#i imagine he's also a fan of fruity teas
noblesvacation · 2 months
Tidbits about Food
What we've learned about everyone's food preferences!
likes: tea and fruit water
dislikes: cheese, but he can eat it
cannot drink alcohol at all
likes: meat, alcohol
dislikes: chocolate and sweets. can't stand even the smell. mushrooms
likes: sweets, alcohol, pretty much everything. stomach is a bottomless pit
dislikes: ?
he has a habit of biting the rim of his glass
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
The Evans + Gas Station Orders
no words for this one. let’s get into it (this is a modern au i guess? because i’m talking about things you’d find in a modern day 7-11)
Tate: I think he would like peach rings. Either peach rings or like sour patch kids but specifically the watermelon flavored ones. For a drink, he’d like a monster, the purple one because it tastes like grape. He looks like he’d be a big fan of grape flavor and I mean this as an insult.
Kit: Kit would get like. What’s the word for this. Like the weird microwaved chicken sandwich from the back and he’d go in and put ketchup mayo and mustard on it all three and he’d eat it in his truck during his lunch break. He’d also get the shitty coffee from the machines in the back because he doesn’t care to branch out in the drinks department.
Kyle: (frat boy only sorry gang) Kyle would like Snickers. Give this man a Snickers, it’s gone in 30 seconds. He is a fiend for chocolate with nuts in it, any kind but his favorite is Snickers, he’d also like either the raspberry tea from the drink fountain or a Mountain Dew.
Jimmy: Don’t get me wrong, Jimmy’s cool and all but he eats those god awful snowball things by Hostess. I think in general, he’s a big Hostess fan, like twinkies and the little cupcakes and bags of donuts but his all time favorite is the snowball ones. And plain water. Just a bottle of water.
James: James is a hard character here, because I can’t imagine him eating any kind of junk food at all, I think he’d think it trashy and unhealthy, which it totally is, but I think the most you could talk him into is like. One of the deli sandwiches from the front but even then he’d be weary about it because they’ve been sitting in a package for who knows how long, and he definitely would not drink anything the convenience store has to offer aside from maybe a bottle of water.
Rory: This bitch would get the sourest candy. Like the fucking warheads or whatever they have where the logo is some guy making a sour face. Sour gummy worms, sour candy belts, sour patch kids. It’s because he’s a ginger (i will not elaborate on that). And pipeline punch monster.
Kai: Hehehe. Kai would either get a bag of beef jerky or a BIG ASS slim jim and chew on it menacingly when he drives away. He seems like he’s got a thing for meat. Take that however you choose. He’d get a black coffee from the back like Kit because he’s boring and he ‘doesn’t have time for those fruity girl drinks’. Because he’s a misogynist.
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zhongrin · 2 months
i can't really lie for shit either and frankly it screws me over because thats what makes me susceptible to lyney's teasing ;3;
anyway sounds like uncle wrio to steal hugs and kisses out of the blue eheheh, but at least he's sweet about it (guessing he's proud of himself and is smirky too /aff). and speaking of which, who do u think pulls of a smirk the best mom? 👀 /lh
actually thats what i kinda had in mind ehehjdjd, just dad taking you for a fly over liyue and the natural pools you can find deeper in the mountains mwehehe
ye pretty much! bedo and i often watch auroras atop dragonspine's summit or from his lab where it's warmer (after much convincing, he made me bundle up in at least seven blankets). nari's usually fussing over me everytime i so much complain about walking for too long hhh,,but yea! we've gone on a lot of sight seeing :3
once again, i'm very unapologetic abt calling coffee "bitter bean sludge" (smells good, taste is kind of acquired for me) sjkdsj sorry uncle haitham i prefer tea <3 /aff
actuallyyy, what kind of tea do u think your three would drink mom? :0
mei 🤝 violet : flustered. hubbies: >:D
he does, he really does.... it doesn't help that he has such a handsome smirk hsdlfjskld
*melts* i can't. i can't rank that hahahah their smirks are kinda different, since with wriothesley, it has that boyish charm, and i headcanon he has lil cooked fangies which looks visible when he smirks toothily... and al haitham has that proud, all-knowing, smug type of a smirk that could potentially look mean but it fits him soooo well.... and zhongli.... he does it so scarcely but when he does... oooh..... i'm falling onto my knees clutching my chest.... imagine him hiding that smirk behind a fan, but you know that it's there from the lilt of his eyes and the gleam on those glowing amberー ok i'm rambling i should stop hsldkfjskljdlkf
it's the most convenient method of travel fr... the only 2 things preventing us from travelling all over teyvat in this way is 1) seeing a dragon flying overhead would scare any humans, and 2) the air up there is freezing, so i'd turn into an ice statue if we go up there for too long lol
oughghlahg that is super adorable.... albedo burying you in blankets hahahah he'll also probably use a warming potion too just in case <3
WHEEZE lmao..... no no, i can understand! and you can always go for non-black, flavored coffee if you find black coffee too bitter! vanilla lattes, hazelnut lattes... they're all lighter and sweeter so they're good alternatives too!
oghhh personally we all love to try out different tea types! especially zhongli and wriothesley! but we do have preferred 'tastes' that we usually tend to lean towards. i prefer light, floral or fruity blends (e.g. osmanthus, strawberry). zhongli likes a smoky, dark, heavily steeped teas (e.g. pu-erh, souchong). wriothesley likes the classic, simple and straightforward flavors (e.g. black tea, peppermint). and al haitham's a fan of hōjicha and only hōjicha lmao. how about you and your hubbies? <3
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mangora · 2 years
What if I made a master post of what every single TD character orders at a coffee shop (except half of them arent coffee) I’m in my iced coffee phase rn heres gen 2 and 3 because if you somehow couldn’t tell theyre my favorites
Jo: Black coffee nothing in it and genuinely likes it that way
Brick: Tries to drink black coffee to be tough but enjoys a good vanilla cream coffee more
Anne Maria: Frappuccino or Caramel Macchiato she likes the most extra drinks
Mike: Probably likes generic iced coffee with cream and sugar or like. Matcha
Zoey: Changes her order all the time but always down for a good brown sugar boba or anything strawberry flavored
Cameron: Not much of a drinks guy in general, but if he had to get something I think he’d enjoy a cappuccino or something with lots of foam, he’d like the texture
Lightning: Also not really a drinks guy but I think he’d enjoy a smoothie with lots of protein powder just because health benefits
Sam: Honestly I think he’d be a black coffee guy, bold take but he seems like he wouldn’t really care about the flavor and just drinks coffee or energy drinks for the caffeine
Dakota: Iced lattes or a white mocha usually, she gets really hyped for seasonal drinks though like peppermint mochas or pumpkin spice anything
Scott: Hates tea and anything fruity or cold. Used to drinking plain instant but likes it with a little sugar if he can get his hands on it.
B: Thorough plain tea enjoyer, maybe earl gray or oolong. He likes leafy flavors over fruity ones
Dawn: Also really into tea but she usually likes plant/nut milk in it, or a green smoothie
Staci: Also a boba liker but will go for any good milk teas. She also likes latte foam art but the actual drink is kinda meh to her
Shawn: Cant have coffee much because it makes his nerves absolutely shot but sometimes he has a black coffee when he’s at a low point
Jasmine: Probably likes iced coffee with a little cream and sugar but likes to try new things every once in a while; mostly a fan of savory drinks and not fruity ones tho
Sammy: Loves a good fruit tea but I imagine she’d go for a smoothie too
Amy: Frappes, but the important part is that she berates the barista the entire time they make her drink
Sky: Chai drinker, also sometimes likes smoothies/juices
Dave: one of those dudes who gets annoyed at girls who drink pumpkin spice. Gets black coffee and hates it every time but drinks it anyways to look cool and mysterious (he’s tearing up the whole time)
Rodney: Will drink whatever you get him, he just likes being included. Has everyone’s orders memorized. Has to rehearse before asking for his drink
Topher: Coffee snob, usually likes iced or frappuccinos but will go for almost anything with cream and sugar as long as it’s high enough quality. Keeps trying to figure out Chris’ order; Chris will not tell him but does recommend him beans. These two get bitchy over the beans.
