#i am FINALLY at a healthy weight and body fat percentage after YEARS of being underweight to the point of my menstrual cycle being fucked
soldier--poet--queen · 7 months
i hate you diet culture i hate you body competitions i hate you extreme workout culture i hate you body shaming i hate you unhealthy expectations for how bodies should look i hate you culture that promotes starving i hate you unrealistic body images i h
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meditating-dog-lover · 7 months
Personal trainer meeting
So I met with my personal trainer again today and I went over some stuff.
For me, it's a combination of different things that help me burn fat, not just 1. It's the following:
Eating healthy and limiting my consumption of high fat and high sugar junk foods.
Brisk walking - it puts my heart rate int he fat burning zone and it burns a lot of calories, and from fat.
Strength training circuits - strengthens muscles which boosts metabolism and helps you burn fat even when not following a low calorie diet. But it still needs to be done in conjunction to cardio (both brisk walking and HIIT).
HIIT - boosts metabolism and burns a lot of calories, but likely not from fat because it's an intense workout that will surpass the fast burning zone heart rate. My PT said that doing it 1x a week is plenty.
My PT likes these workouts and said they are helpful, and I even asked if I can come in for another session for some sample strength and HIIT circuit workouts.
So overall I need all 4. It's better to do all 4 consistently and slip up every now and then than to do 1 perfectly and ignore the rest.
This is what helped me lose fat from July to September 2021, and from September 2021 to November 2021. After November 2021 things went kind of downhill because I lost track of my fitness and life got in the way (got concerned with my health, work, and finances and was comparing myself to others and felt shitty and had body image issues). So I put on weight which made me feel shittier and my mom and sister called me out on my weight gain which made me feel even shittier.
I looked pretty good in November 2021 because I worked hard. I have pictures from that time and I looked good, at least compared to May 2022 where I put weight back on during my sister's college graduation. It's frustrating as someone who has struggled with their weight growing up and had issues with being consistent. I am also tall with a wide athletic frame so even at a low body fat percentage I will always look bigger next to people. I need to figure out how to accept that and how to find clothes that flatter me.
I've been dealing with a lot of shit ever since COVID where I became so depressed that a ton of things triggered my childhood trauma and made me feel worse. I still feel shitty and am in pain, though better than before. And one of the things bothering me is my weight and body image. Because the above 4 help, I'm just going to suck it up and power through them until I feel better and healthier and develop a healthier and fitter body. This won't solve very problem I'm dealing with and will have to deal with in order to heal my trauma, but it's a great step in the right direction.
I still have teeth trauma, relationship trauma, poor style due to poor body image, and general anxiety I have to deal with. It's almost 2024 and I hope to successfully dedicate the year to healing from these issues. I did a lot this year (continues therapy, did great at work and learned a lot of new experiments and lab methods, learned a lot about financial responsibility and opened a HYSA and IRA account (I have almost 30k in savings), went through a holistic healing journey by correcting nutritional deficiencies, met with a dietician and personal trainer which is something I would avoid in the past because I hated people commenting on my diet and fitness, finally met with doctors especially with a PCP and did blood work which is another thing I held off because I have health anxiety over this stuff despite my blood work being very good - especially my lipid profile as I have low cholesterol and triglyceride levels, did some self-care by styling my hair and getting a professional skin treatment and improved my style and appearance which is big for someone with body dysmorphia, etc...
I'm still healing from the COVID and post-COVID pain and it will take some time. I don't want to feel like my 20s went to waste because of it, and I want to fill in the void I feel by making and accomplishing goals. And even if I don't achieve 100% of all my goals, I have my 30s to look forward to.
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artemisfit · 4 years
my reasons to lose weight
One thing i did when I decided to start losing weight was to write down one reason to lose for every pound of my goal weight. I want to be 137 lbs? I wrote 137 reasons to lose the weight to get there.
I want to preface this by saying that these reasons are just my personal reasons for wanting to lose weight, and they have no bearing on and hold no judgement  for anyone else who might read the list. I do not judge anyone for where they are at in their life physically. We are all on our own path. That may sound really patronizing and flighty but it’s true. That being said, for those who suffer with negative body image, some of these reasons might be triggering for that, so please read on with that in mind. 
I don’t even know why I’m posting all of these in a place where other people can see them rather than just keeping them to myself, but I know that the actual process of writing a reason for every pound of my goal weight is something that I found greatly encouraging, so maybe it’ll help someone else?
So without further ado, my reasons to lose weight will be beneath the cut, just because to have them just typed out would make this a very long post. 
To stop hating how I look
To be able to look at my reflection in a full-length mirror without launching into a depressive episode
To be able to look at my own image during a video call without wanting to turn off my camera and hide
To be able to wear the clothes I want and look and feel good in them
To feel attractive and confident
To own my body instead of allowing my body to own me
To be able to enjoy food without being a victim of my appetite
To finally feel beautiful for once in my life
To have clear skin and a clean body
To be able to go up stairs or escalators without running out of breath
To get rid of the stretch marks on my skin
To potentially lessen my anxiety and depression
To be able to wake up at 5 in the morning and feel refreshed
To be the type of person who runs when stressed, not the type to eat her feelings
To never have to wear shapewear ever again
To know the strength that my body is capable of
To look like my own personal motivational photo
To not hate being in front of a camera because I know I’ll look fat in a photo
To treat my body with the respect it deserves
To hear the comments and compliments from friends/family/acquaintances 
To be able to walk around a room in underwear or a dressing gown and feel sexy or at least not self conscious
To see the lower number on the scale at the doctor’s office and not feel like I’m being judged by the nurse
To look good in athletic tights
To be able to stop comparing myself to every girl that passes by (or worse, to my friends)
To be light enough for friends to pick me up
To get to a point where being “what I eat” doesn’t feel like an insult
To be able to wear form fitting clothes without bumps or rolls
To get rid of the bump at the top of my spine and improve my posture
To be able to go swimming without wanting to put a t-shirt on over my swimsuit
To potentially get over my fear and hatred of going shopping in person
To stop constantly thinking people are talking about me and how fat I am
To have more energy
To be more flexible
To not lose my breath after even minimal exertion
To be able to wear a dress without my thighs chafing so bad I get a rash
To get rid of my double chin and perhaps the size/jutting of my actual chin
To have a thinner face over all in addition to a thinner body
To know what having abs feels like
To be able to wear high waisted jeans that zip all the way up and don’t have that pulled gap by the button
To be able to wear “one size fits all” clothing
To be able to playfully sit in a friend’s lap without feeling like I’m going to crush their legs
To improve the strength of my heart
To be confident enough to do karaoke
To be confident enough to wear shorts and sundresses in summer
To be able to do yoga and pilates
To get back into karate or some other type of martial arts
To be able to go to the gym and not feel like everyone’s staring and judging me
To be more active like I was when I was a kid
To be able to run a 5k
To be able to delete the “weight loss” and “motivation” boards on my Pinterest because I don’t need them anymore
To never see a scale number above 150 again
To be able to wear single digit clothing sizes
To maybe see if losing weight helps me wear heels without as much pain
To get rid of the roll-over on my stomach
To have more confidence when it comes to any kind of romance
 To never have to write down “lose weight” as a new years resolution ever again
To be able to fully close my coats and zip up my leather jackets
To have the only muffin top in my life be on actual muffins
To have longer, healthier hair, skin, and nails because my body is clean and healthy and can promote those things more easily
To not feel lethargic and lazy and like a slob all the time
To cry because I lost weight not cry because I gained it
To have my watches and bracelets fit perfectly without leaving marks – same for my rings
To confirm that I do actually have a smaller waist than it currently looks like I do
To lower my risk for health problems later in life
To get rid of the bulk on my thighs – I’ll never have a thigh gap but I can at least not have actual turkey legs
To be able to walk or run 4 miles every morning and not feel like I’m going to die
To stop being so utterly and constantly self-conscious and full of hatred about my own body
To not worry that the guy delivering my takeaway is judging me when I open the door
To look like someone who matches that “London life aesthetic”
To not fear stepping on the scale
To never hear my dad telling me I’ve gained weight again
To be able to encourage my mom in her own weight loss journey
To have thinner, more graceful fingers
To not be the fat friend
To be able to wear sexy, lacy lingerie and feel good in it and not have to buy it in a bigger size and then still be too self-conscious to wear it
To be able to be impressed by my own before and after pics
To not be afraid to see my own naked body when I get out of the shower
To be able to say that I did this, that I achieved my goal and changed my own life
To look good in baggy clothes, not like I’m trying to hide behind them
To enjoy exercise and feel the endorphins it produces
To be confident enough to go for nights out in London and have fun
To be able to buy a whole new wardrobe without feeling like I can’t buy certain things because there’s no way that they would look good on me
To have a higher percentage of muscle than fat
To feel like in at least one area I’m in control of my life and not letting it control me
To sleep better and wake up feeling rested
To hear the comments from my dad’s family in Egypt
To be able to dance around my apartment and not be worried that I left the blinds up
To feel more comfortable in various social situations
To not think that a guy who may or may not be looking at me from across the room is thinking negative things about my looks or my weight
To be able to fit into my fame & partners dress should I ever have an occasion to wear it
To stop feeling so desperate to find new, fad, or quick diets that probably wouldn’t work anyways
To be able to wear clothes like Julia from the magicians
To not feel like no matter what my makeup looks like I’m still ugly
To see the final goal weight number on the scale
To feel like I am worth the work and the effort and maybe even actually believe it
To be able to wear crop tops should I want to
To look good in any youtube videos I decide to make
To be able to make a youtube video or a series of videos at some point about how I lost weight and kept it off
To be able to tuck shirts in to my jeans or skirts and not immediately untuck it because I hate how it looks
To never have to spend hours looking up “weight loss” anywhere on the internet ever again
To feel my clothes get more and more loose
To know what it feels like to have a flat stomach
To not feel like I’m faking whenever I wear something stylish or remotely form-fitting
To be “that hot new phd student”
To have the possibility of a stranger telling me I’m pretty like they do my friends when we’re out (this one is quite selfish but I acknowledge that it’s still a reason)
To get to the point where eating healthy and drinking a gallon of water a day isn’t something I have to remind myself to do, it’s just second nature
To get to a point where I love myself, my whole self, rather than just hating the body I feel like I’m stuck in.
To get to the point where i love exercise and look forward to doing it multiple times a week
To eat intuitively and for enjoyment instead of eating recklessly and unhealthily
To know that I am what i have worked hard to become
To not feel so terrified about changing clothes when others are around
To have slimmer, toned legs
To have a good, shapely bum
To have my hair be my biggest concern when getting ready in the morning instead of “what clothes can I wear to hide my body today?”
To be able to take pictures of my body that will help inspire me and may in turn inspire others should I share them
To see the looks on my friends’ and family’s faces when I get back after being away for a while
To hear the comments from my friends and classmates
To stop hiding behind the camera all the time and be happy to stand in front of it
To stop the thighs of my jeans from wearing out so quickly
To be able to actually live in my body rather than just have it be the thing that takes my head from room to room
To stop feeling envious over the bodies of my friends (I know this is a toxic thing to do/think/live with and I want to get ride of this urge)
To not turn out like a lot of my family
To look more like the girl I used to be when I was a kid and to do her right/do her proud
To see more of the actual shape of my face (do I have good cheekbones? do I have a jawline that could cut a man?)
To be confident enough to go and do my running outside rather than feeling too awkward like people are going to stare and then just using a treadmill.
To get to the point where I know enough about nutrition and my body to be able to listen to it and give it what it needs, not just what I think I want
To get rid of some of the emotional and mental blocks that my physicality has built up for me which prevent me from doing the things I want to do and being the person that I want to be
To have a healthy relationship with food, with exercise, with myself, and with my mental image of myself.
To change the way I think about and talk about myself, to be less self deprecating and more proud
To be able to look at my own body and pictures of myself and find myself sexy and attractive
To be able to buy clothes in stores and not worry that they won’t fit when I get home and try them on
To get rid of the back rolls and actually see some definition in my shoulder blades
To see the look on old friends’ faces (and maybe even more so on those who weren’t friends) when they see how much I’ve changed
To prove people wrong
To prove myself wrong
To be the me that I pretend to be in my fantasies and daydreams
To be more myself, fully and completely, uninhibited and unrestrained
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Weight-loss Methods - How often Must You Weigh On your own?
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ou step to the scale, oh no, your fat is up. Instantly you begin berating on your own. "I am so pathetic. Why are unable to I command my body weight? I just preserve finding fatter. I am so depressed."
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You just weighed your self-worth and that is not what scales are for.
Scales really are a opinions device. Comments is important to monitor your hole, where you are vs . in which you desire to be. A device is one thing we use to produce our everyday living easier. A scale is usually a suggestions instrument. Clever utilization of the dimensions could make your life less complicated and permit you to definitely attain your aim more swiftly.
Clever Scale Use
What is "wise" usage of the size? How often need to you weigh yourself? That depends on in which you are in your weight reduction plan.
When you have misplaced all the fat you need and so are as part of your upkeep section I like to recommend weighing by yourself the moment per week. The moment every week is commonly ample to properly check and maintain your pounds.
After you are in upkeep for six months I recommend you weigh by yourself when per month. By now you will have produced the life-style behavior needed to manage your body weight.
Inside the starting, when you're just starting off your weight-loss method I like to recommend weighing you two to 3 times per day. Yes, you study accurately, weigh oneself 2-3 periods a day.
Are you currently Major?
Indeed! What on earth is a scale? It's a suggestions software. It tells you how powerful (or ineffective) your method is. The more normally you receive opinions the greater typically you'll be able to modify your plan to regularly supply the outcome you would like. You make a way of life improve because of the like and respect you've on your own. Weigh oneself for feed-back, not self-esteem.
Let us go on trip!
How about a highway journey? Any time you go on a road excursion you take the time to plot out your class and choose over a real looking time-frame for arriving at your spot. Let us go! You can get inside the vehicle and start driving. How frequently are you interested in comments on your own development? Constantly.
You're frequently checking to make positive you happen to be staying over the road. That you are usually generating micro corrections to maintain your course. You would not think about sleeping at the wheel. It might be disastrous; you'd be environment your self up for any key wreck.
