#i always love getting asks and i love chattin so ask away as much as you like !
The bento counter clip you shared is EXTREMELY funny (if it's not a glitch I'd love to try and trigger it), but I couldn't help notice the flower petal-shaped particles in Jo's "heat trail" for the first time. I somehow managed to overlook them until now.
RGGJo also has petals in his heat trail, and personally I've always liked to link it to the fact he canonically wears perfume. What if 7Jo wears a floral scent too...? Would be neat, given I can't tell which of them is supposed to be the one with the sensitive nose lol
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Jo’s counter is actually a programmed thing from my understanding: he is meant to deflect regular/MPless attacks and items, but considering most people use exclusively special attacks at this point I reckon not a lot of people catch it (and as for items, you’re either using a rocket launcher/projectile or you’re too far for him to do... that LMAO). Still, it’s going to entertain me for a while the fact he CAN just cancel your healing
And I’m SO glad you noticed the petals too! I didn’t catch that they were a thing for RGGJo as well, but I thought they were a cute detail for Y7Jo when I first noticed them a while back! It’s especially sweet if we put it in the context of a reference to him and perfume :)
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kaedescara · 10 months
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@yaekiss ; “HELLOOOOO MY BELOVED SEBBY!!! <33 CONGRATS ON 1K WAHOO! ur event is so cute omg... ur brain is so so big and wrinkly orz... Take your time sweetheart, thank you for the event!! CONGRATS ON 1K AGAIN YIPPEEEE! 1K TODAY, 1M TOMORROW 🫡🫡”
— QI!!!!!!! did u know ur the most darling lil thing on this site. u make me want to kick my feet n twirl my hair i adore u!!!!! u are so silly and i’m happy we r chattin more now (: enjoy ur fate!!!
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the stars have fated you with… kamisato ayato! ₊ ⊹
sagittarius + aries… “a match made in heaven! have much in common, similar energies and are highly compatible.” *
okok i’ll be honest!! i saw someone say you reminded them of thoma and it clicked in my head, they are in fact correct. you are such a sweetie and care deeply ab those important to you, ayato can’t help but feel at ease when you’re around. he adores your company and loves the domesticity of cooking with you and tasting all your baked goods. he isn’t much help in the kitchen but he looks good in an apron and a ponytail! i think you would bring him back down from all the craziness of being the yashiro commissioner, a familiar pretty face with a warmth he melts into. he finds all your cosplay stuff very endearing and would definitely help purchase some of the more expensive stuff for you whether you fight him on it or not, he loves the creativity and visions you bring to life. he always tells you about the interesting parts of his days instead of the mundane stuff and always asks you about your day first (: he appreciates your presence in his life more than he knows how to express!!! always makes sure to try his best though, especially when work takes him away from you for longer than either of you’d like.
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other matchups under the cut! want one?
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hold on.. you’re fated with inumaki too?
sagittarius + scorpio… “should take their time getting to know one another on a deep, significant level. there’s an endless opportunity to explore, to probe, to learn.” *
precious babies flock together what can i say. i think food is one of the best nonverbal ways to bond and he would ghost after you to get bites of whatever youre making, have the cutest lil smile that reaches his eyes whenever u gift him snacks wahh. i’m still learning jjk charas so i apologize if this is wack ooc but he just seems like a baby who would make ur life brighter n sillier n would appreciate ur cooking to no end. enjoys ur company and would go to anything with you. he’d let you dress him up in whatever cosplays you wanted as long as they matched yours. that’s what i got. two cuties.
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woah! wait, there’s a third! is that.. thoma?
sagittarius + capricorn… “their differences forge a stronger relationship in the long run, each partner can learn a lot from each orher.” *
are u surprised. u shouldn’t be. i tried to pick someone else but i kept coming back to him!! you two would run the culinary world together. maybe have a lil bakery. adorable, please invite me to the opening. i feel like you two would bond over baking n have a cute lil back n forth baking each other things before actually sitting down n talking. he’s such a sweetie and would treat you so right, literal housewife hello. would help with cosplays n probably do some with you!!! n if you him n ayato form a trouple that’s all the better honestly.
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the stars thank you for your submission!
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slasherhaven · 2 years
Hello hello! I just read the second part of your 'stealing his heart' fic with Otis and wow -- your characterization is just beautiful. It's so?? I don't want to just say good but that's what it is. More than that. Idk, I've found personally that it's pretty hard to write fluffy stuff with Otis because he's, y'know -- like that -- but you pulled it off super well!
Anyways! I saw your requests where open so I thought I'd send in an ask :)
Could I get something (headcanons or oneshot, whatever you'd prefer) about Cuddling/sleeping in the same bed as Otis. Preferably he and the reader aren't together yet, and it's some sort of mutual crush type of situation, but it doesn't matter too much. Also I'd rather you stay away from any NSFW for this one, even if it may be out of character (if that's alright). Feel free to change whatever you'd like, and thank you in advance 💚
Sharing a Bed with Otis Driftwood (fluff, future S/O):
Sometimes it felt like you stayed at the Firefly Household more than your own home, they had really taken you in as one of the family. You adored the family and they loved to have you around, you had known them for years. You and Otis had just hit it off, quickly becoming friends, now the two of you were practically inseparable.
The two of you had just gotten back to the house in the early hours of the morning, coming back from a night of chaos. Otis shut the front door behind you both, the two of you wandering through to the living room, only to find Mama and Baby watching some black and white flick on the television.
As soon as the two of you walked into the room, the two women shushed you, turning their attention back to the screen.
"C'mon, y'can crash in my room" Otis offered casually, patting your arm before heading for the stairs. You followed him without hesitation.
Normally when you stayed the night at the house (which was most nights), you would sleep on the couch but it wouldn't be the first time that you shared a bed with either Baby or Otis. It never really bothered you.
You closed the door to Otis' bedroom behind you as he kicked off his shoes. As you sat on the desk chair to remove your shoes, Otis threw himself down onto his bed, making himself comfortable. You just chuckled, shaking your head at him, as you shucked off your jacket.
"You better not snore all night" you jokingly complained before standing and approaching the bed.
"You better keep to your damn side" Otis retorted.
"What side? You're takin' up the whole bed" you pointed out. "Move your ass" you demanded, climbing onto the bed.
"Bossy, ain't ya?" Otis huffed but shuffled over, giving you enough room to lay beside him.
"More like tired" you muttered, making yourself comfortable and pulling the blanket over your body. "Night, Otis" you reach over, turning the lamp off, before laying on your side facing away from Otis.
Otis shifted behind you, getting himself comfortable again as he pulled the blanket over himself.
"You need to get a bigger bed" you mumbled, not even opening your eyes, as he settled behind you.
"If y'don't like it, y'can always sleep on the floor" he scoffed. "Or, y'know, stay in y'own damn house" he suggested, making you chuckle a little.
"Nah, you'd miss me too much" you insisted, a small smile on your face.
"Whatever helps ya sleep at night" you knew that Otis could sleep in the most uncomfortable positions, and yet he was fluffing up his pillow and fidgeting.
"Well, your chattin' isn't helping me sleep" you huffed, finally glancing over your shoulder at him.
"Shut up" Otis rolled his eyes, finally stilling and laying his head down.
"You shut up" you murmured, turning away from him again and snuggling into the bedding.
"Go to sleep" neither of you commented on it when Otis' arm slipped around your waist and his chest touched your back.
"I'm trying!" you jerked your arm back, playfully elbowing him in the ribs, making the two of you chuckle. "G'night, Otis" you sighed as the laughing died down, shifting and making yourself comfortable in his embrace.
"Night" he muttered, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck.
The two of you slept until noon after adjusting yourselves to avoid the light seeping in through the old curtains. Otis laying back with one arm draped over his eyes and the other wrapped around your shoulders as you lay against his chest, burying your face in his shirt.
Otis soon began to stir, waking up, but you weren't too pleased with him disturbing you. "Stop moving" you complained, voice thick with sleep, weakly slapping his chest before trying to fall back to sleep.
"Damn, we cuddle once and y'already naggin' me" Otis huffed, his chest vibrating with a deep chuckle.
"You're fault for keeping me up with your snoring" you accused, though if had snored you had slept right through it.
"You'll be thinkin' we're married next" Otis teased, pushing you off of him before sitting up.
"I want a divorce" you muttered, burying your face in the pillow.
"With pleasure, Sweetheart" Otis chuckled, pulling on his shoes before heading towards the bedroom door, "I'll get ya the papers."
"Otis!" you stopped him just before he could leave the room, causing him to looked back at you. "...wanna get me some of Mama's leftovers with those papers?" you asked with a cheeky smile, knowing he'd bring you some and some for himself.
"Fuck off" he scoffed before leaving the bedroom, leaving you laughing to yourself.
You knew it would only be a matter of time before Otis returned with two portions of Mama's leftovers, and the two of you would eat together while listening to the radio.
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divine-mistake · 3 years
for Libra week ✨⚖️💛 :
I’m a Pisces sun, Libra moon, & Capricorn rising. I actually recently got into astrology because I like to be introspective and self reflective and this is a good avenue for it haha. Idk if you’re doing blurbs based on that info or just chattin about it but I wanted to participate! You’re an angel and I adore you ☀️
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characters: sam wilson/reader
warnings: 18+ (no smut), canon-typical violence, blood, religious imagery
word count: 861
a/n: thank you so much you lovely human being!! i'm not sure if you're a sam fan, but i really felt this one came to life, and i hope it suits your big three 💖 come celebrate libra week with me! ✨
main masterlist | ko-fi
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He locks the door behind him, boots shuffling into the house with a limp—you know because you can hear it in the way his steps drag. This routine is familiar. Next, you’ll hear the thump of the shield as it hits the ground, the sound of the buckles on his uniform as he starts to peel off his armor.
And, just as predicted, the shield drops and echoes from downstairs. He’s placed it against the wall adjacent to the door. Following it, you hear the clink of metal as he rips through his uniform, where it’ll pool at his feet in a messy heap that you’ll sort through later to launder.
You rush down the stairs, taking care to grasp the railing because the last time you tumbled down the steps, he doted on you for an entire week. And then he made fun of you for the next two weeks after that for being so clumsy.
And as soon as you round the corner, seeing the red, white, and blue crumpled up on the wooden floor of the living room, he turns his head to look at you.
“Hey, baby,” Sam greets with an easy smile. “M’home.”
Your heart swells, and then immediately falters as soon as you see the dark mar of blood streaking across his undershirt that’s soaked with sweat. It’s dark, you realize, and you hit the switch on the wall. As light blooms inside the living room, it highlights the discolored bruises that decorate Sam’s face. There’s a cut on his jaw, lip swollen and bloodied.
“Oh god,” you whisper, feeling like you can’t breathe. There are things that become routine, things you get used to. The way he locks the door behind him first, always. The sound of the shield dropping to the floor like a weight off his chest. How the buckles of his suit clink together as he sheds his second skin.
You never get used to seeing him like this.
Sam unfolds his arms, beckoning you closer. You step toward him, hand shaking as you press a palm to his chest right above the blood. He doesn’t hesitate the way you do. He gathers you into his arms like he’ll lose you if he doesn’t touch you right this second, and though his body relaxes immediately, you stand rigid and worried.
“I’m okay, sweet thing.” Sam hums into your hair. “I’m alright.”
Your hands slide over his shoulder, down his arms, finding his wrists to pry them away from your waist and trailing down his palms to interlock your fingers together. Ritualistic. Worshipping. This man would die for you, let you nail him to the cross to bleed out for you.
Sam laughs, and it sounds the way sweet wine tastes. “Honey, you’ve got paint in your hair.”
“Oh.” You frown as he pulls one of his hands away to stroke through your strands, returning with flakes of green and blue. “I was painting.”
“Think I got that, sweet thing.” He gives you a teasing grin, all gapped teeth and sunshine. “Why don’t we clean up together?”
He’s alright as he laughs again, kissing you full on the mouth. He’s alright as he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you close, though you know it’s because he needs help up the stairs. He’s alright as he shakes his head when you point out the bloody scratches on his stomach highlighted under the bathroom lights, asking him if it hurts. He’s alright.
But it’s once you’re both in the shower, stripped naked and bare and just bones, that Sam finally isn’t alright.
“I’m tired,” he confesses, as if saying it is a sin. “I’m hurtin’, baby.”
Because Sam knows he can be himself with you. He knows that you’re the only person who will ever accept the truth about him. Because Captain America was a super soldier, and Captain America isn’t a super soldier, he’s just a man. Steve Rogers—they never saw him as a man, only Captain America. Sam Wilson—they don’t see him as Captain America, only as a man.
And like he’d let you crucify him, Sam lets you soak his skin in your forgiveness. He lets you wash away the blood of today, watching it swirl down into the drain between his sore feet. You wash him gently, carefully, because he isn’t Captain America in this tiny bathroom, inside the shower that you share with your body pressed against his. He isn’t a man either, not with how your delicate fingers glide over his worn, leathery skin that makes up its own armor to shield him from the things that his shield cannot protect him from.
He is simply tired. And hurting. And he isn’t alright, but he’s yours. You let him break against you, let him sag as his head rests on your shoulder, hold his weight like he bears the weight of the world. You hold him like you’re trying to carry his sins with you.
“I know,” you murmur to him, and the spray from the shower rains down upon your bodies. “I’ve got you, Sammy. You’re home.”
He bleeds, and you wash it away.
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Hello love! Could I request Who by Lauv ft. BTS, slow burn love and Skinny Sisk? Nobody ever writes about him. He’s so underrated!💓
Hello angel! Thank you for the request!! 🤗This was so fun, Skinny really is so underrated! (P.S. I'm slowly making my way through the rest of the requests. THANK YOU to everyone who sent them in, it's been so fun writing these.)
Skinny downed the rest of his beer, which was mainly froth now. He was supposed to meet Dalia half an hour ago but she had only just arrived and seemed in no rush to find him. They hadn’t even made eye contact yet, but he had spotted her. Like always, she was the most striking woman in the room, impossible not to notice. When she first entered she had been immediately rewarded with greetings from acquaintances, mostly men. Skinny wasn’t really the jealous type; he was only jealous of her time. Dalia didn’t seem to have a lot of it. The time she did have was often split between many people and Skinny had to wait his turn. That night, he noticed gloomily, she had brought a golden haired friend dressed in yellow. She was beautiful, but Skinny only saw her as one more person he had to share Dalia with.
He and Dalia had been dating - well kind of - for months now. After a string of successful dates Skinny had asked Dalia if she would like to go steady with him. She explained she wasn’t ready, so Skinny was patient. After a few more weeks he asked again, but Dalia had another excuse. She continued to flirt with him and Skinny continued to wait anchored in the hope that one day she would accept him as hers. But lately he was beginning to feel like a chump.
Finally, Dalia made her way over to him, the girl in the yellow dress trailing behind her.
“Hi Wayne,” Dalia gave him a kiss on the cheek. He leaned in to kiss her on the other cheek but she was already moving out of the way. He let his hand linger around her waist as she introduced him the stranger.
“This is Natasha, she’s an old friend from home,” Dalia smiled toothily, “I brought her to work for you boys.”
“Yes,” Natasha’s smile was strained, “Dalia was kind enough to recommend me for a job.” It was clear that they had recited this script more than a few times.
“Nice to meet you,” Skinny shook Natasha’s hand. He was keenly aware of Dalia’s eyes on him and he wanted to make a good impression. “So you’re from Maryland too?”
Natasha nodded, “never lived anywhere else, until now that is.”
“And what made you want to work here?” Skinny asked politely. He felt Dalia on his right turn to respond to another man’s catcall. She giggled and it took all of Skinny’s concentration to focus on what Natasha was saying.
Suddenly, Dalia touch his arm, interrupting the conversation, “I’ll be back, don’t go anywhere you two,” she winked at them then disappeared into the crowd.
Skinny stared helplessly at Natasha for a moment before regaining himself. “Can I get you a drink?”
“Sure,” Natasha smiled wearily at him. They approached the bar and continued talking.
“So you're one of Dalia’s boyfriends?”
Skinny nearly spilled the drinks in surprise, “um not quite. We’re dating but…”
“but can’t get her pinned down?” Natasha accepted a glass from him.
“We’re taking things slow.”
Natasha nodded but didn’t say anything more on the subject. Much to Skinny’s disappointment he didn’t see much of Dalia for the rest of the night. She was busy talking and flirting with other groups of the bar’s patrons. Every time Skinny began to feel down about it he reminded himself that Natasha had it worse. Her friend had all but abandoned her; at least Skinny knew other people in the bar. Natasha was new to the city and had no one. Skinny made a point of sticking with her, which turns out was far from a burden. Natasha was fun to hang out with. She was kind and had this quiet humor about her that Skinny found quite entertaining. He wasn’t the only one to notice either.
“Who was that dame you were chattin’ up Skinny? Don’t think I’ve seen her around,” Joe Liebgott asked as they walked home together.
Skinny dug his hands deep into his pockets, trying to get his mind off of Dalia. “That was Natasha, Dalia’s friend from home. She just moved here.”
Joe raised a curious eyebrow, “she got a fella?”
Skinny shrugged, “dunno.”
He soon found out that Natasha was in fact single but not looking. On another night out Dalia had once again abandoned them. Skinny, the dutiful wannabe boyfriend, stuck by her friend. As Skinny’s friends were collecting refills, he and Natasha enjoyed the last of their drinks. That’s when a drunken soldier came up to them. Natasha grabbed Skinny’s arm when the soldier began hitting on her.
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that,” she responded when he invited her to do some explicit things in the back alley.
The soldier looked at them suspiciously, “he’s your boyfriend?” he gestured sloppily at Skinny.
Skinny was lost for words but he nodded his head when Natasha looked up at him with a pleading look. The defeated soldier scoffed but stumbled off to find a new victim for his harassment.
“Thanks,” Natasha said, but there was little gratitude in her voice.
“Does that happen often?” Skinny asked with concern.
“All the time,” Natasha smiled dryly at him, “not to brag.”
“Do you actually have a boyfriend?” Skinny asked.
Natasha snorted, “no, but are you surprised? When those are my options?” she gestured at the retreating soldier. Skinny took the opportunity to really look at her. They had spent all this time together but he had always been so distracted by the distant shadow of Dalia. The faintest freckles were endearingly sprinkled across Natasha’s nose, and her hair shone bright even in the dim lighting of the bar. Any guy would be lucky to have her, Skinny thought, no wonder she got hit on so often.
Skinny and Natasha found themselves in each other’s company many times as he continued to pine after Dalia. At points, he wondered if he actually knew Natasha better than he knew Dalia. But those thoughts quickly dissipated as soon as he lay eyes on Dalia again. Sure, Natasha was easy to be around; Skinny felt like himself when he was with her. But Dalia was electric. She was beautiful, and charming, and he was addicted. He was willing to do anything just for a few moments of her attention.
One night Skinny settled into a chair beside Natasha, his eyes on Dalia.
“You know you don’t have to sit with me,” Natasha said. Her feet were propped up on a stool and her dress skirts hung messily, hiked up her legs. Skinny shrugged in response.
“Go have fun with your friends! Or go talk to Dalia!” Natasha urged him.
Skinny looked over to where Dalia was laughing with a co-ed group, “she’s busy, I’ll talk to her later.”
Natasha smiled pitifully at him.
“What?” he asked.

“You’re a sweet guy, Wayne,-"
“You know you don’t gotta call me that,” Skinny said, “really only Dalia does. Everyone else calls me Skinny or Sisk.”
Natasha nodded, “well maybe it’s not my place, but if it were me, I don’t know if I’d stick around for Dalia.”
“What do you mean?” Skinny asked innocently, though he had idea of what was coming. He had heard if from his buddies before: whipped.
