#i havent posted art for over a week what is happening
mueritos · 1 year
why the fuck did instagram take down my account
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neptunite-stars · 1 year
... tired. burnout.
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My gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !! i was assigned to @simplepotatofarmer who asked for dsmp rivals duo. i hope you like it Loyal!
rambling about headcanons, designs, and my process and stuff under the readmore, because i wanna talk about it but dont want the post to be super long !!
i had originally planned to not have a background and then at the last second i decided to speedrun drawing one in a few hours so um. quality difference but its fine. also unrelated but im pretty sure everything about how i draw animals and anthros makes it very obvious i used to be in the warrior cats fandom lol. anyway onto the designs!!
the gold on techno is scars from the totem at the execution, which i think is a pretty common thing for techno designs. he isnt supposed to be a piglin, but rather similar species of anthropomorphic pig. also his mane and tail fluff are naturally brown but he dyes them pink ^_^ so cool !! um. i maaayyy have forgotten the crown until i was way too far into the piece to add it. haha. oops. pretend its missing because. uuh. hes in a casual outfit. "but he still has the cape" yeah its comfy. "but dream has a mask thats not casual" dream is dream he does Not relax fully ever. see entirely intentional i would never make a mistake.
dream is an original shapeshifter species i came up with because i couldnt decide what i wanted him to be. i havent decided on a name for the species yet but i plan to make almost every solid-color or nearly solid color mcyt into this species. theyre mostly involuntary/unconscious shapeshifters. so like they change slowly over weeks or months to adapt to their surroundings, with little conscious control. basically i wanted him to be like five different things so i shoved them together lol, rabbit ears but in a pattern that looks like an axolotl, a cool tail, TOE BEANS tho you cant see them. this was actually the first time ive ever had a dream design im happy with so thats really nice.
i um. i made full use of my time lol, i spent a bit over a week on the lineart, another week on the coloring, and maybe a week and a half on rendering. unless i suddenly became shit at math(which is possible) that adds up to roughly the amount of time i had to work on it. im really proud of myself actually since i usually take a while to do art, and i wasnt sure i would be able to make something id be happy with in this amount of time. but i did! woah!! this was my first time participating in a fandom gift exchange and it was so fun, and also helped motivate me to draw more instead of getting distracted like i usually do (classic adhd moment) lol. anyway super cool!!
Loyal if u decided to read all this for some reason then again i really hope u like it!! u are so cool and i really love ur rivals duo opinions and creations so i hope u like this! i know theres been shit happening lately, i hope ur doing ok!!
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random-cryptid · 4 months
*crashes in here* ok ik i havent been here in a bajillion years and i am so sorry for that and unloading a small novel on you dgkdgkh
but i had the dumbest thought. imagine tryna teach the sanderson's modern stuff. cuz i just saw a selfship post that said something along the lines of studying with your fo (fictional other. like a significant other, but its a fictional character instead of an actual human sgshdh) and now all i can think about is attempting to teach winnie, mary, and sarah all the stuff ive learned over the years
im not sure who'd find which subjects the most interesting. i dont have any art textbooks but i do have some notes from art history and waaayyy too many art supplies and i'd be happy to teach mary and sarah about art history and how to use some of the things i have (assuming i remember how to use thems). i think winnie would be fascinated by science! theres some branches of it like chemistry that feel a lot like magic, but i.... dont have access to things like that nor the smarts to even attempt to do chem (i do have access to vids so theres that at least), so it'd be hard to teach her that. i do have some anatomy and biology books that i think she'd like, and i have so many space books and i am dying to share them with all three of them holy dhit.
as for history, i think all three of them would be fascinated by it. theres been so many things that have happened since they died the first time around as well as so much that happened before they were born or happened when they were young but on the other side of the world.
plus, maybe some of what im talking to them about would help stick in my own brain easier so thats a bonus!
I am SO SORRY I'm answering this right now, but the past few weeks have been hectic to say the least 😭 I started Swedish clases lol.
Anyway YES I AGREE Mary but Sarah especially would be so interested in art methinks. Actually I believe Sarah is interested in fashion in some way (I hc that she made her own clothes and helped make Winnie's gown). And YES Winnie is so woman in STEM to me 😩 however I failed Chemistry every single year of high school lol BUT I was top of my class on Biology 😎 and actually think Sarah and Mary would be interested in Biology, although for different reasons (one for cooking and the other well... torture 😅).
