#holy crap this was such a shit hc
runicmagitek · 2 years
Do you have any Natsuno/Keitaro's children head canon?
I most certainly do!! 😍 I've rambled about my thoughts on their kids on Twitter, but I'll share them here, as well. Thanks so much for the ask, anon!
I feel they would be one of the last couples to have kids. It's not exactly something Natsuno wants or ever cared for. That plus the nature of what they're "expected" to do post-canon, she has even more complicated feelings about it (lots of lack of agency and too much pressure when all she wanted was to make some alien friends and live a cool sci-fi life). Keitaro, on the other hand, was ready to have kids with her like two seconds after meeting her, but he's also a respectful polite boy, so he'd never ever pressure her about it. Whatever Natsuno wants is what she gets, in his mind.
They'd have lots of chats about having kids, mostly Keitaro double-checking with her. Natsuno has a few "I don't know if I can actually do this" moments; she worries she'll be a terrible mom and not be able to deal with it or whatnot. Keitaro, like always, is super patient and keeps reassuring her he's there to help and if she changes her mind? That's ok too. But also Natsuno keeps seeing him interact with the other kids and sees how amazing he is with them and is just like, "damn, he'd be a really good dad... if we had kids, they'd love him.... crap, I really want his kids now."
Anyhow, they wouldn't have kids until after they're married (honestly, she probably gets pregnant on their wedding night). They have two kids: a girl and a boy.
The oldest is Keiko. She has long brown hair and silver eyes. She's quiet and shy, hiding behind her parents a lot when others are present. She likes to hang out with her dad while he does his own quiet work. Her favorite thing is painting and drawing; she loves to show them to her parents and they love to plaster the fridge with her art. Of the other compatibles, Keiko likes Ryoko the most. Konatsu thinks Keiko is super cool and drags her around everywhere and Keiko is just glad to have an extrovert friend to cling to when social situations are super scary.
The youngest is Naoki (I imagine there's roughly a three-year gap between them). He's a spitting image of his mother. He gets excited about everything and anything and always wants to play outside. He loves bugs and animals and is always finding something he wants to bring home as a pet. Keitaro and Natsuno build him a treehouse at some point and he legit wants to live in it forever. He's perpetually the kid who is asking a million questions and always getting in trouble, whether he tries to or not. He loves it when his mom goes on nature explorations with the other kiddos and tries to show off a bit with all the neat things he can do (help this poor child, he has so many bruised joints). Of the other compatibles, he loves to hang out with Tamao and Megumi, because they cook up the best treats.
Keiko and Naoki get along relatively well, though Keiko is perpetually worried about her little brother running off all the time. Naoki also gets frustrated about Keiko worrying about seemingly nothing or just the fact she's an introvert and doesn't want to run around and play with him all the time. They bicker as siblings do, though they do care for each other. Naoki loves all the cool art she makes and is always asking her to draw up the random stories he comes up with. Keiko loves hearing about his bug facts and nature journeys. I like to think as they get older, they hang out in his treehouse whenever one of them is having a bad day and just vent and support each other.
Both Keitaro and Natsuno are extremely supportive in their own ways for their children. Keitaro is the more grounded of the two, having more patience than Natsuno when their kids are being... well, kids. He probably shoulders more parenting than necessary just so Natsuno doesn't have to stress about it. Natsuno wants her kids to enjoy life and pursue whatever they love, but also worries constantly, especially when Naoki starts taking after her and doesn't show up for dinner. She has bouts of "oh no I'm the worst mom ever" and "they must hate me for being so strict why am I like this", but Keitaro always reassures her and it always works out in the end.
And they love their parents a ton! Natsuno is actually a super cool mom, hosting weekly movie nights and telling the best bedtime stories. She wants to know everything about whatever they're interested in at the moment so she can supply them with everything they need to pursue said interest. Keitaro just rolls with the punches; he's firm, yet extremely compassionate. They don't have dad wrapped around their fingers like Natsuno does with him, but he does whatever he can so they can have the life he never had growing up.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but this is what I got for the time being. Hope you enjoyed them and thanks again for the ask! 🥰
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atticrissfinch · 6 months
Holy crap, oh boy did you DELIVER on mmitb3 💀these are just getting hotter and HOTTER 🔥 🔥 🔥
Between joel-rcoaster and "roger, roger" and the smut itself and the new sofa (we love a thrify interior designer king) and the interruption and ofc the body marking, this is a masterpiece!
You said you were open to HC on gas station Joel and I'm dying to know the text convos these two are going to get up to - are you able to give us a taste? 👀
I hope you write more of this series because I'm weirdly attracted to this sleazy filthy man lol thanks for sharing him with us!
Thank you so much!!! Oooo interesting!
(Cw for unsolicited nudes lol)
I think the first thing you ever text him is in response to The Photo. Probably something like this:
You: Ok, if you ever tell anyone I said this they will never find your body but…that is kind of hot
Joel: I kno art wen I see it. Im like 1 of those uhhh the fuck r they called?? museum people
You: A curator?
Joel: That’s it! Im a curator. Wanna curate that pussy alllll niiiight longggg 🤤
You: Not at all what that means
Joel: Cur-EAT 😜
You: 😑 I’m going to bed.
The next afternoon (his morning), he just straight up sends a pic of his morning wood. And you VERY swiftly shut that shit down, threaten to block him, and he immediately backpedals and swears to always ask first in the future.
And he sends you so many “🥺🥺🥺” emojis in apology that you actually send him a pic of your cleavage in return, because you can’t fucking help it with him. He sends about fifty “🤤” in response, followed by a bunch of “🍆💦”
And you roll your fucking eyes a million times…but the second you have some time alone, your hand is between your legs and that dick pic is taking up your entire phone screen.
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annahxredaxted · 5 months
saw your Sam and Darlin pregnancy headcanons ....
if you haven't already , could you do Milo/Sweetheart?
theyre so perfect for each other , I'd love to see Milo as a dad/caring for Sweetheart through the pregnancy aww 🙏🏽🙏🏽
OHHH YEAHHHH i mean i did do “dad milo hc” but it’s not really the same… 😏
tw: pregnancy
Milo/Sweetheart Pregnancy headcannons!
he was a little nervous because of his dad but not as much as you’d expect
“really? no fucking shit? your fucking with me! really? like really really? holy shit!”
when they tell him he immediately demands they sit down and relax, he makes them their favorite dinner and cuddles with them for a while
he stopped cussing completely by like month 5 of their pregnancy
“fu— crap i dropped my phone..”
he kisses their belly when he leaves for work
^ “bye sweetheart,” *kiss on the lips* “bye baby..” *kiss on the belly*
milo makes them sit down when their face shows even the slightest hint of discomfort
if you have long hair he will definitely hold it back during morning sickness and rub sweethearts back
he gives them loads of massages and cuddles
definitely wanted to do a maternity photo shoot
when he spoons them at night he holds their stomach
he missed one because of a job and he was pissy for a week
brushes sweethearts hair and helps them do it and stuff
he made very long name lists
sweetheart proposed the idea of a “milo Jr.” and he cried (if it’s a boy)
he makes sweetheart drink 3 full water bottles in a day
he definitely helps them wash their hair and their body and stuff in the shower
sweethearts water broke late at night, they had a few contractions before waking milo up
he didn’t panic and he was relaxed but he was STRESSED on the inside
he grabbed everything all the bags and chargers and pillows and whatever
held sweethearts hand the whole drive to the hospital
“i can turn with one hand relax..”
