You’re gonna have to let me take your small clothes down, okay?” He says as his hand trails up your leg.
“Okay.” You let him pull your small clothes down and you don’t notice as he pockets the slightly wet material.
“Look at how wet your little cunny is.” He looks almost feral as he has an internal struggle as to whether or not he should just flip you onto your stomach and hold you down as he splits you open on his cock.
He decides to be nice.
“Do you want me to help with the tingly feeling?” He rubs your thigh, his hand creeping higher and higher.
You nod ever so slightly and his hand moves up to your wet core. You flinch away ever so slightly as his fingers tease your clit.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“I’m rubbing your pearl, little dove. Now stop trying to run away from me. You’re gonna like it, I promise.” He grabs you by your hips and shifts you closer before putting his hand up your skirt once more. “You’re fucking soaking my fingers and we’ve only just begun.”
“Is that bad?” You ask timidly.
“No, of course not.” He lifts his other hand to stroke your hair. “You’re doing so well.”
Your whimpers of pleasure are just about the most fantastic thing he has ever heard in his entire life and he grins at how you gasp when he puts two fingers in.
“O-Oh…” You let out soft whines as his fingers curl and coax you towards your release.
“You like that? Well you’re gonna like this even more.” He pinches down on your clit, causing you to go over the edge, feeling such pleasure like nothing in your life that you have ever experienced before.
“What… was that?” You ask your uncle innocently as you come down from your high.
“That was your peak, my sweet niece. How did you like it?” He says in a loving tone.
“It was very nice.” You blush. “I would like it again.”
“Oh, again?” He smirks as he picks up the dirty book you were reading.
“How about we recreate this scene? You were reading of it so you must desire it, no? Is this what you fantasize about, little dove, having a strong and handsome knight taking you roughly in plain sight? Is that what makes your sweet cunt tingle?” His tone is so lewd that you’re tongue tied for a moment.
“I do not have such… filthy desires.” You finally say when you muster up the courage to speak. He knows that your words aren’t the truth.
“You’re lying through your teeth, niece. It’s very naughty to lie to your uncle.” He tsks at you as he unties his breeches.
“We are in the gardens. Someone will see!” You say nervously as he begins to untie the bodice of your dress while he thanks the gods that you wore a dress that ties in the front.
“It is lunchtime. Everyone is eating in their chambers or elsewhere. Nobody will happen upon us. You brought this onto yourself. You displayed your dripping cunny to me like a common whore. You should be more than glad that I prepared you first.” You’re slightly taken aback by his words as his kind demeanor seems to slip. 
He has finally loosened the ties of your dress enough so he grabs the side panels and practically rips it open so that your breasts spill out.
“Aegon!” You scold anxiously as his mouth goes to kiss your chest.
“Hush now, sweetling. You’re going to like this.” He says as he pulls out his thick cock.
“Uncle?” You look up at him timidly with sweet doe eyes.
“Just lie back and let me take care of you.” He pushes you back gently.
He picks up the book, consulting it while he uses his other hand to hike your skirts up to your waist.
“What are you doing?” You inquire about him pausing to read.
“I’m seeing what these nice people in this novel are doing. I am truly shocked that a sweet little thing like you is reading such a thing. I’m sure it means that all maidens must want to be taken by a strong knight. Luckily for you, you get a prince instead.” He tosses the book to the side.
He grabs your hips and slides you closer so you’re pressed flush against him. He rubs his dick against your cunt for a moment, coating it in your arousal.
“Fuck…” He groans.
He then slips it in, completely sheathing himself inside of you.
“Ah!” You whine at the intrusion and you try to squirm away but he grabs you roughly by the waist and shoves his cock back inside of you.
“What have I said about trying to run from me?” He gives you a sharp look before he starts thrusting into you at a brutal pace.
“It hurtsss” You whine.
“It’ll feel good soon, baby. You just have to get through the painful part. Then it’ll all be okay.” He coos.
He fucks you hard as you continue to whimper which contrasts the gentle and soft way that he kisses you.
“Slow-er… can’t take it.” You sniffle but you’re starting to like how he manhandles you.
“Oh, please, you’re being a brat. This is just like your book, no? Tell me, did the girl complain as the knight had his way with her?”
“No, uncle.” You pout and a wolf-like grin graces his features.
“Exactly, so take it like a good girl unless… Do you want me to stop all together?”
“No!” You say a little bit too quickly.
“That's what I thought.”
He gets back to fucking you roughly, his pace almost unforgiveable. His hand comes down to rub your clit and your whimpers turn to moans.
“There we go. You like that, little dove?” He asks as his speed starts to slow.
“Y-Yes” You mewl as he leans over to kiss your neck, leaving marks.
“You’re close to your peak, aren’t you? Don’t worry, sweetling, I am too.”
He rubs your clit until you go over the edge and he peaks as well, cumming deep inside of you as you squeeze around him and milk him of his seed.
“Good girl…” He praises as he lets himself lay on you for a moment, resting his head on your pillowy tits.
When he pulls out, you wince. He watches intensely as his cum drips out of your pulsing entrance. He then helps you to sit up and begins to lace up your bodice again as you look at him, a little dazed.
“Next time you get that tingly feeling, come see uncle Aegon, okay?” You nod slightly as he pulls your skirts back down over your legs and with a kiss to the cheek, he leaves you alone in the gardens.
taglist: @valeskafics 
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
october thirtieth
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day thirty: james potter you find a photo of the two of you in james's pocket | established relationship, fluff | 1k
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“James, have you seen my lipstick?”
No reply. You check your makeup bag one more time but can't find it.
His voice is muffled. You leave the bathroom and follow it, finding him standing in the closet frowning at his dress shirts. You press into his side, wrapping yourself around his bare torso. “Your face is going to stick like that if you're not careful.”
He drags his hand up and down between your shoulder blades. “I have to be the best-dressed bride of a vampire out there, darling. You know that.”
Silly, silly man. The event of the evening is Halloween-themed drinks at the popular bar on the high street. You had to book a table and everything and James has been looking forward to it all month.
He came up with your costumes: you, a dangerous and beautiful vampire, and him, your willing and handsome bride.
“Well, best of luck to you. Have you seen my lipstick? The red one?”
You need it to draw the punctures on his neck and lines of blood from the corners of your mouth. James pulls himself from your hold and selects a shirt, finally, buttoning it up halfway and messing with his hair in the mirror.
“I don't have it, darling,” he says.
You sigh. Easily distracted, this one. “I gave it to you the other night to hold.”
He snaps his fingers. “So you did. It must be in my jacket pocket.”
“Which one?” You swear James has more clothes than you.
“Which jacket or which pocket?”
He winks at you, glasses flashing. “Brown jacket, not sure which pocket.”
You leave him to his fussing and find it hanging on the hook in the entryway.
The lipstick is not in the right pocket or the left. You hope he's not lost it because it's a great color and you really don't want to have to draw the blood on in purple, or something, but then you feel something lipstick-shaped in the breast pocket.
“Jackpot,” you mutter. You pull the tube from the pocket but out with it comes a piece of paper.
It's creased and wrinkled, as if it's been handled many times. You unfold it and —
Oh. You think you say that out loud.
It's you and James. A photo from ages ago. Years, actually. It's you two on the night you met. A party of Lily's, something she did often in those days to bring people together, and this one was a game night. You and James had been paired up for charades and you'd absolutely crushed the competition. You remember feeling like you could read each other's minds.
In the photo you're holding the trophy — a tiny, plastic thing Lily had bought at a discount store — and you're smiling so wide you can see all of your teeth. James has his arm slung around you and he's looking right at you instead of at the camera.
His expression shocks you. You've seen hundreds of photos of the two of you together where he's got this look on his face, the one that you know to be love. And in the photo you've just found, one of the first day you met, he's looking at you the same way. Like he's in love.
“Darling?” he calls. “Did you find it?” he wanders down the hall, fully dressed, and you turn to him.
“Yes,” you say, breathless. “James, why do you have this in your jacket?”
“Hm?” He slides his hand over your hip and leans in to look, face brightening when he see's what you've found. “Have you not seen this before? I suppose I've kept it in there since Lily gave it to me.”
You just stare at it.
“God, it's so obvious I was gone for you,” he sighs.
You turn your head so you're looking at him, so close you could count his eyelashes. “You were?”
“Darling, I was utterly ass over tit for you from the start. In love the second you opened your mouth.”
“Don't be silly, James.”
He looks offended. “No, it's true! I remember the whole thing. I was late and you'd been freed up from work at the last minute so we didn't have partners when Lily said to make teams. And you looked at me and said, 'You better be good at this, because I am.' And I said, 'I will win you this if it's the last thing I do.'”
“Which was a bit dramatic,” you mutter.
“And you didn't even tell me your name until we won.”
“That is how it went, I suppose. You really fancied me because I was a bit overcompetative?”
James snorts. “Come on, love, is that really so hard to believe?”
You look at the picture again. It isn't, considering you were similarly smitten that night, but it's still a bit like a fairy tale.
“No, I guess not.”
“I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with you at first sight?” James presses a kiss to your temple. “You're funny —” he kisses your brow “— sweet —” your nose “— lovely —” your cheek.
“Okay, okay, okay,” you say, shoving him off. “We need to finish getting ready, James, or we'll be late.”
He bares his neck for you. “Blood me up, baby.”
You laugh, slip the photo back into his jacket, and drag him back to the bathroom. “You're so weird.”
“And you looooove it.”
“You're the one who carries that photo round all the time!”
Just saying it makes your heart swell. It's a small thing in the grand scheme of your relationship. James shows you he loves you all the time — in his words, his actions. The way he looks at you. How he always buys your favorite flavor soda at the shop when he sees it. The way he knows how to wake you from a nap without startling you. His touch in a crowded room and his gaze when he senses you need something.
So, yeah, a photo in his jacket pocket is nothing, really. But he clearly looks at it often and thins about that first night.
You lean in and kiss him without warning. He makes a surprised noise but leans into it, hand cupping the back of your neck. Maybe it's alright if you're a little late.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC-
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: How are you doing?
MC: Are you asking because you are concerned? *tilting their head to the side while staring at him*
Barbatos: Yes. You must be uncomfortable. *seeing that all the furniture are removed, even pillows and blankets*
MC: Ah. I feel no discomfort at all.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: I know you're communicating with the real owner of that body.
Barbatos: We were in good terms even before they decided to leave.
MC: What are you trying to say then?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Please pass this message to them.
MC: ...
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC, I apologize that I couldn't do anything to help you.
Barbatos: Nonetheless, should you genuinely wish to bring this to a close, do not hesitate to summon me. I assure you of my assistance.
MC: ...
MC: They heard you.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Do they have an answer?
MC: Yes. They hope you won't go back on your word.
Barbatos: I see. Thank you for telling me. *turned around and left*
Mammon: Oi, Lucifer! I thought you wanted to take care of MC, huh?! Why would you remove everything in the attic?! It looks like an empty cell now!
Levi: That's right! That's inhumane!
Lucifer: Silence! I wouldn't have done that if you were capable enough to watch over them!
Mammon and Levi: ...
Lucifer: If I had only missed one second, MC would've been dead.
His brothers: ...
Lucifer: We're lucky that they feel no pain. Nor that they feel weak after losing so much blood.
Lucifer: But they could still die.
Barbatos: That's right.
The brothers: Barbatos-
Lucifer: Did they talk to you?
Barbatos: Yes.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC would like to stay in the Demon Lord's Castle once again.
Lucifer: *nods* If that's what they prefer.
Luke: Why are you smiling, MC?
MC: Barbatos... He's really a kind demon, isn't he?
Luke: Hm?
MC: It's nothing. By the way, Luke?
Luke: Yes?
MC: I want to go where Simeon is. Do you know where is he?
Luke: He's at the Celestial Garden. But why do you want to see him?
Luke: *worried frown* He doesn't see you.
MC: I would like to know how he's doing.
Luke: ...
Luke: *smiles* Okay. Please come back immediately so I wouldn't be worried!
MC: *chuckles* Okay.
Simeon: *reading a book that tells prophecies*
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *looks concerned as he tries to interpret the message*
Simeon: This can't be. MC has been long gone.
MC: *who has just arrived to the garden and sees him*
MC: *smiles as they approach him*
MC: Here you are, Simeon. And what's with the gloomy face?
Simeon: ...
MC: *goes to sit next to him*
MC and Simeon: ...
MC: It's quite peaceful here. Just like in Purgatory Hall. *chuckles* Only Solomon was the one making a racket.
Simeon: ...
MC: *looks at him* *sadly smiles*
Simeon: ...
MC: *stood up* I must get going now. I don't want a certain angel catching me here.
MC: Goodbye, Simeon. *as they about to walk away*
Simeon: *grabbing their hand*
MC: !!!
Simeon: MC...
Lucifer: *has called Diavolo to ask if MC and Barbatos already arrived in the Demon Lord's Castle*
Diavolo: Huh? But Barbatos arrived alone, Lucifer. MC was not with him.
Lucifer: What?!
MC: The statue of the Fairy king.
Barbatos: Yes. I will bury you here.
MC: ...
MC: Heh. It's perfect.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SSR Rollo Flamme - Student Council President Robes Vignette
"...How carefree."
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[Noble Bell College – Bell Tower Interior]
Rollo: Sigh… There is a slight chill. In addition, the sun is rising later as each day passes.
Rollo: Heh… This is a wonderful season. The time I must spend exchanging idle prattle with my idiotic classmates grows shorter.
Rollo: Now, before everyone awakens, I will do what I can to fulfill my duties.
Rollo: …And it would be a nuisance if I were to be spotted by those irritating bunch, as well.
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[Noble Bell College – Bell Tower Upstairs]
[gargoyles clanking around]
Rollo: AUGH, SILENCE! You blasted gargoyles.
Rollo: All your merry romping is completely undignified. Can you not settle down for even a single moment?
[gargoyles happily clanking around]
Rollo: Ugh, yes, I will be sure to tend to you all next weekend. After all, I cannot tolerate abandoning a task that I have taken on.
Rollo: If you understand, then leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to.
[gargoyles clank away]
Rollo: …Finally, they've left. Good grief, they are indeed a troublesome group.
Rollo: It is repulsive enough that they operate on magic, but they are much worse in conjunction with all that atrocious noise...
Rollo: If their whole purpose of existence were not to protect the bell tower, I would have long ignored those hunks of stone.
Rollo: …Would you not agree, dear Bell of Salvation?
Rollo: Heheh. You are as beautiful as ever today.
Rollo: How wonderful it would be if everyone were just like you.
Rollo: You ring when you should ring and are silent when you should be silent. Nothing could be more appropriate and certain.
Rollo: …Ah. The sun will rise soon.
Rollo: I should finish cleaning before the bell ringers arrive.
Rollo: Please bestow upon us your beautiful resounding tones again today, dear Bell of Salvation.
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[Noble Bell College – Courtyard]
Rollo: It's finally time for lunch.
Rollo: This should be a good distance away so I would not have to suffer the prattling of those unpleasant mages. I shall rest here…
???: Oh, President, here you are!
Rollo: Hm?
Vice President: I was searching for you, Rollo-kaichō. Why are you eating your lunch all the way out here?
Rollo: Oh, it's you…
Vice President: I see you're having bread for lunch. I never see you in the cafeteria, so I had no idea.
Rollo: That's right.
Rollo: 2 croissants and 16 singular grapes, as well as one cup of café au lait.
Rollo: That's all. That is my lunch every single day, 365 days a year.
Vice President: Eh, every day? YOU HAVE THE SAME THING FOR LUNCH EVERY DAY!?
Rollo: With a strict routine, I am able to forgo any unnecessary desires. It is rather refreshing. I wholeheartedly recommend you try it as well.
Vice President: I-I don't think I could do it. I'd probably get tired of the same stuff quickly.
Rollo: …How unfortunate that you are not a kindred spirit. More importantly, you had some business of me?
Vice President: Ah, right. Your professor was searching for you just a moment ago.
Vice President: It sounds like they wanted your permission to publish in a newspaper the essay you wrote on your impressions of that one book.
Rollo: A newspaper? …You wouldn't happen to be referring to the "Shaftlands News," that I read for my morning paper, would you?
Vice President: That's right. It's absolutely amazing that you'll be featured in such a big newspaper! That's Rollo-kaichō for you!
Vice President: I also heard that you were the only one who received a perfect score on the Potionology test in today's class.
Rollo: Hmph. It's nothing of import.
Vice President: No need to be so humble! Why, just the other day, you even brought to bloom a water blossom that is said to be very difficult to cultivate. The professors were very impressed.
Vice President: I truly hold you in high regard. There is no other mage at this school that has as much exceptional expertise as you!
