#hyalus answers
jeyashreeramasamy · 11 months
Enhancing Skin Texture: Benefits of Microneedling for Acne Scars in McKinney, TX
Acne scars can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness for many individuals. If you're seeking an effective solution to improve the appearance of acne scars, microneedling may be the answer you've been looking for.
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Microneedling for Acne Scars in McKinney, TX
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of microneedling for acne scars in McKinney, TX, and how this innovative treatment can help you achieve smoother, more radiant skin.
1. Stimulates Collagen Production
Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin using a device equipped with fine needles. These tiny punctures stimulate the skin's natural healing response, triggering the production of collagen and elastin.
Collagen is a vital protein that helps improve skin texture and elasticity, while elastin enhances the skin's ability to stretch and bounce back. By promoting collagen production, microneedling helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars and improve overall skin tone and texture.
2. Reduces Acne Scar Visibility
One of the primary benefits of microneedling for acne scars in McKinney, TX, is its ability to minimize their visibility. The controlled micro-injuries created during the treatment promote the formation of new skin cells and collagen fibers, which gradually replace the scar tissue.
As the skin heals and regenerates, acne scars become less noticeable, resulting in a smoother and more even complexion. With regular microneedling sessions, you can achieve significant improvements in the appearance of your acne scars.
3. Versatility in Treating Different Types of Acne Scars
Microneedling is a versatile treatment that can effectively address various types of acne scars. Whether you have atrophic scars (indentations in the skin), hypertrophic scars (raised scars), or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark spots), microneedling can help reduce their appearance.
The adjustable needle depth of the microneedling device allows skincare professionals to customize the treatment based on the specific type and depth of your acne scars. This personalized approach ensures that each scar is targeted effectively, resulting in improved skin texture and a more uniform complexion.
4. Non-Invasive with Minimal Downtime
Unlike surgical procedures or more aggressive treatments, microneedling is a non-invasive procedure that requires little to no downtime. The micro-injuries created during the treatment are superficial and typically heal quickly without leaving visible marks.
You may experience some redness and mild sensitivity immediately after the procedure, but these effects are temporary and subside within a few days. This means you can resume your daily activities shortly after the treatment, making microneedling a convenient option for individuals with busy lifestyles.
5. Safe and Suitable for Most Skin Types
Microneedling is considered a safe treatment for acne scars, suitable for most skin types. The procedure is minimally invasive and carries a low risk of complications when performed by a trained skincare professional. Unlike certain laser treatments or chemical peels that may cause adverse reactions in sensitive skin, microneedling poses minimal risk of hyperpigmentation or other unwanted side effects.
However, it's essential to consult with a qualified skincare specialist who can assess your skin and determine if microneedling is the right option for you.
6. Enhances Skincare Product Absorption
Another notable benefit of microneedling is that it enhances the absorption of skincare products. The micro-channels created by the needles allow for better penetration of topical creams, serums, or masks. After microneedling, your skin is more receptive to the active ingredients in your skincare products, maximizing their effectiveness.
This means that any products used in conjunction with microneedling, such as vitamin C serums or hyaluronic acid moisturizers, can deliver greater benefits to your skin, further promoting its rejuvenation and improving the appearance of acne scars.
7. Boosts Overall Skin Rejuvenation
In addition to its specific benefits for acne scars, microneedling offers overall skin rejuvenation benefits. The stimulation of collagen and elastin production, along with the increased absorption of skincare products, improves skin texture, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and a more youthful complexion.
Microneedling can help you achieve not only scar-free skin but also a revitalized and radiant appearance.
Renew Society: Best Medspa To get Microneedling for Acne Scars in McKinney, TX
Renew Society is the best medspa to get microneedling for acne scars in McKinney, TX. Microneedling offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of acne scars in McKinney, TX.
By stimulating collagen production, reducing scar visibility, and providing versatility in treating different types of scars, microneedling can help you achieve smoother, more even-toned skin. With its non-invasive nature, minimal downtime, and compatibility with various skin types, microneedling is a safe and convenient option.