he didn’t faint! he was really good the whole time
he did yell at a hospital staff for making him fill out so much paperwork before getting them to a room
sweetheart had to calm him down and he felt really bad
“if you guys don’t get your heads out of your asses so you can see that their about to!—“ they put a hand on his arm and he sighed
“nevermind just give me the damn clip board..”
when baby greer was born he sobbed like a lot
“awh they look just like you sweetheart…” he said while sobbing
skin to skin almost immediately putting the baby on his bare chest
“milo give me the damn baby—“
he shushed them and smiled
he took a picture of sweetheart holding baby greer and the two of them were sleeping in the hospital bed and that’s his lockscreen and it probably will be for a while
be considered proposing for a little more security considering they had a kid now
milo has thick curly hair
guess how the baby came out?
with a full fucking head of hair
aw he plays with baby greer all the time, peek a boo and baby things
when baby greer can walk and kinda talk he plays hide and seek
hide and seek makes sweetheart nervous because they like to know where the baby is
awh they have such adorable family photos
he keeps a different picture of sweetheart and baby greer in his wallet
it’s of sweetheart kissing the baby and smiling really widely while the baby’s smile is just as wide if not more
heheheh that’s all :3
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ballblender · 1 year
KnB General Hcs - Part 2
I love them so much the entire knb cast so skrunkly...
contents: sfw
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Kasamatsu is famously (canonically) TERRIBLE at talking to women, so I think that one time at a job interview, he was composing himself in the lobby, prepared to make the best impression of allt ime, but when he was called over by an attractive lady around the same age as him, he disintegrated.
(While we're talking about him, I think he'd be super SUPER respectful to the elderly, just because he feels a sense of responsibility for his elders)
Akashi, personally, I think wouldn't photograph well. (I know he was one or two pictures of him in the show and looks normal but HEAR ME OUT) I just think he gets in his head about how he should appear, and he ends up looking a little too stern, like his eyebrows are just always furrowed.
Kobori, Reo, Kiyoshi, and Kimura probably all take the big sibling/brother roles in their respective teams. (i don't imagine tōō or yōsen having anybody like that) Like, they'd go out of their way to buy everybody drinks after practice or a match, no matter their mood.
Miyaji, our resident Miyu-Miyu stan, once attended a concert, ran into his female classmates, and while i don't think he's the kind of guy to be incredibly 'i wanna die' embarrassed type, he definitely didn't want to admit that he was there for his own enjoyment. So when the girls eventually notice their literal 6'3 (anybody else surprised by his height btw?? he gives short energy LMAO) giant of a classmate, he psh'ed and just said "I'm waiting for somebody." No, he has not been able to avoid the girlfriend allegations since.
Kagami sleeps with so many pillows, and it's because of his muscle pains, but holy shit his bed is just a clump of fluff.
Izuki, for whatever reason, always has crap falling about of his locker. Whether it's his piles of joke books, the rare sheet of schoolwork, or an old coffee can, you can never EVER trust him to keep his locker clean for more than 4 days.
Kasamatsu deserves the world I don't care what you think (i care ily <3)
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gotafewtricks · 8 months
Holy shit Hc's for a Kitsune!reader w kiriko? I think it'd be so funny and cute with how her spirit animal and reader might interact with each other 💀💀
Also hope you're having a good day!
(Might send a crap load of requests cause my brain can't stop coming up with things 😭)
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★ O' fox spirit...
Hey !! I love getting requests, and if you're the same anon that requested Genji with a dog!reader, then I'll call you silly animal anon lmao :3 unless if you want to assign yourself w/ a name, that is!
With first impressions, Kiriko would've been pretty pumped about it all!
It wasn't an everyday occurrence that you'd see a yōkai out and about. If you are taking on a human form, then she'd know not to cross with you—not just because of your heritage, but because she knew wise you were! As she has practiced under many ceremonies relating towards the kitsune, she understood the nuances of those mythical creatures; how elegant, yet sly they were with their cunning attitudes.
Kiriko would be very understanding of many things, and would not go around and tell everyone that you were a kitsune—considering her most loyal companion is one, and there'd be no use in letting really anyone know about that without your permission—if you were secretive about it.
She'd love to know how you were doing, and would equally love the chance to strike up some small talk.
The girl would laugh at the silly interactions between you and her companion, always wondering what'll happen next.
Her fox friend would be very interested, I'm sure! I like to imagine that it doesn't appear very often, only in times of need (such as combat) then it'll be summoned. Or, around the comfort of Kiriko and her family. Not everyday you'll see a ghost, eh?
That's how she'd know that you were a kitsune; if you did not have anything outright screaming at her that you were one. If you didn't have the tail(s), ears, or a mask (though, she understood that people may wear them for just apparel), judging by the energy you give off—Kiriko would sense something. Also, it's terribly obvious if her kitsune is also reacting to it, as well.
If you were comfortable with turning into your animal form, she'd then lovingly sigh, as she's crouch down to level the height of the two foxes before her. She'd jokingly chide the two of you to behave; which you two do... sometimes. Causing mischief has never been more fun!
Kiriko would always respect you, and understand if you ever need your time and space. Spirits get busy, and she gets busy—so, it's only fair for her to try her best to ensure that you're okay.
She knows that you can take care of yourself; without needing anyone's help. Judging by your abilities and powers, you were older than the oldest businesses here in Japan that she could think of. If you needed help with anything whatsoever, specifically in reference to adjusting towards human life, she'd do her best!
If you were reluctant with interacting with others, she understands. Humanity is pretty terrifying at times; especially with the Hashimoto now clogging up the streets of Kanezaka. Kiriko would say that, even if those criminal organizations keep up piling on and on, if you were to try and persevere, and focus on the good you're doing now—it's worth it in the end. Even if you just make a few people smile, it's still worth it; even for those few people.
Kiriko would be all up for causing some fun-loving trouble, however, she will back out if things get too dicey. If you wanted to help her with the current yakuza problem, then sure! She'd hate to rope you into something that you may not want to get involved in, so she would want your ultimate consent.
Hanging out with her would be so fun! You're surprised by how she is able to think of so, so many things.
Having trouble with cleaning? She understands! Either that's helping you pick out the best shampoos for your fur, or brushing out and straightening it all—she's got you. Though, be careful about shedding everywhere...
Want to go win some costume contests for Halloween? You guys could go as, well, kitsunes together! Though, Kiriko may say that she'd rather go as something else; knowing she could excell in such a costume, the fox spirit, so she'll dress up as other things—witch, fortune teller, or cosplays from her favourite animes.
All in all, she would adore to have you—even if her hands were already full with her current fox, she's lucky to've been able to meet you.
