#i have time without listening to that pink floyd song
windydrawallday · 4 months
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"It doesn't have to be like this / All we need to do is make sure / We keep talking."
@goobygnarp thank you for the inspiration 💚
PS i will leave too the pic without the dialogue bubbles layer: tbh this piece could look even better if worked on a vertical canvas but AGH time...
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laiiaaa · 1 year
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summary: You're stuck with the job of getting a very drunk, very lovesick JJ into bed.
length: 2.4k
contains: tooth-rotting fluff, obsessed boyfriend JJ, soooo touchy he can't keep his hands off of you (can you tell my love language is physical touch lmfao???), mentions of heavy drinking of course, zero plot, he's a flirty little freak and i hate him
note: Not the happiest with this but I haven't posted in a week and I'm in the middle of writing three other pieces right now...so take this as an apology gift for not having the GFAW chapter out yet <3
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Driving to the Chateau this late is never ideal, especially when you’re tired and ticked off from a busy shift. Your feet and back ache, your head could use a few Advil, and you would be perfectly happy to stay home and sleep for twelve hours. 
But when Kie calls you, groaning and saying Your boyfriend is wasted and won’t shut up about you and you need to come pull him to bed, you go. It’s as simple as that, really. Partially because JJ is already painfully stubborn when sober and only gets worse as the night goes on (code for: he won’t listen to anyone but you), and partly because you get a sweet kick out of his clinginess and extra loving.
So when you finally pull up and hop out of your car, the sound of Pope sighing Finally doesn’t surprise nor offend you.  Kie and Sarah scurry over, welcoming you with hugs and jokes about how sorry they are they had to call you while John B and Pope still tend to the drunken blonde.
“It’s alright,” you assure them, “I don’t mind.” And you really don’t, not at all, not when he acts all the more helplessly in love with you.
The bonfire still burns on, red-hot embers breaking off into the midnight sky. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon plays from a speaker nearby, and beer bottles litter the ground as you approach. The fire’s warmth wraps around you, a handle of Tito’s—only half full—entering your field of vision as you find JJ reclined back on the ground, an arm thrown over his eyes while his other hand taps along to the song. You crouch down next to him and hear him hum in tune.
John B stands behind you, feeling a little helpless. “He’s been talking about you nonstop since he got, like, three shots deep.”
“And as much as we love you guys together,” Sarah adds, leaning into the boy’s side, “He doesn’t listen very well once he gets started.”
You shoot them a smile over your shoulder. “It’s okay, I get it. You guys can head in if you want, this might take a while.” The two lovebirds wave you goodnight as they walk back inside with Kie and Pope, and you turn your attention back to your exceptionally troublesome boy. “JJ? Time to go to bed.”
He grumbles without moving an inch. “I told you to fuck off, Sarah, I just wanna see my girl.”
Your heart flutters at the name—his girl. You’ve never heard him call you that. Does he seriously think you’re Sarah? “Your girl?”
“Yeah, you know the gorgeous one?”
“Might ring a bell.”
“Yeah, well, she’s the most…the most beautiful person in the history of…of forever, and she’s mine, so get outta here n’…go flirt with John B or somethin’.” He lazily waves you off, mumbling something you don’t quite hear.
A smile fights its way to the surface, and you gently place your hand on the smooth plane of his shoulder. “Oh, but I wanted to flirt with you instead. How’s that sound, hm?”
He quickly pushes your touch away. “It sounds like my girl’s gonna kill you any second now, so watch it, Blondie.” He slurs his words as he speaks, pulling giggles from your lips. You gently take his wrist in your hand to remove his arm from his eyes and press a kiss where your fingertips touch him. His eyes stay closed, and he juts his chin in the opposite direction in protest.
“Jay, baby, I’m not killing anyone anytime soon,” you coo, leaning over his chest and face while running a hand through his hair. 
He opens one eye, suspicious of your claims, but quickly realizes it’s you, and turns to look at you like he’ll never get the chance to do it again, his expression swallowed by a smile. “When did you get here, baby?”
“Oh, just now,” you answer, laughter lacing your words, “Kie called me over.” You press a kiss to his forehead before sitting back up, your hand quickly taken by his.
“You should’ve come sooner.” His other hand makes its way to your thigh, smoothing over your skin. “I was waiting for you, all by myself, and—” he abruptly sits up— “there’s something I have to tell you,” he whispers. He casts a glance to the Chateau. “It’s top secret.”
With him this close, you can smell the vodka on his breath. “Yeah? What is it?” You loop your arms around his neck and scratch at the nape of his neck, to which he instinctively responds by wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing the palms of his hands along your back.
“This is top secret, classified information, princess, you can’t just get it for free. Everything comes with a price.” A sly little grin comes over him, tugging you a little closer.
Knowing JJ, you already know where this is headed. You decide to play along anyway: “Name it, then. I’m sure we can strike a deal somehow.”
He mulls over his words before saying, “Hear me out.”
“I’m listening.”
“You—” he points at your chest— “give me three—no, five kisses for the info up front.” When you raise your eyebrows in suspicion, he continues, “And every follow up question is worth another kiss.”
“This must be very important information.”
“Very.” His hands, still soaking in the feeling of you beneath them, start to play with the hem of your tank top, fingertips slipping beneath the fabric to feel skin. “Better pay up soon.”
You feign a look of shock and place a hand on his chest. “I didn’t even agree yet, don’t get too excited.” 
He pouts with furrowed brows, convinced his offer would be impossible to resist. “Why? Baby, come on,” he urges, holding you tighter, “This is the part where you kiss me.” His eyelids droop with drunkenness and fatigue as he presses his lips to your neck, but you quickly take his jaw in your hand and pull him away. 
“Ah ah ah,” you tease. “You come to bed first, then I’ll give you kisses for your secrets.”
“But I don’t wanna go to bed.” His hands work their way from your waist down to your hips again, soon grazing your thighs the way he knows erupts butterflies in your stomach. “I wanna stay here with you…have you boss me around. You’re very sexy when you do it.” He smirks while looking up at you, and you know for a fact he’s just trying to push your buttons.
You roll your eyes and push his face away as you start to stand up. “You’re a pain in the ass, I hope you know that.” As bitter as you try to sound, you’ll always have a soft spot for him the way he does for you, especially when your bitterness is met with that beautiful smile of his. You hold out both hands, towering over him and urging him to stand. “C’mon, Jay.”
He leans his weight onto his hands, stubborn as always. “Will you stay the night?”
“Not if you keep this up, I won’t.” You lend him a condescending smile. 
“But Baby,” he groans, finally complying now that the stakes have been raised. “I haven’t seen you all day, and I miss you.” He starts to shuffle where he sits, taking hold of your hands as you pull him up, dizziness causing him to stumble into your arms. “Can’t a boy just get some love from his girl?” 
There he goes again—his girl. 
You loop his arm over your shoulder and wrap yours around his waist as you lead him into the Chateau, surrounded by his warmth and the smell that’s so distinctly him: a bit of beachiness, mandarin and musky from his body wash, a hint of marijuana.
“You’re very kind,” he rambles on, “for coming here so late. I missed you.”
“I know, baby. You told me.”
He makes his way up the steps with you, following as you open the door. “Well, I’m making sure you’re sure.”
“I’m sure, love.” You smile to yourself, a little caught off guard with how open he’s become.
“I still have to tell you that top secret information,” he whispers, leaning down to your ear-level. His body wraps around you as you stand in front of him to open the door to his bedroom, his arms start to wrap around your waist again. “And you still owe me kisses for it.”
You usher him into his room, shutting the door behind you. “C’mon, let’s get into bed. That was the rule.”
He does as you wish without complaint for once, though when he does sit at the edge of his bed, he also pulls you to stand in between his legs. “I’m in bed now.”
“I can see that,” you giggle, hands massaging his neck and shoulders.
“Does this mean you’ll give me a kiss now?”
“Not yet.” You tug at the fabric of his shirt. “Take this off, please?” You don’t think much when you say it, but once the words slip out and you see JJ’s brows raise as a cocky smirk crosses his face, you realize you need to cover your tracks.
He bites his tongue to oblige, nabbing the back of his tee before pulling it over his head. Revealed to you are his broad shoulders, his chest, those toned arms that are, admittedly, to die for, though you’d never tell him that directly. 
