#i am SALTY today
mercurygray · 7 months
I am going to need the 'tv show that takes place during a war' fandoms to stop putting 'mentions of war' as a trigger warning on fics.
If you're reading on these fandoms we should be there already. The war is implied. If you're here expecting not to find the war I'm going to gently suggest that perhaps you need a different fandom.
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the-bi-space-ace · 7 months
very much hate when people decide that Echo is not a big enough part of the batch and talk about the bad batch as if they would be better off without Echo. hate it. hate it a lot.
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effervescentdragon · 6 months
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the only way ferrari gets on the podium
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If you are under 18 and follow me, you're getting blocked. If you don't have your age on your blog stating you're 18 or older, in a way that's easy for me to see, you're getting blocked.
i'm so fucking tired of seeing blog bios that have things about them BUT their age stated.
pronouns? ✔ sexuality? ✔ traumas and mental illnesses? ✔ age? nah, that's too personal. fuck me i guess for wanting to make sure the ppl that see my porn are of legal age in my country.
That means if you're 17 and try to follow me, you're getting blocked. You will not be unblocked, ever. I make is VERY clear about the age limit on this blog, so if you're that old and still can't be mature enough to respect my boundaries, I don't trust much is gonna change when you turn 18 tbh and I want nothing to do with you.
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certainlynotlost · 9 months
james being in awe of (character) speaking french is the least realistic shit i've read in a long fucking time. because first of all, what language do you think the british learn when they're from the upper class? mandarin? the fuck they would.
i find it very telling, especially if he's hc as desi because rarely, never that i have seen myself, is someone impressed by HIS knowledge of other languages and tongues.
fucking. check yourselves.
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bakingmoomins · 2 years
going to the rich part of the city to pick up something makes me feel like a tourist in my own city
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queermania · 10 months
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it's such a shame the way dean keeps forcing sam back into hunting
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analviel · 1 year
A lot of Shen Twins AU portray Shen Yuan as the more understanding 'maybe he has a reason' brother, when in reality he's always been prone to jumping to conclusions while Shen Jiu literally stayed for decades waiting for Yue Qingyuan's explanation even if it would just boil down to 'I got tired of you'.
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kalak · 1 year
Hate how luke is treated sometimes. Some of yall need to rewatch the ot. He's whiny in anh. But that boy is not shy nor afraid to speak his mind. He would not 1. Stutter 2. Be afraid to take charge 3. Be indecisive. He's bitchy is what he is, he's bitchy and polite and also a bit wide eyed, but he's not a fucking shyboy.
And hate how he's so stripped of autonomy in some fics, never the hero of his own story, never the person who breaks out of his own trauma, the one who takes charge of his own choices - always apologizing, always needing to be rescued, to be babied and calmed down and 'healed' by someone 'stronger' than him; and why is he so feminized? And not in a gnc way either - in a way that fits the traditional housewife stereotype, never speaking out of turn, never doing anything by his own will, just being a pretty thing to look at that also melts the heart of whomever with his shy softboi-ness, wearing fem clothing and makeup to please others, not himself, always wearing his mother's clothes not his own that he wants to wear,
Like. A big part of his character is his autonomy. Him seeing the light in darth vader is not a moment of weakness. He isn't being softhearted, he isn't suddenly 'redeeming' a big bad by being so sunshine, so good and kind and a little cinnamon roll. He is saying fuck it, I don't care what my jedi teachers said, I'm rejecting what the jedi said and what the sith said and paving my own path. If he was such a doormat, he would have caved and just stuttered into the paths others have carved out for him. But he doesn't do that, he uses his own obstinate will to choose his own fate, it's not because he's a 'cinnamon roll' that he succeeded in rotj, it's because he was a true jedi who trusted the light even when others didn't, being one hell of a stubborn bitch - his biggest character moment was his will, not his sunshine personality or wtv.
Why is it that his trauma is only used to make him more of a stuttering doormat? To be babied and infantilized and woobified? Why is it that him being a good person is so mistranslated into him believing that everyone's good? This guy is an active war participant. Christ, he's killed an entire death star's worth of sentients without even blinking, he would not hesitate to kill someone who's clearly evil. He knows that there's evil in this world. He knows it too well, but he isn't afraid to face it. He isn't naive, nor ignorant, he's a stubborn bitch who faces the Horrors!! Stop mischaracterizing him. Please.
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wandering-wolf23 · 2 years
As a proshipper, it is not my problem if children wander into an area that is clearly marked for them to avoid. If they can't monitor their own internet usage, they have their parents and a multitude of internet apps.
