#i dont even care if no one finds interest in this story anymore
kordbot · 9 months
thinkin abt benny tonight
#tags rant approaching lets goooooooooooo#ive been thinking abt his route a lot and his overall place in the story#and i think it would be. REALLY interesting if he got revealed as gay in the sequel#he's already the one who's able to reject toxic masculinity the most !! he's the only one who wants to actually befriend five !!!!#and im not saying that it would be impossible if he was attracted to her but what im saying IS#how Pointless this whole journey in the hopeful must have been to him then !!!#it would also mean that he had to be deep in the closet around his friends due to how affected by toxic masculinity they were which is! sad#im saying this all as an aroace benny believer btw. but a character like him being canonically aroace seems ! kinda unrealistic#but gay benny is real. it's possible. he already gets homophobic comments thrown at him#and im not saying i want him to get called a faggot. hes already a faggot in my heart#like i literally dont care about him liking men i just care about him not liking women#i want this 'searching for The Girl' adventure to feel completely pointless to him at a personal level#but knowing that he can't abandon his friends like that. and pretending that he actually cares about finding her#and for it to become something bigger in the sequel. something beyond personal. like this is not about him anymore#does any of this even make sense#EDIT because i forgot more thoughts i have#first of all sth more personal and less analytic which is: even if he was aroace i dont think he'd have the words for it anyway#and who cares if hes gay or aroace or both hes still queer and not into women#and second thought. it would mean that he didnt have feelings for the red haired girl#which makes. his whole pre flash backstory a lot more interesting#bc she couldn't have been ''leading him on''#but the whole situation got misinterpreted from the outside. basically#idk man. i like benny i just think he's neat
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transvampireboyfriend · 10 months
Eddie would come up with the most elaborate schemes to kiss Steve for the first time.
here's mine: He realizes Steve is a gossip early on, like the first time they all hang out someone mentions a rumour in passing and Steve latches on. Eddie is delighted. He's enamoured by the twinkle in Steve's eyes and the intensity in his probing, even the enthusiasm in giving out the information he has about the people in question.
So Eddie knows what he has to do.
Whenever Eddie sees or hears something that frankly should not be any of his business he makes sure to tell Steve. He doesn't mention it to anybody else and most of the time he doesn't care about it much, but he needs to tell Steve.
And he only does it when it's just the two of them. He finds Steve in a secluded corner of the Family Video, says "i think my boss is cheating on his wife" and is rewarded with a gasp.
He follows after Steve when he goes to refill the popcorn in the middle of movie night and casually asks "you know who I saw the other day coming out of Laura's house at 3am?" Steve raises his eyebrows higher than Eddie has ever seen.
He calls Steve at midnight on a Wednesday and opens with "my neighbors are definitely getting back together" Steve answers with a devastated "noooo!"
He leaves the kids in the cookie aisle to go catch up to Steve and lean on the shopping cart shoulder to shoulder and whisper "dont look now, but Heather and Monica are here together, right behind us. They ARE dating" Steve looks immediately.
And Eddie's not only excited about his initial reactions, but he thanks the heavens for his discovery because it gets him Steve's total, undivided attention every.fucking.time. without fail.
Steve turns fully to him, touches Eddie's arms for emphasis, shoves him when Eddie says something dumb, tugs on a strand of his hair a bit when Eddie says something silly, opens his eyes SO wide or squints at him and his eyelashes look sooo pretty. Steve leans in and whispers back and grins and teases and scrunches his nose in the most adorable gesture Eddie has ever seen in his life.
With practice, Eddie goes from having to give Steve's shoulder a back handed slap to get his attention, to just looking at him directly for like 5 seconds and then Steve knows Eddie has something to tell him.
so he does it at dinner, on a nondescript date at a nondescript hour because, mostly, Eddie just kinda can't take it anymore.
He's listening to Steve tell this story about a costumer and frankly, forgets to look away from him and Steve interprets this as Eddie having something to say. He cuts himself off, tilts his head and asks "what?" with mirth in his voice.
Eddie smiles, a little mischievous and says "c'mere I have to tell you something"
Steve smiles back, but says "we're the only ones here, Eds" gesturing to his kitchen.
Eddie rolls his eyes a bit and threatens "do you want me to tell you or not?"
Steve leans across the table, his cut off tank almost touching their spaghetti.
Eddie wants to shove his hands through the armpit holes, but he settles for holding Steve's jaw and threading his fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
Steve's lips are as soft and warm as he expected, he tastes of the red sauce they cooked together and he smells good enough to eat. Eddie indulges in a thorough kiss but keeps it short.
No matter how many times Steve looks at him like he's the most interesting person in the room, he hasn't outright said that he likes Eddie like that, so he'd rather be careful.
Eddie pulls back and finds Steve smiling, his eyes closed still.
Steve blinks his eyes open and looks at Eddie, his tongue darts out to swipe across his lips and he says "I think that's the best one you've told me yet"
Eddie snorts and feels his cheeks burn "Yeah?" he asks.
"Mmhm" Steve confirms against his lips, already kissing Eddie again.
It takes a while, but eventually Eddie realizes Steve doesn't only give him his undivided attention when he has gossip. He does it pretty much all the time.
Maybe at some point it expanded to everything Eddie has to say.
Or maybe it was like that all along.
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yuukei-yikes · 4 months
what girls say: im fine
what girls think: while everyone in kagerou project gets proper focus surrounding the horrors of their eye powers, takane doesn't so she can stay silly goofy but her eye power is possibly one of the scariest ones to have. takane's eye power puts her through a liminal horror no one pays attention to just because the only thing jin thought to make her say was "this rulesssss!!!" but imagine you wake up one day and everything you knew and loved and were, is gone and ur stranded in a place where your current existence is pointless and empty. you can be everywhere but also nowhere, and not only that but the "person" who did that to you made sure to erase everything about your disappearance. but then you find 1 person who is living proof of your past life being real and you find a tiny bit of power to influence reality through him which means you found a purpose to life again but that purpose is entirely some guy and he's just kinda the worst but you're doing everything to keep him sane because in return that keeps YOU sane. and through it all ene always says yay i dont even care im soooo unbothered im totally ok with this even though it's also said [glossed over/mentioned/never given consideration] she did spend one entire year [in which she never slept or paused like a human because she's not human anymore] LOOKING DESPERATELY for her physical body. yet she still says yeah this is alright😃 when as a human one of the things we knew about her is that she represses her emotions (takane enomoto ❤️s denial) basically i want to study her post str brain under a microscope and i wish all this had been actually explored because it's insanely interesting and a fun bit of horror genre to kagepro i think went to waste (we still get horror with haruka and takane's story as a whole but i just wish takane's side was more explored). takane enomoto is terribly overlooked as a character despite technically being the face of the project😡
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Riku-Kingdom Hearts
So Riku is neither canonically LGBTQ+ nor canonically disabled but there's quite a slew of subtextual evidence. And this subtext is considered basically canon due to the creator's (Tetsuya Nomura) stance on media, which is that he enjoys leaving clues for players to figure out. So while Riku is never explicitly said to be queer or disabled, there's clear evidence on both accounts.
