#i just dont know how to work with that many materials and slash or i cant go out and buy all these things right now
i wish betting on wrestling was like a thing because while i would never win if i bet on anything else (am bad at recognising patterns that actually mean anything) i would cash in soooooo much because i can ALWAYS tell when a jericho feud’s gonna run way too long again 😌
#hello hi . im stressed out this fair sunday evening#feel like im failing at school already its been like a month and yet#one of my teachers v much implied i'd fail her assignment if i didnt do a bunch of extra shit and like#theres reasons for it that i can see from her side but theres also just the issue that i told her about of like#i just dont know how to work with that many materials and slash or i cant go out and buy all these things right now#and then she's like well go down to xyz and ask them to do it for you and its like honey i dont know why you think we've got such a like#mutually beneficial relationship going on between all the applied and fine arts in this school like#thats a fiction that lives in your head ... especially after we just didn't exist in this school for a whole year#and anyway. i went ahead and tried some different materials and its just like. you cant make up what an insane failure thats been#and its not that i didnt try my best its just that like idk what she wants from me#cause anyway theres a reason i picked the materials that i did the first time round#changing those just kinda changes the meaning of the thing in general... which is something SHE teaches us#anyway. and tomorrow i have class w someone who i'm Difficult with (as in like i have a hard time around her im not purposefully difficult)#(its just that she makes me feel that way cause of the 'tism and cause of the fact she thinks she knows how to handle the 'tism)#(she doesnt)#and again i did a lot of work for her im just sure she's gonna expect me to have done more#but in my defense. i need to go to the doctor and see if they can prescribe me some form of ritalin bc my exhaustion was so bad last wk#and has been bad for a hot second lately#and theres really only so much i can do with the spoons at hand#anyway. and im also Sad Right Now because ive been ignored and interrupted while saying things a little too frequently recently#and im not laughing. im having a Time.#i didnt even have that bad of a week all things considered but goddd i need a break
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Random meet the batfamily reveal situations i dont see enough of so have some examples/prompts
The JL: Batman is truly terrifying. No one has the guts to lie to his face
The JL: *video calling the batcave*
Spoiler: *walks across the room and is seen as she passes behind Batman*
The JL: wait! Its you!
Batman: Spoiler, why and when did you have contact with the Justice League?
Spolier, no hesitation: i have never met these people in my life
The JL: WHAT? What are you talking about?!? We saw you two days ago
Spoiler: wasn't me. I don't know what to tell you, you must've saw someone else
Batman: *turns on his camera for the JL zoom call*
The JL: uh, Batman?
Batman: *steamrolls right into the meeting material so he doesnt have to talk about falling for a prank*
Batman: what happened?
The JL: well this group broke into the Watchtower and put Green Arrow and Green Lantern in the infirmary! They refuse to tell us who they work for or how they got past security-
Batman: *trying not to laugh because he is pissed that they broke into the Watchtower and possibly compromised them all but the image of Lantern and Arrow sitting next to each other in matching bandages like cartoon characters is hilarious*
Batman: i can answer one of those questions. This group typically works with me. They are supposed to be stationed in Gotham right now.
Batman: Nightwing, what could not be accomplished at the cave that this many of you needed to come here?
Nightwing: well, uh, you see...
Batman: Robin, why are you all here?
Robin: there was a... incident in Agent A's kitchen. It is no longer usable. We are here seeking asylum from his wrath.
Batman: *facepalms*
The JL: *gasps at the facepalm*
Batman: one of you blew up the microwave again, didn't you?
Robin: i will neither confirm or deny that claim.
Batman: *dealing out his children's punishment*
The JL: damn he's really giving it to them
Orphan: *hugs Batman's arm and gives him puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech falters but he keeps going*
Nightwing: *comes up behind Orphan and rests his chin on her head, also giving puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech begins to taper off*
Signal: *starts faking a leg injury and claims to be exhausted*
The JL: no, he's not gonna FOLD is he?
Robin: *refuses to stoop so low as to use these tactics but is adorably sulking behind them*
Batman: *folds like a house of cards and the kids get off mostly free AND with hugs*
The JL: *are flabbergasted*
The JL: how did you hack our security?! It's the best in the world
Red Robin, clearly exhausted: i built your security you fu-
Batman: Red Robin. What can we do for you.
Red Robin: answer your damn phone when i call you.
The JL whispering: who does this guy think he is?
Red Robin: we're out of coffee. I need you to swing by the store on your way back or just steal some before you leave.
The JL: you interrupted our very important meeting because you want Batman to go grocery shopping for you!
Batman and Red Robin: no coffee is a emergency.
Red Robin: *cracks open a five hour energy*
Batman: please don't-
Red Robin, making direct eye contact: *pours five hour energy into a can of monster*
Red Robin: desperate times call for desperate measures, B
Nightwing: it's freezing out here.
Nightwing: *pushes Superman aside so he can wrap Batman's cape around him*
The JL: uhh
Batman: i told you to bring a jacket.
Nightwing: jackets limit my mobility. And last time i brought one it got slashed to pieces and i had to buy a new one. I cant do that every time it gets cold!
Batman: *sighs*
The JL: did Batman just sigh in defeat??!!?!!!??
Oracle, interrupting a meeting: Batman. It's been four hours.
Batman: i am aware. Thank you Oracle.
Oracle: you need to eat, B.
Batman: i am fine.
Oracle: then you shouldn't have a problem eating. I know there are snacks in your belt.
The JL: is Batman getting bullied by his own AI?
Oracle: i am not a AI. And i will hold up this meeting until you eat.
Batman: *grumpily pulls out a granola bar and starts eating*
Red Hood: *marches right through the Watchtower and up to Batman*
Red Hood: you did not tell Robin to "just watch" Pride and Prejudice!
Batman, calmly turning in his chair: i did, yes.
Red Hood: i can't look at you right now. I don't know if i can ever look at you again.
Batman: the one i recommended is praised for it's faithful adaptation-
Red Hood: it's not the same! There is no substitute for reading a Jane Austin work!
Red Hood: next you'll tell me you've never read it
Batman: *silence*
Red Hood: get your stuff, we're leaving.
The JL: where are you going?
Red Hood: to a bookstore!
Red Hood: i'm coming over for lunch tomorrow and you better be at least one chapter in. You hear me, B?
Batman: Hn
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addoration · 2 years
fanfic writer 20 questions
i wasn't tagged but @zebsfloppyears invited anyone who wanted to do this to do so, n i was bored. hope u dont mind vienna!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 79. i have 79 works. and im working on a long fic rn so i probably wont be uploaded another fic for a while to make that number rounded. its bothering me. 2. whats your total ao3 word count? 232,222 3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 7 fandoms! most.. prolifically? if i may use that word.... for loz breath of the wild, and his dark materials. 4. what are your top five fics by kudos? 1. finding words enough - i legit dont remeber much of this but basically link is mute and revali speaks on his behalf. ppl seem to love it. rated G. 2. making cocoa for spencer reid - just a lil criminal minds family piece between rossi and reid, idk. bit of a character study! rated T. 3. magic might stain the air - my first merlin fic i posted (out of 2. lmao) but i really hate this one becaue i rushed it and i could have done so much better!!!!! rated M, beware tags. 4. snow on snow, snow on snow - i rllyy dont remember this one at all. lmao. link/revali pre-slash, rated G. 5. whenever we feel - we evaporate - i think? this was my first fic on ao3! and it's the first part of a lil aziraphale/crowley series that became dearly beloved to me but i never really got back to. rated T.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not? i do now!! i didn't used to because i had an ocd thing about seeing the number go up when half of them were my responses, but thats an obsession that has since left me. i want to apologise to everyone who commented n didnt get a reply sdfghjsf i feel so awkward n i cant respond to comments made years ago now lmao. now i love responding to comments, its such a joy to communicate with my readers and thank them for their kind words!!!!
6. whats the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? i dont write angsty endings; the fics can get as angsty as possible but they must always end happily. sorry :/
7. do you write crossovers? no, i don't. they're not for me!
8. have you ever recieved hate on a fic? not hate exactly.... but i do recall one comment telling me they thought i had rushed the work and it was a bit sloppy (not in so many words tho). i totally agreed with the commenter but i was a bit :/ at reading that yknow
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? i have been known to write smut occasionally, though i dont think i have a "kind" or a "brand".
