#i have way too many thoughts about this card game anime
hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Best Friend — Idia Shroud x gn! reader
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summery: Idia realizes that you might be closer than he thought.
tw: uhhh none I think.
a/n: idk if this is bad, I think I got Idia's personality right. This is kinda more platonic, but could be read as romantic.
wc: 0.6k
Master List
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The more Idia got to know you, the more he realized you might’ve been less of a normie than he originally thought. Of course you were nowhere near Idia’s status of loser otaku, but you still surprised him. It started with you complaining about something called vocaloid? Idia hadn’t heard of vocaloid before, but when you explained the concept he realized it was your world's version of synthaloid. That was the first time he started to question his view of you. As you complained about not being able to listen to vocaloid anymore, he introduced you to some synthaloid songs. He watched as your eyes lit up, head bobbing to the songs as you scanned the lyrics. 
He hadn’t heard of normies liking synthaloid, but you were still too extroverted. I mean you had how many friends in how many dorms? Total normie activities. Yet you shocked him once again when you then started complaining about missing this one video game you used to play. Apparently it was really chill but competitive. When you mentioned it was called AFK Journey Idia froze, he played a game with an uncannily similar name. So he introduced you to AFK Adventure, and found his heart jumping as you gushed passionately, comparing all the similarities and differences. AFK Adventure was still growing, and the fact that you played your version only months after it was released…he once again questioned if you really were a normie. 
The final nail in the coffin was when you complained about how exhausted you were. The main reason why he classified you as normie was because you were social, you had friends, you barely had a phone! (That wasn’t your fault, you had no money after all). So when you complained that you were tired from all the socializing, that you found refuge in his room because you felt like you could truly relax by just playing video games…well he was a bit flustered to say the least. You found him comforting? You found his messy, gross room relaxing (Ortho tried his best to clean it before you arrived)? You enjoyed playing video games with him even if he would tend to blow up if someone annoyed him? 
Idia found himself sharing more with you. It seemed like everywhere he looked (online) he’d find something about you to connect it with. You’d really like this anime, it seemed similar to one you described from your world. You liked chill games right? Well there's this mobile digital pet game you’d like, you just have to friend him. Oh, fanart of your fav character…he’d send it to you if he had the courage. He had also set you up with a pc, laptop, and upgraded your phone without a second thought. It was only to encourage you to go on games to give him rewards…totally. 
And not to mention, when you first joined AFK Adventure, Idia kicked out a member from his guild to let you join. His other guild members were highly confused he let in a noob join since it was a whale only guild (don’t worry, you weren’t a noob for long…thank Idia’s credit card). 
One night, when you both were playing a video game together, you had fallen asleep on his bed. The laptop he had given you was still running, but it was pushed to your side. Idia couldn’t help but feel his face heat up, you looked so peaceful in his space. That’s when he realized he wasn’t truly alone anymore, even if he stayed holed up in his room, you managed to wiggle your way to join him. You would rant about nerdy things to him only, a special privilege you hadn’t bestowed to any of your other friends. He had come to a conclusion that somewhat scared him.
Idia Shroud had a close friend, he wasn’t alone anymore.
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voiidlizrd · 2 months
My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
- Sunlight, Hozier
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Idia Shroud x Persephone! GN Reader
Summary: Azul, a member of the Board Game Club, begins noticing the change is his competitor/friend Idia. He plans to get to the bottom of his unusual behavior…
Warning(s): (potential) spoilers for Chapter 6, Idia losing his mind over how much he loves Reader, GN reader, Reader is described to have pointy ears!, Floyd.,
A/N: Idia deserves his time in the spotlight, I love him sm and the trope/parallel of Persephone/Hades for them
Azul doesn’t know much about Idia on a deep personal level. The two are friends, sure, but it isn’t like they share secrets while at a sleepover or have friendship bracelets. It doesn’t bother Azul much, he never had a problem with just being decent friends. While Azul doesn’t know a lot about Idia…
He does know that something is definitely wrong.
It was another club meeting for the Board Game Club. Azul and Idia were playing a game of cards with funny and cute animals on them. Usually Idia would be absolutely destroying Azul at the game— or any game for that matter— but today Idia just stared down at his cards in deep thought. And it wasn’t the usual stare of determination. It was more akin to the thousand yard stare.
It’s been over ten minutes since Azul’s move and Idia hasn’t made a single attempt to outdo his move. Plus he hadn’t blinked in a good two minutes, which creeped Azul out.
Azul clears his throat. “Idia? It’s your move.”
Idia snaps out of his daydream and looks up from his cards with a ‘huh?’, looking down again and setting down another one of his cards, not even bothering to a usual smug declaration or shame Azul for being so stupid for playing such a lame card (which he did on purpose to try and gain Idia’s attention throughout the game).
“Is something the matter?” Azul finally asked after some internal debate. He didn’t want to pry— after all they weren’t all too close— but he just couldn’t stand the unusual silence of the game.
Plus, Azul admits, he’s incredibly nosy.
“Uh…” Idia flushes and rubs the back of his neck, the blue flames of his hair turning pink and even the end of his hair flickering in the shape of hearts, which made Azul’s jaw drop.
“No… I’m okay. Just uh- thinking! Y’know, strategizing! Also your move sucked lololol.”
Well, at least he got a normal Idia despite how horrible his lie was. Azul narrowed his eyes at the Ignihyde dorm leader with a small ‘uh-huh’ and placed down his next card.
“Did something strange happen?”
That’s when Idia lost cool. He was sweating bullets, looking guilty as a sinner in church. “What makes you say that!? Nothing happens! Nothing at all.”
His phone chimes. Idia takes out his phone almost immediately, going over the screen, and smiles. Replying quickly, then pausing, looking up at Azul.
“Uh… I think I’m gonna head back early!” Before Azul could protest or even say a word, Idia grabbed his things with a quickness that Azul hadn’t even seen from him before. “See ya next meeting!”
As Azul watched Idia leave the classroom without even looking back, he quirks a brow, humming in thought.
If there was one thing about Azul, he wasn’t just going to let something like this slide.
He had to find out what’s wrong with Idia!
Idia takes his place again at the fountain of the courtyard, the third time this week. Many people are already in their respective dorms, which means Idia is alone with no one in sight, yet still he bounces his leg and looks every which way. The sun has slowly begun to set, given by how the sky turns a yellow, orange, pink, and reddish hue with clouds littering the sky. The running water of the fountain continues to break the silence. The sound alone and the time of day with the scenery no doubt would calm the nerves, but to Idia, he could only feel nervous. His heart pounded, hands growing clammy, and his fingers picked at his painted nails and chipped the polish. He’d have to redo them later.
He checked his phone once, twice, and three more times as he continued to look around. Idia checked the time again and again, checked his notifications (which were mainly with his game notifications, much to his shocking disappointment) and others just junk mail.
The time went by from 6:00 to 6:30 in a flash. He had to go back to his dorm sooner or later before the teachers making their rounds in the halls came by and asked him to leave— for the fourth time in a span of three days this week.
Idia goes back to looking at his phone, opening it, and going to a locked album in his photos with a password that consisted of two special dates combined.
One being his anniversary.
And the other being the day he met you.
Once unlocked, almost thousands of photos and videos appeared on screen, all consisted of you and him in each picture, but mainly only you. He never really enjoyed photos of himself but he’d deal with it for you, always. Idia is convinced that half of his storage on his phone is half dedicated to you. Not to say that the flash drive in his room kept in a locked box in his desk drawer is any different. It’s full of the backups of the photos on his phone and then some.
He clicks a more recent photo of you, though, it was a year ago during the summer time— the one time your parent actually let you see Idia after a long hard month of managing your studies and practicing your magic.
Sat beneath the sun, flowers bloomed beneath you through the sand somehow, a big smile on your face as you face the camera. Idia couldn’t help but let his heart swell as he stared at you. Your hair, your outfit, your skin, your eyes; Idia had memorized it all in his mind, but he could never get enough of it. Even if he could make a perfect replica of you in a game, it wouldn’t feel or look the same. He swiped to another photo, this one being in the fall. Idia was in the photo this time, flushed and flared up as it showed you giving him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark on his pale skin. The next was a picture of Ortho hugging your side.
It kills him every time he sees you in the best way possible. His heart can’t stop racing and his face is an even brighter red, his hair flaring up.
“Idia!” A voice yells from across the courtyard, making Idia perk up in excitement, a smile blooming on his face as the flowers beneath your feet.
There you were. Finally with him at long last. Sure, he talks to you almost everyday through text and chats with you on call, but it’s never enough. He waits for winter and fall every year, the only times of the year where you aren’t busy helping your parent with their business and able to sneak out of school.
Idia stands up to attentions immediately, his arms open to welcome you in them as you slam yourself against him in a hug, almost making him stumble back into the pool of water in the fountain. Idia holds you close, not wanting to miss a moment of your warmth— despite wearing his signature hoodie.
You pull back and peppering kisses along his face, which makes him heat up even further. A dopey smile stretches across his face as he giggles, hands on your waist.
“I missed you!” You held his face in your hands, a loving smile on your face. Hell, he could’ve sworn he saw hearts form in your eyes. Or maybe that was his loser induced brain talking. “You’re so handsome! Have you gotten even more cuter?”
“We FaceTimed yesterday, it’s not like I changed at all.”
“Untrue, you styled your hair a little, didn’t you?” You ran your fingers through his hair, letting the warm flames tickle your skin. “It looks much longer than the last time I saw it!”
“I could get it cut if you don’t like it-“
“Oh shut up! I love it!” Another kiss on his lips, just a light peck, but even with that his hair bursts into large pink flames— almost like a bone fire that was doused in lighter fluid.
“Stoppp…” He says halfheartedly. “My heart can barely take it anymore, the meter is already broken. You’re too OP for me…”
You merely laugh at your fiancés antics.
The way Idia jumps into the air is similar to that of a cat being scared of a cucumber. Idia’s head turns to the source of the voice, seeing Azul with the two Leech twins by his side looking shocked— unlike Azul, who looks downright horrified. Or would astonished be the word? Either way, he’s still as his eyes look from you to Idia.
“UH- UHM.”
Idia is panicking. He hasn’t told a single soul about you, not even Lilia whenever they were online and playing together! Of course he never told anyone, you were way out of his league, from a totally different school so who the hell believes “they’re from a different school” anymore!? Not only that, your family was famous for their innovations to helping and saving the planet by starting with agriculture and food! Almost every mom has the famous “guide to good health” in their kitchen!
“I- I don’t know them?”
“Dear, I love you very much, but that wasn’t very smart…”
“Firefly Squid has a… partner?” Floyd tilts his head at you, approaching you and then poking you.
“How much is he payin’ you?”
“Excuse me.”
The stare you give Floyd speaks wonders, a pair of thorns growing up your arm as you try and smile politely at Floyd, but it’s more of a grimace.
“Please don’t ever insinuate that I’m using Idia for money.”
Floyd blinks and then grins, all teeth— sharp teeth. “Hey! You’re like a Flowerhorn fishy!”
Idia seriously wants to die. Like, he wants to melt into a puddle or crawl into a hole where people can’t find him. He puts his face in his hands and groans.
“You must be my Idia’s friends!” “YOUR IDIA!?” “Yes!”
“Idia is my fiancé!”
A beat passes. Then two. A whole minute passes before Azul screams out a ‘WHAT!?’ He grabs Idia and shakes him by the shoulders.
You watch in amusement as Idia is rag-dolled by the meroctopus. Meanwhile you were being inspected by Jade and Floyd, as you’ve come to learn their names are.
“Woaahhh so Firefly Squid has a Flowerhorn as his fiancé! That’s so cute! I wanna squeeze you.~”
“Please don’t touch me.”
“Hehehe you’re funny!”
“Now, now, Floyd,” Jade speaks, placing a hand on his shoulder to restrain his feral twin. “We shouldn’t just bombard them with questions right off the bat. We should get to know them first before anything.”
“Might we ask your name?”
“I’m (Y/N) (L/N), soon to be a Shroud! Or Idia will be a (L/N)… We’re still debating on that.” You laugh a little, looking over them to check on Idia.
Ah, he was sweating buckets while Azul was getting winded over a long lecture, or maybe him ranting. You weren’t entirely sure what he was saying anymore, it all sounded like ravings of a lunatic. Was finding out Idia is engaged that life altering?
“Huh? (L/N)?” That’s when Jade’s eyes lit up and his polite smile grew to be more excited, surprising you. He looked similar to a kid on Christmas. “I have one of your family books on mushrooms and their types as well as their benefits to health. And the special addition ‘Mushroom Advice for Aspiring Potion Makers’. Might I say there are a millions ways you can use a mushroom to make poison.”
You stare at Jade a little astonished that mushrooms were the first thing he discusses, but you can also appreciate mushrooms. They are very special and odd fungi that change every day.
Meanwhile with Idia and Azul.
Azul was close to pulling out his hair. He can’t believe it. It wasn’t the fact that Idia never told him, it was the fact that this was the very, very, VERY, very last thing Azul expected to be wrong with Idia. In fact, this thought wasn’t even on his mind, it wasn’t even on his list. Why would it be? It was Idia he was talking about! The guy could barely survive being asked what time it was, let alone managing to get engaged!
“Why- No, how??”