Furthermore, the enhanced absorption of skincare products and overall skin rejuvenation effects make microneedling a comprehensive solution for achieving a revitalized and confident complexion.
If you're ready to say goodbye to acne scars and embrace the transformative benefits of microneedling, schedule a consultation with Renew Society, the premier medspa in McKinney, TX, and take the first step toward renewed skin confidence.
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remusownsmyuwus · 4 years
Could you draw uhhhh Zukka 👀
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fvcking-orb · 4 years
Hyalus!!! 1. I love ur url i 4got 2 mention that when u changed it n 2. The linkz *in* ur carrd dont work in case u didnt kno 👉👈
Ah thank you!!!! I actually changed it like
Last night
And I'll... Troubleshoot!! Thank you for telling me :)
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psychologist-virgil · 4 years
I think it's relatively safe to trust each other, especially because you'll probably be stuck together for a while. (Also stress: is Remy a character? And can us askers do stuff like play music and/or alert the patients to their fictional-ness?) -Hyalus
"I don't trust anyone here other than Roman." 'Remus' was stubborn about his position on the matter. "Now the damn door is locked."
(Remy Is a Character! He'll get brought in later after I set his problems and backstory up! And go ahead!)
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siren1song · 4 years
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms -H
**cracks knuckles** aight bet
@emo-disaster bet you thought I wouldn’t fire back huh? an amazing writer who has really neat ideas and is willing to experiment with their writing style. plus also a Stellar little brother
@sleepy-sides his art is fricking God Tier and it inspires me to write So Much??? I love him also an amazing younger sibling and person who encourages me and is willing to fire back the love memes when i jump into his dms
@max-is-tired another amazing writer who is full of love and super sweet. I can’t count the amount of times ive asked them to write something for me because i was sad and they were like HELL YEAH
@gr3ml1n-loser art is 10/10 i haven’t read voids writing yet, but considering voi is telling me about voids fae au i bet its Great. also hella nice because voi just sat there for like ten minutes helping me figure out voids pronouns ksdjfkl
@remusownsmyuwus did you think i wasn’t going to include you? youre friend shaped and sweet and i like that you included me in a joke post even if the post blew up Bad skldfjh and i Love your art a whole lot like a Whole Lot
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thepurpman · 4 years
As a person with a six letter, ancient Roman name (well, word in Latin) name which could be a Sanders Sides name because it follows the trends, I'd not want to show my face in the fandom if everyone started hating on my name. I mean, you get shit for people thinking you named yourself after Virgil even though you've liked that name forever.... Idk I think we as a society are past the point of making fun of the most suscinct description of what people are, their name? -Hyalus
Yeah, you’d think that, but apparently some people get their kicks out of making other people miserable for no good reason whatsoever, and don’t care about the consequences, so what do I know?
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tmabigbang · 3 years
White Flour and Black Magic
“I am the Master of this Mill,” he says then. “You can be my apprentice, if you’d like. I need one. You want to, don’t you?”
“I want to,” Jon hears himself reply. His voice rings hollow in his ears, as though it belongs to another.
“And what do you wish to learn from me? The craft of milling, or also the other craft?”
“Also the other craft,” Jon answers, though he does not know what it might be.
The miller smiles and offers his left hand. “Shake!”
The moment Jon’s hand leaves his, the silence that has surrounded them until now is broken by a dull rumbling and roaring. The sound seems to come from the depths of the earth below their feet. Beneath Jon, the floor begins to vibrate and the walls start to shake around them, the beams and posts of the house creak and groan as the Mill comes alive.
Jon cannot help but scream in shock. He wants to run. Flee. Far away from here, but the Master has stepped around him and is blocking the path.
“The Mill!” he shouts, a wild gleam in his mismatched eyes. “It grinds again!”
--- --- ---
@franzis-frantic-thoughts : Whatup, I’m Franzi, 27 and I never effing learned how to read write in present tense. I’m so far out of my grammatical comfort zone, send help.