OH YEAH HISTORY THAT'S SO FUN I think maybe they have an interest in different eras, Mary is definitely more of a contemporary girl (the way she picks up modern slang??? Scary). Winnie might be obsessed with the British Royal Family ngl 😭 I wonder what she'll think of Princess Diana. Now Sarah I'm not sure what she would enjoy from History 🤔 I mean ig fashion history or something idk 😭😭😭
ALSO ACTUALLY I REMEMBER WATCHING AN ALCHEMY VIDEO and it's pretty much Chemistry so. I think Mary would enjoy Chemistry too but maybe a different branch. Medicinal Chemistry perhaps? While Winnie is more of a Environmental Chemistry girl (since she literally can shoot lightning from her fingers I wouldn't be surprised she wanted to make a contraption to... Idk shoot fire as hot as the fucking sun)
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blackered · 1 month
my journey in DST modding: day 7
yes, today is the final day for art. the "Tale of Tails" didnt end exactly how i wanted it to, but it was the best i could do with what i had. . first thing i did was tackle the ghost part: i cut her horns from the headbase, resized the ghost pngs and pasted them on there. with a few adjustments. but of course resizing the fucking file means i have to edit the eye placement. . my first try vs messing with the pivot point in under a minute:
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a good start already. . i changed some minor stuff in the other files (added the modicon, silho, swap icon, etc), but now im proud to say that i have a working, fully animated demon girl:
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obviously she doesnt look perfect, but at least it's decent.
. some problems that i havent been able to fix: the scale. she looks fine next to wilson, but hats still look fucked up on her.
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the fact that some things STILL move out of place. the back view is the worst of all three because there are too many things moving all the time. as much as i tried to camouflage the tail into the coat, it still moves on its own cause thats how it's animated. (would be awesome if yall just ignored it)
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she can't wear any skins. all the parts are too dependant on each other for that to work, especially the tail. . these are her final looks (changed some info in the select screen):
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. i can't believe this is finally over. it's been one hell of a week. we are still not done, but now it's out of my hands and into my friend's. ill keep you posted of anything that happens. . thanks for reading!
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
late to the corn train because boy do i suck at allowing myself to be corny but the way you do art is just... totally mindblowing to me. the way you draw as quickly and post as often as you do while still putting out really high-quality work? insane behaviour. i couldn't even DREAM of working at your pace. oftentimes also tuning into stream while i have CSP open myself really helps to get me going. so, thanks for that
also... i'm not aware of the details or how things happened before ca. a few months ago when i got back into RGG, but i'm also really grateful for i guess the space you've created where people feel comfortable enough to just pop off in your inbox (like this lol). of course you get the occasional Weirdo (affectionate?) but for the most part i love it when you get these hugh jass asks AND LEAVE HUGH JASS RESPONSES, like, everyone's just speaking their mind and geeking out over this silly video game series, in one little space where we can all feed off each other. and i think that's beautiful.
anyway don't listen to your brain when it plays tricks on you, you're valued
talkin bout my art output this week has got to be the most unfortunate timing ever i havent been able to post a damn thing so it feels inappropriate to praise me for it LOL but i'll take it for. Every Other Week :) i will force myself to take it :^)
i'll always say im really happy i can inspire people to create !! if that's what im readin anyway idk it still feels weird to think that BUT ITS STILL IMPORTANT TO ME. i cannot stress the importance of people making things and expressin creativity so its always cool to hear im vaguely a part of that... woAh..
and on THAT note i am ALSO really glad people are so cozy in my inbox. yes even the weirdos (affectionate) (concerned) (mostly affectionate). it makes checking the inbox a roulette of an experience and im always happy to get to do it :)
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ALSO NO DONT WORRY LMAO you aint ever said nothin toxic or outta pocket- no one has really (to me) so if i ever feel weird or bad about somethin said it's a me problem LOL
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cringeclown · 10 months
Hello hello!! A few things...
First of all: WOWZA!!! 🎉
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FIVE HUNDRED FOLLOWERS !! half of one thousand!!! thats mind boggling!!! thats a full house!! i cant thank you all enough for showing up and looking at my art !!
I plan on doing something big to celebrate - a giveaway/raffle most likely, but would people be interested in more ?? a livestream and chat, maybe? opening a discord server? a contest ?? let me know, but also heres a poll!
secondly - SORRY for being AWOL so long !!! @_@ to be transparent, my mental health has been in a bit of a ditch and i just havent had the energy to post much . BUT! ive just finally queued up a whole bunch of posts that will be rolling out over the next week and a half or so, and ill toss in a couple reblogs of older stuff for any new followers that missed it! thank you all for your patience and support!
i hope i can continue growing this blog!! the art i make is a source of so much joy for me, and the support i get for it is incredibly important to me ! thank you to all 500 of you, and to any lurkers that happen to drop by!! :o) 💜💜💜
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shrelp · 1 year
holy shit, where do i begin?
theres so many thoughts bouncing around in my brain recently it's been so difficult to formulate a voice to narrate my thoughts like i used to be able to have, but it's so hard now. it's hard to even make sense to myself. this post is sort of a diary entry.
