#hp positivity project
vexwerewolf · 2 months
hmmm...artillery balor...
I could tell you about how completely unsuited the Balor is to this task, but you know what? Fuck it. Okay. Remember: you asked for this.
-- HORUS Balor @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] HORUS Balor 2, HA Barbarossa 3, SSC Metalmark 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Auto-Stabilizing Hardpoints, Superior by Design [ TALENTS ] Leader 3, Siege Specialist 3, Engineer 3 [ STATS ] HULL:2 AGI:2 SYS:0 ENGI:4 STRUCTURE:4 HP:21 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:10 REPAIR:5 TECH ATK:+1 LIMITED:+2 SPD:4 EVA:8 EDEF:10 SENSE:5 SAVE:13 [ WEAPONS ] Integrated: Prototype Weapon III MAIN MOUNT: SUPERHEAVY WEAPON BRACING HEAVY MOUNT: Siege Cannon (Nanocomposite Adaptation) // Auto-Stabilizing Hardpoints [ SYSTEMS ] Hive Drone, Personalizations, Armament Redundancy, Reactive Weave, Type-3 Projected Shield
I call this One Trick Man.
You pick a target you don't want to deal with today and hit them with Type-3 Projected Shield. You pick a firing position out of line of sight of your enemies, preferably with hard cover, and put down your Hive Drone. You wait until your second turn.
At the start of your second turn, you observe the state of the battlefield from your artillery nest. If there's a large cluster of enemies, you fire the Siege Cannon in Siege Mode, and if there's just one target you particularly want obliterated, you use Direct Fire Mode.
You never worry about cover or even line of sight because your Siege Cannon has Nanocomposite Adaptation, meaning that as long as the shell has some path onto target it will always get there, and with Auto-Stabilizing Hardpoints your shots will rarely miss. If you use Siege Mode, you'll have to Stabilize next turn to reload it, but that'll also clear your heat so it's fine. If you use Direct Fire Mode, you can just do the exact same thing again for several turns before you need to stabilize.
Literally everything else about this mech is a contingency to stop you from losing your Siege Cannon. We have Armament Redundancy to let you ignore the first weapon loss. We have Reactive Weave to make you invisible if you need to brace. We have Hive Drone to make you harder to hit. We have Type-3 Projected Shield if an enemy ever gets within visual range of you. You have 21 HP and regenerate 5 every time you take a turn.
And, in your darkest hour, if ever there comes a situation in which you cannot use the Siege Cannon, you have the Engineer Prototype III, which can still deal damage in an area and be accurate about it.
Congratulations. You will spend the rest of your piloting career like a washed-up Tory: lurking in the backbenches, hurling abuse at people you've never even seen.
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lynmars79 · 2 months
About Imelda Goldfinch
Looking back over episodes, transcripts, and the wiki as a friend experiences Midst for the first time, I keep coming back to Imelda.
She "mistook" Weepe for the Mayor of Stationary Hill when they bumped into one another (literally) in S1 E5 "Missions". She spends the rest of S1 pester-courting Weepe into the Trust, starts him at Zero, and then grants him enough Valor to become Upper Trust for the Cabaret betrayal. She makes sure he gets off Midst in the Consector's flagship.
In S2 she continues her Weepe project, showing him around the city, introducing him to people, accompanying him to Upper Trust meetings. And then the Arca, S2 E13 "Inside." Where she uses her zealousness to torment Weepe until he (outwardly) acquiesces to her.
She knew about his condition, and his medical treatment. In detail. Cameras aren't that advanced in this cosmos, and Weepe keeps that knowledge quite secret; Saskia knew after four years as Weepe's business partner, and being noted as perceptive. When and how did Imelda find out, enough to gauge a normal day's risk (if not enough to know what happens when Weepe gets excited/stressed)?
In S3 she is front and center at the naming of Weepe as Tripotentiary. She automatically becomes his Archauditor, a minimal show made of having to create the position and choice to fill it over brunch. She attends high end meetings like the dinner with Kozma, where Imelda makes interesting notes on her menu (per the appendices) about what Weepe does and doesn't like, among her other notes and reactions.
Then we get to S3 E9 "Baron."
And I have to wonder: Did Imelda "mistake" Weepe in S1 when they met? Was she there not just because of the Breach investigation and/or Moon sale, but for him? Does she know, or at least suspect, who Weepe was before his first Fold-induced transformation and the salvation from the Mothers?
Imelda is a character that fascinates me, and is a bit frightening when thinking about her. She gives some of the same vibes as HP's Dolores Umbridge, but with the caveat that Imelda seems to be a True Believer in the Trust--while also being extremely driven and ambitious. We saw in her Notary prep school yearbook that she had Caenum as a girl (with the note "most likely to Break Even"). When we meet her, middle-aged, she's wearing a wide sash of Valor and regularly rubs shoulders with the Upper Trust.
It took Fuze Peabody his entire working life to Break Even by retirement (and given Lark's past, they start working rather young in the Trust; no child labor laws in the Highest Light I suppose, for those in debt). Most Trustees never reach Zero; it's why so many Breach.
And so much of Imelda's recent Valorous momentum has been due to her maneuvering of Weepe. Of the things she has done with, for, and to him.
Did she gun for Jonas Spahr being removed as Prime Consector? Was it convenient, or targeted? Disdain for the Company or just a way to maneuver Weepe into power? And why? Did she see the incompetence at the top and think it could be better? One of her menu notes is re-starting Valor checks for Upper Trust and other important meetings. Did the Fleit scandal make her think change was needed? Does she think Weepe can get her what she wants when the rest of the Upper Trust cannot?
What does she know? Why is she doing all this? Personal power? Grandiose zealotry? Revenge? A little of everything? Is Imelda the real mastermind and arch villain?
I dunno, and that last may be a bit silly (??) but something is going on with this woman, and she stands somewhere near the heart of this tangled web.
"He's totally fucked" the Narrators say of Weepe when he bumps into Imelda that first time. That's certainly been true in many ways--and I don't think it impossible that it will continue to be, with Weepe maybe not expecting the damage this scarily cheerful little lady with Pollyanna curls can still do to him before the end.
For the good of the Trust.
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chussyracing · 30 days
what has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
Charles' race engineer Xavi Marcos will be replaced by Bryan Bozzi from Imola onwards while Xavi moves to a different project within the team
Ollie Bearman will be completing junior FP1 session for Haas in Imola
Ferrari tested new anti-spray wheel covers during their filming day in Fiorano (they look horrendous) - as well as the new upgrade package they will introduce in Imola
besides them, also RBR and Mercedes are bringing upgrades - Mercedes will introduce them over the next 4 races, Oscar will get full package Lando got in Miami and Sauber are set to introduce the upgrades to help with their bad pitstops
Pierre will have a special Senna tribute helmet in Imola
Jamie Chadwick scored her first podium in Indy NXT
Miami GP donated over 40 thousand portions of food that was left over from the race weekend through Food Rescue US
Marc Priestly says multiple Red Bull workers are considering departure from the team after Adrian Newey left (if you don't know him, he is maybe the most well known former mechanic)
Helmut Marko said that the rumours about Daniel getting replaced by Liam Lawson were started by Liam’s management and that’s why it was reported by a New Zealand journal first
Red Bull will present RB17 hypercar that Adrian Newey developer at Goodwood
George has a film??? Made with UBS (but it is actually a short video on social media?)
