#hypnosis headcanon
fandomrose · 1 month
Sunday - Love Hypnosis
Sunday hypnotises you (consensually) to relax you.
No spoilers.
No description of reader or readers troubles so project what you are personally struggling with as you see fit.
No angst just fluff. I thought this concept would be cute. I've seen many a yandere Sunday hypnotises you, and that's great but consider - consent and fluff.
(This isn't a jab, I too enjoy a yandere fic from time to time but I also want to see fluff and I haven't seen this done in a fluffy way yet.)
I don't know why I'm mildly obsessed with this man but I am. (Cough Cough, I read maximum ride as a kid and now I automatically fall in love with winged characters. Cough Cough.) I need him to hypnotise me please and thank you.
(I have a few fics in the works that I need to finish but I'm struggling.)
As usual enjoy. Love ya 💙
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"Darling?" Came the light and airy tone of your beloved. Though there was a hint of worry in his voice as he took in your face down, slumped form. "Are you alright?"
He could tell very well that you were not alright. But he would coax an answer out of you one way or another. Though the only answer he received was a groan.
"Darling." He sighs but chuckles at your obviously aggravated self. "Allow me to help you." 
Your body goes limp as you let him move you from a sofa to your shared bed. "My darling. Tell me what's gotten into you."
He chuckles as you groan out a single word relating to your issues. "Life."
"Oh, my darling. You'll let me soothe you for the night won't you?" He only felt it was right after the many nights you had soothed him. 
Patient, kind, understanding. Three words that when asked by others what you think about each other, you'd both say about each other. A pure give and take without a scoreboard, that's how you operated. You were both busy or stressed for one reason or another so that's how things had to be.
The simple love you shared was enough most days but sometimes things went wrong.
Sunday had performed hypnosis on you before so he knew it worked but he'd never engage unless you agreed. You knew the question he asked meant he wanted to soothe you via hypnosis, and with the state of your mind you would happily agree. 
"Please do." 
He wouldn't offer if he didn't have the energy you knew this, a rather large argument took care of that when he'd overworked himself then passed out after hypnotising you once and a medic had to be rushed in. Needless to say, you weren't happy with his carelessness. And seeing how upset you were he agreed to be more careful with his health.
You didn't want to think anymore so as you lay there looking up at him with your tired eyes and weary mind, he smiles. He caresses your face and hair before taking a deep breath and reciting that familiar chant.
"Oh triple faced soul, allow me to take hold of this one's mind and soothe them of all worries and burdens. The word Beloved will be the catalyst for control."
With that simple incantation your mind belonged to Sunday for a short while. Your mind felt fuzzy and slow but not unpleasantly, the way it would when you achieved complete relaxation. 
Like he had done before, he would take you through your nightly routine with this hypnosis.
"Beloved, follow me to to the bathroom." He helped you up while your body automatically followed his words and stood up. 
Walking was about the most complex task you could complete, he wasn't Xipe Themself, so his power only went so far. 
"Beloved, lift your arms." 
You do as told and he aids in stripping you, ready to be cleaned. 
"Beloved, sit on this stool and close your eyes." 
You again do as told his voice muffled through the layers of hypnosis, but soothing nonetheless. "I am going to wash your face first darling." He always narrates what he does before doing it as not to startle you.
You felt a cool, wet, cloth glide over your face and you can't help but sigh with satisfaction. You feel it gently caress your cheeks and softly rub your eyes tickle behind your ears. You hear the cloth being rinsed and wrung, the muffled sounds of the water soothing you further.
"I am going to wash your upper body now darling." And, as before, you feel the damp cloth glide over your neck and upper body, letting him move you has he sees fit. Soft humming coming from him lulls you deeper into his hypnosis. The cloth glides down and caresses your chest before moving to wash your back. You'd make sounds of relaxed satisfaction if you could but your exhausted body coupled with the hypnosis has made your brain devoid of any thought or control. Just how you want it. 
He moves back to the front of you with a new cloth. "Beloved, spread your legs, I need to clean you." 
Your body complies without hesitation and that's what he does, making sure to be extra gentle around this sensitive area. He is thorough but doesn't linger long this time, not wanting to spark anything in you this evening.
Standing to switch the cloth again, "I'm going to wash your legs and feet now darling." Still being as gentle as ever his hands and the cloth slowly makes their way down your legs massaging them as they go. A light massage is given to your feet as well before he finishes and pats you dry with a towel before he deems your body clean.
"Beloved, open your mouth wide." 
He orders next, your mind too fuzzy to think of what else could be doing. You hear more water then feel a hand on your chin. "I'm going to brush your teeth darling." Then light scrubbing of your teeth and tongue can be felt, he is thorough with this area too. Not wanting to be the reason you have cavities he takes his time. Not too long later he finishes with you. You can hear things being put away and muffled sounds of him walking around you, maybe inspecting you. Before he stops in front and, 
"Beloved, open your eyes and stand up. Its time to go to bed."
You're led back into the bedroom now that he is satisfied that you are clean. "Beloved, are you ready to sleep?" 
Compelled to answer, you do. "yes"
"Beloved, do you want to sleep with me?"
"Good, let's get to sleep then shall we." 
The sounds of fabric and draws is all you hear for a moment before he guides you into bed with him. 
"Beloved, lay down." 
When he's satisfied you are comfortable You feel his soft skin against yours, the wings on his head lightly brushing your face in reverence before he pulls them back. It isn't often he blesses you with his naked body, the vulnerability gets to him at times. 
Once you've laid down and he's pulled you close he asked one more question.
"Beloved, are you ready to be released from hypnosis?"
As the words leave your lips he begins the incantation to remove his influence on your mind. 
"Oh triple faced soul, this one has completed this ones tasks and can now be freed from the shackles of my control with no burden."
Everything goes still as your senses return slowly, reacclimating you to reality. A few minutes pass of him softly stroking your head and neck while you come back to him.
"Thank you Sunday" a soft whisper conveying how grateful you are before you promptly pass out the exhaustion and relaxation hitting you full force as you melt into the bed and his arms.
"Oh my beloved, I'd do anything to see you happy and relaxed like this more often. I am grateful for all you do for me so it's only natural. I love you, so much my beloved."
He whispers to your sleeping self, pressing small kisses to your forehead, cheeks and nose. Watching the small twitches at the contact makes his evening and he feels like he too can finally relax.
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oodlesofowls · 4 months
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Happy aro week y’all!!!!
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discotenny · 7 months
Sleeping Positions (hypmic)
Their favorite ways to fall asleep with you <3
Everyone (-Rei) x reader, fluff, mentions of nightmares in some drabbles
Buster Bros
Ichi likes feeling like he’s protecting you. He loves being the big spoon, holding you from behind with his arms wrapped around you tightly. And he’s so strong too so just dndnmmmmdmn. His arms are sturdy and secure- while his face is squishy and soft. When you nap on the couch together, he’ll zip up his jacket with both if you inside so you’re nice and snuggly, together.
