#i forgot his last name lol
rot-blossom · 2 years
remember in the titans curse when thalia, grover, and percy, and annabeth are in the boarding school and Jesse Mcartney is playing and thalia goes ”ughh. who put on Jesse Mcartney!? put on some greenday!” then storms off to the dj booth, then you turn to grover and hes like ”i did :((“
cuz i do
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hazardworld · 1 year
It’s season finale time!!! This is a doozy, guys. 
Content warnings: The same Jason dickery covered in Part 5, plus what Andy does to Erica in S4 is more than just mentioned. 
Stick around as I figure out where to go from here!
WB: 1.2.3
Season 1: P1.P2.P3.P4.P5.P6.P7.P8
Darkness consumed him.
Thick oozing liquid through his scales.
A voice in the distance, calling his name.
Commanding him.
Shock went through him as he split in two…
and two…
and two…
For once, he’d follow willingly.
After all, they had a common goal.
“I am so confused!” Max groaned, draping herself over a chair. “This is going completely nowhere!”
“I hate to say it, but Max has a point,” Eddie commented, “we’ve been consistently circling back to the same points over and over again. What is it gonna take to try and make this a path instead?"
"I hate to say it, but Steve needs to leave the kitchen," Erica sighed. "As much as I desperately want whatever he’s making right now, I also want to know what this damn book means," She gestured to Jason’s red magic book at the center of the table.
Nancy sighed, looking towards the kitchen as her face settled on her fist.
"STEVE," Dustin yelled, clearly exasperated, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN THERE,"
"Practicing Erica’s birthday cake!" Steve responded, "She’s here, and I didn’t think I was all that important since you guys were figuring stuff out on your own, so I thought I’d just check things off my list!"
"Steve, you are literally the most important person here!" Nancy called, shaking her head. "How much time do you have left on that timer?"
“…like 10 minutes? I just changed the rack,”
“Get out here, you idiot!” Erica chided, “My birthday is in like 11 days! It’s not even Bastille Day yet!”
“Oh my god Erica, enough about your fucking birthday,” Dustin groaned as he complained. Erica had been mentioning her birthday ever since school ended, and it had been pissing him off ever since.
“Dustin, we both know you’re exactly the same come November,” Will smiled, raising an eyebrow, and Dustin flipped him off.
Will wasn’t…entirely wrong.
He got excited, okay??
“Yeah Dustin, maybe I won’t invite you to my summer Barbie beach extravaganza,”
“Wait, Dustin, you actually like Barbies?” Max grinned, eyes passioned like wildfire. Immediately, Dustin felt his ears flatten and his cheeks grow bright red in embarrassment.
“It’s not lame…” Dustin muttered, frustrated, though the words only fell to Erica and Max’s ears.
Dustin thought Barbies were cool, okay? When he was little he got a lot of his parents’ old toys, which included his Ma’s old Barbies. Usually, he’d make up they were his older teenage sisters, and dress them up in late 70s fashions as if they were the 'coolest popular kids at school' and were super intimidating and made him popular by proxy. Now he had Steve for that, but he still liked keeping some of them around as experiment models, or to talk through science stuff to, or in the rare times he sewed, to prototype what he was thinking.
"I never said that," Max smiled, "I just didn’t expect it, is all. Barbies are a girl’s toy,"
"Gender is a social construct, kid," Argyle grinned, "Take me for example. I look like a guy, cause this is just how I naturally exist. Just because I look like a guy doesn’t mean I couldn’t be a girl," Argyle shifted to resemble the form of a girl, "Or even something in between," Argyle shifted in between the two, then back to his natural form.
"Here here!" Eddie cheered loudly, before awkwardly quieting when he realized it wasn’t the time.
"What are we cheering about?" Steve sauntered into the dining room, wiping his hands on a washcloth, grinning. He was wearing his baking apron, and to Dustins glee, had kept his half form the entire time. Steve had said he wouldn’t show it in public quite yet as to not jeopardize the party, but it was reliving to see him taking care of himself regardless.
"Nothing, don’t worry about it," Eddie waved it off, and the table made eye contact agreeing to just move on.