That’s when you step in, going past Jade and Floyd to stand beside Idia. “We’ve known each other since we were kids! And I was the one that ‘proposed’. But we were sixteen then, so when we turned eighteen! So we’ve been properly engaged for a year now.”
You hugged his side, Idia smiling softly as you do, looking away at the ground as you practically show him off with pride.
“My question is, why haven’t you told anyone, Idia? Especially after that ghost kidnapping you.”
“The what now?”
Idia tenses as you look at him with a smile. He felt the warm air of the outside just grow cold, cold as the winter.
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Floyd chimes in, laughing. “I remember that! There was this ghost that kidnapped Idia-“
“To marry him or something. Pretty weird right?”
The air grows heavy as you continue to stare at Idia, a smile on your face. “Really now?”
Idia audible gulps.
“Yeah! He was really adamant on them not getting married he just wouldn’t explain why… Wait he didn’t tell you?”
“Nope! Not at all.”
Idia gives a nervous smile. “Uh… I can explain?”
A best of silence, then another. The three merfolk looked to one another in the tense silence as you and Idia stared each other down. You waiting for Idia to explain meanwhile Idia was waiting for himself to finish buffering.
“You might’ve said something you shouldn’t have…” Azul clears his throat, very uncomfortable in the silence. Floyd whistles guiltily.
The three slowly back away from the couple. Azul might’ve gotten his answer, but he also might’ve just started an early divorce.
A bird chirps overhead as you and Idia stand in front of one another, giving some clarity in the silence, but Idia inside, currently, he was dying inside. He had completely forgotten about the whole “ghost marriage” thing, he had gaslit himself into believing it was all a fever dream, especially with the fact he had to be around a shit ton of people and be put through all of that drama— which, completely drained his social battery to the negatives. Telling you would mean he was worrying you and force you into sneaking out of school— most likely midday— and get yourself in trouble. Your smile was strained, an eyebrow twitching downward into a furrow, your arms crossed. Idia shuffles in place, his hands wringing together and he picks at a hangnail.
“Stop that,” you said softly, despite your little glare. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“For the picking or the very important thing that you never told me.”
You sigh, shaking your hand, simply holding his hands in yours. You lead him to the fountain and sit him down beside you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I dunno I was just- it was stupid, I don’t even know why it happened. And it was completely exhausting, my mind was racing and I think my life was flashing before my eyes!” Idia began rambling, already sweating. His hands were clammy. “Everything was happening all at once. I just wanted to call you and talk to you after it happened and go to sleep with you talking and-“
Idia shuts his mouth immediately as you let go of his hands and put his face in your hands, thumbs rubbing the apple of his cheeks. He sighs.
“Sorry… I’m upset cause this isn’t what I wanted to do with you today. Damn Azul.”
“It’s okay Idia, we can still do what you wanted to today.”
“Yeah but I’d have to do it even quicker now because there’s only so much time before you have to go! I can’t speedrun a whole movie! Or maybe I can…”
You chuckle and let go of his face, a hand on his lap. He leans in closer to you, his head on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry I’m a total noob at this. Are you… mad at me? For that whole ghost marrying me thing.”
“Huh? Mad? Why would I be mad?”
“Cause I didn’t tell you about the other woman.”
“PFT- other woman??”
“Idia. No, I’m not mad. As long as no other ghost is coming after you, then I won’t turn anybody into a mint leaf.” You pause.
“Can I turn ghosts into plants…?”
“Y/N no.”
“What? I can keep it as an ‘in case’ protocol in case some random ghost lady wants to marry you again.”
“I highly doubt that. Who’d want to marry me willingly?”
You deadpan at him. “I do.”
“Doesn’t count, I’m your last option.”
“What? It’s true!”
You laugh, making Idia laugh with you, despite knowing that he’ll get an hour long session of you praising him after a self-deprecating comment like that. You thread your fingers through his hair, moving your head to the side further to kiss his forehead. He blushes and moves his face closer into the crane of your neck. He relaxes into your warmth, shutting his eyes. The sound of birds chirping overhead, a peaceful wind passing by, Idia snuggling close to your side as your head rests against his.
Sunflowers bloom at your feet, stems branching up from the ground and brushing against his ankles. They all face him. Idia thinks for a moment that he’s similar to a sunflower, especially when it comes to you.
He’ll always look for you, for his sunlight.
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Tight Threads | Yandere Malleus Draconia and Idia Shroud
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With a tentative lick, you collected the remaining bits of your favorite gum from over your lips. Even so, you didn’t bother pulling your eyes away from the glowing monitor, watching the animated cards shift as the electronic dealer reshuffled. The game was currently a fair fight. 
“Yuck! I was hoping to get another lucky noob!”
You kept quiet. Refusing to move your eyes from the robotic shuffling of the cards; your significant other on the other hand pulled himself over to the adjacent monitor which finally finished its animated cutscene. He sucked his teeth clicking the buttons and notches of the matching console as a boss fight ensued. 
“Geez this game is as buggy as those reviews were whining about. What a disgrace to the Love Supreme brand!” 
He sneered out a couple more insults, defeating the enemy and accepting another side quest. A flashy graphic flashed on the screen initiating his turn, he sucked his teeth again complaining about the player’s speed before sliding to the original monitor again. Despite his eyes being on the other screen he easily completed the quest, letting the victory screen play in the background.
“Huh!? Betting already and so much there’s no way they have a bad hand! There’s only one choice in this case–”
He brought a blue painted finger to the keyboard with full intentions to press down on it.
And it would've if it weren't for your intervention. 
“Hold it.”
You barricaded the monitor with your body as you confirmed your suspicions. Continuing to hog the keyboard, you held your ground waiting for Idia to change focus. Post haste he moved his controller from his lap, wrapping it around your waist as you replaced it. The clicking of his controller rang once more as he watched you in bewilderment. You answered him with a sigh.
“They’re baiting you. The way the cards are dealt means that the other players most definitely don’t have the means. They’re just trying to trick you with the size of the bet.” 
You shuffled your (his) hand before upping your own bet. The clicking stopped as he rested his chin on your shoulder, squeezing his arms tight around you. 
“Are you sure this isn’t just because we just watched that gambling anime? I don’t think we’ll be allowed to go to that con if you lose this much.”
“I got this Iddy watch me!”
You pressed the button to raise the bet. Letting the graphics cue the 2nd player and all that was left was to wait. Idia’s tapping pattern became more frantic, a small change from his usual pattern. You nuzzled his face in comfort as he completed his quest. Both of you nervously stealing glances at the bouncing dots of the player deciding.
“They’re raising.”
“Wouldn’t need to if their hand is good.”
Pressing the button again. The dots reappeared and you lightly shifted in anticipation. Idia on the other hand tucked his head into your neck as he harshly focused on the other monitor, too anxious to watch with you.
“おめでとう GamblerofZunderworld667! You’ve won the bet and a balance of over 30 million tokens”
Idia shakily sighed into your neck, brushing his lips against it as he triggered another cutscene in his game. Smirking with pride, you stretched your arms above your head. You then went to reach for the keyboard again only for the desk to slide out of your reach.
You pouted at the man on your shoulder.
“I think that’s enough betting for you.”
“Heh? You of all people shouldn’t be talking about limits. How many hours have you got on your latest RPG.”
“H-hey off! Off!”
He wrestled the controller from your grasp, maneuvering it behind him far enough to be out of your reach. Thanks to your position it proved to be the most effective way to stop you from taking his controller. You giggled as you thought of something devious. 
“Oh, Iddy~! Why don’t we both stop playing and do something more fun?”
Idia let a blush take over his face as he thwarted another attempt of yours for the controller.
“No way! It’s you who’s playing a game that spends our allowance.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one who’s playing a game with voice chat. You- know-who isn’t going to like that~.”
“Who isn’t going to like what?”
You both stopped, startled at the new voice. You quickly straightened up as though you hadn’t been struggling just seconds before. Both of you putting on innocent smiling faces. Taking the lead you could practically feel the worry teeming off Idia.
“Hi Mal-Mal how was work today.”
“Irritating. I could only think about coming home to you two.”
“Awww Mal-Mal!” 
You got up from Idia’s lap to throw your arms around his shoulders, subtly taking in his scent. He seemed to do the same with you holding you close while supporting your back. Taking the hint you wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands cupping your butt, and waited for him to start walking. Idia watched you two leave into the adjacent room, golden eyes following before returning to the screen, quickly saving his progress and powering down.
“I don’t understand why you two stay cooped up in here when you have a full mansion at your disposal.”
“It's because that’s where Idia wanted our gaming set-up to be. Said he’s scared of the webcams getting hacked if we kept them in our room. Besides–” He arrived at your shared bedroom setting you on the bed while he removed his tuxedo in your walk-in closet. “He knows you’d never allow it.”
He smirked. “That’s absolutely correct.”
Now changed into his casual turtle-neck and loose jeans he returned to the bed. Kissing you multiple times on the eyebrow, your forehead, your cheek, and then your lips. Staying on that last part as long as he could before you lightly tapped at his forearm. Lightheaded you leaned into him, catching your breath while he nuzzled into your ear. Emerald eyes looked past your bowed head to the open door as Idia silently entered as well. Malleus hummed to himself as he watched his other lover disappear into the master bathroom.
“I’m sure we all will have so much to catch up on. Somehow a workday of seven hours feels like an eternity.”
“How did it go? Did any of the conspirators get into the meeting?”
Idia huffed as he took a lick of his raspberry popsicle, leaning against Malleus’ unclothed chest. The vibrations of Malleus' laughter reverberated against his back, a feeling that made his heart beat even faster. 
“What do you think? I wouldn’t be the heir to the Draconian bloodline if they even got into the building.” 
“Still though, usually there's always someone who drops the bag. I can’t imagine a public book signing not having at least one.”
“Why do you ask Idia? Did you find something?”
Under Malleus’ intense gaze, the gamer found himself fidgeting, swallowing a chunk of his aftercare treat in hopes of delaying the response. It didn’t help. It only encouraged Malleus to wrap his arm around him to firmly hold his chin in a subtle threat, letting him continue to nibble at the frozen treat.
“N-not necessarily. Most of what I was talking about was a generalization–”
He tightened his grip on Idia’s chin forcing him to turn his head. Idia faltered feeling the warm breath tickle his lips as he tried to look away from that fanged smile. Malleus chuckled at his expression but held firm.
“You’re lying again.”
“W-what makes you think I’m lying?”
Malleus moved closer letting his lips graze Idia’s as he spoke.
“I know everything about my loves, every expression, every sound, every moan. I know it all. I thought you’d respect that by now.”
“I’m not trying to challenge you–”
“I just want to make sure it's going well without you stomping on my info!” 
Idia let himself openly glare at the heir whose eye widened only for a second before he captured his lips. With reciprocated fervor, they each explored each other's mouth; savoring the taste of raspberry flavoring. Idia reluctantly pulled away tucking his burning face into Malleus’ neck. Malleus conceded.
“Didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”
“I-Its whatever. But there are a couple of really determined communities that are really digging to link you to the (L/n)'s disappearances and that turd’s family.”
Idia looked up at him, biting his popsicle for emphasis. Malleus continued to smile, his eyes holding an animosity at the mention of the former. Even when given the juvenile nickname it didn’t quell the furious flame Malleus had. 
“Well, rumors used to be a crime punishable by death for many.”
“No more deaths, it’ll be too obvious. Our best bet is to ruin them with something else. By someone else.” 
He was smirking again,” then I suppose the Shroud genius has a plan?”
Idia gave a toothy smile. “But of course. You’d really think I’d let those neets slander your name?”
Malleus didn’t need to answer. Gave a thankful kiss on Idia’s head before looking over to you, who was laying with your back towards them; arms and legs wrapped around a body pillow with some nameless anime character on it. It gave him that ugly feeling again. 
“Idia. Three things.”
Malleus pinched Idia’s side earning a yelp as Idia leans in closer to him. 
“1) I expect you to properly greet me when I return home.”
“With hugs and kisses?”
“With hugs and kisses.”
“Fine. It’ll be cringy though.”
“That’s fine with me. 2) I’m going to shred the next body pillow you gift (Y/n).”
“What?! But they love their body pillow!”
“If it's not gone by tomorrow I’m burning it in the furnace.”
“Okay okay!”
“And 3)--” Malleus snatched the popsicle stick from Idia’s mouth, flinging it perfectly into the trash can beside the bed. 
“No eating in the bed.”
Part 2?
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book 7 part 3 thoughts!!
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If you’d like to watch a rough part-by-part summarized translation, please check out this archived stream!
Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
LOL???? We start this part in Ignihyde 😂 with Idia getting a phone call from (OG/grown-up) Ortho??? Ortho says he’s enrolled at RSA and it’s Idia’s first year as a dorm leader????? What sorcery is this???? I-Is this Ortho’s dream…? Or is it Idia’s dream???
cnn kdveienskebe Okay, it’s Idia’s dream??? Oh gosh, he pictures Ortho as being the kind of heroic and kind-hearted person who would attend RSA if he were still alive… 😭
NOT THAT IMPORTANT but Idia games with Lilia and it’s cute :>
Idia is happy to go along with the call but then notices weird little discrepancies like how NRC’s opening ceremonies are at night (but Ortho called him during the day and Ortho is excited about NRC even though he himself is going to RSA)? He feels like something bad is going to happen…
AND SUDDENLY A WILD MALLEUS GREETS HIM???? Wow, he finally got invited— Gao-Gao Dragon-kun returns as a motif throughout episode 7, Idia seems super hype about it. Interestingly, it looks like Gap-Gao has evolved into a full-fledged dragon when Malleus shows it to Idia 🥺 The set-up is very similar to Idia’s + Ortho’s ceremonial robes stories, but in the original vignettes, Idia meets Malleus on the way to the ceremony and gets too scared, so Idia heads back to his dorm.