On a cold winters day, this was his favorite. His brothers were out for the evening and it was just you and him alone- cuddling sleepily on his sofa. The two of you huddled into his jacket, a silly yet familiar position. Like a sack of potatoes, there’s little the two of you can do other than flop down sideways.
His head finds its natural place on top of your head as he starts to doze off. Ichiro mumbles words of love in his cozy delirium and kisses your head all around to the best of his ability.
“Ah…” Ichi lets out a loving sigh, “perfect. You’re perfect. I love you.”
Jiro loves laying down in your lap. It’s the optimal position to be in when procrastinating on work, trying to cool down on hot days, and to stare at you of course! He sneaks in admiral peeks while pretending to be asleep. He’s not very subtle about it, not that you mind though. Please play with his hair though, he’d fall asleep immediately if you started doing that while he was in your lap.
A hot summer day warranted this situation, Jiro justified. “Babe please I just need a break!!” He whined as he wiggled his head into your lap- desperate to escape the study session you surprised him with(you told him it was a date).
Also hot and exhausted, you reluctantly sighed and brought a hand to his hair, ruffling it slightly as you looked down at your notebook. “Just ten minutes though, ‘kay baby?”
Nodding enthusiastically Jiro closed his eyes and relaxed, “Yep, yep, just fifteen~”
He would end up napping for twenty.
Saburo loves sleepovers! Through video calls, of course. He’d never let anyone know this, but he falls asleep with you on call basically every night. He props his phone to face himself and feels giddy every time he gets to sleep looking at you. Saburo’s already on video call with you practically the entire day, so why not the entire night too?
Saburo fixes his sheets as he places his phone on his desk, facing the camera towards his form. “Are you ready to sleep yet?” He calls from behind him. From the phone you give a light hum in acknowledgment. Already snuggled in your bed, you wait for your boyfriend to finish his tasks.
Once he is done the lights turn off and he brings his phone closer to his face. Sleep lines his voice as he speaks through a yawn, “Make sure to set your alarm for tomorrow y/n.”
He’s only met with your snores as a reply. Smiling to himself, he fights the tiredness and sets an alarm on his phone for the both of you.
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki’s favorite sleeping position isn’t something he goes to subconsciously. Going to bed he swears up and down he needs his space cause he overheats. But through the night, a hand finds its way to yours. An arm finds a comfortable place under your head. And slowly but surely, Samatoki unknowingly nudges you closer and closer to his chest. Maybe it’s remnants of the desperation not to lose another one important to him, but who really knows.
He wakes up and there’s something on his chest. Opening his eyes, he's confused because he doesn't remember getting a cat. Patting around, his hand accidentally smacks your face and you awake with a jolt. "What the-" You roll off his chest unceremoniously and glare at him. "What was that for Toki?"
"H-HUH?!" Samatoki scoots away at your angry glare. "What were you one me for- ow?!"
You smack him in the chest for that. "You bring me to you every night asshole! Why are you surprised?!" His only reply is an annoyed grumble at a truth he can't deny.
Jyuto adores being able to fall asleep on your shoulder. Being the type of person he is, he tends to have his guard up a lot. But falling asleep on you, giving up his defenses and showing off pure vulnerability- it’s an expression of his trust to you. It shows just how much of himself he’s willing to show you just because he loves you so much more.
You and Jyuto sit in the back of Rio's car, driving to a far away destination unbeknownst to you. Jyuto said he needed you to come for emotional support- but maybe it was just so he could have a comfortable pillow to sleep on during the ride.
Already fully asleep on your shoulder, drool threatens to drip from his lips and onto your clothes. He lets out loud snores that tests everyone's patience each time.
After one particularly loud SNNRRRRRR, Samatoki has enough and screams in frustration. Through your fits of laughter, Jyuto wakes up, letting out a delirious "what" at the glares of his teammate.
Rio prefers it when you sleep on him. He feels the most comfortable when he’s protecting you. The most relaxed when he knows you’re safe. And when you’re sleeping, when you’re at your most vulnerable, he likes keeping an eye out for you in those moments. He may not be sleeping then but keeping you safe will always be his favorite thing ever.
You’re drooling on him but he doesn’t mind. An arm wraps around your shoulder, keeping you pressed tight against him in slumber.
There’s a warm feeling that finds itself comfortably in his chest as he watches you. Your chest rises up and down with each breath, your head bobs slowly with every soft sound you make, Rio can’t help himself but give you a little kiss on your head.
“AH-“ you awake at the startling contact, clocking your boyfriend in the jaw with your head, causing him to let out a monotone “ow-“
Fling Posse
Ramuda sleeps in the fetal position. Curled up into a ball. He feels the safest when you’re surrounding him though. Holding him through the night, keeping him grounded, securing him to your love. Alas, Ramuda is a little spoon. When you hold him at night he’ll cuddle into your chest, loving the way your touch is all he senses, your scent is all he smells, your face is all he sees, and your love is all he feels.
Ramuda's ahoge seemingly targets your nose with tickles. Back and forth movements, it doesn’t seem to keep still. Almost like it has a mind of its own, you scrunch up your nose but never manage to get away.
Sentient ahoge aside, Ramuda himself is curled into you. It’s so innocent the way he does it, you could cry. Soft breathing can be heard coming from his nose. Sometime during the night a piece of your pajama shirt found its way into his mouth, and he chews on it slowly. His drool makes a wet spot on your shirt but the way his lips purse out alongside his chubby cheeks just make you want to squish him.
And so you do, and that wakes him up with a whine. Kneading his cheeks and kissing his face, his complaints turn into gasps and his gasps turn into him doing the same.
“I have such a sweet partner, don’t I?” Ramuda says before climbing on top of you, sentient ahoge tickling your ear as he snuggled into your neck.
Gentaro loves to be snuggled up next to you. All over you in fact. He naturally runs cold and especially in his sleep he subconsciously searches out the most comforting source of warmth. Gentaro’s almost overwhelming in how much cuddling he wants to do. Tangling legs together, cold hands up your back and on your stomach, and he teases you all the while!! He’s super annoying with it SMH
A cold finger swipes itself down your spine and you have to hold yourself back from throwing your boyfriend off you. “Gen! Why would you do that!” you whine at his giggles to your shock.
With a kiss to your neck, you feel him smirk. “Why, I didn’t do anything darling. Maybe it was the ghost that haunts the Yumeno residence halls. Do not worry! I will protect you dear~” He presses himself closer to you before allowing another cold finger to tickle your stomach.