If the dove is dead, don't be surprised to see maggots when you open the bag. Your inability to heed warnings is not my problem
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woobie-wan · 5 months
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uchihasavior · 4 months
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[[ You're aware Itachi was 13 years old at the time of the Massacre, correct?
You're also aware he was being pressed by both sides to spy on them, correct?
Danzo also kept oppressing the Uchiha so he could force a coup and declare them a threat to the village.
So the massacre was not Itachi's fault and he's just as much a victim of it.
"No, it was his fault and he should've said no lol" ]]
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zukosdualdao · 2 months
i don’t like it when people call zuko stupid/dumb, etc. for many of the same reasons other people don’t (it’s generally ableist to make fun of people for lack of intelligence, but it makes me especially uncomfortable when part of the abuse zuko has suffered is specifically being treated like he is by ozai (and azula, who obviously learned this behavior from her father and seems to delight in being able to manipulate zuko so well when that is, of course, an effect of trauma.)
but i ALSO don’t like it because it doesn’t actually match up with what we see about him in the show. zuko, at multiple points, is able to logically assess information and react accordingly, use his bending and general combat skills and environment creatively, and when he is actively trying to grow and change, gets a lot better at emotional insight with both himself and others.
(moments that come to mind re: some of these abilities are when he’s looking for iroh in the first winter solstice episode, one of his crew members sees the spot where iroh was taken and assumes there was a landslide, and zuko is immediately like “no, land doesn’t slide uphill, he was taken by earthbenders.” also i think about him sliding the table between him and jet before their epic sword fight all the time. LOVE a character who is resourceful in their fight sequences. another is in boiling rock when they escape the prison but still need to get off the island, and zuko stops and deduces that azula must have gotten there somehow and then quickly finds the airship that they use for the rest of their escape.)
i think part of this idea comes from iroh telling zuko he doesn’t think things through and zuko later taking that to heart, and there is an element of truth to this, but i think it’s actually somewhat of an oversimplification on iroh’s part (and therefore in common fandom interpretation of zuko as a character.)
the thing is, some of the things zuko does that people deem ‘stupid’ are actually just showcasing that the tunnel vision he succumbs to when desperate makes him not only cause harm to others, but himself, because he becomes actively careless about his own life and general well-being.
for instance, a scene i see people attribute to zuko not being smart a lot is when he breaks into the nwt by following the turtle seals under frozen pathways. and i disagree! this is simultaneously really clever (zuko is #very good at breaking and entering) and very reckless. (he is very desperate by this point, even moreso than he has been all season, because his resources have pretty much vanished, with zhao having his ship exploded and commandeering his crew.)
and the line he has here shows that he actually is thinking about the logical consequences of this potentially very dangerous course of action: “they have to be coming up for air somewhere.” it’s not that he doesn’t think about what could happen next, it’s that to him, the risk seems worth the reward. and when he gets desperate enough, he decides his options are “figure it out as i go” or “die trying.”
and like. that is, to me, a more interesting trait, and also deeply concerning! i don’t read zuko as actively suicidal in the show canon — the comics are a whole different beast we won’t talk about today — but it is certainly risky, self-destructive behavior that is like… just to the left of passive suicidal ideation.
that’s also why i think iroh probably knows he’s oversimplifying a little in his assessment of zuko not thinking things through. because it’s a lot easier to tell himself that the nephew he loves dearly just isn’t thinking things through than actively devaluing his own safety to this degree. it’s also part of why he becomes so adamantly, deeply concerned (to the point of sounding almost stern) when zuko despairs that “there’s no hope at all” in book two. because once you give up on there being any hope left in the world or in your own life, it becomes a lot easier for those semi-passive self-destructive behaviors to become a lot more active.
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arcsin27 · 4 months
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As a non sonadow shipper, congrats on becoming canon guys! 🤝 that’s actually really cool, I’m sure you guys are having a field day with it!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 11 months
re: that last post I reblogged about 3zun and each of their respective efforts into trying to make the sworn brotherhood work
while I do absolutely agree that they are all trying, if you asked me to tell you which member of the venerated triad is actually trying the hardest to reconcile the diametrically opposed worldviews of his sworn brothers and his obligations to his sect and family (rather than trying to strong-arm reality to align with his own worldview, or not look too closely at the intensity of the conflict that is developing within these relationships)
it's jin guangyao
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storfulsten · 1 year
Good riddance! We don't want you here anymore, because we are over fnf fandoms and all of this fucking shit. Pathetic as always.
huh? good riddance what? did I miss something lol
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