So first: Riku is gay. There's no doubt about it (despite what the dudebros insist...) Riku is gay for Sora, his childhood best friend/former rival. Long story short, Riku was afraid of Sora's friendship with this girl Kairi, didn't realize those feelings were gay jealousy, and he got gaslighted by the Mistress of All Evil, MALEFICENT HERSELF, into believing that Sora didn't care for him anymore. He went Dark Mode, destroyed their home, and antagonized Sora for most of the first game. But then he gets trapped in the Realm of Darkness after Sora kicked his ass for the millionth time and he realized how *sora voice* stUpid he was being and helps Sora stop the apocalypse (saved the world counter: 1) Then Riku goes through a whole arc of "wow i was an idiot. sora will never forgive me and i have Darkness in my heart and i need to protect sora while he's in a year-long medically-induced coma to undo his amnesia" and. idk. theres a Lot of stuff. So much so that someone made a 6-HOUR video essay about it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll17V9DJr7g)
Riku is also likely suffering from chronic pain. Throughout the year that Sora is in a coma, he fights Sora's Nobody, Roxas, to get Sora's memories back. During the fight, Roxas breaks Riku's wrist, and it never heals correctly. Throughout the finale of Kingdom Hearts 2, the next game chronologically, Riku wears a wrist brace that goes largely unexplained. During the final boss fight, Riku throws himself in the way of Xemnas (the Big Bad) to protect Sora, getting hurt twice in the process; being struck so hard in the shoulder that he's flung halfway across the battlefield, and then hit in the side so badly that it causes him to collapse as soon as the adrenaline from the fight fades. It's likely that none of these injuries healed properly, as even in Kingdom Hearts 3 (which is like 5 games later. dont ask) he has some interesting tells; his walk is incredibly stiff and his battle stance changes, likely because of the strain put on his wrist for the old stance. (https://www.tumblr.com/nobodyriku/706960754548604929 shows this pretty well, though i can't find the other post i had in mind but whatever)
Anything Else?:
soriku endgame actually <3
Darth Maul-Star Wars
Maul is canonically disabled; he was bisected at the waist by one Obi-Wan Kenobi, but SOMEHOW did not die, and was in fact teleported into a garbage dump, where he proceeded to live as a spider cyborg for the next 12 years, when he was found and rescued by his long-lost brother. He has used prosthetic legs of one kind or another ever since, and in Rebels, he uses a cane. He is also definitely gay. In The Clone Wars cartoon, he is OBSESSED with Obi-Wan, to the point that Obi-Wan is his entire personality and the entirety of his life goals. All he wants is to kill him and cause him suffering in revenge for being cut in half and subsequently abandoned by his master. However, this obsession is. Definitely homoerotic. Dude fights Obi-Wan naked at one point (the animators forgot that people with prosthetic legs still have to wear pants). He literally builds a hate shrine to Obi-Wan's dead ex-girlfriend, who he killed, AFTER he kills her. In Rebels, once he is able to merge the two holocrons and ask any question he wants, he asks where Obi-Wan is. The answer is Tatooine, of course. He goes there, has one final fight with Obi-Wan, and is fatally wounded. HOWEVER. He dies in Obi-Wan's arms. He dies being HELD GENTLY by Obi-Wan. I cannot adequately explain how insane that is. Makes me froth at the mouth. Anyway.
I love this severely fucked-up dude so much. He dedicated almost 20 years of his life to a single-minded obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi, an obsession which literally kept him alive when he was chopped in half in a garbage pit, stuck in a hole on Planet Sith, and just generally attempting to live after being raised for nothing but violence as a child. He is missing half his bones, many vital organs, and got his two biggest blood vessels sliced right open, and yet REFUSED to die. He then became a spider cyborg. The first thing he did when coming onboard the Ghost was critique the interior design. He took over an entire planet just to get a guy to notice him. He was kidnapped as a child and tortured nonstop for the first 20 years of his life, resulting in an attachment style where he can only conceptualize relationships as a hierarchy (master/apprentice), so he searches constantly for an apprentice, and even treats his brother as one; despite how he very clearly just wanted a brother, he didn't know how to be in an equal relationship. He does absolutely nothing but cause problems for people-- be they Jedi or Sith. Ahsoka once released him from a magic strait-jacket as a "distraction" and he immediately began tearing panels off of the walls and decapitating people with them. He has a death grip on my brain.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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wasyago · 2 months
Is the recks au dead?
recks au is that one corpse i keep in my basement that me and friends reanimate every month or so in secret. every time someone asks where recks au is i say "ohh they're okay they've just been really sick lately, but the doctors say they're gonna be fine soon... no, you can't see them it's very contagious, im sorry". obviously there's no doctors. it's been two years. the recks au i know is very different from what people remember it to be, no one actually knows who it is now, everyone misses the person that doesn't exist anymore...
jokes aside!
it's insane to me that people still remember recks au, and that new people keep finding it somehow even if no one mentions it anymore. it's not even the masterpost in the pinned, no one looks at that thing. like, you guys have no idea how much there actually is to recks au, you've only seen a very small portion of it. and yet you keep asking and you keep returning. that's crazy
i wouldn't say recks au is dead, i still think about it often and i still want to do stuff for it. but, just like with everything else, i want to but i don't do it. i dont know why really. i want recks au to be so much more, i want it be great i want it to be interesting i want everything i do for it to be top quality, and maybe because of that I've put too much pressure on myself for no real reason. not sure. it'd be better if i just kept doing little bits at a time and post about it every so often instead of just abandoning it.
the main bottleneck is "scar's story", a small comic series that was supposed to introduce scar into the au and tell about his past and introduce big worldbuilding elements, etc. i got all the way to the last "chapter", planned it all out and then never finished it.
and instead of moving on and finishing it some other day, and maybe focusing on other characters in the meantime, i decided that actually! no! im gonna stop posting about recks au entirely until i finish that comic! smart. once again, lots of unneeded pressure. why? I DON'T KNOW 😭
should i just forget about that comic and start posting now? better late than never? yes, probably. am i going to do that? mngnmhmmhgmhhmg.....
(recks au is centered around s8 of hermitcraft, and it's season 10 now!!!!! that's insane that it's been so long. should i really post about it now? is it too late? should i really do something for s8 when there's new stuff and new concepts to be made? am i playing into the consumption movement thinking that everything i do should be new and relevant and if i post about old stuff im outdated and missing the opportunity? why do i even care about all that????? 😭😭😭😭)
people have been mentioning recks scar a lot recently, mostly because of the charity stream bc he was a little robot on wheels (just like in recks au wow crazy!!!!!!!!!!!), and i do have a drawing of him done that i could post.................... and there's nothing stopping me except myself............................................ auggghh
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mythicalgeek · 3 months
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is a tragically underrated work of art.
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If your a fan of fantasy like Lord of the rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars please give The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance a watch.
Its a prequel series to the 80s movie and it's one of the best fantasy shows in recent years and goes back to classic fairytales and mythical storytelling.
Everything is mostly done with practical effects and only uses CGI where it's really necessary. The show also brings back puppetry and even though none of the character's are humans there's more humanity in this show than most media we get today.
The world of thra is a magical and strange place that you find yourself immersed in, with all the creatures and beuaty of the natural world at full display you find yourself encanted by it.
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The gelfings are really adorable and you can't help but care about them, the main three protagonists have well flushed out personalities and each one has a interesting journey they go on that lead them to start the resistance and the quest to save there world.
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The Skekies are really creepy and make for some pretty great villains. There motivation and interactions are giving just as much time as the heros, they rule thra with cruelty and manipulation, stealing the live force of the planet and the then the gelfing. There some of the most terrifying villains we've gottan in the last few years and I gotta say, I was absolutely horrifying by them.
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This show does a lot of things right and one of them is how it writes the female characters. Deet and Brea (the two female leads) are very feminine heroines who are kind, empathetic, intuitive, clever and strong without it being showed in our faeces. Even when the female characters are warriors or soldiers there femininity is not devalued or see as a weakness. We also have more complex characters like Seledon and the gelfing leaders (who are all female) and it's just so nice to have a fantasy show that handels the female reputation so beautifully.
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At the same time the male character's are also written with the same amount of care and respect, for example Rian (the main male lead) is a soldier who after finding out the truth about the skekies, is faced with the hard challenge of spreading the truth while dealing with loss and trauma, we see plenty of moments where his aloud to be vulnerable and we see him grow into a strong leader for the resistance.
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We also have Hup who even though he is a side character, is a lovable podling who steals every sence he's in. He dreams of becoming a hero and has such a heartwarming friendship with Deet it's hard not to love him and want more of him.
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All the relationships between the gelfing feel so intimate and pure, wheater there familial, platonic or romantic the show gives us so many beautifully written relationship and dynamics, that add to the emotional core of the story.
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There's also some political drama with the gelfling clans and the skekies as they try to hold on to there power, it's done in a way that both kid's and adults can follow.
The action is surprisingly good for show with only puppets, we have sowrd fights, flying gelfings dropping booms, wild carriage rides and it's really exciting and done well.
There is only 1 season unfortunately but it's still worth the watch, I do have to warn everyone that there is a lot of scary and truely horrifying moments so if your sensitive maybe give this a pass, but there's a balance between the dark and whimsical and there's so many funny and sweet moment's that allow you two catch your breath.
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This series is a hidden gem in the world of fantasy and that's a dame shame because it is everything you could whant from a epic fantasy story that we just dont see a lot of anymore.
I like shows like The Witcher and Rings of power but none of those shows have captured my imagination or sense of wonder like the dark crystal aor did. I have so much love for this beautiful, weird, creepy, wonderful, magical puppet show and I wish it got more recognition for the work of art it truly is.
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is pure magic and deserve so much more attention. It's on Netflix so check it out if your looking for some good fantasy.
