#human nd demon au
goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Who Dares Summon Me 2: Human Vaggie & Charlie
Vaggie: (winces against the light shining through the window of her bedroom as her head pounds in a hangover) Fuuuuuuck.... why did I drink so much?
Shuffle! Rustle! Shuffle! Shuffle! Rustle!
Vaggie: (Opens her eye slowly)
Charlie: (staring at Vaggie with a bright smile, laying in bed next to her, naked under the covers) Good morning, Vaggie!
Vaggie: Fuck! (throws herself back off the bed, landing on an empty tequila bottle on the floor) FUCK!!! Ugh! Why are you naked?!
Charlie: Oh, my goodness! (holds blankets to her front as she leans over the edge of the bed) Are you alright?!
Vaggie: (pulls the empty bottle out from under her lower back) You! Naked! Why?! (Notices she's still dressed)
Charlie: Oh! The dress only stays on when I'm in my full demon form.
Vaggie: (trying to desperately not stare at Charlie's clevage practically inches away from her face) I don't remember you being naked after you transformed into a human yesterday!
Charlie: (points to the bottle) That's because of the tequila. We took turns taking pulls from the bottle. I didn't want you to get alcohol poisoning.
Vaggie: That explains the hangover. (Glances at the empty 1.75L bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial Silver) And how this was brand new yesterday and completely empty now.
Charlie: (Stares down dreamily at Vaggie as she rests her chin in her hands. Her demon tail deciding to make itself known as it flicks through the air like a cat tail)
Vaggie: (blushes) What?
Charlie: Yoooouuuu... (boops Vaggie's nose as she blushes and tucks her hair behind a human ear, all bashful and giddy) are a very good kisser~
Vaggie: (blushes harder and unconsciously licks her lip, tasting an unknown flavor) Did we.....?
Charlie: (face falls and blushes harder as her demon traits fully extend) No! No!No!No! J-Just kissed! And....maybe made out a little.... You were so forward~ it was so hot~ BUT THAT'S ALL!!! I swear on my royal blood!!!
Lute: (kicks in the door and stands in the doorway wearing only Adam’s oversized flannel) Vagina! Can you shut the fuck up?! Adam and I got the worst twisted hangovers right now. I don't need to be hearing you screaming this early in the after- (Sees Demon Charlie naked on the bed and Vaggie sitting on the floor in a tank top and boyshorts) -noon.
Vaggie: Fuck! (Scrambles to her feet and covers Charlie with an oversized plumb purple hoodie - that's still small on Charlie) Lute! The Fuck?! I've told you to fucking knock!!! And would it KILL you to cover your cunt?!?!?!
Lute: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (points and doubles over in laughter) You finally got fucked, and you're doing some kind of freaky furry roleplay?! Hahahahaha! This is great! I'm telling everyone at work about this! (Slams the door and cackles back to her room)
Vaggie: (growling and swearing in Spanish)
Charlie: (scans around the room before pulling the hoodie on and sniffing the collar, letting the scent of cinnamon and Vaggie's natural smell wash over her) Hmmm~
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and we are back on the hyperfixation train-
seriously i cannot stop with the never-ending brainrot when it comes to randy cunningham so, if anyone is genuinely interested in seeing more rambles about this show because honestly the gears are turning lol, both due to my incoming crossover and just- things in general?
it’s late, the ideas aren’t flowing as well as i’d like right now, so in the meantime have a series of random headcanons
RC9GN Headcanons
~ Since magic is a thing in the universe, I’ve always envisioned that creatures from Japanese folklore/legends/etc coexist with humans- however they mostly appear in other plane of existence and don’t interact with mortals at all- i know this doesn’t make sense yet but it will,, when it’s not past midnight lol
~ I’m firmly convinced Plop Plop and Howard could be part of the same bloodline (Howard is 100% a descendant of Plop Plop, this is just canon lol i was there i was uhhh, howard’s shirt /lh)
~ this is practically canon but Plop Plop is?? practically immortal?? Could the same apply to the First Ninja? (because he’s now just sort of in the nomicon- like is he technically immortal bc his soul’s trapped in it so to speak)
~ ADHD Randy. Like how could he be anything but? I mean look at him
~ Julian is 100% some breed of ND, as is Howard. I make the rules this is canon now
~ Can I please just have the idea that Randy continues the mantle of being the Ninja post-grad? Like, don’t mind wipe him i’m begging- but also, consider he does forget and then something happens where it triggers his memories back- could make an au out of this but not right now,
~ There’s no way half the characters are straight lmao
~ I just watched the reveal episode and I like to think Viceroy sabotaging the robot because, well, Randy’s 14-
~ absentee parents for Randy- like. how does he get away with half the things he does? where even are his parents
~ Howard clearly has abandonment issues. I seriously need this being a thing more often-
~ caretaker Howard- to what level would the suit protect Randy?? I genuinely think Howard patches Randy up whenever he gets injured bc of literal ROBOTS
~ Randy 100% has self esteem issues?? (living in shooblivion was a perfect example of this-)
~ Heidi also has ADHD
~ Adoptive Parent First Ninja. I will not accept anything less-
~ Randy is a summer child. Howard was born in winter-
~ Game Developer Howard? I need this
~ Randy is a bit of an artist. He can already play instruments- so I say let him know how to dance, maybe not an expert but he knows his moves; also, he can sing- he does vocals in his and Howard’s band
~ not really an hc but if i don’t get more lore for the tengu i might actually go insane lol (what is the connection between the ninja and the demon bird-)
~ so. Randy, this kid- istg if this wasn’t an episodic, lighthearted kids show, he would be so traumatized. ptsd for Randy
~ Asian Randy- I’m not sure which one just yet
~ another Randy hc- I need Randy being a descendant of the Norisu 9-
~ Theresa your crush on Randy is so freaking obvious-
~ SIR, hello?? Not exactly a headcanon but I swear to everything- Randy and Debbie are a disaster waiting to happen. The identity reveal has me screaming, and honestly I wanted more; aka I need a more angsty version of the same episode istg
~ am I the only seeing Mort pseudo-adopting Randy??
~ there will be more to come but not right now- this pup is taking a slumber,, they are eepy
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Clinic Day
Author’s Note: This is the next installment of Cedric's story - watch him struggle to integrate into the Husbandry AU. First. Previous. Next
Tagged: @the-pure-angel @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams
Warnings: misunderstandings
Summary: Cedric works in the Astartes run health care clinic in the town he’s found himself living in, on ancient Terra. 
