#i guess he’s more of a doctor but it’s fiiine….
creppersfunpalooza · 3 months
CW/TW: drugs, mentions of addiction, vian. just generally vian, quick implications of dehumanization, lab stuff, mentions of corpses, self-experimentation
hi guys i actually wrote something. rare. shocking. limited edition…. (in the sense that i will probably delete it if i decide i hate it later)
Silence is like a poorly fitting shoe. It’s uncomfortable at first, but you eventually grow into it. Dr. Venstal was used to working in silence. He was familiar with it. He’d even go as far as to say he usually preferred it. It let him concentrate. No frivolous distractions. Cadavers are very quiet. Amazing listeners, but generally speaking, they don’t have any words of their own.
But in that dimly lit office, the silence brought him no comfort. It hung in the air like cigarette smoke, coating over and sticking to everything it could. It didn’t help that his boss’s eyes were boring into his with an uncomfortable intensity. He couldn’t figure out what the man was thinking. Both that and the palpable tension in the air caused his throat to swell.
“Do you want to tell me what you were doing?” His boss was the first to speak, as was expected. His expression was completely neutral. An impartial judge waiting to determine his fate, no doubt. It didn’t reassure him.
“I…” The doctor started, but he swallowed down the words before they left his mouth. “I don’t know.” Feigning ignorance. It wouldn’t get him anywhere, he knew that, but it was the only thing he could think to do. At this moment, he was neither innocent nor guilty. He could still plead his case.
The man across the desk sighed and slid an ampule forward. The label was written neatly in Vian’s handwriting. The vial itself was partially empty, with only a few pearls of clear liquid sloshing around inside the glass. Vian bit down on his lip. He hoped the coppery taste would be enough to keep him grounded.
“Well, I just… Wanted to try something. I don’t exactly have people lining up to test these sorts of things.” He murmured, pressing against the couch. The wood frame creaked beneath him.
His boss rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Dr. Venstal, you know I trust you. I need you to do the same for me. I’m not firing you, and I doubt I will. Just tell me what you were thinking.” He sighed, gently placing the vial to the side.
“As you know, I have a hobby of developing medicines.” The doctor started, fiddling with his hands just out of view. “And, well, I can’t test those on anyone. I’m not authorized to do so.”
“And you thought your best option was using yourself?” Incredulousness hung heavy in his voice. “Do you realize how wrong that is? How much was at stake?” The rabbit’s judgment was clear. Painfully so. Of course Vian knew the consequences, he had a brain. It wasn’t as if he’d done it on a whim.
“I do, I’ve considered the risks. I just… Figured the results would outweigh the suffering. I see my mistake now. I shouldn’t have put myself in danger.” He replied with artificial sincerity. This situation was terrible, but not as bad as it could have been. He could salvage it. Best case scenario, he’d keep his job, get a small reprimanding, and maybe be monitored for a few days. Perhaps if he played his cards right, he could even gain a test subject from this whole ordeal. There were plenty of candidates, they just weren’t accessible to him.
His boss smiled. A good sign. “I’m glad to hear that, Dr. Venstal. I understand what you were trying to do, really I do. It’s very admirable, but we can’t have you risking yourself. You’re too important.” He spoke softly. There was something wrong about the way his tone changed. He’d been so professional just a moment prior. “But… We’re not done here.”
Vian wracked his brain. What else was there to speak of? He hadn’t left anything incriminating behind. Nothing that would be out of place, anyway. He’d hidden his tracks well. Paranoia crept into the edges of his brain, trickling into the little bends and folds of his mind.
“I searched your office. I found a concerning amount of opioids. Ones you’ve made, and ones that I can only assume you’ve also been… testing.” Oh. that. He hadn’t really expected him to notice. After all, it wasn’t really uncommon for someone in his field. Still, it didn’t look good for him. He didn’t have a proper way to respond.
In full honesty, he rarely tested anything addictive on himself. If he had to, he made sure to space it out. Instead, he turned to his patients for that. People who could be easily monitored as long as they stayed in the sanctuary. It had been harmless so far, only causing a few long-term drug dependencies. Nothing serious, just faults of the patient not being able to overcome the initial craving. He couldn’t exactly explain that to his boss though, not without being put away. He didn’t want to lie to him about drug addiction of all things, but what other choice did he have? Going to jail?
He steeled his nerves and responded.
“Well, yes, but I haven’t done anything like that for weeks. You can test my blood, if you need to.” He felt ashamed for admitting to an action he hadn’t even committed, but by the sympathetic expression on his boss’s face, he knew he’d made the right choice.
The man set his hands on the desk, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. “Thank you for being honest with me. This must be a very sensitive topic for you, but I hope you understand that I can’t just let this continue.” He took a deep breath before revealing his verdict. “I think it would help if you got some fresh air. Working yourself to death in that office isn’t doing you any favors. You’ll also need to retake your psychological evaluation, and I’ll be recommending you a therapist.” He spoke with a reformed sense of professionalism. Vian was a bit surprised by how mild all of this was. Was that really it?
“You’re dismissed, A7. I’m looking forward to seeing your improvement.”
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leffee · 3 months
how do you think the main 7 would act if they were sick?
Mmm depends on the sickness, but I guess we're talking like a common cold, I'll go with that anyway:
Vinnie - oh, he does not like to admit that he is sick, even to himself. He will try his absolute best to go normally about his day, doesn't matter if he's home all day or going out with his friends or anything. He might take medicine that he already has at home but he's definitely not going to a doctor because he'll be fiiine. In short: he does everything normally until and he's rendered completely unable do proceed (like passing out) which did happen before.
Pepper - will use that as en excuse to do nothing for days, and even once she starts feeling much better she will act for the next day or two like she is still so very sick and can't do nothing. Will also gladly let others do things for her so she doesn't fall behind too much because it's cool that she doesn't need to do anything, but she also doesn't want to be up to her neck in responsibilities once she's back on her feet again. She as well absolutely refuses to go to a doctor even if she's legitimately feeling terrible.
Zoe - man, she does not like being sick at all and feels like she's falling behind so she tries to do her stuff anyway, though less than normally and only the most important ones. She will do everything to recover as quickly as possible, take her meds, eat or drink warm stuff, lie under the blanket, etc. In case it's something more serious than that common cold or she's not recovering as quickly as she thought she would, she's going to a doctor.
Sunil - oh, he's staying in bed for a whole day and being miserable. He as well takes all the meds that he needs and doing everything that he can because being sick just has no advantages in his opinion. Plus, he's sometimes anxious that maybe it's not just cold, maybe it's something much more serious, so if he doesn't get at least a little better fast he will start having weird thoughts. However, once he notices he is indeed getting better and is closer to recovering than being sick he will slow down a bit with that and just wait it out.
Minka - she will try to ignore feeling sick as much as possible. She gets sick really rarely, so she's not quite as ready to deal with being sick. It's just weird when one day she was completely fine and happy but then next day she suddenly can't do everything she wanted to. So she will be in sort of denial, but if the sickness is going on for long enough to really affect her she will give up and just try her best to recover.
Russell - it's Russell, so no matter what, he will most likely go to the doctor just to make sure it's really just that exemplary cold and that he has the right medicine for it. Aside from that and trying his best to recover, he will lie in bed most of the time when he feels like he really can't do anything else. During that he will often read books, but if there's something he needs to do that doesn't require standing up, so doing something on his laptop or even phone, if he doesn't feel like he's dying he will do it just to catch up.
Penny - oof, she really does not like being unable to function like usually, but she will accept this fact and take meds and all, just unhappy that she is even sick. She appreciates help from others and it makes her feel better, at least mentally, but don't do everything around her or she will feel guilty. Balance, my friend. Emotional support gladly welcomed, but she can recover on her own. After all, she's more used to her helping others than the other way around.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4571
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: hugely important cornespondence
TG: paging doctor crocker
TG: rolal to docrock
GG: :?
TG: heh heh
TG: paging
TG: bet you would like to get PAGED huh jane
TG: *sweet innuendo
GG: I'm not sure that qualifies as innuendo at all.
TG: wonkwonkwonkwonkwonk
GG: I honestly think you misspell things intentionally more often than not, regardless of blood alcohol content.
GG: You just typed wonk five times in a row!
TG: i have only junst begun to wonk
GG: What is this urgent thing about, anyway?
GG: Is it about your boobytrap?
GG: Because you're too late. It already blew up my whole bedroom, thank you very much.
TG: no no
TG: i mean i still feel shitty about that but its not abiout that
TG: i know you already ran it i been talking to the shades
GG: Yes, me too. Right now in fact, and I'm in a bit of a hurry!
GG: What is this about? What are you even doing?
TG: im in the lab doing a thing with my cat
TG: but that doesnt matter i was doing some thingkin and was still feeling guilty about fuckin up ur computer and all of the sudden im in bff~ath mode here
TG: so i gotta tell you something u need to know before its too late
GG: Before what's too late?
TG: you and jake hookin up stupid!
GG: Oh my god.
TG: this is about turnin all your steamydreamz in to STEAMAY REALTITIES
TG: ***realities lolo
GG: This isn't happening now...
TG: whereins jc + je kiss & hug loads and start turnin out big heaps of wrigglers the old fashioned way<3<3,3,3<338O!!!!
TG: i cant decide whether this mental image porcolating here is hot as shit or cute as fuck......
GG: No! Cease your lascivious porcolating at once!
GG: Roxy, I can see you're set on just wasting more of my time.
GG: I understand if you don't wish to play this game, but please try not to interfere with those of us who do!
TG: no no im fine with playing just shut up
TG: this is serious you need to tell him how u feel VERY SOON
TG: or you might miss your chance
GG: My chance?
GG: What are you talking about?
TG: i found out today taht dirks gonna make a move
GG: A move? You mean, a romantic one?
TG: yes
GG: On you?
TG: omfffgggggg
GG: Um.
GG: On me?
TG: no
TG: no my dear sweet janey not on you
GG: Oh.
GG: Ohhh.
GG: I didn't think...
GG: That...
GG: Hrm.
GG: Are you sure?
TG: p sure ask glasses if u want
GG: Well then.
GG: This is quite a development.
GG: Poor Dirk!
TG: what do you mean
GG: Well, surely when he reveals his feelings, Jake will...
TG: ??
GG: I mean...
GG: He couldn't possibly...
TG: wut
TG: repriprocate?
GG: Yes?
TG: why not
GG: Because Jake is not a homosexual!
TG: mm hm
TG: are u suuuuuure???
GG: Are you saying he is?
TG: nope
GG: Then what are you saying?
TG: im saying that
TG: i dont fuckin know
GG: But...
GG: I thought it reasonable to presume he takes a shining to ladies.
GG: He does speak fondly of certain females from his favorite films, does he not?
TG: true that
TG: but
TG: how much does that really mean here jane
TG: can you be totes sure on account a some dorky moive crushes
GG: Well, now I just don't know. You have me completely bamboozled about this.
GG: What do you think?
TG: all im saying is
TG: my gaydar is like the exanct fuckin poposite of urs
TG: which is to say it is better than completety nonexistant
TG: mine is so sensitive it has been used to sweep the ocean floor for mythical sea monsters
TG: turns out
TG: all of those monsters are SO gay
TG: truth B)
GG: Okay. Then what does your acute seabeast scanner make of Jake, then?
TG: thats what im sayin
TG: i really have no idea
TG: kid is a goggamn egnigma
TG: hes as hard 2 read as fine print
TG: and how i do mean FIIINE ;)
GG: Oh brother.
GG: Then, your guess is as good as mine?
GG: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from this.
TG: youre supposed to concluce
TG: that you SAID you were going to believe anything i said today remember??
GG: Yes.
GG: But you just said you don't know!!!
TG: exactly
TG: therefore you must believe me when i say
TG: if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT
TG: and that means poor jane is screwed without ever even throwing her filthy old fedora in the ring
TG: it is a ring i lke ot call TEH ENGLISH SPEEPSTAKES
TG: and if u dont youll regret it
TG: and i mean
TG: i cant have a horse in the race
TG: wait bad metaphor ebcause of dirk and his fucking horstes n/m
TG: like you are both my friends and im not out to mess him up or anything
TG: but i kinda owe it to you as my friend to let you know whats up
TG: and also to get you to stop being such a WORLD CHAMPIAN TIGHTASS
TG: and let jake know
GG: Oh, not this tightass baloney again.
TG: jane
GG: What?
TG: jaane..
GG: ...
TG: jc your are the tightassiest tightass who ever tightened up an ass
GG: No way!
GG: We settled this, remember?
GG: My prior resolution made it definitive; I was to be regarded as exceedingly permissive in certain respects!
TG: jane i am afraid
TG: that ur bottom
TG: is a stubborn clam
TG: guarding priceless treasure
TG: and a deadly secret
GG: So ridiculous. >:P
TG: im not saying be an idiot and start gushing at him incoherentry
TG: say how u feel
TG: or flirst a bit or ask him out on a date inside the fuckin game or such
TG: goddamn ANYTHING other that a bunch of bullshitty pining and tightassy NOTHING
TG: you have to do what i say u promised
GG: I promised to BELIEVE what you say, not DO it!
TG: those 2 things are
TG: prespicely the same shit
GG: If I agree to say something, will you stop tormenting me about it??
TG: yes
TG: but only
TG: because that will be impossible for me to do
TG: when u + him r snoggin hard in motherfuckin makeout paradise
GG: Fine.
GG: But let the record show that this resolution has almost nothing whatsoever to do with your use of the phrase "SEX LAND."
GG: Just...
GG: I need to think of what to say, and wait for the right moment. Is that ok???
TG: sure
TG: just dont wait too long
TG: and dont underestimate striders wiles
TG: nor jakes...
TG: lets say
TG: open mindedness???????
GG: Well,
GG: He does often profess his love for adventure, I suppose.
TG: yuuup................
GG: Omg.
GG: I really don't have a moment to spare, do I?
TG: ur finally gettin it
TG: now go
TG: and jane im warning u
TG: if you dont say somethin to him
TG: i am personally entering the game specivically to FUCK UR SHIT UP
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
0 notes
Four Years Later
Requested by a lovely, lovely anon!
I have been through the wringer with this one. Sooo many ideas came to me for this but I settled on one and it turned out to be therapeutic for me in a way. With that being said, I apologize if you can’t relate to the version of the reader I wrote. I’ve been dealing with stuff so I left some of it in this story. I hope you guys all enjoy!
Prompts Used: 6. “Losing you was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt.” 11. “I wasn’t ready to say goodbye - I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to say goodbye”  14. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
(gif by me)
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You and Damien shared a laugh as the two of you collapsed on his bed. You guys had just come back from a long day of work and decided that a night of movies and junk food at his place would be the best way to unwind. 
“I don’t know, I think if I start a new series, we’ll never sleep and knowing your taste in anime, I won’t want to miss anything by falling asleep.” You told him when he suggested that you should start ‘Danganronpa’ tonight as he wanted to rewatch it.
“But see, I’ve already seen them so there’s a chance that I’ll remember where we left off without spoiling future episodes for you.” Damien insisted.
“There’s a chance you’ll remember? Oh, you poor, tired fool. How much you wanna bet you’ll fall asleep before I do?”
“Then you’ll remember. Your sleepy memory isn’t all that bad.”
“You would have to be an idiot to trust I’ll remember before I fall asleep.” 
Damien smiled at you, turning on his side to face you.
“Then...I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” He gave you a peck on the lips. “Sooooooooo?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the hopeful tone and look in his eyes.
“Great. I’ll order dinner. Pizza or Sushi?”
“Damien, hey. What are you doing here?” You asked, with a surprised smile on your face. You definitely weren’t expecting him to show up.
“This is gonna sound weird but I really need to talk to you.” Damien replied, a sheepish smile on his face. 
You moved aside and let him in.
“What’s weird about us talking?” 
“Because it’s about us...our relationship.”
Oh. Maybe not as weird as he would think because you were considering talking to him too. You had been broken up for 4 years and even though the two of you had become friends again, the break up was never really spoken of. And Damien needed it to be because he felt there was something you held back on. He had been talking to Shayne about it and even he agreed that everything down to the timing was...off, for lack of a better term. 
Damien coming over tonight was Shayne’s idea. It was time to finally get some answers so that Damien can either decide to try to get back together with you or move on for good.
“What about it?” You asked, sitting next to him on your couch.
“Part of me has always wondered if you and I could or should get back together. Like, I still don’t get where everything went wrong. I thought we were happy.” Damien admitted.
“I don’t know if we should do this, Damien.”
“I have to. I need to make a decision about something and I can’t decide if we don’t talk about this.” 
You sighed, running a hand through your hair, considering this for a long moment. You were looking to talk to him about this too, why were you so reluctant now that it was time.
“Please, Y/N.” Damien continued, taking your hand in his.
“Come on, Y/N, pleeeeease?” Damien begged, smile on his face as he held onto your hand.
That stupid smile. How dare he use it against you?
Because it worked and he knew it.
“Okay, fiiine.” You groaned for added effect.
“Yes!! Okay, let’s go!”
Shayne had shaken his head as he and Courtney followed you and an excited Damien to wait in line for a rollercoaster. 
Honestly, you were neutral on rollercoasters and that’s only because you tend to have some anxiety about them. Once you went through the first one, you were fine but the previous night was spent at Shayne’s where someone had the brilliant idea to marathon the Final Destination series. And guess where the first death vision in Final Destination 3 took place? A rollercoaster. 
You knew the odds of that happening were minimal but it didn’t help you from experiencing flashbacks. It did help though to have Damien reassuring you that it was gonna be okay and distract you while you guys waited.
“Okay.” You agreed, taking a deep breath after. “Where do you wanna start?”
Damien took a moment to consider that. He didn’t think you’d agree to talking about it so he hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“When you decided to break up with me...did you plan it or was it a spur of the moment thing?” He asked. “It was just too sudden. It had to have been something else.”
You sighed again, leaning back into the cushions on your couch. Your glance remained on your hands because you couldn’t look at Damien. 
“Do you remember our break up?”
“Of course I do.”