“Keep that up and you’re gonna be the next ghost to haunt these halls, Gen,” your threat makes him pout as he sighs against your neck in defeat.
“My darling threatens me even in the face of the absurd and paranormal, life is cruel in many many ways I’m afraid….” Pinch his cheeks, will you? It’s the only way to get him to stop.
Dice is used to falling asleep in any position he finds himself in at the night. He's not particularly picky nor does he really have favorites. Feel free to maneuver his body anyway that you like for your comfort. He’s like a rag doll that you can move any which way. He sleeps like a log and won't even wake up if you kick him in the face LOL
You wake up to use the bathroom and almost scream at the feeling of your leg behind held in someone’s arms. Scared half to death, you kick the source but receive no response. In a familiar sense of deja vu, your mind is barely there to check under the sheets for the source of the hold. Of course, you find it.
For some reason, your wonderful partner Dice managed to maneuver himself to be upside down in the middle of the night. With his feet at your pillows, Dice found himself cuddling the closest source of you to him, your leg.
You rub his face a bit to make sure you didn’t hurt him. He leans into your warm touch uncontrollably, a smile falling upon his cheeks. A pleased sound leaves his chest as he snuggles up to your hand.
Then, you’re left with two options. One, go upside down as well to cuddle with your partner. Or two, let Dice continue cuddling with your foot. The choice is up to you~~~
Jakurai loves holding your hand in your sleep. He’ll let you cuddle into him if you’d prefer so, of course, but something about being connected through your hands makes him feel warm. He often stays up later than you do so he likes to squeeze your hand while you sleep. His heart feels funny when you subconsciously sleeps back. Bonus! He likes your natural expression as you fall asleep and doesn’t want to disturb that by whatever movement close contact brings.
Jakurai’s slender fingers tap along your knuckles in a rhythm. Tip tap tip tap. As he reads his book, a title focused on the human psychology, you stay beside him, snoring into a pillow already fast asleep. Tip tap tip tap.
The clock ticks away as the seconds pass by. Tick tock tick tock. As he gets to the last page, a satisfied smile comes onto his face, pleased at finishing his book. Tick tock tick tock.
However- the silence of tips and ticks and taps and tocks is interrupted by a gasp in your sleep, Jakurai immediately alerting at the sound. You grasp his hand tightly in your sleep and lean into the touch. Jakurai brings his free hand to your cheek, stroking it with the softest touch a human could muster.
Your face morphs into a smile, and the room again fills with the sounds of tip taps and tick tocks. “Good night, angel,” Jakurai says with a whisper.
Hifumi sleeps on top of you. Like legit on top of you. He subconsciously rolls over on you in his sleep and there’s nothing you can do about it. He’s heavy and you can’t push him off- but with the smile on his face and the way he smells so good- do you really wanna move? Yes. You do. Cause you’re desperately thirsty and Hifumi refuses to move until morning.
It’s 3 AM and you’re not sleepy at all. You woke up earlier from a dream and was incredibly thirsty. Lucky for you- your partner always keeps two glasses of water, one for each of you, beside the bed for situations just like this.
If only you could reach it.
Hifumi lays starfished on top of you. His cheek presses to your neck, his arm encapsulates yours, and his legs are twisted to be one with yours. Overall- he’s immovable. Desperate for a sip of what sounds like the most refreshing drink in the world, you try to pry your partner off of you bit by bit.
And it works, surprisingly. Your arm manages to roll his off of you. You somehow get his legs to swing to the side. However, once you try and move your head, trying to propel your body sideways- Hifumi’s unconscious body stumbles back onto yours unceremoniously.
And it’s even heavier this time! Your hand motions for the water, so, so needy but to no avail.
If you’re desperate enough, call Doppo in to help you. He’s definitely still awake.
An arm under your back or one over your shoulder- Doppo loves cuddling to sleep. With him there is no big spoon or little spoon, it’s just whatever position gets the two of you in as much skin to skin contact as possible. He loves indulging in everything you have to offer- whether it be your warmth or all your love. Doppo loves kissing whatever space he can access- wanting to show just how much he missed you during his workday.
Tears stream down his face and sniffles fill the quietness of the room. His arms are curled around you, and yours do the same to him. Doppo tries his best not to let the tears fall onto you, but all worries of that are whisked away as you bring his head to rest in the crook of your neck.
The stress of his work day culminated to a bed time breakdown- where the one moment he had to rest and relax was taken over by all the shit piling up from the day.
He’s regretful, guilty that you’re taking time out of your night to comfort him like this. Quiet “shhhs” and soft pats to his back soothe him ever so slowly- the guilt being overtaken by his focus on your presence.
Doppo tries to wipe his tears but you beat him to it- kissing his under eyes to his shock and awe.
“It’s gonna be alright baby,” you muse, “just go to sleep.”
Your words make him feel 100% better and make him squeeze you 100% tighter.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko will ALWAYS sleep on your chest no matter what. Not in any perverted way- but he loves listening to your heartbeat and refuses to fall asleep without it. He calls it his personal white noise (yuck!!). Kuko holds you tight as he rests on you- not allowing you to escape or push him off lol. It gets really annoying when he tries to take a nap on you cause he’s just dragging you down with him. AND HE DROOLS TOO!!!
“Kuko get off me I have to piss,” you say, your palms moving to his cheeks as you try to shove him off your chest.
The action only makes him burrow his head deeper into you, hair moving wildly with the movements. “Nope, I’m sleepy baby, so ya’ gotta stay here,”
“Well I have to piss so you have to move!” You start to squirm, moving your body every which way as an attempt to get your clingy partner off.
Through your wiggles, Kuko lets out an obnoxiously loud snore, muffled by your clothes. Your further attempts to shove him off are to no avail as his grip remains unmoving. With a sigh, you turn to your final choice.
“Kuko if you don’t get off I’m dragging you to the toilet with me.”
With no grumble let our, Kuko lets you go almost immediately.
Jyushi’s too cute guys 😭😭😭 HE KOALA HUGS!!! He clings to you like a koala at night, arms and legs wrapped around you. His head is on your chest and he lets out the softest noises it’s kndjdnfkfndkkdk. Be warned, if you decide you need to get up for whatever reason he’ll let you go but start subconsciously pat around the bed looking for you
Coming home late due to being forced to work (unpaid) overtime, you expected your partner to fall asleep without you.
What you didn’t expect was to see him squirming around, snoring while his arms pat down your side of the bed, twisting turning and somehow frowning when he reaches an empty spot of mattress.
A nightmare? You’d rather not entertain the thought, but the small whimpers he lets out indicate otherwise. With a frown of your own you place a hand on his head, patting it to hopefully calm him in his slumber.