McLaren has new merch line for Monaco which is inspired by the (good) old times
German media are saying that Audi already took over Sauber and both current drivers would be out of the team
Abbi Pulling became the first woman to win British F4 race <3
the f1 Brad Pitt movie’s budget is already over 300 m AMERICAN DOLLARS
Joe Saward thinks that Alpine might be the destination for Carlos Sainz starting from next year because neither Mercedes nor Red Bull want to commit to him and rather prefer to wait and see how people shift across the teams first and since Carlos Sainz sr worked with Bruno Famin for Peugeot in Dakar, he has some links to it
speaking of, Carlos Sainz sr has been confirmed as Ford’s driver for Dakar 2025
multiple drivers or former drivers (Charles, Lando, Oscar, Zak Brown, Mark Webber, Ollie Bearman, Arthur Leclerc and even Adrian Newey) went to see Grand Prix de Monaco Historique this weekend (also just for fun: Zak Brown drove Williams FW07B
after Guenther Steiner sued Haas, Haas took a look at Surviving to Drive and they are suing him for unauthorized use of their trademark :))
Loic Serra and Jerome d’Ambrosio will start officially working for Ferrari from October
MotosportWeek spoke to Alex about his future and he refused to confirm he will drive for Williams next season (despite having a contract through 2025) and James Vowles didn’t want to comment on potentially letting him go sooner with an exit clause either
there are more rumours about Chicago GP, this time of it potentially being signed already from 2026 onwards
it’s been confirmed that the HP (ew) deal is worth 100m dollars a year with additional benefits and all technique equipment from the company (laptops, computers, printers, 3D printers etc) to Maranello
Ford confirmed their targets for 2026 RBR power unit are being met, the rumours about them being behind in the development are nonsense and they obviously don’t know where others stand with their engines
Helmut Marko said that if he was in Newey’s position he would choose red (or something like that I am paraphrasing oe24.at)
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fallout-lou-begas · 16 days
I have not tried to play modded new vegas since back during nexus mod manager. I used a computer running windows 7 until like, october of last year (my office still uses MS dos, win95, win98, xp and others for the ancient machines and writing reports, so my frame of refrence is fucked). Anyway, I used project nevada. I'm learning now that people dislike it these days? Im sure it's not being updated anymore, but could you explain what the problem with it is? I'm not interested in defending it, it's just that I have emerged from under a rock. Also, are there any equivalent mods that add the sort of "realistic" feeling where combat is harder and damage seems more meaningful (and also the first person goggles and shit)? I've been trapped in a bunker since like 2016
Project Nevada was really popular back in the day, but is considered very outdated and quite bloated by current modding standards and is the culprit behind a lot of performance issues. It gets an especial amount of flak because if you go to the New Vegas Nexus and sort by "Most Endorsed" or "Most Downloaded" of all time, it'll get recommended right at the top even though basically all of its features (sprinting, rebalance, loot scarcity, etc.) have been implemented by more lightweight, cleaner mods today.
Also, yes, absolutely.
NPCs Use Ammo
Simple AI Merge
Combat Enhancer Updated (NVSE)
Sweet Dynamic Detection System
Tactical Gameplay Modifications (highly recommended as an all-in-one damage overhaul for much more lethal, high-stakes combat that affects both the player and NPCs: my favorite aspect of it is that limbs take much more of the brunt of weapon damage, meaning that getting shot in the leg won't deal much HP damage, but your leg can be broken much more easily, enhancing the importance of aim and cover)
More Attentive NPCs and Creatures
Physics Based Ballistics (Bullet Drop)
General Animations: Realistic Movement and Dramatic Inertia
Combat Animations: Awesome Crippling Effects, Fetal Position Skeleton, Dramatic Staggering, and Better Stand-Up
Martialize: Unarmed Combat Maneuvers for NPCs
B42 Melee Bash
I've got detailed explanations of some of my favorite mods here, and my full mod list here. If you're looking to get back into modding New Vegas in 2024, check out the Viva New Vegas modding guide.
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nashdoesstuff · 2 months
here’s my other superhero for the au by @thelunarsystemwrites! [2/2]
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Meet Time Kid, a young superhero who loves to help people.
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His civilian identity is Sans [REDACTED], a 7th grade student that admires all superheroes and who is fortunate enough to be one. He’s quite the celebrity at his middle school for it.
Sans [REDACTED] was raised a normal kid, but there was one thing that always stood with him, and that was the superheroes in the city. He saw them, flying high, protecting civilians, defeating the bad guys, and he knew that one day, he wanted to be one.
His dad, Gaster, is a scientist. He continuously begged him to make him some sort of superpower, but his pleas didn’t work, as his father insisted it was far too risky. Obviously, being a child, he didn’t take no for an answer. So, he snuck into his dad’s lab, dabbling with his equipment and previous projects. He stumbled across an older experiment, a blue serum on the inside of a fridge labeled in a language he couldn’t understand. He activated the serum with his magic, causing a reaction that broke the glass vial it was contained in and the contents mixing with his own magic. At first, it hurt, burning the inside of his bones, but after a few hours, the stinging sensation went away, and he found a new power— time manipulation.
He hadn’t heard of a real superhero with the ability to manipulate time before, so he was overjoyed when he accidentally made a paper airplane stop in mid air during class. He practiced his magic until he decided it would be safe enough to use in a real situation.
One day, when getting groceries with his dad, he noticed an attack. A supervillain attack, in real time. He didn’t recognize the villain, but he knew he had to help. He dropped the bag he was holding and quickly teleported into the scene, despite his father’s demands for him to stop.
After what seemed like an exhausting fight, he triumphed, though with a few cracked bones. The next thing he knew, he was swarmed with reporters and journalists, shocked that someone of his age defeated an adult villain. He gleamed with pride, incredibly excited until his father dragged him from the crowd, furious. He had a very long lecture for his son, and grounded him for a month. It took him a while to acknowledge Sans’ clear ambition for heroism, but when he did, he told him to be careful, and gave him the opportunity to try it out again.
With his father’s blessing, Sans became Time Kid, one of the youngest heroes in the city.