In the handful of weeks that Cedric has spent on Ancient Terra, most of it has been spent in one of the eight Astartes bases in the large - for the time period's - city. As an apothecary in training, most of his days were spent working alongside older Apothecaries, learning whatever they were willing to teach him... And there was almost always a squad of Imperial Fists near wherever Cedric was working, for reasons that the young Black Templar hadn't questioned. They were the closest thing  he had to direct superiors and though they weren't Black Templars, his chapter had been founded by one of the Fists' First Captains, and their presence helped immensely.
He was curious as to why he hadn't seen any other Black Templars in the area. He'd seen Ultramarines - and several different of their successor chapters - as well as Imperial Fists - he'd spoke briefly with the Fist who'd been made Chapter Master (a stern and no-nonsense older brother who went by the name Mirros)... He'd seen plenty of Blood Angels - and members of their successor chapters (Including the perpetually unlucky Lamenters - poor, poor bastards), Salamanders, the occasional White Scar or Iron Hand... Cedric had patched up more than one pack of Space Wolves, or pod of Charcarodoons... He'd seen at least two or three of every first founded Loyalist chapter, as well as some of their most numerous successor chapters. But where were his fellow Black Templars? It was a question that had been starting to bother him rather persistently, though the young Apothecary wasn't exactly sure how to ask the question, nor to whom he should ask.
"Oi! Apothecary, are you going to continue to stare off into space, or are you going to help me?" A loud, irritated voice growled out in High Gothic, snapping Cedric out of his internal musings. 
Cedric dipped his head a little and responded to the growly Marine with a slightly apologetic "What have you come in for?" He was one of a half-dozen Astartes Apothecaries who were working at this medical clinic. It was available for both baseline human use as well as for any Astartes in need of help. Cedric was currently in medical scrubs - as the resources needed to make him a new suit of power armor were incredibly difficult to come by on Ancient Terra, and he had yet to gain the trust of the older brothers and cousins to earn any pieces of armor that might be handed down to hi-
Wait a fucking minute!
Cedric stared silently as he had finally registered the fact that the Marine in front of him, holding a small human child hostage was a fucking World Eater. 
The World Eater was a huge fucker too. Covered in jagged spikes and horns, likely fused to his armor. There were symbols of chaos carved into his pauldrons and cuirass. Cedric's eyes darted around the examination room - there was fuck-all he could use as an effective weapon against a Khornate Chaos Marine, especially with no fucking armor or real weapons of his own, but without armor, Cedric should be much faster than this demon-empowered, traitor. How the Fuck had he even gotten this far into the clinic? Or had the Chaos Marine used the miserable and sniffling human child as leverage against the Ultramarine who was manning the front desk, keeping the schedules and appointments in order? Oh. Oh fuck the chaotic traitor is talking. What is he saying? Cedric should probably be paying attention to the fucker.
"-nd that's when the sickness started. His parents say that it's just a common cold, but he's gotten those before. He's not been this sick for more than a couple of days. I'm worried that he's gotten something more serious. Look him over... Pease. He's my bonded and... I want to be sure that he lives as long as possible. Baseline humans live for such short periods of time..." The World Eater huffed, holding the tiny human close to his chest, surprisingly making sure not to spear the poor boy on his spikes. 
What... What Chaos-fueled trickery was this? If Cedric's ears weren't deceiving him, this Traitor was genuinely concerned about the human child in his arms. And given the utter devastation his legion in particular was notorious for on formerly peaceful imperial worlds - the vicious bloodshed as they drowned whole systems in tides of blood for their false god, this felt like some sort of sick and twisted cosmic joke. Cedric counted to ten in his head as he took in a deep breath and let it out before responding through clenched teeth, aiming to keep his voice calm "When did his more serious symptoms manifest? What is the child's name? I'm not sure I caught it. Does he understand Gothic, or should I get an interpreter so he can participate in his healthcare? I am... Learning the local languages, but I have only been on Ancient Terra for... I believe the term is a month and a half."
"My name is Andrew, doctor. I do understand these words, a bit. But I speak-" The child explained, before breaking off into one of the local languages, speaking faster than Cedric could parse through, especially when trying very hard not to descend into a furious whirlwind of fists and holy wrath when faced by a Chaotic Traitor. "- much better, sir."
"Well, the first thing I need to do is give you a full examination, to check you over. Then, I'm going to use this needle to draw some -" Would the word blood push the Khornate Fucker into a frenzy? Cedric did not know and had no desire to risk the child's safety "-vital fluids, for some tests. Those tests will take about an hour, and hopefully we'll be able to figure out what's going on."
"Will the needle hurt?" Andrew asked, huge brown eyes wet with tears, fearful.
"It will hurt, but only a little, like pinching your finger." Cedric answered truthfully. He was pretty sure that the sight of fresh blood would send the Khornate Fucker into a frenzy. He'd rather avoid that if at all possible so he asks, internally gagging on how polite he has to be to a filthy traitor. His teeth were still clenched as he requests "Please set Andrew down... Older Cousin. He will need privacy as I check him over and draw a sample of his vital fluids. Please wait outside the room, ideally in the waiting room-" His eyes flicked over the other's armor, trying to figure out if the other had some sort of rank to refer to him as "... Sergeant." God-emperor forgive him, but he is trying to get this child to safety. He is going to hit the safety alarm soon, too.
Benji clearly did not like his suggestion, and looked down at the tiny human in his arms "... Are you sure that I can't stay with him? Even if I set him down on the exam table and promise not to interfere with you checking him over?"
Were he not a Treacherous Chaotic Bastard, such a compromise would be fine. But Cedric wanted him out of the room. Out of the clinic, and ideally back to whatever demon-infested pit he had crawled out of. He bit the inside of his cheek, hard. Until he could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth "Check-ups are done with the most amount of privacy possible. Unless Andrew asks you to stay, I am asking you to leave, per the local laws we're to abide by."
"... Fine. But if you hurt my bonded, there is nothing that will stop me from getting vengeance. If there is so much as a hair out of place... Your comeuppance will be brutal. your pleas for mercy will -" The Khornate Bastard began to threaten.
Cedric closed his eyes for a moment, taking in another deep breath, trying to shove the fury at the insult that he would be the one to harm the child of the two of them threatened to crack his composure as he interrupted the posturing Traitor "The only harm done to him will be a small prick of the needle, which is necessary for the tests that need to be run. Apart from that, I have taken oaths not to harm patients unless absolutely necessary, and on Ancient Terra, I have yet to need to give a patient the Emperor's Final Mercy, and I doubt that this patient will need such. Leave. Please."