“You’re trying to undress me, baby?” he asks, too quick for you to correct yourself. His hands take purchase of your hips before taking up your thighs, his hands molding to your curves and getting treacherously close to your inner thighs.
Your face goes hot—why is he so good at this?—but you keep a straight face and grab his face, one hand cupping his jaw while the other supports the back of his head. “Do you want your kiss or not?” 
“Yes ma’am,” he responds, almost immediately. His eyes glaze over, entranced by everything you are. A drunk smile is sent your way, and he can’t really tell whether the tingling all over his body is just from the vodka, or if it’s your hands on his body, your snippy tone that he knows is full of love. He’s sure that no matter how flustered he can make you, it’ll never compare to how you make him feel with even the slightest of touches.
Your grip goes soft, and you rake your hand through his hair, his eyes falling shut and his head gone slack into your hands. “You’re beyond wasted, aren't you?”
He laughs heartily now, eyes still shut as he nods his head. “I can’t keep my eyes open any longer, princess.” Giggles line his words and his face scrunches in a smile, dimple on display.
“How much did you drink?”
“A few beers.”
“And?” You tug lightly on his hair.
“Mm, some vodka, maybe. A few shots.” His hands drag from the backs of your thighs, to your hips, to your waist.
“JJ.” You stare down at his clearly vodka-dazed face. “How many is a few?”
He hums to himself, as deep in thought one can be when wasted. “Maybe seven…or nine…don’t remember,” he mumbles.
You sigh to yourself, not surprised by his recklessness but still not all too happy with it. 
But before you can formulate a single thought, a single articulated response, he starts to pout—eyes still closed of course, because your boy is nothing if not a truth-teller. “You sound mad.” Even when wasted he knows you so well.
“I’m not,” you fib a little, for his own sake. You kiss his forehead, then his cheek before letting go of him entirely to pull back the covers for him. “Come on, time to sleep, yeah?” You give a soft tug on his hand as his body goes pliant.
He slowly but surely crawls properly into bed, giving you a show of his back muscles flexing and relaxing before falling face-first into his pillow with a hmph. You lay down next to him as he lifts his arm with all his might, slowly turning onto his side to make space for you. Legs intertwine without words, the warmth of his body blankets your senses, his weight grounds you.
“You need to hurry, princess. I need to…need to give you the information.” The words are half-muffled by his pillow, and his eyes are still shut. 
“Oh. We’re still doing that?” You’re surprised he even remembers the information at this point—whatever it might be. 
He squeezes you tighter into his body, pulling a smile from you as he groans. “Yes, we’re still doing that…it’s important. You need three more…”
“Okay, okay,” you soothe, and you press a kiss to his shoulder. “Does that count?”
“Mhm, two more.” A stupid, drunk, terribly charming grin crosses his face, and it feels like you’re falling for him all over again, teetering at the edge of a cliff. His arm, still heavy on your waist, shifts a little, and his fingers dance along your back and light fires where they touch.
You curl your hand, gently, along the crook of his neck and kiss his jaw. “And that counts as well?”
With the way you’re whispering your words into his neck, JJ swears he could die happily. “Mm, sure does.”
For the fifth and final kiss, the corner of his mouth. It curls into your kiss like he knew it was coming, and you give him one more just for good measure—and, maybe, because seeing him smile is worth his weight in gold. You brush your hand through his hair before hugging him a little tighter towards your chest, all too aware now that you won’t be getting any information out of him the rest of the night. This minor inconvenience, however, doesn’t seem to compare to having him in your arms, his breath against your neck, his arm wrapped around you to tell you he’s there, and he’s there to stay, and he wants to be there more than anywhere else.
You think that you could play this game a million times over. The part where you kiss him—that is, when his lovely, sweet little smile peeks through that rough shell—will never get old enough to retire.
(But for tonight, you can live without more of his drunken teasing. Just for tonight.)
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startwelve · 9 months
I Love You Too
Pairing: Maddy Pérez x male!reader/reader Summary: Maddy makes up the reader and how they met Warnings: A bit of obscenity. Without checking. Not my best, but worst job. I think the gender of the reader is not mentioned. Note: Sorry for the absence, I have a busy life, but I'm back with this Maddy fic. Sorry, she doesn't have the same narrative as my other fics, but I wanted to post something.
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"Please be careful. Don't poke my eye out"
Maddy laughed.
"Stop whining"
She was straddling you and painting your lower eyelid black. You're sitting on her bed with your back leaning against the head of her bed and your hands gripping her hips, drawing imaginary circles with your thumbs. And a Pink Floyd song in the background.
You and Maddy had planned to study for history at her house, ending in a make-out session in her bed and on the way to something else. But on your part there was no desire, then Maddy had an idea; Makeup. Even if you listen to rock, it wasn't your thing to be in eyeliner and all that.
You gave her a kiss and as she walked away, she smiled.
"Your smile is very pretty," you're flattered.
Maddy smiled even more.
You were so cute with her that she didn't want you to ever leave her side. All of her previous boyfriends of hers were very… Nate. And luckily for her, she opened her eyes at it.
After breaking up with Nate, she decided to take some time, clear some things up, and meet more people. Then one night out, she met you. You were sitting on a sofa in the corner of the room, away from everyone. A friend of yours had dragged you to the place. That environment was not your thing. Pop music? It made you vomit. You'd rather be at a Metallica concert. Therefore, you were sitting, smoking a cigarette, oblivious to what was happening around you. Until you saw her in the crowd.
Her dance had mesmerized you, and you couldn't take your eyes off her. Maddy captured her and that night they ended up in a room in that unknown house.
At first, it was just that. Both you and her did not feel that you had something in common to take those meetings to something more. Well, that's what you thought until one afternoon…
You kissed her neck, while you rubbed with the rough tip of your finger, her soft and swollen clit, causing moans and sighs to spill from her lips. She was already reaching the edge of her, her vagina clenching around nothing and her moans getting louder. I grab your face, she attracted you in a messy kiss and without thinking she whispered; I love you.
You turned away from her completely and frowned at her, confused by her statement.
"I love you too," you confessed and kissed her again.
After that event, you and Maddy started dating. There were moments of tension, but nothing worrying enough to end in a separation.
Going back to the beginning…
"I'm done," Maddy said.
I hand you a mirror, and she bit her lower lip as you examined the final work. You smiled.
"I like it"
-Yeah? Maddy asked.
"Yes," you confirmed.
"From here on, you will do it to me," you said without taking your eyes off your reflection in the mirror.
Maddy smiled. You thought of continuing with her in the future, and he really liked the idea of her, because it was one of the best things he had of her in her life.
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bobfloydsbabe · 7 months
burning flames | eccentric professor!bob floyd x oc
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a gold rush fic
SUMMARY: A heated argument reaches a fever pitch for Bob and his TA.
WARNINGS: academia au, enemies to lovers (if you squint), age gap (mid-to-late 20s/late 30s), power imbalance, mutual jealousy, SMUT (fingering), bob being grumpy and rude. strictly 18+/minors dni.
JOIN THE TAGLIST (new form–please sign up again if you haven't already)
SPECIAL THANKS to @cherrycola27 for letting me rant about professor bob and for sending thots when i ask for them. you're a real one.
A/N: very loosely inspired by the song style by taylor swift for the wonderful @laracrofted's 1989TGM writing celebration. this was supposed to be a mob boss bob fic, but that made me cry, so i switched gears and now here we are. i'm sorry this is so late, ames. enjoy!
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“That’s all we have time for today. You’re dismissed.” He closes his book and listens to the sound of laptop lids being shut, chairs scraping against the old wooden floor, and chatter amongst his students. It’s a sound he’ll never tire of, no matter how long he teaches.
One sound is distinctly different, though. The sound of her voice. Sweet and soft. Lifting his eyes, he sees her talking to one of his students. Mike something. He can’t quite remember, but she laughs and puts her hand on his arm, making Bob clench his jaw.
Another student, Alicia, comes to his desk to talk about the upcoming assignment and what she can do to improve her grade. Normally, he would tell her to make an appointment at his office, but then Imogen laughs again, making heady eyes at that Mike guy, and he decides he has all the time in the world to talk to Alicia.
He tries to pay attention to his student, to answer her questions, and even tries to smile, but he can feel Imogen looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Her dark gaze is intense and sets his skin on fire in a way he’s been trying to ignore for weeks.