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zees-hat · 2 months
whats ur fav ships and why !!!!!!!!!!!!!
u just unleashed my insanity.
heads up im picky about ships and am not too big on multishipping BUT NOT CRAPPING ON MULTISHIPPERS YOU GUYS ARE COOL i like seeing the art and stuff :3 🫶🏻🫶🏻
will start with og and then reboot cuz YIPPEEEEE
Alenoah like ough they’re LITERALLY enemies to lovers fuck yeah the chemistry is great and the ANGST possibilities omg
GWOURTNEYYY omg they are so cute and the energy was there i swear. love that trope though like two ex girlfriends dating EACH OTHER LIKE FUCK YEAH
Ozzy because like they’re literally adorable and izzy is insane i love her. the world tour song owen sang about her is stuck in my brain 😭
Lyler. ohhhhh my god the cuties ever. Yall stay with me here when i say I HC THEM AS T4T LIKE FUCK YEAH ‼️‼️
Lesharold is cute but man it’s been ROUGHHH in world tour they’re sillies tho :3
Gidgette?? i swear that sounds so wrong for some reason but like whatevs 😞 they’re cute in season 1 but man they gotta work things OUT rn
Djuncan. holy SHIT i literally just learned about this ship TODAY and its already in my damn brain like not even kidding theyre real to me like the opposites attract is GIVINGGGGG
Rajbow OBVI like omg THEYRE SO CUTE :(( they literally light up when they see each other istg I WANNA SQUISH THEM AND PUT THEM IN A JAR
Damiwayne bc OOOOH THEY SNUCK UP ON ME A LONG TIME AGO. i used to be a juliayne shipper like right when i first started watching reboot but like changed my mind real fast 😭
Mkulia and oh my GOD i swear if they aren’t canon if there’s a season three there will be RIOTS i tell you, RIOTS. the villain gfs ever
Ripaxel i used to hate so so much but they GREW on me like GOT ME BY THE THROAT ripper is so pathetic and i love him, girlboss x actual loser
Chazee is where it gets more rare like this is such a crack ship but in an /srs way theyre GAYYYY i would write oneshots about them
Sillie. if u dont know its scary girl x millie now like this IS A RAREPAIR BUT LIKE HEAR ME OUT OKAY like girlfriend who does research x girlfriend who is an insane creature like do u guys get the vision 🙏
Nichemma oh my god they’re so cutesy i love them SO MUCH another rarepair but aaaaahhh i like it!! nichelle would be so much better for her i swear
thats all i got ‼️🫶🏻
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tokosparrow · 1 year
it is i, reagan’s babygirl again. yk that wedding episode when reagan was supposed to go to bora bora? what about hcs about reader and her going there for vacation :3
hiya there >:D!! and of course, bora bora vacation date for you dear anon >:)!
extra info : reader is gn!! so everyone’s safe ;))
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> reagan was of course devastated when she didn’t get to go to bora bora after all that wedding crap, it became very obvious afterwards.
> so as an surprise you bought the two of you airplane tickets when the rare occasion she either isn’t busy or no shenanigans happens that day, it sure was a long process to get it exactly perfect.
> when you gift her the plane tickets she’s of course ecstatic, this is probably one of the rare times you’ve seen her this happy. (good job reader, keep it going!! )
> “holy shit…you got us tickets to BORA BORA?!?!” “yup :DD!” “god, your a lifesaver (Y/N)…”
> this is also one of those rare occasions where she hugs you, and you’re kinda surprised how tightly she’s hugging you.
> one of the biggest smiles is on her face as you two prepare for the vocation, she even makes the extra effort to make sure the gang doesnt act up as you two do so, especially rand, because she’s been DREAMING for this vocation, especially if you’re the one that offered it to her.
> as you two reach and get yourselves in your plane, she’s relaxed even though you guys haven’t gotten there just yet, but she’s still at the happiest she’s been.
> “i feel so good right now…” “but we haven’t even left the airport yet reagan” “still…”
> but when you two do arrive to bora bora, reagan feels like she isn’t almost herself, more relaxed and less stressed and for once not on the verge of a breakdown.
> “what a great time to be alive…thank you for this (Y/N) :)” “it’s my pleasure, reagan :D”
> happy reagan is achieved >:D!!
i hope you enjoyed this anon!! and i hope you have a good day, noon, or night!!
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k1rameki · 7 months
i think i need to expand on my losergirl ayana agenda bc lord have i become hyperfixated (buckle up bc i have gone absolutely insane over this) (this might also end up becoming a hc dump uh oh) (also bear in mind thanks to all the recent art ive been seeing of her ive been on a real ayana kick when it comes to ships n shit so yeah some hcs with the other characters imma mention can be interpreted romantically too teehee) (and also!!! more general ayana hcs too :333 i have a cavity in mein cranium that can only be filled with soft ayana content)
also quick emoji keys for dialogue i may add for this ^_^
🎸 - aldryx
🩻 - tabi
🔻- ayana
🎧 - dalia
📼 - agoti
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some of the many reasons i believe ayana is an absolute girlfailure is her complete and utter failure in her previous relationship/s (I SAY THIS BC SHE PROBABLY HAS BEEN IN A FEW THAT HAVENT WORKED OUT LONG BEFORE SHE MET BOYFRIEND,, also shes just awkward as hell but thats a story for anotha time)
NOT ONLY THAT BUT HELLO??? she appears so calm and collected whenever shes engaging in simple conversation but internally shes freaking out and she has no idea where anything is gonna end up going and often times she can and she WILL let stupid things slip out of her mouth and immediately she regrets it
and let me tell you this she gets more and more pathetic and losery around dalia,, this woman is in LOVE (hence that stupid doodle i made where aya's just freaking out over the slightest bit of affection given to her) (looks like she might have abandonment issues sorry what)
IN FACT. GIVING PHYSICAL AFFECTION TO EVERYONE. SHES ALL FOR THAT SHIT,, hugs, kisses, stroking hair, you name it, this girl is a massive cuddlebug you cant convince me otherwise
i mentioned my pastry chef ayana hc in passing but i'm gonna fully expand on that now: SO. also aya family hcs bc people should talk ab that but ayana's dad is a chef (no specific speciality, but he does make a lot of baked goods) and growing up she would often mirror what he does and that eventually led to her practicing and honing her skills! :D (she also studies culinary arts at college teehee) ALSO!!! she brings all sorts of baked goods she makes over for all her favourite people to enjoy constantly whether that be cookies, pastries, cakes, all of that yummy stuff
despite being an absolute loser girlfail idiot she can jam on the bass like its no tomorrow. IM TALKING ABOUT SLAP, FINGERPICKING, YOU NAME IT, SHE CAN DO IT ‼️‼️ here's an example of the bass playing style i had in mind for her, very energetic and fluid heuehehehehehe
SPEAKING OF (and this ties in a little with my band au) and whenever she drops an epic bassline everyone just stops and stares at her totally being in the zone
🔻: –casually having the time of her life playing a bassline like theres no tomorrow–
🎸: "yo holy crap aya where has this energy been this entire time"
🔻: "huh what do you mean"
HAIR EXTENSIONS!!! ive talked about this on discord before but ayana with naturally shorter hair so she wears hair extensions! (also bc gender euphoria but shhhh)
i also believe that aldryx and tabi had zero idea that she wore them and just believed her hair was naturally long. this is how their conversation went trust;
🔻: " hey guys ^_^"
🩻: ".....did you cut your hair?"