@zannakai : Yo, I’m Alexander, and I enjoy drawing and angsty mysteries. So, if you like long and complicated stories that will captivate you then you’re in the right place!
@mag-118 :I 'm Hyalus/Geo/Corrosive! You want to request art in the ask box of my tumblr (mag-118) soo bad 
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Remus' accident? (Did I miss a post qwq?)
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you did not!
remus has had a... weird life, to say the least.
until he was ten years old, remus grew up in a happy, normal family with his brother and his parents. he's always been rowdy and chaotic, but that's just how children are. he and roman were close, and always getting into trouble together in that big, empty house. their parents loved them (well, they loved roman, at least), but they were rarely at home, always working and doing something or other. roman isn't that much older than remus, only by a couple years, but they thought that the two boys would be fine alone in the house for the years that they grew up together. roman and remus never went to public school, but rather were taught by a private tutor, one that they hated because she was always very cranky and wouldn't let them have an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner. their life was lived in solitude, only having each other to know and rely on. they were too young to go out on their own and make friends, and their parents were never there to give them that experience, so for years they rarely ever left that cold, empty mansion.
then remus turns ten, and his parents come home one day to tell him to pack, with one suitcase allowance. they say that remus is leaving, for good, and then disappear into their father's study. the brothers don't know what's going on, and roman begs and begs to know why his little brother is leaving, but his parents don't even spare him a glance as they close and lock the study door. the two brothers shut themselves in remus' room and pack remus' bag in silence, and as a last-minute thought, roman throws one of their old walkie-talkies in remus' suitcase so that they can still talk to one another.
their parents finally emerge from the study forty-five minutes later, both of them just as pristine in their formal outerwear as when they arrived, and they just steer remus towards the huge front doors without a word to either of them. roman has to beg for just one more moment with his brother, to exchange tearful goodbyes and sob in each other's arms, and then roman's best friend in the whole wide world is being whisked out the door.
the walkie-talkies don't work at the distance their parents take remus, and roman doesn't hear from his brother again. he doesn't know where they took him, what he's doing, or if he's even alive. no matter how much he asks on the single day a week his parents are home, they don't answer him. he's ignored completely by them for eight more years of his life. eight years he goes with his memory slowly but surely fading until he doesn't even know that he had a brother at all.
their laughter and footsteps used to echo in the big halls, filling a lonely house with the sounds of a home. but now everything is cold and lonely. even when roman enrolls in public school, even when he starts making new friends, even when he has huge parties where he talks to anyone and everyone and bass filters into every room. that house feels like nothing more than a tomb, like there something missing that roman can't pinpoint, so when he's eighteen years old, he leaves without a word and never looks back.
he meets patton, manages to get an awful apartment with his new best friend, and leaves behind that high school life without so much as a second glance to the so-called "friends" he made. patton is different, doesn't care about his shitty attitude and how he sometimes wakes up crying out for someone he doesn't know late at night. he doesn't care about their lack of money, doesn't mind that roman is still struggling to find a job.
roman feels so guilty for their relationship, like he's just taking advantage of patton for shelter and food. he tries his best to start bringing in some sort of income to help ease the financial burden from patton, who already is contemplating taking up a third job to ease a little bit of their troubles. and there is absolutely no way roman's letting him do that, so he manages to put some ads out, does some odd jobs like mowing lawns and babysitting and house cleaning, and he manages to pay their next month of rent in full. the feeling of taking responsibility is euphoric, and the blinding grin that patton gives him when he realizes he has another month to relax a little bit makes all of the blisters and weariness worth it.
but then roman gets a call from a number and a voice he doesn't recognize, one that tells him that his family has been in a car accident and that they'd like him to come to the hospital to discuss some things. it's all very cryptic, and he understands none of it until he walks into the room he was directed to and sees someone in the bed who looks remarkably like himself.
as soon as he hears the guy's name, everything comes back in a rush.