You happen to be over a vacation. Your very own personalized fat reduction and wellness journey. You totally have to crank out feed-back on how your program goes quite a few occasions a day otherwise you are sleeping within the wheel. You may haven't any clue as well as a might be environment your self up to get a major weight reduction and wellness wreck.
Bear in mind...
The dimensions is not a spot to stand to remind on your own to get started on self discuss re-runs about what a terrible particular person you might be. You're a great person!
The dimensions undoubtedly can be a product used to offer you regular feed-back and help you continue to be on strategy. Appreciate your self by supplying on your own suitable suggestions. I do know, you still have some trepidation about weighing oneself 2-3 instances every day. You might be concerned you are going to just beat on your own up whenever you stand to the scale. You will not. You'll move beyond destructive self converse.
You might be going ahead with good intention and beneficial self speak. The size won't measure your worth, only you are doing. Weighing by yourself 2-3 times/day might help you defeat your worry in the scale. The greater usually you do anything you worry without the need of unfavorable outcomes, the fewer you may dread it!
When Ought to I Weigh Myself?
You may would like to weigh your self while in the morning before you consume breakfast. This can supply you with the minimal conclusion of one's personal body weight fluctuation and can give you the facts you have got to established your day by day calorie purpose. If you have accessibility into a scale, we recommend weighing your self appropriate just before lunch. Ultimately, weigh oneself correct before you try to eat dinner. This measurement does two issues. It provides you with a further data point for measuring your fat over time and it reminds you never to overeat at meal.
Your bodyweight may well fluctuate 2-8 lbs . during the day. Weighing oneself typically (2-3 occasions) will educate you how your body's fat alterations each day.
The number of calories in a very pound of unwanted fat? 3,five hundred energy. So, after you stand on the scale and see your fat has absent up 2 kilos considering that the final time you weighed on your own four hours back; check with, have I eaten 7,000 excess energy within the very last four several hours. Probably you have not (especially should you be sticking to your program). For those who haven't eaten an extra seven,000 energy how did you get 2 lbs .?
You may have had some meals and water. Foods and h2o weigh anything. A quart of water weighs about two kilos. Should you weighed on your own then had a gallon of water and hopped proper again around the scale, your fat might be almost nine pounds heavier. But it really was just water. Who cares about drinking water body weight? We treatment about fat--losing it, and muscle-- preserving it.
Your-Weight Loss-Wellness-Solution is centered on maximizing body fat decline even though retaining your lean, captivating muscle groups. Being aware of how your fat changes whenever you eat and drink, and becoming in a position to evaluate how many calories you've eaten considering that the very last time you weighed permits you to fearlessly stand on the scale and receive feedback. Exactly what type of comments do we get from the scale? That relies upon on what sort of scale you have got.
What kind of Scale?
You can find fundamentally two unique types of scales available.
The fundamental toilet scale. It just tells you just how much you weigh.
Then there is certainly our favourite type-- An digital scale that lets you know exactly how much you weigh, and, a lot more importantly, what your whole body body fat proportion and also your hydration amount are.
We enjoy such a scale mainly because it actions far more. It will give you more information to track the usefulness of the application. Must you care regarding your system excess fat percentage and hydration level? Totally! They are essential pieces of responses on your good results.
Imagine if you get rid of twenty lbs and fifty percent of everything you have dropped, ten lbs, is muscle mass? You have got efficiently reduced your metabolic process by nearly five hundred energy! That may be a substantial phase backwards inside your quest to lose fat.
Keep an eye on One's body Fat Percentage
Monitoring your whole body unwanted fat share will allow you to definitely modify your diet and exercise routine for maximum body fat decline while retaining your gorgeous, calorie burning muscle mass. Why should you treatment regarding your hydration amount? Recall, your body can only metabolize excess fat optimally when you find yourself correctly hydrated and an correct hydration amount will give you a far more correct entire body extra fat proportion reading.
The scale is your close friend. It lets you to definitely measure your development on the every day foundation. Set by yourself up for fulfillment by anticipating little, reliable alter.
Take Absent Guidelines:
Weigh your self 2-3 instances a day. While in the morning in advance of breakfast, at lunch if you have obtain to the scale and appropriate prior to deciding to take in supper. Make use of the scale to trace progress and also to keep you on program. By measuring your development usually you can make true time modifications for your method to be able to insure you are burning just as much excess fat as you possibly can. Realizing your entire body body fat percentage and also your hydration level offer you added feedback allowing for you to definitely good tune your extra fat decline
Modify the planet
In excess of 65% with the U.S. population is obese. Heart disease would be the range 1 killer from the U.S. Our premiums of most cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis and diverse other conditions are a few of the optimum inside the entire world. We are one from the fattest, least healthy developed nations within the world. Be part of me in altering the health and fitness of our excellent place along with the earth, share this short article with as lots of individuals as you can. Be an agent of positive improve. Help save a daily life.
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peterbarron13-blog · 5 years
From A Skinny Kid To Dubai Fitness Pro - Exceptional Fitness Journey Of Peter Barron
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In 2014, Peter Barron visited Dubai on holiday, fell in love with the city and never looked back. “I could see massive potential in fitness here. I knew it was the right career choice,” says the cheeky chap of his massive move to the UAE.
Barron took an extended leave of work from his medical career and set up a fitness company in Dubai. It grew— and so did his social media. Today Barron has 105k followers on Instagram and regularly posts intense workout videos to his page. Here’s how it began and the things he’s learned along the way.
Clearly you’re into fitness. When did it start?
Growing up, football was the only thing I wanted to do. I’m sure I learned to kick a ball before I could crawl! (Laughs)
I played for a semi-professional team in Ireland. When I was 17, I went on trial with a football club in the UK. I thought I worked hard enough, but I sort of failed a few fitness tests and was sent home to work on that — ironic, really. I didn’t have enough faith in myself, so I never went back.
This is actually what drove me to start studying health and fitness. I didn’t want others to make the same mistakes I had made. My dad would always say to me: hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Finally, years later, I believe him.
Now we heard teenage you wasn’t very good at listening…
I was always very skinny growing up and it never really bothered me. A few months before going to the UK foot- ball trials I knew I needed to work on my strength and fitness. I got a workout plan from a top coach and my parents converted our garage to a gym.
I was so excited, but as a 16-year-old, I completely ignored what my coach said. (Because what could he tell me that I didn’t know at 16!) I used the gym to see how much I could press. Every kid wants a big chest, right? (Laughs)
All these mistakes on my fitness journey had to happen to lead me where I am today. I tell people not to look back, and see mistakes as building blocks to achieving those goals.
We’ve seen you jogging around with a particular UAE running club. What’s that all about?
In 2016, Adidas launched their running club in Dubai. I was hired as a coach and helped the group grow to over 2,000 members by 2017. I met so many amazing people throughout the year. I’d highly recommend the group — it’s more than just a running club.
You mentioned a family death recently — right around the time we asked you to be on the cover…
Yeah. A few days before you guys reached out, my grand- dad passed away. His name was also Peter Barron. I know how proud he would have been of all of this, and that makes it extra special for me.
On a lighter note, when I was 20 I had to get surgery, and it was something that made me pretty self conscious. Right after the massive surgery, when the wound was large and fresh, I asked if it would heal or if there would be seriously rough scarring. The surgeon made a joke that stuck with me. She said: ‘It will heal fine, but let’s just say you’ll never be a cover model on a magazine.’
Of course she was a really nice woman and didn’t mean anything by it. We laughed about it, but I did leave that hospital thinking how to prove her wrong! (Laughs) I’ve not been in touch since 2010, so I’ll track her down and send her a copy. (Grins)
Sounds like you’re pretty determined. Was there ever a time when you felt less motivated?
It was hard to motivate myself after failing my fitness test when I was on trial in the UK. In my mind, my dream was over and I was going to have to settle for second best.
I spent weeks feeling down and de-motivated. Then I started to meditate to clear my mind, read motivational books and listen to podcasts from authors such as Jack Canfield, Tim Ferris, Echart Tolle and Tony Robbins.
This helped switch my mindset, teaching me to find the positive in every situation, good or bad.
Everything in life happens for a reason, and what is meant for you won’t pass you by. I live by this, so even when things seem bad I know that something better is just around the corner.
Ok, we totally agree. So is mental health a big thing for you?
Mental health is something I think is very important and something everyone should look after. If your mind is in the right place I think everything else in your life will follow.
Have you ever had a day where you wake up angry or feeling down and somehow everything that day becomes negative? You spill your coffee on your shirt, you’re late for work, and your car breaks down? This only seems to hap- pen to me when I feel negative. I’m not saying you can never feel down but it knows how to recognize and improve your mindset.
If I feel down or tired the only way for me to clear my mind is to exercise, run, play football, and lift weights, any way to release those happy hormones (endorphins). I also try to meditate or be mindful for a few minutes each day. Seriously just two minutes day done right can make a big difference.
I also try being grateful more often for everything I have in my life. Smile more, this sounds stupid but try it. Smile right now and I guarantee you will feel happier. If not, I’m sorry for wasting your time. It works for me. (Laughs)
What would you say to someone who is new to fitness?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
No matter how much you know. Someone out there always knows more. Be open to other people’s opinion and don’t be afraid to ask for advice even if you think you know everything.
I have worked in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years and even now I will be the first person to ask another coach for advice or for their opinion. Dubai is filled with top class coaches, use this to your advantage and if you are struggling in any aspect of your journey. Ask for help. Also, make training part of your lifestyle, not a chore.
Make it something you want to do. Find a reason for why you’re doing this, like a goal. Then just get it done.
All that makes sense. So us about your diet. Are you scoffing pancakes on Saturday? Swigging protein? What?
Guys, I’m going to say something you might already know: balance. Balance is the only option that works with nutrition.
For me, after experimenting with different styles, I know that around 2,500 to 3,000 calories per day works best. It allows me to stay fit and give 100 percent at every training session. I’m more about staying fit than thinking about overall body fat percentage and weight.
I love eating pizza, burgers, and basically ‘bad food’ — but there really isn’t any such thing. Your body doesn’t know anything other than macronutrients and what the food breaks down to. Portion control is the key.
It’s all about fitting these types of food into your weekly intake while keeping an eye on your overall calories.
I’ve been using a meal prep company called Pura for the last year. This makes my life so much easier. They give me five meals a day and it basically simplifies everything, while helping me reach my goals.
Thanks, now we’re hungry. Changing topic… something surprising about you?
I have had over 50 stitches in my face throughout my life. I used to run head first at a 45degree angle as a child. I hit my head a lot, fell through a window. Almost gave my mum and dad a nervous break- down on numerous occasions… Then I was in a car crash at 17 and that was over 30 stitches in my face alone. (Laughs)
Glad you stopped that running habit. Talk to us about your pretty massive social media following.
When I started on social media, I used it to track my progress and to hold myself accountable for what I was doing in the gym. I started to create short workout videos for people to try. When I began receiving messages from people that were trying the workouts and sharing their fitness journeys with me, it really motivated me to keep working hard to get fitter and stronger— just like they were.
Social media isn’t all kittens and avo toast (although there’s plenty of that, to be hon- est). Are there any weird pressures you face because of it?
I think the pressure that can be associated with being on social media comes from the fact that we will often compare our lives to that of friends or strangers. We receive constant updates of how “perfect” their lives are and try seeking this in our own life. It can lead to us worrying that our life isn’t as exciting or that we haven’t accomplished as much as our peers.
Sometimes I get anxiety from spending too much time staring into my screen on Instagram or any other social media channels. I try to take a few days every month where I completely stay off social media and make sure to keep on top of real life interactions with friends and family. (Laughs.) Basically remember what it is like to have a proper face to face conversation!
Social media is an amazing tool but It can take over your life very easily so make sure to detox often.
What’s next? We see you working out a lot with our Gal of the Month, Zoe (instagram.com/zoehappyfit).
Yes you do! At the moment I’m focusing on creating YouTube content with Zoe. We’re looking at food, workouts, and healthy lifestyle. Check out #peterandzoe to try some of our workouts.
Blog Source URL: https://www.peterbarron13.com/from-a-skinny-kid-to-dubai-fitness-pro-exceptional-fitness-journey-of-peter-barron/
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When my partner and I to begin with moved in all together, he - a normally thin person who consuming is actually very inside controlled and that has certainly never restricted any sort of food in his lifestyle As Well As delights in guilt-free overindulging on occasion - advised biscuits as a grocery thing listing. Stockpile on some store-bought clubs with top quality substances and also a 1:1 or 2:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio (in other words, seek 10 grams from carbohydrates and also 10 or 20 grams from healthy protein), Seebohar claims. Our experts have actually actually shared several of Ethos's yummy superfood dishes (best for trying their food if you're certainly not in London) and were actually already properly and also truly amazed with their capability to turn tremendously well-balanced food in to entirely delicious meals. I devoted all my time thinking of as well as worrying about meals as well as calories, just what I will consume when. U can easily consume all day and also rest a whole lot too due to the fact that you need all the food and remainder to increase ... period. No one mentions you HAVE to perform it, as well as Cassey ALWAYS claims transform that up a bit to match your lifestyle demands and also dietary necessities. The Great Guide () Founded through Professor Dara 'Rourke of the University of California-Berkeley, this for-benefit" startup delivers a customer guide to typical products, ranking each by wellness, influence on the setting, and also impact on community. He became fairly a prominent individual, if you like, in the poker scene and this taken right into concern his, ah, his history in sporting activity wagering as well as in betting normally. One more fantastic solution the super-local news could serve is actually arranging a household's routine. Teacher Allen claimed food groups like nuts and also dairy should be introduced to a child's diet in percentages off six months old. If arsenic poisoning remains a probability, laboratory testing is actually typically a 24-hour pee assortment for arsenic, or even spot pee for arsenic and creatinine. Raw Food Creeds: Just about anything cooked is actually hazardous and also ruins chemicals and also are going to cause disease as well as lessened lifestyle. Motivated through Mediterranean residing, this diet rated 4.7/ 5 for how well-balanced that is - which might be because that's low in red chicken, sweets and hydrogenated fat. NOVAK DJOKOVIC, EXPERT PING PONG PLAYER (January): There is no room for any type of. match dealing with or shadiness in our sporting activity. The greatest whole food items choices consist of full, high-grade protein as well as offer virtually every essential minerals and vitamin. She also launched her first publication, The Food items Baby Means, final February as well as has maintained a flow of downloadable clean consuming manuals and also dish plans. At that point I really did not care and also only intended to be actually maded with this unscrupulous provider and also their rarely eatable meals. They've probably received no idea though, that downstairs in the basement, there's some weird sport going on. Australian food items manufacturers as well as merchants are contacting the federal government to perform more to safeguard the nation's tidy, green image from a climbing tide of counterfeiting. I am actually not on WW, however I started tracking meals on My Exercise Chum back in May as well as this is actually definitely created a huge difference in both weight loss and also understanding. I have actually experienced no adverse effects, long for nothing at all, I am actually eating much better food items as well as wide array compared to ever before, I am never famished, energetic and also experience awesome. ROGER LANDSBERG, TRAFALGAR, CHARTERS TOWERS, QLD: One of the concerns in Australia, you recognize, you've received one market mentioning that our team could be the meals bowl for Asia, but you obtained another industry that would like to make Australia the planet's greatest national forest. http://fitnesswelt-de.com/ how basic modifications in your meals or even drink can easily cause such amazing outcomes. As well as I assume because our team may always keep doing that, our team will change our meals body. However below in the USA, our over abundance from a great deal from food that is actually hurting us has actually brought in that seem like the rule, and well-balanced, plant-based consuming as being actually extreme. Get a new swimsuit. Okay, I know it is actually pretty basic, yet having an objective of appearing fit when visiting the swimming pool or coastline constantly acquires me relocating! The YMCA likewise created a variety of gyms for physical exercise and also social sporting activities and also video games.