ATK 20 DEF 30 HP 100
+ agility and speed + extremely smart— can use intel on the battlefield + time manipulation— can stop a moment in time for a certain amount of time. He can also fling time disks at people shaped like clocks, which sort of work like bones. + fusion— can fuse with other skeletons at will to help on the battlefield, as long as they consent. - low health - can only use his powers for a certain period of time before he gets tired - can get uncontrollably hyperactive, which is not good for stealthy situations. - fusion can only work when his magic level is full - he’s still developing, so magic may not work as intended at times
- Some students at his school call him Time Kid or TK, even though his name is technically Sans. He’s in no position to complain, though. - TK is 4’6. - TK’s pronouns are he / him. - TK has ADHD! This works both for and against him in the battlefield. - He really wants to be apart of a superhero team. - He can be quite the annoyance to enemies, especially considering he defeats a lot of them. - His best friend is a kid named Frisk at their school. They’re super cool, and helped him make decisions for his superhero job!
and that’s about it! thanks for reading if you got this far <3
tk!sans is originally by @/perfectshadow06 utmv superhero au by @/thelunarsystemwrites this variation of the character is by me ^w^
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evesaintyves · 7 months
trick or treat 👻🎃❤️
thank you @whinlatter 💕
you get a snippet of my shitty first draft of the Beasts tribute fic i started. for non-whinlatters, Beasts is her absolutely astonishing Ginny & the Weasley family fic that follows her postwar seventh year at Hogwarts, intertwined with glimpses of her development as a child & teenager, and there's a brief mention of a care facility where recipients of the Dementor's kiss live out the rest of their lives. Highly recommend this fic - it's just such a rich portrayal of the whole Weasley family, the fraught rebuilding process after the war, and Ginny's emotional & intellectual life.
tw: illness, death, and very unpleasant hospital stuff
this idea of what happens to people after they've been kissed by a dementor really spoke to me for a few reasons - i couldn't help but think about some of the things i've seen in my professional life. i work in a healthcare specialty i can't really name without potentially doxing myself (it's a small world) and early in my career i occasionally participated in testing to determine death by neurologic criteria - essentially, flat lines on an eeg, which is a really terrible thing to see if you know what you're looking at. it's a difficult thing to even comprehend, especially for a parent - that a child who was splashing in the pool a few hours ago, now seemingly asleep, will not wake up, is damaged so profoundly that they they will never take another unassisted breath. i also regularly worked with people who were incarcerated in the state prison system. it taught me a lot about - let's keep it short and just say inhumanity: in the american healthcare system and especially where it intersects with the criminal justice system, and, unfortunately, in some of my colleagues and the way they cared for their incarcerated patients.
in my current role i work with a lot of patients who just aren't going to get better, who are entirely dependent on caregivers to keep them alive and maintain their quality of life. and it is - i hope you'll understand when i say this i say it as someone who is devoted and privileged to do it - often difficult and demoralizing work. for families and for staff.
my youngest sister was one of these people: she suffered a hemorrhage in infancy which resulted in serious damage to her brain. she never spoke, walked, fed or bathed herself. it was difficult to know what she understood, perceived, felt, wanted. she was a beautiful, calm, sweet-natured child who was easy to love; not every family in our position is so fortunate. it was also easy for us to project on her an interior life that may or may not have really been there, which was a great comfort to my mother. but her daily care needs were enormous, taxing, frustrating, and her inevitable deterioration and death were devastating to witness.
obviously i don't really want to equate people with brain injuries and whatever other special needs with people in the hp universe who no longer have souls - that's part of the reason i've struggled with this fic. there are a lot of potentially-unanswerable questions about the humanity and interiority of victims of soul-removal in this fictional context, but i think the only responsible practice for a clinician working with such patients would be to assume that they still feel, experience, and need what any other person who cannot care for themselves would. including not just nutrition, hygiene, etc. but also company and touch and positive regard. and that whatever crime, even atrocity, they might have committed is irrelevant to my duty to them as a caregiver. but that is easier to say than to do, consistently, every day, at home or in a medical facility, and i know from experience that it won't always happen that way.
anyway, if for some reason you have read this far, here's an excerpt from the story, complete with first-draft placeholders where i decided to rethink some dumb on-the-nose character names, lol. it needs to be rewritten from scratch, honestly. it's set at the end of GoF, when Madame Pomfrey is tasked with removing the house-elf Winky from Barty Crouch, Jr.'s side after he has received the kiss, and I've decided for the purposes of this silly little fic that she has experience in the care facility where he'll end up.
working title is My Beautiful Dead Friends.
Minerva saw the whole horrible thing and it was all over her face, what it had done to her. Poppy has never seen it happen, and neither had [supervisor], which seemed to irritate him; he'd read about it in books. The soul emits a colourless glow as it exits, he said, visible for an instant before it is consumed. For some time in the eighteenth century the Kiss was performed in public, on a platform raised above Diagon Alley. People would bring their children. There were woodcuts depicting the moment, dementors in swirling curlicues, the bound hands and dark mouth of the convicted, and the soul, represented as a star or sometimes a tiny naked man, caught in the moment of transit. It was striking how carefully, how delicately, the little soul was etched, with lines of light coming off it. Even the soul of a murderer, a beautiful shining thing. Minerva had marched Barty to the infirmary dozens of times in his schooldays. Sometimes because Horace wasn't fond of the long walk, nor of standing up to his own students, but often because it was one of her Gryffindors who'd done it to him. He was there all the time, hexed, cursed, punched in the face. It seemed, at first, simply the lot of the delicate-featured son of the head of law enforcement to be regularly trounced. He gave at least as good as he got and sometimes there'd be an entire queue of students behind him covered in boils, missing or extra limbs, pinching their nostrils to stop the bats from flapping out. Barty might chuckle through a mouth of blood while she saw to him, or he might writhe and moan as if in agony; Poppy had a suspicion that it depended on whether there was a Hogmeade weekend or an exam coming up. It wasn't only the usual interhouse skirmishes with Barty—Once, he limped to the hospital wing on his own, so badly beaten she had to put him out for a while and repair his perforated intestines with dozens of tiny movements of the tip of her wand. When he came to, she asked him what had happened, who had done this. He grinned at her with half his teeth gone. "Jusht the cosht of doing businesh, Madame," he said. Bubbles of red on his lips as he spoke. She found out later from Filius that he'd scammed a bunch of Ravenclaws into a sort of pyramid scheme, buying and reselling junk from Zonko's to each other. She was sure he didn't need the money: his robes were clasped with real-silver fasteners in the shapes of snakes. His mother came to take him home for the weekend after that one. He pressed the side of his face into the bosom of her robes and sobbed pitifully while Poppy left them to it behind a screen. On his way out the door, later, he waved to her, like, see you soon! Now he looks content, drowsy, like he's just had a meal. It was always hard to square the faces of the Kissed with what they'd done. Barty could almost be his seventh-year self, resting in the lull of a potion—though he might have already been a murderer by then, she realised. His hands, which had once aimed waves of pain so brutal they'd evicted poor Alice and Frank Longbottom from their own minds, are laced together at rest on his stomach. His thumbnail picks occasionally at the wand-callus on his forefinger. Some unlucky trainee healer will be alarmed by that one day. The Kissed do those little things. Their eyes follow you, sometimes, across the room. They smack their lips when they swallow the bubblemint-flavoured nutrition potion. They sit up in bed. "Look—he's doing it—I've told you—" Llanzo's mother had once cried, summoning the whole staff to come and see. She was tickling Llanzo's ribs with her fingers, and his lips had pulled back, his chest was jerking with spasms of laughter, no sound but a sort of clicking in his throat. "It's a reflex," [supervisor] told her. Llanzo's younger brother slumped in his bedside chair and stared sourly at his mother. She got angry, understandably, and shouted a bit before storming out.
"A rat will make a rhythmic sound if you tickle its belly," [supervisor] told Poppy in private. "You can call it laughter, if you like."