his head is underwater, blood rushing in his ears as those moments of two brothers playing games and yelling in the halls and pranking their tutor flood his memory. he forgot his best friend, his closest confidant. he forgot his little brother. he forgot his brother.
and now said brother is here, looking beat up in a hospital bed, his body bruised and cut up and his breathing laboured and his hand too fucked up to use properly. despite how bad his condition looks, remus laughs and makes stupid dirty jokes and exists as an echo of his past, younger self. roman forgot him, forgot someone so important to him, and yet remus just rags on the shitty hospital food and the man who's come to discuss the inheritance.
roman's more surprised by remus than he is by his parents' deaths, but he doesn't mention it. he figures remus wouldn't talk about the accident or their parents, but he treads all over the topic without care. he talks, tells roman that they hit a hole in the road wrong and the car was sent into incoming traffic. that their parents died instantly, that his hand was crushed but he's gonna be okay. tells him that apparently, their parents left everything to roman, left all the money and possessions and the house to him, and he doesn't even seem upset that they left remus nothing.
remus tells roman to go home, that everything will be fine, that he has a place to go, that he has money from elsewhere. and roman really doesn't want to, but at the same time, he doesn't know how to act. he feels awkward constantly, like he doesn't know his brother at all. they don't discuss where remus has been, don't mention what roman has been doing, either. but roman's side of the conversation is always stilted, run rotten by guilt, so when remus tells him to go, roman just leaves his phone number and does.
sorting out the inheritance stuff is hard, and it takes up so much time that he doesn't go back to visit. he waits for remus to call or text, but he doesn't, so roman figures his brother probably hates him for not ever finding him again, for not doing more. roman hates himself for it, too.
with patton's help, he puts his focus and energy into the inheritance, and manages to get them into a nicer place. it's bigger, and cleaner, and it even has a pool out back that patton squealed in excitement upon seeing when roman surprised him with the new house. they get new furniture, stock up the cabinets, go shopping for better clothes, and riding the high of having money to spend leaves the two of them exhausted but satisfied. they get out more, make new friends, invite them and work buddies to gatherings. for two months they settle in, and start building a better life. they both still work, but they can save some of it up just in case. they manage their finances better, and things are really looking up.
but then roman is walking home one night and sees remus huddled against a wall in an alleyway, and he learns that remus lied, that he had nothing and nobody to turn to. he's been living on the streets, crashing on couches after one night stands, using his body in a transaction that trades sex for shelter. it's awful. and roman feels even more guilty than before, even when remus laughs the lifestyle off like it's nothing. roman shuts that down so quickly he doesn't even realize what he's doing until he's finally introducing his brother to patton, of whom doesn't really like remus' vulgarity but doesn't think he's all that bad, if you can ignore his recurring dick jokes.
remus slots himself into their life like it's nothing, like he was supposed to be there all along, and roman feels that aching hole in his heart slowly stitch itself shut with every day that the three's lives just... work together.
they don't talk much about the accident, don't really bring up his parents. roman tries to ask where he went once, but his brother just gets a dark look and mutters something about prisoners, and roman doesn't ask again.
and roman will beat himself up for the distinct lack of care he feels for his parents' deaths for a very, very long time.
small taglist: @illogical-anxieties @kazykazu @sharp-as-hyalus @bookwyrminspiration @thekitchenpan @bunny222 @agoddamnrayofsunshine
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operativeinspo · 6 years
operativehq ask meme: agents edition
aurum: what would you do for all the money in the world? what would you do once you had all the money in the world?
carnelian: have you ever been in love? when was the last time you said "i love you"?
crimson: who are your favorite team members? who are your least favorite?
cygnus: what achievement are you most proud of? what achievement are you regretful of?
hawthorn: what's the worst injury that's happened to you? was it your fault?
hyalus: what's something that you've been dying to know the answer to?
mercury: have you ever disobeyed orders? when and why?
nox: what's the worst thing you've ever done that you don't regret?
ophidian: what's your most vivid memory from childhood?
phantom: what would you change about yourself?
phoenix: what's on your bucketlist? are you afraid of completing any?
scorpius: do you prefer multiple short term relationships or one long term relationship? have you ever broken someone's heart?
odessa: how do you want to die?
nikolai: what would you do if you knew you were going to die in the next 24 hours?