Rollo: Is that so? …How ironic.
Vice President: Is something the matter?
Rollo: Nothing of concern. Rather, thank you for your message. Sorry to have caused you trouble.
Vice President: Not at all! But since I'm here, could I take lunch with you?
Rollo: …Well, I am just about done eating. I will be heading right to the professor's office now.
Rollo: Forgive me, but I must head out. We can partake in lunch together some other time.
Vice President: Alright. Then, we'll do it some other time!
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Rollo: …How carefree. Why would he speak to me so familiarly, when he cannot even understand my thoughts…?
Rollo: Ah, but there is no time to dwell on that. I must head towards the staff room.
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[City of Flowers]
[enters store]
Rollo: Hello.
Rollo: …Yes, that's correct. I would like to order the usual letterhead and envelope. Yes, one of the white ones.
Rollo: …Heh, I agree. Even if it may be considered an anachronism, I believe letters are wonderful tools.
Rollo: It may not be as convenient as sending an e-mail or making a phone call, but with more care and thought placed into each word, one can avoid any careless language.
Rollo: Hm? There is a cheaper stationary set similar to this one, from a different maker? …No, I am perfectly content with my usual fare.
Rollo: I could not bring myself to change the physical appearance of the letter after writing them for so long. I prefer to keep my things consistent and orderly, after all.
Rollo: …Yes, indeed. Thank you for everything, as always. Goodbye.
[leaves store]
Rollo: …A superb shopkeeper. As one would expect from a resident of the city that the Righteous Judge loved so.
Rollo: As a student of Noble Bell College, I must strive to be just as noble.
Rollo: …This city is a pleasant place to reside. The people are amiable, and the scenery is fantastic.
Rollo: However, all these beautiful flowers were originally cultivated with magic…
Rollo: Flowers… Magic…
Rollo: Mheh… Hehehe… Hehehehe…
Goat: Baa, baa.
Rollo: Hm, a goat, is it? What do you hope to gain from nestling up against me?
Rollo: Perhaps you are hungry. Unfortunately, I don't have anything that you could eat.
Rollo: If you are hoping for me to feed you, you would be better off finding someone else…
Goat: Baaa~
Rollo: What? …Are you attempting to snatch my stationary!?
Rollo: How vile… No, you cannot have it. I am very partial to this specific stationary.
Rollo: Moreover, eating paper will cause you digestive issues. I shan't think any less of you. You should give u… Hey, let go this instance!
Goat: Baaa~~
Rollo: You wretched goat! If you do not release my papers, I will have to just…!
Rollo: Ah. No, there are too many people who may see…
Rollo: If you weren't a creature cherished by this city, I wouldn't hesitate to send you flying.
Rollo: Consider this a narrow escape.
Goat: BAAA!
Rollo: Don't you dare gnaw on my robe! I may find the City of Flowers to be spectacular in and of itself, however I cannot approve of these unsanitary conditions.
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[Noble Bell College – Student Board Room]
Rollo: "In conclusion, I am doing as well as ever. My best wishes to you both, as well." …
Rollo: …Perhaps that is a tad too formal.
Rollo: No matter. It is enough for my parents to hear that I am doing well here.
Rollo: They have always been worrisome…
Rollo: Much too worrisome… Ever since…
Rollo: …
Rollo: The fire…
Rollo: …
Rollo: …Well. I suppose I could provide additional updates in the letter.
Rollo: I'm certain I will be unable to fall asleep sufficiently tonight, at any rate. I'll continue revising it as much as possible.
Rollo: I have nothing but time, after all…
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Requested by @raven-at-the-writing-desk.
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ventique18 · 9 months
🦇: "So? Let me hear it."
🐉: "Hear what?"
🦇: "Your pitch. You are going on your first date with that lovely thing you've been swooning at, right? Next week?"
🦇: "Try to practice. Go on, the date should be flawless!"
🐉: "Alright... Then,"
🐉: "Good morn. You have my gratitude for agreeing to come today."
🦇: "Oh Malmal, of course I'd come! I love you so much!"
🐉: "Love-- ahem. Well... I, hm. Yes, I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you as well. For today, my goal is to hold your hand and perhaps embrace when we part ways. But eventually I desire to marry and possibly sire a child or two with you."
🦇: "Huh?"
🐉: "As for housing, you need not trouble yourself as our ancestral home is rather sizable. But if you wish for us to live alone as a nuclear family, I could arrange to put up another castle a ways off the main one."
🦇: "Wait--"
🐉: "I believe my savings alone would be enough to last us several hundreds of years so you needn't even work at all, but if you so desire to aid me in my role then I would be more than glad to have you. Of course, you can also opt to pursue whichever career you prefer."
🦇: "STOP!"
Are you an idiot? Was what 🦇 wanted to say next, but out of love and pity for the boy, he didn't.
🦇: "Did you not say you did some research for this?"
🐉: "Yes."
🦇: "What kind of book did you read? Is it to help you in a job interview?!"
🐉: "I summarized the suggestions perfectly! It said to maintain a healthy relationship, one must always show appreciation, be honest, set expectations, convey your wishes for the future, prove you are someone your spouse can rely on--"
🦇: "Malleus, you're not maintaining a relationship with a spouse, you are looking for one. You are courting someone. You are trying to make someone say 'yes'. "
🐉: "If they see how desirable I am..."
🦇: "Are you an animal? Do you think strutting around like a peacock will work?"
🐉: "..."
🦇: "See? Now come, you have a lot of work and reading to do. Let's see... What was that romance novel teenage girls online have been going crazy over as of late?"
🦇: "Fifty Shades of Pink? Or something?"
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dilvuc · 28 days
╰┈ 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚
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“I apologize for the trouble. Please take care of Nova for me.” [Y] scratch the back of his head. “Nova won't be any trouble for you. Will you be ok here, Nova?”
“...Yes, papa.” The child nodded, clenching the book to his chest. The taller male smiled, ruffling Nova’s hair, “Ciel and Mr. Sebastian will take good care of you. Have fun.”
“Hm…” Nova nodded.
[Y] turned to the earl and butler, “Thanks again for your kindness. I'll be back in three days. Behave, ok.”
“Yes, papa…”
“Bye-bye, now.” The taller male waved as he stepped into the train. He sent Sebastian a soft glance. The butler smiled at the male while waving secretly behind Ciel. [Y] chuckled as the door closed. Nova watched in sadness as the train railed away.
“...Now that's settled. Let's go…” Ciel sighed. Nova grabbed Ciel's hand, catching him off guard.
“I say don't call me that…!” Ciel blushed.
The child sat in the library reading more books that Ciel recommended to him. Just as Ciel's command, Sebastian was ordered to watch over Nova. Since Nova is his husband's son, then maybe they could get to know each other—
“Are you papa’s lover?” Nova asked the butler. Sebastian hum in question, “Hm?”
“You and Papa seem really close. Papa was smiling at you and you smiled back.” Nova admitted.
“...Has your father never told you?” The raven haired butler tilted his head. Nova nodded, “He told me that he has a lover who used to work as his butler. So, I assume that it's you…”
“Ah. He really misses me, doesn't he?” Sebastian chuckled bashfully, happy to hear that he was talked about a lot. “He must be taking good care of you as a father.”
“Unlike my old mama, she never treats me like papa does. Papa isn't greedy like old mama.” Nova stated. The raven haired butler raised his eyebrows, “Sorry if this is personal, may I ask what your mother could've done?”
“...Mama abandoned me. Mama never wanted me after my old papa left for another woman. Mama…thought of me as a curse and tried to kill me but instead abandoned me…” the child explained.
Sebastian has never felt bad for a child before. Nova is lucky to have [Y] as his new father, but his mother, however…should he kill her? Perhaps…he could. Sebastian is a demon, he won't regret killing that woman for hurting his child. Yes, he says “his” child since Nova is [Y]’s child plus the demon and the human are married.
“You don't need to worry about that anymore. Now that you have a new home and family, you don't have to live a hellish life anymore.” the butler smiled gently. Nova perked up, “Really? Then…can you be my new mama?"
“Ah? Couldn't I be a father?” Sebastian tilted his head.
“But…I want a new mama. Can you…?” The child begged, giving the demon butler puppy eyes. Sebastian is a demon, he can resist cuteness except for cats. He's a demon he can resist. He can resist. He can re…sist…But, Nova looks like a kitten…The butler is trying to resist, but…fucking damnit! Nova is his baby and he can't say no!
“Very well. I'll be your mama.” Sebastian accepted in defeat. Nova beams before standing and rushing over to Sebastian, hugging his leg, “Thank you, mama!”
“Why? My heart is racing! Are children always this cute? No…Only Nova.” Sebastian clasped his hand over his mouth as the child continued to hug his leg.
“Mama, huh?” A voice snickered, catching Sebastian off guard. Ciel snorted, “So you're mama Sebastian, huh?”
“H…how much did you hear, master?” Sebastian blushed with embarrassment. Ciel smirked, “Since he asked if you could be your mama? Mind preparing me some tea and juice for us, mama Sebastian?”
“Damn you, master…!”
❝meanwhile w/ [y]❞
“Ah, I see~ Nova must've really loved you, mommy~” [Y] teased. Sebastian huffed from the phone, ❝Hmph! I'm only agreeing to be his mama because I couldn't say no to that face…❞
[Y] laughed heartily, “Hahaha! You're so cute!”
❝Have you arrived at your destination safely?❞ the demon asked his husband. It's cute to see the sneaky demon caring for a human like [Y].
“Unfortunately, the train stopped at a different destination because it unknowingly broke down��” the taller male sighed, “The train is being investigated and so are the passengers.”
❝I see. Where are you now?❞ the butler inquired.
“Hm…Ah, I think it's France. I have someone I know living in France. So I'm safe.” [Y] grinned. He could hear the sigh of relief coming from Sebastian, ❝Ah…I was getting worry. Eh? Someone you know? Who? Are you two close?❞
“Yeah. Real close~”
“Hm…? Close…?” Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows, feeling a little jealous. “How close…?”
❝We’re like two pea in a pod~ My favorite person in the world!❞ [Y] laughed.
The butler's face turned blank, is his husband stupid or what? His lover is right here on the phone, is Sebastian not his favorite person? He heard [Y] wince with realization, ❝Ah. Wait…That's not—❞
“Hm. If you want to be with someone closer then, have fun…” Sebastian deadpanned. Before [Y] could say anything, Sebastian hung up. “Favorite person in the world? Hmph! If he were to have an affair behind my back, I'm gonna— No, I shouldn't be mad or jealous. [Y] is an honest and loyal person I've met. He wouldn't do such a thing.”
“Someone's jealous~” Bard snickered after hearing Sebastian's conversation with his husband. The butler sighed, “Listening to my personal conversation is inappropriate. I would've pecked your eyes out or perhaps cut out your ears.”
“Oi! At least you're lucky to have a handsome husband with a kid!” The chef sweatdropped. Though, the chef is jealous that someone like Sebastian hasn't lost his loved ones.
“...You wouldn't know if our relationship will last forever. It's true that our love for each other is genuine.” Sebastian stated as he leaned against the wall. “But…we don't know for sure if one of us will one day lose trust in each other or maybe…lose each other…”
Awkward silence…Bard felt awkward cause he has never heard Sebastian’s voice sound so heartbreaking. Sebastian genuinely cares for his husband and he hopes that their bond will never be broken. Besides, [Y] was the first and only human that made Sebastian feel this way. And he can't bear to lose the only human he loves. Nova is another human who happens to make Sebastian feel this way. Nova is his and [Y]’s child and he will do anything to keep the child safe.
“Seeing you like this is unlike you. You're always so hard to understand. Smiling. I felt that some of them are fake.” Bard mumbled, leaning his elbow on the table. Sebastian sighed, “I should prepare the treats for master and lil’ Nova…”
“Damnit. Why didn't he let me finish…?” [Y] sweatdropped after Sebastian hung up on him abruptly. “I was going to say it's my sister…”
“Good~✨” Nova beamed after taking a bite of a cat-shaped sandwich. Sebastian chuckled, “I thought I could cut it up just for fun.”
“They're the best, mama!” The child grinned. Sebastian smiles genuinely, “How about some more?”
“Yes, please.”
Ciel wasn't convinced by the fact that it was shaped like a cat nor was he convinced by the fact that Sebastian is taking his role as a mother too seriously. Though, he's kinda suspicious of this. Why is Sebastian doting on a child? And he understands that the demon's smile was fake, but this smile is very much real. Odd…
“You must be loving this role as a mother, Sebastian.” Ciel narrowed his eyes at the butler, who's feeding Nova.
“Apologies, master. I couldn't resist it.” Sebastian smiled. Ciel raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his tea “He's taking it too seriously…”
“Mama, can you marry papa?” Nova beamed, causing Ciel to spat out his tea while Sebastian blush. Is this child pretending that he didn't know that Sebastian and [Y] aren't married? Nova is a prodigy child after all. Surprise that he went to Weston College at such a young age.
“Pfft!” Ciel snorted, finding it hard to believe that Sebastian would marry a human. Plot twist: they're already married.
“A-ah…Such an unexpected question coming from you, young Nova.” Sebastian sweatdropped.
“You and Papa will make a great couple!” Nova grinned, this was enough to cause Ciel to burst out laughing. Sebastian twitches his eyebrows, “W-what’s so funny, master?”
“I…it’s just hard to imagine you marrying someone like Sire [L]...” Ciel snickered.
“Oh? Really…?” Sebastian twitches his eyebrow. Nova smiles, “By the way, today's Mother's Day. I drew you something last night.”
“Ah? You draw something for me? May I?” The butler asked. The child grabbed a folded paper from his pocket then unfolded it before handing it to Sebastian, “Happy Mother's Day~”
“...” The butler checks the drawings to see that it's a drawing of [Y], Nova, and himself as a big happy family. Ciel was already on the floor, laughing. Sebastian was holding it on the inside, “GAHHHH! WHY?! WHY IS THIS SO PRECIOUS?! 💕 💕 D-demons shouldn't be defeated by this…! Stay cool, Sebastian, stay cool!”
“It's lovely. Thank you for the gift.” Sebastian beamed.
╭      ⁞ ❏. facts
┊      ⁞ ❏. sometimes [y] isn't careful with his words
┊      ⁞ ❏. sebastian is mommy (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°)
╰┈ 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
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themysteriousauthor18 · 2 months
Radioapple concept? I'm your biggest fan!
Alastor surveyed the shelf of books. He hummed, unsure of which one to indulge in next. He’d already finished all of Sherlock's books. But he wasn’t privy to any of these other authors. He tilted his head at a passing librarian, “excuse me, miss.” The woman paused, “Would you have a recommendation for a good mystery novel? I can’t seep to find one after Sherlock.” 
She smiled, “sure.” She said walking beside him. She reached her hand up trailing her fingers along the spines of the books. “Hmmm…here’s you go,” she said plucking one out from the shelf. “This is one of my favorites at least. But Its a pretty good one.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Your welcome, let me know if you need anything else.” She said smile before walking away. 
Alastor peered at the book in his hand. He turned it over to read the description on the back. He flinched when he felt something tug at the hem of his shirt. He looked down, surprised to find a small blonde-haired girl at his leg. He blinked down at her, “um…hello little one?” He said confused. Where were her parents? 
When he spoke something in her eyes seemed to light up. A wide jovial grin spread across her round face. “It is you!” She said loudly. A few other patrons looked in his direction and he smiled nervously in regards to them. “Its you I knew it!” 
“Charlie!” A voice came from around the corner soon after. Alastor peered up just in time for a short white man to dart around the corner of a bookshelf. His hair was the same shade of blonde as the girls. Ah, her father. His eyes scanned only briefly before finding her. He walked over quickly, “ah I am so so so so SO sorry!” He said picking up his daughter quickly and holding her in his arms.
“Its quite alright.” Alastor replied, pushing down a small wrinkle in his shirt the girl made. 
Before the man could lecture his daughter she was tugging on his shirt now. “Daddy daddy look!” She pointed at Alastor. Nearly tumbling out of her fathers grasp. “It's the man from the radio!” She said gleefully.
Alastor raised his brow, understanding now. 
“You can’t just run off like that.” He turned to Alastor, “again I am so sorry. She’s just a big fan of that radio show you do.” He paused, “uh…your the one who does it, right?” 
Alastor's eyes smile widened a little, a ping of annoyance growing in his chest at the mans comment. “Why yes,” he reached his hand out. “I’m Alastor, pleasure to meet you little lady.” The small girl grinned with stars in her eyes as she grabbed Alastor’s much larger hand with two of her own and shook it. “And yes I am the host of that famous radio show.”