“Dalia’s an old friend, I think she’s lovely, but she’s always been like this,” Natasha said. “How long have you guys been dating? How long have you been waiting around for her?”
Skinny didn’t respond but he turned to look directly at her. Natasha’s eyes were like pools of melted chocolate and Skinny felt the oddest sensation looking into them. “Clearly she’s not giving you the attention you want,” Natasha continued, “and you deserve someone who gives you what you want and need.” Skinny looked away, those round brown eyes were making his stomach flip in the most peculiar way.
He shrugged, “yeah, maybe.”
“Anyways,” Natasha sipped her drink, “that’s my two cents. Do what you want with it.”
Skinny tried to ignore Natasha’s words but they gnawed at him every time Dalia rebuked him. Slowly, his thoughts of Dalia began to be replaced by images of Natasha; of her laughing, playing darts, and those big, warm eyes.
One weekend Skinny and his friends met up with Dalia and Natasha a dance in the local city hall.

“You gonna ask her to dance or what?” Joe Liebgott pointed to where Natasha was sitting on a bench on the edge of the dance floor. Dalia hadn’t left the dance floor since she got there. It seemed nearly impossible to get on her dance card.
“You’re not seriously waiting around for a dance with Dalia are you?” Joe asked him.
“I don’t know who else to dance with!” Skinny said.
“Natasha,” Joe gestured, “obviously!” Skinny hesitated. “Skinny, Dalia is a khaki wacky, it’s about time you get over her. There’s a perfectly good dame over there who you’re clearly into!”
Skinny stared at his friend in confusion, “into? Who? Natasha?”

“I’m not into Natasha.”
“Are you kidding me? You two are inseparable,” Joe said.
“We’re friends,” Skinny shrugged.
Joe rolled his eyes, “sure, well, go ask your friend to dance. She looks lonely over there.” Joe disappeared into the crowd, leaving Skinny to his own devices.
Skinny finally asked Natasha to dance but of course, with his luck, as soon as they were on the floor a slow song for lovers came on. He wasn’t going to be rude and ask her to wait for the next song so he pulled Natasha close and they began to dance. The lights dimmed as the music slowed. The scent of rose wafted up from Natasha’s hair and Skinny couldn’t help but think how perfectly she fit in his arms. He didn’t think of Dalia once, that is until the song came to an end. Natasha reached up and pressed her lips against his. For a moment, Skinny leaned into the kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, her breath sweet. Then a vision of Dalia came into his mind. Skinny broke the kiss and was met by Natasha’s questioning brown eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked.
“But we’re, we-,” Skinny stumbled, “we’re friends?”
Natasha stepped out of his embrace, her face flushed pink. She turned and hurried off the dance floor. Skinny followed after her, “Natasha, wait!” he called. But she didn’t slow down until she reached a corner of the hall.
“What?” she hissed. Her arms were crossed and her eyes darted around the dance hall to see who may be eavesdropping.
“That kiss,” he gestured at the dance floor, “I just- you kissed me.”
“Yeah, and?” she demanded in a hushed voice.
“Well, we’re friends,” he repeated dumbly.
“No, we’re not friends,” she said coldly, but there was hurt in her eyes. “You’re just an idiot in love with my friend, and I was a fool to think you’d ever get over her.”
Skinny looked as if he had been smacked. His mouth hung open in shock as he desperately searched for the words to respond.
“See you around, Skinny.” The disappointment was clear in her voice. And then the girl in the yellow dress was was gone.
Skinny wandered back to where Joe and their other friends were standing around chatting.
“What wrong Skinny?” Floyd Talbert asked.
“I fucked up,” Skinny said. Mentally he was kicking himself. Why had he reacted so stupidly? He had enjoyed that kiss!
Joe looked at him with a knowing look. “What happened?” Floyd asked.
“I just- I didn’t realize what was right in front of me until it was too late.
Joe nodded sagely. Floyd looked between Skinny and Joe in confusion, “what was right in front of you?”
“You know what you gotta do right?” Joe said, ignoring Floyd.
“What?” Floyd asked.
Skinny swallowed and looked at the floor, “it’s too late, I embarrassed her. She’ll never forgive me.”
“All ya gotta do is say you're sorry!” Joe said, “and mean it!”
“I don’t know Joe,” Skinny said hesitantly.
“Is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on?” Floyd asked flatly.
“The longer you wait, the worse it's gonna get,” Joe insisted.
Skinny took a deep breath considering his friend's words. He exhaled, and after a pause said, “okay, okay,” he felt the confidence growing inside of him, “okay, I’ll see you fellas later.” He dashed off out the door hoping that Natasha was still nearby.
“We won’t wait up!” Joe called jokingly after him, but Skinny hardly heard him. He was off to win over the girl he wanted and the girl he needed.
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sternbagel · 3 years
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Inspired by the wonderful OC lore that @charlotte-balfours-garden​ wrote and posted, I decided to finish this piece that’s been sitting in my drafts for months about my own RDR OC, visual references here!
Note: This takes place in canon, Chapter 3, and while everyone calls her Alberta Taylor at this point, it’s not her real name, just something she’s been going by for years because of something in her past. Professionally, she’s a bounty hunter, but has dabbled in other things. 
Read This First
Well, at least the one thing today that hasn’t been surprising is Arthur finding Al has dragged a chair over to his tent to read, one leg propped up on the chest at the end of his cot. Sometimes she’ll set up there to get ample shade from the sun, and according to her, the chest is the perfect foot rest height. 
“Afternoon, Arthur,” she greets lazily as she turns the page.
“Miss Taylor. Comfortable?”
“Sure.” She cuts her eyes up at him from under the brim of her hat, seemingly just to give him a greeting glance and smile, but when she spots the shiny new accessory pinned to his vest, her head raises higher. “You steal that off a dead lawman or somethin’?”
And it begins, Arthur thinks with a snort. “No, Dutch—” he waves an arm in the direction he came from, though Dutch has long ago left that area—“got us ingratiated with the local sheriff, so now we’re honorary deputies.”
“Was Sheriff Gray drunk?” 
That’s surprising. They only met the sheriff yesterday, and he’s not sure the full story of their encounter has been relayed to the rest of camp, just the orders not to cause any trouble. “How’d you know his name?”
As soon as the words leave his mouth, he realizes that most likely, it was Hosea. Those two are close. 
She answers with a cavalier shrug before he can say anything. “I’ve been here before. Once. Didn’t stay long.”
Arthur takes the bait she leaves out. “Why not?”
“Well, it’s Lemoyne. I don’t spend very long here if I can help it. But first time I got to Rhodes lookin’ for bounty posters, Sheriff Gray was puking in the bushes. Somehow he managed to get out that they do all the bounty hunting themselves. No reason to go back.”
“Well, that’s pretty much how I found him when I went lookin’ for Dutch and Bill.”
“Figures,” she laughs, shaking her head. “Not that I really care, but where is Bill? Didn’t see him come back with y’all. Still with the Sheriff, ingratiating himself?” She looks thoughtful for a moment. “I didn’t get that impression off him, but I wasn—”
Arthur holds up a hand and shakes his own head with a smirk. “No, no, the Grays around here don’t seem… his type. Matter of fact, I should probably warn Bill to just play it cool—“
“What, drunk, dumb, and ignorant ain’t Bill’s type? What about that guy we saw him chattin’ up at that saloon in Armadillo?”
“That ain’t what I mean,” he snorts.
“I know.” Al flashes a playful smirk. “I’m just messin’.”
“Well, anyway, no, he’s off hidin’ some wagon full o’ moonshine we stole off some bootleggers under the Sheriff’s orders. Hosea’ll know what to do with it.”
“Moonshine?” This seems to pique her interest, again to Arthur’s surprise. “You know who you stole it off of?”
“Yes…” Arthur’s eyebrows knit together. He slowly lumbers over to his table, laying down the deputy badge and watching her carefully. Al’s expression is calm, but it’s a thin enough veneer that he sees the curiosity building by the second. “What’s it to you?”
The book in her lap finally closes. “I used to run with some moonshiners not too long ago.”
“Alberta Taylor. Well, I never took you for a bootlegger.”
She throws an arm over the back of her chair and lets her head fall back, exposing more of her neck. It’s then that Arthur notices she’s not wearing her usual green neckerchief. Or her green jacket. She must be really burning up to be in just her workshirt and jeans. “Not every professional bounty hunter is a staunch upholder of the law, Arthur Morgan,” she says matter-of-factly with a lift of her brow.
“I never said that. Didn’t mean it neither. I mean, look who you fell in with, I know better. I just ain’t seen you drink much moonshine.”
“Sure. Always been more of a beer and tequila woman.”
He plops down on his cot and lights a cigarette. “Then what you doin’ runnin’ with moonshiners?”
“Tell me who you stole the liquor off of first, cowboy.”
Arthur concedes. Al is stubborn. “The Braithwaites. And those fellers that run around here with those yellow bandanas. Sadie and I ran into ‘em a few days ago. Uh—”
“Lemoyne Raiders?” She sneers. “I’d hoped someone had snuffed ‘em out by now. Hijo de putas.”
He takes a long drag of the cigarette before answering. “Yeah, that’s them. You’ve had some run-ins with ‘em, huh?”
“Like I said, just the once. Three of them stopped me on my way into Rhodes. Brought ‘em into town, dead, which is when I met Sheriff Gray. They didn’t have any bounties on ‘em, so all I got outta one of his deputies was five dollars. I know they weren’t even worth that much, but he coulda paid me more,” she grumbles. Her light Cuban accent comes out more the lower her voice goes.
“Sounds about right. Least ya got paid somethin’.”
“I guess.” She picks at the spine of her book for a moment. “Wasn’t long after that I met a… moonshiner legend, so to say, through a mutual friend. Though friend seems to be pushing it.”
He gets the sense she’s not fully sour on the “friend,” so his shoulders shake in amusement. 
“He was a lot like Uncle, actually.”
“Lord.” Arthur snickers, smoke billowing out of his mouth. 
“Yeah. Not as lazy. Probably younger, but who knows.”
“I reckon Uncle ain’t as old as he wants folks to think. Besides just bein’ too lazy, it’s probably why he don’t trim his beard.”
Al laughs, rougher than usual until she coughs and clears it up. “Damn humidity.”
“Tell me about it,” Arthur agrees, leaning forward and propping one elbow up on his knee. “So, this… moonshiner legend.”
“Ever heard the name Maggie Fike?”
The name isn’t familiar, but it isn’t unfamiliar either. “Don’t think so,” he settles on. 
“Well, she’s been mostly out this way rather than out where y’all been running around. Revenue Agents caught up to her a couple years back, tried burning her alive. Didn’t work, but gave her a nasty scar and bad eye. Almost puts Marston to shame. Almost,” she adds with a grin as he walks between Arthur and Strauss’ tents.
“Take a look in the mirror, Miss Taylor,” he grumbles back. Then he chucks a cigarette butt at a chuckling Arthur. “You too, Morgan.”
John disappears around the side of the tent as Arthur brushes off the butt. “Cranky cause he ain’t had his midday nap.”
“Pick better material.”
Al chuckles and presses the palm of her hand on her hat, affixing it more securely to her head. “Anyway…”
“Anyway…” Arthur sighs lightly. “You said she survived?”
“Yeah, went into hiding for a while. Somehow got a hold of my ‘friend’, who then asked me for help gettin’ her business back on its feet. Easy work at first. Finding a good location for the shack, gettin’ her some supplies, that stuff.” She waves a hand around. “Most folks don’t pay much mind to a bounty hunter buyin’ supplies in bulk like I was or destroying illegal stills. Sometimes I brought in the other moonshiners to the local town to collect on a bounty. Made for a better cover for what I was really doing.”
“Takin’ out the competition.” Arthur chuckles. 
“Exactly. Then came—”
“What the hell are you two talkin’ about anyway?”
Al puts her hand back on her hat before tipping her head back, almost touching the back of the chair, and looks at John, upside down. Arthur leans forward more to get his own look and the rangy outlaw, who’s circled back around to the other side of his wagon. 
“And what the hell is that?” John asks. He’s looking directly at the badge on Arthur’s table, disgust etched into his features. As if it’s some rotting, maggot infested carcass Arthur’s using for decoration.
Arthur sighs and briefly explains again.
“So this is just another excuse for you to play dress-up, eh? Guess I need to tell Hosea you’re itchin’ to go scammin’ with him again.”
“You do that, it’ll be your pecker in the stew pot next meal.”
Al’s crossed her arms over her chest and is watching them with barely contained amusement. “Playing dress-up? I don’t think I’ve seen that side of you yet, Arthur.”
“And you won’t,” he growls. “Only reason Hosea takes me on those jobs is because he knows I hate it. Just once I’d like him to take Marston instead.”
“You sure about that?” Al studies John as if she’s a talent agent in the big city. “Doesn’t he like to avoid mayhem on those jobs?”
John snorts indignantly. “Yeah, well, I’d like to see you try and follow Hosea’s lead. I swear even he don’t know what he’s doin’ half the time.”
“But it works.” Her eyebrows raise pointedly. 
“But it works,” John concedes. 
“Well, next time you go, let me know. I’d love to watch y’all work.”
“Whatever,” John grumbles as he waves her off and saunters away. Apparently he’s given up on butting into their conversation.
“I ain’t pullin’ that type of job with Hosea again. What we had set up in Blackwater, sure, but not...” Arthur wags a finger in the air, then unfurls the rest of his fingers and waves his hand once before letting it fall back in his lap. “Not that. The girls and Trelawny are much better’n me anyway. Safer that way.”
Al shrugs. “I won’t argue that.”
“So, back to what you was sayin’?” Arthur’s not willing to let the moonshiner story drop. It’s not often she lets down her walls and tells stories of her past that don’t directly involve some bounty she’s nabbed. He knows what happened to her family, but that had been a moment he wasn’t meant to see, and neither of them have ever brought it up again.
“So after we get a shack set up, she gets word of where this old buddy of hers is, go rescue him so he can make our moonshine. Not long after that, her nephew’s gettin’ moved from Sisika, so I go rescue him.”
Arthur pulls the cigarette from his lips and folds his arms across his chest, leaning back against the wagon. “Just you against a bunch of lawmen?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, Morgan,” she drawls, lolling her head to the side.
“Suppose I shouldn’t be,” he chuckles.
“No, actually, I had a couple friends with me, cashed in on some favors. I’m not stupid or reckless enough to take on an armed prison transport.”
Arthur just shrugs. “Woulda believed you either way.”
“You’re too trusting,” she remarks. There’s a teasing lilt to her voice, but her eyes sparkle with something else. 
“Perhaps you’re right.”
“Well, we bring them back to the shack, get the business up and running. Enact some revenge on a rival of hers in the meantime, I get to kill the agent who tried to burn her. Spent about a year with them. I didn’t do a lot of the actual running of moonshine, one of those friends who helped me break out Maggie’s nephew, Lem, did most of that. I focused on taking out the competition, clearing out Revenue Agent roadblocks when we were sure we couldn’t sneak past them. The real dirty work. But I didn’t mind, kept me moving, out of the government’s crosshairs enough that I could keep killin’ those damn agents.”
Arthur cocks his head curiously. But she isn’t done talking, so he lets her continue, holding onto his question for now.
“Couple months before I ran into y’all, I told them I’d have to leave. I’d spent so much time in this area, couldn’t… Needed to get out and go back out west. See some old friends, see some open country. They reckoned they’d be fine without me, but threw them the name of another friend I knew’d be able to help them, pick up my slack.”
“So… you think they’re still runnin’ that shine?”
“No reason not to. Never heard anything about her being captured. Got a letter from them while I was in Blackwater, actually. They’re doin’ well.” She gives a fond, reminiscent smile. “That friend is working with Maggie now, too. Dunno how she stands him, but…”
“Good. Since we’re over this way, you plannin’ on seein’ ‘em?”
“They’re north, Roanoke Ridge territory. Might, if I feel safe leavin’ you fools by yourself for more than a week.”
Arthur chuckles and shakes his head. “I reckon we can survive without ya for that long.”
“With all the trouble you been causing lately? I don’t think so, Mr. Morgan.” Al fans herself with her book, smirking at Arthur pointedly.
“I actually got another question for ya,” he diverts.
“I been thinkin’ about this since you got here, but now, knowin’ how much you seem to hate the Revenue Agents, how come you’re a bounty hunter, takin’ payouts from the government, but runnin’ with a bunch’a outlaws? After a year of runnin’ shine, that is.”
A simple shrug is her reply, and the pause is so long Arthur isn’t sure she’ll actually give him an explanation, until, “You have your code, I have mine.”
“Huh,” he grunts. They watch each other casually for a long moment, then he asks, “You gonna explain?”
He can see her weigh her options, and eventually she relents. “You know…” Her expression immediately tells him what she means: her past, what happened to her. 
“Yeah,” he offers quietly.
“Well, nobody’s born a seasoned gunslinger. When I first started bounty hunting, I had to take the easier targets. Most big pay days, or the jobs that are good start for those of us that’re green, they’re people who rob banks with a pen, rich people doing rich people crimes. They’re soft, easy, and all it really takes to catch them is knowing the land better and being tougher than city folk. Which ain’t hard at all. So, until I could stand on my own, those were the only kinds I took. Then I started goin’ after the bastards I really wanted to. People like the Johnson Brothers.”
She nearly spits the name. Arthur feels the sting in her soul.
“I never take those soft bounties anymore,” she continues after a deep breath, seeming more like herself again with every word. “Unless I need a break. But it’s been a while since I have.”
“Been a while since you took a bounty at all.”
She must notice the question in his voice. Not judgement, but question. “No. You’ve been kicking up too much fuss. Wouldn’t be smart for me to be seen around town here more than once or twice.”
Arthur rolls his eyes. While it is mostly true, it’s about all he’s going to get out of her, but he knows the real reason why. Even if she won’t admit it to herself. “Got me there, Al.”
“Not hard to do, Arthur.”
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
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MEET THE BOYS: Clyde Logan
He thinks he’s jus’ broken. Unlovable. Plenty’a folks came home from the war—the war that people back home didn’t always remember happened at all—and was able to go on with their lives like normal. Plenty’a folks came with home with a mind that wasn’t always racin’, hell, came home with both hands. Maybe it’s the family curse. Maybe it’s jus’ him.
Clyde Logan—always softer, gentler, quieter than his football-star brother—went into his first tour Iraq barely outta high school and came out of his second tour an amputee, feelin’ like he’d never fit quite right in the world again. But then you show up.
If he’s bein’ honest, he sees your backside before he sees your front. You’re bent over the jukebox at Duck Tape picking out songs, and his ears perk up when he hears “Roll Me Away” by Bob Seger start playing.
He’s so nervous when you twirl up to the bartop in your high-waisted jeans, sayin’ hi handsome and lookin’ at him like he’s a T-bone steak.
His heart breaks a little when you order two bourbons, sure you’ve got a special someone waitin’ just out of sight—but then you lean in real close and push the second to him. “Bad luck to drink alone,” you wink.
He taps the rim of his glass to yours, his dark eyes sparkling in the warm light. “Well, to good luck, then. And a gal with great taste in music.”
“You ever think about how funny it is that Bob and the girl in this song never even talked? She just got on his motorcycle and rode away with him?” you ask.
“I don’t reckon I ever thought about it…” he muses. “But now that ya mention it…” His full lips press together and his brow furrows as he considers.
You tip your head back and laugh, and it warms his chest hotter than the bourbon. You smile, and he smiles too.
The hour's getting late, but you ask for a cup of chamomile tea and stay there chattin’ with him until last call. When he locks up, you’re right there by his side. He’s still worried he’s not enough for ya, that maybe you’re just takin’ pity on him. But when you grab him by the shirt collar and crush your lips to his, he kisses back hard—and he don’t stop till you’re both gaspin’ for breath.