Llanzo was the only one who ever got visitors. He'd been accused of leading a nine-year-old witch away from her parents at Gray's beach and leaving her face-down, strangled, in the shallow mud of the Thames. His mother had given an alibi, which wasn't enough to keep him from being arrested, and he'd been shipped off to Azkaban to be held pending trial. As they'd approached the jagged rocks of the island he'd broken his bonds somehow and heaved himself over the side of the boat. Escape, suicide, or just some motiveless panic, it wasn't clear, but when they'd caught him and hauled him onshore the Dementors had fallen on him at once. He was seventeen, on his summer holidays. Lying in bed on the ward a year later he still looked like a child. Poppy wasn't sentimental, as a rule, but at the end of shift after those visits she'd sometimes have to have a little cry in the car park before she apparated home. "If you ask me I think she's on to something," Catherine told her once, in low tones, eyes on [supervisor]'s office door. "I've seen things. The way they look up at you. You can leave them on the pot for an hour, they won't do a thing, then as soon as they're back on the bed, haven't even had time to get a nappy out—" she made a squelching sound in her cheek. "Pure spite, I swear."
His mother came back the following week, brother in tow, and sat with him reading from Quidditch Through the Ages, turning the book to show him the moving illustrations. Sometimes his gaze moved to land on them and sometimes it didn't. "He was a Chaser," she told Catherine, who'd come to give him a bath. "Fast as anything. His Dad and I were both hopeless on a broom, but he's—" She swallowed hard. Llanzo was smiling faintly, as he often did when he got his bath. His breath came in soft vocal sounds that were almost sighs. "—he's my superstar," she finished. When they left, she made his brother say goodbye to him. Poppy was scrubbing up at the bedside sink to do his skin integrity assessment. Llanzo's brother gripped his hand, and leaned down as if to kiss him on the cheek. "Fucking die," he whispered, lips almost touching Llanzo's motionless face.
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cywscross · 2 months
Title: Chance and Choice Fandom: F&F x HP Character/Pairing: Regulus Black/Owen Shaw, Deckard Shaw & Owen Shaw, Regulus Black & Deckard Shaw, Owen Shaw, Regulus Black, Deckard Shaw Rating: T Word Count: 23,689 Summary: By chance or by choice, they find each other right on time. Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Canon, Canon Divergence AU, Soulmates AU, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Murder, Time Skips, Blood and Injury, Sirius Black Critical, References to Depression, Past Child Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Memories, Protective Siblings
Submitted For:
- Post-July Break Bingo 2023 - Soulmates - Bad Things Happen Bingo [Card 2] - Human Shield (@badthingshappenbingo) - Gen Prompt Bingo [Round 22] - Imprisonment - Hurt/Comfort Bingo [Round 13] - imprisonment - Trope Bingo [Round 16] - Telepathy / Mind Meld - Any Fandom Fluff Bingo - Soulmate AU (@anyfandomfluffbingo) - Tarot Card Bingo - Page of Pentacles - Seasonal Delights Bingo: Language of Flowers [Card 1] - "you were always destined to be alone." (@seasonaldelightsbingo) - Lyrical Escape Bingo - "Hope is a bloody battlefield of disillusion." (@lyricalescape) - Winter Break Advent 2023 - December 4th-8th: Life or Death | Being saved | Found on the brink of death | Hearing someone call their name | Soulmates - Fandom-Free Bingo: Frosty Edition - Cursed - Fandom-Free Bingo: Flight Edition - 'I'm Tryin' to Matter in Someone Else's Eyes' - Fandom-Free Bingo: Valentine Edition - Stay Silent or Die - Fandom-Free Bingo: Wild Edition [Card 1] - "I'm Not Going Anywhere." (@fandom-free-bingo x4) - Slumber Party Bingo - Never have I ever... Walked in on someone in a compromised position (@slumberpartybingo) - Multifandom Flash Bingo: Soulmates - Sharing pain when one get hurt and have scars marked on their skins - Multifandom Flash Bingo: Round 3 Beehive [Card #1016] - After-Action Patch-Up (@multifandom-flash x2) - Eclipsing Bingo - Soulmarks (@eclipsingbingo)
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latineslytherin · 11 months
Snape Fandom Love-Hate Spectrum
& Definitions
An attempt at by Snape fans. Compiled by @ottogatto & @latineslytherin. Made in mid-2023. Note that definitions can shift overtime and are flexible.
We thought it would be useful for the Snapedom, especially those new and those old, to have a brief overview of the terms used within Snapedom to refer to each other and those we interact with on the daily. As well as to chart the various kinds of fans of Snape. And yes, this includes those who don't like or even hate Snape. Because that means you are interacting with Snape as a concept/character. :)
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Snape Antis: Snaters who vehemently attack and harass Snape fans whenever they see them, even hunting them down. They repeatedly declare that Snape is the most evil character of HP, that he is unredeemable and that anyone who likes him or, worse, sees anything positive about him, is a horrible human being. They have declared some sort of crusade to crush down any Snape-positive content, often with repetitive slander, and to bully Snape fans, going as far as spamming their inbox, calling them all sorts of names such as Nazi, pedo or abuse apologist, sending them death threats or suicide baits, invading Snape-positive/neutral spaces and engaging in mass-harassment of Snape fans with their followers and mutuals.
Snaters (portemanteau of Snape + Hater): people who hate or dislike Snape as well as the fans, sometimes making it a personality trait. Though they haven’t declared a crusade on Snape fans, they easily engage in Snape slander and bully Snape fans. Nowadays, a significant part of Snaters consist of Marauder fans that have created a Marauder-centered universe meant to be different from canon HP material, and in which Snape is where the line is drawn in terms of evilness and redeemability. Though they don’t target Snape fans as much as Antis, they are hostile to Snape-positive/neutral content, including from other Marauder fans and mutuals.
Snopers (portemanteau of Snape + Nope): people who dislike Snape or even hate him, but do not hate Snape fans. It is important to distinguish them from Snaters. Snopers understand that people have different tastes, remain cordial, respect fandom etiquette, avoid drama or clashes with Snape fans, and can be on very nice terms with them. The term includes people who acknowledge that the Snape they dislike/hate was made-up by Marauder stans in their fandom, and not so much the canon Snape. As such, they can actually appreciate some traits of the canon version. They may post content that is hateful against the character, but they tend to do it with far less frequency or radicality, while spacing it with ambiguous content about him. If they do post hateful content, they pay attention to not make Snape fans uncomfortable, either by avoiding interactions with them or specifying that they just have a different opinion/interpretation of him and do not pretend to shame fans.
Snape Wife: a term that has different meanings depending on the era of Snape Wife. Initially, and before the height of the Snape Wife cult, Snape Wifes were "possessive" of him and didn't like other people self-shipping with Snape. The old Snape Wives have died out in favor of more reasonable ones in the modern era, though they may remain a little too ardent in their love of Snape. There remain very few of them. 
Snapewife (pejorative): misogynistic-grounded insult thrown against anyone who likes Snape, with the intent to bring up the history of a Snape-centered, female-led cult in order to humiliate Snape fans (whether Snape Wives or not). Some Snape fans have reclaimed that insult for satire.
Snapeists: members of the cult of Snape that rose up after the Deathly Hallows Book release, but more extreme than Snape Wives. They were more welcoming to other Snape self-shippers and Snape-Shifters (people who believed they "astral projected" to be with Snape, or had their husbands "embody" Snape). 