Ella: Pink drink or a vanilla Frappuccino with no coffee. She can’t have caffeine but likes anything sweet and semi fancy
Leonard: Controversial, I think he’d enjoy specifically smoothies or juices with pineapple. It’s got a magical tang. Or Mochas/hot chocolate which Tammy introduced to him.
Sugar: Any shitty instant coffee honestly, her taste buds are goobered. I do think she’d be anti-tea though. Also probably banana smoothies I just think she’d like them
Beardo: Also likes tea, except for matcha. Probably likes lavender tea or smth best because it’s soothing. I don’t think he’d be opposed to coffee but I think it would be like too much.
Scarlett: I think she’d secretly enjoy those refreshers like the fruit and juice ones, but usually gets tea to feel sophisticated. She likes hot drinks btw
Max: Once again attempts to drink black tea but just hates coffee. Secretly enjoys juice or chocolate milk out of a coffee cup. Everyone knows but doesnt tell him
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anemoi-i · 3 years
what tea do you think kristoph drinks this is so important
I'm going to be projecting so hard rn because I love tea and obviously I love my favorite trash man so be prepared for gargled nonsense that sounds articulate.
Lady Grey, the counterpart to Earl Grey tea, is one of Kristoph's favorites. I imagine that Kristoph would drink this in the morning. The citrus notes that often come with Lady Grey soothes him.
Kristoph is a man that does not like the common anything. He likes to be obscure, a "I'm not like anyone else" kind of person (and we know how annoying those kind of people can be) and choose things others would think twice about (for crying out loud, I headcanon that he loves women's perfume for the floral notes).
So, Kristoph also likes floral teas. While others would have simple lemon or chamomile tea, Kristoph would love to drink Hibiscus or Passionfruit tea. Even though Lavender is common, he would drink this as well. Kristoph actually curates his tea experience during the seasons. For Spring, it's florals, Summer, it's fruity teas (orange, etc), Winter, it's calming teas, Fall, it's teas with spice (Kristoph is a pumpkin spice fan, and if someone ever finds that out, they would get Zak Gramarye'd).
Kristoph definitely likes teas over coffees, but he'll have the occasional coffee, and as always, he needs it to be perfect.
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thirstyforlulu · 4 years
Question, what do you imagine the various characters of Hellsing smell like? I think Integra would smell like cigar smoke and a hint of rose perfume. Alucard would probably smell like leather and blood.
Definitely cigars
And they’re fancy cigars so it’s got kind of a pleasant smell
She’d probably start wearing a little purfume when she became interested in you, otherwise she wouldn’t care what people thought of how she smelled
There might also be a light paper/ink smell from all the paperwork she does
But the only thing you’d be able to smell without getting close would be the cigars
You’re the only one who really gets to experience it with all its complexities
She would smell sweet
She’s a big fan of sweet but natural scented perfumes like Vanilla or lavender
Lotions are also a plus
But if you buy her a perfume or anything it will immediately become her favorite
She very rarely smells like gunpowder or gun cleaning supplies since she’s so quick to wash off after a fight
If you’re really close, you can sometimes smell the shampoo she uses
Most of the time he smells like cleaning products
If he’s not working though he usually has a coffee/tea smell
Maybe even like a wood smell
He doesn’t wear cologne a lot and even when he does the scent is very light
When he cooks the scent embeds itself in his clothes
It’s not a problem though since he’s a good cook
What’s nice is you can relax and cuddle up to him while enjoying the smell of good food
Definitely has a gunpowder and leather smell to him
It’s one of those smells that you just want to take a big whiff of
After a mission he’s got an irony smell for a little while but give it time and it’ll go away
Most of the scent is in his hair
When you’re playing with it or brushing it it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a sniff
He will occasionally wear cologne but only if something special is going on and it’s usually pretty weak, something traditional not like axe
Smells like old paper, ink, and incense
Since he spends so much time in a church he will pick up some of the smells
He smells like when you take a big sniff of an old book, but one that’s been very well taken care of
When he gets done polishing his bayonets he smells like the polish for a little while
Sometimes the incense smell is a little overpowering for you, so he’ll go outside till it dissipates
He does not wear cologne by choice,
he doesn’t like it
He smells like coffee and cigarettes
It’s like if you sniffed a freshly ground bag of coffee
He wears cologne but you can barely smell it
He’s got the slightest gunpowder scent
His hair smells like his shampoo since he takes such good care of it
The only other smell you’ll get is gun polish and that’s uncommon
She wears more fruity perfumes
It’s a sweet smell but it’s more on the chemical fruity side
Again she sometimes smells like what she uses to keep her gun in top shape
She likes to eat cute desserts so she usually smells like them
It can range from strawberry sponge cake all the way to dark chocolate coffee so it’s always changing
What’s fun is you can try to guess what she had based on the smell, like a game
The captain:
He smells like guns and fire
His smell is directly related to what he does, no cologne added
So he normally smells like what an army man would smell like
Occasionally he’ll have like an antiseptic scent from helping clean someone up
Some days when he works extra hard you can smell it
It’s not overpowering or gross, but you can definitely tell he put in the extra effort
He won’t let it sit though, as soon as he’s up to it he’ll shower
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dinamakan · 3 years
Recently I got these questions from a post on Tumblr and at this time I have a good mood to answer it all. Feel free if you wanna do the same thing.
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
💌- diary or journal?
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Umm, prolly Jess from New Girl, one of my fav sitcoms. Maybe that's not the best answer from me but it's all I remember for now.
💕- are you crushing on someone?
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
No kissing. Pandemic LMAO.
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
Serious note: Being professional in design makes me feel a lil bit annoyed with this kind of question.
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
Every single time I went to Kineruku alone, good old days with friends at some places, and my interior design internship experience. Uh sorry I can't only have one answer for this question.
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
Basically I love every white flower; white chrysanthemum, daisy, or even just white rose. But speaking about the meaning of a flower, I choose iris.
💖- have you ever been in love?
Of course I have.
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Vanilla. But can I choose both?
🍯- describe your favorite smell
I like the fresh one and balanced scent; not too sweet / too flowery / too fruity. I won't spill my current perfume but it's so balanced as I expected. Baby cologne is also my fav, my college friends knew that.
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
I've mentioned them in my heart.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
Cookies, especially dunked in milk or coffee.
☕- coffee or tea?
Both but currently I drink more coffee than tea.
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
Forest with fairies because I can't swim. Sadge.
🍂- what’s your middle name?
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
Cancer, Capri and Libra.
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Sleep, simply because I'm not a big fan of rain.
🍭- how tall are you?
About 158 cm.
💒- which show would you want to live in?
I was thinking about How I Met Your Mother but imagine living in a studio apartment next to Kotaro-chan LOL.
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
Eid Al-Fitr. Basic.
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
I'm not using scented candle for daily basis but if one day I need to buy it, prolly I'm gonna choose a mix of sandalwood and vanilla.
🎶- favorite song right now?
Ruang Tanpa Jenjang by Hursa.