🔻: "no? my hair has always been short"
🩻: "ME TOO— jesus christ my life is a lie"
🔻: "theyre hair extensions not the holy grail calm down 😭😭😭"
AND NOW THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT AYANA INTERACTING WITH THE OTHERS, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY AGOTI/AYA DUO HC BC HELLO romantic or platonic these two are fucking adorable, the loserboy + losergirl pairing ever frfr (also bc i hc that theyre really close in age bc iirc ayana's birthday is january 28th so that would make her around 3-4 months younger than agoti to me at least teehee)
those two gossip about anything and everything and every single night they do each other's hair n spend time doing full fledged spa routines while talking shit about anyone and everyone bc theyre high maintenance as hell and take pride in their combined collection of bazillions of good smelling bodywashes and shampoos
🔻: "oh my god, goti i cant believe i forgot to tell you about some crazy interaction i had with someone earlier today i swear its driving me crazy"
also she works as a seamstress in her spare time when she's not doing music or baking ^_^ she often uses her expertise to create some outfits (with the help of sketches done by either tabi or agoti) and often has trouble finding someone to be her muse so she often gets dalia to help
she takes this VERY seriously by the way if she hears a singular complaint she will go insane
🎧: "how long is this gonna take 😔😔 my arms are getting sore babe i cant stand like this for much longer"
🔻: "dee i love you but i swear to god if you say that one more time i'm going to stab you with this needle until your arm is red and swollen BE PATIENT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU 😭😭😭"
🎧: "😀😀😀😀😀 youre gonna WHAT"
also. shes got a BIG sweet tooth — she and tabi bond over sweets and trying all sorts of new things together, especially chocolatey things bc theyre both obsessed with chocolate anything
🩻: "aya i went to the store and i found this wafer cake thing and i thought you and i should try it"
🔻: "TABI THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS OMG go grab two spoons right now you and i are eating all of this right now"
🩻: "OKAY SURE :] i can already tell this is gonna taste good"
also sometimes she forgets to eat proper meals and will consistently only have sweets and snacks all day until someone calls her out on it, shes very forgetful, oopsies!
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Skipped the day yesterday, so I’ll try to reply to more asks today!
Starting with the ones about our LiliSil comic from yesterday…
Anonymous asked:
HOLY SHIT LILIA His thighs are not a snack!
(I would've done the same 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
These thighs are a snack much better that whatever Lilia was munching on in a previous comic… leg > spaghett
Anonymous asked:
Silver doesn't get flirting or teasing at all... Very sad..... At least his plump thighs must be super delicious ❤️
He is just way too used to Lilia acting this way I guess… this is like a default to him lol nothing special to see here. But yeah, at least his plump thighs are super delicious 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
I saw silver and lilia…
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Ouch, got bonked …
Anonymous asked:
I’ll share spaghetti with the old dude. Not because I think he’s hot or anything, mind, but because I’m a pig and spaghetti is spaghetti.
I think this one was sent after the first LiliSil midnight snack comic, so…
Very valid, Anon, but I have to warn you, Lilia is a competitive eater when it’s 3 AM and he’s having cold spaghetti.
Anonymous asked:
Random Ignihyde student A probably: I’m living in an actual nightmare. Royal Sword it is then.
(this is related to this post)
Poor guy, I feel so bad for him, he’s just trying to live his life… these creeps would be happy if he transferred to another school though 😭
Anonymous asked:
Opinions on Idia being fucked in a cosplay?
Or being fucked by someone in a cosplay
Both options are great, and I don’t know which one is going to make Idia die of cringe, embarrassment and arousal faster lol
Whenever this scenario is mentioned, I always think about Lilidia first, since Lilia is kind of a nerd himself + wouldn’t mind dressing up. In fact I did draw this once, if you consider a maid outfit a cosplay… we might revisit the theme of cosplay in Idia smut sometime, it’s a very fun one.
Idia desperately needs to get fucked in a cosplay, that’s for sure.
Anonymous asked:
haha funny scenario :)
ok now actually draw idia whimpering and bleeding on the floor :))
:) Come on, Anon, why would I do something so mean to Idia? This isn’t like me at all, I would never.
Anonymous asked:
Good lord, thank you for the dark, twisted food you’ve been providing us in the way of headcanons. I’m drinking them in like water y’all. 😩
Thank you so much for enjoying them, Anon! <3 I am super happy to hear that you like them.
I really hope to finish the rest of the posts about darker themes and hcs soon; it’s truly amazing that people are interested enough to ask for more of that.
Dark and twisted food is our true passion 😔💕
Anonymous asked:
i NEED to breed those eels 😭🤚
Unfortunately, in this blog the eels are busy breeding Idia…
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think that in the heat of the moment Sebek would try to breed Malleus, not knowing , or forgetting) that it doesn't work like that (unless it's A/B/O haha) ? Like he'd get SO intense that even AFTER he'll finish inside his liege he'd get excited again from the thought of his liege carrying his- THEIR children.
I think the young hormonal horny fae part of Sebek’s brain could make him believe in anything, like if his instincts win over and his confused body just goes ballistic, which is very likely to happen if he is lucky enough to have any kind of intimacy with Malleus. But this is Sebek we’re talking about; it could go either way with him.
Then again, we did have a comic about Sebek bragging about being the one to breed his liege, so maybe he doesn’t even need to be in the heat of the moment to think about this type of thing. It’ll definitely get him excited in like 2 seconds though lol
Anonymous asked:
I headcanon that the Science Club members talk crap and gossip while doing their club activities. Kinda like stylists at a salon but meaner.
I think every club does that to an extent lol, Science Club too. Is there a reason you headcanon them specifically as being gossipers?
All of them talking shit about everyone… and then there’s Rook with his singing….
Anonymous asked:
Kuro x TWST au where Riddle is Ciel's cousin who goes to live with Madame Red and Grell after his OB. Skip ahead and Riddle is introducing Floyd to his family. Madame Red doesn't think highly of him but he makes Riddle happy so she doesn't protest. Sebastian and the tweels are three pees in a pod, so only a raised eyebrow and approval. Ciel tho goes full kink shaming. He cannot believe his most esteemed respected favorite cousin is not only a monsterfucker but also into THAT sort of personality
Come on, Ciel, you shouldn’t be judgmental, just look at your butler for fuck’s sake lol Plus, it’s difficult for Riddle too! He wants Floyd to behave properly, it’s not his fault he can’t…
I hope the tweels bully Ciel lol
This is one of those moments when I really regret Yana not being able to do a proper crossover between Kuro and Twst, all of these boys interacting would’ve been so interesting.
artfulhero-m asked:
It's been a little over a week since I sent that huge ass essay, and in the spirit of being extremely happy to be a cringe weird little freak, have you heard of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley? I literally heard about it weeks ago cause I heard it's what the Internet has considered "the incest game" so because of that, and the cute art of the game, I bought it weeks ago and finally got around to playing it and oh boy yeah the incest is very throughout the game. AND IT'S AMAZING >:) Literally the most toxic of sibling relationships, but like that's what's got my brain latching hard they're SO codependent on each other.
Sorry I just needed another moment to just kinda yell into the void in your ask box again if that's okay lol. After sending that essay last week while on the verge of passing out for the night not even 100% sure I sent it to the right ask box I just immediately got sick the next day, which took me out for the entire week lmao. Then halfway through the week I figured I was done with sleeping so the stars have finally aligned for me to play "the incest game" and now the brain rot for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is kinda severe and only getting worse so as a result, just needed to know if you heard about it too lol.
Yeah, we’ve heard about the game! At some point it became impossible to avoid, and while we haven’t played or watched it, the discourse around it is fascinating and very telling. We are just very happy in general that the game exists, and not necessarily because of incest, but because it’s always cool to see games with darker and more problematic themes getting popularity and recognition, especially if this is the game where the main characters are kind of shitty people lol And the artstyle is cute, I agree! It’s such a pity the author got harassed, I hope it didn’t affect them in any way.