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of, but (as vienna said in their answer), it's not something that i think about or check for!
11. have you ever had a fic translated? nope! i welcome it though.
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? nope! in theory i would be open to it however i am probably very difficult to work with lmao
13. whats your all time favourite ship? such a hard question because it rlly depends what fandom im currently in, but. baruch/balthamos live rent free in my head. as do aziraphale/crowley, espeically my specific brand of them which is queerplatonic <3
14. what's a wip you want to finish but dont think you ever will? lmao if you had asked me a week ago, i would have said my current longfic, when you catch him, he burns through your heart, like a shooting star burns the skies but im actively up and working on that again, so. i guess something i dont imagine i'll return to any time soon is my series of harth/link fics, you hold my touch in you, simply because it's been a while now, and i dont imagine that such a minor npc as harth will be in botw's sequel, so... how will i rekindle my desire to write for them. idk! it's all up in the air though - i haven't necessarily abandoned any of my unfinished fics, theyre just on indefinite haitus.
15. what are your writing strengths? i would like to think that my poet's voice shines through my prose and therefore that my description is sufficiently good! lmao i have to sometimes physically stop myself from writing 5 paragraphs waxing poetic about the scenery. also honourary mention to dialogue. im pretty proud of some of the lines of dialogue ive written.
16. what are your writing weaknesses? hhghgh action. handling a big plot sensitively. ive been really struggling with making sure ive got hold of all my threads in my long fic. i dont think ive let go of any yet but im constantly paranoid that ive dropped one lmao. also i find action so hard!! the pacing of it, the choice of words, the making sure the reader doesnt get bored by not over or under describing whats happening! hhg.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? if this means in the sense that a character is speaking a different language in the fic, then. i've seen it done a few ways. personally i ofc want to understand whats being said, so i like it best when the line is written in english but perhaps put in italics, with a tag saying smth like "they said in french/whatever langauge". ive also seen it done as typed in the langauge followed by the english translation in italics. either way works, i just don't rlly like it when it's completely untranslated!! even having like a lil dictionary in the end notes works.
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for? good omens lmao. i wrote fic before that but im not going into that, and i dont even think i could find it again bc it's lost in the depths of ff.net. i was also 13/14. so yeah :/
19. what's your favourite fic you've ever written? ppl dont really like this fic bc it's gen/not shippy and possibly also bc it was inspired by music, but. i have a real soft spot for my fic rose quartz and cool safflina. (botw, T) i wrote it while listening to la dispute's album panorama, and i think having the music helped me write with such a good flow. it's a very poetic piece, though. not for everyone. i also rlly like the great frost of 1684 (good omens, Gen) though neither of them are anywhere near my popular works' stats.
20. who do you tag? low pressure tagging @snidgetwidgeon, @itcantbe, @cyraclove, @unmaskedcardinal and everyone else who fancies it!!
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m3ws-moved · 3 years
have i ever mentioned my hate for camus here before
#to clarify . i dont hate camus i more hate how myth of sisyphus was taught to me in juunior yr but same thing#anyways i feel so unfufilled rn lmao#most of my classes r v easy bc theyre the last 2/3 gen ed ones and then the others r classes i basically already took#but that didnt get counted :/#my ib history score counted for only 1 class and not the other even though i got a good score <3 they just didnt think the material was#the same ig#but anyways im so bored#which makes me tired and low energy so i never go out#which makes me sad and stuff#oh but im going out on wednesday !!!!! w someone . should  be fun#v v nervous tbh bc i hate going out recently ?? been getting anxious  :/#but also excited :]#also i got mochi !!! or my parents did for me bc theres only one place we know that sells and its this bakery#but it has nuts and i didnt know that and they didnt either so idk if ill eat it. feel bad not but also . aa :/#anyways yeah . playing genshin a lot recently . probably too much but like i dont have anything else to do#no one gives me any work except spanish and even if i Do go out like i still have so many hrs in the day that idk what to do w#and if i take a nap or rest then i just get more sad and low energy and dont wanna do Anything at all so . its a medium place ig#but its fun. building baal rn she can do 40k on her initial slash and i blame her weapon for why its not higher lol#but yeah#camus post turned into life update post#<3 hope youre all well :]#also mutuals if u play genshin on na server and wanna be friends <3 lmk#or just give me ur uid or whatever lol
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dehydratedpercy · 3 years
Prompt: " Please.....dont make me hurt you"
For dark Frank maybe👀 but you Can also choose someone else
A Way To Hurt (2.5k)
Read on Ao3 | Based on this post
Summary: Hazel still has Frank's firewood, though they're enemies now. Even though she knows she could kill him, she can't bring herself to betray his trust-- that is, until he shows up one night intent on getting his lifeline back, no matter the cost.
TW: Home invasion, dark themes
Hazel had just finished getting ready for bed when she heard the noise. It came from the other room, so she picked up her spatha, hoping beyond hope that it was just the old house settling.
Sometimes, it was just the old house settling. She kept her spatha by her side at all times though, because she knew one day, it wouldn’t just be the house. And she refused to be unarmed when that day finally came.
Now, she had her sword, which gave her comfort even if she wasn’t wearing armor. Her sweats were oversized, her mouth still tasting like toothpaste. Her eyes had been drooping, almost falling asleep standing up.
She wasn’t falling asleep now.
She stepped into the bedroom, pausing in the doorway. For a moment, there was nothing. Then Frank materialized, landing with barely a step. It was almost as if he'd taken off Annabeth's invisibility cap, but Hazel knew the truth; that he'd simply been in the form of a bug, and had shifted back to his human form. It was a trick he’d started learning when he was still at camp, but clearly he’d perfected it since then.
Hazel let her spatha hang by her side, not raising it quite yet. Frank wouldn’t have shown himself if he was just going to attack her, which meant he must’ve wanted to talk.
This’ll be good, she thought, crossing her arms.
“Hazel,” Frank said, sounding on edge. He looked worse than the last time she saw him, like he hadn’t been sleeping. Despite that, his posture was straight, like he hadn’t been able to forget his Roman training, his hands in his pockets casually, like he hadn’t just broken in. “You look-- good. You look good.”
It came out as a stumbled complement, but it hit Hazel like an insult. They’d broken up directly before he’d left camp, but before that they’d been dating for nearly three years. He’d never gotten less awkward. At one point, it had been endearing-- but too much had changed for it to feel like anything but an insult now. Especially since she knew why he was here.
“That attack on Camp Half-Blood. That was you, wasn’t it?”
Frank shrugged non-committally. “I wasn’t there, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“You just helped organize it.”
“Sounds like something I’d do, doesn’t it?” He said, neither agreeing or disagreeing. “Hazel--”
“And the attack on the questers? The bear--”
He huffed. “Might have just been a freak accident. Wild animals attack sometimes, Hazel.”
“Stop saying my name,” she snapped. “It’s not yours to say anymore. And that warship that was destroyed? The defenses that were destroyed? The supplies that were booby-trapped?”
Frank took a step forward, eyes darkening. He didn’t like being pushed, but Hazel didn’t care. He deserved to feel the impact of the crimes he committed-- crimes against demigods, crimes against his family. Hazel wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
They’d initially broken up when Frank started getting too radical, claiming that they were doing something wrong by taking in and training new demigods. He said they’d be better off left alone, where they wouldn’t be able to get too powerful, and thus wouldn’t attract as many monsters. Some would die, sure-- but he thought back to his mortal days with a fondness he didn���t hold for either camp. He thought it would’ve been better not to know.
He was wrong. But that didn’t stop him. He left camp, found beings willing to support his cause, and started a gradual campaign to dissolve both camps-- make them so unsafe demigods started fleeing, trying their luck in the mortal world.
Hazel and her friends had volunteered to be the ones to take him in-- or, if that didn’t work, bring him down. This house had been their mission headquarters. It was supposed to be secure. Then again, nothing seemed to be secure these days: there was nowhere Frank had been unable to go. He could turn into a bug and fly under doors, turn into a bear and attack innocents, turn into an elephant and take down buildings. His shifting was instantaneous, making him impossible to fight: he changed form before you could land a swing.