What you also didn’t expect was for Jyushi to throw his unconscious body into your lap, snuggling up to you with concealed strength. His whimpers turn to happy hums- and part of you is left to wonder if he was even fully asleep at all…
Arm around your shoulder holding you tight- what a classic guy! lol. He's not the type to initiate cuddling but he does like having you close at night. Throw an arm around his chest why don't you- it'll make him flustered ehehe. Hitoya snores LOUD though guys, be careful!
“Mmmm, you smell good ‘Toya,” you say, cuddling into his broad chest.
You feel the vibrations of fluster rise up, hearing your partner stammer as his hands raise in defense and surprise. “W-why’d you say that huh?”
The reaction only causes you to snuggle deeper, and to hold his hand to bring it back to your shoulder (where it belongs). “Cuz it’s true,” you say with smugness lacing your tone.
You don’t even need to hear the mumbles that come from his mouth, the rising heartbeat from his chest says everything about his reaction and more.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara loves cuddling at night ugh! He's a big spoon, holding you with strong arms and burying his head in your hair. He has nightmares at night and he swears cuddling you is the only way to make them go away. Buuuut, Sasara is a bit annoying because he tries to tickle you sometimes. A quick jab to his stomach puts a stop to that though LOL.
It’s a stormy night and Sasara Nurude cannot sleep. Every flash of lightning brings back painful memories and cruel “what ifs.” Every clap of thunder makes him hold you tighter in his arms.
Unlike him, you were fast asleep. He preferred it this way, at the very least he knew you were safe and that you couldn’t go anywhere. Your soft snores are his only lifeline as he winces at the shadows of trees knocking at the window.
It’s hard to breathe but he tries to slowly sync his panicked breaths with your relaxed ones. It’s hard to think but he focuses his mind on the amazing memories the two of you shared. He starts to feel disconnected from his body and all of a sudden it feels like you aren’t in his arms anymore.
His eyes open and he can’t see anything. His breath picks up. His mind starts to race. He starts to squeeze his arms around himself until he can feel anything but just him.
“Mnhmmm, Sasara,” through tired deliriousness you go to pinch your lover’s cheek.
“Yer squeezing the life out of me baby,” you let go of his face and move to hold his hands, already dozing back off to the dream you had prior. “It’s gonna be alright, just focus on me.”
“R-right, it’s gonna be alright.” He turns his gaze away from the window, he closes his ears off from the storm, and his body focuses back on protecting you. At least, as long as he’s with you, he can start to feel like everything’s alright in the world.
Rosho wants to fall asleep holding your face. His hands hold you so gently it's like another pillow in of itself. You're the light of his life, the shining star in his world, everything that makes waking up worth it. He likes knowing you’re going to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up and vice versa.
His hands are dirty, you note to yourself. There’s graphite stains that outline his fingerprints, pen ink under his nails, and you’re pretty sure that paper cut next to his wedding ring is going to get infected if you don’t put a bandage on it soon.
You have to stop his hand from touching your cheeks and the devastated look he gives you makes you want to die.
“You need to clean your hands before we go to bed.”
The blank look of confusion he gives you would almost be funny if it wasn’t about something so serious. “My hands aren’t dirty-“
“Have you looked at them?!” You start to rub the places that have marks, pointing them out and rambling about needing to take care of himself even after grading so many papers.
“And look right here! Why is there green pen ink on the side of your nail? We don’t even own green pens- seriously you’re going to get color all over me and the sheets- are you even listening to me?”
There’s a light fluster on his cheeks as he stares down at your hand touching his. The way your soft fingers rub against his own, how your chiding voice contrasts against the tenderness of your actions. The question you ask makes him cough and light up even more.
“Ah- I- Sorry- I-“ Yeah no. He can’t really give a good excuse to the blush on his face.
Beefy post yet again!!! Please give me your thoughts on this I worked real hard >,<
Some of the drabbles gave me more trouble than others, like I was really stuck on Doppo’s for like a week LOL. I hope you enjoyed it though, imagining all these sweet soft moments makes me feel warm.
Currently also working on Akechi’s part to “lost you once” and it’s looking to be one of the longer fics I’ve written 😳😳😳
N E WAYS!!! I’ll see you guys later! Have a good day/night/afternoon, W HT EVER ‼️🥶🫵
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after-beat-discover · 13 days
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guiraguira · 8 months
The Hypmic boys when you fill their face with kisses.
💜 They automatically abandon what they are doing and surrender to you. If you hold their faces with both hands when spreading kisses they will close their eyes and put the weight of their head in your hands while laughing softly: Rio - Gentaro - Jakurai - Hitoya
💜 They will smile arrogantly while you give them kisses, allowing you to do what you want but without interrupting their task, if there is somewhere you can't reach they will bend over so you don't have problems. They love to be the center of your attention: Samatoki - Jyuto - Kuko - Rei
💜 You only manage to fill them with kisses for a few brief moments, their eyes focus on yours when you start and they quickly turn the situation around, you being the one covered by kisses, they long to return the same warmth that you give them: Ramuda - Hifumi - Sasara - Dice
❤️ The moment they realize what you intend to do, they begin to scream in embarrassment, trying to cover their blushing face. They don't want you to stop but the feeling of your lips repeatedly on them is too stimulating: Ichiro - Doppo - Jyushi - Rosho
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something-various · 19 days
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gthswrld · 10 months
Before this summer ends I NEED to share my beach headcanons of Fling Posse with you guys
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guiraguira · 1 year
The hypmic guys sleeping with you.
💜 They hug you all night without moving an inch, with their chest on your back and burying their nose in your hair: Rio, Jakurai, Gentaro, Ichiro, Rosho
💜 They sleep on their backs and it is you who rests your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat: Samatoki, Jyuto, Kuko, Rei, Hitoya
❤️ They need you to hold them all night and pat them gently on the back until they fall asleep on your chest: Doppo, Dice, Jyushi, (Saburo)
💜 It's impossible for them to stay still, they both change positions all the time and end up awkwardly with their arms and legs mixed together: Hifumi, Ramuda, Sasara, (Jiro)
Regardless of where I put them, I think Ichiro, Rosho, and Hifumi also really enjoy it if you let them sleep on your chest while you pat them gently.
(Actually, I feel a strong need to serve as a pillow to any of the hypmic guys)
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discotenny · 5 months
I saw this yumejo tweet once that just made me go oh.
the idea of you being your f/o's comfort character....
like imagine. you are just a fictional character they happened to find and took comfort in.. you make them imagine a better, cozier life where they feel loved.. ramuda secretly takes little photos with an acryl stand of you at the cafes he tours or sasara keeps your keychain in his pocket for good luck and gives it a kiss before his shows, uhhhh toki always watches your show to power up before beating someone up- LMAO idk but rightttt??