“There was something else I meant to tell you but, um...I couldn’t so I chose in the moment to break up with you instead.”
“Why couldn’t you tell me? Did I do something to make you feel that you couldn’t trust me?”
“Of course not. I just...I just couldn’t.”
Your stomach was running rampant with butterflies and you felt nauseous and nervous all tied up into one. Damien grabbed a hold of your hand as he drove, kissing the back of it and smiling at you. You smiled back at him before glancing out the window, listening to the music. 
You were gonna tell him. You had to tell him. He was your boyfriend, he needed to know.
You had decided to let the two of you enjoy the day together. Damien at least deserved that before you shifted the mood. Before it turned to endless amounts of worrying on his part; before it turned into him deciding to cancel his plans with his friends so he could stay with you; before it turned into him possibly wanting to put his life and dreams on hold until you were good again.
Oh god. You couldn’t do that to him. He didn’t deserve that. He deserves to be happy and there’s a chance he wouldn’t be if he was with you.
“Y/N?” Damien called out to you. “Hey, you okay babe?”
You were brought back to reality as you looked around to see you guys were already parked in front of you place.
“Damien...I think we should break up.” You said suddenly.
You looked over to Damien, who looked like he had just been slapped in the face.
“I’m sorry.” You added before opening the car door.
“Wait, wait, wait. Talk to me.” Damien practically begged when he came back to his senses. “What’s going on? Why?”
“I just--there’s no easy way to say that I fell out of love with you.”
Okay, what the hell? WHY WOULD YOU THINK TO SAY THAT? You could’ve come up with something else but no, you had to practically twist the freaking knife.
“You fell out of love with me.” Damien repeated to himself sadly.
“That’s not a straight answer, Y/N.” Damien told you, a hint of irritability in his tone. 
“I know, Damien.” You shared his tone. “I’m still having a hard time talking about it.”
“What was so bad that you chose to break up with me instead of tell me? Did you cheat on me?”
“No, no. I never would’ve done that to you.”
“Then what?”
You wiped at tears building in your eyes as you got up and began pacing.
“I found out that I had a rare autoimmune disease. It was gonna take a toll on a lot of things in my life and I broke up with you to keep it from affecting yours.” You finally said.
Damien was shocked. Why would you hide this from him? Why would you think that breaking up with him would help anything? You were sick and you thought the best course of action was to break up with him when you needed him the most.
“I was sick, Damien. I still am. I haven’t told anybody.”
“Why not?”
“Because I knew it would get back to you. I knew that if you found out, you would drop everything to take care of me when I needed it. I would’ve held you back.”
“No. That’s not true.” 
“Yes it is. I haven’t been in remission for longer than 3 months. I go to the doctor so much and we still haven’t figured out a treatment that will stick. You remember when we started being friends again? When I would cancel plans? That was because my body physically hurt so much, I couldn’t get out of bed or want to move. I get sick easily and am almost always sick. It was why I was so run down all the time during the last few months of our relationship and why I was losing weight without doing anything.”
You stopped pacing and sat back down.
“You would’ve stayed to take care of me, Damien.” You continued, taking hold of his hand. “Your friends would’ve gotten sick of you cancelling on them and you would have probably insisted on taking shorter days at work...you probably would have ended up resenting me after a while.”
“Y/N...” He squeezed your hand, wiping the tears from his eyes with his free one.
“Losing you was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt. More than the bad days of my illness have ever been. I honestly believed and still do believe I did the right thing.”
“I--I could’ve never resented you.” Damien told you. 
“I didn’t want to give you the chance to. You have worked so hard to get to where you are and where you were when we were together. I didn’t want you to throw it all away for me.”
“You mentioned remission. What exactly do you have?”
“It’s called Churg-Strauss Syndrome. Easiest way to put it is that my immune system is confused because it’s overproducing eosinophils and sending them to my lungs. So this confusion is causing my immune system to attack my lungs.”
“So the remission would be stopping your immune system from overproducing the e--eo--si--”
“Yeah. But it’s rare enough that there’s not enough research for a definitive way to treat it.”
“I wish you would’ve told me, Y/N. We could’ve made it through this. You didn’t have to go through this alone.”
“Just because you didn’t know, doesn’t mean you and Shayne and everyone else weren’t there for me. I wasn’t alone. You guys made sure I didn’t feel that way even if you didn’t realize that.”
Damien had leaned forward, your hand still in his as his forehead rest against yours. The two of you cried as you allowed Damien to take the time to let everything you told him sink in.
“When we broke up I wasn’t ready to say goodbye--I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to say goodbye. Not to you.” Damien expressed with a sniffle. “I still want you, Y/N. I still want to be with you after all of this. Your illness could never keep me away from you. I love you too damn much.”
Honestly, if you hadn’t let your overthinking get in the way, this is what you would have hoped to hear from Damien when you told him. You let go of his hand and cupped both sides of his face and kissed him.
This...this felt right. Just moments ago you felt breaking up with him was the right thing to do...but now, as you kissed him, you realized it was a mistake. You never even gave him a chance to figure things out and make his own choices about your relationship.
“I love you, Damien.” You whispered when you pulled back from the kiss. “I’m so sorry.”
“I forgive you. You did what you thought was right. Even though it was a bit misguided.” He couldn’t help but smile. He had you back.
It felt good not holding onto this secret anymore. Maybe as you continue to get through this, it’ll be easier with Damien on your side; with your support system being stronger.
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Season 2, Episode 12 - Return of the Overlord
More! Shit! Keeps! Happening!
[21:12] DJ turn it up but the problems don’t stop, tonight we’re gonna find out why this goes on, tick tock on the clock but is it junk we wanna kno-o-o-w? Kno-o-o-w?
[21:07] uHHHH
[20:52] (the machine’s) a deadly lazer~
[20:40] it’s not even that epic! what the fuck was the point? how is the Garmatron meant to be more evil than everything else?
[20:12] Oh, god. Nya.
[19:21] :’(
[19:00] God, I’m really worried for Nya. I know she’ll get out of this somehow, but it’s a matter of what happens to her before she does.
[18:30] alright team let’s get ready for what’s coming
[17:59] LET’S GO GANG, LET’S GO!
[17:41] It’s… it’s empty.
[17:24] bird friend!!! what news do you bring the team
[17:13] Huh.
[16:41] Uh-oh. What’s going on with Doctor what’s-his-name over there?
[16:18] I guess we’re splitting up now.
[15:50] big Oof
[15:37] ummm I think Nya’s flying around above you guys?
[15:10] Impact!
[15:07] Ouch! Also, evil spinjitsu, that’s what she’s doing?
[14:40] Oh. OUCH.
[14:11] fucking dance puns.
[14:03] UMMMMM??????????
[13:47] Quality fucking died on me when the Garmatron was first revealed but now I can see it properly and it looks so dumb djdjdjdjd
[12:59] Huh! What a fucked up family reunion, yeah?
[12:30] Holy shit, this is fucked up for what really is an over the top typical villain. Like… he doesn’t want to do this, at all, does he? He just thinks he does, he feels he has to, because of the eeviiiiil in his bloood. And that’s just fucked, isn’t it?
[12:08] Like, this kind of thinking is destructive. It’s the no-other-way mentality that’s driving this, and it’s not a healthy one for ANYONE to have.
[11:21] Father versus son.
[10:39] If that’s only the WARM UP…
[10:33] UHM.
[10:09] oof
[9:56] Oh, big oof
[9:42] Why hasn’t “non-damaging elemental use” not come up before?
[9:15] Back to Ninjago, and huh. That’s not fun.
[8:33] he’s betraying you, garmadon… shocker…
[8:00] you’re becoming a furry :pensive:
[7:47] I said he was becoming a furry as a joke but uh
[7:38] I’m sorry I’m not more scared by this I think the furry comments killed the tension
[6:35] Goddammit. Ninjago City’s been through SO MUCH. Lay off it a little, why won’t you?
[5:56] Dareth wasn’t a good idea in the first place can you just retire the character oh my god
[5:13] Alright, Lloyd. Let’s do this, kid.
[4:56] oh my fucking god he fucking dead
[4:41] huh. it’s goblet of fire’s finale all over again.
[4:26] (lego) Jesus christ, how the fuck do you go about killing this dude.
[4:18] MUUUUUUuuuuUUUUM, Lloyd’s almost died again.
[3:57] He took his hood off! He’s showing his face!
[3:04] uHHHHHHHH
[2:37] Insert evil, right in the forehead,
[2:35] ooorrrr the ship. When did the Bounty get here?
[2:04] To Ninjago City it is, then, huh?
[1:30] Well, isn’t this mildly depressing?
[1:22] Oh, thank god. Lloyd’s okay.
[1:12] (Lloyd, clearly exhausted, woke up from being knocked out because his possessed dad yeeted him halfway across the beach) “Did… did I win?”
(Wu at full volume, blunt as he can be) “No.”
[1:11] Well, he closed it off with a “but you’re alive” so it’s fiiine.
[0:59] And, welp, I jinxed it. Me at [2:57], we’ve jinxed it! His leg is fuuucked.
9 notes · View notes
tinfoil-jones · 6 years
Motorcity: Legacy, Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Motorcity, or the song. Motorcity belongs to Disney, and the song belongs to Five Finger Death Punch Title: Burners Legacy Rating: T-M depending on chapter Summary: He didn’t want to be his carbon copy, but he might have to be in order to rescue him from Deluxe. Pairings: MikexChuck, DutchxTennie, ClairexFoxy, DukexBabs, Juliex?, OCxOC Warnings: Don’t read if you don’t like or are triggered by violence, death or dystopian societies Author’s Note: Some characters you like died.
Chapter 3: Never Enough
\In the end we’re all just chalk lines on the concrete Drawn only to be washed away For the time that I’ve been given I am what I am\
“My bike!” Miles exclaimed as she surveyed the damage from this mornings patrol -  the energy blasts from the hound bots did it fact hit her a few times, and now most of the paint had been seared off and the metal making up the body was damaged. Being a motorbike, Prowler just couldn’t tank hits like the other vehicles could.
Dana, the lead mechanic stood by her with her gloved hands on her hips, surveying the damage. Dana didn’t look much like her father, Dutch, she instead looked more like her mother Tennie; the most obvious thing being that she was the shortest Burner. Her skin was a cocoa brown color and her eyes were a deeper shade, almost black. Her black hair was set it short boxbraids and parted at the center that didn’t quite brush her shoulders. She wore a violet shirt with a sky blue burners symbol in the center of the chest, and blue denim shorts, and sky blue high-tops, under her clothes she always wore black capri leggings and a black skin tight elbow sleeved shirt. The most notable thing, however, were her violet electricians gloves that were far too big for her hands, which were actually quite slender and small. How she had mobility of her hands and fingers with those on, Miles could only guess, but it was probably a Cablers thing.
“It’s not too bad girl,” Dana assured her “I’ll have it fixed up by tomorrow more, just leave it with me overnight.”
“No problem.” Miles said, although she didn’t really mean it; she didn’t want to hoof it home, unlike the other Burners she didn’t mainly live at Jacobs place. And it was really best that she wasn’t seen along the way.
“Are you going to stay over this time" Asked Kam as he was laying under his vehicle, Leviathan, fixing something in the undercarriage; probably his transmission again, which always leaked no matter what they did.
“I have to go home, I’ll just take the bus.” Miles replied, leaning over the counter of her work station.
The shorter Burner motioned to her car, Stinger “You don’t need to, I’ll just drop you off-” Dana began, but Miles quickly cut her off.
“That’s nice of you but it’s fine.” She insisted, and Dana didn’t push it. Miles wasn’t upfront about her life outside the Burners, and the other Burners (for the most part) respected her privacy.
“Oh come on Miles, it’s been a year, would it really hurt to have us know where you live?” Kam, exception to pretty much everything, inquired as he slid out from under Leviathan; Miles had neat, dark red hair, and dark brown eyes with fair skin and a prominent jawline. His clothing as a Burner was a color-swap of his Deluxe clothing; he wore a dark green letterman-style jacket with light green sleeves and a dark green Burners logo on his right arm, olive cargo pants and brown trainers. Mile’s might’ve found him cute if he wasn’t so... himself, and if she wasn’t already engaged.  “I mean, I’m beginning to think you don’t trust us.” Miles simply sneered at him and grabbed a sanding block and a blowtorch to smooth out the charred and serrated metal parts of Prowlers body.
Dana put her hands on her hips again and bent over Kam, who was still on the ground “Mind your own business, Kam, everyone has a right to their secrets.” This seemed to convince the red-head, oddly enough, and he got up again, cleaned the transmission fluid off of his hands with one of the many small grease cloths they had scattered around the garage.
Sighing in relief, Miles put on a pair of heat resistant gloves and a face shield to start working out torching off some of the dings and dents in her bike; she was just glad her bike was easy to work on compared to the behemoths her friends drove. Dana and Kam were taking a break from maintaining their cars and were watching TV in the kitchen area that was offset from the garage.
Kam changed the channels when he came to Duke of Detroit television, Dana stopped him from flipping again “Wait! I like this show.”
“Oh come on it’s just a rerun.” He complained, grabbing a room temperature cola from the other side of the counter.
“Well I haven’t seen it yet.” Dana told him and watched intently. The show was a five-minute segment on DD-TV called ‘Crimes against Fashion’, hosted by the Duke’s daughter the Duchess of Detroit. Duchess had the same tall, lanky build as her father the Duke, but her face was more like her late mother No.2. The most prominent trait she had was her hair; it was in two differently coloured layers just like the Duke, except the top layer was bright red instead of brown, and her hair was much longer and smoother. She had a large singular fringe covering her left eye, and a plat on the other side framing the right side of her face. She had the same sea-blue eyes as the Duke, and wore candy-red eyeshadow on the visible eye. The older teen, who had to be almost twenty by now, always wore a white sleeveless v-neck, red tights with a white stripe down the side of both legs, and white heeled boots with red stripes down the sides.
In the segment Duchess was sitting in an extravagant chair, with a sly Duke-like grin, and was talking about the outfits worn by various people caught in shots around Motorcity. And surprisingly, after the two minute mark a snapshot of Mitch came up, where he was sitting on the stoop of an apartment complex and was playing his stratocaster.
“And then there’s this guy!” Duchess said to the camera and audience “The leader of the new Burners himself. I don’t know if it’s a phase he’s going through but he wears too much black! We get it Chilton you’re an edgelord, it doesn’t mean you wear black all the way up to your chin!” Dana couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, Kam rose an eyebrow.
“Geeeze, she’s so hot it’s a shame she has to be such a bitch.” Kam said in regards to Duchess, Dana nudged him.
“Oh be nice Kam, she has a point you know; Mitch doesn’t exactly dress to impress.”
“Should he? And even if he doesn’t it isn’t nice to blast someone on television either when he was just minding his own business.”
“To be fair, I think it was the Duke’s orders, you know he doesn’t exactly like the Burners. Especially Mitch’s dad.”
“Doesn’t make it okay.” Kam muttered, taking a sip of cola “If you ask me, Duchess is just as bad as the Duke. Daddies girl or not, she’s just as much of an overdramatic brat as him.”
Dana nudged him again “Come on, that’s not fair; her mom died in Hellfire Rain, all she has is her dad.”
“And a ton of money, a ton of territory and a bunch of servants - she’s not the only one who lost a parent; Miles and Teddy lost their mom too. Hell, I don’t even have a dad and you don’t see me blasting people on television.”
They heard a yelp of pain and turned to see Miles was standing up and hopping about. “Are you okay?” Dana called from the kitchen.
“A cinder block fell on my foot!” She hissed painfully, and Dana began making her way over.
“Let’s go see Teddy.”
“I’m fine!”
“Come on, don’t try to be tough those cinder blocks weigh more than you do. I mean, it’s not hard to but-”
“Your foot is fine, a little bruised but I don’t think you’ll get any sort of infection.” Teddy told her after looking Miles over.
“Thanks doc,” She sighed, Dana was seated at a different chair next to the doctors chair, and was reading an old magazine “What’s with the face mask?” She asked; Teddy had a surgical mask on since before they came in and hadn’t taken it off.
“There’s a flu going around - haven’t you wondered where Mitch is?” He asked with a quirked brow - his communicator, a usb-stick like device at the end of his layard started going off, a call from his mother, and like always he pressed decline.
“I figured he was brooding.”
“No, he, Texas, and Little T are all down with the flu - in fact, let me check you over.” Teddy went into his medical ramble and grabbed a thermometer and pulse oximeter.
“I feel fine- Teddy, really?” There was really no use getting through to the medic, as he already put the pulse ox on her finger . Sometimes he was really such a hypochondriac by proxy.
He got out his thermometer and put a probe cover on the stick “Open,” he ordered, and she listened, as it took a few seconds to take temperature he turned to Dana “I’m checking you right after.”
“Fine.” The mechanic deadpanned and turned the page of the magazine.
The thermometer beeped and he looked at the screen of it “You have a 103 degree fever.” She groaned a little bit, knowing Teddy was probably going to blow it way out of proportion “That’s a high grade fever Miles.”
“I’m- I’m okay.” She stopped herself from saying ‘fine’ for what must have been the millionth time that day. Teddy didn’t really listen to this and instead focused his attention on Dana, he took her vitals as well and she had a 102 degree fever.
“Everyone’s getting sick; that’s it, work day over, everyone’s going home.” Teddy sighed, adjusting the surgical mask and switching it for a a filter mask instead.
“But I live here,” Dana pointed out, Teddy gave her a stern look.
“I’ll take you back to your parents home at the Cablers settlement,” Teddy said, grabbing the keys to Sunback “I can’t nurse a flu for more than three people at a time. I’m going to check Kam quickly-.”
“I’m going home.” Miles announced and got up abruptly. “I’ll take my bike it works just fine just looks ugly.”
“Miles I’d highly advise-”
“I said I’m fine.” She said with more emphasis, irked at this pointed, and the medic didn’t push it this time. The brunet hobbled over to her bike, pulled her face mask up to her nose, and drove off.