Outlet as well as handle your meals carefully, utilizing methods including dividing raw and ready-to-eat meals, always keeping very hot meals hot (over 60C) and also cold food cold (under 5C), cooking as well as reheating foods carefully, cooling food items within two hours from preparing food and extensively cleaning veggies and fruit. However there was some relief in the senior years when our team could possibly choose our very own sports. Making love total stomachs means that their bodies need to react to the massive flood of nutrients along with a thrill of the hormone insulin, requiring their bodies to stash several of this in the cells as body fat instead of in the muscles and body organs as nutrients. That was an account that received little media grip for obvious main reasons, in spite of being actually a big advancement for footballing sport science. As a skilled distance runner and also faithful Garmin individual, I have actually been suspicious regarding all various other exercise apps, feeling that there is actually absolutely nothing much better than my Garmin around my wrist. At, our company possess the opportunity of dealing with some of the best titles in health and fitness and health and wellness creating, blog writing, and also companies online. How to use: Sprinkle grains on mixed greens or produce your own hummus by using your food processor. With the surge of mass production and also consumerism in the 20th century - which increased after The second world war - more and more meals is actually now produced, using considerably effective methods making this tastier, quicker to ready, higher in energy material, and also more affordable. As a result, exactly what is possibly the greatest risk to both the stability and also health and wellness of present day sport - an onset of advanced procedures to get benefit whatsoever achievable - is under-recognized, under-resourced and improperly addressed. Even some of Sydney University's personal scholars, Richard Malik, a feline expert, has major concerns that the posted feline food items research has actually omitted the labels from items assessed to guard business plans with family pet meals companies including Hillsides and also Royal Canin. They each have an other capability as well as their emphasis is actually to be the most effective at their sport. The Scoop: Dale as well as Linda introduced Organics for Orphanhoods in 2008, which helps neighborhoods in Africa grow nourishing food. The Kid stuff: Bleecker Levels Tavern There is actually no signs to aim you in the direction of this slimmer second-floor sports bar, however if you can discover your means inside, you'll be rewarded with over a dozen beers at hand and also six plasma televisions display screens. Given that this tries really good, is affordable and also quick and easy to ready, it courts our necessity for instant gratification - which is even more powerful in comparison to our recognition that the food items is really bad for our company over the longer phrase.
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bladesofyuri · 6 years
My Excess Weight is Falling Off: How, Why, and What’s Different
This is a different kind of post for this blog, but I think it’s worth sharing.
If you’ve been following me for a few months, you may have seen a post I made asking for fitness/healthy lifestyle/accountability buddies. My weight is something that has always fluctuated and that I’ve always had a hard time with, even when I was dancing all the time and trying all sorts of “diets.” Over the past two years I found myself in a really dark place, and the weight started piling on for a number of reasons. No, I’m not telling you that as an excuse--it isn’t one. I simply wasn’t taking care of myself like I should’ve been. I was eating fairly well but not well enough, skipping meals I just felt too tired to eat (and sometimes, I’d go an entire day without one), and when I’d go to the gym, I wouldn’t do much more than the elliptical for an hour or a half hour plus some resistance training that really wasn’t challenging me. I knew I needed to work differently, but I had no motivation and my heart just wasn’t in it at all. The combination of graduate school and work was, to be frank, kicking my ass. On top of that, my social life had become nonexistent, I had no boyfriend, and didn’t really feel like I had anyone aside from two close friends who no longer even live in the same city to talk to. 
I’d even for the first time in my life grown very uncomfortable at the gym, despite knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt from my own experiences on the other side that nobody cares about what you’re doing or is even paying attention to you there. Still, I felt like a big, bloated puff waddling around it in comparison to everyone else and more importantly, compared to how I used to feel in it: strong, confident, and calm. 
Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly the epitome of health at the time.
There was something else too that’d been bothering me: more than anything, I wanted to get back into dance, despite having been out of it so long. I just needed that familiarity, that something, even if I wasn’t really in good enough shape in my mind to be doing it. One evening, I saw an advertisement, and I decided to try a class. 
That in itself was a little jarring: I suppose in the 7 years I’d been out of dance, I’d forgotten how tiny dancers really were. I’d always been thicker for a dancer, at my fittest usually being mistaken for a cheerleader or gymnast. This was also the time when I was extremely involved with martial arts, which literally shredded my fat in those tougher spots right off. I’d gone from literal fighting shape with a six-pack to fat, and on my kind of build (which is average height and very curvy), even being a little chubby shows. 
So here I was, in this dance class for a style I’d never tried before feeling very much like a potato among shorter, more toned versions of Victoria’s Secret models. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least, though it was fun. 
That said, there were a ton of concerns going through my head. This class happened to be one where you’re partnered by men the whole time, and I began to wonder what effect my weight may have on them. There were no lifts at least--but moves that involved leaning, dips, etc. were common. Not to mention, I imagined my larger body must be much harder to lead.
So, I worked out a little more, still doing the same types of thing. Elliptical, treadmill, occasional resistance. I tried cutting carbs (more on that later), had a brief and desperate stint of limiting myself to one small meal a day (unhealthy and disastrous--I gained weight), and several other things that were so ineffective they aren’t worth mentioning. I thought that maybe despite my age my metabolism had already begun slowing down rapidly. 
Not knowing what else to do, I decided to see a nutritionist. 
We started meeting regularly, and she worked to figure out what exactly was going on. On paper, I wasn’t eating particularly badly: I had a few off days here and there, but combined with the amount of exercise I was getting daily (from walking back and forth to work and class, those 3-4x a week gym sessions, plus the new dance class additions), she had a little trouble deciphering what was wrong at first. I was particularly frustrated--I’d lost weight before, dropped my body fat percentage to a staggeringly low but still healthy amount for a female, and yet nothing I was doing now seemed to be working. My weight just fluctuated naturally as it always had. I had my resting metabolic rates checked, and some other tests run too.
Well, I thought when everything checked out to be within normal range, at least I was finally having some fun. I loved my dance classes and each made me feel quite a bit better on a daily basis even if I did still have those occasional nights when depression and anxiety really decided to kick in. Though the styles were different, I was doing something I loved again and meeting new people who were kind, informative, and encouraging, and that was more than I’d had in some time.
It still wasn’t enough for me, though. Not really. I’d dance around my apartment, listening to the kinds of music I used to dance to--hip-hop in particular. It always had been my strongest style, and I decided to try out the studio’s advanced class. I had, after all, done it for many years, and was still pretty confident I could move like I used to if my probably hilarious apartment dancing was any indication.
I took a class. 
I realized they filmed everything. 
And I watched those videos back. Sure, I still had it and had somehow managed not to lose much of my skill, even if I had been out of it for so long. No doubt this is thanks to the physical activity I’d maintained, even if it wasn’t up to par with what I’d done in my dance and martial arts days. Seeing that first video generated two thoughts in my mind:
1. I was still good. Very good. 
2. I was still good, even keeping up with the pros in my class, but the person dancing in that video wasn’t me. 
People have different opinions when it comes to being on camera. Some think it’s unhealthy to use it as a motivator, believing that it can develop an obsession. But I’m not that type, and in my mind, using videos to hold myself accountable is no less unhealthy than sitting on Tumblr feeling sorry for myself and eating myself into a blob, which is exactly what I felt I was. Nobody was “shaming” me. It wasn’t society or beauty standards or anything of the sort. I simply wasn’t happy with myself, and this video proved it. 
I kicked it into high gear. As much as I may not often admit it I’m a highly competitive person. I see either someone who’s better than me at something and what to get to their level or surpass them, or I see myself and want to overcome that current self and transform it into something better. This, for better or worse, was exactly the blend of both I needed. I could dance like the people around me, and where I was a little rusty I knew I could get back, but I didn’t look as strong as them just because of my body.
I made small changes to my diet. I’ve always had a running joke about having the appetite of a lineman, and to this day that’s true. I like my food, and I like to eat. A lot. But I changed what I ate and when. I eat no breads or rice after lunch, instead loading up on lean meats and veggies. I don’t snack on things like yogurt at night anymore, either. Instead, I whip up some egg beaters (I highly recommend the southwestern flavor, by the way) and throw some lean, deli-cut turkey breast in with it. That’s my current go-to late-night snack. Other snacks are usually hard-boiled eggs or something along the lines of raw vegetables, fruits with a light dusting of Stevia over the top for those sweet tooth days, and carrot fries with a light ranch. I also make good use of frozen fruits that keep forever and that I can throw into a blender with some Greek yogurt. Breakfast is often something like a grilled chicken breast with eggs (my ultimate weaknesses is Chick-fil-A’s egg white grill when I need a speedy breakfast on the go), a poached egg with half an avocado and a slice of wheat toast, or something along those lines. I’ve also tried the toast + peanut butter + banana thing, though it was a bit sweet for my taste. Lunch is a bit broader: I enjoy salads but not enough to have them daily, and lunch admittedly tends to be my least healthy meal of the day. I had a cheeseburger today for example, which I do not recommend, but if you’re going to do something like that, just make sure you’re opting for a side salad or something similar instead of fries. My aim for lunch tends to be a light salad or a something like a burrito bowl with very little to no rice. I focus on lean meats and vegetables for both lunch and dinner, so depending on what I’ve prepped or am planning to make/have, I make the according adjustments to my lunch. 
One thing I cut out completely--and a cut that pains me as it will my fellow Southerners--is sweet tea. I love sweet tea. I grew up on sweet tea and it’s quite literally the taste of home. This is something I had to ween myself off of over the course of a couple weeks on the days I ate out, ordering 1/2 sweet, 1/2 unsweet drinks. I’m happy to say I’ve already broken the habit, and it’s already become natural for me to order or make unsweet tea and either drink it as is or add just a pinch of natural sweetener in. Likewise, I cut back on sugary coffee drinks, though that wasn’t as difficult for me. I don’t mind the taste of black coffee, so that’s all well and good.
Once I did all of these things, I started noticing little things. Those leggings that had been too tight suddenly started to fit perfectly. My workout pants that I’d gone a size up on because of my chubbier areas started falling off--literally, to the point where I constantly have started having to pull them back up. My stomach and waist area--which is the one and only area I always have lost weight quickly in--has already gone from being jiggly to flat. My lovely (yes, this is sarcasm) Viking arms I inherited from my dad and my thick cyclist legs I inherited from my mom are already slimming down and toning. I started bodyweight circut classes and free weights again, though I definitely still enjoy my resistance days. It turns out I don’t need any additional cardio now that I’m dancing again, and I really only do short stints of it for stamina purposes.
And suddenly, it’s all been put into perspective. 
My biggest block was settling for not enough. 
I was eating in a more healthy way than the average person, but it wasn’t enough. I was working out regularly, but not in a way that was enough. I had no real routine or regulation for what I was eating beyond just staying under a certain calorie count, and not a good enough routine in the gym.
I’m not saying don’t go get on that elliptical or treadmill if that’s something that makes you feel good and helps you. Everybody’s different. Some people really can drop weight as long as they’re up and moving, and it really doesn’t matter what they do during that time. Others, like myself, need more specific exercise, and from experience I know mine is a combination of dance or martial arts and weights/bodyweight. Running does nothing. Ellipticals do nothing. Cycling does nothing. I have to do weights, and I have to have workouts that engage my entire body.
I’m happy to say within the past month of really hitting it this hard, not only have I lost weight, but I’m nearly down a size in everything (the latter of which is more over the course of two months). It really was just making the right changes and remembering what works for me, along with figuring out the new things that work for me since I obviously no longer live under my parents’ roof like I’d done the first time I’d really gotten fit. I had to figure out a way to cook for myself and make the right decisions when I do get fast food. I had to really start putting in the right work at the gym.
And you know what? It’s worth it.
I’ve even developed something of a social life through my classes again, and I’m loving every minute of it. It’s worth it to go into those classes and meet people, encourage them while they encourage you, and let them help to make you the best you can be through their sheer dedication and skill. 
As for the darker mental side of it all, depression and anxiety don’t go away, but you can train yourself to push through them again, and you might just find those spells starting to dwindle a bit when you do. For me in every way, shape, or form, these changes have all been worth it. 
Find what works for you and go for it not halfway, but all out. 
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romanraihanseo1 · 3 years
The average of these 5 death clocks could be the day you die
You may think Halloween is the time for trick-or-treating, dressing up as a Fortnite character, or carving pumpkins. But you’re wrong, it’s the time to face death.
