#i envy your apathy
rubbcrhosemoved · 11 months
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LUCIFER- Caleb Hyles
MAMMON- Jonathan Young
PEARL- Loïc Nottet
SHINE- Eliot Sumner
SHIMMER- Bring Me The Horizon (Oliver Sykes)
CHIMERA- Mr. Kitty
SEAGLASS- Derivakat 
BEEZLEBUB- Toni Braxton
BELPHEGOR- Years & Years (Olly Alexandar)
LEVIATHAN- Janelle Monáe
SATAN- Glora Groove
IPOS- Dimash Kudaibergen
GABRIEL-  Florence + The Machine (Florence Welch)
RAPHAEL- Fiona Apple
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Anon: Could I request Yandere Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus and Ash Landers with a reader who's a young widow/widower who refuses to entertain any thoughts of having another romantic relationship with someone out of a desire to spend the rest of their life as their late spouse's wife/husband.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, delusional thoughts, paranoia, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, threats, arranged marriage, abduction
My one and only partner
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ It's such a tragic event, isn't it? Losing the spouse you adored and loved so much. Yes, life can certainly be cruel. The young Earl gives you his condolences, although more out of an act of formal courtesy than genuine compassion and sympathy for your loss. Your spouse has been an unpleasant thorn in his eye for a while now and if it wouldn't have been for their sudden death, he would have ended up manipulating and sabotaging the relationship himself. With them out of the picture without his doing though, Ciel sees a chance. Your talk about never wanting another relationship again is initially not something he takes serious. You're hurt and shocked, you'll get eventually over it. In the meantime Ciel plays the role of the supporting and kind friend who helps you and overlooks how you're doing. If you're struggling in life due to the loss of your lover, he'll financially support you.
☕ The Earl of Phantomhive stays patient with you for a couple of months where he subtly brings up the idea of you marrying again in some discussions he has with you yet you never hesitate in your answer that you'll never take another spouse. Slowly you wear his patience down though as the seasons pass by and your way of thinking doesn't change. Ciel eventually has to acknowledge that you might just be more serious with your decision than he initially anticipated and your sheer dedication to your late spouse elicits a spark of annoyed envy out of him. It's disrespectful to think in such a condescending way of your dead spouse but Ciel just can't see why you'd love them so much and deny yourself the chance to marry a more suitable person. The more suitable person of course being him. Nothing is fully confirmed just yet though so Ciel continues for now with what he's been doing so far, feigning to be your concerned friend whilst subtly courting you.
☕ As another couple of months pass by and you still don't change your mind, Ciel has to resort to more manipulation and sabotage. A pity, he was hoping to win your heart the more gentlemanly way. He decides to break off the engagement with Lizzy sooner than initially planned and paints himself to be quite shaken by those events. He does it in a way that doesn't damage his relationship with the Midford family though as they're important allies to him. He hopes to gain your sympathy by acting like it hits him harder than anticipated. Additionally he forces you into situations where you have to rely on him more in attempts to earn your gratitude and trust. Those are ways to blackmail you without you really knowing as he still hopes that you'll stop your childish behavior by pushing you. If none of those work though, he sees himself forced to arrange an engagement between you two. It would truly be a pity though if you'd leave him no other choice but to reveal his cold and possessive persone though, wouldn't you agree?
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian puts his best act out to appear compassionate over your loss but his black heart couldn't care less in reality. Instead the early death of your spouse is merely a problem less for him as they dared to touch and take something that belongs to the demon and the demon alone only. He would have gotten rid of them himself but life was this time faster than him apparently. Despite his clear apathy, he still feigns concern and sympathy to gain your trust and even your reliance as Sebastian can't help but see the current situation you're in as a good opportunity to claim your heart which was meant to belong to him in the first place. Emotionally you're very vulnerable right now after all and even if he isn't thrilled by the fact that you waste so much thoughts and tears on this good-for-nothing spouse of yours, it's an ideal chance to grow closer to you and show you that you have a far better option right in front of you. Him.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian prides himself in showing off his skills and abilities in front of you whilst taking care of you. He helps you in whatever ways he can, always pays you a visit and sees how you're doing. He does some of the chores for you when you're busy and even cooks and bakes for you when he has the time. He's aware of your antics of not wanting to marry ever again but he doesn't take you seriously. No, instead he almost finds your childish determination amusing as he does not believe you to stay true to your decision. Sebastian is far too confident in himself to feel intimidated or insecure. He's swayed many with his looks and his charm. If at all, he views this all as a little challenge. Amuse him a bit if you can, he has all the time in the world. You manage to stay loyal to your decision and the first couple of months, this actually excites the demon. You aren't as easily swayed and he enjoys that you're a harder challenge. That'll make it all the more rewarding when you give in after all.
🐈‍⬛ Apparently the demon has severely underestimated your loyalty and love for your dead spouse as you keep on denying him and his attempts to court you. What was once amusement and fun slowly turns into bitterness and annoyance, black feelings Sebastian has rarely experienced against someone, especially against a dead human. In all possible ways you could compare your deceased spouse to him, Sebastian is better in every way so why would you cling so desperately to someone who is already dead. As a demon, Sebastian will never be able to understand your strong devotion as you're his mate and shouldn't cling to the memories of a dead human. His comments become snarky and passive-aggressive whenever you talk about your dead spouse as he doesn't want to hear you speaking of them in such a wistful manner. You make him slowly lose his patience, an achievement near impossible. He might just come clear with his feelings at one point, giving you the last opportunity to accept him. "No" is not an option for you though.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois should learn to read the room as he gives his darling an emotional response only a heartless asshole would show. The aristocrat is gleeful with the news of the unexpected death of your spouse. He has despised them with every fibre of his being simply for being married to you and being your spouse by law, a spot that should belong to him. They were in his way and if they wouldn't have died so suddenly, Alois would have ordered their death himself. Their death is in his mind like a sign from above, a sign that should tell you that they weren't meant for you. He has such a hard time hiding his sadistic grin and at least acting like he feels sorry as he just feels giddiness rushing through his blood. Finally! Now he can have you all for himself without their disgusting arse anywhere near you. He might just visit their grave out of pure spite, mocking them and laughing at them. They got what they deserved for taking you.
👅 No sense for boundaries and personal space, Alois just acts like an immature and spoiled brat, which he really just is at the end of the day. He's clingy because now there is no spouse of yours around which disgusts him and tempts him to just strangle them for doing as much as touching you. No, instead he's celebrating your new freedom and that you two can now finally be together as he showers you with presents and invites you multiple times a week over to his mansion. He's giddy, joyful and touchy with you as he doesn't even consider the fact that you want to grieve, don't want to hang around him or even start a relationship with him right away. Instead he instantly assumes that you'll accept him and are even happy that your deceased spouse is now gone. That makes him immensely confused when you stop him and tell him firmly that you have no interest in him or anyone.
👅 He's not believing you or at least doesn't want to believe you. Why are you still hung up on that rat? They were only in the way! He should have been your lawful husband from the very start! The brat in him emerges and starts shouting and crying, blames you for being so stupid to choose the wrong person in the first place when you should have just waited for him to come along. Aloid doesn't want to understand and neither will he ever understand, too gone in his head with his pretty fantasy of you two being meant to be together. So he doesn't take your words seriously, refuses that you mean it. Such devotion should only be for him, you can't possibly really feel so strongly about them...right? He rejects that idea of your heart forever belonging to them violently but he grows undeniably more paranoid with the thought constantly present at the back of his mind. You're the one who has the wrong idea here! Alois genuinely believes that you just need some convincing to see that you were wrong, although that means in normal words an abduction and isolation.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ His facial expression remains cold and apathetic, only the slight hint of a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips when he hears about the news. What a stroke of luck that is, he doesn't have to bother with this little insect after all. Claude would have a 100% taken care of them himself but that isn't needed because their own stupidity was the death of them. Claude is rather content for the first time in a long while as his mood hasn't been the best ever since he found out that his mate had already been claimed by another human. He hides his smugness about their death in front of you though, sane enough to understand that he'd only earn your ire otherwise. Besides that though, he'll keep his emotionless face though because it is hard faking sympathy and sorrow for someone who has only been a hindrance in his eyes from the very first moment.
🕷️ Claude is merciless as he instantly starts erasing traces of their existence. He tidies your house up to get rid of their stench clinging to every material until his own smell is dominating the house and throws photos and everything else out. The last part he does without your knowledge since you cherish every reminder of your late spouse. It's pathetic and annoying to see you breaking down when you can't find pictures and, worst of all, your own wedding ring anymore. You sob and cry and he can only look at you with cold eyes, doing his best to hide an annoyed sneer. That dead human is barely worth anything besides a mediocre meal in his eyes so why are you so affected? You have him and that's all you'll ever need. Your talk of never wanting another romantic relationship only serves to fuel his annoyance but ultimately he brushes it off as you being dramatically emotional.