The way you gaze up at him in the West Virginia starlight, Clyde knows. He knows he isn’t unlovable. You don’t look at him like he’s broken—cause he’s not. He’s perfect just the way he is. Without a word, you hop in Clyde’s truck, and he drives the both of you back to his place.
And this sweet, quiet man transforms under your touch. God, he’s so hungry for it. He has you again and again and again, lapping at your pussy between rounds as you drip with his cum. His lips barely leavin’ yours, he whispers that he wants to keep ya forever. You moan, and tell him that he can.
With your warm body curled up next to him, he sleeps better’n he has since before he was deployed… and he wakes up feelin’ like he slept in a field of four-leaf clovers.
Since you came around, Clyde don’t believe in bad luck anymore.
Snaccs: (lil’ headcanons)
Clyde is an honest man. True blue. And when it comes to the bedroom, he’ll always do his level best to tell ya if he likes something, even if it gets him a bit flustered and embarrassed.
You know how much he loves his Bob Seger tee, but you can’t resist stealing it from him every once in a while. It’s buttery soft and it always smells like cedarwood and musk—a scent that’s just so comforting and undeniably Clyde. Sometimes you tie it up in a cute knot to show off those high-waisted jeans that he loves so much, and other times you wear it around the house with no bottoms at all. Clyde loves that even more than the outfit with the jeans.
That boy gets some serious morning wood. If you’re around when he rouses, you’re in for a serious dicking. He won’t let you out of bed till he’s fucked you at least twice. At least. On weekends, you love to wake him by rubbing your ass against his stiff cock—or even better… by taking him into your hot mouth.
Sometimes, he gets nightmares—from his time in the war, from everything he’s seen. You hold him tight when he wakes from them, stroking his forehead and running your hands through his hair. You sync your breaths with him—deep and slow, deep and slow—till his become shallow again, safe in your arms.
Clyde’s a family man, and he makes sure to let you know that looks all sorts of different ways to him—whether it’s givin’ you his last name, a baby or three, adopting or fostering, taking in every three-legged shelter dog in Boone County, or growin’ a garden together. He’s just so damn happy to be sharing his life with you. You are his family.
Your bedroom soundtrack: Whole Wide World — Bahamas
Because Clyde would go the whole wide world just to find you. 🖤
(PS. Please do familiarize yourself with Bob Seger’s “Roll Me Away” and the fucking hilarious lyrical analysis via The Hairpin linked above. Like, I have Night Moves on vinyl and a bitch can still laugh at it. And yes, the Clyde x Reader meet-cute IS just an elaborate reference to that. Sue me.)
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lu-undy · 4 years
Another one hahaha ( Love Triangle). there's a woman(Childhood friend of Mundy). The woman was secretly Inlove to her friend. Mundy introduce to Lucien about his friend. Lucien felt jealous.
Hey there! Here it is, Mundy’s childhood friend, Diana. (I’m bad at naming people ^^) I hope you’ll enjoy it!
"You're so posh, can't you have some normal food for once?"
"What is wrong with a coffee and a croissant for breakfast? Also, I am inviting you this time, so you don't have the luxury to judge me for what I am ordering. You, on the other hand, have gone for the awfully English breakfast…"
"Can't start the day with an empty stomach, can I?" 
Their eyes met and they smiled to each other. Sniper had driven them both to a diner in the morning. They were both such close friends that Spy had almost got used to Sniper's van, and his complaining about the rusticity of it had lowered down significantly.
"Of course, you cannot…"
Spy winked at his friend as he lit one of his menthol cigarettes. The diner wasn't too busy and the sun was shining beautifully in that day of early June.
"Give us a cig'."
"I said non." Spy repeated, as he took a sip of his black coffee. 
"Only when you finish your, uhm, what you dare call a breakfast." 
"You're not my mum, Spook."
"Non, but as long as I'm your friend, I might as well try to teach you some manners."
Sniper rolled his eyes. 
"I hate you." 
"Non, you don't." Spy smirked and Sniper raised his eyes off his plate for an instant to wink at him. 
"Nah, I don't… I can't…" 
They resumed their breakfast. It was a pleasant day and they very much appreciated each other's company.
Sniper raised his head at the sound of a feminine voice calling for him. He looked where the voice came from. 
A lady approached him and Spy. 
"It's you Mundy, right? It's me, Diana! Remember?" 
"Bloody hell!" 
Sniper stood up and hugged the woman in front of Spy who couldn't help but stare. Diana was about Sniper's age. She was shorter than him and Spy, and was wearing a pink t-shirt with a pair of denim jeans. She was blond and quite good-looking for a lady...
"Diana! How the hell is this possible?"
"Ahem." Spy exaggerated his cough. 
"Oh yeah, Diana, please meet my friend, uh…" Sniper of course didn't know Spy's name and even if he wasn't wearing his balaclava, he still called him by his job title.
"Lucien." Spy stood up and extended his hand, noticing from the corner of his eye Sniper's surprise. 
"Oh, nice to meet you, you must be one of Micky's friends?"
"Y-yeah, he's my best friend." Mundy explained.
"I see you replaced me quickly!" Diana quipped. 
"C'mon, it's been, what? Twenty years? Maybe even more? Oh, y'know what, come and get something with us, you alone?" 
They resumed their seats. As it was a diner, Lucien and Mundy were sitting on opposite benches, facing each other. Diana took a seat next to Mundy. 
"Yeah, I'm alone, I just wanted to grab something and go back home. But that's when I saw the hat and glasses and I thought that there's no one else on Earth who had the same as you!" 
"You want something? Coffee? Tea? It's on me." Mundy offered and Lucien raised an eyebrow.
"No buts, it's such a nice surprise! Nah, mate, you gotta have something with us." 
"Well, some coffee and maybe a muffin would be nice." 
"Right, you don't move, I'll be right back." 
Mundy stood up and headed to the counter. 
"So, you have known Mundy for a long time, oui?"
"Yeah, we used to be childhood friends. We used to go to the same school all the way from kindergarten up until high school." 
"Ah, I see…" 
"And you, where did you meet with Micky?" 
"We work together." Lucien answered. 
"You don't look like a hunter." Diana answered, looking at Lucien's impeccable beige suit and matching tie. He smiled. 
"Non indeed, I do not. I have a different position."
"Your coffee and muffin are on their way, mate." Mundy said, coming back and sitting down next to Diana. 
"Oh, thanks, Micky." 
"I see you've been chattin' while I was away."
"Oh, just wondering how we both came to know you." Diana explained.
Spy noticed how Mundy blushed at the mention of his nickname.
"Mademoiselle Diana here told me that you have been childhood friends."
"Yeah, grown up more or less together." Mundy added. 
"Even dated each other for-"
Lucien choked on his coffee and coughed repeatedly. 
"Bloody hell, you're alright, Spook?" 
"Ahem…" Spy coughed a few more times and cleared his throat. "My apologies. My coffee went the wrong way." Lucien wiped his mouth. "Please don't let me interrupt you." 
"Spook?" Diana repeated. 
"Yeah well, I'm still bad with nicknames…" Mundy explained awkwardly. "So…" He started, trying to remember where there were. 
"Yeah, I was saying that we dated each other for quite a while back then, eh?" Diana recalled. 
"Yeah, some good laughs we've had." 
"How long did you two stay together?" Lucien asked. 
"A year or so, maybe a bit more."
"It felt like centuries more, mate." Mundy teased. 
"Oh, shut up, you! It was wonderful! I'm the best girlfriend you've ever had!" 
Mundy burst out laughing. 
"Yeah, that's true."
"Is it still the case?" She asked as her coffee and muffin landed in front of her.
"Yeah, didn't have another girlfriend that I was that close too." Mundy answered and Lucien hid his red cheeks behind his cup of coffee. 
"And why did your story end?" Lucien asked. "You seem to get along very well."
"I moved away to go to Uni." Diana said. Lucien noticed that Mundy blushed and lowered his eyes. 
"Y-yeah, she had to go. It really was a shame cause you've been my best friend for such a long time." 
"You got someone else to fill the vacancy, now." She said, nodding to Lucien. "And a good lookin' one at that."
Lucien smiled proudly and nodded in thanks.
"Y-yeah, Lucien's really nice…" Mundy answered, his head still low and his cheeks crimson. Lucien got shivers hearing his name from Mundy, with the Australian accent. "So, Diana, what have you become in all these years?" 
"Graduated from Uni and I'm now an accountant."
"Fancy." Mundy said.
"I guess you're still a hunter." Diana pointed at the golden bullets that Mundy wore on his vest pocket.
"Yeah, same old. I can't go to school or Uni."
"Micky used to get into so much trouble back then…!"
"Did he?" Lucien asked. 
"Yeah, he used to get into fights a lot."
"You? Fighting?" Lucien teased. 
"Yeah, I just… Bah, no need to talk about all that." 
Lucien saw that Diana got uncomfortable too. 
"Shall I leave you two for a minute, perhaps?" He asked. 
"Is that ok with you, Spook?" 
"But of course." Lucien nodded at them and stood up to leave. 
"But hey, Spook?"
Spy turned. 
"Let me pay this time." Sniper said and Spy didn't like it. He had said that he would this time and wanted to invite Sniper. But quite obviously, Sniper's interest had shifted from Spy to that Diana lady… 
"Fine, thank you." 
"No worries!"
Spy left the diner and went to Sniper's van. He found it and sighed as he didn't have the key to unlock it. 
Merde. He thought.
Well, let it be so. Spy opened his cigarette case and retrieved the pin that he hid there. He picked the van's lock and got in, slamming the door shut after him. He was hurt and more jealous than he could ever admit. He felt defeated, absolutely so. Now that Sniper had found his young sweetheart, that was it for him. No amount of French charm and seducing could beat that. And they never really broke up! They just stopped seeing each other because she had to go to university...
Meanwhile in the diner, Mundy and Diana were still chatting. 
"So…" She started. "That's one hell of a handsome bloke you've found yourself, eh?" 
"N-no, nah, w-we're not uh…" 
"Maybe you aren't but I can clearly see you want it." Diana said with a smirk. 
"Ah… Well… I never could lie to you, eh?" Mundy answered, embarrassed. 
"Nah, and you still can't. So go on, tell me more about him." 
Mundy took a deep breath. 
"He's… He's amazin' alright? Yeah he looks like a God but apart from that, the banter with him is from another planet! I didn't know I could get along that well with that kind of bloke, and one that looks that good at that…"
"D'you know if he thinks the same about you?" Diana asked. 
"Nah, he can't be. The bloke's a magnet for sheilas. Wherever we go, I see them all look at him as if he was a… a…" Mundy looked left and right. "A muffin!" He said when his eyes landed on Diana's pastry. 
"Well I can understand why! He looks bloody gorgeous!" She answered. 
"I know! And he always dresses up like that and his hair is always perfect and…" Mundy sighed. "Well I know I don't stand a chance so I just take what I can, y'know, here and there."
"Why d'you think you stand no chance?" She asked. 
"You said it! He's gorgeous and I'm just… I'm just me, look at me! Same hat and glasses for decades, same old hunter… Nothing interestin' about me. But him… Diana, sometimes he talks about himself a bit more and uh… Woah… He's been to so many places, met so many people, it's insane…!" Mundy's eyes were dreamy and Diana smiled.
"I think he likes you too." 
"What?" Mundy got flustered. 
"It's obvious! And I wouldn't be surprised if he was pissed off now." She added. 
"Because I broke your moment! If I had known that you were interested in him, I'd never had interrupted you guys. I should have waited and seen when you were done to come and talk to you…"
"Bah, it's good to see you anyway."
"Yeah but as obvious as he likes you, you like him an awful lot too, eh?" 
Mundy nodded, albeit with a sad smile on his lips. 
"I'm finished with my coffee and all. Here, that's my number." She slid a business card to him. "So that you can call me and tell me first hand when you two become a thing!"
Mundy shook his head. 
"It's never gonna happen, don't say that just to give me mad hopes." 
"I'm very serious, Micky. The bloke likes you."
"What d'you know know about it?" He asked. 
"Trust me, us girls can sniff those things. Now, I really gotta go." She stood up and headed away from him. "Don't forget to call, eh?" 
Mundy waved goodbye and put his head in his hands. 
Bloody hell… He thought. 
He stayed in the diner for a minute more before paying what he owed and leaving. 
From the van, Lucien saw Diana exit alone and raised an eyebrow. He was surprised not to see her with Mundy hand in hand… He shivered. The sight of Mundy with someone hand in hand… 
"Oh…" Lucien saw Mundy exit the diner and head to the van. Soon, the keys jingled and Sniper unlocked his van. 
"Argh! Bloody hell you scared me!" He said, putting a hand on his chest. 
"My apologies, I did not mean to." Lucien answered coldly. Mundy sighed. 
"Y-you alright?" Mundy was of course sensing his friend's coldness.
"Oui. Let us go back to the base." 
Mundy's van was roaring out of the city and through the desert. But inside of it, the silence was weighing heavily. 
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing that concerns you. It is me. I am old and, well, 'incorrigible' as we say in French." 
"What's that mean?" 
"Literally, 'incorrectible' or maybe it is 'uncorrectible'? I never learn, is what I mean." 
"What do you mean?" 
"I tend to think, especially in your company, that I am much younger than what I really am."
"When will you see her again?" 
Mundy's eyes dropped from the road to his fingers that were fumbling with the steering wheel. He sighed.
"I don't know."
"I see." 
"What?" Mundy asked. "What d'you see?" 
"Well, you still love her." 
"What?! No!"
"Bushman, don't try to lie to me!"
"No, you got it wrong! I don't! I've 'ever loved her!"
"Ah, and she lied when she said that you had been lovers before?"
"Yes!" Mundy answered. 
"Why would she do that?!" 
"Because-!" Mundy sighed. He looked in the rear-view mirrors and parked the van on the side of the road in the middle of the desert. 
"What now?" Lucien asked. 
"She was my best friend, but she never really was my girlfriend."
Lucien raised a curious eyebrow as Mundy continued. 
"She just pretended." 
"Why did she do such a ridiculous thing?" 
Mundy sighed and rubbed his eyes from under his glasses. 
"Because she wanted to help me… I-I've never liked girls and the reason why I got into so many fights during my high school years was because of that. People used to mock me and my only answer was to fight back."
Lucien's jaw had dropped. 
"I've never loved Diana as anything else but a friend. She was the only one to understand me and not just bully me. We had people believe that she was my girlfriend for people to leave me alone."
"So when she said that she was your best girlfriend ever, it's both very true and very false." Lucien said. 
"Yeah, she's my best girlfriend cause I've never had any and don't want any. But she herself was never one for real."
"I… I am sorry to hear that you had to go through all that… Mundy." 
"Yeah, well, it's all behind me now…"
Lucien turned to look at Mundy. 
"So, you don't love her?" 
"Not like I love… blokes, nah." 
"And when you offered to pay for her?"
"It was just for old time's sake. I wasn't tryin' to date her or something."
"I see." 
"Lucien." Spy corrected him. "You know my face and my name. You might as well use it, out of work of course."
"Yeah…So, uh, Lucien, isn't it?" 
Lucien nodded. 
"Diana was always so clever about people, a bit like you."
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"She used to notice the smallest details and learn so much about people, it's insane."
"So she told you?" Lucien asked with a smile. 
"Told me what?" 
"Women are very good at guessing those things and if she is as gifted as you say, then she surely knows." Lucien calmly answered.
Mundy lowered his head. 
"Tell me, Mundy, what did she tell you?" 
"She said that… That you liked me." 
"Oh, that I do, oui. Didn't she say anything else? Or maybe she meant something else?"
"She…" Mundy hesitated, his hand went to the gearbox and he squeezed it nervously under his fingers. Lucien put his hand on top of his. 
"Tell me." 
"She thinks that you… You might… Y'know…"
Lucien smiled. Mundy's sensitivity was one of the numerous reasons why he had fallen for him. 
"I love you." Lucien finished. "If that is what she said, then she is very right."
Mundy's eyes snapped wide. 
"Y-you what? No, yeah, I mean, she, you…" 
"I love you." Lucien repeated still with his charming calm voice, his fingers clenched harder on Mundy's hand, on the gearbox. "And I became too jealous to be able to hide it, which is why I left the table. I came back here, in your van, and I thought that you were flirting with her and falling for her again. Heartbroken, I was sitting here heartbroken. I thought that I was losing you. Maybe I was, maybe your heart is set on someone else and foolish me thought that this was happening decades ago, when all my hair was still black and I didn't have all those lines on my face…" 
"Shut up…"
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"I beg your pardon?"
"You really think those lines at the corner of your eyes or a bit of grey hair would stop me?"
"Stop you from what?" Lucien asked. 
"Stop me from lovin' you too! Y-you're gorgeous, you're such a nice bloke, you're funny, you understand me, the banter we have is amazing and" Mundy turned to look at Lucien. "And you're absolutely gorgeous."
Lucien's surprised face was something new to Mundy, but far from unpleasant. 
"I-I love you too." Mundy repeated, his eyes looking deep into Lucien's very light blue, almost grey ones.
Lucien leaned his head on Mundy's shoulder. 
Their fingers laced through each other's.
"Micky is a terrible nickname, I think." Lucien said.
"Don't like it?"
"Do you have a nickname?" Mundy asked. 
"Whichever you will choose for me."
"Your name's Lucien, right?"
Lucien nodded against Mundy's shoulder. 
"What about Lu'?" 
Lucien smiled. 
"I like it." 
"Oui, no one ever before called me that." 
"Alight, then you're Lu'. But what am I?"
"What about 'mon chéri'?"
"Your cherry?" Mundy asked, surprised. 
"Non, mon chéri does not mean my cherry." Lucien answered, chuckled. 
"What then?" 
"My darling." Lucien answered as he raised his head. His eyes crossed, devouring Mundy's lagoon blue eyes, their charm, before closing his eyes and pushing his lips on Mundy's softly. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Secret Garden (SpicyHoneyMustard, stand alone, lemon)
Summary: Edge and Red are bodyguards for the Queen’s Judge, Rus, and they more than happy to watch over him.
In every way possible.
Oh, man, I make no excuses for my writer's brain.
I've always thought that having the Judge be something otherworldly or divine was an interesting concept, so you'll forgive me if I explore that a little within my porn.
Tags: SpicyHoneyMustard, Fontcest, Fellcest, Sibling Incest, Threesome, Established Relationship, Possessive Behavior, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, LEMONY GOODNESS!!
Sequel to:
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Truth be told, Edge probably should scold Red about cleaning his weapons out in the open, but he had to admit. The cold stare from a fierce skeleton sharpening a gleaming knife did help keep any gawkers at bay.
This section of the prayer gardens was supposed to be restricted for the Judge’s use, but looky-loos still managed to wander in from time to time, trying to steal a worshipful glance at him or beg for a hasty blessing. Perhaps if Edge’s duties didn’t involve keeping Rus safe from those very Monsters, he would have been more understanding.
Judges were awe-inspiring, their souls acting in divine symbiosis with the Angel. Their people set the Judge high upon pedestals as marvelous beings of blessing and light coupled with their darker side of judgment and retribution, and Monsters often looked upon them with reverence.
Once, Edge would even have felt the same, before he met Rus. Within five minutes of meeting their charge, he’d tripped over his lengthy robes and fallen on top of Red, sending them both crashing to the ground with an astonishing amount of impressively creative swearing on both their parts. Reverence was difficult to maintain in those circumstances.
Love, on the other hand…
Edge leaned against a nearby tree, taking in the view that by rights of being a Chosen guard belonged only to him and Red. Rus was sitting cross-legged on a woven mat, his plainer, everyday robes settled around him, sockets closed and hands resting loosely on his knees. His expression was one of serenity, his chin lowered towards his chest as he sat amongst the riotous flora and greenery of the hanging gardens, as lovely as one of the many nearby flowers.
