#house of finwë
The Finweans when Thingol banishes them from lands he doesn’t own without having a valid reason at this stage: “Maedhros laughed saying: 'A king is he that can hold his own or else his title is vain.’”
The Finweans when Thingol finds out they massacred his brother’s people for boats and responds by banning Quenya: You start linguistic beef with a Finwean? You come for our þs and sá-sís? oh! oh! Jail for Thingol! Jail for 100000 years! One day we will get you and you will know why!
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ettelenethelien · 3 months
An incomplete list of Namo Mandos' metaphorical headaches:
Fëanor (no comment needed, only how on Arda can he think Mandos is putting up with him because he wants to and wouldn't throw him out if he actually was ready to leave. Doesn't help that he's actively trying to get thrown out)
The sons of Fëanor (aside from Maedhros; can't you all follow his example and actually be repentant of, you know, mass murders??)
For that matter, unrepentant followers of Maedhros, who don't care that Maedhros himself has decided they were all in the wrong
Eöl & Aredhel
Finrod (no, listen - Finrod is good and (mostly) courteous, but he's tried to wheedle out what the fate of Men is from him on ten separate occasions and is a general troublemaker. At least he didn't stay long)
The rest of the house of Finwë. There isn't an untroublesome soul among them, which is living proof that Elros is line of Lúthien. Some of his descendants though...
Númenoreans who think they can shout the Lord of the Dead into submission, demand that he give them more life, and haven't been told "no" since that one nanny when they were three who was subsequently discharged
Númenoreans who rail at him for the injustice of the universe which allows "lesser men" to take up arms against slavers and doesn't he know how unfair it is to rob someone of their life like that
People just blaming the nearest Vala for their own bad life choices
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art-of-firefly · 7 months
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My Chara-design for Celebrían.
The next charadesigns will be Arwen, Elladan & Elrohir
The House of Finwë
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“And when she learned of Finwë all that had befallen since her departure (for she had given no heed to it, nor asked tidings, until then) she was greatly moved; and she said to Finwë in her thought: ‘I erred in leaving thee and our son, or at least in not soon returning after brief repose; for had I done so he might have grown wiser. But the children of Indis shall redress his errors and therefore I am glad they should have being, and Indis hath my love. How should I bear grudge against one who received what I rejected and cherish what I abandoned.’“ - J.R.R. Tolkien, Morgoth's Ring, Laws and Customs Among the Eldar
@finweanladiesweek day 1 » INDIS & MÍRIEL THERINDË
[ID: an edit comprised of four posters in dark and light browns accented with gold and silver.
1: Roseline Lawrence, a ugandan-south sudanese model with dark skin and long coily dark hair. She is plus-size, wearing gold makeup and looking over her shoulder with one hand raised. She is framed by a gold rectangle, with gold text at the bottom reading "indis" in all caps. Below that, text in varying yellow shades reads "great; valiant woman," "second wife of finwë," and "“She was a Vanya, close kin of Ingwë the High King, golden-haired and tall, and in all ways unlike Míriel" / 2: A detail from a painting showing golden embroidered cloth draping down from above. Yellowish-orange text in a transparent brown box reads "“...when Indis saw Finwë climbing the paths of the Mountain, and the light of Laurelin was behind him as a glory, without forethought she sang suddenly in great joy, and her voice went up as a song of the lirulin in the sky. Then Finwë heard that song falling from above, and he looked up and saw Indis in the golden light, and he knew in that moment that she loved him and had long done so" / 3: A detail from a painting showing draped white and silver cloth. Silver text in the same format as Image 2 shows the same passage as the caption of the edit / Thando Hopa, a xhosa-sotho south african woman with albinism. She is looking straight at the viewer and is wrapped in a white robe that falls over her head, though she holds it out of her face. Same format as Image 1, but the frame and text are silver, and the text reads "míriel," "jewel-daughter," "first wife of finwë," and "She was a Noldorin Elda of slender and graceful form, and of gentle disposition, though . . .she could show an ultimate obstinacy that counsel or command would only make more obdurate" /End ID]
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tanoraqui · 11 months
While it’s tempting to imagine Fëanor on the shorter side to Napoleonically match his seething rage, I think we all need to accept that “mightiest in all parts of body and mind, in valour, in endurance, in beauty” means, in context of Tolkien’s obvious preferences, that the hotly contested half-inch difference in height between him and Fingolfin which they both pretended not to care about—because you know there was one—belonged to Fëanor.