i feel that i should make a separate blog for posts like this, something feels releasing about posting something into the void and not caring who sees or not, like a message in a bottle. i never thought i epuld have the problem of having too many eyes on it and being embarassed. but here i am. i have public links on my public website to yung-roachie, here. so i have no idea how many people come to my personal blog and see what i post here.
i'll start by just listing a few things that happened in my life recently. i got a job at a restaurant which was a catastrophic failure and was fired after 1 month. i do not want to go into the details but it was catastrophic. i cried in front of customers. i'm actually furious at myself for not being able to handle such simple tasks. i want to find another job but i feel like food service is not going to work out. i wish i could have tried harder. it's easy to say i fail at everything. but i do feel that i definitely struggle with things that most people find easy. i really wish it could have worked out but i can't give up.
the good thing is that i did make some money with this job, enough to pay rent and have a little left over.
i wish i could talk about this stuff anonymously but i feel that my online presence has become so public recently.
i havent drawn in what feels like a week but is probably 2.
i've been distracting myself with my pitiful javascript experimentations. recently i figured out how to automate uploading files to my server remotely.
ive cried so much due to so many stupid things in the past two weeks, i'm so pathetic. but crying feels good and certainly feels better than how i feel now, and now i feel like a tangled frayed mass of wires that are barely making connections.
the huge thing is that i owe so much art to people that i just have been avoiding but i need to face it and just do it. my mind keeps trying to steer me away from this but i just need to get back and just try to get as many done as possible as i can manage before may. i hate myself for letting this happen. i wish all of my debts would just disappear. theres so many angry people in my inbox wanting their art and i have kept avoiding it because i thought, i will look at it Tomorrow, every day. some people have been waiting over a year for art. the longer it takes, the worse i feel, the more i avoid and distract myself.
it's 4am. tomorrow i will try to get 5 commissions done. that is the goal. if i don't manage to do that, please kill me
i wish i could make it out of this soon, because more and more i feel so trapped. i rarely leave my room now. my roommate kicked me out of the living room so i cannot work in there anymore and have been confined to my room. it's very cramped and hard to get work done without feeling trapped.
i feel so trapped and confined and stagnant and stationary and i want to break free.
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alienpupy · 1 year
About your top surgery:
Firstly, though, hoi! I'd like to say that I am happy for you, but I don't really feel happiness. Just nothing. But I am proud of you that you got the top surgery and seem very happy about it.
And going through your posts about it, I realize that I want top surgery, too. But I'm also genuinely afraid of the post-surgery time. And this makes me wonder, were you nervous or anxious before the surgery? (Also, apologies for the rambles and for not feeling the happiness for you)
no worries im happy to talk abt it :] i was anxious in the weeks and days coming up to the surgery, yea, but it was more anxiety abt stuff around the surgery than the procedure itself (like, ik several people who got top surgery at the same clinic and everything n they're super reputable so i wasnt worried about the medical aspect, just the preparations + i had to move appartments 10 days before the surgery + had to pack up AGAIN bc im actually staying with my parents for a month or two bc you absolutely need ppl to assist you with stuff during early recovery)
the closest thing to anxiety abt the actual surgery i had was one time a few weeks before it i was like "wait. what if i don't actually want this what if this is a mistake" and then to test it i put a bra and tshirt on and realized yeah no absolutely not thats just pointless self-doubt and i still hate these
it was rlly surreal tho if im being honest? idk if its even fully hit me that this was real and actually happened. I've wanted top surgery since i was like 13 but obv for most of that it felt like it was really distant in the future, and yet now that im flat it just feels. normal? like im still super early recovery so i havent actually seen my chest w/o the bandages yet but still just looking in the mirror with the bandages flat on my chest it just looks natural to me. its been less than a week and im already forgetting what it was like to have tits lmao (altho to be fair i've been binding for years so its not like they were ever a huge part of my life, just a major inconvenience)
and post-surgery really isnt that bad. i've complained about the weird nerve stuff, yea, but that does clear up eventually (altho ik it usually take years for the nerves to fully 100% heal, they're the slowest thing to regenerate). I've had basically zero pain, but i was still prescribed pain meds to take if i need them and given a lot of advice for healing as best as possible. the most important thing is definitely to have someone (or multiple people) be able to take time off to help you with everything (like, from food to drains to making sure you're comfortable and checking on you, you're not supposed to move your arms a lot or lift anything heavy for the first 6-ish weeks).
Post-op depression can be a thing for a lot of people too, but it hasnt hit me (at least not yet) and it can be avoided/mitigated by making sure you're not alone. having friends over, or calling people, making sure you still have games or movies or art to keep u occupied helps a ton.
also i dont think i've said it here before but i got top surgery at GRC montreal, and gender-affirming surgeries are covered by the government here in canada. I sent my paperwork/referral stuff there in may of last year, and it took them a couple months for each stage of processing but they gave me my surgery date (june 7th) a couple of months before, so (not counting the time to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis + letters from doctors and therapists and junk) i only had to wait about a year.