Softly, Edge asked, "What is he doing?"
Red only shrugged and didn’t stop scraping his blade against the whetstone, even though it was probably sharp enough by now to sever an hour into a hundred minutes. "meditatin'. chattin' with his inner sanctum, communing with the judges of the past, becoming one with the ether. whatever the shit he does, who the fuck knows.”
Who the fuck knew, indeed. Rus tried to explain to them many times what it was like to share symbiosis with the Judge, to carry memories from all the Judges of the past along with his own. Frankly, Edge found the implications of it to be horrifying, to never be alone in his own head. It wasn't a role Rus had wanted either, he knew, from soft, pained confessions in the darkest part of night, whispering to them even as Rus trembled in their arms, haunted by nightmares that weren’t his own. But Rus was Chosen, and he tried so very hard to uphold the dignity of his station but—
A low snore carried over to them, Rus’s chin falling to rest against his sternum.
"Yes, he's very dedicated," Edge said dryly. He left Red to his menacing and went over to Rus, crouching next to him. He took a moment to puzzle out where Rus’s limbs were buried in the voluminous robes, until finally Edge was able to scoop him up into his arms. "Come on, love."
“hnnn?” Rus mumbled sleepily. His sockets barely opened, pale eye lights peeking out and the happiness in his lazy smile at seeing Edge warmed his soul. “hi there.”
“Hi yourself.” Edge ducked his head and took a soft kiss, tasting the surge of sharp sweetness that could only mean one thing. He drew back and murmured, “Your magic is building up again.” Acting as a symbiont for the Judge meant Rus always had a high level of magic, far too much for his body to process. The excess of magic needed an outlet and the simplest way was—
Rus’s grin widened, honeyed tongue flicking out to sweep lightly across his teeth. “is that an offer?”
“It’s my honor and my duty to assist with all your needs,” Edge told him loftily, if only to see Rus’s expression.
As expected, Rus made a face, skull twisting in distaste, “less of that would be great. i know it’s your byline, but i don’t really care what it says on the tin.”
The sound of gravel crunching heralded Red’s approach, a distinct sign that he’d wanted to be heard even as he chuckled, “honey love, it’s our job to take care of ya when you’re horny, so how’s about you two come down here let me get to work.”
“you sweet talker,” Rus said dryly. But he gave Edge a soft peck then allowed him to settle them both back down on the mat, tugging up his robes and spreading his legs.
The thin, skinny pants he wore beneath his robes were easy discarded, revealing slim, lovely bones, smooth and pristine, and the soft folds of his already formed pussy, the lips gleaming with eager dampness.
Edge sat behind him, pulling Rus back between his legs and hooking his ankles over Rus’s to keep him spread open as he dropped a hand between his femurs to explore those silky folds. Soft and warm, slicked with slipperiness that let him effortlessly accept two fingers inside even as Rus warbled out a cry, arching up into that touch.
Red sat down in front of them and already there was a simmer of desire in his eye lights as he watched Rus shiver and writhe under Edge’s careful fingering.
“Already so wet,” Edge crooned. His fingers moved easily in that wetness, sliding in up to the knuckles. “Were you having good dreams?”
Rus shook his head stubbornly, though he buried his face against Edge’s neck as he mumbled out, “was meditating, not…oooh!”
He broke off on a gasp as Red seemed to decide he’d had enough of simply watching. He ducked his head, his hot, clever tongue briefly sliding alongside Edge’s twisting fingers. Red pulled off with an obscene slurp to ask, “what was that, pretty? can’t hear ya.”
“don’t stop!” Rus groaned, hissing as Edge scraped his teeth lightly across his cervical vertebrae, offering a tantalizing hint of pain to war against the pleasure of his thrusting fingers.
“oh, we can do this all day, pretty.” Red bent again to lick his way up, eye lights on Rus’s face as he tongued at his clit teasingly before drawing back to lick the syrupy juices from his teeth while his hands went to his belt. The buckle clanked loudly in the peace of the surrounding garden as he roughly opened his pants, pulling out his cock. “sweet as honeysuckle on the vine.”
Rus laughed weakly, a lovely honeyed blush flooding his cheek bones. Edge couldn’t resist kissing it, a brush of his teeth over angular bone and honestly, how dare Rus be so beautiful, adorable shyness tangled up with bold need. He didn’t hesitate to spread his femurs wider, giving Red plenty of room to shuffle between them. “do you even know what honeysuckle looks like?”
“nope, this is the only flower i need.” His cock wasn’t as long as Edge’s, but the girth was impressive, stretching Rus’s lips as Red pushed inside and his extensive collection of clever retorts petered out as he moaned, “fuck, rus, you always feel so good.”
It was a gorgeous sight. Sitting where he was granted Edge a unique, obscene view of Rus’s pelvic inlet, allowing him to watch Red fucking their lover, his cock visible through honey gold magic as he thrust into the slickness of Rus’s formed pussy. Rus writhed between them, wordless cries and pleading getting louder as his spine bowed in an arch, his hips moving frantically.
“oh!” Rus whimpered out, his skull digging into Edge’s shoulder as he threw his head back, quivering and jerking as he found his first peak. It was wildly erotic, watching him writhe while those slender hands grapple desperately at Red as Rus shuddered and squirmed his way to an engulfing orgasm, from his curling toes all the way up to the gasping mouth that frantically sought out Edge’s.
“That’s one,” Edge murmured when Rus broke the kiss, his head falling to instead pant hot and damp against Edge’s collarbone. He soothed a hand down Rus’s ribcage, seeking out places he knew were sensitive to keep him riding that crest of pleasure. The rasp of his glove against bone coupled with the rhythmic slickness of fucking sang through the air.
“we keepin’ count, bro?” Red grunted. His thrusts slowed, moving shallowly, and Edge could imagine the clench of Rus’s walls around him, knew exactly how it felt to have them tighten exquisitely when Rus came.
“Not at all.” Edge nuzzled a kiss against Rus’s skull, tasting the sweet tang of his sweat. “I'm sure you'll do the best you can manage."
“if you two start fighting over me,” Rus panted, “no one gets to play.” It was warning with some teeth; he’d shortcutted away from them before and left them frantically searching for him, panicked over the loss of their charge while he waited for them stowed safely away in their quarters.
“aw, we ain’t fightin’, darlin’.” Red couldn’t reach high enough for a real kiss and settled for pressing one against the inside of Rus’s femur where it was drawn up, teeth clacking softly against the bone. “me and my bro know how to share our toys.”
His indignant reply was cut off by a startled moan as Edge reached down and took his clit between two fingers, stroking the swollen nub in time with Red’s renewed thrusts. His slim hips rocked in hitched little movements, his sacrum pressing dissatisfying against Edge’s still-clothed cock. That was fine, this was for Rus, and Edge was patient. Besides, the desperate, adoring noises that poured from Rus’s throat were a distinct pleasure all their own.
It took three more orgasms before Rus finally sagged back against Edge, weakly clinging as Red came to a shattered climax of his own, hips jerking even as the golden magic in Rus’s pelvis bloomed with crimson, his brother’s come flowering inside him. Red sagged down on them both and Edge took their weight easily, holding them until Red finally sighed, deeply satisfied, and carefully withdrew.
“You are so beautiful,” Edge murmured against the side of Rus’s skull. He was, utterly debauched with his slim legs akimbo, the delicate, swollen folds of his golden pussy tainted with crimson, like petals bruised by a satisfying storm. One that wasn’t over yet, because Rus shifted in his lap, his weakly coaxing hips grinding back against Edge’s aching cock where it pressed firmly to his sacrum.
With the fingertips of one hand, he turned Rus’s unresisting face to his, covering that teasing mouth with his own, swallowing his sighs even as he fumbled at his belt with his other hand. He was more than ready for his turn and he wouldn’t finish until Rus asked, until he begged, that throaty, gorgeous voice of his wrecked and pleading—
“My apologies to interrupt your sacred duties.”
The queen was only at the garden entrance and turned away, but Rus still yelped, scrambling out of Edge’s arms.
The sound of her voice was enough to deflate Edge’s desire instantly, as was his own inner anger that he’d failed to notice her approach. She could have been anyone and it was sheer luck that she was no danger to Rus. Even the divine couldn’t always protect a Judge, that was their purpose, his and Red’s. Their sacred duty, to safeguard him even at the expense of their own lives and if Edge could admit to himself in the privacy of his own soul that it was less the Judge and more Rus that he would willingly die for, the Angel hadn’t taken him to task for it yet.
A glance at Red confirmed he was simmering in his own self-blame, straightening his clothes with more force than was strictly necessary, moving to stand close to Rus, who was still frantically cleaning himself up.
The pants he’d been wearing earlier were sacrificed to mop up between his legs, crimson soaking into the pale cloth that was hastily shoved beneath the meditation matt. Rus grimaced in distaste as he jerked his robes down over his mostly clean legs.
“seriously, tori?” Rus groaned, even as he tried to smooth his robes into some semblance of order.
The wealth of amusement in the Queen’s voice might well have been enough for her to purchase another kingdom. “There’s no need for embarrassment, surely! It isn’t as if I don’t know—”
Rus interrupted, a touchy shrilly, “let’s keep up a polite fiction, yeah?”
“Of course,” the Queen agreed. “Whatever fairy tale you prefer. Perhaps Little Red Riding Hood?”
“no jokes about riding, tori, please!”
The queen only laughed softly. She, at least, never tried to force Rus to conform to expectations any more than necessary. From what Edge knew, they’d been friends even before Rus was Chosen, and whatever pedestal she kept Rus upon was low enough for him to easily step off whenever his duties weren’t called for. Unfortunately, those duties were often needed, and her amusement faded as she said, more seriously, “Again, I am sorry to interrupt, but there is a Judgment required.”
Rus stiffened, but offered no protest. In mere seconds, calm settled over his features, those pale eye lights fading away, leaving his sockets empty and dark, and the disorder of his robes seemed to fall into place, smoothed by unseen hands.
Reverence was no longer what Edge considered when he thought of the Judge. Indeed, his emotions were far more blasphemous, bordering on hatred. Even Rus’s voice was deeper, holding the weight of Judgement and none of Rus’s innate sweetness as he said, coolly, “I’m ready. Edge, you will join me. Red, please wait for me back at our rooms.”
Red’s expression closed off and he nodded curtly, turning on heel and heading back to their quarters. Once there, Edge knew he would ready things for their return. Hot tea, something light to eat, soft blankets piled high on their shared bed and pulled back invitingly. Preparing not for the Judge but for Rus.
Edge followed behind Rus as he strode out, the Queen falling into step beside him as they made their way to the Judgement Hall. His own magic was heightened, searching for any danger, any violent intent towards their Judge whose long strides were carrying him towards the one who required punishment, and that was where his attention would be solely focused until it was over. He was lit from within in a terrible beauty, a golden halo of light forming around his skull and dancing like flames along the slender bones of his fingers.
Monsters stared as they passed, some falling to their knees in muttered prayer, asking for blessings from the Angel that Judgment never need be passed over them.
Edge paid them no mind past checking for any threat, and if Edge’s soul ached to see Rus overtaken, knowing he was lost and lonely within the confining prison of being an avatar to divinity, he said nothing. This was his duty, the vow he’d taken years ago at the feet of the Queen and her Judge, and he would see it done.
And when it was over, Edge would still be there, him and his brother, helping Rus to find himself again, guiding him back home.
Read the next chapter
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Fresh Start: Part 3
Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Cop!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 4,168
A/N: Got the idea for this one while watching ‘The Town’.
Part 1 / Part 2
You walked into court for the second time from a heavily guarded back room, ten times more terrified than the last time. This time, you had large, dark sunglasses on your face in a vane attempt to cover the bruise and patched up cuts on the right side of your face and a scarf over your head to cover what the sunglasses couldn’t. You knew you wouldn’t be able to keep them on in the court room, but you were still going to hold as much of your dignity as you could.
“Ms. Odinson. How are you today?” Nick Fury, who had been Thor… and at one point, your lawyer, asked after you had been sworn in again.
“I’m fine.” You said with a nod over the judge asking you to remove your glasses and scarf. You took a deep breath and kept your eyes strictly on Tony this time as a woman in the jury box gasped at the sight of your cheek. You could almost see your brother’s smirk out of the corner of your eye as he sat back in his chair, causing the chains of the shackles he was being forced to wear for attacking you to rattle. So you simply sat up a little straighter and looked up at Nick.
“I just have a few questions for you today.” Nick started in as he purposely moved directly between you and Tony to mess with your mind. “What time did Jack show up at your place for dinner?”
“It wasn’t my place.” You said with a shake of your head. “I lived in a small apartment with no real kitchen at that time in my life. We were at my broth’a’s house. I serve supp’a at 6:30 every Sunday. I would say he arrived five minutes before that.”
“And what time did my client allegedly shoot one of his dearest friends?”
“I didn’t look at a clock, suh… but I would guess it would have been about seven…”
“What else did you talk about that night?” He asked quickly. “Besides the alleged bank robberies you claimed he orchestrated and the supposed drug deals. What did you talk about?” You startled the slightest bit and actually looked over your brother since you had never been asked that question before.
“Well it started with my sauce recipe. See, I use ground sausage in the sauce when I cook it and then more sausage in the lasagne. Can’t use too much extra seasonings either; get enough of it in the sausage. It’s all about practice and timing…”
“What else?” Fury asked, almost cutting you off in an attempt to trip you up.
“Well, we talked about a painting that I had put up over the stove. Ain’t nothing special. It was just something I found at a thrift store for a nickel. He told me his sister painted and I asked…”
“What else?” Fury interrupted again. You huffed but took a deep breath immediately after, not appreciating the way this man was speaking to you but knowing he was doing just to get you riled up.
“That’s all.” You said shortly as you wrapped your scarf around your hand. “Thor got aggravated and started talking business so I shut up.”
“When you originally spoke to the police.” Fury said as he walked back over to his table to grab your original statement. “You told them that Jack stayed for dinner, and after dinner, you cleaned up, and went home. Is that right?”
“That is what I said, yes. But…”
“You also said the last time we saw you that you supposedly lied out of fear, correct?”
“Rightfully so.” You said as you gestured to your face.
“Your honor, can you instruct the witness to answer yes or no only, please?” You took another deep breath as the judge repeated the instructions to you. You looked straight forward and found Bucky, who had slipped into the back of the gallery. He gave you a short nod and pulled his leather jacket to the side to show a screen printed black shirt with Jessica’s photo on it, making a small smile pull at the corner of your lips. 
“Yes.” You said to the repeated question as you looked back over at Nick.
“Were you arrested in 2013 for possession of narcotics?”
“Goes to character.” Fury said as he pretended to study the papers in his hand as if they were the most important documents in the history of the world.
“Overruled.” The judge sighed.
“Yes, I was.” You said with a nod as you finally glanced at your brother, who looked so smug it was almost disgusting. It was the look he used to give you when he knew he was winning at any games you played.
“And you plead not guilty?”
“So you lied again there, correct?” You felt your teeth grind together as you tightened your grip on your scarf.
“Your honor!”
“Yes!” You said a little loudly before swallowing your aggravation down. You looked away from him and looked at the small glimpse of Jessica’s face that you could see. “Yes, I lied.”
“So, why should we believe that you’re not lying here today?” He asked a little loudly as he dropped the papers on the table.
“Because you have to believe that people are capable of changing for the ones they love.” You looked over at him with zero emotion on your face but your eyes continued on to your brother and you shook your head. “Because you have to believe that at the end of the day, I am just a moth’a that would do anything for her daught’a’s safety. And if that means I have to turn my back on my broth’a because he is a dang’a to her well being, and he is asking me be a dang’a to her well being as well, I will. I am doing this for Jessica. Not because I don’t love my broth’a. But because I love my daught’a more.” You looked back up at Fury before turning to look straight forward at the photo once more. It took Fury a second before he shook his head.
“I’ve got nothing more.” He said as he sat down.
“Cross.” Tony said quickly as he shot up from his chair. You looked over at him as he moved just to the edge of the table. “Ms. Odinson, did you or did you not see the defendant shoot Jack?”
“I did.” You said with a nod.
“And did you, or did you not originally lie about it under your brother’s instruction?”
“I did.”
“Last one. Did you or did you not decide on your own that coming clean about what you saw was the right thing to do no matter what the consequences could have been?”
“I did.” You stated one final time.
“Thank you, (Y/N). That’s all I have for you today.”
“You may go, Ms. Odinson.” The judge said quietly. You nodded your head and looked over at your brother for the last time before quickly putting your sunglasses back on. You walked out of the witness box, and disappeared through the side door where there were two Marshalls waiting for you to take you back to the WITSEC holding center so you could get ready for your new life.
“This is a house.” You said a little slowly as you worked hard on turning your Boston accent into a slightly New York/ slightly accent less sounding one, much to your displeasure.
“This is our house.” Bucky said as he pulled your new to you Hyundai Santa Fe into the driveway of a three bedroom, three bathroom Las Vegas, Nevada home. “New house for the new (Y/L/N) family.”
“I’ve ne-ver lived in’a house before.” You said as you leaned forward to look at the fake grass covered front yard. “This isn’t real.” You said as you sat back and looked at your fiancé with your eyebrows raised. “No, you’re just teasin’ me.”
“I’m really not.” He chuckled as he pulled into the two car garage and shut off the engine.
“(Y/N).” He said with a smile as he put the car in park and turned off the engine. He looked over at you and gestured vaguely with his hand. “Go on. Go Townie…”
“This is faackin’ ridiculous!” You nearly screeched in the accent you been hiding for weeks as he sat in the car, and waited for you to get it out. “Ain’t no one in the Town lives this nice. Like we’re damn royals ‘er some shit. You know, houses like this means ya got shit ta rob. I’d’a robbed a house like this.”
“Well it’s a good thing you threatened to cut off someone’s dick so we could keep Dakota then.” He said with a nod as he looked back at the dog that was laying across the back seat, fast asleep. 
“Even still. Catch chaages ‘ere, boy, I tell ya. This bitch… this bitch’s ours? No shit?”
“No shit.” Bucky laughed.
“Babe. Baaaabe. Stop.”
“Do you even wanna see inside?” He asked as he gestured to the door leading into the house. “You picked out all that furniture last week, you gotta have somewhere to put it…”
“Oh moth’a fuckin’ right I’mma go inside. Tha’s my moth’a fuckin’ house. Gotta find places for the damn guns!”
“You can take the girl outta the Town.” He chuckled behind you as you let Dakota out of the back while he got a still waking up Jessie out of her car seat.
“Ooo, no more quarters!” You said as you pointed to the washer and dryer in the little laundry room. “No more scrubs chattin’ me up at the mat.”
“I love how it’s always the little things with you.” He teased as he followed you into the kitchen while Dakota ran into the house to investigate and make sure everything was OK.
“Bucky!” You hissed as you dead stopped in front of him, nearly forcing him to run into you as you turned around and whacked his arm. “A dishwash’a!”
“And counter space for me to cook.” He said as he gestured with his elbow to the white marble countertops that ran the length of three of the four walls of the medium kitchen except for the places left open for new appliances the WITSEC people would be helping you finance until you both found jobs. 
“Yea, cause we all know I cain’t cook for shit.” You said as you looked in the small pantry built into the fourth wall beside the door to the laundry room. You turned to look at the massive living room (that had very questionable grey tile like the entire first floor) and stopped again at the sight of water. “Wait. That ain’t what I think it is.”
“I don’t know what you think it is.” Your fiancé said with a smile as he put the diaper bag on the counter and moved Jess to his other hip. “So you might as well go look for yourself.” You shot him a glare over your shoulder as you walked quickly across the room toward a sliding glass door that had a cage like screen door fitted over it.