All of that being said, I hope you get good rest and have a good sleep every day. I know it’s easier said than done, but please take care of yourself, this is very important. I also hope you feel better and surround yourself with fictional toxicity only lol Enjoy your problematic brainrot.
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socheckitout-mikey · 1 year
OMG HI HI!! i not sure if you still write for the outsiders but I was wondering if you could do hc for going to a carnival/fair with the boys individually (like you're their s/o)
heya hun, yeah i still do! you can find out what fandoms i write for in my navi! ^-^ tysm for requesting this, it was a cute idea and y'know i always love writing for the outsiders! i hope that you enjoy what i came up with and sorry it took me a million years to write! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Carnival/Fair Dates With The Curtis Gang and Shepard Brothers Hc's:
Curly Shepard:
° In typical Curly fashion, he's getting up to no good, which doesn't change even when you're dating him. His number one priority is to show off to you in order to get a reaction – preferably a laugh. He's such a dork dfnsdjkfdsj! Sometimes you've just got to cringe during the storm instead, but it's okay, the rest of Tulsa is too lmaoo.
° He definitely cheated when the carny was temporarily distracted by some wise ass kid (another one his gang members), which resulted in him rigging the game in his favour to win you that plushie you so desperately wanted for ages now! Hey, you weren't too bothered – the man who ran the game was a damned cheapskate anyway. Sometimes it is better to fight fire with fire.
° Deadass wolfs down so much food with you that both of your stomachs hurt like utter hell for the next few hours. To say that y'all are immobile, lying in the back of Tim's car on the ride home with the window rolled down looking green is an understatement. However, it was all worth it for those mini corn dogs and donuts!!!
° You do blame each other for influencing the other until Tim goes, "I don't give a flyin' fuck who influenced who, just don't yack in my car, or else."
° Ngl he's a little prick because when you both sat on the top of the Ferris Wheel, he "violently" shook the stall you were in to freak you out just a little. He took the smack on his chest like a champ before pressing a sloppy kiss to your forehead. He steadied the stall.
° "I'm only screwin' with ya..." He grinned softly against your temple. He really was soft and made it up to you for scaring you so much.
° As payback you made him go on the massive roller coaster. He genuinely wasn't hyped for it, but he was acting like it wasn't a big deal at all. Holy crap was he relieved to be back on solid ground after it was over. Boii even kissed the dusty tarmac when he thought nobody was looking. Poor guy turned green, but he lowkey cussed you out under his breath bfddjdjfdsfdjd.
Dallas Winston:
° Is it much of a surprise that he's also not up to any good, as per usual? There are prominent ways for him to get into all sorts of trouble, and he does it openly as well. He's not afraid, but he's also making sure it's not so much of a hindrance so you can enjoy yourself too. Believe it or not, but he has these mindful moments. He likes to mess around and see where the chips lie – bonus points if you're up for causing a little bit of trouble with him!
° Expect to have the funnest time with his hand slid into your back pocket and amping up the flirting. Man, is he a showoff when he's up to have a go at all of the stalls. Some he wins and others he loses, but if he's cheating, he's sneaky about it. It kinda makes you laugh at this point ngl.
° "Whatcha laughin' at, chicken shit?" He grins at you as you clutch your freshly won teddy bear. "You! Hey, I thought I told you to stop callin' me that?!" You gripe back at him. "Call you what?" He teases you, pressing a kiss to your lips.
° Dallas genuinely took the water gun he had and sprayed you with it instead of the bulls eye. Man were you mad as hell at him, and rightly so! "I got good aim, sweet cheeks. For ten bucks, I'll let you squirt me." He winks. "I'm leaving..." Bc ew cringe Dally! "Awe, don't be like that, sugar!"
° His favourite pastime? Scaring the shit out of all the little kids for the hell of it. He's literally such an ass, but you love him anyway. That kid who tried stealing dough outta your purse had it coming for him anyway hdfhjjdhj.
° Dally's deffo tried to do things a bit legally just for your benefit – as mentioned above. Hey, he only cut the line ten times this trip! "You snooze, you lose, man!" (Insert the most obnoxious eye roll ever from you dfhsjfhfhfhfdhjn) "It's for cotton candy, babe!" Never mess with Dallas Winston and his damn cotton candy, lemme tell you that!
° Deadass punched a guy for saying something nasty about you. Lmaoo y'all got kicked out, but not before he snuck you both back in! It was warranted for Dallas to do the right thing. If you both get chucked out again, he'll just take you out into town. It's quieter that way and hey! You guys have a whole diner to yourselves. "Don't even think about it, Dal!"
Darry Curtis:
° Okay y'all, these are a rare occurrence, but boy does Darry take this opportunity when he gets a shot! Darry being off in the summer? Unheard of! But somehow fate has aligned in the stars and you've been blessed with an opportunity! It may be one day, but it's so much fun. It brings him back to his highschool days. He's beaming! It's just so wholesome, man.
° Darry played football in high school so you know his aim is literally no joke. Watch him bust every rigged game with flying colours, because he's smart. You're going home with a carnival haul! And you know what? None of the carny's can be mad at you, because when they see how much of a gentleman Darry is to you, and how your eyes glitter when you look up at him, their hearts melt! You guys are literally the cutest!
° He definitely tries to avoid going on all the rides, because and I quote, "That looks more rickety than the scaffolding I was on yesterday. Ain't no way in hell I'm goin' on that thing, and neither are you. We ain't even got medical insurance to cover it!" Y'know, old man stuff!
° But he does eventually go on it after all of your incessant begging. He's a grumpy old man as he boards onto it. The rides aren't his favourite, but he endures them – they're more Soda's shtick! He goes along with it because he loves you.
° But the food? He loves it! With all of his, "Let's be mindful about money," shtick, he kind of bends the rules a little bit and indulges some. He's more focused on getting more grub into you than into him though, because he likes to treat you though. He doesn't have a whole bank's worth of money to spend, but he makes it work. He's happy when you offer him half of what you have, despite trying to decline a thousand times. This is why he loves you.
° "I think you're really beautiful when you smile." You grin up at him as you rest your head on his shoulder.
° "I think you must've hit your head." He laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. (AAAAHHHH I CAN'T!! Y'ALL ARE SO CUTE!!!!)
Johnny Cade:
° Man, do his eyes light up like the sun at the prospect of going to the fair/carnival. Thanks so much for asking him to come along! There’s so much to do and explore, it’s a little overwhelming. He’s a little timid at first, but once he gets going on the different rides and games, Johnny is grinning like a chessy cat, from ear to ear.
° He isn’t the best at games, but hey, that’s okay because y’all laugh at the fact he completely missed the ring from the duck so badly that it looped around a Soc’s hand.
° “Man, I got the aim of a cat brawlin’ in the alleys!” He admits with a blush coating his tanned cheeks.
° His least favourite ride is the haunted house, because he spooks too easily. He can hide it, but when things pop out at him, it spikes up his anxiety. Poor baby! However, his favourite ride is the spinning tea cups. He’s relatively gentle, but do not make the mistake of going in one with him, Dally, Steve, Soda and Two-bit: You will be hanging on for dear life and barf. It’ll be all your fault for trusting them too lmaoo.