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kiilonova · 1 year
i am so like. metaphysically exhausted i feel like im going thru so much rn i just need to vent with timestamps
like i have zero money so my card declined on my medical bill today and i have to make a bunch of phone calls to places that are only open on weekdays. and i have to prepare for a market but my heart is just not in it. plus ive been waiting to hear back about some other freelance stuff but it hasnt happened yet. so i just keep working on little bits and praying that it will work out. esp bc i have a tattoo appointment i made for my birthday to keep from totally spiraling but i obviously dont have the money for it right now.
and i have to go talk to bf's parents on monday and convince them that im telling the truth about anything w regards to moving. when they dont respect me and think im just some fairy trying to steal their daughter. and the thing is i am but its obviously for the best. and my parents are excited that im moving back but they cant really help me until july and mostly once we're already over there. and bc of how little money we have were gonna have to get rid of most of our stuff and either fly or drive a car across the country.
and all of this while i am getting sicker and sicker and ive just been getting sicker for years and usually it gets better in the summer but this year it isnt so im really worried about that. all i want is to sit outside in a pretty dress with a fun beverage and draw and write but the reality of my situation keeps creeping in. and its crazy bc the thing is pretty much everything aside from the medical bill is already sorted out and being dealt with and i just have to wait it out. i just cant get over how stressed out i feel and thats whats holding me back from fixing things, leading to them getting worse. they increased my ocd medication but the pharmacy hasnt called me yet even after two days when usually they have it same day.
what is going on. im exhausted. i havent slept properly in like two years. i survive off chocolate chips and microwavables and vitamin supplements. i spend most days alone in my apartment sitting by the window on the computer. this is not living. this is not living. i am supposed to be outside talking to strangers. i am supposed to be making the mistakes of a young adult. i turn 20 in 10 days. i have not been able to stay sober longer than 3 days in a row. i have near-constant short term memory loss. my vision is fading. i cant stand. once a week i go to the park and run until my ribs hurt, which is only about 3 minutes. i wear dresses over my hairy legs and combat boots. i get boba tea and coffee and ice cream when i have 10 dollars in my bank account. why isn't it worth it to live a beautiful life? why is responsibility the beginning and end of my life? when do i get to fuck up without being incessantly punished for the rest of my life?
when i was 17 i came to the startling realization that when something bad happens to me, that is the punishment. before that, and even still, i believed that i had to endure the bad thing and then be punished for the fact that the bad thing even happened. then one day i spilled olive oil all over the kitchen counter and my father helped me clean it up and asked if i was ok. to this day it sticks out as a dream, as if something so kind could ever happen to me. and yet i feel like if i had not been treated with so much hostility, i never would have been radicalized the way i am today. i cant prove either way, but i know that the hostility i am constantly faced with is unwarranted. yet it continues, so what am i doing wrong? the answer is obviously everything.
writing this has calmed me down. i am one of the few who benefits from journaling, even performative journaling, which is what this website is based on. one day when i die just a little bit before my time, my now-bf future-husband will compile my unpublished writing and art and notebooks and tumblr posts into a chronicle of my life, and then i will finally be beautiful.
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pashminalamb · 1 year
I AM BACK!!!!!!! And idk if you saw the post I tagged you in explaining and apologizing tumblrs being wonky again because I didn’t see that bachisagi post you tagged me in on your main until I was scrolling through and catching up just now. I have been swamped with juggling school staring again, family, and that friend stuff I told you abt. And the only free time I’ve had is watching TR. I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THE LATEST BLLK EPISODE YET AND I WANNA SOB BECAUSE ITS THE POST-BACHISAGI BREAKUP EP 😭😭😭. I’ve just had no energy at the end of the day and every time I think I finally have time to respond back to you something always comes up and I wanna tear my hair out. I PROMISE I HAVENT BEEN IGNORING YOU LOVE. But I understand if you’re upset at me and I’m sorry Belle.
I was furious like my blood was boiling when I saw your fic got flagged down. Like what is wrong with people??? Can you not just let other people be and keep your negativity to yourself??? Just because you’re falling doesn’t mean you have to drag others with you asshole. Seriously. You did not deserve that and being so angry and upset over it (with it happening AGAIN and it not even being the FIRST time unwarranted) is completely understandable, I’d be pissed too. I still am actually. It’s so frustrating working so hard on something and then getting pointless hate for it like get a life and stay away from me. 😤😤😒
On another note, I have been getting SO MUCH Tokyo Revengers content the past few days and that has been my only relief from this hectic week. Im being fed so well girl. New episodes every Saturday with my favorite arc being animated, the new character book, new official arts, AND SO MUCH MORE AFJHFFHJGHINH. Also I’m so sorry I missed your event 😭😭😭. You even extended it and I had so many asks saved too 🥲🥲. But I didn’t wanna just demand stuff without explaining where I’d been because I’m not an ass like that but every time I started drafting something for you (not for the event) I’d get interrupted 😒😒. *sighs heavily*
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1.9K BELLE IM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU LOVE!!!!! 🥹😭❤️ Your numbers keep climbing so fast and it’ll only be a matter of time before you hit 2k 😌😌. Also I’m so glad you’re getting support from new people too and how they’re all loving your works it’s so heartwarming to see and read and really a testament to how far you r come. Be proud of yourself because no matter how much hate you get you’re still continuing to do amazing love ❤️❤️❤️.