"Steve, we need you to open this book Max found," Nancy pushed the red book towards him as Steve took his seat.
"Max, is this…?" Steve looked at her in bewilderment, but she nodded.
"I think it’s Jason’s, I found it in his bedroom—OH! Eddie, I have something for you after," Eddie grinned and nodded as Steve looked over the book.
"Guys, I can’t open this," Steve pursed his lips. "If Jason was descended from Melusine I could use his direct ancestor’s magic since my lineage connects higher, but he’s from the youngest sibling. I’d need the Great Father or Great Mother’s magic to unlock it, and both of those are under lock and key in Atlantie,"
Well fuck.
Dustin leaned over to his stack of books as the table discussed further options above him. There was that one book Will found that was extremely useful, and didn’t it go further into the idea of siren sibling magic?
Eventually, Dustin found the purple leather-bound book in the stack, and flipped around until he found the page he was looking for.
'A Siren’s magic could be placed in 4 separate Houses:  
The House of Theliore is the magic of water. Calm, cool, and mature, this magic is in the heart of Atlantie. It can be found in the hearts of most underwater sirens, though every siren, no matter their House, is always connected to it. Sirens in the House of Theliore are typically creative, bubbly, and more emotional than other sirens.
The House of Melusine is the magic of air. Witty, spirited, and impulsive, this magic represents the thinkers of Atlantie. Typically found on land, Sirens in the House of Melusine are typically more thoughtful than other sirens, though they can also be somewhat too-faced to those they don’t care about.
The House of Cerina is the magic of earth. Controlled, stable, and strong, this magic represents the doers of Atlantie. These sirens can be found anywhere, though most still reside underwater. Most sirens in the House of Cerina are grounded and less objective, though this can lead them to being seen as less unkind as other sirens.
The House of Gerane is the magic of fire. Active, vivacious, and energized, this magic represents the spirit of Atlantie. Sirens in the House of Gerane are typically driven more by their heart, leading them to sometimes make brash decisions. They’re rarely found underwater, and are the rarest type of siren due to the clash between their House and their nature.’
"So, this isn’t just a magic submission potion," Unfortunately for Dustin, he’d been reading so long the table had moved on, and Eddie was now analyzing some sort of small potion bottle, "This is a general submission potion."
Instantly, Max’s eyes went wide.
"He said 'no one wanted to get fucked at parties anymore,' in reference to it." She whispered, horrified.
"Eddie, how strong is it," Nancy asked, blue eyes starting to glow just slightly in her anger; the little tell-tale of Valkyrie in her veins.
"I don’t know, Nancy, gimme a second!"
Dustin looked to Steve, who was following the conversation with a frown and a furrowed brow. He gave him a little tap on the thigh, and the older teen looked to him.
In all honesty, Dustin wasn’t the best at following nuance. Upside Down coding was one thing since he knew what all the codes meant, but something like this, where everyone at the table was talking around the blunt truth? Absolute shit.
Luckily, where Dustin lacked in people skills, Steve usually could fill in.
"Dust," Steve leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Jason was using the potion to make people submissive and weak at parties, like a roofie, and then—"
Steve nodded once before leaning back to his seat.
Dustin despised Jason Carver.
"Do you know who made it?" Erica asked, and Max pointed at her as if to validate her point. "Because whoever made it—"
"Had to have known what he was using them for, I know," Eddie murmured, turning the bottle over in his hands in contemplation.
"If they were smart, they didn’t sign anything on the bottle," Will countered. "Is there any magic surrounding the bottle?"
Eddie nodded once. "Yeah, all potions have magic around the seal,"
"We could get El to analyze it if you can’t find anything," Will proposed. "She can tell us what the magic looks like, and we can find them from there probably,"
Suddenly, Dustin caught a whiff of something unfamiliar, something sour…
It came from out front.
"Actually, this one wasn’t smart!" Eddie grinned, looking up from the bottle. "On the bottom there’s a little—"
"Dustin, man, are you okay?" It was Argyle that keyed into Dustin’s manic sniffing, "You’re sniffing up a storm, there."