"... Fine. I'll wait in the holding room. But -" Benji breaks off into one of the local languages, clearly telling the young baseline human something. Cedric wished he knew what the fucker was saying, but the older marine was speaking far too rapidly for him to begin to guess. Once he finished giving instructions to the child he continued "I am one shout of his away and I will break your spine if you hurt him more than absolutely necessary. Understood?"
Cedric swallowed down the challenging words that were on the tip of his tongue. Now was not the time to get into a brawl with a Chaotic Traitor. Not when he was so close to separating the two of them and being able to check to see if the child was willingly with this fucker (and thus Chaos Tainted, or at least blind to the dangers) or if he was being held hostage. "You need not threaten me, sergeant. I am not the threat to this child."
"Good." With that, the Khornate bastard finally, finally left the room, closing the door behind him with a loud bang. Cedric counted to ten ins his head before raising the room's internal shielding and kneeling down, so as to be as close to the child's level as possible. He gently held the young boy's hands as gently as he could "Listen to me. You understand, yes?"
Andrew nodded, a confused expression on his face "Yes. I understand."
"Okay, so I activated a shield that means that he can't hear us talking, so please speak truthfully. Did he kidnap you? Is he holding you against your will?" Cedric asked, doing his best to keep his voice calm and soothing "My older brothers and I can help you, if that's true. Or if he's threatening your family, so that you behave."
Andrew looked startled and confused. He shook his head "No! No, nothing like that. Benji's safe, I promise! He's very nice to me an' my family! I know he looks really mean and scary,, but he really is nice. He growls 'cause he cares."
Poor child. So young, and already tainted or at least blinded by Chaos. But it was his duty to tend to anyone who walked into the clinic, no matter their allegiance, so long as they didn't try to attack anyone inside the clinic. "Alright. If that answer changes, please come see me. My name is Cedric, and I'll help you as best I can. Now, let's see what illness is making you all sneezy and feverish, hmm?"
"Okay!" Andrew responded, smiling adorably up at him.
Cedric couldn't help but return the smile as he narrated what he was going to do next during his exam of the young human - patiently answering the questions he had, and letting him look over the instruments he was using in order to complete the check-up, as he'd been instructed to. Pediatric care was not something he'd been taught before he'd come to Ancient Terra. 
The next several patients were adult humans. Two had work-related injuries that he helped to set initially, before giving them the paperwork they needed in order to start the process, suggesting that they speak with one of the medically-inclined Ultramarines at the front desk in case they needed help filling out the paperwork, or were confused about certain aspects of that process as it wasn't something that Cedric himself really understood. The other three adults had bad sunburns from a recent trip to the beach and an improper application of sunscreen schedule. he prescribed them burn ointments and sent them on their way.
He had just finished the write-up on the last patient he'd seen and had signaled to the front desk people that he was ready for another patient when a flirty voice called out "Oh my, well hello doctor. Aren't you a handsome, big man."
Cedric froze for a moment before spinning on his heel, shifting into a combat stance on instinct, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a fucking Emperor's Child leering up at him, his armor painted the bright and gaudy purple. The Chaos bastard's green stretched far too widely across his face and Cedric felt unclean at the way that the other was leering at him.
There was nothing visibly wrong with this... This affront to the god-emperor other than being a Chaotic Traitor, from what Cedric could see. He did not have a human with him. H could see something dripping from the other's claws, and given his last encounter with Slaaneshi-scum had ended with the death of one of his squad-mates, Cedric felt that it was entirely prudent for him to slam shoulder-first into the Emperor's Child, knocking the other off of his feet. He then pinned the pathetic excuse for a marine with one foot planted on the other's back, his gloved hands reaching for the nearest empty jar and a roll of tape. "Stay down, you Slaaneshi bastard! I don't know what nefarious fuckery has brought you here, but I will not have your poisoned touch corrupt the innocent souls here."
"Excuse me?! I came here because my -" The Emperor's Child spluttered.
Cedric shoved a stress ball in the bastard's lying mouth. It would do little to keep him quiet for more than a moment or two, but the silence was blessed "I don't care what lies you told the others to get in here, but know this, Slaaneshi whore, I will not let you corrupt the people here. I know damn well the literal poison that drips from your clawed hands, and the devastation it can bring. If you truly mean no harm, then stop struggling!" 
Surprisingly enough, the Chaos bastard did, in fact, stop trying to squirm out from where Cedric had him pinned. Not that the young Black Templar trusted his apparent compliance as he finished taping empty jars to both of the Slaaneshi bastard's still-dripping hands. He called over the vox unit that he'd been given "We need a full biohazard clean up. There's Slaaneshi poison dripped all over the floor and God Emperor knows how much he's dripped all over the fucking city. I don't think that it's a contact poison, but if it finds it's way into an open orifice or wound we're going to have problems. I've got the fucker who's secreting it contained for now, but we're going to need somewhere better to keep him... Unless we can banish him back to The Eye?"
One of the Salamander Apothecaries who was working next to Cedric's assigned exam room came sprinting out, a confused looking elderly human and their Dark Angel companion peering through the door behind him. The Dark Angel immediately picked up the human and shuffled deeper into the exam room- smart. 
"Cedric... Young one, you wanna explain why you've got an unresisting Marine in a headlock and jars taped to his hands? I know he's a Chaos Marine, but we've told you that things are... Different here on Ancient Terra. The Chaos Marines don't feel the pull of their false gods nearly as keenly here as they do where we are from. What do you mean by poison?"
"The substance that he is secreting out of his claws, it's one of the six most potent Slaaneshi poisons. If I am not mistaken, it's the Poison of Vainglory." Cedric explained, still keeping the Chaos Marine in place. He was trying not to think of why this particular fucker wasn't resisting the choke-hold, because Slaaneshi. He gives a quick run-down on what happens when someone is afflicted with the poison of Vainglory, voice cracking a little as he tries not to think of how one of his squad mates had nearly been corrupted beyond the Emperor's Light because of it. He finished with a miserable "As far as I know, there are no known antidotes or cures to any of the poisons. Allegedly there are certain kinds of witchery that can slow down the onset of symptoms... But once the vines begin to manifest, the afflicted being is beyond the Emperor's Light and is damned to be consumed upon death by the ruinous powers as their body twists into a horrible plant-homunculus that seeks to infect as many as possible with the poison. Which is why I taped jars to his hands - they are leaking the poison and while the poison can be cleansed in holy fire, I figured that the less of it is around to be cleansed, the better."