OMINOUS??????? Malleus is all like, “Gao-Gao was broken many tomes, but I fixed it and I intend to keep it this way for a long time”. This, of course, is him actually talking about what he’s done to prevent everyone from leaving him :)))
Entrance ceremony~ The characters repeat the exact same lines spoken during the prologue!! Deja vu~ Cool little easter egg there, this really is a redux but with nothing bad happening and Malleus actually invited and Idia physically present instead of just being a tablet— Something else weird is that Yuu and Grim don’t seem to be at the ceremony.
RSA is confirmed to have dorms and dorm leaders as well! No specific dorms are referenced though.
“I feel like I’ve forgotten something very important…” — Idia
Back to Diasomnia we go… and the expected Sleeping Beauty dream sequence from Yuu… Then Yuu wakes up to what seems to be the room Mickey described to them (from the animated short 1936 Thru the Mirror) but mirrored/flipped (the date on a calendar is written as 51), Also???? Yuu and Grim seem to remember the “real world”; they recall Malleus casting magic before they passed out. UHHHH they’re locked in the room and there are ghosts drawn on the windows. That’s weird, that’s suspicious 😳
THE FOOT STOOL (ottoman?) IS A DOG WITH A PUG FACE???? Wait… THIS IS MICKEY’S ROOM, ISN’T IT??? He literally described a foot stool thing that barks like a dog the last time he talked to Yuu.
WHAT everything is alive??? Beauty and the Beasting it… Grim eats a sketchy nut and temporarily becomes big (a la Alice in Wonderland), they mention there are mushrooms in the Queendom of Roses that have a similar effect.
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Mickey makes more Thru the Mirror references (he squirts ink at playing cards)? Then he mentions dancing about the queen (of Hearts!?) and the king getting mad about it… ordering the card soldiers to attack him. “I feel bad for the card soldiers.”
Mickey weirdly says something like. Their consciousnesses are in this place but their bodies are elsewhere. Mickey is going to help them look for their friends!! They sort of imply this is Mickey’s dream world, he starts vanishing because now it's morning... and now he is "waking" from the dream.
Blot??????????? They punch a monster thing????
HUH???? ??? ? ???? ? SILVER PULLS UP TO SAVE OUR ASSES???? 😭 We get his UM reveal as well! It's called "Meet in a Dream" (written as "Let's see the same dream") but we don't immediately get to see what it does because we cut away to the real world. The incantation for "Meet in a Dream" is roughly, "For the person/people I met before, for the person/people I will meet soon". IT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING AURORA WOULD SAY WHILE WAITING FOR HER PRINCE THAT SHE DREAMED OF
Back at Diasomnia, Malleus is creepily humming over everyone sleeping...DHBFIYODSBFIOIOAF MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, ORTHO'S CONSCIOUSNESS IS IN CYPERSPACE AND HE ACCESSES THE LAST MEMORIES HE HAD STORED BEFORE GETTING KNOCKED OUT (something, something... emergency protocols activated because Malleus emitted a high amount of blot)👁️ His hologram goes and tries to wake Idia up (lol I guess he did end up getting affected by Fae of Maleficence), then tries to connect to his spare bodies but their circuits are not working. He also tries playing music of Idia's favorite girl group to wake him (Idia usually wakes up and dances), but Idia still doesn't.
The time also seems to have not moved, just like during Endless Halloween Night. Wow, Malleus really decided to reject any and all change, even the passage of time...
Ortho realizes just how wide Malleus's spell has been cast (like, it seems to extend even to RSA which is on the other side of Sage's Island). That's... scary... x_x Guess no heroes are coming to save them, huh?
OMINOUS COMMENT: Ortho says that if people continue to dream like this without waking, they will miss out on food and water that their bodies need... and so they will DIE. They got like a week tops without water 🤡 and then their consciousnesses will remain forever trapped in the dream worlds????
STYX becomes relevant again! They get alerted to the blot levels on Sage's Island.
KJBLDVITUFUQFWOVYQFEOBAFIBAFI DIRECTOR SHROUD AND HiS WIFE SHOW UP???????? THEY GOT ON FULL-ON CYBERpUNK HELMETs ON TOO??? Mrs. Shroud sounds so young 😭 and she acts surprisingly cutesy???? She calls her husband “papa” and serves at STYX's technical director.
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STYX forces on Sage's Island can't seem to penetrate it... UM IT SOUNDS LIKE MALLEUS'S MAGIC FIELD IS EXPANDING, STYX is going to evacuate people close to Sage's Island.
WEIRDLY, IDIA'S DAD COMMENTS THAT HE FEELS LIKE HE HAS SEEN THIS SCENE OF SPRAWLING THORNS BEFORE???? Mr. Shroud remarks that he has seen it in stories of the Thorn Witch. I-Is history… repeating itself?
Ortho gets in contact with STYX and Mrs. Shroud is soooo cute 😭 She calls him “Or-kun” and worriedly asks him about his older brother and if Ortho is hurt, etc.
So Malleus used ancient magic (regional dominion?) to control everything in that field?? Mr. Shroud says fairies in general have always historically had the magic to “change” the world/nature, like land forms and the weather.
Uhhhh so??? They that Malleus’s magic won’t ever run out because he can absorb power from the natural elements to fuel his magic??? His magic field will keep expanding… so Twisted Wonderland is pretty much fucked if they can’t stop him 💀
OH MAN Mrs. Shroud says they’re going to try and contact Briar Valley 🤡 though Grandma Shroud tried to in the past and it was difficult?
Aww, sort of sad?? Mr. Shroud implies he’s a normal person and that he’s dealing with geniuses that try to do things that he can’t.
The Briar Valley actually responded and try to help them break the barrier around Sage’s Island!! But it sounds like even they could not get past it…
Ortho transfers his consciousness to the Cerberus Gear body!! (Mrs. Shroud makes it for him!) It can last ~20 minutes inside the field. Two dogs will follow him; they have the Cerberus security system in them.
He’s the best suited for this investigation (it’s NOT meant to be a rescue, just a mission to collect info) because his existence defies nature itself; he is the culmination of human ingenuity and Malleus can’t overwrite that. Ortho promises to come back and to save his big brother, he doesn’t want the Shroud parents to lose “another son” 😢
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LOL all the researchers are passed out on the floor, even Mr. Shroud was like. Sleeping under a table 😂
Not Mrs. Shroud joking about peeking at Idia’s password protected folders 💀 and not Idia leeching off of STYX’s wifi cuz he’ll die without high-speed internet to do his dailies…
Mrs. Shroud continues to be so wholesome and worried for her children, she encourages Ortho to come back if he’s scared or feels like he’s in danger. It’s so moe of her 🥺
Hmmm 🤔 the Shroud parents are definitely a lot different than what I thought they’d be?? They’re very warm and accepting of Ortho, especially Mrs. Shroud. I didn’t get that impression from book 6 and Idia’s post-OB flashback, it seemed like the Shroud parents were very hands-off and work oriented. Of the two, Mr. Shroud is definitely quieter and more stand-offish, so it seems like Idia takes after the dad and Ortho after the mom. It’s not a bad thing, I’m just surprised!! I’ll definitely keep this in mind while writing them moving forward.
Back to Mickey's world!! ... Suddenly, they're in the sky and comedically falling out of it???? They land outside of Diasomnia dorm.
HMMMMMM so Silver says that the “blot” he fought earlier is like… the darkness that appears in dreams. He has seen it many times. If the darkness catches you, it will drag you into an even deeper dream… and it seems like they fell into a new dream because Mickey woke up (so Mickey’s dream crumbled).
“Meet in a Dream” allows him to enter the dream world of people who have a bond with him. So… there is a preexisting connection Silver has with Mickey????
Silver has??? Met Mickey before in his dreams?? This confirms the story Mickey told us before of seeing a silver-haired boy. Usually the dreamer does not remember him being there, but Mickey for some reason COULD remember Silver. (When Silver himself wakes up from the dreams, he doesn’t remember them.)
bcsksbiexbkss OMG POOR LAD????? Silver has tried to wake up before by punching himself and by bashing his head against rocks (to no success).
He doesn’t 100% understand his power or dreams yet, but he describes each dream to us as its own landscape? It’s an oddly artistic way of describing it but I guess without the context of Malleus trapping them all there it calling them “landscapes” is nice!!
Silver says he somehow stumbled into Mickey’s dream while following a bird that shone with rainbow colors. Ho-Oh is that you (A bird that gives the illusion of rainbow colors… It sounds similar to the white birds Kalim borrowed in his dorm story vignettes from Silver.)
There are other stipulations to using his UM; Silver has to be sleeping AND be aware that he is dreaming in order for him to dream walk. He also can’t decide whose dreams he ends up in. Silver eerily mentions that he cannot escape from dream worlds, not unless the dreamer wakes up or the dreamer/Silver gets a large enough shock.
Silver falls through the sky to get to new dreams? He calls these transitions “dream corridors”. He describes dreams as places of memories and wishes, making up one’s greatest desires… but also meaning different things to different people.
They enter Diasomnia and IN COMES SEBEK SHOUTING AT THEM??? Apparently there's a party going on at Diasomnia to send Malleus and Lilia off for their internships. (There is a little glowing fairy thing flying around Sebek which indicates that Sebek is the dreamer. We did not previously see this light around Mickey.) Sebek rushes them to the party where everyone else is waiting!!
Oooh, we hear what Lilia’s internship might have been! He would be going into a company that specializes in making magical tools for medicine/health; his reasoning is that the Briar Valley has people who are not used to technology, and Lilia wants to be able to make their lives easier by introducing these technologies to them. Malleus’s archeological internship would be in the Land of Crimson Long.
BRUH 😭 Dream!Lilia says he will stay in their forest cottage where he raised Silver for the rest of his life, he’s not leaving.
Silver calls them out on the bullcrap, calling the situation for what it truly is. “This is just a convenient dream!” It’s fake, it’s all wrong. He shouts at on point, which is something be rarely ever does; the last time I can recall him shouting is back at the end of Endless Halloween Night.
ERRRRR (real) Malleus is monitoring all of their dream worlds, that’s 100x more creepy than anything Rook can do 💀 Malleus is justifying this by using his position as to-be king; “it’s only natural for a king to watch over his subjects”, that kind of thing. Leona would be hella pissed—
Eh? EH????? WE'RE PUNCHING SEBEK NOW (he’s protecting Malleus). And so we beat him up and Sebek finally remembers reality. (I think the implication is that by beating him up, they’re “shocking” the dreamer awake.) Sebek begrudgingly joins our party!! ✨
AYO OB MALLEUS BATTLE, HIS PHANTOM IS MALEFICENT'S DRAGON FORM, IT’S TIME TO GASLIGHT, GATEKEEP, GIRLBOSS (before revealing his OB form, he was really trying to convince us it’s not a dream when we said it was one + confused Grim with his claims, then lowkey threatened us by saying “if you keep talking, I won’t forgive you”.) That’s… scarily accurate for how real emotional manipulators act 😬
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I kept being reminded of Malleus’s dorm uniform vignettes around this point in the main story. In the vignettes, Malleus teleports the dorm leaders (without consent) to Diasomnia to hold a meeting, and they become upset with him for treating them like objects. Malleus is STILL treating living beings like objects (even if he does care for them). Look at what he’s doing: he doesn’t think about what they want, he’s manipulating them again, and even earlier he implied they and Gao-Gao were the same… Broken things that have been repaired, and that he intends to keep this way forever.
Silver grabs their hands and says they’ll jump into another dream!! LOL 😂 Sebek’s being tsundere at the worst of times… “I WOULD NEVER HOLD YOUR HAND!!!” SEBEK PLEASE, NOT NOW!?????? We’RE GonNA DiE
Malleus tries to force them back under, but a sparkling light "like an aurora" compels Silver to not succumb. Silver asks his father to give him power while clutching onto the ring on a chain that Lilia imparted to him. AWWW SILVER 😭
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This time they wake up in a forest and get surrounded by masked people who speak in... animal sounds??? It may be a fairy language; in Fairy Gala: If we learn that different kinds of fae communicate in different ways (for example, the diurnal fae speak in like bell chimes). Sebek seems to understand what they are saying... so maybe the language of the nocturnal fae????
AYO THE MIDDLE ONE KINDA LOOKS LIKE CROWLEY... EVEN THE EYES GLOW YELLOW LIKE HIS DO???? IS IT JUST THE MASK SHAPE???? OR WAS CROWLEY A WAR VET??????? ??????? ?? ?? ? (Side note: I think these masked NPCs are meant to resemble Maleficient's minions!)
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There is also what appears to be the sound effects of canon fire??? Is this… a battleground?? The human-fairy war?????? (The masked men are soldiers that report to Lilia!)
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So in Lilia’s new design, we see that there are green gems hanging off of him; these may be magical gems or the special ore he mentioned his weapon is made from (which is very rare in modern times).
If you look closely, his hair streaks are dark red instead of bright magenta. This lines up with one of Lilia’s voice lines in which he expresses dying his hair different colors depending on his whims.