Sneutrals (portemanteau of Snape + Neutral): people who have a mixed opinion about Snape, or remain indecisive, or are indifferent about him. More often than not, they roll their eyes at fandom drama and refuse to engage with it.
Snickers (portmanteau of Snape + Liker, made into Snickers for the candy bar pun): people who enjoy Snape as a character, but aren't super into him either, and aren't creating much Snape-focused content. They easily acknowledge his flaws and failures. They can appreciate Snape’s qualities more than they dislike his flaws, or they can like him especially because of his darker side. They won't turn down a story that includes Snape, though they may be dismayed/discontented if it has a grossly caricatured portrayal of him (either positive or negative).
Snovers (portmanteau of Snape + Lover and Snover Pokemon pun): common run of the mill Snape fans, who enjoy his multifaceted aspects, his negative and positive sides. They don’t deny that Snape did bad things and have an attitude of explaining why he did them without excusing him. They greatly appreciate Snape because he has a grim personality. However, they have a harder time openly saying or conceding that Snape was mean or did horrible things, since enough Snaters and Antis constantly make Snape-hostile “reminders”, and they don’t want to either inadvertently attract Haters and Antis onto their posts or make other Snape fans uncomfortable.
Snape Stans: Snape fans who turn rabid if you even remotely suggest that Snape has even one negative quality, and may purposefully hunt down Snape-hostile people/content to crush them down. They may include people who can't stand anything negative said about him because of bad experiences by Snaters and Snape Antis.
These terms, while not indicated on the graph, are more for general use.
Snape Defenders (not included in the graph): people who, in response to large amounts of Snape slander by Snaters and Antis as well as the increase in Snape-fan bullying, have decided to dedicate part of their fandom experience into defending both Snape and the fans, often by citing canon material, providing deep analyses, pointing out double standards, and sabotaging direct attacks against fans. Though it isn’t their goal to bully Snaters and Antis, as they are allegedly fighting against harassment inside the fandom, some can engage in borderline bullying tactics for efficacy and revenge. Note that theoretically, someone who hates Snape and/or dislikes his fans could defend him and his fanbase, on the basis that no one should be bullied for the fictional character they love, and on the sentiment that if one hates Snape, they must at least hate him for the right reasons or acknowledge they aren’t truly hating the character but rather an OC. 
Snape Criticals (not included in the graph): people who make a point of not falling into caricatures, biases or misconceptions of either side of the Snape love-hate spectrum, and readily mention that Snape has done wrong things and has been horrible in his life, while refusing outright slander as well. The term can encompass people who like, dislike, are neutral or ambiguous about Snape, though it cannot include the extremes. They are more likely to have issues with the larger HP fanbase, though they mostly remain in their own spaces rather than seek out fandom spaces in an attempt to correct fans or haters.
Snape Apologist (not included in the graph): insult created and largely used by Snaters and Antis against those who like or sympathize with Snape, as well as those who refuse Snape slander or even remotely defend him, in such a way that it sounds like “rape apologist”. By “Snape apologists”, Snaters and Antis accuse fans/neutrals/criticals of thinking that Snape is perfect, has never done anything wrong in his life, that everything he did was justified or can be excused away. The term has been reclaimed by the fans, who use it more or less ironically, sometimes contracting it into “Snapologist”. “Tobias Snape apologist” is a light-hearted variant used by and for those who want to give Tobias Snape (Severus Snape’s father) a sympathetic backstory.
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wingedkiare · 2 years
Just a heads up, ColourPop just announced a HP line of cosmetics, and when met with a very reasonable disapproval (as JK Rowling actively uses her HP money to support TERF legislature, groups, etc)... they posted this three part "explanation.”
It is our continued commitment at ColourPop to always foster a community of acceptance, love, inclusivity and support. We are a brand created for everyone and prioritize creating a safe, supportive and positive space for all. It is our goal to bring magic to you via our collections, which are born from listening to what our community dreams of.
Our community also dreams of acceptance and equality for all - and we do, too. These things shouldn’t be a dream, they should be a reality and something no one has to fight for.
Our goal is to always make our community feel like we are here to champion them, in everything they do and whoever they are.
As we go into a new season, bring you new makeup magic, and begin a new month we would like to take a moment to share our current charitable and community focuses.
This month, which is Suicide Awareness Month, we will be making independent donations to the following organizations to support the communities, individuals and families they provide resources, hope and vital support for.
Los Angeles LGBT Center The Trevor Project Trans Lifeline American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
(Then they said if you want to learn more they’ll have donation links in their bio)
So not only did they not acknowledge what’s an issue, why it’s an issue - they basically said that your pain is not equal to someone else’s wish for a HP palette. And then said that they’re going to try to ethically offset the harm JKR will cause by making donations (but not volunteering an amount).  Which PS - you can’t do that.
Also: ignoring that suicide is a major issue for Trans youth while doing this is incredibly shitty.
TL;DR - ColorPop is releasing a HP line and lost me as a customer.
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shakespearean-snape · 3 months
Hi there! so glad to see you posting again I like a lot of what you have to say about Snape. I noticed you say a few times tho that your visual headcanon for Snape isn't conventionally attractive and I just wondered if you had any reference of what he looks like in your mind? An actor or other famous person? just someone like that?
I'm just curious how you imagine Snape because I admit I just see Alan Rickman as Snape in my head since I started with the movies as a kid and didn't read the books a few until years later. It always interests me so much when people say they read the books before the movies or read the books with the movies coming out and saw Snape as someone else.
Its ok if you can't think of anyone just thought I'd ask. thx!
*waves enthusiastically like an idiot with zero chill*
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I get so giddy when someone sends me an ask like this so I hope no one thinks I don't enjoy questions about Snape or my headcanons. As anyone who knows me knows, I think a lot and especially about those things I love so I always have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head I can be positively overeager to share with anyone interested.
So to answer your question, I don't have a specific person pinned down that is 100% like how I picture Snape in my mind but some close candidates would be a young Adrien Brody (which I think is common enough among Snape fans as a choice, right there with Adam Driver these days), obviously the man that JKR based Snape around, John Nettleship, someone like Adarsh Jaikarran as a potential Hogwarts-era and early 20s Snape (even if he is more good-looking than I usually lean, in some pictures he just channels Snape vibes for me quite a bit) and a very young Julian Richings if you've ever seen photos of him in his younger years (I have two here for you so you can see my point a bit, here and here).
Ironically, Julian Richings in the later years of his acting career would probably have been my first choice for a Voldemort fan cast back in the day when any Harry Potter reboot was purely in the realm of the hypothetical (I mean, c'mon, look at this and tell me you can't see it too) but as JKR is an unapologetic anti-feminist/TERF I provide no monetary support to any of her projects including any licensed games, the watching of future reboots or purchasing of future tie-in books in the HP universe, officially licensed HP merchandise, or even by giving traffic to what was formerly Pottermore, etc.
All I bring to the fandom now is my fan theories and love for Snape, which she not only does not benefit from but never seemed entirely at peace with given how the character got away from her and took off. I can't think of a better way to spite someone so utterly spiteful herself than to take the character she was most shocked by people loving in any capacity and celebrate him in every incarnation (gay, bi, trans, ace, autistic, poc, etc.) with my queer, gender-nonconforming little heart while she gets zero money off me for it.