“So,” he hears Mike say. “What are your plans this weekend?”
Bob freezes. He lets his eyes wander over to Imogen, who’s still smiling. Next to him, Alicia is still talking, but her voice is far away and barely audible as he focuses on his assistant.
“I’m revising my dissertation proposal,” she tells him. “They rejected the last one for being too broad, so I have to narrow it down.”
Bob’s on that committee and strongly disagreed, but other members outnumbered him and he was forced to dissent. Dr. Kazansky had given her the news, and Bob remembers the heartbroken look in her eyes when she came to his office afterward. He’d wanted to comfort her then.
“Too busy to have dinner with me?”
Bob straightens his back, eyes still trained on Imogen as he dismisses Alicia, telling her to make an appointment if she wishes to discuss things further.
She mutters a thank you and scurries away. Imogen opens her mouth to answer, but Bob interrupts, certain he doesn’t want to hear the answer she’ll likely provide to this Mike character.
“Miss Van Doren,” he says, barely recognizing the hardness in his own voice. “My office. Now.”
He doesn’t wait for her to respond, but gathers his books and leaves the lecture hall without a glance back to see if she’s following. It doesn’t take long for him to hear her marching footsteps behind him, so he leaves the door open for her.
She slams it shut, so it rattles on the hinges.
“What is your problem?”
She’s furious. Nostrils flared, heavy breathing, and a delicious flush paints her cheeks pink.
“My problem?” he asks, placing the books on his desk. “What’s your problem?”
She drops her bag to the floor and crosses her arms in front of her chest. The gold necklace with her initial catches in the light, drawing his eyes down.
“I don’t have a problem,” she insists, taking a step toward him. “But you constantly berating me is getting old.”
He says nothing. He can’t. Not when she’s looking at him like she wants to wring his neck. Not when all the blood in his body is racing south, and he’s trying not to look at her legs, but they are on full display in that tight little skirt she’s wearing. Again.
He swears she’s doing it on purpose to rile him up.
He hates that it’s working.
She takes a deep breath, pushing her shoulders back, and looks up into his eyes. He’s always found hers unsettling, like she sees the parts of him he’s been hiding for decades.
“I know you don’t want me here, Dr. Floyd,” she says, gesturing around his office, making her short skirt even shorter, revealing more of her supple thighs. “You’ve made that abundantly clear, but you could at least show me the courtesy of not undermining me every time I talk to students.”
He frowns. “I don’t undermine you.”
She scoffs, gaze leaving him as her frustration fills the room. “You interrupted my conversation with Michael not five minutes ago,” she argues as her eyes find his again. Dark brown meeting ocean blue.
He steps forward, eyes wandering over every inch of her exposed skin, making his head spin with barely contained desire. “It was an inappropriate conversation.”
“He asked about my dissertation.”
Bob shakes his head. “No, he asked you out.”
“So what?” she throws her hands out to the side, exasperation turning into full-blown anger now. “He’s been trying to ask me out for weeks, but you always manage to interrupt. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you do it on purpose.”
He freezes. His heart’s beating painfully in his chest and his face feels like it’s on fire. There may even be steam coming out of his ears.
He watches Imogen run her hands through her hair, pulling at the roots, and he truly wishes she wouldn’t. It’s conjuring up very vivid images in his head that he shouldn’t have of his teaching assistant.
She looks at him expectantly, thinking an answer is going to come, but it doesn’t. He doesn’t know how to respond to that in a way that’ll make sense to her. It barely even makes sense to himself.
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Bob says finally.
She scoffs. “Yeah, well, he treats me better than you do, and I know that’s a really low bar, but it’s better than—”
Bob crashes his lips against hers, swallowing the gasp she emits. For a moment nothing happens, and for a second he thinks he’s made a grave mistake, but then Imogen’s arms circle around his waist and she sighs against his mouth. 
He walks her backward until her back hits the wall behind his desk, and he presses her against it, trying to get closer.
He pulls away a few inches to look at her. Cheeks flushed, hair a little out of place, and pupils dilated. She’s never looked more delectable, and he knows she can feel his hard cock against her hip. He doesn’t care.
Taking a deep breath, her eyes search his face for something, but it’s unclear whether she finds it. “Why did you do that?”
Her voice is barely above a whisper. There’s no hint of regret, but the rational part of him knows this is a bad idea. He’s her superior, after all.
“You wouldn’t shut up.”
“So you kissed me?” she asks with an adorable wrinkle between her brows.
He frowns. Now sure he’s misjudged the situation, Bob leans back and squares his shoulders, letting his hands fall away from her neck.
“Oh no,” she tuts and grabs a handful of his sweater, pulling him back in. “Get back here.” She stands on her tiptoes and captures his mouth with her own, tongue dancing at the seam of his lips for entry.
He doesn’t have to be told twice. He leans his weight against her, pushing her against the wall, and groans into her mouth when she tugs on his hair.
His hands travel down her body. Grazing across the swell of her breasts, into the dip of her waist, the hips that have occupied his thoughts for weeks, and finally, her thighs. His lips never leave hers, and his tongue explores her mouth and the taste of mint that lingers from her toothpaste.
Imogen shudders as his fingertips tickle the back of her knees, whimpering at the touch.
His hands slide up the back of her bare thighs, feeling her soft skin under his palms. She moans into his mouth and it’s the most arousing sound he’s ever heard. He can’t help the roll of his hips, desperate for friction, for relief, for something warmer than his own hand.
His hands travel up under her skirt, feeling the plumpness of her ass in his hands make him push against her again and she’s meeting him with her own movement.
“Professor,” she moans, as he trails wet kisses along her throat, running his tongue over the skin afterward.
He hums, kneading her ass-cheeks, growing harder as he rocks against her. Even separated by layers of fabric, the friction is enough to drive him mad.
“Dr. Floyd,” she says, pulling his hair hard enough that his lips detach from her throat. Her pupils are wide and hungry, mirroring his own, and their heavy breaths mix in arousing unison. “I’m still mad at you.”
A smug smirk spreads across his face. “I know,” he says and removes one hand from her ass. He uses it to brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Don’t go out with him.”
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
The words hang in the air. Bob keeps one hand on the side of her neck while the other remains under her skirt, playing with the edge of her panties. He holds her gaze, waiting for her to make the next move. To tell him where she stands, what she wants.
He sees the moment she decides, the corner of her mouth turning upward just enough to be a smile.
“Show me.”
Yanking her panties to the side, his fingertips glide along her folds, feeling her already soaking for him. Her mouth forms a perfect o as she gasps, and he wonders what else that pretty and vicious mouth can do.
Her fingers curl into the hair at his nape, gasping when he finds her clit. “So pretty like this,” he whispers, kissing the underside of her jaw.
“Professor,” she whimpers. “Please.”
“Come on,” he says, leaning back to watch her. Her brown doe eyes have gone dark with hunger and desire, arousal clear from the bead of sweat on her temple, and his cock is so hard he’s about to go insane. Yet, he still leans in close, his lips featherlight against her ear and whispers “moan for me.”
He leans back just in time to catch the look in her eyes when he presses his thumb against her clit and she lets herself moan. Louder than he expected, so his hand flies over her mouth, keeping her quiet, but feeling her smile beneath his palm.
His thumb massages her clit while his index finger finds her entrance, warmth begging him to enter. Bob meets Imogen’s eyes, asking without saying the words because he doesn’t trust either of them to keep their voices down.
Her nod sends him to heaven.
She moans into his hand as his finger slides inside her. He’s hot all over, groaning into her neck at the sensation of her. “So fucking tight,” he mumbles against her skin, making her clench around him.
Tightening her arms around his shoulders, she whimpers against his palm, and her hips meet his motions as he pumps his finger inside her. Her juices spread across his hand, and before long, he adds a second finger.
His office fills with the sounds of heavy breathing, muffled moans from Imogen, and barely contained groans from himself. He can feel her getting close, her legs trembling, struggling to stay upright. Leaning his forehead against hers, he removes his hand from her mouth. “Quiet,” he mutters against her lips.
She nods as she kisses him, open-mouthed and desperate, and his thumb draws tight circles on her clit as he angles his fingers against that spot inside her. She’s there. He knows it. “Good girl,” he whispers. “Cum for me.”