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
This question is captivating, TBH.
1. Believing in the same moral compass like me. I could explain this more later.
2. Clever enough without being a snob.
3. Appreciate me without blatantly praise me.
🍩- current mood?
Just calm.
❄️- what is your favorite season?
Dry season would be okay. I don't like being drenched by the rain.
💍- your current relationship status?
📷- a photo of yourself
Just scroll this blog or my Twitter account in case you're my follower, you'll find it.
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
Maybe, but one thing for sure, please don't do that too much.
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1. Write everything; random note-taking, blogging like this, daily journal, etc.
2. Being a nocturnal (bad, bad habit).
3. Reading.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
I'm... just an interior designer who also loves to learn more about the other things.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
Some people think I'm an aspiring politician... (spoiler: if you think of it, you're wrong)
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
1. Passionate in their own field.
Umm what else...
🍓- one secret about yourself
If I tell it then it's no longer a secret...
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
From now on I'm just gonna keep silent and let God do the rest. God please forgive me.
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
IDK, TBH. He didn't tell much about that to me.
💬- what your last text message says?
I sent a GIF of Mr. Krabs playing his smol violin.
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
Nothing but I just finished Law School. It's a K-Drama, I purely love the story but not the soundtrack and scoring because these are too much.
⛅- what is your morning routine?
Make my own breakfast and eat it ofc.
💗- who do you miss?
I miss regular places, had mentioned it a few times.
🥀- last time you cried?
A few days ago after watching a series.
🎁- when is your birthday?
10 July.
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
Can't remember it clearly but usually I had a lot of nightmares and I hope from now until forever I'm gonna have nice dreams.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
Older, I guess.
🎀- any question you want
Okay this is a question from an app named 'Party Qs':
"What is the best way to express your thoughts and feelings for you? Writing or talking?"
Writing. I knew sometimes calling and meeting friends to talk about it is necessary but I don't think I'm good at talking. When I write, I read my first draft, then I edit it, or even erase it if in the end I don't have to write that thought, then I reread it until it's decent. We can't do that by talking.
Whoa, that's all Folks!
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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daesungfmd · 3 years
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hwang daesung + home!
headcanon / wc: 743
daesung is a believer that everything in your life should reflect something about yourself:  your clothes, your accessories, your demeanor, your social circle, your home. naturally, his apartment is as much of a well-planned but poorly-executed mess as he is. he had the best of intentions when he started living on his own, but every month of boredom has contributed to the slow but sure collection of useless things in his space. he doesn’t spend much time at home, so he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. basically living in a storage unit at this point.
daesung’s apartment is a very strong representation of who he is as a person. however... he’s only been moved in since march ‘19 and while that seems like a long enough time to get his shit together, if he had done it on his own, he’d still have boxes everywhere. had the help of professional movers & an interior designer in getting his place set up. (i say “help”... daesung didn’t lift a finger LOL)
lives in a 2 bedroom apartment, really wanted a roommate, but that’s complicated when you’re an idol and none of his friends agreed and he ended up turning the second bedroom into a home studio even tho he’s def not skilled enough to warrant that. he just thought it’d sound cool to tell people “yeah i have a home studio haha” and also what the fuck else was he gonna do with a whole spare room
his studio is usually the neatest part of his home because that’s where he keeps most of his instruments, his record collection and some other music equipment which he keeps surprisingly organized, so that’s also the only room that he tends to show off <3 if he’s doing a livestream, he’s prob chilling in there. 
as for the rest of his apartment...
it’s hell
always messy. anyone who has visited his place has definitely walked in and been the embodiment of the “damn bitch, you live like this?” meme, so he simply stopped inviting people over. only his best best best friends can come over now
for the most part, it’s just ‘cause he has such a ridiculous amount of shit. he grew up poor and now that he has money, he buys everything that he wants. everything. this results in him not having anywhere to put his belongings, and he ultimately started mounting things on the walls because he has no other space!!!!! you think the shoe racks, guitars and skateboards hanging from his walls are stylistic decisions but really they’re desperate pleas for floor space.
he has a lot of ~nifty~ repurposed amps around his apartment that serve as cabinets. you can never guess what you’re gonna find in there. jewelry? snacks? dirty laundry? nail polish? childhood pictures? his dog’s chew toys? who knows...
one of them serves as a mug cabinet. why is his mug cabinet in the middle of his living room? idk... don’t ask. most of the time, there aren’t any clean mugs in it. they’re all piled on top with thin layers of coffee that he didn’t finish just chillin in ‘em... marinating.. yk
has a lot of random knick-knacks all over the place. weird antique shit he picked up while shopping on tour, little clown figurines, cute tea-light holders, half-dead plants in hand-painted pots, empty coke and beer cans that he keeps for ~sentimental purposes~ (aka he has his blinders turned on and doesn’t see them anymore)
has two tvs, one in the bedroom and one in the living room. has a collection of gaming systems stored in the hall closet (wii, xbox 360, xbox one, ps2, ps3, ps4). his gaming preferences are constantly changing but rn he likes the ps4 the best so that’s what he has hooked up in the living room. has decided that the living room tv is for gaming and the bedroom tv is for watching movies
artwork everywhere. he’s the type of person who sees empty space and immediately thinks about how he can fill it so he’s constantly adding even MORE stuff to the walls as if they aren’t cramped enough already. has some framed album covers, some movie posters, but mainly it’s like. paintings he picked up while on tour or gifts from fans
every drawer is a junk drawer
has a few randomly-placed lava lamps. does he need a lava lamp in the bathroom? probably not. but he thinks it creates a nice ambience
uses diffusers to scent his apartment. mainly prefers bright/fruity scents for cologne but surprisingly he prefers earthy scents for his home. likes palo santo the most
but imagine palo santo mixed with 3-day old takeout because this man never cooks
overall... his apartment isn’t that bad? probably expected if you already know him & it has potential to be really nice actually, but he NEEDS to start getting rid of the stuff he doesn’t use / doesn’t need anymore.
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🍬 - sweets headcanon
Doing the cast of Death Mark for this one, but I’ll come back to NG later on.
Yashiki has a huge sweet tooth and it surprises everyone. He’s mainly a big fan of rich flavors, especially chocolate. He likes all chocolate, but dark is his favorite. Honestly though, he could probably eat just about most anything sweet though. It kind of frightens Mashita. The kids (and teens) can easily sucker him into getting something yummy to eat with them, it’s not even hard. He has good luck when trying new stuff and somehow finds the good stuff if Ai shares some from her mystery box. Shou tries not to be mad at the old man, but he’s screaming internally as he suffers.
Credit to @aph-illuminati because their headcanon changed my mind on some things.
Mashita is kind of indifferent to sweets. He doesn’t exactly care for them but he doesn’t hate them. Suckers sometimes help in those places where he can’t smoke (aka, someone else won’t let him). He’ll chew on the stick for a while.
Moe loves sweet stuff almost as much as Ai does, she loves fruity flavors and is a bit of a chocoholic. She begs Yashiki to share his stash, he doesn’t know how she knows but he obliges. Huge fan of melon cream soda.
Tsukasa prefers baked goods like brownies or cookies and he’s pretty controlled with it, he doesn’t let himself eat too much. When it comes to candy though, he prefers old fashioned hard candies. Sometimes having one will help him concentrate on his school work a little better.
Ai loves it all and she loves to try new things because she gets one of those subscription boxes every now and then, unfortunately if it’s weird, she pulls somebody else into it. She has an iron stomach and a high tolerance for sugar. People suspect she’s on a constant sugar rush just to be as go, go, go as she always is. She has good luck picking things that taste great despite the people around her seemingly suffering while she got something tasty.