Anyway I hope the visual guide gives you a little more insight into my mind. I've never seen Snape as "ugly" (even when I joke my Snape is "ugly" and I like him that way) but my mental picture of him is of a man whose looks might fall into that unconventionally attractive sphere or what some people call homely. Occasionally I veer off that a bit, as with Adarsh Jaikarran, oh, oh! And also Lee Soo Hyuk, Song Jae-Rim and Kento Yamazaki (ever since I saw him in the live-action Bloody Monday manga series adaptation)!
But yes, my favorite Snape and the Snape I love isn't usually model attractive but also not quite the gargoyle Harry describes (that kid had some ridiculously high standards of beauty tbh, about the only characters he didn't have mentally critical notes on their appearance was the unnamed Veela, Fleur, and Narcissa Malfoy so yeah he totally thought "Draco's mom has got it going on..." Lol!) but somewhere in that "unconventional" categorization of attractive which I feel really suits a man who so often defies easy categorization in general.
(Excuse all the edits. After I gave a few examples more started hitting me and I was like ohhhhh I should have shared them, why didn't I think to share them? So I may come back and make more edits throughout the day, no promises I won't! Lol)
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Wiesmann MF5 GT 
The MF5 GT was in the absolute top position. This model series made its debut in 2007 during the IAA at the Wiesmann dealer in Frankfurt. It took around one and a half years before series production began. As with the MF4, a bonded and riveted aluminium chassis lay beneath the body made of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic. For the smaller MF3, Wiesmann used a tube frame.Technically, the brothers Friedhelm and Martin Wiesmann continued to use BMW components for the MF5. Only the best was good enough for the flagship. The five-liter naturally aspirated V10 engine with 373 kW/507 hp and 520 Nm of torque was taken over from the M5 (E60/E61) and M6 (E63/E64) series. The automated SMG III transmission with seven gears, the ABS and a few other driver assistance systems also came from the M6. Steering components came from the smaller 3 Series with the internal model codes E46 and E90. All around, 19-inch wheels with 265/35 ZR 19 tires at the front and 325/30 ZR 19 tires at the rear were used as standard. When BMW retired the E60, E61, E63 and E64 series and thus also discontinued production of the V10, Wiesmann switched in parallel to the V8 biturbo engine from the X5 M. This produced 408 kW/555 hp from 4.4 liters of displacement, which was transmitted to the rear wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission.Initially, the Wiesmann MF5 GT was only available as a Coupé. Wider fenders, a modified front spoiler lip and a fixed rear wing clearly distinguished the car from the less powerful MF4 GT. Incidentally, the first 30 production cars of the MF5 GT had chassis numbers of its smaller brother. It wasn’t until number 031 that a separate number range began. The last MF5 GT with the V10 engine was numbered 056, and the V8 biturbo engine was subsequently fitted in just 22 cars. In September 2009, the Roadster version finally made its debut at the IAA in Frankfurt. For this car, Wiesmann used an electrically extendable rear spoiler for the first time, which generated more downforce at higher speeds. Since it was already foreseeable at the time of the premiere that the V10 engine wouldn’t be available for much longer, Wiesmann limited the MF5 Roadster to 55 units. However, due to the long production times and the fact that new EU registrations were no longer possible from 2011, only 43 were produced, followed by 63 cars with V8.
Author's note: recently German firm Wiesmann decided that its next car will be an EV, which led to this prototype: Project Thunderball. That won't be the real name, but this is mostly the real car, with 671 horsepower and 811 pound-feet of torque. Assuming it reaches production anytime soon, it'll be the first EV roadster since the original Lotus-based Tesla. Stay tuned! 
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have you read (ugh) Harry Potter and if so how do you compare it to TOH ( also let’s burn Rowling at a stake lmao)
I grew up with Harry Potter so it was a pretty big part of my childhood. It was a fun, fantasy series that inspired millions of children worldwide and had a considerable impact on children's literature. Given its popularity and position in the zeitgeist, it was inevitable that people would be inspired by it, analyze it, criticize it, mock it, etc.
Now I haven't read HP in a long time and it's been a hot minute since I've watched the movies but I think I remember enough. It's also difficult (and probably unfair) to compare TOH and HP because one has 7 books in which to expand its lore and characters while the former only had effectively 2 1/2 seasons. But let's try any way. This got long so there will be more after the cut:
The Owl House is a structurally flawed show and it has a glaring blindspot in how its poc characters are treated but at least it doesn't have offensive tropes such as Jewish-coded goblins and elves who are happy to be slaves.
TOH's biggest strength is probably the likability of its characters and how easy it is to project onto them; Eda is the fun and sassy mentor but struggles with a terrible curse that many people read as a metaphor for chronic illness. Luz is your typical kid protagonist who is curious, excitable, and struggled to fit in at school. Amity was the perfectionist bully but secretly has a soft side. These are all good archetypes for your characters and it's easy to see why they're appealing.
On the other hand, I feel like HP's biggest strength is its world building: Hogwarts feels like a place the reader can step into as do Knockturn Alley, Gringotts, Grimauld Place, the Burrow, 2 Privet Drive, etc. The fact that I can still name all of these places shows the culture impact HP had and just how immersive the books were (and of course, how the movies brought them to life).
I think a big part of this is how HP incorporates magic into its universe: Hogwarts has the moving staircases, a ghost haunting the girl's toilet, floating candles in the Great Hall, the magic makes the setting come alive. When Harry said that Hogwarts was his home, many readers felt the same way.
When I think of the Boiling Isles, I think of how small it feels; there's Hexside, the Emperor's Castle, and the titular Owl House but aside from the last one, none of these places really stand out design wise or even emotionally. Hexside is just another fantasy school except with teeth, and the Castle is just a generic evil overlord castle. And the Owl House only stands out because of Hooty, without him, it's just another house.
As for the magic itself?
Well, the magic in TOH is really inconsistent, especially the glyphs. Here's a post that goes in depth on how poorly the glyphs were incorporated into the show. It's also not terribly creative with its magic: Willow is a plant witch but we only ever see her attack with vines and Gus' Illusion magic is explored in one, maybe two episodes. The only new element that is interesting is Abomination magic, which looks cool but it's basically water bending with goo.
For a show set in another world, it doesn't really do much to distinguish itself from Earth outside of the aesthetics; there's social media, movies, a job fair, and people treat covens like college degrees (which has enormous implications for how poorly done the EC is). It doesn't feel like you're in another world and I think a big part of that is the lack of whimsy in the show.
When Harry Potter explored the castle, the reader did as well, and we were just as amazed and impressed as he was. As Harry explored the wizarding world and all of its creatures and inhabitants, that sense of whimsy and awe never faded. I never got that sense of whimsy when Luz was exploring the Boiling Isles, it felt too similar to home.
If the show had spent more time in season 1 establishing its tone and identity instead of making fun of HP or fantasy tropes in general then we wouldn't have this problem. Hexside is especially guilty of this: look! here's our Parody Sorting Hat! check out our broom game that has nonsensical rules! take that Harry Porber!