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lexyychinchillaa · 6 months
so i havent really be keeping up with the TOTA Takeover (i was watching doctor who all day everyday) BUT i will do this last one.
i think the show is wonderful. it discusses mental illnesses without making it the entire plot or entire personality of characters. it displays it realistically and doesnt romanticise (by this i mean they didnt just show positive things or ignore it completely) or... obsess over it, i suppose. it wasnt completely focused on the characters "flaws" or illness. while they were mentioned, they actually still made the characters relatable and realistic, as opposed to (imo) Heartstopper, which felt to me like it fetished queer people, but thats a discussion for another day.
it was nice for a change in media, because its not often that you get media from the perspective of someone outside of the mental hospital willingly going inside because they genuinely enjoy being there and the people there. thats one of the reasons i love Eddie, he isnt afraid of what people will say about his new job, or if he is, its not stopping him even though (im pretty sure?) he doesnt get paid for it. hes a kind and lovable protagonist and it was interesting to have his side and opinions on things.
the side characters (i suppose thats what they are) are easy to fall in love with because they have so much depth and are genuinely interesting as a whole. it had, i think, important representation of Rosalie's OCD. it was important representation because it doesnt seem like we get a lot of OCD in media anymore (not that we ever really did, at least not in the things ive watched). i personally dont know much about the disorder but the representation still felt... correct, i suppose, to someone who has little to no knowledge, which is still a good sign because it means it was easy to understand and, yes, still seemed realistic. it was easy to feel bad for Rosalie because of her story and because she was treated and written as a real person.
have you ever watched something and thought, "this character is a bit cardboard-esque"? doesnt it make it tricky to actually feel bad for the character in question? its difficult to sympathise or empathise with someone who is uninteresting or unrealistically written. like in the Twilight movies, for an example. its difficult to feel bad for Bella because shes a kind of basic protagonist. she has simple wants and has simple struggles. whereas in TOTA, the characters have different wants than is usually displayed. like Campbell for example. he wants to be a radio show host and whats stopping him? his struggle to find a place that wants to take him and, i would say, his fathers disapproval. while Campbell isnt openly warm with his father, its still difficult for Campbell to ignore him because its his dad, the man who was there, but not necessarily there for him, all his life. its still difficult to get over someone whos supposed to love and support you telling you that you wont be able to do something.
Campbell is another example of a well written character. it was easy for me to love him, and not just because he was played by DT. he was a funny character without just being comedic relief. his bipolar disorder was displayed well according to me, someone with again, little to no knowledge in the subject. it was nice to have a character who has specific wants that are different from other characters in other medias. he was interesting because he was, say it with me, written as a real person. Campbell was easy to love because he was written and played like someone i would personally want to be friends with. hes funny, caring, friendly, unique, and protective. he sort of immediately likes Eddie and is friendly and talkative with the older man. he doesnt hold back and doesnt bite his tongue when he wants to say something.
TOTA was silly and light hearted while still bringing up important subjects that i dont think a lot of media is willing to bring up. i think, unfortunately, it might have been before its time. i think if it was made recently or in recent years, a lot more people would watch it and talk about it. i think its a beautiful show that, while not laying too heavily on it, discusses mental illness in a positive way. it doesnt act like the characters disorders are flaws, it treats it as something the characters have that might make them unsatisfactory to other people but not like it is unsatisfactory and i think it was lovely.
overall, i thoroughly enjoyed watching TOTA. it was different from most things i watch but not in a way where i was reluctant to watch more and only liked it at the end. i thought the ending was brilliant, even if it wasnt a massive everyone-got-their-way sort of ending. it was honestly nice to have media that had only two characters that i can think of getting what they want. TOTA had some sad parts that were so well written i cried. and if something bad happened to a character (haha... ha... hm), i cared about the character and was upset because they were well written and i loved them.
i know i used the words "well written" and "realistic" so many times, but the main things that struck me about TOTA were those two things. while i love sci fi and fantasy, its nice to have a show that felt real, like it actually happened. i loved the characters and the plot. the writing was superb. its an amazing show that more people should watch.
(hi. sorry if this is terribly written, im not great at these sorts of things. i tried keep it focused but if i ever strayed away from the main point, i apologise)
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kakuryuminn · 1 year
I want to ask so badly for an aftermath of you killed me, in this place but I'd be content with an explanation of Lucifer's thoughts finding out Mammon died. I really hate him with a passion in this story. Like why would he think Mammon would survive in such a harsh place 😭 They even cut out his tongue. And his audacity to say he'll treat him better. I wish Mammon could've let him know his thoughts and hatred towards him. Like maybe somehow Lucifer got to see into Mammon's memories ajdjwkkdd. I love your work. I'm a big Yuki Mura simp 😂
Tw: Gore, self blame. This story can have disturbing topics.
Hello! And sure, that sounds like an interesting idea! I'll try to write.it exactly how you requested it to, but I'm apologizing in advance if anything changes!
Thank you for loving my work, and I love you all!
The house of lamentation was quiet. No sound was evident inside the house. No talking loudly, no things getting destroyed every second, no chaos.
There was no chaos.
Because the demons that lives in this house are in their rooms, drowning with their tears.
But except for one.
Except for the very demon that made this happen.
Except for lucifer.
The avatar of pride— the eldest of the seven six demon brothers. The demon with such beauty. The once angel that was gods favourite. The lucifer who was mammon's older brother.
Lucifer was laying on his bed, on his demon form. Wings spread out in the mattress. His arm was covering his eyes, as the other hand stayed limp beside him.
"I do not...have the rights to cry." Lucifer mumbled, his words shaky as he tried his best to blink away his tears. He turned to his side, still covering his face the best he could.
He never once thought he would kill another sibling.
That he would make one of his siblings suffer all alone again, painfully enduring it all when it was lucifers fault.
He never thought...that it was mammon he was going to lose.
Lucifers breath hitched, as he remembered what diavolo told to all of them. He remembered how his brothers widen their eyes in disbelief, and turned to him. Wishing it was all a joke.
He remembered it so clearly, the lifeless body of mammon. Laying in the mattress, covered with a blanket. He remembered the way his blood went cold, after seeing mammon.
He remembered it all.
And most of all, he remembered barbatos words.
"Mammon died due to extreme internal and external injuries. Even if we came a little sooner, he wouldn't make it." Barbatos spoke with sadness, telling lucifer and his brothers the horrific news. "We...found some of his body parts scattered around the cell. And..." Barbatos hesitated with his words. "We found multiple curse seals inside his body."
Lucifer wants to scream when he heard all of that. He wanted to destroy everything around him when he heard the horror mammon went through.
"I was at fault..."
Lucifer couldnt stop his tears anymore.
They flowed down his cheeks uncontrollably, as his head throbbed painfully.
"Im sorry, im sorry..." He sobbed, not caring about his pride. "My baby brother, my poor brother..."
If he weren't such a fool, mammon would still be here.
If he just let the incident slide, mammon would still be here.
"You stole again from the demon lords castle?!" Lucifer yelled at his brother who was shaking in the corner, with fearful eyes and tears. "When will you learn?!"
Silence engulfed the room, as his words from before echoed in his ears.
"Maybe if i sent you to a place where you will be severely punished, you will be disciplined."
"I was wrong! I was wrong, mammon-!"
Lucifer choked out the words, screaming and thrashing in his bed.
He felt his heart broke into a million pieces, thinking of just how much mammon hates him. The brother he promised to protect, the very first brother he had, he was gone.
Gone and he will never come back.
"Lucifer! Lucifer i was wrong about stealing! Please, dont sent me there—" Mammon pleaded to his brother, crying on his knees as he tried to convince lucifer not to send him in 'that' place. "Please...Im scared."
If he had known much- if he had thought about it carefully, it wouldnt be like this.
If only he chose to punish mammon the same way and not like this, if only he payed more attention to him and loved him openly- none of this would've happened.
He doesn't deserve mammon.
He could never deserve that sweet and loving brother.
If only he could go back in time...
He would love him openly, and never let him go.
He would,
He would.
"Father, if you are hearing me right now..." Lucifer said, his hands trembling as he clasped his hands together, closing his eyes like he used to.
"Please grant this sinful son one last wish." He breathed heavily, feeling the pain in his heart growing. "Make mammon hate me to the fullest, and create a new life for him."
"A life without a brother like me. A life where there is no lucifer."
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tulipsforvin · 1 month
Helloooo vinnn 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
How are you? I have a quick question actually :')
I remember once leaving alot of asks in youre box and I'm terribly sorry if that made you uncomfortable and you obviosly have alllll the time in the world to answer them–but I'm not sure if all of them got in ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
So one of them was about Louis and the song yandere and how good it would fit him, maybe you can tell me if it got in? Also, i got another thirst!