Despite fearing death, humans have always been weirdly obsessed with anticipating their final day on earth. Now in the digital age, this morbid fascination with predicting death has taken form in digital death clocks. Death countdown tools are often used as a joke but some financial institutions, health organizations, and insurers are using its data as a life expectancy calculator.
If you could, would you want to find out when you’re going to die? Here’s a list of sites that could work out when you’re doing to die, because you are going to die:
1. Death Clock
The Death Clock is a friendly reminder of the Internet that life goes on, one after another.
To estimate how many seconds you have left to survive, the site uses a few key questions: date of birth, gender, BMI (body mass index), smoking habits, and general outlook on life - classified as pessimistic, optimistic, and sad for whatever reason. Death clock calculations are based on a study that estimates the expected years of life lost due to obesity in an adult.
Before looking at the exact date of your funeral, the tool asks for information about your BMI, emphasizing the risk of excess weight gain - because they so explicitly refer to it as a "fatal risk of becoming fat".
By answering the questions truthfully, the Death Clock declared my "day of personal death" Sunday, June 24, 2091 - giving me a life of 2,293,545,812 seconds (tick tock, tick tack).
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By examining its (basic) knowledge I have adjusted my lifestyle choices. If I were a smoker, the Death Clock would be seven years away from my life, if I was obese, I would have five more vacations, and if I had a "sad" view of life, the other two. While this may not be the most scientifically accurate tool for predicting your last days of breathing, it is a wake-up call on how you will live your life today.
2. Big Life: Life Expectancy Calculator
After not fully relying on the day of my death given by The Death Clock, I took my own deathless heartless fascination to another darkness of the web. Here is Big Life's Life Expectations Calculator.
The goal of this death calculation is to provide information on meaningful health risks by estimating the emergence of deaths associated with certain unhealthy lifestyle characteristics.
The test begins by asking what life event you would like to experience, as well as understanding your predictions of what natural event will likely happen next year. It could be your grandchildren's wedding, your retirement, or your grandchildren's graduation. I chose my 100th birthday which should be in 2097.on my 100th birthday, I'll make one percent of it.
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Behind Project Big Life, researchers created a calculator that examined the health behavior and healthcare records of about 60,000 Ontario residents. People with unhealthy behaviors spent 42 more days in hospital than people with healthy behaviors.
This website made the inevitability of my death seem real and for that reason, I will never return to it.
3. Hwid.org hwid.org reminds you of the importance of living every moment to the fullest, unfortunately reminding you that your life is coming to an end soon, one second at a time.
After providing me with my age, gender, BMI, drinking habits and the amount of exercise I have done each week, I am congratulated: “As soon as you know, you will die. More on August 6, 2081 ”
I have previously used various epidemiological studies and data, which calculated that I would live to a ripe old age of 84 - meaning that 26 percent of my life would not have already passed. Each box represents one week and each row is 52 weeks wide or about a year of my life.
Filled boxes have already passed, and those that have not been filled have not yet arrived. My life is being loaded until it finally faces death.
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If you love your parents, it also makes you question how much time you spent with your family. This explains why most people, including myself, leave home when they are about 20 years old. As a result, you're suddenly going to spend time with your parents every month, seeing them twice a month on average.
Given the other way, it means you will spend most of your time with your parents, you have already spent.
Given a few guesses about your age and your parents, your under-26s can stay together, even less, which is seen twice on average per month, meaning only 676 more days together.
4. SunLife Death Clock
Ah, another website to remind me of my death (I can't be enough). This time it's Sunlife's Death Clock, a site that estimates how old you would be if you lived in the UK.
First, you need your age, gender and location for the test. This then includes asking more in-depth questions about your lifestyle: how much alcohol you drink, how much you smoke, whether you see both sides when you cross the street, if you sit in an office all day, how much TV you watch, your sleep habits, your Diet, how many times you exercise, how many teas you drink and how many times you brush your teeth. Basically, lots of information.
As you answer such questions, your lifespan will jump with age depending on your answers. I no longer felt judged.
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5. Years You Have to Live, Probably
Nathan Yao, the creator of this life expectancy tool, uses the knowledge of Forest Gump: "Mother always said that witch was a part of life."
Flooddata estimates use visual data to show how long you will live depending on the average age, but the reality is that people die at different ages, which Ya admits is a big design flaw - which probably inspired the name ...
It animates the possibility of dying at 110 years of age (the oldest person in the United States). After entering your age and gender, Interactive Graphic uses Social Security Administration data to simulate your potential lifetime.
Thus seeing your chances of survival at a certain age is both a cause for concern and a hypnosis. In the GIF below, the line shows the chances of you surviving to see the next year (which will decrease with your age) and presents the possibility of eliminating the face of the planet before each running point naturally ends your time.
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As well as predicting when you will die, Flooddata also provides fun data on how you are likely to die and how other people die.
Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Yau has designed a beautiful and captivating visualization detailing when and how you are likely to die, depending on your gender, color and age.
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“Each point represents a representation of your imitative life, and as each year goes by, so do your more simulated shelves. The color matches the cause of death and the bars on the right keep an eye on the percentage. Ya writes, in the end, you leave the possibility of dying for every reason.
Once you see how you are probably dying, scroll down the age to zero again and see how many diseases and ways you have survived so far - well done, but death is coming
With an average of these five death clocks, I would die at about 86 years old - and that would probably turn into a “circulation” issue. When will you die?
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dailydosefact-blog · 4 years
Ranveer Allahbadia aka Beer Biceps transformation from being overweight to becoming health & fitness icon.
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By Dailydose.fact Staff
02 November 2019
I’m like those who simply Google everyday “how to lose weight” and there are those, like Ranveer Allahbadia, who become a YouTube sensation and make a career out of being fit. If you are active on social platforms you may already know Allahbadia by his YouTube handle, Beer Biceps. The channel has over 2.35 Mn subscribers and his Insta following stands at 672k. Beer Biceps is one of India's first fitness YouTube channels that caters to the unique fitness needs of Indian men. However, you should know that Ranveer Allahbadia wasn't always ripped; Should I say he wasn't even fit. So how did aka Beer Biceps go from fat to fit and go on to become one of India's best-known fitness icon?
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Ranveer was 15 when he was diagnosed with a gall bladder stone. "It's what happens to people in their late 40s or 50s," he says. "This came as a rude wake-up call and was also a major indication for future health complications. I was told to get my ducks in line, but due to my engineering entrance exams taking up all my time, I remained out of shape for the next two years. When I was 18, I finally decided to do something about my situation and start leading a healthier life before things got worse."
 It didn't take him long to figure out that engineering was not his cup of tea. "It wasn't that I was bad at studies but I didn't enjoy the subject. I realized that at the end of my course, I would only have three options: do an MBA, go abroad or get a job. I couldn't see myself being happy doing any of these three things but I also wasn't sure of what I wanted to do."
 By now, Ranveer had already begun asking himself how to lose weight before it got too late. Before long, he got interested in fitness and completed a certificate course from Peak Performance, a fitness academy that his coach, Binny Sreedharan, runs. Soon after he graduated, Ranveer and his coach tried their hand at launching a start-up that, as he describes it, was an Uber for fitness and yoga coaches. "When we took the idea to an investor, he bluntly said that one of us would need to get famous for something like this to pick up and that would be a good marketing strategy," he recalls.
 "So, I took a chance and started putting out videos on YouTube to get the word out. Back then I didn't even know that YouTube pays for content. While I was trying to get fit, I watched a lot of foreign fitness channels, but I felt like they didn't answer the questions I had as an Indian. That's when I realized there was an opportunity and grabbed it with both hands."
When time came to name his channel, Ranveer called it Beer Biceps "because I believe in having fun and staying fit at the same time."
How do i lose weight, get ripped according to someone who's done it “I asked”
Ranveer says he lost his first 10 kg simply by doing cardio. "But that was the wrong way," he says, "Because when you're only doing cardio, along with the fat, you're also losing a lot of muscle weight and your health almost always ends up going for a toss.
"This is a common mistake a lot of people make. A lot of teenagers tell me that they only eat 1,000 calories a day, which is a bad thing because it ends up stunting their height and doesn't give the body the required amount of nutrition. Just doing cardio is not the answer to lose weight."
Ranveer learnt this lesson early on when his coach explained the science behind it. "He suggested that if I wanted to know how to lose weight, I should combine weight training with cardio so that I build muscle while burning fat at the same time." Hmm Interesting.
Can I lose weight by eating right?
Ranveer says that the key to weight loss is by focusing on consuming protein. "Ever since I started my weight-loss journey, I've maintained a portion of 150 gm of protein in my diet daily. I usually have five portions of 30 gm each, but it also depends on how the day goes. Sometimes if I've not eaten much all day, I eat 3-4 heavy meals. Otherwise I try splitting it up.
"Generally, breakfast comprises an omelet with multigrain toast or a fruit. I usually have a big serving of chicken or fish with brown rice, curry and vegetables for lunch. A little later in the day I have some protein shake with a lot with some nuts.
"Then I go to the gym and again follow it up with another protein shake. Dinner is just like lunch and if I get hungry again at night, I'd whip up some eggs or have some more protein shake." Isn’t that healthy and yummy.
What are the worst foods for weight loss?
"If you want to know how to lose weight, just go slow on sugar," he says. "It might seem like common sense but it's amazing how little we pay attention it. Sugar is the culprit behind any fatal disease, be it heart-attack or diabetes or even joint problems. Directly or indirectly sugar intake is the key root of most health problems. Even deep-fried food is not as bad as it. Generally, you consume a lot of sugar when you have some dessert and along with that, you're also consuming a lot of dirty fats.
"At the end of it, sugar is an addictive substance and that pastry will lead to you injecting all those dirty fats and clogging up your arteries. This is something people really need to know about. Talking about eating the right kind of food is one of the main goals of my channel."
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How to maintain the weight loss
Ranveer says he spends about an hour at the gym. This is over and above the time he spends shooting videos for his channel. "Being a YouTuber is a stressful job, because you're working for yourself and it's seven days a week. At the end of it, when I hit the gym, it's like I'm disconnecting and unwinding. For days that I can't make it to the gym, I've got an exercise bike at home and make it a point to spend at least 30 minutes on it so that my body gets the movement it needs."
When he started out on his weight loss programme, Ranveer went from 92 kg to 68 kg. But as he started to bulk up, he went back up to 90 kg before settling at 70 kg. His body fat percentage now stands at 13.
Water intake forms a major part of Ranveer's diet. "Since I follow a high-protein diet, I take my water intake very seriously. Generally, protein can act as a catalyst to escalate health problems if your body is not hydrated at all times. Not drinking enough water would generally create problems like kidney-stone and uric acid. But I make sure to have at least four-five liters of water a day and I keep a track of my urine. If your urine is yellow in color, your body is telling you that it's dehydrated," he says.
So, what does a day in the life of a fitness vlogger look like?
"I have the liberty to start my mornings a little late because we generally work the nights," he says. "I wake up around 11 and prep for the day: meditate, get freshened up have breakfast. We then kick off the day by shooting or writing or conceptualizing, whatever is the need of the hour.
"Then from 4-6, I help my team edit videos and from 7 pm to 8 pm we brainstorm on how to take the business forward. I hit the gym by 8 pm or 9 pm and come back and unwind for a bit. I am usually up until 3 am writing or scripting videos."
Growing his YouTube channel was a major challenge. "The initial growth to 10,000 subscribers is very difficult and slow. It's a really testing and demotivating at times because nobody is watching your videos. But being consistent is key. Once we got past that, even the older videos that no one watched started getting a lot of hits."
For someone who comes from a family of doctors, making such an unconventional career choice was a bold move. Ranveer says that while his mother had some reservations in the beginning, his father was always supportive of him. "There was a period when things weren't picking up and that was worrisome for my parents. But later, when their patients came and spoke about my work, they were relieved and started getting an idea of what I was doing. Until then, they didn't really understand how YouTube works. But now, that we've picked up and even opened up offices, they see the work happening and the money raking in and are now happy."
2020 will hopefully see Ranveer working on an original web-content series. But for now, he's focusing on “The Ranveer Show” (TRS) Interviewing successful role models and inspirational figures.
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The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors AND "Experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
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This refers to the myth that just "eating healthy" and substituting good choices for bad choices is all you need to do to lose weight.
How often do you hear "have brown rice instead of white rice" or "eat chicken breast instead of lean beef" or "just eat organic foods and you'll lose weight"?
I call B.S.
I'd love to know how this "expert" expects Americans to lose weight eating brown rice instead of white rice when the caloric load is nearly IDENTICAL.
Or how eating chicken breast is any different than lean beef when the caloric load is nearly IDENTICAL.
Or how eating organic cereal is better than eating regular cereal when the caloric load is nearly IDENTICAL. (Note: in the case of cereals, as you'll learn later, neither are good from a longevity perspective.)
You get the point.
Calories are numero uno when we're talking weight loss (with carb/fat/protein assortment & food choices being close behind). With food substitution and eating healthy, and any other similar nonsense trumpeted in the media, the dieter is NOT monitoring intake.
And truth be told he/she has no idea what his intake should even be because none of these "experts" have helped him/her how to figure it out. They just went on talking about healthy foods and not differentiating the weight loss side from the wellness/longevity/everything else side.
The reality is, research definitely does show tremendous benefits in reducing "bad carbs, fats, and protein"...in favor of "good carbs, fats, and protein". But a greater percentage of these benefits are on the wellness/longevity side. For the weight loss side of the equation, healthy foods are important, but NOT all the time, and especially not if trying to eat them 24/7 is going to throw us off our diet.
You see, by trying to combine "weight loss" and "wellness/longevity/everything else" 100% of the time, we're cooking up a recipe for guaranteed failure, in addition to stress, misery, tons of confusion, and an alarming, rapidly growing condition known as orthorexia nervosa (obsessive dieting practices, especially in regards to eliminating certain foods or food groups completely).
And in my honest, but accurate, opinion, it's this "all or nothing" approach to weight loss (egged on by media nonsense) that is quickly destroying the American population, and making us heavier and sicker than ever before.