"I'm your BIGGEST fan!" The little girl declared. With a big grin.
Alastor grinned back. "How sweet." He paused, “I presume you are the girl's father?” He took his hand away even though the girl was still shaking it.
“Ah yes, my name's Lucifer.” He readjusted the girl in his arms so she was sitting on his bicep. “And this is my daughter, Charlie.” 
“Hi!” She beamed. 
Alastor pondered the name for a moment, “Lucifer hm? Quite an interesting name.” 
The man blinked, “oh is it? Yeah I guess it is.” He laughed. “Guess it's not normal to be named after Satan haha.” 
“Indeed.” Alastor said quaintly. He glanced at his watch. “Well it was a pleasure to meet you little lady,” He looked at Charlie “and you as well.” He nodded to Lucifer. “But I must really be off now.” 
“Bye bye! Come back soon!” Charlie waved at Alastor as he took a step back and waved back. As he walked away he sighed heavily. 
Lucifer...he knew that name. The name of the man from the wealthy side of New Orleans. Wouldn't be a bad idea to get in his good graces. He smiled.
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glazesunflower · 10 months
Shenhe, Sara, and Eula with a gn reader who asks them to stay with them bc they're afraid of being left by people? or like comfort fluff headcanons along those lines if that's okay
Gentle Reassurances
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Characters: Shenhe, Sara and Eula x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Your regular hurt/comfort.
Notes: "Tumblr drabbles!" I say as I come back with a post that's 4.5k words. I really know no self control. And I might have misunderstood the prompt for Shenhe and Eula but I think I got it right with Sara. Either way, I hope you still enjoy this <3
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As the morning sun spilled its golden light into the apartment, Shenhe stirred from her slumber, her eyelashes fluttering with the remnants of her sleep. The warmth that filtered through the window caressed her cheeks as she blinked herself awake. With a soft yawn and a graceful stretch, she untangled herself from the all too warm embrace of her bed and rose to meet the day.
Her gaze met yours, and the softest of smiles curved her lips. 
"Good morning, my love." She whispered, her voice a gentle melody in your ears. "How did you sleep?"
You feel your lips growing into a smile too, a tender curve of affection for her eyes only. 
"I slept very well, thank you. How about you, my heart?"
A soft chuckle rolled out of her lips as she drew nearer, her presence and her scent wrapping you in morning bliss. 
"I slept well too." She admitted, her voice a soft caress in the space that separated you. She leaned in, her lips meeting yours in a delicate kiss. "I must admit, being in your arms feels so nice and warm in the morning."
Returning the kiss, your fingers found themselves lost in the winter of her hair, your fingertips grazing her skin softly. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation.
"You’re awfully cuddly this morning, Shenhe. Not to say I don’t enjoy it. Because I do, very much."
Shenhe nuzzled closer, a playful glint in her winter eyes that’s not lost to you. 
"Cuddly. Hm… Yes. I suppose you could say I am in a cuddly mood.”
“Yes.” You nodded, closing your eyes briefly. It had been a while since you had time to spend in each other’s company like this. You’ve been awfully busy at work lately. “I missed this.”
As the last remnants of sleep left her softened stare, you found her demeanor shifting, the subtlest change in her expression that you’ve learned to read as well as an open book with the passing of the time.
And so, you have also learned that, with Shenhe, it’s always best to be upfront about it all.
“Is everything alright?” 
You watched her brow twitch. Just the faintest bit. But you had your answer hidden there.
“I believe there’s something… That I would like to discuss with you.”
Concern edged into your voice. "Of course. What is it, my love?"
She met your gaze, vulnerability etched across her winter features. A sight she reserved for the intimacy of your shared home and nowhere else. Moments passed, each heartbeat a testament to her internal struggle.
"It feel like I should share…" The words almost trembled, laden with a raw uncertainty she could hardly conceal. Not to you. "Something that has been on my mind as of late, these past weeks."
Her words became quieter as she sought the right phrasing. You sat up, a sense of urgency mingling with your worry. 
"Are you alright?" A pause. And then. “Are… Are we alright?”
Her gaze held yours, and you could feel the fear dancing within the depths of your ribcage. Shenhe inhaled, her breath shuddering as she prepared to lay bare her heart. 
"I believe I feel…" Her voice wavered, just the faintest bit, her resolve clashing with her unease to tell you. She pressed on still, determination lending her strength. "Unattended. We certainly don't spend as much time together anymore, and you being away for long has awoken… Unpleasant emotions within me. That I feel I should share with you. I have given it much thought, and I believe that… I feel worried.” She shut her winter eyes, a barrier against the tumultuous emotions she can’t decipher within the cage of her chest. “…That we are beginning to drift apart.”
Your heart ached at her words. Of course, you had been neglecting her. You could blame the increasing amount of work you’ve had to do for the past weeks, but you only have yourself to blame, really.
Still, you lost no time in cupping her cheek, your touch a balm to her uncertainties. Your voice was soft as the winter's breeze.
"Oh, sweetheart. I didn't know you felt that way. I have not been paying enough attention to you lately, right?"
Her gaze held yours, a silent confirmation crossing the beautiful winter of her eyes.
“I would say that, yes.” Her voice was a hushed whisper, her body still close to yours. "I struggle to comprehend these emotions still. Rationally, I understand you cannot be with me at all times. But somehow, in the depths of me…” Vulnerability quivered in her voice, a fear laid bare that you rarely see. “I harbor the fear of losing you.”
You felt the birth of tears pressing behind your eyes, and your hands were fragile threads when they caressed her back. Offering some comfort for her or for you, you’re not entirely sure.
"And you feel like you’re losing me lately, my love?"
Shenhe nodded, her head coming to rest on the curve of your shoulder, her winter hair cascading down your neck and arm.
“I have tried to push away those feelings of worry. I have tried meditation, training, going down the Harbor to collect my thoughts. But even still…” She closed her eyes, leaning into your touch further. “I can feel these emotions eating away at me from within. I despise them. I shudder at the possibility of… Losing you for good.”
With a heavy chest, you cradled her face gently. You brushed her cheeks with the softest of touches, a gentle caress to the winter of her skin.
"Don’t push those feelings away, my heart. I’m glad you told me. And I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, I really am.” A soft smile struggles to bloom on your lips, brimming with understanding. “What can I do to make it better?"
Her sharp eyes soften around the corners at your words, her gaze studying your features with necessity, wanting to engrave it all in the heaven of her memory. In case. Just in case.
“I believe I would enjoy spending more time with you.” Her lips danced with hesitation, but her winter eyes held yours with that deep affection you’d learnt to recognize in all of her gestures. "Being with you… It makes me happy." 
Your chest swelled at her words, carrying all the tenderness you knew she harbored for you deep inside. You really couldn't help yourself. Your lips found her cheek, pressing a kiss to her tender skin, a loving gesture that conveyed just how deep your devotion for her ran. 
"Then, that’s what we’ll do. I’ll take this weekend off and we’ll go somewhere.” You took her hand in yours, playing with her long fingers. “Just the two of us, in a cabin by the mountains. We’ll have picnics and swim in rivers. How does that sound?"
You watched her expression painted with eagerness and anticipation, her winter eyes lighting up at the words leaving your lips.
“That certainly sounds enjoyable, my dear.” If you didn’t know her like you do, you wouldn’t be able to hear the bubbling excitement in her voice. But you did know her, and you saw the subtle way her lips curved, softer in her happiness. “It is bound to be a fantastic time with you. Just you and me, and the nature of the mountains.” Her fingers brushed your cheek, a tender touch that said so much, so much to you. “I promise to protect you from any danger we may encounter, my heart.”
You nodded, entirely too happy with the promise of happiness in the future, of how the situation has been healthily salvaged.
“Thank you, my love. And we can even make a campfire and roast some potatoes too!” Your lips brushed her temple in a fleeting kiss. “We can do anything you want. This weekend is all about you, Shenhe. And I’m yours, completely."
The weight of your words settled into her heart, a promise that resonated deeply, echoing in the chambers of her heart. You watched with delight her subtle smile growing into something playful, the faintest teasing gleam in her beautiful eyes.
“Oh, if that's the case…" She drew closer, her body pressed against yours in affectionate proximity, and you lost your breath altogether. "You don't quite know what you just signed up for."
Her gaze held yours, mischief dancing in her winter eyes, and you were suddenly so glad to have this conversation at all. You were really, really looking forward to those days with her.
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The night begins to settle in, casting a soothing veil over the land of the wind, and you and your girlfriend Eula find yourselves taking a rest from the current mission you’re working on together. 
Staring at the city beyond, the ethereal glow of the Anemo lanterns lights up the streets, casting a warm, golden light in the buildings below. Around you, the gentle rustling of leaves comes with a cool, refreshing breeze that sweeps through the campsite, carrying with it the faint scent of wildflowers that flourish in the fields nearby. The hillsides around the camp are blanketed in a sea of emerald, the tall grasses swaying in harmony with the breeze. And you breathe in, leaning back in your elbows, feeling content.
"Isn't this a beautiful sight, my love?" 
You remark, your gaze still looking at the beautiful landscape around the two of you.
"I prefer to focus on the mission, but I suppose it is very picturesque."
How beautifully practical, your Eula. Her focus really is resolutely on the mission at hand and nothing more. You really expected nothing less from her. Still, a soft chuckle leaves your lips.
"Come on, stop thinking about that. It's late, and we should rest. We even set up the campfire. We'll resume the mission tomorrow."
Her hesitation is palpable in the air, but Eula finally nods her agreement. 
“Very well, if that’s what you wish. So long as it won't impede our progress tomorrow."
"I promise it won't."
You assure her, reaching out your hand to her. With a gentle tug, you draw her close, and your lips find hers in a tender kiss. You find delight in the way Eula’s cheeks quietly bloom with pink colors. You love her a little bit flustered, always.
“Don’t. I'm still on the job. I'd better make myself scarce.” She murmurs, her words a step between embarrassment and resolve.
You really can’t help yourself when she’s like this. You have to tease her.
"You're adorable when you're flustered, my dear.” 
"Don't tease me while I'm on the job, or I'll…!" 
You grin, a playful glint in your eyes, but Eula's voice trails off, her implication clear.
"Go on.” You prompt her, a playful smile dancing on your lips. You really can’t get enough of her.
"…Or I'll get my vengeance!”
A deeper blush warms up her features as the realization of her words hits her. She averts her gaze, hiding her flushed face where you can’t see her. Pity.
"Okay, okay. I won't tease you anymore." 
You concede, your hand finding its place over hers, a soothing gesture of breaching the distance. A peace offering. She lets you caress her skin gently for a moment. Then, Eula's voice takes on a quieter tone. 
"You know? I'm not used to this. To… Receiving affection like this."
Your voice is gentle, almost tentative when you say,
"And how do you feel about it, my heart?"
Your thumb keeps tracing soothing patterns over her knuckles. You hope that helps ease the sudden tension that’s built between the two of you. Eula’s voice remains soft as she admits, 
"I feel that… It's a little embarrassing.” She shakes her head, locks of blue hair falling over her eyes. Then, she clears her throat, her demeanor entirely changed. “I'm on the job, as I mentioned. Could you please refrain from holding my hand for now? I can't quite concentrate on my duties if we keep this up."
Understanding her concern, you remove your hand and reposition yourself closer to her. You can’t help but feel disheartened, though.
"Of course… I respect that." A contemplative pause settles between you before you break it again. You really can’t keep the question festering inside. "Can I… Can I ask you something, Eula?"
She meets your gaze, curiosity and hesitancy drawn all over her glazy stare.
"Yes, what do you wish to ask?"
"Lately, I've noticed something different when you're around me," you begin, your gaze fixed on the dancing flames before you. The heat of the fire is an ironic contrast to the conversation you’re having. "Especially when I try to be affectionate. And I can't help but wonder…” You breathe in. Then, you let it all out. “Do you still want this? Us being together?"
The abruptness of your question takes Eula aback. Her sharp eyes widen, larger than you have ever seen her.
"What? Why… Why would you say something like that? After all, we both want the same thing, don't we? I'm not the type to give up on something once I've set my mind to it..."
Her tone turns frosty, the frown in her features deeper, and you find yourself surprised with the shift in her demeanor. Have you dug a breach between the two of you?
"You don’t have to be like that, Eula." You offer gently, your voice is a soft thing. "I just sense that there's more beneath the surface. I'm here to help, if you'll let me."
Her reply remains stern. She turns her face away from you again.
"You really don't have to worry about that. Your concern is unnecessary. I'm simply focused on the job. Nothing more."
Her response makes your chest feel tight, heavy with unpleasant emotions. Your voice carries a tinge of melancholy when you say, 
"I have no way of knowing what’s on your mind if… If you don't tell me, Eula. I mean well. I love you. But I don't want to force you into saying anything you're not comfortable with.” You take a deep breath, stealing glances at her, still turned away from you. “Just know that, should you wish to speak, I will gladly listen to what's troubling you, my heart."
Eula's voice wavers softly in the stillness between you.
"Even if I opened my heart to you, you wouldn’t understand... You might even end up hurting me.”
"Why do you think that?"
You can’t help but ask, genuine concern lacing your words. Her response comes as a whisper, weighted with vulnerability. One she hadn’t allowed you to see before.
"My life is full of complicated issues. Even if I shared everything with you, you would never understand what drives me to do what I do…"
For a moment, you say nothing. But then, you let your hand tentatively find hers, softly in the way you touch her cold skin, despite the fire burning.
"Try me, my love." You encourage her, tender and gentle. "I want to understand."
And surprisingly, against all odds, Eula turns to you. Her winter eyes are heavy with everything you just don’t know yet, and then something else. Resolve.
With a sigh, Eula begins to open up. 
"You really want to hear it? Perhaps it’s best that I do not burden you with this…" Her tone wavers, a mix of hesitation and resignation. But she’s almost there. She just needs a little push.
"Nothing of yours could ever be a burden, my heart." You assure her, your grip on her hand gentle but oh, so firm. "I promise."
Resolute now, Eula continues. 
"Well, if you think you are able to face this, then I shall tell you. But you must listen closely. I've been harboring this secret for a long time now…"
Her voice drops to a whisper, the vulnerability in her words touching your heart and painting it blue. "I was once abandoned by someone close to me. Because of that, I am afraid of making myself vulnerable. Once I become intimate with someone, the threat of abandonment returns and causes me constant mental torment. This makes it difficult for me to accept the affection of others, even if deep in my heart I really do want it, perhaps more than anything else in the world… I do not wish to be seen as a weakling, so I refuse to acknowledge my weakness…"
A sigh escapes her lips as she pushes forward, revealing more of her inner thoughts for your ears only. 
"I don't know how to accept what you're giving me. You may already have figured this out, but I'm not very good at expressing or demonstrating my feelings. I fear I may be unable to give you what I want in return, which is a happy and normal relationship. I'm afraid, so frightened that I've shut you out and pushed you aside. If I allow myself to open my heart to you, I may only be met with more despair, betrayal… Disappointment…"
As her words die off, you let them hang in the air for just a moment, taking them all in. Eventually, your voice takes on a tender quality as you respond to her inner struggles. 
"I know you've been hurt in the past, but if you close yourself off to love and affection now, you might find yourself leading a very lonely life, Eula.” You stretch your hands out to her in offering. “I can only offer you what I have, words of love for you and a heart that swells when you're around. I don't mind waiting and taking things slow, if that would make you more comfortable. I just want to be by your side, if you'll let me."
Eula's gaze meets yours, a complex array of emotions shimmering within her beautiful eyes, and you feel the tightness in your chest a little more present.
"Perhaps I am the issue. That I am unable to accept your love and support… I can't bear the thought of losing you someday. I don't want you to leave me the way everyone else has… I am so terrified, and so lonely… And you… You are the only one who can understand me, so I can't bear to lose you, too.”
The vulnerability in her words overwhelms your heart, pushing you to take both of her hands in yours, pressing a tender kiss to each of her fingers. Loving, loving, loving. 
"You won't lose me. Not tonight, or in the foreseeable future. I promise, Eula. I will stay with you as long as you want me to."
And to that, to your gentle words of affection, to the tenderness in your touch, to the gentleness of your lips against her cold fingers, Eula’s beautiful eyes fill with tears.
“Thank you…”
She leans her head against your shoulder, finally, finally allowing herself a moment of peace. You hold her close, fast and quickly, like you can’t bear the thought of not taking her in your arms now, caressing her back slowly.
“I won’t try to push my affection on you anymore, okay? We’ll go at your pace. I’m just happy to be with you.”
And when Eula pulls you close to her, closer still, her chest pressed against yours with an intimacy far too beautiful to oversee, you find your answer tucked there.