I really am sorry for going MIA for a bit there and I understand if you’re upset with me. How’ve you been irl btw?? Uni going well I hope? How’s gym? Has your break ended yet? Go on and vent if you need to love!! Update me on your life because I truly do want to know how’re you’re doing yknow?? Remember to take breaks and take care of yourself love!!! Eat something and drink a glass of water if you haven’t today!!! *sending all the virtual hugs because I missed you and I’m sorry*
p.s. no asks on the way soon 👀🫡
- ✨ anon
Starry!! Ofc I’m not upset with you! You’re usually very active on my blog, so I figured something must’ve come up cause you were away. I wanted to drop in your askbox; but I could find it so I decided to tag you in my posts instead to see if you’re doing alright and you’re doing well so I’m relieved <3
Tumblr has been acting wonky :/ - literally. I had to write to staff about my posts not showing up in the tags and all they did was delete it?
I figured since it was taking so long, I might as well just shift to ao3 and my work has been good so far - working on a yandere rin wip and I’m about 2k words in but since Uni and work keeps getting in the way, i can’t finish it as fast. But. Ik for the fact that this’ll be worth the wait cause. You’ll see 😏
As for my works getting flagged down, it is an inconvenience, but with every work that does get flagged down - people on the other side of the screen are just proving the fact that they can’t keep up with my writing or the fact that my content is well received and I get mostly healthy interactions. I was pretty angry with it, but then I just decided to take it to ao3 instead and I had been thinking about this for months. I take that this was a sign that I should do it and not leave it as a plan cause tumblr has turned toxic over a period of time, among authors and readers alike. So why not minimize the trouble for everyone go somewhere better? Ao3 had really good content;
More plot leaning and good story lines with occasional smut, and both sides are really chilled out. Plus another thing that disappoints me about tumblr is that smut sells really fast here and even Twitter links get more likes than actual writing. And after thinking over it for a while - I realized that my writings are more to do with things human along with lust than just purely writing about lust yk? So in short, my work isn’t meant for tumblr. And I’m not a very interactive author either - I don’t reblog much works and neither do I have any author I can personally recommend cause I stopped reading fanfics here about 2 years ago and I don’t even check the tags anymore since then, only to see if my work showed up or not. but anyway- i made my moveout official still gonna answer asks and host events here tho - and talk to anyone about stuff in general
now talking about tokyo rev, super happy about the new season coming out and honestly? this is the fastest i've seen them make it cause JJBA fans- ykw i'm talking about. Had to wait so long just for stone ocean part 2 to come out And i'm really looking forward to watching vinland saga (cause that's out and istg - canute is such a pretty boy, this is that one anime that made me cry cause Askeladd. nvm I don't wanna give spoilers) AND YES! you did make it to the matchup event !! (i got your ask) as for the character ask i had fun with it as well - Some of the highlight questions I liked; one of them was a question for Rin, asking if (y/n) was single? and istg the way i laughed cause the way he would have a look on his face after that, Bachira is a ray of sunshine to have - such a cutie (>///<) [take your time on working starry! There’s not rush! Ik how annoying it is to get interrupted when you’re writing something] And tysm for your kind words !! Seriously though I should be thanking you guys for giving me your support esp you starry - cause you were one of the first anons along with blue to actually make a convo on my blog and it kinda made other people wanna talk as well (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ) And no! I'm not upset with you! I knew something was maybe up cause you're never usually gone this long - And you can come to my blog anytime you want - to rant, ask for advice or just talk anything 'kay? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა As for uni, its on full throttle - *sigh* so much work to do but I'm working on it a little everyday and getting things done as soon as possible. but the cold is making me so drowsy to function. I cut my hair shorter too, its an undercut with a pixie so now i look like a fem ver of corpse - And i re-watched some of my old animes - like i had the urge to watch devilman crybaby this week and i did. the only reason i watched that anime was cause of the clip i saw of Akira's... on the ceiling... (ikyk), rewatched death note - cause i wanted to see L and honestly L is THE emo king. (yeah i had a whole emo phase before turning into a dark academia/ classic aesthetic gal -) and alot of people are getting into tokyo ghoul - *finished the whole manga collection at the age of 14* As for gym... story time. I was busy lifting weights and this man. he is muscular sure, got bulging biceps and a lean body and yet. he had the audacity to chase me out of my corner in the gym and take it instead to lift his weights. He looked at me dead in the eye and gave me the meanest look possible. I couldn't take him seriously cause... he was shorter than me... *not size shaming i swear but when you look at me like that - i can't take you seriously* Me : I do not care if you're more macho than me, I will throw you across the gym, you tiny tiny man. And I just finished another whole bottle of water - hope you’re doing well starry! *sending hugs back*