Shou likes sweets but is more of a fan of sour stuff and probably always has bubblegum on him somehow. Unfortunate person that Ai picked to help her try stuff. Awful luck. She got a box of stuff and he grabbed something involving chocolate covered squid. He hates weird jelly beans. Ai got them and he just… He couldn’t win. Grass wasn’t awful and he could live with toothpaste, but he was sick for days after getting dog food and dead fish back to back. He doesn’t trust jelly beans anymore even if you insist they’re normal.
Suzu enjoys a sweet every now and then. Sometimes she wants something like daifuku or taiyaki sometimes she wants some cotton candy. She also has a lot of collectible Hello Kitty stuff from candy packs. They’re from Eita.
Eita just loves snacks in general. He has a lot of collectible tins and stuff from limited edition stuff. He usually gets one to share if he thinks Suzu will like it. He also likes going to carnivals with Suzu because they both enjoy the food.
Christie is a fan of caramel and chocolate but she doesn’t crave it all the time. Tiramisu is her favorite dessert though. She just really likes gourmet desserts.
Daimon is okay with sweets but he doesn’t really need them. Mochi is good every now and then though, it isn’t sickeningly sweet. He also likes ice cream every now and then. It gets really hot in the city and sometimes the kids drag him along.
Hiroo isn’t really big on sweets as much, but she does like them a bit. Too much tends to make her feel kind of sick though. A sweet pastry is nice every now and then. Her fridge is stocked with cream breads and other stuff so she doesn’t have to go out and get them all the time.
Banshee is more of a savory guy, but if you give him candy he won’t really mind. He’ll eat it anyway. Baked goods are his favorite, just as long as it’s not overly sweet… I imagine his teeth are kinda sensitive. He tried to bite into ice cream and figured out really fast that wasn't a great idea.
Yasuoka likes old fashioned hard candies, it brings her back to her childhood. Sweets that are easy to have with tea or coffee are also a hit with her. Small cookies and desserts or traditional Japanese sweets… Especially ones with bean paste.
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ellocentipede · 4 years
Bohemienne Life Summer 2020 Collection
Bohemienne Life makes beautiful wax melts, and I particularly love her summer collections. Many of my all-time favorites (Gallowglass, Little Witch, and Mermaid) were included in this sale, so I seized the opportunity to stock up for the year. These melts were purchased over the course of three different sales (a summer pre-order, a summer overstock ready-to-ship sale, and a small autumn teaser ready-to-ship sale), so I also have lots of samples to review!
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Scent description: A blend of bracing fresh mint and watery sea kelp, and full of salty air and driftwood.
I have a love-hate relationship with mint. There are a few perfume/bath and body houses that make mint scents that I love (like Arcana), and Bohemienne Life is one of them. Gallowglass is a really beautiful and refreshing scent that makes my home smell clean and peaceful. The mint really is bracing--it’s a lot like the bright, lightly-sweetened mint of candy canes. There’s a hint of ocean here, but this scent is all about the mint for me. I love this blend in the summer, but it would also be appropriate in the winter.
Rough Washed Linen 
Scent description: A combination of cashmere, amber, musk, and laundered linen to create that hard-to-capture aroma of warm rough washed linen.
I took a chance on this scent because it sounded so clean, refreshing, and interesting--and I’m really glad that I did. Yes, it’s a clean linen scent, but it’s also so much more than that. I swear that I smell a hint of orange here, but my nose could be playing tricks on me. The musk is beautiful--like a golden skin musk. There’s a very light hint of resinous, golden amber that elevates this linen scent to something very elegant and refined. I will very much enjoy melting this one and I hope that it makes an appearance again in the future!
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Little Witch 
Scent description: Energizing potion of sage, soft mint, lavender, black tea and elder flowers.
I’ve reviewed this scent before along with Gallowglass (https://ellocentipede.tumblr.com/post/189723505153/bohemienne-life-spring-summer-2019), but it’s a favorite of mine and I thought that I’d revisit it again. This is a gorgeous mint tea scent, much like a smooth Moroccan mint tea. I always look forward to melting this one--it makes my home smell clean, happy, and refreshed.
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Unicorn Sprinkles Cookies 
Scent description: Warm from the oven cookies, with fluffy Cotton Candy, Rainbow Candy Drops, Sugared Lemon with Unicorn sprinkles.
These really smell just like the description. There’s a base of sweet, warm sugar cookie, and it is absolutely coated in a thick layer of rainbow sprinkles, fruity gum drops, and clouds of pink and blue cotton candy. This is a really fun scent for the end of summer and the beginning of fall, and it’s making me wistful for fair season!
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Scent description: Neroli & shea butter.
This is a simple blend that is really nice for spring and summer. I’m a huge fan of neroli (orange blossom), but sometimes it can be a bit sharp and perfumey. The smooth shea butter takes care of that here--smoothing the edges of the neroli and creating a beautiful, smooth, waxy orange blossom scent. This is a very pretty and happy scent!
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Scent descrtiption: A blend of green tea, spearmint & Lemon grass.
This is a lovely lemony tea blend. I get lots of smooth, green tea, the barest hint of refreshing spearmint, and a slice of lemon floating on top. This is a lot like Little Witch, but with lemon instead of a hint of floral.
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Scent description: An intoxicating blend of fresh coconut, plumeria, lotus, driftwood, Ylang Ylang, freesia, fresh rain, lily of the valley, night blooming jasmine.
Mermaid is my very favorite ocean scent (at least in wax form!), and I was so, so happy to see it offered in one of the ready-to-ship sales. I’d been hoarding a sample of it forever, since Kyme said that she was no longer able to offer it due to not being able to source one of its ingredients. It’s possible that the scent used for this batch is the very last that she had, but I’m hoping that that’s not the case and that instead she’s been able to track down the ingredients again. Mermaid smells like sun-warmed waxy, tropical florals (I get more plumeria than anything else), Coppertoney coconut (one of my favorite scents in life), with a hint of dry, bleached driftwood and a nip of warm ocean rain. It’s gorgeous and has wonderful throw and longevity.
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Raspberry Boom Boom
Scent description: Raspberries, white cake, cream cheese, rose, apples and amber.
Oh this is lovely. This is the ultimate foodie raspberry scent. The raspberries are ripe, sweet, and tart, and the cake and cream cheese are just right. This is definitely a foodie scent, but it’s not overly sweet thanks to the tartness from the raspberries. I don’t specifically smell the rose or apples, but I imagine that they’re rounding out the scent into something more refined than a simple “raspberry cake”. Really lovely--I’m so happy that I took a chance on this one.
Rose Quartz
Scent description: A refreshing crisp blend of lemon, bergamot, apple, Jasmine, cedar, orange blossoms, fern, white musk and amber.
Somehow this smells exactly like the feel of rose quartz to me--it’s bright, light, airy, and softly pink. It doesn’t really smell like the notes to me--it’s very well-blended. It smells like a light pink musk, a hint of orange blossoms on a breeze, and morning dew. A lovely, elegant, and calming blend.
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Pumpkin Cake Pops
Scent description: Fluffy pumpkin cake doused in bourbon, then rolled in spiced cinnamon sugar.
This smells like bananas foster to me! It’s like caramelized bourbon sauce over warm banana pumpkin bread. This is a wonderful gourmand blend for autumn.
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Voodoo Praline Cookie
Scent description: Aroma of rich salted caramel pecan pralines, butterscotch brûlée and soft warm cookies.