THAT SAID, height in Tolkien’s writing also corresponds directly with kingliness, so I constantly forget that it’s only my headcanon, not canon, that Finarfin is the tallest of Finwë’s children—indeed, that Finarfin is an absolute beanpole of an elf. Galadriel inherited foresight from her mother and height from her father. Despite being a full-grown elf with four grown children, he didn’t stop being faintly gawky until about 200 FA. It’s easy to miss that he’s so tall, however, because the skinniness makes him seem smaller rather than lankier, and unlike his brothers he never looms. He’s unassuming. He doesn’t slouch or anything! He’s just…politely sized, in a way that makes maternal people reflexively feed him. Then every now and then, he shifts his stance and his gaze just so and you’re like, ohhh right this guy also took a shot at 1v1ing Morgoth, and he survived.
Finarfin has half an inch on Maedhros, who has half an inch on Turgon and Finwë himself (same height), who have a full inch on Galadriel (who was also gawky as hell as an elf!teen, but grew out of it years before her father did.) Five-ish inches down from that, Fëanor, as discussed, has half an inch on Fingolfin, who has 3/4 an inch on Findis, who has like 3 inches on Lalwen. Celegorm and Aegnor are of hight with Findis (at some point it’s not about kingship anymore). (Aegnor also had a terrible extended beanpole phase: this is actually Eärwen’s fault, too. All their kids went through it. It’s the swan energy.)
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Finwë: I bet, you're wondering why I've gathered you here today.
Finwë: it's because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren't getting along with other people in this room.
Fëanor: --
Fingolfin: why did you word that so vaguely? Fëanor and I are literally the only people here.
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Wait. I just had a thought. Galadriel is considered the most powerful and oldest of the elves remaining in middle earth in the third age right? But if we take into consideration that Maglor is still wandering the coasts then he would be the oldest since Galadriel is the youngest of the Finwëians, he could be less powerful especially since Galadriel has a ring of power but I’m pretty sure if Galadriel didn’t posses Nenya they would be evenly matched when it comes to the Songs of Power.
I know the argument that since Galadriel learned at the feet of a Maia it means she’s more powerful but I refuse to believe that Maglor didn’t learn from Maias in Valinor, especially since his father and mother were both taught by the Aulendur and despite Feanors mistrust in the Valar didn’t seem to be the type of parent to forbid better teachers than him to teach his sons what they want (Oromë and Celegorm and maybe the Ambarussar). Therefore it stands to reason that if Maglor is still considered to be alive during the third age he could be a match to Galadriel if not for the ring of power she wields.
I think the only reason she is considered the oldest living elf is either 1) Maglor is largely considered dead or 2) they don’t want to credit a kin slayer with the title of eldest or both.
But I’m also a feanorian simp so maybe that’s why I’m so hung up on this.