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vadergf · 2 years
exactly, EXACTLY! i feel like people in this fandom have no idea how fandoms work because you can literally do whatever you want. what do you think fanfic and art and aus and everything are for?? it's for exploring ideas about canon that you think are interesting/didn't get explored in the source material etc etc etc. and like. what happens in canon will never change that. like. supernatural for example. idk if u were ever into it but i assume you know about it because well. this is tumblr. but God it was so bad and the fandom's still kicking! istg like. you Have to be new here. if ur so mad about the ending make up your own! a bad ending to a series or piece of media or whatever is not the end of the world! i saw people doomposting sounding like they will never find another piece of media to love again because of this. like guys its ok. its fine because. again you can do whatever you want. i saw a post that said something along the lines of 'the characters are ours to use, you headcanons can't be decanonized now go wild.' like. YEAH. obviously. the characters have always been available to go wild with. they are characters. you can do whatever you want with them within reason obviously but like. i honestly don't get where all of this stuff is coming from in regards to taking characters away from the creators because you can do that no matter what. maybe i'm just so jaded and careless about it because ive been in fandom for a long time, but i think that some of the people on here are really uptight about aus and headcanons and stuff. like it's not real y'all. its fake so you can take any piece you want and make it real. just make shit up. its fun i prommy. and to get sappy for a moment, the fandom was always the life of the dsmp. ALWAYS. at least for me. all the fanwork and analyses and art and everything was the stuff that sucked me in and kept me here for so long. the creators have mirrored this statement over and over. and i feel like this goes along with the "dsmp is dead" idea that happened every couple of weeks a while ago. fandoms don't die the second the content stops. that's not how it works, a fandom dies when nobody is interested anymore. the fandom and the art and the analyses and the fic and the aus and headcanons etc are what gives like to a piece of media, not the other way around. at least for me. make fandom a living breathing thing with your work. just because you didn't like the ending doesn't mean it's all meaningless. people put time and effort into their art surrounding the dsmp and writing that off as a waste of time because of what is an unsatisfying ending to You personally is disrespectful and a slap in the face imo. some people really just dont get it i fear. BTW this isn't me saying the finale was bad lol im just repeating what ive heard others say about it. i havent seen it yet and im excited to!
so sorry to drop this massive ask into your inbox i kinda just started going and couldnt stop lol. been meaning to get a lot of this shit off my chest and i agreed with your post so it just happened to be in here! i hope it sort of makes sense lmao thanks for reading if you do
You're so right!!! I literally don't have anything to add
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biolizardboils · 2 years
its been 10 days since the movieversary but my CU hyperfixation's still going so heres another one of those Scattered Thoughts posts (minor movie spoilers!)
So i updated the playlist at treehouseblogsinc this week! Idek if Wikplayer still works for most people, but this streak’s five years long and i aint quittin yet! (Usually i just replace song links when they break, but this time i removed a song too cus the guy it references has been Bitch lately)
Speaking of, i did my semi-annual reread of the whole blog too and... man :’’’) Its still mind-blowing how many people played along (and got pissed at Melvin when he took over lmaooo). All the silly, sweet, and angry asks i got there still warm my heart to this day
You know what else i still do to this day? Draw things Pilkey-style! Sometimes i try to follow a rigid anatomy when i draw and feel stuck when it doesnt look right. When that happens, i step back and make a quick Pilk-ish sketch as a reminder to keep things loose. Works every time :)
Something i still love about the movie and the months leading up to it is how much of it felt like a grand... I dont wanna say joke, cus that kinda implies they didnt care when its obvious they truly did. Lets go with prank — it all felt like a grand prank! Like the decisions they made worked in the end, but were also super funny to read and hear about. Like oh my god, they rented Abbey Road Studios to record a choir playing kazoos and singing the word “underpants!” They got the biggest up-and-coming horror director to voice white-ass Melvin Sneedly. (Tho i guess now it can be argued that he’s white-passing in movie!verse, so thats cool)
My fave example of this is how they got Lil Yachty for the album. On one hand, whatever chunk of the limited budget they spent to get him probably could’ve been put to better use, like actually animating the Turbo Toilet fight or something? (While moving the Flip-O-Rama to another scene of course.) On the other hand, its hilarious that they got him to rap the word “cool” 15 times to a cover of Oh Yeah, and then didnt even put it in the movie. Its like George and Harold themselves wrote the stupidest lyrics possible just to see if he’d agree to them, and he did?? Thats comedy gold???