I fooled my husband with this melt--he thought it was an actual brownie! How gorgeous is this? The pecans look so incredibly realistic. The scent is wonderful. This smells like actual pralines. The pecan note is gorgeous and smells wonderful with the sweet butterscotch. This is one for the foodie lovers!
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Samples generously included:
Blackberry Bay
Scent description: A blend of blackberry, bay laurel, spiced apple cider, oak moss & woods.
This is a fun twist on a blackberry scent! It’s like a warm, blackberry compote, not a fresh-off-of-the-vine berry. This compote is sizzling on a wooden kitchen table in a cabin in the woods. In the kitchen hang strings of dried bay laurel and bayberry wreaths. I would not have selected this for myself based on the notes, but if this available in the autumn pre-order I will definitely purchase more. It’s a really nice autumnal (and even wintery!) scent that’s not your typical apple-pumpkin-spice variety. A lovely atmospheric blend with hints of spiced foodie goodness.
Scent description: Celtic goddess of fire as well as an Irish saint. Honey, juicy red apples, mahogany wood smoke, and sweet amber musk.
I would likely not have tried this on my own in spite of my fondness for Brigid--the apples and wood smoke notes would scare me off. I’m so, so grateful that Kyme included a sample in my order, because this is gorgeous and will be a favorite for me in the autumn and winter. I get a lot of wood smoke, but it’s surprisingly not harsh or acrid (maybe it’s the mahogany making it so nice and smooth?), but really warm, cozy, and inviting. The honeyed apples are both sweetening and perking up the smoke. A gorgeous atmospheric scent.
Half Baked
Scent description: A blend of Applejack, Whisky and mild Woodsmoke.
Holy smokes this is good. This is the ultimate autumnal wood smoke blend. I hope it’s offered again in the presale! This smoke is so smooth and gorgeous--it’s cozy and atmospheric. The apple jack is lightly spiced with cinnamon and complements the smoke beautifully. I love this!
Lavender Latte
Scent description: Fresh coffee is blended with coconut milk and lavender honey, served with a warm sugared beignet.
I tend to avoid coffee scents, but good gravy this one is gorgeous. It is the milkiest, creamiest, lovely sweet coffee scent ever. The lavender is the icing on the cake for me--it’s smooth and gentle and almost toothsome, like sugared lavender buds. A beautiful cozy and comforting scent!
Lemon Lavender Tea Cakes
Scent description: Sweet little tea cakes infused with bright lemon zest and herbal lavender buds, topped with a dollop of decadent sweet coconut cream and a steaming cup of tea.
Typing out that description made me hungry! I get lots of the bright, zippy lemon zest in this blend, followed by smooth, warm tea and a hint of cake and cream. This is a gourmand blend, but it’s really fresh and refreshing due to the prominence of the lemon. It’s really nice, and I imagine would be a crowd pleaser!
Pink Chocolate
Scent description: Fluffy chocolate coconut cake and pink sugar frosting.
This does smell like a white chocolate coconut cake! This would be great in a spring/Easter collection--it smells like a cake that would be in the shape of a bunny or lamb. It’s sweet, but not overly sweet--the mild and milky coconut tempers the chocolate and sugar. A super fun and happy scent.
Scent description: A blend of warm woods, supple leather, rich amber, and spices.
Ooooh this is a treat. This smells like a desert market--warm dry spices, hot sun, a hint of sand, rich resins, fragrant, precious woods, a hint of worn saddle leather. Utterly gorgeous. I will absolutely purchase this one if made available!
Bohemienne Life’s beautiful products may be perused and purchased at https://www.bohemienne.life/ 
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isa-ghost · 5 years
Hi I’m gonna just,,, gush here for a moment-
I’m personally really not a big fan of “make [ego] canonically evil/etc” stuff, I like to stick to keeping those things in AUs bc then our imaginations can just go fuckin WILD and anyone that dislikes/feels uncomfortable with those headcanons won’t be bothered by it being canon. HOWEVER, the bunker!egos actually fucking LOVE seeing that kinda shit, AU and not. At the end of the day, they know themselves better than we do, and they love to see what we think up for them.
Marvin especially is super touched at all the different portrayals we have of him because all that exists is his birth video, and yet we put so much love and thought into him all on our own. He’s personally really fond of “mysterious chaotic neutral, morally grey badass” and “borderline magical girl anime thot that’d hex you for a quarter.” Both of those have become big parts of his personality tbh. Despite the flood of headcanons about him being evil giving him some thoughts and urges he’s not okay with, the fact that we care so much that it’s popular enough to actually effect him speaks volumes about how much the community cares about him and it makes him really Soft(tm) for the community.
Even Jackie likes seeing AUs and “what if” posts about him snapping or turning on everyone because there are days he feels so worthless or so outnumbered that the idea comes to mind. He also likes seeing how many different ways we can make him a hero aside from stereotypical superhero things. Not to mention Anti has put him through so many different traumas that nothing we think up to put Jackie through could scar him worse (though I have some mutuals that would totally consider that a challenge XD Please don’t). His favorite thing isn’t headcanons or “what if” posts though, he absolutely lives for angst art and fics of him, bonus if he gets to beat Anti up or do smth way more fucked up than Anti would and thus show him up. Jackie THRIVES off “Jackie Is Not A Perfect Flawless Lawful Good Boy” stuff, because he’s super hard on himself and has a lot of guilt and next to no confidence in himself, so seeing people expect less than Absolutely Virtuous things out of him eases his psyche a bit. Though he’s not always a huge fan of these sort of posts about his brothers, especially Chase, but that’s just because he’s Big Brother(tm).
Henrik? Oh my god Henrik absolutely OWNS the shit we come up with for him. He despises the “he’s a failure” / “he’s working with Anti” stuff about August 3rd because of how personal and traumatic it was for him, but even the “working with Anti” stuff he’ll spitefully joke about. But the feral doctor/mad scientist stuff? He practically struts around about it. Like Fuck Yeah I Might Sell One Of Your Kidneys For A Fruity Drink, What Of It Bitch?? It also really means a lot to him we’re so fond of how Not Completely Sane he is because he’s hugely self-conscious of it and worries regularly he’ll harm someone he cares about. Seeing us so in love with the concept that he’s a little bit or moderately crazy entertains him a lot. He also, despite not going actually on vacation contrary to some of our beliefs and actually being trapped/tortured for months, finds it fucking HILARIOUS we say he went on vacation, and even funnier that we’ve drawn him in Hawaiian shirts so often for “vacation” art that he literally has a bunch appearing in his closet.
Chase is a bit more sensitive to some of the stuff we make just because a lot of the substance we have to use to create things based around him is emotional for him, traumatic or not. But he still likes to see our ideas. He especially loves all our different interpretations of his kids, being that they and Stacy aren’t actually real. There’s a select few ideas he’s not fond of at all, but he just ignores them and lets us do our thing because he doesn’t want to police anybody. Even if he doesn’t like them, they still fuel him to be the best he can be, so even those ideas help him to a degree. He has a weakness for the super skilled assassin/sniper stuff honestly. He’s training himself along with Jackie’s help to try and get that skilled with weapons, and he hopes at some point if he gets that good he can record a thing of him so we can see what he did for us.
Jameson probably has the most fun of all of them with all our different interpretations because even HE doesn’t know too much about himself because he’s just such a wild card full of so much potential until Sean spills some more tea about him. He’s super partial to the time traveler, mob boss, assassin, and Marvin’s assistant in magic ideas we’ve made up. At this point even though he hates the “he’s a puppet” stuff, he’s grown numb to it and knows he isn’t one, so he just lets us explore the concept. If anything, our interpretations of it help him make up plans for what to do if he does get strung up and how to protect himself from Anti.