“You act like I’m a bad guy,” Frank said, voice low and dangerous. “Like I’m not doing all of this to help people. The generation after us will thank me when they are able to live among mortals again--”
“The ones who don’t die, maybe!” Hazel said, voice raising. “And fuck the next generation, what about the ones who are alive now? The demigods who have already started exploring their powers, who can’t stay in the mortal world without detection. What about them?”
“They’re a lost cause,” Frank said, sounding deeply saddened by this. “And I am too. I know my scent is as powerful as yours or Jason’s; this fucking curse has seen to that.”
“A blessing,” Hazel corrected, feeling the familiarity of their old argument like a frequently dislocated joint. “Shapeshifting is a blessing, a gift more demigods would die for--”
“I’m barely even human anymore!” Frank yelled. Hazel stepped back in horror as he shifted rapidly, going from human to bear to hawk to wolf to human again. It happened so quickly it just looked like a flicker, and then he was human again, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath. “Hazel, I wouldn’t wish this curse on anyone. And even if I was just a normal demigod, going to camp was the biggest mistake of my life. If I had never done that, my scent would have never gotten this strong. My family mansion would still be around, my grandmother would still be--” he swallowed with difficulty. “My grandmother would still be alive. Camp Jupiter took everything from me. And I can’t get it back, but maybe-- I could make it better for future demigods. That’s all I can hope for.”
“At the expense of demigods now,” Hazel whispered. “Frank, without the camps… so many people will die. Demigods need a safe place to train.”
Frank’s expression closed off, and Hazel knew he was done arguing with her. Early on, he’d hoped to get her to see his side, but he’d quickly seen that that would never happen.
“Fine,” he said, voice like a knife. “Then just give me what I came here for, and I’ll be on my way.”
Hazel felt her face heat up. Her hand twitched, wanting to move to touch the side of her thigh where his piece of firewood sat. All this time, and he’d never gotten it back. At first, Hazel thought it was a hopeful sign, since it meant he must still trust it in her care, but as his actions grew more and more violent, she knew it was only a matter of time.
She had used to keep it in a jacket pocket, but she wasn’t so naive anymore. Currently, the wood was duct-taped to the side of her thigh, so it never left her side. No one knew; her friends didn’t even know she had it. She’d considered telling them, but she just couldn’t betray Frank’s trust like that. She’d considered burning it-- especially after hearing about the deaths-- but in the end, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. How could she betray someone who had trusted her with everything? How could she hurt anyone like that?
Hazel had known, in her heart, that one day he’d show up, looking for the piece of timber. She had hoped it wouldn’t happen, but she’d known. She wasn’t as naive as people liked to think.
“I’m not giving you anything,” she said, raising her spatha. “For all you know, I don’t even have it anymore. I may have put it in a safe across the country, and you’ll never find it.”
“Yeah, right,” he scoffed. “Come on Hazel. Don’t make me ask again.”
“I told you not to say my name.”
“Hazel,” Frank snapped. “You’re acting like a child. I’m trying to make the world a better place, and it’s bad enough you of all people are trying to stop me. But that timber doesn’t belong to you. Give it here.”
“Do you remember who my father is?” Hazel challenged, baring her teeth. “I could kill you with the snap of my fingers. I’d be more afraid, if I were you.”
"You have my firewood, you could've killed me long ago," Frank argued. "You haven't. You're not going to try now."
Hazel felt her eyes blaze with determination. "You don't know that."
He started moving forward, and Hazel was reminded briefly how much bigger than her he was. "I do. Because I know you, and I know you'd never do anything to hurt a friend."
"Unlike some people," Hazel snarled.
Frank ignored the jab, still moving forward. “Hazel, I’m begging you, just hand it over. I don’t… I don’t want to hurt you.”
He got too close, and Hazel slashed with her sword. In an instant, he was gone, and then he was behind her, grabbing her around the waist. She screamed as he grabbed her hoodie pocket, feeling for the timber. She tried to elbow him in the face but he was gone again, and then she tripped over something and was on the ground. She swiped at him again but he was relentless, disappearing and reappearing again, attacking her like a wolf tearing at scaps. She couldn’t strike her, no matter how hard she tried.
Suddenly, she felt his hand on her thigh, and in a panic she kicked him away. He responded slower this time, barely turning into a bird in time to stop himself from slamming full force into the opposite wall. He dropped back to human form, panting, but his gaze was vicious. He’d found what he was looking for.
“You used to be a gentleman,” Hazel said bitterly as she stumbled to her feet, backing up. He had never so blatantly ignored her consent like that before, touching her like she was a means to an end instead of a person.
“I’m not going to be a gentleman when you have my lifeline tucked against your skin,” Frank said cruelly.
Hazel saw his muscles tense and just had enough time to say “No--” when he lunged, turning into a hawk. She slashed with her sword, but then he was a coyote, hitting her with so much force she fell again. There was a ripping noise, but she didn’t have time to react because then he was on top of her in human form again. They wrestled for a moment, but Hazel had never excelled in hand-to-hand combat, and he was twice her size with the upper hand. He threw her spatha to the side, then pinned her beneath him.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, then there was a hand over her mouth. She lurched, screaming into it as he ripped the duct-taped timber off her leg, taking some of her hair with it.
As a wolf, he must’ve bitten off a hunk of her sweatpants, and now he had the timber back in his hand.
He looked at it in awe, as if he wasn’t didn’t even see her as a threat anymore.
She gritted her teeth and summoned her sword. It flew so fast it knocked Frank in the back of the head, and then she was able to throw him off her body, slashing at the same time. He turned into a hawk but wasn’t quick enough, and she sliced off part of his wing. He fell, rolling away in human form, and when he came to a stop Hazel saw the huge gash down his arm. He reached up to touch it, and it was then that Hazel realized he didn’t have the wood.
She spotted it, laying in the center of the floor, at the same time as he did. They both lunged, Frank’s image flickering through half a dozen transformations before he grabbed onto the timber with his thick human hand. Hazel almost took off his fingers as she swung. Instead of knocking the wood out of his hand, however, she cut it clear in half.
That was good enough for her. She dove, grabbing the wood and rolling.
She landed in a kneeling position, half of the piece of timber in her hands. Frank held the other, teeth gritted. He looked like he planned to launch another attack, but before he could Hazel did what she should’ve done a long time ago: warping the imperial gold of her sword, turning it to its liquid state in mid-air, and using it to coat her piece of wood. She raised it, triumphant, the metal-covered wood levitating an inch above her hand. It glowed inhumanly-- after all, she had her own curses to deal with. Frank wouldn’t dare touch it now.
The house shook. It took Hazel a moment to realize that was her magic, causing the very foundations of the house to tremor. There were shouts from the lower floor, the sound of pounding footsteps.
“Try me again,” she threatened, still levitating her trophy grotesquely. “I will end you.”
Frank looked pissed, but he also must’ve seen how serious she was. He swallowed, stuffing his piece of firewood back in his pocket. “Until we meet again-- Levesque.”
Then he turned into a bat, still able to fly despite his injured wing. The door opened and he swooped out, escaping into the rest of the house and eventually, into the night.
Jason and Percy lurched in, both looking panicked. They didn’t seem to have noticed the bat. When Jason saw Hazel, his eyes widened, and he backed up into Percy, nearly knocking him over. “Hazel-- your eyes--”
Hazel realized her eyes must’ve started glowing gold, like they sometimes did when she was filled with rage. With effort, she willed them to stop, calling on the house to still.
“What happened?” Percy asked as Hazel walked to the window. She watched as a bat darted out the front door, which was still open-- Jason and Percy must’ve just gotten back. She continued watching the bat until it was too far away to see, then sighed. She willed the metal to uncover the piece of tinder, revealing it as a piece of wood again, and holding it up for them to see.
She’d never told anyone Frank’s secret, thinking her loyalty to her promise came before anything else. She didn’t think that anymore, though, and she was done doing Frank favors.
(The wood still had Frank’s blood on it, and it made Hazel’s stomach twist uncomfortably.)
“I have something to tell you guys,” Hazel said, doing an impressive job of keeping her voice from shaking. “A secret I’ve been holding for Frank for-- too long. It may not be enough to destroy him, but at the very least, I know a way where we can hurt him very, very badly.”