Every warrior seems to be wearing a mask? And we can see their eyes glow (I wonder if this is a trait of nocturnal fae)? The masks may be there as s cultural thing or maybe as a tactic to obscure their faces from their enemies.
It’s odd that Lilia’s dream seems to be of war time??? Because Malleus’s magic is meant to give them happy dreams, but surely Lilia doesn’t think of war time as a happy period of his life???? Maybe that will be better explained in the next update??
AAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHH??????? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ? ? THAT'S THE END OF THE PART 3 UPDATE???? ? ?? ??? ? TWST, YOU REALLY GONNA CUT US OFF LIKE THIS?? ???? ? ? ? ???????? ? ? 🫠 WE’RE ONLY At PART 55 AnD SO MUcH SHiT hAS GONE dOWN…………………..,,..,,, …….. ….. … . .. . .. . . .
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anticanonsposts · 6 months
Random Fluff Headcanons-König pt. 2
Completely SFW
He loves surprising you with little trinkets and shit, he is well aware that your favorite color is pink and legit if he has to run to the store to grab something and he sees something in pink, you can be sure that he’s gonna buy it for you. (I am self inserting.)
Side note its super fun to see him in your bed, like this hulk of a man in your hyper feminine pink ass bed filled with stuffed animals. (I am self inserting again)
One point of slight contention in your relationship, at least during the beginning, was how much faster he walked due to his height. Like the first few times you walked anywhere with him you would be panting trying to catch up while also not seeming like you were putting too much effort in.
Since at the beginning he was also very nervous and wanted to impress you, he typically would be lost in thought and not realize so you eventually need to point it out to him
When you do he is very apologetic, it takes him a while but eventually he is able to walk with you without dedicating a whole lot of thought to monitoring his speed.
Fun thing tho is whenever you two need to catch a bus or train he will just scoop you up and jog to catch it, this way you’re faster and the driver can’t miss his frame charging towards them. 
Random but if you work early in the morning he loves going/walking to work with you. Since it is so early, not many people are out and about so there’s less eyes on him which makes him feel more relaxed.
Whenever you guys sit on a couch together whether alone or with friends his arm is always draped over the back of the couch and you rest your elbow on his thigh, given the height difference it makes him the perfect arm rest. It is also a form of touch that doesn’t make him uncomfortable to do in front of people. 
This guy opens EVERY single door for you, to the point that it becomes a game to you when you try to open one before he gets the chance.
He also always insists on paying when you guys are out, it doesn't matter what you are doing, dinner, drinks, stopping at Target for some essentials.
He has literally been in Target with you grabbed the items from you when you talk about paying then quickly walking to the front and paying before you can even catch up to him.
He has also taken your phone before while you were in the shower, gone to your (whatever app you buy things from most) and changed the default payment method to his card.
It took you like 3 trips/purchases for you to even notice and once you did he acted like he had no idea what you were talking about and that it had always been like that. 
I really like to think that when he was in grade school he went out for the football team (soccer) and the coaches just put him in the goal because of his size, he was just so big that players on the other team were too scared to go near him or the goal. 
I feel like he loves the x men movies because he sees them as being exploited for physical traits that they have no control over, and these same traits being seen as both a hindrance to him being ‘normal’ but also very useful in more violent contexts. He also feels like he is often treated very differently because of his size so it is comforting to him to relate to any of the characters in x men, since that is such a prominent part of their storyline.
A little angsty but when you first started going out he was always worried that you would be afraid of him, and not feel safe, since you opened up  to him about your past and not feeling safe around a man you trusted, he just assumed that due to his size and nature of his job that you didn’t feel safe with him.
That is until one day when you two are just cuddling in bed, maybe watching a movie, maybe on your phones, and you nonchalantly say that you feel very safe and secure with him, and to say he was happy would be a ridiculous understatement. 
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ijwrsmff · 8 months
MC showing the brothers their favorite anime character and they are exactly like them! How do they feel? Do they bring it up? Or not say anything? (If you don’t want to do all 7, could you do Lucifer, Levi, Asmo, and Beel? :3)
This was so fun XD I had to write for all 7, simply because I wanted to. And I had a pretty good idea for all of them, so it wasn't too much at all to let the idea take me away ^~^
Ended up being pretty long, but I put it in headcanon format, even though a lot of bullets were several sentences. I tried.
Word Count: 1,677
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“He’s so cool! He’s the oldest brother, and he has a lot of weight on his shoulders, and even though he’s sweet on the inside he acts really tough! And rightfully so, he is actually really tough.” You rambled to Lucifer about your favorite anime character. 
“So…he’s like…” Lucifer wanted to say “Like me” but that would mean admitting he was soft on the inside. He wouldn’t dare say that, especially since some of his brothers were home. “A responsible big brother.” 
As you went on and on about the character, he simply smiled softly and nodded to show he was listening
You were warming his heart, in a way that hadn’t been done for centuries…maybe even ever
He asked a couple questions, here and there, but he really did just love to hear you talk
“So what do you think about him?” You asked with beaming eyes
Lucifer hesitated a few moments while he gathered the words, “He seems like a smart man. Brave, and powerful.” 
“Yeah…he is.” Your words were quiet as you gazed into Lucifer’s eyes
You know…your character and Lucifer were pretty similar, huh?
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“Mammon! Pleeeeeease let me tell you about this character!” You whined and followed him as he was practically running away from you
His face was red, because you’re puppy eyes were was too cute to look into for long
But after a few minutes he stopped and you bumped into him “Fine! Just make it quick, I’ve got a date with Goldie!” He waved the card in the air, and had a mischievous look in his eyes
“Okay so! He loves money, but he loves his family and the person he loves even more! He won’t say it, but he’s one of the kindest men in the world! He does kind of get caught up in himself, but he can be humble when the time comes!” You showed him the picture of the character as you spoke, and scrolled through a few
Huh…blond hair, somewhat tall, got a glimmer in his eyes…
“He seems okay. Kind of stupid though.” Mammon did not at all put the pieces together, and ended up unintentionally slamming himself
To anyone else, it was clear you were actually talking about Mammon, and you hoped he’d realize but he didn’t
It’s alright though! Next time you’ll make it absolutely obvious
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All you had to do to spend time with Levi was say “I wanna talk about anime characters!” Your secret password didn’t even matter, the door was swung open and there he was with a dorky grin on his face
He expected nerdiness, but not to have you describe your favorite anime character to be so much like HIM!
“He loves anime and manga, games too! He doesn’t talk to many people, but sometimes he talks a whole lot if he’s passionate about something! Especially to the few he does care about. He has a TON of special interests, and can be super creative!” 
With each passing word his face got just a bit redder. He had a small scowl on his face after a bit though. To hear you talk so much about someone else kind of bothered him, and he still wasn’t sure if you were even talking about him or not anymore!
“Me or him…” He muttered, but you could barely hear him so he repeated it once more
“Well you, of course!” You laughed and he tried to figure out if your laughter meant you were joking or not
“No seriously, no anime character compares to you. I thought…you’d find it cute if I even liked a character just like you.” With a smile, that made him officially melt
“Then…I’LL COSPLAY HIM! THAT’S IT!” He ran to his closet and started talking about the way to “win them over” was to combine the two
He’s such a silly demon, and you loved that about him
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He never openly complained about spending time with you, and you came up with a plan! So you went to his library to set the plan in motion…
“Saaaaatan! I have a character from one of my favorite anime I wanna show you!” You burst in, and he was reading as…was expected.
He closed his book after finishing the paragraph he was on, with a bookmark in place
“Oh? Another character, go ahead, tell me about them” He would always make time for you, and seeing you so excited was just adorable
“He can get angry a lot, but it’s usually only because he cares! He’s really creative, and gets lost in his books all the time. It’s kind of like an escape for him, and learning has always been a passion for him!” 
It made Satan smirk, as he said “If you liked me you could have just said so.” He walked towards you and his smirk turned into a smile
“No need to beat around the bush, you know why?” He was close to you now, and for a second you thought he was leaning in for a kiss, but he leaned so his hot break brushed against your ear
“Because I like you too. My favorite little human…” 
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When you walked in, super excited to see him he finished his makeup quickly and ran up to hug you
It made you blush, but you had a plan! 
“Asmo! Look at this character! He’s my favorite! He always wears pink, loves to dress up and look all around both handsome and beautiful! He can be a bit of a flirt, but nothing like how he is with the person he loves!”
The more you spoke the more he smiled, “You have excellent taste! I can see why I’m your favorite demon!” He spun you around for a second and kissed your cheeks forehead and nose
You were blushing more than before, “Okay, okay!” You laughed and “tried” to push him away, “Don’t let it get to your head!” His kisses didn’t cease for several minutes and he ended up setting you down in his makeup chair
“We should have matching makeup! It’ll show how cute we are together!” He kissed your red cheeks and smiled wide
“T-together? Really?” It was hard to contain your excitement, and he ended up laughing at just how cute you are
“Of course! I’m your favorite, it means you looooove me~! If you think after rambling about how much you like a character because he’s like me we wouldn’t get together you’d be wrong~!” He giggled and started working on your makeup, but it was hard since you kept giggling
“I don’t know about LOVE, but we can get there. Just don’t mess it up!” You joked, letting out a few giggles as you winked at him
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“Beel! Look at my favorite anime character!” You ran up to him as he worked out, which was funny timing, “He loves to work out, can eat more than anyone else, and can be really funny but also adorable! He loves his family a lot, and ends up sacrificing so much to make them happy!” 
He stopped the second you were in the room and walked up to you to look at the picture
“He’s like me…” He tilted his head and saw a ton of similarities in the characters personality and looks to him
“Y-Yeah! Isn’t he cool?” He wasn’t putting the pieces together yet, but you knew he’d get there with time
“Wanna help me with my workout?” He smiled and it made you smile too
You had a big soft spot for the tall demon, if he asked you to do anything in the world you probably would, and he’s showed on multiple occasions that he’d do the same for you
You sat on his back while he did push ups for a while, but then he fell
“B-Beel? Are you okay?” You were concerned and he spun around while lifting you while you laid on his chest, faces super close together
“Does that mean…I’m your favorite character? Uh…demon? …Person?” He was fumbling and it was really cute, honestly
A couple giggles escaped and you kissed the tip of his nose, “Yeah…you are.” 
With a hug as tight but gentle as he gave, it gave you all the answer you needed. He liked you just as much if not more, as shown by the deepening blush on his face
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“Belphie look!” You showed him a picture of a character sleeping, “He’s my favorite! He sleeps a lot, and can be a hopeless flirt but it’s sooooo cute! He cares a lot, but has a secret dark side which can be really cool but also scary if it’s directed at you!” 
He was hanging out in his star-gazing room, and looked like he’d fall asleep at any minute
He grinned and grabbed you, pulling you down to his level while he laid on the floor and hugged you close
You blushed a bit, but it wouldn’t be the first time you cuddled with Belphie, since both of you did really like to cuddle. Especially with each other…
“Go on, tell me more.” You were facing each other, one hand holding yours as the other wrapped around your shoulders to your back
You rambled for a bit, but had a hard time making eye contact with him
“No. No more.” You told him, and because you were flustered, you leaned forward and hid your face in his neck
“Awww please? I want to fall asleep hearing all the things you love about me, that you’re projecting onto that character.” So he DID know. Maybe you were being too obvious…
After several moments, he continued with a “Fine, maybe we’ll do the opposite. I’ll tell you all the things I love about you until you fall asleep.” He rubbed your back and chuckled to himself before he did exactly that, saying each and every thing about you he loved, which was more than you thought possible
Falling asleep like this…really isn’t so bad at all
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slaygentford · 4 months
every matthew mcconaughey romcom, rated
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ive never really had a pet white man. ive had many pet white men characters, yes, but never a little pet white man actor who I wish to give treats and pats to like a purse dog. I never before really understood the phenomenon until my 5th or so rewatch of true detective in the year 2024, at which point something demonic was unlocked in my brain. why? how? a mystery for my therapist, when I had a therapist, but I don't anymore, so now it's a mystery for you. overcome with the insatiable urge to tape his picture to the front of my binder and write "hott" underneath it in sharpie I mentally detransitioned and, embracing my latent teenage girl (the girl I was, perhaps, in another world, one parallel to ours; a darker world, but of equal worth to our own sphere, damned as it may be) --began to watch every Matthew mcconaughey romcom ever made.
listed in my watch order, which was random.
how to lose a guy in 10 days: this is a near perfect 00s romcom, too much secondhand embarrassment to be a real mainstay for me, but it nonetheless hits every beat with aplomb. particularly tickled to see them playing bullshit the card game which was a family and friend group fave for me growing up. he and Kate Hudson have probably fucked, which added a lot to the chemistry. in one scene Kate Hudson described how cute he was rubbing his face into her tits and her friend says, do you want to date him or adopt him? at which point I saw into the void, which then saw back into me. instantly it became apparent to me that he will act circles around whoever he's paired with to the point that it actually becomes kind of comical how good of a performance he's giving in a movie that includes not one but two scenes of a dog pissing on a pool table. that being said bebe neuwirth CARRIED this film on her BEAUTIFUL lithe back. 1 instance of no shirt, unfortunately brief. 7/10. vape I hit at midpoint also a 7/10, coincidentally
NB: after watching this movie I had a dream that I was at the beach with him and Kate hudson and I hated her because she had stolen may man.