TLDR; The bunker!egos adore morally grey/Not Good Aligned stuff we come up with for them and even some of the ones they don’t like still help them in some way. As long as we aren’t hoping they die or hurt/kill each other, they’re all for whatever crazy creative shit we think up.
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introvertunites · 6 years
For All Tea Drinkers
Hey Guys,
   I have something to share with you all. Outside of making blog posts and managing @introvertunites, I (@v-shearin) recently became an ambassador for Plum Deluxe Teas. Plum Deluxe Teas is the brainchild of Andy Hayes, a Seattle Native. He and his team have been creating delectable blends of all-natural and organic loose teas for every occasion. Every ingredient is sourced locally and farmed with the utmost care for our environment. From green teas to black teas and herbal teas, Plum Deluxe has something for even the most finicky tea connoisseur. And it’s sure to please a lot of introverts here.
I sampled 3 tea blends (so far) from them. The first one I (and my taste-tester sister) tried was the Noble Blend Green Tea. The blend was very earthy from the green tea leaves and slightly sweet from the dried goji berries. It has a delicate flavor that is sure to please an avid green tea drinker.
The second tea I sampled from them was the Gratitude Blend (Strawberry Earl Grey). If you’re a fan of earl grey tea (or strong teas, in general), you should definitely consider getting this one. It’s strong and has a perfect dose of caffeine. The notes of strawberry throughout compliment the strength of the blend. It’s just enough to not overpower the overall flavor of the tea. If you’re a coffee drinker (like me), this tea is definitely for you. It won’t disappoint!
Th third tea I sampled was the Sugar Plum Deluxe Tea blend. This tea has very fruity notes throughout, thanks to the strawberry essence. If you like your teas with a bit of fruitiness, make sure to add this one to your list.
These teas, as well as many others, are available on the Plum Deluxe website. You can shop for teas and try any blend that interests you. Teashop link: https://plumdeluxe.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=133&url=61. Plum Deluxe also has different accessories and supplies to ensure that you have the most pleasant experience while indulging in their products. From cute tea strainers to sweeteners and infusers, they’ve got you covered. Here’s the link for that as well: https://plumdeluxe.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=133&url=68. If you plan on shopping, you can use this VIP Code at the checkout: TCUP. Happy shopping!
And did you know that March is Caffeine Free Awareness Month? In honor of that, all of Plum Deluxe’s caffeine-free teas are 3 for $20. There’s no codes needed and discounts are automatically added. There’s still 8 days left in March, so hop on it while you can!!  
I’ve known about Plum Deluxe Teas for a while and I’m very interested in their mission to crafting delicious teas. These teas are for any and every occasion you can possibly imagine. For reading a book on a rainy day. For recharging at the end of the night. For the introverted college student trying to concentrate on studies. For an added boost of energy throughout your workday. The possibilities are endless!! You can even give them as gifts to friends and loved ones. They’ll be sure to enjoy them.
I hope you give these teas a try. And if you do try a tea (and if you also know about Plum Deluxe), send me a message to tell me what you think! :-)
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v-shearin · 6 years
For All Tea Drinkers and Lovers
Hey Guys,
  I have something to share with you all. Outside of making blog posts and managing @introvertunites, I recently became an ambassador for Plum Deluxe Teas. Plum Deluxe Teas is the brainchild of Andy Hayes, a Seattle Native. He and his team have been creating delectable blends of all-natural and organic loose teas for every occasion. Every ingredient is sourced locally and farmed with the utmost care for our environment. From green teas to black teas and herbal teas, Plum Deluxe has something for even the most finicky tea connoisseur. And it’s sure to please a lot of introverts here.
I sampled 3 tea blends (so far) from them. The first one I (and my taste-tester sister) tried was the Noble Blend Green Tea. The blend was very earthy from the green tea leaves and slightly sweet from the dried goji berries. It has a delicate flavor that is sure to please an avid green tea drinker.
The second tea I sampled from them was the Gratitude Blend (Strawberry Earl Grey). If you’re a fan of earl grey tea (or strong teas, in general), you should definitely consider getting this one. It’s strong and has a perfect dose of caffeine. The notes of strawberry throughout compliment the strength of the blend. It’s just enough to not overpower the overall flavor of the tea. If you’re a coffee drinker (like me), this tea is definitely for you. It won’t disappoint!
Th third tea I sampled was the Sugar Plum Deluxe Tea blend. This tea has very fruity notes throughout, thanks to the strawberry essence. If you like your teas with a bit of fruitiness, make sure to add this one to your list.
These teas, as well as many others, are available on the Plum Deluxe website. You can shop for teas and try any blend that interests you. Teashop link:https://plumdeluxe.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=133&url=61. Plum Deluxe also has different accessories and supplies to ensure that you have the most pleasant experience while indulging in their products. From cute tea strainers to sweeteners and infusers, they’ve got you covered. Here’s the link for that as well: https://plumdeluxe.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=133&url=68. If you plan on shopping, you can use this VIP Code at the checkout: TCUP. Happy shopping!
And did you know that March is Caffeine Free Awareness Month? In honor of that, all of Plum Deluxe’s caffeine-free teas are 3 for $20. There’s no codes needed and discounts are automatically added. There’s still 8 days left in March, so hop on it while you can!!  
I’ve known about Plum Deluxe Teas for a while and I’m very interested in their mission to crafting delicious teas. These teas are for any and every occasion you can possibly imagine. For reading a book on a rainy day. For recharging at the end of the night. For the introverted college student trying to concentrate on studies. For an added boost of energy throughout your workday. The possibilities are endless!! You can even give them as gifts to friends and loved ones. They’ll be sure to enjoy them.
I hope you give these teas a try. And if you do try a tea (and if you also know about Plum Deluxe), send me a message to tell me what you think! :-)
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mysticdrabbles · 6 years
could I ask for an imagine in that RFA+ V and Saeran find out that their s/o hates coffee and loves tea? they drink it like. every night and enjoys trying new flavors ! ( also, just sayin my fave ,,, is yoosung and i love oolong tea js sayin i hope that’s not pushy and i hope ur having a good day your writing is really good and imma go now thank u for ur time ) - petra
I strongly relate to this. Down with coffee, vive le thé! Be as pushy as you like, I don’t mind! ^^ And to all of my lovely followers feel free to include details and specifics if you’d like, they are requests I’m filling for you, after all  E>
Zen can appreciate a good cup of coffee.
He sometimes drinks a cup in the morning if he needs a pick me up.
He tries not to drink too much of it though. He needs to be nice and hydrated to perform well so he tries to drink mostly water. 
And beer but we don’t talk about that
He also likes tea though!
Mostly at night. It’s relaxing to sit down and sip a nice, warm cup of tea before bed. 
He only has two kinds of tea.
He has a cheap green tea, because of all the ~health benefits~.
And he has some chamomile for when he’s stressed. 
(He’s trying to turn to it instead of going to alcohol so often.)
Which means you get to introduce him to all your new fancy teas!
He’s always happy to try new things with you.
Yoosung is bragging to you one day about his coffee knowledge
(“I was in a coffee club, you know!” he tells you, puffing up his chest.)
He knows how to make latte art! 
Well, sort of. The word “art” is debatable, but he can make some pretty shapes. 
He can make one for you sometime!
You almost don’t want to rain on his parade. 
You do it anyways though. You gotta.
You tell him you have actual taste buds that like real flavours not that bitter burnt tasting crap don’t like coffee and he droops.