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orokinarchives · 7 years
TennoCon 2017 Developer Art Panel
Hey guys! The Developer Art Panel at last week’s TennoCon gave us a glimpse into what’s in store for the future of Warframe. The link to the whole video is here, but if you don’t want to watch an hour-long video, I’m going to break down the whole thing here.
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First, there’s a picture of the art team. Of those pictured, only Lucas Hug was actually at the panel. Also at the panel were Geoff Crookes, Keith Thompson, Mat Tremblay, and Raymond Dela Cruz. The panel was moderated by Rebecca Ford.
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Tintmasks for the old Vandal and Wraith weapons! It looks like the ability to recolour these uncolourable weapons is coming soon! We already had the customisable Supra Vandal, but Lucas (at Rebecca’s insistence) went and added tint layouts to all existing Vandals and Wraiths. If you’re wondering what that “Wraith” syandana on the left is, that’s the Rakta syandana from the Spectres of Liberty event.
EDIT: these weapons are now colourable as of Update 22.0 (171012).
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New Grineer armour set. It comes with a four-barrelled rifle (NOT a shotgun, Lucas insists), and an “Uzi”-like handgun.
EDIT: these weapons have since been added into the game as the Quartakk (rifle) and Stubba (pistol), along with the Maggor armour set (17221).
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This is the Corpus pump-action shotgun that was shown on a DevStream a while back. As an update, Geoff says the weapon hasn’t been sent to rigging yet. Not sure what that means (I’m not an artist or video game designer), but it looks like it’s still going to be a while. The shotgun is accompanied by a sniper pistol, similar to the Knell.
EDIT: these have since been added into the game as the Arca Plasmor (shotgun) and Arca Scisco (pistol) (170907).
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A glass-themed weapon set meant to accompany the next warframe, who, as revealed at TennoLive, will be glass-themed. A syandana (”more like a backpack”, says Lucas), a glass hammer, a shotgun, and a kunai set. It’s a good thing they mentioned that those were kunai, or I’d have thought they were more armour pieces.
EDIT: these have since been added into the game as the Astilla shotgun, Fusilai throwing knives, Volnus hammer, and Hyalus syandana (171012).
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Up top, an awesome-looking Prime sugatra, and then below, a new set of Prime armour. I really hope this is like the Prime Eos set where Baro brings them, cause there are only so many Prime Accessories packs I can buy, and these look beautiful.
EDIT: these have since been added into the game as the Spritsail Prime armour set and Sardin Prime sugatra with Hydroid Prime (170829).
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This is… from the community-designed weapons? I’m not sure; it was hard to make out what they were saying at this point. I think this is a Grineer blade and whip. Regardless, it looks cool.
EDIT: this has since been added into the game as the Jat Kusar blade-and-whip (170726).
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Now we get to the good stuff! Hopefully you didn’t get bored and stop reading before now. This is a Tenno ship, much bigger than the Lisets and other landing craft. Keith Thompson talked about how he designed it. The idea is the old Solar Rails don’t work anymore (Presumably the ones travelling to the Dark Sectors, as we have junctions and rails to move between planets that seem functional. Or maybe it’s the Solar Rail to the Tau system!), so this ship sort of generates its own solar rail and moves along it. Notice the cylindrical structures oriented along the anteroposterior axis, which presumably contain or generate the solar rail.
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As it travels, however, it will come under attack, and shift into this defensive state, where it stops moving along the solar rail and remains stationary while a squad of Tenno defend it. There are four gun turrets (white turrets, with red-tipped barrels, visible in both pictures) that can be manned, and Tenno can jump out the ship into archwing to defend it, and the ship can be breached by boarding parties, leading to ground combat. It was somewhat implied that this would be a 4-person squad as per normal missions, but it was also stated that this would be a clan-focused mechanic, with perhaps the ships being constructed by clans (if you spend any time on the official fora, you’ll no doubt see many suggestions for something like this). It was also discussed that the ships could also serve as a communal hub (again, mostly for a clan) outside of a combat scenario.