the wedding planner: when I watched this I got extremely caught up in two things 1 the fact that he went on a date with another woman while engaged and almost kissed her and 2 jlo playing an italian girl. this led me to think about what race is/was in 90s-00s, colorism, borders of the latinx body and codemeshing. something interesting about the wedding planner is that the leads are in every way the opposite of the character they are playing, with little effort to no effort to make up for that diff (Matthew not at all acting like a wholesome pediatrician and rarely seen with children/jlo not at all acting (like) or being an italian). as a result the fourth wall in this movie is made out of wobbling cellophane, an upsetting and uncanny experience. Matthew doing a tango meant a lot to me as a fan of rust's deranged impromptu norteñas tutorial in true detective. as he is a texan, I think he is essentially one of my people. 0 instances of no shirt. 2/10
failure to launch: at the first incident of animal slapstick (chipmunk related) I had the thought while the scene wore on and on, I feel like I'm on drugs. that's because I was on drugs, which I then remembered, but a joint doesnt deny the truth, only reveal it. there are many sports, and Matthew doing sports. I wouldn't be surprised if the original conception of this movie was more like lars and the real girl or silver linings playbook which then had to get repackaged as a rom com bc some parts of this kind of push at the seams of the haha funny tone which makes for a shockingly bad film but a very interesting way to think about process and what this writer's passion project would be. by the final animal slapstick incident (dolphin, second appearance) I really said what the fuck out loud, like actually out loud in my home. we started off strong with some shirtlessness and a calf shot during the sex scene, but the chipmunk to dolphin to bird to iguana to dolphin pipeline really took the wind out of my sails. 1/10
ghosts of girlfriends past: This is doubtless Matthew's worst performance--and yet what a triumph it is, purely because for any other actor, it would be the peak of a career. Matthew has an incredible naturalism. About 15 minutes into this movie, Matthew gets belligerently drunk at his brother's rehearsal dinner. Through half-lidded, glassy eyes, he delivers with thoughtless verve the exact sort of diatribe a man not only uncaring but also unaware of his cruelty can; and yet, in that passivity, he unearths pathos. I consider it an underpainting--a little window which peeks out of a bad script to a fully conceived person. Throughout its runtime, the film degenerates into a pantomime, even parody, of itself: but with just a series of slow blinks, Matthew conveys a complete psyche, an entire lifetime. I truly believe that he comes to roles even those he dislikes with an inescapable talent and sensitivity. If I could bring half of his effort and spark and originality to my own creative pursuits, that would make for a very good career indeed. His integrity as an artist really is why watching his worst films is so fun: in a game of limbo, Matthew can do the lowest backbend of all. Strong calves indeed. anyway, this movie is REALLY bad. 0/10
fool's gold:
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apeekintothepantry · 3 months
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Happy Pokémon Day! February 27th is the anniversary of the first two Pokémon games’ release in Japan, and it’s a minor holiday in my house, as a fun excuse to make Pokémon inspired food, watch some Pokémon shows or movies (we’re going to watch Netflix’s new Pokémon Concierge this year!), and get excited about upcoming games and releases. This year, we’re making a Pokémon Sword and Shield inspired burger-steak curry and I’m making a dessert from the Pokémon Cookbook by Victoria Rosenthal. It’s one of my favorite fandom cookbooks – all the recipes are vegetarian or vegan, to get around the awkward question of where does the meat in the Pokémon universe come from?
But that’s not all we’re making! Ever since Nicki and Isabel were released, I’ve been dying to do a post about them and Pokémon’s infamous “Jelly Filled Doughnuts”, better – and more accurately! – known as onigiri.
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Pokémon was released in the United States in 1998 via two Gameboy games: Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. The games quickly caught on to be one of the biggest pop culture phenomenon of the late 90’s and early 00’s, and as a kid at the heart of this explosion, I can’t overstate how much of a big deal it was. One of the great things about Pokémon – and probably why it has such lasting, widespread appeal – is that there are so many ways to interact with the franchise, and the marketing doesn’t skew hugely towards one gender or the other. Cool, tough Pokémon like Charizard got pretty similar billing to cute, pink Pokémon like Jigglypuff, and there were so many options for potential favorites that it was easy for any kid to find some creature to attach themselves to.
One of my petty complaints with Nicki and Isabel’s collection and books is the almost complete lack of mention of Pokémon and other anime that was really popular among kids in 1999. I know AG probably didn’t want to shell out for licensing deals with Nintendo or The Pokémon Company, but their stories just don’t feel accurate without discussing their prized binder of Pokémon cards or begging their parents to take them to see the Pokémon movie in theaters. Maybe the authors were just a little too old to get caught up in Pokémania?
I’ve also always thought its close overlap with the Beanie Babies crazy helped get millennial children like me very into the “gotta catch ‘em all” aspect of the franchise. Is this why I’m such a crazy toy collector as an adult? Who knows.
The Pokémon anime was one of the main ways kids like me got hooked on the franchise, because not everyone was allowed to have a Gameboy of their own (me), and not everyone liked video games, but even if you didn’t like video games, the cartoon might appeal to you. Although it was far from the first Japanese cartoon to air on US television, Pokémon was one of if not the first truly mainstream favorites of the 1990’s. 4Kids, the company in charge of dubbing the show into English, decided that American kids wouldn’t understand or be open to certain aspects of the show that reflected its Japanese roots, and so made a lot of strange choices in rewriting the script. One of the most notorious was deciding Brock’s rice balls were actually jelly filled doughnuts:
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Onigiri – also known as omusubi or nigirimeshi – are balls of rice with a variety of fillings inside. They’re often compared to sandwiches, as an easy, quick, cheap meal or snack that combines carbs and other ingredients. While the concept of taking a rice ball and stuffing it full of other tasty treats goes way back to ancient Japan, the triangle shape became popular in the 1980’s thanks to a new machine that automated the filling process. Further developments over the last 40 years have created unique ways to prepackage onigiri without making the nori wrapping sticky. The ones we made were an attempt at recreating the “Hawaiian” (spam and pineapple) rice balls from our favorite food hall back in DC. One of my favorite pandemic indulgences was getting take out from the food hall, which often included a sampler of some of my favorite onigiri, and I haven’t been able to find anything close to similar where we are now. One of the many reasons I’m excited to move!
Even as a kid, I wasn’t convinced the food in the anime was fried dough with fruit jelly inside, because they sure look like rice. I also think 4Kids didn’t anticipate that Pokémon’s widespread popularity would inspire many of its fans – including me – to become absolutely obsessed with Japanese food and culture. I would’ve been more excited if they’d just been straight with me and shown more Japanese food on the show, and then probably begged my parents to make it or take me to a restaurant that made it. While I can’t confidently cite numbers of how many other people were first exposed to Japanese culture and food through Pokémon and franchises like it, I do think it’s a bit of a missed opportunity to highlight how things like this exposed kids like Nicki and Isabel to parts of a culture outside their own!
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yumeka-sxf · 8 months
I realized it's been about 1-year since I joined the SxF fandom! I first watched the anime in early October 2022 when cour 2 of season 1 started airing. I loved it so much that I immediately binged the manga...and things just kept going from there 😁 So thought I'd celebrate by taking updated photos of the merch I've amassed during that time!
Here are the three shelves of my display case where I keep most of my figures.
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Their brown outfits and winter outfits in the front row are probably my favorites ❤ Though I do love Bond with the vest on the upper shelf too!
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I like how the reading Forgers acrylic figures look in the shelf. The additional drawer and book stack pieces really make it look like they're all sitting reading together! (also like that Loid has a globe and Yor has a typewriter)
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These large acrylic figures came with a cardboard background that just manages to fit in the shelf! So far I've had enough space in the other shelves so I don't have to squeeze additional figures in this shelf...but that probably won't last long 😅
Below is a full view of the display case.
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And here's my pin and keychain collection that's currently attached to the panel of my Ita backpack. I tend to buy these in box sets since I hate blind bags, so I'm guaranteed to get one of each. I have a few more hanging elsewhere, like on my actual keys, lol.
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Here's my collection of card game accessories! I play a few TCGs (like Weiss Schwarz and Osica) so I can always find use for card sleeves and deck boxes. Will put a lot of this to use when I get a case of SxF Weiss Schwarz cards early next year! The card mat (by CatCrossing) is one of my favorite pieces of SxF fan art 😊
I'm not gonna post photos of my SxF Weiss and Osica cards since there's way too many, but I did post photos of some of them previously here and here.
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All my SxF books - every JP manga volume, the three anime art books, the exhibition pamphlet, and the JP and EN versions of the manga fanbook.
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And lastly, a few extra figures on my work desk (I work from home, though I would still decorate my desk even if I was in an office 😆)
I do have a few more things like plushies, posters, clear files, etc, but I didn't want to take too many photos...just thought I'd focus on the main bulk of my collection! Between season 2, the movie, and who knows what else, I'm afraid to see what my collection will look like next year!
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
Floating Coffins and Floating Portraits
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So I’ve been rewatching some of the TWST events in order to collect screenshots for theories (my hobbies are incredible), and this line from the first Halloween event (Terror is Trending) didn’t have much of an impact on me at first. It made perfect sense that the Diasomnia dorm would be Extra with their Halloween decor and make it float with their magical talents. But today, I realized something significant about the coffins in the Mirror Chamber.
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They’re *floating.* Every single time we see them, let it be in the game or in a summoning animation, the coffins are also constantly moving around. And all the other students in the Halloween event sounded shocked that Diasomnia could maintain this magic for many days 24/7. It’s something seemingly simple, but takes a lot of magic to maintain. And remember, it is shocking for an entire DORM to work together to maintain this magic for a WEEK.
But with the coffins, who is maintaining this? (Spoiler alert I obviously think it’s Crowley but I gotta lead up to it 🤪)
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The Fairy Gala event is centered around the special magestone in NRC being stolen by fairies. Crowley claims this magestone is what regulated temperatures in the school because of the fairies using the magestone. I thought about this magestone being a possible source for this floating, but it didn’t make sense to me. As silly Crowley acts like, from a practicality standpoint it would make no sense to burden both the fairies and the magestone with something like this. Plus, this magestone has only been mentioned for temperature control inside the school
So I was trying to think of any other location where items float like this for seemingly no reason. I couldn’t really think of any prominent sources, until…
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Crowley’s office. The portraits of the Great Seven are just floating there! They don’t move like the coffins do, but they’re clearly floating. I wondered if it’s just a natural feature of these portraits (much like that one talking portrait guy in Book 1), but in Grim’s Platinum Jacket card, the museum clearly has them hung up on a wall. And since portraits of the Overblotters are floating, it makes sense that these portraits can be selected as a special showcase to use this draining magic on.
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But isn’t it interesting these the coffins and these portraits are heavily related to Crowley? Crowley is in charge of the entire coffin-gate system in the first place, and is the only one with the key to open these gates. And the portraits are literally in Crowley’s office. It’s clear he’s very devoted to these portraits, as one of his Unified Exam voicelines reveals he wipes the frames of each one every single day.
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The main game have been taking course over many months now in the school year. And yet, these coffins and the portraits are always floating when we see them. Is Crowley maintaining these 24/7 ALL YEAR LONG? If so, that’s an incredible yet very subtle display of magic! NRC is practically bathed in magic, so that could be what’s maintaining these floating objects too. But again, it’s the same cycle of “who imbued NRC with this scale of magic?” And most importantly, why “waste” magic in these objects like coffins and portraits? These must have some significance in some way, because it’s interesting TWST dropped this detail of floating magic being a draining type of magic to maintain. The Dark Mirror is also floating, whereas the Magic Mirror in Snow White was hung up on a wall. Perhaps this connects back to Dark Mirror (and whoever is inside it 🤪) in some way? The coffins in particular may have a story significance, because there’s the Great 7, 7 coffins, and 7 Overblots. Hmm…
Crowley has constantly showed passive forms of magic. I go more in detail in this post here, but he canonically has powerful barriers that can withstand Overblot attacks, can whip up items like magestone collar for Grim without difficultly. And as we can see with Deuce, summoning takes a lot of imagination and skill to do successfully.
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Additionally, in the manga, Crowley has a controlled fire on his fingertip. Maybe it’s not visually impressive at first, but look at Grim and how he flings fireballs all over the place. He has very little control of how he releases his fire magic, and likely wouldn’t be able to keep it so controlled with this level of precision like Crowley does at his fingertip. I think it can be done by any trained mage, especially adult ones, but let me show off Crowley sndhdjjaa 🤣 But this line is interesting that “the more one focuses on the effects their magic can produce, the more precise and powerful it will be.”