The first one : Lovesick William (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
He cant help but fall in love with you. He is so attracted to you he always melts when you Smile at him, always wishing he could just kiss you stupid— as if you were'nt that already. But thats what he loves so much about you <3 Youre like a star to him. Invisible to the people of the day and norm, but bright and beautiful to him. He could never imagen you away. Youre person just interest him so much, youre like a little mistery box for him to open. He always sees lots of new parts of you that he would have never guessed would belong to you. Youre such a open but at the same time complex person. You care so much for him, always helping even though youre so scared of doing something wrong. Youre awkward and usually in youre head but god he wishes to kiss that dreamy look on youre face. You look so calm and cute when you daydream about something he doesnt know and has acces to find out about. But he wants you to look at him. Like—Pleasepleaseplease look at me more with this sweet,sweet awkard smile that you show when you have no idea what they are talking about. He often finds himself secretly staring at you, dreaming about what it could feel like to kiss you, but only till he foresees that someone is going to talk to him. Youre really smart, a strong feeling of justice and emphatic. But you cant put that to help. But on the other side, it often seems like you drift away from their group. Or you just daydream about a better place to be, a place where you could actually feel loved, happy and not so lonely anymore. He barley sees you sad. But he knows you are most of the time. Leaving to get time with youreself where you could fall deeper into this feeling of lonelyness and that no one actually understands you. You dont cry, he found out by one of youre conversations that you have given up that ability to apear more strong and helpfull for the helpless ones around you. You dont know how to speak up for youreself or how to voice youre opinion. You also have a hard time understanding their plans on how to put this cruel system to an end. Whatever it is, everything about you is alluring to him. The way you smile, laugh or the look on youre face when you have no Idea about something. The lost one when you forgot what you were about to do and the scared one. Youre Expression when youre mad or daydreaming, youre struggle to express youre feelings and thought, the stuttering when you try to tell a story but you dont know where to start, everything. But just how is he supposed to make you feel what he is so desperatly thinking about? You still dont know how you feel about him. Thats the problem. You problaby feel threathen because he is so tall and so much smarter. Or maybe because you cant read his intentions when he smiles and you with eyes full of love? Hes not sure yet. But he cant stop thinking about hugging you. His heart beat dangerously fast when you actually smile at him. He loves you so much, he doesnt see why you just cant feel the same way about youreself? Really everything about you is adorable. Oh boy, just how is he supposed to make you understand that? He doesnt know yet, but he is sure that hes not going to give up. Even if it will take a lifetime to do so, because he is just that in love with you.
EHM— right sorry that was too long again, and problaby ooc, well anyways SOOO(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)—
The second one was about William needing youre help. Youre on a festival with lots of noble woman which just cant stop bothering him :') So he excuses himself to get to you and ask if you can speak. ALONE. You have tons of ideas on why he wants to talk to you, now. But youre worrys flyyyy away when//shyly/// he asks if you got any lipstick with you and if you could leave a few lipstick stains on his face and play his lover. not the best idea he knows. But its not like he wasnt just about to be crashed by thousannnds (dramatic ik) of woman? All with the intention of courting HIM? Right. Youre unsure at first but agree on the end. When you take out the little mirror to applie the lipstick you notice His expression behind you. Its weird. You cant really see what kind of expression hes making but it seems a little eager and happy. That confuses you. Like really. Asking you to leave lipstick stains on his face? Isnt that a little.. I dunno, weird? Considereing youre not actually his lover and youre supposed to kiss him. On the cheek, obviosly but that doesnt matter. Its still a intimate act. But you dont have much time to think about it, the noble woman outside are starting to grow impationt and looking for him. You put away the lipstick and mirror and carefully held his face in youre hands. You cant look him in the eye, embarresed as you are you even blush. But its not like William is the same, of you thought so. Because William just looks like he is already waiting for you to do it and seems even a little happy... Weird, weird really. Wait,no. Ofcourse he is, he doesnt see that as anything other than a spontanious additional act for the mission, besides, hes been waiting for you for now like 5 minutes and when youre done the woman will maybe leave him alone. A reliveing thought, right? Before you start to kiss his cheek, William suddenly speaks up. "Is everything alright? You seem nervous. You dont need to do this if it makes you uncomfortable, you know?" You quickly tell him that everything is fine and that youre just a little stressed. He seems realived to hear that. So you take all youre courage and kiss his cheek. After all, it was his request, right? You pull away and ask him if one is alright. He then makes a expression that could be thought as dissapointed. " Hm, no. If it',s fine with you, could you put a few more? I'm afraid only one won't look convinceing enough. Just place a few all over my face, got it?" You nodd, take a deep breath and quickly place around three on various places in his face before he stopps you. Youre relived because you think that may he enough, but youre shocked to hear that if you put them so fast the coulor won't stick. "please be a little slower. Okay?" Extremly embarresed you do as he says. You notices that he seems to be somewhat relived. A sigh escape him. 'Hes problaby glad I can finally do as he says' you think. But in Williams mind all he can think of is how good youre lips feel on his face, and his heart beats so fast he feels like fainting. Sighing again he thinks to himself "God lord .This might be heaven.." He has to restrain himself to let out a humm. His face expression change to something else, satisfaction? Is he really enjoying this right now?! And really, William is so enjoying this right now. So much he even leans more. He leans his head a little to the side so you can place more kisses on his face. He doesnt want this to stop, but on the other side, he thinks that, if this won't stop, he's going to kiss you. He's already having a hard time keeping his smile and humms to himself, slowing losing himself and the ability to fight back this urge in youre kisses. In the end he gives up and leans away. (There was a little more but Tumblr didnt let me Finish. Meh)
That ends in a whole make out Session and William ends up introducing you to the woman as his lover. END
alright, i'll start off by answering your louis related questions. i did get the louis x maid reader fic you requested, which i've finished.. i think about a quarter of? it was a really adorable idea, so thank you for that. but i didn't receive the song ask for some reason?? maybe tumblr ate it - you can send it to me again and let me know, i'd love to listen to it!
OKAY BACK TO TALKING ABOUT THOSE TWO IDEAS, to me the first one definitely gives a lot of potential angst (or maybe it just seems that way to me because i'm an angst enthusiast) but i can definitely feel the distance reader keeps between reader and him and how badly smitten william wants to overcome that wall that reader puts around themself. i feel like reader feels insecure and uncertain about certain aspects or things in their life and that william just wants reader to see themselves the way he sees them.
second one also kind of gives off the 'unrequited love' vibe. (using 'you' instead of 'reader' bc my hands are a little tired) william has fallen in love with you and wants you to fall in love with him too, which is why he decides to use an upfront yet sly method of hopefully making you feel the same way he does. he thinks the best time to do this would be through the guise of a mission. as you're applying lipstick, making sure you're doing it correctly with the help of a mirror infront of you, you can't help but take every few glances at him through the mirror. and when you do, you always notice william staring at you with an expression you've never seen him make before. before long, you're placing a kiss on him, he wants more so he says that it wouldn't look convincing, you place some more kisses on him and he can feel himself losing the composure he's always known to hold. things happen and in the end of the kiss, he leans back practically panting from that passionate make out session. and so the two of you walk out; you with smudged lipstick on your lips and william covered in lipstick marks from you.
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Really out of nowhere but I rewatched some of fma03 eps and im gonna rant
I'm just so done with smiling politely saying that fma03 and fmab are both great sorry i cant anymore. Just no
So if you in love with fmab im warning you it probably won't be a good read for you, so feel free to ignore this, block me or idk read this and give it a thought
0. I really dont understand the glorification of manga over anime adaptations. Like people who are making the adaptation are not artists and creators themselves? What makes mangaka better than others and absolutely indisputable, seriously?
1. 'Oh no long introduction and fillers' that actually allowed for Hughes' character development before his death. Seriously if i mention his death among my homies I'll get lots of faces clearly going through some ptsd level flashbacks, it was that impactful. I still need to take a breather when im rewatching before diving into that ep.
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2. Nina. Yet again got more time to grow on us and thus aquired higher trauma inducing levels.
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3. Ishval massacre and aftermath are WAY MORE VISIBLE in fma03. First of all Ishvalans are depicted as human beings, and not some background, and we get lots more on their sufferings, raids on camps, racism towards them, etc etc etc
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4. Scar. Oh boi how do i even go about this. So without raging much about that beefy obviously wrong dude who got 'sense' bitten into him and started working with the oppressing gov in fmab, we have a wronged and tormented survivor of a genocide, who was justified in his vengeance and rage, was depicted as an attractive person of color despite his antagonistic role and was seriously almost cheered on in his actions by the narrartive. His interactions with his people and his moral dilemmas made his character possibly the deepest and most thought out one in the series.
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5. The Rockbell doctors being killed by their own government. That's a waaaaay more interesting and damning detail on our government affiliated protagonists than just dumping their murder on a delirious patient.