“She really needs to start wearing a helmet,” Teddy said to Dana, and she nodded in agreement; really, at this point it was amazing the Prowler driver hadn’t cracked her head open.
The Cabler settlement was Dana’s actual home ever though she primarily stayed at the Burners headquarters. Her parents lived there, and as did her older brothers Cekis and Carlos.
“Get better, and have a nice day.”
“Thanks Teddy.” She smiled weakly as Sunback turned around, unlatching Stringer from the towline, and watched the vehicle as it drove off and disappeared from Cabler territory and her sight. Sighing heavily, Dana trudged her way to her childhood home.
She loved her family, she really did, but… she had her reasons for not coming home very often.
The short Burner knocked on the rounded door, and waited as she heard the electronic locks click, and finally the door opened. A much, much taller figure stepped out. “Baby girl!” Dutch exclaimed as he knelt down and swooped his daughter into an all-encompassing hug so tight she had some difficulty breathing. Being the patriarch of not just the Gordy family but also the Cablers themselves, Dutch wore electrician-style Cabler gear these days with a blue star on his shirt where his Burners symbol used to be. He still kept his hair up in a large afro, and also had a beard, but both of these had a few gray strands.
“H-Hey dad,” she coughed and smiled weakly, and she was dragged into the house. The cable house looked the same as it did every time she came back home, furniture arranged the same, picture frames where they’d always been. R.O.T.H, her fathers constant companion even to this day was charging on the kitchen counter.
“Tennie!” Dutch called his wife; he finally put his much smaller daughter down and had his arm wrapped around her instead.
“Dad I’m sick-” Dana protested and tried to pry out of his affectionate grasp, but this did little to deter him; her mother fast-walked from the hallway. Tennie Gordy was the Cablers leader and despite her unimposing stature looked the part; her hair was a lot longer and not kept in pigtails anymore, and instead flowed down to her back, but she had a blue bandana wrapped around her head to keep it all out of her face, and if it was off one would see that one of her ears was bright red and shriveled compared to the other one. A reminder of Hellfire Rain.
“Dana honey! It’s so good to see you!” Tennie said as she walked over and covered the teens face in kisses.
“Yuck, yuck- mommmmm.” Dana protested “Dooon’t, I’m sick.”
“You’re sick?” Her mother asked, concerned, Dana nodded and explained to them what Teddy had explained to her “Well, that’s no problem, we haven’t touched your room. Go lie down for a bit sweetie, I’ll bring you some food and medicine in a bit.”
Dana nodded obediently and Dutch escorted her to her room “Are… the twins home?” She asked, referring to her older brothers.
“No, they’re working on a centre right now.” Her father explained as he opened her door; her bedroom seemed to be a juxtopisional space, it looked lived-in but it felt lifeless. It had a hammock bed with a storage boxes under it, a dresser, a small desk and a few stuffed toys scattered her and there, along with clothes in the closet that she didn’t wear anymore but kept because it wasn’t like she’d grown any taller since she was twelve.
She lay down on  the hammock and looked as her father put a fleece blanket on top of her. “Just shout if you need anything,” he said and kissed her forehead.
“I’m too old for that, dad.” She reminded him, getting flustered at this point; he only laughed softly and left. Dana curled up into a ball under the blanket once she was left alone; and now that she was left alone to herself and her thoughts with the lights off she realized that her head and face did in fact feel really hot. Had she been this tired the whole time?
She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Muttering to herself as she parked her bike in a lot, Miles went into a pharmacy - not more than ten minutes since her diagnosis and she was already feeling the full brunt of the fever. It was almost like the knowledge she was sick made her ever sicker. Weird how that worked. If she was going to make it back home, she’s have to have some kind of pick-me-up. Maybe she should have taken the bus.
She went inside and looked around for some cough medicine, but they were sold out as usual; living in a subterranean city, they were always low on stuff like medicine, especially cold pills which people frequently turned into crystal meth. Ever since Kya’s son Fallow of the Terra’s opened up a weed shop hard drug usage wasn’t as bad as it was say, ten years ago, but it was still there.
Giving up her search for cough syrup, and picking up some ibuprofen, she came back out with a brown paper bag in hand. However, a few steps out of the door and she was hit with a wave of vertigo; she almost dropped the paper bag as she reached her hands up to hold her head, and cast her spinning vision to the ground.
She was vaguely aware of someone hooking their arm with hers and escorting her to her bike, but she was too dizzy to really do anything other than be dragged. “Thanks…” She muttered as she gripped the handles of her bike.
“No problem.” A robot voice said, almost humorously. She froze and turned back around to see it was Red. On impulse she reached for her communicator.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Red warned and red energy sparked around his fists, reluctantly the brunet listened “good. Not that they’d help you, everyone but your medic is sick too.”
“What do you want?” Miles asked, irked. She’d be confused even if she wasn’t sick; why would Red help her to her bike instead of just attacking her when she was weak?
“I wasn’t ordered to attack a bunch of Burner babies.” Red told her, snatching the baggy from her “I was told to observe. And I have to say, I’m not impressed.” He looked into the bag and reached his hand inside of it.
“Give me that!” Miles snapped and snatched the bag back “I don’t know what angle you’re playing at, but leave me alone.”
“Whatever you say,” Red began, bringing his face in a little closer, so he could mockingly whisper “princess.”
Miles already pale face drained of colour “W-What-”
“Don’t think I don’t know your little secret,” The armoured man said, and turned away “frankly, I’m surprised your little friends haven’t caught on by now.”
And then he was gone, and Miles was dizzy, feverish, panicked and confused all at once.
“Here sweetheart.” was a statement coupled with a gentle shake that woke Dana up from her uncomfortable fever sleep, but being awake again was twice as uncomfortable, she opened her eyes a crack to see her mother standing by her hammock; she’d brought a small one-person fold out table and had on it a steaming bowl of soup and glass of orange juice.
“Thanks mom…” Dana said quietly, grabbing the orange juice; she wasn’t sure how long she’d been out but apparently it was long enough to dehydrate to near death. Tennie smiled down maternally at her daughter.
“It’s so nice to have you home again! Of course I’d prefer if you were well - but still nice nonetheless. Your brothers are home by the way.” Dana coughed as she swallowed the wrong way. “They’re not going to bother you, but they’re home if you want to see them.” Dana’s older brothers, Carlos and Cekis were older than her by four years, they were twenty-one, and identical in every way. They didn’t live at home because they were jobless or bums or anything like that, but because like their parents they were influential figures among the Cablers.
They were the golden children, and she’d always played second fiddle to them as long as she could remember.
They were both prodigies and grew to be much-needed pillars of the Cabler community; carpentry, hardware repair, and electrician were a must-have in the Cabler settlement and the twins were skilled in all. Now, Dana was a skilled electrician also; but she was better with vehicle technical skills, which aren’t as important in the Cabler community as it was to the rest of Motorcity. Not to mention she hated doing general repairs and was poor with carpentry.
The twins were artists also, just like their father, something that inspired the rest of their community. She didn’t have that same spark. She was good at other things; she knew basic first aid, she was good at fighting, good at cooking, but…
She wasn’t good enough at anything that was important to the Cablers, or her parents, she didn’t live at home anymore because that meant living in her brothers’ shadows.  Kameron had been her childhood friend, like the other Burners, and he was the first of the original Burners children who got his license. Dana always tagged along with him driving, and when Jacob and Texas proposed restarting the Burners she jumped on that bandwagon right away. She wasn’t anything special in the Cabler community, but among the Burners she actually meant something. She could fix cars better than the others, she could make them look new just with a discerning eye.
As a Burner, the Stinger driver was important. As a cabler, Dana Gordy was just nobody.
“Do you need anything else dear?”
“No thank you, mom.”
The Dukes territory was a formidable place to trespass even if it was a junkyard; the guard dogs, the henchmen on patrol, all of the cameras. It was like there were eyes everywhere.
At least, that’s what you would think if you didn’t understand the territory like Miles did.
There was a narrow blindspot; this was a run where a lot of the guard dogs congregated, but they never barked at her because they knew her. Still, the area was narrow; but it was narrow enough for a speeding Motorbike like Prowler to slip through undetected.
Miles came close to the Duke’s mansion, and when she was close enough she stopped her bike at an overpass of junk; it was easy to hide her motorbike with the abundance of junk, and usually a pane of sheet metal did the job as she leaned it against a mound of junk. It was actually this area that she’d found Prowler; back then it had just been an ancient, rusted, delivery Motorbike but she’d fixed it enough to make it at least work.
And then one fateful day, over a year ago she’d come across Mitch. Moonstrucks radiator took a shit because Mitch neglected to change the water. But Mitch had only just got his license so it was a forgivable mistake since it was a common mistake for new drivers especially if they had an old car. She helped him fix his radiator, jumped his battery and opted to be his spotter on the way back to Jacobs garage. Here she met the rest of the gang, and became the last of the new Burners to join. They helped her fix up Prowler to its current sleek, destructive glory.
Keeping herself as small as possible, Miles went through another narrow blind spot; there was a large, mostly dead, monstrosity of a mutated tree next to the mansion, which blocked the security cameras view for a small range, but enough range for Miles to squeeze through; once by the mansion she opened the window; she had jerry rigged it to make it looked locked from the inside when it wasn’t. Once inside, she sighed in relief.
The room was mostly red, with some white accents; it was an overall plush, velvety room; it had its own large master bathroom , and walk-in closet with full-length mirrors on the doors. The bed was king sized and had a soft, bright red duvet, and an abundance of plush white pillows. There was a large TV in one corner with a red leather couch and glass coffee table in front of it. Finally, there was a large dresser with a number of accessories on it, including a large jewelry box almost overflowing with it’s tasteful content, there was a mirror attached to the dresser also, and a small velvety vanity stool. On top of the jewelry box, there was a small Titanium ring, made a shimmering green via anodizing, which she resented too much to ever wear.
Placing the paper baggy down, the Burner sat on the stool and looked into the dressers mirror. Her reflection stared back; a fair-skinned girl, with fever-flushed cheeks, tied up brown hair, and brown eyes bespectacled with geeky round glasses. Her face.
Sighing heavily as she usually did at this part of the day, Mile’s took her leather jacket off first and hid under her dresser. She undid her ponytail, and her brown hair fell to the middle of her back. She looked at herself in the mirror again as she took off her glasses; her eyes went from boring brown to a brilliant sea blue. Finally, she took her red hair clip out, and her bangs fell to the left side; the brown color of her hair shifted as the pixelated disguise faded out; her hair became softer, fuller and two-toned, with the top layer becoming bright red and the bottom layer blonde.
She looked into the mirror again and this time the Duchess of Detroit was staring back at her.
“Dude, autoscope.” Mitch complained into his headset to his online companion, who was probably some smug seven-year-old judging by their online gaming shenanigans. The brunet Burner was sitting at a couch with a blanket over his lap and a wet cloth on his forehead that stopped being cool fifteen minutes ago but he was too lazy to remove. His baby sister was curled up under the same blanket, and was sleeping with her head resting on his thigh. Fever had sapped her usual abundance of energy, and Texas was the same as Mitch hadn’t heard a peep from the older Burner all day. Mitch, however, had a hard time sleeping fever off, and decided to instead spend the day playing video games.
“I didn’t think I’d see a day where everyone was greener under than gills than me.” An old, rusty voice croaked; Mitch put on a weak smile when he craned his head to the doorway to see Jacob. The old man was not in good shape these days; most people in Motorcity didn’t live past seventy because of respiratory issues, and Jacob was still kicking. Probably because of his diet being heavy in vegetables. Among other age-related issues, his worst ailments were rheumatoid arthritis, and lung cancer.
The only reason he wasn’t heavy on treatments was because he didn’t have a very aggressive form of lung cancer, he reasoned that old age would kill him first. Depressing thought, but he fought for the free thought of everyone, he had the right to have a say in how he’d die. He consumed a lot of cannabis edibles these days.
“It’s just a bug, they pass.” Mitch said, and the old man hobbled over. Little T hummed and gripped the blanket, burrowing deeper into the fluffy cocoon.
“I’m impressed, neither of you two are as insufferable as your father when he got sick.”
“Which one?”
“Mike,” Jacob said “he was just- just, awful when he was sick, especially when he was around your age. ‘But I have to do this’, ‘but I have to do that’, ‘but it’ll only take an hour to blast all of those hound bots’.” Jacob impersonated, which made Mitch snort a small laugh “We had to use a whole bottle of cough syrup to put him to sleep to keep him from doing anything. Your other father had a heck of a time dealing with that.”
Now that Mitch thought about it, anytime Mike was sick he was basically in a coma for the whole day. He used to think that was just how sick people recuperate, but in retrospect Chuck probably drugged him with a bunch of cough syrup or something, because it /was/ weird that Mike would be inactive for such a long stretch of time. Much like Little T, he had to always be moving, and couldn’t sit still for long. Mitch was restless too, but not because he felt the need to constantly be doing something, but because he just naturally functioned on small amounts of sleep. Chuck would always tell him it was hereditary, but he may have just been trying to excuse his own bad habits.
“By the way,” Mitch inquired as Jacob sat at the other side of the couch and grabbed a controller as well “was Kam sick too?”
“No,” Jacob told him and toggled on the two-player “Teddy sent him back to Deluxe for safety though, illness is so rare in Deluxe it’d be really strange if he suddenly came down with the flu.”
“So everybody but Kam and Teddy is down?”
“Well, I hope it doesn’t last too long; if Red reported this Kane would jump at the chance to attack us.” Jacob hummed thoughtfully at Mitch’s observation.
“I don’t know…” Jacob began “Red’s changed… he just, doesn’t seem very destructive. I don’t think he takes the Burners seriously anymore.”
“That’s fine with me,” Mitch shrugged “if he doesn’t think we’re a threat, that’s a benefit to us. Kane will underestimate us. And dad always told me there wasn’t a bigger blunder than underestimating a foe.”
“Oh princess! Are you home?” The knocking at her door almost made Duchess jump out of her skin, but it was just her father. She was glad that being a girl, the Duke never just barged in, she was especially thankful that he’d shown up right after she’d gotten into her pajamas.
“I’m here dad.” She said, sliding under her covers to make it look like she’d been there the whole time - just in time for Duke to throw her door open.
“What are you still doing in bed sleepy head! It’s three in the afternoon!” He bellowed, but jovially. He walked over, she looked up at her father and smiled weakly.
“I’m sick.” She told him, sitting up slightly. And he frowned, making the age lines in his face much more apparent; the brown layer of his hair, and his once well trimmed but now scruffy beard was streaked in gray while the blonde layer was streaked with white and he just seemed to add more and more colourless streaks each day. Even though he was older than a lot of people realized, he’d managed to retain a youthful appearance; that was, until her mother died.
“Oh sweetheart why didn’t you say so! I’d have gotten one of our servants-”
“It’s just a flu dad.” Duchess insisted.
“Still, only the best for my little girl. This isn’t from that fiance of yours is it?”
“Dad you know as well as I do that I’m never around him unless if I have to be.” She reminded him, and she looked up at him with narrowed eyes as she did. It was an arranged marriage, arranged by him when she was only eleven.
The Duke kissed her forehead, which might have been for affectionate purposes but was definitely mostly to check her temperature. “Darling you’re absolutely burning,” he concluded “no more Crimes against Fashion for you this week.”
“Okay,” Duchess said with a sigh, sinking back into her mountain of plush pillows.
“Don’t worry about business this week,” The Duke continued “you just focus on getting better princess.” She just nodded and turned onto her side with her back facing him. He turned out her lights and then left, and when he did she flopped back onto her back to stare at the ceiling.
Duchess felt like more of an asset of her father than an actual daughter sometimes. Okay, pretty much all the time she felt this way. And everyone else saw her as just an extension of the Duke as well, instead of as an individual person. When she was younger she loved it; everyone wanted her attention, wanted to be her friend. As she got older, she realized they just wanted a piece of the Duke’s money and power, and saw her as a meal ticket. Or people just assumed she was a spoiled heiress without a thought in her head, like Kam did.
Over time, she realized that in order to be herself she had to stop being… herself. She used some of her father’s connections to get pixelating technology; a hair clip that made her hair appear brown, and rounded glasses that changed not only the color of her eyes, but also made her eyes appear rounded instead of the natural almond shape.
Once she had those, all she needed was a ride, different clothes and a name. She’d scavenged her bike from the dump, she bought more casual, palette-swapped versions of her regular clothes and a leather jacket. The name Miles was typically a male name, but it had special meaning to her; when she was little she had the childish habit of talking a lot, and talking fast, to the point her mother frequently told her she ‘talked a mile a minute’.
When she was Miles, she wasn’t the Duchess of Detroit, she was just a nerdy biker chick. She’d gone to the same high school as Mitch, Dana, and Dana’s brothers and none of them knew that she was really Duchess. When she’d ‘met’ Mitch that fateful day at the side of the road, he saw her as a stranger.
And she was not just fine with that, she /relished/ in it.
As Miles she could ride Prowler instead of a limo with someone else driving. She could be taken seriously, she could get in as many fight club brawls as she wanted, she could be seen as a person and not just an extension of Duke. She could be a Burner.
She loved her father, she really did, but he coddled her, and almost kept her hidden from the world; she wasn’t allowed to have many friends as a kid, anytime she went anywhere she had to have an entourage of bodyguards with her, she was rarely allowed to even drive the limo unless if she was racing because ‘that’s what the help do’, she had to always wear red-and-white, she wasn’t even allowed to date because he arranged her a marriage for power and affluence.
His over-protectiveness and coddling wasn’t always so bad, but it got worse after her mother died, though not immediately. He pushed her away at first out of grief, for about a year, but then suddenly he was all over being her father again and she was smothered to near death after a year of being neglected.
Duchess pulled the blanket up over her face; sometimes she wished she could wake up and be Miles forever. Well, okay she didn’t really wish that. She was at a constant impasse with her identities because she loved being Duchess too, just not all the time.