It's even more pressing because by going "all or nothing" and being more likely to fail, we stay overweight and don't receive the plethora of other benefits associated with weight loss.
By "other benefits", I'm referring to the fact that a shockingly large percentage of health problems get better or disappear completely with weight loss.
Obesity is the direct or indirect cause of almost all major modern diseases (including heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, Alzheimer's, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.)
Knowing this is a blessing in disguise. Before worrying ourselves to death over diseases that we have, or may have one day, we now know exactly where we need to focus our efforts.
Weight loss is the #1 goal. All the positive internal and external changes due to the weight loss will travel further down the chain and likely reduce the risk of most other diseases.
And this weight loss can be accomplished by eating well 80-85% of the time and having "cheat" foods the rest of the time.
In doing this, we reap the majority of health benefits from eating clean, healthy foods to nourish our body and mind AND we lose weight AND we still feel satisfied with occasional indulgences in our favorite foods.
On a personal note, I watched the "weight loss = much more than just weight loss" dynamic unfold right in front of me.
I had always thought my chronic shoulder bursitis and debilitating lower back pain would need surgery or "years of physical therapy" (the latter of which I did, for 5 years, only to see zero progress). I literally thought it would never improve, and I had all but given up on it.
This all changed after I lost about 40 pounds (of my total 76 pounds) and inadvertently took a huge strain off my body and mind.
This tremendous decrease in pressure on my joints, coupled with proper nutrition, a few supplements and some activity ended up doing MUCH more than just making me look and feel better. It actually got rid of my chronic shoulder and back pain, which gave me a whole new lease on life. (On a deeper note: I had suffered from years of chronic depression, anxiety, and poor self-esteem, which had seemed insurmountable in the past. I realized later on that a lot of this had to do with my poor self-image via obesity from a young age. This literally disappeared once I got in shape and started taking better care of myself.)
So, if you're suffering from any sort of anxiety, depression, or self-esteem issues, sit tight because in my experience, weight loss affects MUCH more than just how you look in the mirror.
In any case, now that we've started to rip apart some myths about weight loss, let's talk about the factors that run the show.
It essentially comes down to lifestyle choices (which, for beginners should be very taken slowly and easily. More on this later.)
Specifically, it boils down to the "Big Three of Weight Loss":
#1: Smart Nutrition
#2: Natural Movement
#3: Stress and Toxin Management
Now that's all simple in theory right?
Eat healthy, exercise, and don't smoke, right?
Well...sorta. It's unfortunately not that simple.
You see, for starters, our beliefs around real "nutrition" and eating "right" are completely fed up, for lack of a better phrase.
Instead of studying the lifestyle habits of people who've "done it right" for thousands of years (while staying free from obesity and illness)...what do we do?
Well, we (i.e. most Western societies) follow the advice of big corporations, mass media, and uninformed doctors. Most of whom, mind you, have a financial stake in recommending certain nutrition methods and medicines to us.
And with all our advances in modern science, we're still ending up with uncontrollable obesity, early death, and major illnesses, some of which include:
Heart Disease
We're stuck with these horrific diseases, while many societies have NEVER even *heard* of them. (Remember how some cultures don't even have a word for "cancer" in their vocabulary?)
When I was starting out (75+ pounds heavier than I am today), I had NO idea how to eat right. I was completely lost amidst different advice coming from every other website, blog, or magazine article.
And you know what? It sucked! I didn't know what was right for me, and I kept going from plan to plan...NEVER seeing any real progress.
Even worse, I hated myself for it.
I saw people all around me, in good shape, or I saw people losing weight easily, and I was sick to my stomach. I did what was supposed to be right but just couldn't get it. And it left me thinking that I just wasn't "good enough" to be skinny too.
It was far from a happy existence, to say the least.
Have you ever felt that way? Doing everything "right" but then beating yourself up for not seeing results?
Thankfully, this all changed when I stumbled upon the amazing secret of "real food" nutrition (and the traditional cultures who'd been following it).
The best part? It helped me finally cut through the "fog" and B.S. that everyone and their mother yaps about.
Let's get into it.
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It"
Read the next article about "The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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thepsychicclam · 7 years
So, I've asked you exercise questions before, like years ago so sorry for the randomness. But I finally started exercising again and I've been working out for almost an hour everyday for two months now and started trying to eat less, but I've seen no progress in my weight and I can't tell, but I don't think I've lost any inches either. I'm just really bummed...
hi again!! i’m sorry you are bummed and frustrated :( the weight loss journey is the hardest. i feel like i am always struggling and bummed, so i feel you.
first off, congrats on working out again! even if you haven’t lost any weight, you are becoming healthier just by being physically active every day. it doesn’t help with the weight loss, but it can help remind you that you are doing something positive.
i’m no fitness expert by any means, so all of this is from my own experience, all the stuff i’ve read over the years, etc. it is not intended to be professional advice or replace a doctor or trainer (lol there’s my disclaimer XDD)
bodies are weird. some ppl respond better to certain exercises, while others respond more to diet. part of the struggle is figuring out what works for YOU. for example, my bff does well with strength training and my sister responds better to diet. i feel like nothing works lol but exercise seems to do the best for me. the first thing i would ask is, what kind of exercise are you doing? while walking for an hour every day is good for your health, it’s not necessarily the best to lose weight. you could do a more intense 20 minute workout and get better, faster results bc of the types of workouts. i’ve read a lot of articles about how shorter, more intense workouts will help you lose weight more than hours of cardio. my coach tells us the same thing. strength training is also supposed to help support weight loss, bc muscle burns more fat. are you adding in any kind of strength training? it doesn’t even have to be anything crazy. machines at the gym, light dumb bells, body weight exercises. 
working out for an hour may also not be the best thing for your weight loss. it depends on what you’re doing. when i used to run all the time, i read articles about how running for an hour wasn’t as good as like doing some kind of HIIT cardio for 20 min bc your body levels out and doesn’t burn as much fat after so many minutes. interval training is good to combat that. they even have walking plans that incorporate intervals to help change the intensity and burn fat so you can find something to fit your current fitness level. 
the third thing i would say is two months isn’t a long time (even though it feels like forever!). sometimes, depending on your body, metabolism, etc, it can take awhile to see results. i’ve been doing crossfit 4-5 days each week for 8 mths and i have barely lost any fat/weight. i’ve gained muscle, but the inches are stubborn and won’t go away. it’s partially my metabolism and mild thyroid problems, but also probably the way i eat. i’m FINALLY starting to see some changes, but very slowly and very minor, and it took 6 mths. i’m still not seeing results i had hoped, but quitting won’t get me results, so i’m just gonna keep on trucking. a friend of mine who does crossfit with me said she didn’t lose weight until she had been doing it for a year. but that’s okay bc that kind of weight loss is the kind that should stick as opposed to fast drops. fitness and weight loss is really the long haul instead of a short, quick journey, which is frustrating. and it’s not easy. it takes dedication, time, and commitment. sounds like you’ve already invested all that!
diet is my biggest weakness, so believe me when i say i understand that the struggle is real. it’s also a game of figuring out what works for you. make sure you’re eating enough calories. too few calories can slow your metabolism. make sure you’re eating over 1200 calories at least. i track what i eat when i’m focusing on it, and that seems to work well for me. i use MyFitnessPal bc they have like EVERYTHING. i mean, it means you have to weigh stuff and think about serving size, but it helps bc i’m like “OH MY GOD I ATE 500 CALORIES OF X WHY I DON’T EVEN LIKE IT THAT MUCH” then i eat more of what i do want to waste calories on :PPP 
i personally like looking at macros rather than calories. macros are the percentage of your daily food broken into carbs, protein, and fats. the “standard” is i think 40-50% carbs and the other into smaller percentages. a lot of the weight loss stuff i’ve read says evening out the macros helps, like basically 30% of each with some wiggle room. some ppl suggest less carbs and more fat. i can’t eat super low carbs, like a paleo/keto diet. i’ve tried and my blood sugar got all fucked. and i knew it wasn’t a lifestyle choice i was going to want to adopt. so, i try for healthy carbs and less carbs if possible. i like the 30% even idea. i seem to get results when i stick to that, but my eating is connected to my anxiety/depression, so sometimes it’s hard for me to track and not just eat ALL THE CARBS bc i feel like the world is ending. 
i stopped buying stuff i didn’t want to eat. like junk food, etc, and i don’t go out to eat (plus it saves money!), and i especially don’t drink my calories. i eat clean 85% of the time, and the rest of the time i don’t. which i think is slowing my weight loss journey. i keep saying I’M GONNA DO BETTER but it’s hard. honestly, my meals are the easiest. snacks are where i mess up :|||| i believe though that every small change, every positive choice each day leads to results. even if you eat something that may not be the best once each day, if you cut out the 2-3 OTHER bad things, you are doing better. it’s a journey. you will have good days and bad days, but that’s what makes it part of your lifestyle.
other things that affect weight loss are stress, water intake, and sleep. are you stressed? do you drink enough water? do you get 7-9 hrs of sleep each night? trying to change those things might help, too.
i know it’s hard. this has been my struggle my whole life. i still feel like i will never figure it out. but remember that every small thing is making you healthier and fitter. fit isn’t skinny. of course you want to be at a healthy body weight bc obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, mobility problems, etc are serious issues. but fit and healthy come in a lot of different forms. that’s what i keep trying to tell myself. i’m strong, my cardio is strong, i just am not a size 0. that’s okay (or at least i’m trying to convince myself).
keep doing what you’re doing. try new exercises. try to vary what you do each day. track your foods and see what works for you. eat healthy, natural, nutritious food, but eat bc you need to be good to your body. and most of all, DON’T GIVE UP. quitting won’t lead to any results. persevering will eventually get you there, even if it’s slow and steady. you’ve got two months under your belt. it should be a habit by now. keep moving. keep making smart food choices. you’re making strides to being a healthier you, and eventually, you WILL see results. 
idk if any of this helped, but i hope it did. i am 150% behind you and cheering you on. you can always come into my inbox with anon questions, ranting, or words if you need to talk or someone to listen. i will send you motivation and positive thoughts if you need them. i have just about done everything and tried everything fitness and diet related, so i understand and know you can do it. good luck, and keep moving
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embodyment · 7 years
Last month I wrote in a tag on a reblog, “right now I am at a point where I don’t care about weight”. This piqued the interest of @zerocarb who followed up and asked me how / when I got to a point that weight doesn’t matter to me anymore. I gave this a lot of thought, but unfortunately, there wasn’t a really quick and easy answer, so I wrote all my feelings out. To summarize, I realize that my past relationship with weight helps insulate me from caring about the scale as much as others do. For me, progress comes in many forms and my weight is just one metric to measure it by. If you want the fully story, you can read more below.
Part 1: Ignoring my weight
I think the biggest reason weight doesn’t matter to me now, is because my default state is actually being weight neutral. I spent a good part of my life ignoring my weight. I grew up among an obese family and for me, being fat was normal (we were just big boned!!). We didn’t even own a scale, so outside doctor’s appointments I never knew how much I weighed.
I’ve heard A LOT of stories about people spending their childhood and young adulthood obsessing over their weight. However, this has never been the case for me.
There was definitely red flags that my relationship with food wasn’t normal. I remember secretly eating, pushing myself to overeat, and feeling dissatisfied with portions when I ate dinner at other kid’s houses. But between a re-affirming home life and a lack of health education on binge eating… no one ever told me that my eating habits were a bad thing. As my weight crept up over the years, I accepted it as growing into a role I was already destined to play; I was just genetically made this way.
Phase 2: Paleo
For a long time, I loved the warm cozy security of fat acceptance. I criticized BMI charts. I mocked the idea of diets. If you told me something was not healthy to eat, I would eat double or triple servings just to spite you. But that all changed once I started to live with the consequences of my diet and lifestyle.  
Shortly after turning 21, I started having sciatic back pain. By age 22, I also started having chronic yeast infections. Between these two things (and many other tiny things), I felt constantly uncomfortable in my own body. When I started this blog in 2013, I did not intend to lose weight. My main intent was to eat Paleo to help relieve some of the chronic illnesses I was encountering. I would do Whole 30 off and on. I would try to eat Paleo the rest of the time. At this time, I still was not concerned with weight, just about eating to feel better.
Phase 3: Calorie Counting
After about a year and a half of paleo dieting, I felt better and was praising clean eating to anyone who would listen. Beyond learning how to eat better, I had also learned a lot about myself. Most significantly, I identified that I had a problem with binge eating. Although at this point I knew how to eat paleo, I still had the issue of eating too much. Although the dietary limitations of paleo would keep my overeating in check, if I slipped up at all, it was a complete regression into binging.
In September 2014, I weighed around 270lb. This is what I generally use as my starting weight. I resolved to start calorie counting to teach myself portion control. I started out budgeting 2000 calories with a focus on eating low carb, high fat. Once I got the hang of portion control, I discovered great weight loss success. Within a year, I was down over 70lb. In addition to numerous non-scale victories, it meant a lot for me to reach Onederland.
I had set myself a goal weight of 150lb, but I could never seem to make it out of the 180s. I tried to adhere to the common advice of never eating less than 1,200 calories a day, but it resulted in such slow and frustrating progress I would just comfort eat more often than not. For the first 70lb, I lost weight with a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, the lower my BMR became, the harder it was to lose weight on calorie counting alone. In addition, from my lack of exercise, I was losing muscle. I lost 70lb of weight, but I only dropped 10% in body fat percentage. Off the scale, I was also feeling noticeably weaker; lifting boxes at work went from easy to impossible. I knew EXERCISE is what I needed.
Phase 4: Exercise 
In order to eat more calories and still lose weight, I knew I needed to burn more calories. To start exercising, I played around with home workout routines, YouTube workouts, swimming, and walking. Unfortunately, nothing could provide long-term accountability.