Basically this theory is just me gushing over Crowley again haha, but I really do think Crowley has powerful scale of magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was even one of the “top 5 mages in the whole world” that Malleus is a part of. Because if Crowley is truly responsible for the floating coffins and portraits, my birbman is just blatantly showing off and no one even notices!!! 😭😭😭😭 (Except me of course 🤪👉👈)
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Edit: @kitwasnothere mentioning that Crowley is not beating the Overblot allegations is SO REAL. When Riddle Overblotted, he seamlessly lifted up the ground and the rose trees because of his OB magic. All the Overblotters influence their environment in some way, like Leona’s sand, Malleus’ thorns, etc. Maybe Crowley is not only being dramatic af (as he should), but if he is indeed in an Overblot state, perhaps he affects these significant objects tied to him? Or perhaps his Overblot is how NRC is “magically infused.” Hmm just something else to think about🐦‍⬛
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Bonus points to the school Library as well with the floating books. I don’t think these floating books hold any particular significance- perhaps magic tomes just do that? Or perhaps a side effect of the school campus being magically infused. Just wanted to point this out ٩( 'ω' )و
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moonsaver · 3 months
It’s me @pix3lplays back at it again, not a request, but you mentioned a SLEEPOVER with the Stellaron hunters and it isn’t leaving my head so please have some thoughts…
First of all oh my gosh just IMAGINE their pajamas I’m crying that’s so funny…Silver Wolf’s is just straight up a Pokémon onesie or something-
Kafka has some very pretty, tasteful silk pajamas with lace…
Blade. Idk I imagine he probably sleeps shirtless or something (I’m normal about his scars I swear) but if he knows they’re having a guest he wears some random t-shirt alongside his sweatpants. Like. He doesn’t care what he wears at night…it’s a t-shirt with a really bizarre Picture or incomprehensible writing on it and you’re just like ??? Okay….
The human cast? Each of them have long enough hair…for a braid train…Kafka doing something really nice with Silver Wolf’s hair…while Blade just does something basic for Kafka, and then y/n gets to experiment with Blade’s hair…if he’ll let you. Important stuff I’m telling you.
Trying to play a board game with them that results in Kafka having to use her Spirit Whisper at LEAST once to get you all to calm down. Do NOT play Uno. Blade got +four carded like five times in a row, you felt so bad for him…
PILLOW FIGHT GONE WRONG!!! SO MANY INJURIES!!! Sam and Blade took it WAY too seriously.
At least one incident of Blade asking you to smother him with a pillow.
Silver Wolf who stays up LATE. So late. You’re all watching her play a video game, and the girl just doesn’t STOP, haha. Eventually you all would like to go to sleep…not her. You try so hard to stay awake to watch her but you end up falling asleep on the shoulder of another Stellaron Hunter.
Kafka eventually makes Silver Wolf go to sleep, but Silver Wolf does that thing I used to do as a kid where I’d just. Hide under the blanket while playing my DS. That’s Silver Wolf.
Blade getting a mara flare up in the middle of the night kinda killing the mood. Sam holding him like he’s a feral animal while you and Kafka calm him down.
Sam who I’m assuming doesn’t have to really sleep? Combined with Blade waking up really early results in them waking up the rest of you by accident in the morning haha.
Cooking breakfast for the Stellaron Hunter humans…please I NEED- (don’t mind me not really knowing how to cook but I CAN make pancakes and scrambled eggs lol)
I just…need a Stellaron Sleepover. Elio needs to put it in the script, I’m BEGGING.
Hello, Pixel! Glad to see you in my inbox, hehe.
The sleepover is a very fun concept!
I think your descriptions of their sleepwear is quite spot on. As for Blade.. does.. does he sleep? I feel like.. he just only takes off his normal clothes for wash day. Otherwise he probably just has.. some ripped up, old clothing that's begging to be put out of it's misery. Kafka has to come to the rescue once again and fish out some more appropriate wear for the sleepover and force him to change into them.
As for the braid train, I love it! They're all chattering and snickering, and y/n gets to experiment with Blade's hair. I imagine they temporarily dismantle the train to look at y/n's progress on his hair, and go back into their positions after. I think Blade's hair would actually be kind of silky near the roots, and in the middle. Most likely because he uses either Kafka's, or Silverwolf's bare minimum shampoo products which is miraculous for his hair. The ends are.. crusty, to say the least. But hey! It's not everyday you get to braid and shape his hair all silly. Make most of it!
The card game.. aww. Uno is probably the only thing all of you can really play, monopoly's not interesting enough for Blade to keep his attention, and other board games like Ludo makes Silverwolf too competitive, and Kafka's tried one too many times to cheat the dice. So.. Uno's the only simple option, not like they can't cheat, but.. it's a small card game, so.. whatever. They just stay dormant. Until all of you simultaneously pulled out a +4 and Blade had to pick up almost half of the card stack.. yikes.
Pillow fighting is probably the only activity that gets Blade actively engaged,but it's not long before the threads all snap except a few and the pillow is begging for mercy, Blade swinging it with such force to the point there's only a small bunch of cotton and fabric left.. injuries are even worse than that. Sam is a hair's breadth away from shooting someone through the pillow itself. So pillow fighting is banned until both Blade and Sam learn how to take it easier.
Silver wolf staying up to play extremely late.. makes sense. She would. Forms a small tent with an ominous glow from the inside, and it's just her console. At least, she doesn't quite disturb you as much as the others.
Blade.. poor thing. He himself probably doesn't want the mara flare up. After a while of calming him down everyone's just docile and kind of concerned about his shuddering state. Except Sam, of course. Deathly iron grip. Asks if he's done and if he can go. Dude, read the room!
Breakfast! Silverwolf's definitely not awake by then. Kafka's up and ready, miraculously. She offers you.. questionable substances, if you can even call it edible. But don't worry! Just close your eyes, take a mouthful, and leave it to Kafka if your stomach feels weird. Blade.. isn't someone that's partial to cooking, but all the Stellaron Hunters quietly watch him cook from the side.. watching him struggle a bit, but manage to cook an average breakfast with a few burnt sides. And of course, y/n gets first dibs.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Origins | P.P.
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After an incident at Oscorp, your academic rival Peter Parker calls you for help with the sticky situation he's found himself in — peter x gn!reader fluff
warnings: spiders/spider bites (but if you can't handle that then what are you doing here lmao?)
words: 1.9k
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On an internship orientation at Oscorp, you only knew one other person in the group. Granted, you weren't the most popular person in your school and there were only 6 other students in the program, but you figured you would recognize at least a few others. 
Standing next to you as your group toured the laboratory was the boy tied with you for top student in your grade at Midtown High, Peter Parker. 
Of course he got the internship, you thought. 
Though your longtime academic rival was in the same program as you, you promised yourself you would not do anything to lose this opportunity. If you wanted a career in science, and you did, you would devote everything of yours to this internship.
At exactly 8 o'clock, exactly on time, a blonde woman in a lab coat approached the tour group and introduced herself. 
"Hello. My name is Gwen Stacy, and I'll be giving you interns a tour around the Oscorp building."
She looked young, maybe in her early twenties. Her age gave you a bit of hope that young people could get into the science industry. 
Your eyes started to wander while Gwen was talking about the history of Oscorp and you looked over at Peter Parker. He was looking at Gwen, but he had a particular gleam in his eye, a look of adoration. It was funny. Peter had a crush on a twentysomething giving them a tour of Oscorp's labs. 
Whatever, maybe if Peter was off his game because of a crush, you could prove yourself as the best and brightest intern in the group.
Gwen continued her lecture as your group started making your way into the actual lab instead of the lobby where your tour started. "And again, I apologize for making you all get here at 8 on a Saturday morning, but hey, that's the life of a scientist."
The group let out a small collective chuckle, but Peter laughed just a little too hard at her joke. 
She thanked the group for the laughter, said you were a great crowd, and continued to lead the group into one of the laboratories. 
"This is one of our biology labs, biomedical, actually." She said, swiping her work ID card and inputting a code into a keypad on the door, leading you all into a white room full of computers and terrariums. 
All the interns looked around the lab in astonishment. All of you with the same exact thoughts running through your head. 
After a second of letting you take it all in, Gwen continued her introduction of that particular lab. 
"Right now, this division is working on using properties of animals to use in medicine." She explained. "Over there is our reptile chamber, where we have lizards and geckos at the moment. And right next to you all is our spider terrarium."
She paused again so the group could take another look around, and you raised your hand to ask Gwen a question.
"Yes, (y/n)." She said, noting your name tag. 
"Is it true that you're using gamma radiation on those spiders to make them radioactive or is that just a rumor?" You asked, pointing at the terrarium as you spoke.
"That's exactly what we're doing." Gwen confirmed. "Both radiation and animals are, or have been, used in many different medicinal practices, so our biomedical scientists are working on combining the two."
You nodded, and noticed that some of the other group members looked confused, as if they were trying to think of a question to ask as well. 
"I love the curiosity, (y/l/n). I can tell that you've done your research. You seem like you'll be a great fit here at Oscorp." Gwen smiled. 
She continued to explain the other experiments being conducted at the moment in that department, and your eyes started to wander over to Peter again. He swatted the back of his neck, like he had felt something back there. He winced as if he was pinched, but in a second or two, returned his focus to the tour. 
The next day, you hear your phone buzz from across the bed while you were doing your physics homework. 
Who would be trying to contact you right now? 
Your first thought was that it was another student from one of your classes asking for last minute homework help.
No, you disregarded the idea, It's not even noon yet. It wasn't last minute enough. 
After several more notification vibrations, you decide to see who it was and what they wanted. As you leaned over and reached for the phone, you noticed the notifications becoming closer and closer together, as if the messages were becoming more urgent. 
A look of confusion washed over your face as you read the contact at the top of the messages. 
"Peter Parker?" You said, accidentally out loud. 
What does Peter need so urgently? 
You scan the messages, seeing him rambling vague details about Oscorp and the biomed lab. Before you could read any more or even process anything you had just read, an incoming call screen appeared over the messages. 
Confused and reluctant, you hesitate to answer the call. After a tiny pause, you accept the phone call and hear Peter's continued fast-paced and disorienting rambling. 
"(y/n), oh my god, something really weird happened to me last night and I don't know what to do! I think it's because of the Oscorp tour yesterday but I don't know how it could happen to me. I don't want to say anything else over the phone, I just need you to come see this in person."
"Peter, what are you talking about?" You asked, completely flustered by his rambling. 
"I can't explain, I would just have to show you." 
You paused for an extended second. 
What is going on right now? 
"Please, (y/n), I need your help." Peter pleaded. 
"Okay." You sighed. "I'll come over and see what you're freaking out about." 
"Thank you, (y/n)." He said. "Okay, I'll see you in a minute. Wait, you need my address!"
"No, I don't. I've been over to your apartment to do schoolwork before. You still live with your aunt, right?"
"Yeah." He replied. 
"Okay, I'll be right over."
You hung up the phone, and gathered up your homework in a neat pile so nothing would be damaged. Then, you grabbed your backpack with your wallet and keys, and left your apartment, heading to Peter's place. 
When you got to Peter's apartment, you stood in the brown hallway and knocked on his front door. His aunt quickly opened the door. She recognized you, which you didn't expect. 
"Hey, (y/n), right?" She greeted. 
You nodded, and she let you inside. 
"Are you here to see Peter?" She asked. She didn't seem to know about whatever was going on with Peter that was freaking him out so much, so you didn't say anything about it.  
"Um, yeah. It's a school thing we have to do." You told her, slightly turning to the side to display your backpack.
"Oh, alright, no problem. He's in his room right now." She smiled warmly. 
She called out for Peter, alerting him that you were here, and he told her to let you in. Then, she led you over to Peter's bedroom, and you knocked on his door, telling him it was just you. He unlocked his bedroom door, and anxiously urged you to come inside . You walked in, and he quickly shut the door behind you both, likely alerting suspicion in Peter's aunt. 
"What is going on?" You asked in a whisper-yell. 
"I don't know how to explain it, but..." He paused, trying to think of a way to describe his situation. "I just woke up and I'm sticky now."
You cringed, making a disgusted face and trying to avoid making eye contact with him. 
"Peter." You sighed. "Didn't you learn about this in the fifth grade? It's completely natural, but-"
He cut you off, realizing he had said the wrong thing and made you think of something completely different than what he meant. 
"No, no, ew, (y/n)!" He defended. "No, I mean I woke up super strong, and then everything started to get weird when I..." He paused and walked past you to grab something off of his bed. He picked up a metal water bottle by his bed and threw it, but it didn't leave his hand. "And I'm sticky. Things just keep sticking onto me."
"Alright, yeah." You rolled your eyes, not believing anything Peter was saying. "You're just holding it." 
"No, I'm serious. Look." 
He tries to throw the water bottle a few more times, aiming towards the wall. On the third or fourth attempt, the water bottle shot from his arm, through the screen of his window, looking like it made it at least five or six buildings away without hitting the ground. 
From another room, Peter's aunt heard the noise and asked what it was. 
"It's nothing, May! We're fine!" Peter shouted back.
"How did you do that?" You ask, eyeing him suspiciously. 
"I don't know!" He said loudly, then lowered his voice so as to not draw any more suspicion from his aunt in the other room. "That's the point!"
He walked past you again, making his way over to his desk, and pulling a glass over a piece of paper sitting there. Underneath the glass was something small that you couldn't identify. 
"And then, after I accidentally punched myself in the face trying to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed this inside my shirt from yesterday." He said, pointing to the object on the paper slip. 
You inspected it closer, now being able to identify it as one of the spiders from the biomed lab yesterday. The reason Peter smacked his neck on the tour. 
"Oh god, Parker. Don't tell me you actually let an experiment bite you on the neck yesterday." You said. 
"I did. Accidentally. And now I need your help because I don't know what it's doing to me."
You started laughing. At first it became a small chuckle, then it developed into close to a laughing fit. 
"It's not funny, (y/l/n)!"