First, she needed to sleep. She reached over to grab the bottle of ibuprofen from the paper bag, but it fell from her nightstand when she grabbed it wrong. When she looked to her floor, her blue eyes widened in shock.
There was a bottle of ibuprofen, but also a new bottle of cough syrup.
/I’d rather hate you for everything you are Than ever love you for something you are not I’d rather you hate me for everything I am Than have you love me for something that I can’t
It’s never enough, it’s never enough No matter what I say It’s never enough, no it’s never enough No matter who I try to be It’s never enough, no it’s never enough No matter how I try to change It’s never enough, never never enough I’ll never be what you want me to be/
Authors Note: Cars introduced are; Leviathan = squid motif, green. Stinger = wasp motif, purple.  Mile’s lives a double life.  Parallels can be drawn between Dana, who just wants to be noticed, and Miles who just wants to not be noticed so she can be herself, but both of them just want people to appreciate them for who they are. Also, who’s Miles engaged to? And why would Red go out of his way to intimidate Miles, just to also turn around and give her the cough syrup she needed? The song is ‘Never Enough’ by Five Finger Death Punch.
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pinkchronicles · 4 years
2019 Recap
So, eto na naman po ako sa super-duper, ultra-mega late blog post ko noh! Hahaha! I was supposed to write something about my birthday but this year has been super crazy kaya naman failed ang goal ko to post here every month! Hahaha! And I'm not complaining ha! I'm actually super grateful because this has been one of the best years I've had. The best year I've had in a decade to be exact! I know sinabi ko din ito regarding my 2018 but tinalo talaga sya ng 2019. Hehehe! Today, I will try my best to go into details about the things that happened this year in every aspect of my life. So, let's start!
I want to start with this part because this is where I sucked at the most. And I admit it, okay. I've set myself a goal on finishing the Bible this year and well, I DID IT! August 26, 2019 was the date to be exact. And I finished it with the help of an app named Bible Reading Schedule. Not promoting the app. Ginamit ko talaga kasi sya. Kinda weird that I had to schedule things like this, I know. I'll explain why later. When it comes to my faith and such, walang nagbago. I'd like to say it has improved but I couldn't feel it nor tell myself na I've been more religious than the previous year. Hindi ako kuntento sa part na ito because I know I could've done better.
Best part of my life this 2019! I have nothing much to say here sa true lang kasi we all had a busy year. But despite of it, I can say na this is one of the best years for our family. Wala kaming naging major issue or problem, walang nagkasakit ng serious sa amin, our Tita was declared cancer-free, we did our first major travel together so yung bond namin this year is kinda different from the previous years. We're travelling again next month. This time mas madami na kami. I'm still super close to my parents. To sum it all up, very peaceful and balanced ang family life ko.
Another area where I always sucked at except this year. I honestly don't know if I am right in saying it because it's how I feel about it. The years of me being a super obedient patient is finally starting to pay off! I didn't have any serious problem about my health this year except for one thing that I don't really like discussing but fiiine, I will! I wanted this post kasi to be as raw and unfiltered as possible. I almost sunk into depression during the first quarter of this year. Keyword is ALMOST. Ayoko mag-open up about it because I know it's such a sensitive topic to discuss specially now that everyone seems to claim that they experience it at ayoko din namang ma-label as "bandwagoner". But I did a test last year. Ayoko na i-divulge kung anong test but it has something to do with radiations that brought a negative side effect sa body ko. That's where it came from. Thankfully, I was born a fighter. I'm not being arrogant or what but I guess through the years, I've learned how to take better care of myself. The moment I noticed that something is wrong with me or my body, I instantly go berserk. Hahaha! No kidding! Yun ang initial reaction ko all the time. That's why people say I'm maarte or that I'm always over-reacting especially when it comes to health stuff but that's MEEE! I don't think I would've survived and lived this long if I wasn't too paranoid about my health. Of course, another factor din na meron akong crazy but super supportive na family who are always there for me.
Okaaay... Here we are with what I think is the biggest plot twist of my 2019! I won't try to sugarcoat things. There is a new person who makes me smile. Surprised!? Me, too! Hahaha! It feels weird kasi never in my wildest dreams did I ever think na I will like someone again. I mean, alam ko naman na dadating yung time na yun but I never thought it will be this year. I was giving myself kasi a 3-5 years of rest in the love department. But anyways, we are not in a relationship. NOT YET! Hahaha! And honestly, I prefer things this way. I know it's weird and people might say na I'm too old for the "no label" kind of relationship but I enjoy being single. Yung tipong hindi ka na-i-stress at umiiyak because your boyfriend is playing the ignoring game that goes on for days, weeks, months and so on. Nakakaloka! I may sound bitter (even if I'm not) but being single made me appreciate the stress-free life. And even if nakaka-miss having someone special in your life, I don't think I am fully ready to be in a relationship again. Feeling ko may kailangan pa akong i-confirm at ayusin sa sarili ko before I enter a new one. Actually, hindi lang naman para sa akin but for both of us (me and the new person). Gusto ko 101% sure ako sa feelings ko at sa kanya kasi ayoko namang maging unfair. Luckily, he's also in the same page as I am. We're both content and secured enough to know that we feel the same way about each other. That's the most important thing. WE BOTH FEEL SECURED KAHIT WALA KAMING LABEL. And even if there's no exclusivity in that situation, we both know we're exclusive to each other. Hahaha! Plus point yun for me because I don't like sharing noh! Bonus na lang yung knowledge nya about my medical history (he's my doctor) so he knows what he's about to get if ever we both decided to take things further.
I won't go into details sa part na ito ha but this has been a very abundant year for me. Yung mga sales lang talaga ang naging problem ko dito eh! Hahaha! Yun na yon!
2019 has been a year of growth for me. It taught me a lot of things and I mean A LOT! I've learned to invest more in myself. To love myself more. I know it sound cliché but it's true. I've rebuilt myself this year. I'm slowly gaining my confidence back. I've always felt like I should adjust for other people but now I am slowly learning to ignore those whom I know isn't really good for my well being. I finally started mastering the art of dedma! Hahaha! Thanks to my special someone. Siya talaga yung palaging nagsasabi at nagpaparamdam sa akin na it's their loss for losing someone like you. Aaaw! At syempre naniniwala naman ako noh! Hahaha! Because of him I've realized that it's okay to leave and let the people that you love go. Like if the person that you love doesn't treat you well at puro stress and toxicity ang binibigay sayo, LET THEM GO. Walang mabuting maidudulot sayo ang pag-hold on sa mga taong ganyan. They'll just going to drain you. Why sacrifice your sanity and put your energy to people who doesn't give a fuck about you diba! I've honestly lost around 5 people in my already small circle this year and honestly, I never felt any regret that I lost them. Hindi ako bitter na nawala sila but life has been a lot easier since they left. As in nabawasan talaga yung problema ko sa life! Hehehe! If I knew this would be the effect of not being around their energies, I would've stayed away from them 4-5 years ago. Like seriously.
I've also learned to detached from people who only know me when they need something. The people who come to me when they have a problem but ignores me the moment they're doing better. I don't know how and why I've let myself get attached to them. Parang naging collection ko na nga sila sa dami nila! Hahaha! I don't know why I attract those kind of people kasi hindi naman ako ganon. But honestly, wala naman akong problem with those kind of people. Happy ako na I was able to help them in my own little way but unlike before where in sobrang affected at invested ako sa problems nila, hindi na ngayon. I've learned to put boundaries when it comes to my emotions. Kaya sometimes I kinda feel bad for Joven (my doctor) kasi this could also mean na he's in big trouble pag naasar ako sa kanya diba! Hahaha!
They say that you get what you put out into the world and I am now a firm believer of it. I believe in karma kahit ano pang sabihin ng iba. And I know I've been good this year kasi I was showered with good karma. But I've also seen a lot of people getting their bad karma served to them this year. I don't want to sound mean but it is what it is. I'm not happy about it. It's just that sometimes when they asked me for advice or help or when they come to me, all I wanted to tell them was to reflect on their past actions because it could teach them something. I'm not saying I'm clean and all but most people overlook these things. Or maybe it's just me because that's how I assess my life. Like if something bad happens to me or whenever I go through something, I know it's because I did something bad to other people. Yun yung parang wake up call ko na: "Girl, umayos at mag-behave ka!" Hehehe! But then again, I've learned not to meddle with other people's business and I've learned it the hard way kaya I prefer to zip my mouth.
Anyway, I also meditate now. The chakra healing, essential oils and stuff, I do and use all those things na. I know it's weird and very Tita-ish but it works for me. Para kasing nag-reset yung system ko after I started doing meditations. I couldn't function or stick to my goals without scheduling them kaya I now use scheduling and habit apps. Effective naman sya sa akin. Na-finish ko nga yung Bible diba! Hehehe! I've ditched the bullet journal because hindi sya fully nag-work for me. Like no matter what I write in there, nakakalimutan ko because I had to scroll pages pa just to find it. Naging visual ang brain cells ko this year. Sort of like out of sight, out of mind ako when it comes to stuff. And I've been super productive this entire year. I'm starting a new business soon (next week, actually) and I'm excited about it kasi ang daming positive feedback. Ayoko sya i-pre-empt kaya I won't talk about it na.
I celebrated my birthday in a very simple way again. Nag-mass lang ako then had dinner with my family. Pero parang 1 whole week tumagal yung birthday ko. Weird how people has been giving me food out of nowhere. I saw the old lady (the one I wrote about last year) in the church again. And she sat right in front of me again. As in parang naulit lang yung nangyari last year. Christmas has been amaziiing! First time ever ko nanalo ng bongga sa Bingo. There has been a running joke about me kasi when it comes to Bingo. They say I always pick the charity cards because I never ever win. Hahaha! This year I was able to finally say, "GANITO PALA ANG FEELING NG NANANALO!" Hahaha!
I think that's all I'm going to post about this year. As always, medyo hesitant na naman ako sa papasok na taon but I'm also excited for the new learnings, experiences and opportunities this 2020. I'm half-claiming it will be a good year for me kasi Rat is my Chinese zodiac sign and 2020 is Year of the Metal Rat. Para ano pa't naging Year of the Rat person ako diba! Hehehe! Anyways, as the new year begins, may we all use this chance again of pressing the reset button in our lives wisely.
Wishing everyone a Belated Merry Christmas and A Prosperous Wonderful New Year!!! Xoxo - Ayie
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Undisclosed Desires (chapter two) (Pearlet) - Blue Seydoux
AN: Hello, lovelies! Thank you for everyone who took the time to read my fic, it means a lot. This chapter is quite longer and happier but the next one will be quite angsty. Feedback is much appreciated! I hope you’ll enjoy it x
Violet woke up the next day and lied there inside her bed, smiling idiotically to herself until a voice interrupted her daydreams.
-Good morning, darling!
She turned to her side to face her husband and stroked his cheek with her thumb.
-Mmm, good morning, Max.
Max moved closer to Violet and started caressing her thigh. He placed a soft kiss on her lips.
-I missed you yesterday.
-Me too, baby. You know how it is this time of year at work, it’s been crazy. I’m gonna go brush my teeth and wash my face, okay?
Violet went to the bathroom and took extra time inside with her daily hygiene routine. When she came back to the master bedroom, her face fell seeing Max still lying there on the bed. She was hoping to avoid spending any time with him that morning, partly because she couldn’t face him with her guilty conscience, partly because she wasn’t especially in the mood to have sex with him if he wanted to, that soon after being with Matt.
-Come here, he whispered to her.
Max started kissing her softly again, lying on top of her. He soon began grinding his hips, rubbing his dick to her.
-Uum, baby? Joshua might be awake. Maybe it’ll be best if we check on him first?
-We’ll be quiet, said Max while biting her neck.
Violet sighed, closed her eyes, and imagined Matt being the one moving inside and outside of her.
Coming into the workplace, Violet entered Matt’s office to deliver to him a couple of papers to sign when someone wolf-whistling interrupted her. She turned around and found a young guy sitting lazily at the back of the room, grinning at her.
-Uum hi?
-Hey, there, beautiful.
-Can I help you with something?
At that moment, Matt entered the room, saw Violet and smiled tenderly at her.
-Good morning, Violet.
-Hey, Matt, she smiled back. I got you the papers for Mr. Charles to sign, they’re on your desk.
-Thank you, Matt said and continued staring at her and smiling.
-Well, thanks for ignoring me, guys, huffed the young guy indignantly.
Matt rolled his eyes and introduced him.
-Violet, this is Brian, my cousin. His parents sent him to spend this week here in the city so he’s staying with me. He’s going to college here in a few months..graphic design.
-And as you can see, Matt can’t waaaait to spend the week, seven days, day and night, with me.
-Yes, I caaaan’t wait.
Violet was amused by the weird interaction between the cousins and chose not to probe into it. She smiled at Brian and talked to him politely.
-Well, it’s nice meeting you, Brian. It’s a really nice area to live in. There are so many artists showing their work here, you’re going to love it.
Brian smirked at Violet and talked in an exaggerated voice while sighing.
-If only I had a beautiful woman that can take me out and show me around!
Before Matt could tell Brian to fuck off, Violet smirked back at Brian and said, I’ll put my husband to sleep at 9. Call me!
Violet winked at him and went back to her office while Matt was fuming at the interaction.
-I like her! exclaimed Brian.
The rest of the week continued down that path with Brian flirting with Violet and Violet giggling and playing along with everything he says while Matt rolled his eyes at them. He got frustrated with everything Brian did especially that, since his arrival, he did not have not one alone moment with Violet all week.
By the end of the week, Matt was missing Violet so much, he counted the minutes till Brian traveled back home.
-Dude, I totally jerked off to Violet’s picture of her in that swimsuit. Have you seen it? She looks so hot. She looks like Bettie Page!
-You’re sick, Matt was completed disgusted with his cousin. Man, you’re really sick. And how do you have a picture of her?
-I added her on facebook!
Brian got his phone out and started scrolling through Violet’s pictures and showing them to Matt.
-She’s sooo gorgeous, no wonder you’re mad I’m here.
-What do you mean? questioned Matt.
-Uuh, nothing! I’m going to go to her office now! I asked her to make me a list of people she knows that can help me find apartments I can rent. We’re going out during her lunch break too, she’s taking me to this French bistro, La Petite Mort..her treat since it’s my last day here!   
And with that, Brian got out, closed the door, leaving Matt all alone and furious. Not only has he not talked properly to Violet for a whole damn week, nor had they had any intimate moment, but Brian is the one that gets to spend time with her and hang outside of the office while Matt is not allowed to. Great. Just great.
The second week rolled around and Matt could not be more thankful that he finally got rid of Brian. 
Violet was in her office in front of the mirror, fixing herself up before going to see Matt, when her cellphone started ringing. 
-Hey, Max. What is it, darling?
-Violet, I forgot to tell you at home that you should ask for a few days off of work for this week! We’re traveling for Naomi and Kim’s wedding..remember?
-But I don’t want to go, Max. They’re your friends, not mine! I barely know these people.
-Oh come on, darling. It’ll be fun! You rarely take days off work. We can have a honeymoon of our own there.
Violet had missed Matt for a whole week because of Brian and in no way was she planning on extending that period because of people she rarely saw a few times a year. The prospect of having Max in a far away place was so good to pass up too, she had to resort to another tactic.
-Baby, we can’t leave Joshua with anyone here for this many days, and I’m not making him travel with us when he’s still so young. He hasn’t had all of his vaccines yet! I can’t risk that.
-Violet, aren’t you being a little bit irrational here? Parents travel with their babies all of the time.
-Well, not my baby! The thought of him catching anything when we’re so far away from his doctor…I just can’t.
-Ughh fiiine, fine. Max laughed. I guess you’re really not that into Kim and Naomi, and there’s no changing your mind. I’ll go by myself then. It’ll be cool to catch up with people from my old school. Well, have a nice day, darling. See you at home.
-Bye, baby. See you.
Violet turned off her phone and breathed a sigh of relief. She rushed to Matt’s office to tell him the good news.
-Matt, Max called and he-whoaaa.
-What?! Don’t you dare start on me! It hurts!
Violet started giggling at the sight of Matt with a newly pierced nose.
-Are you having an early midlife crisis, Matthew James Lent?
-Please, just don’t tease me about it. I regretted it the second I got it made.
-Were you really that jealous of an 18 year old boy?!
-You didn’t see him as a “boy” when you started taking him out on dates!
-I was just being nice! He’s your cousin!
-It was so niiice of you to flirt with him all week. Thank you so much, Violet.
-Wake up, Matt! Brian’s gay! It is so obvious I don’t know how you haven’t noticed that. I’m sure all that flirting was to taunt you since all you do is stare at my ass all day! Or because he’s bored around here and just wanted to mess around. If you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extreme measures, you idiot.
Violet giggled at that, approached Matt and started inspecting his septum ring at different angles. 
-You know what? It’s kinda hot…It’s really hot.
Violet licked Matt’s lips then French kissed him briefly.
-Keep it.
Violet backed away and sat on the chair across Matt’s desk while he sat too, too taken aback by Violet’s kiss. She had never kissed him during working hours, and it surprised him that she broke one of her own rules.
-Anyway, Max called me and he’s taking like 4 or 5 days off of work this week and traveling. His friends are getting married.
Matt grinned widely at that.
-Can I then stay with –?
Matt pouted his lips but knew it best not to argue with Violet right now but tested the waters with something else.
-I went to the office of DOG magazine for the advertisement pages there. And guess what? They asked me if I knew anyone who has a Shiba Inu dog. I told them that I do, so they want Honey aaand me to be in the photoshoot spread for the upcoming issue! They’re going to take pictures of us this week, on Thursday!
-Oooh Honeyyy is so cute! It’ll look adorable!
-Why don’t you come?
-Come see me with Honey! Bring Joshua too! Honey loves playing with kids!  
-I don’t know, Matty. If someone sees us..why would I be spending time outside of work with my boss?
-We could make it out like we bumped into each other! You were taking Joshua out to the park, and I was with my dog doing the shoot, and these little two munchkins met and couldn’t be separated! Your husband is going to be out of the country too! Come on, pumpkin. Please say yes. It’s going to be innocent anyway..just a stroll down the park.