“Thank you… Thank you for waiting for me all this time… I promise to repay your love tenfold.”
She presses a kiss on your cheek, then leans her head on your shoulder and gazes up at the beautiful stars above. And you think that waiting can’t be a terrible thing. Not if you can hold her as closely for just a moment longer.
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"That was such good training, my love!" You exclaim, offering her a towel to wipe off the exertion after a long session of bow practice that you’ve been witnessing for the better part of the last hour. "You did great."
Sara bows in acknowledgment, a gracious and beautiful smile on her lips.
"Thank you very much! I always give it my best. If I am able to keep training and become stronger, then I can help protect more people. The people I care about are always on my mind, and I want to do the best I can to help them. My love for the people I care about is the reason I train day and night."
Your smile softens as you take in her dedication. It’s one of the many, many things you adore about her.
"I really admire how dedicated you are, my love."
Sara’s smile grows, radiating a sense of purpose, feeling good with your compliment.
"I am glad you can see that I am truly dedicated to the people we care about. With the help of my fellow samurai, I do everything I can to ensure that Inazuma is a safe place for everyone."
"You're so strong." You murmur, your gaze lifting to meet hers. Your chest swells with affection. And then, something else. "I can't help but…"
"Cannot help but what, my love?” Sara's brow arches in curiosity as she waits for you to continue. When you don’t reply, she insists. “What's on your mind? You know you can tell me anything."
You hesitate, your words carrying a hint of self-doubt, terrible in your ears.
"Oh, never mind. It's silly."
"My love, nothing is ever silly when you share it with me. Your thoughts, no matter how trivial they may seem, are important to me.” With gentle insistence, Sara steps closer to you, her hands finding a place for them on your shoulders. “If something's on your mind, please, don't hesitate to tell me."
A wistful smile tugs at your lips. 
"Well… I can't help but feel that I'm way out of my league here… Being with you…"
Oh, how stupid you feel the moment those words leave your lips. You regret them immediately.
But Sara's touch is comforting as she steps toward you, her presence reassuring like she’s always been, a source of comfort and love where you always find your shelter and home. 
"My love, you are never out of your league when it comes to me. I do not care about positions or statuses. All I care about when I'm with you is you. You will always be enough for me, no matter what."
"But… You're such a strong and resilient warrior, and I'm just… me." You shrug, a sense of vulnerability creeping into your words. You’ve started this. May as well go all the way, let your inner most troubles shine through in the dim light of the evening sun. "There's got to be someone out there who's better for you, I…"
Sara's voice resonates with a deep sincerity as she addresses your concerns, cutting them short. 
"My love, I have searched far and wide across the continent for someone who could fill the empty space in my heart. Yet, when I found you, that emptiness vanished as if you were the missing piece I'd been looking for.” Her voice is stern, but her eyes are so filled with poorly-hidden affection for you. “I couldn't want anyone more than you, and I mean that with all my heart. You are the one for me, and I don't wish for anyone else but you."
You cannot help but be moved by her words, your eyes welling up with unshed tears, carrying all your doubts. 
"You mean it?"
Sara leans forward, her gentle touch wiping away your tears. The brush of her thumb across the tender skin of your cheeks is so gentle that you can’t fight the closing of your eyes.
"My love, I mean it with every fiber of my being. There is no one else but you for me. I am happier than I've ever been, and I know that being with you is exactly where I'm meant to be. You are the person I needed, and I'm not leaving your side."
You clutch onto her clothing, as if grounding yourself in her presence. You know you might be a little selfish, asking for this much reassurance, but you can’t help but want more. To need more of her.
"You really mean those words? You won't leave me?" 
Sara's touch remains tender as she cups your cheek, and you melt in the way her eyes brim with love for you. 
"My love, my words carry the weight of my truth. I don't wish to leave your side, now or ever. I don't know how much longer it would take for my heart to mend if you were to leave. I'm not sure it ever would. I will do everything in my power to ensure we are never separated. You are the only one I need, and I don't desire anyone else in my life."
Your vulnerability defrosts in her arms as she presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your lips bloom into a smile. Quiet, small. But it’s a beginning.
"Thank you for saying that… You have no idea how much it means to me."
"My love, every word is sincere.” Sara assures you, her voice a soothing balm to the scars and stitches hidden in your heart. "You are such an integral part of my life, and I'm grateful every day for having you. You mean a great deal to me as well, and I can't fathom what life would be without you."
And with that, you cannot help yourself. You reach up, holding the side of her face as you lean to her. Your lips find hers in a tender kiss. And you whisper,
"I love you.”
Of course, Sara is quick to smile at that, beautiful and reverent.
"I love you too, my dear." She doesn’t hesitate to say, the affection evident in her tone. "I consider myself fortunate to have found you."
Apologizing for your sentimentality, you sheepishly admit, "Sorry for being sappy."
But still, you watch Sara chuckle warmly, pulling you into a gentle embrace that you absolutely enjoy, taking her all in.
"My love, there's no need to apologize. There's no such thing as being too sappy. Expressing your emotions is a beautiful thing, and it's heartwarming to see how much you care. Don't hesitate to share your love with me."
With a contented smile, you lean in closer. Closer still.
"Shall we do something fun now? After this heartfelt conversation?"
You delight in the way Sara's eyes light up with enthusiasm. For your eyes only. How lucky you feel.
"That sounds wonderful, my love. How about a visit to the beach or a peaceful picnic? Those are two of my favorite ways to unwind and enjoy time with the ones I cherish."
"The beach sounds perfect." You smile, your excitement mirroring hers. "It's been a while since we've enjoyed the sea together."
"I would love that." She replies to you with a gentle smile, colored with all the love she harbors for you in every inch of her being. "I'm sure the beach is just as breathtaking as I remember. It's been far too long since I've felt the sea breeze and the warmth of the sun. It's the ideal way to spend an afternoon, together."
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Pushing the Barrier Part 3 (Eddie X Reader) 
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A/N: Like you guys I am extremely invested in their story. My brain has been all over the place so please excuse any grammatical errors. Holiday seasons are always harder for me. I love you guys and your thoughts on this story. I read them all <3
Warnings: I don't want reveal too much and spoil things but still got stripper Eddie here. He does talk and break down in great detail his trauma and the things he deals with. :(. Word Count: 3967
You slipped out of his apartment early in the morning while Eddie was still sleeping. You couldn’t sleep at all. The entire cab ride to your apartment you thought about last night. Everything about Eddie and the way he made you feel was amazing. That look in his eyes and the tone in his voice though remained front and center in your brain. 
“I’m waiting for you.”
No matter what, you would end up hurting him. Hell, you were hurting him now. You were married to someone else. Your last name was someone elses. You did not belong to Eddie. Yes, your husband was an asshole but he was a good man once, right? Why else did you marry him?
“Excuse me, can you take me here instead please?”
You gave the cab driver the address as he swiveled around. 
When you walk into your husband’s office, his head is buried in paperwork. His eyes flick up towards you as you enter but he doesn’t move to greet you. 
“Must have had a good time last night. You didn’t come home.”
“I stayed with a friend.” He answered with a sarcastic hm. “What did you expect? You yelled at me and said I looked like a whore.” Your husband exhaled as he leaned back in his gigantic chair. “Honestly, I’m surprised you even noticed I didn’t come home. You’re never there.”
“Here we go again. Look—”
You raise your hand to silence him. “Please. I… I’m your wife. I miss you, honey. Don’t you miss me when you’re here?” His eyes softened as he watched you speak. “Do you remember our first date? We stayed out all night walking around the city and just talked till the sun came up.” You both chuckle at the memory. “I miss that. I miss how we used to be. I’m so sick of being alone.”
You husband rose and walked to your side of his desk, leaning down on his knees to get to your level. “I miss you to, baby. I know I’ve been really busy here. I’m trying to make it to where soon I won’t have to work so hard. I promise I’ll do better, sweetheart.” 
Eddie flashed in your head at the name and you tried to shake the image. You craned your neck, planting your lips on his. “Ok, I trust you. I love you.”
“I love you to, baby.”
“Hello?” You answer the phone and are surprised when Mira’s lyrical voice comes through. 
“Hey mama. It’s been a couple of weeks since you’ve come by. Is everything ok?”
“Yes? Do you do this check up with everyone who stops showing up?” You try to keep your voice low so your husband doesn’t wonder who you’re talking to. It was a Saturday and to your surprise he was actually trying to make good on his promise. You two had been watching television when the phone rang. 
“No, baby. I actually have a favor to ask. Can you come by and see Eddie?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. “Wha…I…um…”
“I don’t ask questions. I told you; we pride ourselves on privacy so I don’t know what happened between you two but since you stopped showing up his entire attitude has changed. He’s a lot more feisty than normal. I actually had to give out a refund for a client experience and send him home the other day. He’s a good man but if this keeps up I may have to fire him.”
“No! Mira, don’t do that.”
“He’s working a short shift today. I don’t have anyone booked for him and I won’t even charge you for this little counseling session. Just please, get his mind right.”
You sigh as you hang up the phone. 
“Who was that?”, your husband asks as you head back towards him. 
“One of my friends needing a pick me up. Her boyfriend broke up with her.”
“Oh no. Well, baby, you should go check on her. Bring some of the hard stuff.”, he points toward your liquor cabinet. 
You climb into his lap and kiss him on the forehead making him chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”
You feel extremely nervous as you open the door to Eddie’s room. When your eyes land on him your heart breaks in half. While he still looks handsome in his jeans and Metallica shirt, his eyes look worn as if he hasn’t slept in days. His head was leaning against his fingers as they pressed into his temple. He stared into his own reflection angrily. 
“Hey Eddie.”
His eyes widened as he quickly got to his feet and marched toward the glass in front of him. 
“Turn this fucking thing off NOW.” When you don’t respond or do what he asks he slams his palm into the glass causing you to jump. “You snuck out of my apartment. No note or anyway to reach you. You disappear for two weeks. I think I earned the right to see your face. Unless you’re too much of a fucking coward.”
He laughs to himself as he sits back down. “God damn, Sweetheart. What the fuck was I thinking? I guess we both had each other pegged wrong, huh? I thought you were different but, nope, you’re just like everyone else. I’m surprised you didn’t leave some money on my nightstand before you left.”
“Eddie, please. That’s not what this was.”
“Then what was it!?”
“I really do care about you but I owe it to the man I married to try.”
“Y/N, what the fuck are you talking about? He doesn’t give a fuck about you. With everything you’ve told me what makes you think this time is going to be any different?!”
“Eddie, you don’t know me or my relationship! He was a good man once and he really has been trying.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you back here with me?”
“Because Mira told me that she was going to fire you if you didn’t get your shit together!”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Eddie, you can’t afford to lose this job.”
His eyes angrily turned towards the front of the cube. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to pretend like you care about my well-being. Just get the fuck out of here and go back to your ‘blissful’ marriage.”
You flick the switch, turning off the two-way mirror and meet his fury filled stare. “I’m doing this because I care, Eddie.”
“Naw, baby. You’re doing this because you care about you. I should have known better. Selfish just like everyone else who enters my life.”
“I don’t want you to wait for me.” His head turns abruptly at your words. “I can’t have you waiting for me. It’s not fair to you.” You hug your arms around you. “You deserve to be with someone who puts you first.”
“So do you…” He sighs before you notice his eyes light up with an idea. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can you grab Mira for me?”
Without question you leave the room, grabbing Mira, and bringing her to Eddie. You wait outside in the hallway as the talk. After a few minutes she exits, smiling. 
“Man is crafty; I’ll give him that. This way my dear.” She takes your hand in hers and leads you towards the back of the building but instead of going out the back door, you two pass it looping around to another hallway. Mira digs in her pocket for a set of keys and opens the door in front of her gesturing you inside. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you can just open the door and leave. It’s only locked to keep people out, not in.”
When you step inside the lights above you automatically turn on. You glance around taking note of the familiar throne chair and the guitar leaning next to it. Taking a seat, you look in front of you and are met with only your reflection. 
“It’s a bit odd at first, I know.” You glance above you at the sound of Eddie’s voice. “I have to admit, I’ve never been on this side before. It’s kind of empowering.” You smile softly as you stand up and move towards the front of the glass. 
“I thought maybe it might help a bit to put you in my shoes. In the corner there is my jacket. You can put it on if you want to.”
You do put on his leather jacket, inhaling the smell of his cologne. 
“Go ahead, Princess. Take a seat.” Doing as he asks, you sit in the throne again, gazing at your image in the mirror. “Now, picture this. You’re a 20 something year old man from a small town in Indiana. You left your friends and uncle, the only family you care about, behind to move to New York to make something of yourself.”
“What about my parents? Where are they?”
His silence is tearing you apart. You would give anything to just be able to see his face. 
“Your parents don’t talk to you anymore. Your dad is an abusive dickhead who’s in prison for pretty much the rest of his life and your mom surrendered you over to your uncle when you were a kid because she didn’t want to deal with you.”
A tear escaped your eye and you quickly wiped it away. You suddenly hear a soft knock on the glass in front of you and your eyes move towards the sound. 
“You’d been struggling to make ends meet so you do some research and find Mira’s place here. You start doing this gig for strangers and 98% of them you can’t see. Some of them are extremely dirty.” His tone changes to much more gruff, authoritative one. “Take off your pants.”
You look up at the glass, your eyes searching frantically for him. Eddie’s voice comes through a bit more sternly. “I said take off your pants.” You do as your told, rising off the chair and pushing off your jeans, kicking them to the side. 
“Good girl. Keep the shirt and jacket on. You look fucking sexy like that.” You felt your pussy start to drip at his words but something still felt off. It wasn’t the Eddie you had come to know. He wasn’t in front of you with that soft voice, telling you how beautiful you are. This really felt like someone else behind a window that only wanted one thing. 
“Spread your legs open. Atta girl. Move your panties to the side so I can see that pretty cunt.” You did as he asked as his heavy breathing echoed into the cube
“Eddie, please tell me what you’re doing over there.”
“Oh no, Princess. You don’t get to ask me questions. I tell you what to do. Come here, babe. Crawl to the front on your hands and knees for me.” You hear the sound of his grunts as you move towards him. You place your palm against the glass and you can’t see it but he does the same. 
A string of expletives including words like “slut” and “whore” leave his mouth as he pants. You suddenly hear his breathing slow and then nothing but silence. 
You feel yourself start to panic. “Eddie?” You smack the glass. “Eddie, are you still there?!”
“Now, imagine,” you breathe a sigh of relief as he continues in his soft Eddie tone. “One night, this beautiful voice comes through. She just wants to talk to you about things. Mostly about how her husband abandons her at night to fall asleep alone. Sometimes he doesn’t come home and one night when she was feeling particularly beautiful, he told her she looked a whore.”
You feel the anger slowly rise into your chest as your bottom lip begins to tremble. He knocks again a little further to your left so you shuffle towards it, knocking back. 
“This beautiful voice finally allows you to see her face, taste her lips, feel her body. She falls asleep in your bed but then the next morning you wake up and she’s gone. You could try calling her but you don’t have her phone number and Mira won’t give it to you because ‘we pride ourselves on privacy’,” he mimics her voice. “You can’t go to her apartment because you don’t know where she lives. The only place you’ve ever seen her is in there,” Eddie points to the glass, “and at a restaurant. Every day for the next two weeks you check in that restaurant thinking she may show up but she doesn’t. You play your gig at the bar she saw you at praying she may show up looking for you but nope.”
“You sit in that glass confinement for two…weeks… waiting,” Eddie flips the switch and his upset eyes meet your sad ones. “Then she finally shows up and says she owes it to her husband to try because she cares about you.” He tilts his head, watching your face.
“Eddie, I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“Why do you stay with him?”
You shrug as the tears start to fall. “He’s my husband. I—”
“Don’t say that again. Don’t say you owe him. You owe him shit especially with how he treats you. Do you honestly believe he’ll change? You need to leave him.”
 “Would you?! What if the tables were turned?” You stand up and tower over him. “What if I told you this bothered me? You being naked and jacking off in front of people made me angry? What if I said I couldn’t be with someone who does something like this? What if I said ‘Eddie, it’s me or this’? What would you do?” Eddie glares up at you as you yell through the glass and you don’t even wait for an answer. 
“Yeah. That’s what I fucking thought. So don’t you dare stand there and tell me what to do with my life!” You watch was he turns with clenched fists and exits the room slamming the door. “Oh, that’s nice. AND I’M THE FUCKING COWARD!” You scream after him as you repeatedly slam the barrier in front of you.
The door behinds you suddenly opens as Eddie flies through it until he’s in front of you. His hand reaches out to grip your chin, making you look directly at him. 