Send me an ask | Read "Preserve or Raze" | Check out my AO3
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glove23 · 3 years
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
My comfort zone is definitely just about any kind of Angst, with a generous amount of fluff thrown in.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Not really? If i want to do it i generally just Do It and if I havent im either not a huge fan or i just dont know about it
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Babyfic, it has to be a very specific kind for me to even read it but i defo dont want to write it. Im just not abt it, i work with kids im okay with keeping them out of my fic
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
U should see my notes app on my phone its just filled with half cocked ideas that i will immediately forget i wrote down. Id say upwards of 10 just loose ideas floatin around
5. Share one of your strengths.
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
Not dialogue!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Finding a small stream running through the forest, it’s edges frosted with ice, she stopped. Crouching down, Alina watched as the light from her hand played across the flowing water and sparkled off the ice.
It was beautiful. She sighed.
Such a small thing could cause so much pain and fear. She was being hunted. She wasn’t safe in towns as people hated her just for being Shu. She couldn’t tell them she was Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner, because that just put her in a different kind of danger. It left a bitter taste in her mouth that people were more willing to accept her when she was a powerful Grisha, than they were just by looking at her. Not that she was any safer as a Saint than she was being part Shu.
Alina tensed her hand, changing the shape of her light. No longer was it a softly glowing ball, but a sharp looking line of pure light. She slashed her hand down and the light slashed somewhat viscously into the water, shattering the ice at the edges and splashing water up onto her shoes.
Explanation: this just slaps okay?? Yes i Am too lazy to actually link the fic, but its half in love with easy death on ao3
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“I’ve spent my whole life running from the TVA, running towards this moment. To their destruction. And I never thought someone else would be here with me, and I’ve never had to think of someone else’s safety during...well anything really.” Sylvie stared into his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t hate her for the words she had to say next. “Loki, I don’t know if I can do this and keep you safe. If what I have to do risks hurting you…”
Loki put his other hand on top of their intertwined ones. “Sylvie-”
“I think I would still do it.”
I just think it really hits hard and i love the angst :) from darkness spreads under my ribs
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Both meeting your maker (literally) and your makes meet (figuratively) bc they both long and very involved. Oneshots are easy, chapter fics take coordination
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Truly it depends on my mental state or how currently obsessed i am with the source material. Rn the easiest to write is the two sylki fics I’ve posted in the past week, as I am very into it rn, they both took me like no time bc my brain is so hyperfocused on them
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
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...so...is it too late for me to re-make the almost entirety of candy into my own self indulgent bullshit? dont try to make sense of some these pics some are either old ideas or me bullshitting cause my mind runs a bajillion miles per hour and made an alt idea: tootsie-verse where shit might make slightly more sense and i get to have fun with ideas i didnt get to see be possible.
so far plot so far ala everything:
-once the gang ended up at the 5-000+ yrs of earth c the original method WV had established had changed during that long time, with kingdoms being a revived concept, allie-ships between them broken or re-mad, laws of a firm unfairness and a seat for mayoresident of the earth kingdom needing a new canidate
-after dropping there catav had taken the currently refridgerated gamzee to the woods to help sober him up after everything, handing the corpse’s that were still in there to kanaya after she’d found the newly hatched mothergrub was low on material needed to activate it as the troll kingdom was on a rather firm law on how much to give making it difficult to get a full load.
-six years later -23 for everyone- things were in motion with everyone having some form of jobs as jane elected to work on becoming the new mayoresident of the human kingdom and fix these tightass laws, while conflicting with her past trauma, hiding it and trying not to show how fearful she has been lately over the highbloods -mostly the seadwellers-
-during this time the newest clutches of grubs were born, a handful being clones of past troll friends and allies as many came to celebrate with june -at the time not knowing her identity yet- finding the clone of vriska and casually wanting to adopt her, wanting her to live the human life she wanted before. of course the only way around this was adopting her via the consort kingdom's laws being much looser for trolls.
-also during this time a strange occurance involving another world’s meteor and child had crash landed in the marylonde backyard of their human kingdom two story vacation home, a child of both their genetics but more human dominant was there. both deciding it safe to adopt him but keeping the troll portions hidden once getting him schooled later on as the school’s there were the education they wanted him to have. having roxy help them with their aliby, using their carapacion ruler power to write up a fake adoption paper for him.
-also also during this time gamzee had made his return as catav’s new moirail and three sweeps sober, of course not everyone had a big ‘hoorah’ party for him, but it gained jane’s attention whose mental health was still going downhill aswell as what she’s heard of her other alt selves in the dream bubbles, and how well his jape’s and pranks were, causing a one sided kismesis.
-a year later-24 yr old- jane had become the new mayoresident of the earth kingdom, making new laws for human, consort and carapacion kingdoms...the trolls kingdom...she said was taking a while. during this time she, jake and dirk had talked over and compromised of letting her and jake be shared parents for an ecto-bio child due to jane’s wanting to be a mother, with shared custody for both parties.
-a year -25 yr period-after that the troll kingdoms rulers were getting impatient as jane had put them aside to continue her work, making up explanations for putting off getting their laws worked out. during this time ecto-bio-lab leader and work partner for skaianet labs jade harley had decided once ready all three pitched in their DNA, using her boss status to use the ecto-bio machinery to create their daughter. unfortunately she wasnt sneaky enough, being confronted by both english and crocker over this earth kingdom rule breaking, in the end forcing the three to keep their daughter’s existance to a minimal and for jade to be fired.
-during this time jane’s one sided kismesis became equal after a visit that involved catav and jake hanging out jane had left some soporifics around the clown, causing him to fall off the wagon hard after that. during the couple months back on his addiction catav was semi-convinced by kar to distance himself from their quadrant as it was draining him physically and mentally -which was semi right, but also was just cause kar was beyond pissed at gamz as no one at the time knew it was jane’s doing...except one-
-once falling the pieces together dirk had interrogated his friend for how she’s been acting the past eight years, things turning more heated then they should’ve as they sparred, ending in a slashed neck and an anxietic crocker unable to revive him out of fear of he and all her friends leaving her sneakily sewing up the slashed portion and sneaking to the furthest portion of his archeological bro’s forest trees with a rope wrapped around his neck.
-after a month a search party was made to find him lead by said cool archeological bro, only to be found a month later decomposed and munched on by outdoor critters. a funeral was set the next day. 
-the day after as caliope slept her alt-iope self had brought her and another universe version of her to her circle for help as her other version’s universe’s english was alive, traveling through space destroying everything in his path. aradia had busily made a small meteor team to help but alt needed a host body to warn the others and to join the meteor team, as the one version was used as a mouthpiece for her world’s gang, tootsie-calie and her wings were used to fly to space to join the others leaving a mourning roxy to fall off the wagon at two lost friends.
-a week later english fell off his first wagon, ushering jane to have full custody of their ecto-son, giving up his reign of the consort kingdom to june who stepped down as human kingdom’s ruler to take the consort kingdom job very seriously. after roxy had also dropped her crown to live with jane who offered to help her, despite how unfortunately unable she’d be at it keeping soporifics for gamzee. leaving the carapacion kingdom with the marylonde’s working overtime to keep it in check.
-ten years later the troll kingdom’s rulers have finally become impatient, interrogating crocker to confirm to them and herself her castest views on the highbloods, linking them as the reason she gave the troll kingdom no progress growth wise. this caused them to declare rebellion against her. despite the carapacios leaders being on their side, their kingdom’s people were anything but on their side due to past conflicts in the 5-000+ yr gap, leading the two to leave the kingdom to find new rulers to help the rebellion, while the consort kingdom left itself to be neutral in the situation for now.
-a day before harisn’s thirteenth birthday his mothers left the carapacion kingdom, moving to the human kingdom so he could still attend it’s school, despite the glares kan still gets.
-a week after tifney’s twelfth birthday, the vantas home was bombed as a warning to stop the rebellion, leaving only the third story burnt and their side to declare war.
-afterwards a now life ring wearing meenah and the leftover of the dancestors had fallen out of a mysterious black time portal hole, recruited to join the rebellion, making meenah the leader of the ghost train, the ghostly crew used to spy in the crockercorps’s buildings and make secret attacks on them, living in the marylonde’s basement of their new house. catav and aquisprites were recruited, given robotic bodies to help as the co-leaders if the ghost train and tech departments respectively.
