#husband thief
sirsirgirl · 2 months
Husband Thief will be out on April 4th. Let's dive into the prologue...
PS: The new novel might not be related to Men of the harem at all, but mostly everything I post and discuss about is, so please keep in mind that this analysis supports the theory that this work will be a spin-off, and take everything with a grain of salt. Sorry if I'm bias! 1. Why is the title relevant?
Husband thief or Husband stealer. Among all the words we can link Latil to, "husband", must be one of the most frequent ones. She ended having eight husbands after all.
But what about the title in itself? See, the term, reminds me a lot of another, "man stealer", which is sadly used to call a person -usually a woman- who takes a man away from his partner. Regardless of how awful that term sounds, it could have something to do with Latil. The question isn’t how, it’s who, who could claim Latil has taken away her man/ husband from her?
In fact, there are two women who come to my mind: Domis and Arital.
You know what's something that was never clear to me? Carlein and Girgol always acted like they were so sure that Latil was indeed the reincarnation of their past lovers, to the point that I became intrigued of what would happen if she wasn’t? 2. The secrets behind the cover.
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A woman that looks very similar to Latil stands-out for her pale skin, with flowers in her hair, and a ring in her finger that connects her to someone by a thorny trail. What appears to be male hand is behind holding her shoulder. The eyes and the skin
The eyes look amber, and Latil's are dark brown. But it actually isn’t illogical to consider a change of tone in the midst of her slow awakening process. The pale skin and lips also give her a vampirical appareance, which could too be indicative of this transformation. The hair
Eight roses adorn her hair. Eight, just like the number of consorts Latil has. This wouldn’t be the first time they use roses to represent each one of her husbands. Remember that one panel for the second season promo? She’s in the throne and many hands are offering roses to her. If you look closely, you'll also notice how seven of these roses are turning white. This, I believe, is a way of representing a fading love. Roses turn white when they burn, just like ashes. Ashes of love.
The ring and the thorny trail
I believe these are the most evident symbols. The ring is strategically placed in the marriage finger, which is highly related to the nupcial theme. But the thorny trail reminds me of the red thread theory and the thread of fate.
This could be representing the painful fate that every Lord is submitted to in his or her life. It could also mean that whoever the red thread is connecting her to, that love will be full of challenging and hurtful steps. The hand
The hand behind her is the most confusing of all the elements. We can see a ring in the hand that could indicate that is one of her husbands, but I don't know if it's shown in a positive or negative light. So I'll save my opinions for later.
3. What are they showing us in the extracts?
At first sight, some might think the pre-release isn’t telling us much, but I disagree.
"Your marriage, it's ruined once again."
The opening line is so important. Not only is it hinted that this person's could have been married before, but we can also guess that marriage ended terribly for them at least once. I can see this being related to Latil, not primarily because of the harem, but because of her alleged past-lives... For instance, Arital warned her about having children since her marriage and family had been ruined by fate before.
I want to take a moment to point out that, in my opinion, Arital is the turning point of this theory. Where do I start?
"Can I tell you something for the last time? Do you know what was the worst thing that ever happened to me? Loving you."
When I read this, I immediately thought about the concept of unrequited love, and in the beginning it seemed like the only two consorts who fit perfectly in my idea of it were Sonnaught and Guesta.
Sonnaught lost his feelings once and deeply regretted falling in love with Latil at the time. Guesta, on the other hand, isn't afraid to show his true colors in front her anymore, he allows himself to be angry when he is. So it wouldn't be surprising if any of them ever say this, right?
However, that's when the third paragraph called my attention.
"Her face was reflected in the pupils of those blue eyes."
The only consort we know who has blue eyes is Klein. If these lines are truly about the same person, then this one discards anyone who isn't him. Okay, I can't imagine him acting like this, but I guess it's not impossible. Unless... there's someone else.
Yup, I admit I didn't pay enough attention to the second paragraph, but having already reread it a few times, there's something I can't ignore.
Their hands, which were never close together before, were now desperate to push each other away.
Not even think about Latil's husbands. Imagine we aren't considering the spin-off option. Imagine we believe exactly what's apparent: There's a ML who has blue eyes, he's married to the FL and they're on the verge of dying together.