🕷️ Claude is rather full of himself after all, is confident that he can charm you and make you forget all about your spouse in no time. His patience is not as good as Sebastian's is though so he grows soon tired of your naive fantasy to live and die as your late spouse's partner. Even the mere mention of their name causes his chest to fill with barely hidden annoyance, his words cold and sharp when he speaks about them. He's just done with you and your stubbornness of clinging to someone who is already buried six feet underneath. He is the one you should choose, not some pathetic and undeserving human. You're his mate after all! His! That's the point where Claude starts using his powers to sabotage you, scare you, torture you mentally a bit to force you into co-dependency. If you still refuse to accept him, deny him what is rightfully his, he'll have no mercy whatsoever. He'll reveal himself to you and will take you for himself just like his instincts demand him to do. Don't worry, you'll forget soon all about your former lover.
Ash Landers
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▫️ Ash has been agonizing himself over that spouse of yours since the first day he found you. Marriage is sacred, a bond special yet for you to give your vow to such a vile human. No one is worthy of you in this city, not even in the entire world. It isn't your fault though as Ash believes that it was your spouse who forced you, abused your kindness and love. Oh, he would have loved to remove that stain himself but perhaps this was divine punishment from heaven. It is a heavy weight less on his shoulders for him now that that vermin is gone, although your safety is still plenty enough to give him multiple heart attacks. You're far from safe after all as you still live in a society with rotten individuals, you're the only pure and untainted flower left. So Ash just has to act and so something before they'll devour you, tear you apart.
▫️ In all his paranoia and panic he only notices after the abduction that you're busily grieving over the death of your husband. Personally, he wouldn't even spare them a single thought and they're especially unworthy of your thoughts and feelings. He's sensitive when it involves you so your tears and your sorrow crush his heart as he enters multiple frenzies, blames your deceased spouse. How could anyone dare to sadden you and be the source of your anguish and tears? Ash tries everything to help you with your pain, has multiple meltdowns whenever he catches the sight of your tears or senses the emotional agony you're in. Parts of him die again and again as he already seems to fail in his role as a guardian angel and it eventually reaches the level where he kneels in front of you with tears streaming down his face, begging you to tell him what he should do to ease your pain.
▫️ He finds out from you that you've decided to never have another romantic relationship so that you can spendthe rest of your life as you're spouse's lawful partner. Initially he has no real problems with that. Sure, he still thinks that such vermin is deserving of such sheer dedication and loyalty from you but that just shows why you're such a pure creature in the first place. No one is worthy of you anyways so the concept of you refusing to love anyone else, or let anyone abuse you again as Ash thinks of it, should be reassuring and it is a little bit for a while. At least until Ash discovers that what he thought were sincere intentions to protect you like any guardian angel should have turned into feelings of longing and desire. Emotions he shouldn't feel towards you as not even he sees himself as deserving of your heart. Yet now the knowledge that you won't even consider falling in love again to waste your precious love on your dead spouse pains him only more but he forbids himself to ever let you find out about his feelings, no matter how many times he has to punish himself. Only your love could save him now.
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titanic-angel · 1 year
мιgυel o'нara х ғ!reader
⁎︎✴︎ adronιтιѕ 2 ✴︎⁎︎
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ѕynopѕιѕ ➪︎ yoυ warм υp тo мιgυel
warnιngѕ ➪︎ ѕwearιng
noтeѕ ➪︎ so next chapter is gonna be real fun but rn you have to have a lil crisis abt your trust in Miguel
↽︎ part 1
He flexed his hand after he shook yours.
Barely noticeable, if you hadn’t been observing the grooves of his knuckles, or the vein that crawled from his wrist. The hands that enveloped yours in a shake should’ve been cold- calculated. A deal brought to fruition by its apathy.
But it was warm.
When he let go, a beat. Static on your fingers, an itch on your prints. Long enough to breathe but too fleeting to think. If you hadn’t been focused on his hands and their features, you would’ve caught the way he stared at yours.
Almost preserving, you would’ve thought.
His name apparently snapped both of you from the recesses of you minds, from the brink of thought and the absence of it.
“Sorry, yes?”
Lyla’s eyes passed over the two of you. You were unsure if it was because of her size, her cloudy stance and voided build. But you were positive the look in her eyes knew more about what just happened than you ever would.
“The tour? Remember? Of the lab,” She giggled, although the word is too flimsy to describe such a dry sound, “she was right, you really don’t know host etiquette.”
He grumbled, before his eyes came to meet yours.
If you had to pin-point the feature that prompted the foul taste in your mouth (a reasonable person would call it envy, but you were childish enough to cease the thought), it would be his condescending stare.
“The lab you’ll be working in is on the 3rd floor. It’s my personal lab,”
Your nose wrinkled. Tacky (lucky).
“Lyla will be showing you around.”
Lyla tutted from his shoulder, waggling her finger. “Nuh-uh, I did all the business-woman stuffs I can for the day. You get to show her around.”
You were being treated like a chore.
“Plus, I’m feeling awfully tiered,” she winked at you. Unsettling, but it queued curiosity.
“Have fun kiddos!” With a flash of yellow and tints of blue, she was gone.
Leaving you to breathe the stiff air that separated you and the goliath in a dead quiet.
You would’ve slaughtered for Elevator music.
If it meant that the deafening silence, driven by a mutual desire not to be trapped in an isolating metal box, would end.
You felt stupid, and maybe a little self-centered, for only knowing your floor. There wasn’t a better alternative, as your job forced you to either move laterally across your own or, occasionally, up to the tenth floor to retrieve extra scraps or parts that no one else wanted to grab.
Ever since your royal fuck-up with that human robot, you had essentially become the errand-girl of your engineering pod. No one took you seriously anyhow, so you might as well be useful.
You liked the tenth floor. It was dark, the scattered metal parts and canopy of wires above you created a comfortable jungle. Filled with things you were familiar with, inventory that when you touched, it created rather that crumbled.
You weren’t Midas there.
Consequently you’ve forgotten that it’s called the tenth floor for a reason.
And you were going to the 3rd.
There was a difference, aside from the number. The attic, even with its close quarters, was a sanctuary of sorts, one with a view that made you forget your reputation.
But below, burrowed under sediment and gravel, you sat a breath away from your grave. You wouldn’t be surprised, if you were buried here.
You would even call it fitting.
The elevator lurched to a halt, the sight of your reflection meeting yours through the stainless steel. It look distorted, not quite like a cracked mirror but it wasn’t clean. It was foggy, and as it disappeared, you wondered if that’s what you looked like to your colleagues.
It certainly felt the case, on the 3rd floor.
Miguel casted a shadow, literally and figuratively, when he walked. His shoulders were built to carry expectation, body molded to turn heads, attention. Admiration kissed his heals, it’s maw biting at his fingers, his lips, his throat.
He made you foggy, because for as long as he existed, there was nothing else to look at.
You perished by his side. Your aggrieved appearance, the droop of your mouth and cave of your back existed as a warning. You ate praise like a woman starved, a thank you so infrequent it sounded like a myth when whispered.
You noticed it’s phenomenon when you passed people down the hall, eyes gravitating towards Miguel.
(Attention is a picky child, and it never liked you.)
When he opened the door, a crevice in the darkest corner of the floor, the stench of cleaning supplies and plastic gloves wedged into your sinuses. It was a similar smell to his office, but the weight of humidity made it sour to swallow.
Once your nose adjusted, you finally consumed your surroundings.
An organized table, a glass cabinet containing every scrap and screw in a designated box. A plethora of tools, varying in size, clean and gleaming.
“You’ll be working here for most of the engineering process.”
His voice was the closest it had ever been to you. It never lost the roughness around its edges, but It’s placid cadence was gentler than it had been before.
You nodded slowly, still drinking in the freshness of your workspace.
“If you have any materials you need that aren’t here, we can retrieve them from the storage on floor one.”
You took a step towards the table, running your hand over the cool, solid metal. Your reflection wasn’t foggy, it was clear, precise, detailed.
You weren’t a silhouette down here.
You turned around to face Miguel.
A hunter, tensed, and dangerous. Wary of you, observing the way your chest rose with breath and hollowed without it. His face a novel of age told in creases and folds, hostile and glacial.
So different from his hands, you thought (one that you buried).
“Do you even use this?” Your question had more bite to it than you intended.
He nodded slowly. “Sometimes, if I need to.”
You rose your brow. “How often is ‘need to’?”
“Maybe once a month.”
You nearly choked. “Once a month? You use this room once a month? God, you are clinically insane.”
It baffled you that a room like this sat unused and empty for weeks at a time. It was no mystery why the room looked so untouched.
So perfect.
Your hand found the bridge of your nose. “Jesus. So they just, gave this to you? And you don’t use it?”
His brows crossed. “Of course I use it. It just doesn’t have a lot of purpose in my line of work,” he sighed, muffling his frustration, “and it’s essentially… yours now. So it doesn’t really matter.”
The hot oil and dry metal of your old lab became a memory, a hiccup in your lungs. The years of anonymity and shadow felt irrelevant now, the possession of something greater kissing your filthy hands.
“Thank you.”
An accident. A crack in the seamless anger you had molded around your shoulders- armor. He saw it, and you felt the way it vibrated, cotton-mouthed and speechless.