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6. Homunculi had their own will and desires and a way more developed story arc that had a huge impact on protagonists' morals. Being created by the humans who were desperate to bring back their loved ones and both parties are getting tormented by it?? Characters strongly driven by their own goals and staggered by their relations to their creators vs some indifferent goons in fmab. Just compare Sloths and their impact on the stories and protags.
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7. Final conflict being a fight with god and his intricate plans in fmab, versus final battle vs a selfish pretty much usual person who had thrown everyone under the bus in pursuit of immortality. Adds so much more desperation flavor. Suddenly your hero journey doesn't end in epic battle for the sake of the mankind, as you would like it to be. It's just to oppose one awful person with too much power and zero care about anyone else. That's raw and that's way more plausible and relatable in our mundane lives.
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8. Overall darker tone and themes of the fma03.
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9. MUSIC. I dont remember a single track from fmab, but i went really out of my way in my teenage years to find internet access and pirate fma soundtrack and cry listening to it
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10. ART. Sorry but don't tell me fmabs flat colors are anything to 03's soft tones and lighting
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So yeah sorry, but I'll take the dark and gritty tragedy over just another shounen with doubtful messages each and every time
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nouvxllev · 17 days
Might be a bit of a interesting ask, but I love your work and wanted to ask if you could write something for me? And I mean just like your thoughts not a story! I know you’ve got a lot on your plate (I am eagerly awaiting your pippa ficts.🤭) I suffer from sleep paralysis, and it’s honestly been something I have had since I was a child. It’s hard to sleep, and sometimes I actually don’t even want to go to bed because I get anxiety. And if I do have it the next day I feel weak and just exhausted. It doesn’t happen all the time just when I’m stressed. But I was wondering (here come the comforting thoughts) I am obsessed with Emma myers, (love the girl. Cutest human on earth) and I wanted to know what her characters would do to help reader? ( Enid and pippa) Specifically reader who is scared and uncomfortable. Tired but doesn’t want to sleep. Whatever thoughts you have! (And if you add a few pippa thoughts I wouldn’t mind. She’s be all logical and tell you it can’t hurt you🤣) 🫶
enid sinclair (roommates)
enid knows dreams. nightmares. nights where she couldn't sleep for her life because of her mom, a tired day of being happy for everyone, just anything that could wake her in a cold sweat. but she never experienced sleep paralysis, the thought itself was terrifying, and the stories she heard was bad enough. but what would happen if the person she cares and adores for the most experiences them without notice? it's painful. agonizing, of course. she was always someone who looked out for others, how could she miss this part of you that ached and longed for her touch on nights where you wanted to scream for her, warn her that there was something in the room approaching you. approaching her. scream that there was something bothering you, your heart pounding, unwanted pressure lingering in your chest, and your body feeling like you were drowning in air. you endured this for weeks, maybe even months, just especially when its examination week. or just any regular day where you feel stressed. you thought you could take it, that you'd endure it. having to wake up or just watch the morning light appear in front of you with pure exhaustion the next day was fine in exchange for enids peace. but one day, you woke up in a pool of your own sweat. heart beating and yearning to be free from your chest that you wanna rip out and lie down, feeling nothing but happiness that you dont have to suffer anymore. you feel exhausted, uncomfortable in your own space, in your body, in your own silence. the room was dark, and the atmosphere was heavy. you thought enid drifted off to her own side of the bed like she always does. then you find that she isnt. id like to think that enid doesnt sleep until you do, its that feeling of reassurance and safeness that your loved one is at peace in sleep. when you woke up that night, you just couldnt bear the burden of every ounce of stress and weakness in your body that you cant escape even in your dreams, you just broke down right in front of her.
you told her everything. down to your weaknesses, the creatures and hallucinations that lurk in your eyes even in reality you fear them, how it torments you from time to time by going after enid instead of you, the stress and anxiety of a day and knowing something awaits for you when you drift off to sleep, the feeling of death getting closer and closer yet youre chained down in your own body, you told her everything.
enid would wrap her arms around you through it, inviting you on her bed. one hand on your back parallel to your heart with another wrapped around your waist. she was bringing you closer to her and soothing your heart in so many ways more than one. she listens to you so attentively, and also curses her for not noticing soon. throughout the night, she comforted you right in her arms, reminding that youre not in this alone if shes with you. even she cried for the scars that you want to heal from. she'd always ask if it would be okay if you two slept together in the same bed, she'd even create a fort of all of her squishmallows and other plushies around you so that youll feel safe. that was the first night you ever got a wink of sleep.
after that, enid researched everything about sleep paralysis and what causes it. she knows from the get go that its inevitable, theres no mental and total cure, but she's so damn confident that she'll atleast cure or treat your sleep paralysis episodes. obviously, you mustve done research yourself on how to stop it yet ended up with the same failed results, so she refrains from saying the same thing over and over again.
but she'd check up on you literally everyday and every second. when youre sleeping, she doesnt until she gets the affirmative that youre fine and awake, looking out for tiny whispers that youre screaming in your mind, visible discomfort/fright, eyes twitching or your body jerking awake.
when you wake up, youre suddenly bombarded with questions from enid asking if youre okay or did you sleep well, offering you everything she has to offer from snacks to a simple girls night so itll take your mind off of things. youre getting ready to fall asleep, enid is already there by your side, offering a hug or a squishmallow. this gets more apparent when youre stressed, enid would literally take everything away from you and tells you to relax with her. offering a gentle massage, stress balls she kept away from her closet, hugging you like theres no tomorrow.
outside of the dorm, enid is still attached to your hip. making sure that no one will talk to you about something thatll stress you out. if someone did, they'll just get a half transformed enid sinclair and if theyre unfortunate enough, a hospital bill. since youre exhausted, enid basically does everything for you even if you insist that youre fine with doing it yourself. she gives you a big gasp and a shock face like "oh l/n/y/n you are NOT doing all of this by yourself, let me help you or so help me god!!" and its just eating food or walking to a certain place up the stairs.
when its just the two of you, she prepares her bed (or your bed, whichever you prefer that night) to be the most comforting thing ever. a laptop on her lap if you ever want to watch something to fall asleep in (hopefully) peace, snacks if you ever feel peckish, and some things to make everything go away.
if you ever encounter a sleep paralysis episode, enid is already on your side. hugging you as you cry with your head buried in the crook of her neck as you hugged her back. no words attached, just comforting physical touch that calms you down from time to time. if you ever needed some alone time, she accepts your requests and goes off to her side until youre ready to invite her back or fall asleep on your own.
in what you fear, enid will always make sure that your peace is certain. awake or not, she'll be there by your side. she overdoes it sometimes, sure, but she gives you the boundaries you need. just such a ball of sunshine that take cares of literally everyone around her, especially you.
pippa fitz amobi (childhood friend, takes place during/after good girl bad blood)
you always thought pip was smart. she was logical, academic achiever thats for sure and she was always so realistic with everything. id like to think pip was the first one to notice there was something off when the two of you were still a child. not your friends, not even your parents, but it was pip that had everything sorted out for you. she noticed how you always snuck out late at night to sleep at her place, always calling her in the most darkest hours of the night, she'd be concerned if you even slept at all. but pip was a good friend, she always had an eye of you, until her mind was consumed by the andie bell case.
pip is a caring one, you know that deep down your soul, yet she was never the one who took care for her self. you stopped talking about your own stress, anxiety, and episodes in fear that it would double the amount of things she has to worry about in her own time, so you gave her space. maybe a little too much space that she started worrying for you even more, always reassuring you that shes here for you. you always responded with an im fine and assure her that youre at your best.
that was until pip broke into your home (old fashion pippa fitz amobi style) with a literal folder, food that her mom made at home in a little plastic bag, and she was decked out with pjs head to toe. she looked tired, not even a trace of pure rest in her eyes. thats when you realize the two of you needed eachother to fall asleep in peace, arms wrapped around eachother as if eternity lies within the hands of the other.
you knew pip was already so restless because of her case so you didnt have a choice but nail your mouth shut and let her inside your home. you thought itd just be a check up from pip from time to time and she'd be on her merry way until she sat you down on your bed. fixed your cushions, even set up the night light for the two of you. you question her but youre just met with silence for the most part.
when shes done, she'd sit beside you, open the folder she has on her hands, and tell you everything she researched for the past month or week youve been giving her the silent treatment and youre just completely bewildered by the sight. its logical, rational, and completely in-depth.
you almost tell her that its all pointless, you appreciate the thought and the hours she put into it and even negelcted her case for a bit, but it was just none of the ordinary. no matter how many times she reminds you that its harmless, its in your head or hallucinations, it wont hurt you, its not helping.