“I would choose you. I would choose you every fucking time. No questions asked.” His hand released you but his body remained where it was. “If you want to go play house with your husband go ahead. That’s not going to stop me from waiting for you.”
Your jaw tightens as you swallow and Eddie sees it. “Oh yeah? And how many girls have you said that to? How many times have you sat in here and said something that to someone you’re attracted to?”
His face visibly flinches as his chest rises and falls heavily.
“I’m not going to stand here and pretend like I’ve never found other women I’ve seen in here attractive. The ones that have actually allowed me to see them. You, Y/N, are the only person I’ve actually ran after when they walked out of this room. You are the only woman ever since I moved here that I’ve invited to see me play with my band. YOU are the only person on this fucking planet that I would stick around for even though I know I’m her second choice.”
“Eddie, fuck! It’s things like that. You deserve better than being someone ‘second choice’.”
“And so do you. Look, whether it’s work or…something else that man is always putting you second. No matter how you choose to defend it.”
Eddie reaches his hand out to gently caress your cheek with his thumb. “Y/N, you were just gone.”, his voice comes out barely above a whisper. You tackled your arms around his waist and his arms came down around you, pressing you against him. “If you want to try with your husband, I respect that. I don’t agree with it but I respect it. Just… please don’t disappear again.”
You left Eddie that day with a mutual agreement of remaining friends. You even exchanged phone numbers with him and on days you were home alone you called him, telling him about your day and vice versa. 
One day you invited him to your school to have lunch with you. Eddie marveled at you from outside your classroom door. You looked so cute sitting on your desk swinging your legs as you talked to the glass. When you glanced towards the door and saw him, you eagerly waived him in. 
“Who’s that?” a girl near the front row giggled as he came in.
“Guys, this is my friend Eddie. Eddie, these are my pain in the butt freshman.” They laughed at you as he gave them a small wave. “Go ahead and sit down. The periods almost over.”, you whisper to him. 
You continue with your lesson on the book in your hand and after a few minutes a bell chimes. “Please, for the love of God, keep up with your reading. On Monday, we’re going to talk about your next project, okay?! Have a good weekend!”
You smile as they murmur goodbyes before speeding out of the room. 
“You good at this stuff.” Eddie grins as he grabs the book from your hands. You take the food out of the bag he brought, crossing your legs on your desk as you dig in. “The Great Gatsby. Did we have to read this in school?”
“Well, I’m not sure about Indiana but here it is part of their freshman curriculum. Have you read it?”, Eddie shakes his head as he places the book on the desk. “It’s about a man named Gatsby who loves a woman named Daisy. She’s married to this rich aristocrat guy so Gatsby spends his life trying to become rich enough for her. Her cousin moves in next door to him so he uses him to his advantage.”
“Oof. Sounds complicated as hell.” He laughs as he starts eating his own food. “Tell me more. I like hearing you talk about it.” You flash him a questioning look. “The way you talk about the material, you get more animated. If I was their age and you were my teacher, I may actually have read the book.” Eddie smiles as you laugh at him. “What happens in the end?”
“It doesn’t end happily. Long story short, Daisy stays with her husband and Gatsby dies.”
You both avoid eye contact as you pick at your plate. “So, um, how’s work been? Better?”
Eddie chuckles. “Mira didn’t fire me if that’s what you’re asking. Yeah, everything’s gone back to normal, I guess. What about your husband? Still being good?”
You scrunch your nose at his word choice. “Yeah. I mean, there have been a few nights he’s stayed late at work but it’s not as bad as before. He actually took me out to this really nice restaurant the other night.” You dare to sneak a peek at him as you talk. Eddie continues looking down at his food, nodding his head. 
Reaching towards him, you tenderly place your hand on his arm. “Thank you.”
He gently grazes your fingers with his own, almost as if he’s afraid to touch you too much. “Not a problem, Princess.”
“Honey, you alright?” Your husband taps your arm. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry I just zoned out for a bit.” You laugh at yourself as you shake your head. 
The phone on the wall rings and he leans back to answer it. His eyes flick towards you before he makes a small mhmm noise and pulls the phone from his lips. “It’s my boss. I’m going to take it in the other room. Would you mind hanging this one up for me?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.” He doesn’t see your face cringe at the name as he kisses your forehead before jogging down the hallway. “Ok! I got it!”
“Ok!” You don’t know what possessed you in that moment but instead of hanging up the phone, you put it up to your ear covering the mouthpiece with your hand. 
“I can’t, baby. Not tonight. I already told you. I’m on thin ice with my wife.”
“Don’t you baby me. I thought you said you loved me!”
“I do, Sarah. I do but—”
“But you love her more!”
*sigh* “Look, don’t move, okay? I’ll be right there.”
You hang up the phone and thirty seconds later your husband rounds the corner. “Honey, I’m so sorry. They need me to come down for a few hours to work on this project. I shouldn’t be there to long.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as your brain runs a mile a minute. “You should go. Definitely don’t want to keep your boss waiting.”
The moment Eddie opens his front door your lips are on his as you jump into his arms.
“Whoa! Sweetheart…hang on…a minute.” He barely gets the words out as you keep trying to keep his mouth on yours. “Please…Jesus H. Christ.” 
He somehow manages to tear you off him, placing your feet on the floor. Eddie’s long fingers brush your hair back and out of your eyes. They were extremely worn and heavy from crying. The whiskey on your breath hung around you like a storm cloud. “What happened, Princess?”
You reach towards him attempting to run your hands along his bare chest but he catches them in midair to hold them in his own. “Talk later. Fuck me now.”
“Okay, that would be the alcohol.” You swayed drunkenly in his grasp. Rolling your eyes, you pull away from him and throw yourself down on his bed. You reach for him with little grabby hands. “I’ll make you deal. You take a nap and then when you wake up, we’ll revisit this conversation, ok?
You giggle, nodding your head as your heavy eyelids start to droop. Eddie sits on the edge of his mattress beside you, delicately removing your shoes and socks. “I’m going to take off your pants to make you more comfortable, ok? This is not a sexy invitation.” He smiles and you nod again.
After he completes his task, he maneuvers your body so you’re under the covers. “Should I call your husband and let him know you’re here? I can say your friend is with you and I’m her boyfriend or something.”
With your eyes still closed, you scoff as you turn your head towards the sound of his voice. “Fuck him. He won’t even be home. He’s with Sarah.” You giggle but Eddie notices your bottom lip shake as your voice cracks. 
He blinks into the void as his mind pieces together the little information he has in front of him. “Oh Princess. I’m so sorry.”
You were silent so he assumed you had fallen asleep. He rose with the intention of sleeping on the couch when your hand flew out in his direction. “Eddie… please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll just be on the couch right over there.”
You shook your head, pulling at his arm. “Please. I’ll fucking break the glass if I have to.”
It took him a moment to understand what your drunk mind was trying to convey. “Y/N, there’s no glass here.” Eddie crawls into the bed beside you and you immediately press your small frame to his side as your head falls to his chest. He reaches for your hands and intertwines his fingers with yours. “No barrier. I’m right here, Sweetheart. I’ll be right next to you when you wake up.” ###################
@Munsonsuccubus @samunson83
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@ajkamins @dollalicia
@secretdryrose @staandupanndscream
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nyoomfruits · 6 months
"Falling around you" for the wip title game pls!!
Ps: I love your writing style sm✨🩷
you have chosen ✨angst✨ basically au where lando and oscar dated and broke up, which would've been fine, if it wasn't for the fact that before they broke up they rsvp'd to alex and logan's destination wedding and now have to share a room for a whole weekend because everything is fully booked and they CANNOT miss this wedding because oscar is logan's best man and lando one of alex's groomsmen anyway here's all i have for that so far lmao
“Hi, welcome to Sunnyvale Inn, how can I help you?” The receptionist asks, cheery smile on her face.
Lando, feeling decidedly less cheery after a three hour car ride that he spend mostly overthinking every decision he’s ever made in his life, smiles back tiredly. “Hi, yes, reservation for Norris?”
“Of course mister Norris, give me a moment,” she opens something on the computer. “Are you here for the Sargeant-Albon wedding?” She’s tapping away as she speaks, barely glancing up.
“Yes, yeah I am,” he says, glancing around the lobby. He wonders if there’s anyone staying in the Inn right now that’s not here for the wedding. Alex and Logan had a seriously impressive guest list, last time he saw. He’s just glad actually being in the wedding party means he can stay in the Inn the wedding is held in rather than one of the surrounding hotels.
“Wonderful! I have your reservation right here, it’s room number 204, on the second floor. Will you be needing two keys or is one enough?” She asks, reaching over to the little hooks behind her.
“Uh,” Lando says, frowning. “One? Why would I need two?”
“Oh, in case you and your partner would like your separate keys,” she says, handing Lando a singular key.
“My,” Lando pauses, scrunches up his now. “Uh. Partner?”
“Yeah!” The receptionist says cheerily, completely undeterred, gesturing at the computer screen. “A, uh, Mr. Piastri? It says here you booked a room together.”
Fuck. He forgot. Among everything, he forgot about this.
“Fuck,” Lando says. “No, that’s. Shit. Can I- Is there any way I can change that? Is there another room? Another hotel?”
 “I’m sorry, Mr. Norris. Everything is fully booked. Mr. Sargeant and Mr. Albon did invite a rather large amount of people. The nearest hotel with an empty room has to be at least an hour away.” If the receptionist is surprised she does an incredible job at hiding it, though she does seem a little bit apologetic about the whole thing.
An hour away. Alex would kill him if one of his groomsmen was an hour away. Plus he’d have to drive, which means no booze at the party, which. There’s no way he’s going to get through this entire weekend without at least one shot of tequila. But that leaves-
Lando turns back to her, a little frantically. “I can’t. It’s not a possibility. I can’t room with Mr. PIastri, you don’t understand we-“
Someone next to him clears their throat, and Lando’s head shoots up only to reveal-
“Oscar,” he says.
“Hi,” Oscar says, and he looks. Lando wants to say good. Because objectively he does. His shoulders have gotten a little broader, like maybe he’s been going to the gym a little more consistently. His hair is longer, the little swoosh at the side almost turning into a curl. He’s wearing a nice shirt.
But there’s a tenseness to his shoulder, a twitch in the corner of his mouth, a distant look in his eyes. Lando hasn’t seen him look like that since, well.
Since they broke up.
“Uh,” Lando says, fiddling with one of his bracelets. “How are you?”
“Fine,” Oscar says, tone clipped. “What is this about a room?”
“Oh!” The receptionist says, tone cheery, clearly not reading the room at all, or reading the room perfectly and trying very hard to pretend everything is fine. “You must be Mr. Piastri.” Oscar nods, shoulders still stiff.
“We are uh. Sharing a room,” Lando says, biting at his lip. Oscar goes to open his mouth. “Hour away,” Lando says. “Logan would kill you. And Alex would kill me, so. There’s no other option.”
“Hm,” Oscar says.
“Would you like your own key, then?” The receptionist asks, holding one out to Oscar. “Room 204.”
“Thank you,” Oscar says, and then promptly turns around and heads to the stairs.
“Well, that went fucking great,” Lando says, crossing ‘avoiding Oscar at all cost’ off his mental list of ‘things to make this wedding at least semi bearable’, and then stalks off after him, with one last wave to the still broadly smiling receptionist.
There’s only one bed.
Of course there fucking is, because when they booked this room they were in love. Lando wants to fucking cry. When he steps into the room, Oscar is staring at it, like if he might stare hard enough he can split it into two somehow.
“I’ll take the floor,” Oscar eventually concludes, chucking his suitcase in the corner with a little more force than is probably necessary.
Lando frowns. “Don’t. That’s. Fuck, no you don’t have to do that. We’re adult fucking men, Oscar. We can share a bed for a weekend without it getting weird.” He hates this. He hates that they’ve come to this.
He’s got no one to blame but himself.
“Fine,” Oscar says. “Fine, sure, we’ll share.” And then he goes to walk out of the room again, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he goes, probably to text Logan about how he got stuck in a room with his ex boyfriend.
“Oscar, fuck, wait,” Lando says. “Are you going to be like this all weekend?” It sounds a bit desperate, pleading almost, and it’s so stupid that it’s come to this.
“Maybe,” Oscar says, without even turning around. “Maybe even forever,” he says bitingly, and the shoulders open the door.
“Hey, that’s not fair-“ Lando starts, but Oscar is already gone. Lando sighs, runs a hand through his hair, goes to put his own suitcase away. As he does so, he spots Oscar’s. There’s few stickers on it, and Lando’s eyes get drawn to one of the Eiffel tower, stuck in the top right corner. It’s from their first trip aboard together. Lando remembers buying the sticker, remembers Oscar rolling his eyes as Lando insisted it was all part of making memories, of remembering.
Ironic, how now all the wants to do is forget.
He dumps his suitcase in the opposite corner and goes in search of Alex. Or a bar. Whichever he encounters first.
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sanccharine · 7 months
15:47 | mm
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pairing: assassin!momo x handler!reader
summary: good speakers are good liars, too bad momo is neither. co-written by @eternallyghosting chapter summary: momo puts a man in his place
warning: use of guns sidenote: we don't know anything about guns,,,and we gave up on researching and being accurate, sorry ;-;
word count: 2.6k
a/n: as promised assassin!momo is here, also this connects to 15:34 (momo finds a gun). additionally, indigo wrote everything, i didn't do jackshit for this part, im just here to post and disappear like avatar aang
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You were seated on your recliner, taking advantage of the quiet in the house to read one of your all-time favorites, a copy of Metamorphoses you had treasured since you were a teenager, before the silence was disturbed by a beep on your phone.
As you hurried to put your book away, you frowned at your phone screen lit up with a notification from your shared calendar.
This Friday, 5-6 pm. Momo had not added anything more.
Figuring she must have woken from her nap if she was scheduling things, you called out to her.
Silence. Before you could say anything again, you were interrupted by another beep, signaling the change in the time slot from 6-7 pm.
And then another, shifting it back to 5 pm.
You sighed. What was going on?
Deciding you were done with your reading for the time being, you got up to carefully place your book back in its curated spot on your bookshelf before making your way upstairs.
You pushed open the door to your bedroom to find Momo fiddling on her phone in bed, the sheets tangled around her.
“Hey,” you leaned against the doorframe, “what’s this?”
“Hm?” she yawned.
Pointing to your own phone screen, you asked again. “What’s this Friday?”
“Oh!” Momo rubbed the sleep out of her eyes mid-sentence. “It’s for our shooting class.”
“Our what now?” Hearing Momo casually mention shooting came as a surprise to you, no matter the amount of hours you had spent in her earpiece discussing the exact same thing.
“Remember that gun we have in the back of our closet?”
How could you forget? For all its innocence and claims of self-defense, it was a thrilling reminder of what you both faced on the daily. Well, Momo did. Although you supposed sending her out there, day after day, knowing what she was getting herself into put you on the frontline as well. 
Yes, you had trained for this, and yes, you had signed the contract agreeing to be the permanent handler of Agent 64, but a hidden part of you would always put up a fight whenever a new mission file came along, wanting nothing more then to go back to when you were just Y/N and she was just Momo.
Seemingly unaware of your inner turmoil, Momo continued, “Well, I have a license, but I think you should also get some practice in. Just in case, you know?”
Just in case.
“A gun date!” You exclaimed, trying to make light of the situation. In all honesty, it had completely slipped your mind, what with unpacking and settling in as well as meeting all your neighbours who insisted on inviting you two over for meals.
She rolled her eyes. “Sure, yes, a gun date, if that makes you feel better.”
Nothing about this situation would, but you would take it. After all, it meant getting to spend more time with Momo. And despite everything you knew about her capabilities and renowned skills, you had yet to see her actually wield a weapon. This could be fun. You wondered if she would actually shoot as she had been trained to, or if she would fumble her shots on purpose. 
Her pride wouldn’t let her. You hid a smile as you thought about Momo at the range. Perhaps you would come up with something to bring out her competitive spirit. After all, you had to get your shots in too.
You nodded as you finally stepped into the room, moving closer to the bed. “So, Friday then?”
“Yep, I had emailed the closest range the very day we moved in, but they only just got back to me saying they could pencil us in for a slot.”
“Sounds good,” you hummed noncommittally, throwing yourself backward onto the bed. Momo did not seem like she would be getting out of bed anytime soon, and your sleep schedules were messy anyways. Dinner could wait.
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Despite your previous reservations (and you wouldn’t say this out loud), you were actually excited to go to the range with Momo. 
It had been an easy week for the two of you; having no immediate missions meant Momo could stay around and help you organize the house. It had been weeks since you had moved in, but there was still so much to do. You and Momo had found an easy rhythm of working, wherein you would organize and dictate the layout of the house, while Momo helped build all your furniture. After all, I am good with my hands, she had smirked.