The scent was vaguely recognizable, something he knew he’d smelled before.
There were hints of something similar to Lucas, though it didn’t carry any of the notes of lavender and Lucas’ woody cologne, just the sweat…
The sweat which was far stronger after basketball rehearsals.
Oh fuck.
"The basketball team is outside," He blurted out.
There was a deafening silence before all hell broke loose.
"I NEED TO HIDE" (Eddie)
It was Argyle who calmly walked to the front door and waited for the inevitable knock and call of Andy.
Yet again, everyone froze in anticipation.
"Hey there, can I help you young gentlemen?"
"Where’s Steve?" Andy. Dustin heard their feet move into the main entrance, and Argyle shut the door. He felt himself constrict in anger, and Max put a hand in front of his now-bared teeth in case he started to growl.
"Why?" Argyle asked, “Is everything okay with him?”
Silently, Dustin watched Steve sigh and calmly shift himself back to his human form.
Damn, it was fun while it lasted.
Steve beckoned for the group to follow him, and slowly, they all walked out.
"Hey!" Steve gave his publicity smile and a wave. "Can I help you guys?"
"Mind if we take a look around?" Andy asked, smirking as if he had an upper hand. "We have reason to believe you’re plotting against Jason."
"Sorry, but I know my rights." Steve tilted his head in fake sympathy. "You’re not the police, and even they can’t search my parents’ home without a warrant. Besides, all you’ll find is the makings of a birthday cake tasting session," Erica smirked and nodded, puffing her chest out slightly.
"With Eddie Munson here?" One of the team members asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Dammit, Steve, I told you I needed to hide!" Dustin could feel the anxiety reeking off of Eddie from every angle. The man couldn’t stop fidgeting to save his life, currently!
"Andy, isn’t that the kid that was so easy to stop this spring?" A werewolf from the group said, cracking his knuckles.
Wait, was that how Erica broke her arm in the Hellkins 4?
Erica bared her teeth and Dustin did the same.
This was his pack, dammit.
Dustin was snapped out of his anger as a phantom breeze went across his skin.
"What?" Steve’s faux enthusiasm broke, and Eddie looked at him with wide eyes.
"I wonder how easy it would be," The wolf stepped forward, towards Erica. Dustin tried to block her with his arm, but the older wolf easily pushed him to the floor.
Another phantom breeze, stronger this time.
"To pick you up," The wolf picked Erica up. "And throw you down just like my witch friend," He pointed to Andy, who smirked.
Erica didn’t hit the ground.
Instead, she started to glow dandelion yellow.
Soon, everyone in the Party did, and the winds Dustin had been feeling started whipping around in the same color.
So were Steve’s eyes.
His half-form was back, thankfully, but this time Dustin was legitimately frightened.
Steve was right, sirens were fucking scary.
Subtly, Dustin could hear a song playing in the background, sad and melancholy.
The basketball team were hovering high in the air, their hair and jackets whipping around them.
(Why weren’t the Party’s hair whipping around, too?)
Dustin didn’t look when he heard the thumps of the team’s bodies hitting the mansion walls at full force.
Steve’s trance was broken when something beeped.
"Oh shit, my cake!"
Instantly, Dustin shot up, and with the rest of the party, watched Steve calmly take out the prototype cake as if nothing strange had ever happened. Soon, Steve made eye contact with the group.
"Guys, is everything okay? You’re all looking at me like I’m doing something weird…"
Well yeah, no shit. Erica had almost gotten thrown and Steve lost his shit, were they not going to be looking at him like a crazy person?
"Steve…" Nancy pleaded, and Steve sighed. He wiped off his hands and walked towards the group.
"What? What could have possibly gone wrong that…" Steve’s eyes widened when he saw his main room, and the hopefully unconscious bodies along its walls.
"Eddie, Argyle, get the kids and go." Steve said sternly and all too quickly, and Dustin froze. "Nance, stay here. I’ll need you whether or not they wake up."
Dustin wasn’t leaving.
"What, Steve—" Eddie protested, but Steve put a hand on his shoulder, shutting him up.