She does. Gushes around his fingers, writhing in his arms. He guides her through her high, holding her against the wood-paneled wall behind her. Her head falls against his shoulder as she comes down, and a long whine escapes her throat as he withdraws his fingers.
Leaning back to give her a little space, he takes in her unkempt hair, swollen lips, and the breathtaking pink flush in her cheeks. Her eyes flick down to his hand, then turn to the very obvious bulge in his slacks.
She takes his hand, the one with fingers covered in her cum, and brings it to her lips. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she closes her mouth around his digits, swirling her tongue around them, tasting herself. He’s entranced, can’t stop watching her when she hums as if it’s the most delicious meal she’s ever had.
She withdraws his fingers with a pop, letting his hand fall back at his side. They stay there, looking at each other, processing what just happened between them. Not only is she his teaching assistant, but he’s on her dissertation committee. He has power and influence, and while she’s not his student, he is her superior.
“I…” he tries again, but trails off.
She smirks, squaring her shoulders. “Close your mouth, Dr. Floyd,” she says and sidesteps him, adjusting her skirt. “You’re too smart to be a mouth breather.”
She crosses the office, gathering her bag from the floor where she dropped it, and he gets a peek at her panties as she bends over. White lace. His slacks have never felt tighter.
Unsure what to say or do, he stands there watching while Imogen tries to make her hair look presentable. “Alright,” she mumbles after a minute. “See you tomorrow.”
The door closes behind her, leaving Bob in his office, surrounded by books, paper, a chessboard, a laptop he’s forced to own, and the memory of his TA coming undone on his fingers.
There’s only one word to describe the situation he now finds himself in.
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likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are golden
TAGLIST: @roosterforme, @kmc1989, @bradshawsbaby, @cherrycola27, @wkndwlff, @yanna-banana, @bluezraven, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @hangmandruigandmav, @keyrani, @just-in-case-iloveyou, @solo-pitstop-vibes, @yuckosworld, @have-a-nice-day-k, @writingshae, @the-whitegirl-is-back, @dizzydisaster, @floydsmuse
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vialovesyou · 1 month
𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗪 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗞𝗘𝗬
driving to drew's apartment this late was never ideal, especially since y/n was tired after a long shift having have had to stay longer to help a student land her jumps, which was incredibly hard since the student had two left feet. y/n’s head could have used some advil, and she would have been perfectly happy to stay home and sleep for twelve hours.
but when rudy called her, groaning and saying your boyfriend is wasted and won't shut up about you and you need to come pull him him to bed, she went. it was as simple as that, partially because drew was stubborn when sober and only got worse as the night went on (code for he won't listen to anyone but her )and partly because y/n got a sweet kick out of his clinginess and extra loving.
when y/n finally knocked on the apartment door, the sound of austin sighing finally as he swung open the door doesn't surprise nor offend her. madelyn and madison scurried over, welcoming her with hugs and jokes about how sorry they were that they had to call her while chase and rudy tend to the drunken blonde.
" it's alright " y/n reassured. " i don't mind "
the tv was on playing a re-run off star wars, as beer cans and empty solo cups littered the table. pink floyds's dark side of the moon played from a speaker nearby as monica approached. drew was reclined back on the ground, an arm thrown over his eyes while his other tapped along to the song. monica crouched down next to him and could hear him humming the tune.
jd stood behind y/n, feeling a little helpless " he's been talking about you nonstop since he got, like, three shots deep "
" and as much as we love you guys together " madelyn added, leaning into chase's side. " he doesn't listen very well once he gets started "
y/n shot them a smile over her shoulder before speaking. " it's okay, i get it. you guys can go if you want, this might take a while " y/n hummed, causing everyone to bid there farewells before they left since they were exhausted. madelyn, madison, chase and jd all left to their respected apartments while austin and rudy went into their rooms as monica turned her attention back to the troublesome boy. " drew? time for bed "
" i told you to fuck off, madelyn. i just want to see my girl " he grumbles without moving an inch causing y/n’s heart to flutter at the nickname. " your girl? " she questioned, a teasing smile on her face.
" yeah, you know the beautiful one?"
" might ring a bell " she muttured, shifting so her legs were crossed in a basket beside him. " yeah, well, she's the most.... the most beautiful person in the history of... of forever. so get outta here and go flirt with chase or somethin' " he lazily waved her odd, mumbling something she didn't quite hear.
a smile fought it's way onto y/n’s face as she gently placed her hand on the smooth pane of his shoulder. " oh, but i wanted to flirt with you instead. how's that sound, hm? "
drew quickly pushed her touch away, seemingly still not recognising his own girlfriend. " it sounds like my girl is gonna come for you any second now, so watch it blondie. she might be small but fuck me she can be scary " drew slurred his words as he spoke, pulling a laugh from y/n’s lips. she gently took his wrist in her hand to remove his arm from his eyes and pressed a kiss where her fingertips touched him. his eyes stayed closed, as he jutted his chin in the opposite direction in protest.
" drew, baby, i'm not killing anyone any time soon " she spoke, leaning over his chest while running a hand through his hair. he opened one eye, suspicious of her claims but quickly realised it was her , and turned to look at y/n like he'll never get the chance to do it again, his expression swallowed by a smile. " when did you get here, darlin' " he asked, smooching kisses against the girls face causing her to scrunch her nose up.
" oh, just now " she answered, laughter lacing her words. " rudy called me over " she pressed a kiss to his forehead before sitting back up, her hand quickly engulfed by his.
" you should've come sooner " his other hand made it's way to her thigh, smoothing over her skin. " i was waiting for you by myself, and - " he abruptly sat up- " there's something i have to tell you " he whispered, casting a glance to his bedroom door. " it's top secret "
with him this close, y/n could smell the vodka on his breath. " yeah? what is it? " she asked, looping her arms around his neck as he pulled her onto his lap causing her to straddle him. her fingernails scratched at the nape of his neck, to which he instinctively responded by wrapping his arms around her waist and rubbing the palms of his hand along her back.
" this is top secret, classified information, sweetheart. you can't just get it for free. everything comes with a price !" he grinned slyly, tugging her closer. knowing drew, she already knew where this was headed but played along anyway " name it, then. i'm sure we can strike a deal somehow " y/n fed into him.
he mulled over his words before speaking " hear me out "
" i'm listening " y/n reassured, shifting her hips so she could sit more comfortably. " you " he pointed at her chest. " give me three -no, five kisses for the info up front" when y/n raised her eyebrows in suspicion, he continued. " and every follow up question is worth another kiss "
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slavghoul · 1 year
First musical emotion?
TF: I grew up in an environment full of music, with a very open-minded mother who listened to a lot of pop and rock music and, above all, an older brother who was 13 years older than me. That's how much I was immersed in teenage culture as a child. I was 3 years old in 1984 when the glam metal wave invaded the airwaves and TV screens. These bands, like Kiss, WASP or Mötley Crüe, very strong visually for a child, attracted me irresistibly. And let's not forget Twisted Sister. I Wanna Rock is the track that remains the basis, the trigger for everything for me. A song that, at 3, 13, 23 or 43 years old, still has the same effect on me as soon as I hear it: to jump in the air like a madman.
First record bought?
If not Kiss, probably a Rolling Stones album. It didn't make much of an impression on me because my brother used to buy so many of them, so my money was mostly spent on Star Wars stuff. There are tons of bands I love, but I think the Stones are my favourite. Because they embody everything I love about rock, even though they weren't as sophisticated as the Beatles or Pink Floyd. Between 1967 and 1972, in their darkest period, nobody did it better than them: they had the look, the attitude, the style and, on top of that, the songs! Let It Bleed is incredible, with songs like Midnight Rambler and Live With Me. As much as I admire technical singers, virtuosos of harmony, Jagger remains unique. I've never tried to imitate him, but as a performer he is the absolute model.
First concert of note?
My brother used to take me to see local punk bands at a very early age, but I remember B.B. King most of all, when I was about 5 or 6, with my mother. It was a jazz festival, outside in the courtyard of a castle, a very cool atmosphere. As soon as B.B. King started playing, there was electricity in the air. Everyone got up and started dancing, I was blown away. And as I was the only one of my age, I could move around freely, so much so that I found myself in the backstage, in front of B.B. King himself! He invited me into his dressing room: "Do you play the guitar?" - Yes! - so don't stop!" And I took his advice. Even though I sing on stage, the guitar is still my favourite instrument, the one I play and master the most.