° Total bonus points if there is a rodeo at the same time. Johnny is crazy about them. He loves seeing all of the animals and action going on. He’s a little bit bouncy as he holds your hand. It’s very wholesome, and honestly, you’re probably bouncing with excitement beside him just as much.
° Johnny will treat you with cotton candy or something else you wanted to eat. It’s not much, but with all the gang giving him money here and there, he’s got more than he’s used to. So he doesn’t know what to do with it other than spend it on as much food as you can both stomach lmaoo.
° He’s a true gentleman and walks you home after all is said and done. He hangs about on your front porch, fidgeting a bit until he goes, “Thanks for spendin’ the day with me. It’s honestly been the best I’ve had in awhile…” and your response? A kiss on his lips before you wish him a safe walk home. To say he’s frozen on the spot for a solid ten minutes blushing like crazy is an understatement! Once he comes to, he’s grinning all big as he walks off of your porch. He’s so grateful to be dating you.
Ponyboy Curtis:
° Ya’ll can’t tell me that Ponyboy doesn’t watch the sunset with you on the top of the Ferris Wheel. It’s cliche, but I don’t give a crap. It’s cute and it happens. I’m willing to fight anyone on this! Just imagine his precious head leaning against your shoulder, both of you bathed in a spectacle of sunset colours. (I CAN’T IT’S TOO CUTE-)
° He’s a little shit™️ and goofs off with you because although he’s sweet, he’s not a saint. Expect lots of laughter together as you explore the entire place. You tend to bring Ponyboy out of his shell, and you know the gang catches you two trying to sneak into the circus tent to get into the show for free!
° Y’know what? You win him something at the bean bag stall. He’s a track star, but you’re the one with the better aim – even though his isn’t half bad. He’s a little abashed as he holds the duck plushie in his hand. He’s adamant when he gets home that it’s yours, that you just left it at his house. But it never moves and he gets teased for it.
° Ashfujdshjds he loses you 20 minutes in and pretty much has a panic attack but eventually finds you challenging Steve to an arm wrestling contest behind the bleachers.
° “I thought you got eaten by a lion! This whole time I’m panickin’ I lost you and you were there with dumbass Steve.”
° “Well someone’s both mouthy and has an overactive imagination! If it helps any, I totally kicked Steve’s ass!”
° He tripped way too many times to count, and each time you laughed. That is until you walked into a pole, which was flat out hilarious. You have a wounded ego, but Ponyboy’s is elated! “Man, that’s- I can’t believe you-,” He gasps between fits of laughter as he clutches his stomach. “Oh bite me, Curtis!”
Sodapop Curtis:
° You’re dating the poster child for hyperactivity. Maaaaaaan good fucking luck having a moment to sit still. Rip to your legs man! Steve basically has to drag you along like a soldier at war because you gave up on walking long ago. He begs Soda to let you sit for at least five minutes fgjgjfkdgjd.
° But in all seriousness, Sodapop is making sure to be considerate of you. He’s just sooo excited!!! There’s sm to see and do, and you bet your ass he’s doing back flips just to show off because mans is a spider monkey, lmaoo.
° Overall it’s such a cute and thoughtful day/night. Although there’s some stuff planned out, Sodapop is also winging things, because he’s a spontaneous king! So expect lots of flirting and some romance, because although he doesn’t have much, he’s giving you his world! Awwww so cheesy gjdfjffjd.
° If you love stuffed animals, then you’ll be buried in a mountain of them by the time you get home! If you don’t, too bad! At least you got free stuff. (Yes, Darry did end up getting mad at him for spending his wages on the carnival but yee yee I guess!)
° You guys go on all of the rides. Though he isn’t the type to push you to go on any ones you’re adamant not going on – like if you’re deadly afraid of heights. He either won’t go on and keeps you company on the ground, or he’ll come right back once the ride’s finished. He’s vvv supportive, softening out any of your anxieties or worries by making you laugh and feel loved <333 He’s proud if you do decide to face your fears though!
° At the end of the day when you guys are out of breath and a little tired, you’ll be sitting in the cab of Darry’s Ford pickup truck. There’s the sounds of crickets chirping and it’s cooled off some due to nighttime casting across Tulsa. You’re both sleepily smiling, Soda’s palm flat against your knee. It’s quiet as Elvis plays softly in the background: Sodapop knows when it’s time to let the chill vibes commence. “Thanks for takin’ me along.” You murmur all dopey up at him. He’s enamoured by your cuteness.
° “No worries, baby. Did you have fun?” He grins back at you. All you can do is muster a nod before slipping into a deep sleep. He laughs softly, “I ain’t carryin’ you inside your house.” But he does.
Steve Randle:
° You can’t handle the Randle sfudfhdujdhjd (I will never stop saying this, guys). But on a serious note, Steve loves going to fairs and carnivals, because similar to his best buddy, Sodapop, there’s so much to do! He’s spontaneous and likes to show off how strong he is, so expect him to show anyone up at the bell tower. He’s strong as hell and enjoys the little crowd developed around y’all. He seems to win most of the time!
° Steve is rather thoughtful and romantic. He thought out the entire date, and you’re probably on a double date with Sandy and Sodapop. It’s very cute, and Steve is always silently checking in with you when everyone else isn’t paying attention. “You good, doll?”
° At night time, when it gets cold, you bet your ass he gives you his jacket to wear. Even if it’s heading over into autumn, the last slivers of summer mourned: He doesn’t care. It’s the right thing to do and he’s so soft for you fdjfjd. He even drives you home and walks you to your porch. Man, he’s so crazy about you, and he doesn’t stop flirting until the very end.
° “You know, you’re kinda sweet?” You hum against his lips, the tips of your noses brushing together.
° He breathes a little chuckle, “Who said anythin’ about bein’ sweet?” Before diving in for that mind blowing kiss!
° Steve doesn’t really have much of a favourite ride: He’s up for anything – especially if it’s fast and takes a lot of sharp or sudden turns/drops. He likes the swing rides, grinning widely because he feels as free as a bird. Your exhilarated expression only makes him happier.
° Y’all are beat by the end of the day. It was such a fun time, though!!
Tim Shepard:
° Saddle up bucko, because this is one wild ride! Going to a carnival or the fair with Tim is a lot of fun – if you’re looking to cause a decent amount of trouble. He likes to goad you a little, to see how far he can push you and loves when you snap back at him a little sassy, “Alright tiger! Easy does it. Don’t wanna get ahead of ourselves.”
° Tim will have his arm draped over you in some fashion: Always has to have that contact. It’s how he flirts with you. He’s like a calm, cool and dangerous panther slinking through the fair – all eyes of the carny’s on him like hawks, “Sheesh! You’d think they’d know how to make things more welcoming. I an cut the tension with my switch.”
° It takes a bit of prodding, but eventually you convince him to ditch “looking cool” in favour of having fun. He’s relaxed, and he may even win some prizes at some of the games – as long as a carny doesn’t get wise with him. Tim doesn’t fare well with being told what to do. But he keeps himself cool, will get payback later when you’re not around to witness it lmaoo.
° Much like Curly, Tim will do something just to frighten you a little. It’s really so you come sit in his lap or hold onto him. There’s that wild look in his eyes, a mischievous simper donning his features, “Don’t even fuckin’ think about it!” You warn with a pointed finger.
° “S’that supposed to fend me off, tuts?” He says, backing you up slowly against a wall.
° A chase will ensue and Tim always wins. His prize? Throwing you over his shoulder and slapping you ass like a champ, lmaooo!