Since starting my Tumblr, I had followed paleo / crossfit blogs and had dreams of one day being fit enough to do crossift. I had this idea that once I reached my goal weight, I’d finally be fit, strong, and healthy enough to do something as intense as crossift. Today, I realize that all of those things come as the result of doing exercise and are not pre-requisites for exercising. However, that is what I used to believe. When my boyfriend expressed a desire to get a gym membership for access to a weight set,  I tried to convince him to try crossfit. I thought even if I wasn’t fit enough, he was. I was finally motivated after an interaction with an older cousin at a family party. We talked for over an hour about crossfit and her experiences in joining a box. She explained scaling and encouraged me to set aside my doubts that I wasn’t ready and give it a try. When I returned home, I looked into gyms, battled through my insecurity, and started working out. And the rest is history! Or at least the present.
Phase 4: Crossift / The Present
When I started crossift, I had the goal to build muscle and burn fat. Unfortunately, my methods of weight loss relied on eating high fat, low carb, and moderate protein. Within my first month of crossift I felt constantly hungry, so I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted, so long as I kept working out. As long as I was making it to the gym, why did I need to count calories? Under this method, I dropped a lot of my concerns for calorie intake, macros, or weight.
Right here is where that original comment came in. On one hand, I am happy with my body and have been satisfied with my increasing strength. On the other hand, I get frustrated that I’m over eating, eating crappy food, and that my clothes have gotten tighter. But I guess at the bottom of it all, both the pros and cons of where I am at right now aren’t measured in weight. Will a lower number make me happy? Sure! But I also care about a lot of other things a lot more than weight. I care about what I look like. I care about my mobility. I care about how fast I can run. I care about my pants fitting me. I care about my health. I could go on and on, but the point is I care about so much more than weight. Weight is just one means to track progress, but I also accept progress from myself in all forms. And that I believe is what lets me be more lenient towards myself when it comes to the scale.
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brookekeagle · 5 years
Hydroxycut Gummies Review
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Hydroxycut Gummies Non Stimulant Review
Everything you ever needed to know about Hydroxycut gummies in 2020 (an independent review based on science). How quickly does it work? How does it compare to the best weight loss supplements on the market? What if any are the side effects and alot more besides. The main hydroxycut guide can be found HERE and all the individual product reviews can be found HERE. Find out more about us Here.
I have a question for you Which Hydroxycut product has to most calories and carbs? It might seem like a rather strange question
Because I am guessing you are here to lose them! I will reveal all in the compare section but first An important bit of information for you. Did you know nearly all hydroxycut 
Weight loss supplements contain just 2 major ingredients?
  By the end of this article you will know which weight loss pills Are you best option to finally start your transformation. 
So let’s delve in and learn abit about Hydroxycut gummies.
What is this supplement?
Hydroxycut Gummies are one of the many dietary supplements offered by Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut is manufactured by Ioveta Health Sciences, a company that is focused on the fitness and nutrition industry and is based in Canada. The company has many brands in its wardrobe called MuscleTech, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Purely Inspire and Hydroxycut. According to loveta hydroxycut is the best selling dietary supplement in America. You may have seen the company prominently advertised on ebay and everywhere else you go online. Especially if you happen to visit a page about hydroxycut. So are gummies your best option despite the dubious past?
How Does it Work?
Hydroxycut Gummies are said to be non stimulant tasty sweets that will weight help you lose weight and also provide healthy vitamins. The main ingredient C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract) contains chlorogenic acid that aids in fat burning according the manufacture but despite the claims we found the science was less than overwhelming. 
What are the benefits?
This product is simply for individuals who may have a problem swallowing pills. Hydroxycut Gummies are for people who are aiming to lose weight but at the same time still want to satisfy their sweet tooth. What makes it more appealing to individuals is its fruity taste and candy like feature though it has to be said that not everyone thinks it tastes that nice! . But hang on is there another motive? Well yes because you see if you really like the taste and associate it with losing weight the company hopes you will buy more quickly!
When you factor in that a daily dose is 6 gummies and a bottle contains 30 gummies in under a week you will need a refill! Well 5 days to be precise. the question is does it actually taste that nice? I mean sure, I can see the appeal. The ideal of treating yourself to sweets and losing weight at the same time whoo hoo now that is my kind of supplement. But hang on until you read the customer reviews and read the science. I have a mission for you to feel alive and sexy again to dance in front of the mirror and slip into those old clothes once more.
Can Hydroxycut Hardcore help you lose weight?
While Hydroxycut hardcore claim to help you lose weight. There are really no recorded studies that prove it’s efficacy. The only scientific proof cited is for C.canephora robusta – Green Coffee Extract (45% chlorogenic acid). However only 2 small studies were carried out both showing modest weight loss when combined with a low calorie diet. The US National Library of medicine had this to say.
The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE (green coffee extract) can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement. Bare in mind the above is a look at all the scientific papers out there. Gummies do contain folic acid and apple cider so let’s check them out in the ingredient section all is not lost!
Customer reviews and complaints?
Most review websites featuring Hydroxycut products make money promoting the supplement so can be discounted. The reviews on the official website are mostly bogus in our opinion or paid for. In fact on the official website nearly all supplements have a huge approval rating from customers with hardly any negative reviews. However it is quite telling that on Amazon the percentage of negative reviews for the same products increases. Here is one example of a bogus review fromt the official website. “I feel awesome! I’m stronger and fitter than ever. I feel confident, capable, strong and focused like I can do anything I put my mind to!” ~ Natasha, Sacramento CA. 
  The shocking thing is i found evidence of suspicious positive reviews on amazon as well and I elaborate in this article.  Out of all the supplements the team researched hydroxycut was probably the worst offender for planted fake reviews on the official websites and also via Amazon. The same names popping up giving wonderful scripted sales messages outlining key selling points. Another tactic offered employed by companies in Amazon is to simply pull a product when it gets to many bad reviews and then make a new listing. How many times have you gone straight to the customer reviews? I Know I do and we are not alone in this. The customer reviews are the single most important deciding factor for people buying.  Does a huge company leave it to chance? The answer is no! I discuss this more in a dedicated article because it would take too long to dissect here but for now here is a selection of some of the real reviews. Verfied – Bree6900
Save your money, these are not worth it!! If I could give it negative stars I would Not worth the money!! If I could give it negative stars or get my money back..I would! Terrible headaches! I read the reviews and decided to try this product to help me with my appetite. I’m always hungry and I was hoping it would curb my desire to eat. Most of the reviews were favorable and I understand that we all might or might not like something based on taste, smell or how it makes us feel (and that is ok).
First day after taking this product I developed a headache with an hour or so (2nd time I tried them – 2days later..headache again!) Actually, I didn’t like the taste (like cough medicine flavor) and way tooo much sugar has been added to this product. Of course, they are trying to make it taste better. Even that would have been ok if they worked and didn’t make me feel like crap. Headaches, nauseous just ill feeling and only curbed my appetite for an hour and that was taking 3 which is the recommended dosage. A waste of my money and I wish I could return them but since I can’t, maybe I can help someone else save some of theirs by giving an honest review. Genesis Marie – Amazon
Please don’t waste your money! We all know the stimulating and truly effective weight loss drugs were taking off the market or the ingredients used that were previously effective are no longer being used in these products. Don’t waste your money anymore. Even after going to a GNC store, I was told that all of their products do not contain any ingredients that will induce weight loss unlike in previous years. These products no longer contain what older formulas contained to help weight loss, therefore making them useless.
Kat Epple I couldn’t stand this product. The smell when you open the bottle is horrendous. The taste is even worse, not to mention the texture. It was like chewing rubber and they seriously upset my stomach, which I didn’t expect as I’ve used hydroxycut for years. Sadly, not a product that I will buy again.
What is the science?
There are only two recorded scientific studies to back up the efficacy of Hydroxycut gummies.
As both presented on Hydroxycut’s official site, on one scientific study conducted in 2006, there were two groups tested. One group took in C. canephora robusta for 60 days and lost an average of 10.95 lbs, while the other group took a placebo and lost about 5.40 lbs. Both groups followed the same calorie-reduced diet. You should be aware however that the weight loss is actually 5.5lbs and 2.5lbs when you take into account the placebo groups also lost weight. So one study showed the ingredient C. canephora robusta helped some people lose just over 2.5lbs in a month.
Aside from C.canephora robusta – (Green Coffee) 1 serving of 3 gummies contain 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake according to the American Heart Association (AHA). So a supplement intended to help you lose weight will use up ⅖ of you daily allowance of sugar which severely restricts you eating habits for the rest of the day. 
  Pantothenic Acid – vitamin B5, this helps in creating blood cells and also helps convert the food you eat into energy.
Biotin – B-vitamin that also helps your body convert food into energy.
Thiamin – vitamin B1, allows your body to use carbohydrates as energy.
Riboflavin – a vitamin that promotes your overall health and well-being. 
Zinc – this is an important element in regulating your immune system. It also enhances one’s testosterone production and reduces the effects of erectile dysfunction.
Selenium – this improves one’s fertility and cognitive functions.
  In addition, its other ingredients are Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B12, Niacin, Folic acid, Iodin, and Sodium. While it is nice that hydroxycut gummies is composed of vitamins as well as the main weight loss ingredient. I am sure you are aware that multivitamins can be purchased for a few dollars. 
Side Effects
Reported side effects include jitteriness, nausea, palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. Other possible side effects are diarrhea, high blood pressure, jaundice, cardiovascular problems, vomiting, seizures, abdominal pain, fatigue.
How Do you Take the Supplement
This dietary supplement can be taken 2 times a day or as advised by a healthcare professional. Take note that you must not exceed the recommended dose which is a total of 6 gummies. As for your daily intake, it is best that you take one serving of the supplement roughly about 30 to 60 minutes before your two largest meals. As much as possible avoid having a snack between meals or after dinner. It is also important that you not exceed taking 2 gummies in a period of 4 hours as well as 6 gummies in a period of 24-hours. On the official hydroxycut website they suggest the following.
  It is highly recommended that you take Hydroxycut Gummies for 8 to 12 weeks and pair it up with a decreased-calorie diet and of course, exercise. In addition to this, you must also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. 
  Cost and Where to Buy hydroxycut non stimulant gummies?
  The cost of Hydroxycut Gummies is typically $20 for 90 which will last 15 days at the recommended dose. They come in flavours Fruit and Mixed Fruit. Amazon and from the following vendors
Official Hydroxycut’s website for ($20.99 for 90)
Walgreens.com   (only in store price not given) iherb  ($28.56 for 90)
What do other websites say about Hydroxycut?
  Healthline (This review is old and outdated) At the end of the day, Hydroxycut may be useful as a fat burning tool in the short term, as long as you’re also eating healthy and exercising. But, same as with any other weight loss method, it won’t lead to long-term results unless followed by a lasting lifestyle change.
Medicalnewstoday.com Bottom Line: Several controlled trials in humans show that green coffee bean extract can lead to significant weight loss. However, these studies were relatively small and some of them were industry sponsored.
The above statement by medicalnewstoday a respected websites but the statement is not supported by the facts. The central scientific source most quoted for dietary research is the U.S. National Library of Medicine which states the following.
“The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement
  How Does it compare to other dieting supplements?
Do hydroxycut gummies make the top 10 list? Go here to find out.
Pros and Cons?
Maybe more enjoyable to consume compared to diet pills
Does contain many vitamins
The main ingredient offers very small weight loss and only if you are on a diet
Contains 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake
If you use the maximum dose of 6 gummies per day a 30 pill jar does not last very long
Subject to above average amount of poor reviews
Guilty of planting fake positive reviews on the official website and on Amazon
Final Verdict
If you don’t like the idea of swallowing a pill, hydroxycut Gummies might seem appealing. But we found this product had far to many negative reviews for our liking and the key scientifically tested ingredient only promises modest weight loss if you follow a low calorie diet. There are several more potent offerings on the market which we include in the top 3 weight loss supplements.
  Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email
Source: https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-gummies-review/
from Hydroxycut Supplement Review https://hydroxycutreviews1.wordpress.com/2019/10/18/hydroxycut-gummies-review/
0 notes
davidlrichards · 5 years
Hydroxycut Gummies Review
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Hydroxycut Gummies Non Stimulant Review
Everything you ever needed to know about Hydroxycut gummies in 2020 (an independent review based on science). How quickly does it work? How does it compare to the best weight loss supplements on the market? What if any are the side effects and alot more besides. The main hydroxycut guide can be found HERE and all the individual product reviews can be found HERE. Find out more about us Here.
I have a question for you Which Hydroxycut product has to most calories and carbs? It might seem like a rather strange question
Because I am guessing you are here to lose them! I will reveal all in the compare section but first An important bit of information for you. Did you know nearly all hydroxycut 
Weight loss supplements contain just 2 major ingredients?
By the end of this article you will know which weight loss pills Are you best option to finally start your transformation. 
So let’s delve in and learn abit about Hydroxycut gummies.
What is this supplement?
Hydroxycut Gummies are one of the many dietary supplements offered by Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut is manufactured by Ioveta Health Sciences, a company that is focused on the fitness and nutrition industry and is based in Canada. The company has many brands in its wardrobe called MuscleTech, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Purely Inspire and Hydroxycut. According to loveta hydroxycut is the best selling dietary supplement in America. You may have seen the company prominently advertised on ebay and everywhere else you go online. Especially if you happen to visit a page about hydroxycut. So are gummies your best option despite the dubious past?
How Does it Work?
Hydroxycut Gummies are said to be non stimulant tasty sweets that will weight help you lose weight and also provide healthy vitamins. The main ingredient C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract) contains chlorogenic acid that aids in fat burning according the manufacture but despite the claims we found the science was less than overwhelming. 
What are the benefits?
This product is simply for individuals who may have a problem swallowing pills. Hydroxycut Gummies are for people who are aiming to lose weight but at the same time still want to satisfy their sweet tooth. What makes it more appealing to individuals is its fruity taste and candy like feature though it has to be said that not everyone thinks it tastes that nice! . But hang on is there another motive? Well yes because you see if you really like the taste and associate it with losing weight the company hopes you will buy more quickly!
When you factor in that a daily dose is 6 gummies and a bottle contains 30 gummies in under a week you will need a refill! Well 5 days to be precise. the question is does it actually taste that nice? I mean sure, I can see the appeal. The ideal of treating yourself to sweets and losing weight at the same time whoo hoo now that is my kind of supplement. But hang on until you read the customer reviews and read the science. I have a mission for you to feel alive and sexy again to dance in front of the mirror and slip into those old clothes once more.