Violet started thinking about it, not looking at Matt.
-Pumpkin, a one year old boy isn’t going to rat me out, Matt giggled.
-One and a half, Violet said absentmindedly.
Violet looked at Matt and nodded.
-I suppose a walk around the park wouldn’t cause any problems.
-Yes!! You don’t know how much I missed you, and I really want to meet your son.
Violet smiled.
-I’ve missed you a lot too. Alright, I’m going back to my office..I can’t wait for Thursday, baby.
The week rolled around uneventful until Wednesday when Max traveled. Thursday after work, Violet picked up Joshua from daycare and started walking down the streets to where the shoot was going to be while holding her son’s hand.
She arrived at the address Matt has told her about and as soon as they reached, Joshua yelled out, DOGGIIIIIEEEEEEEE, and started jumping up and down. Matt looked up and grinned widely at Violet, mouthing a Hi to her. Violet did not want to interrupt the shoot, so she stayed back watching Matt and Honey while trying to calm down her son. The photographers wanted to take a few pictures of Matt looking serious, but he couldn’t help smiling every few seconds, blushing every time he caught Violet’s eye. The shoot was soon over and Matt walked towards Violet and Joshua, pleased and excited that Violet agreed to this outing. As soon as he was near, Joshua let go of his mom’s hand and ran towards Matt, squealing, hugging Honey and petting him. Honey got too excited and started to jump but Matt caught Joshua in time before the dog got too close and knocked him over.
-Hey, there, little fella! I’m Matt! This is my friend Honey! Matt said while pointing at his dog. Do you wanna come with us to the park?
-Doggie, doggie, ahhh!
-That’s a yes, then, alright, Violet giggled and extended her arms for Matt so he can hand her her son.
Matt looked at their reflection on a car window; Violet was gorgeous as always, holding her son who was tugging at her hair with his little hands. Violet removed his hands, told him No firmly then kissed his tiny hands and smiled. Matt was close behind them. He looked at the portrait on the glass and smiled. They’d make a cute family, he thought.
Matt walked Honey to the park with Violet right next to him while she was holding Joshua’s hand who kept on pointing at Honey and babbling incoherently. There, they let Joshua pet Honey as much as he wanted then got icecream and sat on the grass. It was a beautiful day to be out and Violet felt so at ease being with the people she loved the most. Matt rented out a kite to entertain Joshua then bought bread for them to feed the ducks at the lake.
A couple of hours passed and Violet got ready to go home.
-Joshua, say bye to Uncle Matt and Honey!
-Baby, we have to go home. You have to shower and have dinner. Come on, say bye, you’ll see them again soon.
Violet turned around to face Matt.
-Oh god, I hope he doesn’t throw a tantrum! He usually listens to me, but I guess he’s still very excited, we don’t have pets at home.
-Do you want me to come over?
Violet froze.
-I mean, we could put Honey out in the garden. He’ll eat while looking at him from the window or something. It’ll appease him that the dog is still with him, he’ll shower quickly.
-Mmm..you know what, yeah, fuck it. All of our neighbors are old too and stay inside their houses. Come on, let’s get it over with, then.
They took a cab to Violet’s house with all of them sitting in the seat behind with Matt gently putting his hand over Violet’s, making circular motions with his fingers to it occasionally, trying to soothe her. When they arrived, they placed Honey in the garden while Joshua ate a sandwich there, circling around himself..pleased that the dog is still with them. To get him distracted with another thing, Violet took them to the garage so they could paint a bit.
Inside, Violet motioned to Matt to come over and opened a closet to show him her paintings. He went through the canvases in awe and looked at her proudly.
-Vi, these are so beautiful. Really. What are these in the corner?
-Thank you. Oh, these are from my Klimt phase. I tried to paint like him when I first started cause I’m talentless like that. Violet laughed lightly. I’m not going to be bragging about these.
-I have to show you my own work! My stuff’s more comic-y though.
-I’d love that, Violet smiled.
She brought out buckets of paint, and they all sat down on the floor with a brush in their hand, each painting a part on a large white canvas. Then, Joshua got up and soaked each hand inside a bucket and yelled, WELLOOOWWW, ‘REEEEEENNNNNN. WELLOOOWWW, ‘REEEEEENNNNNN! The little boy went over Matt and placed each hand on Matt’s face, smudging the paint all over his face then tapping on his chest while babbling excitedly.
-OH MY GOD. I’m so sorry, Matt.
-It’s alright, Vi. The little guy’s just too happy today, it seems, Matt giggled.
Violet grabbed Joshua’s hands who proceeded to smudge the paint on his hands all over Violet too.
-Okay, that’s it. You’re taking a shower and going to bed. Come on, love.
Violet held Joshua closely, and they all went inside the house. Matt and Violet washed their hands and Violet bathed Joshua, tucking him inside his bed, staying with him until he fell asleep. Matt watched them from afar. Violet then lead Matt to the guest room where there was a bathroom inside and told him he could clean up there.
-I’m going to shower upstairs, Matt. I’ll be right back.
Matt raised an eyebrow, inquiring with a look if he could join her.
Violet took a quick shower then ran downstairs with only a towel wrapped around her and holding a couple of towels against her chest.
-Matt, can I come in? I totally forgot to give you any towels and I forgot to put any in the closet here. Matt?
Violet opened the door slowly and saw Matt, completely naked, completely wet, standing there, looking at her imploringly.
-I’ve missed you, pumpkin.
Before she could say anything, Matt wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. He removed her towel, sat on the bed and Violet straddled him, continuing the kiss. Matt ran his fingers up and down her spine then settled on squeezing her ass. He cupped Violet’s face between his hands, sighed heavily, kissed her again, then made her lie down next to him. He started kissing her lips and neck while rubbing her clit, Violet moaned softly as she pumped his dick as well. Matt began fingering Violet while nibbling at her collarbone, licking her breasts while she quickened her strokes and increased the pressure on his length.
Violet turned to her side to get a condom from the nightstand next to the bed while Matt continued on touching her. She gave a wrapper to Matt who steadied Violet in this position, keeping her lying on one side while he rolled over the condom over his dick. He then grabbed one leg and lifted it up as he positioned himself behind her. He started rubbing his dick on her lips, not entering her just yet. After a few minutes, he teased her with the tip of it inside of her, before quickly removing it back, and resumed with just rubbing it again. Violet gasped, turned her head around, and bit his lower lip.
-Oh, I didn’t know you were into anal, Vi. Do you want us to try? Matt smirked at her while kissing her neck.
-Oh god! Just shut up and —
Matt entered her suddenly, inserting all of his length inside of her. He kept it deep inside her a few seconds before circling his hips a bit then started thrusting at a quick pace while fondling her breasts.
-Oh god, Matt. Maaaattttt. Oooh god.
After a few minutes, Violet then decided to take control and pushed him aside. She then straddled Matt with her back facing him, pushed his dick inside her hole, turned around and smirked at him with half closed eyes. Violet started bouncing up and down on Matt’s dick which made her moan and give out a small cry. Matt was grunting, trying to hold back his load that was about to blow up, wanting for this to last as long as it can. He started fondling her thighs before giving them both a slap. Matt then started touching Violet’s clit again, rubbing it with his thumb. Violet alternated between bouncing on his dick, circling her hips around it, and wiggling her ass to push his dick deeper inside of her.
-Oh god, baby, you’re so hot. Oh god. Fuuuuuck. Viiiiii.
Matt then moved his hands to her sides and lied on the bed. He couldn’t take it anymore. He started thrusting upwards, while Violet kept on bouncing on him. They both started wailing until they both came. Violet collapsed on top of him then turned around so they could cuddle.
-I love you, Violet.
-I know.
Violet looked up at him and smiled. She kissed him softly and soon they fell asleep, Matt’s arms wrapped around Violet.   
A couple of hours later, both of them woke up with Violet panicking at the scene. Matt took a few minutes to calm her down, reminding her that her husband is out of town and that her son is still asleep. She laughed weakly and nervously and looked up at him.
-I’m just not used to that. You, here. It’s a bit weird, Matt.
Matt held her hands and kissed them.
-Come on, let’s take a shower, you’ll calm down.
Matt and Violet showered together then headed to the kitchen after Violet wore a button down shirt and Matt wore his boxers. He sat down at the table and pointed at a few illustrations hanging around the kitchen.
-I remember those, he smiled.
-The Erte posters I got with you in Paris, she smiled back. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
-I’m going to make you pancakes, Matty. I don’t feel like cooking right now. Is that alright?
-Pancakes sounds great, sweetheart.
Violet then walked over to the jukebox she set in her kitchen.
-I’ve always wanted one of these, you know. It was hard taking ahold of one still functioning and in a suitable size for the kitchen.
She then chose The Stranglers’ Golden Brown, closed her eyes for a few seconds, then turned around to look at Matt.
-I love this song so much. It reminds me of our time in Paris. Remember?
Matt got up and they were both grinning idiotically at each other, it hurt. He took her hand and twirled her around. They both started swaying to the music while holding each other. Violet was nuzzled up against his chest. She looked up at him with bright eyes and said softly,
-You make me happy.
Matt’s heart skipped a beat at that. That was the closest thing Violet has said to an I Love You. His heart was fluttering and he held back his tears. Matt stroked Violet’s hair back and kissed her forehead. He then kissed her eyelids gently when she closed them, her cheeks, and completed all of that with a kiss on her lips.
Matt and Violet danced the night away and they couldn’t be happier.   
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graymalkyn · 7 years
Yoosung lost their baggage and basically needs to borrow everything from V, please? I love the way you write! And I'm happy to know that you ship two of my otps (vsung and juzen), thank you in advance!
(With hindsight, setting this in a hotel made it a little more difficult, sorry ^^””” Perhaps it’s not what you expected.) As stated in Birthday, Yoosung’s hair is back to its natural color, and this is post-op!V. Not exactly NSFW because I had to tone it down a lot, but eh. Thanks for the prompt!
5) Yoosung x V ~ A lost their baggageand needs to borrow basically everything from B.
“Hurry up, Yoosung! Holdmy hand; we’ll have to run to the gate!” V urged, reaching out for Yoosung.
“I’ll do the runningand tell them to hold the gate! You still shouldn’t make any kind ofunnecessary effort, the doctor said so!” Yoosung snatched V’s backpack and ranpast him, groaning loudly.
So bright andbeautiful, V thought, as he watched his lover’s back. His light-blue t-shirt andjeans revealed a slim body, one that V both feared and longer to embrace. Hedecided against running to avoid the impact, but he hurried as much as hecould. Yoosung had already reached the gate, and was beaming and wavingfrantically, making the flight attendant standing next to him titter.
“Aaah, we can finallyrelax!” Yoosung sighed, plopping down in his seat. “Thank you for changing myseat, but are you sure you don’t want to be by the window?”
“I’m fine. Being exposedto too much light is still uncomfortable. Besides, I can see the sky perfectlyfine from here. We’ll be having great weather. And since it’s your first timetraveling abroad, I’m sure you’ll want to take a good look at everything.”
Yoosung blushedslightly and gave him a shy smile. “Heh… Yes, you’re right. Hey, we should takea picture to commemorate the occasion!” He took out his cellphone and blinked.“Ah, you don’t mind this commoners’ device, do you, Mr. ProfessionalPhotographer?”
“It will have to do,”V replied. He turned to Yoosung and murmured in his ear, “But I guess thismeans later on it will be my turn to capture you, right?” Ah, Yoosung’s cheekswere ruby red. V could even feel his heat just by staying close to him. Teasinghim had become some kind of pastime for him, something that he’d never thoughthe would enjoy so much. He left a quick peck on Yoosung’s right cheek andsmiled for the camera, looking forward to a peaceful time together…
… which seemed tovanish when they learned that Yoosung’s bag had disappeared and waspossibly on its way to Manila.
“How could thishaaappeeen?” Yoosung pouted, his face squished against the airline counter.“All my things! My trunks! My favorite LOLOL t-shirt! What am I gonna doooo,Jihyuuun?”
Yoosung with noclothes?
Yoosung with no clothes.
“Don’t worry, we canbuy some things for you tomorrow. I know! Wouldn’t you like to get a yukata?”
Yoosung sniffled. “… Iguess it would be nice to have one.”
“We can get matchingyukata, then…” V said, and then he added, “… tomorrow. I have my clothes withme, and you can borrow some of them. I’m not much taller now, so they should fityou well.”
Upon getting to thehotel, Yoosung ran out to the balcony and breathed in the fresh seaside air.“Wow! This is so beautiful! I can feel all my problems going away already,hehe…” he chuckled, turning to V. “I’m sorry you saw me sulking back then. Youprobably think I’m a spoiled airhead.”
V passed his fingersthrough Yoosung’s dark chestnut hair and kissed his forehead. “You’re preciousto me.” He wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him, burying his nose inYoosung’s neck. “So, so, so precious!”
“You’re tickling me!”Yoosung squealed, nuzzling him. “Oh?” He looked past V’s shoulder and his eyesopened wide. “Th-The shower has a w-window to the bed-bedroom!” He squinted atV and pinched his cheeks. “Jihyun, you’re such a pervert.”
“You can always pulldown the shades.” He kissed the curve of Yoosung’s neck. “So, will you bejoining me in the shower?”
A smirk spread alongYoosung’s lips. “You go first,” he said, unbuckling V’s belt. “I’ll watch.”
One by one, V’sclothes fell onto the floor as he walked to the bathroom. Even if that spacewas cool, he could feel Yoosung’s melting gaze on him. He turned on the tapsand let the warm water run down his back, but it wasn’t hot enough. Nothing ever was,compared to Yoosung’s feel. He turned around and he found his lover’s eyesdrinking in every part of his body. Such an aroused face… “Come,” V said,beckoning.
Like every time theytouched, V’s heartbeat quickened to the point of overwhelming him. Peoplealways said that romance and passion never lived long. He himself had been in arelationship before, but it couldn’t be compared. Yoosung was intoxicating and cleansing:strong yet vulnerable, demanding and calming; he was the sky and the abyss.He filled him up in a way thatcouldn’t be put into words. 
“Jihyun…” Yoosungcalled, cupping his face. His lips parted in a coy smile.
It’s like standing at the edge of a cliff. He’sgoing to devour me, Vthought, as he closed his eyes and met his kiss.
“… You should have—”
“Yes, I should havetaken off my clothes before going into the shower, I knooow,” Yoosung whined,slumping against V’s side, who grabbed the towel and started to dry his hair vigorously.“Heh, thanks. I wonder how we are going to go out for dinner now. We can’t wearthe robes to the restaurant.”
“You can borrowsome of my things. Pull up the hem of the pants and… the shirt won’t be aproblem, right?” He stood up and looked for the summer pants. “Here, theseshould be good. I don’t have another belt and you’ll need one, but… Ah, we canuse this tie!”
“Why do you have atie?”
“Jumin gave it to melast Christmas.”
“I meant to ask whyyou have a tie here. It’s not like you brought a suit and— oh my god Jihyun you really are a pervert.”
V went crimson asYoosung rolled on the bed, laughing. “Forget about it! God… We… We can fashionit into a belt, see?”
“Alright, I see,”Yoosung coughed. “Maybe I can borrow your white shirt? It’s tight, compared tothe others.”
“Sure. So now allthat’s left is the underwear. There’s this one,” he said, taking out a pair ofgrey boxers, “but for your size maybe you should— what are you doing?” he exclaimed slightly horrified as he sawYoosung wriggling into the boxers V had taken off before going into the shower.
“These are fine, don’tw—”
“Yoosung, please! I’ll die of embarrassment!” Vscrambled to his feet. “Take them off! How can you do that sort of thing?”
“It’s fiiine!” Yoosunggrinned. He caught sight of V’s red cheeks and grabbed him by the arm, pullinghim into a warm embrace. “It’s fine, I don’t mind. It’s yours,” he said gently,kissing V’s hair.
“It’s dirty,” Vsulked, hiding his face.
“It’s not. Knowingyou, you probably changed it one hour before the flight. And besides, it’syours. I really don’t mind, silly. Won’t you look at me?” he asked. When V shookhis head, he leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. Their eyes metand Yoosung grinned. “Heh…”
There were so manythings V wanted to say, so many words he hoped he could give Yoosung in returnfor the hope he’d given him… But all he could come up with was, “Let’s go outfor dinner.”
“Alright,” Yoosungsaid, tousling his hair. 
As they entered theelevator, V looked at Yoosung’s reflection. His pale skin against the darkhair, those violet puppy eyes. His slender body, the clothes that fit himperfectly, and his bright smile, the greatest indication of his beautiful soul.V squished his face and gave him a loud kiss on the cheek.
“Eh? What was thatfor?” Yoosung blinked.
V leaned forward andwhispered his magic words in Yoosung’s ear, leaving him so stunned that he wasunable to move even after the doors had opened.
“Hurry up, Yoosung,”he smiled. “Hold my hand…”
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((WHO’S READY TO POP OUT A BABY WITH @last-of-my-bloodline))
Things seemed normal at the meeting, running over the usual safety n’ security of thing, a few minor arguments over what was best n’ what was terrible for the details of the current moment, even the occasional talk of what things will be like once things settle down for once. Light simply listened to the details n’ the arguments, sometimes amused by their sometimes odd arguments, yet his worry came when he felt oddly discomforted out of nowhere. 'Was it something I ate?’ He thought though tried to ignore it for a while.
"... ...Restrictions on entering the central city have decreased too much. Have you noticed the influx of weapons salespeople at the bazaar?" An elderly tapir man said in the midst of yet another debate.
"The bazaar has gotten larger on the whole, Lucid." That particularly dour Wolf Light didn't care so much for seemed to be on the minority team of this argument. "You could say the same for any vendors present."
"Yes, Fawlist, anecdotal proof is meaningless," Altitude added. "but import restrictions have gotten lighter exponentially as of late, that's the important part."
"A band of tentails with access to superweapons doesn't NEED to sneak in their weapons." The wolf shot back.