"Did you... Perhaps... Ask if he could stop dripping poison everywhere?" The Salamander asked, his voice gentle.
"... No? Why would he seek to do anything other than inflict his patron's wretched curse upon the innocent, and upon those of us who are loyal to the Emperor?" Cedric asked, blinking in confusion at the older apothecary. This was a Chaos Space Marine after all. Misery, cruelty and suffering was what they tried to spread to everyone they could get their corrupted hands on. Everyone knew that.
"That's not... I came here looking for help not to be judged by a Big Baby Boy! You are very mouthy for a Son of Dorn, aren't you?" The Slaaneshi Scum spluttered in his arms. 
Cedric tightened his grip, and put more of his weight on the older Marine "Still your tongue, traitor!"
"What help were you seeking?" The Salamander asked, looking genuinely concerned. Soft hearted bastard was going to get all of them killed. "Cedric, put him down. I know it goes against your training as a Black Templar to release a Chaos Marine you've gotten your hands on, but as we've told you earlier, things are very different here. I'll take over handling him. "
Cedric hesitated, torn between the clear and present danger that the Emperor's Child posed, and obeying a direct order from a superior who clearly had more experience in handling Chaos Marines in this context. "Sir?" 
"My claws just started dripping this poison this morning and couldn't get it to sto-how in the fuck did you get a Black Templar in the city? I'm surprised he hasn't murdered half the humans already for heretical beliefs!" The Slaaneshi Fucker sputtered, his eyes going wide - all six of them. 
"He's an Apothecary. And he's very recently appeared on Ancient Terra, and until you spooked the hell out of him, he's been adjusting fairly well." The Salamander responded, before looking directly at Cedric. "Put the Emperor's child down. Right now. I want you to go to Chapter Master Mirros and tell him what you just told me about Slaaneshi poison. That's not something I've heard of before, and will definitely be of interest to him. You've done very well. Come on now, lad. Ptu down the heretic. If he tries anything funny, I do have my flamer handy and you said that fire works to counter the poison?"
Cedric nodded, and glowered again at the Slaaneshi traitor "Yes sir, fire works very well against Slaaneshi poisons. And that which creates them." With that he lowered the Emperor's Child into the salamander's hands, before stalking off to go find Chapter Master Mirros. 
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jotun-philosopher · 2 months
Half meta, half ramble
Not entirely sure where this post is going, tbh... Let's find out, eh?
Sooo... I was browsing the Final Fantasy wiki (as one does) and the article for Tantarian (an optional/missable boss in FF9) caught my attention. Y'see, Tantarian is a demon found in a library, hiding in a possessed book -- and is based on the Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion (or Dantalian, the spelling can be inconsistent). How the ever-loving wossname, I hear you cry, does this relate to Good Omens????
Let's take a closer look! (this got longer than I anticipated, hence the cut)
From the Wikipedia article 'List of demons in the Ars Goetia':
"The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will."
Bolded details:
"Duke Great and Mighty" -- evocative of the whole "Thin Dark Duke" thing <3
" [...] he hath a Book in his right hand." -- pretty obvious GO connection there!
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(best 'Azzy+book(s)' gif I could find quickly...although on a second look, this might well be from the body swap bit in S1 XD Mr Sheen, you ludicrously talented chaos gremlin, you <3 )
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(Ok, this one's definitely Crowley XD)
Mah point is dolphins they both match up to the book thing!
"His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences [...]" -- leaning slightly more towards a Crowley parallel here, with the apple thing partly symbolising intellectual curiosity (essential part of arts and sciences!), but Aziraphale giving away the flaming sword would've helped humanity figure things out in that area as well (even if indirectly)
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(I want to boop the snek!!!)
"[...] knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will [...]" -- mind-reading! Seems to be sliiiiiightly more of a demon thing from what we've seen (e.g. "Nina: It's like you've seen into my secret soul. Crowley: Yeah, it's a knack.", Shax picking at insecurities in the bookshop battle), but both the Ineffables have directly influenced human minds on screen (e.g. Sitis, the Shopkeepers' Ball)
"[...] can cause Love [...]" -- well, they certainly tried! Operation: Shop Lesbians :D
"[...] show the Similitude of any person [...]" -- mostly seen with the body swap bit so far (where A+C are concerned), but given that for angels and demons, size and shape are merely options, and Beelzebub canonically changed their face, it's not outwith the bounds of possibility that the Ineffable Husbands could disguise themselves as people other than each other (if that makes sense)(and assuming they'd *want* to, of course)
Plus, if you go with the 'Dantalion' spelling, the last four letters form the word 'lion', which is a motif the show ties pretty strongly to Aziraphale via the signet ring on his right hand. Fierce protector angel! <3
Plus plus, from what I've been able to gather, Dantalion is supposed to be one of the more benevolently-inclined Goetic demons -- both the Ineffables are pretty dang benevolent!
The point I'm stumbling towards (stone-cold sober, but with about 3,000,000 on the ND Scoville scale) is that Dantalian/Dantalion has some pretty interesting parallels to both the Ineffable Husbands and so, within the GO verse, could be either another alias of Crowley's or a name Aziraphale might take if he Fell (AU fic writers, start your engines!) :D
As a small bonus, I saw the name 'Shax' mentioned in the list of Marquises of Hell!
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The characteristics given for the Goetic Shax don't really match up to TV!Shax that I can tell, apart from the stork symbolism and the "hoarse but subtle voice" (and maaaybe 'is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar"), but given Gneil's wide-ranging mythological knowledge, invincible genre savviness and extreme writing skill, it wouldn't surprise me to see elements of the Goetic description popping up in Shax's S3 arc -- likely in unexpected ways!
Hope you enjoyed reading that ^^ Have fun fic-writing!
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vaggisaurus · 3 months
Lilith Design
(Click for better quality tumblr sucks)
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Tadaaa!!! Lilith's (1st) demon form [Mainly for @an-theduckin and I's au]
I already finished designing her Angel disguise and have a vague idea for her human appearance nd 2nd demon form but I am saving those for laterrrrr
Her goat legs were covered by her dress 》::((
@adam-is-emo tagging you as promised, hope you like her lol
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I feel like the DDMG Turtles are going to be really weird kids. Some of its due to The Horrors TM, because even excluding all the supernatural stuff that goes on in this au, these kids have been through hell. But there's a good chunk of stuff that can only really be explained by the fact they're being raised by a ghost/ rat demon hybrid thing and living in Splinter's Domain.