Although the session you had booked was at five, you had to leave much earlier. Curse this town and its lack of accessibility. Although, you mused, that was precisely why you had chosen to relocate here, so you couldn’t really complain. 
Momo had volunteered to drive, so you sat back and shuffled around the playlists on your phone as she pulled into the freeway with ease.
You wouldn’t say this out loud either, but you had been thinking of silly bets you could make with Momo to make the shooting session more fun.
“I’m pretty sure I’ll get like, eight bullseyes,” you began confidently.
She kept her eyes steady on the road, but you could see a smirk make its way across her face.
“Pshh, in your dreams.” Her fingers tightened imperceptibly on the steering wheel. Aha, so her competitive spirit had awoken.
“How about… ” you drifted off as if deep in thought, “loser does the dishes for two weeks?”
She shook her head. “Make it three and then it’s worthwhile.”
“How about laundry? Or gardening?” As you continued to think of new ways you could torture her with chores, she suddenly straightened in her seat.
“Loser goes out for dinner with Mr. Jones.”
You shuddered. “Ugh, I wouldn’t want to wish that on you, babe.”
Her smirk never left her face. “You seem pretty confident.”
“Oh, yeah! I told you already, how hard can it be?” You mimicked explosions again, only for Momo to swat your hand away. 
“Fine, if you’re so confident, then dinner with Mr. Jones it is,” she said resolutely.
“You’re on.”
Although Momo was a highly sought-after assassin, you were not one to back down from a challenge. Settling further into your leather seat, you spent the rest of the ride jokingly trash-talking her, thinking of gross food combinations that your elderly neighbour would probably have on his dinner table.
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As Momo pulled up into the tiny parking lot attached to the gun range, you couldn't stop the restless shaking of your legs. You weren't really worried about handling a gun; despite not being in the field you were confident in your abilities and comfort with a gun. As strange as it sounds, you were nervous about seeing Momo wield one. 
Momo sensed your nerves and put a warm palm on your knee, her touch comforting. "Hey, it'll be fine. An instructor will be guiding us."
You managed a shaky smile as she continued, "and after all, it's for self defense, right?"
Right, self defense...
A strange look passed Momo as she said that, one you couldn’t decipher, though it disappeared when she nodded. 
Your instructor turned out to be a burly, unsmiling man who made no effort at conversation. You supposed that was just as well, you needed no distractions in the range. 
As he talked through the make of the gun, as well as its safety features, both you and Momo tried your hardest to act as if you were paying attention. Chancing a glance at her face, you could see her eyes trained only on the pistol in the instructor's hand. Not because she needed a reminder on how to load a bullet, but because she had already planned out an entire scenario in her head where she would have to face the opposition without having ready weapons. You could see it in the clench of her jaw, her unblinking eyes seemingly boring holes into the unsuspecting pistol.
You turned your attention back to what he was saying, only to catch the tail end of his sentence. "...and make sure you store it in a reclined postion."
Your eyes narrowed. You weren't supposed to store it that way. 
Although the instructor was in the wrong you decided to keep quiet and let him finish talking. Momo however, couldn't help herself. 
“Storing it that way increases the chances of the bullet getting stuck, potentially backfiring the weapon," she said sharply, her eyes never leaving the gun.
"Um, oh. Well…” 
"Do your research before you teach civilians how to fire guns." You winced at her harsh tone.
Although the man towered over the both of you in height, he seemed to shrink a couple inches upon Momo's rebuke, speechless at her interruption.
"Carry on," she waved a dismissive hand when he showed no signs of continuing his lecture.
"Right so um, let's move on to aiming," you tuned out again when you realised these were the extreme basics you'd learnt in your first few days at the academy. 
You let your thoughts wander to the period of your youth, undergoing grueling training in similar ranges with your friends. Only then it was a much more serious matter. You sighed. How had it already been so many years since you passed out of the system? Since you moved on and became a handler? Momo’s handler.
You came back to the present as Momo grabbed your arm, leading you to get fitted with a weapon. She seemed very in her element here, which you supposed wasn't too far off from her persona on the field. Although never having seen this in person before, you decided you liked this confident Momo.
Once you had both been fitted with guns, safety goggles, and ear plugs, your instructor led you over to an enclosed room. It was a long hallway, with narrow channels created by glass separations, and targets stuck onto the far wall. 
Momo gestured at you to make the first shot, smirking as she did so. Clearly she was enjoying this.
Despite the flutters in your stomach caused by her confident aura, you forced your eyes away from her as you steadied your hand.
Taking the all too familiar shooting stance, you took a deep breath and fired.
A clear hole could be seen on the ring marking a nine. It wasn’t bad, but you were better than this.
Momo raised an eyebrow at you. “Beginner’s luck?”
If only she knew.
You shrugged, signaling her to make the next shot. 
She took the same stance you had, the same pose holding the gun aloft, her eyes narrowed on the target the same way yours had. Then why did it look so much cooler?
The sound of a buzzer led to a temporary pause in your admiration of Momo. 
You glanced at the target. A bullseye. Of course.
Her cheekbones would surely hurt at night from all the smirking she had been doing. It seemed the smile never left her face as the two of you alternated between rounds. Your instructor, after observing you two for a few shots and coming to the fairly obvious conclusion that you wouldn’t do something stupid like shoot at the ceiling, had left you to your own devices and had wandered over to chat with the employee at the weapons station.
“Alright,” Momo clapped her hands once before extending it, “warmup’s over. Let’s begin the bet, shall we?”
“You’re on.” You solemnly shook her hand, not one to back down from the ridiculous dramatics of the bet.
As she reloaded her pistol, you stood still to take stock of the situation. You had purposefully fumbled a few shots during your warm-up so as to not make your wife suspicious, but could you really risk doing that when the stakes were having dinner with Mr. Jones?
No, you obviously could not.
You’d just have to pretend to be a fast learner. After all, Momo had first-hand observed how you took on new recipes and mastered skills after a few tries. It wouldn’t be too far off to say you were already good at target practice.
You reloaded your own gun and waited for Momo to go first this time, thinking you would continue to alternate shots as you had before. However, you were sorely mistaken.
If you thought Momo had been in her element during the warm-up, this was an all-new, evolved Momo. Her eyes never left the target as she swiftly reloaded her pistol after each shot, her hands a blur from the fast motions. She did not look to see if you were shooting, nor did she wait for you to catch up. She had ten bullets and she made ten bullseyes. The sound of the buzzer was a neverending cacophony of success.
Only after silence had once again settled in the room did she move away from the shooting platform, pushing her goggles up over her forehead.
“Pick your jaw up from the floor, babe, there might be flies around here.” She sauntered over to you, casually holding the gun loose between her slender fingers. 
Holy shit. How were you supposed to one up her now?
She must have sensed the resignation on your face, as she moved closer to pat you between your shoulder blades. 
“I’m sure dinner won’t be that bad,” she said with a teasing grin.
You rolled your eyes at her before focusing on the gun in your hand, steadying yourself once again before letting the bullets fly.
To your credit, you were really good. For someone who had not been active in the field for many years, you did not disappoint on your top-of-the-year status. However, Hirai Momo was simply better. Eight bullseyes and two 9s when you had briefly hesitated in the beginning could not compare to her perfect score. 
As you turned away from the sound of the buzzer and made your way over to her dejectedly, you were surprised to find a pair of arms encircling your shoulders. You looked up and found a gleam in her eyes. She was happy, not just from winning the bet, you realised, but because she was able to share a part of her daily life with you, even just for a few hours.
At that, the anxiety over the impending dinner plans faded away. This was what you had been wanting too. Sharing a home and a bed with her was absolutely perfect, but the joy at being able to share an aspect of her life while being civilians was more than you could have thought of. Before the embarrassment at this public display of affection could draw her away from you, you pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. 
That wasn’t good enough for Momo.
“You’re pretty good with a gun, you know,” Momo hummed out before she pressed a kiss to your lips. She pulled back just enough that your noses were still touching, her eyes wide and searching. 
“Like you said,” your voice was soft. “Beginner’s luck.”
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“What if I take some food over to his house?”
“Absolutely not! You have to eat the dinner he makes.” 
The two of you bickered over the loopholes of the bet while returning your equipment, and all the way till you were back in the car.
As you fastened your seatbelt, you felt Momo gently touch your palm to get your attention.
She looked strangely nervous and didn’t fully meet your eye, “I just wanted to say, you did really well back there. Seriously.”
There was that strange emotion again. It wasn’t something you understood, but you had the urge to divert away. 
“Enough to get me out of dinner?” you asked cheekily.
She groaned. “Don’t start with this again!”
Her eyes softened as she fully turned to look at you. “I’m proud of you though.”
You mirrored her position on the seat as you smiled at her. “Self defense, am I right?”
“Yeah, self defense.”
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: ^shower indigo with love and praise otherwise i will fucking come for you, i am in your walls. okay, im done with threats now, have a good day/night everyone :]
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taglist: @someone-who-likes-broccoli @happilychaengs
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
yk sometimes pm!dazai or ada!dazai takes off his trench coat and he only has his button up and waistcoat on? (its giving slay ngl) so maybe if he had a partner he’d occasionally lend his darling his coat because it’s cute and vv silly…
his coat pocket would have the weirdest things too: a crumpled page of the suicide book, a piece of bandaged that has yellowed due to oxidization, dog food etc
in my head im like how Dare he tarnish his beloved suicide book but that mf probably has 12 more copies at home lmao
I feel like instead of dog food he'd keep cat food for the street kitties that wander up to him :( he'd give them little pets and laugh so softly and sincerely as their heads bury into his coat pockets!!! He's all "You must've smelled the treats, hm? It's a good thing I keep them on hand for smart kitties like you," as he gently pushes them away so he can dig his hand in there to feed them rrgggg
PM!Dazai was shocked to see you shivering beside him. He was usually the one to get cold before you, and yet he found himself practically overheating in his black coat as he pulled it off his shoulders - at least that’s what he told you. Practically turning blue, you weren’t in any position to decline as he plopped it on your shoulders.
You immediately stuffed your hands in the pockets, trying to warm up your frozen fingers so they could move again. After a moment, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you turned slowly to look at the brunet.
“Yes, love?” He sends you a large grin, a teasing lilt in his tone.
You deadpanned, clearly unamused. “Your cold ass hand is not helping.”
His fingers intertwined with yours, his grin only growing as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll take my coat back if you’re gonna be ungrateful,” he stuck his tongue out.
You smirked before pulling Dazai in close, wrapping the coat around him as well by wrapping your arms around him. “I’d never be ungrateful to my lovely Dazai! C’mon, I’ll keep you warm, too.”
“But I’m not cold— “
“I felt your freezing hand, Dazai; You aren’t fooling me.”
ADA!Dazai doesn’t need a reason to give you his coat. You look cute, and he wants to help you look cuter. Reason enough, right?
The two of you were lounging around working at the agency, with you focused on the report Kunikida had politely asked you to take care of. Dazai had been on the opposite side of the room at his own desk, coat draped behind him on his chair as he stared at you. His face was resting in the palms of his hand, leaning forward on his desk to get a better look at you.
The way the setting sun came in from the window to light up your face had Dazai perfectly silent, mesmerized by you and your beauty. A loud sneeze came from you, whole face scrunching up as your elbow covered your nose briefly. Your sincere apology before immediately going back to your work had Dazai holding back coos, just wanting to hold you close and dote on you in the moment. He stood up, heading over to your side of the room and standing behind you. His coat was draped over his arm, the fabric rubbing against you he leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head.
“You must be getting a cold, hm?” He draped his beige trench coat over your shoulders, pulling your arms away from the report and stuffing them through the sleeves.
The action had you laughing, caught off guard as he pretty much dressed you in his coat. “You alright, Dazai?”
“Mhm, just wanted to keep you warm as your thoughtful boyfriend.” He leaned his body onto you, arms draped around your shoulders and chin digging into your head.
“Wow, you’re so sweet,” you replied sarcastically. Of course you knew he just wanted to see you wearing his oversized coat. “What would I do without you?”
Your hands slipped into the big pockets, letting out a soft chuckle as you pulled out crumpled up papers. “Do you keep these on hand?” You ask teasingly, reading the many ways to die as you flattened out the pages. In the margins were notes he must’ve scribbled down, many of which are just your name with little hearts scratched around them.
Dazai quickly snatched the pages from you, shoving them in the pockets of his white pants instead. “That’s nothing you need to worry about, love.”
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Morning Tea
Pairing: Vampire!Aleksander Morozova x Vampire!Fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Part 2 of the Tender Loving Care AU
Summary: Aleksander kept his word, staying with you for the night, and he plans to keep his word by teaching you how to make blood tea.
Warnings: blood consumption, allusion to sex, usual vampire vibes, aside from that it’s all fluff
A/N: not extensively proofread, I started writing this when I was half asleep and the words just sort of happened?
My Masterlist
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The first thing you notice is how warm you are. For the past few days you’ve struggled to heat up your undead body, or retain any warmth once you’ve gained it. Yet here you are, lying cosy in bed. Then the scent hits you.
Familiar and safe. Those are the only two words your sleep-filled mind can gather together to describe the scent. A steady heartbeat and even breaths are what makes you realise there’s someone else in your bed, and the sound of a turning page alerts you to the fact that they aren’t asleep.
“Aleksander?” You mumble, your words are still soft and sleepy. His answer is a very low sound, that vibrates against his chest where your head is lying.
“You stayed.” He closes whatever book he’s been reading softly, not wanting the noise to startle you.
“Of course I did.”
In your sleep, your arm has been curled up between his chest and yours, so you stretch it out with a minute groan of exertion before you let it drape over Aleksander’s middle. He pets the top of your head tenderly.
“How are you feeling?”
You blink a few times, before you remember your migraine. Assessing your body, the only thing you’re feeling currently is the urge to never leave this bed. Nuzzling closer to Aleksander, you drop your face down into the crook of his neck, which is where you mumble out your answer.
“Right as rain.” He breathes out a small laugh at your choice of expression, and places the book he had located back down on your bedside table.
“Regardless, you should take it easy over the next few days.”
You hum in acknowledgement, but soon become distracted by his scent. It’s so much stronger near his neck, and you know it’s due to the arteries there because your fangs are beginning to ache with an urge to affectionately bite him. Briefly you wonder whether that’s something vampires do to one another.
“You smell really really good.”
He chuckles in response to your quiet musings.
“You smell rather delectable yourself, milaya.”
“I do?”
There’s surprise in your voice. You always assumed that any appeal your blood had once had must have disappeared on the night you were turned. Of course Aleksander smelled divine, but you couldn’t even fathom him feeling the same way for you.
“Yes you do.”
A giddy feeling fills your chest, and you shift your body even closer to his. His arm curls around you, pressing you right where you want to be. The two of you spend a long moment in each other’s space; you can’t remember the last time you felt so contented.
The sound of his breathing is so steady and resilient, you find yourself eagerly waiting for the next inhale, allowing the motion of his chest to rock you further back towards sleep.
“Milaya.” He murmurs softly in such a low voice even you barely hear it. Lazily, your eyelids flutter open and you look up at him from under your sleep heavy lashes. A soft smile curls at the corner of his lips. “Do you need a nap, little one?”
You nod sleepily. His lips press against your forehead in a soothing gesture of reassurance.
“Go back to sleep.” He encourages you. “I’ll be here when you wake.”
His words are already in the distance, as your body grows heavy and your mind slips away back into sleep.
As your thoughts fade you come to a realisation. Usually when you awoke you were overwhelmed by the noises of the city outside, jolted into anxiety at the slightest of sounds: the apartment above you, a breeze against your window, sometimes even Alina’s heart beating in the room next to yours was too much.
But this morning, all you had focused on was Aleksander, and what a peaceful moment that had been. Once you’ve drifted off, Aleksander takes the opportunity to look around your room in the daylight. From his position on your bed of course. If he moved it’s likely you would wake, and he doesn’t have the heart to pull you away from such well needed rest.
He observes the large bookcase in the corner, that vaguely resembles a dragon’s lair with how you’ve hoarded the volumes that line the shelves. There’s piles of books on your desk, under the desk, and in the corner where a few cushions and a blanket have been nestled in a spot now illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the curtains.
All vampires have a sensitivity towards bright light, which Aleksander supposes is what started the myth that they were adverse to sunlight. Your light sensitivity seems to be particularly delicate, given the lack of any large lighting fixtures in your room. There’s a set of string lights hung along the wall and a salt lamp stashed away in your reading corner. Aside from that, there’s no other lighting.