-on vrasey’s thirteenth birthday at the troll kingdom’s sign-high an attack was made, causing many trolls above jade color attacked by locker bombs, swords and the declaration from the human kingdom’s ruler that any blood above jade was their target, causing many of the lowerbloods to rally against them into hiding and vrasey to be schooled in the consort kingdom. the sea of the troll’s beach bombed with a poison taking out most of its seadweller neighbors and fish.
-after this a highblooded rebellion was created underground, ran by teals as the rulers of it to achieve the goal of winning this war, taking out both sides who betrayed them. the elderly leader of the coming rebellion took in another teal, training her during this time and inserting her some bias he had at the time of the higherbloods’s status’s. 
-a month after travos’s sixteenth birthday he had involved himself in another kismesis scuffle as gamjane’s relationship was becoming more and more unhealthy, anger filled, only to end with a gash from a club to his head and after waking up covered in his dead blood. freaking out he drove off in his newly given airportable car as jane ushered a drunk roxy to make the corpse disappear, which she did, and having it reappear in harisn’s sylladex at school.
the kids:
harisn maryam lalonde -16-: harisn is a musical lover, extending to an orchestratal lover along with his mothers as he picked up the interest of persuing the cello in his music class. he lives an easy breezy life as his moms limited him to stay out of the rebellion when it started and he at the time was thirteen. he has a sweet tooth and interests in sewing for school musical attires and occasionally being a step in actor for certain events, making sure his outfits warn on the other actors though are outstanding enough to be remembered.
vrasey serket harlenglker eggbert -16-: vrasey never had alot of friends, even before moving to the consort’s firedile high and going to troll kingdom’s sign-high she was much too ambitious with hard pranks and thrill for action for many. she’s a fan of action movies with a hint of comedy and romance, sparring with her mom and recently recovering uncle who lives with them now, and having a bit of a fashionista side of re-creating her hand-me-downs. is mostly kind to her relatives but will snip in some cases.
travos english crocker -15-16-: growing up in a soporific filled household with no father figure thats present enough and an unhealthy kismesis couple travos had grown to be soft, quiet and anxietic at the smallest of actions and tones, closing himself in his room being homeschooled for most of his life. he’s perceptive of others emotions surprisingly able to know mostly how someone feels. he’s also known for having alot of knowledge on carapacions history, traditions and a dozen of their words in their language, but shut in enough to only ever tell this to his summer school going semi-relative harisn, until his mothers left the royalty and ultimately the kingdom but both stay in touch.
tifney vantas strider harley -15-: the star soccer player of troll kingdom’s sign-high tifney is protective and not approachable, not due to how mean she is she’s nice, but mostly due to how intimidating she looks. ever since the beginning of the war she has since tried to know all she could secretly from her parents despite their best efforts not to get her involved. she gained kar’s love of romance’s but also soap opera’s and napoleon ice cream.
claret pyrope -16-17-: the recent ruler of the underground highblood rebellion ‘high-revive’. born and raised in dolorosa’s cavern for orphaned wigglers she lived an introverted life as her rebellious, childish and slightly aggressive way of playing pretend led to many not staying for long. being in the system however she was still authorized to go to school, until the attack happened, causing her to end up with a horn and eye slashed, taken in by the newly formed high-revive’s leader, to become its newer leader. she takes her job overly seriously, giving more benefit to trolls then humans. she’s stubborn and believes the law and method she’s making to be the only way to gain a winning in the rebellion. she looks up to past teals in the history specifically the pyropes and redglare, basing all she’s doing off the knowledge of them thanks to schoolfeed.
reeffi peixes -16-: after the waters of her and her moirail’s home were poisoned both escaped thanks to her heightened smell, being found by claret at 15 and taken into the high-revive. reeffi was trained to become the new heiress of the rebellion after learning her blood color’s status in the past, wanting to do so to make things peaceful for everyone even if violence had to happen. she’s protective of her rail and considers herself to be the one to defend everyone from danger. she’s snarky, and has a thing for causing mischief and simple but stylish fashion.
marche ampora -16-: just like his moirail both share the common knowledge of not knowing their ancestors, born and raised with his rail in the seadweller side kingdom, made after the troll kingdom rulers had returned and made a compromise. marche is naive of his highblood status not grasping what it’s worth is. he’s timid, shy, outwardly vunerable and coddled slightly by his rail but also easy to annoy but keeps it quiet. is also very protective of his rail but keeps that also quiet despite his annoyance for being protected so much he’s been deemed not qualified to fight with anything. later on he grows an interest for expensive and rich looking fashion and not wanting too much responsibility that isnt his own things.
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ao3-sucks · 3 years
(originally an anon ask, but i filtered out some language that was a bit obscene)
omfg! yes? if you have posts/analysis/whatever on the phenomenon known as "migrant slash fandom" do share! personally, i find it fascinating, and it proves my theory that the shittier the source material the more fanwork there will be about it. like, there aren't many/any [omegaverse] fanfiction about Virginia Woolf's works, but you will find a ton about *insert latest mediocre pseudo intellectual film/show a la BBC's Sh*rlock*
i feel like it’s less about how shitty the source material is (although that definitely plays a role) and more about whether theres some suitable white dudes to pair off, and whether canon is just vague enough for people to put whatever fanon they want in to fill the gaps. the racism inherent to the migratory slash fandom is best discussed at the link below. its also my favourite source on the subject, it really delves deep:
the link below also goes over why the migratory slash fandom is kind of dumb:
(i dont know that much about the authors of these works so apologies if i missed something)
- Mod Daft
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so the jail support mutual aid group that i’m a part of has been being antagonized by this cab driver who parks across from where we work. hes not a liscenced cabbie really - my understanding of his “origin story” is that he was a yellow cab guy who has hung out outside the jail for decades occaisionally picking up fares when people are released with money or have family members with cash at the destination. hes been there for so long in many ways its largely social - he has his other cabbie buddy, he rubs elbows with the COs - but he feels very much like its his space. at some point the jail told the yellow cab companies to buzz off, so he just stopped working with a cab company and still sits outside the jail waiting for rides.
since the beginning things were tense - hes a gregarious old school type of dude who can be pretty moody and unhinged. but i always felt deferential to him in a way - he can be a huge help, he can be a funny guy, and it doesnt feel right to gentrify out a cabbie just because we give out free rides. that being said most of the rides we give he wouldnt take anyway - people who cant afford a ride home, who dont have a conventional home to go back to, people who need to collect their seized property from the county -- and on top of that he really just chills in his car most of the time. but for a long time we were like, OK, when we’re at capacity we send some rides his way. No problemo.
Problemo. the things he says start to alienate people. he definitely does not know the agreedupon vernancular when discussing LGBTQ issues. this begins to make people feel unsafe, and he also becomes more moody as the weather gets colder. 
a chicago summer renders the city into a carceral boomtown - kids minding their own business get picked up on bullshit drug charges that get thrown out the next day, legal gun owners get caught in the midst of constantly changing regulations that mean that the way you store your legal firearm today can get you thrown in the pen tomorrow (of course, only if you’re black), everyones out enjoying the weather so if you have a warrant and some cop with a chip on their shoulder sees you, you’re screwed. that being said - in winter, things slow way down. i have no doubt that the economic impact of this seasonal change influences the broader drama of this situation from henceforth.
Back to the problem - soon it feels like him screaming at us that we’re taking his fares, or don’t know what we’re doing, or are giving other cab drivers too many fares, is an every night occurence. People start feeling unsafe - you hear this guy say a couple slurs... and hes loud and angry......but to me i was like. Well you’re white. This is an elderly black man who is pretty much living hand to mouth. I wanted to be in a position where we could provide hims ome material financial support via pay for rides (that, due to our understaffing, we still needed help with) and everything seemed chill. We were sort of telling offended people to check their own privilege and assumptions. Because I don’t have a lot of energy and time for people who criminalize and pathologize black masculinity. 