You weren’t supposed to thank the hand that fed you poison, not if you were already rotten. You were supposed to bite, rip it’s tendons and foam at the thought of its empty palm, bare and boneless.
But you let your awe, a spark of tender in a fire of brutal, speak for you. Moved your teeth and numbed your tongue, so the words felt effortless, light.
Maybe, even, forgiving.
Miguel nodded, his silence a salvation. He knew what you felt, and how it wrecked you. But he didn’t acknowledge it, and for the second time you felt like expressing gratitude.
A drowse. An ease. A lull.
You tried to describe overwhelming air that surrounded you when you stepped back out into the hallway with any word that wasn’t comfortable.
It couldn’t be, for the sake of your enmity, your acid. You had to make him drunk on it, the burn of astringency rotting his throat, signing his respite.
It would make your victory, the loosening of your leash at the sight of the other side of the fence, all the more delicious.
(But taste wasn’t your strongest sense, was it?)
Could you live on the sight of polished metal? The feeling of the lab under your fingers, it’s gleam on the life-lines of your palm? Do you take the peace offering (domestication of a cornered dog), or do you fight it, wrestling the cage you put yourself in?
Do you drink it’s draft, eat it’s still, the heart of it all stuck in your canines?
(Monster, they’d call you. But you’d be fed.)
Perhaps, his shadow wouldn’t starve you. You were no flower. You didn’t belong with daffodils and lavender; you grew with the moss and fungus and the dirt they sat between. You could be a creature of midnight, if you chose.
But you didn’t like the dark. Firmly rooted in childish imagination, chills never ceased when the lights went out. You hated sleeping with a lamp, or the screen of a computer (a grown substitute for your childhood night-light), but you hated the depths more. Dissimilar to those your age, you never grew out of that fear.
(But could you?
It all made you reconsider your wariness in Miguel. Would you be the same, without your spite? Does it kill your fire, or ignite it? You don’t trust these questions, but you don’t trust much of anything, do you?)
The corridor was absent of buzz, and for a moment you forgot the evening had crawled down Alchemax, digging its pitch claws into its gaps and dragging the employees home.
You were alone with the company saint.
One glance at him, at his broad shoulders and strong nose, the way his mouth curves down, silenced all considerations of trust.
There was too much of him to try. Too much you were unfamiliar with, even if he gave you a sanctuary. So instead, you caged your thoughts, following him blindly even as they festered.
His stride was difficult to match, long and purposeful, but not empty of uncertainty. He stuttered around corners, paused at cross roads.
His limited visits of the floor spoke loud as he tried to navigate it.
“Do you even know where you going?” You asked, leaning forward to meet his pace.
He looked at you, offended. “Of course I do.”
He paused, looking at the left and right halls, before going left. You laughed.
“Doesn’t look like it.”
He walked faster now, avoiding you.
You caught his expression, lucent under yellow bulbs. The guise looked weathered, old, as if it had been used a thousand times before, pulled from his pocket, worn from its coarse fabric.
It would be wrong to call it annoyance, anger or exhaustion. In fact, it would be wrong to call it anything at all. It was the vacancy of emotion, of a ‘look’. Miguel was hard to read, but now it felt impossible. It made you shiver, how something so absent could mean so much.
(But why did it?
You hadn’t ever been bent on knowing someone more than their hands- what their fingers can weave and mold. How malleable metal and something more could be under their nails. Their face, their features their looks never mattered then, so why now- why him?
Did his words really have this much weight? Could a gesture that told you ‘it’s for you, it’s yours’ so powerful and foreign that it broke the walls you has so patiently built from scratch, from pique and contempt?
Surely, your will was stronger. You couldn’t be persuaded, tamed by a shiny new toy.
But maybe you had been. A glimpse of generosity, humanity in him was all you needed to let your repulsion simmer and still.
Give a dog a bone. It fetches.
At least, until you stopped throwing.)
You felt guilty.
Maybe he never meant to give you the room on purpose, and you were just desperate for something (someone) to show you appreciation.
But a part of you, the one that was good at reading underlying messages, told you he wasn’t as heinous as you thought he was.
“Here, follow me.”
You weren’t sure if he had actually come with you. You just had to trust that he would trust you.
(Trust falls underground. There wasn’t any risk. Slow steps, small, cautious. But it was something.)
When you pointed to the elevator on the map and looked over your shoulder, his veil had vanished. It was replaced by a tranquility, one that lifted the corners of his mouth. Not quite a smile, but close.
When you finally made it to the steel doors, the reflection that looked back at you was still foggy. But maybe that was okay.
You didn’t look the same to everything.
This time though, it didn’t disappear.
Instead, the box reeled, and suddenly the bottoms of your feet felt the expanse of gravity below and how still you were above it.
The short alarm felt secondary after you were plundged into darkness. Fragile, hysteric beats in your chest, followed by a string of curses.
“We’re stuck.”
special thanks to (aka taglist) ➪︎ @cherryrevenger @toaffes @vomit4brains @vxxxb @minimari415 @buko-pandan @viriexo @asimplesimpleton @marcswife21 @the-silvercow @mochi46106 @ch6ntt @epihowl @hexmaniacjade @jinsomniacs
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devilish-parrot · 10 days
Tally Hall themed names for pets:
you can also use this to name your children (or renaming yourself)
If you own a tally hall themed zoo(bin), then you know where to look for names
these are all of course only sugestions. im not forcing you to name you dog zirconium pants.
Most of this isnt serious but if you see some good ideas, go for it. youre welcome in advance
(this has been sitting in my drafts for months and ive lost motivation to finish it but you can roughly guess how it goes)
peoples names:
Electric guitar
Acoustic guitar
Roland Amp
Pair names:
What, When
Circles, Spirals
Birds, Bees (unfortunetly most people will think its a sex ed reference)
Mary-Kate, Ashley (most ppl will think its a direct reference to the olsen twins though)
Juno, Sun
Good, Evil
T, A-L-L-Y
Case, Bass
Click, Flick
Collectable, Delectable
No Answers, No Questions
Bubmle, Mumble
Once, Twice
Where, There
Here, There
Twice, Thrice
Direction, Voice
Double, Bonus
Bung Vulchungo, Zimbabwe Songbirds
Laugh, Kick it back
Rythm, Rhyme
Whether, Whatever
Whether, Anything
Bungalay, Bungalow
Too much, Not enough
Back, Forth
One Thing, Another
Spring, Storm
Enthusiastic, Alive
Silent, Explosive
Over Again, Never Again
Laugh, Clap
Serious, Delirious
Gallows, Ghetto
Town, Meadow
Billows, Over the Sun
End of a time, Another Begun
sky, all the land
Song Lyrics:
Good Day
Id like to say hello and welcome you good day
Glass eyes
Cardboard houses
Xray Vision
Silly Rhymes
Silly games
Question Marks
2. Greener
Breaking me slowly
Greener shade of envy
3. Welcome to Tally Hall
Mini Mall
Mega Mart
Eddie Thatch (most ppl will think youre directly referencing blackbeard)
Tizzy Hizzy
Tally Hall (not the most creative but whatever)
Automated Players
Suave Fellow
Heterophonic Tunes
Proud Loud Guy
Sipping 'gnac (or Cognac)
Bill Laimbeer
Unpredictable Games
English Chap
Robo-Electronic Ebonics
Quick Distraction
Mechanic Attraction
Good Old-Fashioned Puppet Show
Marionette Quintet
We think we're playing in a band
4. Taken For a Ride
Helpless land
Sadistic Mystic
Fifteen Flights
Painted Whispered Light
Forgotten Hill
Stranded Senate
White Brick House
Lonely Papaerbacks
Wooden Sign
One Secondary Smile
Extra Mile
Chemistry (is gone)
Taken for a Ride
World Renowned
Last real day of silence
Picture of a Letter
No Secrets (In the door)
5. The Bidding
Mmm-mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm (you have to hum the tune)
Cardboard Box
Liqor shop
Pavlov Dog
(Activate my) Bell
(Not a) Single Lady
I graduated at the Top
(I like to take advantage of the) Bourgeoisie
Couple bucks
Four Times a Lady
Dont shop Around
The Bidding
He's Sold
6. Be Born
Quite Content
Swimming Pool
Pink-Skinned Babes
Forever Young
See the Sun
Six Inches
Dozen People
(Follow my) Instruction
Little Ball
Bah/ Dah/ Baheyah
7. Banana Man
Colonel P.T Chester Whitmore
Bung Vulchungo
Zimbabwe Songbirds
Banana man
White Hot Sand
Banana Tree
Banana Flow
Mm mm mm mmm
Spirit Game
Spirit Names
Spirit Cloud
Fire light
Little Fun
Bumping of the drum
Go with the Flow
Whatever you may never know
Beckoning Man
Nine o clock
Busy Town
8. Just Apathy
Just one state of mind
Something better
(no) Perfect find
Why i bother
Consider the Possibility
Im so tired
I feel bad
I made her sad
I need to learn
Step blindly
close my eyes
Acting kindly
9. Spring and a Storm
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Please stop complaining
Clouds growled overhead
Drained my soul away
Mr moon
Eternally high (great name for a giraffe)
Over and over and over again
Never again
10. Two Wuv
little thing
just a fling
solely mine
great eyes
enrolled in your school
im calling from tally hall
say that again slowly
lovliness blossomed
11. Haiku