"Eddie, I need you to take the kids to the Byers’; that’s where everyone else is. Fill them in. I’ll tell you when to come back. Keep them safe for me; I trust you."
Will and Dustin made eye contact.
"O-Ok. C’mon kids," Eddie and Argyle made for the door, and the rest of the younger party followed.
"Dustin, c’mon!" Max beckoned for Dustin, but he shook his head.
"Dustin, go," Steve said, stern. Dustin’s head throbbed—was Steve using sirenspeak on him?—but he was too stubborn and too pack bonded to care.
"Fuck no. You die, I die Steve," He gave a nod to Erica; she understood the reference. "I’m not leaving you here, and you can’t convince me to leave."
Steve looked him once over, and sighed.
"Go to John’s, guys." Steve nodded to Eddie and Argyle, and they nodded back. 
The door shut behind them.
"You’ll be safe there,"
Season 2!
The fact that some people think Dustin is homophobic when he canonically enjoys cartoons for little girls for their plotline value. That one saw gender and said ‘fuck that’ and ran. Anyway it just so happens my fan birthday for Erica is the Barbie movie release.
Edit: I realize I said ‘basketball rehearsals’ and currently hate my cringey theater kid self. That being said this is Dustin’s pov and he canonically is also a cringey theater kid so it stays.
Tag List:
@estrellami-1 @cookies-and-doom @beckkthewreck @dbquills @impeachy
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vixxensvoid · 11 months
Never forgiving myself for crying over Jason’s death in the good place. My gut was telling me that he was too dumb to die and I still chose to pause the damn tv and let out little cry, AND THAT MF WAS STILL ALIVE. Man whatever at least it made his real death way easier lol but that wasn’t very girlboss sigma of me
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emptyscrolls · 9 months
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War yaoi?
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aakipple · 5 months
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oc art from the past month ish
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thatsalotoftoons · 5 months
little hc for cole and jay’s moms. before they married their husbands, their names were Lilly Steel and Lisbeth Bolt
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michameinmicha · 4 months
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Every day is 'draw oc in your outfits'-day if you just dont have any other ideas
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maydays-medbay · 1 year
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I made a concept piece for Dropdash!
He’s a gruff Autobot engineer who's very dedicated to his job and will work it to the best of his ability. Sometimes, however, his dedication borderlines on unhealthy because of his habit to overwork himself for the sake of getting something done.
Dropdash has never liked floral scents, and he blanches whenever the smells hit his olfactory sensors. Then again, he has always had a rather keen sense of smell, so getting even the faintest whiff of flowers assaults his nose rather violently.
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tamorii · 1 year
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"Visions are a light in the sea of darkness that surrounds those who have lost their way. But for those who have faith, they are little more than badges of conviction."
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wammypilled · 4 months
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Bored at work so I took to picrew and found this really cool one, here are the fab 4 with boba <3
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sysig · 11 months
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Go play, ambassador, go play ambassador (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#KUP#NEJ#Captain Sterling#Mix of lads! Working on a little bit of all the SCII OCs lol#Ft. my first intentional doodle of KUP - trying to plan around ways to differentiate him from how I draw the rest of my fave VUX#I'm thinking he might just have a slightly longer face lol - slightly longer tendrils slightly longer trunk#Stretched lad lol#The return of NEJ! Love NEJ <3 His name is fun to write in VUK ZIX haha it's very angular#He's still got his little pouch :) Which is definitely a good way of differentiating him since I forgot his uniform differences until later#He doesn't have the little gold collar/cuff elements! Mistake! The last two of him are the most accurate even if he is missing his pouch lol#Also fun to draw his mask again :D He's totally gotta wear it from protection from things like water and fertilizer! Not just in avoidance!#I mean it Is probably a good idea that plant fertilizer doesn't get in his eye lol but it's more of a perk of the job#His curves are fun to draw too ♪ Gotta remember he's Extremely hour-glass shaped - somewhat wide shoulders and hips and tiny waist haha#And then a couple more of Sterling and KUP to round us off#Getting dangerously close to considering shipping those two...#Sterling's just friendly with everyone and has very few boundaries lol but KUP's feelings hmmm hmmmm#He's not a fool tho he likes playing chicken as well lol#KUP balks easily but keeps coming back hmm wonder what that's about lol ♪#He can just produce so much warm air all at once! It's not cooled by passing through a long narrow passage! It's interesting! That's all!#Totally ♫