Can Hydroxycut Hardcore help you lose weight?
While Hydroxycut hardcore claim to help you lose weight. There are really no recorded studies that prove it’s efficacy. The only scientific proof cited is for C.canephora robusta – Green Coffee Extract (45% chlorogenic acid). However only 2 small studies were carried out both showing modest weight loss when combined with a low calorie diet. The US National Library of medicine had this to say.
The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE (green coffee extract) can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement. Bare in mind the above is a look at all the scientific papers out there. Gummies do contain folic acid and apple cider so let’s check them out in the ingredient section all is not lost!
Customer reviews and complaints?
Most review websites featuring Hydroxycut products make money promoting the supplement so can be discounted. The reviews on the official website are mostly bogus in our opinion or paid for. In fact on the official website nearly all supplements have a huge approval rating from customers with hardly any negative reviews. However it is quite telling that on Amazon the percentage of negative reviews for the same products increases. Here is one example of a bogus review fromt the official website. “I feel awesome! I’m stronger and fitter than ever. I feel confident, capable, strong and focused like I can do anything I put my mind to!” ~ Natasha, Sacramento CA. 
The shocking thing is i found evidence of suspicious positive reviews on amazon as well and I elaborate in this article.  Out of all the supplements the team researched hydroxycut was probably the worst offender for planted fake reviews on the official websites and also via Amazon. The same names popping up giving wonderful scripted sales messages outlining key selling points. Another tactic offered employed by companies in Amazon is to simply pull a product when it gets to many bad reviews and then make a new listing. How many times have you gone straight to the customer reviews? I Know I do and we are not alone in this. The customer reviews are the single most important deciding factor for people buying.  Does a huge company leave it to chance? The answer is no! I discuss this more in a dedicated article because it would take too long to dissect here but for now here is a selection of some of the real reviews. Verfied – Bree6900
Save your money, these are not worth it!! If I could give it negative stars I would Not worth the money!! If I could give it negative stars or get my money back..I would! Terrible headaches! I read the reviews and decided to try this product to help me with my appetite. I’m always hungry and I was hoping it would curb my desire to eat. Most of the reviews were favorable and I understand that we all might or might not like something based on taste, smell or how it makes us feel (and that is ok).
First day after taking this product I developed a headache with an hour or so (2nd time I tried them – 2days later..headache again!) Actually, I didn’t like the taste (like cough medicine flavor) and way tooo much sugar has been added to this product. Of course, they are trying to make it taste better. Even that would have been ok if they worked and didn’t make me feel like crap. Headaches, nauseous just ill feeling and only curbed my appetite for an hour and that was taking 3 which is the recommended dosage. A waste of my money and I wish I could return them but since I can’t, maybe I can help someone else save some of theirs by giving an honest review. Genesis Marie – Amazon
Please don’t waste your money! We all know the stimulating and truly effective weight loss drugs were taking off the market or the ingredients used that were previously effective are no longer being used in these products. Don’t waste your money anymore. Even after going to a GNC store, I was told that all of their products do not contain any ingredients that will induce weight loss unlike in previous years. These products no longer contain what older formulas contained to help weight loss, therefore making them useless.
Kat Epple I couldn’t stand this product. The smell when you open the bottle is horrendous. The taste is even worse, not to mention the texture. It was like chewing rubber and they seriously upset my stomach, which I didn’t expect as I’ve used hydroxycut for years. Sadly, not a product that I will buy again.
What is the science?
There are only two recorded scientific studies to back up the efficacy of Hydroxycut gummies.
As both presented on Hydroxycut’s official site, on one scientific study conducted in 2006, there were two groups tested. One group took in C. canephora robusta for 60 days and lost an average of 10.95 lbs, while the other group took a placebo and lost about 5.40 lbs. Both groups followed the same calorie-reduced diet. You should be aware however that the weight loss is actually 5.5lbs and 2.5lbs when you take into account the placebo groups also lost weight. So one study showed the ingredient C. canephora robusta helped some people lose just over 2.5lbs in a month.
Aside from C.canephora robusta – (Green Coffee) 1 serving of 3 gummies contain 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake according to the American Heart Association (AHA). So a supplement intended to help you lose weight will use up ⅖ of you daily allowance of sugar which severely restricts you eating habits for the rest of the day. 
Pantothenic Acid – vitamin B5, this helps in creating blood cells and also helps convert the food you eat into energy.
Biotin – B-vitamin that also helps your body convert food into energy.
Thiamin – vitamin B1, allows your body to use carbohydrates as energy.
Riboflavin – a vitamin that promotes your overall health and well-being. 
Zinc – this is an important element in regulating your immune system. It also enhances one’s testosterone production and reduces the effects of erectile dysfunction.
Selenium – this improves one’s fertility and cognitive functions.
  In addition, its other ingredients are Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B12, Niacin, Folic acid, Iodin, and Sodium. While it is nice that hydroxycut gummies is composed of vitamins as well as the main weight loss ingredient. I am sure you are aware that multivitamins can be purchased for a few dollars. 
Side Effects
Reported side effects include jitteriness, nausea, palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. Other possible side effects are diarrhea, high blood pressure, jaundice, cardiovascular problems, vomiting, seizures, abdominal pain, fatigue.
How Do you Take the Supplement
This dietary supplement can be taken 2 times a day or as advised by a healthcare professional. Take note that you must not exceed the recommended dose which is a total of 6 gummies. As for your daily intake, it is best that you take one serving of the supplement roughly about 30 to 60 minutes before your two largest meals. As much as possible avoid having a snack between meals or after dinner. It is also important that you not exceed taking 2 gummies in a period of 4 hours as well as 6 gummies in a period of 24-hours. On the official hydroxycut website they suggest the following.
It is highly recommended that you take Hydroxycut Gummies for 8 to 12 weeks and pair it up with a decreased-calorie diet and of course, exercise. In addition to this, you must also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. 
Cost and Where to Buy hydroxycut non stimulant gummies?
  The cost of Hydroxycut Gummies is typically $20 for 90 which will last 15 days at the recommended dose. They come in flavours Fruit and Mixed Fruit. Amazon and from the following vendors
Official Hydroxycut’s website for ($20.99 for 90)
Walgreens.com   (only in store price not given) iherb  ($28.56 for 90)
What do other websites say about Hydroxycut?
Healthline (This review is old and outdated) At the end of the day, Hydroxycut may be useful as a fat burning tool in the short term, as long as you’re also eating healthy and exercising. But, same as with any other weight loss method, it won’t lead to long-term results unless followed by a lasting lifestyle change.
Medicalnewstoday.com Bottom Line: Several controlled trials in humans show that green coffee bean extract can lead to significant weight loss. However, these studies were relatively small and some of them were industry sponsored.
The above statement by medicalnewstoday a respected websites but the statement is not supported by the facts. The central scientific source most quoted for dietary research is the U.S. National Library of Medicine which states the following.
“The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement
How Does it compare to other dieting supplements?
Do hydroxycut gummies make the top 10 list? Go here to find out.
Pros and Cons?
Maybe more enjoyable to consume compared to diet pills
Does contain many vitamins
The main ingredient offers very small weight loss and only if you are on a diet
Contains 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake
If you use the maximum dose of 6 gummies per day a 30 pill jar does not last very long
Subject to above average amount of poor reviews
Guilty of planting fake positive reviews on the official website and on Amazon
Final Verdict
If you don’t like the idea of swallowing a pill, hydroxycut Gummies might seem appealing. But we found this product had far to many negative reviews for our liking and the key scientifically tested ingredient only promises modest weight loss if you follow a low calorie diet. There are several more potent offerings on the market which we include in the top 3 weight loss supplements.
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from Hydroxycut Reviews 2020 https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-gummies-review/ from Hydroxycut Supplement Review https://hydroxycutreviews.tumblr.com/post/188419962558
0 notes
caroldthom · 5 years
Hydroxycut Gummies Review
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email
Hydroxycut Gummies Non Stimulant Review
Everything you ever needed to know about Hydroxycut gummies in 2020 (an independent review based on science). How quickly does it work? How does it compare to the best weight loss supplements on the market? What if any are the side effects and alot more besides. The main hydroxycut guide can be found HERE and all the individual product reviews can be found HERE. Find out more about us Here.
I have a question for you Which Hydroxycut product has to most calories and carbs? It might seem like a rather strange question
Because I am guessing you are here to lose them! I will reveal all in the compare section but first An important bit of information for you. Did you know nearly all hydroxycut 
Weight loss supplements contain just 2 major ingredients?
 By the end of this article you will know which weight loss pills Are you best option to finally start your transformation. 
So let’s delve in and learn abit about Hydroxycut gummies.
What is this supplement?
Hydroxycut Gummies are one of the many dietary supplements offered by Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut is manufactured by Ioveta Health Sciences, a company that is focused on the fitness and nutrition industry and is based in Canada. The company has many brands in its wardrobe called MuscleTech, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Purely Inspire and Hydroxycut. According to loveta hydroxycut is the best selling dietary supplement in America. You may have seen the company prominently advertised on ebay and everywhere else you go online. Especially if you happen to visit a page about hydroxycut. So are gummies your best option despite the dubious past?
How Does it Work?
Hydroxycut Gummies are said to be non stimulant tasty sweets that will weight help you lose weight and also provide healthy vitamins. The main ingredient C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract) contains chlorogenic acid that aids in fat burning according the manufacture but despite the claims we found the science was less than overwhelming. 
What are the benefits?
This product is simply for individuals who may have a problem swallowing pills. Hydroxycut Gummies are for people who are aiming to lose weight but at the same time still want to satisfy their sweet tooth. What makes it more appealing to individuals is its fruity taste and candy like feature though it has to be said that not everyone thinks it tastes that nice! . But hang on is there another motive? Well yes because you see if you really like the taste and associate it with losing weight the company hopes you will buy more quickly!
When you factor in that a daily dose is 6 gummies and a bottle contains 30 gummies in under a week you will need a refill! Well 5 days to be precise. the question is does it actually taste that nice? I mean sure, I can see the appeal. The ideal of treating yourself to sweets and losing weight at the same time whoo hoo now that is my kind of supplement. But hang on until you read the customer reviews and read the science. I have a mission for you to feel alive and sexy again to dance in front of the mirror and slip into those old clothes once more.
Can Hydroxycut Hardcore help you lose weight?
While Hydroxycut hardcore claim to help you lose weight. There are really no recorded studies that prove it’s efficacy. The only scientific proof cited is for C.canephora robusta – Green Coffee Extract (45% chlorogenic acid). However only 2 small studies were carried out both showing modest weight loss when combined with a low calorie diet. The US National Library of medicine had this to say.
The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE (green coffee extract) can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement. Bare in mind the above is a look at all the scientific papers out there. Gummies do contain folic acid and apple cider so let’s check them out in the ingredient section all is not lost!
Customer reviews and complaints?
Most review websites featuring Hydroxycut products make money promoting the supplement so can be discounted. The reviews on the official website are mostly bogus in our opinion or paid for. In fact on the official website nearly all supplements have a huge approval rating from customers with hardly any negative reviews. However it is quite telling that on Amazon the percentage of negative reviews for the same products increases. Here is one example of a bogus review fromt the official website. “I feel awesome! I’m stronger and fitter than ever. I feel confident, capable, strong and focused like I can do anything I put my mind to!” ~ Natasha, Sacramento CA. 
 The shocking thing is i found evidence of suspicious positive reviews on amazon as well and I elaborate in this article.  Out of all the supplements the team researched hydroxycut was probably the worst offender for planted fake reviews on the official websites and also via Amazon. The same names popping up giving wonderful scripted sales messages outlining key selling points. Another tactic offered employed by companies in Amazon is to simply pull a product when it gets to many bad reviews and then make a new listing. How many times have you gone straight to the customer reviews? I Know I do and we are not alone in this. The customer reviews are the single most important deciding factor for people buying.  Does a huge company leave it to chance? The answer is no! I discuss this more in a dedicated article because it would take too long to dissect here but for now here is a selection of some of the real reviews. Verfied – Bree6900
Save your money, these are not worth it!! If I could give it negative stars I would Not worth the money!! If I could give it negative stars or get my money back..I would! Terrible headaches! I read the reviews and decided to try this product to help me with my appetite. I’m always hungry and I was hoping it would curb my desire to eat. Most of the reviews were favorable and I understand that we all might or might not like something based on taste, smell or how it makes us feel (and that is ok).
First day after taking this product I developed a headache with an hour or so (2nd time I tried them – 2days later..headache again!) Actually, I didn’t like the taste (like cough medicine flavor) and way tooo much sugar has been added to this product. Of course, they are trying to make it taste better. Even that would have been ok if they worked and didn’t make me feel like crap. Headaches, nauseous just ill feeling and only curbed my appetite for an hour and that was taking 3 which is the recommended dosage. A waste of my money and I wish I could return them but since I can’t, maybe I can help someone else save some of theirs by giving an honest review. Genesis Marie – Amazon
Please don’t waste your money! We all know the stimulating and truly effective weight loss drugs were taking off the market or the ingredients used that were previously effective are no longer being used in these products. Don’t waste your money anymore. Even after going to a GNC store, I was told that all of their products do not contain any ingredients that will induce weight loss unlike in previous years. These products no longer contain what older formulas contained to help weight loss, therefore making them useless.
Kat Epple I couldn’t stand this product. The smell when you open the bottle is horrendous. The taste is even worse, not to mention the texture. It was like chewing rubber and they seriously upset my stomach, which I didn’t expect as I’ve used hydroxycut for years. Sadly, not a product that I will buy again.
What is the science?
There are only two recorded scientific studies to back up the efficacy of Hydroxycut gummies.
As both presented on Hydroxycut’s official site, on one scientific study conducted in 2006, there were two groups tested. One group took in C. canephora robusta for 60 days and lost an average of 10.95 lbs, while the other group took a placebo and lost about 5.40 lbs. Both groups followed the same calorie-reduced diet. You should be aware however that the weight loss is actually 5.5lbs and 2.5lbs when you take into account the placebo groups also lost weight. So one study showed the ingredient C. canephora robusta helped some people lose just over 2.5lbs in a month.