I think this was an absolutely mind-blowing reveal, almost as much as Plains of Eidolon (okay, about half as exciting as Plains of Eidolon). No word on how quickly it’ll get implemented. I imagine everyone’s hard at work on PoE and Umbra, so it’s unlikely this is anything more than concept art at this point.
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This is a Sentient outpost. They came from the Tau system – but are there any left behind? It seems like the answer is yes! They’ve been rebuilding their outposts and space stations, and soon we’ll be bringing the fight to them! (Soon™) Keith Thompson said that he was told to make it cathedral-like, and I can see it. Especially if you’ve ever seen the interior of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, which was patterned after nature by its architect, Antoni Gaudí.
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(Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família interior – photo credit Jesus Solana)
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This is a broken-off piece of an outpost that is being rebuilt into its own separate structure. The inner skeleton of the structure is markedly different from the material that sheathes the exterior. And some additional functionality is being built onto the arm on the right.
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Keith and Geoff explain that the first Sentient the Orokin sent to the Tau system was giant – and knowing how big Hunhow is, that must be quite impressive to be “giant” by Sentient standards. It was a massive creature/robot/structure that was destroyed or broken up (how or why is never discussed), and the Sentients use pieces of it to build their outposts. The curved shape of it is meant to evoke a deeply sinister feel. The long strings take in detritus or material floating in space, likely for building materials or fuel. Geoff says it was patterned after a baleen whale, always inhaling, always taking in. Like a black hole.
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Another Sentient outpost, with a closeup of the centre. It’s build around another piece of the first Sentient, with more baleen-whale-like intake. However, it’s being built much bigger than the original fragment. The skeleton of this structure has already been built, and the exterior sheathing will likely be laid on soon. This is a fascinating glimpse into Sentient construction methods and design philosophy.
These Sentient concepts are, Geoff says, an example of DE working far into the future. With all the focus on PoE, Umbra, and clans (Are we still focusing on clans this year? C’mon, Steve), I don’t think we’ll see this come into game for a year or more.
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The Grineer ghouls, as revealed in the Top Cow comic! I haven’t read it yet, so I’m not sure what their role is. Rebecca and Geoff talked about them though (and Keith). Rebecca says, “As deformed and ugly as the Grineer are, you haven’t seen the bottom yet. These guys are much worse than what you’re used to.” (paraphrased) They’re incubated in these underground wombs (shown on a DevStream recently), and are brought out when needed. You can even see an umbilical-cord-like feature on the top one. The top ghoul is meant to be a sort of suicide unit, grappling on to you and exploding, while the bottom one features the return of the Grineer Sawblade, with a much bigger saw than before (anyone remember those?).
EDIT: these Ghoul enemies, along with two more variants not pictured here, were added into the game with Operation: Ghoul Purge (171221).
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Lastly, we have some concept art of Ballas. Again, this is DE working far into the future, so I don’t expect to see this soon, but they were discussing how they’d like to bring him and possibly other Orokin into the game. This is our first look at what an Orokin actually looks like.
EDIT: Ballas was finally seen in-game, as depicted here, in the quest Apostasy Prologue, added with Update 22.8 (171221).
Hydroid Prime and his weapons, as well as the upcoming glass warframe, were shown here as well, but I won’t put them here because they were covered during TennoLive and in the TennoCon recap on the official website.
After this was audience Q&A. Some of the highlights:
More scarf-like syandanas (as opposed to cape-like?) are coming.
Fan concept warframes are not out of the question.
The Sentient arm-cannon weapon previewed a few DevStreams ago might be linked to the Sentient outpost, and come whenever that rolls out.