How come, I repeat, HOW COME a man who's been married to the FL never had his hands near hers? Yeah, definitely, this could be just a weird wording, but something there didn't sit quite right. So I put my memory to work... and yes there's someone: The chairman.
The Chairman, a beautiful blue-eyed elf who fall in love with his great friend, Arital. He witnessed her and Girgol's marriage fall, and not only that, he's tried to kill Latil in the past to free the soul of his lost love from the terrible course set by fate. Time is also very relevant to his character, because he's lived a long time, long enough that he's seen many Lords come and go.
For all of this, I believe the extract is showing us the Chairman's last attempt to kill Latil and get rid of the course.
Now, I can't help but remember how I couldn't really understand why the Chairman, Arital, Sell and Girgol were mentioned so much in the side stories. And maybe this was the reason, maybe Alphatart wanted to set the ground to have them shine in her next work.
Anyways. This, friends, is my theory. Enjoy!
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wapdyn · 2 months
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I kind of catched up. the prologue scene only happens in chapter 90 if anyone’s curious.
The last 10 chs fcked me up so much… everything goes downhill and it turns into tragedy. Everyone is suffering and is miserable. The villain, Meron, turns back time with some magical necklace by dying, but the pregnant FL tried to save her, and they both ended up dying together.
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I can’t help but think about Kishin who’s left all alone in the original timeline after FL died 🤧 like even Meron and Dernick’s parents are dead… and Dernick disappeared, so he’s basically all alone.
The summary says Kishin (the first husband) falls for Meron in the second life and I can’t believe it?? How???? The author focused too much on him and the FL, there was like 10+ chs just about their wedding preparations and even a whole ch about their first night. I love him so much, I still hope they end up together even though I know it won’t happen…
But omg this was one long prologue lol. It felt like those tragic first life rofan fls have but make it almost 100 ch.
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enn0s · 4 days
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'i miss him a lot'
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vanessa-rafesgirl · 4 months
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in honor of the pjo season finale tonight i made this ^ 🎀
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murderhusbandsblog · 2 months
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Alive until she kills
In her vampire empire, I am
Vampire Empire by Big Thief // Hannibal, NBC.
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shrimpchipsss · 6 months
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oh well
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acecroft · 5 months
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child-of-hurin · 9 months
Agape being onboard with marrying the volatile mess that is Eugenides in Queen of Attolia, and later, presumably, being just as onboard with marrying Sophos's uncle who is Sounis... Interpretations of her agency in those matches might vary, but if you assume she was only too willing to go ahead with them... Something very intimidating about how badly this woman wants a project
"(...)He was an astonishingly angry man, but he had many admirable qualities.” [the Magus] glanced up at Eddis and said, “He could be quite charming.” “Agape might have made something of him,” said Eddis.
Handing Agape problematic men like one hands a trainer problematic dogs dsbhujfdrf
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ofc you don’t Vlad, ofc you don’t, hehehe. (please check out our zine) https://throughtheyearszine.carrd.co/#home
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wapdyn · 2 months
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I’ve read 20 chs and it’s so fun ㅜㅜ
There are 4 important characters: -FL: Clacey (25 yo - daughter of a count)
-Meron/Maren: FL’s 20 yo niece niece (blond hair)
-Dernick (silver hair - identity still unknown)
-Kishin (red hair - knight commander)
So far I thought Dernik is the ML, but FL fell hard for Kishin, Dernik’s best friend?? he stood her up and rejects her cruelly, but she continues to pursue him and wins him over with her honesty lol. FL is such a fool in love, it’s first time Alphatart writes a FL that falls first like this haha. There’s still some push and pull and funny misunderstanding between them, but he has a crush on her and is getting jealous of Dernick hshshs
Meron/Meran is interested in Dernick… The summary says that Clacey and Meron switch husbands in the next life, so I’m scared 😐 I really like Kishin and find it hard to believe that he’s the “perfect husband” in the summary that falls for Meron in the next life because he’s so cold and isn’t interested in dating 😅 there’s also some kind of mystery surrounding the death of FL’s older sister 11 years ago… and one of the mls (Dernick) is connected to it and thinks of the older sister as his benefactor.