Given the placement of your designated reading corner, in direct sunlight, and the sheer number of cosy cushions and soft blankets in your space, you were a vampire who liked warmth. His heart aches a little at the thought of you, a little fledgling vampire shivering in the cold and unable to produce your own body heat.
Subconsciously, he adjusts his arm around you, keeping you close as you snuggle into his chest. Closing his eyes, he tilts his head and rests it against one of your pillows that he had propped up against the headboard when he woke. Inhaling deeply, he begins with the scent furthest away from him.
Your perfume sits on the desk, a delicate little bottle adorned with a simple flower on its lid, the smell is light and fresh, a perfect compliment for your own natural scent. His attention trails over each and every bottle of lotion and moisturiser, breathing in the differences in how they smell.
Every one of them acts as a layer of who you are, and as his focus comes closer to where he’s sitting he can smell your shampoo’s sweet scent, accompanied by your body wash and lotion, which all soften when he shifts his attention solely onto your body.
Underneath all these layers, he can still smell the unique fragrance of your body, sweetened by your blood. You had seemed surprised earlier, when he had mentioned how enticing your blood was for him. You smell even more delectable now that you’re well fed, warm and cosy from sleep, and so hooked on his own scent.
Turning his head aside, his eyes open slowly and he spots the book he had been reading when you awoke earlier. A notebook. Curiosity has always been a weakness of Aleksander’s. Imagine his surprise when he opened up the notebook and read his name on the very first line. The first few pages had been filled with random pieces of information. Harmless things. His birthdate. His favourite books.
It was clear you had been saving this notebook for something special. It was quite an old notebook, with a deep teal cover, adorned with thin golden embellishments and a worn gold clasp to keep the yellowed pages sealed away safely. It really was a lovely notebook, and to have his name be the first thing you had deemed important enough to spoil the empty pages with has a warm feeling settling in his chest.
Aleksander hears your breathing shift, and you stir lightly. It won’t be long before you’re awake again. He spends the rest of his time watching the slow rise and fall of your chest. Your hand slides up the mattress, smoothing over the sheets as you stretch slightly.
“Aleksander.” You mumble, blinking blearily up at him before you press your face back into the crook of his neck.
“Yes, milaya?”
“What time is it?” He hums as he turns to look at the clock on your bedside table.
“Approaching noon.”
Once those words leave his lips he begins to shuffle away from your body, towards the side of the bed.
You whine, a needy desperate noise, as he attempts to detach himself from your arms. He garners some success, managing to sit up on the edge of the bed with one of his feet on the floor.
“Just a few more minutes, please?” He presses a pacifying kiss to your forehead and you wrap your arms around his waist tightly.
“I can go make our tea and bring it to you.” He suggests. You shake your head against his stomach as you protest with a small pout on your lips.
“You promised to show me how to make it properly.”
“Well you’ll just have to join me then, won’t you?” He teases with affection in his voice. Tilting your head aside, you listen to the sounds in the rest of the apartment for the first time since you woke up.
“Alina’s home. With company.” You state. Aleksander merely nods, it’s likely he will have noticed their presence before you had.
“They’re both still asleep.” He adds. His forehead crinkles slightly as you push the bed covers away from you and he stands. “I thought Alina said she doesn’t know any other vampires?”
Confusion pulls at your brows, then you realise why Alina’s scent is different this morning, because she’s currently sleeping next to a vampire.
“She doesn’t. Or didn’t. I assume she met her new friend last night.”
“Ah.” You pick up a pair of fluffy socks, pulling them onto your feet one by one. “Is that a regular occurrence?” You shrug lightly.
“On occasion. Alina certainly isn’t afraid of the supernatural.”
Tugging on an old sweatshirt that hangs low enough to cover the shorts you’re wearing, you follow Aleksander into your kitchen where he begins to make enough tea for the both of you.
With a small jump, you hoist yourself up onto the countertop, opening a cupboard and selecting a mug each for you both. Aleksander opens up your fridge, picking up a carton of milk as his eyes scan over the clear glass bottles filled with blood.
“Do you prefer it softer or stronger?” You hesitate for a moment, swinging your legs lightly as you consider his question.
“Stronger in the morning.” He nods, picking up a particular bottle. Aleksander doesn’t need to look at the label, from the scent alone he knows what type it is, but he glances at the expiry date just as a precaution. Still in date, as he thought.
Blood tea is more of a colloquial term for a drink that isn’t actually tea. It’s similar to tea, but different types of blood act as a substitute to whatever variety of tea leaves a human would use.
Aleksander explains the process as the water begins to boil in the kettle.
“Water first, then stir in the milk. After it’s settled for a moment pour in the blood and stir it. You don’t take sugar do you?”
You shake your head in response.
“That must be what I was doing wrong.” You muse, and he hums, encouraging you to continue as he pours the boiling water into your mugs. “I put the blood in first, then the water, then the milk.”
He nods in agreement.
“My method is half water, and then a quarter each of milk and blood. Though I believe that part will depend on personal preference.”
His fingers are elegant in their movements as they stir the milk into the boiling water, careful not to tap the metal spoon against the porcelain, as if he knows that the sharp sound will upset your contented state. He waits a moment before he uncaps the blood, and pours in a portion for each of you.
He stirs them again, before he hands you the mug with a little extra blood in.
“Careful, milaya. It’s hot.”
Boiling liquid doesn’t scald your tongue like it would to a human, and Aleksander is well aware that you delight in being warm. He doesn’t look surprised when you hum gratefully as your hands curl around the mug.
He watches you as you bring it to your lips. A pleased noise blooms in your throat as the heat hits your tongue, to be followed by the creamy taste of blood tea. Your eyes flutter closed as you allow the perfect taste to linger on your tongue. Once your eyes are open again, you find Aleksander watching you.
Warmth blooms over your cheeks, and you enjoy the flush of blood spreading down your neck. A smirk quirks at the corner of Aleksander’s mouth as he lifts his own mug to his lips, he appears to enjoy making you flush.
“It’s wonderful.” You tell him earnestly, and a thrill runs through you when you notice the very tips of his ears going red.
“Thank you.” He says softly, his eyes still on yours. You don’t look away, even when you call out quietly to the figure trudging towards the kitchen penninsula.
“Morning Lina.”
She mumbles a response back to you as she settles on one of the stools on the opposite side of the peninsula. Blinking a few times, she rubs her eyes before she adds with a small grin,
“Morning, Aleksander.”
He nods in greeting.
“Good morning, Alina. Tea?” She nods, and Aleksander reaches for the box of tea that Alina is fond of. She looks back at you with a small crease between her brows.
“Are you feeling better?” You nod, taking another sip of your tea.
“A lot better.” A small smile creeps over your lips as you think about what a perfect evening it was. “Thank you.”
You never would have had the courage to message Aleksander and ask him to come and take care of you like he had. Without Alina’s interference, you would have likely just festered on the couch for however long it took for your migraine to pass.
Aleksander hands Alina her mug of tea, and you open a cupboard to locate the sugar for her.
When the sound of movement in Alina’s room catches your attention, you tilt your head aside to listen to the fumbling of clothes being pulled on. From the look in your eyes as you glance in that direction, Alina can tell what you’re listening to.
“Be nice to this one.” She tells you as she stirs in her sugar, and you lift your brows as your lips part in exaggerated surprise.
“I’m always nice.”
“What about Matthew?”
“That was well-deserved.” You shudder, gripping tighter onto your mug in some semblance of comfort. “The things I heard that night cannot be unheard.”
She rolls her eyes at you with a fond sigh. There’s a twinkle of amusement in Aleksander’s eyes when you turn back to face him as he leans his hip against the kitchen countertop.
The vampire that appears from Alina doorway regards the three of you with a smile, which widens with familiarity once she sees Alina. Messy blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, and thick fangs. From her scent you can tell that she’s a turned vampire, which explains the random smattering of hickies and bite marks along Alina’s collarbones and up her neck.
A turned vampire couldn’t turn a human, it’s only natural vampires that have the ability to turn another being. Even then, you’ve heard that they can only create the venom on a full moon, but you’re not sure how true that it. You’ll have to ask Aleksander about that at some point.
The vampire rounds the peninsula, giving you and Aleksander a wide berth as she stands beside Alina. You aren’t sure whether she’s intimidated by being in your living space, or simply Aleksander’s presence.
“Would you like to stay for breakfast?” You offer amicably, though a lot of vampires don’t bother to keep up with human mealtimes. She shakes her head.
“Thanks. But I should be going.” Alina turns to her with a grin, and their lips meet in a rather open mouthed kiss.
Glancing down, you decide to count how many kitchen tiles make up the floor. They’re a smooth grey, with an even darker grey grouting. Something clean and modern. The landlord wouldn’t allow you to change it when you moved in. Alina would probably prefer something with more character, but you liked the simplicity of it.
When the sounds of their kissing have left your ears you glance up again, nose wrinkling slightly. Alina was like your sister, and with your heightened senses you often smelt or heard too much. Her smile is bright as she walks the girl to the door.
When Alina returns to her seat you toss her a package of supplements. She narrows her eyes at you.
“You don’t need to worry so much.”
“I’ll always worry about you, Lina.”
You don’t hate your immortal existence, and you certainly don’t view yourself as a monster, or some damned creature cursed with eternity. Drinking blood doesn’t make you a bad person, you know who you are, and that’s enough for you. But it has been lonely. Your turning had been the lowest point in your life, and you would hate for Alina to go through something like that.
A lot of young humans these days have rather romanticised your existence. You know that Alina sees the reality of your life, she’s isn’t ignorant of it. But, she’s always longed to be more than just another human, which sometimes worries you.
“Is this chocolate cake?” Alina asks, fiddling with the handles of a white plastic bag as she tries to peer inside. Aleksander nods.
“I brought it yesterday. It’s one of my friend Nina’s specialities - chocolate blood orange cake.” Alina raises a brow at his explanation.
“By blood orange, do you mean the actual fruit blood orange, or..” In that moment she managed to open the bag, and the sweet scent of blood and chocolate swirl together as they meet your nose, followed by the sharp tang of orange.
“Or should it be named blood and orange chocolate cake?” You ask with a knowing smile. Alina’s head perks up.
“You mean I can’t eat this?” A pout puckers at her lips as she eyes the rich, gooey chocolate cake. You laugh softly at the disappointment on her face. Aleksander smiles as he remarks,
“You could, though I’m not certain you would enjoy it.”
There’s a soft buzzing over the other side of the apartment, and your head perks up at the sound, as does Aleksander’s. Turning to him, there’s recognition in his eyes, and you realise it’s his phone, tucked away in his coat pocket, draped over your couch.
He moves over to the couch, scooping up his coat and rummaging around the pockets as he searches for his phone. His eyes narrow at the brightness of the screen, then he reads the name of whoever’s calling him.
Aleksander glances over at you.
“Do you mind if I take this?” You shake your head.
“Not at all.”
“I won’t be long.”
He disappears into your bedroom, and you hear him address whoever’s on the other line. Alina turns to you with an ecstatic grin on her face.
“You like him. Like really like him.” You nod, looking down at your mug with a shy smile.
“I do.”
“He seems nice.”
You look up at her with wide eyes, setting your empty mug down as you face her.
“He is. He’s so nice, Lina.”
You say the words as if you can hardly believe it. She smiles knowingly before she gives you a satisfied nod.
“Good. You deserve it.”
Aleksander reappears with a crease between his brows, though his expression softens once he meets your eyes.
“I’m afraid I have to go, milaya.”
“That’s okay.” You assure him. He steps close, his hands settling on each of your knees as you press your cheek against his chest. His lips brush against the top of your head as he speaks,
“Send me a message later today, so that I know you’re alright.”
“I will.” Your fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt, and your fingertips skim nervously over the woven threads as you find the courage to add, “We should do this again sometime. Not the ‘me having a migraine’ thing of course. I meant the seeing you.”
He chuckles at your rambling.
“I’d like to see you again too, milaya.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Preferably without the migraine as well.”
A smile spreads over your lips quickly as warmth blooms in your chest.
“Think about my offer as well.” He murmurs lowly against your hairline, and you nod. The offer for him to claim you, and teach you everything your sire should have. You go rather still under his hold as you admit in a small voice,
“I think I want that.”
He hums softly in acknowledgement, not dismissing you, but not agreeing either.
“Think it over a little more. I want you to be certain.”
He steps away and you nearly whine at the loss. Aleksander must see it in your eyes, because he cups your cheek softly, and brushes over the skin there delicately with his thumb as he presses a parting kiss to your forehead.
He must have put his shoes on whilst he was in your bedroom, because all too quickly he’s tugging his coat on, and you’re opening the front door for him.
Alina trails behind you, dropping down onto the couch as Aleksander nods assuringly at you.
“I’ll see you soon.” You mimic his nod.
“See you soon.”
Once the door is shut you allow the giddiness to fill you and you beam brightly at the closed door. When you turn Alina is there, sweeping you into a hug as you bounce and laugh in pure delight.
You’re so swept up in your happiness that you forget that from the hallway Aleksander can still hear inside your apartment. You don’t realise that he hovers by your door for a moment, listening to your laughter with a smile on his face.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity
BB Character Tag List: @rachlovesactors
403 notes · View notes
siren song v - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open!
A/N: another part of siren song! i am pretty sure that this might be the second to last episode, as after all of this, it will all go down >:) i hope you enjoy reading, and let me know what you think!
wordcount: 4.423 warnings: she/her reader, angst, wednesday is mean, sad xavier
When Xavier doesn't respond to any of your texts, you find yourself stranded at the Weathervane. He really needs your help.
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Even after waking up, there was no trace of Xavier. You had messaged and called him, but there was no response.
Y/N ♡
good morning! weathervane today? see you there? :)
Maybe he was still sleeping. Then you surely don't want to wake him up. Hopefully, he had not forgotten about meeting up at the cafe. Surely not. He was excited yesterday, and if he would have changed his mind, then he would send you a message.
You change out of your pajamas and into a more presentable outfit, packing your bag with some essentials before you exit your dorm. It is quite strange that you had not gotten any message back from him yet. But, as you exit the Weathervane gate, you see that the blue bike is missing.
Hm, he must have left already.
The walk to Jericho is quiet. There is not too much traffic or people. Most of the people are at Nevermore anyway as today is the last day of Visiting Week. Maybe Xavier was already sitting in the Weathervane at your usual spot.
You finally reach the warm cafe as you enter it, the bell above your head ringing yet again. The cafe had some occupied tables, yet Xavier was nowhere to be seen.
You quietly wait in the short line, smiling at Tyler as he greets you.
"Y/N, hey! Alone this time?"
"Oh, no!" You shake your head with a smile. "Xavier is still sleeping, but he should be on his way."
Tyler looks at you for a second before smiling, nodding as he stands up a bit straighter.
"Hot chocolate, whipped cream, and caramel?"
You nod with a smile on your face.
"And one cappuccino, please."
He clicks some buttons on the register, but as you go to give him the money, he shakes his head.
"No worries. This one is on me."
"Oh, come on, Tyler," you let out a laugh. "How about all those snacks you keep giving me? The Weathervane will go bankrupt if you keep doing that."
The boy shrugs, leaning over the counter a bit as he looks at you.
"I will not make your order if you pay."
You squint your eyes at him for a second. More people stand behind you in the line, and you really don't want to hold them up. With a deep breath, you finally nod.
"I will make sure to leave a big tip then."
You move out of the way before sitting down in your usual booth, your book in front of you as you let out a sigh. Still no messages on your phone - something kind of weird. Normally, even during classes, you and Xavier would send texts to each other. But now, the texts aren't even seen.
He is just sleeping. Maybe he is on his way right now. You don't want to bother him while he is on his bike. He might get into an accident or fall off his bike. You can't have that happen.
Your nails make soft clicking noises as you tap the table nervously, your leg bouncing up and down as you twist a strand of your hair around your fingers. A sigh leaves your lips as it tangles around your finger, pulling the strand of hair off of it again.
"Your favorite drink," Tyler approaches you, tray in hand. "And a cappuccino."
"Thanks, Tyler," you smile for a second before taking a deep breath.
He pauses for a second, the empty tray still in his hands as he looks at you. It is strange for him to see you without Xavier. The last few visits to the Weathervane were always with Xavier, but right now, the boy is nowhere to be seen. Did he stand you up? If he did, he would be an idiot.
"Hey, uh," Tyler awkwardly chuckles. "You alright?"
"Oh," you quickly nod. "Yes! Of course. I am just waiting."
His eyebrow raises for a second before nodding. Who is he to judge?
"Let me know if you need anything."
After a smile and a 'thank you', he leaves you be again. It is quiet, too quiet. Normally, your booth would be filled with talking, laughs, and sometimes even the sound of funny videos that you would watch together. But right now, there is absolutely nothing.