Geoff actually designed an in-game manifestation of the Tenno orbiter a couple years ago (!), and even made a docking animation with the landing craft. He was surprised it had never been shown. Rebecca made a note to show it during the next DevStream. Related: the orbiter (they said “Tenno ship”, but I assume that means the orbiter) is probably going to be expanded soon. Sure, there’s the still-locked door downstairs, but more than that, they talked about expanding the size of the orbiter and adding more stuff there. The decoration limit is not likely to go up any time soon, unfortunately, due to performance on low-end rigs when you place as many noggles in your ship as Rebecca has.
(EDIT: the Tenno orbiter was not shown on the next DevStream (170728).)
Sentients are supposed to be the highest-level content in the game, with the upcoming Sentient outposts. Those are where the veterans are supposed to go to test their skills. Not sure why this came up during an art panel.
The Sentient outposts will allow the art team to explore what Sentients other than Hunhow look like. (Right now, all the Sentients we encounter in-game are pieces of Hunhow).
That’s mostly it for the art panel. It was super interesting and a cool look into what’s in store for the future of Warframe. Really looking forward to all of this!
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remusownsmyuwus · 4 years
may I ask for simply some roceit
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Hat theif
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fvcking-orb · 4 years
Would it upset you if I started calling San Diego just Diego? And Berkley just Berk?
Everybody calls San Diego 'Diego unless there's someone named "Diego" in the room.
Berk? Berk? Like How To Train Your Dragon???
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psychologist-virgil · 4 years
(jaws music plays as I approach, pen in hand) -Hyalus
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siren1song · 4 years
That's awesome!!! I'm proud of you for figuring yourself out -H
thanks!!! i didnt know? aroflux and aceflux were a Thing until like twenty minutes ago because i was getting. really confused about how H i was with non platonic affection. and like?? people brought those up! and i went !!! when they were explained!! and im just ahhhhh
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nookisms · 5 years
Z -Hyalus
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Well, considering the fact in Los Pollitos all the Sides except Patton die, I do write it (Although Los Pollitos was a vent fic). I suppose you could consider everyone being dead in Redemption Arc and Virgil being a ghost/zombie pair in Viví y Morí as major character death as well.
I'll read it from time to time but I don't actively pursue it.
Nope! Any character can die, angst is wonderful.
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
How The Hunt For Single Ingredients Is Driving a New Wave of Skincare
The World Wide Web turned 30 earlier this year. When inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee published his proposal for it back in 1989, he couldn’t have predicted that it would open the door to the most popular way to find the answer to just about any question. “I pick up my phone 100 times a day just to Google something,” says Colette Newberry, co-founder of The Inkey List, a U.K.-based skincare brand that launched last year with the goal of removing the smoke and mirrors from beauty marketing.
Providing access to information is what drove Newberry and co-founder Mark Curry—whose career paths crossed at U.K. pharmacy retailer Boots—to develop their 14-piece (and growing) collection of affordable and potent but pared-down products that feature high-quality hero ingredients like squalane and glycolic acid. Its simple packaging and straightforward names (dictionary-style phonetic pronunciation included) highlight the tried-and-true actives inside, rather than hiding them in a made-up product name, so consumers know exactly what they’re buying and what the ingredients can do for their skin. “You don’t need a degree to try our products,” says Newberry of how easily understood their branding is. The company’s website even prominently features a Google-inspired search bar on its home page where you can type in any query—and it doesn’t need to be specific to The Inkey List products.
“These simple formulations not only are easy to understand but also enable the user to know exactly what they are putting on their skin.”
Gone are the days when we could be swayed by rose-scented creams and stories of hope in a jar. Today, beauty consumers aren’t as loyal to brands; they’re a lot more curious—and very discerning. “As the demand for authenticity and radical transparency rises, single ingredient skincare is gaining mass appeal; these simple formulations not only are easy to understand but also enable the user to know exactly what they are putting on their skin,” says Theresa Yee, senior beauty editor at WGSN, who adds that vitamin C, retinol and hyaluronic acid rank high in online-search popularity. In other words, whereas traditional skincare—with ingredient-packed products purporting a host of bene­fits—has been equivalent to keeping multiple tabs open in your browser, the next wave of complexion fixers is all about living that streamlined single-tab life.