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Round Three
House of Finwë (The Silmarillion) VS The Homunculi (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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House of Finwë art by Jenny Dolfen
House of Finwë
Members: Finwë, Míriel, Indis, Findis, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Lalwen, and many others
"The whole events of the Silmarillion - including a few wars, a dark lord, the destruction of a continent, etc - revolve around this family's drama" "Well míriel died and finwë remarried to indis, and fëanor hated his half siblings, going so far as to threaten fingolfin with a sword. Then after the fëanorians and fingon and maybe others killed a bunch of people, fëanor abandoned fingolfin so he couldn't follow, and when finarfin turned back his kids didn't and they left him. After that it's all feuds and murders and death and treason and such. Greatest hits of that include maeglin betraying turgon and trying to murder idril and eärendil, plus maedhros and maglor kidnapdopting elrond and elros. Also we don't even know who gil-galad's parents are" More propaganda here
The Homunculi
Members: Father, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Pride
CW: Murder
"All only exist to be their Father's pawns. The eldest (Pride) has been pretending to be his youngest brother's (Wrath) son. Pride is about 400 years old while Wrath is like 60 There have been at least 2 instances where one of the hommunculi ate another. The second time it was on purpose and killed the one eaten. Greed ran away about 100 years before the plot of fma. Wrath killed all of Greed's friends and then captured him. He got submerged in some sort of molten metal but he was fine later. Then he got reabsorbed by his Father and helped to kill him. Greed was not fine this time." More propaganda here
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statuesquueart · 2 years
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silver & gold (or; m��riel & indis)
for day one of @finweanladiesweek : míriel þerindë and indis
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dalliansss · 4 months
“Ah, darling,” says Finwë. He reaches and pats at Angamaitë’s knee. “That is how it is for first babies, you see. They take a long while to come along. Makalaurë and his lovely wife Silrièn took a long while as well! But look at them now: four daughters! Turukáno and Elenwë took some time too. It runs in the family, I’m afraid, ai! Your haruni and I baked Nolofinwë for a long, long time, ha ha ha!”
Turko surreptitiously coughs into his teacup. “Whoops. Tea got into my nose, sorry.” He grins at both Finwë and Angamaitë. But Finwë realizes the clue. Still, he won’t apologize for that. He turns to Angamaitë again.
“As long as you and Eldalótë do not lack will and want, a child will come along,” Finwë promises. Now though, he turns to Turko. “And how are you, indyo?” He smiles, dimples showing. “How have you been? How do you find the Hunt? You have been serving long, yes?”
Turko perks up. He sets aside his teacup and refills it (hey, this strange thing called blooming tea is actually good!), before he turns to Finwë and Anga. “I am doing well. Like Anga here, doing as well as able. This last Hunt we went close to Nienna’s gardens. The Door of the Night was almost visible! I believe it’s a spectacular sight! Also– the hogs there make for very great hams.”
Finwë beams at him. “That is great…! Though, how are you and Fëanáro lately?”
Turko’s smile momentarily freezes on his face. Uh. Haru Finwë always had a knack of asking the most awkward questions in, uh, inappropriate times. What the hell? Why ask this of him with Angamaitë around? And they aren’t even close much!
“Bah, you know my Atar, haru,” Turko shrugs, choosing the indirect way of responding. “We have our issues. We work around them.”
Angamaitë looks away then and pretends to be watching the butterflies hovering some flowers. 
[half-forgot / AO3]
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halvedandhollowed · 2 years
Do you think in the early days of Men and Elves (Finrod), there was a time in the life of the Edain where they had a "Crush on Finrod" phase. I mean, he was beautiful and kind and wise and a great singer, super easy guy to fall in love with probs. And I hc that for a time, it's such a surety that each Edain child is going to run into their parents one day and go...
...that they use it as a developmental marker.
And the parents just look fondly at each other like, "Ah yes, I remember my Lord Nom phase like it was yesterday. Most start at seventeen, our child is a little on the early side at fifteen but we all progress at different times. :)"
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annoyinglandmagazine · 5 months
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ettelenethelien · 5 days
I've been thinking about the Finweans in any modern AU, and I've run into the typical problem that they simply do not work as people with modern careers; that's not what they're made for.
The thing is, even in a modern AU they have the vibe of a king's large number descendants, most insanely popular to bigger or lesser extent. (Except for Maglor who should stay a music star. He can be both)
...Fëanor though is a problem because he doesn't feel like anyone actually preparing to inherit the crown one day. He might, but it's not his job, per se.
So an elective monarchy? Which however brings us out of modern times and more into 17th century Poland.
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art-of-firefly · 7 months
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Preview of my chara-designs for Elrond, Elros & Celebrían !
I put it off for months, but I decided to finally draw them for @nolofinweanweek ! I can't believe i'm almost done with all my charadesigns for the House of Finwë
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theworldsoftolkein · 5 months
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Finwë & Míriel Walking on the Shore of Lake Cuiviénen - by Jenny Dolfen
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sauronnaise · 2 years
Fingolfin: Everyone is entitled to their opinions!
Fëanor: Nobody allowed you to think.
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