Regardless our policies and attempts to play ball don’t matter - whatever we do still isnt good enough. Its clear that he views us giving any sort of rides to people as a threat to his livelihood despite, as i’ve said, us only really giving rides that he wouldn’t take anyway, and being as deferential as we can to give rides that seem like a good fit for him - to him -- which also is eating at our financials. And the contingent of people feeling hurt, threatened, burnt out by dealing with him grows.it becomes clear that ignoring this group of people is coming off as callous and silencing voices. there are people whos departure from the organization is clearly linked to this guy bothering us -- and his hassling is getting worse. He starts talking about burning down our tent, slashing our tires, etc.
Maybe coming from a more working class or hick town, being a str8 white boy, i never felt the fear in my dealings with him, just a lot of frustration. But i became one of the few people who can really get in the car with him and talk out how he feels, doing my best to act as a go between from the group to him. I take a lot of verbal abuse and shit talk throughout this but always call him on this. To me the key failure of the young american left is an unability to engage materially with real working class people who do not speak in such flowery language and have not been as understanding of the large-scale social developments that have been undertaken since the obama presidency especially around “microaggressions” and the defied canonization of identity politics from an aspect of Marxism to the underlying dogma of most centrist-to-center left projects. Le sigh! So I tried to fit in where I was effective and act as a filter - sifting out this guys bullshit and calming him down so we can have a good normal talk. Honestly? This begins to wear on me. Im a conforntantion averse person, ask anyone...
We have a referendum on everything and its clear that no one except me and my gf are even open to the idea of still working with this guy. So we (me, some other volunteers) decide to have a sit down chat with him this week. 
Well on Sunday i guess he was walking over to us hollering and talking major shit - normally we can handle this, but this time we actually had people who had been released from jail waiting for a ride as he was coming to talk shit. The people waiting couldn’t bear to hear the way he was yelling at his and start to intervene. He flips out and goes to his car, a beat up classic coupe, and produces some sort of steel pole weapon. He starts pounding on the light post by our tent with it and rushes our tent threatening to kick it down. The situation is deescalated, but holy shit.
So now we’re having a sit down chat with him tonight to figure how what  moving forward looks like. I dont think we’re ever going to work with him again, but he’s also cearly not going anywhere - he’s been at that area for a long time and again, considers himself the don of it - so I simply don’t know what will happen. I’m sick to my stomach thinking about this, how fucked up and weird and sad it all is to have to deal with, when this mutual aid project is otherwise such a beautiful and harmonious thing.
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pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
The First Quest X
Andy attempted to gain some knowledge as to why Maria and Jaxon were no longer on speaking terms, but not many people knew what had happened.
“I don’t get it,” Andy huffed, resting his chin on his hand. “They always fight but this is different.”
“Wrench,” Sol held out her hand expectantly and Andy placed the tool in her grip.
“If anything they’d have fixed it by now.” He paused in thought for a moment, tapping his fingers against his chin.
“Maybe they just need time apart.” Sol suggested making an unusual attempt at conversation.
“They hardly touch one another with an eight foot pole. They have plenty of time apart.” Andy laughed. Sol hummed in reply and settled her goggles back on her face. “I mean the bickering gets old but the silence is just...uncomfortable.”
“Some people have odd ways of doing things.” The motor Sol was working on gave a small attempt to start before fizzling out. “Crap. I swore I fixed it.”
“Try jiggling the knobby thing.” Andy pointed at a protrusion on the machine.
“That’s not what it’s called,” Andy noticed the small smile on her face and couldn’t help but sit up a bit taller. She took his advice anyways and sure enough the engine gave a mighty sputter before maintaining a low hum. “Yes! Finally!”
“Great! Now you can put it on the motorized dummy track for the training arena!” Andy hopped up from the stool he’d been sitting on.
“That’s the plan.” Sol nodded, moving to turn off the device. With a satisfied nod she tugged off her goggles and gloves.
“You got a little something.” Andy gestured to his own nose indicating the spot where Sol had a fair amount of grease plastered on her face.
“Again?” With a grunt of frustration Sol used the hem of her shirt to scrub at her face. The grease only smeared further over her nose and cheeks.
“Don’t do that!” Andy laughed. “You got it everywhere!”
“Ugh! I hate my life!” Sol huffed.
“Sit down. I got this.” Andy offered her the stool. Sitting, Sol watched him curiously until he came back with a squirt bottle, a surprisingly clean rag, and a mirror. “I will be your stylist today. I was trained in the art of beauty!”
With an impish grin Andy did a clumsy spin and struck a pose, spinning the bottle on his finger as if it were a ring of car keys.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Andy winked. “Now let the master work.”
Sol sat perfectly still as Andy worked at cleaning away the stubborn residue. She’d had experiences like this before and her skin was often left red and raw from the rough material. This time, however, it was different. Andy managed to perform the task with ease being surprisingly gentle.
“Aaaaaaand, done.” He declared. “Take a look babe.”
Andy held up the mirror for Sol to check her reflection. “Not bad Grace.”
“Clean as a whistle.” Andy nodded. “Like I said...I’m the master.”
“Of dorkiness.” Sol scoffed tossing the dirtied rag at him.
“My feelings.” Andy feigned offense. “Anyways, we have a game of capture the flag to prepare for.”
“Indeed.” Sol nodded. “I have a feeling this will be very interesting.”
— — —
Indeed it was. Maria and Jaxon were inevitably on the same team once more. Only this time, Grey was left trying to manage the forces.
Maria and Jaxon had both adopted personal agendas and didn’t bother to acknowledge the rest of their team.
“Okay, so...I’m on defense. This is cool.” Andy talked to himself as he paced beside the flag.
“What’d you expect? We got our moment of glory last time. The other kids were destined to have a shot.” Sol frowned sitting on a rock and sharpening her blade. “But the schedule goes Wednesday-Friday for Capture the Flag games. We get another shot soon enough.”
“Yeah, but I expected more entertainment.” Andy paused in his pacing to kick a rock into the trees. At first neither of them noticed it but then it became quiet clear.
There was a commotion going on at the center of the battlefield. From the sound of it nearly everyone had stopped to watch. “Okay, I know we have to guard this but-“
“Come on.” Sol was already running in the direction of the noise with Andy following hot on her heels. The two stumbled from the woods to find a very alarming sight.
“Oh my Gods they’re trying to kill each other.” Andy breathed.
Despite being on the same team Jaxon and Maria were locked in a heated duel. Maria had a score to settle and she intended on restoring some of her pride.
Sol was the first to do anything. Being small she managed to worm her way through the gathered crowd. Andy squeezed his way through with a bit more effort.
“I said go to the right.” Jaxon growled.
“What I do is not up to you.” Maria replied slashing at him with her sword. Jaxon stepped to the side and lashed out in return. Maria arched her blade behind her back ending the strike. “You made it quite clear.”
Spinning Maria slashed angrily at Jaxon’s ankles. Leaping he twisted in the air sending a blast of air far more violent than he should have. Maria was knocked to the side, she tumbled a bit, before coming to a rest.
“Jaxon what are you doing?!” Andy demanded latching onto his brother’s arm.
Maria crawled to her feet, rolledher shoulders, and gave a twirl of her sword; a challenge.
“Enough. Both of you.” Grey stepped between the two raging demigods. “Knock it off.”
“Step aside Grey.” Maria’s voice was full of authority, dripping with the power only a true leader could muster.
“Make me.” The eldest boy raised his chin in defiance.
“Sorry.” Maria gave him an apologetic look before charging at Jaxon and using her elbow to nudge Grey aside. Jaxon shoved Andy away, who stumbled back into the crowd of people.
Sol’s anger flared up and despite herself her arms ignited in bright orange fire. Jaxon made another strike but Sol deflected the blade and caught hold of the weapon. The blade sizzled before the gold began to melt.
Jaxon looked down in surprise before it dawned on him that Sol was ruining his father’s blade. He’d just gotten it back from Thia via Hermes’ messenger friends: wind nymphs. Now, Sol was melting the gold into a bubbling puddle. On instinct he reacted.
Sol was blasted back into Maria causing both girls to collapse on the ground. There was the sound of a painful snap and a cry of pain.
“What is the meaning of this?” The demand came from Chiron who had finally made his way to the commotion.
Jaxon looked with teary eyes at the ruined heirloom in his hand. He had grown up using the blade, dreamed of smiting enemies as dangerous as his father had. It was gone now. Ruined.
Grey knelt beside Sol and Maria. “Are you two alright?”