The argument was cut short by a strange, out of place popping sound. The tapir seemed to be the one to place the source. "Light, did you spill something?" He said, noticing the floor near his feet.
His ears suddenly lay flat to his skull, his discomfort more obvious. “No…I think Cassio ain’t waiting anymore,” Light replied, flinching a bit. “This was not what I had in mind at the moment.”
Security briefings were cut short immediately.
The castle servants dropped their daily tasks rushed to grab a wheelchair for the young king. They were only supposed to dig it up closer to the due date, they weren't expecting him to go into labor weeks early! This search was futile, as the castle guards who were helping Light's walking quickly came to the conclusion it would be faster if they carried him outside. There was already a small crowd of castle staff and family following Light to a bench out in the front courtyard.
"The ambulance is on it's way," Altitude assured him, annoyed at the lack of a certain castle resident. "Focus on your breathing. Where's Manic gone to?"
"Manic left with Scourge early in the morning," the castle guard informed them. I.E., they were out doing their usual thievery.
"Oh, lovely." Fawlist spat out in anger. "Light, how bad are your contractions?"
Hissing slightly he grumbled something under his breath he glanced over to Fawlist. “There is still time between… I really didn’t expect this, hopefully there is little delay,” he replied again. His mood was a bit goofed up with this situation.
He then looked to one of the guards. “Can you find them?” He asked, not sure where the two had wandered off to in their thieving hour. ‘This one is definitely a handful already, they can't even wait for daddy to get home,’ he thought with slight amusement. Where was the father, exactly? It was one of his normal 'dates' with Scourge. Find an awful person. Find their house. Rob 'em blind. Manic left his phone on, no one else was even in the house. That didn't stop him from getting angry, of course. "What do you mean, his water broke?" Manic whispered into the phone angrily. "Then fix his water yourself, this is kind of a bad time, dude." Through the phone, his tapir adviser could hear Scourge motioning and saying something to Manic. Disbelief turned into genuine, strong surprise, and Manic fumbled the phone to his face with the sound of something falling in the background. "Uh... What hospital's he at?" Manic asked, not sure what to think. Were they actually being born, right now? Right then and there? "Come on, just grab what you can and go!" Manic commanded, not even bothering to grab anything else. Lucid hung up his phone as soon as the ambulance began to approach. Light kept thinking about what a handful this pup was already, n’ it's just begun for its mischievous life. “The triplets were less trouble then you are…” He whined slightly as he tried to keep going. “Heh…how far are they?” He asked them, unsure. The tapir reiterated the question and handed the phone over to Light, most of the castle help staying behind as the ambulance pulled away. Inside, there was only Light, Shadow, and a handful of paramedics. "Light? That you, babe?" Manic said, clearly flustered. He could hear the van being turned on in the background. "Babe, I'm only like, two towns over. That's what, twenty minutes? I'll be there soon, hang on tight." The other door slammed shut. "He alright?" Scourge said loudly in the background. "Yeah, I think he's fine!" Manic almost yelled, not knowing what to think. He was actually going to have a kid in a matter of hours. "You okay? He's not making too much trouble, right?" He gave a slight chuckle. “At least we know he’s a lot like you, mischievous when he wants to be,” he said in a non-offensive meaning. “We are fine at the moment, Cassio just has terrible timing I swear. Guess they got sick of listening to the meeting earlier that they just had to interrupt it.” Light chuckled again at the thought, though he hurt a little. "I mean, I don't really blame him." Manic was feeding the joke, sure, but he wasn't laughing. He was more joking on instinct than out of actual humor. Crap... How was he supposed to get down to the hospital?! He wanted to be there for Light, what could he do? Even if it was just twenty minutes, that was a hell of a wait. "Tell you what, I know a shortcut. I'll be at the hospital in ten minutes." Manic said, motioning for Scourge. "I'll be there as soon as I can get there, alright, babe?" Manic's 'shortcut' wasn't a shortcut at all. Him and Scourge switched seats. He normally wouldn't want to deal with Scourge's reckless kind of driving, but he was willing to make an exception. The car revved and Scourge was rocketing towards the freeway, pushing the limits of the van and probably going tens of miles over the speed limit. “Alright, but do try to be careful,” Light replied over the phone. He knew even ten minutes was a lot of time to pass, he only hoped they would be fine n arrive soon enough.
Shadow huffed, partly nervous. ‘Boy this was definitely a wake up call for us,’ he thought nervousl,y but he was sure even with the puppy being with little early he was fine. It didn't take long for the ambulence to arrive at the hospital. It seemed the rumor mill ran fast, and streets almost seemed like they were empty in anticipation of the ambulence rushing to the hospital last second. It seemed the plans to have a home birth weren't to be, nothing was ready save for minor details. And sure enough, the king was given priority in the hospital and rushed to the birthing wing. The hospital wings looked clean and gorgeous after reconstruction efforts, just as one would expect from a nice hospital. What wasn't expected was the birthing room. It almost felt like... a cabin home. It was clearly decorated to look and feel warm and inviting, with the rustic furniture and medical tools seamlessly disguised as simple fixtures. The only giveaway that this was actually a hospital room was the bed which, while looking quite nice, still had the same plastic frame and tilted shape of a birthing bed. Doctors rushed to the king's aid, asking rapidfire questions and taking tests to make sure this truly was birth. There was no doubt, of course. The head delivery nurse was brought in as Light's assistance for the process, guiding Light through every step of the way carefully and gently. By the time Manic and Scourge had run in, Light was already positioned on the birthing bed, with the nurse checking the heart rate of the child. Manic dropped a backpack to one of the chair, landing with a heavy thumb. "Oh my god, Light!" Manic said, running up to the side of the bed and grabbing his hand. "Holy- Oh my god, what happened? You're alright, right?" “Relax Manic, this isn’t the first time I’ve had pups, remember. I’m fine,” he said, nervous only slightly. “It was an unexpected curve-ball cause he didn’t want to wait two more weeks,“ Light said softly, trying to keep calm n’ deal with the phase like he had before. N’ thankfully this time he ain’t expecting a set of three. Manic sat down on a cushioned chair, and pulled it up to next to Light. He held his hand as the middle aged reindeer wrote down some information on his patient. "Oh my god... I'm fucking terrified, Light." Manic said, with a weak but genuine smile. "So fucking- This is a real thing, you've got a real baby coming." He laughed lightly, pushing back his quills nervously. "Ooooh man..." Scourge sat down near him and gave him a pat on the back for comfort. "Relax, he's takin' it well." Scourge said, mildly scared himself but at least hiding it. "So how long's this take? He comin' out in an hour or summat?" "Birthing times vary from patient to patient," the nurse informed them. "But normally for a second-time parent, it should take eight or nine hours. The doctor should be in shortly, uh... your majesty." He said, clearly not sure if the term was appropriate. "Are you sure you can handle it, babe?" Manic said, wrenching his hand around Light's. "Like, I know it's supposed to be hella painful." “I know you're worried, but this is considered nothing compared to when I had to birth the triplets…” He winced slightly with a small groan. “But even still, it still kinda hurts just as much I swear…” He said with a heavy sigh, letting his head lay back. Manic scooted closer and gave Light a kiss. "Don't worry, we'll get you on every birth drug thing if you want." He said, trying his best to give Light comfort. He was used to cuddling, and he certainly wasn't going to do any of that here. "Or we could just go all civil war and you can bite a stick, I'm sure it'd be fiiine." He said with his normal stupid face. Things started relatively tame. Sure, the contractions weren't any fun, but they were far apart enough that Light seemed able to relax more. As well, they were able to listen to some music, even watch just a bit of TV, and all around calm down after the initial drama. But as the second hour turned over, things had begun to get worse. The pushes were hitting faster and harder. They had to focus mostly on Light's body to try and keep him comfortable. And unfortunately, Scourge was starting to leave the room more and for longer. Manic never left Light's side, knowing that this was his fault. It was his fault for pushing Light too far months and months before, and he had to make sure Light suffered as little as possible. "Are you sure you don't want more of that stuff?" Manic said. "What are they called... epidurals?" “I’m not sure how much I can take that can still be safe,” he said, eyes closed for a moment. “I know you're worried n’ I was never a fan of this part, but I’ll be fine…so will Cassio.” Light managed to say past labored breathing. “Heh, you're just like my brother was, worrying if I’d be fine through out this.” He gently placed a hand over Manics trying to help calm him down. Manic wasn't sure if he was helping Light or if Light was helping him anymore. One thing he was sure of was that, as the labor did begin to get more intense for Light, Scourge was staying out of the room more, and Manic was getting angry. "Shadow," Manic said, "Can you go get Scourge back in here? I don't- I don't wanna leave his side right now." If it weren't for that, Manic would have marched out there and chewed out Scourge in a second. Nodding he left to go look for green n’ find out why he has been leaving so often n’ for longer periods of time. With a sigh he eventually found the green hedgehog. “Is something bothering you Scourge?” He asked him, being mindful at the moment to let him have some space. When he'd find Scourge, he would be sitting near some vending machines in the front hall, wearing a sweatband and with his jacket removed. He had clearly returned from a jog of some kind, and was having a bottle of water. There was a genuine sadness to Scourge's glare that Shadow hadn't seen from him before. "'ts nothing." Scourge lied, quite baltantly. He could tell Shadow wasn't budging. He wanted to growl and fisht Shadow, but he couldn't. It would only hurt Manic and Light. So he motioned for Shadow to sit down next to him. "Manic fuckin' loves kids," Scourge grumbled, loudly opening the wrapper to a granola bar. "We always joked an' talked about having a kid together. Even found a doctor who thought he could help... fucking insane as he was." He chewed for a moment, speaking through mouthfuls. "He's finally havin' a kid... with someone else. Cassio ain't my kid. Manic's having some kid with some guy he's known for a year tops, an' not me." Sitting with him, Shadow listened quietly for a moment trying to figure what was wrong, n’ once he knew he simply shook his head. “Has it ever occurred to you yet that Light really wanted you n’ Manic to be happy again? Yes he’s having a pup with Manic, but that isn’t stopping him from allowing Manic to still be with you.”
Shadow looked up to the roof. “He knows you love Manic, n’ he’s learned that Manic loves you as much as him, yet he wants to keep from being a rift between that. Why do you think he asked if you could help him with caring for Cassio even if the idea bugs me a little? I know his intentions well enough without adoption, or some mad experiment. What are the odd of you getting that shot of raising a child with him?“
He knew that might have been a little rough, but it was true their records may prevent them from adopting for safety reasons. “Manic is worried n’ a little angry with you at the moment for leaving the room.” Shadow simply put out with a nervous chuckle as he didn’t wish to push his luck with them really. Scourge was aware they couldn't adopt. As thieving as they were, they weren't going to steal an entire child, that would be psychotic. And experiments... it was a nice fantasy, but Finitevuses were no one anyone could trust, especially now that they were more or less responsible for one's death. He was living with Manic and raising a child with him... He was living with Manic and raising a child with him. "Bet he is," Scourge said with a grim chuckle. "At least this time, our kid'll have someone who ain't fucked up to raise him. An' you'll be there, too~" If he was going to give Scourge an off-handed insult, Scourge was gonna be absolutely up front with his. He sighed, grabbed his granola bar... and picked up that heavy back they'd run in with. It was still clunking around, but Shadow could now hear a large rustle of food packaging inside on top of the normal clunking. "Stopped at the machine, Manic 'n me stress eat." He said, walking back towards the room. "How's Light doin'?" “Don’t be too hard on yourself. If anything things may take a brighter turn for the good for you,” he chuckled slightly aware of the sounds he heard, but said nothing. “I’m no better when I’m stressed, I’ve just gotten a little better at resisting thanks to my friends…though I’m tempted to grab one anyways.” His ear flicked about the question. “As good as any one is in labor, hopefully its over soon enough. This sort of thing always made me nervous with him.” "God damn..." Scourge said, seeing Light as they walked into the room. Even if his body was only preparing for the actual birth, the contractions and movements were clearly painful. He was going to be putting up with this for hours more? And this wasn't even the actual birth? Scourge walked straight up to Manic to hug him... and drop the bag and offer whatever vending machine snacks he might want to cope. "He already told me everything," Scourge said, not feeling good but at least not as bad. "Sorry, babe." It was excruciating for them all, and as more time passed, Manic was starting to eat more and more at the sight of Light struggling. He truly felt helpless watching him feel pain like this. He was now leaning near the bed, holding one arm around Light and cuddling him as much as he could to give comfort. Shadow knew he had to be close with how hard its been on Light. “Do you think he’s close, doc?” he asked. Light had been struggling to focus past the aches n’ pains, but he was thankful still for the company n’ comfort. "Your triplets must have been quite hard for your body," the swan doctor informed them. "He's adjusting very quickly. He's almost ready for birthing, but he's going to need to dialate a while longer." That last hour of preparations was particularly brutal. Scourge started leaving the room again, but not out of jealousy. Scourge couldn't keep watching Light twitch and groan in pain like he was. He certainly wanted this labor to just end in a second, but only so he would stop being so pained. But by a combination of constant support and help, the hour inched past. The nursing assistant was starting to be joined by more help, the doctor in the room staying by mostly as extra help for the young king. They could hear a few chatters among the nurses, who were getting more anxious. Manic's grip on the kings hand was almost a vice grip and Shadow actually expressed some shock when the nursing assistant turned to her helper for a second opinion. "Do you think he's ready to push?" Shadow still looked concerned with him, but had to trust the doc when he had given finally the go ahead. Light knew this was going to take some effort,but he only would need to do this once rather than three like before. ‘This is gonna be over soon’ he thought. Final preparations were made while the nurse got into position. "Okay, Light," the nurse said, "You're ready to start pushing the baby. We need you to focus on your breathing. In... out... okay, push." It was agonizing. It felt easier after birthing three kids, but it would have been nigh-on impossible for it to feel worse. It didn't take long before the first push was already over, and Light was panting in his bed. Manic seemed utterly terrified for him. He placed his hand near Light's mouth. "I'll share the pain, babe." Manic said. "Just bite down when you wanna scream, I've had hella worse." He gave Light another kiss. "We're almost done... we're almost done." The baby had far to go. The nurse looked up for just a moment. "Alright, push." Light was nervous about hurting Manic as his teeth were not exactly normal n’ he didn’t wish to cause any scarring on his friend/love, gritting he did as told, but avoiding to hurt him. Shadow glanced off to where Scourge went as he was concerned with him, but didn’t force it as he would get him after this is over. "'Ts already started?!" Scourge was shocked when the door was opened. He could see this wasn't preparing anymore, this was the real deal. He didn't know what to do, other than stand around in shock. What was he supposed to say?! He ran up and sat near Manic, patting his back and watching as he withdrew his hand when he realized Light wasn't taking the offer. His body was given another short break, to let him recover temporarily, and Manic just sat to the side and held his hand. "The head is visible," the nurse informed him. "If you're ready, we need to keep pushing." Manic only wished he could have helped more. With a aggravated grunt, he gave one more attempt to finally get over this hurtle. In a short period later, he finally felt the pains subside n’ only then did he give a sigh, his ears faintly alert to the small sounds. "Three pushes?" The nurses said among themselves. "The baby's already crowning," the head nurse informed them, holding his hands out. "Just a few more pushes, Light. Breathe in... and push!" The closer the baby got, the more painful it became. Every step was making it worse, every moment getting exponentially more painful as the baby came closer and closer to being delivered. He had to scream and writhe in the pain, Manic lending his arm as something for Light to sink his claws into. Every ounce of energy was focused on this one simple, torturous task that was testing the limits of his mind and body...! ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ Scourge was the only person in the room aware of the throngs of residents of the nation, near and some far, intermingled with reporters of all kinds desperate to get some word about the royal birth. The crowds were kept at back for the safety of the king for hours and hours, after the sun set. The crowd hushed and cameras flickered as Fawlist left the building, a script in hand. Royal guards stood at either side. "On this day, the first of September, at 10:16 PM," he announced grandly. "We humbly welcome our future king, the fourth born child of his royal highness King Scourge Lightwing. The prince is fifth in line to the throne. May the new prince Ignis Cassio Lightwing live long and one day hold a glorious reign!" The crowds cheered outside the hospital, but not a word crept through the silent halls up to the king's room. The plastic holds on the bed had been removed, most equipment gone, leaving the room homely. Light and Manic were now facing one another head on as they lay on the bed, Manic holding his arms around Light, and Light with his arms wrapped around the new prince. He was silent right now. His skin was the same light green of Manic, with bits of dark green hear his tips. The most obvious signs he was the prince were the black marks under his eyes, which he had yet to open, and the tiny pair of folded, colorful wings with green and purple feathers, as well as the vibrant cyan of his father's eyes. He rested safely and quietly between them both, peaceful in his first few hours of life. Thought worn out, he was a bit stubborn to rest just yet. He gave a lighthearted smile “Heh…early but strong. I’m sure he’s gonna be quite the unique one of the house, don’t you think Manic?” He asked, gently running his fingers over the mostly downy fuzz wings, before yawning slightly. Shadow had gone back to the castle earlier to inform his mother n’ the assistants whom had to resume work even in Lights poor timing. Scourge had left into the hall to give the two as much time alone as they needed. There was no one else, just Manic, Light, and Cassio. "I can't believe he's gonna be a part of the castle," Manic said. If he wasn't so tired, he would have been energized and ecstatic. "You actually made an entire... person." He said. He took his hand off of light, and ruffled the quills on his head subtly, to minor reaction. Manic couldn't stop smiling at the sight of his child. All issues of the king knowing a thief were gone from his mind. All that was left was pure love for their child. "He's gonna be the best member of the castle," Manic finally said. "He's gonna be an awesome kid." With a soft chuckle, he let his head rest on the pillow. “I agree, yet what his personality will be like depends on how we raise him, n’ I am sure he’ll get along well with Severante, Trental n’ Victoria.” Feeling the fatigue, Light had begun to drift off to sleep, knowing they were safe n’ that the hardest part will start first thing tomorrow. “I hope Scourge is alright with lil Cassio.” "I almost don't wanna fall asleep," Manic said, yawning as he spoke. "Doctor's are gonna have to take him for testing... I just wanna lay here and hold him..." Manic let Light relax. He lifted Cassio and laid him on top of the king's chest with one arm around him for support. He rested his own head on Light's shoulder. "G'night, little dude..." Scourge just stayed outside and waited. He'd seen the child. He knew they wanted space. And even in spite of what Shadow had said, that jealousy was still there, eating away at him. As the doctors pryed Manic away from the recovering king in his sleep and carried Cassio away for testing, he waited as close to the baby as he could get. Cassio was on the small side for a newborn, but he was healthy. Healthy and well... ... When Light would wake up that next day, he would be in the same recovery room. Manic would by laying near him asleep, Cassio would be being tended to by the midwife in a bassinet, and Scourge himself would be asleep on the visitor's sofa. When he did wake, he chuckled lightly when he heard Shadow speak up. “Good morning sleeping beauty. Sorry if I am here already, the triplets wanted to see you.” Sure enough the three almost three year old pups were nearby. The eldest sat patiently while the other two were eager n’ energetic.