You do like tea though.
(He’s still a little disappointed about the coffee thing. 
How is he supposed to impress you now? T_T)
He doesn’t drink a lot of tea coffee’s cheaper but he’ll make sure to keep some around the house for you! ^^
He also stops by the tea section every time he goes grocery shopping to see what they have.
Whenever there’s something new on sale he buys it right away.
He wants to have a variety at his place for you to try! 
It’s also a good excuse for you to come over more often.
One time he found a new brand of oolong tea he’d never seen before. It was almost ten thousand won.
(That’s about ten whole dollars.)
But it’s new and it’s fancy and he’s sure you’d like it.
(He’ll just put the eggs back. He doesn’t need eggs this month. He’ll be fine.)
He’s basically financially supporting your obsession now
He just wants to make you happy okay
It’s no secret that Jaehee likes coffee. 
I mean, Jaehee really likes coffee
And she really likes you too, so she wants to share her interest with you.
When she finds out you don’t like coffee though, she tries to cut back on talking to you about it.
You have to reassure her that of course you still support her passion even though you don’t share it!
Talk coffee to me baby~
You two can still bond over your obsession with drinking hot, (sometimes) caffeinated beverages, even though they’re different drinks! 
And she does like tea as well. 
She mostly drinks it at night, on days she doesn’t have to pull an all-nighter for work.
She’ll make you tea lattes so you can still experience the joys of latte art!
Oh boy are you in luck.
Jumin also enjoys tea. 
(It’s his second favourite drink, after wine, of course.)
And when Jumin loves something that means he becomes obsessive an expert in it. 
He knows where to get the best brands for each type of tea.
(Do you prefer light or dark oolong tea, he asks you. He personally prefers dark, but if you like light there’s a specific kind he’s read wonderful reviews of that he can get imported for you.)
He also has memorized perfect amount of time to brew any type of tea, down to the exact second. 
He personally prefers his tea black, but if you like anything in yours you can guarantee he’ll remember and get it perfect every time. 
He also really likes reading which teas pair best with specific foods.
(Did you know oolong tea pairs well with pancakes?
He does.
It works well since it’s one of the few things he knows how to cook himself.)
He will drink anything that gives him the energy to work all night
His caffeinated drink of choice is Dr. Pepper, of course. 
Even though it has less caffeine than coffee. That just means he has to drink more of it! 
For every cup of coffee Jaehee drinks, he has to drink 3.465 cups of PhD. Pepper.
Yes he did the math
If he really needs the caffeine he can just drink Red Bull Bear
(It’s his favourite because of the potential for “Red Bull Bear gives you wings” jokes)
He’s not the biggest fan of tea? 
He’s sowwy >.
He’ll drink it if he has to. Like with coffee, he has to add enough sugar to mask the bitterness though.
But he likes feeling included so when you’re drinking your tea
He pours PhD Pepper into a pretty floral tea cup to drink with you.
He just sits there with you slowly sipping it. Pinky out, of course. 
He’s grinning the entire time.
Please do not give the anxious fluff ball anything with caffeine
The first time he drank it his heart sped up and he felt shaky and sick and he thought he was going to die.
He also hates the taste of coffee? It’s too bitter. 
And if he wanted something hot and sweet why would he bother trying to drown the bitter gross drink in sugar to make it tolerable when he could just drink something that actually tastes good, like hot chocolate?
And if he needs the caffeine to help him stay awake all night, he can just take caffeine pills for the Convenience™
(Even back in Mint Eye, the caffeine made him anxious and miserable and shaky but it kept him from falling asleep, so)
Now that he’s learning he doesn’t have to suffer and do things that make him miserable, he avoids caffeine altogether.
Tea, though, tea is nice. (Herbal teas, at least.)
Tea doesn’t try to kill you
His favourites are anything fruity and naturally sweet.
He’s open to trying new kinds though. You guys can share your favourites!
If you really want to make him happy, invite him over for tea.
It’s such a stereotypically “normal” thing, in his mind. He’s never been over to someone’s place for tea. He’d love it. 
All he wants is a fancy tea party with little cakes just let him have a tea party please
V doesn’t have a strong opinion on tea vs coffee? 
(Though if he had to choose between the two, he would probably choose tea too. It’s more… relaxing?)
But when he finds out you like it, you can guarantee he will support you.
Both emotionally and financially. 
Sometimes he chooses to drink wine instead of tea, but he always tries to sit down and drink with you at least once during the day.
(You can make him put his wine in a teacup so you can pretend you’re having a tea party)
And he will buy you all the teas you want. And more.
Seriously, this boy is loaded with both money and with adoration for you. You are going to have so many fancy teas. 
You’re going to need entire cupboards for the amount of tea this man will buy you I’m not even kidding.
They like their coffee like their soul: dark and bitter.
…But tea’s nice too.
They’ll drink pretty much anything you put in their hands tbh?
(As long as Seven is nowhere nearby. They pay very close attention to what they’re drinking when he’s there.)
(Don’t ask.)
They’ve never really thought too much about things like their preferred flavour of tea, honestly?
They never really had time to stop and think about things like that.
Now that they’re in a place where they can relax and enjoy life more, they like taking time and paying close attention to the details of flavours.
Their favourite so far is lapsang souchong. There’s something they like about that smoky taste.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Giving Cinderella Her Due: A Look At Cabernet Franc
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/giving-cinderella-her-due-a-look-at-cabernet-franc-2/
Giving Cinderella Her Due: A Look At Cabernet Franc
Tenute Argentiera’s iconic Ventaglio Cabernet Franc vineyard in Bolgheri
“Cab Franc is the ultimate Cinderella grape,” exclaims Leah Jørgensen, owner and winemaker of Jørgensen Cellars in Willamette Valley. “Historically, in Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot got all the attention, while Cab Franc was the one who did all the work. The truth is she’s the belle of the ball.”
While its hard to imagine the parent of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Carménère being underappreciated, Cabernet Franc is often overlooked by wine lovers. Yet, it remains a secret weapon of wine makers. It’s time to start pay attention to Cabernet Franc.
As a blending grape, Cabernet Franc plays well with others. It delivers high acidity, smooth tannins, and notes of spice and herbs, making it more than capable of taking the lead in blends from Napa Valley and Bordeaux’s Right Bank, most notably in Château Cheval Blanc. Recently, it is making a name for itself as a single variety wine.
Cabernet Franc grape close up. Saumur, France
Uco Valley is home to Argentina’s top Malbec. However, Gualtallary, within the Tupungato GI, has an ace up its sleeve—Cabernet Franc. “The potential power of Cabernet Franc illustrated through our terroir is best expressed here,” shares Gonzalo Fernandez Gregorat, winemaker of Rutini Wines, who has been producing Cabernet Franc in the region for 20 years. Rodrigo Serrano, winemaker of Domaine Bousquet, attributes the wine’s soft expressions in the mouth to the region’s elevation and alluvial soil. In the hands of the region’s top producers, the grape transforms into the sexy elegance of the Argentine Tango.
Under the Tuscan Sun, Tenuta Argentiera’s Ventaglio Vineyard, on their Bolgheri estate, signals a new awakening for the property. Ventaglio, meaning fan, represents the winery’s cru, or best, vineyard. And, it’s all planted with one grape: Cabernet Franc. “Ventaglio is my heart and blood—the place I find a new beginning,” shares owner Stanislaus Turnauer. Produced in small amounts in the best vintages, Ventaglio represents the flagship of Argentiera’s portfolio, taking expectations and understanding of the grape to new heights—a Cru Super Tuscan comprised mainly of Cabernet Franc.  