“Fuck off.” You said as you stepped out into your decent sized, walled in back yard, and looked at the pool with a cute little rock waterfall in the deep end to your right that actually belonged to you. “This is a dream.”
“Here, why don’t you take Jessica.” Bucky said as the movers rang the door bell to drop off the boxes of the belongings you brought from Boston and all of the new furniture you had picked out for your house. “And see how she feels about being in a swimming pool. I’ll help the movers out. That way you don’t have to practice New York in your excitement.”
“James.” You whispered as you took your suddenly super talkative daughter from your fiancé with a smile and a hint of tears. “Thank you. I never would have done this without you.”
“Anything for the woman I love and our little girl.” He said softly as he gave you a chaste kiss. “Please don’t be naked when I come back out here.”
“That ain’t happening.” You replied honestly as you kicked off your flip flops and walked over to the shallow, beach entry. “You ain’t never been in a pool before, Jessie. This’ll be fun for you. And you are gunna have to get naked just like Mommy…”
“I heard that!” Bucky said over Jessie’s babbles and the few miscellaneous words she knew as he pushed the sliding glass doors open all the way for the grill, and the small fire pit and couple rocking chairs you just had to have.
“Nak-ee baby!” You said as New Yorker as possible as you pulled off the dress you had on your daughter, and tossed it to the side. “Nak-ee Mommy!”
“Mama! Ball!”
“Don’t you do it!” He chuckled as you stepped out of your jeans, choosing to placate him by leaving your thong on.
“Tan lines.” You said with a glare at him as you sat down on the edge to take off your shirt, which caused one of the younger movers to put down your rocking chair roughly and bee line it back into the house.
“Modesty.” He said as he watched you stand up and pull the strap of your panties up a bit on your hips to slightly cover the ‘Boston Strong’ Massachusetts state shaped tattoo on your hip, which according to your new “official” life story was a memorial to your dead mother who was born and raised in Boston and the location of your birth and the first couple years of your life before you “moved to New York”. You hated that it no longer could stand for your love of your hometown. “Damn, baby. The things I would do to you…”
“That’s how we got this one.” You said as you walked out into the sun warmed water. “Want another?”
“Oh, hell yea.” He said as he turned away to help direct the movers with your belongings.
“Yea, Daddy’s crazy if he thinks I’m puttin’ this body through another baby. You were bad enough on me, you little punkin’. Weren’t you?” You smiled at your baby girl infectious laugh as you carefully walked down the two steps to lower you both into the three feet of water. “What’s that?” You asked playfully as you took a couple steps away from the shelf so she could start to figure out the concept of the pool. “We swimming? It’s like a giant bathtub.” You pulled off her diaper since it swelled nearly instantly and stuck it on the side of the pool as you continued to slowly walk deeper into the pool.
“We never had a swimmin’ pool growing up.” You said at nearly a whisper as you moved to stand just in the shade created by the long pergola so your daughter didn’t get burned with this much stronger sun and so that you could watch the guys moving things into your new home. “That ain’t true. When we were kids, your grand pop bought a plastic above ground pool. Just a round circle with a cheap as fuck ladder. We had it for a whole week until your uncle busted the side open with his skateboard. Faackin’ idiot.” Jess laughed as you pat your hand on the water. 
“Yea, baby girl. Us Townies ain’t never seen nothin’ this nice, though. Had ta have money for them in ground fucks. But you, my little meatball, get a beautiful pool in a nice, safe neighborhood. You don’t gotta worry ‘bout walking down to the spa for groceries. Ain’t gotta worry ‘bout the crazies or drugs or bank robberies every other day. None of it. And you know why? Because you, little girl, have the best damn daddy in the whole damn world.”
“Yea, Dada.” You said with a nod as you cupped some water in your hand and poured it over the back of her head to keep her cool. “He’s a wicked good man, baby girl. Way better than your Ma deserves.”
“Baf.” Jess said as she tried, unsuccessfully to get water in her little hands to put on her head to ‘help’, only succeeding in splashing you both with water.
“Sure, punkin’. This can be your bath.” You giggled as you sunk down in the water a little more. “We’ll stay out here all day for your bath while the boys do the hard work inside. How about that?” Jessie simply giggled and splashed more water on both of you, trying to give herself a bath like you did every night. “God, you’re such a meatball” You laughed as you helped her put more water on her head like she apparently wanted. “You are so my kid.”
“So I think we should redo this back yard.” Bucky said as he looked out the far set of sliding glass doors, which lead to the other side of your back yard. “I don’t like that metal fence separating the pool. Bars are too far apart. She could just slip right through…”
“Babe, we just fuckin’ moved in.” You sighed as you unloaded boxes of toys into baskets along the back wall beside the new, very comfortable, grey, ‘u’ shaped couch while keeping an eye on Jessica as she pulled the toys right back out of the baskets and scattered them across the floor in what you were temporarily deeming as ‘her spot’. “Can you maybe finish setting up the TV first?”
“That’d be easy to rip out. Same with this dumb brick.” He said more to himself as he gestured vaguely in that direction. “Grass this whole area in with that fake grass shit…”
“Bucky.” You said in a sing song voice as you broke down the empty box and added it to the growing pile by the front door so you could go put all the toys back into their baskets again. “TV, please.”
“Little swing set for Jess. This live oak is nice for shade… hammock between those two palms…
“James! Put my damn TV together so your kid can stop ripping apart my living room!” Your fiancé turned around with a huff and a smirk as he watched Jess grab the toy you had literally just put away and throw it on the pink, flower carpet with a laugh.
“OK!” He said as he raised his hands in surrender. “TV.”
“Why you gotta be a damn pain in my ass?” You asked both him and Jessica as you scooped her up, grabbed the toy from her hand, and put it back in the basket. “What’r you doin’, punk, huh? You just pissin off your Ma just ‘cause you can?” You blew a loud raspberry on her cheek and pretended to drop her by moving her to straddle your stomach, holding her head and body to your chest, and dipping both of you down toward the ground. She squealed loudly and took off running when you put her down, making Dakota jump up from where he was watching near the half bathroom to follow her.
“How long have you had him?” Bucky asked as you walked over and started to push a box of his books toward the entertainment center he was setting the TV up on.
“Who, Dakota?” You asked as you pulled open the box. “‘Bout two months after Thor got locked up. Couple days after I found out I was pregnant. I just wanted to know that my kid was safe. So I bought the most vicious looking puppy I could find and had a guy from the block teach me how to train him to be a guard dog that was good with kids. And damn did I get a good one. He’s taken a beating from Jess. She climbs all over him, she’ll even just lay on him and yell at me about bed time right by his ear and he just takes it. She’s his baby.” Bucky nodded his head slowly as he hooked up the cable box that the cable company had dropped off that morning.
“I tried finding you.” He said as you walked over to grab your box of DVD’s. “After, I mean. I tried so damn hard. It was about six months after. I went back to your old apartment but the lady next door said you’d just left one night. She’d no idea where you went…”
“I moved into one of Thor’s places.” You sighed. “Rent was paid up for a whole year, bills were all paid for with money he kept stashed there. It wasn’t even a debate in my head. I cleaned out my cash stash, moved out, and sold all my furniture to some guy few blocks over who was moving in to the section 8 housing for wicked cheap. Got rid of my main car to pay for Jessie’s doctor visits.”
“That’s why I couldn’t find anything in your name.” He said, sadly as you both turned around to look at your daughter as she rattled the baby gate that prevented her from going upstairs. “Jessica!” Your daughter whipped around so quickly she stumbled and landed on her butt. “Leave it alone. No.” Her bottom lip trembled for only a moment before Dakota came over to give her a kiss and nudge her until she stood up again to keep playing.
“I know you didn’t want to leave.” You said softly as you watched Jess put her butt in the air to get her feet under her before grabbing on to her four legged best friend so she didn’t topple over. “I’d like to think I knew you well enough to know that. But we both have to accept that our… relationship is wicked fuckin’ complicated. I have to accept that I don’t know what’s true and what was a lie about what you told me about yourself. And you have to accept that me and your daughter were unfortunately collateral damage because of your job. It sucks, we both hate it. 
But we are also here together; just you and me. Not that I mind that at all because have you seen you naked? And have you cried on your shoulder? And for fucks sake, have you ever, ever met another poor fuck that can sit and listen to me for any fucking stretch of time? Do you think anyone else can put up with sleeping with me? No, because you’re the fucking saint to my satan. But you need to remember something. We are actually, legally new people here. I’m a fucking secretary for fucks sake. And you’re a fucking mechanic. So now, we get to develop those people together. Like… I think, I spent a spring break in Miami Beach and I was on some spring break pool party music video show on MTV. And you could be an army vet…”
“I am an army vet.” He interrupted.
“Then you can still be an army vet, jerk face.” You laughed as you gently pushed his shoulder. “Are you even hearing what I’m saying or is New James a shit listener?”
“I hear you.” He chuckled as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to him. “I hate that you’re the rational one of us and I’m the emotional one.”
“That’s what you get when you’re raised on the streets of Charlestown. Rationality.” You both looked over at a single bark, a large bang, and Jessica’s sudden scream cry, and you had no idea which one of you ran into the kitchen faster to get to her. She had somehow managed to pull the oven open, and it must have knocked her down when gravity took over.
“Oh, my poor baby.” Bucky cooed as he picked her up.
“Oh, she’s fine.” You said as you shut the oven with your heel and pointed at him. “Shoulda had the TV set up. She’d be watching Mickey Mouse right now.”
“You know what… fuck you.” He laughed as he cuddled his daughter closer. “Go be rational somewhere else.”
“I’m tellin’ you now, that baby may not be raised in the Town but she sure as fuck ain’t gunna be no pussy ass bitch baby, you hear me?” You called out as you grabbed the next DVD box. “She’s got Townie blood…”
“She’s got sweet New York blood, too.” He said as grabbed the two remotes and sat down with his little love to coddle her. “Tell your Mommy that you’re going to be a sweet little angel, aren’t you.”
“Oh, God help us all!” You groaned playfully as you unloaded the next box while Bucky set up the TV and cable under the watchful eyes of Jessie and Dakota.
Part 4
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
How A Girl Must Live Ch 3
Ch. 3: Opening Up
Ch1: A place for singles , Ch 2: Popular, Ch 4: Dating Ch 5:Family Ch 6 Violence begets Violence Ch 7 Love Birds
Notes: angst, jealousy, bullying, and mean girls. Cheesy fluff. Trauma, southern accent.
taging: @super-pink-a-palouza @luciferreads @glasglowgrin @loomiz @princessloveme123 @hornyhetero @taintedglass @bohemian-brian​ @maryan028 , @scxrsgxrd, lizziejorgie, @waywardtigersandwich​
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“I can walk straight without holding on to you, Mr. Goodland.” Samantha stood. “But I suppose a girl needs an escort around here so you may walk with me.”  
He smirked as they walked along the grounds. “You’re a little rule breaker.”  
“Not particularly.” She bit on her lower lip looking around for others as they entered the quiet of the library.  
“Yeah, you are.” He grinned. “I am not sure how you got Mr. Russel, Mr. Jonas, and Mr. Stokes to say you weren’t there the other night, but I know you can open up for me. I will keep my mouth shut about all you do sweetheart. Your one of those promiscuous girls, aren’t you?”
“I have to go.” She turned to head in the direction of whispering voices. She just wanted to be away from this uncomfortable situation quickly.
He stepped in front of her grinning. “You just need some discipline.”  
He raised his open palmed hand. She cringed. As he his hand started its journey to the side of her face. His wrist was grabbed before it got there. 
“Do you remember what I said about raising your hand to any of the lady’s here, Mr. Goodland?” Mr. Russel said calmly. “Miss Samantha, I will get you safely to your class on the other side of the library. I will escort you to lunch after.”
“Thank you, Mr. Russel.” Samantha looped her arm around his. She felt safe with him. He was the only person in the resort she was starting to trust.
“You can’t do shit to me Mr. Russel.” Mr. Goodland yelled as they strolled away. “You can’t always be with that little hussy to protect her either.”
“Mr. Goodland!” A husky voice rang in the silence. “That is no way to talk in the halls of a library. My office now. I will be calling your Father to deal with you.”
“Don’t bother I’ll take the money my Father gave you and my Thunderbird.” He knew disappointing his abrasive Father would get him beat within an inch of his life.  
“Your Father signed a contract.” Mr. Jones escorted the boy out of the library. “This time when you leave you get nothing of the money he put into this place. Now be a good boy, pack your bags and leave this place.”
As Samantha read the latest Nancy Drew Mystery called The Hidden Window, the other girls read less bold independent literature like The Years of Grace, Jean and Johnny, The Luckiest Girl, and The Boy Next Door. She could not help but notice some of them whispering and pointing her way.  
When they giggled loudly the librarian rang a small bell whispering, “Ladies that’s enough.”  
Samantha ignores them choosing to dive into the descriptions of Charlottesville, Virginia mansions and the mystery unraveling inside such places. She was just finishing her book when the library once again rang her little bell.  
“Lunch time, girls.” She reminded them. “Your escorts should be here shortly.”
Mr. Russel was standing right outside of the room. He came in when he heard the librarian. “I’m here to escort Miss. Samantha to lunch, Miss Penny.”
“That’s good of you Mr. Russel.” She smiled. “Good luck.”  
Missy laughed loudly. “I do not think you need luck with here.” The other girls giggled.
Samantha ran out embarrassed not knowing where they could get such an idea. Tears were streaming down her face when a hand on her shoulder startled her. She turned quickly. Her heart beating fast. His green eyes peered down at her with concern. His hand caressed her cheek as his thumb brushed away a tear drop.  
“Do not worry about them, Samantha.” She threw herself around him as more tears flowed. He strokes her hair. “There are a lot of no good son of bitches out there. And I will try to protect you from them. They will all get what’s coming to them.”
Her arms wrapped around his waist she looks at him sniffling. “Promise, Mr. Russel?”
“I promise, sweet Miss Samantha.” They both straightened up as they walked out of the library trying to ignore the stares of the others around them. “I think it is best you have lunch with me if that is agreeable?”
“I would like that.” A smile tugged its way across her lips. “Mr. Goodland had a reservation for us. I do not have to eat with him instead, do I?”
“You do not ever have to worry about him again.” He patted her hand that was grasping a little tightly at his arm.  
Other couples rushed around them to get to lunch. Many whispered and snickered as if Samantha and Mr. Russel were doing something wrong. They did not pay any of them attention.  
When they got into the common dining area Mr. Russel stopped a few steps away from Mrs. Sally and Mr. Jones. “Wait right here while I talk to Mr. Jones a moment before we have lunch.”
Samantha nodded her head in agreement.  
Mr. Russel stepped up to Mr. Jones. “Excuse me Mr. Jones. I escorted Miss Samantha here from the library. She is still a little shaken from the incident with Mr. Goodland. I would like to have her join me for lunch if that is acceptable?”
Mr. Jones looked to Samantha standing straight with her arms relaxed at her side like a nice young lady. As he looked back towards the others, Miss Pamala, Miss Missy, Miss Flora, and some other girls pushed past Miss Samantha roughly as they whispered, “little hussy.”
“That would be fine Mr. Russel.” Mr. Jones smiled. “You can tell Miss Samantha that Mr. Goodland has been kicked out so not to worry her pretty little head about a thing. You may take the table at the bay window with the yellow carnations that was set up for them. A menu was already chosen.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jones.” He nodded politely. “Have a nice lunch, Miss Sally.”
“Thank you, Mr. Russel.” she beamed. When he took a few steps away she turned to her husband. “I don’t think in the five years he has been here he ever took a liking to one of the girls.”
“There is someone for everyone, Miss Sally.” He takes her hand. “It just takes some men a little longer than others to open their heart.”
When Mr. Russel gets back to Miss Samantha her bottom lip is quivering as tears fill the corners of her eyes. “What is wrong sweet girl?” He lifts her chin with his thumb and forefinger. “What could have made those beautiful eyes look so sad?”
“They all think...” She sobbed into his shoulder.
“Let us go sit down.” He cooed as he coaxed her to walk with him. “Tell me what happened when we are away from everyone. It has been a trying day for you. Perhaps you should rest in your room for a while.”  
She shook her head no.  
“What if I stand right outside the door while you rest, Miss Samantha.” He pulled the seat out for her to sit down. Then he pushed it in gently.  
“Maybe that would be a good idea, Mr. Russell.” She sighed deeply.
“What did they say to you sweet girl?” He sat down across from her.
“They all think I am a bad girl.” She murmured.  
The server came to the table with a smile. “For you young Miss. I have a Tab and a wedge salad. For you Mr. Russel we have a club sandwich with fries and a Pepsi.”
In Unison they both said, “Thank you.”
Samantha looked down cheeks turning rosy. Mr. Russel took her hand in his.
“There is no need to look down when you are with me, Miss Samantha.” He was smiling brightly as she looked up.
“You can call me Sam.” She whispered it so only he heard her.  
“You are a good girl, Miss Sam.” His thumb rubbed over her hand. “You have done nothing wrong. It is always wrong for any male to raise his hand in anger to a female. Now that wedge of lettuce does not look very filling. Would you like a wedge of my club and some fries. They gave me way too much.”
Her heart fluttered with his touch. “Thanks, I have been a little hungry with them just feeding the girls rabbit food.” He put some of his lunch on her plate, she picked up a french-fry and took a dainty bite. “Tell me about your adventures with the other soldier boys.”
Willard tensed a little. “I would not call anything we did there an adventure, Miss Sam. No stories from there are really fit to tell a young innocent girl as yourself. Tell me about the book you were readin’. I mean reading. My bad pronunciation still comes out when I’m just chattin’, chatting sometimes.”
“I don’t mind your accent, Mr....”  
Just then one of the servers dropped empty dishes, bowls and glasses. As they shattered on the ground, Willard’s eyes widened. He sat up straight. He started to shake. Mr. Russel heard gun fire instead of dishes. Bombs going off instead of glass shattering.
Miss Samantha tried to get his attention from across the table. She tried to grab his hands.
Willard pulled away. His breathing picked up as he held his head down. Then he looked straight ahead with utter terror on his face.  
“Willard? Mr. Russel?” Samantha bent squatted in front of him taking his trembling hands in hers. “Mr. Russel focus on my voice if you can. You are going to be alright. Its Samantha right in front of you.”
“No, it can’t be her like that.” He sucked in his breath.  
“I’m not sure what you are seeing but I’m right in front of you Mr. Russel and I’m fine.” She assured him. “Take a breath and look at me.”
He blinked a few times as Mr. Jones and Miss Sally came to check on the couple.
“Is everything all right here Mr. Russel?” Mr. Jones asked with concern.  
Mr. Russel looks at him still a little dazed and confused but coming around to his current reality. “Yeah, fine. I just need some air is all. Are you all good, Miss. Samantha?”
“I’m fine Mr. Russel.” She stood and held out her hand. “Let us go to the garden as you planned.”
“Yeah, then you should rest.” He got up slowly. “You have had a trying day. Thanks for your concern Mr. Jones and Miss Sally.”
The owners of the resort went back to their lunches. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and saying as they stared at Mr. Russel and Miss Samantha. Mr. Jones clapped loudly. “Finish your meals everyone. Classes resume shortly.”
Samantha held Willard up as best she could as they walked out into the garden. They sat on a bench along the path. Roses trailed up a trellis behind them.  
“Would you like to tell me what happened in there Willard?” Samantha said softly stroking his arm.
“Don’t worry about it, Sam.” He forced a smile. “Just loud sounds sometimes make me think of less happy times.” He took her hands in his staring into her eyes like he was trying to read her soul. “Do you know what I would really like?”