that was until she was opened up to you herself. id like to think that pip has recurring nightmares that would lead to sleep paralysis because of the shit she went through, she literally saw someone get shot several times and she couldnt do anything but watch in terror. id like to think thats the same in her episodes.
after all that time apart, it really affected her mentally and physically. she couldnt sleep properly without having to check up on you. you both comfort eachother by just hugging nonstop, whispering sweet nothings to bring a sense of comfort and reassurance until you both fell asleep in eachothers arms.
the two of you needed eachother anyway.
really important a/n:
im honestly honored that you came to me about your own personal problems and asked me about my thoughts, so sorry if this took so long. even as someone anonymous, i imagine that takes some pretty big courage to do. im sorry for what you’ve been enduring literally all your life, especially about something that causes you pure exhaustion, more stress, and anxiety of living your life. i dont know if you got used to this routine, but if you did, that just makes it all the more worrying that you're just familiar with repetitive episodes of sleep paralysis as a child to now. we're both two strangers on the internet that dont know our personal lives or what we really do in our spare time, but i assure you anon that everything will soon be okay. maybe not today or next week or even next year, but peace will soon come your way.
im just somebody who writes for hundreds of people to see and hope my little stories bring just simple carefree and happiness for people on the internet, but if youre willing and consenting to talk or just take your mind off something, im always available on here, just dm me!
love u anon!! just remember that even as someone you dont really know, im here for you. stay safe out there <3!!
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kerizaret · 6 months
Had a dream that I was playing a video game with multiple endings about some scientist?? And I reached one where he accidentally time-travelled / teleported into some past or some other universe?? Where he was a king. And there were some two paths to take since i had no idea about the state of the country he led. Either to be that king and somehow bs my way through leading the country. Or abdicate with the pretence that I had amnesia and couldn’t be king anymore and explore this past/universe as a civilian instead
I chose the second one and played some more, but before that, it showed me a little summary of what happened because of me giving up the throne. And this was interesting because the game showed me that Tsukasa Tenma was chosen (forced?) to be king because of me quitting. Even though on the drawings in the game he still looked like a kid (well, kid, teen, still young is the point). But he did take on that role. (Looked like his king card just. A kid)
And then it showed me more of that side story, though that was unnecessary to my gameplay. It was shown through images with some short descriptions under them
The first one was obviously the coronation of kidkasa, the image I mentioned before where he looked young, and the description talked about how he became the king because of the scientist quitting
Then the story started
The next image showed Tsukasa finding kid Rui somewhere in a forest or smth? who was some peasant/a poor kid. He had torn and cheap clothes and looked hungry and tired and a bit beaten up or scratched too? And from what i unferstood Tsukasa took him in because he took pity on his state, and fed him and all and gave him a job in the castle as a servant (idk anything abt Rui's family or Nene here)
The next image was Rui (still a kid but now with the outfit from the Rose wedding card) hitting a shocked (also still kid) Tsukasa on the head with some cane to throw off his crown, screaming at him. Iirc he was screaming something about how Tsukasa didn’t deserve to be a king, how he wasn't taking care of the kingdom at all. How there were still people (like he used to be) who are poor and starving and receive no help and Tsukasa is doing nothing, just living in the comfort of his own castle and caring just for himself. And that the fact he took in just Rui wont make it better for all the other people left out there. And Tsukasa looked really shocked, like he wasn’t aware of that
And then there was a different image i think where some guards were escorting a limp Rui out and from what I understood they knocked him out for such outrageous and disgraceful behaviour against the king and wanted to throw him to the prison. But there was Tsukasa trying to stop them too and saying smth how he was just a kid and he wasn't wrong and shouldn’t be punished for that, so no prison, while the royal advisors were arguing with him about how he's unnecessarily kind, how he's got to punish Rui, because he was wrong and after how gracefully Tsukasa took him in now he was ungrateful
I dont know what they did to him in the end exactly
I do know, though, that the next image was in some village with rui dressed up poorly again, so maybe they threw him out of the castle back to his previous home? Or maybe he was in prison but ran away / was let out? Idk
But it was a shocked Rui (looking nearly as bad as in the first image tbh) kneeling on the ground with some also shocked villagers behind him, all looking at royal servants/guards before them who were all holding food, mostly bread, like they were offering it to them
There was Tsukasa at the front, holding a croissant of all things, split in half, keeping one half to himself and holding out the second one to Rui with a small smile
And there was no description under this one, but my assumption is that Tsukasa took Rui's words to heart and wanted to help out the poor now, starting with ruis home. Maybe he even wanted to reach out to Rui again and get his help and advice on how to help them? Idk for sure tho
And then the next image was also with no description, and it was ruikasa already being older/taller (still looked young though, but more like canon age now). There were some masked and black-clad people (like 4 of them I think?) restraining Tsukasa who was trying to break out of their grasp. I don't remember anymore whether they tried to attack/hurt him or just kidnap him, but overall something like that. And there was a panicked but determined Rui - back in rose outfit, seemingly back to being a servant - running in from behind a corner of a hallway (They stood somewhere in front of the door to Tsukasa's room). He seemed to just have seen this and realised whats happening and be moving to stop them
I dont know why this happened tho and how it ended. There was one more image but i already dont remember what it was about or how it looked. After that I just came back to my abdicated "king" scientist gameplay
So I basically dreamed up a short beginning of roseking ruikasa au??? (/p? /r? Idk). And i think it was even kinda coherent (except for the scientist part maybe LMAO) and interesting so that was really fun!
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spectralsleuth · 9 months
Saw you were lookin’ for some asks dont mind if I do 👀
To start off, I’m such a big fan of your writing! I genuinely look forward to every single update of yours and find myself rereading a lot of work in the downtime. You are such a good writer!! My never ending praises aside, here are some asks!
-You incorporate OC’s into your fics so seamlessly! They feel so natural in your fics that I legit get excited anytime they show up (srsly can’t wait for Lou Jitsu vs Hidden City, Sal’s my boy) lol how do you find the right balance when introducing and maintaining OC’s in your fics? I feel like that’s a particularly difficult balance beam to tread but you absolutely crush it.
-A previous ask you answered about Cass and Raph in LSoW got me thinking; how do the brothers handle humans crushing on them? Would they be receptive or dismissive? Do they develop crushes on humans- and if so, how is that perceived (by family or the general public)? The drama 👀
Last ask, I promise:
-I absolutely loved your crossover with Empathy is Learned! Got anymore crossovers planned in the future? Oooor if you could do a crossover with any other fic, which one(s) would it/they be??
Thanks for taking the time to even look at this! I hope these are some fun asks for ya :) I hope you have a lovely day!!
Omg thanks so much... I'm so happy people enjoy my writing it's crazy to me. I've written before, but it's always been just for myself so I never really know if it was good or not. (Years of text based DnD is to thank lol.) (Okay I got carried away answering this so sorry in advance.)
On OC's:
I got a lot of comments on LSoW from people who say "generally I don't like OC's BUT-" which is so funny and flattering. Because I am absolutely one of those people who don't care for OC's in fic.
Let me be clear: I LOVE that people write self indulgent self-insert of OC based fic, where they make the craziest off the wall story etc. Every time a fifteen year old writes a story about the cringiest Mary-sue/stu self insert, or non canon character, an angel gets its wings and I mean that one hundred percent. It makes me so happy I literally grin when I see it. I HOWEVER generally filter out the OC tags on AO3 when I'm looking for something to read myself.
So when I started posting LSoW I was expecting to get maybe like, 100 kudos MAX, maybe one comment or so. Which is great! I love writing niche fic just for me, and one other person who I assume I must be drift compatible with. I just could not figure out a way to write the story I wanted without a few OC's- Rise didn't have a big enough character catalog for me to draw from!
When I went to write the OC's, I knew that they had to have a very simple backstory, that was also very fleshed out. (Xander and Sal have full family, Dr. Heo and Carter have full jobs and history together, etc.) For another contradiction I wanted them to be interesting enough that someone reading wouldn't just be skipping ahead to when they weren't present, or just simply plowing through to get past the part where they were doing exposition. They had to be enjoyable! While also forwarding the story!
They also had to be distinct. Anyone who's ever watched a Whedon show or movie (Buffy, Firefly, Avengers-) knows what I'm talking about. It drives me nuts when the characters in a show are constantly the funniest person in the room, with the same personality traits, and the same girl boss/badass tendencies.
(Fandom challenge Impossible: Give a female fan favorite character another trait besides 'girlboss/mom/lesbian'. I'm dead serious.)