“Ugh, yeah.” Maria mumbled rubbing her head. She glanced over at Sol only to find the young girl crying and nursing her very broken wrist. “Oh Gods.”
She wasn’t the only one to notice the injury. Grey’s eyes widened and he moved to help her. Andy flew into a rage. He tackled his brother to the ground despite his smaller stature and let his fists fly.
“What is wrong with you? Huh?” His fists stung painfully. “You can’t hurt people like that!”
“Stop!” Jaxon held his arms up to protect his face. “Andy, stop!”
The younger boy was thrown off with a buck of Jaxon’s hips. Jaxon wrapped his arms around Andy holding him still.
“Get off of me!” Andy yelled, squirming violently.
The commotion ended only when each of the demigods was dragged to the infirmary.
— — —
“I have no idea what’s gotten into all of you but you need to figure it out.” Jason stood with his arms crossed looking at each of the kids who sat nursing injuries. Grey was the only one completely unscathed.
“You cannot go around trying to kill each other! That’s not okay!” Annabeth who had also been selected to give the lecture pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I didn’t do anything.” Andy protested.
“You pummeled your brother.” Jason glowered. Andy opened his mouth to reply but Jason held up a hand. “Andy Clay Grace, do not argue.”
“So what’s the punishment?” Grey asked glumly.
“You’re all staying here until you sort it out. No leaving or going home.” Jason determined.
“That’s not fair!” Maria cried.
“Some of you can go home, Grey, Sol. You are both allowed to leave.” Neither of them made a move. “Or you can stay here if you wish.”
“Figure it out.” Annabeth shrugged. “It’s that simple. There’s no unity in anything if infighting this bad exists.”
— — —
And so they were left there to solve their problems. Maria selected her own little corner of the infirmary and claimed it her own. Jaxon did the same.
“Let me see it.” Grey knelt in front of the bed Sol sat on and gently took her bandaged wrist. “It should heal relatively well, maybe a bit of physical therapy will be needed, and no forge for some time.”
“Your dad said all of that already.” Sol mumbled. Sniffling she wiped her nose on her sleeve.
“Well, I learned from the best.” Grey stood and ruffled her hair. “I’ll be back. I’m going to get cleaned up.”
“Was it wrong to punch him?” Sol startled at Andy’s remark. He’d been so quiet she had hardly noticed him there.
“Yeah.” Sol nodded. Andy’s head was bowed and his bottom lip began to tremble.
“I just got mad. I didn’t mean to hurt him that bad but-I don’t like him when he’s like this.” Andy hardly cried and so Sol was left with a brief moment of surprise. She wasn’t sure what to do. She’d never been the best at comforting someone.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Sol gave a light punch to his arm with her good hand. “People mess up.”
“Yeah, but a good brother doesn’t punch his sibling.” Andy sniffled.
“A good brother also doesn’t push his sibling.” Sol slung her arm around Andy’s shoulders. He didn’t say anything else after resting his head on her shoulder. She let him cry and pretended not to notice for his sake.
— — —
Jaxon sat staring at the deformed blade. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted to cry. With an angered grunt he chucked it across the room where it clattered to the floor. “Stupid.”
Maria glanced in his direction and felt a tiny amount of sympathy for him. She did know how much the weapon meant to him. “Your dad won’t be mad you know.”
“Yeah right.” Jaxon huffed.
“He’s not that big of an ass.” Maria noted dryly. The conversation ended quickly and the infirmary was bathed in a permanent silence. Slowly the demigods began to drift off to sleep and the silence would remain until the morning.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
DEATH CITY DAYS GAIDEN 1: the arachnophobia massacre
-60 years ago-
leech: eyyyyy you jelly? Mosquito: "Hmph. I simply think Lady Arachne needs a gentleman befitting her regalness, not some brute." leech: then go into your younger looking form and put the moves on her ya old coot. I do it all the time! Mosquito: *angry twitch* "You pervert..." leech: whaaat I do it for food! Mosquito: "...And that works? How?" leech: I just get them alone and drink their blood. I also store some of it for later. Mosquito: "You dare to drink of our divine maiden's blood?!" leech: I didn't say _her_, just random ol chumps off the streets! Mosquito: "Oh...Hmm...And that works for you?" leech: you'd be amazed. Mosquito: "..." (squirms) "What if I'm not good at the small talk?" leech: sounds like it isn't my problem. Mosquito: "Hmph. Damn you.  I'll do it myself." leech: if it blows up in your face, don't come complaining to me! Mosquito: "Your confidence in me is shocking..." -and so- Evangeline:...... Mosquito: *clears his throat* "Excuse me?" Evangeline: hmm? oh. hello mosquito. Mosquito: "Hello, Evangeline. How are you?" Evangeline: well, I suppose... Mosquito: "Hmm...Is there anything I could do?" Evangeline:...I would like some tea, if it isn't too much trouble. Mosquito: (nods, bows) "Very well. I will brew it." -outside baba yaga's castle- Mosquito: (nods to the guards--then spots someone) "What on earth...?" guard: halt! identification is required past this point. Mosquito: (approaches) "Who are you?" ???: ....just family, that's all... Mosquito: (tense, aims his nose at her) "Family is not usually invited here...Your name?" ???: *smirk* -vector plate arrow- guard: hrk! *impaled* Mosquito: "!!!! No!" *propels his Needle Nose at her* medusa: *rolls eyes and dodge* do you mind? I have a bit of a business meeting with arachne, now be a good little servant and let me in, ok? Mosquito: "Never!" (swings around and stabs against at her) medusa: gah! tch-....that the best you got, old man?! Mosquito: *his skin is giving off heat* "Hardly...FORM FROM 200 YEARS AGO!" medusa: gross...but you know the saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall... Mosquito: (slams hand down at Medusa) "The smaller they are...the easier to squish." -inside- guard: lady arachne! your sister medusa is attacking our guards! Giriko: "?!! Let me out the fucking snake!" Arachne: (folds her fan, steps down from the web to the floor) "How close is she to my current location?" guard: she's taken down the first 3 waves! Evangeline: mother? what's going on? Arachne: (gets down to Evangeline's eye level) "Eva, I need you to follow the guards to the safe room." Evangeline: but what about you, mother? Arachne: *hugs her* "I will join you soon. Please, wait for me." Evangeline:..... guard: lady eva, this way please. Arachne: (sad smile at Evangeline) -in one of the legs- medusa: is this all you got sis? I've gone through like...hundreds of your soldiers now! Mosquito: (now in 400 years ago form, but bleeding) "I'm still standing--and you won't, you snake." medusa: *sigh* do you ever give up? *summons vector sword* Mosquito: "Not until my opponent is dead beneath my feet." (resumes fighting stance, ready to slice her in two) medusa: hmmm.... medusa: *she charges at him* HYAAH!!! Mosquito: (stands still, smirks..."Yes, just a bit closer, then I dash behind her and slice her from behind...") medusa: *looks up* hmm? Mosquito: "???" (looks up as well) medusa: now. -cue arrow rain- Mosquito: "What?!" *arrows through the forehead and eyes* "AAAAH!" medusa: *grins* Mosquito: (clutches his face, howling..."I have to heal before she gets to Lady Arachne!") medusa: *arrow aimed at his face*...... medusa: nighty night~ *shoots the arrow into his forehead* Mosquito: "UHRK! ...Lady Arachne...forgive..." (collapses) medusa: now if you excuse me, I have business to attend to... *Something bites Medusa's skin* medusa: *wince* what? *Another bite against her neck, then against her feet, arms, sides* medusa: w-what?! *They are spiders* Arachne: (disembodied voice) "Amazing what one can accomplish...Now, die." *Sharper bites and venom entering Medusa* medusa: *screaming* Arachne: (smirk heard from her voice) "Are my babies hurting you? Such a shame." medusa: tch- *vector arrows the spiders off and at her* I think you have something I want, sister dearest... Arachne: (emerges from shadows) "Oh?" (summons a web--which twirls a broken piece of the castle's column down at Medusa) "Then it's something I will never give you." medusa: !! -vector shield- too bad, guess you can expend more soldiers then... Arachne: "As if you would leave once you got what you wanted--" (tosses a