° Everything is spontaneous, but Tim tends to be more relaxed when you’re around. You wanna grab a bite to eat at The Dingo after? Sweet, let's do it! But you’re buying since it was your idea fjdjdfjkfjdjffdj.
Two-bit Matthews:
° Oh, pray to whatever God exists, because this will be eventful! Two-bit is a social butterfly, so not only is he chatting to you, but making others laugh in the process. He’s also extremely slick so he’s buttering up unsuspecting stall managers for good deals, but they know him by now. They aren’t fooled.
° Can’t go to the carnival or fair without Two-bit stealing something and plonking it right into your hands a ways away. “How did you-. Babe, take this back!”
° “Is that an order, officer? I say, if you handcuff me in the backseat of your car, I might just do what you say.” He grins all funny into your ear. “What am I gonna do with ya?” You inquire with a laugh. “Beats me. You’re the one with the stolen goods. I didn’t do zilch. Hey Officer!” He calls over the heads of the crowd, only for you to grab his hand and yank him down a small opening. “Shut the fuck up, Keith! That ain’t funny.” But Two is already rolling around on the ground laughing.
° He probably takes you into the House of Mirrors, and you guys just spend most of your time either hiding from and scaring each other, or doing that to other people. Two-bit loves the mirrors where you stand a certain way and it makes you super small and wide or tall and skinny. He pulls the dumbest faces in the glass. He's so easily amused (and so are you).
° Yes, he did walk into a mirror and almost knock himself out cold. Call in the cavalry, a.k.a. The gang: We got a man down! fuijdkfhjsdfbjdfdfkj
° You spent the next eight hours in the ER waiting to get his nose set because he broke it. “Talk about a knockout…” You mumble halfway through a yawn.
° “Aw shoot! This ain’t shit. Y'should’ve seen me in a dance off with Steve three years back. Now that guy can kick like a donkey!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: closed!
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tehaxo · 1 year
Heyoo! Hope you're having a good morning/night, I thought I'd stop by and send in an ask.
I'm not sure whether this is considered HCs or not, but who do you think out-of-the-current U.A. staff would randomly take a week break.....Only to spend it by staying up all night?
Like, they wanted to have a ✨️restful✨️ break but ended up just making their schedules even worse 💀💀😭
Thank you!
!If this ask is not of your liking, feel free to ignore it!
OH MY GOD LOL ITS OBVIOUSLY AIZAWA FOR SURE! also i hope you dont mind, i made reader be with aizawa <3 i apologize if it’s not what you wanted.
pairing: aizawa x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: i hope you enjoy it! i had so much fun writing these.
People would be super concerned when he would randomly take the week off and try to contact him, only to be angrily told off and hung up on.
He’d be happy that he got the week off but now that he has it, he’s confused. He couldn’t sleep whatsoever, what was wrong? He was able to sleep everywhere else completely fine.
You were also part of the crowd who was concerned but all your questions were answered once you found him tucked in bed. You guys had a shared bed and his low huffs didn’t go unnoticed and it annoyed you a bit, to be honest.
“Stop tossing and turning, You’re taking all of the blanket! And quit it with your sighing, it’s so loud I can’t sleep!” “I’m trying to sleep, stop yelling.”
The nerve he had, YOU were trying to sleep too! But he ignored your complaints and tried to get himself to sleep.
He was quite jealous of you in the morning, he wished he was in your place- Sleeping and resting. Once you were awake, you saw him staring down at you and you nearly got a heart attack. “Holy crap, You look like shit! Did you even sleep?”
A day would pass, and his efforts still went to waste. He’d go to your guys’ living room and come up with a solution, to watch until he got tired. He put on a random show and waited till he felt sleepy, except he ended up getting engrossed in the show. Episode after episode there was another cliffhanger that pissed him off. He refused to do anything else until he finished it.
He ended up regretting staying up watching the show because the ending was shit. Well, what was he expecting? He already knew the show was bad enough at the beginning but still chose to watch it. “Hey, you didn’t come to bed last night. Are you o- Huh? Were you watching my show?”
After getting situated in the morning and dropping you off at work, he was relieved. He immediately hopped into bed and closed his eyes. Finally, he was falling asleep. He was in the most comfortable position ever, seconds from passing out. “Hey, don’t forget to clean the cat’s litter! And put food in his bowl,” were the words before you hopped out of the car and rushed off.
He cursed at himself, he couldn’t get one moment of peace. He’d angrily get out of bed and then do the chores you asked him to. But as he was about to return to the room, he noticed that the house was super messy. He tried to ignore it but the thought of you coming back to a messy house after work upset him so he’d get out of bed once again and clean the whole house. All the sleepiness he had before was gone and he could no longer fall asleep.
He was doing everything but sleeping, he was doing it to himself at this point. He’d sip on coffee for a whole day and then wonder why his eyes won’t stay shut when he tries to sleep. On other days, you’d guys go out and spend time together. So he gave up on the last days of the week and accepted that he wouldn’t be able to sleep.
During that week, goals were not accomplished. He did not get one day of proper rest. When it was time to return to U.A, he looked like he had his soul stolen out of him. Many of the students and staff would ask how his break was then he’d respond with a scowl.
“I’ll have you know, I slept a lot. All I did was rest and nothing else.” “Oh… Uhm, okay then.” He would lie in a furious tone, it was obvious he did quite the opposite to everyone. So they would try not to get on his nerves too much for a few days.
So there, his whole week of struggling to sleep. Perhaps he’ll be able to sleep today peacefully.
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signanothername · 8 months
Holy shit! Ive often seen headcanons depicting Blades as an ex deception/ low caste bot (lather of which I do hc myself), but never HW, THAT WOULD BE SO INTERESTING!!!
Oooooh Blades being an ex Con/low caste is really cool, it gives such an awesome contrast between his character and the environment he’s in, really precious and kind bot contrasted with a really cruel environment
I kinda went by association for HW, he’s already pretty rough around the edges, so he gives the vibes of someone who’s seen some shit, but in the end he’s still not exactly the violent type of person, don’t get me wrong, he’ll beat the crap outta someone if he has to, but only if he has to, which in turn is why he probably would join the rescue bots in the end, he prefers to save, serve and protect, over the blood path that is the Deception cause
Hell why not both HW and Blades as low castes?
Ok but hear me out on another idea, what if low castes had only two choices? Either follow Megs towards peace, or become rescue bots
I think It’d be really cool to see which path each low caste bot would take, and if we go by Blades and HW being both low castes, it’ll be really fun to explore how both of them choose their paths, would both of them become Cons then switch to being rescue bots? Or would they seperate and each would go to their own path?
bonus points if HW and Blades were already friends who went through the cruelty of the world together, and even more bonus points if HW made a big deal about him and Blades ending up in the same team and that’s why they do end up in the same team <333333
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
Know what I think is both sad and hilarious? If Verstael hadn't set Ardyn on the path of vengeance as well as absorb Infrit's memories.....he could have been a 2,000 year old hottie just roaming the world with the expression of "i'm so done with this shit". Just this cocktail of depression and a slight lack of empathy with a dash of "fuck off".
Like, "Oh, YOU think you go it bad?! Yes, tell me how you were literally backstabbed back your own brother who also killed your fiance and then turned everyone your ever helped against you to the point they threw rocks and crap at you before being dragged off onto an island where you were left in total isolation for CENTURIES only to be rescued by this short little blond shit speaking gibberish who won't stop poking and proding you in the name of science and war?"