Y/N ♡
im sitting in our usual booth! ordered you a cappuccino :)
A photo of the filled cup gets sent as well, but neither message is read. One minute passes. Five minutes pass. Before you know it, half an hour has passed without him responding. Not even a walk to Jericho would take this long.
You open your book back up before sipping your drink. He wouldn't just leave you on your own, right? Especially not without saying anything. Is he mad that you went to study yesterday? Xavier told you that he didn't mind.
The letters on the pages seem to be dancing as you can not read one word. Your focus is gone, somewhere hidden, but not anywhere near you or your book. Even after reading so many pages and nearing the end of the story, you can't even be slightly interested in what it will bring you.
People pass by your table as even Thornhill comes in for a drink.
"Y/N!" She looks at you surprised, her to-go cup in her hands. "I'm surprised to see you here! Where are your parents? Visiting Week is not over yet."
"Oh, they didn't show up," you shrug, a small smile on your face as you look up at your teacher. "I'm just waiting for Xavier."
"Ah," she hums, sipping her cup. "Well, I am sure that he will be here soon. I will see you in class!"
She walks off again, leaving you on your own in the busy cafe.
You look back at your phone, the messages still not read by the boy. As your cup was already empty, his was still filled to the brim, though almost as cold as ice now. It had been standing there for an hour already. But, you can't complain. Maybe he overslept? What if you call him?
You scroll through your contacts, stopping when you see 'Xav!'. His name has been the same for a while, even when you didn't remember him. You stare at the 'call' button for a good minute before finally pushing it.
The only thing you hear is beeps.
"Hey, it's Xavier! I uh- I can't pick up right now-"
You end the call, dropping your phone back on the table as you lean back. Still, nothing. It doesn't feel very in character for him. For the last few days, you had shared different stories and even deep secrets, ones that you both used to know before the Song.
By now it is four p.m., three hours since you got here. The cup of cappuccino still sits in its original place, the foam and the coffee mixed together into something unrecognizable. It's cold already. It was already cold two and a half hours ago.
You don't look up from your book when you hear footsteps next to you. There have been so many customers at the Weathervane already, you didn't quite expect Xavier to come in this late. Instead, your eyes are focused on the book, still on the same exact page as earlier.
What does make you look up is your old cup being taken and replaced by a new one. One filled with your hot chocolate, whipped cream, and caramel drizzle.
"Is uh... Is this seat taken?"
Tyler stands by your side, a small smile on his face as he holds a plate with a waffle in his hands, eyeing the seat opposite you. You just shake your head, closing the book before shoving it to the side. The boy sits down, pushing the small plate toward you.
"Feel like you could use it," he awkwardly laughs. "You've been here for a while."
"Thank you, Tyler," you whisper, just a faint smile on your face as you look back at him.
He still has the apron on which is now slightly stained with coffee. When he sees you look, he presses his lips together, leaning back a little bit.
"I'm on my break," he explains. "Weathervane closes in around two hours. But I didn't have a break yet, so..."
"So you sit with a lonely customer?"
The boy looks at you for a second, not sure how you mean it. Negative? Maybe positive? He has no idea. But, when you crack a smile, he also lets out a laugh.
"More like my favorite customer. I tried your order earlier, by the way," he points to your mug. "It's a good combo. Though I am more of a coffee person."
"Thank you."
It's quiet for a second. There are no other customers in the Weathervane, only you and Tyler sitting in the booths. Most of the folks in Jericho have already gotten their coffee, now back to their work, school, or other things.
"Would you mind if I stayed here?" You suddenly ask. "I can even help you close. I just uh, I have to wait. In case Xavier comes by."
"Uh, sure!"
Tyler smiles at you, fiddling with the spoon that lies next to the cold cappuccino. The small bell rings again, making Tyler look up. One more customer.
"I gotta get back to it," he mumbles, standing up. "I'll talk to you in a little bit, okay?"
He leaves your table together with the cold cappuccino which gets spilled down the drain. No use for it if no one is there to drink it.
"Hi! How can I help you?"
You zone out yet again, staring at the steam that comes from your cup. You stir the whipped cream and caramel into the chocolate, your head leaning onto one hand. There was still no trace of Xavier. Not outside, not on your phone, nothing. He always had his phone with him.
With a sigh, Tyler finally switches the sign from 'Open!' to 'Closed!'. It had been a long day for him with tons of different people, but now was finally the time to relax. At least, after the Weathervane was cleaned and officially closed.
The boy walks to the back, grabbing a broom together with a mop and a bucket. You follow him with your eyes, standing up yourself before walking over to him.
"I can clean the tables? To pay back for the free drinks and sweets."
"Sure," a big smile forms on his face. "Thank you."
He turns the radio on a bit louder, filling the empty space with music as he starts sweeping the floor. Sure, cleaning up tables was not really the best way to spend your time, but after sitting at a booth for hours and getting free drinks, it was the least you could do.
Together with the spray and cloth, you get started wiping everything down. Your eyes still often focus on the street outside, hoping to see a glimpse of Xavier. There is no possible way that he could be hours late.
Tyler starts on cleaning out all the machines as you sit on the counter, watching his moves. He had taken all the leftover cookies, muffins, and other goods, dividing them into small containers for both you and him to take home.
All the machines, cups, and tables have been cleaned, only leaving the two of you to throw out the trash bags and lock the door. Just as Tyler pulls out the trash bag, the bell above the door rings yet again. What a strange time.
"We're closed," Tyler says without looking up, placing the closed trash bag on the ground.
"Then you should lock your doors."
You turn around on your chair, spotting Wednesday standing in the middle of the cafe. What is she doing here? You know that she often comes in for a quad, but the Weathervane has been officially closed for around an hour, if not more.
"There are some real sick people out there," Wednesday continues, raising one eyebrow.
"Hey, Wednesday," you greet her, reaching for your bag. "Can I ask you a question?"
"How many times do I have to say it? You already are. Get on with it."
"Right," you whisper, straightening your back before continuing. "I was just wondering if you saw Xavier at Nevermore today? I have been waiting for him for a while and he never responded to my texts."
The pig-tailed girl almost grimaces as she grips the straps of her bag.
"Why would you hang out with a monster?"
A monster?
It must be the one that she spoke about before. That monster, supposedly, killed Rowan and hurt Eugene. The one running around in the woods. Wednesday was scarily obsessed with it, something you should have guessed from someone so obsessed with the strange and unusual.
You had heard of it from Xavier, and also back when you were in the Nightshade library. She had been looking for someone with a strange name and then proceeded to talk to Xavier about something weird.
"That one that supposedly killed Rowan?" You raise your eyebrows. "Wednesday, we all saw Rowan leave in the car with Thornhill. Very much alive."
"You can't possibly believe that," she sneers, not moving from her spot. "He was killed. Right in front of me. By Xavier. I just know it."
You let out a shocked laugh, standing up from your seat as Tyler nervously watches you two. He hasn't really seen the two of you together since the Rave'n. He had seen Xavier walk away from you to end up with Wednesday.
"You can't honestly believe that, Wednesday. What did he ever do to you?"
"He hurt Eugene," she grits her teeth. "And I can believe it. I have evidence, proof, I know it's him."
Her words make you want to throw up. Sure, Wednesday never really showed interest in the boy, except for the invitation to the Rave'n, but to accuse him of murder? Of being a horrible monster that would actually murder his own roommate and hurt many more?
You just can't believe how she is so convinced that Xavier is the monster. No one at Nevermore seems like they would do this - no one. Not Xavier, not anyone else. The one most likely would even be Wednesday.
"You know nothing about him," you hiss as you step closer to her. "You know absolutely nothing about Xavier-"
"Oh, and you do?"
Wednesday scoffs, though still standing in the same position. Her face is deadpanned and her murderous gaze is set on you. One eyebrow is raised as she looks you straight in the eyes.
"How much could you possibly remember of Xavier if you used a Siren Song to forget about him? One that surely is still working."
Your entire body tenses up as you can do nothing but look at her. How would she know about the Siren Song? Bianca and you never ever told anyone else. No one knew of it, except for you, Bianca, and Xavier.
"What? You think no one would find out?" She sneers. "It's so pathetic. You felt so bad. Though I don't blame you for wanting to forget someone who is a murderer, monster, and awful human being. If I can even call him a human. He is the monster, Y/N. You might not know him as well as you think."
She gives you one last look.
"Though I doubt that you remember anything about him."
"Fuck you, Wednesday," a whisper leaves your lips as you tightly grip your bag, walking out of the Weathervane.
The walk back to Nevermore was messy, cold, and wet. It wasn't quite raining, yet your body still got wet from the small droplets that did manage to fall down. Your shoes are covered in mud and everything in your bag must be drenched by now. Your phone died a while ago and your energy was gone.
You are muttering out words, still pissed at Wednesday. Sure, Xavier was acting a bit odd today, not answering his phone or showing up, but he isn't a murderer. You hung out with him every single day, how would he possibly be able to kill someone? Besides, he is a sweetheart. He would not even hold a knife up to someone, much less mutilate their body.
Your footsteps are heavy as you climb up the stairs to your dorm. Your shoes leave behind imprints on the ground, the mud leaving a trail behind you. When you reach your door, you push it open, dropping your bag on the ground immediately. Time for a shower - you are freezing and covered in sand.
A knock on the door sounds just as you placed the towel on your head. Is it Xavier?
"Coming!" You shout from out of your bathroom.
You quickly hurry to the door as another knock sounds on it. As it opens, it reveals Enid, a worried look on her face.
"Where have you been all day? Are you okay?"
"The Weathervane," you step to the side to let her in. "I was waiting for a while and then decided to help Tyler close up. Why?"
"Who were you waiting for?"
The blonde turns around, looking at you nervously. She pulls on her sweater before sitting down on your bed.
"Xavier. Why?"
It is quiet for a second.
It makes you nervous.
"You didn't hear?"
Enid nervously looks up at you, fiddling with her hands as she tries to think about how to break the news to you.
"Hear what?" You raise your eyebrows. The blonde stays quiet. "Enid?"
"I'm so sorry," she whispers. "I didn't know she would do this-"
"Do what? Enid, you are genuinely creeping me out."
"Xavier has been arrested by Sherriff Galpin. Wednesday says he's the Hyde."
Xavier actually got arrested? Your heart almost stops beating, though, in reality, it is beating the fastest it ever has. You place your hands on the girl's shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes.
"Xavier has been arrested?"
"They found everything in his shed. Kinbott's necklace, Rowan's inhaler-"
"Kinbott died?"
The werewolf looks at you, her eyebrows creased as a look of pity flashes across her face.
"You really haven't heard anything of the monster?"
You slowly let go of Enid's shoulders, looking at the ground before quickly walking to your closet. You pull out your pajama pants, a sweater, and socks before taking your shoes from under your bed.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
"I'm going to prove that murderer-loving girl wrong," you grit your teeth, changing out of your old clothes. "I know she is your friend, Enid, but she is wrong. Xavier is not a murderer."
You throw some stuff in your backpack before grabbing your keys and looking at Enid.
"I'm going to get him out of there."
You knock on the door of his shed, the knocks getting more and more desperate. But then, you notice that there is no lock on his door anymore. The usual chain that hung around the handles before, is gone. You quickly open the door, finding nothing but paint supplies inside. Everything is still in its place, and after frantically looking around, you see his phone. It lays untouched, hidden underneath some paintbrushes.
His password wasn't hard - he had added your face to it a while ago, causing it to immediately unlock. A ton of missed notifications, including all of yours.
"Shit," you mumble before throwing the phone in your backpack, hurrying out of the cold shed and back into the woods.
It is already dark outside, it is probably around eight p.m. Surely, the Sherriff's Department must still be open. You don't have any time to waste. You know Xavier is not at fault. He is not the monster.
The walk, or run, to Jericho, was long. Your legs were hurting as you sprinted to the town. Sure, you did Fencing which is considered a sport, but you surely do not have any stamina. The only reason why you are still able to move is the adrenaline in your body. Your ribs are hurting and with every step that you take, it feels like your heart is being punctured. But you have to get to the Sheriff's Department.
The white building soon comes into your sight as you run past the Weathervane. You don't stop - you might not be able to walk anymore if you do. Instead, you open the doors with your telekinesis before running in, finally catching your breath.
"Hey, hey!"
A lady runs up to you, placing her hand on your shoulder.
"What is it? Do you want some water? I am Bernice."
The sweet lady sits you down on a chair, grabbing you a paper cup of water before sitting down behind her desk, looking at you with pity.
"Any emergency? Are you hurt?"
You drink the entire cup of water, looking at the cop in front of you.
"I am here to see someone."
"See someone?"
"Xavier Thorpe," you nod, thanking the lady for the water before standing up. "I really, really need to see him."
She flips through some papers. A Xavier Thorpe being here? Ah, there it is. She grimaces, looking up at you.
"I'm not sure if I can do that. It's dangerous, you know."
You look up at her, frustrated tears in your eyes. If only Wednesday never came to Nevermore. Your entire life would have been so different - never having to forget Xavier, not having him locked up, and living a peaceful life.
Bernice takes a deep breath before looking around. The only person here, is you and her. She reaches for the keys in her drawers, slowly standing up before nodding her head to a door at the back of the building.
"Not a word to Sherriff Galpin. I could lose my job for this."
The big collection of keys is the only sound as the heavy door gets unlocked, Bernice allowing you in. On one side of the room are iron bars, as the other side only has a row of wooden benches against it.
"I can't give you a lot of time," she mumbles.
"Thank you, Bernice."
In the room you hear shuffling and the sound of chains and shackles. The heavy door behind you gets closed as you take a deep breath, walking down the dark hallway. They couldn't have put some lights here.
As you get to the last cell, you see him. Xavier's back is towards you as he walks back and forth, his body covered in chains that are restraining him from moving around too much.
His head whips around, a look of disbelief in his eyes as he shakes his head. You had stood there multiple times before. Accusing him of being the Hyde, telling him that you regretted befriending him at all. Maybe it was really you, maybe it was the dark playing tricks on him.
You slowly step closer to the bars, your face only mere centimeters away as he only looks at you.
"I'm not the Hyde, I-I promise," he whispers, his eyebrows creased as you quickly nod.
"I know, Xav."
He slowly steps a bit closer to you, hesitant to get too close. All the other times he had tried only resulted in you fading away, leaving him alone in the dark cell again.
"You do?"
His voice sounds soft, shaky, and insecure. Whatever Wednesday did to him completely changed the boy. You slowly sit down in front of the bars, sticking your hands through the bars. Xavier also slowly sits down, the chains making loud noises as he looks from your face to your hands. His hands are twitching, wanting to reach for yours, but he is terrified. What if you disappear again? What if he is only imagining things yet again?
"You're okay, Xavier," you whisper. "I will get you out of here, I promise."
His hands fall into yours. You aren't fading away and you haven't screamed at him yet.
"It's actually you."
All of his emotions flow out at once, tears streaming down his face as his head falls against the metal bars. There is a thick chain around his neck, torso, and waist. Your heart breaks as you hear his sobs, trying your best to calm him down through the barrier.
Your left hand tightly holds his as you use your right hand to run your hand through his knotted hair.
"I'm sorry I never showed up," he sniffles, making you laugh sadly.
"Xavier," you look at him, a small smile on your face. "Wednesday locked you up in here. There is no possible way for you to have shown up. Besides, you didn't do it on purpose."
Even while stuck behind bars and tangled in chains, he still only thought of you. How he had no way to contact you, let you know he was framed, nothing. His face hardens as you mention Wednesday.
"I will do anything to get you out of here, Xavier. I promise you."
You might not remember a thing about him from before the Song, but you know that it isn't him going around while killing people. Wednesday can say whatever she pleases, but you know it. You are one hundred percent sure that she is wrong.
The heavy door opens again, revealing Bernice.
"Uh, you have to get out. Sheriff Galpin is back on his way."
You only nod, your hand still connected with Xaviers as you can only blink.
"I will get you out of here," you whisper, your other hand on his cheek. "Even if it is the last thing I'll do."
A quick kiss on his hand before standing up, having to leave the boy behind in the dark once more. As you leave the cells, you see Sheriff Galpin coming in, Principal Weems, Wednesday, and Tyler with him. You raise an eyebrow as the Principal looks at you, frowning.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"I uh, I visited Xavier."
She wants to say something but instead follows Sheriff Galpin and Wednesday into an office. Tyler is filling out some paperwork, standing with Bernice as she gives out another cup of water. You quickly greet him, exiting the building to make your way back to Nevermore.
You will do anything to get Xavier out of there.
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