As it stands, TOH looks good on paper but it botches the execution of its interesting ideas and concepts. I can see why so many people love it though because some of the things the characters go through are Relatable but for me, I've seen all of this done before and better in other media. If it came out years ago, perhaps it would have left a bigger mark on me, but in the end, TOH has very nice designs but it's undercooked.
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ecopportunityx · 5 months
Any favorite parts of EOX specifically regarding audience reaction? Or anything more specifically you'd like to say about what it was like to get the sort of audience engagement you did and how it impacted your relationship to the comic?
DEFINITELY Bass' death! (Especially since it was so fun to write!) Some other fun reactions would be to HP's introduction and any time BPB showed up.
The level of audience engagement was really unexpected! I predicted it'd just be few people encountering it via the main comicfury site and whatever friends I managed to rope into reading it, so I was really surprised at the amount of commenters!
I'd say the audience engagement definitely kept the comic alive, both in a moment-to-moment "literally submitting commands that move the plot forward" way and like... when I went on my extended hiatuses it'd always be what brought me back, thinking about how there were people who wanted to see the story continue and reach its end, along with this feeling of how I owe it to myself to give myself a completed project like this.
It's really hard to gauge any specifics of how the audience shaped my relationship with the comic, since like... this is the first time I've ever done something like this, so I have no metric of comparison, yanno? I think it really was positive, though.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Christmas Fics 2022 (Part 4):
Snowed Inn by extremewritersblock22 - M, WIP - Draco - who hates Christmas - expected to head his Ministry project alone. Hermione - who loves Christmas - expected to tag along and snag that promotion. Neither expected to be snowed in at an Inn 2 hours outside of London. Hermione tries to convince Draco that Christmas isn't awful and Draco tries to filter through his feelings for his coworker. HEA. Christmas smut.
Season's Guessing by malfoymalfunction - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are acting a little weird at their annual holiday party, and everyone's guessing why
Granger, It’s Cold Outside by Loveisduckes - G, one-shot - The Potter’s are celebrating their recent engagement and Draco Malfoy has offered to host. Hermione Granger is first to arrive at the party, but what happens when a blizzard blows through leaving her stranded and with him in his home. A retelling of the Christmas Song: Baby, It’s Cold Outside.
The Scarf by spaffs - M, one-shot - Draco receives an anonymous gift Christmas morning: a hideously knitted scarf. Who would send him such a gift, and why? Could it be a trick? Is it cursed? Surely if someone wanted to entice him into wearing a cursed scarf, they could have chosen more attractive bait.With so much going on in his life, with so much out of control, surely he can solve this mystery.A Sixth Year AU one shot.
golden by MsPolaPotter - G, one-shot - Everything was soft. The surface he was lying down on, the thing he held in his arms, the golden haze that filled the room. He was definitely not in the Manor anymore; nowhere indoors was it this bright. He made to stand up, but found himself unable to by the sheer comfort of his position. Instead, he looked up, and what loomed above him was an unrecognizable figure bathed in golden light.“Darling, are you alright?”
Once Upon A December by peanutbrittles123 - T, one-shot - Hermione is not a “gifts” person.She gets a brown-paper parcel every year anyway. No note or card.
And the Bells Were Ringing Out by ifyouwereamelody - T, one-shot - “You talk less than you used to,” she tries again when he doesn’t reply, because she never shied away from saying the unspoken thing before, and she has no intention of letting that be something else the war’s taken from her.Even his laughter is muted, just a quick puff of breath through his nose.“You talk more,” he counters. “I didn’t think that was possible.” Seven months have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts, but the chaos of it still runs riot in Hermione's head, forcing its way out and disrupting her life in any way it can. Cue Draco Malfoy, laid quiet and unmoving by the war, and a 12-hour road trip home for the holidays, and things are bound to get interesting.Written for the HP Festival of Stars 2022
Can I Have This Dance? by babyKay61822 - not rated, one-shot - Another Ministry Ball, another uncomfortable gown, and another night going home alone. Hermione Granger is miserable at this year's Yule celebration, until someone turns her night upside down.
Ceaselessly by LovesBitca8 - E, one-shot - "She hadn’t meant to begin this way. But isn’t that how all great beginnings go? " || My D/HrAdvent 2022 fic based loosely on The Great Gatsby (happy endings only).So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
"It's Granger-Malfoy" by justalazywriterr - G, one-shot - Every young witch and wizard looks forward to their first day at Hogwarts but not Scorpius. Carrying the last names of two well known wizards that seemingly fought on opposing sides of the war adds a sort of stress that none of his fellow classmates can come close to understanding.“Just because you may be in possession of a few of their qualities does not mean you are required to be a replica of either. You are your own person, Scorpius. Who you wish to be is entirely up to you. You can be brave like a Gryffindor and cunning like a Slytherin.”This time jumps like it's no one's business.
Kingdom Dance by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - Don't get her wrong because fourteen-year-old Hermione Granger loved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it was truly her second home. Her home away from home. But nothing would top the feeling of her true home, the Granger family home where her mother and father were. The warm crackling fire as she and her father cuddled up on the sofa together. The smell of freshly baked mince pies out of the oven. The feeling of cold tingled her nose as her mother, father and Hermione skate around the frozen lake together, singing loudly to their favourite Christmas songs. She missed those feelings and that atmosphere while at Hogwarts, so her plan was to replicate some of them. A one-shot for the 2022 HP Yuletide Bliss Fic Fest
Twelve Days by Astrangefan - G, 7 chapters - A marriage law passes and Draco and Hermione are matched. Draco has loved Hermione for a while and vows to court her and win her over.Pure fluff.
Happy Christmas, Draco by WritexAboutxMe - E, one-shot - The one where Draco attends Pansy & Neville's Christmas Engagement Gala.
Watch Time Disappear by TaintedEmbrace  - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy would rather be in solitude than face Christmas Eve with friends or family. However, fate has something else planned as he is forced to confront something he did not anticipate this year.Fluffy forced proximity Dramione for a Christmas One-Shot exchange.
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ashabsynthe · 1 year
Common Terms and Meanings in Witchcraft
Here is a little dictionary of various witchy and magickal terms to help you guys out! I’ll try to keep it updated when I find new info
Altar: a place to do and practise Magickal things like spells and rituals or meditation. Also used for inspiration and honouring the deceased
Athame: a ceremonial blade used in ritual practices, not necessarily used to cut things or to draw blood.
Astral projection: projecting your spirit out of your body in order to be somewhere else. Often done by dreaming, can be very dangerous *only to be practiced by experienced witches
Balefire: a fire that has been lit/made for Magickal purposes like spells, rituals etc.
Banish: To magickally end somthing, or to rid the presence of
Besom: a witch’s broom used to bring in protection, also used to sweep away negativity and to banish negativity.
Book of Shadows: (coined by Gerald Gardner) a book that is used like a witches diary. This is often used to describe methods of spellwork, how a spell turned out, observations, and scribblings of notes regarding spellwork, herbs, and such. (This is mostly a wiccan term, by the way)
(Grimoire and BoS are often used interchangeably and it doesn’t matter where you put information or what you call it)
Call: a term used that means the same as invoking
Cauldron: represents the goddess when doing spells and rituals and is often filled with water or flowers
Center: Usually done after grounding. To calm your emotions, mind, and body to be physically and magically aware
Chalice: Used often to represent the element of water, it is a receptacle used to hold wine, water, whiskey, or other liquids in ceremony or for offerings.