“What is that, Mr. Russel.” She looked in his gaze spellbound in the moment.  
“I’d like to kiss you.” He whispered into her hear.
She blushed turning away from him.  
“I am not going to until we have a proper date wear I pick you up at your door to meet your parents and bring you flowers and chocolates of every sort. But I just wanted to tell you I want to.”  
“I am not sure what to say about all that, Mr. Russel.” She turned to look back at him. “If I was not already sitting down, I would need to. I think someday I might want you to kiss me.”
“Will you have dinner with me tonight?” He held her hands inside his looking at her eagerly for a yes.  
“I want to say yes, Willard, Mr. Russel, but Mr. Jonas already asked me.” She talked faster as she went on.”I’m not sure we can be exclusive anyway. If you feel we should and I feel we should maybe, maybe we should talk to Mr. Jones and Miss Sally. I don’t think I am anywhere near ready for marriage, but I think, I don’t know; you’re swell.”  
He chuckles. “I think you are swell to, Miss Sam. I’ll talk to Mr. Jones and Miss Sally. Maybe iffen you wanna, we can go on a car ride off the resort property this weekend? Just let Mr. Jonas down easy that he isn’t the one, sweet girl.”  
“I will do my best.” She giggled.  
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nachohypno · 4 years
Gettin’ the farmers! Ch. 5 - The Plan (Pt. 2)
Next morning, I woke up feeling great.
I now had a plan, and I was going to finish it to make my stay here as enjoyable as possible.
Shad was already under my control, and had a trigger attached to him.
Dan? He’s the one that troubles me.
He’s not going to let me hypnotize him without a really good excuse, so I had to think about it if I wanted to bring my step father under my control, too. I got up from the bed, as Thad walked in.
“Oh, hey bruh. Forgot to grab my shirt” He grabbed one from his closet, then came closer and gave a long, passionate kiss out of nowhere.
I tried to break it after I remembered where we were. “Wait, remember that Shad and your Pa can’t know about this”
He gave himself a little slap on the forehead, mumbling something like ‘Fuck, you’re right’
“Hey, don’t do that” I said.
“Yeah, sorry” He said, giving me a nice smile. “Anyway, Pa is already makin’ breakfast, c’mon bruh”
We went downstairs, as usual. This had already become my daily routine. Wake up, have breakfast with the family, then head to work.
And honestly? I loved it. Never thought that living and working in a farm would be so enjoyable! I was pretty much considering dropping out from my psychologist career and just… working here full time?
It was an option of course, but first I’d like to see if my college investigated the issue I had and let me back in. Just in case, I still had some hope in the matter.
And hey, I proved to be one hell of a hypnotist these last few days.
I sat down, Shad was next to me, and my other step brothers in front of me. A big plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me, and a mug of coffee. (I liked the change! Bacooon!)
This was a good life, I must admit.
My stepbrothers seemed happy, too!
I mean, yeah. I hypnotized all of them, and turned two of the three into my secret lovers. But still, it was nice to see them happy.
As we all chatted and ate our scrambled eggs and bacon, I noticed Dan was smiling proudly at the four of us. Like… I don’t know, a happy father?
Shad also noticed this, ‘cause he asked him straight away (as always) “Penny for your thoughts, Pa?”
I haven’t heard that phrase in ages, but I was thankful for his curiosity. I wouldn’t have dared to ask, to be honest.
Dan wasn’t expecting the question, but he just said. “Hmm? Oh, it’s just that…” He trailed off for a second, before shrugging “I dunno. I’m happy to see ya guys gettin’ along so well. Don’t mind me, just an old man’s rambling” He said before laughing.
The other guys laughed as well and then we continued to eat our breakfast.
Later, everyone finished and work was about to start, we were discussing about what we were going to do today.
Moose had to continue his handyman duties, while Shad had the animals and Thad had the crops. Seems like the pair liked to rotate on their tasks from time to time.
Dan wanted to go check the water supply, and he wanted us to spend some bonding time together like I’ve been doing with my step brothers.
Needless to say, it was perfect for my plan, and I was also curious about my stepfather. I don’t know why, but my step brothers were great to spend the time with.
And I had a feeling that it would be the same thing with the big McPearson.
I went outside with Dan.
To be honest, what he said at the breakfast made me really happy. I felt good, I guess.
I wondered where the water supply was. I knew there was a river near here, but I don’t think they can get the water from there.
I should ask Dan later.
Speaking of which, he grabbed his toolbox outside of the porch and we headed out pretty quickly.
I didn’t know what I could talk with him about. And I had to hypnotize him? Yeah, no kidding. This guy would probably be the hardest one of the bunch.
Thad and Shad agreed to it. Moose didn’t, but he was reprogrammed with subliminal messages in his songs. This one? Maybe I could try to convince him with some excuse, like I did with Thad.
Yeah, that could work. Just needed something to work with.
“Happy to see you’re doin’ good in here” Dan said. “I knew the boys would like ya”
“Really? They have been really nice, to be honest. Explaining how things worked and stuff like that-“
“I don’t mean the work, kiddo” He said, laughing “I mean in the family. Y’know, it was a sorta surprise when your mom asked me if you could stay here. I thought you wouldn’t like the idea, but accepted anyways. Gotta be honest with ya, the boys complained. They were a bit… angry since last time we saw ya”
I mumbled a ‘sorry’. I now feel a bit embarrassed when they mention that day, and I hope I can make up for it someday. Feeling a bit guilty now that I kind of enslaved the trio after a few days in here.
Dan continued speaking “But I’m happy they managed to keep their cool and welcome ya with open arms. And as I said before, seein’ you all chattin’ like good friends made me incredibly happy”
I smiled again. I wondered how far the water supply was. “I guess working together helped us bond and get along better? They are really great guys”
“Ha! Don’t be a damn fool” Shad explained to me what that was a few days ago, so I was not as confused as I was when Thad said it on my first night in here.
“They talked very fondly of you when we went to the town together, so let me tell ya that I’m proud of you”
He patted my back and we kept walking forward. Again, I felt good.
This has been a good week, besides the being expelled part, but this kind of made up for it? I really enjoyed being out here.
It was actually hotter than the other days. I brought a bottle just in case. Moose was really insistent with “not suffering a heatstroke”.
And the heat apparently was getting Dan, since he started to wipe his forehead with a napkin and curse at the weather.
“Is everything alright?” I asked him, after a while.
“Yeah, just the sun givin’ me headaches again” That’s my call. I could use that as an excuse, I just needed a chance.
“We could rest in the shadow for a while, heat strokes can be very dangerous” I said.
He sighed “Guess you’re right, let’s go to the trees over there and take a rest. The water supply isn’t really far from the house but it’s always good to have a quick rest” He said, patting my back before heading to a few trees.
Dan sat on the oak’s trunk and looked around. I sat on the ground and drank a bit of water from my bottle. After I was done, I thought about how I could hypnotize Dan.
Thad accepted right away, after asking one or two questions.
If I was lucky, Dan would do the same.
“Dan?” The older man looked at me. “I think I know how to help with those headaches”
“Yeah? How? They’re getting’ unbearable lately” He asked, with curiosity.
“I think… It may be a dumb thing but…” Playing dumb, had to earn his trust first. “Well, I was studying to be a psychologist and one of the things I’ve learnt at college was about hypnosis and how to use it to help people”
He raised an eyebrow. Here we go with the usual explanation.
“It’s just a practice to help a subject with certain problems, the person who goes under would never do anything that they wouldn’t do the on their own will. Think of it like watching TV or reading a book, you get really focused but you’re still aware of your surroundings”
Dan just stared at me. He understood what I was talking about, or at least I assumed that, because he didn’t look confused at all by my explanation.
“Fine, I trust ya” He said, after a few seconds “We’re family, after all”
Great, now I just needed my phone and the… My phone was missing.
Fuck, I’ve gotten used to using that thing to help me put these guys under. Never mind, Josh. You’ll think something out.
I told him to remain where he was, laying against the oak tree as I got behind him, putting my hands on his shoulders. It was a bit uncomfortable having a tree in the middle of the way, but he seemed comfortable laying on it so I didn’t complain.
“To help with the induction, we need to relax you first. I’ll give you a massage for that, since I forgot my phone with the metronome app I used in my classes, so this is the best I could come up with”
“A’ight, do your best, buddy”
I nodded, and got to work. I began by grabbing his shoulders and started the massage as I got the induction ready in my mind. “First off, let’s start with some deep and slow breaths. Breath in, and out”
I tried to repeat that and establish a rhythm with the shoulder massage, to relax him quickly. I didn’t want to rush things though, since I had to make sure that he went under first.
“Just focus on my voice as you breathe in slowly, feeling a wave of relaxation pass through your body. Then breathe out. And repeat, breathe in. And breathe out.” I assumed I was doing a good job with the massage and the rhythm. I noticed his breathing started slowing down after a little while.
“Now, I’ll count back from ten to one, each number making you more relaxed and taking you deeper in this nice state, understood Dan?”
He nodded. His eyes were closed.
“Alright. 10… 9… 8… Feeling relaxed. 7… 6… Feels good to relax. 5… Feeling sleepier and good. 4… 3… 2… Almost there. 1…”
I let go of his shoulders and sat next to him “Can you hear me, Dan?”
“Yeaah…” That sweet, lovely monotone tone I got used to hearing these last few days.
“Good. Keep doing slow and deep breaths. Each one taking you deeper and deeper into this relaxed state, alright?” He nodded “It feels good to just breathe in, feeling the relaxation going through your body, then out, feeling yourself going twice as deep as before, isn’t that right?”
He nodded again.
I don’t know if I could help him with the headaches, so I started with the suggestions right away.
I could make him completely oblivious to everything that happened, but if he ever snapped out of that…
Maybe a trigger suggestion would do the trick?
“Dan, since I helped you feel good, I must be very trustworthy, right?” He nodded. “That means you can believe everything I say, right?” Another nod “Good. So, every time I start a sentence with “Dan, I think…” you will believe and obey everything I say afterwards, understood?”
I waited a few seconds, until he mumbled a “Yeaaah…”
“And in a few seconds, I’ll count to three and you will wake up feeling great. Not remembering this session but with the suggestions still in mind, understood?”
“1… 2… 3…” I snapped my fingers and my step father woke up.
“Huh. That felt great” He ruffled his hair a bit before getting up “And my headache is gone, thanks kiddo” I don’t know if hypnosis could help with that, but I’m happy he’s better.
“No problem!” I said, as he checked his clock to see how much time passed “Oh, and by the way. Moose and Thad are both in love with me” The man turned quickly towards me, with a mix of confusion and surprise in his face.
Before he could react, I said “Dan, I think you’re going to be alright with that, and will act oblivious to your sons being in love of me, you don’t really care about it.”
His expression relaxed a lot, before answering “You’re right, it’s somethin’ really normal, buddy. I’m happy for you three!”
Huh, I guess he filled in the blanks by himself. That was great. We slapped hands and got back on the road to the water supply thing.
I won’t bore you with work details, since nothing interesting happened.
After we finished with our work, we went back to the house and noticed Thad was watching TV in the living room.
“You guys didn’t go to the gym today?” I asked him, since that seemed weird. They’re usually getting ready to hit the gym at this point.
“Rest day. As much as I’d love to work out, it’s important to rest, bruh” He said, without taking his eyes off the TV. He was watching a recorded football game.
“Cool, that’s great” I said “Hey, do you know where Shad is?”
“In his room, I think”
I thanked him and went upstairs. I knocked on my stepbrother’s door and waited for him. He opened the door shirtless, and smiled “Bruh! What’s up? I was about to have a shower” He said, holding a set of clean clothes.
“Hey! Mind if we have a chat? I’d like to ask you something… pretty private”
Shad’s jovial expression turned serious in seconds, it was incredible how he achieved that. “Sure, come in” I did, and he closed the door behind me. “What happened? You sound serious, bruh”
Again, I wanted to be straight forward with it. “Carrotlad”
The shirtless hunk’s expression faded. Good to know it worked so well.
“How do you feel?”
“Good…” He mumbled, staring blankly at me.
“Great. Remember, you will believe and obey everything I tell you, isn’t that right?”
“Yeah… Believe and obey, bruh…”
Doing this to my favorite brother of the bunch was kind of making me feel bad. I shrugged it off once again, reminding myself that I wasn’t hurting them in any way, nor would I do anything bad to them.
“You are completely alright with Moose and Thad being in love with me, understood? You’re not uncomfortable and will act oblivious to it”
“Yeah… oblivious…” He mumbled, with a little smile forming on his face.
I snapped my fingers in front of him and life came back to his face.
“Huh… Must have zoned out there, bruh. Were you tellin’ me somethin’?” He said, with a confused face. He started looking around again when he finished.
“Yeah, wanted to tell you that Moose and Thad are now my lovers” I said, pretty straightforward.
He just shrugged and smiled “cool, happy for you guys. I have a girlfriend myself, but I’ll tell you more later. Wanna have that hot shower first” He patted my shoulder, before grabbing his clothes again and heading out.
I went to Moose’s room, and luckily he was just there.
To be honest, I would call Thad and we would have an amazing threesome, but first I’d like to enjoy the big brother all for myself.
And I’ve looked forward to this since finding him zoned out and almost naked a few days ago.
“Hey bruh” He said, with a flirty smile. I just walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips. “Eager, aren’t we bruh?” Before grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in to make out.
After a while, I grabbed his shirt from below and helped him take it off. We didn’t even bother in closing the door, since everyone were now mind-fucked to just do what I said.
I took off my own shirt and we returned to the kisses.
“What, not gonna invite me in, bruhs?”
Thad was laying against the door frame. “It’s okay, I can come back later-“
“Nonsense, come over here bruh! There’s room for one more, right Josh?”
I nodded in approval and Thad unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs. Then he dropped in front of us and faced our crotches. “Quick, take those off! Can’t wait to start on this, bruh…” He said.
We gave each other another kiss and did as Thad said. He started sucking me off while jerking Moose’s big cock off with the other hand. He was good at it, I got to say.
I was surprised they weren’t bothered by the incest between them, since I haven’t told them anything about it, or to be okay with it.
But never mind. At some point, Thad got up and Moose was the one who went down. We all took turns to blow the other two, so it would be fair.
And after that…
“So, what’s next?” Moose asked, with curiosity.
I thought about it for a second and had an idea that could work.
“Thad, get on all fours and open your mouth. Moose, get behind him and get ready to fuck him.”
I would satisfy with a blowjob, for now. But I couldn’t wait to ride Moose’s later on.
A few months passed by, and everything was great.
My period of expulsion from college finished, and I decided to fight for my place. I got expelled under an injustice, after all!
Don’t get me wrong, now I was very pissed at the administration for the poor work they did before, but luckily I managed to prove myself not guilty.
They wouldn’t want to have their star players expelled if the truth came out, so they didn’t have any option other than to let me back in and continue my studies.
I felt blessed with good luck at that moment, and managed to go back to normal pretty quickly. I moved back to my dorm room and got back on track.
Don’t think I went back to college and went again to not talk to my family. I go back to visit at any chance I have. Little breaks after exams and etc. are always nice to have.
Mom was so happy I started getting along with my stepbrothers, she even bought a cake to celebrate after she returned from her business trip. She had to return quickly to the city to continue working but could take one or two days off to relax.
Of course, that meant no action with Moose and Thad but it was alright. I can handle not doing hot things for a few days.
I also liked to help out in the farm when I’m around, or sometimes we go to the nearby river to pass the day.
The guys took one rest day from the gym when I arrive to make the most of our time together, but at the next day they try to compensate it.
Thad eventually got a girlfriend, when I released him from the love suggestions. It was nice seeing him happy, and I could always turn him back into my lover if I wanted. The ‘potatolad’ trigger still worked even after all this time.
And now? We were getting ready for dinner, after another day of hard work at the farm. I helped Moose with the building maintenance once again, although I preferred to help with the animals. But it was a good excuse to make out in the barn.
It was a good life, studying to get my psychology degree, and visiting my new family at the farm during my free times.
And everything was great.
Someone knocked on the door as we were having dinner one night.
I was the closest one to the door, so I got up and headed there. I kind of got shivers as I got closer.
I opened the door and found a guy, looking to the fields. He was a bit taller than me, but had a biker helmet on so I couldn’t really see his face. “Can I help you?” I asked him.
The stranger turned to me, and proceeded to take off his helmet. It was very appreciated, I hoped he wouldn’t have a mask underneath the helmet or I would freak out.
“Hey, sorry to bother you at these hours but…” He was cute, but he seemed scruffy. His black hair was a mess. His face was childish, and full of dirt.
He seemed younger than me, wearing a leather jacket with a dirty white shirt underneath, and some old and ripped jeans. He was shivering. Was he afraid?
I realized I didn’t hear his question, so I said “What?”
“I said if you knew how to get to Greenwood”
“The town? Yeah” I gave him the proper indications. I wondered why would he want to go there, that place was isolated from the world. No internet, no TV, nothing.
Although, I was still surprised this farm wasn’t isolated from the world to be honest.
The guy gave me a nod, mumbled a “Thank you” and placed the helmet back on his head. He walked to his bike and went on his way.
I quickly closed the door and went back to the table.
“Who was it?” Shad asked.
“Uh… Didn’t ask his name. He wanted to know how to get to Greenwood”
I shrugged, and went back to eat. Shad didn’t ask more questions as we quickly changed the topic, forgetting about the biker as soon as he appeared.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
How bout “Are we really gonna do this in public?” And “Someone’s gonna hear you.” For which ever character these spark your writing muses for. 😁😉
We both know who these prompts were made for 😉 I hope you enjoy! 
Warning: Smut below the cut 💓
* * * * *
“Gene—this place is amazing!” you gushed, wrapping up your childhood friend in a tight hug.
Gene laughed in your ear and the sound filled you with a warmth that rivaled the heat radiating from the huge fireplace in the center of the ski lodge.
“It’s good to hear you laugh,” you said as you grasped his upper arms and looked over his face, taking in the way his eyes sparkled.
“It’s amazin’ what a change of scenery can do for a fella.”  
“I’m glad you invited me.”
“Let me introduce you to the rest of the gang. This is Burgie and his gal Florence. Bill, Jim, and Charlie and his sister Candace. That’s Marilyn and her cousin Frances in the corner chattin’ up the ski instructors. And this is Snafu.”
You smiled and said polite hellos until your eyes reached the last of Gene’s friends and you suddenly found yourself without even the simplest of words. You knew your cheeks flushed at the way the man looked at you as if he were peeling back each layer of your identity so he could take a peek at the part of yourself kept the most hidden away. You’d never really met anyone who could look at person like that—or maybe it was just you because everyone else seemed unaffected by his presence.
Doing the only thing you could, you gave him a small wave and turned back to Gene to ask which room you would be staying in. He hopped around the counter and produced a key for a room on the third floor.
“It’s small, but it has the best view,” he grinned.
You thanked him and waved off his efforts to carry your luggage upstairs. As you walked by the mantel Snafu was leaning on, you could feel his eyes on you, taking in every step of your movement.
When you slipped the key in the lock, opened the door, and shut it behind you, you felt such an immense amount of relief that you sighed and dropped your bags right by the door.
And then, with a sharp intake of breath, you looked out of the spectacular window that framed the outermost wall of your room. Gene was right—it was small, but the view was breathtaking. You could see snow for miles and miles; the trees were coated with it and the mountains were a greyish blue in the background with snow-covered tops, just like in magazine pictures.
The cold was a welcome change from the dull warmth of the south in winter. You’d only ever really seen snow once when you were a child. An anomaly of a storm came through and snowed six inches, effectively reducing Mobile to a state of chaos for nearly a week.