ancient asian poetry
lost in the sauce
formulaec verse
tried attempts
lah da dee diddum lah dah dah dum ditto dum doo lah dee doh
12. the whole world and you
pretty people
passing letters
questions answered
la la la la la la la la la la la la
distant cities
revealed the truth
not about me
13. Ruler of everything
juno was mad
shot at the sun
wily one only friend
mechanical hands
ruler of everything
zurconium pants
standing so tall
side of the hill
observing the birds
circle in for the kill
detective undercover brotherhood
objective obscene
flibbity jibbity jibber jabber
word to sell story to tell
ringing the bell
you resemble a fool
bumbling dragon
14. Hidden in the sand
playing in the sand
found a little band
bid adieu
buy a pony
15. Mucka Blucka
mucka blucka
mucka ba-ba
jerk chicken
Good & Evil
Never meant to know
lay of the land
feather in cap
sun in the sand
together again
the earth can stay below
meat from the bone
perfectly equal
being alone
outermost clime
parts combine to one
around the sun
the sun the shadows cast
reasons on the other hand
2. &
love of the s*n
martyr claiming friends
either perspective of &
weak, strong
wet, dry
right, wrong
live, die
sane, gone
love, not
we forgot
hear it
dont deny it
high, low
new, old
stop, go
hot, cold
john, yoko
dark, light
good night
lesson fron their fathers
same command
lives stuck beside
words, numbers
sound, silence
stop the peace, keep the violence
no, yes
we digress
sad, hapenis (i know how to spell happiness i just cant unhear "ha penis oh god")
big bad betty
golden rule
jungle meet
nothing to love, no one to beat
thungs we know, things we dont
think, cant, will, wont
loath to gather
together, bereft
capitalists, communists
hokey pokey
hate eachother, love yourselves
heaven, hell
3. you & me
starting out a road
carefully unload
another seed to sow
getaway undone
divine, circular design
do do-do do-do
time, place
points along a line
keep on turning
sitting in the park
carefully remark
better when youre learning
in the dark
keep on turning
turn away and around
ive been coming down
4. cannibal
place where she can stay
need to feed
willing victim
rips out my bones
blood is drained
calls it a game
dig up the skeletons
corners disguised
phantom of glammer
5. who you are
sitting, waiting, hoping
air, night, airplane
flight overcame
emmiting a glow
holding the thoughts
thinking too often
little aloft
not enough heart
armed to the teeth
falls down
rose up, rode underground
finding found
6. sacred beast
service of the king
in control of everything
queen decides
lives, dies
tonight we will sing
love, *humming and whistling*
easiest thing
slay the sacred beast
claim our innocence
wont return
riding high
easisest thing
claim our innocence
it knows its only truth
made of lies
auht, ever-wise
other sides of our disguise
seperate peace
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conchobarbarian · 2 months
I want this in a visual form but that's not within my skillset so imagine:
kabru and the canaries decide to follow through on getting mithrun a dog, but obviously it has to be the RIGHT dog. laios has plenty of room in his royal kennels, so they get to work vetting (ha) candidates.
pattadol (people-pleaser) brings in a golden retriever (people-pleaser). mithrun cannot, of course, be pleased.
kabru comes in with a big, beautiful, spoiled, aloof dog like the elven nobles like to keep lounging around, because that'll speak to mithrun's early life, right? it and mithrun just stare each other down with absolute apathy.
fleki just grabs a stray dog off the street, which pees on the floor and barks at pattadol and tries to eat mithrun's boot. fleki is keeping her.
otta's pick is the wrinkliest bulldog puppy you've ever seen. is she hoping to use him to pick up girls at the dog park? maybe.
other people start showing up with their own ideas. marcille brings in a toy breed with bows in its hair. laios suggests several different hunting dogs, but gets too attached to each of them. shuro sends over an akita of his father's proudest pedigree line. falin (bullied by dogs) thinks maybe a cat would be a good option. izutsumi gets treed by fleki's mutt. leed and zon offer mithrun his pick out of a litter of worgs, while laios weeps with envy. milsaril sends him a remarkably disquieting stuffed animal.
in the end, though, chilchuck wins. he brings in a corgi who is absolutely not going to stop nipping at mithrun's ankles until it has gotten its dinner, and an evening walk, and a tummy rub. your inability to experience the most basic desire does not make you immune to a little dog who is going to herd you to bed NOW.
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seoafin · 1 year
one / two
There is nothing in the world Mikage Reo wants for.
He’s a signed, international soccer player, the midfielder to Nagi Seishiro’s forward. The support at Nagi’s side. There is nothing in the world he’d rather be doing. After the success of his dreams, his parents’ cries for him to take over Mikage corporation had been effectively silenced, and he was free to shape his own future.
Mikage Reo has everything he could ever want, and there is nothing that could possibly dampen the high he feels everyday, playing soccer with the person he aspired to take to the top.
Nothing but—
Something is bothering Nagi.
If any good has come out of being at Nagi’s side for years now, it’s coming to know the cues in his apathy and being able to decode the slight changes in expression. It’s coming to know Nagi almost as well as he knows himself, and on the field, that synchronization is everything. On and off the field, Mikage Reo knows Seishirou Nagi.
And right now, there’s a telltale furrow to Nagi’s eyebrows, a slight downturn of his lips, as he is laid flat across the grass, taking deep breaths. He wipes the sweat off his face with the collar of his jersey. The movement is almost lethargic, and his eyes are unfocused as he stares at the ceiling of the stadium. Something is bothering the striker.
Physically, Nagi is in top condition (the dietician and personal trainer Reo had personally hired for all of his and Nagi’s strict dietary needs and physical training can attest to this). Even his performance during their practices and training have been at his peak. But Reo can tell his head isn’t in it. Not fully. And with a game coming up, it falls on Reo to ensure Nagi is at his very best.
“What’s with you? Your head isn’t in the game.” Reo straightens, breaths heavy, limbs aching. His shadow casts a darkness across Nagi’s figure. He blinks, as if Reo has suddenly appeared out of nowhere like some apparition, as if he’s seeing Reo for the first time. All of a sudden, Mikage Reo is seventeen, watching Nagi Seishiro choose Isagi Yoichi over him, and it is the first time in his life he is not good enough. Not enough to be at Nagi’s side. Not enough for his genius.
It had sent him spiraling the first time in a furious void of self loathing and envy. It is not a memory he likes to revisit.
There is nothing bothering Nagi that Reo can’t fix with a simple phone call. The resources of the Mikage corporation are still his, after all. The world is at his fingertips. He’ll find whatever’s bothering him, whether that be some sold out video game or an itchy comforter, and then the Nagi he’s managed so carefully over the years will come back to him.
There is nothing Nagi could possibly say that could surprise him. He’s known Nagi for so long that it can’t possibly anything more than a minor inconv—
“I want to see her.”
Reo’s heart plummets, and it feels like the stadium surrounding him is crumbling down. The her in question is clear. There is no other her in Nagi's life. Of course it’s you. It’s always you. In high school, you never liked him. The feeling was mutual. You held more sway over Nagi than he had initially, even in the throes of the anger Nagi couldn't appease. You had known him longer and it wasn't lost on him how Nagi looked to you for guidance more often than not.
If you had told him to give up on soccer, he would have.
But you were there one day, and then you weren’t. And that was all that mattered. He had won the right to be at Nagi’s side, not you. In the end, if Nagi was fazed, then he didn’t show it. The two of them had gone to Blue Lock, and the rest is history.
Mikage Reo is twenty three years old, a professional soccer player, and he has everything in life he has ever wanted in his reach.
He should be enough now. 
Then as if to rub salt in the wound, Nagi rises and meets his gaze, ignorant of the internal turmoil his words have yanked back out from the mess of insecurities inside of him that have never fully healed. Nagi simply looks at him, already expectant.
Some things, Nagi has never understood.
“...You’ll help me, won’t you Reo?”
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kaitou-kid-my-beloved · 8 months
A Little Ghost in a Bowtie (@livmadart's Phantump Conan AU)
(Chapter four of four!) (Prev) (Ao3 link)
Ah. So that is why the pidgey thought they’d be able to get more information from Conan. Conan wasn’t just a bystander, an invisible pokemon that happened to witness the crime, he was the victim. Phantump was ghost type, and while ghost types often weren’t actually ghosts… in this case, the old legends proved to be true.
Heiji had run into a few ghost types born of human souls before, but usually those were old ghosts, with decades or longer experience as pokemon under their belts. The one in front of him, just a meter away, in pokemon terms he couldn’t be more than two months old.
Wow. Wow. Heiji could barely imagine.