“I’m sure they couldn’t wait to see me n’ their younger brother,” Light smiled gently as he sat up carefully, mindful not to disturb Manic too much, though that didn’t go as planned with Trental leaping onto the bed the two were on. And right onto Manic's hand. Manic seemed to grumble in his sleep and roll over, rubbing his face. It took a moment for everything to come back, and for him to realize what was happening was real. "Heeey, Trent, you wake me up?" Manic asked with his normal smile. He started to shift up and force himself awake. Manic was just as entranced with the baby having their temperature taken. "Good morning, Light." Manic said as the last child bothered Scourge awake. "Guessing they just wanted to see the new dude? How're you doing, that looked like torture." He gave a soft chuckle again as he noted Victoria was the one disturbing Scourge at the moment. “Who knows with them at the moment, a lot makes them curious, but I’m feeling better today.” He smiled to Manic. “Usually takes a day or two, depending on when I’m feeling completely better."
Light found it amusing with each of his pups. Victoria looked a lot more fox than hedgehog, while the boys Severante n’ Trental were both more hedgehog save for their multi tails. Cassio even had a more floofy tail, but he always felt bad as Tren was the only one without wings with his kids. “I’ve got quite the household don’t I?”
Shadow smirked. “I am sure this is nothing you can’t handle, just another worry for the workers once Cassio starts walking or flying. Whichever comes first.” He replied, taking note of the doc returning possibly to inform Light of Cassio’s health. "We're going to need to give Ignis some more vaccinations," the doctor informed Light. "Standard procedure. All our tests are showing that the prince seems to be perfectly healthy." "Wait... He could be this little waddling baby nugget, and just take off one day? Like, he starts flying when he's young?" Manic asked, not knowing what he would think of seeing Cassio flying around before his legs were strong enough to walk. Victoria had managed to annoy Scourge awake. (An impressive feat, with how often Manic tried the same thing.) The sudden piles of children shocked him initially, but the more he looked, the more he could tell he didn't have reason to worry. The kids were excited, maybe a bit too excited, and Light and Manic seemed genuinely happy at whatever the doctor was telling them. There was a little bottle warmer placed near the bed just for Light's stay, as he couldn't breastfeed the child. So when the new child wanted to cry, he was placed gently into his arms, and quickly sated with a nice bottle of milk. "Scourge, come over here, check out the little dude!" Manic said. Scourge stood up, interested in his lightly-feathered wings. Light chuckled slightly as he heard what Shadow said. “It's rare to see a winged child take to flying before they are walking, but Severante was one. Shadow had to bring in our Gatelift friend Zonic to help me out with keeping an eye on him, took us till just a few months before you came into the picture to get him to walk instead of flying everywhere,” he said calmly.
Shadow shook his head. “Thankfully he won’t be able to fly till his wingspan is similar to his height, otherwise the weight is too much for them, but they sure as hell do try n’ it is a cute sight.”
Light then looked at the tiny little fluff nugget that was Cassio as well as the triplets. Scourge just had to convince himself it wasn't entirely the child of Manic and Light, just long enough. It was a kid he had with Light, but he loved him that whole time. He searched for him that whole time. He loved him for as long as he knew that Light was pregnant. He knew they were going to raise this kid with him around. And even then, it still had the traits of Scourge. The dark green tips of his quills and the way it fell behind his head... There was a bittersweet happiness to the moment. Even if it wasn't genetically his child, he was going to be raised like Scourge was his dad. He'd be the father he never got a chance to be to his own son with Fiona. It was like a bizarre determination had been dug up from deep inside his mind. Manic would have said something the moment he noticed Scourge's stare, but Cassio mewled, and Manic's heart could virtually be seen melting at the sound. "Hey, Light." Manic said lifting Cassio as gently as he could. "Could Scourge hold him for a bit?" “It would be rude if he couldn’t,” he said before he looked up to Scourge. “N’ if he wants to he’s welcome to.“ Light knew from the other's energy that he was still partly still on that old thought, but he’d consider it a step if he could help Light with caring for Cassio now. Manic didn't need to read Scourge's energy to know what he was thinking. Scourge was hesitant at first, but he reached over and picked up Cassio gently. There was a bizarre fragility to it all. Scourge's hand was larger than the child's entire head. His eyes were clamped tight. Some strange maternal instinct seemed to have been dug up, making him almost want to protect the kid, even if he would absolutely never admit it out loud. One of the baby's tiny hands gripped around Scourge's finger for comfort. His expression didn't change, but Light could feel a genuine pride in the sight. "He's cute," Scourge said simply, handing back the child and glossing over how he was feeling. “True he is,” Light said calmly as he carefully accepted the child, gently stroking the small infant. All the while, Shadow looked up to them n’ then to Cassio. “Knowing you Light, you will have him wait till he’s five years before you let the lessons start,” he said, chuckling lightly as Light huffed about the mention of teaching.
“You know I would prefer him to wait n’ learn through some form of play,” he said. His brother was serious about having a well taught family. "He's not even a day old," Manic said, pouting heavily towards Shadow. "Let him be a baby. I don't wanna start planning for college or whatever, I just wanna meet him." He reached out his hand, hoping Cassio would grab his fingers like he did with Scourge. "Hey, little guy. You wanna relax and cry and not worry about working on a doctorate thesis?" The other kids seemed entranced by the child. They were probably old enough that Shadow was going to start pushing lessons for them, too. Hell knows how that was going to play out. "Did you see all the people who were outside last night?" Manic asked. "They seem to want to meet this little guy, too." Shadow chuckled at their reactions to his remark n’ shrugged. “Just saying,“ he said before getting smacked with a pillow from Lights direction.
“Ah go pester your boyfriend, brother, I’m sure he’s wanting your attention.” Light retorted though chuckled slightly as he eventually left. “I know, but they need to wait till we are ready to return to the castle before they get any photos of Cassio.” It was like instinct that the baby tried gripping his fingers, letting off a few more light mewls. "I know," Manic said. "I just can't wait 'til they see how cute he is and get jealous of us both for having him." Light was soon going to find his quills getting yet another ruffle. "And Shadow's gonna be like his third dad..." He looked over at Scourge, surprised to see him looking over. "With Scourge, he's gonna have four dads. That's gonna be... That's gonna be kinda chaotic." Cassio was moved closer into Light's arms, Manic not removing his finger from his grip. "I don't know why I was so nervous. This is gonna be amazing." “For first timers it's always expected to be nervous of the unknown, but that is part of the adventure, n’ Cassio’s has just begun,” he purred lightly as he glanced over to Manic. “Just wait, things are just getting interesting.” He said with a lighthearted chuckle. Manic just tilted his head up and looked at Scourge. "What are you thinking, babe?" He asked with a smile. "You ready to be the cool dad?" He looked down at the child. He suddenly had something this... helpless near him, and he had no idea how he would handle this situation. He knew it was coming, yet nothing could have prepared him. "You know I am," Scourge said, not even sure himself.
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glitterrhowell · 5 years
Spirits In the Night
Title: Spirits In the Night
Series: Spooky week 2018
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 3.2k
Warning/Genre: scary/Halloween/spooky’vlogging/ghosts/possible demon
Phil decides to film a Halloween video with PJ and Sophie and an abandon hunted house and Dan is less than keen on going.
Read on Ao3
Read on Wattpad
This is part of a collection of eight stories I have written over the last few months for Autumn/Halloween. I am titling this series spooky week and will continue to update every day up until Halloween day!
A huge thank you to my other half Christy (Fadingcrystalvoid) for being with me since the start of the series listing to me rant and proofreading for me. Also for last minute betaing all these stories for me!
“Come on Dan it’s going to be fun!” Phil whined.
“Phil I told you that I didn’t want to go,” he sighed.
“But you have to go it's Halloween!” he pleaded. “Pj and Sophie will be there,” he added hoping it would get Dan to change his mind.
“Plus you promised the fan’s a video. And it won’t be much of a video without you,” he reminded him.
Dan rolled his eyes, “Fiiine I’ll go, we’ll do it.”
“Yes!” Phil grinned pumping his fist in the air in victory.
Turning to Phil, “What time do we have to meet them there again?”
Phil glanced down at his phone, ”Shit we probably should have left already.”
“Really Phil?” he exclaimed as he frantically tried shoving his shoes on his feet.
“Well if somebody hadn’t of waited to the last minute to decide they were going it wouldn’t have been a probl-.”
Dan turned around and glared at him.
Not wanting to fight, Phil held his hands up in the air in defeat.
The house planned to “ghost hunt” was a fairly known place. For years there had been rumors of the awful things that had happened there. One of the main stories was that there was a family living there in the 60’s and one night the father had murdered the entire family including the family dog. The other main story people liked to tell about this place was that back in the 1900’s the place used to be a small mental hospital where the doctors performed unspeakable experiments and acts of torture on the patients that had resulted in several deaths. Of course, no one knew if either of these stories were true or not but that hasn't stopped people from sneaking into the house over the years trying to see if the ghosts were real.
And since the house was out in the middle of nowhere they had to rent a car instead of taking a cab. Because when Phil had called to set this all up the cab company outright refused to take them since it was so far out of town.
They have never been known for their punctuality but this was ridiculous, Dan thought as they drove in silence. They had promised a video with PJ and Sophie to the fans and he hoped they hadn’t left or started without them.  
Dan fidgeted in the passenger's seat of the rented car, too nervous to sit still. “Who’s idea was it to film a video in an abandoned haunted house again?”
Phil glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, ”Hey you ok?” Dan nodded his head. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” Concern showed on his face. “The fans will understand.”
“No, I’m fine. Besides, they’ll never let us live this down if we don’t do it,” he chuckled, giving Phil a shaky smile. Phil reached over and placed one of his hands on Dan’s leg. Dan let out a little sigh of relief just feeling Phil’s hand made him feel safe and comforted.  
They pulled up to the big iron gates that sat a few hundred feet from the house. When Phil had talked to the owner of the property they had told him that they would have to walk up to the house from there. He had explained if he left the gate open it tended to draw in people who just wanted to come in and squat in it or vandalize the house.
Seeing PJ’s car still there made Phil sigh in relief knowing they were still there he just hoped they hadn’t started without them. Phil took ahold of Dan’s hand and they started walking up the dark winding path that leads up the house. The path was small and overrun with bushes and shrubs making it almost impossible to see.  
The house came into view as they rounded a tree Dan’s heart dropped in his chest. Why had he agreed to this? What idiots went to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere on Halloween night of all nights. Plus it was a fucking full moon to boot.
Phil took out his iPhone and started to record himself.
“Hey, guys! So after a long drive, we are finally here! Who’s excited to see some spooky things?” He then turned the phone to record the exterior of the house. The house was huge, dingy, and the grey paint flaked on the outside, the window panes were smeared with age and dirt and its brickwork was crumbling away. And like the path leading to the house, the path going up to the door was also overgrown with bushes and brambles.
“So Dan are you ready to see some ghosts?” Phil joked as he panned the camera over to him. He couldn’t see his own face at the moment but if he had to guess he probably looked terrified. He tried as hard as he could to plaster on his video persona, “So yeah here we are. Uhh, so we're going to try and catch something spooky and fun for you guys.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “So yeah here we go, and I guess if this video never gets put up then that means we died,” he chuckled, being slightly serious about the dying part.
Phil turned the phone back to himself and said a few more things about the history and the supposed stories of the house before he hit the stop record button.
Seeing he wasn’t recording anymore Dan grabbed Phil’s hand “Phil I don’t know about this,” he said, expressing his uncertainty.
Phil chuckled,” Come on it isn’t so bad.” Dan looked back at the house. Yep, still as bad as it had been a minute ago.
“Oh look there’s PJ and Sophie.” He waved over to their friends who had just walked from around the house.
“We thought we heard talking.” Sophie smiled brightly at them.
“Yeah, we just got here,” Phil said as he pulled Dan’s shivering body closer to him.
“Hey, guys we weren't sure if you were coming or not.” Their friend’s jogged over to them.
“Sorry uh, we lost track of time,” Phil explained.
Dan squeezed Phil’s hand letting him know that he was grateful he hadn’t mentioned how he had been scared.
“We were just recording the back of the place anyway, we didn’t want to start without you guys,” PJ said pulling his camera out of his bag.
Turning it on he pointed it and him and Phil, “Look how it is guys! Dan and Phil have offered to come on this crazy adventure with us! So are you guys ready?” PJ grinned despite the camera not being able to see it.
Phil smiled, ”You ready?” he asked, turning to Dan.
Trying his best to sound neutral,” Umm yep. Let’s go find some ghostussy,” he nervously jokes.
Everyone chuckled at his joke, Phil made some joke to the camera in PJ’s hand about Dan needing to be stopped.
Pulling his iPhone back out, Phil started to record as they made their way up the front steps of the house. Up to the rotting door that separated them from what laid inside the house. They all took a deep breath before Phil using the hand not holding his phone to pushed the heavy door open. The door creaked as it slowly swung open. That would be a great shot for the video Dan thought. Phil was the first one to go inside dragging Dan along with him. PJ and Sophie stumbled in after them.
Phil and PJ panned their cameras around to catch everyone’s initial reaction to everything.
A cool shudder trickled down his spine. He glanced around nervously. Cold, hesitant light streamed in through a cracked window, casting eerie shadows on the walls. What was left of the abandon furniture was covered in sheets that had once been white but are now brown with years of dust and grime that had settled on them.
“This is so cool,” PJ whispered to his camera.
Phil nodded his head in agreement, ”Oh look at those portraits on the wall. The people almost look like their looking right through you!” he took his iPhone and zoomed in on a creepy looking painting of a man in a suit and top hat.
Dan shivered again, “What’s that smell?” he asked in a small voice. It smelt like a combination of rotting wood and cigarette smoke.
His question went unanswered as Phil, PJ, and Sophie started exploring the first few rooms of the house. Pulling out his own iPhone to get his own footage he walked into what he assumed was as the dining room. In the middle of the room, there was a huge wooden table with a layer of dust covering it. He heard a rattle and looked up as a broken chandelier swayed in the draft. Trying to keep his wits, he showed the audience the swaying chandelier, “Looks like the ghost and ghouls are already performing for you guys.” Chuckling, he turned his attention to a small chest in the corner of the room, but just as he was about to open it and film what was inside he heard a scream.
“Shit!” Phil screamed from the adjoining room.
Shoving his phone in his pocket he sprinted through the walkway between the rooms, “Phil what’s wrong are you alright?”
Phil was clutching his chest breathing heavily, “Yeah I just thought I saw something move in the corner over there.” He pointed his phone towards a corner of the room, “Turns out the house isn’t as abandoned as we thought, there’s a family of rats living here,” he breathed out chuckling nervously.
Just then PJ and Sophie came running in the room, “What’s wrong?”
They quickly explained what had happened, Phil now chuckling at how much he had freaked out. But they ultimately decided that it would probably be best if they stayed together just because if something else did happen they didn’t want to scare someone else who might be on the other side of the house.
Once again both PJ and Phil pulled out their devices, recording as they walked through to the kitchen. Which was located in the back of the house.
Phil was showing the camera something on the counter when Dan stopped dead in his tracks, ”Did you hear that?” he whispered.
“What?” they all looked at him questioning.
“I swear I heard footsteps above us,” he pointed towards the ceiling.
“Come on Dan you're not being funny,” Sophie hissed, “Stop messing around.”
“I’m not trying to be, I know what I heard,” he defended himself.
“I’m sure it was nothing,” Phil said, walking up and giving him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.
Dan glared at them, ”I know I heard something!” he insisted
PJ turned his camera on himself, “Well guys Dan thinks he heard something upstairs I say we should go investigate don’t you think?” he said giving a cheeky grin to the audience.  
“Yeah let’s go!” Sophie chimed in clearly excited.
Phil turned to him, “what do you think?”
He took a hold of Phil’s hand knowing it would have to be edited out later. “Let’s go,” he said, trying to sound brave.
Phil chuckled and turned the camera back on himself, “It’s settled lads we’re going upstairs to investigate!”
They explored the upstairs without hearing anything else. They had decided it would be alright if they split up as long as they stayed in pairs so he and Phil were currently in one of the bedrooms. While PJ and Sophie went to investigate another room on the floor.
The bedroom was just like the rest of the house: everything in it was coated in a layer of dust.
“Dan come over here!” he heard Phil say from across the room.
He walked over to see what Phil was looking at. He rolled his eyes at what Phil had written. His iconic signature with a smiley face as well as, ”Phan forever” right next to it.
“Defacing property now Lester. What would the fans think of innocent Phil now?” he giggled.
“Hey it’s not permanent so it doesn't count!”
Dan giggled again as he leaned in and gave Phil a soft kiss on the lips.
“Dannnn that’s just more editing,” Phil whined.
“And isn’t it just a coincidence you said you would do all the editing on this video Lester,” he grinned.
Phil huffed and accepted the second kiss Dan planted on his mouth.