"Oh, it's absolutely funny. You're an imbecile, and now you're going to lose the Oscorp internship for it if they find out. Plus, you're becoming some spider-man hybrid thing. Don't be surprised when you wake up tomorrow with four extra limbs!" 
"You don't actually think that's going to happen, right?" He asked, a large amount of concern in his voice. 
"Oh, I definitely think they'd kick you out of the internship for that." You said, your laugh silencing. 
"But the limb part?!"
"If you were listening to Gwen yesterday instead of sniffing her hair the whole time or whatever that was, you would know that yes, those spiders are experimental, they're radioactive. But they're being made for sick people, so that they can regain their strength, sharpness, and all abilities." 
"So?" He asked. 
"So, you'll be fine. Likely."
His eyes widened in shock at the last part, not realizing that you were kidding.
"I'm joking, Parker." You told him. "It'll actually probably just make you cooler. You could be a jock for the first time in your life."
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itsbenedict · 5 months
Games I Played In 2023 And Whether Or Not I Thought They Were Good (Part 1/4)
Once again, a year has passed, and I spent a considerable chunk of it on video games! Here's what I thought about [e: some of] the ones that I played.
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This game is- well, I've never played a Recettear game, but apparently it's a Recettear knockoff? You run a potion shop, and you hire adventurers to go into dungeons to get ingredients for your potion shop, and the whole thing's on a timer where you have to pay off a big debt by the end... apparently there's a formula it's aping that I'm unfamiliar with.
But it's very fun- it's got two main unique mechanics, one of which is a potion-brewing minigame about balancing ingredients in certain ratios which is challenging- and the other of which is an STS-style deckbuilder card game where you haggle with customers in lieu of combat. Both systems have a lot of depth and interesting options and I enjoyed them a lot.
Other standouts: the cast of support characters you can rank up social links with are great (love love love the coffee-addled workaholic moth girl and the comic relief cat pirates with a surprisingly dark backstory), and the fully-animated 3D character portraits are really fun and expressive.
Nitpicks: the time system having one time block reserved for the hour it takes to go home after visiting town is... an awkward choice (holdover from the Recettear structure they're aping?), and lategame you kind of cap out in potion-making capacity and it becomes kind of tricky to progress. Also the story's kinda predictable and the villains who don't later become party members are paper-thin.
Horizon: Forbidden West
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God this game pisses me off.
Horizon: Zero Dawn, its predecessor, was a fun open-world game about hunting robot dinosaurs and uncovering the surprisingly elaborate story behind why there are robot dinosaurs. I enjoyed it a lot!
Forbidden West has everything Zero Dawn had... and also mountains of tedious cruft to pad out the game's runtime which all infuriates me to no end.
The story is still quite good! And the robot dinosaur fighting is still quite good! Those are the important parts, and they nailed them... but I have complained at my friends for hours about the bafflingly bad design choices that plague every other aspect of this game constantly. It's... there's so much, I want to like, make a video going into the details, but in short...
The cool and versatile weapons from the last game have been split up into piles of slightly-different weapons with different elements so you have to carry around and upgrade ten times as much crap and are forced to spec into a build that locks you out of effective experimentation
Every little noncombat action in the game has some very realistic and pretty AAA graphics animation that takes too long and wastes your time constantly during basic gameplay and kills flow dead
The very cool procedural climbing mesh thing... gets arbitrarily turned off in inexplicably oiled-up puzzle ruins that very badly want you to push a crate around in every way it's possible to push a crate around in order to waste the maximum amount of your time
Cooking "system" which is the most comprehensively useless thing anyone probably spent dozens of hours implementing in their video game
Item wheel that contains every consumable item in the game regardless of whether you currently have any and is basically unnavigable during tense situations like, say, combat, when you need it
So many repetitive sidequests about some poor fucker who went missing and might be in danger and is every single time dead to a bunch of robot dinosaurs obviously. Lot of missions designed to kill time rather than show you something cool or have interesting story.
There's a lot to like and it's super cool but god there's so much to be mad at. Respects the player's time 0%. I'm gonna go off about this more later for sure.
Disco Elysium
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Oh my god, this game. It's... really something. You might be familiar with it from memes on Tumblr, about its comically inept slash deranged protagonist and his partner with the patience of a saint- but it's doing so much more than I expected from the out-of-context screencaps.
Like- yes, it's fucking hilarious. I love that about it. But it's also this incredibly detailed work of worldbuilding that creates this whole setting that's doing... some wild stuff. Like, you've maybe heard it's very political? Well, it is, but about weird alternate universe sci-fi politics that sort of halfway resemble our own, and it's thought through all of these invented social dynamics. And it's got a great sense of atmosphere- it knows when to be funny and when to be solemn and how to blend the two for maximum effect. It's a dark comedy, but it's all built on a dead-serious reality and a really effective story.
And- it is a murder mystery game about solving cases! It works very well on that level! It manages to be open-ended and let you solve things in a variety of different ways using this complex RPG stat system of creatively-designed psychological stats, while making sure the central whodunit (and a bevy of fascinating satellite mysteries) stays on track. Extremely good on a game design level.
(also some shit happens in this game that i was not at all expecting and can't even go into without spoilers, but- but holy fuck, the way this game opens up and the things it manages to hide in plain sight... just mind-boggling. incredibly impressive.)
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Speaking of hiding things in plain sight- neither this nor Disco Elysium came out this year, so I can't call either of them GotY, but... if they had, I'd have a hard time deciding.
Tunic is incredibly clever. On the surface, it's an isometric soulslike thing with a low-poly Zelda-y aesthetic... but there's not just the surface. There's layers and layers to this thing. The first layer it hits you with is that most of the game's UI is in a made-up rune script, which you have to learn, which is a fun challenge and caused me to spend a few hours making a tool to catalogue and decrypt the damn thing- though I eventually learned to sight-read it. But that's just- that's like, the tip of the iceberg, the most obvious twist to what this game is.
There's, like... I don't want to spoil what there's like. The whole thing is about peeling back the layers and figuring out which seemingly arbitrary aesthetic choices were secretly meaningful, and seeing how the game transforms as you figure out the different sorts of secret structure layered on top of each other. It's actually best compared to The Witness, although there's still a pretty meaty and challenging action-adventure game to tackle while you're uncovering the hidden patterns and deepest lore. It's a fascinating intellectual challenge and highly recommended to anyone who likes giving their noggin something to chew on.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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Man, so... this game is very impressive, but it's in a weird place due to some awkward design decisions and cut corners.
This is a direct sequel to smash megahit Breath of the Wild... sort of. It's very weird what it's doing. It really wants to be a self-contained thing, to the point of throwing out major setting elements and story concepts from BotW entirely so it can do its own thing... but on a mechanical level, this is the same game, with some very cool new mechanics and a cool-ish new story bolted on.
(Said story... it has one extremely cool plot twist that's also a gameplay twist, delivered effectively in a nonlinear way that creates this great sense of dawning comprehension. Otherwise... kind of a nothingburger. Ganondorf is boring and has no coherent motivation, there's no explanation or real plot relevance to the [spoilers] that seem like such a central thing, and... the whole thing revolves around a technologically advanced precursor civilization that's completely different from the technologically advanced precursor civilization established by the last game, of which all evidence has been meticulously scrubbed from the world to... I guess avoid confusion? The one huge central plot beat really works, and the rest is... low-effort nonsense.)
So, mechanically... the developers made this very odd choice to... have the game take place in the exact same map from the first game, except warped and remixed by geologic upheaval just enough to force the environment designers to redo every bit of landscape more or less from scratch. Like, all the same recognizable locations, but a step to the left. In theory, not a bad idea- but then they layer on top of that a threefold expansion to the world.
TotK has three world maps- Hyrule, the sky (full of floating islands now), and a third spoilery area that's the same size as both of those. The game's economy is thus weirdly trifurcated- crucial resources are located in all three areas, so you need to go up and down and up and down a lot. And so is the game's content- there's a roughly comparable amount of stuff in BotW and TotK, but TotK splits it across three maps, making each area feel largely empty, with a lot of wasted space.
This effect is especially noticeable in Hyrule, which... if you've played BotW, you won't really find anything new there. It's all the same places with a few tweaks, so there's not much sense of discovery if you played the original. There's a bunch of landmarks and areas that exist purely because they were there before and it'd be weird for them to disappear... except now instead of some secret or loot there, there's just nothing. Wasted space. And both the sky and the other new map are pretty homogeneous and unrewarding to explore once you've seen the four or five types of things they have to offer- they're mainly made up of recycled assets.
TotK is... I think strictly better than BotW, with more content and more fun core mechanics, but it's a worse experience than BotW if you played the first one. If you haven't played BotW, Hyrule will still be fun to explore, and you probably want to jump straight to TotK.
I'm... gonna have to break this post up to get to the 21 other games I played this year, otherwise it's gonna be stupid long and take forever. Stay tuned!
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theresattrpgforthat · 8 months
Do you have any games involving candles/matches/fire as mechanics? Ten Candles is the only one I know. Thanks!
Theme: Candle-lighting.
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Hello there friend. I do have some games for you! Many of these games are very good at digging into your emotions and make you feel things, so I hope you enjoy perusing some of the options I’ve got here.
What Little the Flames Leave Us, by Kumada1. (@sprintingowl)
What Little The Flames Leave Us is an 8 page TTRPG played by setting your character sheet on fire.
Burn away pieces of yourself to fight the odds, and at the end a portion of your identity might survive.
This is a story about quests that you will not survive. Your characters are doomed from the beginning, and this is represented by burning away parts of your character sheet as you play. This game doesn’t need a candle exactly, but a candle will do just grand at holding a small flame for you to hold your character sheet up to. This is a game mostly played out through consensus, and destruction happens when one player feels like they should succeed in a case where others disagree. It’s a very thought-provoking and emotional game, and you should check it out.
BurnBright, by kumada1.
Three seasons ago, the Dimming came. It started in midwinter, where its effect was almost unnoticeable. But then spring came, and summer, and the days did not grow longer. Instead, the sunlight became thin and strained. The nights turned grim and inescapable. It is clear something is wrong, and it is clear that no one else has the means to stop it, so you have packed your bags and slung a quiver of torches over your shoulder and you have set out for the one place where the Dimming might be stopped. Candlehold is an ancient fortress, built on cursed grounds. Crops grown near it weaken and die. Animals in the woods that circle it wear forms lean and strange. And every night since midwinter, the top of  its tallest tower has burned like an earthbound sun.
This is another game about fate and doom. Characters play heroes exploring a fort in a world that has gone dark. The world is collaboratively built, and the players are granted two stats: Wick and Flame. Flame allows your character a better chance at success; Wick allows your player to last longer.
The primary resolution of BurnBright is blowing out a candle. If you blow out a candle in one breath, you succeed at your goal. If you fail, your Wick becomes shortened. Success is possible in this game, but it definitely comes at great cost. The designer also recommends some ways of altering the difficulty, in case blowing out the Wick is too difficult and the game wears folks out.
The Ghost Game, by amandalee.
The Ghost Game is a one session ttrpg for 4-5 players and a gm, inspired by abandoned places, found footage horror, and the improvised rituals kids make up when they're trying to scare each other.  You and the players work together to create a ghost and convince yourselves it's right there in the room with you.
If you want an atmospheric and spooky game, this is definitely worth checking out. You are playing teenagers exploring a haunted house, undertaking a ghostly ritual at night. There is one candle for each player, including the GM, and at some point, those candles will be blown out. A great game for Halloween!
Light to Your Heart, by Jacky Leung.
Light to Your Heart is game about building intimacy through candles, sharing, and the dark. Over the course of the game, players will learn about each other and possibly by the end, no longer need lights to truly see each other. There candles that separate you and your gaming partner, as the candles go out, the room darkens but that's alright, because you get to truly see each other by the end of the game. 
This is a two-player game that requires a deck of cards and eight candles. You will make characters who have no reason to be in a room together, but who will inevitably grow closer as time passes. The players line up the candles between the two of them and draw cards that represent questions that their characters will ask each-other. A question will spark a conversation, which must continue until the person who asked the question blows out a candle. This will represent an acknowledgement of what has been shared, an act signifying that you need less light to see the other person’s true self. All in all, a very touching game.
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purple-scrunchie · 11 months
Heathers Headcanons that live Rent-Free in my Head (Pt. 2)
Her birthday is October 29th (Winona Ryder's)
Has always been a huge nerd
Before Duke got her into classics, she liked sci-fi stuff like Ender's Game and Dune
Made Duke watch Spaceballs with her at some point (Their friendship has so much untaped potential-)
puts the milk before her cereal (This has made Chandler and Duke cry before)
Has a very noisy brain that refuses to shut up (iykyk), she turns to journaling to organize her thoughts and make sense of things
Often gets lost in her thoughts and forgets to pay attention to her surroundings
Has been known to pace around scribbling furiously in her journal for hours on end
Loves to pick up random things on the ground and keep them (She and Mac exchange shiny things, it's their friendship langauge)
Decent driver, if a little inattentive
Birthday is June 19 (Kim walker's)
Always wanted an older brother (someone who she could look up to & would protect her)
Cheats so hard at boardgames and card games
But never at croquet
So. Many. Freckles. Hides them with an inordinate amount of concealer (ik almost the entire fandom hcs this but I had to hop on the bandwagon too)
Refuses to go anywhere without a clear expectation of the situation
Or her planner and 12 color-coded pens
One time Heather and Heather threw her a surprise party for her birthday and she started sobbing because she thought it was an ambush
World's shittiest sense of smell (that's why she drank the drain cleaner, also she applies absurd amounts of perfume to compensate)
This also kinda affects her sense of taste. That's why she only likes BQ corn nuts, they have a flavor to her
Really likes flowers. She can't smell them well, but she thinks they're gorgeous. All her favorite perfumes are flower scents.