It didn’t seem like Ran-chan knew- how could she? It’s not something people really think about anymore, and she wouldn’t have introduced him so cheerfully if she’d known… Heiji imagined for a second what it would be like, to die, and come back- only to watch everyone he loved mourn him… he imagined what it would be like to lose Kazuha, only for her to be right next to him and never know…
Well. Since it was him, he’d know, but if he didn’t have his ability…
Darn. He did not envy Kudo- or, Conan? He’d seemed happy with the name when Lucie had called him that- Heiji would have to ask his preference later.
“My memory after that is a little foggy, b’cause, y’know, head trauma, but I remember them mentioning that poison made by their organization, and then they left me there. And now I’m here,” Conan was still talking, and Heiji managed to just barely comprehend his words through his own imaginings.
“...Ah, I… see.” Lucie managed, apparently dealing with her own feelings on the matter. Conan looked at her for a moment, before sighing.
“Pidgey didn’t tell you who I was, did she?”
“No. No she didn't,” Lucie said, short and terse. Heiji wondered if he would have to stop her from finding that Pidgey, and beating her up for not giving them all the vital information.
“Whoops, I guess,” Conan shrugged, unconcerned. Heiji supposed that apathy was a coping mechanism.
“Hattori-kun? Are you alright?” Ran-chan asked, cocking her head in concern.
Heiji looked up- he’d become so focused on the pokemon’s conversation that he’d completely forgotten he’d been talking to someone too- frick. It happened every once in a while, and was always a little embarrassing to explain. Not only that, he supposed his face may have shown a little of the many emotions he was currently feeling.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, totally fine,” He forced a smile on his face, mentally shaking himself off, and grounding himself to the moment.
“So, did you get what you needed?” She asked, offering him a wry smile.
“Oh yeah- I mean, yes. Yes I did,” He did his best not to look at the ghost of her best friend sitting in her lap.
“Well that’s good- I want to be of as much help as I can but… Well, Hattori-kun, I’m not going to tell you to stop investigating, because I know Shinichi wouldn’t have listened to me either, but, maybe be careful about all this? Don’t… Don’t bite off more than you can chew. For everyone else’s sake as much as your own.” Ran-chan squeezed her eyes shut, and held Conan closer to her. He was shaking- and he put his head down, curling his tail over his eyes.
Heiji gulped, taking in the weight of her words. Don’t end up like Shinichi. It was the opposite of what everyone had told him for so long, but they hit him right in the heart like no other message like it had. He could see exactly where being a reckless idiot had landed Kudo and for once… Yeah. He didn’t want that.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he won’t get into anything too bad,” Lucie growled, placing a paw on Heiji’s head.
“Well, it looks like your Lucario is on it!” Ran-chan laughed, standing up. “You’ll have to let me battle her sometime!
“Yes please, Heiji, can we do that?” Lucie barked happily, lightly cuffing him over the head as he stood up too.
“Maybe next time we’re in Saffron,” He said, in response to both of them.
“Hey, Conan,” Lucie called to Conan, who was still held firmly in Ran-chan’s grasp. “You’re a wild ‘mon, right? Meet us outside, there’s still some stuff we’d like to discuss with you,”
“Uh, okay?” Conan warbled, confused.
“Well, Hattori-kun, it was nice to meet you- though when we see each other again I’d like it to be under happier circumstances,” Ran-chan said, a light smile on her face.
“Yeah, it was nice to meet you too,” he said, and he really did mean it. She seemed very nice- the sort of person Kazuha would be fast friends with.
He exited the agency with Lucie in tow, letting the afternoon sunlight fall on his face. He took a deep breath, and let it out. That had been… a lot.
“You said there’s more you wanted to talk about?”
Both Heiji and Lucie jumped this time. They leaned against each other to let the adrenaline pass as Conan faded into visibility in front of them.
“Does terrifying people just come naturally to ghost types??” Lucie hissed, taking a few steps back.
“Uh, I guess?” Conan blinked, as though seriously considering her query.
“Nevermind that- do you mind if we walk while we talk? I don’t want Ran-chan to think we’re just loitering outside,” Heiji said, sighing at Lucie’s words.
“I don’t mind- it’s not really like I have anything better to do,” He said, voice dry. “Though I’m mostly going to be talking to Lucie, anyway,” He sighed.
“Not exactly,” Heiji shrugged, starting off down the sidewalk. Conan paused, hesitating before following.
“It’s part of the reason we wanted to leave to talk to you more,” Lucie growled, a toothy grin splitting her muzzle. “Heiji can-”
“I can understand pokemon, yeah,” Heiji cut her off. She took a light hearted swipe at him, but it was worth it.
“You can-” Conan cut himself off, his blue eyes blowing wide. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I don’t really know why, it’s just something I’ve always been able to do,” Heiji shrugged nonchalantly as Conan put a nub of a hand up to his chin, thinking hard.
“It makes sense- since Lucie said that you came to the agency off of a tip that I was there, and that I would be able to tell you more about my case- but you couldn't have known to do that unless you also heard and understood that tip,” Conan mumbled to himself. It sounded… really eerie, with his whole echoing little kid voice thing he had going on. Heiji could say one thing though, he was definitely a detective.
“That’s right,” Lucie cut in. “Usually while Heiji is questioning people, I question local pokemon, and then we share notes!” She grinned. “It’s a system the police wish they could have,”
“The police don’t have my ability- most people don’t have my ability, so technically the things I learn from it I can only use as a framework since they’re not permissible in court,” Heiji sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Skill issue,” Lucie shrugged.
“Not entirely true, pokemon testimonies have been used in court cases before- especially in cases of ghost types like me, testifying at their own cases,” Conan started, “There’s just a lot of hoops you need to jump through in order to make it work, including finding multiple different avenues of determining testimony, and seeing if they all match up to determine what the pokemon is actually saying, so I mean, you could,” He said, flicking his tail absentmindedly.
“Been doing research?” Heiji raised an eyebrow.
“...Yes,” Conan sighed. “Listen, if death can’t stop me, bureaucracy won’t either,”
Heiji found himself laughing, despite the dark nature of the joke. Lucie was also snickering a bit, and Conan was smiling, so he didn’t feel bad about it.
“Speaking of that,” Lucie said, expertly steering conversation both exactly where they needed it to go, and to the most uncomfortable topic. “The men who killed you- you said you saw them again?” Lucie continued onwards, completely ignoring the concept of tact- though, that might be best for everyone for now.
“Oh, right,” Conan nodded. “I saw them on a train- Ran’s dad's friend was getting married, so they were taking a bullet train to Ecruteak. Those two guys just happened to be there- so I listened in on their conversations,” He said, floating a little ahead of Heiji and Lucie so he could face them while they walked.
Man, invisibility must be nice. Not that Heiji was willing to die to get it, just… it would be nice.
“That’s when I heard them mention their codenames,”
“Gin and Vodka, you said?” Lucie confirmed.
“Right- and I also heard them talking about how there was a bomb on the train, which is why I didn't follow them off at their stop,” He said, his eyes going a bit darker there at the end.
“Wow, yeah that’s a good reason,” Heiji nodded.
“Yikes,” Lucie agreed.
“Luckily I was able to cause enough of a ruckus to get the bomb out of the train in time, but it was close there for a second,” He breathed a latent sigh of relief.
“That’s… yeah,” Heiji just nodded. He wasn’t sure how else to respond to that.
Heiji was a good highschool detective, sure, but he was starting to see why Shinichi Kudo was hailed as the best of them. Heiji had dealt with homicide after homicide, theft after theft after assault- but he’d never dealt with terrorists; never dealt with bomb threats, never dealt with syndicates, and never dealt with his own death. Kudo had seen and dealt with all of that, and just got up, and kept going.
He had died, and had still gotten up, and kept at it.
Heiji was a little mad at how much he respected the heck out of him for it. This was supposed to be someone he hated. But, well… It was always the name he’d hated- hated how it loomed over him, it was that reputation and the legend surrounding him that Heiji hated. But the person?
Heiji hated the name Shinichi Kudo, but he didn’t hate the name Conan; and he didn’t think Conan hated it either.
“Hey… Conan?” Heiji asked.
“Yeah?” The little ghost looked up at him, blue eyes shining in the sun.
“Do you… do you want me to tell her?”
Conan froze, staring at him. Slowly, he lowered his eyes down to the pavement. His nubs came to rest on that bowtie of his around his neck- and Heiji didn’t have to wonder who gave it to him.
“...No, I don’t want you to tell her,” He sighed.
“Why not?” Lucie asked, and Heiji elbowed her, just barely missing impaling his arm on her chest spike.
“She’s been through enough- she doesn’t need to go through… this too,” He said, his voice coming out in an echoey, pained keen.
Yeah. He’d been broken down, but he just… kept getting back up. Heiji really did find himself respecting this little, barely two month old pokemon.
“Well then… I guess I won’t,” Heiji sighed, putting his arms behind his head. “She told us to be careful, and we will, but I’m seeing this through to the end. And hey, maybe you will get to testify in court one day,” Conan snorted, but he raised his head, so Heiji counted it as a win.
“If you ever need anything else, you know where to find me. I’m a bit personally invested in this one, if you can imagine,” Conan smirked at him, and Heiji wondered if he’d made this many dark jokes before he’d died, or if this was a recent thing.