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
Hey so ive been this reading this manga called "ojisama to neko" ( eng: "a man and his cat" ) and its sosososo cute so sweet 10/10 would recommend also THE MAIN MAN LOOKS. KINDA LIKE SAWASHIRO EVEN IF THEIR PERSONALITIES COULDNT BE MORE FAR APART. His name is Fuyuki Kanda and he is very dear to me just thought to share hope u have a wonderful day
#snap chats#kanda and sawashiro do look. Sort Of similar ig LOL#love that his last name’s kanda tho since TTM also plays a chara named kanda#that show- ‘meishi game-‘ was the first ttm thing i watched im p sure. or at least one of them#either way forcing all of you to read ojisama to neko. also maiing all of you to remind me to get the physical volumes sometime#i forget that they have english translations now and i always remember too late or when i alreay have plans to buy another book#i kept up with the series online when it was first announced and did my best to translate everything#so i keep holding off on buying the offiical release since Ive Read It Before but i love owning physical media….#anyway ty for giving me an excuse to gush about ojisama to neko i love that series so much and its so cute and its my world and everything#tho on the note of comparing sawashiro and kanda.. im reminded of this manga i was disappointed by#i forget the exact title but the premise was a yakuza taking in a stray cat- from the cats POV#and the summary already sounded perfect and right up my alley but then i read the book#and STORY WISE it was what i was looking for but… the yakuza looked like a punk#esp since he was described as being notorious i was expecting an older man No I Dont Have A Thing For Old Men Shut Up#so when it was this chara who didnt look any older than like. 25….. i lost interest#‘snap you shouldnt put down a good story just cause of the art’ LIKE THE ART WAS GREAT#I WAS JUST HOPING THE YAKUZA WAS OLDER….. i love it when scary older men can be cute and care for animals#its why i like the yakuza’s bias. except the yakuza doesn’t take care of an animal he just fangirls over Royalty Free Jimin#i forgot i set an alarm and it just went off so i should prob cap this post. like i shouldve twelve tags ago LOL
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keeps-ache · 10 months
just remembered that one time i got last-named on the internet and i my brain broke for like 15 seconds while i tried to figure out who they were trying to summon with 'Ache'
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rosesradio · 2 years
alright portbowell nation how does it feel to win and also get punched in the stomach--
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#thoughts on the ep:#most thoughts on the ep could be summed up in prev posts i reblogged#hate to say it but ricky helping ej and gina with portwell is giving will helping mike in st. but. portwell is an actual good ship#there was enough room in that boat for two#why aren't the kids practicing the show. why did one of them (was it gina?) call it a rehearsal they weren't rehearsing anything#i'm glad portwell talked through some stuff even if they have some rocky moments like they're trying and they have a great underlying--#friendship#that being said there was enough room in that boat for two#calling someone by their last name is gay#ricky and jet still have chemistry idc idc jetwen truthers you're valid and all-knowing#ej's montage w miss jenn was probably the best part of the ep lol like she was really teaching him to be fruity and i love that for him#when miss jenn said he needed a carlos i lowkey wish his assistant could be ricky#why were they doing sports the play is in like 5 days whatever it's fine#ashlyn having her wlw moment so true and with val's ponytail flip i couldn't blame her#obviously though like everyone else is saying break up with big red first#the fireworks metaphor is stupid#as a fanfic writer it's stupid and that's saying something#jet and maddox's relationship is interesting and i wish they'd put more than 3 minutes of focus on it in a season#i dunno i dunno my inbox is open i think that's it#oh and there was enough room in that boat for two btw in case i forgot to mention#hsmtmts#portwell#portbowell#ricky bowen#ej caswell#gina porter#jesus these tags#not tkk
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ladywren7 · 1 year
I miss Naomi and Gabe
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notmoontheshining · 1 year
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Keiji kinda smoking :|
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