The one she uses most is lavender
Best driver of all the Heathers, which is saying something. This girl is a menace to the road. She goes like 90 in a 50mph zone and loves to run stopsigns/red lights
But she doesn't have road rage, it's honestly a little scary
Birthday is April 12 (Shannon Doherty's)
Her favorite book is Catcher in the Rye (and Moby Dick ofc)
Veronica got her into scifi movies
Starwars and Spaceballs are now her guilty pleasure
She was named after some dead great-grandma she never met
her parents named her siblings Hunter and Hannah because they thought "ohho funny matching name children"
Only chews mint gum
doesn't go through as much as Mac, but will put like 2-3 pieces in her mouth at a time
Hums under her breath whenever she does little tasks like washing the dishes/doing her homework
When Gatsby hisses at her, she will hiss right back
Is much smilier around her cat than people
Worse driver than Chandler. Instead of running stop signs/red lights at 80MPH and nearly running people over, Duke swerves like crazy and flips people off through the window (To her the highway is a jigsaw puzzle)
Has somehow never gotten in an accident
She has horrendous road rage
Her birthday is December 3rd (Lisanne Falk's)
LOVE LOVE LOVES Madonna, her favorite song is "like a prayer"
Animal lover and devout vegetarian
also puts the milk before the cereal (this upsets Duke and Chandler less since they're so used to it)
way more observant than people give her credit for
Tries so hard, but just can't keep secrets
Hates lying. One of the only things she gets really mad about is when people lie to her
Has a million jingly key chains
Duke calls her "Macpie" because she loves to collect shiny things
Bonus points if it's shiny AND makes a noise (yes she is obsesed with those tiny jinglebells)
Loves to carry her friends with her cheerleader arms
Can jump freaky high
Coffee quite literally puts this girl to sleep
The worst driver of all the Heathers. She likes to think of road laws as 'guidelines'
Birthday is October 13th (Firday the 13th in his birth year)
Secretly a Canadian (French-Canadian specifically)
Speaks a little bit of French
He and Chandler argue in French all the time. It's how he brushes up on his conversational skills
Is even more of a cheater than Chandler
Favorite book is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
His favorite Heather is Duke. He likes to talk books with her and respects her sharp sense of humor.
Plays the saxophone (this is technically canon but specifically alto sax in my head), his favorite genres are jazz and blues
We all know he'd listen to modern day emo music without an ounce of shame
And call the stoner kids posers
Compulsively sharpens the few pencils he doesn't lose. Like he writes two or three sentences and then makes it POINTY again
Can't choose between cherry slushies and coke slushies, so he mixes both and goes Cherry Coke
In my AUs where he dies, JD's grave is right next to his mom's
One of the safest drivers you'll ever meet, but likes to go fast on his motorcycle. He thinks he's such a bad boy for going 5 over the speed limit lol
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faint-kitten · 4 months
So about Solid Snake being in Fortnite...
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by Faint_Kitten
I got into Fortnite in December 2023 for the first time. I just unlocked Snake and I have so many thoughts on it I can't completely break them all down. But I think I've done my best.
But the #1 thing I think I want everyone to know is: Despite shaving off his ass. Despite being artistically bankrupt and pushed out by Konami and Epic as a means to make money and promote the MGS Vol 2 collection.
Despite artistically, and Narratively being antithetical to Metal Gear Solid…
Snake being in Fortnite feels mechanically and tonally consistent with his legacy.
There is so much inherent "Kojima" in Metal Gear Solid. This weird blend of hyper realism, mixed with anime siliness, mixed with philosophy mixed with trying way too hard to be sombre while also mechanically being silly and then you spin around three times to puke, or Johnny does a big poop fart and all of it adds to the weird just Kojima-esque nature of the series. It extends to the love, the fandom and the humor around Metal Gear Solid. So many memes around Snake, between fan art, in jokes, and original Animations and gifs that it doesn't feel THAT weird to see him do like a...Naruto Run emote. So much of Metal Gear Solid* was a very serious drama taking place in a game that mechanically is silly and lets you do goofy shit and has elaborate bro fist handshakes played deadly serious. And Fortnite is a game where you have these characters doing goofy shit that doesn't mesh with who they are or the universe they came from all the fucking time.
You also have to realize the Battle Royale mode has big locations full of NPC's and Bosses you can kill for loot.
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The "narrative" as it is of Fortnite Chapter 5: Season 1 is (near as I can tell) that Peely the Banana has been kidnapped by the Society (who serve as the current skins for this season and AI controlled bosses and NPC's on locations of the map.) And the map is littered with their fortresses with Jonesy (I guess the main character?) Going up against them to get his friend back. Which means there are a handful of locations in the current Fortnite Map that are just Boss bases. These are bunkers, and huge mansions and little outposts that you have to be careful around because once they know you're there they will just start spawning endless enemies to try and kill you, and the attention WILL draw enemy players. So you're shooting out cameras for XP and to keep them from beeping, avoiding turrets to keep from alerting guards and keep them from chewing up your health.
Guards already had the "?" and "!" system for showing if they detected you, despite having no inherent stealth mechanics in the game or any intention of introducing MGS. They didn't do this FOR an MGS tie in. There are recruitable companions and they can't speak so a way for players and enemies to detect if their companion "senses" an enemy player is to use the "?" and "!" system. While it doesn't mean that much without him. This is very clearly taken from Metal Gear, and as a result the alert system feels very natural around Snake.
In game modes where you have teams of two three or Four players, you get downed like Gears of War or Apex, and have to be revived. You can crawl and move. But players who are on their feet can pick you up and sling you over their back, or even yeet you to safety.
Enemy Players can do this too.
When I play Team modes by myself (I am alone, everyone else is in a team) I frequently pick enemies who wandered off of their pack and pick them off, tossing them somewhere their team mates can't get to or won't find them specifically to draw them in to their rescue.
Additionally there IS wildlife to hunt: Chickens, Frogs and Fish which give you medium effect healing items.
The game has items you can put on to "disguise yourself" like bushes, or snowmen during christmas that work EXACTLY like the card board boxes in MGS (though it's debatable if players are convinced by anything but the bush)
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All of this was going on BEFORE Snake was unlockable. (I don't know if the camera's and bosses stuff existed before this season)
Which means that MECHANICALLY. Snake doesn't feel out of place at all in Fortnite.
It's super weird when a Xenomorph, or Spiderman, or a Ninja Turtle, or Goku, or a teen from My hero Academia, or Eleven from stranger things comes in and starts mowing people down with an assault rifle. The disconnect is part of the charm for better or worse, and it's both amusing and horrifyingly upsetting when you think about these characters sold as nothing but IP to get rich off of being so taken out of context from their character's intended art, themes and meaning.
It's just weird to see bright bubbly Mina from My Hero shooting people dead. Spiderman doesn't kill people, that's the Punisher, it's fucking weird to have Spiderman just gunning people down, if you get my gist.
It's super fucking weird to see these characters handle a fire arm and move around in a shooter. They feel less like themselves and more like what they are: A skin of a popular thing, plugged into a world to please fans and rake in money. It's fucking weird to see Spider-man holding a firearm.
It is NOT weird to watch Solid Snake do it. As a result of this, Snake kind of slips into the absurd world of Fortnite rather well.
It feels kind of cool strip snake of all like falling trail effects and just watch him super-hero sky dive toward a giant compound full of NPC's and land on the roof (It looks cooler in the dead of night but I didn't get a screenshot of it)
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It's not weird to experience Snake in Fortnite's world handling Fortnite's mechanics. Because so many of the mechanics and the tone feels distinctly normal for Metal Gear Solid. This is not the first time Snake has been pawned out as a mascott to other properties.
It's weird as hell to watch Kratos blow a car up with a rocket launcher. That is not a part of his world, you see. It's NOT weird to watch Snake fire an RPG at anything. It's not weird to watch Snake do a bulk of the things he can do in Fortnite.
It's not weird to watch Snake run around a forest and shoot a frog or hunt a chicken for it's meat because we've played Snake Eater
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It's not weird to hide in a bush as Snake:
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It's not weird to watch snake shoot someone or Reload a fire-arm. The Snowy Mountains bases, the outposts, the big mansions and small cities the open world all feel like places Snake has been at home in, from Shadow Moses, to the Middle East, it's not unusual to see Snake* surrounded by girders and steps and concrete and cabins and tents and forrests etc. It's not weird to watch Snake pick someone up who's downed and carry them over his shoulder, or chuck them into a closet: We've seen this in MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid kind of invented a lot of these mechanics.
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There isn't that much about Snake in the following footage seems out of place for Metal Gear Solid:
Snake doesn't feel out of place in fortnite. It might feel sacriligious for the biggest thing in gaming adding snake (with no cheeks I might add) to it's roster to be eyerolling or cringe. But Snake doesn't feel "too good" for fortnite. But he also doesn't feel like a total shill in fortnite either. A lot of the gear and missions and challengees to unlock him felt like a someone was asked to put together activities at a Metal Gear Solid themed birthday party (Use hiding spots. Shoot out 2 cameras. Fire an RPG, shoot silenced weapons, uses the disguise mechanics, travel in the disguise items. hack Trains or Vaults) the Emote could have easily been just the alert noise over Snake's head, but they put it on a freaking stick, Wile E Coyote style.
There's a weird Fortnite blend of "Lets make something as cheaply as possible in some places and yet give some things the love and attention that comes from making 5billion in revenue a year affords you." that shows up in everything they do. And they clearly put a lot more effort into this promotion than they did the Family guy stuff (not that I care one way or the other about Family guy I'm just calling it like I see it.) To be honest Snake has been shilled out to so many other games for cross promotion over the years this is hardly his first.
Snake has been blended with many things like Ape Escape, Smash Bros, and Monster Hunter. Seeing him along other games and even other characteres not of MGS's worldbuilding doesn't feel that odd. Snake has kind of left his "world" behind many times. Which is...kind of in keeping with Snake being this cipher? This character the player slips on. Snake is a character an icon but he's also this THING puppeted by us. A lot of games work to break this illusion to make us forget we're not Kratos, or We're not Nathan Drake but ever since Metal Gear Solid 1 Kojima's writing has been pretty clear there's "something" that drives snake. Not motivationally, but literally piloting him giving him what he needed to succeed (us). To put it simply. Snake has always been a bit Meta as a character. And it's hard to see liscenced characters (sold for up to 15 dollars a pop) as themselves when we're piloting them telling them to drink slurp juice out of jars, or swing a pickaxe or or sing "The Real Slim Shady" or do cutesy Jpop dances. All of this is to say, having played MGS 1 through TPP: nothing about this gameplay feels that out of character for Metal Gear aside from the cartoony art style. The look and feel of Fortnite naturally lends itself to having Snake as a Playable character in it. Narratively, Thematically, Fortnite is almost antithetical to Metal Gear Solid. But tonally, and mechanically, it feels in keeping with the series.
Part of this is just the fact that Kojima's games have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to what you can do in gameplay and so many of these things were adopted by gaming later that slotting Snake back into mechanics his games inspired just doesn't feel disjointed. So many games have copied Metal Gear Solid over the years and became main stream. MGS has also had it's own unique air owing to both Kojima's own unique style and the weirdness/humor brought about as the game tries very seriously to balance it's story and themes against poop jokes, and mechanics that are often very silly but very fun and a total detachment from the poe faced somberness snake goes for or is possibly trying to mock. This, overall is a chunk of what makes metal gear feel like metal gear. The mechanics of Fortnite feel eerily comparable to the mechanics of later Metal Gear games (especially MGS V) .
And the tonal disconnect between what Metal Gear games are doing as a plot, and the inherent nonsense the mechanics provide contrasting it, have always been a part of MGS and it's charm, and that's kind of what makes Fortnite the thing it is today? You have a very serious plot about war and the military and a gravely voiced man and then in the corner a Vampire man does a big dance, and large bi-pedal mechs moo like cows. It's why any time any popular thing is announced in fortnite it kind of becomes a joke. Very serious Rapper Eminem is in Fortnite, and has his personal OC Slim Shady as a playable skin, and he's shoving his hand in Pinata's and chugging slurp juice, it's kind of weird to see someone who takes themself so seriously dancing at the whims of whoever controls him. But that's been a core part of Metal Gear and the Metal Gear Solid Franchise, and the fandom forever. I dunno. I'm not trying to defend the fact that Fortnite is a center for companies to strip their IP of all love and meaning and sell it to us as pure nostalgia and profit. I'm just trying to say I was surprised by how weirdly normal (and to be honest kind fun) it felt to run around RPing Solid Snake in fortnite and I've been at it all day. As someone who originally didn't care one way or the other, and felt kind of cynical about such a beloved character being absorbed into this mess: I'm kinda glad he's here now.
*I know Snake and Big Boss (and by extension Venom/Punished Snake/Boss) are all different characters. But for the sake of this discussion I dipped in and out of talking about Solid Snake and "Snake" (any) as a whole in Metal Gear as a whole
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