“Aaand we’re typically hanging around in Goldenrod if you ever need anything,” Lucie said, patting Conan on the head with a paw. “Just ask any pokemon, and they’ll tell you where to find us!”
“Thanks… I think I’ll take you up on that,” He laughed, and started drifting off back toward the agency.
“See you later, I guess,” Heiji said, sliding his hands into his pockets.
“Yeah, don’t die before I see you next!” Conan laughed, before fading away.
“Yeah, I’ll… Do my best,” Heiji responded, not sure if Conan was still there or not.
“So… feel like heading home and getting a lecture about running off to another city without permission?” Lucie asked.
“... Y’know what? I kinda am, actually,”
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outism-odyssey · 11 months
Outis Base EGO Sin Analysis
Right, I made this blog specifically to analyze her sins... and promptly forgot to do that!
For the meanings of each sin, I’ll be largely referring to this post from @lu-is-not-ok​ (its a very good post, do check it out!)
I originally meant to do her base ID and EGO in the same post, but, the EGO alone goes on for a while. (I’ll probably write up the base ID tomorrow)
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Sin Costs
To Páthos Máthos costs 2 pride and 2 sloth, and translates to "Suffering Becomes Experience". Pride generally represents ignoring consequences. Act now, deal with the problems later. And almost always, pride-related actions ate taken out of the belief the benefits will outweigh the consequences. Sloth, on the other hand, represents apathy and resignation. It has many uses, but a particular use I think resonates with this ego is to do things without ever complaining or acting out.
Together, these sins would suggest that Outis believes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That she should press on, stoic and ignoring the pain, believing in the end she'll come out better for it. But, I don't think she actually believes that. Rather, it's what she *wants* to believe.
Early in canto 4, Outis tells the other sinners that "experiencing a certain pain will make you learn to fear and avoid it." And she says this in a very different tone of voice to the rest of her speech. It certainly doesn't sound like the words or tone of someone who thinks pain makes them stronger.
Her EGO's line is "the odyssey has a purpose." And in the context of her speech in canto 4? It sounds to me like she's trying to convince herself. She's trying to tell herself that there's meaning to her suffering, and that she hasn't just gone through all this for no reason. Telling herself that her odyssey did have a purpose.
Sin Resistances
There’s a few theories around about what exactly sin resistances on a sinner’s EGO means (like this one from analytical-machine!), but for this analysis I’ll be sticking to my own interpretation of it.
In the abnormality EGOs, I don’t believe resistances mean much of anything.it’s just the abnormality’s resistances, and it’s always identical across all sinners with the same EGO. But, the base EGOs are more interesting.
For a sinner’s base EGO, I believe the sins they’re fatal to are in some way connected to the origins of their traumas, while the sin they endure is how they’re trying to escape it - either literally or metaphorically.
For instance, Gregor has fatal for gloom and envy damage - respectively representing his PTSD and feelings towards G corp, and Hermann using him as a test subject and poster boy. On the other hand, he endures sloth. Gregor escaped the room he was locked into when, out of resignation, he cut the apple and was allowed to leave - resignation being heavily associated with sloth.
The resistances for To Páthos Máthos are: Fatal: lust, envy Endured: gloom
The combination of lust and envy was odd. Lust is associated with self-indulgence, following your own whims and goals. But Envy is associated with taking action because of someone else. They seem like complete opposites. I kind of didn’t know what to do about them. But, @speedynamo​ had some great insight in some comments, and I’ll paraphrase those below.
For Outis’ envy weakness: In The Odyssey, Odysseus ended up in the trojan war because he was bound by a truce to support the Greeks if Helen were ever to be kidnapped. When Paris of Troy asked Aphrodite for the most beautiful woman on earth for marriage, Aphrodite gave him Helen - thus kicking off the war and dragging in Odysseus.
And for the lust: War's often promoted as something that will make you complete. And because of that, many people think the best way to achieve your desires is to go out, fight in war, and come back as a war hero.
Speedynamo mentioned that their analysis hinged on there being a very close equivalent to the Trojan war. And there certainly is: the smoke war! While the specifics probably aren’t identical, there is a good chance that Outis’ experience was similar. Something was stolen (likely Old L Corp’s singularity?), and a deal/truce involving it dragged Outis into the war, where she believed she could complete herself by becoming a war hero.
It probably didn’t work out that way, though. So, how does Outis deal with it? With her resisting gloom... it seems like she doesn’t handle it. Gloom as a sin is all about stewing in your negative emotions, buckling under pressure, letting those emotions control you. And while we never see her express this directly, there are a few rare moments where she seems to show this side of herself - like when she tells Dongrang the calf will remember him, or in her sunshower EGO’s corrosion line (which is a topic for another time)
But, with her mask(s) on constantly, it’s not often that you see this side to her.
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themolluscasometimes · 5 months
AIGHT ive been thinking about the calamity!yin yu au bc im disgustingly brainrotted and all the holes in my brain are being filled with mxtx ship thoughts.
calamity! yin yu who simultaneously finds quan yizhen breathtaking and is proud of him and truly, genuinely, fundamentally also HATES him. But then stuff happens, character development, trauma, tragedy etc etc and we see it all unfold into yin yu's self disgust and his stengthening belief that his ability to hate someone like quan yizhen is evidence of his disgraceful nature so that hatred turns inward and the rest to exhausted resignation and theres a dynamic betwen the two of them thats moving from yin yu hating-loving qyz to apathy and self hatred and qyz moving from his immature affection of 'i want you to like me' to taking some initiative in 'i want to love you and to do so is to show you the you that saved me/made me who i am' like. for the love of god. they need an arc that brings them together in such a way that they both grow and benefit, in a ways thats natural and doesnt undercut the truth of yin yu's envy and resentment and qyz's wilful ignorance of yinyu's needs and emotions as an individual who doesnt exist just to give and be kind.
like. listen. im not here to give just one of them an arc. yinyu is going to have all his self hatred and envy and awful emotions and work through them to find the love he already holds for qyz and then LET QYZ LOVE HIM IN RETURN.
But I also need QYZ to have the realisation that love is a verb. It's something you do for other people. Yin yu isn't the perfect untouchable, endlessly kind shixiong who gave him the life he has and to whom qyz has little to nothing to offer. Bc Yin yu doesn't love himself, qyz has to do it for him. (yeah im giving them a 'let me hang out in your lair while youre having this mental breakdown and recovering from injuries and let me help you' arc)
I still have a lot of deets to work out but it's precanon divergence in which Yin Yu descends, wants to die, becomes a ghostly ex god that no one in the heavens wants to acknowledge bc it would mean admitting he's one of theirs.
qyz just wants him to stop doing these horrible things because even if you want revenge, it's not something shixiong would want if he were in his right mind and thinking like he usually does.
Yin Yu does want revenge. So he's bitter, so what. but it's not what he's doing. not really. destroying the things left in the world that serve as evidence of his existence just conveniently happens to double as vengeance. Whether it's vengeance against others or vengeance against himself is unclear. salvation is unachievable for someone like him, but he's always been good at self-sabotage. whats a step further into self-annihilation.
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I've been cooking :>
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my-fancy-hat · 11 months
I can definitely see the vision that Yoshida's perse Denji's personal arc and relationship can be read as the queer closeted experience too as some people have pointed out in these past chapters. Both who share the same feelings of disconnection with their environment, in addition to an inherited social ineptitude and naivety about what it really means to be normal, in which they assume that the origin of their frustration and sadness comes from their weirdness and not from the rejection that the same scheme who ignored them now inflicts on them. This uncertainty of knowing that, despite the fact that you are doing what the manual says, what the majority does, you still do not get the same results of satisfaction and personal fulfillment that everyone gets, is what increases this frustration and pilled anger against their surroundings and against each other; Yoshida has faith that this is the path to take, that the results are guaranteed by logic so tries to persuade Denji to trust on his good intentions, while Denji is submerged in an existential crisis from said normality that feels more transgressive than comforting, even though he already has what he wished for and maybe what Yoshida envy of him. Them forcing each other to do things they both know it won't make them feel any different from the usual apathy and sense of losing themselves in the progress with so little reward such as doing the expected of their asigned gender roles (men always wants girls, always wants sex) for example, only increasing their solitude as a result.
Like, we all know the obvious, that all of this comes from their respective backgrounds and duties, Denji as the extremely poor orphan kid forced into child-labor and, taking Yoshida's subtle wording, it makes you think he's not so different from him, like a child soldier raised by the state similar to Makima and Reze. These feelings of the uncomfortable normality that secures your place as the "social failure" despite your desperate attempts to prove yourself to be worthy of acceptance, are very common around a lot of groups incluiding the one mentioned on here, as on top of that is so valid to take in consideration the not so-subtle tension (and poor tasted jokes), misunderstanding but at the same time complicity between Yoshida and Denji makes this interpretation really interesting, to me.
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innerchorus · 3 months
Thinking about the Turanian invasion (the one in the canon era, not the one that's looming over the horizon in the fic rn) and Kishward (and Bahman?) imploring lords around the country to omg go and help Team Gorgan PLEASE and thinking about who'd show up... I think Lushan would. He just has that air about him— I wonder if Tus and Zaravant would, and if so, what would prompt them...