This ended up being mostly me rambling about how prolonged exposure to domains/ the astral plane can effect humans. Under a readmore cause it got longer than I was expecting.
I think fairy land rules apply here, in that if you enter a ghost's domain, because you've essentially gone to the spirit world, you're not going to leave the same as you went in. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn't mean someone who's gone into a Domain once and then left immediately is going to turn into a demon or whatever. For most people it just means that spirits and demons can look at them and know this person has been to the spirit world.
But the DDMG Turtles didn't just enter a Domain, stay for a minute, then left and never interacted with a Domain ever again. By the time the Pied Piper of New York ends, at the low end (so Donnie, Raph and Leo) they've spent a few hours in a Domain which is still more than most humans, and at the high end Mikey has been spending at least two hours everyday in a Domain for several months.
After Piper ends, Mikey's brothers will catch up with him hours wise, which means all four kids are spending a lot of time everyday in the spirit world. And they do end up moving in with Splinter and living in the Lair full time. I think it's been a long time since a living human spent so much time in the astral plane.
This kinda means that they're going to be affected by the spirit world a hell of a lot more than someone who dipped in and out of a Domain.
Bare minimum they're going to stand out a lot more to ghosts and demons. Best way I can think to describe it right now is that other human's spirits are like fireflies, but the Turtles' are like suns. Other humans can kinda tell there's something different about them, but the vast majority of people won't be able to figure out what, so most would just assume it was a nd thing they were picking up on. And to be fair the DDMG boys are all neurodivergent, so that's not an entirely wrong assumption to make.
I've not really figured out fully what this means for the Turtles, outside of the fact that death is going to be a bit different for them compared to most people, and that they might end up having cores whilst still being living humans. Like I think all humans in DDMG technically have cores, it's just that whilst you're alive the core isn't fully developed, and upon death it matures. But because the DDMG Turtles have been living in the spirit world and spending so much time around Splinter, theirs might start doing that early. So they're still human, but they've always got one metaphorical foot in the astral plane, and that plane and all its inhabitants recognise that.
This isn't something Splinter was aware of, and I don't think the other ghosts of New York knew it would happen, otherwise they'd have told Splinter... actually, they'd have told Garson, who'd tell Splinter. It's very important to Splinter that his sons get to have as normal a life as possible and this is a man who had his humanity slowly ripped from his fingers over the span of years. DDMG Splinter is intimitately aware of what it's like to slowly lose your humanity and become Something Else, so if he knew being at the Old House would slowly change the boys into something that's still human but slightly to the left, he'd have told them and let them decide what they wanted to do. He loves them dearly, and if the Turtles decided that they wanted to live somewhere else because of what his Domain was (unknowingly) doing to them, he'd accept it and do what he could to help them sort things out.
As things stand, by the time Splinter and the Turtles find out about the effects a Domain can have on a living human, the boys have already been permanently changed and part of them has decided that the astral plane is their home.
And, even if that wasn't the case, I think they'd still decide to stay with Splinter. They love him, he's their father, and they'd much rather live with him and deal with that bridge when they get to it.
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monkiebois · 1 year
Do you think in a woven song, Xiaohua sees any advertisements for the Monkey King and asks about Macaque about it? Like 'Oh Baba, do you know this other monkey that kind of looks like us?'
ohhohohoho i should be doing homework lmao youve got me laughing evilly over here bro bro I've thought about this so much you have no idea.
cause like...Xiaohua is still Mk, no matter the au or who raises them. they are still the same person.
and Mk is obviously hyper-fixated on Monkey king and his legends.
ehehehehe >:)
(i got carried away lmao, tw for mentions of blood, violence and implied death. also xiaohua's a little kid...like...i'd say 5. also if any of this seems ooc or doesn't make sense thats because this part skipsover like....SO much development for macaque i have planned. this part is after aws and more shit I have planned before mk gets to this age)
"Baba?" Xiaohua tugs on Macaques shirt while looking up at him.
"what is it star?" Macaque kneels down in front of them as Xiaohua lets go and instead fidgets with the end of thier shirt.
"Who's the monkey king?"
Macaque doesnt really know what happened after his starlight asked that, the best way he could explain it is a sharp ringing in his ears, echoing memories of metal sparking against metal, of metallic liquid filling his breath, of pain exploding through his head and then silent nothingness. until the cold creeped in awakening his senses and sparking him back to-
Macaque blinked, finnaly noticing how his breathing has become fast and heavy, how his gentle smile became a panicked frown. fuck, the scared look on Xiaohua's face hurts Macaque more then some damn flashback and he immediately recollects himself.
"sorry starlight" he soothes, cupping thier face and weaving his fingers between nd behind her ears. gently petting them and calming his cub.
"is he a monkey demon, like us?" Xiaohua asks, much calmer now and purring to the soothing pets.
"...ye-..well....he's" This conversation is painful. he doesnt know what to say. he doesnt know if he should say anything. he's still mad, yes. beyond angry but....
Macaque takes a deep breath
"he is someone humans look up to as a hero, he is a demon-"
"like us?!" Xiaohua gasps, her eyes sparkling like golden stars.
Xiaohua gasps again and rushes into the living room where the tv blasts the theme song to a cartoon xiaohua's been watching. Macaque never really paid attention but for once he decides to peak in and see what cartoon she's indulging in now.
Of course they make a cartoon for him...
At least the show looks, acts and sounds nothing like him.
Macaque wants to tear that television apart, he wants to rip out its cords and smash its metal. He wants to set it on fire and make sure there's nothing left of that damn peachy bastard in his home.
But xiaohua looks up at the screen with such wonderment. Her laughter and joy echoe's through the room with such vigor.
Hopefully she'll move on from this show soon enough.
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bluiex · 1 year
For the demon au, it would be funny if Grian already had a little baby crush on Mumbo and with demon Scar poking around in his mind, he just has this voice telling him to stop being a wimp and just fuck his friend already.
Like, Mumbo catches wind of what Grian's been doing (or what Scar has been making Gri do) and just comes to Gri one time being like 'Hey mate, are you feeling okay lately? You have a problem, we can talk' and Scar is in Grian's head saying all these things about how cute it is Mumbo cares and how many positions Mumbo could put Grian in and how many Grian can put Mumbo in.