(Also a disclaimer: I LOVE making jokes and doing bits. I FANCY that I'm pretty funny, and I love making people laugh. But you can do that without making it a character personality trait. For example: Xander doesn't really crack any jokes in LSoW! He's just funny because we the reader know more about the situation and his thoughts than he does.)
But the BIGGEST THING I kept telling myself while writing the story, was DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE TURTLES. Because the whole point of the story is the turtles! And Yoshi! The OC's are there to facilitate that. It's a hard balance to hit. I have all sorts of touchstones I keep in mind while I'm writing, and that's a big one.
(A SUPER good example of this done super well is @faiakishi 's Bella from Dawning of the Hour. She's a great OC that's super interesting, and a super important narrative element, but she never detracts from the main story. Big Bella fan here lmao. There's also the rest of the OC's/interpretations of franchise characters (TIGERCLAW), but Bella stands out as truly original.)
On the Turtles dating Humans:
(CW: CSA mention, SA mention, non graphic talk of minors dating etc.)
I actually talked a lot about this to @/tangledinink in feverish discord chats lmao.
When the boys were growing up they got a very detailed talk from both Yoshi, and their Doctors. ONE: Because nobody will know better than themselves if something was medically wrong with their bodies, TWO: The boys are all intersex (minus Mikey) and they had to understand that there was nothing wrong with them on TOP of the turtle thing, and THREE: Because Yoshi knew the boys would be getting a lot of attention, and you never know what kind of attention that form will take.
THE BEST WAY to protect children (any child) from being sexually assaulted or abused, is making sure they know what that abuse LOOKS LIKE. You don't have to make them terrified of being sexually assaulted, but them knowing how their body works, and also how to say NO and set boundaries, will combine to help make them safer.
Yoshi didn't know what would happen in the future and in a perfect world the boys would never leave his line of sight, but that's not always how things happen. (In a Short Season, Xander parroted Yoshi's instructions before going out to make sure the boys knew what to do if someone grabbed them (in any way) and it was to bite and be loud.) So the boys grew up knowing their bodies, knowing how to say 'no', and knowing that there was probably going to be people out there who would treat them as a novelty, and who wouldn't be appropriate to them as celebrities OR non-humans.
(Remember Emma Watson having to deal with that countdown to her turning 18? Or any other amount of child stars who had to deal with adults being predatory to them.)
But ALSO THIS IS HAMATO YOSHI. His sons are HANDSOME and HEARTBREAKERS! Leo has dated a lot but never anything seriously, and his inability to be intimate with anyone but family kind of puts a damper on any more permanent relationship. (He is gay.) He's the number one turtle people ask out because he's the most approachable. Because he made himself that way!
Donnie is in a sort of relationship with Kendra. (THIS WILL BE A FIC I'm working up to it lmao.) I have a head canon that Yokai and other empyrean based creatures are capable of having rivalry based relationships. IE Yoshi and Draxum in the canon show, the unhealthy dynamic between Yoshi and Big Mama, etc. (Caliginous relationship) Donnie is in a puppy love version of that with Kendra, while also lacking the context of yokai society to understand why he wants to punch her very badly, but also if anything happened to her he would die. They hate each others guts and also she was his first kiss. She is not a nice person I am not a Kendra apologist she's terrible I love her. (Donnie is bi!)
I know a lot of people head canon Mikey as ace, but he is a thirteen year old child you don't have to be head canoning him as anything. it is the very rare 13 year old who knows their orientation, and even if they DO I bet you donuts to dollars it will change eventually. This is normal and healthy. Mikey in LSoW has had puppy crushes on boys, girls, teachers, Violet, the mailman, Adam, and Rupert Swaggert. (Eugh eugh eugh.)
Raph is absolutely irresistible to the entire student body and is completely unaware of it. He's not stupid but he's face blind and bad at picking up subtext in conversations. He's gone to multiple people's houses and spent the whole day with them, without realizing they were trying to make it a date. (Raph is bi.)
All the boys have considered identifying as girls since their Dad is the martial arts equivalent of David Bowie and Fine With That, but have settled (for now) on being boys (age 10 the last time they considered this) because quote 'Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim are boys and they're awesome' unquote.
They don't get any fucking privacy for their relationships, and Leo in particular had a very bad experience that closed him off from dating big time. (Stamps 'THIS WILL BE A FIC' on this as well.) But also, as of the LSoW canon they are like, 12-14 and not doing a lot of dating ANYWAY. They are BABIES.
(Enter Casey Jones)
I have one crossover with my white whale of authors (you know who you are) I have pecked at with them that I think everyone will go fucking nuts for and love, but I won't mention it in case we can't get it off the ground! (A completely okay and normal thing to happen lmao.) I think that one will end up happening though because I am too excited about it, even if it's not any time soon.
I am super open to crossovers and cowriting, especially since writing with Li because I learned SO MUCH it was like speed running improvement.
The thing is it has to fit! There's some crossovers that wouldn't have a lot of substance because there's not really a lot to cover. When it came to EiL for example, there was PLENTY to cover and do, it was so fun! But other fics might not have a lot we could do for each other. (At least, not until I get some more world building done.)
That being said I do love talking crossovers with other creators it's so fun...
If you guys ever want to use my OC's feel free, just ask me in advance! I don't mind pings.
THESE ASKS ARE FUN THANKS FOR SENDING THEM I feel like you just threw a steak into my zoo exhibit. I am recharged and rejuvenated my crops are watered my skin is clear. This felt very pretentious to write I am mortified.
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p1nkc4tb0t · 4 months
guys it was so fucking good i swear.
ok so yeah, warning spoilers n shit. yeah.
ok so i really like the concept of the whole Bill of Life thing, unwinding especially.
like holy smokes was it good.
OK SO IK ITS NOT THE MOST POPULAR NOVEL I DONT THINK SO FOR MY MOOTS WHO R SEEING THIS THIS IS THE GENERAL CONCEPT: since abortions r banned pretty much, ppl either “stork” unwanted children or “unwind” children when they became unwanted. like the story starts off abt three unwinds, being unwound for completely different reasons. Connor was like, a troublesome kid and his parents just didn’t want that so they signed the orders to get him unwound. i missed why Risa was unwound but im pretty sure the state house just didn’t have much room for her anymore(she got storked there i think. she really didn’t grab my attention at the beginning sadly). Lev came from a Christian family, and churches make everyone sacrifice one of their children for God by unwinding them second they turn 13, Lev being one of them(it’s considered an honor)
OK SO the concept of storking is that, the mother delivers a child, doesn’t want it, leaves it at some person’s doorstep and then it’s “finders keepers.” however if they are caught they have to take the kid back and legally obliged to keep it. same with the finders keepers situation, got storked and ain’t no one at ur doorstep? legally obliged to keep it like it or not. however Connor’s parents once got storked and passed it into the neighbors house, and the baby rotated for a week and back to their house, but already sick and dying. Connor then gets traumatized and further on in the book he’s so overridden with the memory that when a bitch got storked she yell at them (Connor abd Risa) to take it back even tho the kid wasn’t theirs.
the concept of unwinding is that legally between 13-18 your guardians can send you to a harvest camp where you’re taken apart and given these parts to those who need it. like for example: you got unwound, taken to a harvest camp, they take your hands and give it to a guy who lost his across the fucking continent. ppl literally stopped trying to cure things, just replaced faulty organs with healthy ones. and no one really knows what’s going on in those harvest camps. do they kill you off immediately or do they wait and wait for weeks on weeks to get to you while you never know when’s your last day.
I really like Connor’s relationship with Hayden, and tbh if they would make them canonically in love i’d be the happiest person on this planet. but again that would cause even further complications w the plot so i get it ig. but at the same time i don’t. Connor never really struck me as a cishet dude even from the beginning of the story, and though him abd Risa r a very good pair i’d just kinda like it more if they paired him up with Hayden. cuz first of all it would add on to tge reason he got unwound in the first place. abd like, i want a gay protagonist in a horror book is that really too much to ask?
same thing with Lev and CyTy, tho i see them more as moirails. yk, homestuck. heheh. no bc they’re so caring for eachother it’s crazy. but again i don’t see them in a romantic relationship, i just rlly like their dynamic. live laugh love how Lev was willing to go through with CyTy’s shit and vice versa.