But this, this kind of white brilliance as far as the eye could see was breathtaking. You wanted nothing more than to don your snowsuit and jump in it.
And as it turned out, over the next few days, you did get intimately acquainted with the snow as you fell down time and time again while learning to ski. You were starting to grow concerned for the state of your backside, as you were now certain that the bruise on it was never going to heal.
As it turned out, though, the mysterious Snafu picked up skiing like it was in his nature. When you fell for the third time in as many minutes, he extended his hand to help you back up.
“I feel like we haven’t been properly introduced,” he said, his voice a soothing bass, startlingly masculine for his small frame.
“I’m Merriell Shelton. Snafu to Sledge n’ the boys, of course.”
“Southern Louisiana?” you asked, recognizing the Cajun accent.
“Yes ma’am,” he said as he finally wrestled you into a standing position.
“Thank you. This is a lot harder than it looks. How long have you been skiing?”
“Bout as long as you,” he said with a dazzling grin.
“You’re lying.”
He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.
“Swear on my momma’s grave.”
“Fuck,” you said, eliciting a deep laugh from the Cajun that you knew, instantly, you wanted to hear again.
“How ‘bout I stick with ya? Try to teach ya at least as much as I’ve learned so far?”
“Thank you, Merriell. I would appreciate your attention since the ski instructors have clearly already chosen their favorites,” you said glancing up the hill at Marilyn and Frances, skiing slowly, side by side with the instructors, laughing as they learned to turn their skis to a point and come to a stop, something they had neglected to teach you.
Merriell followed your gaze but said nothing, and instead, pulled you back to catch the rope that led up the bunny slope.
Merriell was an excellent teacher. He was patient, and just laughed on the two occasions you managed your get your skis tangled and ended up taking him down with you. By the end of the day, you had conquered the bunny slope and the least steep beginner’s trail.
“Success!” you cheered, sliding to a stop as Merriell waited for you at the bottom, that same wide grin on his face, his teeth flashing just as brilliantly as the snow, his skin a gorgeously dark contrast made even more pretty by the way the cold turned his cheeks and nose a little red.
“How ‘bout we celebrate with dinna and a drink?”
“Gene doesn’t have anything on the agenda for tonight?”
“He may—but I’m suggestin’ we make our own plans.”
You bit your lip and looked into those overpowering green eyes, so bright as they reflected the last light of the sun as it hit the snow.
“Alright. I need to change into something much less … wet.”
“Let’s get you outta dem skis,” he said, leaning over to pop your boot loose with his pole.
About an hour and three dress changes later, you met Merriell in the living room of Gene’s lodge. He was dressed in dark grey slacks and a green turtleneck sweater that made you want to drag him straight up to your room so you could beg him to fuck you against all that glass as you watched the last of the skiers’ runs down the mountain.
Your final outfit seemed to have the same effect on Merriell as you watched his eyes unabashedly look at you from head to toe.
“Stunnin’,” he whispered as you approached, pulling a shy smile from you.
“Not so bad yourself.”
“I know. I could tell I picked the right sweata by the way ya looked at me.”
Your mouth popped open, completely knocked off your game by the way he read your body language and by the way he was arrogant enough to tell you about it.
“Catchin’ flies now, are we?” he said as he reached out to push your chin up and close your mouth.
“Let’s go to dinner,” you said slowly after taking a breath, looking at Merriell Shelton as if he were the first genus of an entirely new species of man.
Dinner was nothing more than foreplay, both of you flirting, laughing, and using any excuse at all to touch each other until you finally said, “Merriell—I have to be honest. I’ve never been so interested in a man so suddenly before. You’re quite … special.”
For the first time that night, you managed to say something that really surprised him, and he turned shy.
“I’m nothin’ special, Y/N. I just like ya. Sometimes, it’s nice to let someone know instead of havin’ to play all the games.”
“I don’t want to play games,” you said, your hand reaching beneath the table to grasp his thigh. “In fact, I don’t want to wait a minute longer to show you that I do think you’re special.”
Merriell’s eyebrows shot up, clearly taken aback by what you assumed was a role reversal. You were certain it was always Merriell Shelton doing the initiating, but there was something, something about him that gave you the confidence to tell him you wanted him, needed him.
You leaned forward, your hand still grasping his thigh, and when your faces with only a breath apart you whispered, “Kiss me.”
And he did.
It was a soft, close-mouthed kiss, but you worked to memorize the way his lips felt beneath yours, around yours, but before either of you could deepen the kiss, your waiter cleared his throat.
“Your check, I presume?”
You had forgotten you were in the middle of a dimly lit, romantic, but extremely busy restaurant.
“Oh,” you said, leaning back into your chair as Merriell chuckled and pulled out his wallet.
“Yes, sir. We’d like the check.”
The waiter disappeared, and you dissolved into a fit of giggles, hiding your blushing face behind your hands.
“Merriell—I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. My mother, god love her, was probably just struck with an inexplicable desire to clutch her pearls.”
Merriell laughed and laid his arm across the back of your chair as you picked up the last of your drink and drained the glass, a smile still on your lips.
The waiter returned and Merriell paid for your dinner. You took an extra few dollars from your purse and left a large tip.
“Atonin’ for scandalizin’ the serva?”
“I think so, yes,” you said laughing again as Merriell chuckled and pushed in your chair.
“I think there’s somethin’ else I need to teach ya,” he said, a wicked gleam in his eye as he seemed to regain the upper hand, your assertiveness feeding his own.
Merriell took your hand and led you to the restroom at the far end of the restaurant. It was large and fancy and clearly marked as the ladies’ room.
He swiftly locked the door behind him, and you marveled at the fact that it was unoccupied.
Merriell read the expression on your face and smiled, “Must be fate.”
You shivered as you moved closer to him and dropped your coat on the little couch in the center of the outer powder room.  
“Are we really gonna do this in public?”
“Ya wanna wait?”
“No,” you said wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers bunching in his sweater as you pulled him closer for a real kiss.
It was clear within minutes of kissing that Merriell Shelton was born to do just this—to defile ladies like yourself in restrooms, in train cars, in taxi cabs, anywhere he fucking liked. The man had you worked up into such a frenzy with just his lips and his tongue, that you moaned loudly at the thought of what he could do with his fingers or his cock.
He laughed softly as he pulled his lips off your neck and said, “Someone’s gonna hear you.”
“I can’t bring myself to care,” you said your eyes clouded with desire as you palmed him through the front of his trousers, your nails scratching along the bulge of his cock as a moan then escaped his throat.
He pushed you over to the sink and lifted you on top as your hands worked open his trousers. His fingers slid up your dress and swiftly pushed aside your panties, his grin wolfish as he felt how wet you were.
When he slid a long, thick finger into your center, you clenched around him and you both moaned at the sensation.
“You’re fuckin’ perfect,” Merriell breathed, his forehead resting against yours as you scooted to the edge of the sink, aching for him to fill you up.
“Show me—show me how perfect I am.”
Merriell pulled back and looked at you, his eyes roaming your face, his gaze stripping away any remaining inhibitions, leaving you feeling just as raw as you felt the first time he had ever looked you.
He pulled his finger out and swirled your wetness over the tip of his hard cock. He pulled you even closer to his hips and you wrapped your legs around him as he slowly slid into you, inch by inch until you could feel him bottom out.
Your leaned back and you sighed with content, squeezing around him and encouraging him to move.
“Show me,” you demanded again.
And Merriell Shelton moved, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you. He fucked you at a steady pace, both of you ignoring the delicate, intermittent knocks on the door. In the back of your mind, you knew that someone would tell someone on the staff eventually, but you prayed to god it wasn’t before your orgasm.
Merriell shifted his hips and pulled your panties further to the side, allowing him to work your swollen clit with his thumb. A few quick, hard circles of pressure was all you needed and you were coming on his cock, his hand pressed against your mouth to stifle your moans. He slowed down and let you come, but as soon as your breathing evened out, he pulled you against him and fucked you, bouncing you off the sink as he chased his orgasm.
You were so excited by the way he fucked you, another orgasm began to build with each brush of his cock against your inner wall, and when he bit down on your shoulder to stifle his own groan of pleasure as he came, you yelled his name when stars burst behind your eyes, completely giving away just what was going on inside of the ladies’ restroom.
As you heard the turn of a key in the lock, you and Merriell scrambled to put yourselves in order. His cum filled your panties as you hopped off the sink and yanked your dress into place while standing in front of him as he zipped up his trousers just as the door burst open with your poor, poor waiter being the one who had retrieved the key to unlock the door.
“I should’ve known,” he groaned, standing aside to let you and Merriell rush out the door, your laughter echoing as you dashed out of a restaurant you knew you could never show your faces in again.
“So,” you asked, turning to face him as you reached the snow-covered walkway outside of the restaurant, “your room or mine?”
Merriell scooped you up, the snow falling heavily and quickly, and spun you around until you giggled.
“I hear ya room has the best view.”
“It does,” you said with a wicked grin, thinking back to the idea of Merriell Shelton fucking you against that big, gorgeous window.
“And I think I know a way we can make it even better.”  
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 39 - Try
~Hey guys! Chapter 39 is out now! We’re almost up to 40 chapters of Save Me!! I can't believe it, it feels like just yesterday that I started this blog :) I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys this chapter~
Both Molly and Negan are learning to trust outsiders again. While Negan tries and struggles to open up to anyone who isn't Molly, Molly is trying to put the past behind her and find a new reason to carry on, which come in the form of new arrivals at Hilltop.
I reached Hilltop with a renewed sense of clarity regarding Negan.
I think it took me until now to realise that the past, while hard to swallow, is the past for a reason and it doesn't mean that he is the same person as he was back then.
Seeing the Sanctuary in ruin was what I needed to realise that what happened to me there is completely behind me and the man responsible is long since dead.
I think now I can finally learn to forgive him for his past crimes, after all we have all done things to survive and protect those we love.
I don't expect anyone else to forgive and certainly not forget, but perhaps just simply acknowledge that there is more to him than his past actions.
When I rocked up to the gates, my mind turned back to the attention of Tara's new people she had brought to us.
She had radioed me and told me that she found them in the woods just outside of Oceanside and thought that they would be of use at Hilltop.
'Mol!' Tara yelled happily as she waved while she ran into my arms.
'Agh! I've missed you so damn much!' I said squeezing her tightly and burying my face into the crook of her neck.
'So...who are they?' I said as she pulled away.
'Well, there are five of them. There were six, but he died en route' she said softly.
I just nodded, looking in the direction of the group she had just described who were standing around outside the house.
I exhaled, 'alright, let's get this shit done' I said enthusiastically, smiling at my sister who led me to meet them.
'Hi, I'm Molly. I am co-leader here at Hilltop' I said warmly as I shook hands with all of them.
There was one guy and the rest were women.
All extremely capable looking.
'I'm Yumiko!' a kind looking woman said smiling while she adjusted her bow on her shoulders.
A woman with sharp features glared at her when she did that, I guessed that she was the leader of this group.
'What's your name?' I asked softly to the leader.
'Magna' she said hastily.
I just nodded with a slight smile.
'I'm Luke, lovely to meet you by the way!' a large set man with soft features and kind eyes said as he shook my hand for the second time.
I just smiled and chuckled at his awkwardness.
'Great to meet you' I replied as I shook his hand.
Next, were the final two women who seemed to remain silent and very much bonded together which I could tell by their close proximity to each other.
'My name's Kelly, this is my sister Connie. She's deaf, but I can sign to her and translate' she said smiling.
I smiled and nodded to Kelly.
I then looked to Connie and signed to her 'It's wonderful to meet you Connie, I hope you will like it here'.
They all looked at me in wonder and Connie's smile seemed to widen at this.
'I learned to sign when I was at school. My cousin was deaf' I said verbally and with sign so that everyone could listen.
I wanted them to trust in me and I hoped I had done just that.
'We usually like to ask a couple questions to new citizens of the Hilltop community. Would that be okay?' I said, again also signing.
They all nodded, Magna was hesitant at first.
'Great, what were your occupations before?' I asked while Tara wrote down their answers.
'Gas station attendant' Magna said looking down.
'Lawyer' Yumiko answered while making direct eye contact.
'Music teacher' Luke said enthusiastically.
Kelly used ASL to ask Connie who replied that she was a Journalist and that Kelly was in High School.
I nodded to Tara, impressed by each of them.
'Who are you now?' I asked seriously.
'Survivors' Luke answered sternly.
'Good' I responded, 'well then, welcome to Hilltop' I added.
'So...whatcha think?' Tara asked me as she linked her arm through mine as we walked through the fields after the interview.
'I like them, they seem like genuinely nice people' I answered.
'I am a bit worried about Magna' Tara said nervously.
'She seems hesitant to be here' she added.
'You said they lost somebody before you brought them here right? No wonder she's unwilling to trust right away, I mean you wouldn't' I said reassuringly.
'You're right...as always' Tara said rolling her eyes.
I just chuckled as I said 'yep'.
We suddenly spun around to look towards the gates when a loud exhaust noise sounded from that direction.
It was a motorbike.
Daryl came driving through and parked up outside the gate.
'It's Daryl' I said tapping Tara on the arm for her to follow me as I ran down to see him.
'Hey!' I shouted as I came closer.
'Hey, just came to some equipment for Eugene's new radio thing' he said barely looking at me as he marched towards the house.
'That was odd' Tara said as we watched him leave.
'Yeah, that was weird. Fuck he must be mad at me' I said in realisation.
'It could be me?' Tara asked.
I just shook my head and chuckled saying 'he's never mad at you'.
I told Tara that I would meet her later but first I needed to talk to Daryl.
I followed him up to the house where he was placing down the equipment.
'Daryl...can we talk?' I asked anxiously as I peered around the door frame.
'I dunno, can we?' he answered with annoyance running through his voice.
I looked down, yep he was definitely mad at me.
'Why are you so pissed at me? I thought we worked everything out when we searched for Rick all those past months' I said furrowing my brows in confusion.
He sighed and stood up.
He pointed at me and said 'you're a real piece of work you know that' as he walked past me.
I opened my mouth in disbelief.
'What? what are you talking about?' I asked in confusion.
'You know what. Negan' he said as he carried on placing stuff on various surfaces.
'What about Negan?' I said looking away from his gaze.
'You two best buddies now? that all square?' he asked sternly.
'It's complicated' I answered so softly that he barely heard me.
He scoffed at this, 'the guy is an asshole and you're acting like he's hot shit' he answered.
'I believe that he can change, I believe he has changed, so does Michonne by the way and I don't see you attacking her for this. Why me, huh?' I said gaining more confidence as I walked slowly towards him with every word.
'You can do better' he grunted as he walked out of the room.
My eyes widened as the realisation of the meaning of his words hit me.
Negan's POV//
'You are here, aware of yourself' Gabe said softly as he tried to perform some meditation shit to get me to relax.
I had my eyes closed as I sat on the floor of my cell, Gabe on the other side.
'Just let it go' he added.
'Don't judge the distraction, accept it' he said, his voice muffled by the sound of children laughing and playing outside.
'Scaredy cat, scaredy cat!' the children chanted outside my cell window.
'Consider it, then release it' he continued.
This wasn't fucking relaxing at all. I scrunched up my face in frustration.
'Just let it wash over you' he went on.
'You know what, screw it. Mind never empties anyway, generally I go straight to that place which would blush the collar right off of you' I said as I opened my eyes and sighed.
'Although, now that you and Rosita are a thing, maybe I'm wrong...I mean, hot damn!' I said smirking and bouncing the ball off the concrete wall.
'I wanna understand why you do this. You clearly want help, I can see you trying' Gabe said softly.
I scoffed.
'Yeah, maybe we cooked it up, chewed it up and shat it out already. Maybe this is all we get' I said deflecting his statement.
'You don't feel like you're getting any benefit to our sessions?' he asked with a smile which screamed of annoyance.
'Well, I am reminded that another week has passed, but other than that...' I said continuing bouncing the ball.
Gabe sighed, frustrated with my response.
'Ah, don't take it personally Gabe, I know I'm never gettin' outta here. I do appreciate you coming down here and helping me when that was touch-and-go for me. But, now I got everything I need. This little window right here is just like a damn TV and I loved the shit outta TV when that was a thing!' I said enthusiastically.
'Acceptance is an important first step, but a life needs to have meaning-' Gabe started to say before I cut him off.
'Funny thing about this window right here, people stand out there and they talk. It's like they don't remember that I'm here, and that, well that is when I get the really good shit. You know just the other day, Rosita was out there chattin' up a storm. She said some things that you would find very interesting' I teased.
'I don't need you to tell me how Rosita feels about me' he said smiling falsely.
'Now who said she was talking' about you' I said smiling and catching the ball in my hands.
'We'll try this again next week' Gabe said tiredly.
'It's your world boss' I answered.
Judith's POV//
I sat on the stairs in my PJ's as mom locked the doors for the night.
'Judith Grimes!' she said sternly as she saw that I was holding my dad's gun in my hand.
'You said dad would've wanted me to have it, to protect myself and the people I love' I replied questioningly.
'He would've, but I'm the one whose supposed to be protecting you' mom replied softly.
'Is that why you don't want the new people here, because I think dad would've thought differently' I said.
Mom smiled as she said 'he would've and he would be so proud of you, your brother too'.  
'Then why won't you help them?' I asked.
'You'll understand someday' she replied.
I hated when she said that.
I got up, walked down the stairs and said sadly 'I know you talk to him sometimes, to Carl too'.
I set down my favourite figurine on the step, which mom said looked like my dad.
He wore a sheriff's hat and pointed a gun.
'I'm starting to forget their voices. I'm not trying to, but they keep fading away' I said as I started to cry.
'I hope you can still hear them' I said sadly before I ran back up the stairs to my room.
Somehow Negan now felt more like my dad...
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har-rison-s · 5 years
back home
A/N: Not requested and totally at the top of my head, this one. I watched the Pacific and am now rewatching it, and I love it, and I love Eugene. Wow. Joe is truly one masterpiece of an actor. I admire him so much. And I love the Pacific, it’s such a good mini-series. Eugene’s character is very complex and I like those kinds of characters with many hidden characteristics you really find out if you look close enough. I really analysed him bit by bit so I could write something about him, and so here it goes. This is pure fiction, and I do not own any of the actors, plotlines or the mini-series in general. I wanted to write this, and there’s so little content of Eugene Sledge here, I hope there’ll be more. This will have a part two, I promise. Happy reading!
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Eugene was always that one kid who was quiet out of the whole class. The one who knew all the answers, aced his tests, but didn't raise his hand when the teacher asked questions. Never really talked to anyone, was the last to get chosen for teams in P.E. and sat alone at lunch. Sidney could crack him up half-way, and he was a shy and reserved person. Only I was the one who he really opened up around.
Deep down inside, Gene was witty, sarcastic and emotional. He even secluded from his parents, his ma more than his father. Although they saw quite enough of his emotional side and weaknesses. But when he came back from serving in Japan, he isolated himself even more than before. Even from me.
I have known Eugene since around third grade, when I started going to public school. My parents didn't want me to, but my grandparents talked some sense into them to let me out in the world and socialise. It did me quite a good job cause, look at me now - talkin' and chattin' with anyone interesting I see. That's how me and Gene became friends. I ain't afraid to talk to anyone, even if they're afraid of talkin' to me. Gene was, at first, but then he discovered I'm reliable and a true person to the very core. And he let himself loose around me.
Eugene is jealous, caring, empathetic, kind, passionate and friendly. He's all those things and more, feeling every emotion any person could. Even though he's like the rest of us, he's unique. One of a kind. Ain't no one like him in the entire world, and I'm very sure of that. He makes me smile with the weirdest things and most interesting words, makes me laugh with his dark-humored jokes and picks my interest with every minute that I spend with him.