Honestly, I feel like Ichiro would be the most obvious with his fanatics. He's already been shown in canon to be an unabashed anime / manga fan so can u imagine how he'd act towards you??!?!?!
Ichi has a binder full of prints for your official art that he keeps in the Odd Jobs Yamada office. He looks at it in downtimes, kicking his feet and squealing as he stares. Ichi also scours second hand sites to try and get merch for cheaper than official. He owns pins, stickers, plushies, and SO, SO MANY KEYCHAINS.
He honestly is the one most likely to write/read fan fiction too LMAO. Shipfic, platonic fics, reader insert- it doesn't matter. Don't tell his brothers, they'd be absolutely mortified.
Ramuda secretly runs one of those Twitter accounts that take pictures of their mochis/nuis in different irl settings!!! He MAKES little outfits for a nui of you and is so proud of all of them.
For every little cafe he goes to he always makes sure to take a pic that implies cute little nui of you is the one that just demolished 3 pieces of cake.
In the times where Ramu was still working with Chuuoku, he'd pull your nui out of his pocket and talk to you while he's scheming ;_; He has the image in his mind that you're the only one that would ever accept him as he is.
But my favorite image of this ask has to be DOPPO!! DOPPO!!! DOPPOOO !!! I saw this image once of ties that have anime charas in the inside and I think it's so silly to imagine Doppo has one of those of you AHAHAHA.
Doppo can't have personal items on his desk at work, so aside from his tie he has a little keychain of you tied to his bag :C Whenever he gets in his real shitty moods Doppo holds onto it and just mutters mutters mutters.
Since Doppo is the chara that speaks the most of his personal life / inner thoughts in his raps- imagine that he frequently mentions you in his verses and ship art of you and Doppo starts floating around in the Matenro fandom LOL. He'd be so embarrassed but he'd secretly love it.
Dice keeps a mochi of you in his pocket at all times, calling it his personal good luck charm. Whenever he's gambling he squishes it real hard and always has to apologize to it after.
Saburo is the most embarrassed about having a comfort character. The most obvious he is about it is having you as his desktop background but other than that he is too embarrassed to go out and buy merch. Ichiro buys him a lil plush of you for his birthday and he starts to cryyyyy.
Hitoya keeps an acrylic standee of you on his office desk but he faces it towards his clients LMAO. He comes across as so unserious.
jkaiofeawfewa this was such a good concept omggegwargew
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seangelfish · 3 months
Is this the request spot? If yes I'd like to request an nsfw-fluff hc of how Ichiro, Kuko, and Jakurai would please their partner in bed (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you don't mind it (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
This is actually my first time requesting so I'm kinda nervous 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
A/N: Anon, I'm so sorry for the wait! I hope you're still around to read this! ;-; Thank you for requesting! I hope everyone enjoys!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ♡
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Featured characters: Ichiro Yamada, Kuko Harai, Jakurai Jinguji
♡ Tags: NSFW headcanons, established relationships (separate), romance, gn!reader (no mention of pronouns)
♡ Word count: 186 (Ichiro), 191 (Kuko), 193 Jakurai
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! NSFW below the cut. Please proceed with caution.
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Ichiro is the definition of basic, but he is willing to try out new things if that's what his partner wants. He might end up liking these new positions.
But to please you, Ichiro likes missionary more than anything else. He likes seeing you squirm below him as you beg him for more. You look so pretty, the faces you make turn him on even more. Plus, he's able to kiss you like this, and whisper praises in your ear. It's just so intimate that he wants sex with you to be like.
He also enjoys it when you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs locking him closer to you as he thrusts even deeper inside. He knows he's doing a good job when you start pulling his hair too, leaving bright red scratches on his back.
Other times, he may just eat you out. He likes being praised too! So, when he goes down between your legs, he likes it when you grip his hair, moaning sweet nothings to him as you arch your back to feel his tongue deeper inside you.
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Kuko is open to many things as long as it feels good, so let him experiment! Like Ichiro, he is willing to do whatever his partner wants, but he does have his limits so don't go asking him for things he definitely won't like!
The main positions he puts you in are probably doggy or flatiron. He loves the sound of his pelvis smacking your ass and your cries for him to go slower. This is also the perfect position to have you pinned down as his cock pounds you repeatedly.
On top of that, he loves painting his cum on your back. To him, it's like a reward, to see your usual clean self so messed up, your fingers gripped onto the bedsheets as you groan into the pillow. He finds you particularly cute in that moment – although you're always so cute to him.
Sometimes, he'd just finger you. He's not often horny considering the fact he is a monk. But at times when you're so needy – so annoying – then he'll have to listen to your word. And anyway, you always end up so giddy that it makes him laugh.
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Jakurai is a man who probably doesn't think about sex often, but he would do it for his partner. Whatever you want, he will do. He cares more about your pleasure than his own, but it's still a win-win situation as he's able to enjoy the time spent together too.
He prefers missionary, but he also likes spooning too. The times you two have sex are usually at night just before bed, when the two of you are back from work.
The way he moves his cock in and out of you is slow. Jakurai takes his time as slow sex feels more sensual for both of you. It's also very intimate as making out with him is slow too.
However, if you do want to go faster, then he will. After all, he does like hearing you moan and pant for him as drool drips down from the side of your mouth.
Spooning lets him fondle your breasts from behind, his head buried in the crook of your neck as he plants careful kisses here and there.
Sex is just so soft with Jakurai as he treats you like a delicate flower.
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Intro page | Hypnosis Mic masterlist | Requests rules
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
so i said in the last ask that i had some head canons. and i wrote one out. it ended up being a lot longer then it was meant to be but here is it. (also im not the best at writing, having dyslexia sucks so sorry if it sounds a bit off or anything.) hope you like it :)
Case has a secret room in his lab/office. 
This room is hidden behind a bookshelf, and to open it you need to pull on a certain book and the middle shelf moves to the side, like the secret doors in movies. 
Once the shelf moves you're greeted with a long dark hallway. No light. No sound. It's all pretty scary and spooky until you reach a big metal door with a complex lock on it. Your first thought is that it's just another room filled with experiments and computers. Or maybe something darker. That's why it's so hidden.  
But if you somehow manage to unlock the door (or it was left open) then…
The first thing to catch your eyes is a big fancy old shiny gramophone sitting on a dark red-wood cabinet with records stored neatly underneath it. Above the gramophone is a photo of Case, his brother and queen, in a golden frame to match the horn of the gramophone. Under your feet in front of the door is a little dark red doormat. It looks pretty old.
The left side of the room is full of sewing equipment. Everything is neatly laid out. There is a big table in the middle with an industrial grade sewing machine mounted to it. Near the table is one of those fancy expensive mannequins with a half finished project pinned up on it. 