A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of Dan’s neck.
“Hey, you alright?” Phil asked.
“I don’t know I just got a funny feeling all of a sudden.”
Phil looked at him concerned.
“Is it me or did it get really fucking cold in here?” he shivered violently.  
Phil started shrugging his jacket off. “Here you can have my jack-.”
When a loud crash interrupted him. Both of them jumped and screamed.
“What the fuck was that?” Dan asked as his heart ran a marathon inside his chest.
In his shaken state, Phil managed to answer, “Looks like the wind blew the door shut.”
“Phil are you really trying to me that was the fucking wind?!”
“What else could it hav-”
Phil’s face went white as he hissed in pain.
“Jesus Christ what happened?” Dan questioned him.
“I don’t know, I had a sudden pain in my back like something had burned me!” he screamed.
Phil finished taken his jacket off and lift his shirt up trying to see his own back. Finally admitting defeat he turned his back to Dan, “Do you see anything?”
Dan felt all the remaining blood drain from his face.
“Well do you see anything?” Phil huffed.
“You have three scratches on your back,” he whispered.
“What was that,” he now turned around to face him.
“I said you have three long scratches going across your back,” he said a little bit louder.
“What? This isn’t the time to be pulling jokes, Dan,” Phil scolded him.
Offended that Phil would think he was kidding he put his hands on the scratches, “You think I would lie about that.” he asked pressing just enough into scratches that he could feel them.
Phil hissed, ”Jesus Christ!” he yelled.
“I told you,” Dan said flatly.
“I think we should probably find the others and leave,” Phil said after a moment.
Dan just nodded his head in agreement.
As they were exiting the bedroom there was a loud crash behind them. Spinning around to see the window that certainly wasn’t broken a minute ago was no broken with shards of glass all over the floor.
Without a second thought, they turned back around and stumbled out of the room, “PJ! SOPHIE!” Phil yelled. There was no answer as they ran down the hallway to the other bedroom. They throw open every door on the floor and still couldn’t find either of their friends.
“I’ll be right back I think we forgot that room at the end of the hall,” Phil said pointing to the room.
Dan didn’t want to stay there by himself but it felt like he was wearing concrete shoes his feet wouldn’t listen to his brain.  
Once again Dan felt the temperature drop and out of the corner of his eye he saw a dark shadowy figure dart behind a door right next to him.
He screamed at the top of his lungs and fell to the floor sobbing. Phil came rushing back down the hallway,” Dan! Dan! Are you ok?”
He sobbed and shook his head. Phil enveloped him in a hug. “Shh, Shh it’s alright.” He tried soothing him by rubbing circles on his back.
Eventually, his sobs turned to whimpers, “Phil can we please go home now?” he pleaded.
“Of course, come on.” He helped Dan to his feet and wrapped his arm around his waist. With Phil’s help, they made their way down the creaky old staircase.
Once they made it safely back outside Dan buried his head in Phil’s chest. His salty tears now drying on Phil’s shirt.
“I’m so sorry Dan, it was my idea to do this,” he said guilt in his voice.
He snuggled himself closer to Phil, ”It’s alright Philly. Besides, I agreed that it would be an excellent video, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but you tried backing out at the last minute and I made you come.”
Dan cupped Phils face with his hand, “You didn’t make me do anything. Now come on let’s go.”
“Ok. Yeah, let’s see if PJ and Sophie went back to the cars.”
Dan shivered as they started making their way back down the winding path. “Here take this.” Phil said as he draped his jacket that he was carrying over Dan’s shoulders.”
“Thanks,” he said burying his nose into it and taking a whiff of comfort and Phil.
They could see before they reached the cars that both their friends had obviously abandoned them earlier as they were huddled together sitting on the hood of Phil's rental car.
“Where did you guys go? We looked all over for you,” Phil yelled angrily.
Shocked, PJ tried defending himself, “Sorry, Soph thought she saw something and got scared. We couldn’t find you guys so we figured you had come out to the car without telling us.”
“That’s no ex-”
He was cut off by Sophie, “I’m so sorry. It happened so fast and all I could think about was getting out of there,” she admitted. “Oh god Dan did something happen? You look shaken.” She wrapped her arms around him bringing him in for a hug. He stayed limp as she hugged him.
Phil grunted as he took hold of Dan’s arm, “Listen I’m sorry guys we can go over footage and stuff later. We’re both pretty shaken up and need to get home.”
They said goodbye to each other with the promise that sometime over the next few days they would get together and go over and footage that they had.
The ride home was as silent has it had been on the way there. Neither of them said anything until they were safely back in their apartment.
“Listen, Dan, I feel so bad,” Phil said rubbing the back of his neck.
He was a little more calmed down then he was before so he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on Phil’s lips. Pulling back. “Phil I already told you it’s not your fault. That place was just creepy as hell,” he tried to smile. “I can’t explain anything that happened tonight, but I do know that none of it’s your fault.
Phil still didn’t look convinced but after a few minutes he spoke, “Do you want me to make some hot chocolate and maybe we could snuggle on the couch and watch a disney movie?” he asked hopefully.
He smiled, “Of course. Let’s go.”
A smile appeared on Phil’s face. He took Dan’s hand and lead the way up the kitchen to get their drinks.
“Remember you're still the one editing the footage,” Dan teased him.
Phil chuckled. Some weird things happened tonight but it would most certainly make for a great video.
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Humanity's Love Affair with the Sociopath
Sigh. This one's been a long time coming, I've been putting it off because it's such a big topic, but I need to talk about it eventually because it's at the core of everything I've ever talked about. It's my problem with the Zeitgeist, and with contemporary society today. It's my beef, it grins my gears, and it's something you've never asked yourself.
Why do you love sociopaths?
The media is partly to blame, it always is. We've seen an evolution of character types across the decades, from the friendly person with the heart of gold from the idealistic '80s doing all it can to avoid the inherent, inborn corruption of humanity, to the more earnest depiction of an abrasive, incredibly cynical person with a heart of gold from the '90s. From Ninja Turtles to John Constantine, they all had something in common.
They had a heart. They all had compassion, empathy, and no matter how cynical some of those '90s characters could get, underneath it all there was still a basic belief in humanity. A compassion that drove them to always do the right thing despite their bitterness at an uncaring world, an untainted moral compass that never swerved away from wanting what was best. For everyone, with no one left out. An end to the suffering people unjustly endured at the hands of those without a soul.
At some point, we started cheering on the villain. The abyssal creature without a soul, the demonic presence that had no heart to speak of, never you mind one of stone. It became so 'kewl' to be the con man, robbing old ladies for all their worth, spitting on the heroic figures who'd heretofore showed children the consequences of such actions.
It all comes down to the rise of extraversion and how it's tainted to its very core. It might sound like a horrible way to think, but there's just too much evidence to support it and there's going to be a lot of that in this post. I've learned that it isn't 'Humanity are Bastards,' as the trope goes, but rather 'Extraverts are Bloody Psychopaths,' just within varying degrees.
Why do you think the Nigerian scam mails worked? Affiliative extraverts thought themselves clever, they'd 'play' the poor prince, get him to open up and trust them so that they could get that big, juicy slice of money. And then? They'd not give it back! 10 per cent! Why have such a meagre pittance when you could take this 'innocent prince' for all he's worth? What a lark, take that silly sod to the cleaners for trusting you!
Didn't work out that way, eh extraverts?
As good as extraverts think they are at 'playing the game,' sociopaths are a billion times better. And affiliative extraverts seem almost wired to fall for it. It might be a survival instinct to obey the strongest, and thus be seeen as such by proxy, so sociopathic behaviour is desirable because it exudes airs of 'strength.' Even when that 'strength' gets your bank account cleaned out because you thought you were being bloody clever.
Instead of falling arse over tit for a stupid, stupid con.
It's why we have cults of personality... right? Just the affiliatives trying to emulate the 'strong,' trying to be 'strong' by proxy. All looking to the 'strong' for guidance, for will, to do what they bloody can't. Trying to behave like them in order to gain favour. Whether it's Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, or any charismatic sack of ichorous waste, whatever the Wastrel of the Day is, if they're manipulative enough, the affiliatives will follow.
It happens on all kinds of scales. All kinds. You'd have to be the world's shiniest example of a Joe bloody Soap to not see it, and people don't. These cults of personality pop up everywhere. And I have to pick out an obscure favourite of mine so that people won't be too invested in it, if you're seeing this from an outside perspective, you might actually catch on. So, what manner of dirtbag is going to serve as my example?
I'm going to use one that was never of criminal intent, though a generally scummy person nonetheless. Chris Avellone. In video game circles you might have heard of him, most do I'd think, and they worship him without even really knowing why. Why? Well, he's a sociopath, isn't he? Anyone with the brass clackers enough to lead a cult of personality always is.
Nature of the beast.
What'd he do? Let's see. He wrote a Fallout Bible and claimed to have absolute creative veto over the IP, for one thing. If a designer or writer had anything contradictory to say on the matter? He'd passive-aggressively mock them in his 'Bible.' That he called it a bible is more than a bit telling, don't you think? That's not indicative of off the charts narcissistic arrogance at all. Oh no, not even a little bit. No, no...
So let's look at the characters he's proud of including in video games, shall we? Kreia, from Knights of the Old Republic: A soapbox for Avellone's seedy, unbalanced views and a sociopath. Ulyssess, from New Vegas: See Kreia. Weeping Mother, from Pillars of Eternity: See Kreia. Sensing a pattern, yet? Ulysses wanted to nuke everyone back into a fresh apocalyptic state, it's what humanity deserved, he just wanted to watch them burn.
Avellone has often said that that's what he'd wish for the Fallout franchise. That's not worrying at all, right? Okay, how about how in a recent interview, with all of the cocksure arrogance of a sociopath, he told an interviewer that he prefers 'smart evil?' He'd prefer to 'talk two people into killing one another' rather than actually save anyone. Or Tyranny, which was Avellone's brainchild? That was a world of villainy and evil, lead by sociopaths... Cor, have to wonder if you're sensing a pattern yet. I am.
Oh, and he took an ending out of a game that allowed a group of sapient creatures a future, and a chance at happiness. Why? They weren't human, he believed that their purpose in the story was to die and suffer. Oh yes, did I mention that Avellone is a bit of a crackpot?
And yet people love him.
So, let's move onto a fictional example. Rocket Raccoon was originally an abrasive character with a heart of gold, much like John Constantine. I adored him. That's when he was written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Did you know that Rocket had a different origin than the dreary rot the films put him through? He was originally a fluffy artificial life form created to help the mentally disabled and disturbed. In DnA's run on Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket was a really nice fellah, reliable, and a genius. Definitely a bit rough around the edges, to be sure, but a stand up bloke nonetheless.
So, Rocket Raccoon is handed over to Bendis. Brian Michael Bendis...
Brian "Misogyny'n snuff porn is my bag, yo!" Bendis. Brian "I think it's super funny when Elektra gets kicked hard in the vagina by a guy, especially when the onomatopoeia is FOOM!" Bendis. Brian "If a woman didn't get shot in the head in this issue, I didn't write it!" Bendis. Brian "I hate Grant Morrison and Alan Moore just because they're British and that scares me!" Bendis. Brian "It's so funny whenever Tigra gets humiliated, stripped down, forced to do naughty things on camera, and then gets brutally raped by white villains. 'Cause I hate her and that makes it funny! Hehe!" Bendis. Brian "When I write Doctor Doom, he gets to call a woman a 'fat cow whore' and it's totally in character!" Michael God Damn Fucking Bendis.
So, yes, Bendis is also a sociopath. We won't talk about that, here, though. I think I've already covered my grievances above well enough. Suffice it to say though that this man has a history of being shitty to women in comics. And you can probably guess what happens to Rocket, right? Rocket is now a misogynistic sociopath. Hooray. He's a massive arsehole. And not the kind that has a heart of gold, of course. Oh no, not even slightly. He's just a humongous pile of shit.
Cheers, Bendis. You desperate, oversexed and sexually frustrated tosspot. I don't want to be around for the next character you drag over hot coals. That, loves, is why I no longer 'Make Mine Marvel.' More like, 'Take Thine Garble... and shove it where the sun don't shine!' I'm sorry, I have to be facetious, I can't make it through this any other way.
The world is just obsessed with sociopathy.
Take a running kick at a cat's skull to post up on Youtube? Haha, it's funny! Grab a dolphin out of its water, toss it around and abuse it on camera for the purpose of selfies? It's fiiine! When did we start excusing this kind of shit? When did we begin to turn a blind eye? When did it become okay for some charismatic, inbred pigfucker to ruin Britain for everyo--Okay, now I'm getting too specific, aren't I?
That's the truth of it, though. All it takes is charisma and a Machiavellian mind and you can get away with anything! You can be the world's biggest dickhole and people will just cheer you on, no matter what you do! It doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process, does it? And that's where this pus-filled bubo on the face of humanity I 'affectionately' call the Alt-Blight rose from. This is the kind of hell we're living in where somone can have people genuinely think they're hot shit and the greatest new thing since sliced bloody bread for driving a car into a crowd of peaceful protestors!
I come back to Rocket Raccoon in my head. A fluffy critter made to help out the mentally infirm and troubled, reinvented in this cool, hip new age of rabid sociopathy to be a psychopathic, crazy cyborg killer. Why?
Why any of this?
It's the conclusion I keep coming to and the one I can never get away from. It's what I pointed out when I linked that video from Mike Rowlands just a li'l bit back where he was pointing out how an Alt-Blight arsehat was being a filthy, pathological liar. In one shot, putting on a sob story about how his ilk are just 'peaceful,' not at all violent like the left, and so unfairly 'persecuted for having wrong opinions,' boo-hoo; In another shot, shown counting and bragging about his many, many, many guns.
Extraverts are enablers. They're a hoard, a hive, a buzzing little collective of workers that empower sociopaths by being taken in by them, granting these nutcases power beyond reckoning through their sheer numbers. This is how Trump happened, becasue affiliative extraverts are so easily brainwashed, conditioned, and tricked. All you have to do is convince them they're being clever, that they're in the 'in crowd,' that their chosen social tribe is the most hip, happenin', 'kewl' one out there? And they will, each and every one, collectively swear a holy blood oath to a known murderer.
And thanks to that, we're in a position where it's 'cool' to be a sociopath, psychopath, or other kind of crazy. it's 'seductive,' it's 'hot,' it's 'alluring,' it's 'pull your heads out of your fucking arses.' This isn't Twilight. It's 'strong,' it's 'powerful,' it's 'money,' it's 'stop being so damn deluded while the world dies around you.' With readily denied real issues rotting the world we live on, like global warming and overpopulation, this earth's not going to be around much longer. So why?
Do you just not care about your children? At all? Or your grand kids?
You bunch of bloody soggy-brained lunatics. That's all I can really say on the matter, isn't it? Singing and dancing while the world burns around you. You bloody lunatics.
I'm just going to talk a liittle about something personal that means a bit to me before I wrap this up. It's even managed to invade the furry community, to worrying degrees. When the Internet was younger, when there were few extraverts (because the Internet was wickedly complicated and they'd not the salted noodles enough to figure it out), the furry fandom was such a genuinely lovely place. It was. You should've seen Furcadia at its height, it was lovely. There were these little communities hosted on servers called MUCKS where fantastically brilliant, singular people got together to dream and imagine things only the brightest furry minds would.
It's why there were a lot of furries involved in video game development in the '90s and early '00s, you know? True story. Look into it. Dr. Cat is but one example. Anyway, it was good. And now? The Alt-Blight have invaded these MUCKs, chased all of the light and wonder away, so these are now tainted, festering hellholes of hatred. It's bizarre to walk through them again and, crestfallen, see how that cancer has made them sick with bile.
Even furries now have to deal with the Alt-Blight. I'm sure a lot of furries might think it's cool. That's the friggernaffin' Zeitgeist, isn't it? Sociopathy is so cool, hot, powerful, and sexy, and a giant taintfest of hatred, let's please never forget that part. It's a very important part, I think.
So it's everywhere. I feel like it's overtaking everything that ever meant something to me. So this is a fight. It has to be. In its own way, this is a war. This is the most abstract war anyone's ever fought. It's a war fought by abstracts against abstracts. It's a war fought against hatred, by compassion; It's a war fought against intolerance, by acceptance; It's a war fought against arrogance, by knowledge; It's a war fought against propaganda, by independent thought; It's a war fought against collectivism, by creativity; It's a war fought against the worst of us, by the best of us.
So, you know. I might be an abrasive buttface, and that's fine, because my heart's always in the right place. I'm not a misogynist, I don't abuse animals, I'm hardly about to run a car into a crowd of people... I think this defines the very opposite of who I am. I've chosen my side. I think that's something we all have to do, now, because it's necessary. Because this is happening and we're not going to be able to hide our heads in the sand any longer.
I get to choose to be 'a poncy, SJW, politically correct sissboy' or... well, a monster. An actual monster. Which is what they are. It might be evangelical, but it's how we have to look at the world, now. So I'm proud to be an SJW, I've said it in the past. I couldn't be more proud, I couldn't be happier! I derive great personal worth from this, because I'm not a monster.
Monsters of yore might have had scales or fur, they might've been fifty stories tall or come in flying saucers. The monster of today has white skin, they're not that tall, either, and they certainly didn't arrive in flying saucers. No, these monsters are home-grown. They're our monsters. And we have to recognise them as such.
If you see a Nazi, say Nazi. That's what every sociopath, psychopath, and associated nutjob out there is going to be. The Alt-Blight, what have you? Nazi. Even ex-neo Nazis will tell you that the Alt-Blight are Nazis.
So can we stop glorifying and empowering monsters now, please?
This is a dark time in history, one of those things where the younger generations will look back and shake their heads in such terrible shame. So let's come out swinging and put this Nazi blight to rest. Once and for all.
Abused Cat Abused Dolphin Avellone Prefers Sociopathy Example of Bendis's Sociopathy Alt-Blight Furry Troubles Alt-Blight MUCK Taint Alt-Blight Brainwashing
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