"That's what I thought." The proceeds to just down a bottle of wine before going out to sleep in his car.
He'd be that cynical uncle who has ptsd, depression, and conspiracy theories. Which is ultimately sad and just horrible but like...can you imagine the dialog with other people?!? 😂 Just this whole attitude of, "Oh we're in an apocalypse? Shiiit, drink up and smoke 'em it you got 'em. This is going to be one hell of a ride."
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Dude his past hurt and resonated with me so fucking much, im still heartbroken. He's been through such unjust shit,,i want to give him everything from the life that was stolen from him to therapy and self care and the meanest- heart cleansing bj for real
i CRINGED SO BADLY when Verst' found him, tortured and alone, after all those years, and literally used Ardyn's pain against him like that. Like If i were Ardyn, i'd still be hot on revenge even if i wasnt manipulated into it, especially after the unforgivable shit somnus pulled out of his ass, but verstael just threw gasoline in those wounds man. Motherfucker literally used him as a weapon for his own gain and I wish someone better was there to find him first...Imagine the POTENTIAL, muah, delicious.
This HC of Ardyn you shared with me is SO well fleshed out and accurate to his character that i can see it ANIMATED and HEAR IT IN HIS VOICE HGGHFNF. Like imagine that half drunk, half spiteful chug of wine at the end of his rant followed by a tipsy head tilt and a dissatisfied, squinting glare before turning away with a "hmph". UGH i love him. I love him in any way. I love him when he's trash jesus and when hes hobo man. Its awful that he suffers in like most of those AU's but i will love him through it all ANYWAYS.
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normanbased · 1 year
YIPPEE also: i forgot to mention these two in my list of Music Mary Introduced Norman To (iirc it was elton john, fleetwood mac, and billy joel) but. she strikes me as the type to listen to cyndi lauper and kate bush. this definitely isn’t a prompt i just felt the need to bring it up
i have. a few headcanons but i dont wanna flood your inbox so im just gonna rattle off as many of em as i can :D👍
norman derives a lot of comfort from stuffed animals but since getting back from the institution he’s become really embarrassed about it
he has a pretty limited range of safe foods because either Taste Bad or Texture Bad. usually Texture Bad
he’s really warm. he doesn’t notice it, but whenever mary hugs him or something she’s like “holy shit you’re cozy”
tbh. i feel like norman forgets to eat pretty often. partly because sometimes he just… doesn’t realize when he’s hungry until it starts to Feel Really Bad
now that ive written these i am hella curious as to your thoughts on ‘em! again they’re not quite prompts but they can def be fodder for something!
I LOVE ALL OF THESE!! Also don’t u dare be afraid of flooding my inbox, I WISH my Inbox was flooded.
I can imagine the institution really did it’s best to just crush any decent coping mechanisms Norman had. They probably thought it would help him “grow up” or deter his age regression (I know that’s only technically canon to the book, but Tony performs those parts even when it’s not necessarily in the script. He’s so good at knowing when to put Norman in a childlike mindset). Suggestion: Modern AU where Mary takes Norman to Build-A-Bear?
The thing that’s so funny to me about Norman’s horrendous eating habits is that Tony was JUST AS BAD 💀 his milk drinking was fucking infamous. He lived on grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate junket pudding. He adored hamburgers and literally has multiple quotes saying “I was trying to listen to this director/someone who was speaking to me, but I was sooooo hungry I wanted a cheeseburger SOOOOOO bad 😫”. They both love to eat garbage basically, and u know what? Slay.
And now I’m like really thinking about the stuff Norman eats and Jesus Christ. it really is just candy corn, fried chicken steak, grilled cheese sandwiches, peanut butter, milk… like… girl … EAT A REAL MEAL 💀💥 even when he DOES remember to eat, he’s just eating the most horrendous crap. No wonder he doesn’t put on weight, he’s eating like.. styrofoam.
Also the Kate Bush fan hc for Mary is SO real. I bet she likes The Police too I can totally imagine her and Norman jamming out to some of their tracks.
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rosethreeart · 1 year
I LOVE UR ABIGAIL ANALYSES the subtle differences in dynamics between characters always gets me heeheeing with a horribly evil grin on my face…
I feel like a lot of people tend to overlook how America being a woman would affect the way other countries–especially ones with shared history–interact with her in favor of talking solely about how it would change the way they View her. Which, don’t get me wrong, is a valid analysis; I looove “power hungry America who kind of scares the shit out of everyone”, I just think there’s a lot of hidden potential in the question of “how would people TREAT her as a woman?”
I know some people hc nations to be sort of “above” things like misogyny and racism because they’ve lived for so long that it’s almost below them at this point to even care anymore, but imo it’s the complete opposite. They’ve lived with/under those ideals for so long that it’s extremely difficult for older nations to really shake them off for good, so while they don’t go off spewing misogynistic bs all day, every day, they do still hold some of those fundamental ideals that (cough negatively cough) influence the way they interact with female characters. (Abigail, in this context)
I think a lot of older countries, especially ones with a heavy history of chivalry/“fair maiden 🥺” ideologies, would be MUCH more “protective” of her, so to speak, because of an ingrained perception of women as needing to be protected. So they’re not protective in a genuinely affectionate way, just in a “You can’t be mean to girls, dude!” way. Which opens up a whole other can of worms in regards to patronization + the way Abigail responds to that but I will Not get into in ur inbox for the sake of your sanity bc this ask is already way too long LOL
ANYWAYS ALL THIS TO SAY, I love your analyses and I especially love how you focus on the physical/ interactive dynamics between characters and not just other characters’ internal perception(s) of a character.
YES YOURE SO RIGHT!!! There are so many things that people don’t really talk about when it comes to the “if X was a girl instead”!!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to woc (which I won’t speak too heavily on as I’m extremely white(/white passing)
And while I do think that a lot of nations WOULD be more open minded I still think they have a lot of those negative beliefs ingrained in them still, just because they’re aware that the way society treats them is wrong doesn’t mean they’ve done all the work to unpack all those beliefs and how they’ve been affect by them as well as their role in the participation of it.
Like these are people with really dark pasts just purely based on the nature of their life spans and what they are (I’m not even gonna get into the whole cans piled onto cans of worms that the really bad and morally wrong stuff here). They’ve done bad shit and have been through a lot of bad shit. It would 100% affect the way that they interact with others and even view themselves. These are prideful creatures (for the most part I have options on how Abigail would view herself as a personification, person, and US citizen that beg to differ)! They’re all stubborn as hell and while extremely adaptive towards change (as it can quite literally be a matter of life and death if they don’t) but that doesn’t mean that they completely understand why the change is occurring or what that means for them as a person, let alone to the other nations around them.
also PLEASE do go into it id love to hear what you’d have to say!!!
The internal perceptions when it comes to characters is only half the fun!! What’s the point in analysis and delving deep into it if you’re not gonna SHOW how it affects their interactions! Honestly this probably comes from a place of autism and the need to mask heavily and trying to understand others perception of the world lmao.
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gg-neptune · 3 days
Thank Youuuuu
Omg I just wanted to say thank you for 100 notes on Severus Sleep HC like that's actually kind of nuts to me like holy crap!!!!! Also 300+ notes in total like holy shit that's actually so insane thank you guys so much it means the world to me!! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333
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