And then when Grian gets turned into a demon, maybe he doesn't really care to keep his crush a secret anymore. He starts thinking about how nice it would be for Mumbo to be a demon with him and Scar, with Scar encouraging these thoughts as well (because it would make Grian happy and Scar kinda likes Mumbo a bit too) and it all spirals from there.
So that all ends up with the two of them popping into Mumbo's place, with Grian disguised as his human self and Scar just hiding in the shadows, with them looking for Mumbo. Mumbo is in the kitchen in the middle of making himself some dinner, when Grian comes up behind him nd wraps their arms around his torso, making the man jump almost sky-high because he didn't hear his door open or close (let's just assume he gave Grian a key to his place because friends ;p).
And now Mumbo has to deal with his friend flirting with him while also feeling some other presence in his home.
Grian just refusing to keep his hands off Mumbo while he's cooking, Grian purring in his ear sweet things making Mumbo fluster why Grian is suddenly acting like this
While Scar is just encouraging it
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ghost1yv · 3 months
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stupid human.. _ gn!mc and mammon, mc is clumsy and seems to get injured a lot and mammon is always the one to take care of their injuries
rejection _ gn!mc, mc rejects the brothers because they like someone else / another brorther
brothers find out teen!mc has a crush _ gn!mc
in progess ; coming soon
mwah! _ f!mc and thirteen, its a kiss and run— basically kissing your girlfriend then running away!
saved by spiderman! _ m!reader and belphegor, what if instead of being locked up in the attic he actually had to go to the human world.. and found himself in a situation where spiderman saved him! well only because spiderman thought he was a helpless human
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possibly, i have no plans for it right now and if i do write it then most likely its a request
i wont write anything gross like child x adult, non—consensual, etc. this also goes for anything romantic with children, i will only write platonic stuff with children
for requests these are what i need
_ specify the readers gender like m!reader, f!reader, or just gender neutral
_ a prompt, type of reader, etc.
^ examples _ 'the brothers with a mc thats very affectionate.'
^ promt ex. _ 'person A and B are oblivous idiots and everyone can tell they like eachother .. except them.'
^ type of reader ex. _ 'the brothers nd side characters with a buff reader.'
_ and probably just what it is [ fluff, angst, platonic, nsfw, etc. ]
random idea— but i can write for ocs i just need
_ slight desc. if what your oc looks like (or picture)
_ how they act/personality
_ if its romantic how they act with their s/o
absolutely. i love those— if you dont know what im talking about its like stuff where instead of mc being a human and meeting the brothers, what if they were a demon and met the brothers? or the brothers are human and meet demon mc.
another one i though about is a spiderman one, where mc is spiderman and the demons are either human, in the human world, or having a devildom spiderman!
i also really like these, where its like a .character. and basically mc having the same personality! even the same powers if you'd like
not really— i will say i probably wont post much but ill try to and another thing i just find it fun to write this stuff but my writing to me feels ooc and bad so..
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mish-tique · 2 years
I'm doing kinktober - and I'm taking requests!
Hi guys! Title explains it all, but I've set my eyes on a kinktober challenge and I will be taking requests for it. Below the "read more" is the list of kinks.
How to request; send an ask with the following information:
Which day // which kink (or both) // which ship/solo character // your idea (can be plot, universe, etc etc)
Ships I write: max/charles, max/carlos, max/lando, max/daniel, max/lewis, carlos/lando, lando/max fewtrell, daniel/max/lewis, charles/max/carlos, lando/max/carlos. In case the ship you were thinking about is not in this list, feel free to drop in a comment to confirm if I really do not write them.
This post will be updated with requested info and you are allowed to add to information already on here!
(original list can be found here and is made by @the-purity-pen ) *If a kink is strikes through it means I will not be doing these. When a prompt is bolt it means this kink is chosen for that day
69 // Dirty Talk -> nortrell, with sexting
A/B/O // Floor Sex -> 4433, Lewis takes Max's virginity
Anal // Glove Kink -> EITHER lestappen serial killers OR carlando medical omegaverse
Breath Play // Missionary -> lestappen, with floor sex, going at it after an incident on track, angry vibe
Breeding // Leather/Latex -> carlando, royalty au with mpreg
Cockwarming // Morning Sex -> lestappen, added voice kink and dom/sub undertones (dom!charles)
Costumes // Sex Toys -> Charles/Max/Carlos, angel/innocent human, demon
Creampie // Voice Kink -> lestappen, prince of monaco!charles x f1!driver Max
Double Penetration // Stripping -> Lewis/Max/Daniel, + hate/angry sex + sex pollen
Drunk Sex // Spanking -> lestappen, after max wins his second championship
Erotic Photos // Rimming -> charles/max/daniel
Exhibitionism/Voyeurism // Hate/Angry Sex -> carlos/max/charles, post 2022 championship celebrations
Face Sitting/Fucking // Dry Humping -> lestappen, maffia au
Fisting // Love Bites/Marks -> lestappen
Group Sex // Overstimulation -> carlando, + Carlos/Lando/Max/Charles, with car sex
Bath/Shower Sex // Intercrural Sex -> lestappen, charles' birthday
Licking // Pegging -> lestappen + lewis watching, post podium celebrations
Bondage // Lingerie -> 4433
Boot Worship // Masturbation -> lestappen, sauber!charles x 2022!max
Dirty Dancing // Mirror Sex -> maxiel getting hot nd bothered in the club
Nipple Play // Praise Kink -> lestappen, sauber!charles x 2022!max, daddy kink, dirty talk, toys + stockings
Object Insertion // Phone Sex -> carlando, fruity vibes, omegaverse
Food Play // Orgasm Denial -> versainz
Outdoor Sex // Tender Sex -> 4433, with praise kink
Pet Play // Sex Pollen -> 4433, dubcon, angry/hate sex, post breakup
Sexting // Wax Play -> carlando, during filming for quadrant
Sensory Deprivation // Stockings -> norstappen
Formal Wear // Strap-Ons -> max/charles/lando, threeway championship battle and the fia prizegiving gala
Body Worship // Table Sex -> Max/Lando/Charles, Lando is being worshipped by Max and Charles, who are in a relationship
Public Sex // Temperature Play -> nortrell, during a stream + cockwarming
FREE CHOICE -> erotic photos, carlando, lestappen, carlos/lando/max/charles (GQ photoshoot)
Hope to see yall drop by <33
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recroinfinitus · 9 months
Although far from often, there were probably a couple of times he was born as royalty. Specifically due to his usual habit of bailing a 'lost prince' narrative would work well.