Driving this trend, says Yee, is the rise of curious, “skintelligent” millennials. “They are hyper-knowledgeable and more informed than ever before about skincare, and the wealth of information online means they can research ingredients and formulations before they buy.” The late Brandon Truaxe tapped into this new customer mindset when he launched The Ordinary, an ingredient-focused range at prices so low, consumers could test drive full-sized products rather than relying on Sephora VIB samples and beauty box subscriptions. Up until then, consumers had associated cheap prices with poor results, but Truaxe pulled back the curtain to reveal that blue-chip beauty brands were sometimes inflating prices to offset costs from big-budget ad campaigns and celebrity spokespeople at the expense of ingredient quality and percentages.
Photography by Daniel Harrison
The percentage of an active ingredient in a product is something consumers are also paying attention to, which is why some brands are calling that out on their packaging, too. “This is not drugstore-level vitamin C,” says Donna Regii, director of brand and retail strategy, North America, for This Works, of the brand’s new Morning Expert Vitamin C Power Mask. “It’s at this level and formulated in a way that’s going to deliver results. At the end of the day, we need to stand behind our name and [show that we] don’t sprinkle ingredients in.”
In addition to vitamin C, retinol and hyaluronic acid, Canadians have been increasingly searching for ingredients like charcoal, aloe, avocado, coconut oil and collagen, says Shauna Gutoskie, partner lead, beauty, at Google Canada, adding that it has seen skincare ingredient searches grow by 22 per cent year over year. The top trending questions related to those ingredi­ents are generally about quality. For instance, searches for “best vitamin C serum” have increased by 200 per cent. Gutoskie says that Canadian searches for nat­ural skincare ingredients such as avocado are typically driven by a desire to understand the bene­fits, whereas searches for active ingredi­ents like retinol are driven by a desire to understand the safety behind them. “In both cases, people are searching to understand the efficacy of those ingredients,” she says.
Photography by Daniel Harrison
And brands are paying attention, using this information to develop new products. In fact, it makes sense to think of Google as a modern-day focus group for beauty brands; what people are searching for and the questions they are asking give brands insight into what kinds of products they want. “We are the largest database of consumer intention that really exists, and brands are leveraging the information that we have available to help them inform their messaging for products and the types of products they’re creating and putting to market,” says Gutoskie.
Photography by Daniel Harrison
Take L’Oréal Paris’s Revitalift 1.5% Pure Hyaluronic Acid serum, which soared in popularity shortly after hitting shelves earlier this year likely because of its often-Googled namesake. Though the brand places a greater value on what its “dermatologists and clinical experts believe are the best active ingredients” than what might be trending on Google, the ingredients that people are searching for aren’t overlooked, says Elisabeth Bouhadana, global scientific communications director at L’Oréal Paris. “We are living in an era when people are more and more interested in what really works, and it generates lots of conversation on the internet about these active ingredients.”
Photography by Daniel Harrison
Photography by Daniel Harrison
Photography by Daniel Harrison
Single Ingredient Skincare: Hyaluronic Acid
L’Oréal Paris Revitalift 1.5% Pure Hyaluronic Acid ($39) The Inkey List Hyaluronic Acid ($11) La Roche-Posay Hyalu B5 Serum ($49)
Single Ingredient Skincare: Vitamin C
Omorovicza Daily Vitamin C ($210) Tatcha Violet-C Brightening Serum ($110) This Works Morning Expert Vitamin C Power Mask ($60)
Single Ingredient Skincare: Retinol
Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol Cream ($92) Rodial Retinol Drops ($89) Skinceuticals Retinol 0.3 ($72)
The post How The Hunt For Single Ingredients Is Driving a New Wave of Skincare appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
How The Hunt For Single Ingredients Is Driving a New Wave of Skincare published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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