The band that best managed to avoid the pitfall of the image taking precedence over the music?
Kiss, unfortunately, was far from being up to the task musically. Alice Cooper, after two minor first albums, went on to make four incredible albums with the original Alice Cooper Group. Above all, he made a phenomenal comeback with Welcome to My Nightmare in 1975. After that, the show took over... The band that managed to stay straight and dignified, without compromising the artistic quality of their work, is undoubtedly Iron Maiden. All of their 80's production is impeccable, and if they had a slump in the 90's, they came back even stronger with the return of Bruce Dickinson, and have been going strong for twenty years! Their work ethic is exemplary. With Ghost, we take up Phantom of the Opera, one of my favourite tracks from their early period, and one of the few where I felt we could add a little something to it.
Best punk song in the world?
There are so many, because I was also brought up on the sounds of the Pistols, the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys... But as a kid, I never got tired of listening to The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle again, especially the sequence where Sid Vicious sings My Way. His version is one of my favourite songs of all time. What could be more awesome than to see a guy slaughtering this standard while doing the same, shooting the shit, with the audience that came to see him! It was like the ultimate middle finger, and it made me happy, and it showed me the way.
The band that remains the grail for you?
Queen, because the show side, the big show, is the ultimate for me. In the early 70s, my favourite musical period, there were no big shows yet, like the Stones started doing afterwards. Queen is the same. Of course, their best albums are from the 70s, but the peak of their career for me is the Wembley concert in 1986. Magic wasn't a great record, but the show was breathtaking, dantesque, with a repertoire as vast as it was delirious. If Ghost could ever come close to the 1986 Queen, I would be delighted.
The greatest Swedish band?
ABBA, of course. No one will ever be able to stand in their way. The Beatles are the monarchs of English rock, ABBA the monarchs of Swedish pop. Björn and Benny are national heroes. I found myself at a huge, formal party when Benny suddenly sat down at the piano and started Thank You For the Music. There was silence in a second. This guy is a monument. You can't imagine what ABBA has done, not only for pop music, but also for Sweden and the Swedes. This band proved that you can move mountains.
Which Ghost song are you most proud of?
Cirice, probably. I often write my songs by singing into my phone a melody that is in my head. We were about to finish the album Meliora. And the co-producer tells me that a really heavy and powerful track is missing. I tell him I have this heavy, heavy, macabre sounding tune with a long intro and a crushing riff. He suggests I tweak it while he goes for a run. When he came back, I had written a chorus, lyrical, catchy. It wasn't the leaden track he was hoping for. But it won us a Grammy!
The most evil band?
Certainly not Mercyful Fate, as one might imagine. They, like most Norwegian death metal bands, more or less satanic, are the most charming guys I've ever met. They seem more like nice teachers than evil creatures. The scariest band is probably Von, a mythical American black metal band from Hawaii. These guys were really scary, with their terrifying size, they looked really dangerous. But I think the evil is mostly on the side of those who pretend to defend the good. For me, the most evil and unattractive musician is Ted Nugent. He's pro-life, pro-hunting, and claims he's only fighting for freedom. But the world he defends is about as free and tolerant as Vladimir Putin's. I refuse to listen to him.
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bnuuys-writing · 6 months
Kiss The Girl
Hey guys, sorry for being dead. Lol. School has been kicking my ass and so I wrote this little drabble for @dibbledoodle (WISH THEM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY)
Anyway, Its a Dib x Jade Leech so enjoy~!
Azul couldn't believe this. Being dragged along on a hiking trip with Jade, Floyd, and Dib?! A hiking trip?! Azul couldnt believe how this was happening to him as they reached the top of the mountain. It was a gorgeous sight and with plenty to see as Jade and Dib seemed to be busying themselves with chat about nature. Yet, Azul could feel the sweat dripping off of his brow as he scanned the view of the area they came to stop at.
Could… Mountains hold vast amounts of water? Such as a lake? Well, he has heard about lakes being surrounded by mountains but this was the first time we saw one at this high of altitude! The water must’ve been absolutely freezing if it weren't for the fact that the trio had come from freezing waters. 
“And this is Moraine Lake, are you curious as to why it is so turquoise in color, Dib?” Jade hummed out, a serene smile on his face as he turned to the shorter woman who could only stare in awe at the beautiful mountain range that surrounded the lake. 
“Because… Someone dropped a whole bunch of food coloring into the lake to make it a tourist spot?” Dib replied as she glanced over at Jade who could only chuckle at her response.
“Funny idea, but no. It is due to the glacier that feeds into this deposit that is later reflected from the rock flour being mixed into it… Does that make sense?” Jade asked out as he put his hand under his chin, wondering if he had confused Dib enough with the lore of the lake, hoping that Dib would only ask more questions about the said lake.
“Rock flour being refracted to make a koolaid color blue, yeah yeah I get it!” Dib stated back, looking back at the lake only to spot little two seater boats that she most definitely wanted to get on. Without a moment to pause, her hand grabbed onto Jade’s free hand and began to drag him down the side of the hill to the boats, leaving a confused Floyd and exhausted Azul behind.
“I cant believe we are here.” Azul stated out, closing his eyes as he was hunched over, hieving for his breath in the low altitude climate. 
“Do you wanna go watch them…?” Floyd asked out in his usual bored tone, and Azul thought about it for just a mere five seconds.
How could the sun set so fast within the mountains? Had they been rowing for a while?! Dib couldn't tell but she had been chatting with Jade the whole time. As for where they went? It didn't really matter to either of them. How the sun reflected off of the turquoise blue surface painting the snow capped mountains with a shimmering gold hue along their grayscale colors. Everything felt… So right.
“There you see her, sitting there across the way!”
Jade could feel his eyebrow twitch as he heard a voice pop up from the water around them. Azul, he assumed at least just by the sound of his voice. Always one for having an excellent voice unlike his brother Floyd.
“Shes got a lot to say, yet there's something about her.” 
Azul continued as both Floyd and Azul swam around the boat beneath them, evil smirks on their faces as they peeked up at Dib and Jade. Jade's expression was unreadable by the way he still held his placid smile as he stared at Dib across the boat. Yet, Dib's cheeks were slowly lighting up shades of pink as she listened to an all too familiar song. As the boat slowly spun around in a circle thanks to Azul's and Floyd's influence under the water.
“And you don't know why but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl.”
Jade could only chuckle as he looked over at Dib who was staring into the water, trying to find the very obvious sirens who were urging Jade to attempt the unspeakable. Of course he wanted to kiss Dib, but he always thought he might've not had the biggest chance due to Leona being in his way. Yet… This was his chance!! 
“Dib, I…” Yet, before Jade could finish his sentence, a loud splash could be heard as Jade's eyes flashed to the rocking boat with a mischievous eel peeking over the boat, having purposely knocked it around. Jade could only blink once, snapping out of his shock as he heard the splash sounds of Dib within the cold glacier water.
“Jade!! Jade help! I fell! And there's no door for me to hold onto!!” Dib shouted out as they splashed around within the water while beneath the surface was Floyd chuckling away and Azul facepalming at the idiocy he was now getting dragged into during this time. As for Jade, he was snapping out of his momentary shock as he jumped into the water and began to carry Dib through the cold glacier water of the lake back to shore.
“A door, hm…? Do tell, is this another thing from your world Dib?” Jade asked out cooly as he brought Dib to the shore smiling down at Dib as they were sprawled out on the shoreline as they were panting for breath. “Wouldn't you like to know, just don't let go Jack— I mean Jade.” Dib responded before chilling, referencing an all too familiar movie.
Although at hearing and all too familiar wolfs name, Jade could only grumble ever so softly with his placid sinister smile. “And what is my reward for saving you, Dib?”
“Go on and kiss the girl!”
Azul and Floyd sang together from off in the water as Dib blushed slightly more as Jade's smile only widened more. 
“That sounds like a brilliant idea.”
Without a moment to spare, Jade leaned down to softly capture Dib's lips in a soft sharp toothed kiss which left Dib absolutely flushed as the scene began to fade away as an all too familiar alarm began to ring out in Dib's ears.