Against the wall just next to the door is a small desk with a big pin board hanging on the wall above. The pin board is covered in photos, patterns, little sketches of coats and corsets, a few buttons and gems on it too along with some scraps of fabric and post it notes. 
On the desk there’s a notebook with a hand made pattern next to it, as well as a little cup holder with pens, pencils and chalk. Next to that is a tiny annoying dog shaped pin cushion and a little box filled with sewing needles and more pins. You can never have too many pins. 
Sitting just under the desk is a little red stool on wheels. 
Around the room, and under the big table there are boxes and containers. You can't see inside them. it must just be storage. On top of one of the containers is an older looking sewing machine and an over-locker. 
The walls are lined with shelves filled with big rolls of all different types and colours of materials and fabrics. 
At the far corner of the room there’s a set of drawers that matches the red-wood cabinet of the gramophone with golden handles and trimming. On top of the cabinet is a lamp and an empty wine glass. 
Next to that cabinet is a big rack of clothes, That are all mostly the same colours that Case likes to wear, that being red and silvery shiny grey. Most of the clothes are corsets or have some kind of corset built into them.
The other side of the well lit room is mostly empty. This is when you notice the fact that the floor of this secret room is wooden. It’s a nice change from the cold tiled ground of the lab. 
The only thing in this half of the room is a big dark red well loved comfy looking armchair with a little grey pillow sitting on it. In front of the armchair sits a matching ottoman. On the back wall of the room, near the armchair is a small window covered by some dark red curtains that match the red doormat. 
Just next to the armchair is a wine rack filled with fancy bottles of fine wine. The top of the rack acts as a table and has a few wine glasses resting on it. The glasses look pretty fancy and expensive, one has a golden handle and a few others are made of clear crystal with ornate patterns and designs in them. 
You overheard something about Case liking to dance. Perhaps this big open space is where he practices. 
The only other thought that crosses your mind is why keep all of this hidden? (the answer to that is this as the only other room big enough that would fit the big sewing table and the armchair.) 
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You shouldn't enter rooms you weren't invited to~
Damn, you went in-depth about his stuff! But it's all rather fitting for him, very fancy. Nice work!
I really love the last bit because, yes x'D Case doesn't hide away his corsets, sewing machines, designs, gramophone and records. He's too proud of these things. Just cozy at home, away from the lab in Waterfalls and prying eyes.
Megalosomnia belongs to @megalommi~
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annaberunoyume · 3 months
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If Lucifer Morningstar was accidently hypnotized into being a dog (headcanons):
A very bubbly puppy. But surprisingly anxious. Will get attached to the hypnotist to the point of whimpering when they try to change rooms.
Alastor will certainly dress him like a poodle and teach him tricks. Angel Dust got his phone confisquated after that.
Will play-fight with Nifty. You only pull them apart when it gets too nearly bloody.
Will activate his wings by mistake, but lack the control of them, which led to a climbing session to gently coax him back down.
"Come on, calm down, Lucifer...Ok? Just follow Husk's lead..."
He had to be thoroughly petted after that.
But Lucifer is quite affectionnate when sleepy.
Will whimper as he curls up your lap.
Just stroke his golden locks with shushing sounds or some humming and he will be out to dreamland in a jiffy.
Lucifer seems not to recongnize Charlie as a puppy. But he will follow her around like a happy child and be protective of her, especially around Alastor (Snaaaarl!)
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ariellewm · 8 months
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Prince Czar Agskaga: Hypnosis Headcanon
Authors Note:
!! Warning !! If you are uncomfortable with Naga's, snakes, hypnosis, coiling, etc this may not be for you.
My Naga character is also consensual when it comes to using his ability. I figured I would try out showcasing what his hypnosis is like as I've never written anything like this out before.
Prince Czar Agskaga profile can be found HERE for a more descriptive idea of what he looks like.
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Czar is the kind of Naga that does not overwhelm those he puts under his hypnotic gaze. He is consensual on the matter in helping others with sleeping, stress, anxiety, etc. He isn't like the other Naga's/Nagi's that possess the person as Czar is uncomfortable doing such a thing.
He likes to get to know the female sapien (human) he finds he fancies. Czar will bring them his special Amber Lily tea, serve them like the gentleman (or gentle serpent) he is.
He'll give you nicknames, ones that will keep you blushing. Dear, darling, sweet thing, angel, precious, vixen, princess (even if they aren't one), etc. Czar amuses himself by your cute expressions as he teases you by those names.
He understands there are some that are uneasy about their kind. He'll try his best to make them comfortable around him.
And he can definitely tell when someone is in distress or exhausted. Dark circles under their eyes, unbalanced stance, the dizziness. He'll call you out (not in a rude way of course).
"My dear, you look ssso tired. Have you been getting enough sssleep?"
That deep, sultry voice of his along with his charms can easily get to you. The topic in helping you bring solace to your troubles with the power of a Naga's hypnosis comes up. He'll ask, consensually, if you're willing to try it to help you relax and give you the rest you need.
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If you aren't afraid of his black and red, golden saddle pattern coils, he will definitely use them. Naga's have heavy coils, therefore, he tries to limit how much of his body to put on you.
He'll start from the bottom. Sliding over your legs, gently coiling around the calves, thighs, hips and waist. Your arms are free, but he'll ask if you want to be completely coiled. If so, the arms are tucked in, his tail gliding over your chest and shoulders. The end of his tail will either rest loosely around the neck or perhaps pet/brush your hair back.
The coolness of his scales relaxes the body, tingling your stiff muscles. He doesn't like coiling too tightly. Just lightly squeezing and releasing, enabling you to still breathe properly.
Sometimes the Naga Prince will massage their shoulders, neck, and especially the temples. It's the easiest way to get anyone to deeply relax. He'll chuckle at your dazed expression as he massages your temples and cheeks.
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His eyes will slowly become aglow as he continues to coil you. You look deeply into his lovely crimson, ruby like eyes. You see fire. A gentle roaring fire dances before you...
"That'sss it...look deeper into the fire. Relaxxx, let your mind become blank." He purrs, brushing a strain of your hair behind your ear.
Shyly you attempt to turn away to only have him bring your attention back to his gaze. "My dear, don't look away from me now *chuckles with a hiss*."
Czar will continue to massage that stiff shoulder of yours, rub your temples in pleasant soothing circles. He'll softly squeeze you, bringing his hands (or the tip of his tail) to lift that sweet chin of yours, preventing you from looking away.
He'll tease you with words, hissing into your ears. "Awww, how adorable. Wasss that a yawn just now? *Chuckle* Sssuch lovely eyesss you have."
Your mind will start to become blank. Your body is more relaxed than it's ever been. You can't look away from the dancing glowing fire before you. A satisfying sigh escapes as you melt into his comforting coils of his.