General nobility has happened more often to him, something I'd really like to mix with other aus. Some more interesting ones would be something more modern/futuristic, or a rocky political landscape difficult for him to escape from.
In cases where he isn't born into money, he can generally get some reputation with his general knowledge. However, he would totally marry for money so someone be his sugar mama.
Arranged marriages pls nd thank u
Traditional Isekai Fantasy
Easily mixes with a lot of the above
Adopted by a different species, specifically one with a long life that could relate to some of his experiences
Exploring the couple of early reincarnations where he did bother with the 'hero' thing
I haven't read a ton of them but the demons/monsters spawn and random people get powers kind of plot
Dystopia! Tbh plenty of ideas here, potentially something even mixed with the royal/nobility plot. Future-ish monarchy after some sort of bad thing.
Vampire au
Specifically, a world where vampires are the reigning species, where Kylan is human or even a turned vampire.
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
Wip characters/au info and faq. Not saved to drafts cuz I'm doin this on my phone and am lazy, turning off reblogs cuz info is not complete (that n I wanna make it look nicer later)
The ink demon: the Bioshock big daddy of this au. Is referred by most characters as "it/its", but prefers "he/him". Characters will refer to him as "the ink demon" or just "demon". An asshole father, that calls his own children names, and uses rather foul language to put them down. He isn't opposed to tormenting anyone and anything for his own enjoyment/to lash out violently in rage. Thinks he's the only thing truly alive in the cycle, and thus, that everything there is ment to torment him specifically. He has no regard for anyone else's wellbeing but his own.
Pron and names I use to refer to him, he/it, ink demon/ink/ink bendy/bendy.
fave - spawn/child
Henry - adopted father, does not actually see him as family/related
Alice Angel - "insecure bitch" (said the insecure bitch to someone that reminds him of himself a lil)
music playlist: { ━🌑━ | ━🌒━ | ━🌓━ | ━🌔━ | ━🌕━ | ━🌖━ | ━🌗━ | ━🌘━ | ━🌑━ }
Favourite Audrey: the Bioshock lil sister (or someone said ponyo vibes, I see it tbh). an Audrey made close to perfection (with Henry in mind). Her deminor is more akin to toon bendy, being shy and quiet most of the time, but still somehow getting into trouble. She isn't afraid to point out the ink demons inconsistencies in character, or how he portraits himself. The ink demon did not name her, in the present tence he refers to her as "child/girl/spawn", with "she/it/they" pronouns when talking about her to himself, and just the names or insults when talking about her to others.
Pron and names I use for her, she/her, favourite/fave/fav/fave Audrey (I might have also said just "Audrey" at some points, but I'll call her fave for clarification)
Ink demon - father, calls him "daddy" sometimes, but he constantly discourages it, suggesting she just call him the ink demon. She tells everybody he's her daddy so long as he's not around.
Henry - adopted grandfather, calls him "papaw", isn't entirely sure if they're related because she was always told he was an outsider. He's really nice to her tho, nd she likes the songs he sings to her and the drawings he makes.
Alice Angel - mean woman, but she thinks she's pretty and is actually very protective of her. Fave doesn't understand why.
Proto-Audrey: refers to any Audrey, including fave, made before the final, perfect Audrey's creation. They can range from looking like searchers and lost ones, to seeming more human, or more toon like, and even then for a long time their appearance varied wildly based on Joey Drew's inconsistent ideas. Only after fave did they start looking more or less the same. Their attitudes varied wildly as well, from rage filled or sobbing messes, to numb emotionless husk. No other Audrey has had the same personality as fave. Audrey's made before fave where more emotionally unstable, and those made after would grow to be more numb. No one has seen, or if they have they do not recall any proto Audrey in specific, other than fave, and perhaps some that came after her, thinking it was the same child. There where about 800 made over 50 years, many of them eaten by the ink demon.
Proto-Audrey's are referring to has a collective "they", and have no substantial relationship outside of being the ink demons spawn.
Perfect Audrey: also just know as Audrey, she's the last of the ink demons spawn. We'll hidden, well trained, well adjusted and untormented. Likely raised at a distance, and under very meticulous circumstances set up by the demon. Molded to be exactly what Joey wanted, a blank slate. The ink demon never saw her again once she left the machine. (or at least, he hoped)
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mangodestroyer · 1 year
I know some people in fandom tend not to like human/non-fantasy AUs. As someone who is into world building and whatnot, I can see where they're coming from. I too fall in love with the world the characters live in.
Although sometimes I will still read and write fics where the characters live life without their magical or supernatural qualities because I personally think it's interesting to see how they'd navigate the world without them.
And actually, I never enjoyed human/non-magic AUs in any other fandom more than I do in the GOs fandom. I personally see these two as neurodivergent and think that their lives would be more challenging if they were humans. They wouldn't have any celestial powers to rely on and Crowley would be without his demonic charm. As a neurodivergent individual myself, I definitely see qualities of myself in these two that I know would give them trouble in this NT dominated world.
So they'd still sort of be misfits in the human world too. That's all the more reason for them to have a deep, meaningful friendship/relationship. I've personally noticed that us neurodivergent individuals tend to be drawn to one another. My longest lasting friendship is with a person who was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. I have a communication disorder. We've been friends for 14 years and still keep in touch. None of my other friendships have even come close to lasting this long. So imo, it's not at all far fetched for Crowley and Azi to have a lot of chemistry upon their first meeting and become life-long partners. Meanwhile, I've struggled to get along with and relate to the NTs in my life. Even when I thought someone I got along with was NT, it turned out they were actually very ND like me and either didn't tell me or didn't realize it for the longest time. And I also wasn't aware of just how diverse neurodiversity can be.
And yeah, that's pretty much it. Imo, human AU Ineffable Husbands would just be two misfits forming a deep, meaningful connection with each other. And for me, this is very beautiful and relatable.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Honestly, a Stranger Things / TKK3 / Cobra Kai AU where Terry Silver is either a demon from the Upside down wearing a handsome, seductive human form, or where he uses Dynatox to lowkey dabble in some very unethical nd strange science and experiments on people that ends up with him deliberately being possessed by said demon in order to make himself more power is an interesting concept.👀
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Hunter Noceda AU!
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So, this has been an au that's been developing on my mind for the last two weeks, and Yesterday's Lie has helped to rough out the start of the story but it's still not very developed.
The basic is, Hunter would have somehow ended up falling on the human realm through a leak caused by Titan's blood (i haven't figured out exactly how that happened yet) when he was pretty young, like three or four years old and Camila (and presumably Luz's dad) found him and adopted him!