I didn't really know the right things I was feelin' towards him until he left for the Pacific War. My ma riddled it out for me finally, and at first I was denying, of course. I didn't believe that Eugene was responsible for the butterflies in my stomach or the slight jealousy I felt towards any girl he'd accidentally had a conversation with. For all I knew, it could've been because of Sid, but it wasn't. Sid was a catch for the eye for other girls in our school, and he really ain't my type at all. I've known that for a very long time.
Four years, I think, I spent in waiting, longing and a head full of doubts. Waiting for Eugene to return. I volunteered at any job that could bring me closer to him, but there weren't any slots open for women at the time. At least, not on the islands surrounding Japan. I visited his parents very often, went with Deacon outside for walks and playing. His ma even said it felt like a part of him was at home when I came over. It made me feel quite special.
Now, it's a summer afternoon at the Sledge's residence, and I'm sitting in Eugene's bed, going through his photo albums. There are pictures of us two, pictures of him younger, of him and Sid, his parents in their younger years, and many, many more. Being so caught up in all the memories and reminiscing, I don't even hear a car drive by. Or a closing of the front door or the happy cries of his ma downstairs. The only thing that brings me out of my nostalgic trance is the bedroom door opening. I turn around, expecting to see Dr. Sledge or Mary, but... my jaw drops once I see who it is. It's Gene. Alive and breathing, standing in the doorway in a uniform and his suitcase in hand. 
At first, I smile wide at him and immediately drop the album on the nightstand, hurrying around the bed to walk towards Eugene. His face shows shock and gladness he never thought he'd experience again. It's me. In his room. Probably waiting for him, he guesses.
He drops his case and I slowly put my arms around him, afraid of how he'll react. Anything could have happened during his serving days, and I don't want to cause an uproar of a buried trauma by doing something wrong. I rest my cheek on his shoulder, hugging him tight to me. An embrace I thought I'd never feel again, and I can tell he felt the same way. His arms are around my frame, as well, and we hold each other like that for a long, long time.
Then, my tears come, and I don't really want them to, but I can't help it. They're tears of joy and they're tears of weeping for what he must have been through, what he had to go through in War. I sob against him while smiling and he just keeps on holding tight to me, knowing how I feel. 
I hold onto Gene's arms and pull back a little so I can see his face. My hand traces over his cheek, making sure that he's really here, it's really him. I smile wider and my cheeks start to hurt from doing that already. Gene gives me his true smile that I always seem to pull out of him, and I'm ever so glad to see him. Our eyes lock and I sigh shakily.
“Eugene...” I whisper his name and he nods, closing his eyes. A deep sigh leaves his lips, and I can tell he feels exactly as he says next.
“You can't imagine how tired I am.” He tells me and I chuckle. “But I'm more glad to see you.” He admits and I smile. He leans his forehead against mine and we both close our eyes. “So glad.” I nod.
“I waited for ages.” I say and exhale. “I thought you'd never come back.” I tear up again, sobbing, and Eugene tightens his grip on my waist, feeling many emotions in one moment. “But I ain't gonna spend the day crying, now am I?” 
Eugene nods and I laugh. “Can we lay down?” He suggests and I nod, moving away from him. I take his suitcase and put it on the window sill, opening it. I turn back to Eugene and smile. He's laying in his bed, and the photo album I went through just a mere two minutes ago is in his hands and he glances at me. At first, there's this curious look in his eyes and a mischiveous raise of an eyebrow, but then he pats the other side of the bed next to him, signalling for me to lay with him. And I do, oh, I do. I've wanted nothing more for years. 
I skip over to his bed and bunch the down part of my dress in my hand, holding it around my legs as I lay down. I sigh once my back is on the soft mattress. It hasn't been used since Eugene left. And it will definitely need some welcome-back using. 
I look over at Eugene and he's got the most tired of all tired smiles on his face, and it makes me feel warm. He's glad I'm here, and he's glad to be back home. He closes the photo album and puts it back on the nightstand before settling back down on his back next to me and taking my hand between his.
There's a conversation between us that actually lasts for hours, and I tell him everything that he's missed here. My family's summer parties, Deacon's last days and his funeral and tributes, school, applying for works, lake in the summer and winter. I tell him everything. Because I know he needs a big distraction from where he's just come and doesn't want to talk about what he's done or seen or where he's been. I know that, and I can feel it from him because he's so close to me. 
During the conversation, he mentioned about Mary Frank making a welcome-home dinner for him and his brother. And though we'd rather stay here all day and night, his family needs him and they're my family, as well. So we joined them downstairs. 
I hesitate to tell him my true feelings. It'd be too much for him today. Maybe some other day... I don't want to excite or worry him more than he already is. It's overwhelming—everyone is happy for him to be home and wants to tell him what he's missed, it's his first day home, in a real bed and he's met his best friend again. Well, two of them, actually. He told me Sid waited for him at the station. At that, I groaned and grumbled “traitor” and Gene laughed, telling me I can tell that to Sid when I meet him soon. I'll have to tell Eugene about my feelings soon, I know I need to. Sid has suspected something's up with me, we've been meeting up occasionally since he got home. And he knew that I was at the Sledges' house today, so I guess he wanted to give me and Eugene quite the pleasant surprise.
Eugene might reject me, he might not feel the same way, or he actually might do the opposite. I know how he feels about relationships, I know him very well. I might as well freak him out with my feelings, and I don't really want to. But, whatever the aftermath may be, I ought to tell him. I can't live the rest of my life without him knowing the truest truth. It would kill me.
We sit beside each other at the dinner, shy smiles on both our faces as his relatives ask questions and tell stories. He's overwhelmed, I can feel that from him and I take his hand in mine underneath the table. Just a comforting gesture I can offer him at a time like this. He smiles at me, appreciating the hand holding and squeezing my hand ever so slightly. It makes me feel flutters in my stomach and I try to hide the blush, turning my face away from him. It confuses Eugene a little, so I look back. His eyes seem to be asking the question that burns hot in his mind, but I shake my head, a way of telling him that it's nothing. Eugene nods, but he'll be sure to ask me about it later.
When the dinner's over and I've helped Mary clean everything up, I head upstairs to join Eugene in his bedroom. His eyes skim over the pages of his small bible, he sits on the window sill. He has unpacked his clothes, and his suitcase now lies empty on the top of his wardrobe. Gene looks so peaceful there, the moonlight perfectly shining down on him and casting a painting-like shadow on the wooden floor. I smile.
My feet carry me over to where he sits and and I lean against the wide window's frame. Gene looks up at me. “What have you got there?” I ask, nodding at his bible. He sighs and closes it, throwing it over on his bed.
“Just my notes.” He answers. “I counted days at our locations. Wrote down some other things, as well.” 
“Hmm.” I respond and then take his hand in mine again. 
“What happened at the dinner table?” He asks me and I furrow my eyebrows, trying to catch onto what he's talking about. Then I remember.
“Ah,” I say once I realise, “nothing, hon.” I say to him, shaking my head with a smile on my face. “Do you want me to leave you? Go to bed?” I ask and Eugene's eyes travel to mine and there's a nervous glimmer in them.
He shakes his head suddenly. “No,” he responds, “no, please stay.” His grip on my hand tightens and it takes me a bit by surprise. I nod, understanding that he wants me to spend the night. Here.
“Alright, I will.” I say, still nodding. I lean closer to Eugene, noticing his nervous facial expression hasn't gone away, and caress his cheek. “I will, sweetheart. I'll stay with you.” Forever, I want to add, but I don't, fearing what he might say to that. Or maybe it'd give him comfort. “I'll stay with you for however long you want me to.” Eugene nods and closes his eyes, the anxiety-filled brown orbs invisible to me now. “I promise.” I say and our foreheads touch. I pull him towards me in a warm embrace, and he grips my sides, needing the comfort I give, craving it.
Soon, I feel my dress wetting in spots just next to his cheeks and I sigh. Those are tears. I caress my fingers through his brown locks and I feel his figure contorting in gasps and sobs now and then. “I'm here, I'm here.” I whisper to him over and over, hoping it'd sooth him. 
After I told the Sledges that I'm staying the night and Mary Frank gave me a robe for sleeping and a robe to wrap around myself if it gets cold. We're both worried about Eugene's first night here, but she's glad I'm here. She always has been, and we both have the same worries about Eugene. 
We're peacefully sleeping under his covers, hands still faintly holding on to the other's. When we sleep in the same place, our hands are always intertwined, and most times they even stay locked until the morning. Now's the occasion that the grip has loosened due to sleeping, but at one point, I feel a horribly tight grasp around my knuckles. It's so intense that I think my bones are gonna break any second if the holder keeps holding on.
I snap my eyes open and hear tossing in the dark. I look at Eugene and he's moaning and whimpering, thrashing around next to me. I struggle to get my hand out of his grasp and stand up on the floor after getting out of bed next to him. He has his eyes squeezed shut and turns from side to side, muttering words and names and pleas, whimpering. My heart breaks at the sight, and I can't bear watching him suffer. He's obviously having a nightmare, a very intense and horrible one. I have to tell his parents. 
I wrap the robe for cold occasions around myself and jag out his bedroom door. I turn on the light in the hallway and run down to his parents' room, but I notice their light is already on. They're awake. I lean against the doorframe, seeing they're sitting up in their bed, and try to calm my breaths down. His father already gets up from the bed and I can't help the tears that gather in my eyes or the sob that gets past my lips. 
“He-He's—“ I start to say, but I can't finish my sentence, “he's having a... a nightmare.” I look at his father as he's standing in front of me. He gives me an embrace and I relax against his chest. He's like a second father to me.
“We heard.” He says and I nod. My sobs truly break out and I can't control them. Mr Sledge pets my hair as I cry, and I feel so hopeless. 
I sit against the wall of the hallway that borders his bedroom, knees against my chest and my chin rested on my folded arms, until I can't keep myself awake anymore. I settle for the guest room's bed in the early morning hours, exhausted from not sleeping, and have a deep slumber there until the next day. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty-Six: Trickle Down ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hanabi, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Manami ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Is it really a proper Summer vacation unless you go somewhere water-related? And of course, if you want to go full cliche, you go to the beach.
And that’s exactly where they’re headed.
In all honesty, Sasuke’s surprised Hiashi agreed. Though that technically might have to do with the fact that he’s yet unaware about the fact that his daughter is dating one of the three boys she’s been given permission to travel with.
Him, specifically.
Hanabi is also with them, the little tagalong. It would hardly be fair to keep her away, after all. Technically there are four adults in the arrangement to keep an eye on them: his aunt Manami, her son Shisui, and of course Itachi. And much to Sasuke’s surprise...Itachi brings someone along.
A girl.
But, Sasuke’s not one to butt into his brother’s business. All he knows is that Manami drives himself, Hinata, and Hanabi. Everyone arrives on their own to the beach two hours from their home suburb. 
It’s actually been a few years since he bothered to go. They’ve even got overnight rooms, having the rest of tomorrow until the drive home that night. The only arrangement he’s aware of so far is the girls having a room...minus Manami, who’s splurging on her own. He’s assuming the boys will then be left to their own devices.
Which is wonderful...because Shisui snores like a bear.
But at least it’s just one night. For now, they have the entire day ahead of them, having left fairly early this morning.
Dressed in a button-up blouse and a skirt, Hinata emerges from the car and holds a hand to her brow, shielding her eyes as she looks over the beachfront. It’s...rather crowded, but what can you expect? “Wow…! I can’t remember the last time I was here!”
“Look at all the people,” Hanabi marvels, mirroring her sister’s pose.
“Yeah...be careful not to get lost, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah...I’m not a baby. And I’ve got my phone, I can always text you.”
Hinata wilts a bit at the girl’s flippant attitude, but in the end just gives a small sigh. “...grab your bag, we need to go check in.”
The group heads inside, Manami handling the rooms. While the rest of them wait, Sasuke brightens as Itachi and his...friend arrive. “Hey, you made it.”
“Traffic was a bit hectic, but yes, we’re here,” the elder brother replies, smiling. Turning to the sisters, he softens. “It’s good to see you two again. It really has been a while.”
Hinata gives a dipping nod. “You look well, Itachi! How’s college going?”
“It’s...going.” A tinge of sheepishness tinges his expression. “Let’s just say I was eager for Summer to arrive.”
“You’re working though, right?” Sasuke asks, hands in his pockets.
“I am. Just part time - on a week, off a week. Thankfully Manami’s plans lined up perfectly.”
As the brothers chat, the girls take to their own conversation. Already Hinata seems rather enamored with Itachi’s companion...which Sasuke can’t help but perk a brow at.
“...I’m glad you two are speaking again,” Itachi then offers softly, drawing his brother’s gaze. “I know it pained you to go without her friendship for so long.”
“Yeah, well...I had my own shit to sort out,” Sasuke mutters in reply. “But yeah...me too.”
There’s a knowing curiosity in Itachi’s eyes, and he then asks, “...so, is this little getaway a platonic one, or…?”
Stiffening a hair, Sasuke’s cheeks dust pink. “W...what’s that supposed to mean?”
Clearly already understanding, Itachi smiles. “...just a kind of...intuition. Manami told me you’ve been spending quite a bit of time together. Including after curfew.”
“Uh...she knows about that?”
“Oh please, Sasuke: she’s ex military. You really think you could sneak out of that house without her knowing?”
Mouth opening to speak, Sasuke instead squawks as an arm lands over his shoulders. “Hey!” Shisui cuts in with a gleaming grin. “What’re you two chattin’ about?”
“Your mother’s uncanny ability to know every little thing that happens in her house,” Itachi explains dryly.
“Ooh, yeah...no avoiding those hawk-like eyes, I tell ya. Sasuke get busted for sneaking out again?”
Scowling, he ducks out from under his cousin’s grip. “Busted, no...at least, I’m not in trouble.”
“She knows you’re not dumb enough to...well, do something dumb. Probably just figures you’re out for a stroll in the quiet,” Shisui offers.
Glancing to the group, the eldest then asks, “So am I the only one without a date, or…?”
“Seems that way,” Itachi teases with a hint of a grin.
“Maybe I’ll find one out on the beach, eh? Once I stride out there in my speedo, they’ll have to peel the women off me,” Shisui retorts, cracking another good-humored smile.
“Please God tell me you aren’t actually going to wear a speedo,” Sasuke deadpans.
“I mean -”
“Come on, guys!” Manami then calls, turning them all to the counter. “Rooms are booked, let’s go settle in! Then we’ll hit the beach, okay?”
Hanabi gives a whoop, following close behind as the rest trail after her. As arranged, the girls take their room, the boys to another, and Manami to her own. “Meet back out here in twenty, and we’ll head down together.”
Nodding, Sasuke hauls his bag into the assigned room, finding two beds. Seems he’ll be bunking with his brother like the old days. Getting right to the point, they all change into swim gear...and Sasuke mentally sighs in relief when Shisui pulls out trunks like the rest of them. He did not want to see that man in a speedo…
Once enough time passes, they head into the hall with towels in tow, meeting the rest of the group. Manami simply rocks a tank and shorts, prosthetic in clear view. Hanabi dons a white one-piece, an innertube around her waist. And both of the older girls are...still dressed?
“You not gonna swim?” Sasuke asks.
“No, I just…” Hinata goes pink. “I’ve got my suit on under. I wanted to wear this down to the beach for...for a while.”
A blink. “...okay.”
Herd assembled, they squish back into an elevator and head out toward the sand. Hanabi takes off at a dead run, prompting Hinata to chase. “Hanabiii! Slow down!”
Manami crows in laughter, everyone else sighing. “I’m so glad none of you three are that young anymore…”
“Hey, I’m still twelve at heart,” Shisui retorts.
“True, but you’re also physically a legal adult and pay for your own medical bills if you were to sprint, fall, and break something,” she counters with a grin that matches his own. “Feel free to act twelve all you want.”
Both brothers snicker as Shisui pouts. “Love you too, Mom,” he mutters.
Eventually they catch up with the sisters. Hanabi’s already in the water, floating with her tube. Hinata’s laid claim to a pair of umbrellas, somehow not taken...but also a good deal distant from the hotel entrance.
“All right, you all head into the water...I’m gonna sit in the shade and read,” Manami declares, throwing down her towel and making to do just that. Itachi and his date decide to wait a bit as well, leaving Sasuke to try to convince Hinata to ditch her clothes and go swim as Shisui just...barrels out with a warcry. 
“Come on, you can’t go to a beach and not swim.”
“S-sure you can!”
“...what, are you self-conscious? Hinata, you’re fine, just -”
“So what if I am?” she cuts in, once again pink in the face. “I just...d-don’t like being so...undressed.”
“What about me? I’ve basically just got long boxers on.”
“I do n-not want to think about that…!”
“Come on,” he offers, practically whining. “I wanna see your suit.”
“It...it’s nothing special.”
“Knowing you, I bet it’s adorable.”
Looking shy at the compliment, Hinata hesitates another moment before sighing, working the buttons of her blouse. Under is a tank-like top: white with sunflower prints. And once she peels off her skirt, there’s a high-waisted bottom, the same warm yellow.
“...I like it,” he offers. “But man, you need more sun.”
“You’re so pale!”
Her cheeks puff with a pout. “...well the only time I seem to go out anymore is a-after dark!”
That earns a grin. True...he drags her out so late, she probably doesn’t do much else for being tired. “...fair enough.”
Once they’re both lathered with sunscreen (Hinata having already tended to her sister), he coaxes her out from under the umbrella. “C’mon, we’ll get in the water and then no one can see you.”
“B-but -?”
“No one’s gonna be looking at you, anyway - they’re all doing their own thing. The only eyes you gotta worry about are mine,” Sasuke teases, earning a slap against his shoulder.
Making it to the waves, they stride in to their knees, Hinata squealing at the cold. “This...this is a mistake!”
“No way - you’re not backing out now.”
“But -?”
Scooping her up, Sasuke ignores her protests and carries her further in before just...throwing her.
“Wah -!”
Scrambling for the surface, she stands in the now chest deep water, dripping wet. “You...you…!”
He just grins, ducking behind arms as she splashes him. “Looking a little drenched there, Hina.”
“I’m gonna k-kill you!”
They mock fight for a bit, ocean spraying at each strike of a hand before it devolves into laughing and chasing. But it’s not long before the novelty wears off, and Sasuke suggests heading up to dry off for a bit.
“Okay...good idea.” Taking the lead, Hinata wrings out her hair as they emerge from the water.
A few paces behind, Sasuke mops it from his face before his gaze gets a bit...caught up in the way water trickles down Hinata’s back and legs.
Shisui and Hanabi are still in the water, and Sasuke notices the elder pair have disappeared...but he doesn’t see them in the waves. Eyes narrowing a bit, he forgets as Hinata gestures for him to sit. Manami, true to her word, is still reading...and clearly ignores the couple a few towels over.
“That was fun!”
“Told you,” Sasuke teases.
Out sticks her tongue. “There’s a pool too, right?”
“I think so.”
“We’ll have to try it later. For now I’m a little swimmed out.” A pause. “...swum out? I’ve...had enough swimming.”
Snorting, he just reclines on his towel, deciding to doze for a bit until they get led to their next activity. Hearing Hinata do the same beside him, he cracks an eye, finding her pinkie with his.
She grips it back, a subtle smile growing as her eyes close.
Yeah...this was a good idea.
     Not...too much to say about this? Just your basic day at the beach kinda fic, featuring...lots of family xD This is technically part of the "Neighbors" sub modern AU. I still need to go back through all these and make sub lists for the mini 'stories', I just...haven't had the time, especially with now 186 of them to go through...I will eventually! Just...not likely for a while, aha ;;;;;      But yeah! It's late, and I've had a busy day with another one coming up, so that's all outta me for now. Thanks for reading!
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