Aside from C.canephora robusta – (Green Coffee) 1 serving of 3 gummies contain 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake according to the American Heart Association (AHA). So a supplement intended to help you lose weight will use up ⅖ of you daily allowance of sugar which severely restricts you eating habits for the rest of the day. 
 Pantothenic Acid – vitamin B5, this helps in creating blood cells and also helps convert the food you eat into energy.
Biotin – B-vitamin that also helps your body convert food into energy.
Thiamin – vitamin B1, allows your body to use carbohydrates as energy.
Riboflavin – a vitamin that promotes your overall health and well-being. 
Zinc – this is an important element in regulating your immune system. It also enhances one’s testosterone production and reduces the effects of erectile dysfunction.
Selenium – this improves one’s fertility and cognitive functions.
 In addition, its other ingredients are Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B12, Niacin, Folic acid, Iodin, and Sodium. While it is nice that hydroxycut gummies is composed of vitamins as well as the main weight loss ingredient. I am sure you are aware that multivitamins can be purchased for a few dollars. 
Side Effects
Reported side effects include jitteriness, nausea, palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. Other possible side effects are diarrhea, high blood pressure, jaundice, cardiovascular problems, vomiting, seizures, abdominal pain, fatigue.
How Do you Take the Supplement
This dietary supplement can be taken 2 times a day or as advised by a healthcare professional. Take note that you must not exceed the recommended dose which is a total of 6 gummies. As for your daily intake, it is best that you take one serving of the supplement roughly about 30 to 60 minutes before your two largest meals. As much as possible avoid having a snack between meals or after dinner. It is also important that you not exceed taking 2 gummies in a period of 4 hours as well as 6 gummies in a period of 24-hours. On the official hydroxycut website they suggest the following.
 It is highly recommended that you take Hydroxycut Gummies for 8 to 12 weeks and pair it up with a decreased-calorie diet and of course, exercise. In addition to this, you must also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. 
 Cost and Where to Buy hydroxycut non stimulant gummies?
 The cost of Hydroxycut Gummies is typically $20 for 90 which will last 15 days at the recommended dose. They come in flavours Fruit and Mixed Fruit. Amazon and from the following vendors
Official Hydroxycut’s website for ($20.99 for 90)
Walgreens.com   (only in store price not given) iherb  ($28.56 for 90)
What do other websites say about Hydroxycut?
 Healthline (This review is old and outdated) At the end of the day, Hydroxycut may be useful as a fat burning tool in the short term, as long as you’re also eating healthy and exercising. But, same as with any other weight loss method, it won’t lead to long-term results unless followed by a lasting lifestyle change.
Medicalnewstoday.com Bottom Line: Several controlled trials in humans show that green coffee bean extract can lead to significant weight loss. However, these studies were relatively small and some of them were industry sponsored.
The above statement by medicalnewstoday a respected websites but the statement is not supported by the facts. The central scientific source most quoted for dietary research is the U.S. National Library of Medicine which states the following.
“The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement
 How Does it compare to other dieting supplements?
Do hydroxycut gummies make the top 10 list? Go here to find out.
Pros and Cons?
Maybe more enjoyable to consume compared to diet pills
Does contain many vitamins
The main ingredient offers very small weight loss and only if you are on a diet
Contains 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake
If you use the maximum dose of 6 gummies per day a 30 pill jar does not last very long
Subject to above average amount of poor reviews
Guilty of planting fake positive reviews on the official website and on Amazon
Final Verdict
If you don’t like the idea of swallowing a pill, hydroxycut Gummies might seem appealing. But we found this product had far to many negative reviews for our liking and the key scientifically tested ingredient only promises modest weight loss if you follow a low calorie diet. There are several more potent offerings on the market which we include in the top 3 weight loss supplements.
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hydroxycutreviews · 5 years
Hydroxycut Gummies Review
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Hydroxycut Gummies Non Stimulant Review
Everything you ever needed to know about Hydroxycut gummies in 2020 (an independent review based on science). How quickly does it work? How does it compare to the best weight loss supplements on the market? What if any are the side effects and alot more besides. The main hydroxycut guide can be found HERE and all the individual product reviews can be found HERE. Find out more about us Here.
I have a question for you Which Hydroxycut product has to most calories and carbs? It might seem like a rather strange question
Because I am guessing you are here to lose them! I will reveal all in the compare section but first An important bit of information for you. Did you know nearly all hydroxycut 
Weight loss supplements contain just 2 major ingredients?
  By the end of this article you will know which weight loss pills Are you best option to finally start your transformation. 
So let’s delve in and learn abit about Hydroxycut gummies.
What is this supplement?
Hydroxycut Gummies are one of the many dietary supplements offered by Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut is manufactured by Ioveta Health Sciences, a company that is focused on the fitness and nutrition industry and is based in Canada. The company has many brands in its wardrobe called MuscleTech, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Purely Inspire and Hydroxycut. According to loveta hydroxycut is the best selling dietary supplement in America. You may have seen the company prominently advertised on ebay and everywhere else you go online. Especially if you happen to visit a page about hydroxycut. So are gummies your best option despite the dubious past?
How Does it Work?
Hydroxycut Gummies are said to be non stimulant tasty sweets that will weight help you lose weight and also provide healthy vitamins. The main ingredient C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract) contains chlorogenic acid that aids in fat burning according the manufacture but despite the claims we found the science was less than overwhelming. 
What are the benefits?
This product is simply for individuals who may have a problem swallowing pills. Hydroxycut Gummies are for people who are aiming to lose weight but at the same time still want to satisfy their sweet tooth. What makes it more appealing to individuals is its fruity taste and candy like feature though it has to be said that not everyone thinks it tastes that nice! . But hang on is there another motive? Well yes because you see if you really like the taste and associate it with losing weight the company hopes you will buy more quickly!
When you factor in that a daily dose is 6 gummies and a bottle contains 30 gummies in under a week you will need a refill! Well 5 days to be precise. the question is does it actually taste that nice? I mean sure, I can see the appeal. The ideal of treating yourself to sweets and losing weight at the same time whoo hoo now that is my kind of supplement. But hang on until you read the customer reviews and read the science. I have a mission for you to feel alive and sexy again to dance in front of the mirror and slip into those old clothes once more.
Can Hydroxycut Hardcore help you lose weight?
While Hydroxycut hardcore claim to help you lose weight. There are really no recorded studies that prove it’s efficacy. The only scientific proof cited is for C.canephora robusta – Green Coffee Extract (45% chlorogenic acid). However only 2 small studies were carried out both showing modest weight loss when combined with a low calorie diet. The US National Library of medicine had this to say.
The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE (green coffee extract) can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement. Bare in mind the above is a look at all the scientific papers out there. Gummies do contain folic acid and apple cider so let’s check them out in the ingredient section all is not lost!
Customer reviews and complaints?
Most review websites featuring Hydroxycut products make money promoting the supplement so can be discounted. The reviews on the official website are mostly bogus in our opinion or paid for. In fact on the official website nearly all supplements have a huge approval rating from customers with hardly any negative reviews. However it is quite telling that on Amazon the percentage of negative reviews for the same products increases. Here is one example of a bogus review fromt the official website. “I feel awesome! I’m stronger and fitter than ever. I feel confident, capable, strong and focused like I can do anything I put my mind to!” ~ Natasha, Sacramento CA. 
  The shocking thing is i found evidence of suspicious positive reviews on amazon as well and I elaborate in this article.  Out of all the supplements the team researched hydroxycut was probably the worst offender for planted fake reviews on the official websites and also via Amazon. The same names popping up giving wonderful scripted sales messages outlining key selling points. Another tactic offered employed by companies in Amazon is to simply pull a product when it gets to many bad reviews and then make a new listing. How many times have you gone straight to the customer reviews? I Know I do and we are not alone in this. The customer reviews are the single most important deciding factor for people buying.  Does a huge company leave it to chance? The answer is no! I discuss this more in a dedicated article because it would take too long to dissect here but for now here is a selection of some of the real reviews. Verfied – Bree6900
Save your money, these are not worth it!! If I could give it negative stars I would Not worth the money!! If I could give it negative stars or get my money back..I would! Terrible headaches! I read the reviews and decided to try this product to help me with my appetite. I’m always hungry and I was hoping it would curb my desire to eat. Most of the reviews were favorable and I understand that we all might or might not like something based on taste, smell or how it makes us feel (and that is ok).
First day after taking this product I developed a headache with an hour or so (2nd time I tried them – 2days later..headache again!) Actually, I didn’t like the taste (like cough medicine flavor) and way tooo much sugar has been added to this product. Of course, they are trying to make it taste better. Even that would have been ok if they worked and didn’t make me feel like crap. Headaches, nauseous just ill feeling and only curbed my appetite for an hour and that was taking 3 which is the recommended dosage. A waste of my money and I wish I could return them but since I can’t, maybe I can help someone else save some of theirs by giving an honest review. Genesis Marie – Amazon
Please don’t waste your money! We all know the stimulating and truly effective weight loss drugs were taking off the market or the ingredients used that were previously effective are no longer being used in these products. Don’t waste your money anymore. Even after going to a GNC store, I was told that all of their products do not contain any ingredients that will induce weight loss unlike in previous years. These products no longer contain what older formulas contained to help weight loss, therefore making them useless.
Kat Epple I couldn’t stand this product. The smell when you open the bottle is horrendous. The taste is even worse, not to mention the texture. It was like chewing rubber and they seriously upset my stomach, which I didn’t expect as I’ve used hydroxycut for years. Sadly, not a product that I will buy again.
What is the science?
There are only two recorded scientific studies to back up the efficacy of Hydroxycut gummies.
As both presented on Hydroxycut’s official site, on one scientific study conducted in 2006, there were two groups tested. One group took in C. canephora robusta for 60 days and lost an average of 10.95 lbs, while the other group took a placebo and lost about 5.40 lbs. Both groups followed the same calorie-reduced diet. You should be aware however that the weight loss is actually 5.5lbs and 2.5lbs when you take into account the placebo groups also lost weight. So one study showed the ingredient C. canephora robusta helped some people lose just over 2.5lbs in a month.
Aside from C.canephora robusta – (Green Coffee) 1 serving of 3 gummies contain 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake according to the American Heart Association (AHA). So a supplement intended to help you lose weight will use up ⅖ of you daily allowance of sugar which severely restricts you eating habits for the rest of the day. 
  Pantothenic Acid – vitamin B5, this helps in creating blood cells and also helps convert the food you eat into energy.
Biotin – B-vitamin that also helps your body convert food into energy.
Thiamin – vitamin B1, allows your body to use carbohydrates as energy.
Riboflavin – a vitamin that promotes your overall health and well-being. 
Zinc – this is an important element in regulating your immune system. It also enhances one’s testosterone production and reduces the effects of erectile dysfunction.
Selenium – this improves one’s fertility and cognitive functions.
  In addition, its other ingredients are Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B12, Niacin, Folic acid, Iodin, and Sodium. While it is nice that hydroxycut gummies is composed of vitamins as well as the main weight loss ingredient. I am sure you are aware that multivitamins can be purchased for a few dollars. 
Side Effects
Reported side effects include jitteriness, nausea, palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. Other possible side effects are diarrhea, high blood pressure, jaundice, cardiovascular problems, vomiting, seizures, abdominal pain, fatigue.
How Do you Take the Supplement
This dietary supplement can be taken 2 times a day or as advised by a healthcare professional. Take note that you must not exceed the recommended dose which is a total of 6 gummies. As for your daily intake, it is best that you take one serving of the supplement roughly about 30 to 60 minutes before your two largest meals. As much as possible avoid having a snack between meals or after dinner. It is also important that you not exceed taking 2 gummies in a period of 4 hours as well as 6 gummies in a period of 24-hours. On the official hydroxycut website they suggest the following.
  It is highly recommended that you take Hydroxycut Gummies for 8 to 12 weeks and pair it up with a decreased-calorie diet and of course, exercise. In addition to this, you must also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. 
  Cost and Where to Buy hydroxycut non stimulant gummies?
  The cost of Hydroxycut Gummies is typically $20 for 90 which will last 15 days at the recommended dose. They come in flavours Fruit and Mixed Fruit. Amazon and from the following vendors
Official Hydroxycut’s website for ($20.99 for 90)
Walgreens.com   (only in store price not given) iherb  ($28.56 for 90)
What do other websites say about Hydroxycut?
  Healthline (This review is old and outdated) At the end of the day, Hydroxycut may be useful as a fat burning tool in the short term, as long as you’re also eating healthy and exercising. But, same as with any other weight loss method, it won’t lead to long-term results unless followed by a lasting lifestyle change.
Medicalnewstoday.com Bottom Line: Several controlled trials in humans show that green coffee bean extract can lead to significant weight loss. However, these studies were relatively small and some of them were industry sponsored.
The above statement by medicalnewstoday a respected websites but the statement is not supported by the facts. The central scientific source most quoted for dietary research is the U.S. National Library of Medicine which states the following.
“The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement
  How Does it compare to other dieting supplements?
Do hydroxycut gummies make the top 10 list? Go here to find out.
Pros and Cons?
Maybe more enjoyable to consume compared to diet pills
Does contain many vitamins
The main ingredient offers very small weight loss and only if you are on a diet
Contains 5 grams of sugar which is 1/5th of the daily recommended sugar intake
If you use the maximum dose of 6 gummies per day a 30 pill jar does not last very long
Subject to above average amount of poor reviews
Guilty of planting fake positive reviews on the official website and on Amazon
Final Verdict
If you don’t like the idea of swallowing a pill, hydroxycut Gummies might seem appealing. But we found this product had far to many negative reviews for our liking and the key scientifically tested ingredient only promises modest weight loss if you follow a low calorie diet. There are several more potent offerings on the market which we include in the top 3 weight loss supplements.
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from Hydroxycut Reviews 2020 https://hydroxycut.reviews/products/hydroxycut-gummies-review/
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