Then, years later, when Luz is being sent to the camp, he would be going too, working as a counselor-in-training there. But then the whole Owlbert thing happens and he ends up following Luz and Owlbert to the demon realm and the story goes from there.
- He and Luz are pretty close since neither of them are exactly popular or even well liked. They’re two ND kids who mostly only trust eachother since they almost always were the only ones who understood and stood up for the other. They both love Azura a lot and often end up in hours long discussions about the lore and theories.
- He has felt like he didn’t belong there for a lot of reasons. The pointy ears, magenta eyes, just appearing out of nowhere when he was small, having no idea where he’s from, anger issues, being very obviously ND and having weird interests, and the list goes on.
- Generally he's more cautious than Luz about almost everything, trying to think things through first, he likes being sure of what to expect. But that gets dropped down quite a bit when they're in the Boiling Isles because everything is so interesting and he's excited to know more, ending up more impulsive, even if its a bit out of his comfort zone a lot of times.
- He's hesitant to stay on the Boiling Isles at first (for obvious reasons) but he decides to stay because 1) Luz 2) He wants to know more about witches, since that's his chance to finally know more about who he is 3) Magic nerd number 2.
- It takes a while for him to discover he's powerless. He at first thought it was because of Earth not having natural magic like the Boiling Isles do, and then he goes to the assumption that his magic is funky because of having stayed on earth for so long, but that it will come back one day. But he does end up realizing he just never had a working magic bile sac. Takes a little while for him to accept that.
- He's autistic/ADHD, aromantic and trans (trans guy Hunter and nonbinary Luz solidarity).
- King loves staying with him, often leaving him trapped in the couch not able to leave because he fell asleep on top of him (and no one disturbs King’s naps).
- He has the habit of hiding his ears quite often ever since Jacob one time bugged him about it when he had the displeasure of bumping into him one time on the coffee shop. He still does it on the Boiling Isles out of habit, but kinda drops it after a while, specially around the owlfam.
-  Most if not all the emotional problems Canon Hunter has are still there, but not as outward/extreme as in canon or they appear in different ways.
- He’s also a magic nerd because of Azura, as well as a history nerd, who sneaks into any library near him, be it in Gravesfield or Bonesborough. He would love Hexside, he’d probably choose all tracks like Luz, but maybe not going all out like her.
- Idk If he's still a grimwalker here. Maybe? Could be interesting
- And I also don’t know how the second season could play out . If he's a grimwalker, then there could be an even younger Golden Guard. That’s a fun and horrifying idea, i think I'll go with it. Would be a hell of an existential crisis.
- I think that, while extremely invested in the glyphs too, he would be searching for other ways of doing magic too, to not have to rely on only glyphs.
- His and Luz's father is still alive (we didn't get confirmation that he died and the possibility of him being alive makes some good small bit of angst for the au, as I’ll explain on the next points), but divorced/broke up with Camila some years ago and she ended up with the custody of both Hunter and Luz, and they still sometimes see him.
- There wasn't any way of Vee knowing about Hunter and his relationship to Luz before she decided to escape to the human realm. She only finds out about him when Camila asks about him and she doesn't immediatly associate him being the witch she saw with Luz at the start, she just assumed he was another witch who lived there, she only realizes who he is when camp ends. He had agreed to wait with Luz for the bus until some colleagues who were also going to be counselors-in-training were going to pick him up and give him a ride to the camp (to not “embarass Luz by the otehr campers knowing they’re siblings”), so when Camila found Vee alone, she assumed he had already gone.
- And just like Luz, he lied about going to camp to Camila, and lied to the colleagues that he gave up on that (and Vee accidentally helped by giving the same answer when asked about it and panicked). He really wants to know more about where he’s from and about all kinds of magic and everything going on, and he doesn’t want to worry Camila and if he said the truth while Luz was lying it wouldn’t end well for both of them. He’s scared of being forced away from all these things he wants to discover, and doesn’t want it for Luz either, and like her, he loves this new support group they both have. His plan was to keep the lie until camp ended, but we all know this doesn’t go as planned and he gets really nervous about this, like, barely able to keep himself from having a crisis.
- He is very attached to Camila, he would send her messages everyday, and the guilt eats him alive. Luz and he talk a lot about this in the middle of the nights.
- So, portal gets destroyed, camp ends. Camila is (obviously) stressed out by only finding one of her kids and discovering that Hunter never even got there in the first place. She can’t contact him in any way so she’s pretty sure he ran away, maybe to her ex’s house, so this already makes her feel horrible and like she messed up a lot, assuming he hated living there. It worsens a lot of stuff for Yesterday’s Lie.
- Luz does tell that Hunter is fine and with her (he wasn’t on the portal realm doing this experiment with her), and it breaks Camila’s heart to know that, while Hunter is okay, both of her kids are trapped in a different realm, there’s a kid that acted as Luz ever since camp started and she didn’t even know, and that Hunter and Luz chose to stay there and lied to her. I don’t think that, when Luz gets out of the portal, she even tells Hunter about everything of this situation.
- Yeah Yesterday’s Lie made this so fucking sad
There isn't much on the story besides the start and where the second season has stopped for now, the relationships haven't been fleshed out yet and his design also isn't finalized, but I'm so excited to share this au!
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faithcaelum-writing · 3 years
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“When the real demons aren’t the most evil looking ones.”
 Here’s a small do it in your style I posted on my instagram for my Demon!AU ! 
 Here’s the prices for participating!
 1st : A full-body in digital painting.
2nd : A half-body in flat color.
3rd : A sketch half-body.
 And the rules :
 -You can change the poses as you want, but keeps the same outfits/hairstyle, and Luz being a tiny baby demon. You don’t have to keep Amity’s parents shadows.
- The deadline is the 1st april
- Please, post the original drawing in your slide when you post your participation! You can post it on Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr.
- Do not trace thank you.
- Tag me when you post please
- Use the tag #faithcaeldtiys
- Have fun :D
 Here’s a tiny context about this AU if it can help you:
It’s you classic “demon haunting” alternate universe, where Luz, a young demon, is sent on Earth to haunt Amity, a rich heiress, crawling under too much pressure from her parents.
The thing is that Luz never haunted a human before, and had a pure soul but still ended up in Hell due to several bad decisions during her life.
When she sees Amity, she can’t bring herself to harm her and make her life worse, and decide to help her.
I hope you’ll like this AU, and thank you all for supporting me! ^^ You’re the best!
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