“Dib! Dib cmon!! You're gonna be late!” Grim called out as he threw a pillow at Dib as he tried his best to wake up Dib for the next day of classes. Dib could only blink slowly, their eyes open as they could stare up at the wooden ceiling of the Ramshackle and groan, putting their arm across their eyes as she sighed.
“It was all a dream… Yet, I know where to go hiking next time with Jade.”
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gabykatttt · 2 months
My sister’s a fraud pt 4
It’s all my fault Veneer said repeating himself over and over again still crying.
No Veneer it’s not your fault KidRitz said petting Veneer’s hair.
He’s right you shouldn’t blame yourself Orchid said.
Oh no Floyd will not make it there he’s gone nothing left Bruce said worrying.
Alright you guys want an encore? Velvet asked her fans.
The fans cheered with excitement.
Oh no she’s taking it too far Orchid said panicking.
She’s sick she going to do encore KidRitz said.
No Branch said.
He will die eventually Poppy said as Viva got closer to her sister and hugged.
Crimp looked at Veneer hoping for him to stop Velvet.
Veneer we need you to sing show the world and prove your sister wrong KidRitz said.
Veneer panicked once more but Crimp comforted.
Look Veneer I know you’re scared right but you need to stand up and prove yourself that you can do this you have talent Crimp said.
I know but I can’t Veneer said nervously.
We know Velvet will kill you but you need to stop her Poppy said.
Please Veneer save my brother Branch said as Bruce,John,and Clay begged.
Alright I’ll do it Veneer said as Orchid gives Veneer a microphone.
We believe in you Veneer the gang said cheering.
Veneer turned and smiled as he got into the pink stage of the yacht.
Here we go Velvet said as she was about to sing her final song but someone turned off the microphone.
Uhh who did that? Velvet asked growling with anger. She turned and saw Veneer holding the microphone.
What do you think you’re doing stupid brother? Velvet asked.
Veneer ignored her as the flying cameras surrounded him.
You guys probably don’t know me but my names Veneer Velvet’s little brother. You guys know my sister right well before I tell the truth about her I wanna sing this song I wrote and hopefully you guys enjoy this Veneer said.
Crimp turned on Veneer’s song he worked hard for and Veneer started singing his song.
Veneer 🎶🎤
Mhm, mhm, yeah
Everybody's got a thing
But some don't know how to handle it
Always reachin' out in vain
Just takin' the things not worth having
But don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standin' on the side
When you check it out, oh
They say your style of life's a drag
And that you must go other places
Just don't you feel too bad
When you get fooled by smiling faces
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, baby
'Cause I'll be standing on the side
When you check it out
When you get off your trip
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
(Come on)
Everybody needs a change
A chance to check out the new, yeah
You're the only one who sees
The changes you take yourself through
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Pa-pa, pa-pa-pa-pa
Pa-pa, pa-pa-pa-pa
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standin' on the side
When you check it out
When you get off your trip
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standin' on the side
When you check it out
Don't you worry
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standin', I'll be standin' for you
Don't you worry 'bout a thing.
The fans clapped their hands together with cheer. Velvet stood there in shock knowing that her brother mixed with anger and jealousy.
So all this time you can FUCKING SING WITHOUT TELLING ME Velvet said about to hit Veneer but failed.
Veneer ignored her and spoke the truth about Velvet’s crimes.
Listen up Mount Rageous my lovely popstar sister is a FRAUD Veneer spoke causing the fans to gasp in horror.
She’s been literally touring little trolls and stealing my songs and claims it as her own Veneer continued. Velvet gasped and tries to attack him but Veneer snatched the diamond of Velvet’s shoulder pad and break it with his beautiful singing voice.
I’m free Floyd said getting on Veneer’s shoulder. Veneer looked at troll and smiled.
And here’s prove Crimp play the video Veneer said. Crimp nodded as the video started to play.
Velvet’s fans gasped as it show Velvet mistreating Veneer and the trolls to be famous.
Velvet began to be furious as she was about to attack but the cops showed in time.
Velvet you’re under arrest for trollnapping,blackmail,domestic abuse,fraud and tax evasion the cop said putting handcuffs on Velvet’s hands.
YOU TRAITOR Velvet yelled as the cops took her away before that Orchid came up and slapped her.
Ow Orchid baby Velvet said crying in pain.
How could you lie to me? Orchid asked crying in tears.
I thought you loved me but I guess I was wrong Orchid said getting off the stage.
Veneer got off the stage and gave Floyd to his brothers.
Veneer sang once more releasing John,Bruce,and Clay.
We’re free Clay said as Viva hugged him.
KidRitz came up to Veneer and hugged him.
You did it Veneer I’m so proud of you KidRitz said.
Thanks I finally had a reason to sing you Veneer said blushing.
Orchid please tell them I’m innocent Velvet said begging.
Sorry Velvet but you need to expet your consequences Orchid replied as the cops put Velvet on the car.
Orchid head back to the yacht and hugged Veneer.
Veneer there’s something I need to tell you important KidRitz said blushing.
Sure what is it? Veneer asked.
To be continued
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When I’m down, I can choose to emotionally eat, or a can partake in some retail therapy. A friend wanted a Def Leppard RSD live album, and if not for him I would never have gone to my local record store, so I’m blaming him.
My Record Haul.
Dressed To Kill.
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Ever since someone pointed out that the last KISS in the corner is spelled KIS, I can’t unsee it. Who designed this cover?
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Love Gun.
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Ever since @elrohare pointed out to me the smooshed groins I can’t unsee it.
Then the back cover is showing me the albums I didn’t buy today.
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Ace Frehley.
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This album is good quality! Like new. Who had this album and didn’t play it to death?
Again, showing me the albums I didn’t buy today…
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Paul Stanley!
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The cover of this is sooooo worn. Luckily the vinyl is schmick. I once read that Paul Stanley basically recorded a Kiss album without the rest of Kiss. I concur.
This one is Japanese, so the inner parts are different to the Ace album.
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When I think of Dynasty, I remember that line in Detroit Rock City “Kiss will never do a disco song!”
It doesn’t get more disco than this inner sleeve.
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This also came with a mint poster inside!
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Just for the sake of overkill, I also got this Aussie 12” of I Was Made For Loving You.
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By popular demand!
The Elder!
I had to.
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The bonus of this is that it’s Japanese, so it has the track listing as the band intended. But for some reason they cut “Escape From The Island”. But this track listing makes more sense. It’s not a bad album! It was just a bad idea at the time. Pink Floyd they ain’t.
Bootleg Interview Disc
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I always love a strange release. Cleary this is from the no makeup era. It’ll be interesting to listen to this later.
This is certainly one way to turn a frown upside down. Bedtime soon, then a poorly organised festival tomorrow. Hope it goes ok. At least it’s not going to rain. I think when this is done I’ll feel emotionally better. Then I can binge listen to all these new purchases.
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chiarrara · 3 months
Bro I got more for the 80’s/90’s au:
Title already reminds me of Gojo but the lyrics as well is just. Hhhh. Reminds me of when Geto started spiraling.
Title says it all I think
Mostly here becouse it sounds like something they’d listen to
While this is a 90’s song it reminds me a lot of Gojo. Just the childish/cocky tone, the line “and then you told me how bad you had to suffer, is that really all you have to offer?” Like idk it just screams him to me.
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And if I died right now what then
90’s song but Jesus Christ this one is even worse. “I wanna hold the hand inside you,I wanna take a breath that’s true” “you’ll come apart and you’ll go blind” banging my head against the wall
“And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too, I’ll see you in the dark side of the moon”
Also “the lunatic is in my head” good way to say there’s a curse inside your brain Geto
Here mostly becouse it’s an actual confirmed gay song but it’s still a bit satosugu
It’s just here becosue vibes
(1980s SatoSugu AU + 1990s Megumi AU Playlists)
omg omg you're like a musical angel. okay let's do it:
1. Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
This is the perfect 1984 sound to me!! Like, quintessential this is so perfect thank you. And yes, eyes theme, of course. But also...
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woof 🥲 i can imagine suguru playing this song while he's having a Bad Time™ and thinking of satoru.........i am sad
2. (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight - Cutting Crew
Ugh, this is such a classic. Technically it's 1986 so......I can put it near the end of the playlist and it can be like a couple years in the future. So. Things are not going well for them in 1986.....