Why didnt i bookmark all the production stuff posted to Instagram. There was so much cool stuff i wanna see again but the search function there is still garbage and uuuughh
So i dont remember if it was production art or fanart but theres this one Instagram post i saw once thats lived in my head ever since. it looked like the cover of Action Comics #1, but with Captain carrying a school bus. If by some miracle somebody has it saved, please send it to me ill be forever in your debt
Im still scared of getting what’s coming to me when the Dog Man movie drops, but now im also wondering if theyll still have George and Harold as a framing device. Ngl i havent caught up with the new books in a hot minute, but ive heard that the boys have stopped appearing in them? if that’s true, that’s Dav’s choice and i have to respect that. ....but also i really wanna see them in CG again. pretty please dreamworks, i miss my sons so much
It mustve been a while since i last watched the movie, cus when i did on the 2nd, the Origin Issue sequence like... broke me all over again. i wrote about why its so great once for a thing that never got made actually, lemme dig that up and paste it in here
The score begins with chiptune and kazoos, two common motifs for childhood whimsy, and already a great fit for this sequence’s simple, handdrawn look. 
But it doesn’t stop there! It goes from what sounds like just two or three people playing kazoos… to a whole chorus of them… which gives way to a full-fledged orchestra. It’s as dramatic a transition as… oh, say, a one-man children’s book to an animated movie by one of the top studios in the industry.
And in turn, as the comic continues, we’re brought closer and closer to the panels until the white gutter between them vanishes, and they engulf the screen. The medium through which this story’s being told has faded from awareness; all that exists now is the story itself. 
But just as suddenly, we’re brought back to our true surroundings. The orchestral music ends, the chiptune returns for one last gentle sting, and we remember this epic tale’s humble origins: a comic book, written and drawn by two 4th graders. *sniff*
Another Score thing i love: you know how Captain is one big Superman parody? I think Shapiro mightve had that in mind when he composed his theme tune, because it starts with a triumphant first three notes (the “Underpaaaaants” part) — just like some of Superman’s! I dont know the right musical terms but cmon, theres a pattern there! And its so touching that they found Captain worthy of a song of that caliber!! Like yes, he IS a true superhero!! heres the epic theme song to prove it!!
Oh wow okay. So to dig up that Writing Thing, i had to open some folders i havent touched in years. And there were outlines for 10 different fanfics in there. I remember not really meaning to finish them ever, just writing them down cus the ideas wouldnt leave me alone. Hell i still dont have time to finish them now
But. Man now i feel bad for never doing anything with them. I have half a mind to post the outlines at least?? Cus someone out there might get a kick out of them?? You know what, if this hyperfixation doesnt peter out in another few days ill probably do it
Speaking of things i havent looked at in years, i listened to this song while typing all this and im tearing up now send post
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upperranktwo · 1 year
Hey, sky 🤗
Thank you for telling me more about why you love gaming so much. I can see now why you are so passionate about it.😁 And I am happy to know that whatever happens you will have something that will distract /cheer you up.
I read more into Doma... He is such an interesting character! I love characters like him. He is complex and there is no reason behind why he is the way that he is. He was born that way. I like that!
The food is my favorite part of Christmas, since I'm too old for presents now. What foods do you usually enjoy for Christmas? And do you have any favorite Christmas movies? Christmas anime/animation? I recommend watching Tokyo' godfathers if you already haven't.
I'm spending Christmas with my family as well. I also would like to visit Japan and South Korea! And I also have a twin sister ! It's nice to know we have that in come🤭 I'm curious whose older? Are you identical? You guys seem like (from what you told me) opposites. Do you have some interests in common with your sister? What's the most annoying question you've been asked relating to being a twin? Mine is: "whose the evil one/naughty one?" Sorry with my twin's questions. It's not often I meet someone who also has a twin.
It was really lovely getting to know you over these past few weeks. I will be posting your gift soon. 🎁
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 🎉
your secret santa
I really love that about Douma as well! But I also feel so sorry for him. It's obvious from his childhood he was groomed into the cult leader position from birth and it's all he really knows :( poor baby! But he is also just a complete prick and I love him for that!!!
I am a vegetarian so I don't have a normal Christmas Dinner with chicken and all that. Tomorrow I am gonna have cheese pizza and mochi. I like eating lots of chocolate at Christmas!!! I havent really watched any Christmas anime that I can think from the top of my head but I tend to watch a lot of British comedies which have Christmas episodes. But the last couple weeks it's been constant Peppa Pig since my nephews love it 😭
Omg I love finding people who are twins!!! We're not identical but people still mistake us for one another! We're different but the same, she is very serious but has her moments where she lets her hair down! Whilst I have always been the more humours one! She is slightly taller than me and has natural red hair which is her defining feature! She enjoys art and learning about different cultures but she also enjoys anime, she likes the Ghibli films, Bleach and KNY!