Meanwhile Gorgan is chaos.
(also thinking a lot about Ranna and Alfarīd, help me)
Ooh, some logistics at play here! Since this is AU based I'm not sure how much advance warning they have of the Turanian army's approach but from the sounds of it in this scenario the border has already been breeched and Team Gorgan are attempting to hold them up which... I don't envy them the task but it sure sounds like it'll be exciting to read about.
I don't know what Bahman's mental state is like here but if he's troubled by anything like he is in canon then I imagine Kishward may take the lead... However, Bahman still has some steel in him and it's not unbelievable to think that Gorgan's need for reinforcements would galvanise him into action (though perhaps he's more likely to eventually surprise everyone by stepping forward to lead troops to bolster the defences himself rather than taking the lead with initially reaching out to various lords etc, which is a task I imagine would fall to Kishward while Bahman is still beset by apathy and other worries).
I assume they're sending messages to ask for reinforcements? That makes it even harder to apply pressure on reluctant lords, so they're probably aware of who they can likely count on and who they can't (Andragoras may have been able to essentially strong-arm the shahrdaran but many of them, like Hodir, would be content to sit and wait and see how things play out in his absence, especially if their own territory is not under threat.)
It's a tricky one because it's Prince Arslan's presence and proclamations that draw the various lords and their troops to Peshawar. It's hard to say exactly how many would come otherwise. I feel as though Zaravant would, he evidently feels a sense of duty towards his country and would put himself forward to represent Oxus as he does in canon. The fact that the Marzbans in Peshawar are trying to organise further defense of the border and Pars's lands would likely be enough for him. That might be a nice surprise for Kishward and Bahman who may have assumed nobody from Oxus would come. Tus would go too, probably. He has a garrison of men who would be of great help.
Lushan likewise would help if he could, even if he's not shown leading troops on the battlefield himself he's still had a military education and would presumably have troops available to him. One thing to consider though is where everyone is coming from and how much time they have (as in, how fast do they need to get to Peshawar and then on to Gorgan in order to be of real help?). This is a large invasion and the Turanians probably have very good troop mobility, I don't know how long Gorgan could hold them before they break through or bypass their defences and beseige Peshawar itself instead. Some characters might have some debate about whether it's worth leaving their lands or whether it would be better to sit tight and wait, especially as Andragoras's fate is unknown. There's likely no precedent for what to do when the Shah is missing.
I don't know how helpful these ramblings will be since a lot depends on the specifics of your AU! Happy to talk about it more (though I won't be online again now until later or maybe tomorrow).
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i really really want a young eda spinoff and i know most people are thinking about the fluffy cute stuff, seeing the old hexsquad as kids and all. i want to see that too but i also hope they use that to play up the dramatic irony and the tragedy of it all
because like. we know where these kids end up. eda and lilith being the grudgeby champions of their school? lilith gives her sister a life-crippling curse in five months and neither of them know this. odalia, alador, and darius goofing around and being best friends? at some point, we know they have a falling out and darius ends up absolutely DESPISING them (or at least alador) for the next thirty years. darius looking up to his cool emperor’s coven mentor, THE golden guard, and thinking he’s the best role model in the world? we know what happens to that golden guard. raine being all excited to show everyone how good bard magic is? we know about their slow disillusionment with the coven system over the next decades, leading them to commit treason against the covens that they-and all their friends-have spent their entire childhoods dreaming of joining.
even if every episode ends with a satisfying conclusion and the characters being happy, knowing where they end up 30 years down the line means we know most of their “victories” are temporary. even if we have an episode where eda and raine have a great time at grom together, we know that eda’s refusal to talk about her problems eventually cause that relationship to deteriorate. even if we have an episode where eda helps lilith gain some confidence, we know that lilith’s envy eventually twists into resentment and causes her to curse her sister. even if we see odalador get together and become a surprisingly sweet couple, we know that odalias’ need for control, alador’s apathy, and both their ambitions eventually warps their romance into a stiff business partnership. and that the perfect happy family they might have wanted initially eventually becomes fake and loveless.
i want to learn about some of the kids’ families as well. i want to see if odalia and alador’s parents made them Like That to amity and the twins. the show is all about generational trauma, after all. it would be sad but understandable to see the blight parents be abused by their parents and know that they ended up repeating the cycle. people say odalia and alador might have broken off their friendship with darius because of family-enforced classism to parallel amity and willow, but are we sure odalia and alador were the rich kids in this scenario? darius was the one who had connections to the golden guard, after all, and this analysis by @yardsards lays out how odalia and alador may not have come from old money. if they lost a friend because they weren’t seen as “high society,” then it could explain why odalia is so obsessed with family image and prestige as an adult. and also, i want to see raine’s parents. why did they insist on sending raine to an expensive school they hated? were they part of why raine was so insecure about the bard magic thing or was that just the other kids? also, i want to see more of gwen and dell. we already know how gwen failed the clawthorne sisters as a mother i want to see how dell did it. (i love both of them so much but it takes both parents to make your kids Like That)
and i would love to see them explore the emperor’s regime through the eyes of kids who have never known anything else. the clawthornes were wild witches, but lilith especially dreamed of joining the emperor’s coven. was this the equivalent of being the first person in your family to go to college? belos had only been ruling for two decades by that point, but he’s had followers for hundreds of years. did some of the other kids have family that were in covens? was that how darius got the golden guard to mentor him?
and why WAS the golden guard from the emperor’s coven darius’s mentor, anyway, if he later joined the abominations coven? did darius originally plan to join the emperor’s coven, but changed his mind after the golden guard’s death? did the golden guard even mentor darius while he was in high school? was his death what caused darius to separate from the friend group? did the other kids have mentors to prepare them for coven tryouts as well? if so, then were the clawthorne sisters at a disadvantage, since they had no family connections to a mentor, and that’s why lilith got desperate? we got a glimpse of the coven indoctrination of children in eda’s flashback episode, so was there more of that at hexside? were there kids other than eda who didn’t want to join a coven, but were pressured into it by society after graduation?
there’s also a bunch of potential friendships between characters that barely interact in the main show. like eda and lilith were in the same track as boscha’s parents. were they friends? rivals? grudgeby teammates? similarly, odalia and perry porter were both in the oracle track. maybe they’re just classmates but it would be really funny if they were actually besties. we get a mention of darius and raine being friends/worsties in hexside but we don’t actually know what they were like! did raine annoy darius with catboy shit like they’re doing as an adult? if they were good friends, that puts raine’s attempt on his life as an adult in a tragic light, since they probably assumed their friend had been indoctrinated by the emperor, and even if they didn’t want to kill him, they had to. it would be a huge betrayal to darius too if that were the case. (but if they were worsties it makes that scene funnier bc raine saw the chance to murder this guy whos been annoying them since age 17 and JUMPED on it)
anyway this started out as speculation on how bittersweet a young eda spinoff would be if the audience already knows the ending of their story but it spiralled into every single headcanon i have about the old hexsquad. go figure
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
The constant apathy of the fandom in general to support Jimin's projects has made me question more than once if it's really his fandom too or if it's just a part - quite a big part I'm sure - of the fandom that is a fan of him. 
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Here we are again. New year. New post. Same topic. ARMY's apathy to support Jimin. Different excuses, same result.
I haven't talked much about this topic on my blog these days because I'm honestly tired of the damn negativity and because I was dealing with more negativity in my normal life, but I want to say something about everything that happens whenever Jimin releases a song, no matter if it's solo or with someone else.
It's not the first time I've made a post like this and I don't think it will be the last either, but I'd like to be wrong.
The apathy, the disaffection this fandom, in general, feels about Jimin is disturbing. Jimin's achievements are good when they serve to show them off to an "enemy" fandom but when it comes time to support him, everyone has excuses.
It happened last year and it happened again this week.
The absurd fights between kpop fandoms have always seemed absurd to me, although some I can understand but for that to be an obstacle to support the one who is supposed to be your favourite artist seems stupid to me.
From what I could read over the weekend, and before the official release of 'VIBE', several people were saying that they didn't like the artist that Jimin decided to collaborate with. The reasons I don't fully understand and frankly, that's not the problem, the problem is that their problem with that artist and his fans outweighs the love and respect they supposedly have for Jimin and that's something my brain doesn't quite understand. To be honest, my brain has never entirely understood the reasons that many people use for not supporting Jimin's projects as they do with the projects of the other members.
I've always wondered why that happens, why that feeling of rejection almost, that many in this fandom feel for Jimin. I myself have said that it's envy, stupidity and fear and although I still believe it's all that, I think it's something else too. And someday I'd like to know what it is.
This week when many Jimin fanbase and fansites were asking to buy and stream the song 'VIBE' to take it to number one on the charts, many replied asking why, that they better do it for Jimin's solo album, that this honour should be won by him alone and not in collaboration with someone else, the answers are obviously stupid, but at the same time it's sad to read the excuses that many use only when it's about Jimin. That didn't happen with Jungkook, RM and Hobi's recent collaborations, none of them was for their solo albums, they were all for someone else's album and yet ARMY did the best they could, to support them.