second column at her with more web) medusa: !! *transforms into a snake and escapes into the vents* Arachne: "!!! Damn!" *taps communicator* "Guards! Update?!" guard: Evangeline is safe. no clue where giriko went... Arachne: "...Giriko? If you can hear me, get that witch: she is going through the vents." Giriko: "..." (looks up at vents...hears something...) -in the containment room- researcher: why do we have that vial of blood? Researcher #2: "Something Lady Arachne asked us to monitor for advanced research. It's properties for influencing others are astounding." researcher: and the FREAKIN SOUL FRAGMENT?! why do we have to keep so many papers on it? it freaks me out! Researcher #2: "Safety precaution." -rumbling in the vent- Researcher #2: *hears the rumbling* "Air conditioner kicking in?" researcher: but it's freezing down he-GRK Researcher #2: "?!! Oh no--" medusa: oh, what have we here? Researcher #2: (pulls gun) "Stay back!" Medusa: *vector arrows their hand to the console* nah. Researcher #2: "Ah! No! Don't! That material is dangerous!" Medusa: don’t worry, I’ll keep it safe. Researcher #2: *slams fist against big red button--containing the soul fragment behind glass* Medusa: like that’s going to work… Researcher #2: "Wait for it..." *ducks* Medusa: *pre-emptive shield* *Daggers fly from the walls towards Medusa* -vector shields are deflecting them away from medusa, the blood, and the soul- Researcher #2: "Oh no..." *slams intercom* "Guards! Get to Research Facility #7! medusa: *slices their head off* nah. *takes the blood and the soul* I'll be taking these~ Researcher #2: *dead* Guard: "We came as soon as we could! We--" *sees the damage* "Oh, poopie." Medusa: *smirks* Guard: *aims spear at her* "Release the specimens! This is your only warning!" Medusa: let me think…yyyyyyeeeeeaaah no. Guard: *stabby stabby stabby* "Die, vile witch!" Medusa: *dodge, scratch, dodge* oh my god don’t be so rude Guard: "You have no chance of escape! Lady Arachne would rather send this entire castle crashing down on top of us then let those specimens be released!" Medusa: crashing down on top of you? can do! *vector slash* Guard: "Ah!" *slash, bleeds, dies* -several bodies later- Giriko: "Tch. Who let this bitch in here?" guard: I DONT WANNA DIE! Giriko: "Man up, you fucking pussy! We got a job to do, and I am not carrying your dead weight! Now get ready to rip that snake cunt apart or else I will fucking rip your balls off and--" Evangeline: *whimpering* Giriko: "?!" *nervous smile* "Don't listen to Daddy's foul language, sweetie. I'm just, um, giving a motivational speech! Yeah! That's it." Evangeline: mother…. Giriko: (leans down, pats Evangeline's head) "Mama is going to be safe--don't worry." Evangeline:….
Giriko: "..." (pulls her in for a hug) -elsewhere- Arachne: *in separated spider form, searching for Medusa* medusa: so many of your soldiers dead....some 'matron' you turned out to be.... Arachne: *disembodied voice* "My soldiers are willing to die for me. Who would ever be willing to die for a treacherous witch like you?" Medusa: at least _i_ can handle myself. And you? you just sit on your little web looking pretty. Pretty STUPID! Arachne: "I don't send others to do my work for me. I do it because it's the best course of action. After all, you look rather tired--" *Spiders slam against Medusa en masse, like a fist crashing against her* Arachne: "Old woman..." Medusa: FUCK YOU, YOU’RE OLDER THAN ME! Arachne: (spiders bite all over Medusa) "And yet you still tire so easily. You have not taken good care of yourself, Sister. Too much time stressing out this weak physical form..." Medusa: …..*smirks* I could just get a new body….besides, getting rid of the baby weight isn’t as easy as it looks… Arachne: "Let me expedite that for you--by ridding yourself of this body...Just need to reach your very soul and rip it from you, you awful, sadistic monster." Medusa:……bitchgettingimpaledsayswhat. Arachne: "...What?" medusa:...vector spear. -a vector impales arachne through the back and out the stomach- Arachne: "--No!" *stabbed* Arachne: *coughs blood* "N-No..." Medusa: you talk shit. You get hit….now your one minion said something about ‘sending this castle crashing down’? Arachne: *struggling to breathe* "I-I'll send this whole castle crashing down b-before I..." medusa: BEAT YA TOO IT! Arachne: *glaring* "You won't win..." Medusa: you sure? cause it looks like I already did. Arachne: "My people won't stop fighting until your blood coats these walls..." Medusa: looks like most of them are dead to me….i should probably weed out the rest of them….and your brat spawn… Arachne: "!!! No!" guard: *over radio* lady arachne! what's going on? Arachne: "Lock the rooms! Don't let anyone in!" *desperately trying to lunge at Medusa* Medusa: *slashing at her with vectors* Guard: should we evacuate? Arachne: *screams of bloody pain* Guard: !!! we need to evacuate, now! Giriko: (nods) "Evangeline, stay close..." Maid: get the young mistress someplace safe! Giriko: "Where would that be?" -BOOM- Giriko: "!!! No!" -there is chaos, Evangeline is separated from giriko in the rush- Giriko: "Evangeline!" (reaching for her) -CRACK- Giriko: *all is black* "Ugh..." -hours later, you awake to silence, fog, and rubble- Giriko: "Where am I? What happ-!!! Arachne! Evangeline!" -but nobody came…- Giriko: "...No..." (tries to move, his right leg broken, his shoulder dislocated, as he drags himself through the building...) -something is laying in the center of the fog- Giriko: "???" *approaches...and shudders* -arachne lays lifelessly on the cold, hard ground- Giriko: *silent, just collapses to his good knee, tentatively reaching for her body...and she is not moving...he picks her up in his arms, she's still not moving...He sobs as he holds her* -there is no response- Giriko: *sobbing...* "Evangeline!" -silence- Giriko: "..." (lays Arachne down...wiping his eyes) "Evangeline!" (struggles to pull himself away from his deceased Arachne) "Evangeline!" (searches the entire building...) -she is nowhere to be found….not even under rubble- Giriko: "Fuck! Come on!" *screaming to the sky above* "Help me out, you bastard!" -all that can be found is dead soldiers and servants, broken furniture, and crumbling walls- Giriko: "...What do I do...?" (collapses onto the floor) -silence- Giriko: "..." (takes broken furniture and medical supplies to make a splint for his broken leg and pull himself together before walking back to Arachne...He lifts her body and takes her outside) "Wh-Where do I...What do I..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *coughs* damn…the poisons kicking in…. Noah: "Just get through it, you cow." Servant: "!!! M-May I help you, Madam?" Medusa:…..may I speak to you in private, slave? Servant: "Y-Yes, Madam..." (follows Medusa) Noah: "Tch. Guess I'll do something else while you two chat..." -later, screaming can be heard- Noah: *humming* "Hm-hm-hm hm-hm-hm hm-hm-hm-hmmmmm-hm-hm..." Medusa: it’ll take some adjusting over time, but I think I could rock this look… Noah: (glances her up and down) "Yeah, I'd say so. That you in there, Medusa?" Medusa: in the flesh..or _new_ flesh rather… Noah: "Hmm..." (stands up, approaches) "How long does it usually take you to adjust to the new skin?" Medusa: about a week or so… Noah: "What do you usually do to speed up the process? Stretches? Exercises? Can you even use your magic the same way?" Medusa: *small vector* yes. Though I might have to resonate with it more…intimately. Noah: (taps finger lightly along her small vector) "And what usually helps you get more in touch with yourself to resonate better?" (glances at her) "Maybe you need to touch yourself a bit more..." Medusa: *gives him a look* or have someone else do it~ Noah: "..." (trails finger down from the vector arrow and down her arm) "This new body..." Medusa: much better curves than the last one… _and_ she was fresh…if you catch my drift~ Noah: (his hand moves down along her arm and towards her hips) "Hmmm~ She did look luscious...And now you do..." Medusa: *smirks* Noah: *small pinch of her hip* -and so- Noah: *panting* Medusa:…fuck that was good… Noah: "Agreed...Think you're getting the hang of that body quite well...Much tighter than the last one, too." Medusa: and a lot more sensitive… Noah: "Could tell--the way you were howling." Medusa: probably woke the baby, but whatever… Noah: "Hmph. Don't worry about that. Just worry about Round 2."
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