Charge: To infuse an object with personal or external power
Cleansing/Cleanse: removing negative energy from yourself, objects, others or spaces you are in
Consecrate: the blessing of an object or place by instilling it with positive energy
Coven: a group of at least 3 witches who get together and practice spells and rituals and celebrate sabbats or Esbats together
Covenstead: the meeting place of which a coven will meet
Divination: to be able to see into the future using psychic powers or tools and other methods such as scrying, tarot cards etc.
Elements: the 5 elements of the world. Air, fire, water, earth and spirit
Esbat: a gathering/celebration of witches that is not on a sabbat
Familiar: normally an animal spirit bound to a practitioner that assists the practitioner in their craft or life. This is normally a spirit, but on rare occasions it can be a physical animal the spirit incarnated into.
Grimoire: a book of spells, rituals, tools, and other magical correspondences or magical writings.
Ground: Clearing and releasing excess energy.
Handfasting: a pagan wedding! Time for celebration!!!!
HPS and HP: short for high priestess of a coven (hps) and high priest of a coven (hp)
Intent: a goal/purpose of a spell/ritual/Magickal working
Patron deity: a specific deity you feel a connection with and prefer to use in your magick
Pentacle: a five pointed star representing the elements and is enclosed in a circle and is a symbol for protection on witches and Wiccans that is used a lot
Pentagram: a 5 pointed star much like a pentacle except not enclose in a circle, despite popular belief the pentagram is not a symbol of satanism
Petition - a request or wish written on a piece of paper.
Runes: ancient symbols from an ancient Nordic alphabet often used in witchcraft
Sabbat: 8 festivals in the wicca/pagan/witchcraft community that happen every year and are a time for celebration and honoring
Scry: look deeply/gaze into an object in order to see a Magickal effect, when being used it is called “scrying”
Shadow Work: A practice of witchcraft mostly focused on exploring the “shadow self”. Mostly based on Carl Jung’s idea and theory of the shadow self
Sigil: a magick symbol placed on an object as a seal and needs to be charged in order for the power to manifest
Samhain: probably the bigger sabbat celebration in the calendar marking the pagan/witchcraft and wicca community’s new year. The best time for divination work and contacting the deceased as the vein is very thin that night between the spirit world and the human world, so it is also appreciated to celebrate the dead on this night, also know as “Halloween” and is celebrated on the 31st of October - 2nd of November
Taglock - a personal item or symbol of someone that links a spell/item to a target
Visualize: forming mental images. It is done to direct energy during spell work.
Ward: A means of protection. Energetic protections of your own devising; energetic protections around your home, your person, pets, personal items, etc. Usually wards are more powerful and complex than regular protection spells
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moonsporemoth · 5 months
UnderPollen AU
Soooo I'm finally uploading the UnderPollen AU I'm making. I kinda lost passion for it immediately but decided it wouldn't hurt to post it. I have no skill at coding so it's in a script format with the main cast as doodles I made underneath it. This is just the first chapter, however. Welp, enjoy!
*You've fallen. Miles and miles of underground had flashed by in a second. You had landed on a lone patch of yellow flowers, the pollen sticking to your hair and face. It burnt! You jumped up, hurriedly wiping the pollen off of you.
*"Oooh, yikes! That stuff hurts, doesn't it?"
*A cheery voice made you look up toward the patch to see a….talking flower?
*"It alllllso stains~," The flower said cheerfully.
*Looking down at your hands, you saw they were now yellow colored, no matter how hard you try to wipe it off.
*"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! What's your name?"
*You answer the flower quietly.
*"Frizz? That's such a silly name! You know what else is silly? This!
*The flower attacks you, hitting you with white pellets as he laughs. He says something about easy HP, but you couldn't make it out over the ringing in your ears.
*Suddenly, you saw a white light and it was all over.
*"Oh, you poor thing!" Fuzzy hands picked you up and carried you for a while, a soft humming putting you in a pained sleep.
*Almost as quickly, you were woken up by a pleasant smell of butterscotch and cinnamon.
*You looked around you, seeing a child's room dimly lit by a lamp. You get up and exit the cozy room.
*"My child! You're awake!" You see your savior, a motherly goat woman. She is smiling at you from down the hall, beckoning for you to follow her into the kitchen.
*Once you are sat at the table, she pushes a big plate of pie toward you.
*"Please eat my child! You need to regain your strength before you can journey home!"
*You quickly eat the pie before asking the goat woman her name.
*"Oh, how silly of me! I'm Toriel, the keeper of these ruins! I help children who fall down here, though it's been quite some time since the last one fell.
*You ask if they made it home. Toriel looks stiff.
*"Why of course, my child! It is quite safe here in the ruins."
*Her words don't seem convincing, so you ask if you can go home now. Toriel looks upset.
*"You ar-aren't at full health my child! That horrible flower nearly killed you!"
*She grimaces as she thinks about Flowey. "Not everyone is as nice as I am, child. Some creatures are vile, only caring about power."
*You look over at the staircase leading downstairs. You ask where it leads to.
*Toriel looks over you sadly before suddenly changing the topic.
*"My child, you're yellow! We must wash off that pollen before it-oh never you mind! Come!"
*Toriel leads you to the bathroom before aggressively trying to scrub the yellow from your skin but to no avail.
*"Oh….it's alright child. It doesn't seem to be doing any damage…." Toriel seems to zone off as you look at the now yellow hue of your skin. Maybe landing on those flowers wasn't so lucky after all…
*"Alright my dear, it's time for bed. Let's get you situated, hmm?"
*Toriel leads you back to the bedroom you woke up in and tucks you in before wishing you a good night.
*Once you were certain she was asleep, you crept out of "your" room and tip-toed toward the staircase you had been eyeing earlier. You knew from Toriel's reaction that that must be the way out.
*Quickly, you ran over to the staircase, starting to descend it when you heard a whimper coming from another one of the bedrooms.
*Curiosity got the better of you and you slowly made your way to the room. Opening the door a crack, you nearly screamed.
*Inside was a child around your age. They had their legs and arms cut off and were positioned to sit up in a chair. When they saw you peaking in, they cried out the best they could with their mouth sewn shut.
*Terrified, you turned and made a run for it down the staircase.
*Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you. It was Toriel!
*"My child! Get back here! You can't leave! The pollen is worse outside! It's corrupted people! I'm trying to protect you!"
*The goat caught up to you, grabbing you by the collar.
*She begins dragging you back toward the staircase leading upstairs. You pull and fight.
*"You children don't understand how much I suffer to keep you safe! Even if I have to mutilate you to get you to stay, I will! I'm doing this for your own good!"
*Eventually, after enough pulling and pushing, you get free and run full force into the door, Toriel screaming from behind you as you close it.
*"NO! You brat! You'll die out there! Stay with me! Stay with Mommy! Stay with Tori-"
*Silence…You were finally out…
~End of Chapter One~
Here's the cast btw (I will be making better pictures later):
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