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He won't leave you alone once you're completely under the hypnosis. Oh no he absolutely would hate that. Leaving such a beautiful angel in the coils of a Naga dazed and alone...no that won't do.
Czar will tell you stories, stories of old and myth. He has much knowledge about Zarth and his ancestors he'll gladly tell. Perhaps Czar will continue with his studies about The Crystals of Peace or read a book. Looking over the Naga will check on you, squeeze you in a tender manner while you remain hypnotized and comfortable.
At random times Czar will ask his relaxed angel a favor. Maybe he'll make you grab a book he's been seeking from the grand library, bring him sweets (he did this quite a bit as a teen back at the Amber Palace), or bring forth a person of interest.
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If he is helping someone fall asleep, his hypnosis will go even deeper.
His glowing eyes dance even more. Czar will soothe you, shush you if you try to speak. "No more talk, darling. Only ressst." His cool tail brushes over your dazed face. Teasing words from that deep voice of his. Sometimes he'll even hum you a song, bringing you ever so deeper into slumber.
"Ssso soft and warm under my coilsss. *Chuckles* Oh? *Hiss* Do I see a blusssh forming? Perhapsss I ssshould kisssss it better, my dear?"
Czar will kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your brow (never on the lips) to bring you deeper and deeper.
Your eyes will begin to have a very hard time staying open. His rubbing on those temples of yours, that deep echoey tone in his voice that seemed to surround you.
"Sssleep, my dear. You dessserve thisss ressst. Sssleep, and dream. Sssleep, and ressst. I ssshall wake you in a while."
Your fluttering eyes shut at the sound of his gentle words. Deep sleep taking over you. Sleeping in tranquility and comfort of the Naga Prince.
And again he won't leave you alone as you slumber. Most likely Czar will take a nap next to you as well or perhaps continue reading his books.
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You'll either find yourself back in your quarters or loosely coiled by the Naga Prince. Refreshed, you feel like you can take on the day with the amount of good sleep you've gotten from His Illustrious Eminence.
Czar asks if you've gotten enough sleep or how you are feeling. Czar, being the teasing snake he is, will stop you from leaving...coiling your ankle before letting you go. Or perhaps you'd like to go through the process all over again, which he wouldn't mind (if he didn't have royal duties to perform or study).
Artwork of Czar Agskaga done by @wyyvernn
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palesublimeduck · 7 months
His VAs are everywhere
Just one scene of Odin acting like this in ROR. JUST ONE 🙏😭
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godsmenusuperbowl · 6 days
3RACHA in Hypnosis Mic
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Summary: Brainrot head canons of Stray Kids in the anime and music project Hypnosis Mic. Trust me on this, you're going to want to read this.
Pairing: N/A
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 1237
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine @kpop-will-kill-me
A/N: Purely self-indulgent, but c'mon, you can see it too right?
First and foremost, Chris is the leader of course
And he is the one who put this trio together
Obviously he loves rapping, but he also he hates the way the Party of Words operates
Everyone is equal in his eyes
And he really hammers home that sentiment in his raps
However, to be invited to the rap battles in Chuohku, he needs two more people
And that's where Changbin and Jisung come in
Jisung is obviously the perfect candidate because he's a scrappy, young punk who's pretty anti-establishment
You can find him spray painting on walls and starting rap battles with anyone who looks at him wrong
Changbin is his partner in crime
He may not be getting into all of the same trouble as him, but he is still doing things he shouldn't
He tends to be Jisung's look out or distraction when the Party of Words officers are around
It was during one of Jisung's many vandalism schemes that the team finally comes together
They're running from some officers when they quite literally ran into Chris
The officers are asking Chris to hand them over, but he tells them he'll handle his employees his own way as their boss
This gets them to back off, leaving the three of them alone.
While Changbin is gracious for the help, Jisung wants to get out of there and lay low until the heat is off them
Obviously, that's not going to happen, now that Chris just vouched for him
He asks them to gather everything they own and meet them at his apartment, giving them the address
Jisung is skeptical and wants to skip town
Changbin convinces him to meet with Chris and learn about this stranger's plan
When they arrive, Chris gives them both legal hypnosis mics and asks them to fight him
It's a pretty intense battle, and they get to see how they work together
Chris ultimately deals the final blow, knocking the two of them down, but he helps them back up
He asks them to join his team
Jisung readily agrees, but Changbin is hesitant
The two of them have a criminal past and it's common knowledge to criminals that the closer they get to Chuohku, the higher the possibility to of going missing
But Chris and Jisung are very persuasive and a new team is made
The three of them settle into a pretty easy friendship
Chris and Changbin work together to straighten out Jisung and he mellows out
Chris and Jisung help Changbin find his niche and allow him to indulge in all of the things he's interested in
And Changbin and Jisung are both very grateful to Chris's leadership and help that keeps them off the streets
As the three of them work together as a team, they begin to take over a lot of territory quickly
So quick, in fact, that they garner the attention of Chuohku, unbeknownst to them
They're keeping tabs on this new team, 3RACHA, making sure they don't spark a rebellion
And if they do, officers are quick to come in and neutralize any threat
Unfortunately for Chuohku, 3RACHA, meets all the requirements to be invited to the Rap Battle in the capital
The boys are absolutely thrilled to be invited and ready to spread their message to the rest of the world
Okay, let's talk microphones each of the boys have
Chan is a support leader, similar to Jakurai
Though his ultimate isn't a healing type, he impacts how the other two rap
He can rewind their words so Jisung or Changbin can change what they rap and deliver a more heavy hitting rap
Also Chan almost always delivers the final blow
It's like his signature move and leaves everyone in awe
Jisung is offensive, which matches his personality to the letter
His attacks are fast and his harsh words rain like bullets on his opponents
You seriously cannot find a better offensive partner than Jisung
Another reason why he's captured the attention of Chuohku, who wants to use his skills for their own gain
However, of course, Chan and Changbin will put a stop to any exploitation of their teammate Jisung
Speaking of Changbin
He's got the defense
His shield covers the entire trio from any and all attacks
It's like a sparkly bubble that is painful to their opponents
Because I'm sorry but Changbin is girly pop and glitter, when big and sharp enough, can hurt
Honestly they're the perfect trio
They compliment each other perfectly whenever they're in battle
And you do not want to mess with 3RACHA
And now, just for the hell of it, how the other divisions feel about 3RACHA
Buster Bros!!! admire them for their brotherhood
They see them as formidable foes when battling but are close friends off stage
You just know Jiro and Jisung are always getting into trouble together
Chan and Ichiro are always sharing recipes and embarrassing stories about their brothers.