3. Sowing the Seeds of Love - Tears for Fears
Immediately yes.
So they're back together by 1989 and belting this at full volume down the highway. that's nice :)
(+ BONUS) Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears
I had to go back and see what TfF songs were out around '84 and
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4. 21st Century (Digital Boy) - Bad Religion
Ooooh yeah I hear it, that line is so good. But......it's also great for Megumi, beating up some bullies lol. And it's 1994! that's my anchor year for him so that's perfect!
5. Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
Okay, those lyrics hit so hard 😢 tell me I'm wrong, but I feel like Gojo would love Pat Benatar, but Geto would haaaate her lmao. Like Gojo would bring a tape into the car and convince Suguru to let him play it, but Suguru would be like, "don't leave that tape in my car." idk he's just not like other boys.
Also, very Gojo coded song 2 me. This came out in 1983, so I think everytime it comes on Gojo blasts the radio and sings along at top volume all by himself while Geto rolls his eyes in the drivers seat.
6. Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
🥺🥺🥺 I love this sooooong. Giving it to little proto-emo boy Megumi for timeline stability. Gojo can overhear it and have traumatic flashbacks or something
"I think it's strange you never knew" kill me
7. Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Does Geto just have two full Pink Floyd tapes in his glove box?..........I mean probably
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"there's someone in my head but it's not me" I don't wanna talk about it.
8. Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) - The Buzzcocks
No notes.
9. Because the Night - Patti Smith
Another Gojo belter. But this one grows on Geto and in a couple weeks he's belting word for word along with him. They love this song 🔥🔥🔥
I'm having so much fun 🥰 tyty the playlist is really coming along now
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thegoldenarcher · 5 months
top 10 clint's playlist
(no particular order)
HEY i have a 60 song playlist for clint (it stays growing), here are some of my top songs from it (probably gonna make multiples of these)
space ghost coast to coast [stripped] (glass animals) - a song from clint's perspective about him and barney from childhood
dead inside (younger hunger) - make a lotta money and feel dead inside? say less. the lyrics vs vibe of the song makes me think of clint
vienna sunday night (kinneret) - it's fun to think about clint and bucky for this one... the story behind the song is also fitting for them
skin and bones (cage the elephant) - i just can't listen to this song without thinking of clint,,
boys & girls (blur) - you're lying to yourself if you don't think this is on his own playlist
time (pink floyd) - clint being existential because he doesn't have superpowers and feeling as though he's constantly running out of time and "no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun" would kill him in his soul because Wow, ten years did get behind him, where did all that time go?
wild things (coast modern) - a song about clint seen from bucky's perspective...
blue world (mac miller) - avengers clint moment... very tired, listening to this on the train ride home after a day of kicking ass and getting his ass kicked
who we are (hozier) - the way i like to interpret this song is losing sight of yourself and not realizing it until it's a bit too late. it makes me think of clint getting too deep into his ronin persona
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keldjinfae · 13 days
No Skip Albums
I wasn't personally tagged by @oldefashioned but she did say she'd love to see anyone's unskippable album list, so... By the way, narrowing this down to ten was tortuously difficult to do, and that's after the agony of setting aside the albums that have that one song I still enjoy but can do without, if need be.
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Every part of this album is gorgeous and cohesive and everything I was feeling then, and everything I'm still feeling now. Some of these songs are almost too close to home, and those are my favorite kind. I'm also forever a PNW child, no matter where I might go, and Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell were my voice when I couldn't figure out what to say. Apart from that, Alice is my go-to band for whenever I'm writing Derek Hale.
2. Brand New - Deja Entendu
Everything you need in melodrama, you'll find it here. While you're likely not listening to the songs for the vocal range/ability, they have some of the most gorgeous turns of phrases I've ever heard set to music. "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" and "Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis" stand out in particular, but everything else demands to be listened to as well.
3. Def Leppard - Pyromania
One of the albums that meant I was going on a longer car ride with my family and we needed something we all liked listening to. We all have a favorite song on the album that gets played twice, but if I hear any one of them, then I have to hear the whole thing.
4. Deftones - White Pony
Setting aside what this album means to me personally, Deftones pretty much has a song for any Stiles/Sterek situation you can think of.
5. Led Zeppelin - IV
Settling aside the fact that listening to "Rock and Roll" while I'm driving is fucking dangerous, "Going to California" is one of my favorite songs of all time, period.
6. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
Everything about this album is perfect. If I hear "Weak and Powerless," then I have to hear "The Noose" and "Blue" and everything after up to "Gravity" or I feel like the rest of the day is unfinished.
7. Phil Collins - No Jacket Required
This album was such a huge part of my formative music experience that I can't really describe it.
8. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
This and the next album were where I had the most trouble in particular--I love so much of everything by both bands that it was nigh impossible for me to choose. So in the end, I went with the one that never fails to remind me of my father. From "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" to its title track, everything about the album is beautifully arranged and deeply personal. And aside from that, there are just numerous days of my sister and I driving along the coast and singing along to "Have a Cigar."
9. Queen - Innuendo
I have to mention how painful it was to not put Night at the Opera or Jazz here, holy shit. Everything on this album is beautiful, and absolutely everything hurts. RIP Freddie Mercury.
10. St. Vincent - Masseduction
I can't even with this one. I feel compelled to cheat and also mention her Actor album because it's just as "ripped out of my own mental diary" as Masseduction is. But Masseduction has "Slow Disco" and "Smoking Section," and therefore just narrowly manages to beat out "Black Rainbow" and "Just the Same But Brand New" in terms of what punches me harder in the feels. That being said, it is my hope to someday write something for Sterek that's based on the vibes of both albums.
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whitedarkmoonflower · 9 months
10 songs, 10 people
I was tagged by @sihtricfedaraaahvicius Thank you!
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
I added some explanations to the names. As you can see it's very much techno and house with some weird interludes from other genres 😘
1. Charlotte de Witte - Overdrive (My beloved "Techno queen". She is truly amazing, if you love techno of course.)
2. Laibach – Ohne dich. Remix (Rammstein) (Slovenian neoclassical dark wave band, formed in 1980 in Yugoslavia. Their remix of Rammstein's "Ohne dich" is awesome, but they have good music on their own. Rammstein has never openly admitted that they have been inspired by Laibach, but common - just listen to them 😄)
3. Prodigy - Voodoo People (Oh, yes. I think there are no comments needed. Prodigy is classics. I have tickets to the concert in November. Just a bit worried how it will be without Flint 😓)
4. Marusha - Somewhere Over the Rainbow (I'm sorry, I am ancient 😅. I was there at the Loveparade in Berlin in 1998 and danced with Marusha playing. Oh my God, she was so good! And I was there again in 2000)
5. Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar
6. Tiesto, Kirsty Hawkshaw - Walking on Clouds (I have a picture with him from Madame Tussauds Wax museum in Amsterdam 🤣)
7. Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars (I can't hear techno, house and other heavy stuff all the time 🤩, in between I need something fluffy)
8. Pink Floyd, Andriy Khlyvnyuk - Hey Hey Rise Up (Ukraine! I'm still standing with you!)
9. Prāta Vētra – Starp Divām Saulēm (it would be weird if there wouldn't be any Latvian music on my playlist)
10. Amelie Lens - Feel it (another great techno girl DJ)
I'm not good at tagging, but hey I would love to hear from @st-eve-barnes @synindoodles @verenahx @namelesslosers, if you feel like into it 😘
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ckret2 · 1 year
I don't know if it's just because I have the most horrible taste in music known to humankind but that playlist isn't actually that bad? I like most of the songs on there
So, I'm constructing the Songs Bill Cipher Would Totally Listen To playlist based on four criteria I've identified for songs I think fit him. For most of the playlist so far, I'm literally alternating 1-2-3-4 through each of these categories:
Literal noise. This might mean sound effects (Shepard tones, sirens, air horns) or might be discordant music that uses these sounds, or might be really experimental music genres, ex: noise music or electroacoustic composition.
60s rock and/or psychedelic music, since the one human song we KNOW he thinks he's good comes from 60s rock. This includes more mainstream selections like Jefferson Airplane, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix; but also more obscure, more experimental music like Bruce Haack or Joe Meek; but also modern psychedelic rock like Jess and the Ancient Ones.