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The Korean press today basically confirmed that Jimin's album will be released next month. This may be the ultimate test by which many will measure this fandom and their support and respect for Jimin. Many used the excuse that they better save their efforts for Jimin's solo debut, well, let's hope they are true to their word, there will be no more excuses that will be valid, not that the others have any validity.
I've always said that Twitter is not the representation of the fandom, it's only a tiny part of it and while I still hold that opinion, I also understand that on Twitter are many of the most important accounts that organise everything from voting to chart tracking and even funding, so it's worrying and sad that those accounts and therefore their followers don't seem to put the same effort they do for other members when it comes to Jimin.
I am aware that this fandom is quite large and while there are many, probably thousands of "fans" who are apathetic to all things Jimin there are also millions who love him. Who supports him and is excited about whatever Jimin decides to show us on his album. I'm definitely one of them.
I was excited when the guys announced that they would be doing more solo projects, including albums. I can't wait for what they all show us, everything we've seen and heard so far has been great! And so, I can't wait to see and listen to what Jimin has to show. I know it will be unique, I know it will be great, and I know Jimin will once again prove why he is not only the IT Boy of Korea but also, the IT Boy of music.
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heniareth · 2 years
There's a line where Zevran says:
"Don't worry, my sweet lady. I never asked you for anything, did I?"
And I just. There's a lot in there.
It's the immediate distance he puts between himself and the Warden. "I never asked. I merely offered. It was you who accepted, you who wanted. And it was you who put an end to something that was solely one-sided." Except that's not how relationships work and you know it, Zevran!
It's the hiding of what he wants. He never asked, he only offered what somebody else wanted. It's the people pleasing to be kept alive and well, yes, but it's also the hiding of his own motives and desires. Nobody will know what he wants. Nobody will be able to hold it over his head and make him scramble and beg for it. Nobody will blackmail him. He will have his pride and the opportunity to level an accusatory look in your direction if you mistreat him. What is given or withheld is entirely your fault and he gets to walk away with his head held high because he never asked. He let you do as you wanted and the only one whose character was revealed in this exchange was yours.
It is also, however (this mask has three layers as every good thing does) the hiding of his own desires from himself. He didn't ask for anything, he didn't want anything, didn't think it might be nice, didn't look at the way the Warden acted with close friends and had to turn and choke down the stirring of envy, no, he never asked for anything because he never wanted anything. If you do not want anything you can't be disappointed, after all.
And can you blame him? They took away his gloves. He constantly had to find his own pleasure and happiness because nobody else would give it to him freely (except maybe Rinna and he killed her). It's no wonder what he wants is not even a question he bother to answer anymore because it won't change a thing! It will only hurt when he doesn't get it. He doesn't want anything. Nothing good ever came out of wanting (or loving for that matter).
That line I think comes up if your character chooses another LI over Zevran in his jealousy dialogue, and it's funny bc he later asks if you may at least remain friends. He does want. There's just no way he'll admit it, to others or to himself. He's shrouded himself in apathy and you can hear it in his voice when he talks to Howe and Loghain, when his approval is low (but doesn't descend into hostility), when he's bargaining with you for his life after his failed ambush, in the first few conversations when talking about the Crows. He's so numb and then he's so careful to not get ripped to shreds again and it's so satisfying to see that numbness gradually fading away
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PRINCE!GOJO X KNIGHT!READER MY BELOVED i just thought about another thing and i need to get it out - i like to think out knights are connected ok. hear me out maybe my knight is just another version of yours - meaning if my knight had met satoru at a young age, they would've turned into your knight DOES THAT MAKE SENSE your knight is a bit more soft (still a warrior though!!!) while mine isn't as soft as they'd like to be and that's just because one grew up in a castle with the prince taking care of them and the other grew up having to fend for themselves they're all just sooooooooooooooo ahhhh i can't i keep thinking about your knight too like they all actually made a cozy little home in my head i love them so much
and i think your lovely "i think i was born to meet you." applies for my little prince and his little knight too:(((((((((((
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY DAY BUT WE RLLY ARE CONNECTED i was literally thinking abt this while answering that ask…. the differences between our knights…. AND UR SOSO RIGHT thats literally perfect. its canon to our lore now. 
it makes sm sense too bc the reason why my knight!reader is so devoted to prince!gojo is bc he saved them!! and i think that also leads them to have a kind of hero complex where they want to return the favor, or save others the way he saved them… but to your knight satoru is just a silly little spoiled prince that theyve never met before, so why would they like him??
ok but now im just thinking abt our knights meeting each other…::: ur knight coming face to face w a version of them that isnt as hardened, that was saved and got to live a more peaceful life….. the envy and maybe contempt? or maybe just apathy. idk but i am THINKING
AND AND AND…….. ok but what if our princes met the other version of their knight 😵‍💫😵‍💫 HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUTTT
just…. ur prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who is soso loyal and smitten w him (he would cry and explode i think)….. and my prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who lost their smile (WHO HE FAILED TO SAVE oh i think that would just break him)…… my knight being so indulgent and ur satoru taking full advantage of it, ur knight getting hissy when my gojo acts overprotective…… HHHHH IM LOSING IT MICKEY CAN U FEEL IT……..
anyways in my head theyre one big found family who take care of each other <333 love & peace on planet earth etc etc. they were meant to meet each other one way or another!!!
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The Seven Deadly Sins
This post will contain spoilers for all of Twisted Wonderland, including the main books, events, and cards may be referenced. This is your only warning.
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For those who are unacquainted with the concept of the seven deadly sins, let me explain briefly.
The seven deadly sins are basically sins that you should never commit/act upon. Acting upon them can "inspire further sin". These sins include pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. There were two sins that were removed from this list, vainglory and acedia.
Pride is basically like having a big ego and being full of yourself.
"consciousness of one's own dignity"
Vainglory is just being prideful and bragging
inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity.
They're pretty much the same thing, so they got lumped in together.
"intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food"
"very strong sexual desire"
Envy is just being jealous, to put it simply
"a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck."
Gluttony is being a fatass eating a lot of food(me)
"habitual greed or excess in eating."
Wrath is extreme anger
"an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat."
"reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness."
The 8th sin, acedia, is:
"spiritual or mental sloth; apathy."
I did a bit of extra reading on this one, and it pretty much sounds like depression.
"a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. In ancient Greece akidía literally meant an inert state without pain or care...In modern times it has been taken up by literary figures and connected to depression."
If you take a moment to think about it, you can see how these sins can connect to certain characters.
Riddle is wrath, this one is obvious. Riddle has a reputation for being easily angered, so him representing the sin of wrath makes the most sense.
Leona is sloth. He's lazy. It's obvious he does care about things, but he doesn't care enough to make an effort. He also displays the sin of pride, though I feel like sloth is a better choice because his laziness is more apparent as opposed to his pride.
Azul is greed. C'mon, he's completely capitalist. He's greedy in two ways. One, his money. That's one of the most important things to him, hence why he buys ingredients "for the low low price of free", according to Jade. Two, his power. It's clear that he values his power above all else, which is why he goes completely insane once Leona destroys his golden contracts.
Jamil is envy. He's envious of Kalim, not because of his status, but more so his lifestyle. Kalim will get praised and thanked for doing the bare minimum, whereas Jamil could plan a whole banquet and not get a single thanks. No praise or gratitude for anything he does, because it all goes to Kalim. I was going to put lust, because of Jafar, but I'm going to try and keep my reasoning strictly canon to Twisted Wonderland.
Vil is pride. Vil is very prideful when it comes to himself, and Rook and Vil's other fans aren't helping. Vil has high self-esteem, which is good. However, assuming you watched chapter 5, you would've seen what happened when someone hurts his pride. He goes "evil berserker mode". When his pride gets hurt, bad things happen. If you look at the song lyrics of "Absolutely Beautiful"(a banger btw), this point becomes much more clear as well. He puts himself above others, and views himself as more important.
Idia is acedia. It's really obvious Idia has depression. Given his backstory and the way he acts, it would be weird if he didn't. Just like Leona, you can tell he cares, but he just can't bring himself to care, physically or mentally. He stays in his room, refuses to socialize, and if he has to attend class, he just goes via tablet. This is clearly depression, and remember, depression is pretty much acedia.
Malleus is lust. Ok, hear me out. It could happen. I know I put the definition up top, but technically it's possible to lust for someone or something non-sexually.
"In fact, sometimes lust has nothing to do with sexual desire. It can be “intense enthusiasm; zest,” which is closer to its earlier meanings of “pleasure,” “delight” and “inclination.”"
So it would be possible for Malleus to be lusting for Yuu, in a friendship way. Or perhaps Aniplex will cater to the simps and make it sexual, though I doubt it.
Grim is gluttony. I feel the prologue monster was either overblot Grim, or foreshadowing to overblot Grim. Either way, Grim is a glutton, he LOVES food. If he can eat it, he will. Blot stones, grass, etc.
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