Mad Trigger Crew sees them as nuisances
It's probably because they see what they can become
They're pretty similar in their rapping style, though more often than not 3RACHA is rapping circles around them
Still, they give them shit just like they do for Buster Bros!!! while still having a healthy amount of respect
As for Fling Posse, it's divided
Dice and Gentaro adore 3RACHA
Gentaro finds them fascinating and has actually been given a decent amount of inspiration from Jisung
Dice loves paling around with Changbin around Shibuya, drinking, eating, and just having fun
Ramuda, on the other hand, is always on guard with them
While he enjoys talking about cute things with Changbin, cracking jokes with Jisung, and teasing Chan
He knows they're strong
He knows why Chuohku has their eye on them
And he does not want everything he's worked so hard on to be destroyed by them
So he definitely keeps them at an arm's length
Matenrou is respectful of them
After Chan straightened out Jisung, the three of them are very respectful to their seniors
Jakurai is always helping Chan perfect his support skill with his rapping
Hifumi can be found in the kitchen making a delicious treat for Changbin
Doppo and Jisung have bonded on more than one occasion regarding their trauma and Jisung loves hearing him rap
It's definitely a mentor-mentee relationship
Bad Ass Temple loves hanging out with them
Their friends both on and off the stage
Jyushi and Kuko love chilling with Changbin and Jisung
Hitoya and Chan are always fine hanging back, drinking some beer, and watching the kids go wild
They hate fighting each other but they're both teams that leave it all out on the stage when they fight
Dotsuitare Hompo honestly could care less
Sure, Sasara likes to tease them, which aggravates Jisung's anger issues
But Rosho and Chan are always there to stop anything from happening
Rei also knows that Chuohku has their eyes on them
And he agrees
Though he'll never admit, he's stolen their mics and given them some pretty strong upgrades
As long as they don't use them against him and his team, he enjoys testing out new amplifiers
They're his guinea pigs and they're none the wiser
All in all, I think 3RACHA is perfect for the world of Hypnosis Mic
And it would low-key be insanely cool if they were included in the franchise somehow, even though I know it's impossible
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mtc-4life · 4 months
Hi there!! I adored your Samatoki & Rio hcs with an s/o w anxiety problems!! I stan MTC with all my heart ^_^!! I suffer from agorophobia with panic attacks, and reading those made me feel happy <3 May I request Jyuto hcs w an s/o (gender neutral), helping them manage their anxiety disorder and helping them to go outside, accompanying them to places? Tysm <333 and have a great day!!
。゚・ Jyuto with an anxious S/O who struggles to go outside - Headcanons ・ 。゚
✩ Warning: mentions of anxiety and panic attacks.
From the same request: Samatoki / Rio / Jyuto
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☆ Author’s notes: Hey, I have been gone for so long due to my own struggles, so I'm glad you take comfort by reading my stuff. ♥
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• When Jyuto met you, he thought nothing could take you down. Your great skills at the investigation department made you look like you were at the top of your game.
• Life went on and you two fell in love. You used to show him only your professional side, yet your work persona was starting to fade in front of him. Your vulnerabilities were becoming more and more evident.
• As much as feeling in love with him made you happy, you couldn’t help but worry about what would happen when Jyuto finally noticed your anxiety issues. He was so into you; he surely didn’t imagine how small you felt about this.
• Now you’ve been dating for a while and Jyuto could tell you often felt worried, yet at first, he imagined it could be due to trivial problems, as it happens to himself.
• However, at some point, a very delicate situation was part of your investigations and he noticed something was indeed not okay. Ordinary problems seemed amplified by your mind now that you had to deal with such a touching scenario.
• And you knew it was becoming obvious to Jyuto. You told him not to come to your house anymore, said you loved him but was struggling a bit with life. You started showing up late to work, feeling nervous about your duties. When anxiety hits you, it’s tough to do everyday tasks. Going to buy groceries felt difficult, some days you just wished to feel calm again :(
• He really tried to give you space, but he saw you suffering at work and it broke his heart. Jyuto tried to calling you, you always told him it was all good, you just needed some time to think about life. He knew you were hiding things from him.
• He could not stand there seeing you isolate yourself: he found out your friends were also missing your presence.
• One day, you didn’t show up to work. He decided to take the next day off and went to your place as soon as he got off work to verify what was going on.
• He knocked the door several times. After a few minutes, you opened. Tears were rolling down your face.
• “Darling, what’s going on???”
• You just couldn’t reply, your hands were shaking, it was almost impossible to breathe.
• He closed the door and embraced you tightly, rubbing your back as you decided to tell him how horrible you’ve been feeling due to anxiety.
• You were suppressing your feelings for so long to society, you couldn’t do it anymore. It all made you suffer more.
• He listened very carefully to your words, and looked at you with a pained expression.
• “I never told you because you admired me so much… I didn’t want to look weak in front of you. When I felt like work was too much, I stopped seeing you because I wanted you to see me only when I felt good again…”
• “I understand it – he said – sometimes we crash down, dear. This line of work is a lot to handle. I had some rough moments before, but I feel like it would be better if you seek medical help. Anxiety is a serious matter, you should not neglect it. You can always rely on me as well, and I would like to take care of you for a while.”
• His words were so encouraging it made you cry even more, which made him caress your head trying to comfort you.
• But how about the investigation? They needed you there, working hard to achieve justice…
• “I think you better give up on this investigation. You have the right to step back from work. I am afraid it’s increasing your anxiety” – Jyuto suggested you gave up about work.
• “I am so incompetent! They will never understand, Jyuto! I just wish I could be more like you…”
• “Oh dear, if they don’t understand, let it be. And no, you are not incompetent and I, too, have my own struggles. I’m not uncrushable. However, I assure you, you have my full support. We will try to convince them to give you a different task. The worst that could happen is being fired, and honestly, I promise I can help you financially until you get a different job. Honestly, I don’t think they will do that, though – you are very smart, love.”
• It was difficult to imagine Jyuto struggling, yet his voice sounded as if he’s been through a lot. The cool minded police officer you met at work hadn’t told you everything about him yet. You felt less ashamed for not telling him about your anxiety right when you met.
• We all have bits of ourselves we try to conceal, after all.
• And that’s how Jyuto ended up living in your house for a few months. You weren’t eating properly since you feared stepping out of the house in that state – Jyuto helped you going to the supermarket again, he invited you for late night walks when he was free, he took you to see the Yokohama lights in his car.
• You regained your abilities to go to places without feeling nervous thanks to his help.
• You took some days off at work until you finally felt comfortable about going back. Everyone thankfully understood your wish to step back from that specific investigation thanks to, as your co-workers said, “your remarkable abilities at work”. As Jyuto said, they did appreciate your job.
• Anxiety medications became part of your life, and Jyuto was very happy to see how good you started to feel after seeking help.
• Jyuto came into your life at the time you most needed him, even when you tried to push him away due to fear. He was there for you always. When anxiety hits you, you know you can count on him. ♥
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