2000s party music, emphasizing hip hop and heavier EDM genres like dubstep or hardstyle, with a particular focus on songs that could be seen as more "obnoxious"—louder, less melodic songs, oftentimes with lyrics about partying (or lyrics that could be considered pretty obscene) rather than more laid back things about romance and the like. I literally have a couple of tabs open with "most overplayed party songs" and "most overplayed EDM songs" that I'm drawing from, and passing over the ones I don't feel are in-your-face enough. There's also a few memey songs thrown in (Dragostea Din Tei, for instance), but only ones I subjectively feel are widely known.
Piano covers of songs I think he might have learned to play on the piano; popular songs, played in a way that sounds simpler, without as many musical flourishes. (For folks who have played piano and know what I'm talking about here: I'm leaning toward covers that are less legato, not much dynamic range, and lean away from using the sustain pedal, because that's how we see him play in the show.) There's basically no genre consistency to the songs being covered, although I've been leaning toward songs I think Bill might be more interested in lyrically (ex: songs about murders, outlaws)—but even that's not a hard and fast rule.
None of the music is objectively BAD. However:
Category 1 consists COMPLETELY of tracks that either aren't music at all, or else are VERY out-there experimental music most folks would never listen to.
Category 2 has some mainstream music, but then starts sliding into niche obscure 60s acts or niche obscure modern psychedelic acts—and some of those are (deliberately) pretty weird-sounding, too.
Category 3 consists almost entirely of very popular music, BUT very popular music from over a decade ago, and SO popular that a lot of people listening to popular music at the time considered them overplayed. They're songs put on in a club because everyone knows them but also songs most likely to make somebody go "UGH, this song AGAIN???"
Category 4 consists of the most plain piano covers I can find, like if there are two piano covers of the same song I choose the one that sounds more boring to me. If you like a song in category 4 it's probably because you already liked the song itself and so hearing a piano cover is nice—but there's a wide variety of songs being covered in this category, with little uniting them except "they're popular enough to get covered."
Any given song on this playlist is probably good, or at least okay. (Except the William Shatner one.) But: the playlist as a whole is thematically incoherent and discordant. It adds up to less than the sum of its parts.
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rouletvilla · 20 days
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OC Songs
thanks @mrs-mquve for the tag!
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General songs that I think he'd like:
Izabella by Antônio Carlos Jobim
Samba Saravah - Pierre Barouh
If You Were Here Tonight - Alexander O'Neal
Rio - Duran Duran
Bossa per Alberto - Piero Piccioni
Señora Diana La - Eduardo Mateo
Out of Nowhere - Al Bowlly
Let's Face The Music And Dance - Roy Fox & His Band
La Vie en rose - Edith Piaf
Girl in a Sportscar - Alan Hawkshaw
Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground
Some genres would be cocktail jazz, easy listening, new wave, r&b
Some songs with explanations:
Non, je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf
I associate it especially with Nicolas and Love's relationship since when everything goes to shit (aka Anais finds out and leaves with the kids, Love can't cope with the fallout and goes back to Sweden) he doesn't really have any regrets because what he and Love had was probably the most important thing he's ever had, regardless of whether he lost it or not
Sulk - Radiohead
I associate this one with him because of the lyric "Just like your dad you'll never change". I sort of imagined it to be an insult Love would probably throw at him during an argument. Nicolas' coldness comes from Richard (his dad) but refuses to do anything to change that
Dogs - Pink Floyd
Not necessarily any meaning to this one other than I perfectly imagine it being a song he likes to unwind after work to with a glass of whisky
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ nicolas' playlist ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
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General songs that I think he'd like:
Sunday by Sonic Youth
Tour de France '03 V2 by Kraftwerk
Protest Song '68 by Refused
Misery Business by Paramore
Tornado by MSI
A Box Full Of Sharp Objects by The Used
Noise and Kisses by The Used
Root by Deftones
DINNER! by femtanyl
General Release by Mike Klubnika
Missed the bus! by Vertigoaway
Ginger Claps by Machine Girl
New Pin by Oceansize
Genres are mainly depressive black metal, digital hardcore, grunge, nu metal and rap metal
Some songs with explanations:
Temptation - New Order
Not about the lyrics this time, but more the melody. Gives me coming of age movie vibes. And I picture him and Love running through the streets of their hometown just being teenagers with some cheap vodka without a care in the world XD
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ eivor's playlist ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
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General songs that I think he'd like:
Teenager by Deftones
To Forgive by Smashing Pumpkins
Prove Yourself by Radiohead
You're Not The Only One I Know by The Sundays
Om jag dör i natt by Camouflage
Allt Är Sig Likt by Apati
Silk Hands Wrapped In A Masquerade by Calm
No More Like That by Eiafuawn
Star Roving by Slowdive
Regret by New Order
Untitled by The Cure
Waltzing Back by The Cranberries
Mayonaise by Smashing Pumpkins
Genres are slowcore, space rock, pop rock
Some songs with explanations:
The Boy - Smashing Pumpkins
'Every little part of me is a part of you I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't think I'm in love again'
He loves way too much, to the point his whole personality and self can be consumed by just one person, and can almost be obsessive in a way
Married With Children - Oasis
Self explanatory if you're familiar with both Love and Nic's relationship XD ("yeah i dont have a wife and kids")
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ love's playlist ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
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alena-reblobs · 10 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol9 Par2
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1 Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1 Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2
And next part!
Chapter 5:
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I assume this is a time where Wolfwood really really didn't want to pull the trigger. Because as much as Livio has changed, he still once was a part of his family.
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Wolfwood, spying Chapel with the eyes of a hunter. (I like to say "hunter" instead of "killer" as a hunter, much like a wolf, can also be someone who only kills to protect? Maybe? I'm trying to make sense but it's late and I'm mostly spilling thoughts that come to my mind as I read these pages again)
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Looks like this show of supreme fighting instinct is smth Chapel is proud of. Ugh, Wolfwood is no longer a part of you! You have no right to be proud of what he does or what he has become!
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No super cure without some nasty side effects. Or a price, the price being that they itselves take a toll on the body.
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Oh the way the light is set, the composition, this is a very beautiful panel! Hmm I like when we get tone gradiant from dark to light!
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Razlo!!! Teheee. Also what the hell is the deal with that third armm?? I want to know the logistics, how is it connected to the body? Can it rotate 360°?
Chapter 6:
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Farewell Nicholas my ass that man is not done yet and you still have to pay for what you did to him, old man.
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Oh I think I got it just now that they sacrificed one of the three dudes in order to distract Wolfwood with his blood and flesh. Best employee of the month, but at what price!
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A Wolfwood in the wild will spread all its limbs far apart to appear more big and threatening.
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First of all: oh dear oh dear oh dear. Second: I dore how Nightow draws so dynamic, like in these moments with quick movement, he draws the limbs without too much care for the joints. Stressing the speed and direction of movement by having the limbs flail behind and also kinda angling them like the speedlines. AND making it more dynamic by adding perspective, cause the hands are bigger and just a bit in the foreground!
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D'awwwww he looks like a happy little vampire!
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No stop don't give me Wolfwood thoughs, they will make me sad :((
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Vash, in Wolfwood's mind: standing upright and proud and a smile on his face. Me, the reader: *bawling internally*
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oh oh oh in that moment he was saying to Vash what Chapel once taught him!
It is a crime that I'm reading these pages while stopping in between to comment so I'll read these first and comment afterwards. The impact of Wolfwood's thoughts is so so strong. Let me just...post the rest of the chapter in one go.
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You really, really need to read the last chapters of vol9 in one go and directly start with vol10 to get the best feeling and flow of storytelling. Complete quietness around you or some music playing, but something that makes you focus only on these words and the emotions and ....everything.
And oh my god oh my I just tried to get behind the meaning of the last sentence and I might have found something. Please look at the lyrics for "Time" by Pink Floyd. The last verse especially but also, the whole song fits??? I can no longer listen to this the same way:
"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain You are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking Racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older Shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way The time is gone, the song is over Thought I'd something more to say
Home Home again I like to be here When I can
When I come home Cold and tired It's good to warm my bones Beside the fire
Far away Across the field Tolling on the iron bell Calls the faithful to their knees To hear the softly spoken magic spell"
Also what a beautiful end note to end this review with.
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