Napa Valley wineries such as Gamble Family Vineyards, Ehler’s Estate, and Cliff Lede Vineyards produce rich, robust expressions of Cabernet Franc. Chris Tynan, winemaker of Cliff Lede Vineyards, believes Napa hosts the ideal conditions for the grape to ripen “to perfection.” 
Inspired by Right Bank Bordeaux, the Cliff Lede High Fidelity “spotlights the playful symbiosis of Cabernet Franc and Merlot, accentuating their individual layers of complexity.” Jason Lede, hospitality manager of Cliff Lede Vineyards “loves it for its plush, fruit-forward qualities.” Adding, “It’s approachable yet still has incredible concentration.”
Both Leah Jørgensen as well as Alison and Eric Smith Story, owners of Smith Story Wine Cellars in Anderson Valley, find their Cabernet Franc inspiration in France’s Loire Valley. And, both believe the trick to an exceptional glass starts in the vineyard.
To limit the grape’s natural “greenness,” Smith Story carefully monitors the grape, harvesting once a perfectly ripe mid-core is achieved. “Resulting in a vibrancy and a nice lift of acidity at the end is a truly magical sip found in our Smith Story Cabernet Franc,” shares Alison Smith Story.
Adding to this, Jørgensen maintains the timing of leaf removal and irrigation of the vine is key in limiting the wine’s greenness while it ripens. This allows the fruit to shine as the green notes become tertiary, creating a pleasant herbal expression. She also contends, in order to coax out the grape’s fruitiness, new oak should never be used in aging.
Jørgensen Cellars offers a variety of expressions of Southern Oregon Cabernet Franc.
Jørgensen sources her Cabernet Franc from Applegate and Rouge Valleys, areas of Southern Oregon containing limestone soil with ancient marine sediments similar to the Loire Valley. Crater View Ranch Vineyards, the source for some of her fruit and a vineyard she believes grows some of the best Cabernet Franc in the world, contains a high concentration of this soil. Because Loire Valley is revered for its expressions of the grape, these soil similarities offer Oregon growers guidance in cultivating the fruit.  
Cabernet Franc’s acidity and tannin structure allows Jørgensen to craft a unique expression—a blanc wine, inspired by former Anne Amie winemaker Thomas Houseman’s L’Iris white Pinot Noir as well as Crémant de Loire sparkling wines. However, she is not making an arbitrary white wine from red grapes. Rather, building on the grape’s structure for intentional symmetry between the white and red wines.  
Lori and Mike Budd, owners of Draceana Wines in Paso Robles, feel in love with Cabernet Franc at first taste many years ago. In 2013, the couple launched their own label with one wine. “After hunting California, we realized there was not a lot of Cab Franc out there. So, we decided to form our own niche with the foundation of the wine we really, really love,” explains Lori Budd.
Today they craft two styles.  A classic multi-site clonal cuvee, and single site and clone reserve expression. “The reserve is mother nature in a glass,” shares Budd. “There are so many different expressions of the grape—there’s a Cab Franc for everyone,” believes Lori Budd.
Surprised a grape with Cabernet Franc’s pedigree did not have its own celebration day, Budd says the “Jersey girl in her” took up the charge to correct this oversight. In 2015, she single-handedly established December 4 as #CabFrancDay.
The date honors Cardinal Richelieu, who is credited with bringing cuttings of the grape to the Loire Valley in the 17th century. Lore holds he planted the vines at St Nicolas de Bourgueil where it grows to this day. From its humble beginnings, #CabFrancDay is now an international celebration.
While its increasingly easier to find wineries focusing on this grape, it remains underappreciated. “Cabernet Franc is an underdog—it needs to be fought for,” explains Budd. “It delivers so many different expressions. There is a Cab Franc out there for everybody.”
a selection of high-quality Cabernet Franc wines
2017 Cliff Lede Vineyards ‘High Fidelity’ Napa Valley ($95) is crafted of 48% Cabernet Franc, 43% Merlot and 9% Cabernet Sauvignon in a nod to both Right Bank Bordeaux and classic rock n’ roll, in a “Smoke On The Water” sort of way. Notes of black currant, fig jam, black pepper, smoked charcuterie, and fresh tobacco dazzle the senses. Concentrated yet approachable, with a crushed velvet mouth-feel and a long, mouth-watering finish.
2018 Domaine Bousquet GAIA Cabernet Franc Gualtallary Estate Vineyard Uco Valley ($30) represents the first time the wine is produced as 100% varietal. It offers soft aromas of bright fruit, mint, pepper, warm baking spice, and floral notes. Firm, gripping tannins contrast its fruit-forward juiciness and mid-palate minerality. Its broad on the palate with a lingering freshness.
2018 Jørgensen Cellars Mae’s Vineyard Blanc de Cabernet Franc Applegate Valley Oregon ($30) is a stunning wine. Layers of lemon, apricot, and apple are joined by fresh picked savory herbs, fresh white flowers and blossom, white tea, and trailing toasted hazelnuts leap from the glass. Complexity follows through on the palate with rich texture balanced by firm acidity, offering an elegance and mid-palate lift. This wine is a must.
2018 Jørgensen Cellars Cabernet Franc Southern Oregon ($25) follows in the footsteps of the Blanc in that it is layered and complex. Aromas of a dried bouquet leap from the glass of this flagship red wine, followed by delicate berries, warm spice, savory dried herbs, and trailing smoke. Vibrant best describes the palate, its fresh with lots of energy and lift. A steal for the price.
2016 Jørgensen Cellars ‘Clos Rouge Valley’ Reserve Cabernet Franc Southern Oregon ($50) falls to the opposite end of the spectrum, word descriptors do no justice in this distinction. Elegant layers of red floral notes (fresh and dried) mingle with tea, savory herbs, cocoa bitters, and black pepper, but more than the sum of its part, the flavors weave together like a tapestry. With a crushed velvet mouth-feel and linear focus, this medium-bodied wine begs for food.
2018 Ravine Cellars Cabernet Franc Finger Lakes New York ($21.95) is a bold single variety wine. Dark fruit, olive tapenade, dried herbs, fresh tobacco, and trailing pepper elicits the senses. Fine-grained tannins from large cask aging offer a smooth mouth-feel. A fruit-driven plate is juicy yet balanced with earthiness in a full-bodied wine with a long finish.
2016 Smith Story Cabernet Franc Sonoma Valley ($48) is a single variety wine intentionally crafted in an elegant, refined style. It offers bright notes of red and black fruit mingling with fresh herbs, violets, subtle spice, and black tea. The palate is fresh with nice lift and mouthwatering acidity. A food wine in a classic old-world style.
2015 Tenuta Argentiera Ventaglio Bolgheri IGT ($300) is the inaugural release. It is crafted of 85% Cabernet Franc and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon. This wine stands out for its cru quality: Lush, sultry, layered, complex, and structured. It’s robe of dark fruit, crushed flowers, dried herbs, warm spice, and a cedar, tobacco, mineral earthiness goes on for days on the palate. Long age-ability but hard to resist now.
2018 Zuccardi ‘Poligonos’ San Pablo Cabernet Franc ($30) is located in the center of Uco Valley, in the heart of Tunuyán, a region defined by its close proximity to the Andes Mountains. Winemaker Sebastián Zuccardi vinifies this wine in concrete vats with indigenous yeast. The resulting 100% Cabernet Franc is fresh and lively, with layers of blue and red fruit, dried herbs, and graphite. The palate exhibits tension between its smooth tannins and bold mountain nature, walking a tight-rope between new and old-world styles.
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