Hayden and CyTy gotta b my fab characters frfr. anyway so CyTy’s name is actually Cyrus, but he has an eighth of a brain of a kid who got unwound and his name was Tyler. so like, he sometimes does things that Tyler would do but himself won’t, leading them to Tyler’s parents’ house and it actually made me tear up.
i NEED to make a Homestuck Unwind AU
(imma just tag 4 moots i think would find this interesting @hiddencattoes @kovuspams @r3z1l1c1ous @imgoingtoeatyourfirstbornchild sorry guys this felt necessary)
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alicentsgf · 1 year
What do you like in rhaenicent? What attracts you to them as a couple, and what attracts them to each other in your opinion?
i was so tempted to just respond with 'im a lesbian' but imma bite. prepare yourselves.
the basic cornerstone of it is i love women and i really really love tragedy, so this pairing is Perfection. on the most basic level, episode 1 rhaenicent was just cute like anyone who denies that just hates joy i guess. i was at least a little invested from scene 1.
you've got these two girls who have such different temperaments but then theres this undeniable element of sensual intimacy and chemistry. to me it seemed obvious even without the comments from the cast and crew that alicent and rhaenyra were in love with each other (in some way) as girls. they start off so comfortable with each other, reaching out for each other at every opportunity. rhaenyra even admits, however flippantly, to wanting alicent (and freedom) to the detriment of everything and everyone else. she would leave it all behind except alicent. but this means the dream dissipates with alicents disproval. rhaenyra is All desire, whereas, for better or worse, alicent tempers that because she is All duty and shes been raised to perform it without question (initially for rhaenyra as her companion, then later for her king/husband and their children). the biggest themes in the story are brought forth by rhaenicent's dynamic and by ways in which they act as foils for each other: loss, betrayal, duty vs desire, generational curses, motherhood, the madonna/whore dichotomy and its impotence, and the inevitability of a tragic ending.
they loved each other so deeply because growing up they were each others everything. i honestly think alicent only ever experienced unconditional love with rhaenyra, which is why she clings to the memory of it so desperately, (whereas rhaenyra had aemma perhaps?). alicent and rhaenyra were never without each other in their formative years, and they probably thought they never would be. in some ways they were torn out of each others lives with the same amount of violence and resulting mutilation as aemond losing his eye. they had molded themselves into each others empty spaces, making up for what the other lacked. they're incomplete without each other and deep down they both know that, and its why even after everything, with all the reasons they shouldn't care about each other anymore, they still find themselves desperate for reconcilation. and alicent still wont see rhaenyra dead, even when shes a possibly lethal threat to alicent's family. otto sees the truth of it, forcing alicent to acknowledge it too - even at the peak of their estrangement a world without rhaenyra is a world alicent cant make sense of.
and heres the really delicious part: they're going to destroy each other. its inevitable and it always was, because the world they live in would never have let them do anything else. its the curse of the targaryens meets the curse of westerosi womanhood. idk maybe at this point some people might wonder 'well then why bother having them love each other at all, if it ends with them alone and afraid and hating each other?', but isnt that the point of tragedy? love matters even if it sours. it matters even if it cant save anyone. theres catharsis in acknowledging the cost of human frailty and not doing anything to suggest things should or could have happened differently, but just encouraging us, very simply, to indulge our own ugly, stupid humanity.
the truth is the moment their relationship first truly gripped me was actually episode 6. i loved young alicent and rhaenyra but it was seeing their older versions so at odds with one another in contrast to their past that captured my interest. which is why i feel 'shipping' is just... not the right term for what where my brain is at with them. i feel it implies i want things for them as a pairing that i dont: i dont want them together, i dont want them to be less resentful, or to reconcile, and for all the jokes i dont even want them to be physically intimate. i want them to hate each other and i want them to hate how much they still care, i want it eating them alive, i want them unable to deny it because its the love, grief, and betrayal thats at the root of their resentment.
for me it seems like the reason grrm and the development team okayed this change is because whilst a 'history' book like fire and blood doesnt need an element such as this, the change in format to an intimate portrayal made it almost necessary. rhaenyra and alicents dynamic anchors the plot whilst also critiquing the nature of the shows own source material for its inaccuraces and misogyny. as a result the story of the dance becomes not just a story of targaryen entitlement and the resulting retribution, which i would have been a fan of anyway, but the tragic love story of two women who fell victim not just to the unforgiving nature of the world they were born into, but to their own human frailties. and im honestly just basking in it because this is so much more than i could have hoped for.
so i guess my point is that rhaenicent are barely even a 'couple' to me lmao, im studying them like a live specimen under a microscope and im not afraid to prod them with sharp implements.
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useless-donut · 10 months
oh my god i played through both endings of astarions companion quest and spoilers below - it's really just an extremely long ramble
btw i just mean the finale of his quest, not the ending after the whole game
i rly like to play like im rping my tavs personality so that'll influence the end i go with on other playthroughs but woof
i love that larian gave us the one consequence that might make the power of ascension not worth it... fundamentally changing how astarion relates to and treats us. i REALLY thought id be chill with this option bc i love a power hungry man & my tav would die for him, but it hit SO much harder than i thought it would. maybe also because it was 2 am. but like im obsessed with the difference because of course it changes him—the man emotionally devastated by seeing his past victims deciding to condemn them all, and 6,000 other souls, for the allure of power and safety? and then reaching that unlimited power?
on one hand, seeing him lose that mix wariness & fondness & softness & bravado was GUTTING but also its very sweet that despite basically ascending to vampire godhood, he so badly wants to keep you around. even if, at the moment, he is still wrapping his head around his power and doesn't really see you as an equal lover anymore, vs. an item arguably at the top of things he wants
the lines where he stays hes toootally joking about calling you a pet and that you'll be too obedient for him to need to compel you, and his desire to keep you as a thrall & not give you agency... those are the lines that really killed me and sold the idea that our relationship was fundamentally altered. the "i love you... is what you want to hear, isnt it?" is also brutal, but astarions almost verbatim said that before lmao so i dont mind it as much, hes just silly
the break up options were really satisfying tho ngl and i love that theres two routes where you apologize for even bringing it up and you stay together, when in the past he'd act shocked if you ever chose to be with him
this ending also REALLY made me want to write a self insert (tav insert) fix it fic where you dump him for being a condescending asshole and after a long period of time and yk pining and mourning on your part, astarions going to finally decide maybe he does want a lover with agency and have like this nice slow burn of his personality resurfacing through all that power
like the vampire ascendant astarion rly felt like it was just like 900 tons of power smooshed into an astarion skin suit, and i love the idea that he would find his way back to himself eventually (but maybe after losing you... so sad... maybe he will come back and do the worst approximation of begging youve ever seen...)
anyway for the other ending, i mean. if youve gotten there you know what i mean. its lovely and bittersweet bc consequences and i think larian went a little too hard on selling us that this was the "good" outcome. however. i dont actually care because i played through it after the former version and WOW it was like the most relieving thing ever? to see him acting like himself again, and also very sweet to see how he relates to us afterwards. really up in my feels about how much he trusts us and also relied on us in that moment to remind him of his priorities. as he both he and us were perfectly aware he is exactly the type of personality to be absolutely corrupted by absolute power lmao (which is cute of him)
i thought it was also very interesting that in that moment you persuade him, he approves—like even in the heat of the moment, he didnt truly want to forget everything he cared about outside of safety and power. i didnt get an approval notif for him when i helped him go through with it, but it could just be bugged lol. anyway i rly love that that moment shows so clearly how ascending is a decision driven by fear and hunger for power, not by considering what he wants out of life
anyway my unfiltered thoughts:
we know a great deal about astarions wants and fears and desires from his story
- he desires freedom more than anything
- but that's not ALL he desires. it's freedom in abstract, but also freedom to be himself and to have a sense of who he even is in the first place. he know he deeply mourns losing touch with who he was when he was alive
- he fears being controlled by others, but has also never shown desire to control others in return
- he wants real intimacy & partnership and was afraid he couldn't figure out how to do it, how to relate to any of it without being coerced
because of all this, i do think the ascended vampire is more tragic for him. as an individual, he is happier, but as astarion, the person we've been getting to know—his new life doesn't meet his needs any better than the non-ascended version does. he'll talk about being free, but all he wants to do is... subjugate the world? control everyone and everything around him? like since when?
what really stood out to me is this man who LOVED the sun, missed it in the underdark, was amazed by seeing baldurs gate in light, he wants to cover everything in darkness. for his thralls he supposedly cares for (after sacrificing 7,000 of them for this power)
imo he gained a lack of fear and he gained safety, but the other things he wanted he didnt rly get, which i have more thoughts on than i really want to write here
umascended, he is still free, maybe less safe but that safety is in his control now, at least. and he probably could still swing a castle and an eternal lover if he wanted (did he even become a full vampire? i feel like he must have somewhere along the way) ngl.
anyway to sum it up, i love him so much both directions and will follow him around forever like a puppy regardless of what path he takes
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