Meron seems like the usual villain; she always intervenes with FL’s suitors and tries everything she can to make sure FL doesn’t get involved with a man, but she also cares and worry for Clacey, so it’s confusing? She even got really furious when she thought Kishin was rude to Clacey lol. She depends on Clacey a lot because she basically raised her after her mother died, so there’s some weird obsession (and maybe love/hate). The FL isn’t a push over, they fought a lot in the 20 chs (she even told her “you’re my niece, not my daughter” and to stop acting like a child), but there’s some heartwarming family scenes between them too ㅜㅜ She’s a confusing character but is definitely not one dimensional…
Everyone is interesting and have their own depths, im looking forward to reading more 😆 honesty it feels like a love square because they’re all involved with each other hsjsjs
FL is also really refreshing and funny, she kind of reminds me of Latil 🤣
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br-kker · 8 months
I hate flying through books so quickly and not enjoying them to their fullest extent
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deadmomjokes · 10 months
Getting the spouse to read The Thief and Y'ALL
He's too smart for this.
He's calling it! All of it!! He's picking up the hints and clues the first time thru with zero context!!!
I mean, there was this moment y'all may have seen, but also, just this morning:
"So, the magus is ethnocentric as heck and that whole scene was really gross, but also.... Gen is actually the King's Thief of Eddis, right? That's obvious? I feel like we were supposed to be distracted by all the storytelling and racism, but like.... It's not even subtle at this point."
"Obviously Ambiades took that food, right? My only question is why Gen let him get away with it...."
And the speculations are off in the right direction, too!
"So why is Gen here instead of with the King in Eddis? He was in prison for a while but nobody seems to be concerned or even aware that the King's Thief is missing from Eddis--at least the magus didn't, and he seems pretty aware of current events. But Gen isn't here on business, because what would Eddis want with Sounis's king's seal? So why is he here and not there...?"
I'm not saying a dang word, yea or nay, and he knows it. He's just speculating out loud, and I quote, "Because I need a witness to having called it when I turn out to be right." (And also because he likes watching me squirm when I'm forced to keep my mouth shut and put on my overdramatic poker face.)
I mean, he's been wrong, too. He's leaning towards "the woman who fell out the window" being a caretaker instead of his actual mom, or the alternate explanation that it was his mom and Gen's family had to flee Eddis for some reason or other, which is why nobody's worried he's gone. But he's also "keeping his thoughts open to new clues." But he's still been on the right trail more often than he's been wrong.
I'm gonna bust a blood vessel over here. He's too smart, guys. He's gonna figure it all out the first run through and I have no idea how.
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mango-chuchus · 2 months
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(WIP) Can’t talk, thinking about Basso.
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lordboo · 10 days
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Quartz going through the 5 stages of grief rn
ft Gamaliel- @onlineviolence
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scurvgirl · 9 months
word drabble: blanket
Ian woke to a cold bedroom. Groggy and confused, he looked over…to see his blanket stealing husband burritoed. Ian scooted over to Mickey and attempted to nudge him gently to get some blanket for himself, but Mickey had always been a light sleeper.
“‘M sleeping,” he murmured. What? Did he think Ian was waking him up at 3am for a quickie?
“You took the blankets…again.”
“‘M cold.”
“I’m warm.”
“Okay.” Still half asleep, the two adjusted themselves so that Ian was under the covers with Mickey, spooning him close.
“I’m gonna get more blankets,” Ian whispered. Mickey was already snoring.
Thank you for sending me a word!
Send me words for drabbling!
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urfriendash · 9 months
fall tbr
i don’t think i’ll be able to read all these but these are all the books i’d like to read this fall :)
if he had been with me by laura nowlin (p)
six of crows by leigh bardugo (p)
the atlas six by olivie blake (p)
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid (p)
the goldfinch by donna tartt (reread) (p)
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde (d)
the four agreements by miguel ruiz (p)
looking for alaska by john green (p?)
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins (reread) (p)
carmilla by j. sheridan le fanu (d)
the book thief by markus zusak (l)
this is my autumn playlist so far:
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