Omg we get asked that as well hahaha 😭 people think i'm the evil one since I am protective of my siblings (can't help being the eldest one!) Or we get asked all the time who is our parents favourite (they always say they don't have one) or we get asked if we're really twins because i'm not as smart as she is 😭 I try my best tho!
I've enjoyed talking to you as well!!! I'm very excited to see your gift 🥺 i'm sure I will love it!!!
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bmurfette · 2 years
Blog Update: Lets Start Over Shall We?
Hello there Tumblrverse! 
A few weeks ago, marked the two year anniversary I first made an account for this website. Two years!!!! Can you believe it?  Neither can I, Becuase I’m never on here :)
When I first made my account, I was estatic to delve into the world of tumblr by seeing posts, joining chatrooms, and making freinds as at that point of my life, high school me was following tumblr blogs daily thorugh web browser So why havent I made postst often for the past two years? Two reaosns: 
1.) For the past two years I’ve wasted my life writing, animating, and ediitng a 26 minute long animatic that’s expected to debut this November. I’d spend all day working on the animatic I never ahd time for anything else 
2.) Anytime I wasnt working on the unnanounced animatic I’ve been doing life stuff. Therefore no time to make art for social media 
That said College me still might have very little time to do anything outside college work. But will start making the time to post more frquently
Tumblr media
- I’ll be using this blog to discuss mainstream things happening within either the Animation Industry, or other interestst that pop into my head at the time (Like taht Monster High reboots supposed to be coming out soon) and maybe every once in a while, post my thoughts and opinions on a movie I’ve seen
- MORE TOTAL DRAMA FANART! The only reason I havent deleted this account and start fresh is because every day, my onw silly Total Drama Comic keeps getting likes. And if that’s what you all like I got no porbelm making more Total Drama comics for you all.
That’s all I gotta stay for now. Stay tunred as my next post will probably discuss Everything going on regarding Animation and the Warner/Discovery Merger becuase ohhhh boy. Is that a, a topic. Anyway, hope this small update will reach at least one person. Looking forward to starting over
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musicallygt · 3 months
Ur work is awesome!
So what are some of your favorite art that you made? :))
First off, i rlly like this thing i drew mostly for the perspective of Ryunosuke and Susato, and I plan to draw more for this idea, i just havent figured out what exactly
This one I’m still super proud of!! It’s over a year old but im still so proud with how this came out!!! I really need to draw Ratattorney again
Honestly I’m also just in love with all the stuff I’ve drawn doing the crossover between Mobshifter and Borrower!Reigen bc I think the interactions are super fun
This one is a classic its still so funny
I also still really love this silly Ratattorney thing it holds a special place in my heart thank you to my sibling for inspiring this silly thing <3
The first Mobshifter post also holds a place in my heart like it was my first g/t thought for mobbed cycle i cant believe i dodnt draw it sooner
The first borrower!Reigen comic as well!! I remember I rlly liked the idea of tiny/borrower!Reigen but didnt have many fleshed out ideas, but then after drawing that first doodle I eventually thought of how that whole scenario would go
Just assume a lot of firsts have places in my hearts. The first Ratattorney doodles I did definitely do lol
This one just bc the stuff that happened in the g/t aa discord that led to me drawing this was so funny
Silly lil g/t klapollo!!! I remember when i drew this i was having a rlly bad summer due to some stuff in my personal stuff and i rlly turned to them to help me feel better, esp thinking of g/t content for them!!
This bc i still think its silly lol
Tiny!Phoenix playing chess is also a classic
God this is reaaaaaally old art but sizeswaps my beloved, esp this was thought up with a friend of mine
Now for art thats not g/t related
This thing for my Trucy Gavin Au, I just really love how this came out
This has major Great Ace Attorney 2 spoilers, be warned before you click the link, but I LOOOOOVE how this piece came out, I’m so proud of it
Also this!! I worked like a week straight on this and im so happy w it!!
Idk how many of my followers are in this fandom, but this was a gift for my friend and I rlly like how it came out!!
I also love how this comic came out!! I think it rlly shows the difference between my Trucy Gavin and canon Trucy!!
CURLY HAIR FRANMAYA!!! This was the first time where I was like “i am going to make my faves curly hair asians like me” im so happy i did
These pieces I was experimenting with a style, and I still think these look cool
THIS ONE I LOVE its like 2 years old at this point but i love it sm
And then this classic
This is the last one bc i got tired of scrolling thru my art blog but i painted my high school cap and at the encouragement of my friends, i painted it story thieves bc of how much it meant to me in high school
Sorry that was a lot lol
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